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  • Ivan Mazepa - biography, photos, personal life of the hetman. The reading room of Myrtit Mazepa entered the story as

    Ivan Mazepa - biography, photos, personal life of the hetman. The reading room of Myrtit Mazepa entered the story as

    Name: Ivan Mazepa (Ivan Mazepa)

    Age: 70 years old

    Place of Birth: White Church, Kiev Voivodeship

    Place of death: Bender, Ottoman Empire

    Activity: Hetman Troops Zaporizhia

    Family status: was married

    Ivan Mazepa - Biography

    Hetman Ivan Mazepu in Kiev is called a wise politician, a patriot and one of the founders of an independent Ukrainian state. In Moscow - Round and Traitor. Who was he really?

    In 1700, Mazepa became the second cavalier of the first established Order of Andrei the First-Called - Higher Regalia of Russia. After eight years, Peter I ordered to cast another order for him in five kilograms weighing on which the traitor Judas was depicted, hanged on aspen. The award did not find the hero - by that time Hetman settled in the camp who fought with Peter the Swedish king Charles XII. I could not be able to put on a traitor on the neck of the shameful Order, the angry king ordered to declare Mazepa Anafeum - a church curse that sent him the soul after his death straight to hell.

    It is unlikely that it scarecrowed the old hetman, who lived most of his seventy-year-old life in Adu Intrigue, fear and suspicion. Then it was the usual business for politics, especially on Mazepa's homeland, sandwiched between such strong powers as Russia, Poland and Turkey. All of them threatened the fragile independence of the Ukrainian Power, which was only recently released with the help of the Russians-Russians from the Polish yoke.

    Under the rule of the hetman was only the left bank of the Dnieper - the tenth of the current Ukraine, and he depended on both his own recalcitable subjects and the powerful neighbors who even annoyed the relative independence of Ukrainians (they were not yet called "Malorus" in Russia, as later, but "Cherkasami").

    Having promised the mouth of Bogdan Khmelnitsky "Standing at the same time" with Russia, the subsequent hetmans often broke this promise when other neighbors threatened them to them or promised more. However, the hetmans of the Polish Right Bank of Ukraine behaved in the same way. They had something to lose - from ordinary commanders of the Cossack troops, they have long turned into the largest land owners, gardens, estates and even cities.

    The Mazepa born in 1639 also belonged to the estate of the Cossack "German", but his father Stepan Mikhailovich was neither rich nor influential. Together with Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Mazepa-senior fought for the freedom of Ukraine, but then with his successor to Avigovsky ran from the Russians to the Poles.

    Stepan Mazepa respected the education and sent the only son to the famous Kiev-Mogilyan Academy, and then, even though he was Orthodox, - to the Jesuit Collegium in Warsaw, where Ivan received a brilliant education. Later he traveled all over Europe, he studied eight languages, from Latin to Tatar, gathered the richest personal library in the country. For the services provided by his father, the Polish king of Yang Casimir included Mazepu Jr. in the number of "Poevy Noble, guarding the palace.

    Mazepés did not immediately have a relationship with colleagues-Poles, which were mocked by the "heretic" and "Ukrainian Halop". Mazepa accused one of the offenders, the apiary, in the theft of the palace property, but the bonds recognized as false. Having met Ivan after that, the apiary shrugged him, he exposed the sword that it was strictly forbidden in the palace, "and was expelled from the palace.

    22-year-old cheap sent to the estate of Marina Mokiyevskaya to Volyn, where a new unpleasant story happened to him. At the beautiful and gallant mazepa immediately drew the surrounding landsel drivers, including the young wife of Polish Magnate Palbovsky. Previously, returning back from the distance trip, Pan found his spouse in the arms of the young Ukrainian and immediately, without giving the offender to even dress, told him to the wild horse and put it on freedom.

    This case has become so famous that it was described as colorfully in their works first Voltaire, and then Byron. In the Voltaire "History of Charles XII" says: "The horse was from Ukraine and ran there, dragged with him Mazep, half-dimensional from fatigue and hunger. He was sheltered by local peasants; He lived among them for a long time and distinguished himself in several raids for the Tatars. " In fact, Mazepa simply left for the father's estate of Mazepins and lived there before the death of Old Stepan. Yes, and his quarrel with Falbovsky, perhaps, was invented by a long-standing enek, which on the slope of the years gossipped about this story in memoirs.

    Mazepa - Biography of Personal Life

    Becoming the owner of the Mazinets, Ivan soon married the colors of the widow Ganne Friedrikevich - elderly and ugly, but those who had influential rhodations, thanks to which he became a personal writing of the right-bank hetman Peter Doroshenko. But his career broke off pretty quickly: going with the Hetman letter to Turkey, he was captured by Zaporozhets. The brown Cossacks, who did not complain the Poles and their servants, were already going to cut down the captive head, but he pulled a mercy of them - the gift of the conviction of Mazepa was superb.

    Cossacks sent him to the hetman of the "Russian" left bank of Ukraine Ivan Samoilovich, to whom he issued important Polish secrets than he deserved complete confidence. At first he became an educator of the hetman children, and later took an important post of General Essula. A little more than every year, Hetman sent it to Moscow, where Tsarevna Sophia and her favorite Vasily Golitsyn were ruled. The last Mazepa robbed generous gifts, and when he shamefully failed a trip to the Crimea, offered him to dump the blame for Samoilovich. As a result, the old hetman was exiled to Siberia, and Ivan Stepanovich, with the support of Golitsyn, took his place in 1687.

    Soon Sofya and her favorites were overthrown by the young king Peter, and Mazepa hurried to Moscow with a denunciation on the former comrades. He complained that Golitsyn was referred to from him for the election of 11 thousand rubles and three Turkish champs. He quickly entered his confidence in Peter, gave him advice on Ukrainian and Polish affairs. Together with the king, he went to the Azov campaign, spent the night with him in one tent, so "Min Herz" Alexander Menshikov spawned, and he had to task generous gifts.

    But Peter, who did not know the measures either in friendship, nor in the enmity, showered Mazepa awards: In addition to the Order of Andrei First-Called, he got decorated with diamonds to the sword, and later he even became - after Menshikov - Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire. In 1704, when Poland was captured by the Swedes, he took the right bank and became the first after Khmelnitsky hetman "both sides of the Dnieper".

    Multiplying not only power, but also wealth, he, having received dozens of villages and 100 thousand fortresses, became the first rich, not only Ukrainian gna, but also Russia. And a popular person not only at the court, but also in the people: he not only easily concerned the money of the courtiers, but spent money and the construction of churches, which by all the country erected without a small thirty.

    When Russia joined the Northern War with Sweden, Mazepah volunteered and the first thing sent to the front of the Zaporozhtsev unloved. True, the Cossacks behaved so undiscoming so that they soon had to return to their homeland. After that, Hetman had lost his interest at the time of interest - to surprise others, he fell in love. During his wife's life, he did not change her, but after her death, 65-year-old Ivan Stepanovich walked the passion for the 16-year-old daughter of his long-standing companion of Vasily Kochubey Matrey - Pushkin in his poem more poetically called her Maria. The girl also fond of the elderly slavery:

    Sometimes an elder is a strict look,
    Scars of the Chela, Vlasa Gray
    In the imagination of beauty
    Misty passionate dreams.

    Mazepa and at this age was good. Swedish historian Nordberg a few years later described it as follows: "Middle Growth Mazepa, a thin, he is about 70 years old, the eyes are fast and clear, saved by life; Wears a mustache on the Polish manner. Talking to the judge. " He emanated the French diplomat Jean Balm: "Ivan Mazepa is pretty, slim.

    His look is harsh, the eyes are shiny, the hands are thin and white, like a woman, although his body is stronger than the German racker, and the rider is excellent. " By eloquence, he also did not inferdate the young and wrote the beloved such letters: "My heart, my pink flower! The heart of because it hurts that you are leaving from me, and I can not see your eyes and a white bitter. Through this letter I bow and all of you are kind of kind. "

    Mazepa was the godfather Matrena, which made their marriage impossible. But he still launched her. Kochubey and his wife indisted, blaming the "old shamelessness" is that he enchanted their daughter. The young motor and the truth seemed to be distraised - "leaned" the parents, cried, beat the dishes, and then escaped among the night to Mazepé. This scandal discussed all Ukraine; Gossings agreed before Matrona, in fact, was the daughter of Mazepa, and Kochubeich was simply jealous of her to her former lover.

    "Oh, great sin!" - whispering the couphes. Here Mazepa had to, despite love, send the Motry back to the parents - as he said, "safely." They said, however, that the girl still turned out to be "challenged", although she was married soon; However, the money of the "rich and glorious" Kochubey could force the groom to close his eyes on this little disadvantage. Pushkin Maria went crazy and disappeared unknown where; Real Matrain lived many more years, although he visited the Siberian reference - her husband turned out to be a supporter of the Opt Mazepa ...

    Despite the return of his daughter, Kochubey swore to take revenge on the former friend. Very soon in Petersburg went denunciations on the hetman - it would seem to change Russia. Peter did not believe, and in vain. By that time, Mazepa had long led the secret negotiations with the Polish king Stanislav Leschinsky, and through it - with the Swedes, whom he persuaded to turn the army from Moscow to Ukraine. Hetman promised Karl XII provincial for soldiers, hay for horses, and at the same time supporting 50 thousand Cossacks.

    In exchange for the fact that it will be made by the monarch of an independent Ukrainian power to which it was proposed to attach Belarus. Of course, only Mazepa's confidents knew about this: the Polish Princess Dolskaya and Jesuit Zalensky. Hopman still said: "I never betray the Russian king!" And only the most faithful added: "... While it is stronger than the Swedes."

    One of these faithful was before the kernels, so his denunciation could be destructive. Mazepa mobilized his friends in the capital, having doubled the distribution of gifts. As a result, the dignitaries Golovkin and Shaffirov reported to the king: hetman is not guilty of anything, he was stated. Kochubey and transferred it to the Donos Colonel Spark were issued Mazepene, they were brutally tortured - they said, figured out the fate of the treasures buried by them, and in July 1708 beheaded.

    Soon, Peter invited hetman-demanded hetman to bring the Cossack army under the Starodub. It violated Mazepa's plans, and he affected heavily sick. Without trusted to him Menshikov decided to personally check the state of the hetman, and it had to urgently escape to the king of Karl, who just entered the limits of Ukraine. Mazepa ordered to follow all the Cossacks, but from twenty thousand only two went with him.

    Mazepa led the Swedes to his well-fortified capital - the city of Baturina, on the left bank of the Seima River, where they were waiting for the provisional, hay and large porch reserves. But Peter acted faster: according to his order, the Menshikov army approached the city and took it without much trouble: there was a local resident who showed a secret move into the fortress. After a short battle, the eight thousand garrison was completely carved, and the castle burned down with the peaceful inhabitants there.

    Returning to the capital with a Swedish army, Mazepa caught there a terrible picture: "The smoked mills, the ruins of buildings, human corpses that were half burned and filled with blood." Meanwhile, in the meantime, moved to Zaporizhia, whose attacks were supported by Mazep. Cossack Wolitsa was also burned, rafts with hanged Zaporozhc were put on the Dnieper.

    On the eve of the harsh winter, the Swedes were left without a provisional and shelter. They had to select well by the population, which caused a real partisan war. King Carl literally took the Ukrainian cities locked from him. All resisting he ordered to kill, and the prisoners gave Mazepa, which did not save them from hunger and cold. As a result, the number of supporters of Mazepa continuously melted; Many passed to the new hetman to the scorpin, appointed by the Russian authorities.

    Ukrainians embarrassed and church anathema, proclaimed Mazepa in the city of Glukhov, Kiev Metropolitan Ioasaf in the presence of Tsar Peter. On the same day, the "civil execution" of the traitor was held - it was stuffedly dragged through the streets and burned. In consolation, King Carl concluded an agreement with the former hetman on the appointment of His "Prince of Ukraine" and transferred to him after the victory of South Russian cities. In the meantime, Ukraine "temporarily" was transferred to the Completion of the Swedes. However, Karl did not really trust his ally and did not even let his Cossacks on the field of Poltava battle - suddenly hit the back?

    Death Mazepa

    The famous battle put a fatty point under the coarse plans of the king and hetman. After him, the wounded Karl fled with the remnants of the troops to the Dnestra, taking with him Mazepu. The fugitives were hidden in Bendars from Turkish Pasha, who had already agreed on the proposal of the Russian ambassador to give a traitor for 300 thousand Efimkov. But the authorities in Istanbul banned the deal: they ripen the plan to make Mazepa with their own as a goldenman in Ukraine. But it was late - the flight of the end of the old hetman.

    On August 28, 1709, he died in his arms from his nephew and the heir to Andrei Varovarovsky, who transported the body to the Romanian city of Galatz and buried with honors. Karl XII, who was present at the funeral of his last ally, not long to survive it. With difficulty, breaking out of the Turkish "hospitality", he returned to the north and there was killed in the battle of a crazy bullet, fleading from behind, - the Swedes tired of the stupid militia of their king. Having lost everything, Karl could still console the military glory, but Mazepé did not get it. He was cursed by Russians, and Ukrainians whose land because of him underwent a double-Russian and Swedish-ruin. Pushkin wrote:

    Forgotten Mazepa for a long time.
    Only in the triumphant shrine
    Once a year AnaFracted Dynam
    Threatening, thundering about him the cathedral.

    In fact, Mazepene remembered - official historians were not tired to curse his betrayal, and the revolutionaries like Ryleev and Herzen saw a fighter in him for freedom expressing the will of the Ukrainian people. These two points of view are struggling so far. Of course, Ivan Mazepa was not a fermented freedom, nor a primitive traitor. His main goal was to strengthen his own power - if they succeed, as the prince of an independent Ukrainian power, if not, as hetman under the start of Russian, Polish or any other crown. Sunny politician built all his life and concluded a deal, but eventually reached himself.

    At the end of the summer of 1709 in the small village Varnitz near Bender died in the creepy torment, the former Getman of Ukraine Ivan Mazepa (Kindynsky). He remembered to lose weight from unbearable, hellish pain arising from dozens of incurable diseases. And, coming into consciousness, after a long ridiculous muttlement, he was crying: "Discover Meni - dot!" ("I poison me - I poison!") ...

    But since it was always considered an unforgivable sin to ride the Orthodox even before a gravily death, the elders and the jelly decided to act on the old custom - to hammer the hole in the ceiling of the peasant hut. So that it means to alleviate the sinful soul of dying parting with a broken body.

