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    Svetlana Savitskaya biography Personal life Children. School encyclopedia. Svetlana Savitskaya now

    > \u003e\u003e Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna

    Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna (1948-)

    Short biography:

    Cosmonaut of the USSR:№53;
    Cosmonaut of the world:№111;
    The number of flights:2;
    Duration: 19 days 17 hours 07 minutes 00 seconds;
    Number of outputs in open space: 1;

    Svetlana Savitskaya - 53rd Soviet cosmonaut, twice Hero of the USSR: Second woman-astronaut in the world, biography, photos, personal life, important dates, first flight.

    - 53 Cosmonaut of the USSR and 111 Cosmonaut of the World.

    Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya is an outstanding leader of the state, the pilot - the test. This courageous woman made two flights to space. It should be noted that it is the first of the women-astronauts, went into weightlessness, and worked in it for more than 3 hours. Svetlana Savitskaya became a cosmonaut - the MMZ Speed \u200b\u200bTester, and a little later NGO "Energy".

    This wonderful woman was born on August 8, 1948 in Moscow in Moscow in an excellent intelligent family twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal Aviation Yevgeny Yakovlevich Savitsky and Savitskaya Lydia Pavlovna. In 1966 she graduated from the Moscow Secondary School No. 637. Carrying the genes of his parents, it, of course, chose a further life path for himself and entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), which successfully graduated in 1972.

    In parallel with the study at the Svetlana Institute, the United States Department of Svetlana was attended by the Central Committee and at the end of it in 1971 received a qualification category of a flight instructor. Then in 1976, Savitskaya completed his studies at the Foreign Research Institute of the Ministry of Aviation Industry (MAP) in Zhukovsky. And at the end of February 1986 received a degree of candidate of technical sciences, defending his thesis in MVTU. Bauman.


    Svetlana Savitskaya made his first steps to space in 1979, posting on the second set of women preparing for spaces into space. After passing a medical examination, and having received an approving permission, it began difficult and specific training, until June 1980. After that, from 1981 to 1982, Savitskaya was preparing to become a researcher for the main composition of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft. Its preparation strictly concerned the second expedition of the space visiting (EP-2).

    The first flight

    The first flight Svetlana Savitskaya made along with L. Popov and A. Serebryakov from 19 to 27, 1982 as an astronaut-researcher KK Soyuz T-7 / Soyuz T-5. Expedition continued 7 days 21 hours 52 minutes and 24 seconds.

    Second flight

    The second flight occurred from July 17 to July 29, 1984, and now Svetlana Savitskaya visited Cosmos as a flight engineer KK Soyuz T-12 and the station Dos Salyut -7 as part of the crew. V. Dzhanibekova, I. Wolf. The flight lasted 11 days of 19 days 14 minutes and 36 seconds.

    Personal life

    Svetlana Savitskaya married Khatkovsky Victor Stanislavovich, pilot, designer engineer working on a machine-building factory. Ilyushin, and in 1986 the Son of Constantine gave birth.

    With a difference of a few days, the Russian authorities solemnly noted 85th anniversary of Yeltsina Naine Josephswho became the same, on this day the order of the Order "Holy Great Martyr Catherine" and 80 deputies GD Valentina Vladimirovna Tereshkovawho became the day of the Order of the Order "For merits to the Fatherland" " 1 degree, both events widely covered the media.

    Together with them to remember today, I would like the Cosmonaut pilot of the USSR Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya. Last year, Russia noted at once two anniversaries related to our famous domestic cosmonaut women:

    50th anniversary of valentine flight Tereshkova in space and

    65th anniversary of the birth of Svetlana Savitskaya.

    And these anniversaries were marked completely differently: the 50th anniversary of the flight Tereshkova was celebrated with a big sweep, almost like a real public holiday, with broad and detailed coverage in all federal media and with the participation " stars"Estrades of the first magnitude and leaders of the Russian state ..

