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  • Download a presentation on the theme of the heliocentric system of the world. Presentation on physics on the topic: "Geocentric and heliocentric system of the world." Text of this presentation

    Download a presentation on the theme of the heliocentric system of the world. Presentation on physics on the topic:

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    Systems of the world

    • Geocentric
    • Heliocentric
  • Slide 3.


    Geocentric system of the world (from Dr. Greek. (Geos) - Earth) - an idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the universe, according to which the central position in the universe occupies a fixed land around which the sun, the moon, planet and stars rotate.

    Theorists: Falez Miletsky, Pythagoras, Claudius Ptolemy, Anaximen, Anaximandr Miletsky, Aristotle, Pliny Senior.

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    spherical symmetry of space (Anaximandr);

    • "The land is a heavy body, and the center of the Universe is a natural place for heavy bodies; As the experience shows, all heavy bodies fall pointing, and since they move to the center of the world, the land is in the center. " (Aristotle);
    • equality of the day and night during the equinoxies and the fact that during the equinoxy, the sunrise and the sunset is observed on the same line (the Pliny is elder).

    Justification of geocentrism

    Slide 5.

    Achievements of ancient astronomy summarized the ancient Greek astronomer of Claudius Ptolemy. It

    developed a geocentric system of the world, created the theory of visible movement of the Moon and five famous planets

    • Claudius Ptolemy
    • Presentation of the structure of the Universe. Camille Flammarion
  • Slide 6.

    Geocentric Ptolemy system. The planets turn around the fixed ground. Them

    uneven visible movement with respect to stars is explained using additional circular motions over epicycles.

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    The Ptolemy system is set out in its main work "Almagest" ("Great Mathematical Building

    astronomy in the XIII books ") - Encyclopedia of Astronomical Knowledge of Ancients

    Title leaf Almagesta

    Slide 8.

    Refusal of geocentrism XVII century

    Events that led to the abandonment of the geocentric system:

    • the creation of the heliocentric theory of planetary movements by Copernicus;
    • telescopic discoveries of Galilee;
    • opening of the laws of Kepler;
    • creation of classical mechanics and opening the law of World Newton's law.
  • Slide 9.


    • Heliocentric system of the world (from Dr. Greek. (Helios) - the Sun) - the idea of \u200b\u200bthe device of the universe, according to which the Sun is a central heavenly body, around which land and other planet rotates.
    • Theorists: Aristarh Samos, Nikolai Copernicus, Johann Kepler, Galileo Galilee, Jordano Bruno.
  • Slide 10.

    The development of heliocentrism

    • III century BC - Aristarkh Samos, a truly heliocentric system was proposed.
    • XVI century - Nikolay Copernicus developed the theory of motion planets around the sun

    XVI - XVII century:

    Johann Kepler (using the observations of Quiet Brage) brought his laws;

    Galileo Galilee made a number of discoveries with his telescope.

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    Nikolay Copernicus (1473-1543), great Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric system

    world. He made a coup in natural science, abandoning the teachings taken over the central state of the Earth. Copernicus explained the visible movements of heavenly shone the rotation of the Earth around the axis and the circulation of the planets, including the Earth, around the Sun

    Slide 12.

    Heliocentric Copernicus World System

    The center is the sun. There is only a moon around the earth. The Earth is the third remoteness from the sun of the planet. She draws around the sun and rotates around its axis. At a very long distance from the sun, Copernicus placed the "sphere of fixed stars."

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    Copernicus simply and naturally explained the loop-shaped movement of the planets by the fact that we see the planet appearing around the Sun not from a fixed land, but from the ground moving too around the sun

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    Heliocentric system of the world

    The Great Polish Astronomer Nikolai Copernicus (1473-1543) outlined in the book "On the revisions of the Heavenly Spheres", published in the year of his death. In this book, he proved that the Universe is not working at all as many centuries claimed religion.

    In all countries, almost one and a half thousand years owned the minds of the people's false teachings of Ptolemy, who claimed that the land was still resting in the center of the universe. Followers of Ptolemy in the please of the church came up with all new "clarifications" and "evidence" of the movement of the planets around the Earth to preserve the "truth" and "holiness" of his false teaching. But from this, the Ptolemy system became increasingly contrived and artificial.

    Slide 15.

    Bridally, just Copernicus explained that we perceive the movement of distant celestial bodies as well as the movement of various items on Earth, when they themselves are in motion.

    We slip in a boat on a calm current river, and it seems to us that the boat and we are stationary in it, and the shores "float" in the opposite direction. In the same way, it only seems to us that the sun moves around the earth. And in fact, the earth with everything What is on it, moving around the Sun and during the year makes a full turn in its orbit.

    Subject . The evolution of ideas about the system of the world: from the geocentric systems of the world of ancient Greek philosophers to the Heliocentric system of Copernicus.

    Objectives lesson . On the example of creating a world system to show students:

    1) The path of scientific knowledge: facts - hypothesis - facts - a new hypothesis - ... -teoria;

    2) the relativity of the truth;

    3) the ability to interpret the same phenomena in various reference systems;

    Basic concepts . Geocentric system of the world, Heliocentric system of the world.

    Demonstration material . Illustration. Models.

    Independent activities of students. Execution of search assignments, creation of presentations, systematization of material in the form of a table.

    The ideological aspect of the lesson. Develop the skills of logical thinking of students and a scientific approach to the study of the world. Analysis of the accumulation of knowledge on astronomy occurred since the time of ancient civilizations. Models of the Universe.

