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  • I will decide the post of geography Task 2

    I will decide the post of geography Task 2

    The twenty-eighth task of the EGE on geography involves working with cards and plans of the terrain. It needs to build a terrain profile for a straight line AV; The profile also needs to be denoted by a conditional sign of any object shown on the map.

    Instructions for building a profile

    In order to build a profile, you need to draw a profile line connecting points A and B, and attach to it the edge of the paper sheet on which you want to mark the horizontal through which the AV line passes. Horizontal marks must be signed (on the map it is indicated which interval they are carried out, the value of one horizontal is also given, so it is not difficult to sign them). This edge of the sheet must be attached to the horizontal line on the form where the profile is built. It is necessary to transfer the marks made to it in this way, having carried out perpendicular to the vertical line in similar values:

    After that, the resulting points need to connect the smooth curve of the line. This will be a relief profile. In this task, it is important to take into account the scale: if, for example, the scale of the card is 1 cm 100 m, and in our figure 1 cm should be 50 m, then we will celebrate the distance between two adjacent vertical verticals. Often ask to celebrate a spring on the profile; As a rule, it is located between two adjacent heights - in this case they need to be connected not to a straight line, but concave.

    Analysis of typical options of task №28 ege on geography

    The first version of the task

    Build a terrain profile over the line AV. Transfer the base to construct it to the answer form 2, applying a horizontal scale of 1 cm \u003d 50 m and a vertical scale of 1 cm \u003d 5 m. The sign "X" mark the position of the spring.

    The finished profile for this condition looks like this:

    Analysis of the task number 34 of the ege on geography

    Migration increase

    The last task of the ege on geography is similar to the previous one - it also needs to solve a small task. However, this time it is associated with the definition of not natural growth, but migration, so the calculations will be somewhat larger.

    Suppose that we need to know this amount for 2013.

    The algorithm is:

      we submit from the number of permanent population in 2014 this figure for 2013;

      from the resulting number, we subtract the natural population growth for 2013.

    What happened and is a migration population growth.

    Two actions and responses should be recorded on the replies for this task. If all this is done correctly - it is estimated at 2 points. If only one action is present, or an error is made when calculating the response and it is incorrect, but two actions are recorded and the first right - one point is put. In all other cases, the scores for 34 tasks are not accrued.

    For a successful implementation of 34 days, the exam is needed, again, well fill out its execution algorithm. Unlike the previous one, no ppm does not need to write here, so the risk to confuse something becomes less. The main thing is to look carefully for a year for which the indicator needs to be calculated.

    Analysis of typical options of task number 34 of the geography

    The first version of the task

    Relying on the data given in the table, calculate the magnitude of the population's migration growth for the Belgorod region in 2015. Record the solution.

    Number and natural population growth in the Belgorod region

    The answer looks like this:

      1 550 137 – 1 547 936 = 2201

      2201 – (-3717) = 5918

    Answer: 5918.

    Second version of the task

    Using the data of the table below, calculate the magnitude of the population's migration growth for the Republic of Buryatia in 2015. Write down the necessary calculations.

    Number and natural population population in the Republic of Buryatia

    Record the answer:

      982 284 – 978 495 = 3789

      3789 – 5795 = -2006

    Answer: -2006.

    Third version of the task

    Relying on the indicators shown in the table, calculate the magnitude of the population's migration growth in the Kostroma region in 2013. In response, also write down all the calculations.

    Number and natural population growth in the Kostroma region

    Write the answer:

      656 389 – 658 925 = -2536

      -2536 – (-2218) = -318

    Answer: -318.

    Population and its movement

    In the thirty-third task of the EGE on geography, it is necessary to solve a small problem associated with the population and its natural movement. Usually they are asked to determine the index of natural growth in ppm. It should be remembered that in this task it is always done according to the following algorithm: we divide the index of natural growth for the year on the average annual population and multiply by a thousand. The answer is usually rounded to the tenths.

    On the answer form, it is necessary to write not only the resulting figure, but also the entire course of the solution. This affects what score will be obtained for the task. If the solution is recorded and the correct answer is obtained, there are 2 points, and if there are no solution records - 1. It is very important not to confuse the nominal designation ‰ with a percentage% - if you allow such an error, even if you have a solution record and the right numerical answer is set only 1 score If only an error is allowed in rounding, 1 point for the task is still placed.

