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  • Academ Mobility. International Academic Mobility Programs for Students. Universities - Program Partners

    Academ Mobility. International Academic Mobility Programs for Students. Universities - Program Partners

    The tower is famous and proud of the international character of student learning and its intercultural environment. In the housings, it is often possible to see the faces of students from different countries, an event occurs almost every day, a lecture is a lecture associated with an international visit, a conference. All this is done because science and higher education are international and are open in nature, and international academic exchange is needed for healthy and competitive development.

    So you are in the know if you are interested in how to participate in this process, we offer you the following guide.

    - What is the international academic mobility of students?

    This is a full-time student training outside the Faculty of Faculty in a foreign university with departure to the site of study, as well as participating in short seminars, summer / winter schools, the assessment of participation in which are expressed in loans and is presented in the certificate. Within the framework of international academic mobility, students traveling abroad can be credited without negating the results of their learning in foreign universities. That is, competently picking up courses in a foreign university, successfully passing exams on them, do not have to take a bunch of debt to MIEM after the trip.

    The participation of students of HSE in academic mobility programs is regulated (necessarily reading if you are going to participate in the program).

    Long-term academic mobility programsOrganized by a centralized tower within the framework of interuniversity agreements can be found on the site. Follow the news, 2 times a year is declared a period for submitting applications to participate in these programs.

    With the list of documents required to submit an application, you can familiarize yourself with.

    You can also independently organize short-term training abroad, for example, submitting an application for participation in the Summer Court of Foreign University:

    In the tower there is the same summer school for foreigners :.

    This will help prepare for more serious academic programs, will give an unforgettable experience in intercultural communication with like-minded people, and just the experience of business (not tourist) stay abroad.

    You will need to make an application for participation in such a school and send it to the receiving university you will need to independently, but to make internal documents to HSE will help you upon arrival.

    It should be noted that the most "comfortable" periods for academic mobility There are 2 course (when you have already adapted to the learning process) and 3 course (when there is still enough time to a diploma) undergraduate. In the magistracy, we advise you to consider the 2nd half of the 1st year and the 1st half of the 2nd course (less desirable, there is a risk of not in time to go to GIA).

    What documents do you need to have ready already at the first courses of the university so that in the case of an announced competition / start acceptance of applications / proposed participation in the competition for an international grant quickly and easily assemble the entire package?

    1. Certificate confirming your knowledge level of a foreign language. Yes, it is most often necessary for the International Certificate (English: IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge Certificate, etc.). To obtain such a certificate, you need to pass the exam in a special certified center, certificate validity period is different.

    And you know that in the tower there is an admission of Cambridge international exams in English KET, Pet, FCE, CAE, CPE, BEC, TKT and ILEC ???

    2. CV, or Curriculum Vitae, or resume. This document in English and Russian is simply necessary to make up once and complement and modify it in time. It will save you a bunch of nerves and strength.

    3. The list of publications in English and Russian is also worth it when receiving the first publication and do not forget to replenish it. You can also add data about the rewards received, certificates, prizes, and not only training and scientific. Achievements in sports and social activities in many grants, scholarships and programs play a far from a latter role.

    4. A brief description in English and Russian languages \u200b\u200bof their training, research and professional projects. If there is nothing serious, it is worth considering the description of the course works that you performed, as well as professional skills acquired during practice or part-time. Think that of this could introduce you as a specialist, in a favorable light.

    5. You need to be able to order a transcript with estimates in English. This can be done on (order certificate).

    6. And in general, do you know where to see a list of all academic disciplines that were passed and which are still coming to you during the entire training period? You need a worker (for 1 year) or basic (for the entire period) curriculum. They are on the site of your educational program in the "Documents" section on the right pane.

    - What else should I keep in mind?

    Academic mobility does not always imply leaving abroad, there is also the so-called internationalization of "At Home": you can get tremendous experience, communicating with, teachers, participating in seminars and conferences with international participants. You can become (take a foreign student under your custody) or visit the Language Club:

    The main thing is to be active. After all, it is so so necessary in the global world of business, scientific and just friendly contacts.

    Experience of previous participants Academic mobility programs. Here you will hand over information from the first mouth. In addition, with the guys who already know the process, it is not necessary to meet and communicate live.

    Here are reports about the trips of our students:

    • Tutorial on Learning at Nymegen University named after St. Radboda Utrechtsky, Netherlands, 2 student students of Liliwood Magistracy
    • Tutorial on learning in Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea, 3rd Course Students Mary Guskova
    • Tutorial on training in the University of Bologna, Italy, 2 student students of Elena Scheplova Master

    For students who want to participate in the Work & Travel program. This program is not considered a program of international academic mobility. However, you have the right to apply to the study office in the name of the rector with a request to postpone the timing of the summer session for an earlier term. You will also need to provide an agreement on participation in the program and a document with specific trips (for example, Job Offer).

