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  • Classes are held in blocks at the school of the future student. Educational program "school of the future student". Collective work "Panel from our palms"

    Classes are held in blocks at the school of the future student.  Educational program

    Municipal budgetary educational institution

    Secondary school number 22



    "School of the future student"

    Okhrimenko E.A.

    primary school teacher

    MBOU "Secondary School No. 22"




    "School of the future student"


    Program name

    School of the future first grader "School of the future student"

    Basis for the development of the program

    The program is a program to prepare future first graders for school education

    Main developers of the program

    Okhrimenko E.A.

    The main goal of the program

    to ensure the formation of a future student's readiness for learning in elementary school, the development of those intellectual qualities, creative abilities and personality traits that ensure the success of the adaptation of the first grader, academic achievement and a positive attitude towards school

    Program objectives

    Conditions for achieving the goal and objectives of the program

    Organization of teaching preschoolers by future first grade teachers

    Main directions of the program

    Adaptation to schooling goes through:

      the formation of basic skills necessary for teaching at school;

      expansion of knowledge about the surrounding objective world, natural and social environment;

      enrichment of the child's active vocabulary, coherent speech;

      logical and symbolic propaedeutics.

    Timeframe for the implementation of the program

    From 2012

    Users of the main events of the program

    Children 6 years of age who are preparing to enter the 1st grade

    Expected results

      ensuring uniform starting opportunities for future first graders,

      development of the personality of a senior preschool child,

      formation of his readiness for systematic training


    One of the most pressing problems of modern schools is the growth in the number of students with school maladjustment already in the first grade. Very often the result of academic failure, school neuroses, increased anxiety is the unpreparedness of the child for learning. These phenomena persist and persist for a long time in children who enter school. The first year of study is very difficult for a child: his usual way of life changes, he adapts to new social conditions, new activities, unfamiliar adults and peers. Adaptation proceeds more unfavorably in children with impaired physical and psychological health, as well as in those children who did not attend preschool institutions. Observations of first-graders showed that socio-psychological adaptation can take place in different ways. A significant proportion of children (50-60%) adapt during the first two to three months of schooling. This is manifested in the fact that the child gets used to the team, gets to know classmates better, makes friends. Children who have successfully passed the adaptation are in a good mood, an active attitude to learning, a desire to attend school, and conscientiously fulfill the teacher's requirements. Other children (30%) take longer to get used to their new school life. Until the end of the first half of the year, they may prefer play activities to educational ones, they do not immediately fulfill the teacher's requirements, they often sort things out with their peers using inadequate methods (they fight, act up, complain, cry). These children have difficulties in mastering the curriculum. In each class, there are about 14% of children in whom the difficulties of painful and long-term (up to one year) adaptation are added to the significant difficulties of educational work. Such children are often characterized by negative behaviors, persistent negative emotions, unwillingness to study and attend school. Often they do not want to be friends with these children, to cooperate, which causes a new reaction of protest: they behave defiantly, bully, interfere with the lesson. A child's admission to school is the starting point of a new stage of development. Teachers take into account the difficulties of the adaptation period and are interested in making it less painful for children. The child must be ready for new forms of cooperation with adults and peers, for a change in the social situation of development, his social status.

    Explanatory note

    Often, preparing children for school comes down to teaching them counting, reading, writing. Meanwhile, practice shows that the greatest difficulties in primary school are experienced not by those children who do not have a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but those who show intellectual passivity, who do not have the desire and habit to think, the desire to learn something new. ...

    The purpose of this program:

    Comprehensive development of the child, which will ensure the formation of a future student's readiness for learning in primary school, the development of those intellectual qualities, creative abilities and personality traits that ensure the success of the adaptation of the first grader, academic achievements and a positive attitude towards school

    The main objectives of the program:

      organization of the process of teaching, upbringing and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;

      strengthening and developing the child's emotionally positive attitude to school, the desire to learn;

      the formation of social personality traits of the future first grader, necessary for successful adaptation to school.

    The program is designed for children 6 years of age. It assumes the development of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics. In the course of the implementation of the program in children, through creativity, the ability to invent, create new things, the child's personality is formed in the best way, his independence and cognitive world develops. Thus, during the work of the school of the future first grader, not only the teacher and the student get to know each other, but also the main task of the program is solved: reducing the adaptation period when the child enters school.

    The concept of the training program for future first-graders "School of the future student" is based on the following idea: preschoolers are just getting ready for systematic training and this determines the choice of the content, methods and forms of organizing the education of children.

    Organization procedure work of the school of future first-graders "School of the future student":

      groups are formed from children of 6 years of age;

      the duration of training is 10 lessons (November - May)

      the number of people in groups is no more than 15 people;

      class schedule: 2 times a week (Thursday-Saturday) - 2 classes of 25 minutes

      "Entertaining mathematics". In the course of the course, future first-graders travel around the country of numbers and signs, get acquainted with the "magic cells", study outdoor games with mathematical tasks. Children learn to correlate colors, determine the shape of objects, using geometric shapes as a standard, navigate in the quantitative characteristics of objects, count objects within 10, navigate in space, Preparation for studying mathematics at school is carried out in three directions: Formation of basic skills that underlie mathematical concepts learned in elementary school; Logical propaedeutics, which includes the formation of logical skills that form the basis for the formation of the concept of number; Symbolic propaedeutics - preparation for operating with signs.

      "Basics of reading and writing". A large role in the lessons of this course is given to games with words, during which children acquire the skills of inflection and word formation, lexical and grammatical combination of words, and master the structure of a sentence. The main objective of this course is to develop speaking and listening skills, enriching the child's active, passive and potential vocabulary.

      "Skillful hands". The purpose of this course is to develop creative and improve the communication skills of preschoolers. Development (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification), the ability to group objects according to several criteria, combine them, notice similarities and differences in objects, compose compositions using improvised material (glue, scissors, colored paper) The development of a preschooler's communication skills is instilling correct (socially adapted) forms of behavior and the ability to work in a group.

    The leading method of working with children is play. This type of activity is the leading one in preschool age.

    The main form of organizing activities is a lesson. Various types of lessons are used - lesson-journey, lesson-game.

    Lesson objectives

      Development of auditory and visual perception

      Development of focused attention and observation

      Development of auditory and visual memory

      Development of thinking and speech

      Development of general and fine motor skills

      Improving communication skills

      Fostering a benevolent attitude towards others

      Improving the skills of monologue speech

      Improving the skills of dialogical speech

      Development of facial expressions and pantomime

      Development of fantasy and imagination

      Development of the ability for deep imaginative thinking

      Development of the ability to establish causal relationships

      Development of creativity

      Formation of the emotional-volitional sphere

      Formation of ethical beliefs

      Increased self-confidence

      Teach to make decisions

    Lesson plan

      "Entertaining mathematics" -10 hours

      "Basics of reading and writing" -10 hours

      "Skillful hands" -10 hours

    Thematic lesson plan

    course "Entertaining mathematics"

    No. topic of the lesson the purpose of the lesson

    counting by ear, counting by touch. Counting objects with open and closed eyes;

    In and express in speech signs of the similarities and differences of individual objects and aggregates;

    measurement of length, width, height, surrounding objects using conventional measurements;

    Combine groups of items

    To establish the relationship between

    part and whole;

    ideas about elementary geometric shapes

    Know the names of the geom. figures and be able to distinguish them

    orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage (to the left, to the right, above, below, from, to, above, below).

    Spatial orientation by cells

    Sequencing of events. A sequence of days in a week.

    Orientation in time

    Wed Comparison of the number of items

    on a visual basis

    The ratio of the number of items between the two groups

    Direct and reverse counting within 10.

    Ordinal and rhythmic counting

    Composing shapes from parts and dividing shapes into parts.

    Designing shapes from a given pattern

    The relationship between the whole and the part. Presentation: one - many.

    The ratio of the number of items between different groups

    Establishing the equality of two groups by pairing (equal - not equal).

