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  • What is the working program for? Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of the work programs of the Federal State Educational Service. Structure of the work program

    What is the working program for?  Regulations on the procedure for the development and approval of the work programs of the Federal State Educational Service.  Structure of the work program


    Lesnikova M.Yu.,

    biology teacher

    MAOU "Secondary School No. 55", Perm

    In FZ-273 "On education in Russian Federation" V st2 p9. said EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM - a set of basic characteristics of education(volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, certification forms, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar training schedule,work programs of subjects , courses, modules, other components…

    Working programm- This

    normative document;

    individual instrument of a teacher;

    a means of fixing the content of education at the level of subjects.

    The work program is developed by each teacher independently for each class and is compiled for the academic year or stage of study.

    What opportunities does the program provide (The main goal of the work program)

    introducing additional topics (possibly both by increasing the hours from the variable part of the educational plan of the educational institution, and within the framework of the base time due to the increased academic abilities of students in the subject);

    expansion of topics (possibly, both by increasing the hours from the variable part of the educational plan of the educational institution, and within the framework of the base time due to the increased academic abilities of students in the subject);

    deepening topics (possible only by increasing the hours from the variable part of the OU curriculum);

    changes in the logic of mastering the content of the material;

    reducing the number of hours to study the material on the subject.

    When developing a work program, the teacher must solve such problems as

    Specific definition of the content, volume, procedure for studying the academic discipline, taking into account the goals, objectives and features educational process given institution and student population.

    Practical implementation of the components of the federal state educational standard in the study of a subject by a class in an academic year.

    Work program function

    normative function

    Information and methodological function

    Organizational planning function

    The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

    The presence of signs of a regulatory document.

    Taking into account the main provisions educational program schools.

    Complete disclosure of the goals and values ​​of education.

    Consistency and integrity of the content of education.

    The sequence of location and interconnection of all elements of the course content; definition of methods, organizational forms and teaching aids, which reflects the unity of the content of education

    Work programs for academic subjects are compiled on the basis of:

    Exemplary programs for individual subjects general education;

    Exemplary programs for individual academic subjects of general education and author's programs;

    Exemplary programs for individual subjects of general education and materials of the author's educational and methodological set (in the absence of appropriate author's programs for the line of textbooks available in the federal list).

    if there is no exemplary, author's program and the corresponding educational and methodological package, the work program is compiled on the basis of educational literature (for work programs for elective, optional and additional educational courses). In this case, the work program is compiled by the teacher independently, and in the future, after passing the approbation (2 years), the presence of an external review and publication in a specialized (subject) publication (magazine / newspaper), it can be considered an author's one.

    Source documents for compiling work programs
    training courses:

    Law "On Education in the Russian Federation";

    Federal state educational standard;

    Exemplary programs created on the basis of the federal state educational standard;

    Basic Curriculum educational institutions;

    Federal list of textbooks approved, recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing general education programs;

    Requirements for equipping the educational process in accordance with the content of educational subjects of the federal component of the state educational standard.

    8 Basic Building Blocks for Work Programming

    Title page.

    Explanatory note.

    Thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students, types of control.

    Requirements for the level of training of students.

    Criteria and norms for assessing knowledge, skills of students in relation to various forms knowledge control.

    Description of the training methodological support educational process, including EER.

    Applications to the program (texts of control works, etc.).

    On t title page


    Name educational institution(fully);

    fields for program approval/approval;

    name of the Program (subject, course);

    targeting (class or level of education);

    level of education (basic or profile)

    Name locality, in which the work program is implemented;

    year of work program development

    Explanatory note.

    The text of the explanatory note should indicate:

    compliance of the work program with the federal component of the state educational standard for general education;

    on the basis of what specific program (exemplary, author's) the program was developed;

    level of study educational material(in accordance with the license);

    the goals of studying the subject at a particular level of education (extraction from the standard);

    the educational and methodological kit used (in accordance with the educational program of the institution);

    the number of hours for which the work program is designed, the number of hours per week, the number of reserve hours

    When developing the Main content section, you should be guided by the following:

    Numbers of sections and topics, their names should correspond to the thematic plan;

    The text should use only concepts and terms related to a specific field of science. Designations, units of measurement, etc. must meet the requirements of state standards; foreign words(surnames, names, various terms) should be given in Russian transcription.

    Requirements for the level of training of students

    Requirements for the level of training of students should display by category “Know/understand”, “Be able”, “Use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and Everyday life».

    These requirements are formulated in an activity form (to know, be able, realize, have an idea). The wording is taken from the Sample or author's program and fully corresponds to the content elements. Classes that work according to the GEF are prescribed through RESULTS.

    Methodical and teaching aids, media resources are indicated in alphabetical order by sections in accordance with the requirements for a bibliographic description.

    Stages of drawing up a work program

    Step 1. Studying regulatory framework (see

    Step 2 Program selection on the course, subject and the textbook corresponding to it from the federal list recommended by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Step 3 Compare Goals studying a subject in the selected Author's program with the goals formulated in the Sample program for the curriculum of the basic curriculum, and also with the goals and objectives of the educational program of the school. Make sure that the selected Author's program contributes to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the educational program and the curriculum of the SCHOOL.

    Step4. Analysis of educational and methodical And logistics educational process in terms of its compliance with the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of the general education level ( , OOP LLC)

    Step5. The study of age characteristics and data of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students

    Step 6 Compare the requirements to the level of training graduates in the selected Author's program with the same requirements prescribed in the OOP LLC for the subject. Determine the knowledge, skills, methods of activity of graduates that are not included in the Author's program. Highlight knowledge, skills that exceed the requirements for the level of training of graduates, indicated in the PEP of the school in the subject.

    Step 7 Design requirements to the level of training of graduates through operationally expressed diagnostic goals-learning outcomes

    Step 8 compare the content of the selected Author's program with the content of OOP LLC. Select a list of topics and individual questions contained in the program for the training course, but not included in the Author's program. Determine sections, topics, questions of the Author's program that are redundant in the implementation of the educational program and school curriculum.

    Step 9 Include (or exclude) in (from) content(s) Work program sections, topics, issues that were identified during the analysis of the redundant and missing information material of the two programs

    Step 10. Structure content educational material of the subject, course, determining the sequence of topics and the number of hours to study each

    Step 11 Define additional reference and educational literature required visual aids, equipment and instruments

    Step 12 Create control materials: select a list of skills to be tested (codifier) ​​according to the stage of training and the purpose of control; select control tasks aimed at testing the planned skills; draw up a scheme for analyzing work in the context of the goal of control, which allows obtaining objective information for correction educational process

    Step 13 Draw up a work program: arrange materials according to the structure

    Step 14 Examination of the Work Program:

    Consideration of the work program at the meeting methodical association;

    Coordination of the work program for the MS of the school;

    Approval of the work program by the principal of the school.

    Working programm- this is an individual tool of the teacher, with the help of which he determines the content, forums, methods, and methods of organizing the educational process that are optimal and most effective for a given class in accordance with the purpose and learning outcomes defined by the Standard. The working program is formed on the basis of the author's curriculum and the corresponding educational and methodological complex.

    Drawing up work programs is, most often, the most problematic and time-consuming part of the process of preparing all the documentation necessary for work, especially for young teachers.

    Firstly, precisely because both the design and the content of the work program must strictly comply with certain rules.

    Secondly, because this process is limited by rigid time frames.

    The specifics of the work, the overload of the teacher at the beginning and end school year, the need to submit work programs for approval on time leads to the fact that they have to be drawn up in the summer, during vacation.

    Third, one teacher, as a rule, has to draw up several programs, in different disciplines, for different classes, according to different textbooks, which sometimes have to be studied in the summer in order to pass the study program by the beginning of the year.

    Fourth, even if the teacher has a whole set of work programs that he has been developing for several years, and still have to change, modify, redo them every year, adjusting to new standards, new requirements, new classes.

    Fifth, it is not enough to create, develop, print, approve at a meeting of the methodological council of the school, district or in the Department of Education. According to the new requirements, it must also undergo an expert assessment and receive the approval of the majority of the members of the expert council.

    Working programm- normative and managerial document of an educational institution, characterizing the system of organization educational activities. The work program and the Sample program are different.