    How not to remember the ancient belief: the more the person sins in life, the more painful death awaits him. And indeed, in the foreseeable past and the present of the then Malorusia, it was difficult to find a more cunning, evil and vengeous man than Mazepa. He was an example of a classic and finished villain for all times and for all peoples. In fact, despite the fact that the general morals of small politicians of the pore of particular honey (nobility) did not suffer. It is clear: people living surrounded by stronger and powerful neighbors were forced to constantly solve with a painful, but an inevitable dilemma - who would be more profitable to "be". Mazepa was unprecedented in solving such tasks.

    To mortgage, he managed to commit a major and non-neurogenous amount of atrocities of small

    "In the moral rules of Ivan Stepanovich, - writes historian N.I. Kostomarov, who would not be able to suspect the line in the Rub Filotion, - the damn of the feature that he, noticing the decline of the strength on which he had previously relied, did not make it difficult for any sensations and implishes, so as not to facilitate the harmlessness for him. Treason with his benefactors has repeatedly appeared in his life.

    So he changed Poland, pass to his enemy's sworn; So he left Doroshenka, as soon as he saw that his power fluctuates; So, and even loosely, he came with a self-clutch, who fell him and raised him to the height of the Starshinsky title. So now he came with his greatest benefactor (Peter I. - M.Z.) ", Before which was still shining and humiliated ... Hetman Mazup, as a historical person, was not presented any national idea. It was an egoist in the full sense of the word. The Pole on the upbringing and techniques of life, he moved to Malorossee and did his career there, fake to the Moscow authorities and by no means stopping anything before anything immoral paths. "

    "He lied to everyone, deceived everyone - both Polyakov, and Malorosyyan, and the king, and Karl, everyone was ready to make evil, as soon as he was able to get the benefit of himself"

    The historian Bantysh-Kamensky so characterizes Mazepa: "He had the gift of the words and the art of convinced. But with the cunning and caution of the Avigovsky, he joined the anger, vagueness and love of the Bryukhovetsky, exceeded Doroshenka in the Slavolybia; All of them - in ungratefulness. "

    As always, exhaustively determined the essence of Mazepa A.S. Pushkin: "Some writers wanted to make a hero of freedom, new Bogdan Khmelnitsky. History presents it by the ambition, the slander of Samoilovich, his benefactor, the dealership of the father of his mistress, the detail of Peter in front of his victory, a traitor of Charles after his defeat: the memory of His dedicated by the Church Anathema cannot avoid the curses of humanity. "

    And in Poltava continued: "That he does not know the shrines, / that he does not remember a blessing, / that he does not love anything, / that blood is ready to pour like water, / which despises he freedom, / which is not fraud for him "

    Finally, an extremely accurate assessment of the villain belongs to the Ukrainian people.

    The expression "Damn Mazepa!" For centuries, it was not only a bad person, but in general to any evil. (In Ukraine and in Belarusian Belarus - Sneak, Grubian, Angry Ham - study.)

    Very remarkable detail. We have reached us more than a dozen portraits of this historic figure and even a few artistic canvases with his image. Surprisingly, however, but among them there is no elementary similarity! It seems that this man had many mutually exclusive faces. And birthdays, he has at least five - from 1629 to 1644 (then the GETman's political fans from the political fans - celebrate its "round" anniversaries!). However, and death dates in Mazepa ... three. Such a slippery. He was not all like people ...

    Consciously omit childhood, adolescence and youth Mazepa. For the damn leg itself will be broken in that segment its flawed biography. Although the following excerpt will be cited exclusively out of respect for the authority of the authors: "The one who occupied this post was the Polish gentry, named Mazepa, born in Podolsky Palatinate; He was a Page Jan Casimir and with his yard acquired some European gloss. In his youth, he had a novel with a wife of one Polish gentry, and his beloved husband, having learned about it, ordered to tie Mazepu nagim to the wild horse and release it to freedom.

    The horse was from Ukraine and ran there, dragged with him Mazepu, half-dimensional from fatigue and hunger. He was sheltered by local peasants; He lived among them for a long time and distinguished himself in several raids at the Tatar. Thanks to the superiority of his mind and education, he enjoyed a big honor among the Cossacks, Glory him more and more grew, so the king was forced to declare his Ukrainian hetman. " This is a quotation of Bairon, given in French, taken by the Voltaire.

    True, it is difficult not to wake up, as two outstanding European creators behaved on elementary notion. For this in fact could not be by definition. And you still think you still think: it is not for nothing in vain such outstanding Europeans and so long ago began to poetry "Khokhlats Judas". They even argued that "the king was forced." That is, there was an equal footing with the loss of the greatest monarch in the history of mankind.

    All Mazepa's contemporaries in one voice argue that he was "Charier". Probably because it was believed that in a different way it was difficult to explain the incredible skill of this talented passing to make the impression on people and inspire confidence in themselves.

    Meanwhile, there are such insidious abilities (elementary hypnosis owned!) And asked Mazepa to the top of power

    When the hetman of the Right Bank of Ukraine was Paul Tether, Mazepa went to his service. Hetmans at that time changed like gloves in a capricious lady. And the tetter was changed by Petro Doroshenko. He is naturally "fascinated" with young shine, appoints him by the general writer - personal secretary and head of his office. At the same time, Hetman Doroshenko led a complicated, triple game. Staying the subjects of the Polish king, he sent his secretary to the hetman Left Bank of Ukraine Ivan Samoilovich with confidence that wishes to serve the Russian king.

    But after a few months later sent the same Mazepa to Turkish Sultan - to ask for help from the enemy enemy of Orthodox. And as a gift, the Turks visited Yasyuk - fifteen slaves from the Cossacks captured on the left side of the Dnieper. On the path of Mazepu with the "hotels" captured Zaporizhzhya Cossacks led by Koshest Ataman Ivan Sirko. It's the most that I wrote with my Cossacks a famous letter to Turkish Sultan Magomeh IV: "Sweeper You Morda, Moblya Skalka, Kusacha Dog, Unarchy forehead, mother ... . You will not be and pigs of Christian grazers. Now conclusion, for the number is not known, the calendar is not Meem, and the day is like yours, for which a kiss in the asshole! "

    And now I am asking for a question for which no one will ever be able to answer. Well, why did the devotee of Samoilovich (it means the Russian king!) Ataman Sirko, this frantic defender of the Orthodox, the sworn enemy of Tatars and the Turks, did not cut off the head of his head in place for the fact that the soul massep on the place of fifteen Russian souls in slavery? After all, Ivan Dmitrievich always mercilessly destroyed the accomplices Bursurman. And then I took and sent the "subloacing enemy" to Hetman Samoilovich. Otherwise, how providence is removed to make sure that the soul of Mazepa is still able to fall asleep.

    Here, on the left bank, another, almost incredible, in any case, is difficult to explain - it is Mazepu, as his trustee, Samoilovich sends to Moscow for negotiations. There, his bombardment is found with ... Alexei Mikhailovich himself! And then many times goes to the Russian capital, strengthening now has its own authority. Omitting the countless tactical and strategic moves of Mazepa, between which he safely "merged" the Samoilovich and his whole family, where he was almost a native person, we only note that on July 25, 1687, a cunning tower of "sticky" with the help of bribing the Russian officials Hetman authorities - Bulaw and Bunchuk.

    On the Board of Mazepa, the establishment of compulsions (so called the peasants then) took a particularly wide scope

    And Hetman became the largest destroyer on both sides of the Dnieper. In Ukraine (at that time, Hetmanschina) he had to do about 20 thousand yards to his hands. In Russia - many more than 5 thousand. In total, Mazepa had over 100 thousand fortress shower. No hetman before him and after could not boast such fabulous wealth.

    And at that time, very serious tectonic shifts of the empire took place in Russia, as a result of which Peter I was asleep at the throne. I will laugh, but also to the young king of Mazepa, almost with the go, as improved, in incredible trust. Even now, it's hard to believe in it, however, in 1700, Mazepa receives the Order of Andrei First Called - the highest Russian reward for №2! (The first prince Ivan Golovin was awarded). Look, firmly liked the Russian king, earliest hetman, although the age difference, which was separated, was 33 years old.

    And after all, it's not by chance that Mazepa wrote Peter: "Our people are stupid and inconsistent. Let the Great Sovereign not too much gives faith to the Malorosiysk people, let him do, not deploying, send the good army to Ukraine to Ukraine, to keep the people of Little Russian in obedience and the right sentence. "

    This, by the way, to the question of the delights of some historians about the very long hetman rule of Mazepa - twenty-one - and his allegedly passionate desire to independence of Ukraine at any cost. I'm not talking about the so-called Kolomaki articles signed by the hetman personally upon its entry into office. There is black on white, it is indicated that any foreign policy intercourse is prohibited by Ukraine. It was forbidden to holdman and foreman to appoint without the consent of the king. But they all received the Russian nobility and irrevocability of estates.

    And, let me where is the "struggle for the independence of Ukraine"? Yes, for two decades, Mazepa strictly performed the will of Peter I. and did the right thing. Just made it exclusively to his benefit. There will not even smell any "non-separation". For some reason, flashed in all moral parameters, for some reason flawed in all moral parameters, it was believed that the invincible Swedish army defeat the troops of the emerging Russian Empire. Tyver the first time the animal, wolf of Face Mazepa firmly led him. Vastimo, how much rope is not tortured ... But before reminding the final fall of the hetman, as a policy, let's stop at its most ugly human meanness ...

    The first song of the Pushkinskaya "Poltava", who did not forget, begins as: "Rich and Slavned Kochuby."

    And further: "But Kochuby is rich and proud / not long-haired horses, / not with a crown, the tribute to the Crimean Horde, / not childbirth farms, / beautiful her daughter / proud old kocheki." For years old Were friends - do not break water. And even came together: the nephew of the hetman, Obidovsky, married the eldest daughter of Kochubey, Anna, and the younger Kochubeevna, Matrius, Mazepa became the godfather. Gracious parents take care of the gods, while they won't stand on their feet, and then the gumbles should take care of the shaft parents as their own. In 1702, Mazepa buried his wife and went two years old. In that time he was far from sixty, and Matrion Kochubi - sixteen (in Poltava she is Maria). The difference in the most modest calculations - in half a century. And the old man decided to marry the young skeleton, although she seduced her mother before. "Charriers" lasted all the techniques of their seduction: "My heart", "My hearty Cohan", "I am still all the Chlongs of Your White Taurus," "Remember your words, for an oath for me, at that hour, when you came out of my chambers. " "I am with the Great Cardigarch I wait from your grace of news, and in what business, you know well." The Mazepa's letters see that Mattress, who answered His feelings is angry with the fact that Hetman sent her home that her parents scold her. Mazepa induces and calls her mother "Katuvka" - Palachiki, advises in the extreme case to go into the monastery. Naturally, parents resolutely opposed to possible marriage. The official reason for the refusal was in the church ban on marriages between the godfather and the godpiece. However, a quiet Mazepa would not send the matchmakers if he didn't count that the church authorities would be superbly embarrassed to remove the ban. Most likely, Kochubei was perfectly aware of which "Hallup" (attack) can make all their family of cunning and angry groom. Yes, with time and Matrön got rid of delusions:

    "I see that your grace has completely changed its love for me. As you know, your will, do what you want! You will then regret. " And his threats of Mazepa fulfilled in full.

    According to direct (and this is established for sure!) The Mazepa, Kochubey and Colonel Zakhar, the spark, the sacrifice of the king was sentenced to death and gave hetman to an indicative execution. Before the execution of Mazepa, he ordered Lyuto torture Kochubey again to give out where his money and valuable property were hidden. Kochubey burned with Kalen gland all night before execution, and he told everything.

    These "bloody money" entered the Hetman treasury. On July 14, 1708, innocent sufferers cut off their heads. Defended bodies of Kochubey and Sparks were transferred to relatives and buried in Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. In the coffin, the inscription was carved: "Since we have commanded silent, / This stone about us must people are substantiamia: / for loyalty to the monarch and loyalty to our / suffering and death we were sick."

    ... and a couple of months after this execution, Mazepa betrayed and Peter I

    From the first steps of the Swedish troops on the Ukrainian Earth, the population had strong resistance to them. Mazepee was not easy to justify in front of Karl for the "unreasonableness of their people." They both understood what was mistaken - both in each other and in strategic calculations - each. However, cunning, meanness and the depository lowland Mazepa were not fully exhausted. He sent to the king of Colonel Apostle with a proposal, nor little, to betray the Swedish king in the hands of Peter with generals!

    In return, Khamski asked even more: the full forgiveness and return of the former hetman dignity. The offer was more than extraordinary. Having consistent with the ministers, the king agreed. For bluster. He understood perfectly: Mazepa is death bluffing. Forces for the captivity of Karl he was not observed. Colonel Apostle and many of his comrades replenished the ranks of the troops of Peter I.

    As you know, after the historical Poltava battle of Mazepa fled with Karl and the remnants of his troops. The king very much wanted to get hetman and suggested the Turks a lot of money for his issuance. But Mazepa paid three times more and thus buried.

    Then the angry Peter Alekseevich ordered to produce a special order "to commemorate the betrayal of the hetman." The wonderful "reward" was a circle weight of 5 kg, made of silver. On the circle was depicted by Judas Icyariot, hanged on aspen. Below - a bunch of 30 Srebrenikov. The sign Penis said: "The son of a deceased Judah hedgehog is given for Srebolubiya". The church betrayed the name Mazepa Anathema. And again from Poltava Pushkin: "Mazepa is forgotten for a long time; / only in the triumphant shrine / once a year AnaFracted Dynam, / threatening, rattling about him.

    For a few centuries, the name of the desired traitor was considered even indecent to mention in serious writings

    Only a few Ukrainian Russophobes, such as A. Ogloblin, tried to whitewash the "PSA" (expression of Taras Grigorievich Shevchenko). This, with the permission to say, the historian during the fascist occupation became the burgomistrome of Kiev. His rule is marked by mass executions in Babi Yar. After the war, Reloblin fled to the United States. The main book, the monograph "Hetman Ivan Mazepa and his Board," the fascist burgomaster wrote to the 250th anniversary of the death of the traitor (how, however, all the vigorous people are tenaciously held each other!) In his opinion, the goals of the traitor's heterman were noble, ideas Dernown. Just in case: "He wanted to restore the powerful autocratic hetman government and the construction of the European-type power, with the savings of the Kozatski system." Interestingly, only who would he allow him to do in the then times?

