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  • Development strategy of the Department of Management. Modern problems of science and education. Sensitivity to failures in strategic decisions and actions of the department

    Development strategy of the Department of Management.  Modern problems of science and education.  Sensitivity to failures in strategic decisions and actions of the department



    Director of the Novorossiysk branch



    "Philosophy, History and Law"






    Novorossiysk branch for 2013-2020 Section 1.

    Vision and Mission With the development of the processes of globalization and internationalization of the economy and business, higher education faces new goals of training professional personnel who can work effectively in the changed conditions of the global market and constantly updated information technologies. There was a need for permanent modernization of professional knowledge, i.e. lifelong learning.

    The Department of Philosophy, History and Law of the branch of the Financial University under the Government of Russia in Novorossiysk is working on the implementation of the Financial University for the strategic goal of the perspective until 2020, which is to fulfill the mission of a leading scientific, research, educational, methodological and consulting center in the field of financial -economic sciences, which is one of the world's leading universities and makes a significant theoretical and practical contribution to the innovative development and global competitiveness of Russia.

    An optimal system of vocational education, a multilevel structure of higher education that meets modern requirements is being created. This requires from the branch and, accordingly, from the department in its composition, to create conditions for the phased introduction of a tiered model of personnel training, the introduction of qualification (professional) standards in areas of activity, new state educational standards of the 3rd generation.

    The Department of Philosophy, History and Law of the branch of the Financial University under the Government of Russia in Novorossiysk sees its mission in the formation and satisfaction of the intellectual, scientific, educational and moral needs of the individual, society and the state. The department focuses its efforts on promoting high-quality training of highly professional specialists and scientific personnel capable of setting and solving urgent scientific, industrial and socio-economic problems, actively participating in strengthening the economic potential of the Krasnodar Territory, the Southern Federal District and Russia.

    Section 2 Analysis of the internal environment

    2.1 Educational process The department carries out its activities in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", the Federal Law "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", other federal laws, acts of the President of Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education, the Charter of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the Novorossiysk Branch, the Regulations on the Department.

    The department provides training in 30 academic disciplines (Appendix No. 1.

    2.3 Personnel The educational process within the department is carried out by highly qualified teachers with significant teaching experience and practical experience. The level of training and qualifications of full-time teachers corresponds to the disciplines taught and the position held. The total number of the teaching staff of the department in the 2012/2013 academic year is 7 people, including 5 full-time and 2 part-time teachers. Of these, 6 people have academic degrees, which is 86%. Doctors of Sciences - 2, Candidates of Sciences - 4. In the future until 2020.

    1 teacher is expected to be protected. Consequently, by 2020, the provision of the department with teachers with a degree will be 100%.

    All full-time teachers of the department and full-time part-time employees are selected by competition in the prescribed manner. All full-time teachers of the institute regularly undergo advanced training.

    2.4 Provision of technical and information resources Information and methodological support of the educational process includes educational, scientific, periodical literature and educational materials, information databases and knowledge. The training process uses specialized software MSOffice, MSNavision.

    Optimization of teaching methods, the introduction of new educational technologies into the educational process and the active use of information resources is an important direction for improving the quality of training of modern specialists. In this regard, the most important task of the department is to improve the quality of education by strengthening the independent work of students with the involvement of modern educational technologies.

    The educational process uses:

    remote centralized computer testing of students;

    the use of forums on the website of the Institute for remote counseling of students by the teachers of the branch;

    using e-mail for interaction between students and teachers of the branch and the university;

    the use of satellite TV broadcasting to broadcast the most significant and original lectures.

    Currently, the branch is connected to the Internet via a dedicated line, which allows actively using e-mail for interaction between students and teachers, forums on the Institute's website for remote consulting of students by teachers. The branch has a satellite dish and the corresponding software, which makes it possible to conduct webinars, broadcast original lectures and meetings via video conferencing.

    Section 3. Analysis of the external environment

    3.1 Main competitors

    The main competitors in Novorossiysk are:

    Branch of the Academy of IMSIT Krasnodar State Maritime University named after Admiral F.F. Ushakov Branch of the Kuban State University Krasnodar Branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy

    3.2 External relations and partners The department has developed measures to expand the external relations and partners of the department for the planning period (Appendix 4). The implementation of these activities allows the department, which is interested in expanding business contacts, to most profitably combine the interests of students, the population and potential employers.

    Goal and development objectives Branch of the Financial University under the Government of Russia in St.

    Novorossiysk defines itself as the center of education, science and culture.

    The Department of Philosophy, History and Law, being a subdivision of the branch, together with other departments, is working on the implementation of:

    - training and education of specialists who, on the basis of fundamental knowledge and the necessary practical training, are able to make a significant contribution to the development of science, education, economy and culture of the city, region and country, who participate in continuous self-education and professional development, respond flexibly to changes in the needs of society ;

    - satisfying the need for obtaining modern, affordable and high-quality education, acquiring the necessary qualifications, in the intellectual, cultural and moral development of the individual;

    - development of fundamental and applied science as a source of new knowledge, a guarantee of high quality education, the basis for the development of innovative entrepreneurial activity;

    - fruitful international cooperation in the fields of education, science and culture;

    The use of moral standards, ethical principles in the process of educating a person, civic consciousness.

    Development of materials that increase the effectiveness of training (business games cases, role-playing games);

    Preparation and publication of textbooks, teaching aids and workshops for undergraduate studies;

    Renewal of the valuation funds fund;

    Preparation of lecture texts and teaching materials for the library and information complex for the electronic information resources available in the BIK of the University;

    Dissemination of active and interactive forms of educational work with the provision of innovative methodological recommendations;

    Development of methodological support and widespread introduction of innovative technical teaching aids into the educational process;

    Preparation and holding of scientific events in the areas of research activity (conferences, symposia, "round tables");

    Development of a system for attracting university students to research work;

    development of a system to stimulate the involvement of the entire scientific and pedagogical team in the research activities of the university;

    Intensification of vocational guidance work among schoolchildren and other potential applicants;

    expanding the range of activities with students and alumni of the Financial University in order to increase their competitiveness in the labor market.

    Priority areas of development The department "Philosophy, History and Law" as part of the Branch of the Financial University under the Government of Russia in Novorossiysk operates in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", other federal laws, acts of the President Russia and the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Education, the Charter of the branch of the financial university under the government of Russia in Novorossiysk, the Regulations on the branch of the financial university under the government of Russia in St.

    Novorossiysk, other local acts of the university, as well as regulations on structural divisions and elected bodies of the branch.

    In the implementation of the new educational standard of the third generation, we have developed measures to improve the educational process.

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Development and implementation of large-scale role-playing, 2013-2015

    business games covering several modules Development of a unified knowledge test control system 2013-2014.

    students on the basis of the repository Using the website of the branch, department and forum for 2013-2014, the website of the branch as the main communication platform for remote consulting of students by the teachers of the branch

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    qualifications of teaching staff in the following areas:

    Formation of information and communication competence;

    Modern information technologies of education:

    Independent creation of e-pages for training courses;

    Use technical means 2013-2014.

    training, computer slides.

    To intensify the use of work 2013-2015.

    site of the branch Carry out mutual visit of lectures, 2013-2020.

    practices, reception of classroom and control works by the teachers of the department.

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    With the stamp of UMO in the specialty, published by the central publishing house;

    With the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, published by a regional or university publishing house;

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    The quality management system makes it possible to assess the level of qualifications of the subjects of educational activities (the head and employees of the structural unit, teachers, students), the degree of their responsibility for the quality of their activities, to determine ways to improve the process of training a specialist, improve the quality of planning, organize the educational process and provide educational and methodological support. ...

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    The implementation of the above tasks will allow the Department of Philosophy, History and Law to achieve the following results by 2020:

    1. Competitive level of the educational process in the regional market.

    80% of the level of excellent and good grades of graduates based on the results of state (including independent) certification;

    improving the quality of intellectual capital by increasing the share of graduated research and teaching staff up to 80%.

    2. Competitive in the Russian market level of research and expert - analytical work of the department staff.

    improving the quality of research, bringing the number of publications in foreign publications indexed by foreign organizations to 3 units. per year (per one scientific and pedagogical worker

    3. Increasing the effectiveness of the department's contribution to providing financial support for the innovative development of the Russian economy.