    Time, Min.

    Takes and methods

    1. Preparation of the report, presentation

    Illustrations, models

    Execution of search assignments

    2. Teacher's introductory word

    Conversation with students

    3. Presentation of students

    Illustrations, models

    Speeches of students

    4. Comparison of geocentric and heliocentric theories. Reflection

    5. Home Task

    Preparation for lesson.

    Choosing a report topic students. Preparation of oral communication, presentation for illustration of the report and newspaper A5.


    Eric Rogers "Physics for curious", vol. 2, M.: "Peace", 1970., "Planet Earth. Development of ideas and ideas "Tutorial. M.: INTERPAX, 1994.

    Topics Messages

    Universe according to Falez's ideas. Peace System Pythagora. Philoli world system. Euddoxy world system. Aristotle's world system. The system of Aristarha. The system of the world of hypadarch. Ptolemy world system. Copernicus World System.

    Abstract lesson.

    The accumulation of knowledge on astronomy occurred from the times of ancient civilizations from the simple registration of certain facts to systematic observations. Of these facts, legends arose, who have learned children or soothing the easiest people. In these legends, the Sun was considered a deity, the planet Venus worshiped, told about the "abode of bliss", located above the crystal arch of stars. But the legends themselves were not only superstitious myths. These were the harbingers of scientific theory, their connection with the facts was weak, rather fantastic, but they created the basis for the "explanation" of these facts. When Greek civilization was born, her thinkers founded new methods in science: they began to look for generalschemes of explanations that would appeal to human curiosity. They no longer be satisfied with simple myths who satisfy the curiosity of the crowd. They set themselves the task of "anticipate the phenomenon", i.e., create a scheme that could explain facts. It was much more important than a simple collection of facts or creating a description of each new fact of a separate theory. It was intellectual progress, the beginning of the creation of scientific theory.

    The first Greek scientists painted a simple picture of the universe device, but as the data accumulates, they complicated the schemes to explain the details of certain phenomena: first, simple facts about the Earth, then more detailed schemes explaining the movement of the sky as a whole, as well as sun, moon and planets separately.

    At each stage, scientists have tried on the basis of a few simple assumptions or general principles to create a more logical and complete "explanation" or description of the observed phenomenon. Such an explanation was to contribute to the systematization of accumulated facts and obtaining further predictions. But, first of all, it should have strengthened faith in the existence of a system that unites various phenomena, a reasonable device of nature. Although the search for the scheme was sometimes dictated by a practical necessity, for example, the need to create a calendar, satisfaction obtained by scientists from a clear explanation of various phenomena, went far over these frameworks. Forced to ask a question why,greek philosophers were looking for and created scientific theories. Although our modern desires to check everything with the help of the experiment and the wealth of scientific equipment led to huge changes in our ideas, we still share the delight of the Greeks in front of the theory that "anticipates the phenomena." Let's see how their theories were created.

    Task students. Listening to the speeches of classmates, fill out the following column graphs:

    2) Facts that did not fit into the preceding model of the structure of the Universe and explained (or tried to explain) this system of the world;

    3) Scheme and brief description of the model of the world.

    600 BC e.

    Daily movement of stars, annual and daily movement of the sun and moon

    Earth - a flat disk, the stars are attached to the rotating sphere, the plane of the ecliptic is tilted relative to the trajectory of the stars (Fig. 1 and Fig.2)

    530 BC e.

    Moving planets, sun and moon on the background of stars with different speeds.

    Earth - the ball is surrounded by concentric transparent spheres, each of which has celestial bodies: the nearest to the ground is the moon, then Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. The outer sphere contained the stars and made a complete revolution for a day, the rest rotated slower.

    The general principle is "spheres" - these are "perfect" forms, and uniform rotations - "perfect" movements. (Fig. 3, 4)

    Sun, Moon, Venus, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn slowly move among stars from the west to the east. Stars are moving from the east to the west.

    The center of the Universe is not the earth, but the central fire - the "Watchtower of the Gods"; The Earth revolves around this fire, making a full turn in a small orbit for a day, and its inhabited part is always facing the opposite direction from this central fire. This earth movement explained the daily movement of stars in the sky: the external crystal sphere could rest. (Fig. 5)


    370 BC e.

    The planet does not move unevenly on the loop-like trajectory. The sun and the moon are moving in their annual and monthly trajectories with variable speeds.

    The system consists of 27 concentric spheres, like a husk husky. Each planet corresponded to several spheres located alone inside other and rotating around various axes: three spheres for the sun and the moon, four for each planet and one external sphere for all stars. Each sphere is fixed on the axis, which passes through the hole in the next sphere, and is located outside, and the axis of rotation has different directions. Combined movements with properly selected directions of rotation correspond to observations. (Fig. 6, 7)


    340 BC e.

    The System of the World Education was not agreed with more accurate observations of the movement of the planets

    An increase in the number of spheres to 55.

    Systematized knowledge and led the evidence of the shag-formation of the Earth.


    240 BC e.

    The complexity of the Aristotle system led to an attempt to simplify the scheme

    1) the earth rotates, and this rotation explains the daily movement of stars;

    2) the Earth moves around the Sun, making a complete turnover in orbit during the year; Other planets move in a similar way - this explains the visible movements of the sun and planets with the stars.

    140 BC e.

    Uneven movement of the sun and moon, loop-shaped motion of the planets

    The planet is moving evenly around the circle (epicycle), the center of which is evenly moving along another circumference (deference), the center of which is already the earth (Fig. 8, 9)


    120 BC e.

    Determined the exact positions of the planets, the sun and the moon in relation to fixed stars

    The starry sky is a sphere rotating around the stationary axis and performing a complete turn in 24 hours.