    And now important information for young people studying at the military department. As you have been reported in the first meeting when admission, this training is a continuous process, during which, unfortunately, it is impossible to participate in a long program of academic mobility. It is possible to participate in the programs in the summer, during the holidays, during the passage of the practice. If you still decided to participate in the long program of AM, you will have to complete the course of study at the military department.

    academic mobility As one of the areas of international cooperation in the field of education is the exchange of educational and pedagogical workers of the Republic of Belarus and a foreign state for learning, advanced training, improving pedagogical activities. At the same time, such an exchange is carried out, as a rule, on a parity basis and is temporary. Participants in academic exchanges After completing training or internships, they return to their university and continue training or professional activities (the definition of the concept of "academic mobility" and the description of its implementation is given in the Code of Education of the Republic of Belarus).

    It is important to note that sometimes under academic mobility also understand training in a foreign university in order to obtain a diploma. This is not quite so. The basis of academic exchange is the idea of \u200b\u200binternational education, when an international component is included in the learning process. In each country there are their academic traditions and visiting a foreign university. A person gets the opportunity to supplement his competencies with something special, which is not in his country, in his university. At the same time, receiving additional international competencies is included in the training trajectory at home.

    In special literature on international education, it is also customary to consider traveling abroad for training in order to obtain a diploma outside the concept of academic mobility. Under this concept, it is just a temporary stay in a foreign university, followed by returning to his country. To do this, use a special term "Study-Related Experiences Abroad / Foreign Study-Related Experiences" - "foreign educational experience".

    Participants in academic mobility in universities are students, undergraduates, graduate students, as well as teachers, scientists and administrative staff. However, the goals and duration of academic visits abroad for different categories is significantly different.

    So students of the 1st and 2nd higher education steps leave abroad to study for 1-2 semesters. Possible and shorter period of location in a foreign university in order to passintensive courses or trainings, however, as a rule, it must be at least 3 months. Training in a foreign university is carried out on the basis of an individual plan consistent with the guide and host universities. According to the student's learning output, an academic certificate is issued, which he is on returning to his dean to obtain recognition of learning outcomes abroad.

    Along with training in the specialty goal of academic mobility of students and undergraduates may also be passage of production practices . It is important to note that in the Yerevan communiqué of the Ministers of Education of the European Space of Higher Education (ENE) (2015), the importance of the development of academic mobility is separately emphasized for the passage of production practices abroad.

    Today, this type of academic mobility is considered as the most promising, as it makes it possible to acquire the necessary professional competencies of the international level.

    For graduate students, participation in academic exchanges is somewhat different: along with a visit to in-depth special courses, they also carry out research activities, collect materials on the topic of their dissertation research in libraries or archives, conduct experiments in laboratories, participate in scientific conferences, visit individual consultations of their supervisor. Training dates abroad for graduate students, as a rule, range from 6 to 12 months.

    A separate category of participants in academic mobility are university workers: scientists, teachers, administrative staff. Content academic Visit In this case, it may include both elements of scientific and educational activities and teaching. For example, scientists along with scientific research or visiting master classes and trainings can also lecture lectures, advise students or graduate students.

    Duration of visits to foreign universities is different: administrative or pedagogical visits, as a rule, are briefly urgent, from 1.5 weeks to 1 month; Scientists leave abroad for a longer period, from 6 to 12 months. It should be noted that in the national education system asthe generalizing name of a scientific and educational visit abroad, the term "internship" can be used.

    Like any institutional activity, academic mobility is based on a number of rules and procedures. The organizational mechanism for the implementation of academic mobility can be registered in an international treaty concluded between two (sometimes or more) universities, an international exchange program, or in the international project document, the purpose of which is the organization of academic exchanges.

    Academic mobility is the movement of someone related to education, on a certain (usually from the semester to the year) in another educational institution (in their country or abroad) for training, teaching or conducting research, after which a student, teacher or researcher Returns to his main educational institution. This concept is not associated with emigration or long period of learning (work) abroad, "such a definition of academic mobility is given in the recommendations of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe in 1996.

    The academic mobility of students, teachers and administrative staff of universities in the Bologna process is attached great importance. The provision on the importance of mobility is always present in Bologna documents. The "Great Charter of Universities" reads: "As in the distant first years of their history, universities encourage the mobility of teachers and students." This installation has been developed in the joint declaration of the four ministers of education (Sorbonne, 1998): "The open European space of higher education carries in itself a non-numerical intelligence of prospects that are undoubtedly respecting our diversity, but requiring, on the other hand, constant efforts to eliminate obstacles and creating conditions for training and teachings that will strengthen mobility and strengthen cooperation. " It also notes that "both at the first level of higher education and on the second, students should be encouraged, to conduct at least one semester at universities outside of its country. At the same time, more and more teachers and researchers should work in European countries, in addition to their own. " Finally, the Bologna Declaration so describes the tasks in this area: "Promote mobility by overcoming obstacles, effective implementation of freedom of movement, paying special attention:

    • for students - access to educational institutions and appropriate services;
    • for teachers, researchers and administrative personnel - recognition and confirmation of periods conducted in European countries, for research purposes, teaching and retraining, not violating their status and legitimate rights. "

    Berlin Communique (2003) generally calls the "Mobility of students, academic and administrative personnel in the basis of the creation of the European Higher Education Space." The main goal of mobility is to give a student the opportunity to get a versatile "European" education at the chosen direction of training, to provide him with access to recognized knowledge centers, where leading scientific schools have traditionally been formed, to expand the student's knowledge in all areas of European culture, to instill a sense of a citizen of Europe. The Prague Communique of Education Ministers (2001) notes that mobility will allow its participants to "take advantage of the wealth of the European Space of Higher Education, including democratic values, a variety of cultures and languages, a variety of higher education systems."

    "Academic Mobility" differs from traditional foreign internships primarily by the fact that, firstly, students go to study abroad, though limited, but long-term deadlines - from the semester to the school year, and, secondly, during such internships they Learn full, not only learning the language and familiarization of individual disciplines, but are a full semester or a one-year course, which is counted on return to the base university. "Basic university" we propose to call that university, where the student arrived and whose diploma he initially wanted to get. In the Bologna process distinguish two types of academic mobility: "vertical" and "horizontal". Under vertical mobility, the student's complete student training is meant, under the horizontal - training there for a limited period (semester, academic year). Important note: Starting from circulation of European rectors in Salamanca (2001), in Bologna documents, it is emphasized that "virtual mobility is not a substitute for physical mobility."

    The main fear of mobility is usually reduced to the fact that a free student will drive around in Europe in search of any university, where it is ready to take on the semester or for a year, will receive in this or in such universities the required number of academic loans and will require the base university to count them In accordance with Bologna Documents to get your diploma. In one of the reports at the International Scientific Conference on the issues of the Bologna process in Moscow (Russia in the Bologna process, 2004), it was noted that groups of students who deliberately engage in the search for those European universities, where foreign students are accepted with hunting, and academic loans get Most easily. However, now in European practice of mobility as an official document "Training Agreement" (Eat Learning Agreement) has been introduced, in which there is a section to fill in the guide university with such a wording: "We confirm that the proposed training program is approved." This agreement signs the faculty coordinator of the Directory University and the student himself.

    In Bologna documents there are no restrictions on the number of travel student travel programs, however, as part of the implementation of such important provisions of the Bologna Declaration, such as the autonomy of the university and the quality control of learning, university, in our opinion, has the right to strongly control such trips. Firstly, even for considerations of common sense cannot be counted loans received not on the specialty studied: the engineer cannot claim a credit test, let's say, according to medicine. Secondly, the discipline mobility under the implementation of the mobility programs should correspond to the year of study (course) and the scientific and theoretical level of studying of each specific discipline in the basic university. Thirdly, one way or another, the disciplines studied in a foreign university must at this stage of the development of Russian higher education to comply with the requirements of the state educational standard of higher vocational education. The basic university is entitled to limit the number of travel on the mobility of a particular student if these trips do not provide full mastery of the student of the training program. If the student is and, having received the consent of the host of the university, will leave to learn to the educational institution, which he chose contrary to the recommendations of the Faculty Coordinator for the Bologna Process and the Dean of the Faculty of Directory University, this university is entitled not to counteracted him credits to receive its diploma The minimum will determine the term of its training due to the need to obtain those loans that are required by the program. The European practice of organizing student mobility shows that this process, despite all efforts in general, did not take extensive scale. In October 2002, the direction of the millionth "mobile" student abroad on Erasmus programs was celebrated, however, given that so many students were sent for 14 years (a little more than 70 thousand students per year), and more than 10 million are studying annually in Europe Students, this number is small. There is an imbalance between regions in interchange with students: the flows of "mobile" students from the north of Europe prevail in Western Europe and from Eastern Europe there at almost the absence of reverse flows. In the Russian conditions, it is hardly possible to expect a large number of student trips on mobility programs, especially at the first level of higher education - at the level of undergraduate.

