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  • Archival materials on N in Ustortylov. Ustortov, Nikolai Gerasimovich

    Archival materials on N in Ustortylov. Ustortov, Nikolai Gerasimovich
    Place of work: Alma Mother: Famous students: Known as:

    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov (May 4 (May 16) ( 18050516 ) , from. Bogoroditskoye, Maharkhangelsky County (now Sverdlovsky district), Orlovskaya province - June 8 (June 20), Tsarskoye Selo) - Russian historian, archeographer, teacher, professor of Russian history of St. Petersburg University, Academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1837). Dean of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University. The author of gymnasium history textbooks.

    Scientific biography

    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov was born in the village of Bogoroditsky, the Mahalohalangean County of the Oryol province. His father, Gerasim Trifonovich, Ustortyov (1766-1830), was the fortress manager of Prince I. B. Kurakina. There were 13 children in the family (5 of them died in infancy). Nikolay studied in - GG. In the Oryol Male Gymnasium, after which he entered the verbal branch of Moscow University. Having completed education at the university, it was fixed in 1824 to civil service. In 1827, the capable young man was able to receive a place of history teacher in the Third St. Petersburg City Gymnasium. Two years later, he was invited to St. Petersburg University to read lectures in Russian. The fruitful scientific and publication activities of the scientist begins.

    By this time, he was married to Natalia Yakovlevna Kasovskaya, a native of the city of Olonets, they had a son Fedor, but a year later Natalia Yakovlevna dies (). According to indirect information of contemporaries, you can assume the second marriage of the historian. His widow survived her husband on a quarter of an excess century. In the 1830s, the scientist comes closer to the Minister of Folk Enlightenment S. S. Uvarov, with whom they jointly develop a well-known conservative ideology of "official nationality": "Orthodoxy - autocracy - nationality". Nikolay Gerasimovich becomes a guide of the Triad "official nationality" in practice.

    In 1837-1841, Ustovilov published a course of his lectures "Russian History" (five volumes) as a teaching aid for students. In 1847, the scientist issued an addition to him "Historical Review of the reign of Emperor Nicholas I". The textbook manuscript was viewed and corrected personally by the emperor Nikolai I. In addition to the textbook for students, units, one tutorial for gymnasiums and one for real schools were released. Ustortylov's tutorials were official and only history textbooks on which the training was carried out up to the 60s. They were the first professional work that represented the Russian society a holistic and consistent statement of the historical past of the country from ancient times until the middle of the XIX century.

    The position of the court historian put Ustrylov in difficult relations with historical colleagues, sometimes had to go to the essential concessions to the Nikolaev censorship to achieve a compromise between scientific accuracy and bureaucratic obligations in publishing their works in spite of the fact that his historical concept did not contradict the hard official settings in the highlighting of historical past state. But on the whole, the role of the official historicist of the Russian Empire is the continuer of the case of N. M. Karamzin, - Ustrylova quite satisfied. With the death of A. S. Pushkin's right to such a title, he became even more. In 1842, the scientist was admitted to the secret state archives for the history of Peter's first era. Thus, the status of a leading Russian historian was once again confirmed at the highest level.

    Dismissal S. S. Uvarova did not change anything to the fate of Ustortylova. The doctrine of the "official nationality" continued to adhered to, and the Uvarov was at the lectures of Ustrylov. By coincidence, S. S. Uvarov was one of the relatives of Prince Kurakina, where the father of Academician Ustrylova was a yard man. In 1855, Uvarov and Nikolai I are dying. All subsequent years, the scientist is busy with its main work until his death: "Peter the Great History." Of the desired ten volumes, he managed to release only the first four volumes and the sixth. The fifth volume remained unrealized. Work in the archive provided an opportunity for a scientist to learn many significant information about Peter's Epoch.

    But according to the Ukrainian historian N. P. Vasilenko, the author of the article on the scientist in the "Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron", " In the "History of the reign of Peter I", it has been attached exclusively on external facts and facts biographical; the inner life of the state does not apply to" This work was so distracted by Nikolai Gerasimovich from the educational process, which at the end of his teaching career he did not update the university lectures and almost completely lost the audience. D. I. Pisarev testified: "Who just did not scold him, who did not make his penny wit heart over him!"

    Appeared abroad (possibly with the filing M. I. Semevsky) in the "polar star" A. I. Herzen, a fabricated letter A. I. Rumyantsev, about the death of Tsarevich Alexei, was the cause of a fierce controversy with Dudical in the magazines of radical opposition. The authenticity of the fake defended in the "contemporary" P. P. Pekarsky, in the "Russian Word" and "Library for reading" - M. I. Sevsky, and the main objection of the latter was the conservatism of the Reviews of Ustrylova:

    Review of S. M. Solovyova in the magazine "Ateney", 1858, No. 27, to work N. G. Ustrylova

    He did not prevent the state of society in which it was when he was escrangged by the honorable people, famous women, civil, military and spiritual dignitaries, when the crowds of servants, monks, nuns were missing, were thrown into the gland, they were thrown in junction, Zhgli, cut off, sequels, beat the whites, pumped into pieces of the ticks, sat down alive on the cola, broke on wheels. We would introduce us fear and confusion of residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow, when they were interrupted on the highest command of communication between the same city, and the houses were driven with their own orders, detectives, executioners

    However, the time confirmed the correctness of the conservative historian, the first who questioned historical falsification.

    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov was a member of many Russian and foreign scientific societies, his scientific activity was marked by orders for historical works. He consisted in correspondence with many outstanding scientists, writers, statesmen: Prospere Merim, Emperor Sh. - Napoleon III, Queen of the Netherlands Anna, King of the Netherlands Wilhelm III, E. Vogue and MN. Dr.

    Brother Nikolai Gerasimovich - Ivan Gerasimovich Ustortylov (1818-1861) was sent to the head of the department of the Office of the Military Ministry and received a hereditary nobility. The grandson of Ivan Gerasimovich, Nikolai Vasilyevich Ust, became subsequently an outstanding Russian publicist, the compiler of the collection "Change of Vekh".

    Dudicheal-younger were created by plays dedicated to the female emancipation, family life and other topical topics of the 1860s: "Word and Case" (SPB., 1863), "Alien Wine" (SPB., 1864), "Gap" (SPb ., 1865), "Weak Man" (SPB., 1866), "Evening in the middle circle", scene (St. Petersburg, 1867). They did not enjoy popular. Fedor Dudovilov also took part in the journal N. A. Stepanov "Alarm Clock", in - GG. I published and edited the newspaper "New Time". In 1871, the University of St. Petersburg acquired 295 books in Russian history, which was approximately the tenth share of the father's library.

    Fedor Nikolayevich, the remaining after the death of the father's "Notes", published in the journal S. N. Shubinsky "Ancient and New Russia" (-). Thanks to the son of the historian, we know about the interest of Pushkin to the historical works of N. G. Ustrylova. In the Pushkin library there were "Taken by contemporaries about Dimitri Samozvoveta" and "Taste of Prince Kurbsky." The historian and the poet several times met A. F. Smddina several times, shortly before the death of Pushkin, Uldovilov presented him with his thesis "On the system of pragmatic Russian history" with a donating inscription on the book. The death of Pushkin was the reason why Nicholas I instructed N. G. Ustortilov to write "Peter's history", previously entrusted to Pushkin.

    Evaluation of the activities of N. G. Ustortylova

    N. G. Ustortylov - a person is very well-free and loyal, but attended a diligent, meticulous researcher. So far, Nicholas I reigned, I have been rectified, in fact, not the history of Peter, but the documentary panechnika grandfather of his emperor. However, in the late 50s, when Nicholas no longer had the liberation of the peasants, when he was more free, warm air and started talking, Herzovskaya freestyle seal in London spoke, "then she decided to defend and released a whole Tom dedicated to the case of Alexey. .. Herzen did not miss this circumstance and in one of their articles, he noticed: "The golden times of Petrovskaya Rus passed. He himself defeated the heavy hand on the once buddled converter "
    "Search case", science and life, No. 9, 10.


    Bibliography N. G. Ustortylova

    • Jacques Japate - "The state of the Russian powers and the Grand Duchy of Moscow with the contribution of the news of the memorable events that happened to the rule of four sovereigns, from 1590 to September 1606." - SPb., In the printing house of the main management of the message paths, 1830, 112 pp., Notes - 62 p. Translation from French. Preface Nikolai Ustortylova;
    • "The lesions of contemporaries about Dimitri Samozvoveva" - part 1-5, St. Petersburg, 1831-1834;
    • "A description of Ukraine from Muscovy to the limits of Transylvania, compiled by the Gilome of Levasser de Boplan." St. Petersburg, 1832, per. N. G. Ustortylova.
    • "Taste of Prince Kurbsky" / ed. N. G. Ustortylova. - St. Petersburg, 1833. - Part 1-2;
    • "On the system of pragmatic Russian history: reasoning written on the degree of Philosophy." St. Petersburg, 1836.
    • "Russian history". - St. Petersburg., 1837-1841. Part 1-5;
    • "Guide to the initial study of Russian history, an essay of N. Ustrylova, recognized by the Ministry of People's Enlightenment by the educational book for county schools." St. Petersburg, 1840;
    • "Eminent people of Stroganov." - St. Petersburg: Type. Headquarters of the military. establishments, 1842.
    • "Inscription Russian history, for secondary schools." - St. Petersburg: Type. Headquarters of the military. establishments, 1842.
    • "Historical review of the reign of the sovereign Emperor Nicholas I". - St. Petersburg, 1847, the printing house of the expedition of the preparation of state securities.
    • "Lefort and fun of Peter Great up to 1689", St. Petersburg, 1851, in type. Acad. sciences;
    • "Peter Great in Holland and England. From the second volume "the history of the reign of Peter the Great". " - "
    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov
    Date of Birth:
    Place of Birth:

    from. Bogoroditskoye, Maharkhangelsky County, Oryol Gubernia, Russian Empire

    Date of death:
    Place of death:

    St. Petersburg, Russian Empire


    Russian empire

    Scientific sphere:

    universal and Russian history, archaeography

    Place of work:

    St. Petersburg University

    Alma Mother:

    Imperial Moscow University

    Famous students:

    T. N. Granovsky, N. G. Chernyshevsky, N. A. Dobrolyubov, D. I. Pisarev, I. S. Turgenev

    Known as:

    pedagogue, court historiogram, Professor at St. Petersburg University, Academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1837). Dean of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University. The author of gymnasium history textbooks.

    Awards and Prize

    Cavalier of the Order of St. Stanislav, two Demidov Prizes

    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov (May 4 (May 16) 1805), from. Bogoroditsky, Maharkhangelsky County (now Sverdlovsky District), Oryolsky province - June 8 (June 20) 1870, St. Petersburg) - historian, archeographer, teacher, professor of Russian history of St. Petersburg University, Academician of St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1837). Dean of the Historical and Philology Faculty of St. Petersburg University. The author of gymnasium history textbooks.

    Scientific biography

    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov was born in the village of Bogoroditsky, the Mahalohalangean County of the Oryol province. His father was a serf peasant Prince I. B. Kurakina. Nikolai studied in 1816-1820. In the Oryol Male Gymnasium, after which he entered the verbal branch of Moscow University. Having completed education at the university, it was fixed in 1824 to civil service. In 1827, the capable young man was able to receive a place of history teacher in the Third St. Petersburg City Gymnasium. Two years later, he was invited to St. Petersburg University to read lectures in Russian. The fruitful scientific and publication activities of the scientist begins.

    In 1830, Duditov translates and publishes with their comments the work of the French traveler XVI - XVII centuries. Jacques Generget "The state of the Russian Power and the Grand District of Moscow" (1607). In 1831, he proceeds to the release of the "testers of contemporaries about Dimitri Samozvovevant", which go out in five volumes (1831-1834). In 1833 they saw the light of the "Taste of Prince Kurbsky" in two volumes. Ustortylova's publications were successful and were subsequently repeatedly reprinted. For his works, Nikolai Gerasimovich was awarded by two Demidovsky Prizes. He received the Department at the General Pedagogical Institute, in the Imperial Military Academy, in the Marine Corps.

    In 1831, his lectures begin on universal and Russian history at the University of St. Petersburg, since 1834, lecture material is limited to Russian history. From that time, before the end of the life, he is a professor of the department of Russian history of St. Petersburg University. In the center of his attention, the Board of Ivan the Terrible, the Epoch of the Troubles. His lectures were devoted to the analysis of primary sources and compare the opinions of various historians on one or another sectors of historical discipline. Scientist for the first time paid close attention to the history of the principality of Lithuanian. In 1836, he received a doctorate of a doctor, defending the dissertation work "On the system of pragmatic Russian history". The result of the historian was his election to the Academy of Sciences. The ascent of Ustortylova was rapid. Born by serf, at 31 years he is already academician.

    By this time, he was married to Natalia Yakovlevna Kasovskaya, a native of Olonets, they had a son Fedor, but a year later Natalia Yakovlevna dies (1837). According to indirect information of contemporaries, you can assume the second marriage of the historian. His widow survived her husband on a quarter of an excess century. In the 1830s, the scientist comes closer to the Minister of Folk Enlightenment S. S. Uvarov, with whom they jointly develop a well-known conservative ideology of "official nationality": "Orthodoxy - autocracy - nationality". Nikolay Gerasimovich becomes a guide of the Triad "official nationality" in practice.