    And yet truly, with state, so to speak, the memory of the Khokhlats Judea reanimates the memory of another Judas - at the beginning of the main ideologist of Leninism-Communism in Ukraine, and after the first soldier of the market lawlessly, President Leonid Kravchuk

    Nickname, by the way, taken from his personal youth poetic exercises: "Juda I. Iskariot! "

    ... I will never forget the summer of 1991. Then, under the jurisdiction of Ukraine, the largest part of the Soviet Army was transferred: 14 motorized rifle, 4 tank, 3 artillery divisions and 8 artillery brigades, 4 special forces brigades, 2 airborne brigades, 9 air defense brigades, 7 militant helicopters, three air arms (about 1100 combat aircraft) and a separate air defense army. The general centrifugal euphoric force collapsed everything and all captured me, the then Soviet colonel. Sin, in the inflamed brain sporadic thoughts flashed, and not go to me, Ukrainians, to serve Ukraine?

    Thank God, which was not amenable to spontaneous feeling.

    But the philosophizing of the director of the center of Ukrainian education Kiev national University Same TG Shevchenko, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Doctor of Historical Sciences Vladimir Sergiychuk. IN soviet times This scientist husband modestly and inexistically engaged in agriculture. And in Nazalozhny, became one of the first researchers of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN) and the feats of the Ukrainian Rebel Army (UPA): "Yes, Mazepa changed the Russian king, but did it in the name of the Ukrainian people, in the name of Ukraine.

    The condition that Karl Xii will be the protector of our country, that is, will take Ukraine under his care, at that time it was rather profitable for Ukraine. Mazepa was a real father of the Ukrainian nation! And those people are scored who do not want to be interested in their own history, nothing will help. "

    An even more "progressive" ideologist in this direction was Kiev political scientist Dmitry Vydrin: "Our country was born from the aggregate of thousands of betrayal. We betrayed everything! We gave one oath and kissed one banner. Then they betrayed this oath and the banner, began to kiss another banner. Almost all of our leaders - former communistswho swore one ideals, and then cursed those ideals with which they swore. Of all this cumulative action, where there were thousands of small, large and medium betrayals, actually, and this country was born.

    Thus formed Ukrainian politics, our worldview and morality. The betrayal is the foundation on which we stand on which we built our biographies, careers, fate and everything else. "

    And we are still surprised: how this brothers and sisters of Ukraine will lay down with a rampant fascist fascist-Bendera; As in their veins, the blood will not reach the Odessa Katyn; Why many Ukrainian mothers, instead of well and sacrificially oppose the fratricidal war, show the president of claims: our sons have no bulletproofers, they have little ammunition and they are poorly fed. Yes, it is an all direct consequence of the current "national Ukrainian idea: we, Ukrainians, are traitors, and in this our power!".

    For a long time to expute Pana Mazepa's bones, it is time to go to the dance: "Shhene Na Vmerla" Ukraine in his mind

    She is not all, of course, but a significant part of it is honored and prays on him, despite all his forensic atrocities. Truly, the plague of magpia rages now in Ukraine.

    The grief of the people who in national heroes include such flawed personality as Mazepa, Petlyura, Bandera, Shukhevich, etc. In their examples, to grow well to the Maidena Gopnik.

    When, for a sample to imitate the fighter, "glorious acts" bastard Mazepa, the fighter will come, respectively. Is it really not understood? But really do not understand.

    ... After the release of the film of the famous film director Yu. Ilenenko "Prayer about Hetman Mazepa", I met with my old friend, now the late artist Bogdan Mortgage, who played a capital role. Our long-standing relationship (we were familiar from 1970) allowed a serious degree of mutual frankness. And I, without causing a custody, asked: "Body, why did you take on Mazepu?". "Well, you're smart man And it should be understood that there are no forbidden roles for the actor. What is beaten the hero, the more interesting to play it. "

    "I agree with you, if it is Richard Sh. He is always outside the ideological framework. But in this case, you knew perfectly well that Yelhenko used Yelenko and you, and your name to nourge Russia with his filmmaker. Well, leave behind the brackets that Yura (we were also a long-standing acquaintance) - the author of the scenario, the director, the operator, the actor, and his son played a young Mazepu. But there the blood rivers, the heads are cut, like cabbage, and the wife of Kochubey - Love Fedorovna - masturbates with a cut-off her head of her husband. Peter I rapes his soldiers. Is it really not boring you? And this episode: Peter I stands over the grave of Mazepa, the hand of the hetman appears from under the ground and there is enough king for the throat - also did not hurt? ".

    Bogdan Silvestrovich long and painfully silently. Then he said: "How there will be there: it's not a rash to me salt on the wound. Soon I have a bortco, I hope to play Taras Boulabu. So I rehabilitate in front of people. " The great, world-class actor, of course he understood that Yuri Gerasimovich elementaryly "used him" on the rights of an old friend. And his role is a catastrophic failure. According to another and could not be. As well as the film itself turned out to be a deadly failure. He was sent to the Berlin Film Festival. However, there the tape was shown only in the category of films ... For people with unconventional sexual orientation!

    Then we continued to talk about Mazepa. And came to the overall conclusion.

    If the criminal of the slicer was not attracted by the current Ukrainian popping politicians to the current ideology, then we would have remembered about it no more than about other hethers

    And so his personality is unnecessary. Meanwhile, it was elementary, although very evil, scoundrel. It is annoying that he likes the current Ukrainian authorities.

    ... You can say how much you like, write and broadcast about how the outstanding statesman was Mazepa, 305 years ago who left our mortar world. It is enough to go to the Ukrainian Wikipedia and see there an inconspicuous transfer of the merit of the glorious Patriot of "Nazalozhny Ukraine" Ivan Stepanovich: and the polyglot he, and the patron, and the temple theory, and the poet, and the lover, and the "magician", and ...But then you remember Pushkin: "however, what a disgusting subject! Not a kind, favorable feeling! Not a single consolation feature! Temptation, enmity, treason, delicacy, farewell, ferocity. " And everything falls into place.

    (born in 1639 - mind. In 1709)
    A prominent Ukrainian state and military leader, Hetman Ukraine, diplomat.
    Participant of Turkish (1677), Chigirinsky (1678), Crimean (1689), TAVAN (1696) campaigns and northern war.
    He was awarded the Order of Andrei First Called.

    The life of this person is like a fascinating novel. The personality of Mazepa is enveloped by romance and mystery. He was one of those who loved and hated, rejected and exalted, devoting to him literary and musical works, drawing his portraits. J. Bairon, A. S. Pushkin, p. I. Tchaikovsky, V. Gyugo, Fist, I. E. Repin - Here are just a few names from the long list of the great, who tried to figure out the riddles of life, love and career Mazepa.

    The exact date of his birth is unknown. Historians disagree in opinions and believe that this happened in the period from 1629 to 1644. But the majority calls the date of birth. March 20, 1639. The future hetman was born in the family estate of Mazepins, not far from the White Church in Kiev. His father, Stepan-Adam Mazepa, took place from the famous Orthodox gentleman of Mazep-Kaldensky, was a man very secured and educated. He took an active part in the Liberation War under the leadership of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, although he did not support his rapprochement with Russia and heard a supporter of the speared orientation. Mother, Marina, a highly educated woman from the Ukrainian Short Mokiyevsky, Ovdov in 1665, devoted her life to the ministry of the church. She took monasticism under the name of Mary Magdalene and from 1686 to 1707. There was a magnitude of the female Pechersk Assue Monastery.

    Parents tried to give his son a good education by preparing it to the court career. At first he studied in the Kiev-Mogilyan College, and then in the Jesuit Collegium in Warsaw, where the Ukrainian King Court Jan Kazimir was presented. Young Ivan had a pleasant appearance and natural eloquence than the monarch attracted the attention of the monarch, whose time served as farm. Jan Kazimir sent annually for training in Western Europe Three talented young men, Mazep was among them. In 1656-1659. He led to lectures in the best universities in Germany, Italy, France and the Netherlands. There, in addition to the Polish, Ukrainian, Russian and Latin (language of diplomacy of that time), Mazepa mastered Italian and German languages.

    Upon returning to Warsaw, brilliant perspectives of the court career opened before the young man. In a difficult international situation of that time, he repeatedly performed secret and delicate diplomatic instructions of the king in different European countries. Mazepa learned to use the natural trick and a subtle calculation in achieving the goal, and the attractive appearance and sophistication of the manner attracted women of different ages. He skillfully started love ties and enjoyed them to solve the political problems trusted. But sometimes such romantic hobbies have seriously interfered with Mazepa.

    So, the history of the wife of Polish Magnate Pallovsky put the cross on his career in Poland. In the memoirs of the contemporary Mazepa, it is described that the deceived spouse Pani Palibovskaya ordered to spread the young lovela and tie him to the horse, putting face to the tail, after which she shot a poor animal ear. Crazy from pain and fear, the horse took place in the forest and only a few days later, the locals found the exhausted Ivan and went out. It is this episode that (the reliability of which, by the way, causes some doubts) inspired the English poet of Lord Bairon; And after him and the great French writer Viktor Hugo to create poems with the same name "Mazepa".

    Losting all perspectives and not having a choice, Ivan Stepanovich went to the right bank, where from 1669 we see him in Chigirin, surrounded by Hetman Peter Doroshenko. Here he marries the daughter of the general obligatory seeds of Polovtsa Anna, a very secured widow of the Belotserkovsky Colonel Samuel Friedrikovich. In Chigirina, Mazepa began the service as Rothmistra Nadvornaya Khorugvi (commander of the Personal Hetman Guard), and soon he was entrusted with one of the highest posts in the Cossack customer - General Eustoula.

    Together with P. Doroshenko, in the Union with the troops of the ruler of the Ottoman Empire Mohammed IV, Ivan Mazepa commanded Cossack shelves during a campaign on Kamenets-Podolsky and Lviv in 1672, but his main task is diplomacy. He heads the embassy to the Crimean Khan Selim-Gire in 1673, and at the beginning of 1674 - to the hetman of the left bank Ivan Namoilovich, with whom a friendly relationship establishes. By completing the next order of Doroshenko to the Crimean Khan, Mazepa in 1674, he captures Zaporizhia Ataman Ivan Serko (Sirko), not dividing the Turkish orientation of the Hetman of the Rights Bank. Serko reports Mazepu with all the embassy in the hands of Samoilovich. He, remembering a pleasant impression made on him with a young diplomat, offers him a service, and Ivan Stepanovich, knowing the difficult situation to Doroshenko and the presentation of his soon fall, agrees. Samoilovich, he also deals with diplomatic work, leads all negotiations with Moscow, raises the necessary dating among the boyars, enters the confidence of the princes of Sophia and her favorite of Prince Vasily Golitsyn. He does not avoid military duties, in particular, participates in maneuvers of Cossack-Russian troops during Turkish chigirin camps of 1677 and 1678.

    In 1682, Mazepa, now on the left bank, receives the responsible post of General Essula. One of the hikes of Hetman Samoilovich against Crimean Khanate in May-June 1687 ended in failure. According to the official version, it was the cause of his offset. And according to not confirmed documented data, Samoilovich became a victim of the Donos of the Cossacks of the Elder, with the participation of Mazepa, who was striving for the Hetman Bulaw.

    A clever thing in affairs of both state and personal, Ivan Stepanovich never missed the opportunity to take care of her material well-being. Soon he became one of the richest people of Ukraine of that time. About his allegedly indifferent treasures, who disappeared after death, went legends. In particular, according to legend, part of their treasures, he allegedly ordered during the crossing to throw a horn to the Dnieper near the village of Nogi, the other was buried in Baturin. Until now, some optimist treasure detectors hope to find this "Cain Mazepa", while, though, unsuccessfully.

    Many researchers note that the opportunity to make the Moscow court, the expensive sentences have favorably influenced the outcome of all missions and the future career of Mazepa. It is, as well as the popularity of Ivan Stepanovich among the leaders of the left bank in the 1680s, predetermined his election on June 26, 1687 by Hetman. In particular, when Cosatskaya Rada recommended him by V. Golitsyn as a new ruler of Ukraine, Mazepa reinforced her decision to be generous to the temporary time. With the help of his personal security, he brought Golitsyn Gold Barrel to Tent. 11 thousand gold rubles and more than three pounds of silverware have become not the last arguments in favor of his candidacy.

    On the day of election to Hetmanhood, Mazepa signed the so-called Colomak articles that limited the self-government of Ukraine. Thus, the Cossack registry was determined in 30 thousand, it was forbidden to shoot colonels without the royal decree and maintain independent diplomatic relations with other states. These articles set Ukraine to an even greater dependence on Moscow. But Mazepa has tolerated the plans for the unification of Ukrainian lands under its bud.

    The coming to power of Peter I and the overthrow of Sofia went only to Ivan Stepanovich. He conquered the young king with his education, European gloss and expensive, offerings, quickly entered the confidence in the dealer, giving a delight advice on the stability of the situation on the entire space from Dnipro to Don. And during the Crimean campaign of the Joint Russian-Ukrainian Army, 1698, Mazepa put forward a strategic plan that brought the army victory. He proposed to lead the offensive gradually, building as the strengthening - base is promoted, as well as seize the Nizhnydneprovsky fortresses, strengthening its right flank. Under the leadership of Mazepa, the Ukrainian army in 1695 she took possession of Kazikerman, took part in the siege and taking Azov in 1696 and in the subsequent Taman campaigns of the II of Half 1690s.

    But not only by the military victories was noted the Board of Hetman. Being a man highly educated and possessing outstanding abilities to music and literature, Mazepa did a lot for the development of Ukrainian culture and enlightenment. He provided material support to the figures of science, art, writers. Hetman paid special attention to the church, especially the revival of old temples and the construction of new ones: the monastery was rebuilt in the Lavra, the Church of St. Nicholas, the cathedral was reborn in Pereyaslav. During the period of Maspinsky rule, Kiev has turned into a large church and educational center. The only thing that little worried hetman was the life of labor.

    Meanwhile, the endless wars were dragged by Ukrainian lands, did not give to develop the economy, discontent grew ordinary people - All this just pushed Mazepu to a speedy solution to the problem of the unification of Ukraine. He thought Ukraine as an aristocratic state with an absolute monarch, where aristocrats are representatives of the foreman, and the monarch is himself. To achieve the goal, Mazepa needed an ally, and it is desirable, not from his adherents, but from the opposite camp. After all, in order to edit, it will be necessary to get rid of all possible competitors. Such an ally became Semyon Pali, who, unlike Mazepa, relied on the masses.

    Now the problem was only how to bypass the peace treaty of Poland with Russia, according to which none of the parties could claim someone else's piece of Ukraine. The decision came by itself. Commonwealth has suffered cruel defeats in the Northern War that began in 1700. Therefore, in view of the Anarchy of I. Mazpa intensified on the Polish territory, on the expense of Peter I, in the spring of 1704, acted on the right bank, and here his ally Paly helped Hetman with the seizure of power. Palia almost immediately accused of intercourse with the enemies of Russia and Poland - the Swedes - and after the usual for Petrovsky times the ill inquiries referred to Siberia.