    With additional difficulties, those students who are trained at the Department of Military Training will face. It can be assumed that in the near future, most mobility internship will be carried out at the magistracy level. An important question is the language of academic mobility. The Bologna Declaration relates to preserving the languages \u200b\u200band cultures of the continent, but the need for the general language of European education puts English into this role. Training is most often carried out in English, however, it is constantly emphasized that studying the student of the language of their stay is encouraged, for which the receiving university is called upon to organize intensive language courses. In some cases, universities are even ready to accrue academic loans for it. In the case of annual internships, universities recommended the first semester to train foreign students in English, and the second - in the language of the host country, however, it is likely to be acceptable only for accurate sciences and engineering education, and even then in the case of the use of related languages. In general, the student must arrive in a foreign university for internship on mobility programs, fluently owning either English, or the language of the host country. This sets the question of organizing an in-depth study of English in all Russian universities, not only language or humanitarian. The problems of the practical organization of mobility are clearly different in relation to their students who are departed in a foreign university, and in relation to foreign students arriving for training. Theoretically, the student can search for a university himself, who will be ready to take it to the semester or for a year. It should be understood that the decision on the admission of a student to an internship A foreign university will be taken on the basis of many considerations, among which there will be a basic level of preparation of the arriving student, owning a foreign language, the presence of a sufficient classroom and places in hostels in the host university or in the rental sector. In the case of individual actions, the student, having received the consent of the host university, will be informed of the Faculty and Cathedral coordinators in the Bologna Process of the Basic University primarily in order for them to determine how those offered to it to study discipline correlate with the Faculty curriculum for the same period of study . If the "Bologna" coordinators and the dean will not find a sufficient number of compliance between the curriculum of universities, the question of the inexpediency of this ride will rise. Under the above reasons, obviously, mobility is more correct to organize at the level of universities or faculties with those foreign universities, with which partnerships have already been established at the Basic University. In this case, it is not necessary to separately study the educational plans of the university, where the student goes; Credites of loans can be advanced in advance by long-term agreements.

    If the student goes abroad under the mobility program with the consent of the Basic University, the loans received by them, as a rule, must be counted completely without any postage. Cases are known when a foreign university partner incorrectly interprets the main parameters of the Bologna process, for example, it charges for an internship, except 30 and 60, the number of loans, offers fractional loans for courses of individual disciplines, etc. If negotiations on these issues do not give a positive result, the basic university will be forced to adjust the partner university policy in relation to its curriculum. For students who have expressed the desire to undergo training on mobility programs in the Russian university, a number of restrictions also act. Based on the capacity of the audiences, the number of academic groups and the availability of hostels or housing in the private sector, it is necessary to define exemplary reception quotas in advance; Within these quotas, testing candidates should be provided on the previous study of each discipline courses, as well as in foreign or Russian. It is necessary to give a candidate for internship the most complete information regarding the conditions for its stay in Russia, including the widest range of issues, for example, weather features during the period of stay in the country or the cost of medical care.

    The content of the standard information package is quite detailed by European universities and can easily be found on partner university websites. If the candidate is ready to learn in Russian, we can talk about the on-learning, i.e. He will attend classes together with Russian students; If the student is recorded on the student proposed by the university, the final decision on his invitation will be obviously taken after the formation of a group of sufficient number with the corresponding level of training. When organizing training in English or other foreign languages, it should be understood that the reading of lectures and practical training should be in these languages \u200b\u200band with a sufficient number of relevant educational literature. Hosting and exams should also be accepted in foreign languages. It is important to remember that, as a rule, foreign students are more messed up with life experience, for this reason they are more motivated and quite clearly imagine, why arrived in Russia and to a specific university. For foreign students studying in English, they will have to organize intensive courses in the Russian language, in order to at least ensure their "linguistic survival" in Russia. Also, "mobile" students it is advisable to offer the maximum possible number of courses on the choice.

    To date, European universities in those countries where the highest education is paid, take a fee from foreign students, and sometimes even increased compared to the students. In the UK, this practice was elevated to the rank of educational policy: the fees for training from foreign students makes it possible to reduce the payment of training by citizens of the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, the Association of National Unions of European Students (37 European countries, 11 million students) "strongly opposes all the training fees." When it comes to free mobility in countries where higher education is funded by the state, it is meant only the absence of a training fee; In any case, the student will have to pay the road, accommodation, food, medical care and other social spending, if it does not make a sponsor for him, a basic university or a state, which can make a significant amount. For the period of mobility, a scholarship and other social benefits should be maintained for a student in the basic university, but, given the meager on European standards, the size of such benefits in universities of the Russian Federation can hardly expect that they will help our "mobile" student to solve their financial problems. .

    The documents of the Bologna process are constantly called on European Universities to initiate financial assistance programs to low-income students in order to maintain their European academic mobility, but unnecessary optimism about the success of such appeals in Russian conditions is not necessary.

    Understanding the benefits that the development of mobility for the growth of universities, countries and all European education, the development of a single labor market and the competitiveness of the European economy as a whole, governments and European organizations began to support the development of academic mobility, seeing in it and tool, And one of the goals of the Bologna process. The Mobility Development Action Plan in European Universities was developed and supported by the Council of Europe in 2000 (Nice).

    The plan proceeded from the recognition of the fact that the creation of the European knowledge zone is one of the main priorities for the development of Europe. And free, without obstacles, the mobility of all participants in the educational process - students, teachers, researchers, administrators - should be the basis for this, being one of the main conditions for increasing the competitiveness and attractiveness of education in European universities.