    The sun is moving around the Earth according to the epicyclic hypharch scheme; The moon is moving in more complex epicycloid.

    To explain the movement of the planets, Ptolemy created an epicikal scheme in which the land is not in the center of the main circle, but would be somewhat shifted relative to it, that is, it is eccentric. But this was not enough, and Ptolemy built a scheme in which not only placed the land eccentric, but also shifted the center of uniform rotation in the opposite direction. (Fig. 10)

    It was a complex system of main and auxiliary circles with different radii, speeds, slopes and eccentricitis of various sizes and directions. This system, working like a complex transfer mechanism, made it possible to accurately predict the provisions of the planets in the year and determine these provisions in the past. Like a good system of mechanisms, it was founded on simple principles: circles with constant radii, rotation with a constant speed.


    The movements of all the planets in one way or another were coordinated with the movement of the Sun, for example, the periods of circulation of Venus and Mercury on drawers and the periods of the appeal of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn for epicycles, exactly the same year - the period of circulation of the Sun around the Earth.

    All planets move along orbits around the stationary sun, the earth bypass the sun for the year, turning around the axis and committing a complete turn in 24 hours. "Fixed stars" and the Sun rest in the sky. The complex movement of the planet over the epicycloid is made up of the planet's own movement in a circle and the movement of the Earth around the Sun. To eliminate discrepancies between the calculated and observed movements, the planets in the sky Copernicus was forced to introduce epicycles.

    The movements observed on the earthly sky are equally well described in each of the models of the Universe: and Ptolemy and Copernicus. Consider this more on the example of the movement of the internal planets.

    1 in the heliocentric model (Fig. 11) corresponding to the real picture, Venus makes turn around the Sun in 225 days, and the Earth for the year. Since Venus moves around the sun faster than the Earth, the mutual position of these three bodies changes all the time. There are several characteristic configurations: compounds (lower and top), when all three bodies are on the same line, and elongation (Western and East), when the angle from the ground in the sun and in the Venus is maximum, and reaches 48 °. Identical configurations (for example, the bottom connection) are repeated for Venus every 584 days. "width \u003d" 539 "height \u003d" 172 "\u003e

    Fig. 11. Heliocentric model: The period of circulation of Venus around the Sun is 225 days; Earth around the Sun - 1 year.

    Fig. 12 Geocentric System of the Peace Ptolemy: the period of circulation of Venus on a deference - 1 year; by epicycle - 584 days; Sun circulation period around the Earth - 1 year

    b) the movement of Venus in the Ptolemy model (Fig. 12) will be presenting as a result of the epicycle movement that coincides with the orbit of Venus around the Sun, and the movement on the deference, which coincides with the orbit of the Sun around the Earth. If you leave without changing the orbit of the Sun, but proportionally to reduce the drawback, and the epicial of Venus, then we move on to the ptolema model. The earth observer of this substitution will not be noticed, since the direction in Venus and the sun will be the same as in the heliocentric.

    Thus, the Ptolemy model and the Copernicus model were completely interchangeable in geometrical terms, so attempts to prove the benefits of one of them knowingly doomed to failure. The truth was to be sought in the infraces of models with a real pattern of motion of the planets, the cause of which actually was that the planets are not circular, but elliptical orbits. It was able to understand Johann Kepleru.

    Initially, Kepler focused almost all his efforts on the study of Mars's movement. He started his research as a convinced Copernian, but to coordinate the existing high-precision astronomical data with this model, it had to introduce new and new epicycles. The Copernicus model, ultimately, became almost as cumbersome as the model of Ptolemy, and the estimated movement of Mars on the sky still did not quite exactly correspond to the observed.

    After many years of hard work, Johann Kepler found a solution to this problem - he rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe movement of heavenly bodies around the circles and postulated that Mars and other planets (including the Earth) turn around the Sun on elliptical orbits. It was a real scientific revolution: not only the idea of \u200b\u200bperfect circular orbits perfectly was rejected by one blow, but also the model of the universe with fixed ground in the center! Kepler managed to surprisely precisely describe the movement of the planets in the sky and formulate the three laws of the movement of the heavenly bodies, which had discouraged him after decades the name of the "Sky legislator" after decades. The modern heliocentric system is usually called the Copernicus system, although it would be more correct to call it the Kepler system.

    The conclusions of the Kepler were so fundamentally dispersed with the traditional worldview, which for some time they were simply ignored. But about the same years there is another event in the Italian city of Pisa, the famous physicist and mechanic Galileo Galilee (1564-1642) took advantage of the recently invented "visual pipe" to study the starry sky. Of course, he was not the first to look at the telescopic tube on the stars, but he was the first one who managed to see the Venus phases, the character of the change of which could not be explained in the framework of an antique geocentric model.

    In the geocentric model of Claudius Ptolemy Venus is always between the Earth and the Sun, and therefore facing the ground with its shaded side. In this model, only the narrow sickle of Venus would be observed from the Earth. In the model Ptolemy Venus, in any of its provisions could not be observed in the form of crescent and more complete phases. "width \u003d" 400 "height \u003d" 300 "\u003e

    Model "Rotation of Venus"

    Questions to students

    1. All allegations with the exception of one characterize the geocentric system of the world. Specify the exception.

    A) the land is located in the center of the world or near him.

    B) Planets move around the Earth.