    Thus, in the summer of 1704, Mazepa united under his Maulamaster and the right bank, and he was only on the left bank with a vassal of Russia, and on the right - quite an independent ruler. Partially Hetman hopes for the creation of the monarchy were carried out. Now it remained to win the left bank, without exciting suspicion of Peter I.

    Mazepa continued to saint the king of generous gifts and endless assurances in devotion, often in the form of denunciations in the people's disagreeable to him. I did not bother on the signs of attention and Peter: In 1705, Mazepa was awarded the Order of Andrei First-Called, he was presucted to hold a Breakitsky parish and Sevsky County. In the same year, Hetman handed the king sent him a letter of a Swedish goldenfish on the Polish throne of Stanislav Leschinsky, in which he convinced Mazepa to go to his side. After that, Peter I had no longer believed any denunciations on the hetman, although their number increased every year. And the complainants were subjected to the autocrat of cruel sentences. It is such a fate who has suffered by the General by the judge of Vasily Kochubey, executed by the decision of the military court.

    This tragic event occurred due to a passionate feeling that broke out between the 68-year-old Mazepé and the seventeen-year-old daughter of the Motray Kochubey. Hetmans conquered youth and beauty, and the girl is the subtlety of his nature, giftedness and European charm. In addition, Mazepa's wife died in 1702, without leaving him children. But he was going to become a monarch and pass the power to inherit. This problem could solve marriage with a new, young wife. And in 1707, Ivan Stepanovich asked the hands of Motry. But he was refused due to the church ban on marriages between the godfather and the godlock. The motley fled from his home to her beloved, but he, as a true nobleman, returned her to her parents. Maze telling his tender, poetic letters to the girl who retained the story. As kept and the complaint sent to him the king of an angry kochem. It contained 33 points that proved the infidelity of the hetman to the Russian king.

    But despite the obvious danger, Mazepa still supported the connection with Leschinsky, in this case, the true recipient of the negotiations is Charles XII. The outcome of the Northern War was unknown, and Hetman wanted to cover up his rear. In the case of explicit superiority and victory of the Swedes, he could expect to create independent Ukraine in the strategic union with Karl XII. However, immediately in the open opposition to the Russian king Mazepa did not solve, and he persistently demanded the help of the Cossack troops.

    The defeat of the body of General Levenguput in the battle in the forestry of September 8, 1708 changed the plans of the Swedish king. Instead of the alleged route through Smolensk or Bryansk, the Army Charles XII was forced to turn to Ukraine, where, according to Mazepa, they were waiting for food supplies and ammunition. In the current situation, the hetman did not have time to meditate. Therefore, on October 24, 1708, with a five-thousandth detachment and part of the faithful senior, Mazepa crossed through the gum and openly went to the connection with Karl, hoping to support the entire Cossacks and civilians, motivating his transition to the uprising against the oppression of the Russian state.

    Alexander Menshikov who was located near the Ukrainian borders quickly responded, breaking the crossing through the gum and releasing the manifesto to the Ukrainian people on October 28. In it, he swamped hetman as a traitor to the Motherland and Faith, who wanted to give the Orthodox flock to Unitam. On November 2, Menshikov captured Baturin and arranged a terrible pogrom there, destroying the entire population of the town, and four days later, I. Skorecadsky elected hetman to the place of the deplorable Mazepa.

    Meanwhile, hostilities continued and seemed that not still lost for Mazepa, although the situation was becoming harder. On June 27, 1709, a decisive battle occurred under halfava, in which hetman did not depend on the hetman. Karl was defeated and forced to flee with the residues of the army to Turkey. Mazepete had to follow him.

    Tests of recent months have sharply uttered the health of the elderly hetman, and on the night of September 21 to September 22, 1709, he died in the village of Varnant's village near Bender. Then the deceased transported to the Galats and buried there in the ancient monastery of St. Yuri.

    The peripetics of the Mazepa's life path call not to give him unequivocal estimates. He was a man of his era, perfectly knowing the vulnerable places of opponents and using cunning and calculation, and not by intake heroism. All this allows you to consider it one of the iconic figures in Ukrainian history.

    T.G. Yakovlev

    Yakovleva Tatyana Gennadievna- Candidate of Historical Sciences,
    Researcher of the Department of History of Slavic and Balkan countries
    Historic Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.

    The period of the history of Ukraine, known as "Hetmans,", despite the past two and a half century, still remains one of the most politicized. Until now, almost all the events and activities of the historical personalities of that era are the subject of ideological speculation and endless disputes. Among them are the most painful topic (along with the Pereyaslav Treaty of 1654) - the activities of Ivan Mazepa.

    Everyone heard about Mazepa - even those who are very far from the problems of Hetmans. At the same time, in Russia they know mainly on the poem A.S. Pushkin (I'm afraid that even many historians), and in Ukraine - on the bills of "hryvnia". "Traitor" or "Hero" - other paints, except for black and white, for Mazepa are usually not used, and in details and details are perfect very rarely. The situation described quite brightly in his memoirs, the head of the hetmanat from April 1918 P. Scoropadsky:

    "The portrait of Mazepa hung between the hetheans, so hated by any Russian, he did not lie in the house, as Ukrainians now do, seeing the symbol of Ukrainian self-sufficiency in it, and they were silently treated with sympathy, and only indignant that ... in Kiev at the same time in Sofia Mazepa's Cathedral betrayed Anathema, and in the Mikhailovsky Monastery for him, as for the creator of the temple, prayers are ascended to calm his soul " .
    In fact, such a state of affairs is extremely dangerous, in particular for modern Russian-Ukrainian relations. You can not leave the sharp themes, you can not close the eyes to the existing disagreements and problems. By rewriting a history of someone's "pink" manner, we are deceiving ourselves and make harm to future generations.

    The article proposed by the reader does not pretend to be the role of truth in the last instance. It is an attempt to restore the course of events and objectively analyze documents and materials, facts from different points of view.

    It seems to us that one of the main principles in the study of the period of the Getmanship of Mazepa - consideration of events, taking into account the entire previous history of Hetmans. It is impossible to understand the contract of Mazepa with the Swedes without knowledge of B. Khmelnitsky's treaties or I. Vyhovsky, as well as understand the uprising of Petrika - without applying to the rebellions of the drum, Bryukhovetsky, etc. Hetmanhood Mazepa became, in fact, the last (or more precisely - the penultimate) The act of history of hetmans, the origins and the essence of which are still in times of crown, the period of Hetmanity B. Khmelnitsky in 1648-1657.

    Serious scientific works dedicated to Mazepa, very little. The most detailed is the monograph N.M. Kostomarova "Mazepa" and information about him in the "History of Russia" S.M. Solovyov. Separate plots of Hetmanhood Mazepa were considered in detail in the works of N. Andrussyka, A. Ogloblin, etc. From the last biographies, we should note the weighted and interestingly written by O. Substore and V. Smin. Along with this, there is a large number of work "URA-Patriots" both with one and on the other hand, in which the historical and source-edge approach is replaced by ideological.

    In general, the Biography of Mazepa is saturated with sustainable stamps, the main of which, for Russian historiography, is the "Mazep - Magnifier". Of course, treason is a terrible sin, but when it comes to a politician, the leader of the state is not so simple and unequivocally. "Labor", some historians are called I. Vyhovsky, Yu. Khmelnitsky (Son B. Khmelnitsky) and other hetmans, not taking into account the circumstances or the reasons that pushing them on this or that step. By the way, the Andrusovsky Agreement (1667) or the Eternal Peace (1686), concluded by Russia with the Commonwealth, can also be called "treason" or "betrayal" in relation to Ukraine and explicit violation of all contractual articles since Pereyaslav Treaty 1654 .

    Within the framework of this article, we will dwell on those moments that we consider it from the twenty-year period of Hetmanship Mazepa.

    * * *

    Ivan Mazepa was born on March 20, 1639 in the family of Ukrainian gentry. At first he studied in the Kiev-Mohyla College, and then was given to the court of the Polish king, where he continued to education. It is this circumstance that allows many historians to blame Mazepu in Sugagal Sympathy or consider it a small court, "Lyakh". In fact, under the court allowed the future Hetman to receive a brilliant education: he studied in Holland, Italy, Germany and France, freely owned Russian, Polish, Tatar, Latin (according to the comment of the contemporary - could compete in her with Jesuits). He also knew Italian and German, and according to some data - and French. Mazepa had an excellent personal library with a huge number of Latin publications, his beloved book was "Prince" N. Makiavelli, he had a magnificent collection of weapons, the portraits of many European soves hung on the walls, his letters, especially "love", was distinguished by a wonderful style, His Peru also belonged poems and Duma.

    Accusing Mazepa in "Saptolsky" sympathies, many historians forget that the Polish education and B. Khmelnitsky, and I. Vyhovsky. They also served as the Polish king at the beginning of their careers, while Bogdan Khmelnitsky was even in a very friendly relationship with Vladislav IV. It is impossible to confuse addiction to the "Polish" or, more precisely, to Western culture, to the Polish Snashing Valiba (or to the Schnikham Democracy) with the "Propolsky" political course, which, for example, adhered to P. Tether, Hetman Right Bank of Ukraine (1663-1665. ). By the way, in a conversation with Jean Balw, the French Messenger in Moscow, in 1704. Mazepa with brilliant turning politics said about the compulculation, she, like an ancient Rome, goes to his death.

    Mazepés have a lot in common with his predecessor of Avigovsky. Those also did not like simple Cossacks, sometimes calling "Lyakh", and many historians stubbornly attributed "Saptolsky" sympathies to him, completely forgetting that I. Vygovsky was the closest trial of B. Khmelnitsky, together with whom they were thickened Poles and created their hetmans .

    Thus, you can agree with the Ukrainian historian of the beginning of the XX century. A. Efimenko, quite accurately noticed that Mazepa was a man of "Polish culture", forced to adapt to the coarse, low-lying medium of the left-bank Cossacks. It was in this that she saw the reasons for some duality of the hetman's nature.

    Usually, the "propol" charges follow the accusations of Mazepés in the ugrade, shameful at his age. Everyone knows the story of the love of the elderly hetman to the young Motron Kochubyevna. However, love letters Mazepa to this girl deserve admiration: "My heart, my pink color!", "My heart love", "you yourself know how I heartily, passionately love your mercy" etc. Do not take to judge Mazepu, but we recall that the reason for the uprising of Bogdan Khmelnitsky (he was then at sixty) served as his dispute with D. Chaplinsky because of the young 16-year-old Beauty of Elena, which he later made his wife contrary censure of the clergy.

    In 1663, Mazepa was sent to Hetman Right Bank of Ukraine (1663-1665) P. Teter, just as elected hetman, with kleinodas (hetman differences) from the king. He met him too kindly, but he didn't return to Poland, left for the right bank, then served the hetman of Ukraine P. Doroshenko (1665-1676) - was a member of a number of embassies. In 1674, during a trip to Crimea, he was captured to the Zaporozhets, and the Koshek Zaporizhia Sichka I. Sirko sent him to Hetman Samoilovich. There he was taught Hetman children and went to the ambassador to Moscow, after which he received the rank of General Esuul.

    A number of historians consider Mazepa by one of the authors of the Donos to Samoilovich, as a result of which he was removed from Hetmanity. In fact, Samoilovich, most likely, became a victim of Moscow intrigues: the failure of the Crimean campaign of the Favorite Tsarevna Sofia V.V. Golitsin. Some believe that Samoilovich displaced the foreman who did not like, as well as Moscow, his desire to make Hetmanism hereditary. Anyway, but completely unexpectedly for many and bypassing stronger applicants, including the general writer V. Kochubey - the fact is very important for understanding the further events - Mazepa was elected on the Kalamak Rada on July 25, 1687. Hetman. Of course, the decisive role at the same time belonged to V.V. Golitsin, who became the patron saint of Mazepa.

    For us, it seems a completely unimportant fact, gave or did not give a Mazepa "bribe" Golitsin. Causes doubt that the omnipotent and richest favorite could be taken for 10 thousand Chervons. Most likely, this is just a late legend, which appeared when the hetman was accused of all mortal sins. More importantly, the other: Mazepa managed so much to Golitsin, which got from his hands to the mace. They met even during the first arrival of Mazepa to Moscow, and got together, probably during the Crimean campaign. The ability of Mazepa "charming" people (and not only women) celebrated very many of his contemporaries, even enemies. Probably, the "cultural" proximity of the hetman and favorite played not the last role: both were fans of the West and the extremely educated people of their era. For Golitsin, the Mazep's Golitsin was fluent in Latin, perhaps, became a ray of light in a dark bristle alien to him Cossack medium, in addition, he wanted to have a man's hetman, who could trust. And you can only trust the one who you understand.

    Many historians, with the exception of "URA-Patriots" mazepane, even M.S. Grushevsky, based on the circumstances, in which Mazepa received a male, considered the hetman with a change of ambition and a careerist. However, who from political figures is deprived of ambition? Which of the leaders of the same hetmanns can not be suspected in mercenary motifs? Is that Bogdan Khmelnitsky - but also only from the moment of a terrible family tragedy when he lost his beloved woman and the heir's son.

    Where this thin face runs in general: for yourself or for the power - and who will decide to outline? With a fooling of the heart, with the shaking hands rushed to Bulawe I. Vygovsky, and then, having risked wealth and head, rushed into the "Out" of the Starshinsky conspiracy about a single hetman. Walking on the corpses and do not be a lie, received his hetmanship P. Doroshenko, and how much efforts he put to overcome the crossbreaks and war in Ukraine in 1657-1681, the so-called ruins!

    So, Mazepa became hetman. It seemed that everything was against him. First of all, it was surrounded by his left bank foreman, embittered by the fact that the power of the aliens turned out to be in her hands. Having received an education in Poland, who served Doroshenko and not in his will, who turned out to be on the left bank, Mazepa really was alien to the celebrity for the years of hetmans, intertwined relatives of the clan of the German - Samoilovichi, Kochubei, Lizogubs, Sparks, Handbags, Wells, etc. They probably hated this "Passion", who spilled out the mace from their hands.

    The conditions of the new Russian-Ukrainian contract imposed by Mazepa at Rada Golitsin were also extremely difficult and unpopular. In addition to the full prohibition of external intercourse, the prohibition of the transition of peasants in the Cossacks, the legalization of denunciations on the hetman, the ban of the hetman to change the foreman, the shooting regiment was introduced on the left bank. Calamak articles became the first step towards the Russification of Ukraine and the liquidation of the autonomy of Hetmans:

    "The people of the Malorossiysk people to connect with all sorts of measures and ways with the Great Russian Federation ... In order for the same thing ... I don't want to keep such a thing ... and no one would eat such votes that the Malorosi region of the Hetman Ranimatu" .
    In 1688, Mazepa takes a successful raid on Ochakov, but then fate turns out again from him: 100 thousand people and 50 thousand from Mazepa - and an extremely unsuccessful Crimean campaign (March-June 1689 G.). On August 10, Mazepa arrives in Moscow to meet with his patron, and the state coup takes place in his eyes: Naryshkina and young Peter I come to power. Now no one doubts that after the Golitsin fell and Hetman.