    The plan was proclaimed three main goals:

    • determine more accurate concept of mobility and make it more democratic;
    • develop appropriate forms of university mobility financing;
    • expand academic mobility and improve conditions for it.
    Among the 42 measures included in the plan, the main groups that are quite relevant today for Russian education and Russian universities can be distinguished.
    1. A set of measures related to the creation of conditions for the expansion of mobility:

      preparation of university administrators and teachers for the role of the organizers of the mobility process, organizing exchanges between them within the framework of European programs to establish closer interaction;

      development of multilinguality, including the study of relevant foreign languages \u200b\u200beven before the mobility period; better practice in parts of language training, long-term retraining of foreign language teachers; generation of general indicators to assess language training of students and teachers; radical improvement in language training in general;

      facilitation of accessibility to mobility information, including the creation of special sites on major European resources and mobility programs, introducing special forums in educational institutions of special forums (Chat-Rooms) for the organizers of mobility, students, teachers, etc., for discussion and information sharing. Creating a database for all bilateral and multilateral forms of mobility programs in Europe. Creating comparable statistics on mobility.

    A group of measures aimed at creating a scheme of sustainable mobility financing, on the basis of coordination and greater diversity of a system of various financial sources (European community, governments, local authorities, public and private sector), including finding new sources and financing forms (loans with preferential conditions, social Funds, etc.).

  • A group of measures designed to ensure the growth of mobility and its improvement:
    • expansion of the number of participants in mobility and its forms, in particular, the opening of summer universities for students and academic composition, the dissemination of Internet education programs, supporting partnerships between universities about ensuring mobility;

      improvement and unification of reception conditions for all groups of mobility participants, including ensuring relevant information in the "ON-LINE" mode;

      coordination and simplification of the academic calendar of mobility on the basis of accurate and complete information on the activities of each university and the surrender synchronization of the university schedule, including the study of the possibilities of dividing the school year to semesters with the appropriate set of students;

      ensuring the necessary relevant status for people involved in mobility, including such measures as official confirmation by the relevant structures of the thesis, which mobility is a necessary component in teaching students, as well as in professional activities and retraining of the university of the University, right up to studying the possibility of inclusion The recent in the scientific and teaching staff of the university for the period of mobility.

  • A package of measures aimed at strengthening motivation and results received by the participants. It includes the most important requirement for recognizing the results of training in a foreign university in the diploma of his university, in particular, the creation of a system of mutual recognition, equivalence of diplomas and training in general. We are talking about the development of an universal equivalence system of education, qualifications and degrees, in particular, the use of the credit system (eats), diploma applications, creating a supporting infrastructure - Network Information Centers (NARIC) and Mobility Cents and Recognition (ENIS) .
  • It is noted that the plan approved by the Council of Europe provides for not only the actions of individual universities, but to a greater extent, pushing out the generalization of the successful activities of the latest and understanding of the role and importance of mobility as an educational resource, involves the involvement of a wide range, external to the universities of the Community: the European Commission , Member States, National Agencies in the Implementation of European Mobility Programs (Socrates, Leonardo de Youth and others). It is noteworthy that the Action Plan is not only assumed to one source of funding, and offers a diversified financing scheme from various sources, which includes leading European academic mobility programs.

    The most important is the logic of building a plan, which to a certain extent (taking into account the experience of its implementation and Russian specifics) can also be used for Russian conditions as a whole, and for individual universities, in particular, to create partnerships with European universities in order to carry out mobility and Academic cooperation. The planned action plan for the development of academic mobility does not affect the content of the content of educational programs and proceeds from the comparability of the scientific and educational process, its content, technologies of training and assessing students' knowledge at universities of European countries. The dissemination of European exchange programs (for example, such as Erasmus) and the actions of this plan on Russian educational space, inevitably puts the question of general about the degree of comparability of the scientific and educational process (curricula, technologies of training and assessing knowledge, the integration of the research process into educational, procedures for recognizing the learning outcomes in European universities at their university, etc.). The leaders of the relevant educational structures of a number of Eastern European countries who have already entered the Bologna process have noted importance during the first steps of cooperation with European universities to achieve greater degree of comparability of the educational process between universities. The latter is also true for Russian universities, although in varying degrees for various subject areas of education: engineering, natural sciences, humanitarian sciences, business education. The credit system, which is used in the European educational space, does not behave in itself the process of education comparable in content and technologies of training and assessment of knowledge. On the contrary, its effective use (to determine and measure the volume of learning) is possible only in conditions when all the basic elements of the educational process are consistent and compared.

    The study of reports of countries on the implementation of the goals of the Bologna process shows a variety of practical actions to develop mobility. They also indicate that the implementation of the planned plan to strengthen the role of academic mobility of European education is successfully moving, although not without problems. The result in the future will inevitably become the great attractiveness and competitiveness of European education.

    Student years is time when most of all want to travel and discover distant uncharted countries, and not to nourish dust textbooks. On the other hand, if not to learn - in the future it will be difficult to find an interesting and high-paying job. Therefore, for students who want to see the overseas countries, for many years there is a program of academic mobility. What it is? Let's find out!

    What is academic mobility (s)?

    Under this phrase is meant the temporary movement of students (or teachers) of universities to other educational or scientific institutions. At the same time, such a "temporary transition" can be carried out not only within the country, but also abroad. The concept under consideration is sometimes called student exchange.