    In 1837-1841, Ustovilov published a course of his lectures "Russian History" (five volumes) as a teaching aid for students. In 1847, the scientist issued an addition to him "Historical Review of the reign of Emperor Nicholas I". The textbook's manuscript was visible and was corrected personally by the emperor Nikolai I. In addition to the textbook for students, the Students were issued one tutorial for gymnasiums and one for real schools. Ustortylov's tutorials were official and only history textbooks on which the training was carried out up to the 60s. They were the first professional work that represented the Russian society a holistic and consistent statement of the historical past of the country from ancient times until the middle of the XIX century.

    Before the release of the "history of Peter the Great", her passages appeared in the "Journal of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment", 1855

    The position of the court historian put Ustrylov in difficult relations with historical colleagues, sometimes had to go to the essential concessions to the Nikolaev censorship to achieve a compromise between scientific accuracy and bureaucratic obligations in publishing their works in spite of the fact that his historical concept did not contradict the hard official settings in the highlighting of historical past state. But on the whole, the role of the official historicist of the Russian Empire is the continuer of the case of N. M. Karamzin, - Ustrylova quite satisfied. With the death of A. S. Pushkin's right to such a title, he became even more. In 1842, the scientist was admitted to the secret state archives for the history of Peter's first era. Thus, the status of a leading Russian historian was once again confirmed at the highest level.

    Dismissal S. S. Uvarova did not change anything to the fate of Ustortylova. The doctrine of the "official nationality" continued to adhered to, and the Uvarov was at the lectures of Ustrylov. By coincidence, S. S. Uvarov was one of the relatives of Prince Kurakina, where the father of Academician Ustrylova was a yard man. In 1855, Uvarov and Nikolai I are dying. All subsequent years, the scientist is busy with its main work until his death: "Peter the Great History." Of the desired ten volumes, he managed to release only the first four volumes and the sixth. The fifth volume remained unrealized. Work in the archive provided an opportunity for a scientist to learn many significant information about Peter's Epoch.

    But according to the Ukrainian historian N. P. Vasilenko, the author of the article on the scientist in the "Encyclopedic dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron", " In the "History of the reign of Peter I", it has been attached exclusively on external facts and facts biographical; the inner life of the state does not apply to" This work was so distracted by Nikolai Gerasimovich from the educational process, which at the end of his teaching career he did not update the university lectures and almost completely lost the audience. D. I. Pisarev testified: "Who just did not scold him, who did not make his penny wit heart over him!"

    Other sixties characterize Ustortylov as follows: "How magician fixed! This is one of the best and most respected professors I (N. A. Dobrolyubov). N. G. Chernyshevsky considered the historian among the "best professors, that is, the most famous", deserving "full, infinite respect." Attached at one time contributed to the protection of the dissertation N. G. Chernyshevsky "Aesthetic attitude of art to reality." But to the epoch of the 1860s, the best creative years for Ustrylov was left behind. The generation of young people who grew up at the lectures of Ustrylov, largely denied "Orthodoxy - autocracy - nationality" in understanding Ustortylova. Although I. S. Turgenev, at the time he gave him the exams, under the influence of his scientific work, a historical novel thought.

    The new generation of historians has grown: N. I. Kostomarov, K. D. Kavelin, S. M. Solovyov, V. O. Klyuchevsky, and others. A number of reviews called a number of reviews from the press of Tom with the "history of the reign of Peter the Great": S. M. Solovyov ("Ateney"), A. P. Zerin ("Library for reading"), K. N. Bestuzhev-Ryumin ("Domestic Notes" and "Russian World"), N. A. Dobrolyubov, ("Contemporanik") .

    Appeared abroad (possibly with the filing M. I. Semevsky) in the "polar star" A. I. Herzen, a fabricated letter A. I. Rumyantsev, about the death of Tsarevich Alexei, was the cause of a fierce controversy with Dudical in the magazines of radical opposition. The authenticity of the fake defended in the "contemporary" P. P. Pekarsky, in the "Russian Word" and "Library for reading" - M. I. Sevsky, and the main objection of the latter was the conservatism of the Reviews of Ustrylova:

    Review of S.M.Solovyov in the journal "Ateney", 1858, № 27, to work N.G.Ustryalova

    He did not prevent the state of society in which it was when he was escrangged by the honorable people, famous women, civil, military and spiritual dignitaries, when the crowds of servants, monks, nuns were missing, were thrown into the gland, they were thrown in junction, Zhgli, cut off, sequels, beat the whites, pumped into pieces of the ticks, sat down alive on the cola, broke on wheels. We would introduce us fear and confusion of residents of St. Petersburg and Moscow, when they were interrupted on the highest command of communication between the same city, and the houses were driven with their own orders, detectives, executioners

    However, the time confirmed the correctness of the conservative historian, the first who questioned historical falsification.

    Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov was a member of many Russian and foreign scientific societies, his scientific activity was marked by orders for historical works. He consisted in correspondence with many outstanding scientists, writers, statesmen: Prospere Merim, Emperor Sh. - Napoleon III, Queen of the Netherlands Anna, King of the Netherlands Wilhelm III, E. Vogue and MN. Dr.

    Brother Nikolai Gerasimovich Ivan was delivered to the head of the office of the Office of the Military Ministry. His grandson Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustryov was subsequently later by an outstanding Russian publicist, the compiler of the collection "Change of Vekh".

    He was buried by a scientist in St. Petersburg at the Smolensk Orthodox Cemetery.

    Fedor Nikolayevich Usthelov

    One of the latest publications F.N.Ustryalov in the "Historical Herald", 1885, January

    Peter acted perfectly in the spirit of people, bringing his fatherland with ein ropoy and eradicating what the Tatars are temporarily Asian.

    ("Patriotic Notes", 1841, criticism) 1

    Article first

    We are in a hurry to introduce our readers a report on the writings of G. Ustortylov, although it would be very well aware that a complete and thorough assessment of such an essay would require very long work even from a scientist who has specially studied by the Petrovsky era. In all likelihood, over time, there will be different additions or explanations to the work of G. Ustortylov by our scientists of specialists, the Russian science with their so diligently moving forward. We, on our part, do not at all mean special guidelines for any particular and small details, persistent or not completely clarified in the history of Peter the Great. We just want to take advantage of the material collected in the composition of the city of Ustortylov, transfer the readers the most important results mined by the works of the honorable historian. We think we think, gives us the right of the very character and importance of the composition of the city of Ustortylov, which has long been expecting to the Russian public.

    The history of Peter, the beginning of which was published now by G. Urudalov, undoubtedly belongs to the number of scientists who inform new data speaking a new word about their subject. Usually, we have such essays are not subject to not only the common court, but even just reading. Readers If they are accepted for them, then the second page does not reach further. Scientists authors accuse the readers in indifference and disregard for science, and scientists of the authors are probably right, with their scientist point of view. But the public is not entirely incomprehensible, from the point of view is simply educated. There is no doubt that an educated person is useful to know, for example, in 855 or in 857, the Slavic alphabet invented; It is useful to have a reduction on whether Kirill's Tour Bible read and whether people who knew in Spanish were in ancient Russia; It is useful to know how to translate a dubious aorist in fucidide history; - All this is very useful ... But he does not even follow this, so that an educated person needed to read thick books to resolve important and entertaining issues similar to those that we are now invented for example. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised, there is nothing to blame the public in ignorance, if it does not read essays with a special goal - the movement of science forward nor scientists who mean the same high goal. The offspring will, of course, is just, but most of our contemporaries, unfortunately, is completely indifferent to the wonderful successes of our scientists. It seems to not notice them and, it seems, is waiting for the use of a microscope to considering the rich contributions of Russian scientists to the general treasury of science.

    With this state of affairs, it was very natural formed between the public and the writers a silence agreement of this kind. If a book is interpreting about scientists, then the public and understands that this is true, it is written - first, to move the science forward, and secondly - for such a thing and such a specialist (they are always Known will be known). Experts, in turn, know that it is written for them, and are accepted for the scientist criticism, appointed it for the author of the book and for the two or three of their meetings, of which one writing, perhaps, and comments on criticism. Of course, experts, arguing about the XI or in the XII century, the monk of Jacob lived, are of the case in such a form, as if indian uprising was depended on him, 2 Question of Aboliusists 3 or the aversion comet, which again seems to intend to threaten Earth this year. But the public does not imagine that the case is so important, and the dispute about the different intricacies of the syllable, at least in the very chronicle of Nesor, does not produce a coup in public interest. Science herself remains for himself, and scientists are proud of their discoveries only in the circle of scientists, mourning ignorance of the public, who does not know how to appreciate them.

    But it turns out that the audience knows a few sense in academic affairs and is even different in this respect. She does not know scientists who disassemble the Khan labels 4 and comparing different lists of the legend of Mamaev Eat; 5 But she always welcomes Writers with livelihoods that provide real services to science. How much we can remember the previous reviews, G. Ustricov was not considered among us among the notebook scientists. Everyone was given to the justice of his care in the publication of monuments, eloquence and smoldering a syllable in his textbooks, agility of a story about the events of the new Russian history; 6 But reviews about him as we know, they were not at all, as feedback on different scientists, moving science forward. Meanwhile, we are ranked in scientists any Mr., who discovered at least a small, although a tiny some factor, even just an erroneous year in the ancient listed list. It is said to be a scientist, because he studies, and very thoroughly, historical sources and makes new considerations, unknown to him. For this measure, G. Ustortyov should now become an inaccessible height of the scholarship, because they are open or not yet explained by two or three insignificant facts, and hundreds of details that are really new light on previously known historical phenomena. And, despite the fact, the audience did not turn away from the work of the city of Ustortylova, because it is in fact an important scientist work. The success of the book of G. Ustortylova proves that our public is able to distinguish between the mass - at least very heavy, fresh, living information from the equally severe mass of unnecessary quotes and scholastic subtleties.

    This confidence is that the new essay of Ustortylova is of interest not only a specially scientist, but also public, gives us courage to talk about him, although we cannot make any amendments and additions to the work of the city of Ustortylov.

    The material that was at hand in the city of Ustrylova, when drafting the history of Peter the Great, was very rich. None of the preceding historians of Peter did not use, of course, such an abundance of sources. From "Introduction" (p. LXXVII) we learn that at the end of 1842 the author was opened to all the archives of the empire, and in 1845 it was permitted to go abroad to review the archives in Vienna and Paris. There is nothing to talk about the printed sources, which was located in Ustortyov and whom the number also significantly. Mr. Ustortyov not only took advantage of all documents published by Miller, Golikov, Berch 7, etc., but even communicatedmost of them with originals stored in different archives and libraries, and opened a lot of mistakes and distortions in print editions. In addition, he considered many more such materials that no one has enjoyed before him. So, they revised: cabinet paperPeter the Great in the State Archive, consisting of two branches, is one of the sixty seven, and another of the ninety-five foliants. In the first of these departments there are 1) materials for the history of Peter the Great, collected during his life: extracts from the genuine business about Streletsky Bunte 1698, the case of Mount Bashkir in 1708, documents about Bunte Bulavinsky; Vedomosti on the number of troops and guns at different times, about canals, factories, factories, etc., about actions in the Swedish war; Magazines of campaigns and travel Peter the Great, etc.; In addition - 2) Peter's own draft papers - his student notebooks, projects of laws, decrees, rescripts, scores, letters, etc. In the second branch, the so-called incoming paper are collected, that is, "everything that was addressed to Peter , in all parts of the control, from all those who surrounded it or have decided to write to him, from Menshikov and Sheremetyev to the last stroke. " Mr. Ustortyov rightly notes that these letters can partly replace the drawback of modern memoirs of Petrov's associates.

