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  • Children Heroes Antifascist Valya cat. Little Hero of Big War: How Valya Catik has become a real eagle. Looking at the boy, the Communists entrusted the shaft to be connected and intelligence in his underground organization. He learned the location of the enemy

    Children Heroes Antifascist Valya cat. Little Hero of Big War: How Valya Catik has become a real eagle. Looking at the boy, the Communists entrusted the shaft to be connected and intelligence in his underground organization. He learned the location of the enemy

    This is a story about an ordinary boy-schoolboy who had to grow up early and take a rifle. When the fascists occupied his native shepet, the boy was not also fourteen years old. Together with the guys, Valya cat constantly spinning in front of the Germans. Usually, no one paid attention to children, and who will come to mind seriously to treat a barefoot schoolboy, in torn pants, and with knuckles shot down. But the Germans constantly happened to some wonders: then the machine will disappear, then the revolver will disappear from the pocket.

    Valya gladly drove the cow on the pasture. The trick was that he was not in the forest, where he grew by a juicy grass, but he drove to the wasteland, where the Germans had warehouses with the provisions they sent to the front. Noisy Vataga guys from three people constantly laughed, played, and ran around the sentry, which was accustomed to children, and did not take them into account. But the guerrillas received important information.

    One evening a truck drove up to the warehouse, and the partisans moved to the German form, sent a dulley of the machine to the guards. Then he ordered the Germans to sit quietly, because the warehouse was allegedly mined, and the warehouse quickly devastated with comrades. In this group there was a Valya Kitty, who pointed to the partisans to the smallest detail. The machine loaded with products, I left, and the warehouse stood with fire.

    Once the Valya went to the task, and saw that the Germans, spreading their hands, chasing the chickens. The boy threw one for another two grenades, and the Germans decided that they were attacking a whole detachment.

    When the Germans retreat, Valya received a serious task - to guard the abandoned German warehouses. But from the western side, tanks appeared. They were closer and closer they crawled to warehouses, and Germans began to appear. Valya Zaleg in the bushes and began to shoot. Then he heard the Soviet troops approaching the aid. The boy threw a grenade, but he was out of bullet. So the heroisk died Valya cat.

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    Valya Kortich (or Valentin Aleksandrovich Kitty) was born on February 11, 1930 in p. Khmelevka modern Khmelnitsky (former Kamenets-Podolskaya) region of Ukraine, in the family of peasants. The Great Patriotic War began to endured him to graduate from school - the young pioneer managed to receive only five grades of secondary education in the district school of Shepetovka. Valentin School was famous for sociability and organizational abilities, was the leader among his comrades.

    When the Germans occupied the Shepetsky district, the shaft of the cat was only 11 years old. The official biography says that he immediately took part in collecting ammunition and weapons, which then went to the front. Together with friends, Valya collected the weapon thrown on the site of the clashes, which was transferred to the partisans in the centers with Sen. Also, the young hero independently made and opened the caricature on the fascists in the city.

    In 1942, he was adopted in the ranks of the Shepet's underground organization, as a scout. Further, his military biography was replenished with participation in the exploits of the partisan detachment under the command of Musealeva Ivan Alekseevich (1943 g). In October of the same year, Valya Kotich made his first loud feat - managed to discover the underground telephone cable of the German command rates, which was then safely blown up by the partisans.

    On the battle account of the courageous pioneer there are other exploits - successful undermines of six warehouses and railway echelons, as well as numerous ambushes in which he participated. The duties of Vali Catics included and mining information about the location of German posts and the procedure for changing their guard.

    Another feat who saved the lives to many of his adult comrades, the young hero made on October 29, 1943. On that day, the guy stood in the post, as Hitler's punishers suddenly committed him. The boy managed to shoot an enemy officer and raise anxious.

    For manifested heroism, courage and repeated feats, pioneer Valya Catik He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree and the Order of Lenin, as well as the medal "Partiz of Patriotic War" II degree.

    In the sixteenth of February 1944, the 14-year-old hero was mortal in combat for the liberation of the city of Izyaslav Kamenets-Podolsky. He died the next day, February 17 and was buried in the Central Park of Shepetovka.