    As part that has already covered the most part of Europe, students of almost all states that were previously part of the USSR can become participants in various academic mobility programs. It is worth noting that they make it possible to learn not only in but also on other continents.

    In addition to students and teachers, representatives of the administrative and administrative composition of universities can participate in such programs. However, preference is usually given to the first two categories.

    It is worth remembering that the academic mobility of students has nothing to do with emigration. After the end of the agreed period of training or teaching, the participant of the program will safely return to his university. However, especially promising personalities can offer to remain and continue studying or teaching. As a rule, this is done within the framework of other educational projects.

    Her goals

    One of the main tasks of AM is the formation of the European Space of Higher Education. That is, to make a student or a teacher from any European university has the opportunity to freely work in a specialty not only in his homeland, but also beyond.

    Exchange of experience and knowledge is another important goal. International academic mobility allows representatives of the intellectual elite of different countries to share theoretical and practical information on their achievements. As well as joint research, which in the future can bring humanity more benefit.

    In addition to knowledge, participants in academic mobility programs have the opportunity to get acquainted with the living conditions in other countries, study their culture, language. Thus, choosing work after receiving a diploma, the graduate will already know what it expects it if he decides to go working into another country.

    Forms of academic mobility

    Another twenty-thirty years ago am could exist only in real form. That is, the participant of the program should go to another educational institution. However, thanks to the achievements of progress, academic mobility today has several forms:

    • Remote am. The participant of the program receives new knowledge without leaving home. With the help of a computer, it may be present on online lectures and even participate in seminars.
    • Stationary academic mobility. To get knowledge, the student goes to study at another university.

    Depending on the implementation space of the AM program, a stationary form to share on regional, interregional, international and intercontinental.

    By the way, regardless of the form of AM, its participant still needs to confirm his knowledge by passing the appropriate tests.


    Academic mobility is divided into several species in different criteria:

    • Subjects: teaching and student.
    • Objects: Academic, Research, Exchange of experience, advanced training.

    Also in the Bologna process there is still horizontal (training for a short time: several months, semester, year) and vertical AM (full student learning to obtain a scientific degree).

    Long-term and short-term am

    Depending on the period of stay in another university, two types of academic mobility stands out.

    Long-term AM lasts more than three months. It can be a whole semester or even a course. With this exchange, the program of the native university is always taken into account, from which the student arrived in order, in returning, he was not behind her and could safely join the educational process.

    It is worth noting that individual foreign are ready to host talented students for a longer period. At the same time, in many sender universities, the Charter does not allow students to participate in the exchange programs for longer than a certain period (semester or year).

    Short-term AM lasts three months or less. With such a small period of full-fledged learning, there can be no speech. Instead, the program participants visit various seminars, workshops, symposia and similar projects. According to the results of students' participation, they are given relevant certificates.

    Source of financing

    Speaking of academic mobility, many immediately think about who will pay for moving, accommodation, food and directly the training of participants in such programs. After all, they do not belong to charitable projects.

    All students who want to learn some time in other universities within AM are divided into two categories:

    • Free Movers. So called those who are ready to pay for all costs associated with temporary training in foreign educational institutions. Also, this category includes those who submitted an application for free participation in the program of academic mobility, but did not receive scholarships, but he was asked to take part at his own expense.
    • Software students. These are participants in the exchange that sent to another university of the Department, the Faculty or Educational Institution. In this regard, the cost of expenses takes on either the sender or the receiving party.

    Sometimes the third category of AM programs is allocated. We are talking about those students who participate in them at the expense of a third party. It usually is the company in which the future graduate undertakes to work out a few years after receiving a diploma. This is the appropriate contract in advance, which also indicates the timelines, the amount of funds and penalties.

    Requirements for participants

    To get the opportunity to learn some time in a foreign university, the student must comply with certain criteria:

    • Have good marks and be an active participant outside the classes.
    • It is advisable to have any achievements in the selected specialty. For example, to have publications in serious scientific periodicals, be a laureate of some university competitions.
    • Free to speak English or in the language of the host country. Ideally, both. By the way, in some programs of academic mobility in the adopted university, the student first traine in English, and later - in the language of the country.
    • Individual requirements. Depending on the program, the conducting educational institutions can nominate their own requirements for participants. This may be, for example, copyright for the results of the student's intellectual work.

    Requirements for universities-participants of the AM program

    Universities participating in academic mobility programs should also comply with certain criteria:

    • The academic level should be high so that students from other countries want to learn here, and the universities sending them were ready to pay for such training.
    • The receiving party should have a carefully thought-out and organized program for nailed students. In other words, such an institution is obliged to provide guests not only in housing and nutrition, but also to organize acceptable learning conditions for them and the possibility of practical training.
    • Since the student exchange is also familiar with the culture of the new country, the receiving party is obliged to provide the opportunity to make it. Most often it is to conduct various excursions in the city of residence or tours around the country.
    • As in the case of participating students who admit universities can provide individual services to their guests or take on greater responsibility. All this is negotiated in advance.
    • If the participants of the AM program are teachers, the receiving party should immediately approve the terms of their labor, as well as who will belong to the authorship of their work.