    Svetlana Savitskaya - twice the hero of the Soviet Union, the Soviet pilot testing, pilot-cosmonaut, the first woman in the world, published in open space.
    The 65th anniversary of Svetlana Savitskaya passed quietly, imperceptible and very modest, without any official celebrations and without the participation of various high-ranking officials. Although Putin, nor Medvedev, nor anyone from other leaders of Russia did not even be sent by Savitsky congratulatory telegrams. Only President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko Congratulated it with the 65th anniversary .. according to television about Savitskaya almost never speak, and on August 8th last year, when she celebrated her 65th anniversary, no federal television channel in their news issues mentioned this important event mentioned. Today, there are others on television, those who always feel the wind, and the moment changes the course. Even with the collapse of the USSR, such as replacing ideals on the move, included in the new Russian elite. There were such, and among the colleagues Savitskaya, the CTOR immediately moved to the side of the new government, unlike most Soviet cosmonauts, who have stuck to Yeltsin and his team in a hard opposition. And the Yeltsin government appreciated the flexibility and the accurateness of those who later in the Soviet nomenclature, receiving various benefits from the state, privileges, positions and state awards, began to support the current Russian power always and in everything, forgetting about their own "Dark Communist Past"".

    Concerning Svetlana Savitskayathen she having joined the CPSU in 1975, I did not change my former political convictions even after the collapse of socialism and the USSR in 1991 and continues to actively fight for social justice and the truth, while in the rigid opposition, first to Yeltsin, and then to the current government. Being a daughter of the famous Soviet pilot, Marshal Aviation USSR, twice Hero Soviet Union Evgenia SavitskyShe from childhood he dreamed of going at the footsteps of his father and become a famous pilot, and after Gagarin and a cosmonaut.
    She entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), learned there on the engineer, and in parallel it was engaged in the Central United States and Technical School under the Central Committee of Dosaph in Kaluga, which he graduated from 1971, having received qualifications " pilot instructor".
    In the period from 1969 to 1977, Savitskaya was part of the national team of the USSR in flight sports.
    In the 1970s, she won the world championship in aerobatics on piston aircraft in the UK. Also she installed 3 world records on parachute in group jumps from the stratosphere and 18 aviation records on jet planes.
    From 1976 to 1981 Svetlana Savitskaya worked as a tester pilot first in NGOs "Takeoff"Ministry of Radio Electronic Industry of the USSR, and then at the Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Speed" KB A. S. Yakovlev.

    Savitskaya is really - the most real marsh daughter. Her father, Evgeny Yakovlevich SavitskyIn 1961 he became Marshal Aviation. However, his path to this rank was not eliminated by carpet tracks. During the Great Patriotic War, a pilot with call sign " The Dragon"Personally hit 22 opponent aircraft and skillfully led the actions of the aviation corps, for which he was twice awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
    Was not Evgeny Savitsky "Parquet General" And in the post-war time. Suffice it to say that he remained an active military pilot to 70 years, piloting the most modern samples of aviation equipment.

    Interestingly, spouse Evgenia Savitsky, Lydiawas a military pilot, the pilot Valery Chkalov. It is difficult to be worthy of such parents, but Svetlana Savitskaya with this task coped to the fullest.

    Not surprisingly, with such excellent " room list" Svetlana Savitskaya was credited in 1980 to the cosmonaut detachment, and in August 1982, as a cosmonaut, the researcher made his first space flight, becoming the second after a tall woman in the world, visited in space. American Sally Ride flew into space only in 1983, a year after the flight by Savitskaya and 20 years after Tereshkova.

    In orbit, Savitskaya successfully coped with the flight task, and after 2 years - in July 1984 - she went to space for the second time on the ship "Union T-12"Already as a flight engineer. After docking" Union"With the orbital station" Salute-7."Savitskaya the first of the women went into open space!

    In 1986, Savitskaya was planned to send to space as a commander of a purely female crew, but this flight did not take place in the end. True, in the same year Svetlana Evgenievna successfully defended her thesis and became a candidate of technical sciences.

    Subsequently, she worked in NGOs " Energy"And taught in MAI, continuing to benefit our cosmonautics already as an engineer and a mentor of young people.

