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  • Excursion to the school library on the International Children's Book Day (photo report). Event in the Dow "Librarian visiting us a day of the preschooler in the school library

    Excursion to the school library on the International Children's Book Day (photo report). Event in the Dow

    "There are miracles, there are a lot of books ..."

    September 28, the Klimovskaya Children's Library opened its doors to the smallest readers. Pupils of the preparatory group kindergarten "Teremok", first coming to the library, went on a fascinating journey through a book country!

    Librarian Popova T.L. Started Journey S. excursions "together with the book grow up" On subscription W. thematic rack "Open a book country"On which book exhibitions are presented: "In a fairy tale, open the door quietly", "Multicolored Pages" (creativity of children's storytellers), "Book Zoo" (animals in the works of writers). W. exhibitions "Land of My Face Live" The guys took part in a conversation about nature and animals that are in danger. About the Bryansk region and our village, the librarian spoke from the local history exhibition "That corner of the earth where you saw the world." Also, the guys met the reader's form, learned about the rules for visiting the library and handling a book.

    Librarian Zubkov TS.Yu. Prepared review of children's magazines "Periodica is your friend will help pass your leisure."

    Children's cognitive and entertainment magazines were presented to the guys. For example, the magazine "Peace Princes" will be interested in all girls, because on his pages stories about the fabulous adventures of the princesses, their good advice, as well as the mass of interesting ideas: how fun to spend birthday, make an outfit for Balazkarada and much more.

    For brave boys, the magazine "Hedgehog" - with interesting stories and comics, desktop games, tasks, posters and heading funny artists. The Magazine "Domestic Pets" will introduce children with different breeds of domestic pets, the right departure for them, veterinarian councils and other animal stories. The guys told about their pets and about how they care for them.

    Small readers, remembering their most beloved fairy tales, took part in the literary quiz "Tale of the Umnitsa and Charm."

    At the end of the meeting, every preschooler received a certificate of reader "Become a reader, friend!" And sweet surprise - on the day of its first visit to the Klimovsky Children's Library!

    Librarians of the Klimmy Children's Library Popova T. L. and Zubkov T. Yu.

    Votes: 121.

    " My life is a real fairy tale
    Rich events, beautiful!
    G.-H. Andersen

    April 2 In the city children's branch with pupils of the preparatory and senior group Children's Garden number 21 held a preschooler day in the library "There are different books here! And you are always waiting for you to visit!", dedicated to the International Day of Children's Book and the 210th anniversary of the Danish writer-storyteller G.-H. Andersen.

    Children made an exciting journey through the library. Alexander Sergeevna Guseva's librarian held a review-excursion with preschoolers to a junior subscription, as well as a cognitive conversation about International Dn. Children's books, as well as about the life and work of the Great Danish writer, the storyteller of Hans Christian Andersen.

    The attention of the guys attracted the book exhibition "Sakvyuzh Tales Andersen", prepared by the librarian of the reading room Galina Vladimirovna schoolchildren. With a big delight, the children told about their favorite fairy tales Andersen. Then the excursion continued in reading room. Galina Vladimirovna suggested the guys a mini-quiz on the fairy tales of the writer, after which the reoxoite went to the cartoon journey along the fairy tale "Thumbelina".

    If a child has tears and whims,
    Do not take moms to help the TV.
    Son does not figure out what's there on the screen,
    And kinda and it will not be better from him.
    Do not miss the MIGA in this life:
    Show children what a book is.
    The book is the gift is invalid that like the sun, shines.
    Let children love bright pages -
    And the smile of good indigest persons.

    Come to our library!

    T.G. Lacquer
    Head of the City Children's Branch

    20 september in the children's libraries MBU "MIBS" Novokuznetsk was held the action "Day of the Preschooler".

