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  • Interesting stories from school life. Humorous stories about school. Stories for schoolchildren. Funny story from school life about Leshenka

    Interesting stories from school life. Humorous stories about school. Stories for schoolchildren. Funny story from school life about Leshenka

    School time is the time to appreciate. It is at school that the child spends most of his time. There they are taught, raising, show how to behave in society.

    Of course, in addition to training sessions, schoolchildren still spend their leisure. For example, go to cinemas or museums. But besides this, funny and funny cases that will be remembered for life can occur at school.

    Moreover, the most interesting situations even announce the parent meetings. Funny not only students and teachers, but also their parents. It would be desirable to make each class notebook in which all interesting cases that occurred in 11 years of school life will be recorded. And on the last call you can read them. A smile and tears of joy will appear on the faces.

    There are several stories that took place at school. Of course, words will not pass the entire situation, which was at that time, but perhaps someone recognizes himself.

    Director with fantasy

    In grade 11 on graduation director, issuing certificates, spoke about every student something good. For example, Anna, good girl, always responsible for each lesson. She helps classmates with homework, and will also always give a useful advice. But since there were about 30 people in the class, she did not come up with all students of beautiful statements. The 25th graduate comes here. The director begins to say: "Karinaughter came to this wonderful school another girl. But only in our school became a girl. " At that moment a pause began. One of the parents says: "It is very interesting, continue, continue! ". The story can happen not only with the director, but also with the teacher. Therefore, it should be prepared in advance about important and responsible performances.

    The teacher quickly realized

    In one of the schools, the sponsor allocated all students, their parents and teachers to the theater tickets. And one of the schoolchildren brings back ticket and note the mother, in which it is written: "Dear, Irina Fedotovna, I can not go to the theater. Therefore, I return the ticket to your ass. " The teacher, frowning his eyebrows, did not think for a long time, took a piece of leaf, pen and wrote a retaliatory note: "Dear, Tatyana Gennadevn, I have a ticket for my ass. And this ticket to yours. " This is noticeable to parents. When you write a statement or letter to the teacher, many parents do not even think about the fact that their text contains many errors. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully check. Otherwise, this teacher will come, who will answer sarcasm and somehow remember.

    Jogging after a call

    It turns out that there are also interesting cases in gymnasiums. Once in the 9th grade, the guys wanted to eat so much that there was noise in the office. And as it came out, the duty officer came and said: "To eat grade 9, not now, and after 3 lesson." All began to express their discontent. The buffet was closed, because there was a repair. Children waited a long time until the lesson end. And the call rang. One junior young man was in so hurry that she crashed into the door, left the tooth there and ran into the dining room. When they told at the meeting, there were a lot of laughter. Then another teacher wrapped the tooth into the bag and showed at the parent meeting. So do not leave children without food. After all, they can stay without teeth! Although, the main thing is that the brains are in place.

    From lessons still need to relax

    It is said that the funniest stories from school life occur in the 11th grade. For example, one girl, preparing at night to three exams, came to school on time just to pass these terrible exams. It was clear that the girl did not sleep all night, because the hair was not calculated, and under the eyes showed stains. Teacher, seeing this, decided to ask her first to let go faster. Schoolgirl goes, pulls out a ticket. Then after 2 minutes it is sitting and says: "Ready. ". After that, it begins to say: "So, erotic attitudes of art. . . ". The class is freezing. And then he was laughing at the entire office. The teacher says: "How will you take a single exam? Confused words. " It turns out that instead of the word "erotic" it was necessary to say "aesthetic". And then the teacher's attention should be paid. You should not ask for children a lot of tasks. Otherwise, such words will often sound in the lessons. Rest is still needed.