    This number of the ege is not at all difficult - it is enough to remember the formula and break out several training tasks. The main thing is not to confuse signs and carefully watch, what year is required to count.

    Analysis of typical options of task №33 EGE on geography

    The first version of the task

    Relying on the data presented in the table, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) for the Voronezh region in 2012. Record the solution and round the answer to the tenths.

    Number and natural population growth in the Voronezh region

    The answer should look like this:

      Solution: -11 081: 2 331 298 1000 \u003d -4,7531.

      When rounding, we get -4.7

    Answer: -4,7

    Second version of the task

    Using the data below, calculate the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) for the Vladimir region in 2013. Write down the decision, the answer round up to the tenths.

    Number and natural population growth in the Vladimir region

    We write the answer:

      Solution: -4131: 1 417 531 1000 \u003d -2,9142

      Round up to -2.9

    Answer: -2.9.

    Third version of the task

    Relying on these tables, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) for the Republic of Karelia in 2014. Write down the calculation, rounded the answer to the tenths.

    Number and natural population population in the Republic of Karelia

    The answer looks like this:

      Solution: -1429/633 468 1000 \u003d -2,2558

      When rounding will be -2.3

    Answer: -2.3.

    Job examples:

    Task 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) in 2011 for the Perm region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    2 641 016

    2 633 550

    2 631 073


    2 637 570

    2 632 312

    2 633 176




    Task 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) in 2013 for the Kaluga region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    1 008 229

    1 005 801

    1 004 544

    The average annual population,


    1 007 015

    1 005 065

    1 007 515

    Natural population growth

    man, value of an indicator for the year




    ancient 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) in 2013 for the Ivanovo region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 054 040

    1 049 385

    1 043 130

    1 051 513

    1 046 046

    1 040 020

    indicator for the year




    Task 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the population of the population (in ‰) in 2013 for the Voronezh region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    2 331 506

    2 331 091

    2 328 959

    The average annual population, man

    2 331 298

    2 329 668

    2 330 053

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year

    11 081


    11 200

    Task 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) in 2013 for the Vladimir region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 431 932

    1 422 134

    1 413 321

    The average annual population, man

    1 427 033

    1 417 531

    1 409 467

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year




    Task 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) in 2013 for the Kursk region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 121 563

    1 119 170

    1 118 915

    The average annual population, man

    1 120 366

    1 119 089

    1 118 147

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year




    Task 33 №.

    Using table data, determine the index of the natural growth of the population (in ‰) in 2013 for the Kostroma region. When calculating, use the average annual population. Record the solution to the problem. The result obtained rounds to the tenths of promil.





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    661 764

    658 925

    656 389

    The average annual population, man

    660 345

    657 648

    655 390

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year




    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Perm Territory in 2011. Record the solution of the problem.

    The number and natural increase in the population of the Perm region





    The number of permanent population on

    2 641 016

    2 633 550

    2 631 073

    The average annual population,


    2 637 570

    2 632 312

    2 633 176

    Natural population growth

    man, value of an indicator for the year




    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Kaluga region in 2013. Record the problem of the problem.

    The number and natural increase in the population of the Kaluga region





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 008 229

    1 005 801

    1 004 544

    The average annual population,


    1 007 015

    1 005 065

    1 007 515

    Natural population growth

    man, value of an indicator for the year




    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Ivanovo region in 2013. Record the solution of the problem.

    The number and natural increase in the population of the Ivanovo region





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 054 040

    1 049 385

    1 043 130

    The average annual population, man

    1 051 513

    1 046 046

    1 040 020

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year




    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Voronezh region in 2013. Record the problem of the problem.

    The number and natural increase in the population of the Voronezh region





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    2 331 506

    2 331 091

    2 328 959

    The average annual population, man

    2 331 298

    2 329 668

    2 330 053

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year

    11 081


    11 200

    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Vladimir region in 2013. Record the problem of the problem.

    The number and natural increase in the population of the Vladimir region





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 431 932

    1 422 134

    1 413 321

    The average annual population, man

    1 427 033

    1 417 531

    1 409 467

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year




    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Kursk region in 2013. Record the solution of the problem.

    Number and natural population growth of the Kursk region





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    1 121 563

    1 119 170

    1 118 915

    The average annual population, man

    1 120 366

    1 119 089

    1 118 147

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year





    Task 34 №.

    The population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation has a noticeable influence as a natural movement of the population and migration. After analyzing the data of the table, determine the magnitude of the migration growth (loss) of the population of the Kostroma region in 2013. Record the solution of the problem.