    As part of the action, an entertaining tour of the library took place at the promotion of the guys from kindergarten No. 225. The children learned how to find the necessary book, learned to use the catalog, visited the literary living room and, of course, the colorful books and magazines looked. The guys of the kindergarten, as well as all the little visitors to the library were able to get acquainted with the exhibition "Hello, Autumn Golden!", At which poems and prose are presented for young children on the topic of autumn.

    On this day, there was also an occupation of a mug "along with the book we are growing" for the smallest readers. At the lesson, the children listened to the fairy tale, played movable, desktop and finger games, loose from plasticine rain.

    Especially for methodologists and educators of kindergartens in the reading room of the library, the library orbit of the library was held. For those who gathered from various kindergartens specialists, bibliographers organized an exhibition-viewing of special literature on the development and raising of children, introduced to a new, interesting and useful methodical literature. Chief Bibliographer I.V. Barkov recommended the audience information and bibliographic resources for children presented on the MBA website MIBS. The Internet editions presented in the section "For children and not only" will allow diversify the work of the educator and make it meaningful and more interesting.

    Within the framework of the action, a tour of the library "Book Kingdom is a wise state" took place. The event was attended by preschoolers of the middle and preparatory group of kindergarten No. 70.

    The guide of the library was Kuzka's domain, which introduced the young readers of the library with the history of the book and libraries with deep antiquity to modernity. The kids traveled to the reading room, the subscription, the Heritage Mini Museum, met with a rich book foundation: artistic literature, cognitive, magazines. Domovenok Kuzka taught the guys with the rules of behavior in the library and careful attitude to the books. Played B. literary games: "What a book loves", "Sum with lost things", "Tales-Covering". It came to visit the guys Dunno, who prepared for them the moving games, quizzes and contests for them, but as always everything was noted, and the guys helped him to fix everything. The kids showed the wonderful knowledge of poems and fairy tales. The tour of the library has become a holiday book and reading. At the end of the event, the "Code of Book" was issued to young readers.

    Fun and interesting was the "day of the preschooler" in. For the guys of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 35, a costume "Test door in the wall" was held on the book of A. Tolstoy "Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio". And the older group came to watch the cartoons and review of books on D. Biseset. Also with pleasure, the guys looked at the actual children's newest children's books in the assembly hall.

    In the electronic information sector, an overview of the site of the site "MIBS" site "For children and not only" and acquaintance with a fabulous and informative journey "Fairy tales will read - a lot of new things will know."

    In for the pupils of kindergarten №177, a tour of the house in which books live was held. The guys with great interest listened to the conversation about the history of the book and the library, about the rules for using library books. I got acquainted with the book exhibition "Poetry of Childhood" (children's jubilee poets 2016), together told the favorite gaming poems of Agnia Barto, Emma Moshkovskaya, accompanied by Fizkultminutka. During a fascinating travel, the attention of children attracted the colorful collections of fairy tales, responding to the questions of "fabulous quiz", children demonstrated good knowledge of Russian folk fairy tales. The book exhibition "The first books for all kids", exposed in the reading room, did not leave a single child indifferent. Acquaintance with it included exciting contests, games and quizzes, revealing the library fund for preschoolers in all branches of knowledge. In the game Light Lessons, the attention of children was drawn to the rules of safe behavior on a walk and on the way to kindergarten, the ability to react to the traffic light signal.

    Excursion to the acquaintance of children with children's magazines and toys books. All the guys wished to become the readers of the library, and Tatiana Aleksandrovna's teacher Kirilenko left a letter of thanks in the "Book of feedback and proposals of the Ecos Library. All the guys and childcare staff were presented invitations with information about the services provided by the library "Ecos".

    "There are different books here!

    And you are always waiting for you to visit! "

    On December 13, the Central Children's Library opened its doors to small readers of the Children's Garden "Red Hap". Pupils of the eldest group, first come to the library, went on a fascinating journey through a book country!

    During this journey, preschoolers learned about the history of library creation, they met the diversity of books in our library.