    On another version biographies Vali Citics From the direct member of the fighting for the city of Izyaslav, Veteran Murashov, the boy was wounded first nervous, in the shoulder. The native brother of the storyteller (former with him on the task) dragged him to the nearby valley of Gorini and made him a dressing. On the second day, with the evacuation of the wounded in the partisan hospital in the strengaars, the training of the cart, which was a cat, were undergoing German bombard. The young hero received the deadly wounds, from which died on the way.

    By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1958, Valentina Aleksandrovich was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    In the Soviet years, every schoolboy knew about this brave pioneer and his exploits. The name of the courageous guy was called numerous streets, both in Russia and in Ukraine, pioneer squads, detachments and camp. Monument to the Vale of the cat was installed before the school in which he studied, another monument was standing at the VDNH. In honor of him, one ship was also named.

    The Biography of Pioneer Vali Citics was based on a feature film about the shaft of Kotko, who came to the screens in 1957, called "Orlenok". The film tells about the struggle of the young pioneer Vali with fascist invaders who took his native city. The boy helps his partisan detachment to follow the enemy and get a weapon. On one day, being surrounded by the Nazis, the schoolboy makes a feat, undermining himself a grenade.

    On February 11, 1930 in Ukraine, in the village of Khmetsovka-Podolsk region, in the peasant family, the most young hero of the Soviet Union was born in the peasant family

    Times do not choose, the famous wisdom says. Someone gets childhood with pioneer camps and waste collection, someone - with game consoles and accounts on social networks.

    A military secret

    The generation of children of the 1930s got a brutal and terrible war, taking away their relatives, close, friends and childhood itself. And instead of children's toys, the most persistent and braveers took the rifles and machine guns. They took to take revenge on the enemy and fight for their homeland.

    War is not a business. But when she comes to your home, the usual performances change dramatically.

    In 1933 a writer Arkady Gaidar Posted by "a fairy tale about military secret, boy-kibalchish and his hard word." This work of Gaidar, written eight years before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, was destined to become a symbol of memory about all young heroes that fell in the fight against the German-fascist invaders.

    Like all Soviet boys and girls, of course, heard a fairy tale about Cybalchish. But it was unlikely that he thought he would have to be at the place of the brave hero Gaidar.

    Valya cat. Photo: Public Domain

    He was born on February 11, 1930 in Ukraine, in the village of Khmethka Kamenets-Podolsk region, in the peasant family.

    Vali had the usual childhood of a boys of the pore, with ordinary cakes, secrets, sometimes bad marks. Everyone changed June 1941, when the cat broke into the life of a sixth grader, the war broke.


    Summer Hitler Blitzkrieg of the summer of 1941, and here Valya, who lived in the city of Shepetovka, together with his family already in the occupied territory.

    The victorious power of the Wehrmacht instilled fear in many adults, but did not scare from the currency, who, together with his friends, decided to fight the fascists. To begin with, they began to collect and straighten the weapons, which remained in the field of battle, which boiled around whispered. Then osmellius before they began to steal the automata from the goded Nazis.

    And in the autumn of 1941, a desperate boy committed a real sabotage - setting an ambush by the road, he blew up the car with the Nazis, destroying several soldiers and the commander of the detachment of field gendarmerie.

    Underfooters learned about Vali affairs. Stop the desperate boy was almost impossible, and then he was attracted to underground work. He was instructed to collect information about the German garrison, to sprinkle leaflets, act as a connected.

    For the time being, the nimble parenchy suspicion did not cause suspicion of the Hitler. However, the more in the account of the underground workers of successful shares, the more carefully the Nazis began to look for their assistants among the locals.

    Young partisan saved squad from punishers

    In the summer of 1943, the threat of arrest over the family of Vali, and he, together with his mother and brother, went to the forest, becoming a fighter of the partisan detachment of the name of Karmelyuk.

    The command tried to take care of a 13-year-old guy, but he rushed into battle. In addition, Valya showed itself as a skilled intelligence and a person who can find a way out of the most difficult situation.

