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  • Hostile aliens fly to the ground. Armada of Eight Giant UFOs Approaching Earth Identified by Alien Ships

    Hostile aliens fly to the ground.  Armada of Eight Giant UFOs Approaching Earth Identified by Alien Ships

    In early September, there was information about the approach of over a hundred giant UFOs. But, according to the latest observations of astronomers, we can confidently say that the mysterious ships of representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations have changed their own trajectory. This is reported by the publication "Russian Dialogue".

    Initially, it was assumed that the UFO will reach Earth in mid-October. However, after some time it became known that huge objects changed their trajectory. Now they fly with a displacement of several degrees, which is generally reflected in a distance of 2 light years from the previous trajectory.

    It was found that the current coordinates of the aliens are 19 27 12-89 46 03. Experts have focused on the fact that the approach of a UFO of this size will significantly affect the nature of the Earth. It is also worth considering that the area in diameter of the largest objects is over 4000 square meters.

    The NASA space department did not confirm the above information. Ufologists claim that alien ships are approaching with the intention of taking over Earth.

    Earlier in Mexico, scientists found stones with

    This news was published for the reason that the SETI project (SETI Project (English SETI, Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) - a project to search for extraterrestrial civilizations) is not a governmental project in any of the countries, but is a scientific non-commercial project. It seems that something is starting to happen. SETI officials say they used some of the antennas designed for signal processing and exclusive use by the United States Navy. The SETI leadership seems to be very concerned that several very large objects are rapidly approaching Earth.

    Go to the space map at and check these images. Go to the site, enter the coordinates (listed below) and zoom in on - / + on the left ...

    coordinates of giant UFOs heading towards Earth:

    19 25 12 -89 46 03 - the first large object

    16 19 35 -88 43 10 - cylindrical object

    02 26 39 -89 43 13 - in the form of a circle

    Here are some comments from SETI researchers: “These objects have been known for some time and they are real. NASA does not want to publish them and make them public. These alien ships are moving towards Earth and the Government knows about it! "

    “I was in touch with my former colleagues at SETI. They informed me that these are, of course, alien ships, they are in contact with them using the HAARP (HAARP (English High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) - an American research project for the study of aurora borealis. Launched in the spring of 1997 in Gakone, Alaska, the project has featured in numerous conspiracy theories, including those claiming that HAARP is a geophysical or ionospheric weapon) Objects are now in the constellation BS2-47 +.06 - Obama is going to use this as his justifying the establishment of dictatorial power and the creation of a One World Government. When they are as close as Mars, everyone will know that they are - this will be a regular topic in the media and will be used to whip up public hysteria. "

    All we can do now is wait. If the ship is a fact, it should be visible with a good telescope. Mass hysteria will be inevitable. Remember the 1938 radio adaptation of The War of the Worlds by HG Wells and how it triggered a massive panic that resulted in multiple deaths? Although, it was more than 70 years ago and times have changed, especially since in the late 50s the space era began, and "mutual understanding" appeared between people and the Cosmos. More and more people today recognize that the likelihood of other intelligent life exists in the universe. Therefore, there should be no surprise if representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations visit Earth. There will be a lot of hysteria, they will refer to the creation of a world government in order to unite against the "common enemy". Will it be the War of the Worlds, Star Wars, for which science fiction writers and television directors have prepared us so perfectly, or will they fly to us with friendly intentions? ... Wait and see ...

    Ufologists with the statement say that very hostile aliens are flying to Earth and an attack against earthlings will soon begin.

    According to ufologists, the mass of spacecraft flying aliens can reach the Earth in October. Their space fleet is very huge. The area of ​​the largest flying objects may be four thousand square meters and that the UFO will approach the Earth this month.

    UFOs fly to the ground 2017: the mass of allegations

    Ufologists are constantly researching and coming to certain statements, most of ufologists are absolutely not joking about the hostile aliens who will come to our planet from day to day. But only their statements are slightly scattered.

    Some ufologists say that a UFO will attack Earth in October, while others say that a UFO will attack Earth in December 2017. And yet another part of the ufologists generally claims the opposite, that most of the alien spaceships have already turned in the opposite direction and are flying to their planet.

    Although some ufologists see here just a deceitful maneuver of alien intelligences. It is believed that the UFO deployed in order to deceive the earthlings with its reverse actions, and then a sudden attack on the Earth, but these are all just words, simple statements.

    UFOs Fly to Earth 2017: True or False

    Some of the experts are scattering all kinds of news about the life of aliens on the Internet. Ufologists say that aliens do not come close to Earth, but have already settled with us a long time ago. This means that aliens live among us and have built their bases on the Moon and Mars. And naturally they bring their evidence for you and me, various photographs, shots where spaceships are visible, the aliens themselves, or traces of their activity on Earth.

    But some conspiracy theorists are not afraid to go even further in their statements and say that the world space agencies know a lot about UFOs and aliens, but in reality they are deliberately hiding the information. They even say that they are cooperating with alien beings in order to save the Earth and all of humanity.

    UFOs fly to earth 2017: scientists believe

    But very serious scientists, researchers of outer space, believe that absolutely nothing threatens the mankind of our planet Earth and all people can sleep peacefully.

    Even purely hypothetically, all future technologies that do not violate natural laws that are known to mankind simply cannot make flights so fast and invisible to anyone.

    So, if a UFO still decides to fly to us on Earth, then it will not go unnoticed. And if the aliens still want to find contact with us, then most likely it will not be a personal visit to our planet, but a completely different way of communication, a more convenient and quick way of contact with earthlings.