    As a result of the implementation of the listed activities, the department will meet the criteria of the Financial University in terms of the level of education, the effectiveness of scientific research and expert - analytical work.

    The strategy was approved by the decision of the Department of Philosophy, History and Law

    Novorossiysk branch (minutes No. 1 dated 04/11/2013).


    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    List of implemented programs and readable disciplines List of readable disciplines of the department "Philosophy, History and Law"

    1. English.

    2. Business communication.

    3. Business foreign language.

    4. Business communications.

    5. Research of socio-economic and political processes.

    6. History.

    7. History of world civilizations.

    8. History of Russia.

    9. History of the economy.

    10. History of economic studies.

    11. History of economic thought.

    12. Concepts of modern natural science.

    13. Culture of speech.

    14. Culture of speech and business communication.

    15. Culturology.

    16. Logic.

    17. German language.

    18. Political science.

    20. Legal foundations of the Russian state.

    21. Psychology.

    22. Psychology and pedagogy.

    23. Psychology of management.

    24. Russian language.

    25. Sociology.

    26. Theory of economy and law.

    27. Philosophy.

    28. French language.

    29. Commercial law.

    30. Physical culture.

    Appendix 3 Characteristics of the staff potential of the department

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

    Target indicators and criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the implementation of the Department Development Program The Department development program will be considered successful if, as a result of the activities, the following indicators are achieved:

    No comments on the QMS Successful accreditation.

    Planned number of publications, monographs and scientific articles.

    Obtaining the title of professor and associate professor of the Higher Attestation Commission of the teaching staff of the department in a planned mode.

    Head of the Department

    - & nbsp– & nbsp–

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    The article examines the modern requirements for the higher education system, examines the strategic development program of the Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov. The strategic goals of the university are to train personnel capable of increasing the competitiveness of high-tech sectors of the economy. To improve the educational process at the university, new educational programs are being created, areas of training that are in demand by the market and potential employers are opening. Management of the university as a complex system is carried out at various levels: the level of the administration, faculties and departments. The authors distinguish the department as a basic unit of the university. The departments create curricula and programs, conduct research and development. Therefore, the effectiveness of the university as a whole depends on the efficiency of the departments. The combination of the head of the department in the university management system of three roles - scientist, teacher, leader, contributes to the harmonious development of the department in all directions.

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    3. Grakhov V.P., Kislyakova Yu.G., Lubenskaya L.A. Assessment of the quality of education based on the results of All-Russian student Olympiads in the direction of "Construction" // Bulletin of the Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov. - 2013. - No. 1 (57). - S. 174-176.

    4. Grakhov VP, Kislyakova YG Quality of education through professional interaction // Materials of the V International conference (Russia, Izhevsk, February 20-22, 2012). - T. 1. - S. 166-170.

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    In the 21st century, the leading countries of the world are moving to the post-industrial stage of development. It is not resources that begin to acquire the greatest value, but knowledge. In this regard, our country is faced with the task of reforming the education system.

    With the intensive development of technology, the widespread introduction of new information technologies, the requirements for the quality of education of the population, professional competence of workers, and timely retraining of personnel are increasing.

    The country's leadership in various areas is impossible without relying on a high-quality and large-scale education system. Over the past 20 years, the economic and political realities of the life of Russian society have changed. The education sector did not always react to these changes in a timely manner and did not meet the new requirements of society. There are problems in the quality of educational standards, the quality of teaching, in the organization and provision of the educational process. The Russian education system can and should successfully compete with the education systems of other countries.

    One of the main directions of modernization of education in Russia should be to improve its quality. Particular attention should be paid to the field of higher education, since it is here that specialists are trained for all sectors of the country's economy, fundamental and applied research begins.

    The higher education system should actively introduce new innovative forms of education, while preserving the best traditions of research activities.

    When carrying out reforms, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for education on the part of the state, industry, business and the citizens themselves. At the same time, current trends and the experience of other countries are analyzed. Educational policy should become more flexible, be able to quickly adapt to new conditions, and use new opportunities.

    In a market economy, education is becoming one of the types of services. Only competitive educational institutions can survive in the educational services market. Competitiveness is achieved by improving the quality of education, improving the organization of the educational process, and improving the qualifications of teachers. At the same time, not only the form, but also the content of education should change. The effectiveness of the implementation of changes is manifested in the maximum increase in the quality of knowledge with the possible minimization of resource consumption.

    The main directions of development in the field of education are legally enshrined in the new Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which entered into force on September 1, 2013.

    FSBEI HPE "Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov "implements the program of strategic development of the university for 2012-2016, which outlines the main goals and directions of development of the university. According to this program, the mission of the university is to generate knowledge and transfer technologies, train and retrain personnel capable of providing innovative development of high-tech industries and enterprises of the military-industrial complex of the region and Russia.

    • The strategic goals of the university are to train personnel capable of increasing the competitiveness of high-tech sectors of the economy, promoting the modernization of the Udmurt Republic and the Volga Federal District, as well as the formation of the university as an innovative corporation capable of contributing to the comprehensive development of scientific, educational, innovative, cultural and social spheres of the Udmurt Republic and Russia.
    • The task of the university is to raise a specialist with high general cultural and professional competencies, and at the same time to form his civic position, legal and political culture during extracurricular work.
    • The priority areas of the university's activities include:
    • development of a system of scientific and innovative activities that ensures work in priority areas of development of science, technology and technology, transfer of knowledge and technology into the educational process and production, commercialization of the results of scientific activities in the framework of cooperation with high-tech enterprises in Russia and the region;
    • development of informatization, administration and electronic forms of communication, providing a management system for all departments of the university, the unity of the educational, scientific and innovative space.

    To improve the educational process at the university, new educational programs are being created, areas of training that are in demand by the market and potential employers are opening. Continuing education is carried out according to the system: school - technical school - university, there are programs for retraining personnel and improving their qualifications.

    Assessment and control of students' knowledge is carried out using a point-rating system, intermediate and final testing in subjects.

    In the learning process, the frequency of the use of new multimedia technologies is increasing. Students are actively involved in project work to solve real problems of the economy and production.

    The use of distance learning technologies, the creation of electronic teaching aids makes education more accessible and convenient.

    The university is interested in a qualified teaching staff, therefore, conditions are created for improving the qualifications of employees, international internships are organized for the exchange of experience. Particular attention is paid to the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies, popularization of science and scientific research is being carried out, the activity of graduate students and applicants is supported, measures are being developed to encourage young scientists and teachers.

    The university is a complex system. The management of this system is carried out at various levels: the level of the administration, faculties and departments.

    The department is part of the structure, the initial basic unit of the university. It is the department that has a direct educational and educational impact on students. The departments create curricula and programs, conduct research and development . Therefore, the effectiveness of the university as a whole depends on the efficiency of the departments. The activities of the department are managed by the head of the department, and, therefore, he plays a significant role in the management system of the university.

    High requirements are imposed on the candidacy of the head - to his professional training, organizational, business, personal qualities, and working capacity.

    The head of the department combines several roles. He must be an authoritative scientist, which is confirmed by the presence of an academic degree, honorary titles, awards. The head scientist contributes to the development of the research direction of the department. At the same time, the head of the department must show himself as a successful teacher in order to organize high-quality management of the educational process and the use of new educational technologies, to pay attention to the methodological support of teaching. As a leader, the head of the department must be able to clearly organize the work of the team, that is, play the role of an effective manager. The combination of these three roles contributes to the harmonious development of the department in all directions. Otherwise, insufficient attention is paid to either the performance of administrative functions, or scientific research, or the content of the educational process.

    The employees of the department are the primary labor collective, that is, they have no further administrative division. . The head of the department is the head of all areas of activity of this team, a key link in the management system. He must form a close-knit team of professionally trained people capable of solving the tasks assigned to them. The result obtained by the actions of the team exceeds the result of the sum of the actions of individual employees. The leader of the team plays a key role in its work. The head of the department should be dynamic, possessing different leadership styles and applying them in accordance with the requirements of the situation. For successful leadership, the head must know a lot about the staff of the department, be able to clearly distribute roles between them, avoid rivalry, delegate some of the powers to colleagues, and develop a feedback system. It is important not only to select a good team, but also to further the professional development of employees, since the value of a human resource can only increase over time.