    C) The daily movement of the sun occurs around the Earth.

    D) The moon is moving around the sun.

    E) the daily movement of the stars occurs around the Earth.

    2. According to the ancient astronomers, the planets differ from the stars by the fact that

    A) moving around circular orbits;

    B) unlike Earth in its composition;

    C) sometimes moving towards the opposite movement of stars;

    D) moving around the sun;

    E) are closer to the ground than the sun.

    3. Which of the observed phenomena can be explained within the framework of a geocentric theory? 1) Daily sunrise in the east and sunset in the West.

    2) Rotation of the starry sky around the world pole.

    3) sometimes solar eclipses occurring.

    A) 1 and 2.

    B) 2 and 3.

    C) 1 and 3.

    D) all.

    E) none.

    4. Heliocentric system of the world explains the loop-shaped movement of the planets:

    A) the difference in the speeds of the earth and the planet in orbits;

    B) the daily rotation of the Earth;

    C) the combination of the sun move on the ecliptic and the movement of the planets around the Sun;

    D) by changing the speed of the planet in orbit;

    E) mutual attraction of the planets.

    5. Without what of the following statements is not a thought of heliocentric theory?

    A) The planets turn around the sun.

    B) The sun has a spherical shape.

    C) The earth has a spherical shape.

    D) planets turn around the Earth.

    E) Earth revolves around its axis.

    6. Indicate which of the following facts refutes the hypothesis about the fixedness of the Earth and the movement of the Sun around it:

    A) daily climax of the sun.

    B) the movement of stars observed overnight.

    C) Sun movement on the background of stars occurring during the year.

    D) daily sunrise and sunset.

    E) None of these facts.

    Answers on questions

    Tasks 1-6 are taken from the book, "didactic material on astronomy." M., Enlightenment, 1979

    1 of 22.

    Presentation on the topic: System of Mira

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    1. Stonehenge- Observatory of the Bronze Age. This construction from giant stones with the horizontal crossbars standing on the vertically standing boulders is located in the south of England. For a long time, it attracted the attention of scientists. But only recently modern methods of archeology managed to prove that its construction began over 4,000 years ago, on the border of stone and bronze ages. In terms of Stonehenge, it is a number of almost accurate circles with a common center, along which huge stones are delivered at equal intervals. The outer row of stones has a diameter of about 100 meters. Their location is symmetrically treated on the sunrise point on the day of summer solstice, and some directions correspond to the directions on the points of the sunrise and sunset in the days of equinoxies and in some other days. Undoubtedly, Stonehenge served for astronomical observations, and for committing some rites of a cult nature, since in those distant epochs, the skiing luminaires were attributed to Divine importance. Similar structures found in many places of the British islands, as well as in Brittany (North-West France) and at the Orcane Islands.

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    2. Representations of the world of the ancient Egyptians in their ideas about the world of the world, the ancient peoples proceeded, primarily from the testimony of their senses: the Earth seemed flat, and the sky was a huge dome, spreading over the Earth. The picture shows how the heavenly arch relies on four high mountains, located somewhere on the edge of the world! Egypt Nah-Xia in the center of the Earth. Heavenly shine as it were suspended on the arch. In ancient Egypt, there was a cult of the god of the Sun of the Republic of Armenia, which carries around the sky on his chariot. This drawing is naughty on the wall inside one of the pyramids.

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    3. The ideas about the world of the peoples of Meternrech are close to the ancient Egyptian and the representations of the Haldeev - the peoples who inhabited the interfluve, starting from the 7th century BC. According to their views, the universe was a closed world, in the center of which was land, resting on the surface of world waters and presented a huge mountain. Between the land and the "dam of heaven" - a high impermeable wall surrounding the world - there was a sea that was considered forbidden. Everyone who tried to explore him was given, was doomed to death. Haldei's sky was considered a large dome, towering over the world and resting on the "Dam Sky". It is made of solid metal by the Supreme Bor Marduk. In the afternoon, the sky reflected the sunlight, and at night he served a dark blue background for the game of gods - planets, moon and stars.

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    4. The universe on the representation of the ancient Greeks as many other nations, they represented their land flat. This opinion, for example, adhered to the ancient Greek philosopher Falez Miletsky. He explained all the phenomena of nature, based on the single material principle, which he considered water. Earth, he considered a flat disk, surrounded by an inaccessible person by the sea, from which the stars come out every evening. From the eastern sea in the Golden Chariot rose every morning the God of Helios Sun and performed her way across the sky. Later, the Pythagoreans moved away from the theory of Falez, expressing the suggestion of the roundness of the Earth. A. Samos claimed that the Earth, along with other planets revolves around the Sun. For this he was exposed to exile.

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    5. The Aristotle World System The Grand Greek philosopher Aristotle understood that the Earth had a shape of the ball and led one of the strongest evidence to this, the round shadow shadow on the moon during the lunar eclipses. He understood the fact that the moon is a dark ball illuminated by the Sun and turning around the Earth. But Aristotle considered the land center of the world. He believed consisting of four elements that form four spheres: earth, water, air and fire. Even further there are spheres of planets - seven shums moving between stars,. Even further is the sector of fixed stars. The teachings of Aristotle were progressive from the point of view of science, although his worldview was idealistic because he recognized the Divine Beginning. Later, all this was used by the church against the advanced ideas of supporters of the Heliocentric system of the world. This water clock is the main device for measuring time in antiquity along with sun hours.