    Comparison of items in groups of different amounts

    Thematic lesson plan

    course "Basics of Literacy"

    Hey us today - a skit! Hatching (vegetables).

    Familiarity with shading rules

    Acquaintance with the ruled notebook. Narrow string. The letter of straight_short lines. Readers

    The development of correct breathing when speaking, familiarity with the ruler

    Writing short lines with a rounded bottom. Sound Games

    Development of phonemic hearing and vigilance

    Short lines letter with rounded top. In a world of sounds and letters

    The ratio of sounds and signs

    A straight long line letter with a loop at the bottom. Russian bylichki, former women and fairy tales about mythological characters. Brownie.

    Acquaintance with Russian folklore. Continuing shading

    Familiarity with lined paper, writing short slanted lines. Find the letter game

    Development of spatial representation on lined paper

    Reinforcement on lined paper. The game "The path to the house"

    Determination of the right and left sides of an object

    Speech (oral and written) - general presentation. Hatching-copying

    Clarification, enrichment and activation of the children's vocabulary.

    Sentence and word. Game "Words are different"

    Development in children of attention to the sound side of audible speech (own and someone else's)

    Word. Family

    Improvement of general speech skills: teaching a leisurely tempo and rhythm of speech, correct speech breathing, moderate volume (the ability to speak with a medium strength voice, without tension) and correct intonation (the ability to lower and raise the voice)

    Thematic lesson plan

    "Skillful hands"

    Application "Peacock"

    The ability to hold scissors correctly,

    outline your palm, cut along the contour, apply creativity in design.

    "Rainbow over the meadow", "butterfly"

    The use of paints, the technique of folding the sheet in half

    Origami "Swan"

    Acquaintance with origami technique, square folding techniques

    Coloring the "Egg" pattern

    Acquaintance with the technique of painting on paper.

    Application according to the "Fungus" pattern

    work by template and sample

    Construction of the "House by the Road"

    Applique from geometric shapes

    Drawing "Tree"

    Acquaintance with the wet-sheet technique

    Drawing a teddy bear in a meadow

    Development of creative initiative

    Mosaic "Ship"

    Technique "mosaic of torn pieces of paper"

    Collective work "Panel from our palms"

    Ability to work in a group


      Amonashvili Sh.A. Hello children! - M .: Education, 1983 - 190s.

      Archipenko F.A. Game in the educational activity of a younger student / Primary school, 1992, No. 4 - p.4-6

      Babkina N.V. The use of developing games and exercises in the educational process / Primary school, 1998, No. 4 - p.11-19

      Burs R.S. Preparing children for school - M: Education, 1997

      Vasilieva - Gangnus L.P. The ABC of courtesy - M.: Pedagogy, 1989 - 89p.

      Volina V. Celebration of the Number. Entertaining mathematics - M .: Education, 1996 - 208s.

      Gavrina SE, Kutyavina NL and others. I'm getting ready for school (a popular guide for parents and teachers) - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000 - 33p.

      Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L. etc. We develop hands - to study and write, and draw beautifully (a popular guide for parents and teachers) - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000 - 187s.

      Gin S.I., Prokopenko I.E. First days at school. (A guide for first grade teachers) - M .: Vita-press, 2000 - 79s.

      Preschool preparation. Primary School. Basic and high school / Collection of programs 2100 - M .: Balass, 2004

      I. V. Dubrovina and other Psychology. Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999 - 464p.

      Dubrovina NV, Akimova et al. Working book of a school psychologist - M .: Education, 1991 - 303p.

    The school determines our future. What will it be like years later? In one publication, we have collected the opinions of experts, educators and futurists.

    Some statistics

    In 2017, 15.5 million schoolchildren will sit at school desks in Russia, which is 1 million more than in 2016. What school are they going to graduate from?

    At the foresight session of the congress, which was held at the Moscow State University. Lomonosov last winter, leading experts from Moscow State University, Moscow State Pedagogical University, MIPT, Moscow and Tomsk Polytechnic Universities communicated directly with the largest employers. Roscosmos, RusHydro, Ruselectronics, Russian Railways, Gazprom discussed what the school of the future should be.

    Each of these companies needs their own “set” of knowledge and skills. And those, in turn, change every few years. So how do you get the super specialist of the future? No one has a universal recipe yet, but experts are ready to share ideas.

    Organization of the learning space

    Alexander Demakhin

    Playwright and director Alexander Demakhin, winner of the Teacher of the Year of Russia 2012 competition, in his essay on the Discourse website reflects on the school of the future primarily through the prism of organizing the learning space. “Why desks in rows, and, for example, not a large, very large round table, or small tables of different shapes that do not roll to any place, or not an absolutely empty room with no furniture at all? .., - Alexander Demakhin asks. “Why is it a classroom, and not an open-air gazebo, not a bus traveling around the neighborhood, or a boat sailing on a river?” buildings: a school boat comes to the village for the children, picks them up, and after school brings them back).

    According to NewToNew, a former English teacher who has become an apologist for a new approach to education, Terry Hick denies standard curricula and believes in the victory of digital learning. To promote his ideas and develop new programs, he created a portal [email protected]... In one of his publications, he tried to look into 2024 and understand what the school of the future will be like.

    Terry Hick (facebook)

    In terms of the organization of the educational process, Hick's thoughts are close to those of Demakhin. In 2024, classes that do not use the latest technology will be considered unusable and will begin to disappear, writes Hick. Classrooms as such will cease to exist. Rows of desks and strict curricula, the role of the teacher as a class leader, according to Hick, was never the best solution, but it suited society because we are used to it. Everything will change by 2024.

    The organization of space is important because it sets the organization of thinking and actions in society. According to the observations of Mark Sartan, the head of the Smart School project, the classic school building is recognizable and represents a model of a factory: identical rows of windows along the facade and office compartments inside, connected by a corridor. The change in the production process began to lead to changes in the organization of the school space. In the 1970s, the first “school-city” appeared in Europe with various zoning within the building, open-plan classrooms, multiple entrances, etc.

    It is clear that a change in space also entails a change in the content of education. Terry Hick is confident that soon every class will be present on any social platform. So everyone can get access to them: people, organizations, entrepreneurs. Everything that is produced in this class: projects, scenarios, students' ideas - will be noticed by the society. Class pages on social media will become a kind of marketing agency for students.

    Floating school in Bangladesh

    Organization of training information

    Participants of the foresight session of the Congress “Innovative Practice: Science Plus Business” noted that in order not to “kill” the creative potential in a young person with stereotyped schemes, total project training is being introduced all over the world. In Holland, a student is given the task of developing a prototype of an engine, and he chooses the necessary disciplines for himself: physics, mathematics, materials science ... The Finns have followed the same path, and Russia is taking the first steps.

    Alexander Demakhin says that the new metasubject standards propose to pay attention not only and not so much to the subject content of the lesson, but to those cognitive (the ability to work with information), regulatory (the ability to organize their activities), communicative (the ability to interact) and personal (the ability to consciously develop yourself) the results that can be achieved in the lesson. “Already at the planning stage, an educator can think of a 6th grade biology course not as a study of pistils and stamens, but as a course of developing certain communication skills through the same pistils and stamens. Moreover, the teacher is given complete freedom in what kind of metasubject tasks to set in his lesson - the main thing is that they exist ”.

    An electric motorcycle, a space satellite, drones and neurointerfaces - for students to be able to “blow up” the market, design work should be started “on all fronts” at school. Children's technoparks, science camps, robotics and programming circles - these are the points of growth for young innovators, ”the information partner of the congress, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, quotes the opinions of the participants in the foresight session.

    Organization of study time

    Today, in the lesson, they give a certain amount of new information, and as homework, the student receives a practical study of this knowledge in certain tasks. But at the same time, the concept of an “inverted classroom” is gaining more and more popularity - students obtain information themselves at home, and in the classroom they practically apply this knowledge in various forms, writes Alexander Demakhin.