    Working program development in academic subjects is carried out on the basis of the material of the State Standard of General Education and exemplary programs recommended (approved) by the competent authorities. The compiler of the work program can independently: expand the list of topics studied, concepts within the academic load, disclose the content of sections, topics indicated in the State Educational Standard and the Model Program; specify and detail topics; establish the sequence of studying educational material; distribute educational material by year of study; distribute the time allotted for studying the course between sections and topics according to their didactic significance, as well as based on the material and technical resources of the educational institution; specify the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program by students; include the material of the regional component on the subject; choose, based on the tasks facing the subject, methods and technologies of teaching and monitoring the level of preparedness of students.

    The source documents for compiling the working programs of training courses are:

      Education Act";

      Federal state educational standard;

      Exemplary programs created on the basis of the federal state educational standard;

      Basic curriculum of educational institutions;

      Federal list of textbooks approved, recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing general education programs;

    Thus, working programm This:

      normative document, which determines the volume, order, content of the study and teaching of any academic discipline, based on a standard program for a subject;

      individual tool a pedagogical worker who determines the most optimal and effective content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process for a particular class in order to obtain a result that meets the requirements of the standard;

      as the main component of the educational program of a general education institution is a means of fixing the content of education at the level of academic subjects (provided by the curriculum of a general education institution for compulsory study), elective, optional, additional educational courses for students.

    Work programs give an idea of ​​how the Federal State Educational Standard is implemented in the practical activities of teachers in the study of specific subjects, taking into account:

      features of the educational policy of a general education institution;

      the status of a general education institution (type and species);

      educational needs and requests of students;

      characteristics of the contingent of students;

    The work program reflects, first of all, the targets of a particular educational institution. The main goal of the work program is to maximize the implementation of the specifics of an educational institution through planning, organizing and managing the educational process in a particular academic discipline:

    a) expanding topics (possibly, both by increasing the hours from the variable part of the educational plan of the educational institution, and within the framework of the base time due to the increased academic abilities of students in the subject);

    b) introducing additional topics (possibly both by increasing the hours from the variable part of the educational plan of the educational institution, and within the framework of the base time due to the increased academic abilities of students in the subject);

    c) deepening topics (possible only by increasing the hours from the variable part of the OU curriculum);

    d) changes in the logic of mastering the content of the material;

    e) reducing the number of hours for studying the material on the subject.

    Tasks of the training work program:

      Specific definition of the content, volume, procedure for studying the academic discipline, taking into account the goals, objectives and characteristics of the educational process of a given institution and the contingent of students;

      Practical implementation of the components of the federal state educational standard in the study of a subject by a class in an academic year.

    The work program performs three main functions : normative, information-methodical and organizational-planning:

      normative function determines the mandatory implementation of the program in full.

      Information and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, sequence of studying this material, as well as ways to achieve personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational program by students using this academic subject.

      Organizational planning function provides for the allocation of stages of training, structuring of educational material, determination of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

    The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

      The presence of signs of a regulatory document.

      Accounting for the main provisions of the educational program of the school.

      Complete disclosure of the goals and values ​​of education.

      Consistency and integrity of the content of education.

      The sequence of location and interconnection of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of training, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.

      Accounting for logical relationships with other subjects of the educational plan of the educational institution.

      Concreteness and unambiguity of the representation of the elements of the content of education.

    The work programs, which together determine the content of the activities of a general educational institution in the framework of the implementation of the educational program, include:

      programs in academic subjects;

      programs additional education;

      elective course programs;

      extracurricular programs.

    Work programs for academic subjects are compiled on the basis of:

    a) exemplary programs for individual subjects of general education;

    b) exemplary programs for individual academic subjects of general education and author's programs;

    c) exemplary programs for individual subjects of general education and materials of the author's educational and methodological kit (in the absence of appropriate author's programs for the line of textbooks available in the federal list).

    d) if there is no exemplary, author's program and the corresponding educational and methodological package, the work program is compiled on the basis of educational literature (for work programs for elective, optional and additional educational courses). In this case, the work program is compiled by the teacher independently, and in the future, after passing the approbation (2 years), the presence of an external review and publication in a specialized (subject) publication (magazine / newspaper), it can be considered an author's one.

    The work program is adopted by the pedagogical council and approved by order of the head of the educational institution annually.

    It should be noted that the Law does not define the requirements for the work program. Each teacher chooses an independent form of records, a text version of the work program. One of the options for the work program can be drawn up by analogy with the Sample program for the subject. The teacher can make adjustments to everything structural elements programs taking into account the characteristics of their educational institution and the characteristics of students in a particular class. For example, to determine a new procedure for studying the material, change the number of hours, make changes to the content of the topic being studied (taking into account the federal and school components), supplement the requirements for the level of student preparation. Thus, the work program should show how, taking into account the specific conditions, educational needs and characteristics of the development of students, the teacher creates an individual pedagogical model of education based on state standards. This will allow you to see the features of the content implemented by the teacher.

    Note: in order to avoid discrepancies at the level of an educational institution, it is necessary to develop common approaches to writing and designing work programs, securing the Regulations on the work program.

    The structure of the work program.

    The structure of the work program is a form of presentation of the subject (course) as an integral system that reflects the internal logic of the organization of educational and methodological material, and includes the following elements:

      title page;

      explanatory note;

      thematic plan;

      requirements for the level of preparation of students enrolled in this program (personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course);

      criteria and norms for evaluating the results of mastering the main educational program of students;

      a list of educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;

      list of references (basic and additional);

      educational and thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students.

    The title page contains:

      the name of the educational institution;

      vultures of consideration, coordination and approval of the work program;

      surname, name, patronymic of the teacher, compiler of the work program;

      the name of the subject (course) for the study of which the program was written;

      an indication of the class, the parallel on which the program is being studied;

      year of the program.

    Title page- "visiting card" of the program. Therefore, as in business card, it should contain only the most necessary information. This mandatory information includes the following elements: contains the name of the educational institution, as well as the name of the academic subject, indicating the grades in which the program will be implemented and the year of its development. In addition, on the title page under the name of the institution there is a stamp for consideration and adoption of the program by the pedagogical (methodological) council and a stamp for approving the program by the head of the educational institution.

    The reverse side of the title page contains information about the compiler (compilers) of the program indicating the positions, as well as information about the reviewers (internal and external reviews) and other data on the external examination of the program, for example, the results of the program review at the district (city) methodological association of teachers of physics. An exact bibliographic description of the sample program on which the work program is based should also be indicated.

    The explanatory note to the program should reflect:

      the place of the subject "physics" in solving common goals and objectives at a specific level of general education;

      goals and objectives of studying the subject (should be understood unambiguously and be diagnosed), the role of the subject in the formation of motor skills, key competencies .;

    Novelty and differences between the working program and the exemplary one: a brief description of the formed personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational program, which students should master at the beginning of the year;

      features of the organization of the educational process physical education in a specific educational institution (indicate the number of annual and weekly hours, as well as the level of education - basic, advanced, specialized);

      personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational program, which students must master during the academic year;

      information about an approximate curriculum on the basis of which the work program was developed, or information about the author's program indicating the name, author and year of publication, novelty and difference between the work program and the exemplary one;

      TMC, on the basis of which the subject is taught in given class(mandatory from the federal list and approved by the order of the director of the educational institution);

      pedagogical technologies, teaching aids used by the teacher to achieve the required learning outcomes.

    Explanations can be provided for each of the sections and brief guidelines for presenting theoretical material, conducting the practical part of the classes.
    The purpose of the explanatory note in the structure of the program is to:

      briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of a given subject, its functions, specifics and significance for solving the general goals and objectives of education, defined in the educational program of this stage of education for schoolchildren;

      give an idea of ​​how to deploy educational material, in in general terms show methodological system achieve the goals that are set in the study of the subject, describe the means of achieving them.

    Formulation of the goals and objectives of the subject is a very important part of the program. When setting the goals of a subject, the requirements of state standards, as well as an order for educational services students and their parents. The main goals of the subject are those that characterize the personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational program, which students must master, the experience of value relations and creative experience. It is important that goals and objectives are understood unambiguously and are diagnosable. Therefore, when developing a work program, it is necessary to plan the creation of adequate diagnostic tools (assessment) of the degree of achievement of goals and objectives.
    The goals and objectives of training are set diagnostically if:

      such an accurate and definite description of the personal quality, which is formed as a result of studying the program, is given that it can be unmistakably separated from other personality qualities;

      a method, a “tool” for the unambiguous identification of a diagnosable personality quality is described;

      it is possible to measure the development or intensity of the manifestation of the assessed quality based on control data;

      there is a quality assessment scale based on the measurement results.