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    6. System of the world of Ptolemy Astronomer Claudius Ptolemy, who worked in Alexandria in the 2nd century n. e. Summed up the works of the ancient Greek astronomers, the main images of Hippark, as well as their own observations and built the perfect theory of movement of the planets based on the Geocentric system of the world of Aristotle. To explain the observed loop-like movements of the planets, Ptolemy suggested that they move along small circles (epicycles) around some points, which are already rotating around the Earth. To take into account the eccentricity of the planetary orbits, he had to introduce additional epicycles. Despite its bulky and unreasonableness, the Ptolemy system remained generally accepted for the 15th centuries, until it was refuted by Copernicus. A significant role in strengthening the position of the Ptolemy system was played by the Catholic Church.

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    7. Astronomical representations in India in the sacred books of the ancient Indians reflected their ideas about the structure of the world, having a lot in common with the views of the Egyptians. According to these ideas, flat land with a huge mountain in the center is supported by 4 elephants that stand on a huge turtle floating in the ocean. In 400-650, a cycle of mathematical and astronomical writings was created in India, the so-called Syndhanta written by different authors. In these works, we already meet the picture of the world with a spherical earth in the center and circular orbits around it, close to the world of Aristotle and slightly simplified compared to the Ptolemy system. Several times mentioned the rotation of the Earth around the axis. From India, astronomical knowledge began to spread to the West, primarily to the Arabs and the peoples of Central Asia. This is a sundial observatory in Delhi.

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    8. The Observatory of Ancient Maya in Central America in 250-900 reached the high development of the Astronomy of the Peoples of Maya, which inhabited the southern part of modern Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. Maja's main facilities have been preserved to this day. The picture shows the Mayan Observatory (about 900g.) In shape, this structure reminds us of modern observatory, but the Maja's stone dome did not rotate around its axis and the bottom did not have telescopes. The observations of the heavenly luminaries were made by the naked eye with the help of occupational appliances. Mayan has existed the cult of Venus, which was reflected in their calendar, built on the synodic period of Venus (the period of changing the configurations of Venus relative to the Sun), equal to 584 days. After 900, the Mayan culture began to decline, and then ceased to exist at all. Their cultural heritage was destroyed by conquerors and monks. On the back is depicted the head of the Sun of the Ancient Maya.

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    9. Representations of the world in the Middle Ages in the Middle Ages, under the influence of the Catholic Church, there was a return to the primitive ideas of antiquity about flat land and resting the hemispheres of the sky. Here is the observation of the sky with primitive instruments of astronomers of the 13th century.

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    10. The Great Uzbek Astronomer Ulugbek One of the wonderful astronomers of the Middle Ages is Muhammadd Taragbinin Ulugbekblin, the grandson of the famous conqueror Timurablin. Being appointed by his father Shahrukhkomblin by the ruler of Samarbinkard, Ulugbekblin built a observatory there, where a giant quadrant was installed with a radius of 40 meters, which did not have equal among the occasional items of that time. The Catalog of 1018 stars compounded by the Ulugbekbeckblae was exceeded by others and many times reprinted in Europe until the 17th century. Ulugbekbecklin determined the slope of the ecliptic to the equator, the constant one-year procession, they also composed of the movement table of the planets. The Educational Activities of Ulugbekblin and his disregard for religion caused anger of the Muslim Church. He was treacherously killed. Here is the slab of the quadrant of ulugbeckblin with degree divisions.

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    11. Determination of the position in the open sea with the help of the secret of the success of the seaflings and the era of great geographical discoveries demanded a new development of astronomy, since the position of the ship in the ocean could be defined only by astronomical funds. In the figure, made according to the original I. Strada Nusus and Engraving I. Galle (1520), depicted captain of the ship, the defo-dividing height of the sun over the horizon using a sextant - an instrument that allows a turning of the flat mirror of the Sovie-Santa image of the sun with a horizon and By counting on the scale, determine the angle of elevation of the sun over the horizon. Latitude and longitude were determined on the map graphically. To determine latitudes and longitudes to the XVI11 century, astrolabia was also used - a negotiated device, with which it was possible to measure both azimuths and anti-aircraft distances shone. On the back of the postcards depicts the Astrolabia of the German astronomer of the second half of the XV century I. Regomontan, manufactured in 1468.

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    12. Heavenly Globe The location of constellations and stars in the sky was convenient to depict on its reduced model - the celestial globe. The first celestial globes in Europe began to be manufactured in the middle of the XVI century in Germany, but in the East such globes appeared much earlier - in the second half of the XIII century. The heavenly globe was preserved, manufactured in the Observatory in Marat under the guidance of the wonderful Azerbaijani astronome of Nasi-Raddin Tuy Muhammant Ben Muyid El Orde in 1279. The picture shows the Heavenly Globe of 1584 yod. Described and, Ya lohes, but used by the Danish astronomer of the XVI century, quietly Brage. Heavenly equator, Eclip-Tika, shock circles and latitude circles converging to the pool of the world and to the Ecliptic Pole, respectively. Horizontal ring, covering the globe, means the plane of the horizon. Vertical circle with divisions in the pattern plane - heavenly meridian. The globe shows the symbolic outlines of constellations and stars apparently visible to the naked eye (except the weakest).