    Calls in 45 minutes (the same factory) - and the class breaks away from the lesson, no matter what stage it is now, and runs down the corridor further: but project and research tasks, psychological trainings, art or sports would be more effective otherwise organization of time.

    All texts for study should be selected taking into account the student's literacy level, his reading preferences and even the capabilities of his computer in order to optimize reading for maximum benefit. These texts will be a combination of fiction and non-fiction, journalism, essays, non-standard texts, etc.

    “We work a lot with children and we see that if in elementary school children still want to come up with non-standard solutions to the problem, then by the fourth grade the majority already does only that and only as they were told, and does not go beyond the teacher's guidelines. Towards the university, the situation is only getting worse, ”says Elena Aksenova, director of the RusHydro Corporate University.

    Educator of the future

    Teachers should be viewed as disciples-masters, Demakhin said. They will organize a changing physical and electronic learning process tailored for each individual student. In contrast to the powerful and smart, but cold technologies, teachers will be much more important to the learning process. And this will ennoble the teaching profession in the eyes of society.

    A teacher from Finland, a country where the quality of secondary education is recognized as one of the best in the world, and the competition for the place of a school teacher is more than 10 people per place, she formulated it as follows: "I am an expert of interpretation, absolutely free inside the classroom." It is clear that if we are talking about the fact that the school can and should offer the student those positive models of social interaction, which he will then implement in life, then the teacher cannot be limited only to the roles of a source of information and a controller: he needs to be both an expert and a trainer. , and a conductor, and a partner, and, of course, a student ”.

    Artificial intelligence has already reached the point of development that allows us to talk about the prospects for its use in the learning process. Artificial intelligence will become the basis of pedagogy, Terry Hick is sure. This will be a tool that the student will use to create their own curriculum. Artificial intelligence will help students choose books, homework assignments, learning strategies, career opportunities.

    Mixed classes

    Joint education of children of different ages in the same groups is considered as one of the promising ideas. This idea is not at all new - even in the 19th century, it was practiced to teach younger children to older children. But, for example, the prize of the world forum WISE, the "Nobel Prize in Education", was recently received by Vicky Colbert, who has developed a system for the simultaneous education of children of different ages and with different experiences, which is now actively used in Latin America. One of its key provisions is a departure from frontal education. Classes that unite children of different ages and levels work in a new way: children sit in a circle with the teacher, there is a constant exchange of information, collective work is replaced by individual work, and the play element becomes an important element of the learning process.


    According to Terry Hick, electronic portfolios will become a relevant model of work. The student's work should reflect his potential and preferences. Carefully selected by the student himself, with the help of a teacher and artificial intelligence, electronic work certificates will be uploaded to the cloud for everyone to see. On the one hand, this will increase the responsibility of the school for the results of its students, and on the other hand, the students themselves will invest more energy in improving their own performance.

    Explanatory note

    The transition of a child from kindergarten to school is a turning point in his life. It `s naturally. And a lot needs to be done to make this transition painless for children. And this is the task of kindergarten teachers, parents and, of course, teachers.

    The main task facing teachers and parents is to create a common attitude towards school and the main type of upcoming activity - learning. Such an attitude is necessary so that a small student can easily enter a new way of life for him, adapt to the requirements of the school.

    The child's positive attitude should make entering school a joyfully anticipated event, cause the child to have a positive attitude towards the upcoming study with other children and make the study itself a joyful event and an interesting activity. It is very important to create such a joyful and completely real personal position for a small future student. After all, everyone knows well: if a person wants something, aspires to something, he achieves what he wants, and if he encounters certain difficulties, they no longer frighten him, all the more so when he helps him in a new, complex work, explains, shows - how to work, attentive and knowledgeable teacher. That is why, among all the tasks, the most important task is to create an overall positive orientation of the future student towards the school.

    If learning gives joy, the child seeks to consolidate this state with new achievements, sometimes unconsciously. If studying brings grief, he also strives for only one thing - in any way to avoid trouble. The younger student hardly thinks about the means to achieve the goal. It would be good for him. A child comes to school from a family. His joys and troubles in the first days and years of study are largely associated with the baggage of knowledge, skills and psychological qualities that he brings with him from home.

    So what should you teach your child so that he develops correctly and is ready for school?

    The child needs to be taught all the skills and abilities that are necessary in everyday life: to teach how to use the objects that surround him correctly, to teach action, and not knowledge about everyday objects.

    You need to learn how to play - first, just operate with toys, imitating real actions, their logic, sequence. Then, only later, when the child knows how to act independently to act out whole plots, in which the main thing is a reflection of relations between people.

    When a child goes through this “playful” way, he gains a lot, makes significant progress in his development. First, actions with objects themselves are formed, comprehended, then the relationship between people surrounding the child, their mutual dependence, the child's own place in these relationships. Further - moral norms, the ethical side of relationships, norms and methods of communication, emotional response to good and bad. The development of thinking and speech largely depends on the level of development of the game. The child, while playing, learns to plan his actions and this helps him in the future to move to the planning of educational activities. But in order for the game to give the child everything it can give, he must be taught to play.

    You need to learn to draw, sculpt, cut, paste, design. Drawing, building, creating plasticine heroes, the child experiences the joy of creativity, reflects his impressions, expresses his emotional state. Unfortunately, only a few parents think about the fact that drawing and construction is the first productive activity of a child. To make a drawing, a molded figure, an applique, a building, you need to see well, perceive the pattern correctly or imagine what you will build, sculpt, paint, i.e. you need to make a complex analysis. This means that drawing, designing, modeling, cutting open up the opportunity for us to teach a child to see, analyze the surrounding objects, correctly perceive their shape, color, size, ratio of parts, and their spatial arrangement. At the same time, this makes it possible to teach the child to act consistently, plan their actions, compare the result with what is set, conceived. And all these skills will also prove to be extremely important in school. If a child knows how to plan his actions in any kind of activity, for example, construction, it is much easier for him to transfer these skills to a new situation, to a new activity. If a preschooler knows how to compare the result of his work with a given sample or with a real object, then comparing the result of his actions with the requirements of a teacher or a textbook will not be so difficult for him. Drawing, the child acquires the firmness of the hand, learns to navigate in the space of the place, to correlate the force of pressure on the pencil with the thickness of the line and just hold the pencil correctly. And all this will be useful to him when he begins to learn to write.

    In addition, these types of activities are interesting to the child, they provide an opportunity to get satisfaction from overcoming difficulties, from achieving the intended result, teach perseverance, in general, develop those qualities that are necessary for the child at school.

    Also, as can be seen from experience, at an early preschool age it is absolutely necessary to teach a child to look and see, listen and hear, touch and touch. Adults often think that this happens by itself - since they have ears - they will hear. Unfortunately, this is not the case. The spontaneous experience that the child acquires himself, of course, plays a huge role in his development, but by no means always turns out to be a full-fledged basis for school education. Even what the child sees every day, with which he constantly deals, may turn out to be “not seen” in consciousness, unconscious, incomprehensible. But it is the impressions from the surrounding world, from observations of inanimate nature, its objects, phenomena that lay the first foundations of the child's attitude. And we, adults, can and should teach him to be attentive to his surroundings. It is necessary to broaden the horizons of children, which are already large enough for them.

    When preparing a baby for school, parents sometimes develop erroneous skills in a child: children count on their fingers, hold a pen incorrectly, and name sounds incorrectly. It is very difficult to retrain such children. It is necessary to develop a number of simple and difficult habits in children before school: to say hello and to say goodbye, to thank for the help provided, to ask for something correctly using the “magic” word “please”; to cultivate responsibility in the performance of any business, an attentive attitude towards people, the habit of restraining one's impulses, the habit of disciplined behavior.