    The head of the department must be able to interact with people of different levels - teachers, students, graduate students, parents, bosses, business representatives. Communication is an important part of his job. The head is at the same time the head of the department and subordinate in relation to the higher authorities. At the same time, he builds horizontal relationships with colleagues - heads of other departments.

    An important point in the management of the department is the development of a strategy for its development, prioritization. Activity planning is carried out at the strategic, tactical and operational levels. It is necessary to clearly establish what the department should do in the present time period in order to achieve the desired goals in the future. Decisions must be timely and appropriate to the situation. An important part of the work of the head of the department is control over the activities of the department, fixing the results, achievements for a certain period of time.

    Along with the classic duties of the head of the department, new urgent requirements and tasks appear. The effectiveness of the department's work today should be assessed by the following indicators:

    • Growth in the number and quality of educational services. Educational programs must meet modern standards, be developed in accordance with the wishes of potential employers and partners of the department. The quality of student preparation is assessed by participation in Olympiads, diploma contests, scientific and practical conferences, forums.
    • The growth of the average score of applicants on the exam (more than 60). To attract more hardworking and interested applicants, it is necessary to work with schools year-round and create specialized classes. High school students should have an idea of ​​the department, areas of training, required exams.
    • Increase in the number of lecturers with a scientific degree. It is necessary to comprehensively support and stimulate the desire for development, advanced training of teachers of the department.
    • Reducing the average age of the teaching staff of the department. Young teachers are more actively using modern methods of conducting the educational process, they are more mobile.
    • Registration in the scientific electronic library eLIBRARY.RU - an information portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education. The portal brings together information about publications, authors, scientific journals.
    • An increase in the Hirsch index in publications of the faculty of the department. Statistical indicators allow us to assess the relevance of publications and ongoing research.
    • The transition to the applied nature of final qualification and dissertation works - at the request of enterprises, the search for solutions to technical and economic issues.
    • Development of distance learning, making knowledge available to a wider range of students.
    • Creation of a personal account for teachers. A personal account on the website of the university, faculty, department makes it possible to post information about the teacher and educational material, to communicate with students.

    Thus, educational services, all types of activities of the department are combined into a kind of educational project. At the same time, the head of the department acts as a project manager striving to improve the efficiency of the team of the department employees.


    Yurina E.A., Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational Technologies, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin ", Tambov.

    Chigrinova N.M., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Trade and Advertising Equipment, Belarusian National Technical University, Minsk.

    Bibliographic reference

    Grakhov V.P., Mokhnachev S.A., Kislyakova Yu.G., Anisimova N.V. ON THE NEW ROLE OF THE HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT IN THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROGRAM OF STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE UNIVERSITY // Modern problems of science and education. - 2014. - No. 5 .;
    URL: (date accessed: 20.12.2019). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

    Section I. CULTURE

    BBK Ch488.74 (2Ros-4Per) 711.9

    V.N. Stegny


    The development strategy of the Faculty of Humanities is based on a predictive approach, since today the country is focused not on the past of the higher education system, but on its future. There is nothing accidental in this, as the intellectual, creative, innovative core of society is formed by the system of higher education. It leads society forward, into "tomorrow", it ensures its future development. In this regard, the author of the article - the dean of the faculty - is interested in the prospects for the development of his team, his place in a technical university, in our region.

    The faculty was opened in 1993, this year it turned 15 years old. Of course, in order to talk about the future of the faculty, it is necessary to highlight the main trends in its development over these 15 years. Scientifically predicting the future of any object is possible only on the basis of previous trends in its development. Analysis of the results of the development of the faculty over 15 years allows us to define the current state of the object as maturity. The degree of social maturity of the Faculty of Humanities today and its development trends over a 15-year period are the social base on the basis of which the forecast of its development is based. This is a social prerequisite for the future of the Faculty of Humanities.

    For this purpose of the development of the faculty, we have developed the concept of humanization - humanitarian training of engineers and specialists at the Perm State Technical University. Education has two components - training and upbringing. Content

    teaching is disclosed by us in one monograph1, and the content of education - in another2.

    Based on this concept, the following strategic directions of its development were identified at the faculty: 1) changes in the content of humanitarian and socio-economic training of engineers and specialists; 2) training of specialists in humanitarian and socio-economic areas; 3) computerization; 4) retraining and advanced training of personnel at the Perm branch of the IPPK for teachers of the humanities and social sciences at the Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of Teachers at the Ural State University.

    1. The structure of the faculty. Within 15 years, a new typical structure of the faculty has been created, which distinguishes it, from a functional point of view, from other faculties. The faculty conducts humanitarian and socio-economic training (GSED) of engineers and specialists throughout the university. This is about 20% of the study time in the curriculum of each specialty. The departments of the GSED are concentrated in the faculty. The most important thing is that these departments have also been transformed into graduating departments and are basic for retraining and advanced training of teachers in the GSED cycle. This is a completely different content of work, a different status of departments.

    The faculty was transferred to 8 departments, which were in a state of crisis, and during this time it was necessary to open 7 more departments. Currently, the faculty has 14 departments. The departments transferred to the faculty were transformed as follows:

    1. The Department of Foreign Languages, Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education was transformed into the Department of Foreign Languages, Linguistics and Intercultural Communication. The department conducts English, German, French at 5 faculties; she became a graduate in the specialty "Translation and Translation Studies" (English, German, French

    1 See: Humanitarian training of engineers and specialists at the Perm State Technical University: experience, problems, prospects / Under scientific. ed. prof. V.N. Stegnia. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. Moscow: Luch, 2001.320 p.

    2 See: The system of education of engineers and specialists in the context of modernization of education: experience, problems, prospects / Under scientific. ed. prof. V.N. Stegnia; Perm. state tech. un-t. Perm, 2003.210 p.

    Zuz languages); at FPKP works with students in the discipline "Psychology and Pedagogy".

    2. The Department of Foreign Languages ​​was transformed into the Department of Foreign Languages ​​and Public Relations; teaching foreign languages ​​(English, German, French) at 4 faculties; became a graduate in the specialty "Public Relations"; at FPKP works with students on the discipline "Russian language and culture of speech."

    3. The Department of Applied Linguistics and Information Technologies of Education was opened in 2004; at the Faculty of Distance Education Technologies conducts foreign languages.

    4. The Department of Physical Education was transformed into the Department of Physical Education.

    5. The Department of Ethics and Aesthetics has been transformed into the Department of Culturology and conducts the educational discipline "Culturology" at the university, as well as at the FPKP is the basic one for this academic discipline.

    6. The Department of the History of the CPSU was reorganized into the Department of Public Administration and History; conducts the academic discipline "Domestic History", became a graduate in the specialty "State and Municipal Administration"; at FPKP is the base in the city in the discipline "Domestic history".

    7. The Department of the Theory of Scientific Communism was reorganized into the Department of Sociology and Political Science. Leads courses in sociology, political science, psychology and pedagogy in the GSED cycle; became a graduate in the specialty "Sociology"; at FPKP is basic in sociology, political science, social psychology.

    8. The Department of Political Economy was transformed into the Department of Economic Theory. Leads the course "Economics" in the GSED cycle, became a graduate in the specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise", at the FPKP is basic in economics.

    9. The Department of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy was transformed into the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies. Leads the discipline "Philosophy" in the GSED cycle; is a graduate in the specialty "Religious studies", at the FPKP - basic in the discipline "Philosophy". This department at the state certification in 2007 in the discipline "Philosophy" received an unsatisfactory mark. The specialty "Religious Studies" also did not take place under her. At the Faculty of Humanities, this is the only department that did not fit into the new education system of the faculty and the university.

    10. The Department of Economics of Machine-Building Production was reorganized into the Department of Economics and Management at the Enterprise. She is the head at the faculty for the preparation of bachelors in economics and specialists in economics and enterprise management. This specialty at the university is the most competitive and in 2007, when surveyed 1200 entrepreneurs, it was included in the list of 17 specialties in the Russian Federation, whose graduates are in demand and get a job without any problems.