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    13. Cabinet Astronoma of the beginning of the XVI century Picture is made on the basis of a modern figure I. suffering-sa, engraved I. Galle about 1520. We see the astronomer of the early XVI century, the contemporary of Copernicus. With the help of a circulation, it measures the position of the star at plan scatter (image of the sphere on the plane). Nearby, on his desk, - Heavenly Globe, Hourglass, Nagolnik, the tables with which he twisters its measurements. On the other table, we see the armillary sphere (model of the main circles of the heavenly sphere), an eclimeter, books, other devices. In the foreground, the model of the universe with solid land in the center, the orbits of the planets are visible around it. In the background - the model of the co-rings of that era. The main task of astronomers of that time was in possibly more accurately determining the positions of stars and the moon, the longitude was determined by KO-1. In addition, astronomers of that era tried to improve the theory of motion of the planets, based on the Ptolemy world system.

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    14. Portrait of Copernicus Great Polish Scientist Nikolai Copernicus (1473-1543) has made a revolution in the worldview, proving that the land is not in the center of the world, but is an ordinary planet circulating around the sun. The Son of the merchant, Copernicus received excellent education first at Krakow University, and then at Universities, ITA-LII. In addition to astronomy, he studied jurisprudence and medicine. Having read the system of the world Ptolemy, Copernicus was convinced of its insolvency and already in his youth began to develop the heliocentric system of the world. During this work, Copernicus was the exact catalog of stars, systematically observed the position of the planets. Only convinced of the justice of his theory, Copernicus gave his work "about the appeal of heavenly spheres" in print. The book came out on the eve of the death of Copernicus.

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    15. The Copernicus world system according to the Heliocentric system of the world the center of our planetary system is the sun. Around it they are treated (in the order of remoteness from the Sun) of the Planet Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. The only celestial body that turns around the Earth is the moon. The value of Copernicus is difficult to overestimate. F. Engels wrote about this: "A revolutionary act, to whom the study of nature stated its independence ... was the publication of immortal creation, in which Copernicus threw - albeit timidly and, so to speak, only on deathbed - the challenge of the church author aunt in matters of nature. " The further development of the Copernicus theory was obtained in the works of I. Kepler and I. Newton, of which the first opened the kinematic laws of the motion of the planets, and the second was detected by the force that manages these movements - the strength of the world -hold. The telescopic discoveries of Galilean and the propaganda of this world system Jordan Bruno in the second half of the XVI - early XVII century were of great importance for confirming the Copernicus system.

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    16. Sun and comets on ancient image of astronomers The first telescopic observations of Galilee led to the opening of spots in the sun. However, their nature was incomprehensible to the first observers. During complete solar eclipses on the edge of the Sun, the protubeders were observed, reminding fiery fountains. The figure depicts the type of the Sun according to the observations of A. Kirhera and P. Sheiner in 1635 in the figure of the first. The spots in the sun were considered then tearing in the outer red-hot layer of the Sun, under which there are much colder layers suitable for life. "Tailed shine" - comets - in antiquity and in the Middle Ages were horrified on superstitious people. Even people close to science depicted comets in the form of swords, following the assurances of churching, that they are the signs of God's wrath. Other images are more realistic. For the picture on the postcard used isob-ray of comet of the second half of the XV century.

    Nikolai Copernicus Nikolai Copernicus was born in 1473, in the Polish city of Toruni. He lived in a difficult time when Poland and her neighborly Russian state continued to be a century-like struggle with the invaders-Teutonic knights by Tataromongola, who sought to enslave the Slavic peoples. Copernicus has lost her parents early. He was brought up by Uncle for Mother Lukash Watzelrod-outstanding social and political figure of that time. Thirst for knowledge owned Copernicus since childhood. At first he studied at his homeland. Then he continued to education in Italian universities. Of course, astronomy was studied there in Ptolemy, but Copernicus carefully studied and all the preserved works of the great mathematicians and astronomy of antiquity of Nikolai Copernicus was born in 1473, in the Polish city of Toruni. He lived in a difficult time when Poland and her neighborly Russian state continued to be a century-like struggle with the invaders-Teutonic knights by Tataromongola, who sought to enslave the Slavic peoples. Copernicus has lost her parents early. He was brought up by Uncle for Mother Lukash Watzelrod-outstanding social and political figure of that time. Thirst for knowledge owned Copernicus since childhood. At first he studied at his homeland. Then he continued to education in Italian universities. Of course, astronomy was studied there by Ptolemy, but Copernicus carefully studied and all the preserved works of the great mathematicians and astronomy of antiquity

    Heliocentric system in the Copernicus version when Copernicus - almost 500 years ago, expressed a firm conviction that the Earth moves around the sun, Luther exclaimed: This madman wants to turn all the astronomical science upside down. But as recorded in the Holy Scripture, it is the Sun, and not the earth, Joshn, I ordered to stop. In 1508, Copernicus wrote: what seems to us by the movement of the Sun, actually happens not because it moves, but because the earth is moving. Reflecting on the Ptolemy System of the World, Copernicus was hit by its complexity and artificiality, and, studying the writings of ancient philosophers, especially Nikita Syracuse and Philoli, he came to the conclusion that not the earth, and the sun should be a fixed center of the Universe, but at the same time he retained the perfect circular Orbits and considered it even necessary to preserve the epicycles and the decoders of the ancients to explain the uneven movements. Copernicus has briefly formulated his idea of \u200b\u200bthe heliocentric system Copernicus. When Copernicus - almost 500 years ago, expressed a firm conviction that the Earth moves around the sun, Luther exclaimed: This madman wants to turn all the astronomical science upside down. But as recorded in the Holy Scripture, it is the Sun, and not the earth, Joshn, I ordered to stop. In 1508, Copernicus wrote: what seems to us by the movement of the Sun, actually happens not because it moves, but because the earth is moving. Reflecting on the Ptolemy System of the World, Copernicus was hit by its complexity and artificiality, and, studying the writings of ancient philosophers, especially Nikita Syracuse and Philoli, he came to the conclusion that not the earth, and the sun should be a fixed center of the Universe, but at the same time he retained the perfect circular Orbits and considered it even necessary to preserve the epicycles and the decoders of the ancients to explain the uneven movements. Copernicus has briefly formulated his idea of \u200b\u200bthe heliocentric system Copernicus.