    The guys told how the library was arranged, as convenient to the books here: each is in its place and waiting for his reader. They spoke about how to make an account in the library, which can be done in the library, showed interesting book exhibitions.

    In the reading room, the librarian offered to small readers to view unusual books, introduced the rules of books with books.

    Attention guys attracted the book exhibition "Visiting the winter fairy tale."

    Then the meeting continued in the hall of events, where children were conducted by the security lesson "Safety Rules for Relicuished Children": the presentation "one house", the game "Reflection-ka".

    After that, reoxoites were offered a mini-quiz "Travel to the World of Winter Mysteries", where they showed their knowledge and erudition.
    In conclusion, the children received sweet prizes.

    Acquaintance with the library for preschool is the discovery of a new, magical and unusually interesting book world. The librarians tried to make a memorable meeting from a simple visiting, which, I want to hope, will help children to show interest in the book and reading.

    Doscomber promised to come to the library with parents!

    On September 5 - 6, 2011, excursions were held in the children's library "Raduga" within the framework of the preschooler Day for pupils of kindergarten No. 40 "River".

    During the excursions, the children met a lively book, together with which a fascinating journey on the magic train on all the sights of the book kingdom. The book told the guys about the rules of behavior in its possessions, about which departments they consist and what are engaged in the "wizards" working in these departments.

    During the event, the children gladly remembered the old proverbs about the book and reading, and also gave way to literary riddles. Great interest among the guys caused slides with the image of the ancient libraries and first books. All the guys promised to be good and neat readers and often come to visit the book kingdom.

    Within the framework of the decade, knowledge of the preschoolers MDOU # 53 were invited to the hour of kindness "dogs and cats in one cover." Pets living next to us, and wild animals, whose house is the whole land: both fields, and meadows, and forests - we are all - one big family on a small planet. We hope that interesting and instructive stories about the limitless devotion and loyalty of animals who heard the guys will leave in their hearts warm and compassion for the brothers to our smaller.

    Finished the meeting with reading poems and guessing mysteries. The poems of Gianni Rodari sounded "What the cats are read on Sundays", Harms "Amazing Cat", Tim a dog "Favorite Sound" and others.

    The guys, in turn, also guess our riddles.

    We wash your hands

    And sat down at the table.

    And he is impertured

    Dining came.

    And with him is useless

    Any conversation -

    He will wash his paws,

    But after lunch.

    From September 6 to September 8, 2011, the Library "Spring" holds days of the preschooler "Knikkin House - Library".

    These days, the library will visit the pupils of senior and preparatory groups of kindergartens No. 9, 21, 27.

    In the program of thematic days: excursions in an amazing house - library, a correspondence trip to the history of libraries, a conversation "How to behave in the library", literary quizzes, games.

    For teachers, the library has prepared informational materials: "Catalog of Internet resources ...", "Electronic periodicals for the educator of preschool educational institution"," Recommendations for the organization of children's reading ", etc., such a package of materials to help work will receive every teacher who visited the library in the days of the preschooler.

    Week 5 - 8 September in the family reading library was devoted to the acquaintance of preschoolers with the library. Two events passed, which included the show of the presentation "Magic Country Fuck", an overview of the thematic book exhibition and a tour of the library.

    The participants of the event became two preparatory groups dough Number 28. Children met the heroes of their favorite fairy tales, all together were in a small book quiz, then small travelers went to the "Children's Living Room", where they played long, painted and considered books and magazines.

    The guys remained very satisfied with the excursion, most of all they liked the children's subscription.

    September 6, 2011 In the library, the public center of the Pskovkirpich microdistrict within the framework of the Week of Knowledge was a game program for preschoolers "Become a reader, friend".

    For children, she became a surprise lottery "School trifles". Curious guys met the book exhibition "Teaching, page, well study." In memory of the senior meeting and preparatory groups MDOU №2 presented the sets of new books.