    Subject objectives are usually grouped as ideological, methodological, theoretical, developing, educating, practical. They act as private, relatively independent ways to achieve goals (subgoals). In addition, the curriculum can formulate a range of typical tasks (in their general formulation) for all sections of the course that each student must learn to solve.

    The section "Requirements for the level of preparation of students" reflects:

      the main ideas and system of values ​​formed by the subject "physics";

      the ultimate system of knowledge, methods of activity;

      list of formed skills and abilities;

      a list of problems that students must learn to solve. Requirements for the level of assimilation of educational material should not be lower than the requirements formulated in the state educational standard.

    Requirements for learning outcomes and the level of mastering the discipline are considered in the areas of personal development, in the meta-subject and subject areas, are formulated in terms of "know", "be able" and "apply in practice". They must meet the requirements of the certainty of all characteristics of the final result and the controllability of educational achievements.

    In the curriculum and thematic plan, the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program is revealed, the distribution of study hours is carried out by sections and topics, taking into account the maximum classroom teaching load of students.

    When filling out the curriculum, it should be taken into account that the wording of the topic of the work program, the curriculum and entries in educational journal must match.

    Educational and thematic planning may include the following sections:

      – The name of the section of the program and the number of hours per section.

      - Lesson number. A continuous numbering of lessons is used in order to show the correspondence in the number of hours of the work program and the curriculum.

      - Topics of individual lessons, arranged in order and in accordance with the logic of studying the educational material.

      Lesson type.

      Characteristics of students' activities or types of educational activities.

      Types of control. Meters. It is planned for each lesson, it can be with individual, frontal and group assessment (test, self-examination, mutual examination, work on cards, etc.).

      Planned results. They are formulated in an activity form (know, be able, realize, have an idea).

      Homework. As the material progresses, the teacher has the right to redistribute homework between lessons, but must complete the entire volume.

      The date of the. When compiling educational thematic planning the date of the lesson is planned, and when conducting and filling out the class journal, a record of the actual lesson is made. In the case of planning a block of lessons, the date of holding is determined for each lesson.

    The section "Content of the subject" is the main part of the program.

    It is built on sections and topics in accordance with the educational and thematic plan. When developing a curriculum, one should rely on the mandatory minimum content of the main educational programs of the state educational standard. When describing the content of the topics of the work program, the following sequence of presentation is recommended:

      the name of the topic with an indication of the number of hours required to study it;

      requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, which should be formed as a result of mastering this topic (for example, the student must "have an idea", "know", "be able", "have experience", "demonstrate");

    If the training course includes theoretical and practical sections, then the ratio between them in the total amount of hours can vary depending on various factors (specialization of the educational institution, the preparedness of students, the availability of appropriate equipment, and others). The main goal of the practical section of the program is the formation of basic competencies in students related to the use of acquired knowledge, the consolidation and improvement of practical skills.

    Section "Control and measuring materials" includes a system of control materials that allow assessing the level and quality of students' knowledge at the preliminary, intermediate and final stages of studying the subject "Physics".

    Control should be planned and recorded in the educational and thematic planning.

    Generalized estimate personal results mastering the basic educational programs by students should be carried out in the course of monitoring studies.

    In the section "Literature and teaching aids" educational and methodological literature, normative and instructive materials of educational authorities, a list of equipment necessary for the implementation of the program, as well as didactic materials that the teacher will use to achieve the goals specified in the program are indicated.

    Literature according to the academic discipline is divided into basic and additional. The list of basic literature includes publications used by the teacher in compiling the program and organizing the educational process. An additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the work program. It includes textbooks, study guides, reference books and other sources that expand the knowledge of trainees on certain aspects and problems of the course.

    In the bibliographic list publications intended for students, and literature for the teacher (both basic and additional) are allocated. The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of publications recommended by the author of the program, which are listed in alphabetical order with the author, title of the book, place and year of publication. As additional literature, materials from educational and methodological sets of other author's lines can be offered, if the uniformity of the methodological basis is observed. It can be advised to draw up lists of references for the main sections of the program, which is very convenient for students to independently study the course.

    Educational and methodological support: Equipment, methodological and didactic materials, etc.

    During the academic year, it is possible to adjust the planning depending on the level of learning and learning of classes, the pace of the program, and other situations, subject to the passage of topics in accordance with the State Standard for the mandatory minimum content of education.

    Approximate algorithm for compiling a work program

      Organize and structure the content of educational material (the sequence of studying topics), distribute the content of education by year of study.

      Expand the content of the sections and topics of the exemplary program based on the presented academic freedoms.

      Supplement the requirements for the level of preparation of students.

      Develop control and measuring materials for assessing the level of preparedness of students, as well as assessing theoretical knowledge and methodological skills.

    Implementation of the work program. First stage. The work program is subject to mandatory examination. First, it is considered at a meeting of the school methodological association of teachers for its compliance with the requirements of the federal state educational standard. The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting, and on the last page of the work program the approval stamp is placed: “AGREED”. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00. Head of the MO (signature). Full name. Date of. If the school has less than three subject teachers, then the work program is agreed upon at a meeting of the district (city) methodological association.

    If comments and suggestions were made as part of the internal review, the program is sent for revision.

    The work program to be reviewed must meet the following conditions:

      meet modern methodological requirements presented to program documents in terms of structure and design;

      have signs of a local regulatory document, i.e. take into account the main provisions of the educational policy of the institution;

      ensure the sequence of location and interconnection of all elements of the content of the subject;

    Second phase. The work program is analyzed by the Deputy Director for Educational Work (hereinafter referred to as UVR) for compliance with the program curriculum OU and the requirements of state educational standards, as well as the presence of a textbook intended for use in the federal list is checked and submitted for consideration at the pedagogical (methodological) council of the school before the start of the academic year, where it can be accepted or sent for revision. By decision of the pedagogical (methodological) council, the work program can be sent for an external review procedure.

    On the last page of the work program, the stamp of approval is placed: "AGREED". Deputy director for water resources management (signature) Signature transcript. Date of. When using this program without making any changes in subsequent years, it is enough to conduct an internal examination.

    Third stage. In case of a positive conclusion of the pedagogical (methodological) council of the school, the work program is approved by the head of the educational institution and certified with a seal (on title page(upper right): "APPROVED". Director (signature). Full name. Date of.). This stage establishes the status of the working curriculum as a local normative document.

    After approval, the work program is kept by the teacher, deputy director for educational and educational work and is presented during the preparation and conduct of intra-school control over the state of teaching the subject.

    It should be emphasized that when drawing up a working curriculum based on sample programs recommended (approved) by the competent authorities, the teacher performs the functions of the compiler, which does not imply the assignment of copyright to the program material.

    Structure of the work program

    The work program includes the following mandatory elements:

    1. title page;
    2. explanatory note;
    3. requirements for the level of students' achievements;
    4. educational thematic plan;
    5. the content of the topics of the training course;
    6. learning level control
    7. applications ( calendar-thematic plan, technological control chart).

    The title page must contain:

    • name of the founder of the educational institution (according to the Charter);
    • name of the educational institution (according to the Charter);
    • name of the subject (course);
    • an indication of the parallel on which the subject is being studied;
    • information about the teacher-compiler of the work program;
    • stamp of consideration, coordination and approval of the work program;
    • year of development of the work program The explanatory note should be concise and reflect the following main points:
    • the name of the curriculum (exemplary or author's) indicating the name, author and year of publication, on the basis of which the work program was developed;
    • the number of training hours for which the work program is designed, including the number of hours for conducting control, laboratory, practical work, excursions;
    • used educational and methodical set;
    • goals and objectives of this subject in the field of formation of a system of knowledge, skills (tasks are formulated in accordance with the standard);
    • the novelty of this work program, its difference from the exemplary or previously existing one; rationale for the changes made;
    • interdisciplinary connections: what subjects this subject relies on, for which subjects it is the base; if these links are strong, it is worth noting how they can be implemented;
    • features of the organization of the educational process in the subject; preferred forms of organization of the educational process and their combinations;
    • forms of control of knowledge, skills, skills (current, milestone, final) (according to the Charter and / or local act of the educational institution).