    In October 1943, Valya, who was in the partisan doser, ran into punishers who were preparing to attack the base of the partisan squad. The boy was twisted, but, deciding that he does not pose a threat and cannot give valuable intelligence, left under the protection here, on the edge of the forest.

    Valya himself was wounded, but managed to get to the hut of the forester, which helped the partisans. After recovery, he continued to fight in the detachment.

    Valya participated in the undermining of six enemy echelons, destroying the cable of the strategic connection of the Nazis, and also in a number of successful shares, for which he was marked by the Order of the Patriotic War I degree and the medal "Patriotic War II" medal.

    Last battle battle

    February 11, 1944, the shaft turned 14 years old. The front switched to the West, and the partisans could have helped the regular army. Shepetovka, where Valya lived, was already released, but the squad moved further, preparing for his last operation - the storm of the city of Izaslav.

    After her, the detachment was supposed to be disbanded, adults had to join regular parts, and the Vale - return to school.

    The battle for Izyaslav on February 16, 1944 was hot, but it was already completed in favor of the partisans when the crazy Valya bullet was seriously wounded.

    Soviet troops broke into the partisans to the city. The wounded currency urgently sent to the rear, in the hospital. However, the wound turned out to be deadly - on February 17, 1944, the cats did not.

    Cuts buried in the village of Horovo. At the request of his mother, the dust of the son was postponed to the town of Shepetovka and reburied in the city park.

    A big country who survived a terrible war could not immediately appreciate the feats of all who fought for her freedom and independence. But over time, everything fell into place.

    For the shown heroism in the fight against the German-fascist invaders, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1958, Valentina Alexandrovich's Cotion was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    In history, he never became Valentine, remaining just shafts. The youngest hero of the Soviet Union.

    His name, as the names of other heroes pioneers, about whose feat was told by the Soviet schoolchildren of the post-war pore, was to be invented in the post-Soviet period.

    But time puts everything into place. The feat is a feat, and betrayal is a betrayal. Valya Kotik in the heavy godine trials for the Motherland turned out to be courageous than many adults, and to this day looking for an excuse of his cowardice and failing. Eternal glory to him!

    During the Great Patriotic War, being temporarily occupied by the German-fascist troops of the Schepetovsky District, Valya Kortich was working to collect weapons and ammunition, painted and put out caricatures on the Nazis. Since 1942, he had a connection with the Shepet's underground party organization and carried out its intelligence instructions.

    Looking at the boy, the Communists entrusted the shaft to be connected and intelligence in his underground organization. He learned the location of the enemy posts, the order of changing Karaul. The day came when Valya made his feat.

    The roar of motors became louder - the cars were approaching. Faces of soldiers were already clearly visible. From Lbov, half-closed with green helmets, Flake Pot. Some soldiers carelessly removed the helmets.

    The front car was stood with the bushes, for which boys hid. Valya has surveyed, counting up to himself seconds. The car drove, the armored car was already against him. Then he rose to the whole height and shouting "Fire!" One pomegranates threw one after another ... at the same time, the explosions on the left and right were sounded. Both cars stopped, the front caught fire. The soldiers were swirling rapidly to the ground, rushed into a ditch and from there discovered a random fire from the machine guns.

    Valya did not see this painting. Well familiar trail, he already fled to the depths of the forest. There was no chase, the Germans were afraid of partisans. The next day, the Gebitsky examiner government adviser Dr. Worbs in the report to the higher authorities wrote: "The soldiers of the Führera attacked by the largest gangsters showed courage and excerpt. They accepted an unequal battle and scattered rebels. Ober Lieutenant Franz Kenig skillfully led by combat actions. Pursuing the gangsters, he was seriously injured and died on the spot from the loss of blood. Our losses: seven killed and nine wounded. Bandits lost twenty people killed and about thirty wounded ... ". Rumors about the attack partisans on the fascists and the death of the executioner - the chief of gendarmerie quickly spread in the city.

    From August 1943, the young patriot - scout of the Shepetovsky partisan detachment named after Karmelyuk.

    In October 1943, the young partisan ranked the location of the underground telephone cable of the Hitler's rate, which was shortly undermined. He also participated in the undermining of six railway echelons, warehouse.