    Guys in grade 10 and not this can

    Only a few people know about this story. In the evening, the guys are usually going to the rehearsal of KVN-A. This time, 3 girls decided from the rehearsal. As a rule, in winter it darkens on the street early, so the girls decided to turn off the light in the whole school. The brushes were open, the girls turned a pair of cogs and the light turned off. Schoolgirls were frightened to such an extent that they fled to all legs to the exit. One of them fell and rolled to 1st floor. All ran out on the street and ran up at home. The next day it turned out that a police car came and the school building was examined. The guard took care of this. He called the police, because he was frightened and did not decide to see what was happening on the second floor. From schools counted 15,000 thousand due to false alarm, the guard was left without wages for 2 months. Someone is angry, and someone grins on it. Nobody guessed because everything happened. Therefore, any jokes can form deplorable consequences. So it is worth thinking before doing something.

    Oh, these traitors!

    Probably, everyone had cases when young trainees came to school to spend lessons. Interesting stories from school life happened to them. In the morning, the first lesson travelers began to hold Russian. Wrote on the board the word "inscription" and asked to disassemble in composition. Ask the first person: "Vanya, tell me, what did you do? ". Vanya paused a little, and then he says: "I can not say that it is not culturally." The travelers got angry and said out loud: "Well, what's that? Over - this is a prefix, and the letter is the root. " After a long pause, the whole class began to laugh and speak out loud: "Letter, letter." Traffictka began to perceive, as their own. Soon she was removed from this class, because only seeing her, everyone began to laugh. So, students are desirable to think over their lessons. And it turns out somehow not quite convenient.

    Stories funny many. Even a short case that Fedorov could not push the head between the bench or how it was arranged in a flood in the class, already forces to smile if you tell emotionally. But each case brings an instructive lesson. Sometimes adults do not even understand how similar cases can occur with them. But it is fun. If life is monotonous and without any fun incidents, then you can get bored. And so at least there is an opportunity to remember the funny moments that took place at school. Surely they are in all. Just unfortunately, sometimes forgotten.

    Interesting cases of school life raise the mood and make you smile. Therefore, to remember something from the past will be only useful. After all, good memories are always well affected by a person.

    Viktor Golavkin

    How I was sitting under the desk

    Only a teacher turned away to the board, and I once - and under the desk. As the teacher notes that I disappeared, terrible, probably will be surprised.

    I wonder what he will think? It will ask everyone where I went, "this will be laughter! Already half the lesson passed, and I sit everything. "When," I think, "he will see that there is no me in the class?" And under the desk it is difficult to sit. I got sick with me even. Try so asking! I coughed - no attention. I can not sit again. Yes, I still serve my back in my back in my back all the time. I could not stand. It did not reach the end of the lesson. I get out and say:

    Sorry, Petr Petrovich.

    The teacher asks:

    What's the matter? Do you want to board?

    No, excuse me, I sat under the desk ...

    Well, how is it convenient to sit, under the desk? You sat very quiet today. That would always be in the lessons.

    In the closet

    Before the lesson, I climbed into the closet. I wanted to wash out the cabinet. Think, the cat, and this is me.

    I was sitting in the closet, I waited for the beginning of the lesson and did not notice myself, as fell asleep. I wake up - in the class quietly. I look at the crack - no one. Pushed the door, and it is closed. So I spent the whole lesson. Everyone went home, and I was locked in the closet.

    Stuffy in the closet and dark as at night. I became scary, I began to shout:

    Uh-uh! I'm in the closet! Help! Listening - silence around.

    ABOUT! Comrades! I'm sitting in the closet! I hear someone's steps.

    Someone goes.

    Who is the mines here?

    I immediately recognized the aunt Nyusha, a cleaner. I was delighted, shouting:

    Aunt Nyusha, I'm here!

    Where are you, breeding?

    In the closet me! In the closet!

    How are you. Cute, climbed there?

    I'm in the closet, granny!

    So I hear that you are in the closet. So what do you want? I was locked in the closet. Oh, granny! Nyusha left. Silence again. Probably gone for the key.

    Pal Palych knocked in a wardrobe.

    There is no one there, "Pal Palych said. How not? There is, - Tyu Nyusha said.