    In it, Copernicus introduces seven axes, which will allow to explain and describe the movement of the planets is much easier than in Ptolemeev's theory: - orbits and celestial areas do not have a common center; - the center of the Earth is not the center of the Universe, but only the center of the masses and the orbits of the Moon; - All planets move along orbits, the center of which is the sun, and therefore the sun is the center of the world; - the distance between the earth and the sun is very small compared to the distance between the earth and stationary stars; - the daily movement of the Sun is imaginary, and caused by the effect of rotation of the Earth, which turns once in 24 hours around its axis, which always remains parallel to itself; - Earth (along with the Moon, like other planets), rotates around the Sun, and therefore those movements that seem to make the sun (daily movement, as well as one-year movement, when the sun moves along the zodiac) no more than the effect of the earth's movement ; - This movement of the earth and other planets explains their location and specific characteristics of the motion of the planets. These statements completely contradicted the geocentric system prevailing at that time. Although, from a modern point of view, the Copernicus model is not radical. All orbits in it are circular, the movement is uniform, so the epicycles had to preserve the truth, they were less than that of Ptolemy. In it, Copernicus introduces seven axes, which will allow to explain and describe the movement of the planets is much easier than in Ptolemeev's theory: - orbits and celestial areas do not have a common center; - the center of the Earth is not the center of the Universe, but only the center of the masses and the orbits of the Moon; - All planets move along orbits, the center of which is the sun, and therefore the sun is the center of the world; - the distance between the earth and the sun is very small compared to the distance between the earth and stationary stars; - the daily movement of the Sun is imaginary, and caused by the effect of rotation of the Earth, which turns once in 24 hours around its axis, which always remains parallel to itself; - Earth (along with the Moon, like other planets), rotates around the Sun, and therefore those movements that seem to make the sun (daily movement, as well as one-year movement, when the sun moves along the zodiac) no more than the effect of the earth's movement ; - This movement of the earth and other planets explains their location and specific characteristics of the motion of the planets. These statements completely contradicted the geocentric system prevailing at that time. Although, from a modern point of view, the Copernicus model is not radical. All orbits in it are circular, the movement is uniform, so the epicycles had to preserve the truth, they were less than that of Ptolemy. Axioms

    After 1531, his activity in the Affairs of the Charter and its social activities declined to decline, although in 1541 he carried out the duties of the Chairman of the Cash Region Chairman. The long years of life affected. The age of 60, which in the XVI century was considered quite advanced. But the scientific activities of Copernicus did not stop. He did not stop and medical practice, and the glory of him as a skilled physician steadily increased. As canonik, Nikolai Copernicus was supposed to observe celibacy of celibacy. But over the years he felt more and more lonely, everything was more clearly a need for a close and devoted creature, but he met Anna, who lived at him for a long time. After 1531, his activity in the Affairs of the Charter and its social activities declined to decline, although in 1541 he carried out the duties of the Chairman of the Cash Region Chairman. The long years of life affected. The age of 60, which in the XVI century was considered quite advanced. But the scientific activities of Copernicus did not stop. He did not stop and medical practice, and the glory of him as a skilled physician steadily increased. As canonik, Nikolai Copernicus was supposed to observe celibacy of celibacy. But over the years he felt more and more lonely, everything was more clearly a need for a close and devoted creature, but he met Anna, who lived at him for a long time.

    "On the appeal of the heavenly spheres" the main and almost only essay of Copernicus, the fruit of more than 40-year-old work, DE RevolutioniBus Orbium Colestium ("On the appeal of the heavenly spheres") was published in Nuremberg in 1543; It is divided into 6 parts (books) and printed under the supervision of the best student of Copernicus, the retik. In the preface to the book, Copernicus writes: Taking into a consideration, what kind of absurdity should this teaching should seem, I didn't decline for a long time to print my book and thought it would not be better to follow the example of the Pythagoreans and others who passed their teaching only to friends, spreading him only by legend. According to the structure, the main work of Copernicus almost repeats "Almagest" in a somewhat abbreviated form (6 books instead of 13). In the first part, it is referred to about the shag-likeness of peace and land, and instead of the provision on the immobility of the Earth, another axioma land and other planets rotate around the axis and around the sun. This concept is argued in detail, and the "ancient opinion" is convincingly refuted. With heliocentric positions, he easily explains the return movement of the planets. The main and almost only essay of Copernicus, the fruit of more than 40-year-old work, DE RevolutioniBus Orbium Colestium ("On the appeal of the heavenly spheres") was published in Nuremberg in 1543; It is divided into 6 parts (books) and printed under the supervision of the best student of Copernicus, the retik. In the preface to the book, Copernicus writes: Taking into a consideration, what kind of absurdity should this teaching should seem, I didn't decline for a long time to print my book and thought it would not be better to follow the example of the Pythagoreans and others who passed their teaching only to friends, spreading him only by legend. According to the structure, the main work of Copernicus almost repeats "Almagest" in a somewhat abbreviated form (6 books instead of 13). In the first part, it is referred to about the shag-likeness of peace and land, and instead of the provision on the immobility of the Earth, another axioma land and other planets rotate around the axis and around the sun. This concept is argued in detail, and the "ancient opinion" is convincingly refuted. With heliocentric positions, he easily explains the return movement of the planets. Preface books