    Numerical and natural population population of the Kostroma region





    The number of permanent population on January 1, man

    661 764

    658 925

    656 389

    The average annual population, man

    660 345

    657 648

    655 390

    Natural population growth, man, meaning

    indicator for the year




    Option number 247361.

    Demonstration version of the EGE-2017 in geography.

    When you execute tasks with a short response, enter the number in the response field, which corresponds to the correct answer number, or the number, word, the sequence of letters (words) or numbers. The answer should be recorded without spaces and any additional characters. Fractional part separate from a whole decimal point. Units of measurements do not need to write. Answers to tasks 1-27 are the number, sequence of numbers or word (phrase).

    If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or download answers to the tasks with a detailed answer. The teacher will see the results of tasks with a brief response and will be able to evaluate the downloaded responses to the tasks with the detailed answer. The scores exhibited by the teacher will be displayed in your statistics.

    Printing and copying version in MS Word

    The city of Arlite has the geographic coordinates of 18º 44 'S.Sh. 7º 23 'V.D. Determine the territory of which state is this city.


    In the items indicated in the figure figures, at the same time measurements of atmospheric pressure are carried out. Place these items in the order of increasing atmospheric pressure in them (from the lowest to the highest).


    Which of the following statements are correct? Record the numbers in response in the order of increasing, under which they are indicated.

    1) The disintegration of the slopes prevents the development of water erosion of soil.

    2) The share of agriculture accounts for a significant part of the emissions into the atmosphere of greenhouse gases.

    3) Drainage of swamps in riverpower leads to their shallow.

    4) the creation of large reservoirs leads to a change in the climate of neighboring territories.

    5) The combustion of associated petroleum gas in torches in oil production areas contributes to reducing emissions to the atmosphere of greenhouse gases.


    Read the following text in which a number of words are missed. Select from the proposed list of the word (phrase) that you want to insert into place of skips.

    In the relief of this part of the mainland, there are almost no sharp height oscillations, rare earthquakes, there are no active volcanoes. Here many millions of years ago, the vertical _______________________ (a) the earth's crust led to the formation of the Brazilian and Gwianky Plane. At the same time, in the earth's crust, _______________________ (b), which was introduced _______________________ (B).

    The relief of the plane is diverse: the cutlery of the mountains alternate with hilly spaces, they are replaced by low arrays, raised by the gorges.

    Words in the list are given in the nominative case. Each word (phrase) can only be used once. Choose a sequential one word (phrase) after another, mentally filling each skip. Note that words (phrases) in the list more than you need to fill the passes.

    List of words:

    2) Movement

    4) rock



    Set the match between the point designated on the world map, and the climatic belt in which it is located: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

    Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



    Position the listed parallels in the order of increasing the duration of the day on June 1, starting with parallels with the smallest duration of the day.

    Write down in response the resulting sequence of numbers.

    Set the correspondence between the phenomenon and the parallel on which it is observed on July 24: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

    Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



    Set the correspondence between the bay and its designation on the world map: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

    Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



    Position the listed countries in increasing the indicator of the average expected life expectancy of the population, starting from the country with the smallest values \u200b\u200bof this indicator.

    1) Republic of Congo

    2) United Kingdom

    3) Brazil


    What three of the territories indicated on the map have the greatest average population density? Write down the numbers in response in order of increasing the number of answers, under which these territories are indicated.


    Set the correspondence between the country and the diagram reflecting the distribution of its economically active population by the sectors of the economy: to each position given in the first column, select the appropriate position from the second column.

    Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



    Which of India's statements are correct? Write down the numbers in order of increasing, under which they are indicated.

    1) India is the second country in the world.

    2) India in the form of the Board is a monarchy.

    3) India has significant reserves of coal and iron ore.

    4) The total population of India prevails urban population.

    5) Along with traditional industries in India, modern high-tech production has been developed.


    What three of the listed cities of Russia have the greatest population? Put the numbers in response in order of increasing the response number, under which these cities are indicated.

    1) Novosibirsk

    3) Petrozavodsk

    4) Stavropol

    6) Rostov-on-Don


    In what three of the listed regions of Russia are the extraction of natural gas? Write down the numbers in response in ascending order under which these regions are indicated.

    1) Republic of Karelia

    2) Astrakhan region

    3) Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District

    4) Murmansk region

    5) Smolensk region

    6) Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra


    Which of the statements about Western Siberia are true? Record the numbers in response in the order of increasing, under which they are indicated.