    Well, where is he? Said Pal Palych and knocked again on the closet.

    I was afraid that everyone would go away, I will stay in the closet, and shouted myself with my best:

    I'm here!

    Who are you? - asked Pal Palych.

    I ... Chick ...

    Why did you get there, Tsapkin?

    I locked me ... I did not climb ...

    GM ... it was locked! And he did not climb! Have you seen? What wizards in our school! They do not climb into the closet, while they are locked in the closet! Miracles do not happen, do you hear chicks?

    I hear ...

    Have you been sitting there for a long time? - asked Pal Palych.

    I do not know…

    Find the key, Pal Palych said. - Fast.

    Aunt Nyusha went beyond the key, and Pal Palych remained. He sat down next to the chair and waited. I saw his face through the cloth. He was very angry. He lit and said:

    Well! That's what the prank comes! You honestly tell me why are you in the closet?

    I really wanted to disappear from the closet. Will open the closet, and there is no me there. As if I was not there. I will ask me: "Have you been to the closet?" I will say: "Not". I will say: "And who was there?" I will say: "I do not know."

    But after all, only in fairy tales! Surely mom will call tomorrow ... Your son, they will say, closer to the closet, all the lessons asleep there, and all that ... as if it was comfortable to sleep here! Feet lomit, spin hurts. One torment! What was me to answer?

    I was silent.

    Are you alive there? - asked Pal Palych.


    Well, sit, soon open ...

    I am sitting…

    So ... - said Pal Palych. - So you answer me, why did you climb into this wardrobe?

    Who! Chick? In the closet? Why?

    I again wanted to disappear.

    The director asked:

    Tsypkin, are you?

    I sighed hard. I just could not answer.

    Aunt Nyusha said:

    The key is covered by a class of class.

    Hack the door, "said the director.

    I felt the door broke, - the wardrobe shook, I hit my forehead hurt. I was afraid that the wardrobe would fall, and I cried. Hands stood in the walls of the cabinet, and when the door succumbed and opened, I continued to stand in the same way.

    Well, come out, "said the director. - And explain to us what it means.

    I did not move away. I was scared.

    Why is it worth? - asked director.

    I was pulled out of the closet.

    I was silent all the time.

    I did not know what to say.

    I wanted after all meak. But how would I say about it? ..


    We have secrets from girls. We never trust their secrets in the world. They can break through any mystery around the world. Even the most state secret they can break. Well, that they do not trust them!

    We, really, do not have such important secrets, from where we get them! So we were invented themselves. We had such a secret: we buried a couple of pools in the sand and did not tell anyone about it. There was still a secret: we collected nails. For example, I collected twenty-five of a variety of nails, but who knew about it? No one! I did not run anyone. You understand how it was difficult for us! Through our hands passed as many secrets that I don't even remember how many of them were. And no girl recognized anything. They walked and mowed on us, different rims, and only about Tom and thought to endure our secrets. Although they have never been asked about us, but this does not mean anything! What are the cunning all the same!

    And yesterday I walk the courtyard with our secret, with our new wonderful secret and suddenly I see Ira. I passed past several times, and she glanced at me.

    I was still in the yard, and then went to her and sighed quietly. I donibly sighed, so that she did not think that I was specially sighed.

    I once again sighed two, she only glanced again, and that's it. Then I stopped sighed, since there is no sense of this, and I say:

    If you knew that I know, you would be right here, in place, failed.

    She again glanced at me and says:

    Do not worry, "answers," I don't fail, no matter how you failed.

    And for me, something, I say, "fall, I have nothing to fall, since I know the secret.

    Mystery? - He speaks. - What kind of mystery?

    Looks at me and waits when I start telling her about a mystery.

    And I say:

    The mystery is a mystery, and not for that it exists to break it all this secret.

    For some reason, she got angry and says:

    Then go from here with your secrets!

    Ha, - I say, it's not enough! Your courtyard is it, or what?