    October 29, 1943, being in the post, Valya noticed that the punishers staged a cloud on a detachment. Killing from the pistol of a fascist officer, he raised his alarm, and the partisans managed to prepare for battle.

    February 16, 1944 in battle for the city of Izyaslav Kamenets-Podolskaya now the Khmelnitsky region 14-year-old partisan intelligence officer was mortally wounded and the next day died.

    The young partisan died a few days after his fourteen years. Fourteen is very little. At this age, we usually only build plans for the future, you are preparing for him, you dream about him. Valya also built, prepared, dreamed. There is no doubt, they live to the present day, he would become an outstanding personality. But he did not become a cosmonaut nor a worker, nor an inventor scientist. He remained forever young, remained a pioneer.

    He was buried in the center of the city of Shepetovka now the Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine.

    For the shown heroism in the fight against the German-fascist invaders, by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1958, Valentina Alexandrovich's Cotion was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Cat Valya 14 years old, Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Member of the partisan movement in Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War.

    Valya Kotik was born on February 11, 1930 in the family of a peasant. From 1937 he lived in the city of Shepetovka. When the war began, he just moved to the sixth grade. From the first days of the occupation of Shepetovka Valya began to fight against the fascists.

    One day, together with his comrades, he threw a grenade into the car, in which he was driving the head of Shepet gendarmerie. Hitler's executioner was killed.

    In 1942, Valya established a permanent connection with the Shepet's underground organization and on its task collected weapons, distributed leaflets.

    In the summer of 1943, he becomes a partisan of Karmaluk named. In battle for the liberation of the city of Iaslav, the boy was mortally wounded. He died on the hands of adult comrades - partisans.

    He was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree and the medal.

    The Vale of the Kotika was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, posthumously.

    The name of the cat is appropriated by ship, schools.

    In the city of Shepetovka in 1960, a monument to the Valais Kotika was built.

    "The Last Fight" is a story that Mom Vali wrote, Anna Kotik.

    The last fight.

    On the forest edge, the rank of newcomers was built, and among them and my sons - Valya and Victor. Both have trophy machines. The partisan detachment takes only with weapons, and my sons fulfilled this requirement, and even got weapons not only for themselves.

    Before Building, the partisan commander Anton Zakharovich Oduha and Commissioner Ignatius Vasilyevich Kuzovkin. Commissioner slowly, the phrase behind the phrase, reads the words of the partisan oath. And newcomers in solemn silence repeat after him:

    "For the burned cities and villages, for the death of our wives and children, for flour and violence over my people, I swear to revenge the enemy mercilessly and without tired.

    Blood for blood!

    Death for death!

    I swear that I would rather die in a cruel battle with enemies than I give myself, my family and the entire Soviet people into slavery bloody fascism ... "

    On that day, my sons became partisans fighters.

    Once the roller group was commissioned to defeat the German garrison, standing in a nearby village.

    Partisans made their way to forest paths. Ahead - intelligence, and on the sides and in the rear - combat protection. The detachment was chased on the eve of the punishers, but now it seemed that he was already broken away from them. In the forest quietly. Only birds sing and the trees are noisy in the embroidery.

    Shave! - ordered commander. - Roller, your turn guard.

    I hear, - Valya visor and disappeared behind the trees.

    His post was at a distance of several hundred meters from the place of the prival. The boy sat down in the bushes in front of the forest edge.

    Around silence.

    But what is it? Bird flock flew from a tree. Through the noise of the forest of Valya heard a loud crunch of branches under his feet. He grabbed the machine, rushed to the ground, but ... someone's rude, strong hands snapped his weapon. These were punishers.

    Where are you from? - Grozno asked the translator.

    "What to do, how to warn a detachment about danger, how to delay the time?" - brain drilled anxious thought. A sharp blow - and again the same question:


    Valya finger shows on the sky:

    From the aircraft.

    Who else with you? Where are they?

    The Nazis forced the curls and ordered not to move. And he was frantically thought:

    "Ten minutes for another, and the enemies will attack a detachment. What to do?"

    Only moved, the fascist's threatening shout rang:


    Suddenly, Valya felt that in his side he dug the rifled surface of the grenade "Lemonki".