    1) In Western Siberia is the largest coal pool in Russia.

    2) a considerable part of the territory of Western Siberia is occupied by swamps and marshy lands.

    3) The southern part of Western Siberia is in the steppe zone.

    4) In Western Siberia, the main fields of natural gas of Russia are located.

    5) the best part of the electricity in Western Siberia is made on the hydropower station.


    Which of the statements contain information about the migrations of the population? Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) Education on the territory of the former British India of two independent states led to a resettlement a total of 18 million people.

    2) Currently, the majority of the world's population lives in developing countries, and its share in the world population is constantly growing.

    3) from the beginning of the XXI century. The number of permanent residence permits to Russia annually exceeds the number of departure.

    4) In Canada, 2/3 of the population is concentrated in a 150-kilometer zone stretching along the border with the United States.

    5) The number of millionaire cities in Russia by 2016 reached 15.


    Based on the data analysis of the table below, specify the regions in which in the period from 2011 to 2013 an increase in industrial production volumes occurred annually. Write down the numbers under which these regions are indicated.

    Dynamics of industrial production (in percentage of the previous year)


    Using the card, compare the values \u200b\u200bof the average perennial air temperature maxima at points marked on the map numbers 1, 2 and 3. Place the points in the order of increasing these values.


    Set the match between the subject of the Russian Federation and its administrative center: to each element of the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.

    Write the numbers in response by placing them in order corresponding to the letters:



    In which three of the countries listed countries are the main part of the electricity produced by TPP? Record the numbers in the table under which these countries are indicated.

    3) Brazil

    4) Norway

    5) France

    6) Saudi Arabia


    In accordance with the Law on Returning to the "Winter" time from October 26, 2014, 11 hour zones were established in the country (see Map). The initial time when calculating the local time of time zones serves Moscow time - time II clock zone.

    The plane flew out of Surgut (IV hour zone) in Rostov-on-Don (II hour zone) at 5 o'clock local time Surgut. The estimated flight time is 4 hours. How much time will be in Rostov-on-Don when the plane land? Answer write in the form of a number.


    Using the data of the diagrams, determine the magnitude of the migration growth of the population of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alanya in 2011. The answer is recorded in the form of a number (according to the sample specified in the instructions for performing the work).


    Using table data, compare the security of countries in oil. Place the countries in order of increasing the resource indicator in them, starting from the country with the smallest value of this indicator.


    Place the listed periods of the geological history of the Earth in chronological order, starting from the earliest.

    1) Chalkova

    2) Quaternary

    3) Silurian


    Determine the country according to its brief description.

    This country is completely located in the Western Hemisphere and has access to three oceans. On the mainland where the country is located, it is the first area of \u200b\u200bthe territory and the third in terms of population. The country is well developed by the industry both mining and manufacturing industry. In the international geographical division of labor, it is a supplier of products of mining, mechanical engineering, metallurgy, fuel, chemical and forest industry, as well as agriculture.


    Determine the region of Russia according to its brief description.

    This area is located in the European part of Russia. It has access to the state border of the Russian Federation. One of the main industries is the production of iron ore and the production of iron ore pellets. Mechanical engineering specializes in the production of forging equipment, electrical products, equipment for animal husbandry and feed production. Electricity area provides large nuclear power plants located on its territory. In the food industry, local agricultural raw materials are used: grain crops, potatoes, sugar coil, sunflower are grown on chernozemical soils.


    Determine on the map distance on the ground in a straight line from Spring to the house of the forester. The result is rounded up to tens of meters. Answer write in the form of a number.


    Determine the azimuth map from the spring to the forester's house. Answer write in the form of a number.


    Build a terrain profile along line A - V. To do this, transfer the basis for building a profile on the answer form No. 2, using a horizontal scale of 1 cm 50 m and a vertical scale of 1 cm 5 m.

    Specify on the profile sign "X" the position of the spring.

    Task solutions with a detailed answer are not automatically checked.
    On the next page you will be asked to check them yourself.