    Of course, this civilian position of Savitskaya of the new government does not like at all - here they pretend that such a carriage in Russia has never been and not. Therefore, Savitskaya is undergoing ignoring from the current state and its maintenance.

    Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna

    Born on August 8, 1948 in Moscow in the family of a military personnel. Parents - Frontoviki, who completed their combat path in Berlin.

    He graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute of Nam. Korzhonikidze, School of Testing pilots of Minaviaprom of the USSR in the city of Zhukovsky Moscow region and the Central United States School DOSAAF in Kaluga.

    From school bench engaged in aviation sports. In 1965, he installed 3 world records in parachute jumps from the stratosphere. In 1970, became an absolute world champion in the highest pilot. Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

    From 1972 MiG-15, MiG-17, MiG-21, MiG-25 fighters, MiG-25, and others, set 18 world records on them, most of them still do not break and belong to our country.

    He worked as a pilot instructor, and after graduating from the school test pilots - the pilot test of the leading enterprises of the defense industry, has mastered more than 20 types of aircraft. At the same time, most of the work took place in the organizations of the country's defense complex. Military rank - Colonel.

    In 1980, continuing to work as a test pilot at the firm of the famous aircraft designer A.S. Yakovlev - was credited to the cosmonaut detachment. Completed two space flights in 1982 and 1984 on the Salute-7 orbital station and Soyuz T-5, Union-T7 and Soyuz T-12 spacecraft. I became the first woman in the world who had access to open space and first fulfilled two cosmic flights.

    From 1983 to 1994 he worked as an instructor - the cosmonaut-test, Deputy Head of the Chief Designer of the NGO "Energy" in the city of Queen. From 1993 to the present he teaches at the Faculty of "Economics and Management" of the Moscow Aviation Institute - MAI, Associate Professor, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

    Leads greater and diverse social and political activities:

    From 1985 to 1992 - First Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Foundation of the World.

    From 1997 to the present, the Vice-President of the Russian Association of Heroes of the Soviet Union, the heroes of the Russian Federation and the complete cavaliers of the Order of Glory.

    Since 1994 President, and from 2001 Honorary President of Russia's Aviation Sport Federation.

    From 1989 to 1992. - People's Deputy of the USSR, member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR.

    In December 1995, the inhabitants of the Pushkin constituency elected Svetlana Evgenievna Savitskaya with his deputy of the State Duma of the second convocation, and in December 1999 again entrusted her to represent their interests in the State Duma of the third convocation.

    Deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation fourth, fifth and sixth convocations from the Communist Party.

    Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna is a member of the faction Communist Party of the Russian Federation, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense, Deputy Chairman and Member of the Commission on Safety, Defense and Combating Crime of the Parliamentary Assembly of Russia and Belarus.

    For a great contribution to the development of space and for achieving in aviation, she was twice awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, he was awarded two orders of Lenin, two medals "Golden Star", the Order of the Honor Sign, a special medal of the International Aviation Federation for the establishment of the Women's World Recorder in Open Space, Gold Medal of the Soviet Soviet Academy of Sciences of the USSR, awards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR and the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

    Married, has a son.

    Details Category: Space Meeting Published November 23, 2012 11:29 Views: 9405

    Svetlana Savitskaya made two space flights. During the second flight, it performed an outdoor space.

    Life dedicated to the sky

    In 1979, a second set of women began to participate in cosmic flights. S. Savitskaya has passed a medical examination at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems and on May 15, 1979 received the conclusion of the Main Medical Commission (MMC) about the shelf life for special preparation. In December 1979, it was sent to the NGO "Energia" for preliminary technical training, which took place until June 1980.

    Svetlana Savitskaya had a rich flight experience. She was born in the Family Family (1948): Her father is a Soviet pilot and the warlord Marshal Aviation Evgeny Savitsky. After graduating from the Moscow High School, she entered the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and graduated from 1972 in 1972. During study in MAI, at the same time he studied at the Central United States and Technical School under the Central Committee of Dosaph in Kaluga, where he received a "pilot-instructor" qualification.