    It was necessary very careful that the punitives did not notice, pull the hand to themselves, remove the ring ...

    Valya jumped rapidly, threw his grenades under his feet, and he darted into the bushes. But in three seconds you will run away so far so that the fragments do not overtake? Something burned his legs, back. Valya fell, but then crawled into the depths of the forest.

    In the detachment heard an explosion, and when the punitives approached the place of the prival, they, of course, did not find anyone.

    What happened to the shaft?

    He survived, put to the hut of the forester, he tied him wounds and notified the guerrilla ...

    Winter came in 1944. Under the blows of the Red Army, fascist troops rolled back to the west. The partisans helped the front, and to stay in the rear of the enemy, they had to "retreat" with the Nazis.

    In one of the January days, the partisans took the storm to Slavuta and installed Soviet power there. And when the best parts of the front reached the Slavuti, the partisans received an order to prepare for the sturm of Izyaslav.

    Muzalov's detachment, where Valya was, settled down a kilometers for seven from the city. As soon as they stopped, the radio line took the handle of the receiver and began to catch Moscow:

    Order of the Supreme Commander ...

    All who were free, gathered at the radio. I was looking forward to: how will Moscow be happy today?

    The announcer solemnly read:

    A large railway node is taken - Shepetovka city!

    Hooray! - swept through the forest.

    Most partisans in Muselyov's squad were whispered. Their city was already released, and the detachment was preparing for his last battle.

    On the eve of the confession from the headquarters of the Front arrived here. Then the representatives of all detachments were.

    After some time, Muzalov convened platoon commanders. Immediately after a short meeting, partisan intelligence officers in white masking coats were dissolved in the night Mohl.

    At seven in the morning storming Izyaslav! - repeated in the detachment.

    Roller, during the battle you will stay at the headquarters, "said Muzalov.

    And why not go to the attack? What, I feel bad?

    This is an order, and the orders are not discussed, - Muzalov answered strictly.

    Okay, - Valya went out.

    No, I could not send him now in the bake. After all, it is the last fight. A few days later, Valya will return to Shepetovka, already Soviet, will go to school, and soon his hands will be accustomed to the portfolio again, to notebooks, pencils ...

    Nazis did not wait for the attacks. They popped out of the houses of the dirty, were worn as caustic and randomly shot. Here the detachment passed the first buildings. Fascists fled from the city. But the guerrillas knew that the victory would not be easy. After all, through Izyaslav, the last echelons with appliances, soldiers, through Izyaslav, parted part, broken under whispered.

    Partisans immediately began to pour out to gain a fit in the city.

    The shaft was instructed to guard the weapon warehouse left by the fascists.

    He stood on the clock and thought that in vain Muzalov did not allow him to go to the attack.

    What does he later remember this battle? Infinite phone calls on KP Muzallava? As I wanted to rush to this KP where the bullets whistles! But the order cannot be violated.

    And suddenly Valya heard the buzz of motors, who came from the other side where the fascists retreated. Tiger tanks and self-propelled guns "Ferdinanda" appeared. It is difficult to overcome this technique when in the detachment only a few anti-tank guns and one anti-tank gun.

    He saw from published, as one of the partisans rose to his full height near the spotted tank and fell right under the caterpillars.

    There was an explosion ... The tank was spinning on the spot, the smoke threw out of the tower.

    Tanks approached the warehouse. Here Valya clearly distinguishes the fascists running behind them. He fell asleep to the ground and began to shoot black figures on white snow.

    Another tank stopped. The rest turned back. Over the city of Parisanskoye "Hurray" again. The offensive of the Nazis is reflected.

    Valya stood in full growth.

    Suddenly a stupid blow to the belly knocked him down. Crazy bullet was deadly wounded the boy.

    He came into consciousness from the fact that the cart sharply shook and the whole body pierced the sharp pain.

    Valya lay on straw, covered with trophy blankets and sinels. Muzalov all the time heavily stagged nearby, holding his hand over the edge of the cart.

    Only now he understood how tired after a tense battle. Now everything is behind. From another flank, Soviet troops approached timely. Izyaslav was released. Partisans returned home. They performed their difficult debt.