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  • Age chemistry. Demonstration options for exam in chemistry (grade 11). Points for each task in chemistry

    Age chemistry. Demonstration options for exam in chemistry (grade 11). Points for each task in chemistry

    Chemistry is an optional exam that graduates choose when entering higher educational institutions for relevant specialties. Of the ten schoolchildren, one leases this item at will.

    For testing schoolchildren allocated for three hours. During this time, they have to deal with 40 tasks. They are traditionally divided into two parts: in the first there are 35 questions, in the second - another 5.

    All tasks are divided into three levels of difficulty:

    • A - Simple questions: Choosing the right answer from the proposed options;
    • B - elevated level of complexity. These tasks to which the student will generate a short answer independently;
    • C - the most difficult tasks that suggest detailed explanations on the topic.

    The simplest questions give a graduate one point if he answers them correctly. For the tasks of the type, 1 or 2 points are given, depending on their complexity, and the maximum that can be typed - 18. The most complicated tasks are estimated at 3-4 points.

    Innovations 2016.

    The exam in chemistry is considered a difficult exam. But I decided to complicate the lives of graduates in Fipi. Therefore, in 2016, the number of simple questions decreased: they were 26 against 28.

    To prepare 11-graders to check the knowledge of FIPI offers fresh demonstration materials. They clearly demonstrate the structure of the upcoming exam in chemistry. Also worth trying their knowledge in free tests. They are based on these years. For a prosperous passage of the exam, you should not forget about textbooks, as the tests are raising not all themes that are included in the exam.

    Minimum passing score

    In 2016, the minimum passage of the exam in chemistry will be 64 points. With this indicator you can enter the university.

    Demonstration options for exam in chemistry for grade 11 Consist of two parts. The first part includes tasks to which you need to give a brief answer. To tasks from the second part it is necessary to give a detailed answer.

    Everything demonstration options for chemistry Contain loyal answers to all tasks and evaluation criteria for tasks with a detailed answer.

    IN demonstration version of the exam 2020 in chemistry compared with demonstration of 2019 by chemistryno changes.

    Demonstration options for chemistry

    Note that demonstration options for chemistry Presented in PDF format, and to view them, it is necessary that on your computer installed, for example, a freely distributed Adobe Reader software package.

    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2002
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2004
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2005
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2006
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2007
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2008
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2009
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2010
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2011
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2012
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2013
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2014
    Demo version of the exam in Chemistry for 2015
    Demo version of the exam in Chemistry for 2016
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2017
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2018
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2019
    Demonstration version of the exam in Chemistry for 2020

    Changes in demo version of the exam in chemistry

    Demonstration options for chemistry for grade 11 for 2002 - 2014 consisted of three parts. The first part included tasks in which you need to choose one of the suggested answers. The tasks from the second part required a brief answer. Tasks from the third part needed to give a detailed answer.

    In 2014 in demo version of the exam in chemistrythe following were made change:

    • all settlement tasks, the execution of which was estimated at 1 point, were placed in part 1 of work (A26-A28),
    • subject "Redox reactions" checked using tasks AT 2 and C1;
    • subject "Hydrolysis of salts" checked only with the assignment AT 4;
    • new task was included (in position AT 6) To check the "Qualitative reactions to inorganic substances and ions", "high-quality reactions of organic compounds"
    • total tasks In each version it became 42 (instead of 43 in the work of 2013).

    In 2015 in were massed fundamental changes:

      Option became consist of two parts (part 1 - jobs with a brief answer, part 2 - tasks with a detailed answer).

      Numbering The tasks began through All over the option without alphabetic designations A, B, C.

      Was Changed the response recording form in tasks with a response choice:the answer has become necessary to record the number with the correct answer number (and not to mark the cross).

      It was reduced the number of tasks of the basic level of complexity from 28 to 26 tasks.

      Maximum score For the fulfillment of all the tasks of the examination work of 2015 became 64 (instead of 65 points in 2014).

    • The estimation system has been changed tasks for finding the molecular formula of substance. Maximum score for its execution - 4 (instead of 3. Points in 2014).

    IN 2016 year B. demonstration option for chemistrysubmitted changes Compared with the previous 2015 :

      In part 1. changed the format of tasks 6, 11, 18, 24, 25 and 26 Basic level of complexity with a brief answer.

      Changed the format of tasks 34 and 35increased complexity : these tasks now need to establish compliance instead of choosing several correct answers from the proposed list.

      The distribution of tasks in terms of complexity and types of verified skills has been changed.

    In 2017, in compared with demonstration of 2016 by chemistrythere was significant changes. The structure of the examination work was optimized:

      Was changed the structure of the first part The demonstration option: the tasks with a choice of one response were excluded from it; The tasks were grouped according to individual thematic blocks, each of which began to contain tasks of both the basic and elevated level of complexity.

      It was Reduced the total number of tasks up to 34.

      Was changed estimation scale (from 1 to 2 points) performing the tasks of the basic level of complexity that check the learning of knowledge about the genetic bond of inorganic and organic substances (9 and 17).

      Maximum score For the implementation of all tasks of the examination work was reduced to 60 points.

    In 2018 in demo version of chemistry compared with demonstration of 2017 by chemistrythe following occurred change:

      It was added task 30. high difficulty with a detailed answer

      Maximum score For the execution of all tasks of the examination work remained without change By changing the scales of the assignment of part 1.

    IN demo emers 2019 - 2020 in chemistry compared with demonstration of 2018 by chemistrythere were no changes.

    The video course "Get the Five" includes all the themes necessary for the successful exam in mathematics to 60-65 points. Fully all tasks 1-13 profile exam in mathematics. It is also suitable for the commissioning of the basic ege in mathematics. If you want to pass the exam for 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without errors!

    Course preparation for the exam for 10-11 class, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve part 1 of the EGE in mathematics (the first 12 tasks) and the task 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the exam, and without them it is not to do with the stuffer, nor Humanitara.

    All the necessary theory. Quick ways of solving, traps and secrets of the exam. All actual tasks of part 1 from the Bank of Oppi tasks are disassembled. The course fully complies with the requirements of the EGE-2018.

    The course contains 5 large topics, for 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, just and understandable.

    Hundreds of tasks to the exam. Text tasks and theory of probability. Simple and easily memorable task solving algorithms. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of assignments of the USE. Stereometry. Clamp techniques of solutions, useful cribs, the development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch - to task 13. Understanding instead of shock. Visual explanation of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, degrees and logarithms, function and derivative. The base for solving complex tasks 2 parts of the exam.