    The explanatory note may contain explanations for each of the sections of the program and brief guidelines on the presentation of theoretical material, the performance of laboratory work and practical exercises, as well as explanations due to the requirements for the implementation of the regional component, the specifics of the educational institution.

    In the educational and thematic plan, the sequence of studying sections and topics of the program is revealed, the distribution of teaching hours by sections and topics is shown based on the maximum teaching load. The educational and thematic plan is drawn up for the entire period of study.

    The requirements for the level of achievement of students are formulated in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and taking into account an exemplary or author's program. They reflect: the main ideas and system of values ​​formed by the subject; ultimate knowledge system; list of skills and abilities, methods of activity; a list of problems that students must learn to solve by creatively studying the subject. The requirements for the level of assimilation must not be lower than the requirements formulated in the federal component of the state standard for general education.

    The section "Content of the subject" is the main part of the program. It is built on sections and topics in accordance with the educational and thematic plan of the work program. When developing, one should rely on the mandatory minimum content of the state educational standard, an exemplary program, taking into account the chosen author's one. All didactic units should be reflected and specified in the content of the educational material. Generalized requirements for the knowledge and skills of students on the topic are formulated. In order to acquire practical skills and increase the level of knowledge, it is necessary to include practical and laboratory works provided by the sample program.

    Control of the level of training of students is recorded in the main sections and annexes to the work program: explanatory note, educational and thematic plan, technological control map, calendar and thematic planning. Control materials include a system of control meters that allow you to assess the level and quality of students' learning at the input, current and final stages of studying the subject. The means of control should be in logical connection with the content of the educational material and meet the requirements for the level of mastering the subject.

    The section "Literature and teaching aids" indicates the main and additional educational literature, educational and reference manuals, educational literature, electronic learning aids, Internet resources, a list of recommended teaching aids. The bibliographic list highlights publications intended for students and literature for teachers.

    Calendar-thematic planning of the work program includes

    the title page is compiled in a tabular version and includes the following items:

    end-to-end numbering of lessons indicating the planned and actual dates of their conduct;

    Sections and topics of the content of education, indicating the number of hours (the titles of the sections are indicated according to the wording of the work program);

    the topics of the lessons are formulated in accordance with the work program, along with the topic of the lesson, the type of lesson and the form of its conduct are indicated;

    content elements are revealed through the main didactic units corresponding to the Federal State Educational Standards in the subject. Content elements in the absence of a state educational standard in the subject ( elective course, elective subject, elective, special course) are determined in accordance with the author's program. The wording of the content elements is taken from the work program without changes and additions. The same element of content can be included in one or more lessons, if this is due to the systematic nature of the formation of a concept or operation;

    general educational skills and ways of activity are distinguished by types of activity (cognitive, information-communicative, reflexive) in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and the level of education;

    requirements for the level of training of students of the corresponding year (stage) of study (formulated in an activity form in accordance with the standard) must be distinguished from the general requirements determined by the standard at the end of the training period (for example, basic, high school). In this regard, it is necessary, reflecting the stage of mastering the content, to clarify the requirements, ensuring their specificity, diagnostics, achievability of the result for the specified period of time, unambiguous understanding of the wording;

    The type, form of control and control and measuring materials must correspond to the structure of the work program (by sections, topics), be adequate to the requirements of the level of training of students (tests, tasks (questions) with a short or detailed answer, diagrams, drawings, tables, abstracts, etc.). ).

    One of the priorities is the achievement of quality modern education that meets the actual needs of the individual, society and the state. To a large extent, the conditions for the effective implementation of educational policy are formed at the level of activity of an educational institution and are set out in its educational program.

    The goals and objectives of the educational program, the requirements of the state standard in a particular educational field are implemented through programs in academic subjects. The program on the subject is the result of a lot of painstaking work of representatives of various fields of knowledge: specialists in a particular science, who determine the basic range of knowledge, skills and abilities; teachers and psychologists who form and distribute material by year of study in accordance with the age capabilities of children; methodologists developing scientific and methodological support necessary for the effective assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities . Each program accumulates the experience of studying a particular science, reflects its achievements. However, the diversity of people's educational needs, which leads to the need to ensure the variability of the content of education, often requires modification of standard or development of work programs. The development of a work program, which is a rather complex educational and regulatory document, requires a high level of qualification from the author, the compiler. The author's lack of willingness to develop new or upgrade existing programs is the cause of serious shortcomings in them.

    The most typical shortcomings in work programs:

    • the goals and objectives of the educational program of the school are not taken into account;
    • the need for their development is insufficiently substantiated;
    • some mandatory sections are missing, for example, requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities; substantiation of the goals, objectives of the course and others;
    • it is not always provided that the proposed program be provided with the necessary educational and methodological complex;
    • the principle of continuity with other educational programs is not respected.

    General provisions

    The Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" (Article 9) defines the education system as a set of successive educational programs and state educational standards. A set of educational programs defines the image of the school and is the basis of various educational routes for students in a particular educational institution. At different levels of education, there are options for educational programs in the same subject, which differ in their purpose:

    • basic (standard curriculum) educational program;
    • educational program of in-depth study of individual subjects;
    • advanced educational program (gymnasium, lyceum, etc.).

    Thus, in an educational institution, it is possible to study according to several options for the curriculum.

    There are several definitions of curriculum. Here are some of them :

    1. Training program -This is a normative document that outlines the range of basic knowledge, skills and abilities to be mastered in each individual subject. It includes a list of topics of the material being studied, recommendations on the amount of time for each topic, their distribution by year of study and the time allotted for studying the entire course. The completeness of assimilation of program requirements by students is the main criterion for the success and effectiveness of the learning process.

    2. Training program -a document reflecting the goals and content of the training course in the relevant academic subject, the logic of building the course, the principles for choosing teaching technologies, methods for monitoring the achieved level of education.

    3. Training programthere is a brief systematic description of the totality of information that completely and unambiguously determines the composition of the learning process in such a way that it is carried out in accordance with the set goals and performs the functions of education, upbringing, and development.

    Traditionally, the education system uses standard curricula approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, containing a generalized list of knowledge, skills and abilities. These programs also provide methodological recommendations of the most general nature, which indicate the necessary forms and means of training. Taking standard curricula as a basis, teachers can develop author's and working programs.Work programs- these are programs developed on the basis of exemplary training, but making changes and additions to the content of the academic discipline, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of education, and others.

    "Working program of the training course- a document designed to implement the requirements for a minimum content and level of training of a student in a particular subject of the curriculum of an educational institution.

    Author's programs- training programs that have no analogues. They are based on the author's concept of constructing the content of the training course in this subject. The inclusion of the author's program in the educational process of the school involves the following procedures:

    1. Reviewing. Reviews are issued both by scientific or methodological institutions, and by individual specialists in the profile of the program. In the practice of educational institutions, internal and external forms expertise. Discussion of the author's program at a meeting of the methodological council of an educational institution or at a meeting of a methodological association is a form of internal expertise. Reviewing by scientific or methodological institutions, specialists working in a given subject area, is a form of external expertise. It is possible to receive several reviews, especially in the case when the proposed training course is of an integrated nature.

    2. Approbation. The inclusion of the author's program in the educational process of the school should be preceded by its experimental study, that is, approbation. During the approbation, recommendations can be made to improve the program. Based on the results of the approbation, the effectiveness of the program is evaluated, and the expediency of its further use is determined. It is advisable to test the author's program from September to March, since it is necessary to foresee a situation when the result planned in it is not achieved. Then the teacher will have time to correct the level of learning of students.

    3. Approval. Approval of programs is carried out after receiving positive expert opinions (reviews) and a positive result of approbation. The curriculum is approved by the head of the educational institution. If the reviews contain comments or shortcomings are identified during the approbation of the program, then it is approved after the comments are eliminated.

    Functions of the working program and requirements for it, methods for constructing a working program

    Any work program, regardless of which educational area and which level of general education it belongs to, performs the following functions:

    • normative, that is, it is a document that is mandatory for implementation in full;
    • goal-setting, that is, it determines the values ​​and goals for the achievement of which it is introduced into one or another educational area;
    • determining the content of education, that is, it fixes the composition of the content elements to be mastered by students (requirements for a minimum content), as well as the degree of their difficulty;
    • procedural, that is, it determines the logical sequence of mastering the elements of content, organizational forms and methods, means and conditions of training;
    • evaluative, that is, it reveals the levels of assimilation of content elements, objects of control and criteria for assessing the level of students' learning.