    At the left bank had already rubbed his hands and divided the mace. However, quite unexpectedly for all Ukrainians, first of all, for the Mazepa himself, which was probably the most terrible days in their lives in anticipation, when he was called to the king, in the trinity, the reception provided by Peter I was the warmest and merciful. Many historians following the colorful statement of N.M. Kostomarova, explain the incredible Mazepa's amazing courtege, which "It was possible to charm the young Peter."Let us express another assumption. When the "gracious word" was said to Hetman, nor Peter nor his surroundings of Mazepa still did not know, but the parties of the Naryshkin, who were in a very shaky position, was needed by peace and constancy in Malorussessia, so creating a precedent for shatter, shifting the hetman, even the favorite of the Opt Golitsin , Moscow did not dare. Most likely, already accepting such a decision and declaring it, Peter had the opportunity to make sure of its choice - with a personal meeting with hetman.

    The most surprisingly in a sustainable myth of a traitor-Mazepa, which is in Russia, is that everyone forgets (or marks) the fact of almost 20 years of faithful service and close trust relationships that existed between the hetman and the king from 1689 to 1708 o 20 (!) The years permanent military campaigns, fighting, lesions and victories are forgotten. Although this fact itself smashes the cliché "Hetman-averter" that the Ukrainian "URA-Patriots" is trying to challenge him, attributing all sorts of secret plans, and Russian traditionalists, contrary to any logic and facts, are called the hetman "Twilight", about which We will talk below.

    The main question that for some reason was never asked and, accordingly, did not look for him a response: what was the key to such a long and successful union? (What caused the tragic finale is another question.) In our opinion, the reasons should be sought in the history of Hetman and Ruins.

    In fact, not the fact of the "treason" of the hetman is surprising, but on the contrary, his loyalty to the Russian king throughout so long time. If you take the predecessors of Mazepa, then

    B. Khmelnitsky concluded a contract with the Swedes two years after the oath of the king,

    I. Vyhovsky a year after the oath signed the Galyachk Agreement with Poland, and in just a month - with Sweden,

    Yu. Khmelnitsky Correct Russian troops on death under wonderful one a year after his oath.

    Even a devotee "Holop" of the king, erected in Chin "Boyarina" I. Bryukhovetsky, and he lasted only five years, and then moved to the Polish side.

    In each of these cases, circumstances were different, but the reason is one: the conditions for which the contract was concluded, ceased to be performed. If B. Khmelnitsky concluded the Pereyaslav Treaty in the hope of finding a military ally against Poland, then the hetmans starting with I. Vygovsky because of the inner ruins of Hetmans, were forced to look for allies against home opposition and stem. It is the desire of Moscow that to weaken the hetman power, and hence the support of the "diamonds" and "riotters" - I was pushed by I. Vygovsky and Y. Khmelnitsky to Poland.

    The most terrible legacy of "Khmelimnichy" is the emergence of a huge number of declared "indicated", which did not have another source of income, except for the war, became a magnificent material for the manipulation of any adventurers and foremen, who were striving for Bulaw. The apogee of this destructive movement was Black Rada 1663, but when the defense of these demagogues, which swear in loyalty to the king, I. Bryukhovetsky changed the Russians, in Moscow woke up and realized that the agreement should be sought with the Hetman authorities, and not with the mass of anarchists.

    Peter I.

    Hetmanship Mazepa is a great example of a compromise concluded by the hetman and king. Peter I unconditionally and unshakably rejected any accusations, denunciations and reports directed against Mazepés, issued and executed all his opponents, and Hetman reluctantly supplied the king with troops for all military campaigns, so numerous in the reign of Peter I. It was unlikely that this contract was ever Fastened on paper, but by both parties it was carried out strictly, contrary to the entire logic of events.

    Mazepa, surrounded by hostile elderly, eternally dissatisfied with the Cossacks and Cossacks, the support of Peter was vital, as well as military campaigns, which gave the opportunity to feed and take the risks. For the young king, who had to spend its global reforms in the conditions of the most severe opposition and political isolation, rushing towards the seas and to fight, Hetman, in turn, was a reliable, loyal ally, providing a calm rear in Ukraine and successfully fulfilled all diplomatic tasks.

    In our opinion, it would be an obvious exaggeration to consider the relationship of Mazepa and Peter friendly. Despite numerous gifts that they exchanged (fruits from the Hetman Garden and game - King, fish from the north of Russia - Mazepa, etc.), judging by their correspondence, they never moved a known face, while maintaining a distance (Mazepa is not Menshikov, Naryshkin or Lefort). Peter I called Mazepa "Mr. Hetman", he is exclusively a "sovereign", and not the familiar "Mr. Colonel", "Bombardir", "Min Herz", etc. Pravda, as noted by researchers of the epistolary heritage of Peter I, the king saw in Mazepa man "Can understand and evaluate the thinnest thoughts, humor," And in this sense, Hetman in the eyes of Peter was only the Dutchman A. Vinius.

    It seems that, most likely, the distance in relations with the king remained thanks to Mazepa. It seems that he never came together with anyone, almost did not have friends (perhaps because of the sad experience of betrayal) and was a kind of intellectual single, proud and ambitious, even romantic, but only deep in the soul. All the same Jean Baluze wrote about Mazepa: "Speech His exquisite and beautiful, however, in a conversation she loves to be silent and listen to others ... He belongs to those people who prefer or be silent, or talk, but not to say" . At the same time, Peter with his noisy and cheerful duddy, on an equal footing with her joy and testing, demanded that his approximate complete dispossessment and hellish work for the benefit of new Russia. Only one who fully shared the ideology and the lifestyle of the king could count on his friendship. Russia, under the leadership of Peter I, was reborn and desperately sought to Europe, and Hetmanschina tusknela and weaker. Mazepa could not see this and not understand.

    In 1690, the active actions of Russia against the Crimea began. The Crimean campaign was beneficial for hetman. In the case of successful campaigns, Mazepa appeared the opportunity to establish very difficult relations with the Zaporozhkov, who over the past decades have turned for hetmans in the powder barrel. The Cossacks criticized the hetman for everything: for the distribution of motencies (possessions) by the foreman, for the oppression in their long-standing rights, for the restlessness of the salaries and others, raids on the Tatar for Zaporozhye were an original source of income. The war, started by Peter I, was supposed to, in addition to ordinary production, to bring a generous salary. In July-August 1690, the Cossacks under the leadership of I. Novitsky and S. Palia made a successful raid under Ochakov and Kazicerman. The entire operation plan was the most detailed manner developed by Mazepé.

    The next decade for Russia passed under the sign of the struggle for entering the Black Sea. Mazepa sent his oversized hetmans, personally led many hikes and, knowing the passion of the king to the fleet, used Zaporizhzhya Chelny for the campaign. On July 19, 1696, the Cossacks Mazepa headed by Chernigov Colonel Ya. Liezogube took Azov. Peter's dream was carried out. In 1700, the Constantinople world of Russia and Turkey was concluded. February 8 of the same year Mazepa, the second after F.A. Golovin, during a trip to Moscow, he received personally from Peter who had just established the Order of Andrei First Called, ahead of the Cavalier of this very honorary award of Russia even the king himself and A.D. Menshikova. The decree said: "For many of him in military works, noble and diligendum faithful services ... after 13 years" . Awards and mercy were not limited to this.

    The brilliant victories and the royal gravity Mazepa were only an external side of his activities, behind which the most complex inner situation was hidden: the donos were poured one by one, and even open riots were added to them.

    In 1691, "said Chernetsov", in which Mazepa was accused of participating in the conspiracy of Sofia and V.V. Golitsin. In 1696 there was a Donos Starodubets Suslov. In 1699, D. Zabelin and A. Solonin were sent to Moscow to Moscow. They were given to Hetman, judged, but, showing "Christian mercy," left alive. Thus, Peter categorically did not accept any accusations against Mazepa. The foreman with sarcasm said that he "Wouldn't believe the angel if he had about the abuse of hetman."Nevertheless, knowing the methods of interrogations in Moscow and the whole terrible punitive car, Mazepa could not feel calm.

    Many unpleasant moments delivered him and the uprising of Petrika. In 1691, a certain Petro Ivanenko (Petrik), the Sadro Kochubey and the Senior Chancellery of the General Military Office, fled in Zaporizhia, where he was elected a writer and began agitation against hetman and Moscow. A. Ogloblin considered him the grandson of Poltava Colonel F. Zhuchenko, his daughter's son, sisters wives Kochubey and Sparks. It has already been noted that the entire left bank foreman had very close related links.

    Almost all historians who seriously studied the Hetmanship Mazepa, considered it impossible, so that hetman stood behind Petrika. Only A. Ogloblin in his late, emigrant work stated that he found evidence in the Moscow archive: "Hetman Mazep himself sympathized with this promotion Petrika, and it is possible that even Mazepa and instructed Petrik this mission". At the same time, in earlier, the detailed work on Petrik Ozoblin adhered to the opposite, reasoned opinion. While in emigration, he could not find any new documents, just as in Moscow clearly could not be a certificate of communication Mazepa with Petrik. As for the "patriotic statements" of the journalist S. Pavlenko regarding Petrik's uprising, as an argument against the thesis on the faithful service of Mazepa King, he will leave these pseudo-native illusions on the conscience of their author.

    Any assumptions about the secret plan of Mazepa, in our opinion, are ridiculous fiction. First, Petriks focused on "poor and gull", so hated hetman. Secondly, it is difficult to assume that in the war against Moscow, Mazepa would rely on hostile to him of the treated Cossacks. Thirdly, Petrika was too closely connected with the opposition hetman elder headed by Kochubey, i.e. Mazepa did not fit the role of a trustee of Mazepa.

    Petrik stated that he has hetman letters. Reception known: B. Khmelnitsky, fledging on Zaporizhia in 1647, also referred to the legendary "letters of the drum" - this is the fact that N.M. Kostomarov to compare Petrika with great Bogdan. In our opinion, this comparison does not withstand any criticism. Much more common in Petrika was with Ya. Drum, a companion of Poltava Colonel M. Pushkar, who rebelled against I. Vygovsky. He also shouted about "literacy", according to which the king was allegedly commanded to beat the Yehovsky. Of course, all this was a lie that had a goal to convince Cossacks in support of Moscow. Also and Petrik wanted to give weight to his words. But when Zaporozhtsy "Not retired, so that those sheets showed them ... Petriks the last word refused them that he had no such sheets and his something about it ... did not prick." On this occasion, the cat Ataman said very reasonably: "There would be a hetman and the cities of the city from Moscow, what tax, and he would have written the troop to us ... and not to that fool" (allocated by us. - С.).

    Many historians suspect that in fact the left bank foreman was behind Petrika. There is a lot of indirect evidence. So, the Informant Mazepa Rutkovsky, who was in Zaporizhia, wrote Hetman: "So that your desiredness is careful to some of your loved ones." And in July 1692, the same Rutkovsky expressed Mazepa doubt, "his (i.e. Petrika. - С.) does this head meaning and plan. " Kosheva Ataman I. Gusak told the Messenger Mazepa: "Tell me from me Mr. Hetman ... How de does not cut off his heads three ones: the first one is a half-thumb, another - Mikhail (Samoilovich. - С.), the third - that always lives with it; Doomumetz himself who, then he will never be peace in Hetmanism, and there will be no good in Ukraine " . Subsequently, in 1708, Mazepa reinforced V. Kochubey that "They said goodbye and apologized to the big and many of your death worthy misconduct, but for nothing good, as I see, not patient, was not kind of kindness could not bring . In this, you can also see an indirect testimony of suspicion of Mazepa in the involvement of the Kochubey to the uprising of Petrika.

    In any case, Mazepa, whose relationships with the king were still far from the most reliable, nervous, in letters to Peter I called Petrika "Job of the Devil", the stationery itself "Fool" and "Thief". As for the approval of Petrika, that Hetman gave him letters, Maze was announced "hostile naval" and "Progrious lies ... for some sins of mine."

    While in Crimea, Petrik concluded a contract with Khan, and in August 1692, 15 thousand Tatars with Calga-Sultan and Petrik, who had 12 Cossacks came to the Poltava Regiment. Only 500 people arrived from Zaporozhye, and on "Rada" "sentenced to call parsley hetman." Petrik's plans were very fantastic: when Ukraine succeeds (what he did not doubt), they "Panov and Lears will be bought ... And any volitsis will be in the troops of Zaporizhia, which were what were with Bogdan Khmelnitsky."He was going to distinguish the inhabitants of Slobodsky regiments to the other side and "Set them around Chigirin and Injo inappropriate Places" . It is not surprising that M.S. Grushevsky called Petrika "Demagogue" and "The Body of Autonomystov Storishin" .

    Nadezhda Petrika was not justified. The Cossacks did not support him for the most part, the population of the left bank met the Tatars hostile, and Mazepé in conjunction with Russian troops managed to repel their offensive. In Moscow, Petrika was not believed in Moscow, and the suppression of the hetman anti-Russian rebellion only strengthened the position of the hetman in the eyes of Peter I.

    Thus, by 1700, Mazepa was on top of glory. In Moscow, he was unconditionally trusted and respected. His wealth grew, the internal disconnect was suppressed. Hetman was already 61 years old. Most likely, endless military trips were not easy for him: he often sick and complained about health, gouty pain. Music must have dreamed after a victorious war to put on the laurels and taste the fruits of his power and glory, but it was not there. Young and energetic Peter burned with a desire to smash Russia, and at the same time and political map Europe. Without any respite in 1700, the Northern War began.

    Already at the end of 1700, Mazepa received an order to send 18 thousand troops under the Pskov to protect against the Swedes. In May 170, Mazepa headed with the troops to Liflandia.

    Indeed, surrounded by Peter Mazepu, His opinion was very valued. He trusted a responsible task of negotiations with Moldova, the Jerusalem Patriarch, Crimea and even Poles. The most close business and friendly relations have been formed from him with F.A. Head, who wrote: "Against the Hetman letters, I will answer him and for the fortress of EEO thanks from myself" .

    But the Northern War turns around for Cossack troops by another side: these are not familiar fights with the Tatars. To overcome the best regular army of Europe is not under power. This author divides O. Substore's opinion. From here - both Musters and the transfer of Cossacks under the command of foreign officers, and as a result - the growth of discontent among the Cossacks. And the Northern War, unlike the Azov campaigns, did not bring any military prey and glory.