    In 1969-1977 He was part of the USSR national team for aerobatic sports, won in 1970. The world championship in aerobatic sport on piston aircraft in the UK. Installed 3 world records on parachute sports in group jumps from the stratosphere and 18 aviation records on jet aircraft.

    After graduating from the school pilot school, Svetlana Savitskaya worked as a pilot-tester of the NGO "takeoff" of the Ministry of Radio Electronic Industry of the USSR. Flights on the MiG-21 aircraft, E-155 (MiG-25), SU-7, IL-18, IL-28, served.

    The cosmonaut detachment consists of 1980

    First flight to space

    He took place from 19 to 27 August 1982 Svetlana Savitskaya went to space as a cosmonaut-researcher on the Soyuz T-5, Union T-7 and the Salute-7 orbital station.

    Soyuz T-5 (commander of the ship Berezova Anatoly Nikolayevich and the flight engineer of the ship Lebedev, Valentin Vitalevich) docked with the orbital station "Salute-7", which was led into orbit in April 1982. On board station, the crew conducted scientific and technical and biomedical research and experiments. The station was adopted by two expeditions of visits: on the ships "Union T-6" (Commander Janibekov Vladimir Alexander Sergeevich and Sosmonaut Alexander Sergeevich and Cosmonaut-researcher, Frenchman Kratyen Jean-Lu Jacques) and Soyuz T-7 (Commander Popov Leonid Ivanovich, Silver Silver Foreignant Alexandrovich and Cosmonaut Explorer Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna).

    The station also adopted four cargo spacecraft: "Progress-13", "Progress-14", "Progress-15" and "Progress-16". During their stay at the station at the same time, five cosmonauts held many scientific experiments. Svetlana Savitskaya, in nineteen years after Valentina Tereshkova, becomes second in the world woman-astronaut.

    Cosmonauts Leonid Popov, Alexander Silver and Svetlana Savitskaya returned to Earth on August 27, 1982 at 15 hours 04 minutes. (UTC) to Soyuz T-5. The duration of their flight was: 7 days 21 hours 52 min.

    The main crew of the Salute-7 station returned to Earth on the Soyuz T-7 ship on December 10, 1982.

    Second Flying Space

    From July 17 to July 29, 1984, Svetlana Savitskaya flew to Svetlana Svitskaya flights to Soyuz T-12 and the Salute-7 orbital station. During this flight, she first made out the exit to open space.And it was the 57th in the history of mankind, the exit to the open outer space. The purpose of this exit was the test of a universal hand tool at the Salute-7 station in the cutting modes, welding and soldering of metal plates and coating spraying. Removing panels with structural materials and installation of test tubes with biopolymers "Medusa".

    Human exit dangers in open space

    Outputs in open space can be performed in different ways. In one embodiment, the cosmonaut is associated with the cosmic ship by a special safety wave, sometimes combined with the oxygen supply hose (in this case, it is called "umbilical umbilical"), while it is enough to return to the ship just muscle cosmonaut's muscle efforts. Another option is a completely autonomous flight in outer space. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of returning to the spacecraft using a special technical system. Recall that the first exit to space was committed by Soviet astronaut Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov March 18, 1965from the side of the spacecraft "Sunrise-2" using a flexible gateway chamber. The first American astronaut, published in open space, has become Edward White, Committed during flight on the ship "Gemini IV" June 3, 1965Since the ships of the "Gemini" series did not have a gateway chamber, for the exit the crew had to completely depict the ship's cab. The first American, who visited the open space became Catherine Sallivanaccomplished by space October 11, 1984. During the STS-41G flight on the Challenger ship.