    But adults should also be warned against the mistake they make: do not try to squeeze school wisdom into the child ahead of time. The main thing for a child is to be active, quick-witted, and relaxed. He will be able to successfully study at school if he controls his behavior, consistently and purposefully move towards the goal. Curiosity, developed thinking and speech - these qualities are just as important as the ability to read and write. They must be developed first. All this is difficult, and maybe even impossible to achieve with boring school-type activities for a child. It is much better to organize games - activities that will captivate the baby, will be interesting for him. It is necessary to allow the child to show imagination and initiative in the game, to be active and independent, and then he will have self-confidence, which will help in the future to achieve a lot in life. The most important thing in the game is to praise the kid for his successes, find his achievements and refrain from censure for his mistakes.

    Purpose of the program:

    This program is designed to prepare preschool children for school.

    School readiness includes the following components:

    1. development of speech;

    2. development of intellectual abilities;

    3. development of cognitive activity;

    4. the formation of the internal position of the student.

    Objectives of the program:

    Research by psychologists, many years of experience of practicing teachers show that the greatest difficulties in school are experienced not by those children who do not have a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but those who are not ready for the new social role of a student with a certain set of qualities. This is the ability to listen and hear, work in a team and independently, the desire and habit to think, the desire to learn something new. Therefore, the main tasks of the development of preschoolers are:

    1. Formation of motivation for learning, focused on the satisfaction of cognitive interests, on the joy of creativity.
    2. Increased attention and memory.
    3. Formation of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification, analogy.
    4. Development of figurative and variable thinking, fantasy, imagination, creativity.
    5. The development of speech, the ability to argue their statements, build the simplest inferences.
    6. Developing the ability to purposefully master volitional efforts, establish correct relationships with peers and adults.
    7. Formation of the ability to plan their actions, implement a decision in accordance with the set rules and algorithms, check the result of their actions.

    Work with preschoolers is based on the following system of didactic principles:

    • An educational environment is created that ensures the removal of all stress-forming factors of the educational process.
    • New knowledge is introduced not in a ready-made form, but through the independent discovery of it by children.
    • The learning process is focused on the acquisition by children of their own experience of creative activity.
    • With the introduction of new knowledge, its relationship with objects and phenomena of the surrounding world is revealed.

    These principles reflect modern scientific views on the foundations of the organization of developmental education. They not only provide a solution to the problems of the intellectual and personal development of children, the formation of their cognitive interests and creative thinking, but also contribute to the preservation of the health of children.

    The program is designed for 33 weeks. Classes are held once a week (duration: 4 lessons, 20 minutes each). The total number of hours is 132.

    Based on the listed components of school readiness, the following sections were included in the program:

    1. Preparation for literacy training. Development of speech.
    2. Preparation for teaching writing. The development of fine motor skills.
    3. Mathematical propaedeutics.
    4. Development of design skills. Drawing. Modeling.

    Cross-cutting themes of the program:

    “Let's get to know each other”, “Our garden and vegetable garden”, “In the autumn forest”, “Our smaller brothers”, “Seasons”, “Who is who to whom”, “Dad, mom, I am a friendly family”, “All professions are needed , all professions are important ”,“ The village in which I live ”,“ Visiting the traffic lights ”,“ Bullfinches have come to us ”,“ Forest dwellers ”,“ Let's be polite and accurate ”,“ Day and night - day away ”, “Our fun”, “Who lives in the river?”, “Defenders of the Fatherland”, “My beloved mother”, “We are waiting for guests”, “Attention, road”, “Spring is coming, the road for spring!”, “Wild and domestic animals” , “What are the plants”, “Favorite world of fairy tales”, “Each object has its own place”, “A miracle is near”, “My hobbies”, “The sun, air and water are my best friends!”, “Are you polite”, “We are helpers”, “Bread is the head of everything!”, “Hello, summer is red!”

    1. Development of speech. Preparation for teaching literacy (33 hours).

    One of the leading areas of work in preparing children for school is the development of speech. The quality of further education and upbringing of preschoolers largely depends on the level of development of speech and thinking.

    General concepts:

    Acquaintance with the sounding word, the selection of sound from the sound row, word, text.

    Determining the location of the sound in a word in relation to the beginning, middle, end.

    The program involves not teaching just reading, but the introduction of a wide range of cognitive tasks in the field of language:

    1. Mastering the sound synthesis of words.

    2. Development of auditory memory and auditory attention.

    3. Correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language.

    4. Improving the pronunciation of words, especially those with complex syllables.

    5. Clarification, enrichment, activation of the dictionary.

    6. Education of sensitivity to the semantic shades of words, the development and understanding of the simplest cases of polysemy of words, the selection of synonyms, antonyms (without the use of terms).

    7. Disclosure of the meaning of figurative expressions, sayings, proverbs.

    8. Retelling a fairy tale or a short story (on the teacher's questions and independently).

    9. Drawing up a small story based on a picture or a series of pictures, united by a common theme, observing the logic of the plot development.

    10. Expanded explanation of riddles, memorizing poems, phrases, tongue twisters.

    11. Development of grammatically correct speech of children, its accuracy, completeness, emotionality, consistency when presenting their own stories and when retelling the text.

    12. Fostering an attentive, benevolent attitude to the answers and stories of other children.

    2. Preparation for teaching writing. The development of fine motor skills (33h.)

    When preparing children for writing, the teacher organizes systematic work using a specially designed notebook, taking into account the mental and physical readiness of children for this difficult, but so necessary activity.

    In the first lessons, children learn to navigate in the space of the place. To do this, we include in the work a variety of orientation exercises:

    a) graphic dictations;

    b) shading of figures;

    c) drawing patterns in cells;

    d) construction of figures from straight lines.

    Acquaintance with the styles of printed letters, their "names", considering the letter as a figure begins only after that. During this period, when the child learns to control the hand, with the help of sight to fix the boundaries, the size of the elements, remembers the configuration of the letters, one should not establish connections with the work of the letters (which sound we denote by which letter). It is more useful to ask the children to compare the letters with each other, from which and how many elements they are built, how they are similar and how they differ. The teacher offers the children such exercises: lay out the letter of their sticks, mold from plasticine, compose from geometric shapes, finish drawing, shading or decorating.

    Development of fine motor skills is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking of the child. This section includes the following exercises:

    1. Finger gymnastics.
    2. Hatching.
    3. Modeling.
    4. Application

    All of them, with the exception of the application, are carried out at each lesson.

    Hatching, appliqué, and sculpting also foster creativity and design ability.

    The main purpose of sculpting is to prepare for literacy training. Modeling, on the one hand, requires developed sensations and perceptions, and on the other, it itself improves these sensations and perceptions. It is believed that vision is leading in the cognition of objects in the real world, but at the first stages of the formation of an image in children, the most important place is the sense of the object. Therefore, it is proposed to carry out acquaintance with the letters through modeling.

    In addition, modeling contributes to the development of analytical and synthetic activity: the dismemberment of the whole object - letters, the unification of individual elements into a whole and the development of fine motor skills.

    • hold the pen correctly when writing;
    • navigate in a notebook: distinguish between wide and narrow (working) lines;
    • fix the border and the size of the elements;
    • remember the configuration of letters;
    • know and be able to perform different types of shading;
    • when coloring, be able to fix the borders of drawings;
    • be able to continue the pattern in fragments.

    3. Mathematical propaedeutics (Development of elements of logical thinking and elementary mathematical concepts. Acquaintance with spatial and temporal relations) (33 hours)

    General concepts:

    • Properties of objects: color, shape, size, material, etc. Comparison of objects by shape, color, size, material.
    • Collections (groups) of objects or figures with a common feature. Compilation of the aggregate on this basis. Allocation of a part of the population.
    • Comparison of two sets of objects. Establishing an equal number of two sets of objects using pairing (equal - not equal, more by ... - less by ...).
    • Formation of general ideas about addition as a combination of groups of objects into one whole. Formation of general ideas about subtraction as the removal of a part of objects from the whole. The relationship between the whole and the part.
    • Drawing up patterns. Search for violation of a pattern.
    • Numbers and operations with them.
    • Direct and reverse counting within 10.
    • Name, sequence and designation of numbers from 1 to 10 digits.
    • Equality and inequality of numbers. Comparison of numbers (more by ... less by ...) on a visual basis.
    • Solving simple addition and subtraction problems using visual material.
    • Space-time representations
    • Examples of relationships: on - above - below, left - right - in the middle, front - back, above - below, above - below, wider - narrower, longer - shorter, thicker - thinner, earlier - later, the day before yesterday - yesterday - today - tomorrow - the day after tomorrow, along, through, etc.
    • A sequence of days in a week. A sequence of months in a year.
    • Orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage.
    • Geometric shapes and sizes.
    • Formation of the ability to select objects of the same shape in the environment. Acquaintance with geometric shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, circle, oval. Composing shapes from parts and dividing shapes into parts. Constructing shapes from sticks.