    I even became ridiculous. That's why they got it!

    We stood, stood, then I see - she mows again.

    I pretended to go away. And I say:

    Okay. Mystery with me will remain. - And grinned so that she realize what it means.

    She didn't even turn her head and says:

    You do not have any mystery. If you had some secret, you would have told you for a long time, and since you do not tell, it means that there is nothing.

    What, I think she says that? Does nonsense? But honestly, I was a little confused. True, because they can not believe me that I have some kind of mystery, more except me, no one knows about her. I have everything mixed in my head. But I pretended that I did not mix anything there, and I say:

    It is very sorry that you can not trust. And then I would tell you everything. But you can turn out to be a traitor ...

    And then I see, she again mows me with one eye.

    I say:

    The point here is not simple, you hope you hopefully, and it's not worth offended by any reason, I think, especially if it were not a secret, but some trifle, and if I knew you better ...

    I said long and a lot. For some reason, I have such a desire appeared - long and talk a lot. When I finished, it was not there.

    She cried, leaning against the wall. Her shoulders trembled. I heard sobbing.

    I immediately realized that she could not be a traitor in the world. She is just that person who can safely trust all. I immediately understood it.

    You see ... - I said, - If you ... You give a word ... and you will smack ...

    And I told her the whole secret.

    The next day I was beaten.

    She drank everything ...

    But the most important thing was not the fact that Irka turned out to be a traitor, not the fact that the secret was revealed, but the fact that then we could not come up with a single new secret as we tried.

    No mustard I did not eat

    I hid my bag under the staircase. And he wrapped over the corner, the prospectus came out.

    Spring. Sun. Birds are singing. Reluctance somehow to school. Anyone is getting tired. So I'm tired.

    I look - the car is standing, the driver is watching something in the motor. I ask him:


    Silent driver.

    Worry? - I ask.

    He is silent.

    I stood, stood, I say:

    What could have a car break?

    This time he heard.

    Guess, "says," broke. Want to help? Well, let's fix together.

    Yes, I ... I can't ...

    Once you can not, do not. I'm somehow myself.

    Two are standing. Talk. I go closer. Listen. One says:

    Like a patent?

    Another says:

    Good with patent.

    "Who is this," I think it's a patent? I have never heard about him. " I thought they would still say about the patent. And they said nothing more about the patent. About the plant began to tell something. One noticed me, says to another:

    Look, the guy as the mouth opened.

    And refers to me:

    What do you want?

    I do nothing - I answer, - I just ...

    Do you have nothing to do?

    That's good! See, won the house of the curve?

    Go push it from that side so that he is smooth.

    Like this?

    And so. You have nothing to do. You and push it. And both laugh.

    I wanted to answer something, but could not come up with. On the way came up with, returned to them.

    Not funny, - I say, - and you laugh.

    They seem to be heard. I'm again:

    Not funny at all. What are you laughing?

    Then one says:

    We do not laugh at all. Where do you see, what are we laughing?

    They really did not laugh. They used to be laughing. So, I was late a little ...

    ABOUT! The broom has a wall. And there is no one. Wonderful broom, big!

    The janitor suddenly leaves the gate:

    Do not touch the broom!

    Why should I broke? I don't need brooms ...

    And do not need, so do not come to the broom. Broom for work, and not to come to her.

    Some evil janitor caught! The brooms are even sorry. Oh, what to do? Home to go even early. Lessons have not yet ended. Walking through the streets boring. No one can see the guys.

    On the forests of construction climb?! Just near the house repair. I will see from above to the city. Suddenly I hear the voice:

    Where do you climb? Hey!

    I look - no one. Blimey! No one, and someone shouts! Above began to rise - again:

    Well, tear!

    Head will be addressed in all directions. Where shout? What?

    Peel! Hey! Peel, pee out!

    I almost rolled out of the stairs.

    Moved to the other side of the street. Top, looking at the forest. I wonder who shouted it. Near I have not seen anyone. And I made everything I saw - workers on the forests plastering, paint ...