    The Ropot of Cossacks begins again. They attack the new plants for the production of Selitra, in 1701 robbing Greek merchants, Turkey's subjects, which almost led to a collision with Silistarian Pasha. In 1703, the Zaporozhette began "rutters". Mazepa offered Moscow to try to solve them "affectionate": "And I would not be right, then a few ten bombs throw." In 1708, part of the Zaporozhtsev took part in the uprising of Bulavin.

    No less difficult was the relationship of Mazepa with another "folk hero" - Seed Palia. The main merit of the Palia was the restoration of the Cossacks on a ruined right bank, the creation of the "Paliavshchina" (1686), the territories managed through the Cossack laws, where the authorities of the Polish king were not recognized. At the beginning of Mazepa, patronized by the Right-Bank Colonel, repeatedly supported his appeal to Moscow asking to move on the left bank. However, Peter was afraid to ruin relations with the allied speech by the compulciety and constantly answered the refusal. During 1690-1694. Patals under the Mazepa team participated in joints with the Left Bank the Cossacks of the camps on the Crimea. Because of the Turkish Tatar threat in Poland, they first looked at the path through the fingers, but in 1699, the Collitsky world concluded with Turkey, and the Seimas decided to dissolve the Cossacks as unnecessary. Pasia raised the rebellion on the right bank and took the White Church.

    By this time, the relationship between Mazepé and Palia change dramatically. For many Cossacks, Palya becomes the ideal fighter for their liberty and an alternative to the role of Hetman. Cossacks discovered openly: "If the wipes are hetman, he will be able to manage with all the initial elder ... and it will be with it, as it was with Khmelnitsky" . Mazepa could not not fear the growth in the popularity of the Palia on the left bank. In addition, there began a mass escape of dissatisfied with the right bank, as once in Slobodskaya Ukraine. This weakened the position of the hetmans, and in particular the Mazepa himself, which conducted a rigid policy towards the peasantry, for example, in 1701, for the first time in the history of Ukraine, he introduced a two-day Pincenne. Hetman and foreman have long turned into the richest landowners with the right of hereditary ownership. The Mazepa himself had estates, partly purchased, partly donated by Peter, not only in Ukraine, but also in the Rylsky district, the largest region, etc. Not by chance, Mazep said: "Not as terrible Cossacks, like the fact that almost all Ukraine is breathing with the same Zaporozhye spirit." In his statements slipped unacted irritation; So, he told the sublict of I. Nikiforov: "The people of Little Russian (especially Caporozhets ... as a cane in the field, flexible by the wind, are inclined both in the other way) free, and stupid, and non-permanent" .

    Peter I, primarily because of relations with Poland, took a tight position to the Fall. Mazepé was sent strict orders "Put strong and frequent guard from the Dnieper",so that no one goes on the right bank. Poles demanded to stop supporting the Right-Bank Cossacks. Finally, in February 1704, Peter put the Palia Ultimatum so that he freed the White Church. After that, Mazepa's troops entered the right bank. He called for himself any suspect of the Palia and on July 31 arrested him. Palia was sent to Siberia.

    Completely unexpectedly, Mazepa received some power over the second part of the former Hetmannish region Khmelnitsky. The question should be asked: how did hetman himself belonged to the idea of \u200b\u200b"Cattry" of Ukraine? The opinion of "URA-Patriots" is understandable and definitely. V. Shevchuk does not consider Mazepa with a supporter of a single hetmanins and in proof of this leads to his relationship with the Palia. The author believes that everything was more difficult. It has already been noted that Mazepa and Pali - opposites primarily on their social orientation. But we must not forget that in all royal diplomas, starting from the times of the Board of Sophia and ending with the latest Petrovski (1708), Mazep was called hetman "Troops of Zaporizhzhya both sides of the Dnieper" . There is no testimony that Mazepa thought about a single hetmanschine until the moment when the will of fate, or rather Peter, he was on the right bank, but it was undoubted that since that time the thought of the reunion of Bogdan's braes was left.

    In January 1705, Mazepa had again at the king in Moscow. He was tremended by the next Milosts. In June, he was given a decree to perform from 30 thousand Cossacks to Lviv and further to Poland, to "noble contributions to thunder" of the estates of Potocks and others who are incorrect Augustus. The task was made by Mazepa brilliantly. At the beginning of August, his troops, following the path of Bogdan Khmelnitsky, reached Lviv, and in early October they took a dream. After that, Hetman settled on winter apartments in Dubno. He was instructed to collect fees for future hostilities in the right bank. It was the apogee of the glory of Mazepa.

    However, it was from this that all trouble began. In Dubno, a letter came from the obscured hetman D. Gorlenko about the oppression of the Cossacks by the Russians during their stay under Grodno. At the same time, the royal decree was replaced on sending Kiev and Chernihiv regiments to Prussia for their re-formation in regular dragoons. Given the structure of Hetmans, this, in fact, meant the beginning of the elimination of the Starshin administration. Mazepa was in rabies and stated: "What kind of good we now wait for our service?" It is at this time that Mazepa gets to Dubno with Princess Anna Dolskaya, a widow of K. Vishnevetsky, a supporter of S. Leschinsky, the famine of the Swedes. Hetman had with her "Bench and Night Conferences" . However, as we know, Mazepa loved to listen more than to talk.

    N. Andrusyak, who considered the negotiations of Mazepa with Swedes in the most detailed negotiations, rightly notes that all the statements about the alleged agreement with them since 1703 were not evidence from 1703. Even in September 1705, when S. Leshchinsky sent to the hetman of his messenger Wolish, he gave it to Moscow along with all the letters and suggestions of the king. He reported Peter and on Dolsk's proposals: "That's a stupid woman, he wants to deceive his royal majesty through me ... I have already spoken by the sovereign. His Majesty laughed at this" .

    In February 1706, Mazepa appears from Dubno to Lithuania. He wrote to the king: "It is still small in the gout of my sensitivity of me who fade and disease relief" . But in Lithuania, luck turned away from the Cossacks and their hetman. The Swedes attacked the Storaubsky Regiment standing in Nesvizh, destroyed several hundred Cossacks and killed Colonel Micklyshevsky. The next Swedes were besieged by Pereyaslavsky Colonel I. Moirovich in Lyakhovichi, as a result, he could not be released, he was captured, where he died. Only the remains of Cossacks went to Slutsk. It was a very heavy blow for Mazepa, who was opposed to pain and disappointment in Ukraine. In May 1706, Gaetman wrote Peter: "Rustly with Lithuania to homes on the landing of your royal majesty service, barely crowd from many works, hurry, sorrow and from the experience"At that time, he again rejected the offer of Dolsk to accept the guarantees of the Swedish king, demanded that it stops this correspondence and "Do not think that he, serve it true to three sovereigns, when old age will impose a stain of treason".

    In the summer, Peter expressed a desire to personally come to Kiev. It was the first royal visit to Ukraine, and Mazepa consider him as a great honor for himself. However, everything turned out otherwise. First of all, on the road to Kiev, the old associate and friend of the hetman Feldmarshal F.A. died Golovin. Then Peter, who has already been in Kiev, received anxious military to lead and gave a decree on the speech of A.D. Menshikov on Volyn against the Swedes, and Mazepene was ordered to promote this. The campaign did not take place, but Hetman took it as a blood insult: "That's what awards to me when older than a multi-year service!" Mazepow hurt the fact that he was given to a root joining.

    It was Menshikov that was destined to become the fatal figure for Mazepa. "Sixteruvous Lord" At this time, just approaching the top of his power and glory. From the devotee, he turned into a fearless commander, the nearest colleague and a friend of Peter I. His uncounting courage and endless devotion to the king had only one dark side: a pathological passion for profit. Coming out of the lowests due to their smelter and talents, he was extremely unsaturated for money and titles. Nothing in common, despite the externally friendly relationship, they could not have Mazepa.

    In July 1706, during his stay in Kiev, Menshikov arranged a dinner dinner, which, in addition to the king, there was also a Mazepa with a senior. At this dinner, the jetty Menshikov said hetman on the need to transform hetmanins and on the elimination of the foreman. An irritated Mazepa handed these words of the royal favorite of her senior: "That's always me singing, and in Moscow, and at any place!". Especially acutely perceived by Colonels D. Apostle and D. Gorlenko. The latter exclaimed: "As we for the soul of Khmelnitsky always god Molim and the name of His Blax, that Ukraine from Iga Lyatsky freedomed, so by the way and we and our children in the eternal childbirth and your bones will curse, if we forcing your hetmanship in such an insection " .

    At about the same time, the princess Dolska handed over the words of the word b. Sheremetyeva and General Rena that Menshikov intends to become a hetman or prince Chernigov and "Mazim" Mazepé. As far as they were true, we probably never know, but, of course, poured oils into the fire, and Hetman exclaimed in the hearts: "Lord! Free me from their inquiry!"

    Mazepa was annoyed and depressed. Another reason for growing discontent against Russians was the construction of fortress structures in Kiev. The conditions were extremely difficult, managed the works of Russian officers who beat the Cossacks, cut off their ears and worked out all sorts of oppression. There was a terrible ropot, including among the senior. In addition, the king decided that Kiev fortification "He has the bearer's situation", And ordered to make a new one in the Pechersk monastery. The elders demanded from the hetman to speak with the king, but Mazepa did not solve. Only at the end of September, he finally wrote Peter that "Viyachi I am in Kiev Your Tsarist Majesty ... many ... things difficult and burdened, did not bother about the troops of My Rimat ... Your about the decree of aspiration."And further, without complaints and comments reported that his troops "I remember the fortification inundated, the boiled stocks were lost, and the horse all the front member of the casual Megachi is crumbling and illuminated, will not be on the greedy, V.TS.V. service under this hour." .

    But Peter did not pay attention to difficulties, and the growth of discontent against Mazepa did not worry him. He constantly expressed the fact that "Malorossky's army is not regular and cannot stand in the field against the enemy" demanded that the Cossack troops are better armed, ordered Mazepa to buy horses - until the money comes from Moscow, etc. In June 1707, Peter sent a diploma to Ukraine, in which he expressed regret for the grave service of Malorossyan and disasters accompanying transitions through Ukraine Russian troops, but stated that "So now with our enemy. King of Swedish, the military case, it is not possible to extremely, and that for the sake of you ... then demolish", but "At the end of the Say of War, those suffered difficulties and losses ... will be awarded" .

    In March 1707, Peter called Mazepu to the Military Council in Zholkva - as "I need" . The Council took place on April 20, in the Great Friday. Orlik wrote that at the end of the Council of Mazepa, did not go for lunch to the king, he returned to himself upset and did not eat any day. He just said to the foreman: "If I used God so truly and worse, I would get more mzompheom, and here, at least I changered in the angel - and then I could not care and loyalty to thanksgiving!" All historians, following N.M. Kostomarov, lost in guess, what happened there. They believed that only about the plan for creating "companies", i.e. The selection of the fifth of the Cossacks to compile new troops and the remaining of the rest of the houses. In fact, it was also about larger transformations.

    The author managed to find documents that shed light on this mystery, of course, became one of the last reasons that pushed Mazepa to the Swedes. At the end of March, decrees of the transfer from the Malorosiysk order in the discharge were given to the Malorossiysky and Embassy orders. "Cities of Kiev and other Malorosiysk cities." Finally, this decree was postponed, however "Fill at arrival in Zholkva Hetman and Cavallar Ivan Stepanovich Mazepa" . Thus, Peter finally decided on the inclusion of a significant part of the hetmans in Russia on general conditions and was going to declare this Mazepa in Zholkwe that he was clearly there. From here - and the reaction of the hetman, which thus deprived of any real power, and Hetmanschi - residual autonomy. By the way, in the letter Mazepa I.I. Scopadian written two days after his transition to the Swedes, also noted that "The Moscow potency ... Without the greedy about that with us consent, Malorosiyskiy in their own selected" .

    Personal resentments were added to the principal disputes. Immediately after the Council in Zholkva, Menshikov sent orders to the Kompanovsky Colonel (commander of the shelf of the Hetman Guard) Galagin to make him campaign. Mazepa cried in rage: "Prince Alexander Danilovich seems to be talking to me every day, always talking to me and did not tell me about the same word, and without my knowledge and consent sends orders to the people of my regiment! ... and how Tansky can go without my will with my regiment. I cry? Yes, if he went, I would told him like a dog, shoot! "

    As for the declaration of companies, that is, on the transformation of the Cossack troops, then N.M. Kostomarov believed that he did not take place. In fact, on August 10, the king wrote Mazepa to "About the cats, in all Malorosiysk regiments of course the present in the winter and in winter the definition was also prepared and urgently were ready for future campaign." The unsuccessful campaign of the nephew Mazepuy Vorovarovsky (he fled more than 500 Cossacks) only festered Peter in this decision: "For from the currently sent non-Vepaniya anything good, is it Huda, in short, you don't have a certain salaries, it is even going to go home to the robbery." Mazepa in a letter to Peter promised that "On the dispensation in all the banks of my regiments of the company with all thorough diploma will be asked." However, on the same day in the Message to G. Hello he noted that colonels about decree on companies "Not denied, the current difficulty in that seems."So on the entire autumn the shelves will be on the construction of the Pechersk Fortress, and "In the frost and in the snow" - "the arbitrarian army will be suitable, and HTO is indulged to the company's service",it is difficult, therefore "Lutche B was when it would be the spring affected by the arrangement" .

    Smart politician and talented commander, Mazepa could not disappoint that the Cossack shelves have learned their own. I needed a military reform. With this, he could agree, but everything indicated that Peter I was not limited to the military reform. Even accepting the difficult conditions of Kalamak articles, Mazepa hoped that his loyalty and personal relationships with the strong world of this would allow to compromise, as at the time of the Great Bogdan, when many points of the Pereyaslav treaty were not fulfilled on the silent agreement of the parties. And it seemed, everything happened. Peter not only did not prohibit Mazepa to have contacts with foreign sovereigns, but often asked for his help in diplomatic relations. The same was with "Randa" (taxes), canceled Kalamak articles, - Hetman again introduced them without any resistance from the Russian authorities. He hoped for the silence of a terrible point about the transformation of heterishins from "Hetman Renim" (management) into a single Russian state.

    But by the middle of 1707 it became clear that all hopes were collapsed. In September 1707, Mazepa at the petition of Peter I received the title of Prince of the Sacred Roman Empire. Unlike Menshikov, he was completely not delighted such honor: "They want to satisfy me by the principality of the Roman powers, and Hetmanity pick up" .