    By the end of training, children are expected to form the following ECDs:

    1. To highlight and express in speech signs of similarities and differences of individual objects and aggregates.
    2. Combine groups of objects, highlight a part, establish a relationship between the whole and the part.
    3. Find parts of a whole and a whole by known parts.
    4. Compare groups of objects by quantity using pairing, equalize them in two ways.
    5. Count within 10 in forward and reverse order, correctly use cardinal and ordinal numbers.
    6. To compare, based on clarity, adjacent numbers, to name for each number within 10 the previous and next numbers.
    7. Relate the figure to the number of items.
    8. Recognize and name a square, rectangle, triangle, circle; find objects similar in shape in the environment.
    9. Split shapes into several parts and compose whole shapes from their parts.
    10. Express in words the location of the object, navigate on a sheet of checkered paper (top, bottom, right, left, middle).
    11. Name the parts of the day, the sequence of days of the week, months of the year.

    4. Development of design skills. Drawing (33 h.)

    Purpose of classes visual arts and artistic work with preschoolers - to involve children in observing the surrounding reality, to develop the most important abilities for artistic creativity, that is, the ability to see life through the eyes of an artist. Formation of observation, attentiveness to the surrounding reality and the primary development of artistic materials.

    Children must work in different techniques. Each artistic technique, be it painting, graphics, thin or volumetric plastic, develops different areas of the hands, forearms, fingers in children. For example, fine graphic work teaches better coordination of movements, modeling develops fingers, and tasks performed in painting techniques contribute to greater freedom and relaxation of the whole hand. Better mastering of space, volume of depth is facilitated by working with materials such as plasticine, clay, paper (volumetric modeling). It is necessary to alternate one type of activity with another, since children of this age are more successful in conveying movement in a tangible volume, rather than on the plane of the sheet.

    By the end of training, children are expected to form the following ECDs:

    • master the skills and abilities of working with tools (in drawing - a pencil and a brush; in applications - scissors, trowels; in modeling - stacks);
    • develop a variety of hand actions, coordination of movements of both hands, coordination of hand and eye actions, visual control;
    • make uniform, rhythmic, smooth movements with your hand in a certain direction6 from top to bottom, from left to right and obliquely;
    • the ability to quickly and easily stop the movement of the hand drawing, cutting paper or fabric, freely turn the hand in the desired direction, which is important when writing;
    • development of visual - motor coordination;
    • development of the child's “manual skill”.

    This program was compiled taking into account the use of notebooks on a printed basis:

    1. I'm getting ready to write. Notebook No. 1, No. 2 / N. A. Fedosova - M .: Publishing house “GNOM and D”, 2014
    2. I count to ten. Mathematics for children 5-6 years old / Kolesnikova E.V. - M .: TC Sphere, 2014 (Mathematical steps)
    3. Steps to the school. Learning to tell from pictures: manual. By training. children of art. doshk. age / M.M.Bezrukikh, T.A.Filippova - M .: Bustard, 2014