    The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

    1. Taking into account the main provisions of the educational program of the school (requirements of social order, requirements for the graduate, goals and objectives of the educational process, features of the school curriculum).

    2. The relationship of curricula within the educational field, a reflection of the complete, holistic content of education.

    3. The presence of signs of a regulatory document.

    4. The sequence of location and the relationship of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of training, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.

    5. The completeness of the disclosure of the goals and values ​​of education with the inclusion in the program of all the content elements necessary and sufficient to achieve the goals set (knowledge about nature, society, technology, man, methods of activity; experience of creative activity; experience of emotional and value attitude to reality).

    6. The specificity of the presentation of the elements of the content of education.

    Structure of the work program

    The training course program includes the following structural elements:

    1. Title page (Appendix No. 1).

    2. Explanatory note.

    3. Educational and thematic plan.

    1. Title page

    The title page contains:

    1. Full name of the educational institution.

    2. The stamp of approval of the program (by the pedagogical council or the methodological association of the school and the principal of the school, indicating the date).

    3. The name of the course for which the program was written.

    4. Indication of the parallel on which the program is being studied.

    5. Surname, name and patronymic of the developer of the program (one or more)

    6. Name of the city where the program was prepared.

    7. Year of the program.

    The development and approval of work programs for training courses and disciplines falls within the competence of educational institutions (clauses 6 and 7 of article 32 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"). This does not exclude the possibility of providing external reviews of the curriculum. Work programs can be discussed at methodological councils of schools and district methodological associations that have the right to recommend curricula for use. However, this in no way replaces the need for approval of the work program by the head of the educational institution.

    2. Explanatory note

    The purpose of the explanatory note in the structure of the program is to:

    Briefly and reasonably characterize the essence of this academic subject, its functions, specificity and significance for solving the general goals and objectives of education, defined in the educational program of this stage of education for schoolchildren;

    To give an idea about the ways of deploying educational material, to show in general terms the methodological system for achieving the goals that are set when studying the subject, to describe the means of achieving them.

    The explanatory note indicates which educational area this subject belongs to, and briefly formulates the objectives of the subject for each level of education. An explanatory note to the author's program (for example, a regional component) should contain a rationale for the relevance of the developed program, a description of the concept and main ideas of the course being studied. It indicates the reasons why existing programs do not satisfy the educational needs and cognitive needs of students. The modified program clarifies the essence of the changes that have been made to the content of the standard program. The text of the explanatory note also contains:

    1. Justification for the selection of content and the general logic of the sequence of its study, including the disclosure of the links between basic and additional education in this subject (if any).

    2. general characteristics educational process: methods, forms and means of teaching.

    4. Logical connections of this subject with other subjects (sections) of the curriculum, resource support of the course. In addition, the explanatory note provides the system of symbols used in the text of the program.

    Formulation of goals, understood as a "normative idea of ​​the result of activity" , and the objectives of the subject is a very important section of the program. When setting the goals of the subject, the requirements of state standards, as well as the order for educational services for students and their parents, must be taken into account. The main goals of the subject are those that characterize the leading components of the content of education: knowledge, methods of activity, experience of value relations and creative experience. It is important that goals and objectives are understood unambiguously and are diagnosable. Therefore, when developing a work program, it is necessary to plan the creation of adequate diagnostic tools (assessment) of the degree of achievement of goals and objectives.

    The goals and objectives of training are set diagnostically if:

    • such an accurate and definite description of the personal quality, which is formed as a result of studying the program, is given that it can be unmistakably separated from other personality qualities;
    • a method, a “tool” for the unambiguous identification of a diagnosable personality quality is described;
    • it is possible to measure the development or intensity of the manifestation of the assessed quality based on control data;
    • there is a quality assessment scale based on the measurement results.

    It is not allowed to include in the number of educational tasks those that relate to the process of the teacher's work and do not indicate the results of the student's activity (for example, "acquaint ...", "tell ...", "inform ..." and the like).

    The tasks of the subject are usually grouped as philosophical, methodological, theoretical, developing, educating, practical. They act as private, relatively independent ways to achieve goals (subgoals). In addition, the curriculum can formulate a range of typical tasks (in their general formulation) for all sections of the course that each student must learn to solve.

    When formulating goals and objectives, the requirements for the level of education, competence of students in the subject, presented after the completion of the course, are taken into account. These requirements typically include:

    • the main ideas and system of values ​​formed by the subject;
    • final system or complex of knowledge;
    • list of skills and abilities (methods of activity);
    • a list of problems that students must learn to solve by creatively studying the subject.

    The basic knowledge, skills and abilities that the student must master after studying the course in accordance with state requirements are prescribed. The requirements for the level of mastering the discipline are formulated in terms of "have an idea", "know" and "own". They must meet the requirements of the certainty of all characteristics of the final result and the controllability of educational achievements. It also reflects the organization of the final control for this course.

    3. Educational and thematic plan.The curriculum reflects the topics of the course, the sequence of their study, the organizational forms of training used and the number of hours allocated both for the study of the entire course and for individual topics. The curriculum can be presented in the form of a table (see table 1 or 2 or 3). The organizational forms of training and control given in the table are exemplary. It is determined by the characteristics of the class in which the subject is taught, the specifics of the course itself (for example, the need for practical and laboratory work for subjects in the natural science cycle), the features of the methods and technologies used in the learning process. So, when studying the humanities, especially in high school, you can plan seminars. In addition, excursions, conferences and other forms of conducting classes can be included in the curriculum.

    Table 1.

    No. p / p

    Name of sections and topics

    Total hours

    Including on:

    Approximate number of hours for independent work of students


    laboratory and practical work

    Test papers


    Table 2.

    Educational and thematic planning

    No. p / p

    Name of sections and topics

    Total hours

    Number of hours



    At the bottom of the table, the hours are summed up


    Table 3

    Educational and thematic planning

    No. p / p

    Name of sections and topics

    Total hours

    At the bottom of the table, the hours are summed up


    4. The content of the topics of the training courseFormation of the content of the training course is carried out on the basis of the following principles:

    • unity of the content of education at its different levels;
    • reflections in the content of training of the tasks of personality development;
    • scientific and practical significance content of training;
    • accessibility of education.

    When describing the content of the topics of the work program, the following sequence of presentation can be recommended:

    1. The title of the topic.

    2. The required number of hours to study it.

    main research questions;

    practical and laboratory work, creative and practical tasks, excursions and other forms of classes used in training;

    requirements for knowledge and skills of students;

    forms and issues of control;

    possible types independent work students.

    If the training course includes theoretical and practical sections, then the ratio between them in the total amount of hours can vary depending on various factors (specialization of the educational institution, the preparedness of students, the availability of appropriate equipment, and others). The main goal of the practical section of the program is the formation of students' skills related to the use of acquired knowledge, the consolidation and improvement of practical skills.

    The section includes a list of laboratory and practical work, study tours and other forms of practical training. In descriptions certain types practical classes (for example, seminars), it is advisable to include a list of issues discussed at them.

    The control of knowledge, skills and abilities of students is the most important stage of the educational process and performs training, testing, educational and corrective functions. In the structure of the program, verification tools should be in a logical connection with the content of the educational material. The implementation of the mechanism for assessing the level of training involves the systematization and generalization of knowledge, the consolidation of skills and abilities; checking the level of assimilation of knowledge and mastery of skills and abilities set as planned learning outcomes. They are presented at the beginning of each course in the form of student preparation requirements. When preparing an author's or work program, there is often a need for processing, selection or independent development of verification materials.

    This item of the work program may include a list of questions for the final control in the discipline under study. Control should be planned and recorded in the curriculum.

    5. List of references.The literature on the academic discipline is divided into basic and additional. The list of basic literature includes publications, the content of which specifies the knowledge of students on the main issues outlined in the program. An additional list depends on the preferences of the authors of the work program. It includes publications that expand the knowledge of students on certain aspects and problems of the course.

    In the bibliographic list, publications intended for students and literature for the teacher (both basic and additional) are distinguished. The list of references includes bibliographic descriptions of publications recommended by the author of the program, which are listed in alphabetical order with the author, title of the book, place and year of publication. An example of a bibliographic description:

    • book by one or more authors:

    Sitarov, V.A. Didactics. / V.A. Sitarov - M.: ACADEMIA, 2002. - 365 p.