    11. The Department of Economics and Organization of Industrial Production conducts new academic disciplines: "Fundamentals of Management", "Economics of the Industry", "Economics of the Firm", "Organization of Production". Under her, in 1998, the specialization "Economics and Management at the Oil and Gas Industry Enterprises" was opened. Specialists in this area are in good demand today.

    12. The Department of Finance Management was opened in 2006 and is graduating in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

    13. The Department of Jurisprudence was opened in 1997. Leads the discipline "Jurisprudence" in the GSE cycle and is at the FPKP basic for this academic discipline.

    14. The Department of Design was opened in 1996, which in 2004 was transferred to the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology.

    So, over 15 years, half of the new departments have been opened and the second half has been transformed into new departments with a new structure and content of activity.

    In addition to the departments, the faculty has 6 educational, consulting and research centers that are engaged in postgraduate training or parallel university training of students.

    The Perm branch of the IPPK for teachers was transformed into a department of the FPKP of the humanities and social sciences of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. For 15 years, about 1600 teachers of universities and technical schools in Perm and the region have improved their qualifications on it.

    The faculty has 12 specialties, 9 specializations, 4 bachelor's degrees, 3 master's degrees, full-time, part-time, distance learning of students. Postgraduate studies in 14 specialties have been opened at 12 departments. There were 2 dissertation councils at the faculty, where 69 candidate dissertations were defended in 10 years.

    When the faculty was opened in 2003, there were not a single student there. As of October 1, 2007, there were 7231 students: in the full-time department

    research institutes - 1599 people and by correspondence - 5632 people. 1164 students studied on a budgetary basis, 6067 on a contractual basis, and about 8000 in 2008.

    Among these students should be added students studying at the university in socio-economic specialties: 1) at the Faculty of DOT - 268 people; 2) in the Bereznikovskiy branch - 513 people; 3) Lysva branch - 437 people; 4) Tchaikovsky branch - 607 people; 5) at the ITF (quality management, real estate examination) - 560 people. Consequently, this is an additional 2385 people. (December 2007), then by December 1, 2007 a group of about 9585 students is recruited. The dynamics in all structural areas is positive, the faculty is developing extensively.

    2. To manage the faculty, the following system of institutes has been created: 1) the academic council of the faculty (the legislative body of the faculty); 2) dean's office (executive body of the faculty); 3) scientific and methodological council; 4) methodical council for distance learning; 5) Council of SRWS; 6) council on innovation policy at the faculty; 7) advice on extracurricular work; 8) council of elders; student council in hostel number 3; 9) operatives in the dean's office; 10) operatives with heads of departments and deputy deans.

    This management system made it possible to solve all the issues of the faculty's life both in the GSED cycle and in the training of specialists in the humanitarian, socio-economic direction, retraining and advanced training of teachers. It made it possible to effectively solve the tasks that were assigned to the faculty.

    The faculty provides for a system of training management personnel for its subdivision: deputy deans, heads of departments and their deputies, heads of councils, educational support personnel, elders, etc. We proceeded from the hypothesis: "The effectiveness of the development and functioning of the faculty depends on the effectiveness of the management system, on its professionalism." This hypothesis worked very well.

    3. Personnel. The quality of education in any system is 90% dependent on the quality of the selection of teachers. The quality of education is determined not by the number of doctors and candidates of science, but by their quality. In connection with the introduction of new academic disciplines and new specialties, the number one task in working with teachers is the task of their retraining and advanced training. For this purpose, the Perm branch of the IPPK of teachers of the humanities and social sciences was opened, in which

    All teachers underwent retraining and advanced training 2-3 times over the course of 5 years.

    Postgraduate studies have been opened at 12 departments. Now all 14 departments have graduate students. Their number reached 136 in 2003. and there were about 50 more applicants. In 2008, the faculty has 36 postgraduate students, 85 applicants. 13-15 candidate dissertations are defended annually.

    The faculty has two doctoral studies. 1-2 doctoral dissertations are defended annually. In 1993, there were 67 candidates and 7 doctors of science at the faculty; in 2008 there were 128 and 28, respectively. Doctors of Sciences work at 13 out of 14 departments, and earlier only at 5. Heads of departments are 9 doctors of sciences; 2 candidates of sciences under the age of 30 became heads of departments.

    At all the graduating departments, the degree of teachers' degree is higher than 63%. The percentage of graduation in the departments of foreign languages ​​and physical culture has increased. For the faculty, it was 27% in 1993, in 2008 - 52%.

    The number of rates at the faculty in 1993 was about 150, in 2008 - 430 (without HSE, and with it - about 500). 343 full-time teachers.

    The average age of teachers in the faculty is 38 years. 93 teachers under the age of 30. Almost half of the teachers are under 40.

    All teachers undergo retraining and advanced training on time. The main potential of the faculty is its teachers. More than 50 people work annually. UVP. They are the first to ensure the quality of education.

    4. The quality of training of specialists. Let's take a few indicators for the GSEC cycle. The average score for students of our university was 4.4 points (sample of 1700 full-time students). Among the graduates who studied on a budgetary basis, about 40% have a diploma with honors. The average score for GEC and SAC for the faculty in the full-time department is higher than 4.0.

    In the last 2-3 years, the number of graduates in the full-time department has made up about 300, in the correspondence department - about 1000. In the employment center, none of them is registered among the unemployed.

    5. Research activities. For 15 years, the faculty has turned into a large research, scientific-pedagogical, humanitarian school.

    Each department has a main direction of research activities and a number of private areas. The faculty itself, on the basis of all departments, has the main research direction of its activities, associated with the formation of a humanitarian environment and extracurricular work in the university, the development of the concept of humanitarization. There is also a number of private interdepartmental topics in economics, linguistics, sociology, management, political science, in the development of which several departments take part.

    The faculty annually publishes about 15 monographs, 2-3 "Bulletins of PSTU", up to 20 volumes of conference materials of different levels, including all-Russian 5-7 volumes; more than 200 articles; more than 500 abstracts prepared for conferences. About 10% of publications are in the central press.

    The faculty wins 3-5 grants annually; he himself holds annually 2-3 All-Russian and 4-5 regional scientific and practical conferences and publishes their materials. About 100 teachers annually take part in scientific conferences of various levels outside the university, including international ones.

    6-7 departments annually take part in contractual work, about 90% of the volume of work is performed by the contractual laboratory of sociology.

    The sociological laboratory of the problems of higher education deals with the study of the problems of higher education.

    In general, a certain system of research activities has developed at the faculty for 15 years, in which the bulk of the teachers are involved.

    The NIRS system is actively developing at the faculty, in which more than 1/3 of full-time students and a small group of correspondence students take part. The faculty publishes 5-7 collections of student research papers annually.

    6. The scientific and methodological work of teachers is aimed at improving traditional and new forms of teaching students, improving curricula, curricula. All students, both full-time and part-time, are provided with teaching aids for each academic discipline.

    The faculty annually publishes about 20 teaching aids with a volume of about 10 pp., 17 of them in the last 5 years received the stamp of the UMU or the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, the faculty publishes or re-publishes more than 100 teaching materials annually, ranging from 1 to 3 pp.

    In the last 5 years, special attention in methodological work has been paid to information educational technologies.

    The faculty annually holds 3-4 scientific and methodological conferences. Methodological seminars work at all departments. It has developed its own specific system of scientific and methodological work, which is determined by the status of the faculty at PSTU.

    7. Extracurricular educational work was carried out in the following areas: cultural work, mainly amateur performances; NIRS; the work of the institute of curators; educational work in the hostel number 3; sports and recreation work; the formation of a healthy lifestyle; activities of the council of young scientists, council for extracurricular work; the work of the discussion club "Man and Society"; annual conferences on extracurricular activities. The main direction of educational work was the moral and aesthetic education of students and teachers. The guiding, value-based, ideological mission in ideological, educational activities was carried out by the teachers of the SSED departments.

    8. International cooperation. The faculty has a number of agreements with universities in other countries: Germany, France, Austria, China, Great Britain.

    During one academic year, students (3-4 people) of our faculty study at foreign universities, while students (2-4 people) of those universities study at our faculty.