    I sat on the tram, I drove to the ring. Anyway to go nowhere. Better I will ride. Tired walk.

    The second round on the tram did. At the same place came. More Circle to drive, or what? No time to go home. Wound. I watch the Wagon window. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, hurry. Where are everyone hurried? Unclear.

    Suddenly, the conductor says:

    Pay, boy, again.

    I have no more money. I only had thirty kopecks.

    Then go, boy. Go on foot.

    Oh, I walk far away!

    And you do not go into the afternoon. To school, probably, did not go?

    How do you know?

    I know everything. You can see.

    And what is seen?

    It can be seen that you didn't go to school. That's what can be seen. Merry guys go from school. And you seemed to have a mustard.

    No, I did not eat mustard ...

    Still go. Walking I do not drive for free.

    And then says:

    Well, okay, ride. Another time will not solve. So know.

    But I still descended. Uncomfortable somehow. The place is completely unfamiliar. I have never been in the area. On one side of the house stand. On the other hand there are no homes; Five excavators of the earth root. How the elephants are walking on the ground. They scratch the land with buckets and raw down. This is a technique! Sit down in a booth. Much better than to go to school. You are sitting, and he himself walks and even the land is digging.

    One excavator stopped. Excavator tears on the ground and tells me:

    Do you want to get into the bucket?

    I'm offended:

    Why should I go to the bucket? I want to go to the cabin.

    And then I remembered about mustard that the conductor told me, and began to smile. So that the excavator thought I am fun. And I'm not boring at all. So that OP did not guessed that I was not at school.

    He looked at me surprised:

    View you, brother, some kind of stupid.

    I began to smile even more. The mouth almost did not stretch the ears.

    What's the matter?

    What do you build me faces?

    At the excavator, slide me.

    This is not a trolleybus. This is a working machine. People work on it. Clear?

    I say:

    I also want to work on it.

    He says:

    Age, brother! It is necessary to learn!

    I thought it was about school. And again smiled.

    And he waved at me with his hand and climbed into the cab. I didn't want to talk to me anymore.

    Spring. Sun. Sparrows in puddles bathe. I go and think about myself. What's the matter? Why is it so bored for me?


    I firmly decided to go to Antarctia. To handle your character. Everyone says, the inactive me, - Mom, teacher, even Vovka. In Antarctica is always winter. And there is no summer. There are only the wildest ride. So vovnovan dad said. Vovka dad was twice there. He spoke with Vovka on the radio. Asked how Vovka lives, as learning. I will spend on the radio too. So that mom is not worried.

    In the morning I took out all the books from the bag, put sandwiches there, lemon, alarm clock, glass and soccer ball. Surely the sea lions there is a meeting, - they love the ball on the nose to twist. The ball did not climb into the bag. I had to release air from it.

    Our cat walked on the table. I also put her in a bag. I barely placed everything.

    Here I am already on the platform. Whistles steam locomotive. How many people go! You can sit on any train. In the end, you can always transfer.

    I got into the car, sat down, where the wounded.

    Opposite the old woman was sleeping. Then the military sat with me. He said: "Hi neighbors!" - And woke up the old woman.

    The old woman woke up, asked:

    We go? - And again fell asleep.

    The train started moving. I went to the window. Here is our home, our white curtains, our lingerie hangs on the courtyard ... no longer can see our home. I was first a little scary. But it is only first. And when the train went completely quickly, I somehow even got fun! After all, I'm going to temper!

    I'm tired of looking out the window. I sat down again.

    What is your name? - asked the military.

    Sasha, "I said a little heard.

    And what grandma sleeps?

    And who knows her!

    Where do you hold the way? -

    Long away…

    To visit?

    For a long time?

    He talked to me as an adult, and I really liked it.

    For a couple of weeks, I said seriously.

    Well, not bad, - said Military, is very good.

    I asked:

    Are you in Antarctica?