    In addition, G. Urmalov revised diplomatic casesin the main archive in Moscow; reading things and investigative,somehow: The case of chaklotitis, the case of the last Streletsky Bunte 1698, the case of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich, etc.; official reports of foreign ambassadors and residents,collected in Paris and Vienna. Of all these reports, all the more remarkable reports of the Cesar resident of Otto Player, who was in Russia from 1692 to 1718. At all this time, he, at least once a month, notified the Cesareri himself about everything that he noticed in Moscow and St. Petersburg. His observations, in response, Ustortylova, are extremely conscientious and distinct. In addition, G. Ustortyov used the genuine notes of Patrick Gordon and Gallarta, of which only passages were first printed, and that very in ugly form. (To what extent degree carelessly arrived in the printing of historical writings and documents, it is possible to judge the following examples we found in the book of Ustortylov. In the "Northern Archive", a passage from the modern Russian conversion of Hallarta is printed: "Historische Beschreibung Des Nordischen Krieges" ( "Historical description of the Northern War"; it. - Ed.),- And all your own names before being worn, that others are hard to know. One phrase, instead, "sent Prince Grigoria Fedorovich Dolgoruky,his chamber ", printed:" Prince Grigoria Fedorovich for friendhis chamber ". In foreign publications, the Russian eigen names were performed even more. So, in the composition of Nevili," Relation Curieuse Et Nouvelle de Moscovie. A La Haye 1699 "(" A new curious story about Muscovy. Hague, 1699 "; Franz. - Ed.),- Russian names are written, for example, in this way: Kenas Iacob Seudrevick - Prince Yakov Fedorovich; Levanti Romanorrick Ne Pleuvan - Leonthy Romanovich Nepnev; Alexis Samuelerrich - Alexey Mikhailovich! A fun mistake to which a reason has filed such a distortion of names. Neville has a phrase: "Quelque Temps Après le.czar.Alexis Samuel Errich.sE VOYANT MORIBOND, LE (i.enezia) Déclara Gouverneur du Jeune Prince Pierre (a few more time King Alexey Mikhailovich, feeling the approach of death, appointed him (Menesia) by the educator of the young Tsarevich Peter) ". From this, our historians brought out that. Peter was an educator some Samuel Eric!} Having at the hands of such a mass of sources, so important and diverse, G. Ustortyov could really bring his story before in it, as he himself says ("Introduction", p. LXXXIII), "No word was said to be said at random, In order for each of them to be confirmed by an undeniable, at least probable. "

    The work of G. Ustortylova is more wonderful that his predecessors-historians, he could very little to find benefits in his business. In "Introduction", he lists all for some other wonderful writers who made up the history of Peter, and no one finds a satisfactory presentation. Including such works that are very little known or are completely unknown to the public and are completely unknown to the public. Thus, in "Introduction", curious details are reported on how after the weak works of Feofan Prokopovich and Baron Gizen 8 amounted to the history of the Cabinet-secretary of Makarov, who recovered and reworked Peter himself. Makarov was charged with a collection of materials and roughing. For four years, he was a story about the War of Swedish and presented to Peter; Peter corrected her, ordered to rewrite and imagine him again. This second editorial office was also represented by him and redone them; The same was with the third and fourth edition. Few places of work Makarova survived, according to G. Ustortylova, so that this essay can be viewed as the work of Peter himself. The writing it was published by the book. Scherbatov under the title: "Magazine, or a submitted note by Peter the Great, from 1698 even before the conclusion of the nestadt world." But this edition passed completely unnoticed, because Shcherbatov was deaf only said in the preface that "this magazine is composed of a sovereign and his own hand to his own hand." Nobody knew what kind of participation was received by Peter in the compilation of this story, and therefore they looked at her the larger part with incredulusity. Meanwhile, the work of Peter, according to G. Ustortilov, is distinguished by strict historical truth and impartiality. Mr. Duditov was convinced of this, had the case to believe all his words with authentic acts, accommodated in many preserved, and evidence of eyewitnesses, their own and alien. "In all cases, Peter with noble frankness speaks of his failures, without hiding neither loss of losses, nor the importance of mistakes, and at the same time with rare modesty speaks of his personal exploits" (p. Xxxvii). This feature would have to serve as a lesson for many historians mixing history with the panelhics and colors of historical eloquence of replacing historical truth.

    Unfortunately, the subsequent historians of Peter did not follow, in the image of his acts, his own example, is some of the excessive gender, others, if desired, to be a simple truth of events. The first one belongs to the Golikov and many of the foreign historians of Peter; Among the last, the cracks are remarkable, 9 of which our scientiststhey took, even to this day, - for a reliable source and authority, (for example, the author of the article "The Board of the Tsarevna Sofia", placed in the "Russian Bulletin" of 1856 and ascertained the attention of many, refers to the legends of Krechishche as evidence is quite reliable and undeniable. 10) But which G. Ustortyov, following Tatishchev, 11 rightly names basinslove.The reason for all its fabulous fictions of the cracks is very naive in the preface, from which G. Ustrivilov cites the following words: "Az, the slave of the pious emperor, of Russia, the mercy of this on themselves and the cases of his blessed certain self-admiration; that sake, on debt slavery, should blissful things to glorify it, and not the image of the story to writerhost.Do not be something in my daring to my hoord, Yako is not enough to desect him and the belt of his boot. "After such recognition, it is really difficult to trust the cracks. Actually, it is improng to blame him: the thought does not contain anything extraordinary in himself. All we are a little cracked in our Scientific views, that is, we all find out often the general provisions on their personal concepts and even prejudices. Russian historians, the former years, do not make up exclusion from this general rule. Often they proceed to the study of the historical truth with a pre-composed conviction. They say to themselves: "mustturn out something ",and really turns out to be. For a long time, we have repeatedly told in our textbooks - and the younger generation is still still told, - phrases like the following: "World History shouldtalk about Peter as a giant among all husbands recognized by her great; History Russian shouldto enter the name of Peter in their squeezed with awe. "And what is said commonly to historians about important persons who are written in their lives, - there is nothing to mention about it. 12 But, despite its inner similarity with cracks, many historians have so much Tracock (perhaps, call it a cunning or anyway), so as not to declare about your rear thoughts into universal minimization. That's why they look at something trusting than on the crackish, which is so awkward, at the very beginning of its history refuses From all right to trust readers to the truth of his narration. It is impossible not to be happy that we have passed the time of such confessions in historical works. We admit, we gladly thought how far our historical science went far in one century, - comparing with funny naivety "Novgorod Basinovtsy" is a solid and confident voice of a modern historian who is able to excite full trust. This is what says G. Divailov at the end of his "administration" (p. LXXXVIII):

    I do not dare and think that I managed to write a history of Peter, worthy of his name; But it is entitled to say herself to say that I fully understood all holiness voluntarily accepted responsibilities to be His historian. He, inexorably strictly strict and others in the truth, served me by the head. The most thorough study of the facts with the help of archives, picking up the calibration of modern legends, unilent impartiality, the conscientious presentation of all the details of the historical, which only met me not in the fudges of the compilers, but in the materials of reliable, are my rules immutable! May be found in my essay, unreasonable conclusions, flaws of art, plan, syllable - anything; But in challenging gullibility to modern legends, not excluding Peter himself, the less time in the deliberate distortion of truth, no one will reproach me.

    So himself, G. Ustortyov determines us the nature and significance of their work, and we cannot but recognize the justice of this definition. His historians predecessors, he found, as we said, very little, almost nothing. He had to turn everything herself, to reduce, think, distribute, to create later from all this is a slim, living story. We will not say anything exaggerated, if we note here that for the history of Peter I, it has done the same as Karamzin for our ancient history. Itself, of course, it is about that G. Ustortyov found for his work after all, much more preceding preparation than Karamzin. But, as a result of this circumstance, as well as due to the larger abundance of funds and greater limitations of the item itself, the work of G. Ustrylova is relatively more fully, rather than the work of the historian. In the essential features, both of them have a great similarity between them. In the first plan, the meeting and verification of materials, which, in fact, give both works the right to scientist value. Readers - and the same story attract eloquence, smoking the syllable, the art of the story, the liveliness of paintings and descriptions. In historical and literary terms, the same similarity: Karamzin appeared with his story after unsuccessful attempts by Elagin, Emin, Bogdanovich, etc.; Ustortylov is after the unsatisfactory stories of Peter, starting with Krechishche, who, for the purpose of His and on the wealth of fiction, can be compared with Elagin, - after Voltaire, Segure, Polevoy ... Karamzin had before sneaking in the chronicles - Tatishchev and pretty intelligent the story of Shcherbatova; 13 G. Ustortyov also had a true set of events in the history of Makarov, corrected by Peter himself, and found some manual in the chronological collection of the facts in the "Acts" of Golikov. Even in the most external receptions, by the location of articles, notes and applications, in the manner of the image of private events, none of the historical books reminded us so alone Karamzin as the "History of Peter" Ustrylova. This work will adequately become near the creation of Karamzin, full of indisputable advantages, although, of course, not alien and some flaws.

    For too long it would be to apply about the general requirements that the modern state of historical knowledge imposes on the historian and in general enlightenment. The place of this reasoning is rather in the textbook rather than in a magazine article. But we cannot but remember here the same condition, the observance of which is necessary for the story that has a claim for a serious scientist. This is an idea about the attitude of historical events to the nature, position and degree of development of the people. Any historical presentation, not an animated idea, will be a collection of random facts, maybe associated between themselves, but torn away from around the world, from all over and future. Thus, the history of the most lively and eloquery will still be no more than a well-grouped material, if there is no idea about participation in the events of the people himself. Participation This may be an active or persistent, positive or negative, but, in any case, it should not be forgotten by history. His historian must pay mainly on him not only in general history serving the image of the fate of the kingdoms and peoples - but also in the history of private historical figures, no matter how they seem above their centuries and the people. No doubt, great historical transducers have a big impact on the development and course of historical events in their time and in their people; But it is not necessary to forget that before their influence, they themselves are influenced by the concepts and morals of that time and the society, which then begin to act by the power of their genius. In the history of Peter, maybe sharply, rather than somewhere, it was suggested that the full reduction from the past, full and fast coup by the will of one person, contrary to habits and instincts of people. The participation of the whole people seemed to be erased here by the power of his lord, and therefore it is clearer here than anywhere, assumption historical chanceby the descriptor of the acts of Petrov. Nevertheless, it must be said that here the assumption of this chance will be unfair. If the author does not intend to enter into consideration of folk life, telling the affairs of his hero; If he wants to imagine the historical figure of one in the foreground, and everything else considers only secondary accessories, and not necessary accessories; In this case, he can make a good biography of his hero, but no story. The story is engaged in people, even great, just because they were important for the people or for humanity. Consequently, the main task of the history of the Great Man is to show how he knew how to use those means that they were presented in his time; As the elements of living development were expressed in it, which he could find in his people. Watch otherwise it would mean to give genius, an impossible for a person. It is known to everyone and everyone that a person does not create anything new, but only recycled existing, it means that the story attributes to a person impossible, as soon as deliberately evades his direct task: to consider the activities of a historical person as a result of a mutual relationship between him and the living material (if possible So express about the people), which was influenced. Failure to comply with this task is not replaced by any eloquence, no abundance of facts belonging to the depicted person. The meaning of great historical figures can be likened by the value of rain, which has a beneficial refreshing land, but which, however, is still drawn up from evaporation raising from the same land. Proshirostinost to think that the rain is stored in the sky in some kind of special reservoir and from there is poured into known times, according to any particular reasons; But such an explanation should not have a complaints about the importance of the scientist and philosophical.

    Unfortunately, historians never avoid strange passion for individuals, to the detriment of historical need. At the same time, disregard for folk life is strongly discussed in all stories, in favor of any exceptional interests. So, for example, at the Karamzin itself, we find that the entire history of the people is donated to the strict and consistent holding of one idea - on the formation and development of the Russian state. And the most development of this state is not at all seemingly arising from the conditions of people's life, but is somehow almost administrative, the matter of several persons. The folk life disappears among the feats of state, wars, interdiscomobi, the personal interests of the princes, etc., and only at the end of Tom is placed the chapter "On the state of Russia". But here it is more interpreted about the hereditary rights of specific princes, about the glory of Russia between foreign powers, etc., rather than about the interests directly related to the people.

    It is impossible to say that the work of G. Ustortylova is completely alien to the common historical idea that we talked about; But still it is obvious that it is not for the foundation of the "history of Peter". The author looked at his work more than biographical, rather than from a generalistory point of view. Because of the "History", he was published a very live picture of the Acts of Petrov, a very complete collection of facts belonging to Peter's face and to the position of court parties surrounding him during childhood and adolescence, an impartial statement of state events of Peter's time; But true history, in all the vastness of her philosophical and pragmatic significance, cannot be seen in the now published volumes of the "Story of Peter Great". True, that the author has not yet reached the era when Peter is in all the brilliance of his conversion activities, which he became in the non-negative attitude towards the people. In the first Tome of "History", Ustortylova, the domination of the princes of Sofia, in the second - fun and Azov campaigns, in the third - Peter's travels in Europe and the gap with Schwäcia. But these events would, of course, were outlined otherwise, if the author was not guided by the advantage of biographical interest and thought about Peter's state value for the elevation of the glory of Russia, and wanted to give his work more wider importance. What the author was looking for in other historians and what demanded itself, - you can see from two places of his "Introduction". The historians of Peter, he says in conclusion: "It is difficult for the most unenfected lover of history to pleasure similar essays about such a sovereign, like Peter Great. It is even harder to rely on them to a strict researcher who would wish to see Peter in a true, stranded form, and moreover His greatness "(p. Li). At the end of the "Introduction" (p. LXXXVII), determining the value of his own labor, the author says: "I tried to portray Peter in this form, as he really was, without hiding his weaknesses, not attributing to him unprecedented advantages, at the same time In all the completeness of his undoubted greatness. " From the comparison of both places it is obvious that the author himself looks at his work as its work predominantly biographical, leaving aside all the highest philosophical and historical considerations.

    We point out at all in order to make the Upří Ustortylov, and the only thing to determine what can be requested from its history and from what point of view to look at it, according to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe author himself. We understand very well that from the Russian historian depicting the events of the new Russian history, starting with Peter, it is impossible to still demand anything more actual loyalty and completeness. We still cannot in our historical research to renounced the interests of this past, so close to us and so constantly, at least sometimes and imperceptibly present in most of the phenomena of the present. It is difficult for us, it is almost impossible, to elect for any essay the correct and independent point of view on the events of our latest history precisely because they are in the lives of modern our society continue in many ways, do not make up the past, completely complete for us. Therefore, if I could come somewhere strictly concerned, the pragmatic history of the new times of Russia, it would be no more than the consolation exception from the total mass of our historical works. In general, the author can give himself a task what he pleases, and it is impossible to attack him for the fact that he did not choose to resolve another, higher and extensive task. Criticism indicates that the author was assumed to be made, and then looks at how execution matches the intention. Arguing in this way, it is impossible not to call the work of G. Ustortylov a very wonderful phenomenon in our literature, and probably even scientists who are engaged in Russian history will not be much found in the "History of Peter" such places that could be supplied in ignorance In unreliability or injustice. Repeat again: what is done by G. Dudilov for the history of Peter, according to the collection of materials and on their processing, can be compared only with what is done by Karamzin for our ancient history.