    Some time, Mazepa hoped for the incarnation of his title of hetman "both shores", Especially after Peter himself brought Hetman on the right bank and literally forced him to dispose there. The question of the right bank is another of the reasons who pushed Mazepa to the Swedes.

    As noted, in the fall of 1705, under the pretext of the arrest of Palia Mazepa entered the right bank and received a decree there to be quartered. However, in December, the Russian side adopted the memorial imposed by Poles in the Grodno: "The sovereign agrees to give these fortresses, although to the extreme municipality loss" . For some time, this decision remained secret, but on February 18, 1707, a decision was made again at the negotiations in Zholkwe, "about the return of Ukraine, from the Palia selected". At the same time, it was decided to send a decree to Mazepa about this, which, however, was attended by negotiations. True, in a letter to Mazepa, Peter explained that it was not really going to give to the Poles of the right bank, as he plans in the future war with Turkey and does not want to have hostile rears, and Peter ordered Mazepene to pull the time.

    Poles in the conditions of the offensive of the Swedish troops began to put pressure on Peter again, and in January 1708 he finally gave a decree Mazepa to return the right bank. Even then, Mazep tried to fight. From negotiations with S. Leshchinsky, he knew that the Poles were ready to retreat from the right bank, it means that the supporters of Augustus, for whom Peter was the last chance, would have to give way if the Russian side followed the firm position on the Ukrainian question. Mazepa wrote in April 1708. New Chancellor G.I. Ginger "That the Poles will stand in the Belotserkovsky district of the Poles, it is never impossible, so that between the Cossacks the shelf of Belotserkovsky, Korsunsky, Umansky, Boguslavsky, Chigirinsky, Cherki and Kanevsky and between the Poles is not a teacher, a civilian fight, and a truly de New will grow war and bloody ".However, in May Peter promised Poles that the return of Ukraine would be committed immediately after the king's return, and ordered "Write now to the hetman Mazepa, which he enlisted that it could not happen to what kind of danger and in the Malorosian people of confusion, it would be a white Belotserkovsky county ... Pole ... gave for their satisfaction" .

    It is clear that Russian diplomacy was not based on the interests of Ukrainian hetman, the foreman, the "fraternal" people or the Orthodox faith. At the head of the corner stood a military situation and political plans. Mazepa understood, as well as the fact that Peter's Games do not guarantee him right bank. In fact, Russia gave him to the Poles back in 1705, and it is possible that such a particularly important role was a particularly important Menshikov Mazepa. It was he who was at the negotiations in Grodno, and it was him that the most Polish magnates in 1706 comprehended the Shantehetsky pedigree that confirmed his princely title. It is likely that the hike price was received by agreement on the return of the right bank.

    A. D. Menshikov

    G.P. Georgievsky, who studied Mazepa's correspondence with Menshikov, noted that at the beginning of 1708, the tone of the hetman changed dramatically. If he first applied to "My Sovereign and a kind brother", now now "The bright and outdoor Roman and Russian state of the English prince Lord's kind of brother and especially welfare" . Georgievsky explained this to the duplex Mazepa, its treason plans. It seems to us that such a tone is a mockery and testifies to the secret hatred and contempt of the hetman to the junction of Menshikov's plebey.

    On the same fatal for the history of Russia and Ukraine, the Military Council in Zholkwe Mazepa asked the king to protect Ukraine from the Swedes to send at least 10 thousand regular troops, to which Peter replied: "Not only ten thousand and ten people can not give: defend themselves, as you can" . It became the last drop that was overwhelmed by the Mazepa's patience bowl, because in fact was a violation of the articles of Kalamakskaya Rada, who biddered Russia to protect Ukraine. Most Cossack troops were scattered at the fronts of the Northern War. A. Substorye believes that for Mazepa, it was a blow and that Hetman saw in this betrayal of vassal relations, who bidded to the sovereign to defend his Vassal. Note, faithful Vassal.

    Orlik writes that after Zholkva, the foreman rushed to the Pechersk library and began to study the old Gadyachi Treaty of I. Vygovsky with Poles. Mazepa did not participate in this: at that time his elderly mother was dying, which he was idle, a strong and clever woman, a superior of several monasteries. In September, A. Dolskaya in a letter to Mazepa proposed on behalf of S. Leshchinsky to retreat from the Russian king, promising the help of the Swedish and Polish troops. For the first time, Hetman not only showed the Eagle this document, but also opened his plans and doubts, taking an oath of fidelity from him. True, he answered Dolsk yet negatively, did not sign the contract, did not send him to the king, but also the king too. Then he uttered the words, as it seems to be fundamental: "Durak is I, in order to first retreat, until I see extreme need, until I see that royal majesty will not protect not only Ukraine, but also the whole state from Swedish potency? .. Without extreme, I don't need The change of my loyalty to the royal majesty. "

    When you consider this series of events 1706-1707, then you ask the question, not why Mazepa "changed", i.e., calling things with their names, ripped the contract with Russia and concluded a new one with Poland, and why he did not do it before until October 1708? If not clearly, at least secretly. On the contrary, Mazepa pulls to the last, did not finally signed anything and did not solve anything. Why? After all, the Russian side fully violated the conditions of Kalamak articles, went to the elimination of hetmans and the hetman administration. Apparently, the answer is simple: Mazepa did not believe in the possibility of a union with the dying speech by a compulculation, which still remained arrogant and disposable, and even less believed in the Union with the "heretics - the Swedes", so distant from the realities of Eastern Europe. He knew too well the mood of his own elderly - there was the most common, the prosperous life of the senior in the prosperous left bank, which he created her for 20 years of his reign. He knew how he hated his own Cossacks and Cossacks - for "too" the greatest loyalty to the king, the uncompromising fulfillment of all the requirements of Peter on the parcel of troops into infinite trips, rigid discipline, etc. And the sober mind of Mazepa did not let him down - further events They showed that he was right, stubbornly not wanting to break with the Russian king.

    In September 1707, V. Kochubey made his famous denunciation on Mazepu. The reason was the story with the beauty of the Matrona, in which the Kochuby himself confessed to torture. The general clerk arrested to deal with his competitor, and there was no speech about any political ideals. At the end of 1707, Jesileit Zalensky with a wagon (royal diploma) from Leschinsky arrived at Hetman. Kochubey repeated about it. Mazepa, frightened by denunciations, suspended all contacts with Leschinsky, sicking itself for negligence. He persistently demanded from the Russian government issuing a kochubey and sparks. Peter again did not believe the cameras. Kochubey and Spark out, and the Mazepais of them executed, after which on September 3, 1708, for a month and a half before Mazepa's transition to the Swedam, Hetman was sent to the royal diploma that "None slanderous ... faith is not given" .

    In the face of the Swedish offensive and military failures of the Russians, the situation in Ukraine was extremely severe. There were dissatisfaction among the Zaporozhetsev, many of them took part in the uprising K. Bulavin. Mazepa, obeying the royal decree, sent a 10,000th case to Poland, thereby talking his own borders. He rightly wrote that "The Malorossiysk people have some concern that the noble part of the Malorossky troops is taken from Ukraine ... and the boron of Ukraine will be no one."True, Peter promised to send Sheremetyev "To try on the defense of Ukraine with a hurry" and assured that the people of Malorossiysk "In all kinds of acceleration offensive will not leave" . This is Mazepa on October 6 in a letter to G. Golovin objected that "On the infantry of the Great-Russian ... Small hope ... all bare and naked." He reported that the Swedes entered the territory of the Staroduban Regiment, and with it "A small number of troops, which is not enough to eat such a great potency of the enemy resistation of the chini."However, he saw the greatest difficulty in the dismissal disintegration caused by the onset of enemy troops and rumors about the defeat of Russians.

    Under these conditions, Mazep decided that there was nothing more to wait. At first, he affected the dying and dreamed of a meeting with Menshikov, and on October 25 she crossed over the gum and connected with Karl XII. Peter learned about it from Menshikov and was struck by what happened. "Your letter about the inadvertent never evil treason with the Hetman we got with great surprise" . This testifies only to the fact that Peter absolutely did not know the hetman, did not understand his true aspirations and aspirations.

    Orlik two years later explained the arrogant of the hetman:

    "The Moscow Government ... Passed us evil for good, instead of affection and justice for our faithful service and losses, for military spending, who led to the full ruins of ours, for countless heroic cases and bloody military feats - conceived the Cossacks to remake in regular army, city Take our power, rights and freedoms to cancel. The army of Zaporizhia on the bottom of the Dnieper eradicate and the name itself is erased forever " .
    Further events are well known. They developed the worst scenario, which foresaw Mazepa. Most of the Cossacks fled from him, most of the senior did not go with him. Menshikov managed to take the Baturin, which he burned, climbing all the inhabitants, including women and children, and immediately by beating the desire to follow Mazepa. As wrote M.S. Grushevsky, the collapse was inevitable, primarily due to the terrible section, which existed between the elderly autonomists and the folk masses. Mazepa and his supporters did not take any steps to bring any populist methods to attract simple Cossacks, exhausted by permanent wars, or peasants who walked under the severity of taxes and panns. And Peter, on the contrary, the next day canceled the ranks, as stated in the royal universal imposed by Mazepa "For the sake of enriching their". Mazepa, whom many historians accuse almost in the original plans of the treason, was so unprepared to this step, which did not even publish the official wagon, explaining and justifying his act, like the "Manifesta European Power", which was published by I. Vygovsky after the Gadyachny Treaty.

    According to O. Substory, the contract with Karl XII in Mazepa never existed, at least until 1709, when postfactum was concluded a purely formal contract. There was not even the contract Mazepa with Leschinsky - only links to "Villas" This king, who promised Ukraine equal to the status with the Grand Durability Lithuanian, i.e. In the image of a repeatedly mentioned Gadyachny Avgovsky Agreement. No historian failed to find the original contracts - in the Swedish, nor in French, where the documents of the Eagle, archives, or even copies in Russian documents. This can be regarded, on the one hand, like the fact that the Mazepa was extremely careful and all his contacts were carefully prescribed, and on the other hand, the transition to the Swedes was not for him a predetermined and solved business. Otherwise, he would not risk everyone, rushing to this Omut without any written agreement of the parties.

    Confirmation of this, another episode is served by another episode, very disliked as "crazy patriots" and Mazepa's loans. We are talking about the Hetman plan to issue Peter Charles XII. The Mirgorod Colonel D. Apostle reported on him, one of the closest Mazepa people. At the end of November, he arrived at the ross of Russian troops to the Sorozhintsy, from where he was sent to the king and Menshikov. There he stayed almost a month. As the apostle hetman himself wrote "According to the command of your clarity, this dangerous path I am perceived ... Although I first did not sleep, and I kept the guard" . He left from Mazepa not before mid-November, i.e. Obviously after burning Baturin. The very fact of sending to the king of the apostle testifies to the seriousness of the intentions of the hetman: because he sent one of the people closest to him. Recall that during the case of Kochubey, the Russian government strongly sought from Mazepa's issuance of the apostle, but he defended him in every way and burned out.

    Peter listened to the apostle "He himself is secretly secret; and although he learned to accept the bearer desirable and fun, however, it was about Tom sumpaced, whether I would like to tell you from your creation." However, when Shishkevich arrived with his personal letters after the apostle from Mazepa, the barrier of his beloved nephew of Vorovarovsky, and the fucking of the company's Colonel Galagan - Again, all people from the nearest environment - "From the side of the Tsarist Majesty, it is believed to my suggestion and your clarity of the intention." Some points were signed and security guarantors were agreed. G.I. Golovkin wrote on December 22, a letter Mazepé, in which confirmed that the king, "Seeing your good intention and appeal, accepted that graciously and commanded me to write with the strongest encouraging that if you were ... the intention of your fulfillment would be bother, then it's not tokmo that your mercy in the former Single and your mercy take it, but I will get it to you and multiply. And hereinafter - "Not dare more and peru believes"- She walked a secret cipher, which before the transition to the Swedes was used in the correspondence of Mazepa with the Tsarist Government: "It will take your grace to try, in order to the well-known main person, at the proposal to its" .

    There is no consequences of this amazing agreement. The environment of Peter convinced him not to believe hetman. Menshikov he was an unnecessary rival. Mazepa or could not fulfill its plan, or he was frightened by the imminent massacre from Peter. It is possible that the month of distrust and dedication became in vain with a missed time.

    N.M. Kostomarov did not believed that the proposal of Mazepa "It could not be sincere" . O. Subnoye fairly writes that "How serious was the proposal of Mazepa, we may never know" . It seems to us that it fully fits into the picture of events. Most likely, Hetman has already been convinced of his mistake and made a desperate attempt to correct the situation.

    In fact, for Russia, the transition of Mazepa to the side of the Swedes did not have negative consequences. And, for example, there is no comparison with the Choonful catastrophe of 1660 - death as a result of the battle with the Poles of the entire Russian army, the captivity of all officers and the loss of the right bank. Meanwhile, Yuri Khmelnitsky for a very long time nobody cursed, even the traitor was not solved to call, on the contrary, Alexey Mikhailovich hoped for his "appeal." Mazepow was accused of all mortal sins, betrayed the civil execution and church anathema. M.S. Herushevsky fairly wrote: "The political step of Mazepa was will deal, as an act is unprecedented and extraordinary. But in reality, there was nothing extraordinary, nothing new in this Act of Mazepa and his like-minded. . True, and M.S. Grushevsky, and N.M. Kostomarov accused Mazepus that this step was a reason for the elimination of Ukrainian autonomy. Let yourself disagree here. The elimination of autonomy was continuously from the moment of Pereyaslav's contract of 1659. The most actively prepared in 1706-1707, which was one of the reasons for the act of Mazepa. Another thing is that the government of Peter I took advantage to pretext to cover their actions and break the contractual relationship with hetman.

    As for Mazepa, he lost everything in one moment. 20 years, juggling over the precipice between enemies, envious, rioters and basements, he kept in his hands the Hetman Belav. On his account dozens of military campaigns and victories. He was the owner of titles and irrelevant wealth. Cossacks did not go. Most of the elders also preferred home comfort and stability with the introductory ideas of autonomy and freedom. The clergy, to which he donated huge money, built dozens of churches and monasteries, originated by Anathema. His ambulance in Romania has become only a symbol of the resulting collapse.

    Such was the sad end of this outstanding figure. It's time for a long time to abandon political anathem and curses in his address and try to learn a lesson from the tragedies of our ancestors.