    Using table data, explain why in the period from 1985 to 2010. The proportion of persons over 65 in the age structure of the Mexican population increased significantly. Specify two reasons. If you specify more than two reasons, only two, specified first, will be evaluated. Demographic indicators of Mexico

    Population, million people76,7 110,6
    Persons over 65 years old,%3 6
    Fertility, ‰31 19
    Mortality, ‰6 6
    Saldo migrations, ‰–3 –4
    Average life expectancy, years69 76
    The share of urban population,%75 77

    Secondary education


    EGE-2018 Geography: Task 1

    The Russian Tutorial Corporation represents the analysis of the tasks of the EGE 2018 on geography. In the material you will find a detailed algorithm for solving 1 tasks, answers, as well as comments on the performance of work. We also recommend to see the relevant selection of materials on geography published earlier.

    The attention of graduates and applicants is offered a new training manual for preparing for EEG on geography. The directory contains in full theoretical material at the course of geography required for the exam. The structure of the book corresponds to the modern codifier of the elements of the content on the subject, on the basis of which examination tasks are compiled - test measurement materials (KIM) of the EGE. Theoretical material is set out in a brief, accessible form. Each topic is accompanied by examples of exam tasks with comments and answers. This will help the teacher to organize preparations for a single state exam, and students - independently test their knowledge and readiness for the promotion of the final exam. The practical part of the reference book includes assignments for self-test, corresponding to the format of the USE. At the end of the manual, there are answers to the tasks for self-test, which will help to schoolchildren and applicants objectively assess the level of their knowledge and the degree of preparedness for the attestation exam. The manual is addressed to senior schoolchildren, applicants and teachers.

    Exercise 1

    ("Geographical models. Geographical map, location plan"). 1 point.

    In this task you need to find a point on the map with the proposed coordinates. To perform this task, the following algorithm is suitable.

    1. Find a point with the coordinates of 0 ° W. 0 ° D. It is located at the intersection of the equator and zero (Greenwich) Meridian in the Gulf of Guinea.

    2. The first coordinate of the desired point is always its latitude, i.e. Distance in degrees from the equator to this point. To find it, you need to move from point 0 ° W. 0 ° D. Along the zero meridian up (if the latitude of the desired point is north) or down (if it is southern). In this case, we are moving on 58 degrees (57 ° 50' round for convenience) up, because North latitude.

    Explanation for those who do not understand how we found latitude.

    Since the values \u200b\u200bof the latitude (degrees of parallels) are signed by the left and right edge of the card in increments of 20 ° (0 °, 20 °, 40 °, 60 ° and 80 °), then we find the range in which the desired point is located (40 ° ˂58 ° ˂60 °), and mentally divide it at first 2 parts (10 degrees), then another 2 parts (5 degrees), and finally, on 5 parts (by degree). In this case, we need to retreat at 60 ° - 58 ° \u003d 2 ° degree from parallel 60 ° down.

    3. The second coordinate of the desired point is its longitude, i.e. Distance in degrees from zero meridian to this point. To find it, you need to move from the point found in paragraph 2 on the zero meridian to the right (if the longitude of the desired point is Eastern) or left (if the longitude of the desired point is Western) along (i.e., keeping the indentation from the nearest parallel. In this case, we move by 30 degrees (29 ° 58 'rounded) to the right, because Longitude Eastern.

    Explanation for those who do not understand how we found the longitude.

    Since the values \u200b\u200bof longitude (degrees of meridians) are signed by the upper and lower edge of the card in increments of 20 ° (0 °, 20 °, 40 °, etc. up to 180 °), then we find the range in which the desired point is located ( 20 ° ˂30 ° ˂40 °), and mentally divide it at first 2 parts (10 degrees), then another 2 parts (5 degrees), and, finally, on 5 parts (by degree). In this case, it is enough for us to perform only one partition and position the point exactly in the middle between 20 and 40 meridians.

    4. Determine the country in which the desired point is located (city bottom).

    Thus, we found out that the city is located in the Russian Federation.

    2. Now we define the breadth. From found in p.1 points (60 ° C.Sh., 110 ° V.D.) We move along the meridian towards the North Pole (up) by 2 ° 32 '(62 ° 32' - 60 °). It will be a quarter of a distance to the intersection with 70 parallel.

    3. We specify the longitude. From the points obtained in paragraph 2 (62 ° 32 'S.Sh., 110 V.D.) We shift along the parallel to the east (right and a little up in this case) by 3 ° 57' (113 ° 57' - 110 ° ). It will be about 2/5 distances to the intersection with 120 meridian.

    4. Determine the subject of the Federation in which the desired point is located (the city is peaceful).

    Thus, we found out that the city of Mirny is located on the territory of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).