    Outputs in open space are dangerous by many different reasons:

    1) collision opportunities with cosmic garbage. The orbital speed at an altitude of 300 km above the ground (the typical height of the flight of manned spacecraft) is about 7.7 km / s. This is 10 times higher than the pulley flight rate, so that the kinetic energy of the small particle of paint or grain of sand is equivalent to the same energy of the bullet, which has 100 times greater mass. With each space flight, more and more orbital garbage appears, which is why this problem continues to remain the most dangerous;

    2) The surrounding environment in outer space is extremely difficult for a suggestion modeling. Outputs into space are often planned in the late stage of development of the flight plan, when any pressing problems or malfunctions are detected, sometimes even during the field of flight. The potential danger of outputs into open space inevitably leads to emotional pressure on astronauts;

    3) the potential danger bears the possibility of losing the cosmonaut of the spacecraft or unacceptable removal from it, threatening death due to the flow of the reserving mixture;

    4) There are also possible damage or punzes of spaces, the depressurization of which threatens an anoxy and fast death if astronauts do not have time to return to the ship in time. The incident with the damage to the SPAUTRA occurred during the flight "Atlantis" STS-37, when a small rod punctured glove one of the astronauts. According to the lucky random of depressurization, it did not happen, because the rod stuck in the glove itself and blocked the resulting hole. The very first dangerous incident happened already during the first exit of astronaut in open space. After completing the program of the first exit, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov returned to the ship, since the swollen Skafander did not pass through the airlock's air gateway. Only the waterproofing of oxygen pressure in the scaffle allowed him to complete the flight safely.

    Now you can appreciate the heroism of a woman who, knowing all these difficulties, has entered the open space to perform the task.

    Further activities S.E. Savitskaya

    S. Savitskaya was preparing for flight to the Salute-7 station in 1986 "Union T-15C" as the commander of the world's first pure female crew (three cosmonaut women), but this flight did not take place.

    In 1986 she defended her thesis and became a candidate of technical sciences.

    From the cosmonauts detachment S.E. Savitskaya went in the rank of major in October 1993 due to retirement.

    After leaving the cosmonaut detachment, he worked as Deputy Head of the 291th Energy NGO Department, then Associate Professor in MAI.

    Engaged in public activities. In 1989, he was elected by the USSR People's Deputy. In 1990, he was elected by the People's Deputy of Russia. Worked in the Communist Party faction. In 1995, he was elected a deputy in Duma II convocation from the Communist Party. In 1999, 2003 and 2007 He was elected by a deputy of the State Duma from the Communist Party. She twice the hero of the Soviet Union (1982, 1984), honored master of sports of the USSR.

    A family

    Husband - Khatkovsky Viktor Stanislavovich, pilot, designer engineer of the Moscow Machine-Building Plant named after Ilyushin.

    Son - Khatkovsky Konstantin Viktorovich (1986).


    Born on August 8, 1948 in Moscow in the family of Marshal Aviation Evgenia Savitsky. In 1966 he graduated from Moscow School No. 637. Received Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), which graduated in 1972. During studies in Mai, also studied at the Central United States and Technical School under the Central Committee of Dosaph in Kaluga, which he graduated in 1971, having qualified the "pilot instructor".

    In the period from 1969 to 1977, he was part of the national team of the USSR on flight sports. In 1970 he won the world championship in aerobatics on piston aircraft in the UK. Installed 3 world records on parachute sports in group jumps from the stratosphere and 18 aviation records on jet aircraft.

    After graduating from the institute, he worked as a pilot instructor, studied at the school pilot pilots. In 1976, the Ministry of Radio Electronic Industry of the USSR began operating in 1976. Served flights on MiG-21 airplanes, MiG-25, Su-7, IL-18, IL-28.

    From May 1978 to June 1981, he worked as a pilot-tester of the Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Speed" of KB A. S. Yakovlev.

    In August 1980, she was commaed into a detachment of cosmonaut pilots. In June 1981, he was appointed as a cosmonaut-researcher from MMZ Speed.

    From 19 to 27 August 1982, as a cosmonaut, the researcher made a flight on the ships "Union T-5", "Union T-7" and the orbital station "Salyut-7".

    From July 17 to July 29, 1984, as a flight engineer was flying to Soyuz T-12 and the Salyut-7 orbital station. During the flight of the first of women, there was an outdoor space.

    I was preparing for flight to the station "Salute-7" in 1986 "Union T-15C" as the commander of the world's first pure female crew (three cosmonaut women), but this flight did not take place.

    In 1986 she defended her thesis and became a candidate of technical sciences.