    The value of heliocentrism in the history of science of the main merit Copernicus was the substantiation of the provision that the visible movement of the sun and stars is explained by not by contacting them around the Earth, and the daily rotation of the earth itself around the own axis and the one-time appeal around the Sun. This very idea of \u200b\u200bheliocentrism expressed in ancient times Aristarkh Samossky was granted a scientific form and rejected the geocentric teachings of Claudia Ptolemy, which prevailed before the church officially supported by the fathers. The theory developed by Copernicus allowed him for the first time in the history of science about the sky to make informed conclusions about the actual location of the planets in the solar system and with very great accuracy to determine their relative distances from the sun. Any of the provisions of Copernican's teachings was a big discovery, important not only for astronomy, but also for natural science in general. However, even more important was the value of Copernicus theory for the coup in the worldview of humanity, which was directly or indirectly called it. The main merit of Copernicus was the substantiation of the situation that the visible movement of the Sun and Stars is explained not to by applying them around the Earth, but by the daily rotation of the earth itself around its own axis and the one-time appeal around the Sun. This very idea of \u200b\u200bheliocentrism expressed in ancient times Aristarkh Samossky was granted a scientific form and rejected the geocentric teachings of Claudia Ptolemy, which prevailed before the church officially supported by the fathers. The theory developed by Copernicus allowed him for the first time in the history of science about the sky to make informed conclusions about the actual location of the planets in the solar system and with very great accuracy to determine their relative distances from the sun. Any of the provisions of Copernican's teachings was a big discovery, important not only for astronomy, but also for natural science in general. However, even more important was the value of Copernicus theory for the coup in the worldview of humanity, which was directly or indirectly called it.

    In May 1542, the book of Copernicus "On the sides and corners of triangles of both flat and spherical" with the application of detailed tables of sinuses and cosine was published in Wittenberg. But the scientist did not survive until the time when the book "On the Rotations of Heavenly Spheres" spread throughout the light. He was at death when friends brought him the first copy of his book, imprinted in one of the Nuremberg printing houses. Copernicus died on May 24, 1543. Church figures did not immediately understand what strike on religion is the book of Copernicus. Some time his work was freely distributed among scientists. Only when the Copernicus appeared followers, his teaching was declared heresy, and the book was entered into the "index" of prohibited books. Only in 1835, Pope excluded the book of Copernicus from him and, as if he recognized the existence of his teachings in the eyes of the church in May 1542, Wittenberg came out of the press of the Copernicus book "On the sides and corners of triangles of both flat and spherical" with the detailed table app. Sinuses and cosine. But the scientist did not survive until the time when the book "On the Rotations of Heavenly Spheres" spread throughout the light. He was at death when friends brought him the first copy of his book, imprinted in one of the Nuremberg printing houses. Copernicus died on May 24, 1543. Church figures did not immediately understand what strike on religion is the book of Copernicus. Some time his work was freely distributed among scientists. Only when the Copernicus appeared followers, his teaching was declared heresy, and the book was entered into the "index" of prohibited books. Only in 1835, Pope excluded the book of Copernicus from him and no matter how recognized the existence of his teachings in the eyes of the Church

    "History of Astronomy" - "Ionian Awakening". Eratosthen Why? Errors in the corner bisection scheme. Equant. I guessed how you can set distances in the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Music crystal spheres Evdox Book. Ecliptic. Ptolemy System of the Peace of Ptolemy (Gorbatsky, p. 57, the words of Idelson). Hypothesis simple eccentricity.

    "The system of the world" - Galle about 1520. The history of astronomy. Aristotle considered the land center of the world. The world system in Aristotle. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe world of Dr.Egiptyan. The Maja cultural heritage was destroyed by conquerors and monks. Maja's main facilities have been preserved to this day. Cabinet Astronoma of the early 16th century. Egypt is located in the center of the Earth.

    "The history of the development of astronomy" - and for time, and for the corners (Ptolemy - a smaller partition. The story of Astronomy Stonehenge. Under field work, it was necessary to take into account the offensive of various seasons of the year. (1) The emergence of initial information on astronomy - economic activity. White, mystery solo Stonehengeja, 1984. Hawkins, J.

    "Presentations of a person about the world" - Isaac Newton was solemnly buried in Westminster Abbey. The bell tower of the Cathedral in the city of Pisa. Burned on the fire in Rome. Birth of new European science. Peace system in Ptolemy. Problem. Galileo Galileo tomb. Galileo Galilei. The creator of the heliocentric system of the world. Monument to J. Bruno.

    "Heliocentric system" - ancient Greece. Heliocentric system of the world. Loop-shaped motion of the planets. Scientific explanation of the heliocentric system of the world. Bruno refused to recognize false main of their theories. Heliocentric system of the world Copernicus. Proof of the heliocentric system of the world. Applying planets around the sun.

    "The World of Astronomy" - daily parallax< неск. минут дуги “О новой звезде”. Инструменты Тихо Браге 194 см литая латунь 10” – метод трансверсалей. Николай Коперник (1473-1543). Родился 19 февраля 1473 г. Умер 24 мая 1543 г. Тихо Браге остров Вен. Падуанский университет (медицина, но изучал право) - 1501-1503, без степени.

    Total in the subject of 13 presentations