    • article from a collection or periodical:

    Sintseva, G.V. Building methodical work on a diagnostic basis / G.V. Sintseva //Methodist. - 2003. - No. 1. - P.19-21.

    • collections of documents:

    Bibliographic description of the document. General requirements and compilation rules: GOST 7.1.84. - Entered.01.01.86. - M., 1984. - 75 p. - (System of standards for information, bibl. and ed. business).

    Recently, the choice of programs and textbooks has expanded significantly. Alternative educational literature is available in almost all subjects of the federal component of the Basic Curriculum. Therefore, when choosing a textbook, it is necessary to take into account both content and didactic criteria. The main requirements for the textbook are:

    • its compliance with the requirements of the educational standard and the curriculum, a complete and detailed display of all its main topics;
    • reflection of the logic and requirements of the program in the structure and content of the textbook;
    • completeness of the performance of didactic functions (information, developmental and educational, coordinating, self-control);
    • information content of the main texts, the optimality of the task system;
    • expediency of non-textual components, printing quality of the textbook.

    A large number of textbooks, teaching aids, workbooks and other components of the educational and methodological kit must be carefully studied when drawing up a work program. The developer of the program determines how this set is able to achieve the goals and objectives set in the author's or modified curriculum. This is necessary because even the most the best program, not provided with an educational and methodological kit, causes difficulties for students and cannot fully contribute to the achievement of the goals set in it. If it is impossible to use the existing educational and methodological kits, the author of the curriculum faces the task of developing a kit corresponding to the program.

    To implement the author's or work program, the already existing educational and methodological complex can be used not completely, but partially. In this case, it is very important that the necessary textbooks and teaching aids are available in the right amount in the fund. school library. Insufficient awareness of teachers about the state of the school library fund often leads to unreasonable demands for the purchase of necessary textbooks and manuals for parents of students. It is also unacceptable for a teacher to replace already used textbooks and manuals with new textbooks and manuals during the school year. Such thoughtlessness not only leads to additional material costs, but also often becomes the reason for the discrepancy between the requirements of the program and the capabilities of the textbook. Thus, the educational and methodical set, being an integral part of the educational program of the school and the curriculum in the subject, should be the object of regular control by the administration of the educational institution. At the same time, its change and refinement is quite an acceptable phenomenon. However, we must not forget that all ongoing adjustments need a thorough and thoughtful procedure.

    Algorithm for constructing a working program

    The development of work programs and planning of educational activities is, of course, one of the most difficult tasks facing teachers. Teachers should be able not only to analyze various facts and situations, but also to anticipate and plan their development, which implies that teachers have a sufficiently high level of professional skills.

    As a result, especially for a novice teacher, there may be a conviction that it is better to avoid such difficulties altogether and use existing programs (typical or developed by other authors). However, such a position, which excludes the personality of the teacher from the process of designing and programming the course, significantly limits his ability to professional growth and negatively affects the quality of education. If the teacher uses existing programs without reworking and adapting them to the specifics of the educational process, then he acts as an executor of someone else's project, which mechanically reproduces ready-made provisions. As a rule, as a result of this, students, and the teacher himself, do not form a holistic view of the course or topic being studied. As a result of the teacher's further work, the awareness of the integrity of the course, if it comes, is only after several training cycles, that is, it is formed empirically, "by trial and error."

    Below we propose an algorithm that allows the teacher to independently develop curricula and includes several consecutive and interconnected stages.

    First stage

    The first stage is to create a course plan for the entire period of its study. Author's or working standard programs should be based on the cross-cutting principle of construction, that is, provide for a certain distribution of the elements of the course content not for one year, but progressively, from the beginning to its completion. This stage includes several sub-stages:

    1. Creating a course curriculum begins with the formulation of its objectives. At the same time, the requirements of state standards, as well as the order for educational services for students and their parents, must be taken into account.

    2. Definition of tasks, the solution of which is expected in the study of the entire course. They are divided into two groups - tasks related to the content of the subject, and tasks focused on the development of the ways of students' activities. The first group of tasks reflects the requirements for what students should know as a result of studying the course; the second group of tasks correlates with the requirements for the formation of general educational and special skills.

    3. Forecasting the results to be achieved upon completion of the course. As well as tasks, the results of activities are divided into groups according to the content and the way of work.

    4. Distribution of the content of educational material by years of study. At this stage, it is important to think over and correlate the volume of the studied material, the sequence of its presentation and the time for its study. In the process of this work, it is necessary to determine the learning outcomes at the end of each academic year.

    5. Determination of teaching methods or technologies that are proposed to be used in the course. At the same time, it is important to take into account the age characteristics of students, as well as the provisions of the educational program of the school.

    6. Development of the content and form of the final and boundary control, determination of its frequency.

    Second phase

    At the second stage of planning, an annual training plan is drawn up. This work is carried out on the basis of the same principles as the planning of the entire course. However, the subject of planning at the second stage is not the entire course, but the amount of material studied during one academic year.

    Third stage

    After completion of work on planning a training course for a year, it is necessary to carry out calendar and thematic planning. The following options for such planning can be proposed for use (see table 4 or 5).

    Table 4

    number of classes

    Name of sections and topics

    Number of hours

    calendar dates

    Class type

    Visual aids and technical aids

    Assignments for students


    Independent learning activity

    Types of control

    Difficulties that arise when creating author's and working programs and thematic planning for them can be overcome by changing the work of methodological associations. One of the main areas of their activity may be the development of the content of such programs, their methodological support, as well as their testing. When focusing the work of the methodological association on these goals, a significant result for all teachers is achieved, based on the experience of the developers, and the entire system of methodological work becomes systemic, focused on ensuring the quality of education.


    to fill in the calendar-thematic plan

    1. The wording of the topic of the work program, the calendar-thematic plan and the entry in the educational journal must match and are scheduled for 1 hour of classes.
    2. Tasks and content of material for independent work of students: reading text, textbook, primary source, additional literature; drawing up a text plan; graphic representation of the text structure; note-taking of the text; work with dictionaries and reference books; work with regulatory documents; educational and research work; drawing up tables to systematize educational material; text analysis (annotation, reviewing, summarizing, content analysis, etc.); preparation of abstracts, reports; compilation of bibliography, crossword puzzles, testing; solution of variable tasks and exercises; settlement and graphic works; preparation for projects; others
    3. Control methods: oral questioning; test; control dictation; combined survey; verification of independent work of students; test survey; workshop on solving pedagogical situations; checking homework.


    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Semyonovskaya OOsh


    the school's pedagogical council

    №______ from ______________


    school association of teachers

    Pedagogy: Tutorial for students pedagogical universities And colleges of education/ Ed. P.I. piddly. Moscow: Russian Pedagogical Agency, 1996.

    Anshshyuv, O.S. Encyclopedia of Management Knowledge: Methodological Dictionary for Managers. / O.S. Anshshuv - M., 2002.

    Normative-legal bases of creation of the working program of a training course.

    1. Introduction.

    The Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General Education was approved and entered into force on January 1, 2010 (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated October 06, 2009 No. 373). From September 01, 2011, the standard began to operate in all educational institutions of the Russian Federation.

    This document fixed a new system of requirements for educational institutions. Among these norms are the development and approval of the main educational program, the development of working programs for training courses, the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program. Moreover, the requirements for the results formulated in the standard set new tasks for teachers that require new approaches, tools and methods.

    The working program of the training course is an integral part of the Basic Educational Program of a general education institution, its development and approval is regulated by the current federal regulations.

    On the other hand, the working program of the training course should become that “desktop” document for the teacher, which specifies the subject, meta-subject and personal results of mastering the course and fixes the means, techniques and methods by which this teacher can achieve them under given conditions.

    1. Normative-legal bases of creation of working programs of training courses.

    In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and the current Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the working program of the training course should ensure the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education and is intended to describe in detail the means and ways to achieve these results.

    The creation of the working program of the training course is regulated by the following provisions of the current regulatory and legal field at the federal level:

    II , Art. 9, paragraph 6 as amended by06/03/2011 N 121-FZ) basic general education programs primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education ensure the implementation of the federal state educational standard, taking into account the type and type of educational institution, educational needs and requests of students, pupils, regional, national and ethno-cultural characteristics and include a curriculum, work programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) and other materials that provide spiritual and moral development, education and quality of training of students.