    State Treasury Educational Institution "Aytkha Secondary School of Botlikh District" ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "School of the Future Student" Introduction One of the most acute problems of modern schools is the growth in the number of students with school disadaptation already in the first grade. Very often the result of academic failure, school neuroses, increased anxiety is the unpreparedness of the child for learning. These phenomena persist and persist for a long time in children who enter school. The first year of study is very difficult for a child: his usual way of life changes, he adapts to new social conditions, new activities, unfamiliar adults and peers. Adaptation proceeds more unfavorably in children with impaired physical and psychological health, as well as in those children who did not attend preschool institutions. Observations of first-graders showed that socio-psychological adaptation can take place in different ways. A significant proportion of children (50-60%) adapt during the first two to three months of schooling. This is manifested in the fact that the child gets used to the team, gets to know classmates better, makes friends. Children who have successfully passed the adaptation are in a good mood, an active attitude to learning, a desire to attend school, and conscientiously fulfill the teacher's requirements. Other children (30%) take longer to get used to their new school life. Until the end of the first half of the year, they may prefer play activities to educational ones, they do not immediately fulfill the teacher's requirements, they often sort things out with their peers using inadequate methods (they fight, act up, complain, cry). These children have difficulties in mastering the curriculum. In each class, there are about 14% of children in whom the difficulties of painful and long-term (up to one year) adaptation are added to the significant difficulties of educational work. Such children are often characterized by negative behaviors, persistent negative emotions, unwillingness to study and attend school. Often they do not want to be friends with these children, to cooperate, which causes a new reaction of protest: they behave defiantly, bully, interfere with the lesson. A child's admission to school is the starting point of a new stage of development. Teachers take into account the difficulties of the adaptation period and are interested in making it less painful for children. The child must be ready for new forms of cooperation with adults and peers, for a change in the social situation of development, his social status. Explanatory note Often, preparing children for school comes down to teaching them counting, reading, writing. Meanwhile, practice shows that the greatest difficulties in primary school are experienced not by those children who do not have a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but those who show intellectual passivity, who do not have the desire and habit to think, the desire to learn something new. ... The purpose of this program: Comprehensive development of the child, which will ensure the formation of readiness for learning in elementary school in the future student, the development of those intellectual qualities, creative abilities and personality traits that ensure the success of the adaptation of the first grader, academic achievement and a positive attitude towards school. The main objectives of the program:    Organization of the process of teaching, upbringing and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age; strengthening and developing the child's emotionally positive attitude to school, the desire to learn; the formation of social personality traits of the future first grader, necessary for successful adaptation to school. The program is designed for children 6 years of age. It assumes the development of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics. In the course of the implementation of the program in children, through creativity, the ability to invent, create new things, the child's personality is formed in the best way, his independence and cognitive world develops. Thus, during the work of the school of the future first grader, not only the teacher and the student get to know each other, but also the main task of the program is solved: reducing the adaptation period when the child enters school. The concept of the training program for future first-graders "School of the Future Student" is based on the following idea: preschoolers are just preparing for systematic education and this determines the choice of content, methods and forms of organizing children's education. The order of organizing the work of the school of future first-graders "School of the future pupil":     The group is formed of 6-year-old children; the duration of training is 100 lessons (April-May), the number of people in the group is no more than 15 people; Mode of classes: 5 times a week (except Saturday) - 3 lessons for 25 minutes The content of the program includes a set of classes, including the following areas of activity: 1. "Entertaining mathematics". In the course of the course, future first-graders travel around the country of numbers and signs, get acquainted with the "magic cells", study outdoor games with mathematical tasks. Children learn to correlate colors, determine the shape of objects, using geometric shapes as a standard, navigate the quantitative characteristics of objects, count objects within 10, navigate in space, Preparation for the study of mathematics at school is carried out in three directions: - the formation of basic skills underlying mathematical concepts taught in elementary school; logical propaedeutics, which includes the formation of logical skills that form the basis for the formation of the concept of number; -symbolic propaedeutics - preparation for operating with signs. 2. "On the way to the ABC". Development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical work (15 hours): - enrichment of the vocabulary of children; observation of ambiguous words in speech; - using new words in your own speech (constructing phrases and sentences), learning rhymes, nursery rhymes; - answers to questions, participation in the dialogue; - detailed retelling of the text based on visual support; drawing up a story-description, a story based on a plot picture, according to a series of pictures. Development of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing (5 hours): - acquaintance with the classification of sounds: consonants and vowels; hard and soft, voiced and voiceless consonants; - highlighting the sound at the beginning, end and middle of the word, determining the position of the sound in the word; - highlighting vowels, consonants, hard, soft, voiced, voiceless consonants in a word; - “reading” and composing syllables and words using conventional sound symbols. Teaching sound-syllabic analysis (5 hours): - sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words; - differentiation of the concepts "sound" and "letter"; - correlation of letters and sounds. Work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand (15 hours) - shading, tracing. As a result of work on the program of the course, children should: - construct phrases and sentences, including with new words; - answer the teacher's questions; - compose an oral story based on a picture, a series of plot pictures; - highlight the sound at the beginning of a word; - distinguish between sounds and letters; - recognize and name familiar letters of the Russian alphabet; - combine sounds into syllables. A large role in the lessons of this course is given to games with words, during which children acquire the skills of inflection and word formation, lexical and grammatical combination of words, and master the structure of a sentence. The main task of this course is the development of speaking and listening skills, enrichment of the child's active, passive and potential vocabulary, lexical and grammatical work, the development of coherent speech, the development of sound culture of speech and phonemic hearing, teaching sound-syllabic analysis, work on the development of fine motor skills of the hand. 3. "Skillful hands". The purpose of this course is to develop creative and improve the communication skills of preschoolers. Development (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification), the ability to group objects according to several criteria, combine them, notice similarities and differences in objects, compose compositions using improvised material (glue, scissors, colored paper) The development of a preschooler's communication skills is instilling correct (socially adapted) forms of behavior and the ability to work in a group. The leading method of working with children is play. This type of activity is the leading one in preschool age. The main form of organizing activities is a lesson. Various types of lessons are used - lesson-journey, lesson-game. Lesson goals                 . Development of auditory and visual perception. Development of focused attention and observation. Development of auditory and visual memory. Development of thinking and speech. Improvement of communication skills. Cultivation of a benevolent attitude towards others. Improvement of monologue speech skills. Improvement of dialogic speech skills. Development of facial expressions and pantomimics. Development of fantasy and imagination. Development of the ability to deep imaginative thinking. Development of the ability to establish causal creative relationships. Formation of emotional-volitional sphere. Formation of ethical ideas. Increase of self-confidence. To teach to make decisions. Lesson plan 1. "Entertaining mathematics" -40 hours 2. "Basics of literacy" -40 hours 3. "Skillful hands" -20 hours Calendar-thematic planning the course "One - a step, two - a step ..." "(the development of mathematics is presented s) № Topic of the lesson p / p Num. hours 1 Properties of objects: color, shape, size, material, etc. Acquaintance with the cage. 1 2 Groups of objects or figures with a common feature. Drawing sticks. 1 3 Compilation of a group of objects or figures according to a given criterion. Selection of part of the group. 1 4 Collections of objects. property. Combining objects into groups according to the general 1 5 Comparison of two groups of objects. Notation of relations of equality and inequality. 1 6 Establishing the equality of two groups by pairing (equal - not equal). 1 7 Establishing the equality of two groups by means of pairing (more by ... - less by ...). Attitude: part - whole. Formation of general ideas about addition as a combination of groups of objects into one whole. 1 9 Spatial relationships: on, above, below. Direct counting to 10. 1 10 Spatial relationships: right, left. 1 11 Spatial relationships: between, in the middle. Orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage. 1 12 The relationship between the whole and the part. Presentation: one - many. 1 13 Number 1 and number 1. A natural number as a result of counting and measurement. Spatial relationships: inside, outside 1 14 Number 2 and number 2. Pair. Countdown. 1 15 Number 3 and number 3. Formation of the next number by adding one. 1 8 1 Date 16 Number 4 and number 4. Comparison of numbers on a visual basis. 1 17 Number 5 and number 5. Search for violation of a pattern. 1 18 Spatial relationships: front, back. 1 19 Comparison of groups of objects by quantity on a visual basis. 1 20 Designation of relations: more - less. 1 21 Sequencing of events. A sequence of days in a week, months in a year. 1 Temporary relationships: earlier - later, yesterday - today - tomorrow, etc. 1 23 Number 6 and number 6. Relationship between addition and subtraction of numbers. 1 24 Number 6 and number 6. Revealing mathematical representations of children. 1 25 Spatial relationships: longer, shorter; wider, narrower; thicker, thinner. 1 26 Comparison of objects in length (direct). 1 27 Number 7 and number 7. Ordinal and rhythmic counting. 1 28 Number 7 and number 7. Relationship between addition and subtraction of numbers. 1 29 Number 7 and number 7. Composing figures from parts and dividing figures into parts. 1 30 Initial understanding of quantities. Relationships: Harder, Lighter. 1 31 Number 8 and number 8. Name, sequence and designation of numbers by dots on a line segment. 1 32 Number 8 and number 8. Name, sequence and designation of numbers by numbers. 1 33 Number 8 and number 8. Formation of the ability to select objects of the same shape in the environment. 1 34 Direct and reverse counting of objects. Acquaintance with the generally accepted units of measurement for various quantities. 1 35 Number 9 and number 9. Solving simple addition and subtraction problems. 1 36 Number 0 and number 0. Properties of number 0. Composition of numbers in the first ten. 1 37 Number 10. Representations of addition and subtraction within 10 on a visual basis. 1 38 Acquaintance with geometric shapes - square, rectangle, triangle, circle. Constructing shapes from sticks. 1 22 some 39 Acquaintance with geometric shapes - a ball, a cube, a parallelepiped. Recognizing them. 1 40 Solving simple problems (in one step) on addition and subtraction using visual material. 1 Calendar-thematic planning of the course "On the way to the ABC" (preparation for teaching writing) № Topic of the lesson No. p / n hours 1 Sounds and letters. Differentiation of R / R concepts. School. Class. Educational supplies. "Sound" and "letter". 1 2 Sounds, their conventional designation. Orientation in writing notebooks. Drawing short and long sticks. Repetition. 1 3 Sound [A], letter A. Hatching. Tale "Ryaba Chicken" 1 4 Sound [O], letter O. Trace the letter along the contour. R / r. Games and toys. 1 5 Sound [I], letter I. Sketching of drawings, patterns, coloring of specified contours. R / r. Repetition. 1 6 Sound [Ы], letter Ы. Hatching, coloring of the given contours. R / r. Repetition. 1 7 Sounds [I], [S]. Letters Y, I, A, O, E. Selection of vowel sounds in a word. R / r. House. Family. 1 8 Sound [U], letter U. Development of fine motor skills of hands. Tale "Kolobok" 1 9 Sound [M], letter M. Classification of sounds: consonants and vowels. R / r. Repetition. 1 10 Sounds [N], [N "]. Letter N. Hatching in different directions. The use of new words in speech. R / r. Food. Dishes. 1 11 Sound [P], letter P. Drawing drawings, patterns, coloring of the given contours. P / r. Repetition. Answers to questions, dialogue. 1 Date 12 Sounds [T], [T "]. Letter T. R / r. Parts of the human body. Personal hygiene. contour. 1 13 Vowels and consonants and letters. Letters T, P, N, M. R / r, repetition, dialogue. 1 14 Sounds [K], [K "]. Letters K, T. Hatching in different directions. Sound analysis of the composition of syllables and words. P / r. Clothes. Shoes. 1 15 Sounds [K] - [X], [K "] - [X"]. Syllables with the letters K, X, sound analysis. R / r. Repetition. 1 16 Sounds [F], [F "]. Letter F. Sketching of drawings, patterns, coloring of the given contours. 1 17 Sound [Y "]. Letters Y and I. Hatching in different directions. Fairy tale" Teremok "1 18 Sound [Y" O]. Letter E. Trace and color the given contours. R / r.Ogorod. Vegetables. 1 19 In Sound [Y "U]. Letter R / r. Garden. Fruits. 1 20 Sound [Y" A]. Letter I. Construction of phrases and sentences. J. Development Circling fine motor skills of the hand. 1 R / p. Yard. Domestic animals and birds. 21 Sound [Y "E]. Letter E. contours.R / r. Repetition. Tracking and coloring the given 1 22 Sound [L]. Letter L. Drawing pictures, patterns, coloring the given contours. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of hands. fairy tales "Ryaba Chicken" 1 1 23 Sounds [L] - [Y "]. Syllables and words with learned letters, sound analysis. R / r. Forest. Wild animals and birds. 24 Sounds [B], [B "]. Letter B. Hatching in different directions. P / r. Repetition. 1 25 Voiced and voiceless consonants [B] - [F], [B"] - [F "]. Letters B, F. R / r. Seasons. Temporary concepts. 1 26 Sound [H "]. Letter H. Contour tracing, hatching. Dramatization of the tale "Turnip" 1 27 Sound [Щ "]. Letter Ш. Circumferencing. Sound analysis of syllables and words. R / r. Repetition. 1 28 Sounds [B], [B"]. Letter B. Trace and color the given contours. R / r. Drawing up a story from a picture. 1 29 Sounds [B] - [P], [B "] - [P"]. Letters B, P. Development of fine motor skills of the hand. R / r. Dialogue about animals. 1 30 Sounds [D], [D "]. Letter D. Hatching in different directions. R / r. What color is the rainbow? 1 31 Sound [S]. Letter C. Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. R / r. Moya family. 1 32 Sound [S "]. Letters С, Р / р. We are walking in the woods. children. 1 33 Sound [D]. Letter C. Hatching in different directions. Exercises for the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Preparing for the concert. 1 34 Sounds [G], [G "]. Letter G. Tracking and coloring the given contours. P / r. We are walking in the garden. 1 35 Sound [Z]. Letter Z. Hatching in different directions. P / r. Prepare lunch 1 36 Sounds [Ш] - [С] - [Щ "]. Letters Ш, Щ, С, Ц. Contouring. R / r. Let's go to the birthday party. 1 37 Sound [F]. Letter J. Exercise for the development of fine motor skills of the hand. Dialogue about cartoons. 1 38 Sounds [R] - [L], [R "] - [L"]. Letters R, L. Drawing up a story-description about a beloved animal. 1 39 Drawing pictures, patterns, coloring the specified contours. Repetition of the studied verses. 1 40 Hatching in different directions. The development of fine motor skills. Preparing to perform on the line. 1 E, O. Enrichment of vocabulary Thematic lesson plan "Skillful hands" № Topic title p / n 1 Application "Peacock" 2 Modeling vegetables. Content of the work Number of hours Ability to hold scissors correctly, trace your palm, cut along the contour, 1 apply creativity in decoration. Ability to convey the shape of an object, color. 1 Date 3 "Rainbow over the meadow", "butterfly" 4 5 Modeling of geometric shapes. Origami "Swan" 6 Modeling at will. 7 Coloring the "Egg" pattern Modeling of animal figurines. 8 9 10 Application according to the "Fungus" pattern. Modeling the application "Fungus" Use of paints, the technique of folding the sheet in half. Learn to distinguish between geometric shapes. 1 Acquaintance with origami technique, square folding techniques. Give an opportunity to fantasize. 1 Acquaintance with the technique of painting on paper. Using the batik technique. 1 Learn to sculpt a figurine of animals, to convey their shape, size, color. Work by template and sample. 1 Learn to transfer the drawing in the form. 1 1 1 1 11 Construction "House Application of geometric shapes by the road" 1 12 Modeling "House by the road" Learn to sculpt geometric shapes, make up the big picture. 1 13 Drawing "Tree" 1 14 Modeling various trees. Acquaintance with the wet-sheet technique. Learn to convey the shape of trees. 15 Drawing "Teddy bear in the meadow" Modeling the volumetric painting "Teddy bear in the meadow" Development of creative initiative. 1 Learn to convey the volume of the picture, shape, color. 1 Technique "mosaic of torn pieces of paper". Convey color, composition, content. 1 16 17 Mosaic "Ship" 18 Modeling of the application "Sea" 1 1 19 20 Collective work "Panel from our palms". Modeling on a free theme. Ability to work in a group. 1 To enable children to express their imagination. 1 Topic of words for assimilation: 1. School, class, educational supplies. 2. Games and toys. 3. Home, family. 4. Food, dishes. 5.Parts of the human body, personal hygiene. 6. Clothes, shoes. 7. Vegetable garden, field, garden, vegetables, fruits. 8. Yard, pets and birds. 9. Forest, wild animals and birds. 10. Seasons, nature, time concepts Literature: 1. Amonashvili Sh.A. Hello children! - M .: Education, 1983 - 190s. 2. Archipenko F.A. Game in the educational activity of a younger student / Primary school, 1992, No. 4 - pp. 4-6 3. Babkina NV. The use of developing games and exercises in the educational process / Elementary school, 1998, No. 4 - p.11-19 4. Burs RS. Preparing children for school - M: Education, 1997 5. Vasilieva - LP Gangnus. The ABC of courtesy - M.: Pedagogy, 1989 - 89p. 6. Volina V. Celebration of the Number. Entertaining mathematics - M .: Education, 1996 - 208s. 7. Gavrina SE, Kutyavina NL and others. I'm getting ready for school (a popular guide for parents and teachers) - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000 - 33p. 8. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L. etc. We develop hands - to study and write, and draw beautifully (a popular guide for parents and teachers) - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000 - 187s. 9.Gin S.I., Prokopenko I.E. First days at school. (A guide for first grade teachers) - M .: Vita-press, 2000 - 79s. 10. Preschool preparation. Primary School. Basic and high school / Collection of programs 2100 - M .: Balass, 2004 11. Dubrovina IV. and other Psychology. Textbook for students of secondary pedagogical educational institutions - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 1999 - 464p. 12. Dubrovina NV, Akimova and others. Working book of a school psychologist - M .: Education, 1991 - 303p.