    It is necessary to gain courage and recognize that the interests and objectives of the young Russian Empire and weakened hetmans - created according to the similarity of the questioned by the Commonwealth, which in 1648 compared to Moscow was the "European" power, and at the beginning of the XVIII century. turned into anachronism, - were very different. In some way, Ukraine has become the hostage of geopolitical plans of Russia. Peter sought to create a new state capable of competing with European powers in a military and economic plan. This policy was possible only with the most severe centralization. The military and economic situation allowed to carry out the association of Ukraine and to snatch the ruins of the right bank from the terrible abyss. However, these plans were sacrificed to the diplomatic game. In the face of the Swedish offensive and the left bank should have turned into a burning buffer of hostilities. It is these two factors, along with personal insults, and forced Mazepa to try to union with Karl XII.

    Another factor was the plan for the elimination of hetmans and the inclusion of it into the general structure of the Russian Empire. Abstraining from politicized slogans, like a "hetman-patriot", except for rallies, nevertheless, we note that Mazepé was far from being indifferent to this plan, and not only because he did not want to change the real power of Hetman Bulava on the empty title of Prince . He was really expensive what was a particle and its 20 years of work, otherwise he would have calmly so much on the laurels of his vast wealth. The truth was that many elders quietly perceived the prospect of transformation into peaceful Russian nobility-landowners who they later became. It is these people from the elder and did not support Mazep. But there were those who, whom Hetmannish, Child, was a road, for example, D. Apostle, D. Gorlenko, who were genuinely ready to fight for the "Elder Validity".

    We are talking about the "top", the elite of hetmans. As for the people, he was waiting for the prospect of consolidating and subordinate to the rigid policy of Russian authorities. But the people never, even at B. Khmelnitsky, did not understand and did not share the ideas of senior autonomists.

    The most terrible tragedy of Hetmans has been the fact that she had no alternative. All attempts of contracts with Poland and Crimea ended in failure. Sweden was too far. Therefore, all the political leaders of Hetmans, even including Mazepa, sooner or later they were forced to return to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Union with Russia, every time hoping for the "good conditions" and "mercy" of the king.


    1. Scorepadian P. Right. KIEV - Philadelphia, 1995, p. 387-388.

    2. Solovyov S.M. History of Russia from ancient times, kN. VIII-IX. M., 1991; Kostomarov N. Mazepa. Kiev, 1995, p. 409-436.

    3. Reloblin A. Petra Ivanhenka (Petrika) Treaty is 1692 ROCK. - Juving 3brinik on the fierce of ak. D. Bagaliya. KIIV, 1927, p. 720-744; Andrusian N.. 3B "Out of Mazep from StaniSlav Leschinsky I Karl XII. -Bestings of a science comrade IM. T. Shevchenka, t. Clii. Lviv, 1933, p. 32-61.

    4. Stern O. Maspinzi. Ukrainian separatism on the pile of XVIII Art. KIIV, 1994; Smolshch V. 1wan Mazepa. Volodari Getmanscoi Bulavi. - 3brnik of science pratsy. KIIV, 1995, p. 385-401.

    5. Letter Jean Balus about Mazepu. - Ivan Mazepa. KIIV, 1992, p. 76.

    6. There, with. 77.

    7. Efimenko A. The history of the Ukrainian people. Kiev, 1906, p. 263.

    8. Listes of Ivana Mazepi to Motron Kochube. - 1wan Mazepa, p. 112-115.

    9. We are talking about 10 thousand, which supposedly Mazepa gave V.V. Golitsin from Samoilovich property.

    10. Velichko S. The chronicle of the events about the Southwestern Russia of the XVII century., Vol. III. Kiev, 1855, p. 29-53.

    11. In the same place, with. 49.

    12. Drake Yu.V. Executions, the imagery of expressions and humor of Peter the Great. St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 8-9.

    13. Letter Jean Baluez about Mazepu, p. 76-77.

    14. Evarnatsky D. Sources for the history of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Vladimir, 1906, Part 1, No. LVI, p. 297-302. Answer Mazepa Zaporizhia Cossacks on their complaints.

    15. For details about Crimean campaigns, see: Zaruba V.N. Ukrainian Cossack army in the fight against Turkish-Tatar aggression. Kharkov, 1993.

    16. Acts of Western Russia, T. V. SPb., 1853, No. 205, p. 233-236; № 209, p. 238-239.

    17. Banti Kamensky D. The historic meeting of the cavalier lists of the four Russian imperial orders. M., 1814, p. 59-60.

    18. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Sources of Malorossiysk history. - Reading in the imperial society of the history and antiquities of the Russian, 1858, KN. 1, vol. 2, p. 1-4, 23-24.

    19. Reloblin A. Contracture of Peter Ivanienka (Petrika) with a crum of 1692 rock, p. 724. Petrik himself wrote that "Hearing mine I will not be accustomed to my znavagu, Shaho called him from the screen." - Evarinatsky D.Decree. cit., t. 1, p. 324.

    20. Grushevsky M. Illustrated history of the Ukrainian people. St. Petersburg., 1913, p. 240; Borers I.Mazepa. Orlik. Vocharovsky. Lviv, 1991, p. 22; Shevchuk V. Kozatka Power, Etyudi to ICTPI "I Ukrainian Power Resolved. - KIIV, 1995, p. 158-161; Reloblin A. Contracture of Peter Ivanienka (Petrika) with a crum of 1692 rock, p. 724.

    21. Reloblin O. Getman Ivan Mazepa I Moscow, Ivan Mazepa I Moscow. - KSHV, 1994, p. 32.

    22. Pavlenko S. MIF about Mazepu. Gravist, 1998.

    23. Evarinatsky D. Decree. cit., t. 1, p. 413; No. LXXVIII, p. 394; No. LXIX, p. 324, p. 435.

    24. Bantysh-Kamensky D.Sources, vol. 2, p. 131.

    25. Evarinatsky D. Decree. Op., Vol. 1, No. LXXVIII, p. 390; No. LXXVII, p. 365, p. 367-368.

    26. Grusher N. M.S. Vigovsky I Mazepa. - LiTureno-science guy, vol. 46. KIIV - Lviv, 1909, p. 423.

    27. Evarinatsky D. Decree. cit., t. 1, p. 410-411; Zaruba V.N. Ukrainian Cossack army, p. 115.

    28. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. 1. SPB., 1887, № 296, p. 341; № 346, № 375.

    29. For example, G.F. Dolgoruky wrote F.A. Golovin: "Learn to secretly write to the hetman Mazepa, so that he secretly had the Korsendencing or through the faithful sent his interpreted with the Voivod to Kiev Pototsky." - Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, t. 2. SPB., 1889, p. 420.

    30. In the same place, with. 589.

    31. Stern O. Decree. cit., s. 23.

    32. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. 3. SPB., 1893, p. 364-365: T. 2, № 546, p. 213; T. VII, Vol. 2. L., 1946, p. 697-698, etc.

    33. The people said that Mazep Harp "I executed the envy, for the fact that the Palia was nodded by Kozatsky Father." - Foundation, 1861, November-December, p. 31.

    34. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Sources, part 2, p. 44.

    35. Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, t. 2, p. 437.

    36. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Sources, part 2, p. 41.

    37. Evarinatsky D. Decree. cit., t. 1, p. 79; Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. VIII, no 1. Mr. 1948, No. 2603, p. IV17, etc.

    38. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. 3, No. 839, p. 356.

    40. Letter of Orlica Yavorsky. - base, summer 1862, p. 2.

    41. Ibid, p. 3.

    42. Andrussian; N. Decree. cit., s. 37-38.

    43. Bantysh-Kamensky D.Sources, part 2, p. 48-50.

    44. Letter of Orlica Yavorsky, p. 3.

    45. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. IV. St. Petersburg, 1900, part 2, p. 575.

    46. \u200b\u200bThere, with. 860.

    47. Letter of Orlica Yavorsky, p. 5-6.

    48. In the same place, with. 7-10.

    49. Magazine or submitted note by Emperor Peter Great. St. Petersburg., 1770, p. 137.

    50. Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, t. IV. St. Petersburg, 1900, p. 1022.

    51. ibid, t. V, No. 1532, p. 41-42; № 1548, p. 57; № 1655, p. 168.

    52. Bantysh-Kamensky D.Sources, part 2, p. 56-57.

    53. ibid, No. 1613, p. 118.

    54. ibid, t. V, p. 581-582.

    55. Ibid, part 2, p. 173.

    56. Letter of Orlica Yavorsky, p. eight.

    57. Kostomarov N. Decree. cit., s. 583.

    58. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. Vi. St. Petersburg, 1912, № 1901, p. 44, 287, 288, 289.

    59. Letter of Orlica Yavorsky, with. 162.

    60. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Biographies of Russian Generalissimulus and General Fieldmarshalov, part 1. M., 1991, p. 23.

    61. Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, T. V. SPb., 1907, p. 477, 496.

    62. Mother of the Stockholmsky APXIVY to ICTPII Ukrainian to. XVII - Call. XVIII centuries. - Ukrainian archaeograph feathers Zbiannik, t. III. KIIV, 1930, p. 28-29.

    63. Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, T. VI, No. 2067, p. 158.

    64. Materiali from Stockholm APXIVY, p. 36

    65. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. VII, vol. 2. L., 1946, p. 709, 772, 715.

    66. Georgievsky G.P.Mazepa and Menshikov. - Historical Journal, 1940, No. 12, p. 74-75.

    67. Letter of Orlica Yavorsky, p. 16-17.

    68. Stern O. Decree., P. 31.

    69. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Sources, part 2, p. 6, etc.

    70. Eagle Yavorsky, with. 17-20.

    71. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Sources, part 2, p. 88.

    72. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, t. VII, vol. 2, p. 373, 780, etc.

    73. In the same place, t. VIII, Issue. 1, No. 2603, p. IV17.

    74. There, t. VII, Issue. 2, p. 697-698; T. VIII, Vol. 1, № 2500, p. 43; № 2654, p. 153-154.

    75. Bantysh-Kamensky D.Sources, part 2, p. 164, 165.

    76. Letters and paper of the emperor Petra Great, T. VIII, part 1, No. 2442, p. 227.

    77. ibid, № 2759, p. 237.

    78. Correspondence and other papers of the Swedish king Charles XII. - Reading the Moscow Society of the History and Antiquities of the Russian, 1847, No. 1, p. 2-3.

    79. Grushevsky M. Vigovsky I Mazepa, with. 426.

    80. Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, t. VIII, part 2, p. 875.

    81. Stern O. Decree. cit., s. 30-31.

    82. Bantysh-Kamensky D. Sources, part 2, p. 214.

    83. Letter G. Volkovnikova A. Menshikov. - Georgievsky G.P. Decree. cit., s. 82.

    84. Bantysh-Kamensky D.Sources, part 2, p. 213.

    85. Letters and paper of the emperor Peter Great, t. VII, c. 2, p. 715-716; 772-774; 782-783, etc.

    86. Bantysh-Kamensky D.Sources, part 2, p. 212-213.

    87. Kostomarov N. Decree. cit., s. 673.

    88. Stern O. Decree. cit., s. 44.

    89. Grushevsky M. Illustrated history of the Ukrainian people, with. 253.

    Ivan Mazepa is one of the most famous hetmans of Cossack Ukraine. In history, left a trace as a politician who fought for the independence of his state. In 2009, the Order of Mazepa was established in Ukraine, he was awarded for merits in national diplomatic activities, charity and state construction.

    Pedigree Ivan Mazepa

    Mazepa Ivan Stepanovich was born on March 20, 1640, some sources claim that a few years later in the farm Kamenets, later renamed Mazepins, near the White Church. The child was a sprayer of Ukrainian gentry. Ivan's mother Maria Magdalene was a respected formed by a woman with his own life she was the Son's Son. The last 13 years of life was the magnitude of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery.

    Ivan's father Stepan Adam Mazepa held a post surrounded by Hetman Navigovsky.


    From the children's years, Ivan Mazepa received an excellent education. In the estate of his father, he studied the riding and sabers, studied various sciences. Then he became a student of the Kiev-Mogilyan College. The capable student is enjoyed by the works of Roman and Greek philosophers, supports European literature, owns several foreign languages.

    At the end of study, the father sends Ivan to PJSC to the Polish king. Under the court, Ivan Mazepa manifests himself an educated, Hidden Shkhatty. It is sent to receive further education in universities over the years of study, he managed to visit Italy, France Germany and Holland.

    The future Ukrainian hetman fascinated people at first glance. Not only the strength of his thoughts, but also flattering speeches and external qualities were his trumps at the time of the career ladder.

    Situation in Ukraine

    Ivan Mazepa, whose biography and today full of inaccuracies, passed a long way to the top of his political career. At the end of the XVII century, Cossack Ukraine experienced no better than its times. Lands The rule is three hetmans that focused on different foreign policy forces.

    Peter Doroshenko was a prison of Turkish Sultan, who had his political interests in this territory.

    Hetman Samoilovich occupied a pro-Russian position.

    Ivan Mazepa, according to some sources, was excommunicated from the courtyard for a quarrel with colleagues, in others - for contact with a married panel. But, be that as it may, in 1664, Jan Casimir sent an army on Mazepa left the Corps and went to his native village of his father.

    In 1665, after the death of his father, Ivan Mazepa took his position and became swaying by Chernigov.

    Dreaming about the political career, he marries a rich widow Anna Friedrickevich, who soon dies and leaves him a huge state and useful ties. Anna Semen Polovtsy's father, being generally molded, carries out protection to his son-in-law and arranges him for the service for Hetman Doroshenko. With the "Turkish" hetman, confident and cunning Mazepa becomes the rotmistrome of the surviving army and later by the writer.

    In 1674, Doroshenko sends Mazepu in and to Turkey. As a present, Sultan transfers the slave-and-bank Cossacks. In Crimea, Ivan Sirko breaks him, but does not kill him, but reports Samoilovich. Worked the gift of the conviction of people, some sources claim that the fiery speech Mazepa saved him.

    Ivan Mazepa, whose biography is full of steep turns of fate, began to look after the children of the left-bank hetman, and a little later, for the faithful service was appointed Esuul. Samoilovich often sent Mazepa to Russia, here they also gained the location of the Tsarist Favorite Prince Golitsyn.


    In July 1687, Mazepa, with the participation of his patrons, was elected Hetman Left Bank of Ukraine, and his predecessor of Samoilovich, together with a relatives and a retinue, was sent to Siberia.

    Some sources claim that Mazepa gave a bribe Golitsyn for the help, others refute this fact.

    Nevertheless, in 1689, when young Peter climbed into the Russian throne, there was close friendship between them. Experienced Hetman gave young Majesty tips relating to foreign policy relations with Poland.

    In the meantime, Ukraine was restless. In 1690, the uprising of Petrika began. Mazepa, relying on his own army and help Peter, severely suppressed him. Many contemporaries believed that Ivan Mazepa, whose history was very bloody, did not differ from the youngestness and devotion. Our contemporaries call these qualities to political ace.