    · in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education, approvedby order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 (section III , p. 16) the programs of individual subjects are an integral part of the BEP;

    · in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (ch. III , Art. 32, paragraph 2 as amended by06/03/2011 N 121-FZ) the competence of an educational institution includes the development and approval of work programs for training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules);

    Thus, the requirement for the development of work programs for training courses is the responsibility and competence of the educational institution.

    When creating a work program, the teacher should rely on

    · the main educational program of the educational institution (the curriculum of primary general education; the planned results of the development of the BEP of the IEO, the program for the formation of universal educational activities among students);

    · Federal State Standard of Primary General Education (sections "Requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program", "Requirements for the structure of the PEP");

    · Federal list of textbooks approved, recommended (approved) for use in the educational process in educational institutions implementing general education programs;

    · Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"(Article 9 as amended by 06/03/2011 N 121-FZ "Educational programs" and Article 32 "Competence and responsibility of an educational institution").

    Historical reference. Types of programs. Requirements for the content of the work program of the training course. Title page of the work program. The structure of the work program.

    1. Historical reference

    The previous version of the educational standard was called Federal component of the state standard of general education and was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 2004 N 108. This document fixed the mandatory minimum content of educational programs and requirements for the level of student training in training courses. The 2004 standard was the basis for the development sample programs training courses and fixed the federal basic curriculum.

    The concept of " Working program of the training course» did not exist in the former normative field. This concept was not enshrined either in the 2004 standard or in the current version of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Thus, the teacher relied in his work on an exemplary (typical) program as a document regulating the content of the curriculum and did not develop any separate documents.

    In the legal field that is in force today, the concepts of an exemplary program and a work program are fixed, the competence and responsibility of an educational institution in terms of creating and approving work programs for training courses are fixed.

    The changes that have taken place in the legislation directly affect the functional duties of the teacher. Creation work programs of training courses- This new task for the teacher, which causes great difficulties and questions.

    This lecture will help teachers understand the new concept of "working curriculum" and relate it to the already well-established concepts of curricula.

    2. Types of programs

    Course Curriculum

    All the programs considered in the previous section are generally called curricula courses. The curriculum of the course is a legal document that should fix the expected learning outcomes within the framework of this course, short description course content, listing the topics studied, recommendations on the amount of time required to study each of the topics.

    Currently, among the curricula in general education institutions, it is customary to single out the following programs.

    · Exemplary curricula of training courses,

    · Working programs of training courses

    Exemplary course curriculum.

    According to the current legislation, the development of an exemplary course curriculum falls within the competence of state authorities in the field of education (Article 28, Clause 19 of the RF Law “On Education”).

    Historically, the main function exemplary curricula is the preservation of the integrity of the educational space, the observance of the principles of continuity between the levels of education. In this regulatory field sample program fixes and reveals the requirements of the federal state educational standard for the results of mastering the main educational program and the structure of the curriculum.

    The exemplary program is a guideline for compiling author's curricula and textbooks, and can be used by the teacher when compiling the working program of the curriculum. The federal state educational standard reserves the right for the teacher to independently determine the duration of the study of each of the topics of the course, the sequence of the topics studied, the methods and technologies used in the process of studying the course.

    The author's program is a document created on the basis of the state educational standard, which has an author's concept of building the content of a training course, subject, discipline (module). The author's program is developed by one author or a group. It is characterized by an original concept and content construction. The introduction of the Author's program into the practice of general educational institutions is preceded by its examination and approbation.

    The working program of the training course.

    A work program is a curriculum developed by a teacher for a particular school and class on the basis of an exemplary one for a particular educational institution and a particular class (group), which has changes and additions in the content, the sequence of studying topics, the number of hours, the use of organizational forms of education, etc. .

    An important note about the work program seems to us that it should be drawn up for the entire period of study of the course (if the course is designed for 4 years of study, then the work program should be drawn up for 4 years of study). This situation is explained by the fact that the most important section of the work program is the section "the results of mastering the training course". Obviously, this section can only be developed taking into account the entire period of study of the course.

    Work programs give an idea of ​​how the Federal State Educational Standard is implemented in the practical activities of teachers in the study of specific subjects, taking into account:

    • features of the educational policy of a general education institution;
    • the status of a general education institution (type and species);
    • educational needs and requests of students;
    • characteristics of the contingent of students;
    • the author's intention of the teacher.

    3. Requirements for the content of the work program of the training course.

    The main goal of the working program of the training course is the maximum implementation of the specifics of the educational institution through:

    a) expansion of topics (possibly, both by increasing the hours for studying the course, and within the framework of the base time due to the increased academic abilities of students in the subject);

    b) introducing additional topics (possibly both by increasing the hours in the curriculum of the educational institution, and within the framework of the base time due to the increased academic abilities of students in the subject);

    c) deepening topics (possible only by increasing the hours in the curriculum of an educational institution);

    d) changes in the logic of mastering the content of the material;

    e) reducing the number of hours for studying the material on the subject;

    f) specification of subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes for the conditions of a given educational institution.

    The work program performs three main functions: normative, information-methodical and organizational-planning:

    · The normative function determines the mandatory implementation of the program in full.

    · The informational and methodological function allows all participants in the educational process to get an idea of ​​the goals, content, sequence of studying this course material, as well as ways to achieve personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering the educational program by students using this academic subject.

    · The organizational and planning function provides for the allocation of stages of training, the structuring of educational material, the determination of its quantitative and qualitative characteristics at each of the stages, including for the content of the intermediate certification of students.

    The functions of the program determine the following requirements for it:

    • The presence of signs of a regulatory document.
    • Accounting for the main provisions of the main educational program of an educational institution.
    • Complete disclosure of the goals and values ​​of education.
    • Consistency and integrity of the content of education.
    • The sequence of location and interconnection of all elements of the course content; determination of methods, organizational forms and means of training, which reflects the unity of the content of education and the learning process in the construction of the program.

    In order to avoid discrepancies at the level of an educational institution, uniform approaches to writing and designing work programs should be developed, enshrined in the Regulations on the work program.

    The work program is developed on the basis of the local act of the educational institution, adopted by the pedagogical council and approved by order of the head of the educational institution.

    It should be noted that the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" does not currently define the requirements for the work program. Each teacher chooses an independent form of records, a text version of the work program.

    4. Structure of the work program

    Being an integral part of the main educational program of an educational institution, the work program is designed to provide guarantees in achieving the planned results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education (as well as to other levels of education).

    This is possible with the full implementation of the work program, where the main condition is the need for its phased (step by step) description. That is why, in terms of structure and content, the work program is a methodology for its own implementation, taking into account:

    • requirements for the structure of the main educational program of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO;
    • requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program;
    • the volume of study hours determined by the curriculum of an educational institution for the implementation of academic subjects, modules, special courses, workshops, research and project activities in every class;
    • cognitive interests of students;
    • goals and objectives of the main educational program of the school;
    • selection by the teacher of the necessary set of educational and methodological support.

    The federal state educational standard defines the structure of the training course program. Thus, the structure of the work programs should come from this section of the GEF IEO.

    According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, the programs of individual subjects, courses, modules should contain:

    · an explanatory note that specifies the general goals of this stage of education, taking into account the specifics of the subject, course;

    · general characteristics of the subject, course;

    · description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum;

    · description of the value orientations of the content of the subject;

    · personal, meta-subject (competency-based) and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course;

    · the content of the subject, course;

    · thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;

    · description of the material and technical, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process.

    We propose the structure of the work program, which was created based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO. Please note that this structure is advisory in nature. Each educational institution has the right to independently determine the structure, fixing it in the intra-school regulation on the working program of the curriculum.

    · title page;

    · explanatory note;

    · planned results of studying the course;

    · thematic plan;

    · the content of the subject by year of study;

    · planned learning outcomes of students within the framework of the training course (personal, meta-subject and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course; universal learning activities formed as part of the course study);

    · criteria and norms for evaluating the results of mastering the main educational program of students;

    · description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;

    · list of references (basic and additional);

    · educational and thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students.

    The title page (Appendix 1) must contain:

    · full name of the educational institution in accordance with the license and charter;

    · where, when and by whom the working curriculum was approved;

    · name of the subject (course);

    · indications of the belonging of the working curriculum to the stage, level of general education;

    · the duration of this program;

    · FULL NAME. the teacher who compiled this working curriculum;

    · year of the program.