    "School of the future student"

    One of the most pressing problems of modern schools is the growth in the number of students with school maladjustment already in the first grade. Very often the result of academic failure, school neuroses, increased anxiety is the unpreparedness of the child for learning. These phenomena persist and persist for a long time in children who enter school. The first year of study is very difficult for a child: his usual way of life changes, he adapts to new social conditions, new activities, unfamiliar adults and peers. Adaptation proceeds more unfavorably in children with impaired physical and psychological health, as well as in those children who did not attend preschool institutions. Observations of first-graders showed that socio-psychological adaptation can take place in different ways. A significant proportion of children (50-60%) adapt during the first two to three months of schooling. This is manifested in the fact that the child gets used to the team, gets to know classmates better, makes friends. Children who have successfully passed the adaptation are in a good mood, an active attitude to learning, a desire to attend school, and conscientiously fulfill the teacher's requirements. Other children (30%) take longer to get used to their new school life. Until the end of the first half of the year, they may prefer play activities to educational ones, they do not immediately fulfill the teacher's requirements, they often sort things out with their peers using inadequate methods (they fight, act up, complain, cry). These children have difficulties in mastering the curriculum. In each class, there are about 14% of children in whom the difficulties of painful and long-term (up to one year) adaptation are added to the significant difficulties of educational work. Such children are often characterized by negative behaviors, persistent negative emotions, unwillingness to study and attend school. Often they do not want to be friends with these children, to cooperate, which causes a new reaction of protest: they behave defiantly, bully, interfere with the lesson. A child's admission to school is the starting point of a new stage of development. Teachers take into account the difficulties of the adaptation period and are interested in making it less painful for children. The child must be ready for new forms of cooperation with adults and peers, for a change in the social situation of development, his social status.