    Indicating the biographic character of the "History of Peter", we would be unfair if they were not stopped at the first chapter of the "Introduction" of the city of Ustrylov, in which he talks about the old, Doparyrovskaya Rus. This chapter shows that the author is not alien to the general historical idea, which we talked about; But at the same time, there is an obvious evidence of how difficult to reach the current Russian historian to reach the essence, to the main principles began in many phenomena of our new history. From the very beginning, there are two opposite opinions about Peter: one - the general, expressed in the official act of the submission of Peter Imperial title; Other - the opinion of the defenders of the old Russia, whom the representative is Karamzin. The first is expressed in the words of the act that "we from the darkness of Petra from the darkness of the Nightness and Nevnoye entered the theater of Glory and joined the educated European countries." The essence of the second is that the abundant sources of strength and prosperity were in the depths of their depths of his own, he found an obvious desire for improvement and education, got acquainted, came closer to Europe, and although slowly, but the hard and right step moved to the same purpose To which it was so forcibly fascinated by Her Peter the Great, without sparing the morals, nor the customs, nor the main beginning of the nation "(" Introduction ", p. XIV). 14 Holding both these opinions, G. Ustortyov is trying to decide: what was Russia to Peter, was there a revolution for her? - and for this considers lightand darkthe side of the Dopurerovskaya Russia. In that matter and in another case, it represents facts,accompanying them with some general comments. But the comparison of these lightand darkthe facts do not explain to us the historical position of the ancient Russia and gives a lot of grounds not to take the point of view that Introduces G. Urmilov. Speaking of the light side of Russia to Peter, it begins with the fact that all the ingenians have long been surprised at the extensive space of Russia, the abundance of natural works, the limitless dedication of all classes of the sovereign, the magnificities of the yard, the numerous troops; But at the same time, Rus was considered that I strongly, unstroiny, uneducated and melting. "But an alien eye," notes G. Ustortyov, "there could not see any mature, distinctive development of state elements, nor amazing consent of them, which serves as the basis of the power of civil societies and cannot be replaced by any benefit of natural position, even successes Education. " Then the author of the "History of Peter Great" develops its thought in detail, showing the fundamental government elements that serve as the basis of the power of the power and prosperity of civil societies. It turns out that they have been developed as it is impossible and that in this respect Russia stood incomparably higher than Western Europe. We will not say which items of the city of Ustovilov under the name basicand go to K. darkthe side specified by him. Consideration of this dark side leads it to the conclusion that "nowhere, the situation has not been such a sad and sad picture, as in our fatherland" (p. XXII), and that "Russia, despite the beneficial development of the main elements of its far did not reach the goal to which all European states and which consists in reliable safety from outside and inside, in the active development of moral, mental and industrial forces, in knowledge, art, in mitigating wild animal nature, in one word - What decorates and adds a person "(p. XXV). If so, then everyone has the right to ask: what does this mean that with the perfect and beneficial development of the main elements, it was possible that, extremely sad, state of affairs?" The older Russia was in the depths of his The main beginnings of state improvement, "says G. Dudalov and after that leads the facts proving the extreme disorder." Russia did not give way to a single well-maintained state in what constitutes the main spring of public welfare, "he says elsewhere and Immediately, in his own presentation, it proves to us "the painful position of Russia", disasters, discontent, the ropes of the people and so on. "It was mature OE Development of elements serving the basis of state power, "also says G. Ustrivilov in third place and also sets out such facts after which they cannot do not exclaim:" Can you be proud of then political power after this? " (p. XXIII). The wine of all these contradictions is not the grossiness of the author; On the contrary, it is very cautious in his judgments. All the Wine here is very ordinary in our historical writings mixing two points of view: state and actually folk. Anyone thinking person is clear that there is a lot of things between these points of view and that they are not wonderful to mix them. Apparently, there is no need to distinguish them: the state acquires new funds - the people are rich; The state is forced to withstand a disadvantageous war - all the people feels on themselves; The state improves legislation - the people is better to live, etc. It would be so, of course, it should be if the interests of the state and the people were always inseparable and are impoverished. But often we see in history that or government interests are not at all agreeing with the interests of the masses, or between the state and the people are intermediaries - like any satrapses, solaries, etc., - not having, of course, to humiliate The greatness of its state, but having the opportunity to destroy the prosperity of the people. Therefore, the result of the state of the state existed in history is extremely different from the result of the appearance of the folk. The first appearance concludes more distraction and formalities; It relies on what should have developed and exist; It takes the system, but does not want to know its applications, disassets the anatomical skeleton of the state device, without thinking about the physiological shipments of the living national organism. That's why I. lightthe side of the ancient Russia in the city of Ustrylova is so rich in general provisions and does not represent a single fact, while darkit consists exclusively of instructions on the facts of folk life. 15 There is a state system, and his life is taken into account here. Mr. Ustortyov does not advantage of neither the other side of the subject and even, as can be seen, does not quite clearly distinguishes them. Therefore, there are visible contradictions in its judgments. Proving the disorder of people's life, he thus proves the inconsistency and the most state system, especially since the disadvantage of the people had, according to the historian's own consciousness, a sad influence on the state glory of Russia. In short - darkparty refutes what is said by the historian about light.To make sure even more, we will look at some details.

    Let's see first on the general conclusion that G. Ustortyov from Furnishing lightparties to Russia. Here is his conclusion (p. XXI):

    Thus, the older Russia entered into the depths of its main starts of state improvement: she had a strong rule, unique, carefully guarding the inviolability of the law; Church in the best of the world and to the supreme power defined in the rights and obligations of their servants; The nobility is famous, brilliant, not inferior to any other valor and merit; Laws, consenssed spirit of people, distinctive, consecrated experience, the wisdom of centuries. The unity of faith, language, control bonded all parts of it to one thing, into one powerful power, ready to rebel to his enemies to one mighty king.

    It would seem what is better? Historian himself, stating this magnificent picture of ancient Russia, could not resist questioning exclaints: "What did not disquire?" But in fact it turned out to be at all something: Ancient Russia lasted that state elements become folk in it. 18 We hope that our thought will explain the next number of parallel discharge from the book of Ustortylov, which we have given already without any comments:

    (P. XIX.) "Our government system expressed a clear idea of \u200b\u200bthe government about the need for a law of solid, inviolable, on the watervation of good morality, about the possible relief of the people, about protecting his and heritage."

    (P. XXIV.) "Torture was the necessary affiliation of the search on the criminal and crimes of the state. It is as hatched, as inhumanly informed the poor debtors to sacrifice the universal borrowers."

    "We had our state council (Great Duma), compiled from the nobles that were faded with sledinists, wedliness: They were going almost daily in the royal chambers, for judgment about the affairs of state, and each of them could speak before the state ship free and frankly ... "(P. XXI.)" There is no doubt that Moscow is obliged to their greatness how many genius of their sovereigns, so many far-sighted wisdom of their advisers. "

    (P. Xxv.) "The certificate was available very few: even in the outcome of the XVII century, not every connogenian knew how to sign his name. Rough ignorance, dominant in the highest and lower layers of society, poured the poisoning poison on the mois and customs that represented a strange mixture Good qualities inherent in the Russian people, with prejudices, superstition, even with disgusting vices. "

    "Under the main supervision of orders, performers of the government of government, regional governors, judges, supplies, salaries, jackets, and other ranks, were obliged to act in accordance with these punishments or instructions, in which the government also took care of state interests and the benefits of folk."

    (P. XXIII.) "Regional governors, focusing in his face the right of civil and criminal court, fees, the Zemskoy Police, an outfit of troops, on the one hand did not have the opportunity to fulfill such heterogeneous duties, on the other, found many cases to satisfy the defenseless Korestolubia. "

    (P. Xx.) "Before the law, everyone was equal: he did not distinguish between the velomes from the commoner in the event of a crime; the court for all was Rovna."

    (P. Xxiii.) "In general, generally self-deficiency and unscrupulous implicit" were dominated in the details of the management.

    "We had nobility numerous and brilliant, which was not inferior in the audience and nobility of the origin of any European."

    (P. XXIV.) "Knut did not but even noble nobles." 17.

    "Each land owner, according to the first tsarist decree, was to personally be personally to appear on the collection of military with a certain number of people's people; otherwise he lost his estate. In the old days, the Russian nobleman could not say that in his will serve and not serve: he served as the king and The kingdom to the coffin, to the last strength, and their merits, led the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, who were proud of the ancestors in the most valor of family, childbirth. "

    (P. XXIV.) "Our military militias represented a numerous, but non-rigid commander of inexperienced landlords and rural people, torn off from a plow and armed than: obliged to take care of their food during a hike, they equally devastated their own and someone else's land or gibbles. from hunger".

    (P. XXI.) "We had our own highest aristocracy, proud, inaccessible, unchanged in their rules that were crushed out of the genus".

    (P. Xxix.) "We talked in old concepts that moved from the genus, from the century to the century, we were swallowed and with contempt they looked at all someone else, ingenic, hated everything new."

    Everyone sees that parallel discharges, we made with some ten pages of "Introduction" in the "Peter's story" contradict each other and a friend of a friend is destroyed. But it would be strange to think that the author of the "history of Peter" did not notice himself, before all, these contradictions. On the contrary, he, apparently, so exhibited them to show the trust of the actual stroke of affairs in ancient Russia with what should be by law. And here it is, there is a completely insufficiency in the history of an exclusively state point of view adopted by the author. According to an anatomical study of the forms of the state skeleton - everything seems to be in order, the overall system is designed slightly and strictly; But in living people's life, such wounds, such diseases, such a chaos, which clearly shows that in the very essence of the body there is somewhere damage, which prevents the correctness of physiological shipments, which in the system itself lacks some reason. 18 What is good, in fact, if in the distracted contemplation everything seems to be beautiful, meanwhile how is it really not good anywhere? When ignorance and superstition dominated all layers of society, both the lower and higher, and then little consolation submits the existence of the Council of Elders, Mushots, etc. If self-deficiency and the liberation dominated " control details ",i didn't have much a lot of people won Russian 19 from the fact that we had "laws, the consenssed spirit of people, original,", etc. If the Russians are the Russians, who made a non-stroke bulk, during the campaign only to rob and empty their land on a par with someone else's In all likelihood, no great good for the land of Russian was and from the fact that "all parts of it were fastened to one slim power, ready to rebel on the enemies in the first maroon," and the readiness does not mean successful execution, and the possibility is not Always turns into reality. Equally, not a great benefit was, of course, in the nobility of a brilliant, marked "knowledge and nobility of the origin", when "Knut did not even gentle noble nobles." 20 Of all these facts, one conclusion is obvious: that the state point of view is not always quite true in relation to the facts of folk life and therefore in history should give them first place. Otherwise, the most equitable provisions lose their strength and only conditional and very fragile meaning are gaining importance. To clearly show it, and at the same time to present the readers some facts from the first volumes of the "History of Peter" Ustortylov, we intend to make a few brief instructions in this article, in which there was Russia before the beginning of the board of Peter.

    From a state point of view, more or less external and formal, the position of Russia at this time was brilliant. So at least you can conclude from the words of our historians. For example, the textbook of Ustdelova (Part I, p. 317) is reflected in this way: "Wise Alexey left its successors a strong, landscaped, with an obvious advantage over the most dangerous rival, Poland, with all means to domination over the European North, respected in the West, Grozny in the East and South. " In these words, it is clearly expressed by the opinion of Russia's full welfare, both external and internal, during the days of the ass. Apparently, with general landscaping, no displeasure and unrest were internal; Moreover, it was possible to assume a number of external failures. It seemed that prosperity should have rushed in the state firmly and calmly; The people should have established contentment; Every year, everything should have improved and improved the power of internal, original development; did not have to seems to be the slightest need to evade the same path; More and less could the need for some transformations. This is exactly what the adherents of the old Russia say; So said Karamzin, the same makes thinking lightthe parties of ancient Russia, made by G. Urmalov. But they are not talking to the facts represented by him as in the first volume of the story of Peter. Of these, on the contrary, it can be seen that ancient Russia, depleting all his strength to maintain the old order, showed, however, only the perfect powerlessness and could not do anything other than temporary maintenance of the external form. Outwardly, according to the charters and securities, it seemed that it was not completely slim and right, then at least striving for improvement and truth. But inside everything was upset, distorted, confusedly, deprived of any honor and justice. Everything was stretched until it was necessary - or once to get out of the old gauge and rush to a new road, or wait for a terrible, messy explosion, which was the foresight of which all the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. 21.