    The most famous international academic mobility programs

    For developed countries, AM makes it possible to find future talented scientists in less secured states. Therefore, in most countries of the European Union, USA, Canada, etc. There are our own programs for the exchange of wisdoms.

    In Sweden, this is Visby, in Finland - FIRST, in Germany - Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, in Norway - Quota Program, and others. There is also a pan-European program TEMPUS.

    It is worth noting that in many modern universities a week of academic mobility is held. At its length, students are talking about the features of such projects. In addition, coordinators of various AM programs can perform and report their features.

    Do you still think that study abroad is the transcendental dream?
    This is not the case, it is only worth tightening your middle score, knowledge of the English language, and now you are a student of a foreign university who gnaws foreign granite science.

    What else is required to get into the ranks of those lucky people who are trained abroad? Carefully read the information below and contact the Department of International Academic Mobility (3245).

    Take part in various international educational programs, as a rule, students of senior undergraduate courses, as well as masters with good academic performance, with knowledge of a foreign language, who seek to expand their professional knowledge, gain experience not only in obtaining education on international criteria, but also and communicating with students from different countries.

    Training is carried out either in English or in the language of the country stay. The duration of training depends on the selected program and can be from one semester to two.

    Scholarship program FIRST.

    In the country, thousands of lakes for knowledge and experience

    The aim of the Finnish-Russian student exchange program ( Finnish-Russian Student Exchange Programme - First) is the development of student and teaching exchanges. Student exchange program FIRST. Founded on network cooperation between the Finnish and Russian (inventory-western region) by higher educational institutions, which are based on bilateral student exchange for agreed specialties.

    The following Finnish universities participate in this program:

    1. University of Aalto (Helsinki)
    2. University of Applied Sciences Savonia

    Conditions of participation in the program FIRST

    Students- bachelor of last year learning and students- master.

    Middle score not less 4.3
    AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Not. For this program

    As part of the program First, a student pays a scholarship in the amount of 560 Euro per month

    Scholarships in the framework of the ERASMUS + project

    The Erasmus + program is a new European Union program, aimed at supporting cooperation in the field of education, vocational training, youth and sports for the period from 2014 to 2020.

    The following universities are involved in this program:
    - University. Leibnica Hanover (Germany);
    - Zealand Institute of Business and Technology (Denmark);
    - University of Piraea (Greece)

    Conditions of participation in the project programs ERASMUS +

    Who can participate in this program?
    Students- bachelor of last year learning and students- master.

    Middle score not less 4.5
    Knowledge of English at level not lower AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Does the certificate confirming the level of speaking English (IELTS, TOEFL)?
    Not. For this program the exam and the presentation of the certificate is not required. If there is a doubt in a sufficient level of owning the language, the student will need to be tested, which is held by the head of the International Academic Mobility Mobility by Maria Alekseevna Kiselev.

    The grant of the Erasmus + project covers the Russian participants the following costs:

    • flight payment;
    • payment of monthly scholarships for students and graduate students in the amount 800 euros per month.

    Scholarships "Two Diplomas"

    Two languages, two countries, two diplomas

    This program implies training at a partner university with the subsequent receipt of two diplomas - a diploma SPbGETI "LETI" and a diploma of the university partner.

    The program "Two Diplomas" is:

    • training for one year in one of the leading technical universities;
    • diploma of the International Level Specialist;
    • passing practice in a foreign enterprise;
    • experience communication with native speakers.

    Program with Technical University of Ilmenau (Russian-German Engineering Faculty of this, that Ilmena)

    The Russian-German Engineering faculty of this is Ilmena (Ruhefak) was created in the summer of 2012 as a result of the signing of a cooperation agreement between SPBGET "LETI" and Technical University of Ilmena. The faculty is engaged in organizing and coordinating the joint work of these universities in the preparation of masters from among students of partner universities. Training in Ruighefak involves incorporated training at the Technical University of Ilmena for one or two semesters, during which the student is paid scholarship. Graduates of Ruugefak receive two diplomas: SPbGEU "LETI" and Technical University of Ilmena.

    Direction directions (in German):

    • Engineering computer science
    • Computer science
    • Electrical Equipment and Information Technology

    Conditions of participation in the program "Two Diplomas" with the Technical University of Ilmenau

    Students- master. Training in the first year of magistracy takes place in SPbGET "LETI", the second year of the magistracy The student is studying at the partner's university.

    What are the requirements for students?
    Middle score not less 4.5
    Knowledge german and English Languages \u200b\u200bat level not lower AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Is it necessary to take an exam to confirm your own level of German / English?
    For the program "Two Diplomas" with the Technical University of Ilmenau required exam exam in German On the basis of SPbGET "LETI". With the successful examination of the exam, the student is invited to an interview with the representative of the receiving university. The interview is held in German and English.