    From the Cosmonavtov's squad, Savitskaya went in the rank of major in October 1993 due to retirement.

    After leaving the cosmonaut detachment from October 27, 1993 to April 15, 1994, he worked as Deputy Head of the 291st Energy NGO Department, then Associate Professor in MAI.

    In 1989, he was elected by the USSR People's Deputy. In 1990, he was elected by the People's Deputy of Russia. Worked in the Communist Party faction. After the dissolution of the Supreme Council in October 1993, ran into the State Duma of the Russian Federation, but lost in the elections. In 1995, he was elected by a deputy in Duma II convocation from the Communist Party. In 1999, 2003 and 2007 was elected to the State Duma deputy from the Communist Party.

    A family

    • Husband - Khatkovsky Viktor Stanislavovich (born 1944, pilot, designer engineer of the Moscow Machine-Building Plant named after Ilyushin).
    • Son - Khatkovsky Konstantin Viktorovich (Rod. 07.11.1986).



    • double hero of the Soviet Union (1982, 1984).
    • two orders of Lenin (1982, 1984).
    • order "Hall Sign" (1976).
    • medal "For merit in the development of space" (April 12, 2011) - for great merits in the field of research, development and use of outer space, many years of conscientious work, active social activities
    • Gold medal and 18 FAI diplomas.
    • 16 Golden Sports Medals of the USSR.
    • Special medal for establishing the Women's World Record of Stay in Open Space.
    • Two small planets (asteroids) are named after her name: No. 4118 (Lights) and No. 4303 (Savitskaya).


    • cosmonaut pilot of the USSR (1982).
    • honored Master of Sport of the USSR (1970).
    • Honorary resident of the Ostankino district of the city of Moscow (2008).

    Member of the Commission for the Consideration of the Federal Budget Expenditures, aimed at ensuring national defense, security and law enforcement.
    First woman in the world who has accounted for space. Twice hero of the Soviet Union.

    Svetlana Savitskaya was born on August 8, 1948 in the city of Moscow. Father Girls, Yevgeny Yakovlevich was a marshal aviation, twice the hero of the Soviet Union. Mother, Lydia Pavlovna, worked as a school teacher. In 1966, the girl graduated from school No. 1465 named after Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov. Then he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. In parallel, being a student in 1971 became the graduate of the Kaluga Aviation Flight Technical School, having received the qualification of the "pilot instructor". In 1972, he received a higher education with honors by graduating from the Moscow Aviation Institute.

    Further, Svetlana studied at the School of Test pilots, and began to work as a test pilot in the research and production association "Takeoff". Flights on the aircraft MiG-21, MiG-25, Su-7, IL-18, IL-28 are flying.

    During this period, Savitskaya was part of the national team of the USSR in flight sports. In 1970 he won the world championship in aerobatic sport on piston aircraft in the UK. I installed three world records on parachute sports in group jumps from the stratosphere and eighteen aviation records on jet aircraft. In 1970 he was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

    Since 1975, for three years, four women's height records and flight speed records are installed on the training and battle MiG-2: World Cottage Record 2683.44 km / h; Request of flight height - 21209.9 m; Record speed at a distance of 500 km - 2466.1 km / h; Speed \u200b\u200brecord on a closed route of 1000 km - 2333 km / h.

    Further, from May 1978 to June 1981, Savitskaya worked as a pilot-tester of the Moscow Machine-Building Plant "Speed" of the Final Council Bureau named after Alexander Yakovlev. In August 1980, sent to the cosmonaut pilot squad.

    Svetlana Savitskaya made his first space flight from 19 to 27 August 1982 as an astronaut-researcher of the Soyuz T-7 spacecraft and Salute-7 station, along with Leonid Popov and Alexander Silver, under the program of the second expedition to visits the first major crew of the station "Salute-7". I had called: "Dnipro-3". During the flight, the crew conducted technical, geo- and astrophysical studies, performed biotechnological and biomedical experiments. The duration of the flight was: 7 days 21 hours 52 minutes 24 seconds.

    By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 27, 1982 for the courage and heroism, shown in the exercise in Savitskaya Svetlana, Evgenievna, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Medal of the Golden Star.