    King Alexey Mikhailovich took a lot about improving the inner position of Russia. In his reign, there were many measures of legislative and administrative measures that promised to help strengthen folk prosperity. The one already the edition of the "deposits" could be called blessing, with the uncertainty of the proceedings of the ancient Rus. In addition, the following decisions published, various individual statutes, additions to "deposits" proved the constant care of the king on improving legal relations. Cancellation of domestic customs, official promotion of various industries, post office, the effort to form regular troops, an attempt to start a fleet - all this remains a monument of permanent king's efforts to lead to the best form of cases in his state. But, with all the benevolence, Alexey Mikhailovich had very little success in his endeavors. He was the king of Russian in difficult time; New, other people's elements made their heads to the change of susceptible antiquity, which did not have anything, except habits and ignorance. The role of the ruler in this case was determined: he should have begun at the head of the movement, in order to save the people from those disasters, in which he involved his 22 clash of new ones began with ignorant Routine old boyars. For this purpose, he needed to master the general movement and send it to good, how many perhaps, by becoming at the head of those that went to the light. But this decision, so simple now, was not easy then. At that time, unusual abilities mental was required to correctly guess and determine the strength and importance of new elements that invaded folk lives; The emergency strength of character was also required to firmly stand on a new road and steadily follow it. Both were found in Peter; But there was no one or the other to the preceding rule. The reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, undoubtedly, sought to some improvement, the overall nature of his legislation was captured by love for truth and good; The government wanted to improve reasonable improvements, saw the need to correct a lot. But at the same time, all his orders were always only by half-dimensions, they responded indecisive and timidity. It can be seen that they have not yet comprehended to what extent necessary for ancient Russia the root reform, which has long been prepared in folk life. Alexey Mikhailovich, of course, could notice fermentation, which was in the people, and could use them for the benefit of the state, like Peter; But he did not have that kindness, of that active and hard energy, what his son possessed. Therefore, he made himself to seduce himself and allowed himself to believe their assurances that everything is fine. Morozov, Miloslav-sky, Nikon, Khitrovo, alternately one after another, owned the mind of the king. Meyerber writes that "Good Alexy is completely in the siege of his nobles and pets, so there is no one to access it. And these pets hide from him and screaming them, and the needs of the kingdom, and the defeat of Russian troops; if they do not hide, They represent everything in this form, as needed for their purposes "(see Meyerber, p. 87). 23 Collins says even more; He claims that "Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich could be delivered among the most kind and wise rulers, if all his good intentions were not sent to evil boyars and spies that, like a denomal cloud, surround it" (Collins, p. 13) . 24 so say ingenians; So spoke and the people. During the rebel, there was a rumor in the people, that Timofeevich ran to Stepan, said Alexey, at the request of the king himself, then, so that with the help of Razin, to kill all the boyars that surround it and from which he does not know how to get rid. The evidence of this has been preserved in acts (see "Acts of the Archaeographic Expedition", Volume IV, p. 239). 25.

    The people did not want to attribute to Alexey Mikhailovich himself, something bad and firmly believed that all the measures for him were the work of the cunning boyars surrounding the king. So it was indeed; But the people from this were not easier, and the measure of patience was exhausted. "The common displeasure of class," says G. Urmilov himself in his "administration" (p. XXVII), - noticeable in the last years of the reign of Mikhail Feodorovich, it broke out, in the court of his son, a terrible riot in Moscow, Novgorod, Pskov and others cities. Soon, after that the Bounce of Kolomensky broke out; there he climbed on the Don; Malorossy was excited here. Even the peaceful insanity Solovkaya was indignant. " In fact, it becomes sad and for Russia and for the good king, when you read how people who surround it, who surround him, paralyzed His good intentions and annoyed the people. So, for example, the first Moskovsky rebellion - what was he called? The fact that Morozov and Miloslavsky tried to increase some taxes, they put on all the warm places of their relatives who were not only inhabit the petitioners, but still did all sorts of rudeness. At first, the displeasure was deaf and did not come out of the limits of legality: many petitions were filed in the name of the sovereign, only they did not reach him. Then the people found the case to surround the king on the square (at the end of May 1648) and humbly begged him to remove his insatiable and unrighteous advisers. The king promised to consider the case and punished the guilty; The people, full of joyful confidence in his word, listened to his decision with delight and, exactly in a great holiday, fled to the king with solemn clicks to the most Kremlin gate. But this is a bright, the joyful mood of the people was worried by the clutters of Miloslavsky and Morozov, who thought to scold and even beat those who complained to the king. The folk strength took another direction: the temporary houses were looted, some of their relatives were confused, they themselves demanded the people for execution. And then there was a generosity of Alexey and commitment to him in the whole strength, which has proven that there is nothing left between the king and the people, actually there was nothing but misunderstanding. All the excitement was discontinued by the fact that they were removed from posts guilty in oppression of the people and that the king came himself to the people on the square and asked him to forget the misconduct of Morozov, respect for those services that he had a sovereign. The same scene of folk dedication repeated now: the people, rushing to her knees, exclaimed: "Let it be, anything to God and you, the sovereign; we are all your children! "It was all calmed in Moscow because everyone was satisfied with the justice and generosity of the king.

    But, improving the case in Moscow, did not think about removing reasons for unrest in other places, and soon the people in Pskov and Novgorod rose and beat many officials hated by him, and then wrote what he did "to the great sovereign to the Great." Alexey Mikhailovich saw the trouble, he tried to enter into cases of more than the former, trust the pet less; But he could not completely free themselves from the old legends, did not go through reforms, but he wanted to fix the case through inconspicuous, gradual improvements, wanted to achieve the goal by half-dimensions, lifting the case. Razin's uprising, unrest in Malorus, unsuccessful war with Poland and Sweden, the history of Nikon and the formation of split sect served him by the answer. He had to make sure that he could not, with the softness of his character and with the usual ancient Moscow sovereigns of alienation from the people, resolve the great questions that the folk life asked him. Allow these issues was destined to be energetic Peter.

    Yes, Peter allowed the questions for the nationality of the people who have already defined by the government, which is its meaning, here is his merit. In vain, the adherents of the old Russia claim that the fact that Peter was incorporated into our lives was completely unlikely with the course of the historical development of the Russian people and disgusting national interests. Extensive transformations, nasty folk character and natural course of history, if they succeed for the first time, then they are not durable. Peter's transformation has long been done with our property of folk life, and this one must make us look at Peter as a great historical figure who has realized and implemented the real needs of their time and people, and not on some sudden leap in our history , not related to the previous development of the people. This last view, shared by many, is, of course, because we often pay attention to the external forms of life and management, in which Peter really made a sharp change. But if you look into the essence of what is hidden under these forms, it turns out that the transition is not at all so cutting, with the other side, - that is, that during before Peter, there was no such terrible disgust from all European, And now - there is no such perfect renunciation from the entire Asian, which we usually attribute. In a word - attentive consideration of the historical events and the inner state of Russia in the XVII century can prove that Peter near the energetic government reforms saved Russia from a violent coup, which the beginning turned out to be in the unrest of folk with Aleksa Mikhailovic and in Bunts Stretsky.

    And before Peter, we had a rapprochement with Europe, there were borrowings from the innovation, there were innovations. But all this was done timidly, as if by chance, without any plan, without a strictly defined idea. In general, the recognition of the superiority of foreigners and the need to use their services - equally were convinced both the government and the people. But further, in determining what exactly borrowed from the Inomers, the government did not converge with the people before Peter. Peter's predecessors believed possible to use the services of foreigners, without borrowing anything from them for people's life, not adopting their morals and customs, nor education. So, since the time of Boris Godunov, we constantly increased the number of foreign officers during the troops; In Mikhail, the feudo-rovic was hired inherent shelves and an attempt was made by the device of Russian regiments along an ingenic pattern; With Aleksa, Mikhailovich, the number of ingenians became particularly increased: in one 1661, according to the location of the city of Ustortylov (Vol. I, p. 181), went to Russia to 400 people. Most of the foreign officers were called then to train the Russian troops "inrogen-building". In the last year of the life of Feodorus Alekseevich, we already had 63 regiments formed by a foreign pattern (Volume I, p. 184). But all this, in the consciousness of the very same, G. Ustortylova ("Introduction", p. XXIX), "I didn't change our war system at all: we were still running out, fought in the old days, the unrestrained masses, and the king Feodor Alekseevich frankly confessed to the Zemsky Cathedral that even the Turks exceeded us in military art. " Why were such strange, at first glance, the results? Because of course, saying that military art, just like everything else, can not be improved separatorwithout any relation to other subjects of management and life of the people. Peter the Great, according to his own recognition in one order, as we will see later, also meant primarily military education; But he understood his connection with all other parts of the state device. His precursors did not understand this connection and thought to improve the right thing in Russia, not at all touching other parties to the public administration and assuming that the perfection of the routine system can all support and help them exalted Russia, even in the absence of any other perfection. But it turned out to be completely nasty: no matter how ingenic officers and colonels were fed, and the ancient Russia not only did not reach with their help before enemies, but not just military art did not acquire. The explanation of this wonderful fact is precisely in the fact that military art wanted to develop completely lonely with us without thinking about any other development. Here is what we find about this in the book of Ustortylova:

    In essence, the Russian army at the Tsarevna Sofia, a few differed from the rational militia of the time of Godunov and John Grozny: the name of the ratar, spear, dragoons, soldiers, also a change of weapons for foreign samples, the most division on the shelves and companies, under the bosses of foreign colonels, Rothmisters and Captains, "nothing could reverse the old warriors of Russia: they still remained the same nobles, boyars, city Cossacks, in general landowners of different names, more or less extensive estates, from 800 yards up to 5 quarters of the Earth, which were For a hundred years before SI; Still, most of the year they lived in villages and courtyards scattered by mossets and mills, clapping more about pressing bread, about the household, about feeding themselves and families than about military service. Carabiner and saber calmly hung on the wall, covering rust; The warrior officer hung up with Soho, Mollah flour or traveled in fairs and traded something. Collecting them on a campaign was as hard as before: despite the most stringent decrees, thousands of nobles, ratar, soldiers affected nemet;the most innocents, homeless captains, hungry and greedy crowds who came to Russia were healing to the granted estates and before they were launched, which was often drilled in their village to the third netaexcoring for each nothis back under Bumpy; After the third notthey were usually expelled abroad (hundreds of examples can be found in collapsible books from 1671 to 1700) (Volume I, p. 187--188).

    It is clear that the presence of military foreigners in Russia was much more on the nature and lifestyle of themselves, rather than on the development of our Military art. Foreigners of these were some state in the state to Peter, a completely special society, unlike Russia, except for official relations: they still lived with a bunch, in German Sloboda, went to their chickjudged in the foreign order, followed by their customs, rushed with each other, without mixing with the Russians, despised by the Higher Boyarsky, serving the subject of hatred for the clergy. 26 They were allowed and even called to Russia as they are now allowed and even looking for foreign magicians, valetors, hairdressers, etc. But the relationship to them was exactly the kind that you, they say, work on me - I need it, - - But in my relationship, do not sue your nose and familiarize with me not dare. Mr. Ustortyov notes (Volume II, p. 117) that "a rare dignitarily, even from the middle circle, not to mention the highest, drove bread-salt with the Germans of German Sloboda. Servivatny Ingeneses of the most excellent advantages and merit, despite their general ranks, on wounds and feats, could never be among the Russians. Never of our state trucks did not invite them to their table, did not allow them to the Tsarist Duma: they knew only their shelves and went where to order a discharge. In the humming troops, Hiking endings, foreign generals and colonels mentioned below the city nobles, tenants and children of Boyars; for solemn outlets, they occupied the place below guests and merchants. "

    The same precisely relations of the Russian government to Peter observed with other inlerts, not military. So, since Mikhail Feodorovich, we had constantly foreign doctors at the yard, but no one thought to adopt y1edicinish information from them. We had a long Pushkari, ingenic engineers, but they did their job without passing their Russian art. Were the industrialists of all kinds; But they only used possible benefits, so the Russians even complained about the oppression of them. Appeared, for example, we barbutbait(Hamburg) Marcelis with the Dutch Akmoy, overthrown the permission to find ore throughout Russia and soon founded the Verified Iron Plant; And this plant was about 50 years old remained in exceptional possession of his house. British and Dutch traders received different benefits and privileges in Russia, but did not revive our trade in their participation. All these facts convince us that the then administrative and government leaders were really alien to, according to the expression of G. Ustortylov ("Introduction", p. XXVIII), "What the European peoples are fairly proud of the inhabitants of other parts of the world, - an internal desire for The best, most advanced, distinctive development of its forces of mental and industrial, clear consciousness of the need for the formation of popular ". Yes, the absence of this consciousness is clear in all our relations to the ingenians in Dopererovsky time.

    An even more opposed to ingenians the clergy of the XVII century. 27 In IX annex to the first "History of Peter the Great", the testament of the Patriarch of Joachim, in which he strongly demands that the ingenians are deprived of their bosses in Russian troops. Here is the extraction, which makes it leads from this testament in the text of its "history" (Volume II, p. 115--116):

    I pray their royal leafy Majesty of the pious kings and before the Savior to our God I command, yes to take the damned heretics to the Ioverians to command in their state shelves over their people, but yes we can set them down, the enemies of Christian, from the shelf deeds and sick, because the inners are with us, Orthodox Christians, in faith are not born, in the leisure of deceit, they disagree, the churches, the mother of our own, alien: what could be help from them, damned heretics, Orthodox mind? Tokmo wrath of God suggest! Orthodox Christians, by rank and custom church, pray to God; And they sleep, heretics, and their frozen things performed. Christians, honoring the most Mother Virgin, asking her, heavenly intercession, and all the saints of help; Heretics, not honored, neither the Mother of God or the rates of God, nor the holy icons laugh and swear to Christian piety. Christians will go; They never: their god-- povertyaccording to the Apostolic. Although they go with the shelves, there is no God with them: what could be the benefit from them?

    Is not in the pious royal state of his military leaders? Do you have little people, skillful in utility and regimental dispensation? And before, in the ancient years, and in our memory, the innerians warmed by Russian regiments: what was the benefit of them? No. It is clear that they are enemies to God, the Most of the Virgin and the Holy Church. The Orthodox Christians are more than the faith and the Church of God, rather than for the fatherland and their homes, not sparing their lives, their souls believe their soul; And they, heretics, do not think about and do not think! .. I am aware of the royal to store advisers and rulers who have been in foreign areas on embassies: didn't they see that in every state there are their own, customs, clothes that people are different faith There are no advantages and are not allowed to build prayer temples not allowed to build? Is there anyone in German lands a pious faith of the Church? No one! And here - what did not happen, then the heretics are allowed: build themselves, for heretic damned gatherings, Molubic chromans, in which pious people are angry with idolatles and bootiers.