    What financial conditions of this program?
    As part of the program, the student is paid scholarship in the amount of 700 euros per monthFrom which the student independently pays the hostel and personal expenses. The receiving university does not charge the training fee.

    Scholarship programs

    As part of this program, the student does not pay for training in the receiving university, however, all personal expenses pay for themselves. The program does not imply a coating of any student costs from the receiving university.

    Universities participate in this program:

    • Technological Institute of Deggendorf (Germany);
    • Furtwangen University (Germany);
    • Institute of Science and Technology G. Toglag - Postech (South Korea);
    • Inha University (South Korea);
    • University of Kukmin (South Korea);
    • University. Sedzhona (South Korea);
    • University of Monsterreya "UDM" (Mexico);
    • Higher School of Electronics Engineers and Electrical Engineering of Amiens (France);
    • Telecom Paristech (France);
    • Technical University of Compi (France);

    Conditions of participation in programs that do not provide a scholarship

    Who can participate in this program?
    Students- bachelor of last year learning and students- master.

    What are the requirements for students?
    Middle score not less 4.5
    Knowledge english Language at level not lower AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Does the certificate confirming the level of owning a foreign language (IELTS, TOEFL)?
    Usually, universities require certificatesconfirming the level of ownership of a foreign language.

    Summer / Winter Schools

    The semester abroad is too long and tedious? There is a way out! Get out in the summer!
    You have other plans for the summer, but you do not know what to take yourself in the period after the winter session? Take a trip to the winter school!

    Summer / Winter School is a short educational program with a duration of two to eight weeks, after which the certificate is issued.

    Summer / Winter Schools is not only classes, but also:

    • communication with other students;
    • sightseeing tours of the city and the surrounding area;
    • acquaintance with the culture and traditions of another country.

    Summer School of German Language at the Technical University of Ilmenau (Germany)

    In the Summer School of German, students have the opportunity to tighten their knowledge of German in intensive courses, as well as take part in various cultural events. School working language - German.

    Conditions of participation in the Summer School of German in the Technical University of Ilmena

    Who can participate in this program?
    Students planning to learn in this university under the program "Two Diplomas"

    What are the requirements for students?
    Middle score not less 4.5

    What financial conditions of this program?
    The receiving party covers Russian participants the following costs:

    • paying a hostel;
    • flights there and back (partially);
    • payment of summer courses;
    • residence.

    Summer School in Harbin Polytechnic University (China)

    Within the framework of this program, various Chinese courses are offered for beginners, courses on the culture and economy of China, as well as courses on intercultural communications. School work language - English.

    Conditions of participation in the Summer School of the Harbin Polytechnic University (China)

    Who can participate in this program?

    What are the requirements for students?
    Middle score not less 4.5
    Knowledge english Language at level not lower AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Does the certificate confirming the level of ownership of a foreign language?
    Not. This program is not required.

    What financial conditions of this program?

    Summer / Winter School in Koreatech (South Korea)

    Saturated educational and cultural program for foreign students. The program suggests a three-week course aimed at studying technical disciplines and the intensive course of the Korean language. School work language - English.

    Students are also given the opportunity to take part in various events, such as Taekwondo lessons (traditional Korean martial arts) and Korean calligraphy.

    Conditions of participation in the Summer / Winter School Koreatech (South Korea)

    Who can participate in this program?
    Students who have studied 3 semesters at the university

    What are the requirements for students?
    Middle score not less 4.5
    Knowledge english Language at level not lower AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Does the certificate confirming the level of ownership of a foreign language?
    Not. This program is not required.

    What financial conditions of this program?
    The receiving party takes on all financial expenses during the participation of the student in the Summer School. The student independently pays the flight back and forth.

    Summer School at Inha University (South Korea)

    This short-term, intensive program mainly consists of lecture courses, as well as trips to cultural and historical places. Foreign students will be able to better understand the main aspects of Korean society in the past, present and future.

    One of the most important and attractive moments of this program is that training is not limited to classes in classes. Many places are "living textbooks" for foreign students who seek to learn more than the traditional and modern Korean culture. In addition, the participants of the Summer School will have many opportunities to meet and chat with Korean students. At the end of the program, participants will receive academic loans and certificates.

    Conditions of participation in the Summer School of the University of Inha (South Korea)

    Who can participate in this program?
    Students who have studied 3 semesters at the university

    What are the requirements for students?
    Knowledge english Language at level not lower AT 2 (Upper-intermediate)

    Does the certificate confirming the level of ownership of a foreign language?
    Not. This program is not required.

    What financial conditions of this program?
    The cost of participation is $ 1,200, the student independently pays the flight back and forth.

    Summer school in National Changhua University of Education ( Taiwan )

    Saturated educational and cultural program for foreign students. The lessons of the Chinese language and calligraphy, culinary workshops, ribs in various cities - all this and much more waiting for everyone on the beautiful island!

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