    Some students of our faculty and foreign universities defend two diplomas each - at their own and foreign universities.

    Every year about 50 teachers take part in conferences abroad.

    Every year 2-5 teachers of a foreign university work with us, and our teachers with them.

    The faculty has received one international grant in the last 5-7 years.

    9. Innovation activity in the last 5 years has become an independent direction, although it has always been an integral part of the faculty's activities. The faculty has its own plan of work in this direction. A council for innovation policy has been established at the faculty. In the center of this direction is the problem of the quality of higher education, the quality of training of our specialists and engineers.

    The faculty took part in the implementation of the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, which the university received for 2007 and 2008.

    10. Pre-university training is associated primarily with the career guidance work of the faculty. Here the faculty has a clear plan of its activities. For 15 years, a system of vocational guidance work with applicants has been formed. The faculty has contracts with lyceum No. 1 in Perm, schools No. 22 and 77, it works a lot with graduates not only from schools in the city, but also from rural areas of our region, which provides it with an influx of applicants. The competition for the faculty in the last 10 years has been about 10 applicants per seat.

    11. Finance. At the time of the creation of the faculty, his contribution to the finances of PSTU was equal to zero. Within 5 years, the faculty has become the main supplier of extra-budgetary funds at the university. The main form of earning money is contract students. All teachers and faculty members are involved in this. The faculty has its share of extra-budgetary funds, which allows it to solve all, without exception, issues of life: educational, scientific, methodological, personnel, material and technical base, etc. These funds must not only be earned, but also properly and efficiently distributed, distributed as follows so that every teacher, employee, student felt and saw it - then almost everyone, but not every teacher, becomes motivated in such activities. Those who are accustomed to living on handouts and waiting for what will always be given from above, they also live now, but they are a minority. Other channels for earning funds are grants; business contracts; victories in various competitions, etc.

    Funding issues should be resolved not only from above, but also from below - by the faculty, its teachers and staff. Solving the problem of a business trip, publishing a book, an article, the teacher must understand and know what contribution he himself makes to the solution of this financial issue.

    Earning money by the faculty is not an end in itself, but a means of solving the issues of training high-quality specialists and educational problems.

    12. The material and technical base of the faculty has developed in the following directions. Purchasing books remains the main focus. Since 15 years ago, new disciplines were introduced in the GSED cycle and new specialties were opened, the faculty needed to provide students with a new educational and methodological, scientific

    research literature. In the last 5 years, all students of the faculty have had this literature in full. The needs of teachers in educational, methodological and scientific literature are also fully satisfied.

    The second direction is computerization. 15 years ago, the faculty did not have a single computer. Currently, there are 264 computers at the faculty, all departments have from 2 to 10 computers, 5 modern computer classes have been created, 3 classrooms are provided with a multimedia system. The faculty annually spends more than 2 million rubles for these purposes.

    The third direction is the renovation of premises. At the faculty, 98% of classrooms have been renovated, i.e. more than 80 together with chairs, offices, toilets. For these purposes, the faculty annually spends about 4 million rubles.

    The fourth direction is the renovation of furniture in classrooms and departments. In recent years, it has been completely replaced. About 2 million rubles are spent annually on this.

    The fifth direction is the renewal of equipment in classrooms, departments, offices, on which 1 million rubles are systematically spent. in year.

    These are the main results and main trends in the development of the faculty over 15 years, testifying to the progressive nature of this development in a very difficult time for the country, when it was going through a severe crisis in the 1990s. The prerequisites for the formation of any social object are determined by socio-economic conditions. We just proceeded from this, assuming that in a crisis our faculty will be able to get stronger and outstrip those who were waiting for the stable development of society to solve their problems. Our strategy was correct. Thanks to its implementation, we received a large, strong faculty and a high-quality training system.

    Over the past 15 years, the social system of our society has changed, and the higher education system has faced new tasks that need to be addressed in new conditions, relying on the faculty foundation that exists today. There was an opportunity to look ahead not only 5, but also 15 years. The country is now adopting programs in various areas of its development, not only for 3-5 years, but also until 2020, which is very gratifying and which was not the case in the 1990s. Our task

    to fit the Faculty of Humanities into the new social system of the 10-20s of the XXI century. Strategic objectives came to the fore.

    The social premise of looking into the future of the Faculty of Humanities is its state and development trends today. Epistemological - the concept of humanitarization, which has become even more relevant both from a practical and theoretical point of view. But today it needs modernization, since some of its elements have already exhausted themselves, and some require other approaches.

    Based on this concept in its revision and in the development of the development strategy of the faculty, we proceed from such fundamental principles as scientific character and professionalism. Professionalism is associated, first of all, with our knowledge of the Faculty of Humanities, scientific knowledge - with the analysis, synthesis and forecast of its development. And higher education is built on the basis of science, outside of which it loses its quality. Raising the level of scientific knowledge in higher education is the main way to improve the quality of higher education and the training of specialists in higher education.

    Professionalism and scientific character presuppose knowledge of the goals and objectives that the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation sets for higher education today; development strategy of our university - PSTU; determination of the status of the Faculty of Humanities in the next 5-15 years, the program of its development.

    Let us note the features of the program for the development of the Faculty of Humanities for the next 5 years (2008-2013) and for the period until 2020. Within the framework of the transformations outlined by our government and ministry.

    The first feature is the transition of the 2nd generation higher education system of the SES VPO to the 3rd generation system. This will take 5-6 years in the full-time department and 6-7 years in the correspondence department. This period of time the higher education system will operate on the basis of two standards - the 2nd and the 3rd generation.

    The second feature is the implementation of the solutions of the Bologna Agreement into the practice of higher education.

    The third feature is the reduction in the number of high school graduates, applicants and, consequently, the number of students in the humanities faculty. There are very few budget places in his specialties (in 2008 there were 86 places in 6 specialties of the full-time department, 60 in 12 specialties and specializations of the correspondence department). The first

    turn, the number of students of the correspondence department will decrease, which will cause a reduction in the rates of teachers, the educational staff and the financial capabilities of the faculty and will affect the material, technical, scientific, educational and methodological components of the work.

    This feature suggests a different approach to career guidance work at the faculty. Its role will sharply increase, its content, forms and scale will change. The faculty, the department, which have organized effective career guidance work, will have corresponding results.

    In this regard, the task of not only selecting applicants, but also maintaining the number of all students is posed in a new way. This was not a task before. Now from the teacher, the department is required other forms of work with students. The specialty, the faculty are economically effective when their academic performance increases from course to course during the period of study and the contingent of students remains.

    The fourth feature is associated with the peculiarity of applicants born in the 90s of the XX century, and, accordingly, with the peculiarity of students in the 10-20s of the XXI century. Today's applicant was born and went to school in the 1990s and early 10s of the 21st century, which were characterized by a crisis and a transitional state of both the entire society and the education system. The quality of knowledge, the state of health, the level of their culture is much lower than in the 60-80s of the XX century, hence the current problems of the quality of education, which is determined by the qualitative state of society.

    The fifth feature is associated with a change in the status of the university. Will it remain a state university, will it become an autonomous educational institution, or will it become a research institution? Will it be among those 15-20% of universities that still have federal funding? Today our university is among 57 innovative universities, but it is not known what will happen to it tomorrow.

    The sixth feature is associated with a change in the system of financing the university and faculty. The faculty makes a living, but the number one issue is the salary of the teacher and the EPO. If qualitative changes do not occur at the state level, then only pensioners will remain in the higher education system in 10-15 years. The second financial problem of the university is housing for teachers and UVPs, administrative workers. With such a salary as now, they will never earn it!

    These features and a number of others, which we have not indicated, will determine the dynamics of the development of the faculty in the next 5-15 years.

    The goal of the development of the faculty during this period is the transition to a new system and model of higher education.

    1) modernizing the Faculty of Humanities, adapting it to new conditions, the new system of SES VPO;

    2) to modernize the concept of humanitarization in accordance with the 3rd generation of GOS;

    3) to fit the Faculty of Humanities into the new system of functioning of PSTU;

    4) focus the resources of the faculty primarily on innovative activities;

    5) to ensure the quality of training specialists at the faculty in accordance with the requirements of the HPE of the XXI century;

    6) in the training of specialists, focus on the competence-based approach.