    An even more residual, the clergy resisted the invasion of foreign customs to Russian life. Grozny curses have suffered those who adopted different German rites and fashion. 28 For example, it is rather pointing to one of the most innocent customs - shaving beard. Another Patriarch Philaret revealed against the shaving beard, then Joseph and, finally, Patriarch Adrian in his circumferential message, written in the first years of the United Peter's innocent (see "Peter's history", Vol. III, p. 193--194).

    In the message of this, the part is generally the spirit of the time, which is part of the personal character of Adrian, who distinguished his commitment to the old days as his predecessor, Patriarch Joachim. But, regardless of this, we find a certificate that the custom of shaving beard began in Russia since the time of the impostors and since then, despite many prohibitions, it was constantly spread to the time of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich.

    In general, from consideration of a multitude of facts relating to the inner state of Russia before Peter, it turns out to be undoubtedly the convergence with foreign people and the borrowing from them the customs of little alone was in the people not at all as a result of administrative measures, but simply by themselves, on the natural course of events and life folk. The highest administration, both spiritual and secular, intensified, opposite that, to distract the people from foreign customs, trying to present them with challenge and ridiculous. It is not wise at the same time that in the people a long time was found to distrust and contempt for foreigners, especially for the occasion that foreigners often received benefits in Russia and the relative honor for such cases whose benefits have not yet understood or not recognized. So he was armed against foreign doctors, scientists, especially astronomers who considered the sorcerers. Difference sometimes moved to hatred, and then the people pursued Bucemans, so the government should have been repeatedly published in these cases to repeatedly publish special decrees to protect the ingenians from offended and insults. But with all that the influence of foreigners was stronger than the people than the administration. Not to mention other sides of the life of the people, with Alexei Mikhailovic began to be afraid of the influence of foreigners even in religious terms. In "Clamping" (Chapter XXII, Art. 24) there is an article in which it is said that if Bursurman turns a Russian person in his faith, then Bursmanman "to execute the cheek: burn fire without any mercy." From the same fear, there was a testimony of Cumchina, the difficulty in a trip abroad, if anyone wanted from Russian people. 29 In "Casting" there is, however, an article saying that "who will happen to go from the Moscow state, for commercial classes or other for what his own state, in a different state that the state with the Moscow state is peaceful - and in Moscow Bati The person is a sovereign, and in the town of Governors about the roadway, and without road diplomas, he is not robbery. And in the ceremony of the leaders to give them passages of diplomas without any detention "(ch. Vi, Art. 1). But, probably, there were many difficulties in this case, because the Koishin says that, except for the royal decree, yes for trade cases, no one goes abroad: " wound! "And it was not voluntary because they feared, according to Cumchin's testimony, that, "to learn the faith and customs by the local states, began to cancel and pester their faith." Yes, and for those who go to trade, they collected, according to Cumchina, "by noble deliberate people, handwrites, for strong orders" (Kochovin, p. 41). If anyone would like to go abroad without road diplomas and it would be revealed, then he, attempting, executed death, in the case when it would be discovered that he went "for what bad"; When it would be that he really traveled for trade, he was only hit by the whip, "so that otherwise it was" ("Code", VI, 4). It is clear that in general abroad was released reluctantly, and meanwhile there were people who understood that we need to learn from the Germans: one of Cumchin's voice in itself can already serve as evidence.

    Self, item says that the importance of true education was not immediately understood by the Russians and that the external forms of European life were striking, and not what was worked out in the continuation of centuries, for the true formation and confusion of man. Many accuse Peter the Great in the fact that he introduced only the appearance of European education; But this wines are not at all Peter. It was wise to demand from the Russians of the XVII century, so that they began to tear the essential fruits of foreign knowledge and arts, without paying attention to appearance and without borrowing anything wrong and useless with useful and necessary. We have several facts that testify that the Russians and to Peter were accepted to imitate foreigners, and to imitate in appearance. It begins with the courtyard itself. Under Alexei Mikhailovic, we have German comedians who play on organs in pipes pipes that are balancing on the ropes and representing different action.To look at this rash spectacle, boyars, okolnichny, duma noblemen, etc. Discount should have ride from Moscow to Preobrazhenskoye. Not only: Artamon Sergeevich Matveyev forced the courtyard people to learn the fun arts from overseas comedians; And did not force the same to learn something else in other ingenians, former in Moscow, - medicine, for example, or at least engineering art ...

    The same was both in the people. Despite the prohibition of the government and especially the clergy, foreign mods applied and approved. From the decisions of Adriana, it can be seen that with it in Moscow no longer was the custom shave the beard. Already ingenic clothing appeared: the story about the boyar Nikita Ivanovich Romanova was preserved, who not only dressed himself, but she dressed her servant to German clothes and who took and burned their patriarch Nikon. In addition, a decree was preserved on the "non-hatred of dresses of hair in foreign custom," this last year of the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich. It is declared (full. Cathed. Zack., No 607, August 6, 1675): 30 "Claims, and Strankim, and the nobles of Moscow, and the residents pointed out the great state of his sovereigns to the decree say - so that they are ingenic German and other elevation They did not adopt, hairs on their heads did not have tightened, sozor and dresses, cafts and caps with foreign samples were not worn and we couldn't wear people. And there will be someone to go on hair to cut and wear a dress with an inro-sample, or such a dress It will be announced in people: and those from the great sovereign to be in the opal and from the highest ranks will be written in the lower ranks. " Is it not obvious to delay the distribution of foreign fashion in this? But especially strongly restrained the decisions of Dopererovsky against tobacco, and, however, according to the testimony of ingenians, the use of tobacco was especially common between the Russians at the end of the 18th century. Guy Mjej, who had a messenger with a messenger near this time, says that "Russians are ready to do everything and give everything for tobacco." Meanwhile, the law is terribly armed against tobacco, to the most time Peter. Code (Chapter XXV, Art. 11 (s).) Repeats the Decree of Mikhail Feodorovich, "in Moscow and in the town of Tobacco, the order was torn to a strong under the death penalty, so anywhere in their own people and inherent in their tobacco, and not They drank, and tobacco did not trade. And who the Russian people and Inozem residents of Tobacco tend to hold or tobacco to Tabachi, and those sellers and merchants ordered Ihmae, and send to a new quarter, and for those people to reveal the punishment, And the yards of them and the stomach is, they sell, and IMATA money in the state of KazNU. " The following articles say that you need to tobacco with those who will have tobacco to find out from whom they received it; And then torture and those on whom they will indicate. If someone says that tobacco is found to be found or for him, it is torture; And if all the same thing to say under the torture, then his "free straight ",- Only "for tobacco find bati whip on goat "(Art. 14). "And which Sagittarius, and walking, and all sorts of people with tobacco will be twice or hatching, and those people torture, and not Elin, and beat the whip on the goat or on the bargain; and for many drives in such people Potted nostrils and noses , and after torture and punnelize the link to the long cities, where the sovereign will indicate that it was clear that it was so no promotion "(Art. 16),

    In 1661, June 3, it was confirmed by the prohibition of tobacco "under the execution and under the Big Command: that they tend to repair them cruelpunishment and penalties tend to have money big "(Poly. Coll. Zak., Vol. I, NO 299). Decree itself threatens cruelexecution: What a penalty could be considered cruel at a time when cutting off the hand and both legs was only the relief of the former execution of the death (poly. Sak. Zak., No 510), when they beat the whip of the Nevyansky Clap for the fact that he did not give the supply, close From Tobolsk, Tsarist Sokolniki, which therefore had to hire their own models for 40 Altyn (acts of historical, volume IV, NO 64). 31 and, despite all these cruel executions, the use of tobacco spread. Lee is right, the rank, turning Peter in indulgence tobaccofor the fact that he allowed free transparency and sell tobacco and even ordered to take off in Moscow chambersfor bargaining them? (Full. Cons. Zak., Volume III, No 1570.) He came just like a wise administrator: seeing that there is no means to dismiss smuggling, even execution and "Porma Nostri", he drew the import of prohibited potion and thus made it from it At least a state income article ...

    But we leave until the next article reviewing what Peter did and how he reacted to the old party who met him from the very beginning opposition to all his intentions. Now we will repeat only that Peter's transformations should not be considered otherwise, as in connection with the development of people's aspirations. And if someday the future historian of Peter will take care of his work with this thought, then he, of course, will present to us in a clear light of many phenomena of people's life, which we now have a weak concept. Many materials collected or indicated by G. Urmalov, can significantly facilitate the work of the future researcher. Then only may be true historythe reign of Peter, in the whole strength and the vastness of the scientist, and not the biography of the historic person, with the statement of events related to this person. Then explain in detail a lot, now what we can judge only at all. Unfortunately, until now, the story has written mainly in the sense of the village, so we have only fragmentary information about the inner life of the people, and those trended so far very little. But it is worth it to turn stories to this path, it is worth aware of the aware that in the general course of the story the greatest participation falls on the share of the people and only a very small share remains for individual personalities, 32 - and then historical information about the phenomena of the inner life of the people will have much More prices for researchers and, maybe, many of the reserved historical views will change. Maybe this living look will be facing with time and on the history of ancient Russia. Peter's predecessors tried to maintain ancient and, seeing evil, thought to fix it, fixing in some places the old system. Despite the fact that the old system fell everything, everything became worse, more and more initiated the indignation of the people, who felt the need for a new one, but did not know where and how to look for him. For ignorance, he, of course, adopted all the rubbish. He was pursued and executed for it, but did not change the conditions of people's life, they did not give the opportunity to adopt good. 33 Early with the new one was made perceptive, and, deprived of clear consciousness, having no certain goals, without knowledge and without a manager, this desire for a new and indignation against irreparable antiquity could deal with a source of long disasters for the state, with further perseverance of the old party . But Peter understood the needs and true position of the people, understood the disrepair of the previous system and resolutely stepped onto a new road. The coup, perfect by him, was fast, but was not violent.


    Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustryov took place from the family that had peasant and merchant roots. His great-grandfather of his father's line, Gerasim Trifonovich, Ustortyov (1766-1830), was a fortress manager in the estate of Prince I. B. Kurakina in the Oryol province. Grandfather Ivan Gerasimovich Ustortylov (1818-1861) (1818-1861) was reached by the rank of Stat advisor and the post of chief of office of the Office of the Military Ministry and received a nobility. I. G. Ustortyov was married to Elizabeth Mitrofanovna Kozhevnikova (1825-1888), a representative of the ancient Kaluga merchant race. Native Brother Ivan Gerasimovich - Nikolai Gerasimovich Usthelov - was an outstanding historian of Nikolaev time, the court historic Nicholas I.

    Father Nikolai Vasilyevich, Vasily Ivanovich Usthelov (1859-1912) graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Kiev University and was a practitioner doctor in St. Petersburg and Kaluga. Mother, Yulia Petrovna, Neborn Erocine (1862-1939) came from the Kaluga merchant family.


    Nikolai Vasilyevich was born in St. Petersburg. In 1900, the family moved to Kaluga, where Nikolai graduated from the Nikolaev classic men's gymnasium with a medal. In 1908, Nikolai Ustitchov entered the Faculty of Faculty of the Moscow University. In 1913, defending the thesis "Theory of Law as an ethical minimum," graduated from the University with a diploma I degree and on the recommendation of Vysivzhev and Trubetsky was left at the Department of Encyclopedia and the History of Philosophy of Law for Cooking for Professors. In the spring of next year, he listened to the lectures in Sorbonne and in the University of Marburg. In 1915-1916. I passed the master examinations and, after reading two trial lectures "Political Teaching Plato" and "The Idea Autocracy of Slavophiles", received the title of Privat-Associate Professor of Moscow University. At that time, he became a member of the Constitutional Democratic Party.

    In the 1917-1918 academic year, he also read in People's University. Shanyavsky course on the history of Russian political thought.

    "In 18 g [ODU], when terror began, was in Kaluga the chairman of the lips [Ernsky] of the Cadet Committee. From the arrest, the miracle was saved - fled to Moscow: they took my brother's hostage, but fortunately, they were not shot (he was now in Kaluga). Then - very soon - I had to run from Moscow. Fight in Perm ... In Perm, he was desperately hungry, lectured at the university and watched the incredible terror of the Ural Sovie (but - different characters! - At all, he did not feel the feelings who were in the same position of Z. Hypius, - see [Refect] her diary) As long as Perm did not move towards the troops of Kolchak. Immediately moved to Omsk and until the fall of the government took a living part in the white struggle. In Irkutsk, after capturing his red, several days was saved in the underground, but then again "miraculously" saved - left with Japanese echelon to the east - in Harbin. Here and live: professorship at the Faculty of Law. In Harbin immediately made an opponent of further civil war. This period of life is captured already in my books "in the struggle for Russia", and then "under the sign of the revolution". ( From the letter N. V. Ustrylova N. A. Tsurikov, October 27, 1926)

    The title of the founder of the Russian National Bolshevism as a full ideology is often attributed to Duditilov, however, from the personal correspondence of Nikolai Vasilyevich with P. P. Suvchinsky dated October 31, 1926, it followed that he himself estimated that he called "National Bolshevism" more as political tactics , relevant time:

    "Yes, National Bolshevism, undoubtedly, in contact with Eurasianism. But the difference between us is that fate made me a more political publicist than the philosopher of national culture. You, Eurasians, are far from the immediate and fluctuations of the day. You are a big ideology, sitting aside from political battles, bazaars and daughter. You are in emigration and oriented at best for tomorrow. And in your own way you are right and do the right thing. I had to do another way. From the first days of the revolution, hitting the largest practical policy, I cared, naturally, above all about the means of political struggle and directly political exposure. "Big ideology" remained behind, inspiring and directing, but not speaking nude and reasonably, manifestation of semi-skills, episodically, attending silently. "

    In 1925, Dudovilov visited the USSR, in Moscow and Kaluga, held here about one and a half months, met with S. A. Kotlyarevsky, S. F. Kechkyan, V. N. Muravyov.