    Svetlana Savitskaya's second space flight made from July 17 to July 29, 1984 as a flight engineer Soyuz T-12 and the Salute-7 orbital station, together with the crew commander Vladimir Janibekov and the cosmonaut-researcher Igor Wolf. During the flight on the Salute-7 orbital complex, the crew conducted a number of joint experiments and research. For the first time in the world, the woman-astronaut Savitskaya exits the outdoor space July 25, 1984, staying outside the spacecraft 3 hours 35 minutes. Together with Janibekov, the unique experiments are fulfilled in open space. The duration of the flight was 11 days 19 hours 14 minutes 36 seconds.

    By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of July 29, 1984 for the courage and heroism, the Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna, the Order of Lenin and the second medal "Golden Star", was awarded for the courage.

    From the cosmonauts squad, Savitskaya went in the rank of major on October 27, 1993 due to retirement retirement years. Next, he worked at the NGO Energia as Deputy Head of the 291st Division, which was held until April 15, 1994. Then, during the next year, an associate professor of the Moscow State Aviation Institute was engaged in issues of economics and investment.

    Since 1989, Savitskaya began to actively engage in political activities. Until 1992, he advocated the People's Deputy of the USSR and a member of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He was the first deputy chairman of the Soviet Foundation of the World, a member of the Central Council of the All-Russian socio-political movement "Spiritual Heritage" and a member of the Presidium of the People's Patriotic Union of Russia. Actual Member, Academician of the International Academy of Astronautics. The author of the book "Yesterday and always".

    From December 17, 1995, Svetlana Savitskaya was a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation II convocation. In the presidential election of 1996, Gennady Zyuganov was a trustee in the Moscow region. In May 1997, he was elected the first vice-president of the Russian Association of Heroes of the Soviet Union. Two years later, he was re-elected a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation III convocation. Then he was sequentially elected to the State Duma IV, V and VI convocations. He held the post of Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense.

    At the elections on September 18, 2016, Savitskaya Svetlana Evgenievna was elected by a deputy of the State Duma VII convocation as part of the Federal List of Candidates, nominated by the Political Party "Communist Party of the Russian Federation". Member of the faction "Communist Party of the Russian Federation". Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the DG on Defense. Member of the Commission of the State Duma to consider the costs of the federal budget aimed at ensuring national defense, security and law enforcement.

    Awards and recognition Svetlana Savitskaya


    Double hero of the Soviet Union (1982, 1984), the only woman is twice the Hero of the Soviet Union;

    Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree (March 25, 2014) - for the achieved labor successes, a significant contribution to the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, merit in the development of space, the humanitarian sphere, strengthening the legality and law and order, many years of conscientious work, active lawmaking and social activities;

    Two orders of Lenin (1982, 1984);

    Order "Hall Sign" (1976);

    Medal "For merit in the development of space" (April 12, 2011) - for great merits in the field of research, development and use of outer space, many years of conscientious work;

    Gold medal and 18 diplomas of the International Federation of Aeronautics;

    Sixteen golden sports medals of the USSR;

    Special medal for establishing the Women's World Record of Stay in Open Space;

    Two small planets (asteroids) are named after Svetlana Savitskaya: No. 4118 (Lights) and No. 4303 (Savitskaya).


    Pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR (1982).
    Honored Master of Sport of the USSR (1970).
    Honorary resident of the Ostankino district of the city of Moscow (2008).

    Family Svetlana Savitskaya

    Father - Eugene Yakovlevich Savitsky, pilot and warlord, Marshal Aviation, twice Hero of the Soviet Union.
    Mother - Lydia Pavlovna Savitskaya, in the years of the Great Patriotic War served in the corps, where the Father commanded, subsequently he worked as a school teacher.

    Brother - Evgeny Evgenievich Savitsky (born 1958)

    Husband - Khatkovsky Viktor Stanislavovich (born 1944), pilot, designer engineer of the Moscow Machine-Building Plant named after Ilyushin.
    Son - Khatkovsky Konstantin Viktorovich (Rod. 07.11.1986).