    Strategic directions of the faculty:

    1. Modernization of the system of humanitarian and socio-economic training of engineers and specialists. Changing the content of the GSEC teaching involves the introduction of a competency-based approach; reduction of study time for their study; reducing the number of academic disciplines in a given cycle, searching for new forms of teaching them. The university needs a new unified system of teaching humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines in accordance with the 3rd generation of SES.

    2. Preparation of bachelors and masters in humanitarian, socio-economic disciplines. Now the faculty has 12 specialties that need to be reorganized into bachelor's and master's degrees.

    3. Modernization of the work of the faculty of retraining and advanced training of teachers of humanitarian and social disciplines. In this regard, a new type of teacher of the 21st century is needed.

    The main activities of the faculty:

    1. Academic work: a) 4-5-year training of bachelors in full-time and part-time departments and above that 2-year training of masters; b) 3-year study of graduate students and doctoral students. These areas are the most important and are associated with the introduction of new forms (bachelor's, master's) in the organization of the educational process. Educational work will be based on

    based on the competence-based approach. From its implementation, it is expected to reach a different quality of training for an engineer and a specialist.

    2. Scientific and methodological work: a) revision of all curricula and programs in accordance with the 3rd generation of SES; b) introduction of information educational technologies; they are associated primarily with the innovativeness of our educational activities; c) the individuality of a student's teaching, this is the only way to get a high quality education, specialist training; d) stamping of teaching aids through the UMU of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. This activity is aimed at ensuring the scientific nature of education, high quality training of specialists.

    3. Research work: a) the faculty has a single topic of research work - the formation of a humanitarian environment in the university; all departments are involved in this work, developing a concept, a development strategy for the faculty; b) a number of departments are united into groups for research activities (socio-economic process in modern Russian society; enterprise economics in the transition to market relations; small business; enterprise management; culture; physical culture; issues of pedagogy and linguistics, etc. ); c) each department has its own main scientific direction and a number of subtopics.

    The main forms of research work will be: 1) publication of monographs, teaching aids; 2) publications in the central press; 3) the work of postgraduate and doctoral studies; 4) the work of dissertation councils; 5) publication of 3 faculty "Bulletins of PSTU"; 6) publication of collections of scientific papers and conference materials; 7) holding conferences (faculty, department); 8) contractual work; 9) participation in competitions for grants; 10) NIRS.

    4. Extracurricular, educational work. The main direction of this work is the moral education of both students and teachers. The problem of the formation of moral values ​​among students is at the heart of educational work. Based on this, the main directions will be the following: moral-aesthetic, physical, mental, moral-patriotic, moral-political, environmental, economic, labor. Other areas of educational work will also be in the center of life at the faculty, but their role is somewhat different. The process of educational work is aimed at transferring it into the process of self-education among students.

    The main forms of extracurricular work are: scientific research work, amateur performances, sports, the institute of curators, interest clubs, hostel number 3, assigned to the faculty.

    5. Personnel. The quality of education is 90% dependent on the quality of the selection of teachers. This work is based on the principles of continuity, consistency, consistency. The priority directions of this activity will be: 1) maintaining the regular staff of the teaching staff; 2) selection of young teachers and securing them at the faculty. Now every third teacher at the faculty is under 30 years old; 3) retraining and advanced training of teachers in accordance with the 3rd generation SES; 4) solving the problem of the degree of graduation of teachers: training candidates of sciences, doctors of sciences, solving the problems of assigning the titles of associate professors, professors. For this, the organization of the work of postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, the transfer of employees to the posts of research assistants to complete the dissertation work, the organization of the work of dissertation councils at the faculty, the participation of professors in the work of councils of other universities (the creation of interuniversity councils).

    Special attention should be paid to one dependence from which the faculty proceeded. The percentage of graduation and the number of candidates and doctors of sciences is the basis for solving the problem of the quality of education, but today this is not enough. The second stage of this activity is the quality of preparation of candidates and doctors of sciences, which is now paid special attention to when developing the personnel policy of the faculty.

    No less important is the training of leaders at the faculty: heads of departments - there are 14 of them; deputy dean - there are 5; There are about 40 leading methodologists, the Department of Internal Affairs at the faculty. The effectiveness of the management system in any department of the faculty largely depends on their activities.

    6. Organizational and managerial activities at the faculty. The management system must comply with the requirements of the 3rd generation SES and the changes introduced by the Ministry of Education and Science, our university. On how the control system is incorporated into this system, its control efficiency largely depends. Improving the administrative management at the faculty in accordance with the future needs and requirements of the higher education system is one of the strategic objectives of our activity.

    Further development of the self-government system at the faculty is an increase in the efficiency of such institutions as the academic council of the faculty, operatives with heads of departments, meetings in the dean's office, the methodological council of the faculty, the council of scientific research work, the sports council, the council for amateur performances, the institute of curators, the council of young scientists, the council for innovation politics, dissertation councils, expert councils, etc.

    We proceed from the assumption that the effectiveness of the functioning of the faculty depends on the effectiveness of the functioning of the management system, the effectiveness of the functioning of its management. This activity should not be based on trial and error, but on professionalism.

    7. Finance at the faculty. The faculty is currently self-sufficient. He is the main donor of extra-budgetary funds at the university. The faculty will develop this form of earning money in the future. In addition to it, an increase in the role of economic contractual work at the faculty is predicted, and the expansion of their geography. If not every, then almost every department within 4-5 years should carry out contractual work.

    Participation in grant competitions is a task for every department. Each department must win at least one grant within 1-2 years.

    Where possible, faculty should use budget funding or co-financing mechanisms.

    8. Material and technical base. It is supposed to develop in the following directions: a) provision of educational and scientific literature for teachers and students; publication of books (monographs, teaching aids) by their teachers, collections, bulletins, materials of the conferences of the faculty. Each student should have a textbook, a teacher - the opportunity to work with books and periodicals;

    b) maintaining the classroom fund (more than 80 rooms) in appropriate sanitary and hygienic conditions; equipping classrooms with new equipment; c) updating of computer equipment and replenishment of departments with new technical means. The main task for the next 5-10 years is the acquisition of computer software in accordance with the special program of the faculty.

    9. International cooperation is projected to develop in the following areas: agreements with foreign universities (by the example as now), which train specialists in related areas -

    pits; internships; advanced training in foreign universities; participation in foreign grants; participation in foreign conferences; inviting teachers from foreign universities to teach; trips of our teachers to foreign universities to give lectures; exchange of student groups. Development of cooperation in this area is predicted not only with universities in the West, but also with Asian countries.

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Doroshchuk E.S.

    Kazan State University, Russia

    Information competence in department management as a factor in the modernization of the educational space of the university

    Information competence in the context of the department management problem

    At present, it is on the department as the main structural unit of the university that the burden of solving general tasks in the field of modernization of the educational system has been laid. And the effectiveness of solving these problems and their implementation in the educational and research process largely depends on how informationally rich the management link of the department will be.

    Therefore, one of the most important factors in improving the quality of management, and in general, educational and research activities of the department is the information competence of both its head and all of its divisions in general.

    Information competence has several aspect characteristics.

    At first,it can be represented in the form withan aggregate of various special and general information, as information components that affect the result of the manager's management activity, reflecting the value aspects of the team's behavior. This is due to the fact that competence ultimately manifests itself in behavioral practice, and we judge about it based on the analysis of human behavior. In the social environment, as in the managerial environment, the most valuable aspects of behavior for people are distinguished, which affect the perception of their carriers and the results of their actions: cognitive, emotional, energetic. Each of them is also present in the behavior of the head of the department of the university.