    5. Work program approval procedure

    The structure of the work program, the timing and procedure for their consideration are established by the local act of the educational institution (regulations on the work program). In accordance with this local act, the procedure for considering the work program can be, for example, as follows: first, it is considered at a meeting of the methodological association of school teachers (scientific and methodological council of the school). After the examination, the school methodological association of teachers or the scientific and methodological council gives an opinion on the approval or revision of work programs. The decision of the school methodological association (NMS) is drawn up in a protocol. If necessary, it is allowed to obtain a review (expert opinion) at the request of the head of the educational institution, after which, if the decision is positive, the work programs are submitted to the administration of the educational institution. Also, the provision on the work program may contain the regulations for changes made to the work program.

    The principal of the school issues an order to approve the work programs of the training courses. All work programs indicate the date of their adoption at a meeting of the school methodological association (NMS) and reviews indicating the authors or details of the decisions of the relevant departments and the signature of the school director on their approval, indicating the date and number of the order. Approval of work programs for academic subjects is carried out before the start of the implementation of the curriculum, but no later than August 31 of the current academic year. After approval by the head of the educational institution, the work program becomes a regulatory document implemented in this educational institution.

    One copy of the approved work programs can be kept in the school documentation in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second one can be kept by the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

    6. Stages of drawing up a work program

    When developing a work program, almost every teacher faces certain difficulties, which can be overcome with a phased implementation of this work.

    Step 2. Compare the goals of studying the curriculum in the selected author's program with the goals and objectives of the main educational program of the school. Make sure that the selected author's program contributes to the implementation of the goals and objectives of the main educational program and the curriculum of the educational institution.

    Step 3. Compare the requirements for the level of training of graduates in the chosen program with the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program. Determine the knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity of graduates that are not included in the Author's program. Highlight knowledge, skills and abilities that exceed the requirements for the results of mastering the main educational program of an educational institution.

    Step 4. Formulate the requirements for the results of mastering the training course.

    Step 5. Select and specify the expected learning outcomes from those prescribed in the requirements for the level of training of graduates, according to the content of the author's program.

    Step 6. Determine the sections, topics, questions of the author's program that are redundant in the implementation of the main educational program of the educational institution.

    Step 8. Determine and structure the content of the training material of the course, determining the sequence of topics and the number of hours to study each.

    Step 9. Determine additional reference and educational literature, necessary visual aids, equipment and devices.

    Step 10. Create control materials: select a list of skills to be tested (codifier) ​​according to the stage of training and the purpose of control; select control tasks aimed at testing the planned skills; draw up a scheme for analyzing work in the context of the goal of control, which allows obtaining objective information for correcting the educational process.

    Step 11. Draw up a Work Program: arrange materials according to the structure.

    This sequence of designing the Work Program is not any normative document, but performs the function guidelines. In this case, the developer can operate the proposed route at his own discretion or choose his own path.

    However, in any case, the result of work in this direction should be a full-fledged and effective work program that will achieve all the planned subject, meta-subject and personal learning outcomes.

    Designing work programs in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Design of working facilities with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

    Practical work: based materials lectures and presentations to develop a work program in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the subject being taught. Download the program as an attached file on this page.

    Both the current and the new law on education do not directly define the work program for an academic subject, but at the same time it establishes its place and significance in the education system. Thus, this term is included in the concept of "educational program" as an integral part of the complex of the main characteristics of education, as well as the concept of "exemplary basic educational program" as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation that defines "the recommended volume and content of education at a certain level and (or) a certain directions, planned results of the development of the educational program, approximate conditions for educational activities, including approximate calculations of the standard costs of providing public services for the implementation of the educational program” (Article 2, Chapter 1 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”).

    The concept of a work program

    According to the law on education, the development and approval of educational programs falls within the competence of an educational organization, whose teaching staff is granted "the right to participate in the development of educational programs, including curricula, calendar study schedules, working subjects, courses, disciplines (modules), teaching materials and other components of educational programs” . They are also obliged "to carry out their activities at a high professional level, to ensure the full implementation of the taught subject, course, discipline (module) in accordance with the approved work program."

    Thus, the work program for a subject (hereinafter referred to as the work program) is an integral part of the educational program of a general educational organization and, by definition, A.B. Vorontsov, a set of educational and methodological documentation, which is independently developed by the teacher of the educational institution on the basis of the working curriculum and exemplary programs of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules) recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, author's programs, taking into account the goals and objectives of the main educational program school and reflects the ways of implementing the content of the subject.

    Because the law on education does not define the requirements for the work program. the teacher can choose an independent form of recording, a text version of the work program. For example, a work program can be drawn up by analogy with the requirements for a typical curriculum, and a teacher can make adjustments to all structural elements of the program, taking into account the characteristics of an educational institution and students in a particular class.

    At the same time, as pedagogical practice shows, based on the recommendations of regional methodological services work programs include the following content:

    • an explanatory note that specifies the general goals of this stage of education, taking into account the specifics of the subject, course;
    • general characteristics of the subject, course;
    • description of the place of the subject, course in the curriculum;
    • description of the value orientations of the content of the subject;
    • personal, meta-subject (competency-based) and subject results of mastering a particular academic subject, course;
    • the content of the subject, course;
    • thematic planning with the definition of the main types of educational activities of students;
    • description of the material and technical, educational, methodological and information support of the educational process.
    • technologies of teaching and verification of the achievement of planned results;
    • recommended literature (for teachers and students).

    The work programs can be accompanied by various documents that the teacher needs for the full and effective implementation of the educational process.

    Structure of the work program

    In accordance with the indicated content, the work program can have the following structure:

    • title page;
    • explanatory note;
    • expected results at the end of the course;
    • description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the educational process;
    • the content of the subject by year of study;
    • extracurricular activities of students in the subject;
    • control materials (tests, tests, assignments, etc.).

    Possible difficulties

    Creating a working program is a rather laborious process. The main difficulties, especially for a young specialist, are usually associated with such problems:

    • description of the requirements for the level of training of students through operationally expressed diagnostic goals - learning outcomes;
    • the need to revise the content itself, based on the analysis of redundant and possible missing information material;
    • development of control materials that allow obtaining objective information about the formation of special subject and general educational skills of students.

    Work program administration

    The procedure and terms for consideration of the work program are established by the local act of the educational organization. They can be, for example, like this:

    • consideration of the draft work program at a meeting of the methodological association of the school (scientific and methodological council of the school);
    • ShMO or scientific and methodological council, after examination, gives an opinion on the approval or revision of the work program;
    • if necessary, it is allowed to obtain a review (expert opinion) of the relevant specialized departments of institutions of higher vocational education, Regional Institute for Advanced Studies;
    • in case of a positive decision, submission of the work program to the administration of the educational institution for approval;
    • the work program is analyzed by the deputy director for educational work for compliance with the curriculum of the educational institution and the requirements of state educational standards, and the compliance of the textbook intended for use from the recommended list, the date of the tests, their number in the class and compliance with the requirements of SanPiN are checked, the provisions of local acts of a general education institution;
    • after agreement, the work program is approved by the director of the educational institution.

    The decision of the methodological association of teachers is reflected in the minutes of the meeting and on the last page of the work program (bottom left) the approval stamp is placed: AGREED. Minutes of the meeting of the methodological association of teachers dated 00.00.0000 No. 00.

    The stamp of approval by the Deputy Director is also placed on the last page of the work program (bottom left): AGREED. Deputy director for water resources management (signature) Transcription of the signature. Date of.

    The stamp of approval is placed on the title page (top right): I APPROVE Director (signature) Signature transcript. Date of.

    Approval of work programs is carried out before the start of the academic year. After approval, the work program becomes a normative document implemented in this educational institution.

    Office work and control

    One copy of the approved work programs is usually kept in the school records in accordance with the nomenclature of cases, the second is transferred to the teacher for the implementation of the educational process.

    The administration of the general educational organization exercises control over the implementation and implementation of work programs in accordance with the HSC plan.

    Each reporting period (quarter, half year), the calendar and thematic plan of the work program is correlated with cool magazine and the teacher's report on the passage of the program material. In case of their discrepancy, the teacher substantiates and makes changes to the calendar-thematic plan, providing conditions for completing the program in full in fewer or more teaching hours.

    Of course, the task of the administration is not limited to control. The main thing is to help the teacher in its preparation and implementation, especially a novice teacher who has neither practice nor experience in writing such papers.

    Work program on the subject