    In 1926-1935 He worked as an adviser to the CER. He lived very rich - he was allocated a mansion with an area of \u200b\u200b189.6 m². During the conflict, 1929 was fired at the conflict, but on January 1, 1930 he was restored to the service, although he had already given a lot of smaller square (106.75 m²), which he liberated in 1931.

    Ustortyov was a masting scientist who had encyclopedic knowledge, he literally hit the students the quality of his classes.

    N. V. Ustortyov, being in emigration, taught international law at the Legal Faculty in Harbin in the first years of its existence.

    Living in Harbin N. V. Ustortylov led active social and political activities, wrote in magazines, newspapers, collections. Released the book "In the struggle for Russia." He was one of the prosecutors of the "Smenovoven destination".

    The socio-political activity of N. V. Ustrylova was not unnoticed in Moscow. Its characteristic sounded at the XIV Congress of WCP (b) in 1925 in the report of I. V. Stalin: "He serves us in transport," the leader of the USSR. - They say that he serves well ... if he serves well, then let him dream about the rebirth of the party, we are not forbidden to dream. " In 1925, the Politburo considered the book of Ustortylov "under the sign of the revolution", her edition was prohibited.

    In addition to the teaching and political activities, N. V. Ustortylov worked in the Soviet institutions of the CERE: in 1925-1928, the head of the educational department, in 1928-1934, the director of the library. In 1932, under his edit, the Bibliographic Collection was released, T.2. Review of the literature on china. Harbin 1932. "

    On July 1, 1934, N. V. Ustitchov left the Faculty of Law, and in 1935, after the sale of the USSR, the Japan was returned to the USSR, after finishing his archive in the United States. In 1935-1937, he worked as a professor of economic geography at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers and for some time - at Moscow University.


    On June 6, 1937, he was arrested, on September 14, 1937, the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the USSR was accused of "espionage, counter-revolutionary activities and anti-Soviet agitation" and on the same day shot.

    Personal life

    The wife is Natalia Sergeevna (with her was combined with church marriage in 1918), from which he had two sons - Eugene (born in 1923) and Sergey (1924 born).

    Communication with modernity

    It was the historical reference to Eduard Limonov and Alexander Dugin that created the National Bolshevik Party in the early 1990s - the NBP in the early 1990s.

    Mussolini spoke to his followers in 1924: "We had the happiness to survive two great historical experiences: Russian and Italian. Try to study whether the synthesis cannot be removed from them. Whether it is impossible to stop at these opposite positions, and to find out if these experiences cannot become fruitful, vitality, and give a new synthesis of political life? "

    It is difficult to refuse the rationality of this remark so a winningly distinguishing Italian dictator from Hitler with his true "Efreitor" philosophy of the Russian revolution. And yet it is necessary to doubt the effectiveness of the Mussolini recipe, if you understand his words as a recipe. Unfortunately, the historical dialectic is carried out by large syntheses not by the method of conscious comparisons and reconciling combinations of ideas, and by their contests for life and death. Only then and only this arise fruitful organic synthesis, and not good and miserable mechanical compromises. Obviously, only in this "dialectical" sense and can talk about the upcoming "synthesis" of Bolshevism and Fascism ...

    And yet it would be a mistake to deny that the corporate state of Mussolini represents his instructive experience, dictated by the established historical situation. It is heard in it, the natural onset of masses, combined with the maneuvers of capitalists, and genuine takeoff of the national feeling, and the lively work of modern social thought, seeking such ways to go to a new order, which would be delivered by European peoples from the explosion of the Communist Revolution: in Europe, - approve of enlightened Europeans, - this explosion would be immeasurably more amazing and destroyed than in the peasant and "innovative" Russia. Hence the tireless efforts to create an atmosphere of "order and trust" in the state, to raise the authority of the authorities, to instill the bourgeoisie dogma of "functional ownership" and the entire people - the idea of \u200b\u200bsocial ministry, to organize in cash over-class national arbitration.

  • Bystryantseva L. A. The worldview and socio-political activities N. V. Ustortylova (1890-1937) // New and the newest story. - 2000. - № 5. - C.162 - 190.
  • Romanovsky V.K. The life path and work of Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustortylova (1890-1937). - 2nd ed. - M.: Russian Word, 2009-606, p. - Bibliogr.: With. 585-597 and in notes. - ISBN 978-5-9932-0426-0
  • Romanovsky V.K. The ideologist "Shangerechism" N. V. Ustortyov // Teaching history in school. - 2005. - № 2. - p.13 - 19.
  • Romanovsky V.K. Nikolai Usedov: from liberalism to conservatism. - Nizhny Novgorod: Nizhny Novgorod Institute of Education Development, 2010-462, p. - Bibliogr.: With. 415-444. - ISBN 978-5-7565-0440-8
  • Lysenko E. A. The history of the ideology of National-Bolshevism N. V. Ustortylova (1900s. - 1925): Author. diss. ... Cand. East. science - St. Petersburg., 2007. - 21 s.
  • Starodubtsev G. S. "International Legal Science of Russian Emigration", Moscow, 2000.
  • Shaposhnikov, K. A. Necropolis of the Family of the Family (Eagle - St. Petersburg - Kaluga): According to archival documents and published sources // Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustovilov: Kaluga Collection. - Vol. 5. - Kaluga, 2011. - P. 170-185: IL.
  • Archival materials on N.V. Offeral

    The following materials are taken from open publications L.A. Bystryantseva in the journal for scientists "Klio" (S.-Petersburg)

    (Publisher - directly L.A. Bastryantseva),

    as well as from other open sources (BSE, etc.). \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d \u003d\u003d 1) N.V. Untherated

    Decree on the initiation of production on newly discovered circumstances

    Art. Military Prosecutor of the Department of GWP Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Kondratov, considered the materials of the criminal case N-11488 in relation to Ustrylova N.V. and the statement of Citizal Ustortylova E.I.,


    September 14, 1937 by the USSR Supreme Court of the Supreme Court on the basis of Art. Art. 58-1 "A", 58-8, 58-10, 58-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR convicted to the highest punishment of execution, with confiscation of property.

    Nikolai Vasilyevich, 1890, a native of Leningrad, Russian, non-partisan, professor of economic geography of the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers.

    The court of Duditov was convicted that "since 1928 he was an agent of Japanese intelligence and spent spyware. In 1935, he established a counter-revolutionary relationship with Tukhachevsky, which he knew about the preparation of terrorist acts against the heads of the WCP (b) and the Soviet government and Communication with the anti-Soviet terrorist organization of the right. In addition, it was devoted to the active counter-revolutionary propaganda and distributed slander to the management of the WCP (b) "(from the sentence, ld 52). On the same day, the verdict towards Ustrylova N.V. It was performed (ld 53).

    The study of the case materials showed that the investigation was carried out incompletely, with gross violations of criminal procedure legislation. Thus, the accusation of espionage and other counter-revolutionary activities is based only on the confessions of Ustortylov, which he gave on the preliminary investigation and confirmed at the court hearing. There are no other evidence (ld 6-31, 32-39, 41-43). At the same time, it was established that the Russian political figure and publicist, since 1917, a prominent leader of the Cadet Party, one of the ideologues of changeability. In 1918-1920 Ustortyov was Chairman of the Eastern Department of the Cadet Party and the Russian Print Bureau. In 1918, several articles of Ustortylov, namely, are placed in the newspaper Ryabushinsky "Morning Russia" (the printed organ of Moscow Menshevikov and Social The foundations of state being and poison of evil poison poisoned the roots of the people's self-consciousness "; "Pass", which speaks of "torment, experienced by Russia and the upcoming massacre over the Bolsheviks"; "Payback", it distorts the true meaning and the role of "W in International"; "End of Bolshevism", the content of which is revealed by the title; "Revolution Lessons", in which the next characteristic of the October Revolution is eliminated: "... In the inner life, unheard of expansion, anarchy, universal abnormalism, complete uncertainty in the future, the lack of elementary guarantees, elementary security", internationally - "unparalleled destruction military force, humilizing capitulation in front of the enemy, the disgraceful world, the loneliness of Russia in the cultural world. The collapse of the Russian revolution in the world public opinion. The world failure of Russian democracy ", etc. Since 1918, Ustortyov - Director of the press office at the Russian Government Kolchak. After the defeat of Kolchkovshchina, emigrated and lived until 1934 in Harbin, where he was a professor at the University, and from 1928 - at the same time director of the Central Library of the CFA.

    In 1935, along with other employees, CERT DRIVALLES with his family returned to the USSR.

    In the political report of the Central Committee of the RKP (b) xi Congress March 27, 1922 V.I. Lenin called Ustrylova with a frank class enemy. In this report V.I. Lenin, giving the characteristic of the NEPA and the relationship to it ideologues to change the change, indicated that "... some of the" Smerovovtsy "are pretending to be the communists, but there are people more straight, including fixed. It seems he was the minister at Kolchak," which is its own direct A statement about "evolution" brings us great benefit, because "... The enemy says the classiful truth, pointing to the danger that we are facing." (V.I. Lenin, Op. T. 33, ed. 4, p. 256-258). In the Big Soviet Encyclopedia (the third edition, 1977, Volume 27, pp. 133), in particular, it is indicated that Ustovilov N.V. (pseudonym - P. Surmin) in 1920 put forward the program of the so-called change of milestone. He was counting on the bourgeois rebirth of the Soviet system ...

    In connection with the petitions of his wife, Ustortylova on rehabilitation, in the case in 1955-1956. An inspection was conducted, which was not completed, and the applicant was reported on the lack of grounds for the formulation of the question of protesting the sentence (ld 53-95).

    Thus, a carecraft was not checked, on the basis of the materials of which were arrested by Lectilov (83-86, 61).

    During the period of finding it in the "Russian Kolchak's Russian government" (ld 63-67) was not completed. It is necessary to establish what it was done in the Far East in the composition of the Interim Amur Government, or to find out that this is another Professor Ustovilov N.V. (See ld 68). In addition, it is not found out if a school really existed in Harbin to prepare Japanese intelligence officers in which the course of lectures could have been fixed, etc.

    Under such circumstances, according to the materials in the case, it is not possible to conclude the reason for the reasonableness of condemnation. Based on the above and guided by paragraph 4 of Art. 384, part 2 Art. 386 Code of Code of RSFSR,


    1. To initiate the production under the newly discovered circumstances in the criminal case N-11488 against Ustrylova N.V.

    2. Production of additional investigation to instruct the investigative department of the KGB of the USSR.

    3. When investigating the case, you must install and do the following:

    Install, did it really existed in 1924-1935. In Harbin, the Japanese Institute, in which the scouts prepared;

    Check in the relevant archival organs and in the presence of inspecting the agent case, on the basis of which it was arrested by the fixed;

    Additionally, to check in the relevant archival authorities the involvement of Ustortylov to the Agency for Foreign Intelligence, including Japanese; Whether agents of foreign intelligence of the Romagon, Arita, Nakumura, Tanaka and Simiz were agents. If there are criminal cases regarding these individuals, then inspect them in order to determine the reference. The case of Timeta K. to see additionally to find out the information about the school of Japanese intelligence officers in Harbin (ld 94);

    In archival authorities, comprehensively test the activities of Ustortilov during the service of Kolchak, as well as after the defeat of Kolkchekovshchina in the Far East as part of the Prime Minister of the Government, or make sure that the information available from the Central State Archive of the Far East of the Russian RSFSR is related to another Professor ;

    Take measures to search for personal denceilov N.V.;

    To make a complete list of all scientific papers, articles and other publications of Ustortylov with a brief statement of their content, political focus in order to check whether the return time in the USSR is really fixed by 1935-1937. He recognized the erroneousness of his views, as noted about this in the BSE ed. 1936 t. 56 (with a significant amount of this work, make analysis of the main and latest publications of Ustortylov);

    Check if Kotlyarevsky S.A., Klyaskikov Yu.V., Kechkyan S. Sheremetyevsky N.P., Sheremetyevsky N.P., Skitalets S.G. ., Substavina G.G., Varzhansky, Rozanov, Pertsov, Shaposhnikova, Setnitsky N.A., Ryazanovsky, Rogov V.N., Avdoshchenkovavdoshenkov A.Ya., Rakitin. If so, then consider criminal cases with respect to these persons to find out what indications they were given in relation to Ustrylov;

    Check in archival authorities information about violations of socialist legitimacy by employees 4 of the GUGB NKVD department, who took part in the investigation of the case of Ustortylov: the head of this case Litvin, his deputy (surname illegible), Lieutenant Geiman and Ilyushenko (check in addition to his and the case he investigated based on the testimony, ld 83-86).

    Perform other investigative actions, the need for the production of which may arise during the investigation.

    Art. Military Prosecutor of the Department of GWP Lieutenant Colonel of Justice V. Kontradov

    2) to the USSR Prosecutor's Office from the Umbream Ekaterina Ivanovna (Khimki, Mos. Region, Moscow st., House 8, apt. 61 [, T.572-37-35]) Statement

    In the period of "cult of personality" on June 6, 1937, the father of my husband was arrested by Nikolai Vasilyevich. He was convicted by the military tribunal. A business? 142-36-37.