    Secondly,information competence can be represented in the form of a model of effective behavior that constitutes its essence. The components of behavior underlying information competence include:

    cognitive –Free, open to experience, fantasy and other processes thinking about the goals that need to be achieved; foreseeing possible development paths and obstacles to be overcome; analysis of the results of one's own actions for a better understanding of the nature of the situation, which is expressed in a set of necessary competencies that the head of the department should have: planning skills, determining the problem field of activity and the main obstacles to achieving the goals of the department, etc .;

    affective - emotional attunement to the task, when the predominant setting for the productive use of positive and negative emotions, which allows you to create a creative background for solving primary tasks and use tension as a stimulus to improve performance. One of the results of affective behavior in this context is the degree of pleasure from the work done or the presence of a desire to overcome hostility (unpleasant attitude) towards a part of the obligatory types of actions;

    strong-willed - making additional efforts to reduce the likelihood of failure, which is expressed in perseverance, decisiveness, will; formation and development of skills and experience, which are based on confidence in successfully overcoming all difficulties and achieving a result. This is expressed in the usual, but flexibly adaptable ways of behavior and the use of information as a basis for making managerial decisions.

    Thirdly,information competence can be represented as a set of factors influencing the increase in the efficiency of management activities, among which the most important are two: 1) receiving support from the members of the department; 2) the conviction that the leader's behavior corresponds both to his own ideas about the need for such actions, and the ideas about this of people who are significant to him.

    To improve the quality of management of the department and the implementation of the entire set of information competencies of the head, an information system for supporting the management of the department is created - ISPU - designed to optimize management processes.

    ISPU is a set of elements intended for monitoring in the field of educational, consulting and scientific and innovative activities of the department, based on the constant receipt and updating of information in the field of educational and educational activities. As a technological toolkit, she uses computer programs and document templates developed in various departments of the university and at the department. The creation of an independent integral system of the department allows integrating these document bases, different in structure and content, into one information base of the department.

    The principles of forming this kind of information system are as follows:

    - Informativeness - information richness, contributing to an adequate perception of the tasks and development goals of the department and is the basis for the formation of a team spirit.

    - Relevance - compliance with the needs of the department as a whole and taking into account the interests and needs of each member of the department, when each employee sees his place in the "command structure" and understands his responsibility for the overall success of the team.

    - Predictability - vision of long-term ways of development of the department, taking into account the changing external and internal conditions of this development

    -Expediency- clear targeting of all blocks and sections of the system, ensuring high-quality management.

    - Openness -availability to all members of the educational and research team by blocks and target subsections with a transition and links to the necessary documents and subsystems.

    The purpose of creating an information system for supporting the management of the department is to optimize and improve the quality of management of the department, as well as to increase the efficiency of the educational and scientific activities of the department.

    ISPU tasks:

    Monitoring the situation in the educational and research activities of the department

    Identification of trends and problems, ways of preserving and using the research and educational potential of the department

    Formation of reference and information fund for optimization of department management

    Organization of wide access to structured information to enhance the self-government of the department.

    Monitoring the situation in the educational and research activities of the department can be decomposed into two main stages:

    Stage 1. Creation of an information and analytical base of the department: documentary (office work) and creative (author's - design).

    II stage. Creation of conditions for maintaining monitoring (introduction of information computer technologies).

    Identification of trends and problems, ways of preserving and using the research and educational potential of the department can be decomposed into the following areas:

    - Research seminars and projects to assess the problem field of the department.

    - Providing a new quality of organization of the department's activities through a new quality of digital and text information (transition from databases to knowledge bases).

    - Active use of information resources of the university (higher educational institution) and other bodies of municipal and federal education.

    - Formation of a high information culture among the staff of the department as an important factor in the effectiveness of activities .

    The formation of the reference and information fund to optimize the management of the department takes place on the basis of the processes:

    Creation of a virtual department with personal accounts of each member of the department and each department of the department;

    Creation and support of network resources that provide educational, organizational and research activities of the department.

    O Organization of wide access to structured information for the activation of self-government by the department is carried out through

    Formation of network complexes in three directions: documents, personnel, students (off-line-for official use and on-line-wide access modes);

    Automation and standardization of filling in important and time-consuming documents of educational and research activities (course regulations, reports, program standards, etc.);

    Strategic and tactical planning of the department's activities in educational and research areas;

    Presentations as a form of structuring and information management (creative, personal and strategic level).

    An important component of the information competence of the head of the department is the development of a development strategy for the department for the five-year period and the current planning of activities.

    Designing the strategic foundations for the activities of the department of the university

    Strategy formation is a long and continuous process, which can be considered as the process of document creation and represent the documentary basis for the activities of the university departments. At the present stage of revising the main value and technological foundations of educational activities, strategic planning is becoming a method of managing the educational system at any level, since it allows tracing the prospects for the development of the system, identifying especially important components.

    The transition to a different learning system, where educational trajectories formed by students become the main ones, where the main goal is the development of a competent personality requires other strategic decisions that allow educational processes to be carried out in a new innovative mode.

    The place of the department in the system of the university. An elementary and at the same time the main unit of the structure of any university is a department, as an independent and autonomous education, organically included in the structure of a higher educational institution, performing its functions in the field of education, scientific research, enlightenment, upbringing, combining science and production. The department is a part of the university system, therefore, any strategic program developed at the department plays, first of all, a constructive role that ensures its dynamic and holistic existence in the structure of the university. Moreover, the department, being a structural element of the system, is itself a systemic formation, characterized by a set of specific elements that form integrity, interconnected and interacting with each other.

    The department has the main links of management:

    a) vertical - subordinate (manifested in different degrees and personality-centered);

    b) horizontal - coordination (manifested in the form of cooperation - educational, scientific, industrial);

    c) continuity (manifested in the interaction between departments, faculties, pupils - students, teachers, reflecting the integrative nature of the department's activities).

    Thus, there are all the signs of a system in the system: integrity, elementary structure, integrativity, openness, polyfunctionality (the ability to modify goals and perform various actions to achieve results), relative independence from the external environment, purposefulness.

    The department as an element of the structure of the university can be considered as a socio-professional system, characterized by the integrity of the elements, integrativity and multifunctionality, open for interaction, aimed at the formation of a special educational space in order to develop a personality with special forms and methods.

    The most important document ensuring the functioning of this system is the development strategy.

    Development strategy of the department of the university can be presented as the most important strategic document of the structural unit of the university, which is moving into an innovative mode of life and taking as a basis the program-target ideology of development.

    The target-oriented development ideology presupposes an understanding of the goal as an image of the desired and possible result, the setting of operationally set goals, that is, goals should be set in such a way that it is possible to check the result of their implementation.

    Development strategy goals

    This is, first of all, concretization - overcoming uncertainty - to know where, how and why to move.

    The second goal is to streamline the joint activities of the department staff, since the success of the strategy implementation depends on this.

    The third goal is to prioritize activities, which allows us to concentrate our main efforts on a particular issue that is relevant and important now and today.

    The essential features of the development strategy of the department are also influenced by the modernization of education and the entire education management system as a whole. These include:

    1. Orientation (predominant) on the solution of the most important, fateful, predetermining the general directions of the life of the department and the university as a whole, strategic tasks. This is also due to the clearly pronounced orientation of the strategy towards taking into account the state and forecasting trends in changes in the external environment of the specialty (profession), that is, the market of professions or the conditions of employers.

    2. The development strategy is innovative in its essence, since it is a plan for the implementation of innovations in the process of the department's activities, which is associated with the expansion of the influence of information technologies, an increase in the share of interactive technologies in the educational process, the formation of new relations in the "teacher - student" system.

    3. The predictability of a strategy is associated with its focus on the future, the implementation of not only actual, but also promising, expected, forecasted needs, both internal and external.

    4. The systemic and program-targeted nature of the strategy allows the department to be presented as part of the university system, and at the same time as an independent system, while defining goals and expected results with a methodology for verifying the achievement of these goals, which itself demonstrates the final results or intermediate options for achieving goals.

    5. The technological effectiveness of the strategy lies in the use of advanced rigidly structured technologies (multimedia approach - multimedia technologies).

    The components of the development strategy of the department include: the development program, which, in turn, includes a constructive program of activities and an educational program; plan its varieties: comprehensive and strategic plans; development project as a step-by-step implementation of the image of the future (as a specific form of creativity, which is a universal property of human thinking).

    The development strategy model is a triune system that contributes to the solution of developmental and managerial tasks (Scheme 1.).

    These tasks include the task of harmonizing the interests of the department as a structural unit of the university, the task of formulating a clear and agreed goal; tasks of increasing loyalty to the group; tasks of improving communications (both external and internal); tasks of increasing responsibility for the work performed by members of the department.