    Explanatory note

    Often, preparing children for school comes down to teaching them counting, reading, writing. Meanwhile, practice shows that the greatest difficulties in primary school are experienced not by those children who do not have a large amount of knowledge, skills and abilities, but those who show intellectual passivity, who do not have the desire and habit to think, the desire to learn something new. ...

    The purpose of this program:

    Comprehensive development of the child,which will ensure the formation of a future student's readiness for learning in primary school, the development of those intellectual qualities, creative abilities and personality traits that ensure the success of the adaptation of the first grader, academic achievements and a positive attitude towards school

    The main objectives of the program:

    organization of the process of teaching, upbringing and development of children at the stage of preschool education, taking into account the needs and capabilities of children of this age;

    strengthening and developing the child's emotionally positive attitude to school, the desire to learn;

    the formation of social personality traits of the future first grader, necessary for successful adaptation to school.

    The program is designed for children 6 years of age. It assumes the development of the child, taking into account his individual characteristics. In the course of the implementation of the program in children, through creativity, the ability to invent, create new things, the child's personality is formed in the best way, his independence and cognitive world develops. Thus, during the work of the school of the future first grader, not only the teacher and the student get to know each other, but also the main task of the program is solved: reducing the adaptation period when the child enters school.

    The concept of the training program for future first graders"School of the future student"is based on the following idea: preschoolers are just preparing for systematic education and this determines the choice of content, methods and forms of organizing children's education.

    The procedure for organizing the work of the school of future first graders"School of the future student":

    groups are formed from children of 6 years of age;

    the duration of training is 10 lessons (February - March)

    the number of people in groups is no more than 15 people;

    class mode: 1 time per week (Saturday) - 3 lessons of 25 minutes

    "Entertaining mathematics".In the course of the course, future first-graders travel around the country of numbers and signs, get acquainted with the "magic cells", study outdoor games with mathematical tasks. Children learn to correlate colors, determine the shape of objects, using geometric shapes as a standard, navigate in the quantitative characteristics of objects, count objects within 10, navigate in space.Preparation for the study of mathematics at school is carried out in three directions: the formation of basic skills underlying mathematical concepts learned in elementary school; Logical propaedeutics, which includes the formation of logical skills that form the basis for the formation of the concept of number; symbolic propaedeutics - preparation for operating with signs.

    "Basics of reading and writing".A large role in the lessons of this course is given to games with words, during which children acquire the skills of inflection and word formation, lexical and grammatical combination of words, and master the structure of a sentence. The main objective of this course is to develop speaking and listening skills, enriching the child's active, passive and potential vocabulary.

    "Skillful hands". The purpose of this course is to develop creative and improve the communication skills of preschoolers. Development (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, classification), the ability to group objects according to several criteria, combine them, notice similarities and differences in objects, compose compositions using improvised material (glue, scissors, colored paper) The development of a preschooler's communication skills is instilling correct (socially adapted) forms of behavior and the ability to work in a group.

    The leading method of working with children is play. This type of activity is the leading one in preschool age.

    The main form of organizing activities is a lesson. Various types of lessons are used - lesson-journey, lesson-game.

    Lesson objectives

    Development of auditory and visual perception

    Development of focused attention and observation

    Development of auditory and visual memory

    Development of thinking and speech

    Development of general and fine motor skills

    Improving communication skills

    Fostering a benevolent attitude towards others

    Improving the skills of monologue speech

    Improving the skills of dialogical speech

    Development of facial expressions and pantomime

    Development of fantasy and imagination

    Development of the ability for deep imaginative thinking

    Development of the ability to establish causal relationships

    Development of creativity

    Formation of the emotional-volitional sphere

    Formation of ethical beliefs

    Increased self-confidence

    Teach to make decisions

    Lesson plan

    1. "Entertaining mathematics" -10 hours
    2. "Basics of reading and writing" -10 hours
    3. "Skillful hands" -10 hours

    Thematic lesson plan of the course "Entertaining mathematics"

    No. topic of the lesson the purpose of the lesson

    counting by ear, counting by touch. Counting objects with open and closed eyes;

    Express in speech signs of the similarities and differences of individual objects and aggregates.

    Measurement of length, width, height, surrounding objects using conventional measurements;

    Combine groups of items

    highlight, establish the relationship between the part and the whole.

    Concepts of elementary geometric shapes

    Know the names of the geom. figures and be able to distinguish them.

    Orientation on a sheet of paper in a cage (to the left, to the right, above, below, from, to, above, below).

    Spatial orientation by cells.

    Sequencing of events. A sequence of days in a week.

    Time orientation.

    Comparison of the number of items

    On a visual basis

    The ratio of the number of items between the two groups.

    Direct and reverse counting within 10.

    Ordinal and rhythmic counting

    Composing shapes from parts and dividing shapes into parts.

    Designing shapes from a given pattern

    The relationship between the whole and the part. Presentation: one - many.

    The ratio of the number of items between different groups

    Establishing the equality of two groups by pairing (equal - not equal).

    Comparison of items in groups of different amounts

    Thematic lesson plan of the course "Basics of Literacy"

    Hey us today - a skit! Hatching (vegetables).

    Familiarity with shading rules

    Acquaintance with the ruled notebook. Narrow string. Writing straight short lines. Readers

    The development of correct breathing when speaking, familiarity with the ruler

    Writing short lines with a rounded bottom. Sound Games

    Development of phonemic hearing and vigilance

    Short lines letter with rounded top. In a world of sounds and letters

    The ratio of sounds and signs

    A straight long line letter with a loop at the bottom. Russian bylichki, former women and fairy tales about mythological characters. Brownie.

    Acquaintance with Russian folklore. Continuing shading

    Familiarity with lined paper, writing short slanted lines. Find the letter game

    Development of spatial representation on lined paper

    Orientation on lined paper. The game "The path to the house"

    Determination of the right and left sides of an object

    Speech (oral and written) - general presentation. Hatching-copying

    Clarification, enrichment and activation of the children's vocabulary.

    Sentence and word. Game "Words are different"

    Development in children of attention to the sound side of audible speech (own and someone else's)

    Word. Family

    Improvement of general speech skills: teaching a leisurely tempo and rhythm of speech, correct speech breathing, moderate volume (the ability to speak with a medium strength voice, without tension) and correct intonation (the ability to lower and raise the voice)

    Thematic lesson plan "Skillful hands"

    Application "Peacock"

    The ability to hold scissors correctly,

    outline your palm, cut along the contour, apply creativity in design.

    "Rainbow over the meadow", "butterfly"

    The use of paints, the technique of folding the sheet in half

    Origami "Swan"

    Acquaintance with origami technique, square folding techniques

    Coloring the "Egg" pattern

    Acquaintance with the technique of painting on paper.

    Application according to the "Fungus" pattern

    Work by template and sample

    Construction of the "House by the Road"

    Applique from geometric shapes

    Drawing "Tree"

    Acquaintance with the wet-sheet technique

    Drawing a teddy bear in a meadow

    Development of creative initiative

    Mosaic "Ship"

    Technique "mosaic of torn pieces of paper"

    Collective work "Panel from our palms"

    Ability to work in a group


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    2. Archipenko F.A. Game in the educational activity of a younger student / Primary school, 1992, No. 4 - p.4-6
    3. Babkina N.V. The use of developing games and exercises in the educational process / Primary school, 1998, No. 4 - p.11-19
    4. Burs R.S. Preparing children for school - M: Education, 1997
    5. Vasilieva - Gangnus L.P. The ABC of courtesy - M.: Pedagogy, 1989 - 89p.
    6. Volina V. Celebration of the Number. Entertaining mathematics - M .: Education, 1996 - 208s.
    7. Gavrina SE, Kutyavina NL and others. I'm getting ready for school (a popular guide for parents and teachers) - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000 - 33p.
    8. Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L. etc. We develop hands - to study and write, and draw beautifully (a popular guide for parents and teachers) - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2000 - 187s.
    9. Gin S.I., Prokopenko I.E. First days at school. (A guide for first grade teachers) - M .: Vita-press, 2000 - 79s.
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