    Nikolai Vasilyevich was born in St. Petersburg on November 25, 1890, graduated from the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University. Since 1920, before the liquidation of the CER, he lived with his family in Harbin, where he was the director of the Central Library of the Curf and periodically lectured on the history of literature.

    On June 2, 1935, he returned with his family to Moscow and received a appointment to the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers for Professor of Economic Geography.

    At the appeal of his widow on revision of the case on the charges of Ustortylova N.V. The main military prosecutor's office, the Supreme Court of the USSR responded to the refusal. Wife and two Sons Usthelivova N.V. Died. I remained from his relatives (the wife of his son Ustortylova Sergey Nikolayevich), His grandchildren - Ustortylova Natalia Sergeevna, Untyov Mikhail Sergeevich (both engineers) and granddaughter - Ustrylova Svetlana.

    We want to restore the good name Ustrylova Nikolai Vasilyevich, so please reconsider his business and rehabilitate it. 1.07.88 \\ Signature E.Wustryalova \\

    3) Help

    In the newspaper "Morning Russia" in 1918, stored in the Central State Archive of the October Revolution (Inv.? B-307), the following articles N.V. Published Ustortylova:

    7 dated January 17, 18. - "At the Gate of the World";

    11 dated January 21, 198 - "Pass";

    21 dated 7-20.02.18 - "New War";

    27 dated 28-15.02.18 - "End of Bolshevism";

    36 from 15 (2) .03.18 - "Jacobins" (historical reference).

    37 from 16 (3) .03.18 - "Revolution Lessons". In these works, the Bolsheviks criticizes the Bolsheviks for their inner and foreign policy, which is considered erroneous. In particular, opposes the class dictatorship and the conclusion of the Brest world with Germany. In these publications, Ustortyov does not express appeals to the overthrow of Soviet power.

    4) DPT-13-88

    Help Ustortyov Nikolai Vasilyevich (Pseud. - P. Surmine), 1890-1938. List of works:

    1. National problem in the first Slavophiles. - M .. 1916. - 22c. 2. What is the Constituent Assembly. - M., 1917. - 32 s. 3. What do Socialists want. - M., 1917.

    4. Revolution and war. - M., 1917. 5. The responsibility of ministers. - M., 1918. - 31 s. 6. Election law. - M., 1917.

    7. In the struggle for Russia. - Harbin, 1920. 8. Political doctrine of Slavophilism. - Harbin, 1925. 9. Russia (at the Wagon window). - Harbin, 1926.

    10. Under the sign of the revolution. - 2nd ed. - Harbin, 1927. 11. Italian fascism. - Harbin, 1928.

    12. The problem of progress. - Harbin, 1928. 13. German National Socialism. - Harbin, 1933. 14. Our time. - Shanghai, 1934.

    15. Ustonov N.V., Ed. Chinese Eastern railway Central Library: Bulletin. - Harbin, 1928 16. Ustonov N.V., Ed.

    Review of the literature on china. - Harbin, 1932

    Sources: Big Soviet Encyclopedia (1st ed.); Soviet historical encyclopedia; NB NB MSU.

    Compiler: Kudryavtseva Yu.M. - Head. Sector of the department of information and bibliographic work of the Scientific Library of Moscow State University.

    Deputy. Director of the Scientific Library of Moscow State University \\ Signature \\ A.F. Panse

    "20" September 1988 \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d 5) Archive Management of the Moscow City Executive Committee Central State Historical Archive of Moscow 117393 , Moscow, B-393. Trade union st., 80, tel. 128-90-02 14.10.88? 412/130

    103009, Moscow, PR-T Marx, 20, head. Archive of Moscow State University T. Frolov N.V.

    Your request is informed that the Personal Business of Ustortylova Nikolai Vasilyevich (f. 418, op. 322., 1843) is kept in the Moscow University Foundation. From the documents of the case it follows that N.V. Ustortyov was born in St. Petersburg on December 25, 1890 (l. 13). On May 28, 1908, he was in definition of the Kaluga Noborchsky Deputy Assembly, "concresed to the nature of the eligible, and recorded in the third part of the noble pedigree book on the Kaluga lips." (l. 12). In 1901 N.V. Ustortyov entered the Kaluga Nikolaev gymnasium (l. 4). In the same period, the family lived at Kaluga, a potted street, Dr. Vasily Ivanovich Ustortylova (l. 11). After graduating with a silver medal Gymnasia, N.V. Ustortyov in 1908 entered the law faculty of Moscow University, who graduated with a degree diploma in 1913 (l. 1).

    In the same fund there is a graduation essay by N.V. Ustortylova "Theory of law as an ethical minimum in its historical expressions" (f. 418, op. 513, d. 8907).

    In the case of "On Leaving the University of Candidates for Candidates for Cooking for the Professor's rank" The Trustee of the Moscow Curriculum in November 1913 was notified by the rector of Moscow University of Permission to leave a graduate of the Law Faculty Lestelova N.V. At the faculty to prepare for the professorship at the Department of Encyclopedia and the Philosophy of Law for a period of 2 years (F. 418, OP. 244, d. 19, l. 39). The Foundation of the Moscow City University named after Shanyavsky in the "Correspondence with the Council of Starostat on various issues" for 1917-1918. The program of lectures of the Kursa N.V. preserved Ustortylova on the topic "The history of the Russian political thought of the last century" (F. 635, OP. 3, d. 94, l. 105). In the course of the course lecture on the themes:

    Decembrists, their activities and the essence of their political aspirations. Their place in the history of Russian political thought;

    Chaadaev, his philosophy of history, his views on the fate of Russia;

    Circle Stankevich. Russian romanticism;

    Herzen, history and inner creature of his political views;

    Chernyshevsky, Mikhailovsky, "Publication", the theory of progress;

    Political ideas V.Soloviev;

    Revolution 1905-1906 And its influence on Russian political thought and others.

    In the same case, there is a brief autobiography of Ustrylova, in which he wrote in 1917: "He graduated from his (university) in 1913 and was left to prepare for the professorship across the department of encyclopedia and the history of the philosophy of law. During 1915-1916 academic The years read the trial lectures and received the title of Privat-Doves. Since last year I take part in some time-based editions ... In the October book of "Russian Thought" published an article "National problems of the first Slavophiles". Until March of the current year, a practical course was conducted in the State University classes on the history of Russian political thought of the XIX century. " (l. 106). Other information about N.V. Ustortov in the archive documents not detected.

    Head Department of Publication and Scientific Use of Documents \\ Signature \\ V.A. Memelova

    Memelaova 128-68-06 for 2 14.10.88. \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d 6) the script document is in State Arrave of the Perm Region F.R.-180, OP.-2, D.-375, P.-2.

    Curriculum Vitae.

    Privat-associate professor of Moscow University Nikolai Vasilyevich Ustortylova.

    Born in 1890 gymnasium cumshot (with a silver medal) in 1908 and in the same year he entered Moscow University. In 1913, he finished this university for the legal faculty and was left under it to prepare for the professorship in the department of encyclopedia and philosophy of law. In 1915-16. I passed the master exams at Moscow University (on "very successful") and read two trial lectures on the topics: "Plato's political teachings" (now adopted for printing in "matters of philosophy and psychology") and "The idea of \u200b\u200bautocracy from Slavophiles" (now ready for Prints), after which he received the title of Privat-Associate Professor of Moscow University. During 1917-18 academic year, I read a course on the history of Russian political thought at Moscow University. In addition, until recently, it consisted as an assistant of the State Moscow Commercial Institute at the Department of General Theory of Law and Lecturer [People's University] Versterta Shanov [Sky:] Printed:

    article "National idea of \u200b\u200bthe first Slavophiles" - in the October book "Russian thought" for 1916

    articles: "On Russian Imperialism" and "On the essence of the National [Lizma]" in the magazine "Problems of the Great Russia".

    two articles in the magazine "Pubravision" and many newspapers [in] articles and reviews.

    Brochures: "Minister Responsibility", "The Constituent Council [Anya]" and "Revolution and War".


    7) Curriculum Vitae

    teacher of the Harbin High Economic and Legal Courts N.V. Ustortylova.

    In 1908, he graduated from the Kaluga Gymnasium with a silver medal and entered the law faculty of Moscow University, who graduated from 1913 and was left at him by Professor Vysyalytsev on the recommendation of prof. kn. Trubetsky in the Department of Encyclopedia and the History of the Philosophy of Law. In the spring and in the summer of 1914 he listened to the lectures in Sorbonne and the Marburg University.

    In December 1915, Master's examinations on the history and philosophy of law and public law at Moscow University passed. In the spring of 1916, with the same university, the master examination of international law with the same university, and in the fall, trial lectures on the topic "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe state at Plato" and "the theory of autocracy from Slavophiles". Both all master exams and trial lectures caused an assessment from the Faculty - "very successful". Since 1916, he consisted as an assistant in the Moscow Commercial Institute, since 1917, the Privat-Association of the State Moscow University and the teacher of the People's University of Shanyavsky. In the summer of 1917, on behalf of the Society of Professors and Junior Teachers of Moscow University, I read a number of courses and individual lectures on state law in various cities of Russia, as well as on the front. In the summer of 1918, he read the popular course of state law and the general theory of law in Tambov.

    In the study 1917-1918, I read at Moscow University the course on the history of Russian political thought.

    In the fall of 1918, he moved to Perm University as a privat-associate professor. In January 1919, he was elected by the Council of Professors of the State Perm University I.D. Extraordinary professor at the Department of State Law. During the autumn semester of 1918, he read public law at the first and second courses of the Perm University and the course of the history of Russian public thought at the Perm People's University. After taking perm, Omsk Government, Omsk was seconded to Omsk to the position of lawcraft of the Council of Ministers. Then he served as director of the press office, after which he left the government service, while going to the Russian Print Bureau, together with which, before the fall of Omsk, was evacuated to Irkutsk, where he was at the head of the Bureau until the fall of the government.

    List of works. 1. "Theory of law, as a minimum of morality, in its historical expressions." - the dissertation prepared for the press and presented in the Faculty of Faculty of the Perm University, but not yet printed in the lack of technical capabilities.

    2. The article "The idea of \u200b\u200bthe state of Plato" is printed in "issues of philosophy and psychology".

    3. Article "National problems in Slavophiles" - printed in "Russian thought".

    4. Brochure "What is the constituent meeting", Moscow, 1917. 5. Brochure "Responsibility of Ministers", Moscow, 1917. 6. Brochure "Revolution and War", Moscow, 1917 7. A number of articles in magazines "The problem of the Great Russia "," Population "," on the eve ".

    8. Articles and bibliographic notes and reviews in various Russians and some foreign newspapers.

    Plover producer of the Law Faculty in Harbin. V. Gorokhov. \u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d\u003d

    8) N.V. Ustortiov Rehabilitated by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the USSR 09/20/89 (Help? 6n0544 / 89 dated 17.10.89 of the USSR Military Collegium). (Wife - Natalia Sergeevna Ustrylova.)

    9) Ustortyov, Nikolai Vasilyevich (P.1890), lawyer, prominent worker of the Cadet Party since 1917; The main ideologist "changeing". He graduated from UN-T in 1913, Privat-Associate Professor of Moscow and Perm University in 1916-18. Officer of the newspaper Ryabushinsky "Morning Russia". In 1918 in Siberia - Chairman of the Eastern Department of the Central Committee of the Cadet Party. I published gas in Omsk. "Russian case", headed the "Russian Print Bureau". After the defeat of Kohlkovshchina - Beloeamigrant in Harbin, a gas officer. "Life News." From 1925 to 1928 - Head of the Course Division, and from 1928 - Director of the Central Library of the CERE. From 1920 to 1934 - Professor of Harbin University. In 1935, together with other employees, the CER returned to the Soviet Union. In the present Time is conducting teaching work at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers.

    In the articles printed in the "News of Life" in 1920-21, recognized the full failure and perfect hopelessness of attempts to overthrow the Soviet power by armed force and by interventory of imperialist powers. Staying a convinced apologist of capitalism, W. In the new economic policy of Soviet power, he saw the "evolution of the revolution" to the bourgeois system. The faithful reactionary ideals of the Russian Great Magazine, W. In strengthening the Soviet Union, in strengthening its international authority, saw the celebration of nationalist, partly Slavophilic (for Dostoevsky) dreams of the world "mission" of the Russian people. Articles U., published in the 1920 collection "In the struggle for Russia" and partially reprinted in the collection of "change of milestone" (see), amounted to him the reputation of the largest journal of that wing of the counter-revolutionary rus. Bourgeoisie, which sought to eliminate the Soviet power "peaceful way": W. defended "Returning", i.e. The return of the bourgeois intelligentsia to the Soviet country to combat the Soviet authorities under the guise of "cooperation". In speech at the XI Congress of the RCP (b), Lenin called W. A frank class enemy. After the steady policy of socialist industrialization and collectivization with. The X-VA Communist Party broke all the counter-revolutionary aspirations of the Shanged bourgeoisie and its agents, and the intelligentsia was actively involved in socialist construction, W. It was forced to recognize the fallacy of his views. ___________________

    (BSE, Ch. Red-R O. Yu.Smidt, State Institute "Sovetskaya Encyclopedia", T.56, Moscow, Ogiz RSFSR, 1936 / Tom Sedda in PR on February 17, 1936, signed to press on November 4, 1936. , circulation 51.000 /)