    The model is built on the basis of two basic laws:

    1. Cooperation as a social partnership is successful in compliance with agreements on activities in the scientific, educational-practical and educational-educational areas;

    2. Observance of trust and loyalty in the team forms the preconditions for effective interaction.

    The development program of the department is a special type of strategic development that performs a constructive function. One of the priority tasks of the development program is the formation of specific actions aimed at achieving the intended goals or the appearance of the department (specialization development program, laboratory development program, ICT development program - information computer technologies).

    A plan is a document that gives meaningful guidelines for the activity, defining its order, volume and time limits (I.A. Kolesnikova, M.P. Gorchakova-Sibirskaya). Its goal is to streamline the activities of the department, giving it a planned, systematic, controlled and successive character.

    A project is a specific type of activity to create a prototype or prototype of a supposed or possible object, a state, preceding the implementation of what was conceived in a real product.

    Scheme 1. Model of the development strategy of the department of the university

    Thus, the development strategy of the department in modern conditions is a management tool with a powerful and effective potential, which provides a guaranteed result - the transition of the department to a new qualitative state in the context of new educational communication. The development strategy of the department solves three main tasks:

    1. The ascertaining, defining the starting point, the so-called "pillar of problems".

    2. Image-forming, modeling the desired image of the department, which includes structure, functions, needs, values.

    3. Technological, developing strategy and tactics of the transition.

    There are three types of requirements for the development strategy of the department: implementation, control and communication.

    Implementation requirements reflect the qualitative characteristics of the content of the strategy and demonstrate the reality of planning activities (Table 1.).

    Table 1

    Implementation requirements for the development strategy of the department

    Strategy requirements

    Securing requirements

    The relevance of the department strategy

    Analysis: monitoring the activities of the department, SWOT analysis

    Predictiveness of strategic decisions of the department

    forecast of changes in the external environment and internal potential of the department

    Tension - focus on maximum results with the rational use of department resources

    Optimizing thinking with a rational and economical choice

    Completeness and consistency of the department's strategy

    Systematic thinking, the idea of ​​the department as a structural element of the university system

    SWOT - analysis is a complex method of researching the development of the department, during which the resources, available to the team, existing gaps("Weaknesses") are outlined perspectives and accompanying risks.

    Control requirements contribute to the development of principles for the developers of the development strategy of the department with a further transition to the activities of the department itself (Table 2.).

    table 2

    Control requirements for the development strategy of the department


    Ensuring implementation

    Controllability of the strategy

    Accuracy and efficiency of goals, objectives and guidelines

    Sensitivity to failures in strategic decisions and actions of the department

    Introduction of intermediate checkpoints in order to correct actions

    Integration of the department

    Involvement of all members of the department team in the development of a strategy

    Consolidating focus of the department's strategic decisions

    Intensification of communication and communication in a team, creativity of communication

    Communication requirements for the development strategy of the department make it possible to build a model of the communication system at the external and internal levels, which is highly efficient (Table 3.).

    Table 3

    Communication requirements for the development strategy of the department

    Strategy requirements

    Securing requirements

    Individuality, compliance with the specifics of the department

    Focus on solving specific problems while taking into account the characteristics of the university as a whole

    Informativeness of the strategy

    Completeness of the structure

    Consistency, visibility, comprehensibility

    Presentation logic, subheadings, font emphasis, etc.


    Reasonable ambition, clarity, transparency of intentions, reality of implementation

    There are many types and forms of strategic development, which are the result of creative developments of the collectives of the departments of universities. As the experience of the Department of Theory and Practice of Electronic Mass Media of Kazan State University shows, the most adequate form of strategic development is the integrative concept of the development of the department, which considers the department in the context of a multimedia research and educational complex. This kind of complex nature of strategic development allows the most effective use of the potential of the department, taking into account its specifics and the overall educational policy of the university.

    Brief description of the potential of the department The department of GUiI was created in 2011 by merging the department of the State Institute of Medical Sciences and the department of history and law. The department is an integral part of the FSBEI HPE "OGIM", performing the tasks of the Institute as a whole. At the same time, it also has its own specific tasks, due to the characteristics and nature of the disciplines taught, which are both fundamental and applied in nature. The department is a graduate in the specialty and direction "State and municipal management".

    Brief description of the potential of the department The department employs doctors and candidates of sciences, representing various scientific schools and directions: -2 doctors of sciences (historical and medical); -9 candidates of sciences (1 economic, 2 sociological, 3 historical, 2 legal, 1 pedagogical). The degree of the department is 62%.

    Personnel potential of the department: In 2011, the department defended 2 dissertations: economic and legal sciences. In 2012, 2 defenses are planned: legal sciences (May), economic sciences (September). There are 3 applicants working on Ph.D. theses: economic, legal and historical sciences. There are 3 applicants working on doctoral dissertations: legal, economic and historical sciences.

    The department provides training in the following specialties and areas: - "State and municipal management" (specialty); "State and Municipal Administration" (bachelor's degree); "State and Municipal Administration" (Master's degree).

    Graduates of the specialty "State and Municipal Administration" in the Orenburg Region Orenburg State Agrarian University (Institute of Management) the number of graduates of all forms of education in 2011 (91 people) Orenburg State Agrarian University Orenburg State University the number of graduates of all forms of education in 2011 (50 people) Orenburg State University Branch of the Ural Academy of Public Administration in Orenburg the number of graduates of all forms of education in 2011 (277 people) Branch of the Ural Academy of Public Administration in Orenburg OGIM Number of graduates of all forms of education in 2011 . (259 people)

    The mission of the department The future of Russia lies with competent, proactive, creative and responsible specialists in the field of state and municipal administration. The Department of Public Administration and History sees its mission in the training of such professional specialists, people with a conscious civic position.

    Strategic objectives of the department: 1. Improvement of bachelor's and master's curricula, development of appropriate educational and methodological support; 2. Support and development of scientific and scientific-pedagogical innovative programs; 3. Development of relations with state and municipal authorities of the Orenburg region, the Volga Federal District; 4. Career guidance work with applicants.

    Objective 1. Improvement of the curriculum for bachelor's and master's degrees, the development of appropriate educational and methodological support. Activities (Educational and methodological work); development and adjustment of curricula; preparation and conduct of training sessions; writing and preparation for publication of methodological developments; other types of educational and methodical work.

    Objective 1. Improvement of the curriculum for bachelor's and master's degrees, the development of appropriate educational and methodological support Activities (the use of progressive educational technologies in the educational process): modern software; forms of distance learning; multimedia; computer testing as a form of intermediate and final control of knowledge

    Objective 1. Improvement of the curriculum for bachelor's and master's degrees, the development of appropriate educational and methodological support Activities (training and advanced training of teaching staff) annual improvement of the competence of the teaching staff through internships; training of the teaching staff in refresher courses

    Task 2. Support and development of scientific and scientific-pedagogical innovative programs. Activities (Research work) implementation of state budgetary works; participation in competitions for state budget works; writing and preparation for publication of monographs, textbooks and articles; scientific reports at conferences.

    Task 2. Support and development of scientific and scientific-pedagogical innovative programs. Activities (Work of student scientific sections / laboratories); development of the student laboratory "Legal Clinic"; section "Actual problems of state and municipal administration"

    Task 2. Support and development of scientific and scientific-pedagogical innovative programs; holding an annual conference "Actual problems of state and municipal administration: legal, historical and socio-economic aspects"; annual publication of a collection of materials following the conference.

    Objective 3. Development of relations with state and municipal authorities of the Orenburg region, Volga Federal District Activities: systematic discussion of topical issues of state and municipal administration at the regional level in the format of round tables, conferences with the participation of leading specialists from the administrations of the subject and municipalities; development of complex course and diploma projects at the request of state and municipal institutions; invitation of heads of municipalities to the commissions for the protection of course and diploma projects.

    STAGES OF IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STRATEGY for the development of the Department Three stages of the implementation of the Strategy are distinguished, during the implementation of which the tasks will be solved, ensuring the progressive development of the Department. I - stage of strategic readiness (years). II - stage of innovative development (years). III - the stage of transition to sustainable innovative development of the Department (years).