    Not yet; Do you want to Antarctica?

    How do you know?

    Everyone wants to Antarctica.

    I want too.

    You see now!

    You see ... I decided to temper ...

    I understand, "said Military, - Sports, skates ...

    Well no…

    Now I understand - the margin of the top!

    Yes No ... - I said, - Antarctica ...

    Antarctica? - asked the military.

    Military Someone called to play checkers. And he went to another coupe.

    Woke old woman.

    Do not chat with your feet, - said the old woman.

    I went to see how playing checkers.

    Suddenly ... I even revealed my eyes - Murka was towards going. And I forgot about it! How could she get out of the bag?

    She ran back - I'm behind her. She climbed under someone's shelf - I also got under the shelf now.

    Murka! - I shouted. - Murka!

    What's that noise? - shouted the conductor. - Why is the cat here?

    This cat is my.

    Who is this boy with?

    I'm with a cat ...

    What kind of cat?

    He rides with her grandmother, "said Military," she is nearby, in a compartment.

    The conductor led me straight to the old woman ..

    Is this boy with you?

    He with the commander, - said the old woman.

    Antarctica ... - I remembered the military, - everything is clear ... Do you understand what is the case? This boy decided to wave in Antarctica. And now he took a cat with him ... And what else did you take with you, the boy?

    Lemon, - I said, - and still sandwiches ...

    And went to raise my character?

    What a bad boy! - said the old woman.

    Ugliness! - confirmed the conductor.

    Then for some reason everyone began to laugh. Even grandmother began to laugh. She has even tears from her eyes. I did not know that everything was laughing at me, and slowly laughed too.

    Take a cat, "said the conductor. - You arrived. Here it is, your Antarctica!

    The train stopped.

    "Is it really," I think, "Antarctica? So soon?"

    We came from the train to Perron. I was put on a counter train and lucky home.

    Mikhail Zoshchenko, Lion Cassil and others. - Enchanted letter

    Once upon a time the Alyosha Two. On singing. And so no longer there was two. Three were. Almost all the troops were. One four was once a long time ago.

    And the top was not at all. Not a single five in life had a person! Well, it was not that was not, well, what can you do! It happens. Alyosha lived without a heel. Ros. From class to class passed. I received my positive top three. Showed the fourth and said:

    Here, it was long ago.

    And suddenly - the fifth. And most importantly, what? For singing. He got this five accidentally. Something successfully sang something, and he was put on a top five. And even quietly praised. Said: "Well done, Alyosha!" In short, it was a very pleasant event, which was overshadowed by one circumstance: he could not show this five to anyone, because it entered the magazine, and the magazine, it is clear, to the hands of students, as a rule, is not issued. And my diary he forgot his house. If so, it means that Alyosha does not have the ability to show all his top five. And so all the joy was durable. And he understands it, I wanted to show everything, especially since the phenomenon is in his life, as you understand, rare. He can simply not believe without actual data. If the top five would be in a notebook, for example, for a solved home, the task or for dictation, then easier simple. That is, you go with this notebook and show everything. While the sheets are not beginning to pop up.

    In the lesson of arithmetic, he has ripe on a plan: to steal the magazine! He steals the magazine, and in the morning it will bring it back. During this time, he can bypass all familiar and strangers with this magazine. In short, he imagined the moment and stole a magazine on a change. He put the magazine for himself in his bag and sits no matter how much it happened. Only his heart is desperately knocking, which is quite natural, because he made theft. When the teacher returned, he was so surprised that the magazine is not on the spot, that he did not even say anything, but he suddenly became some thoughtful. It seemed that he doubted, was the magazine on the table or was not, he came with or without the magazine. He never asked about the magazine: the thought that someone from the disciples stole him, did not even come to him. There was no such case in his pedagogical practice. II, he, without waiting for the call, quietly came out, and it was clear that he was greatly upset with his forgetfulness.

    And Alyosha grabbed his bag and rushed home. In the tram, he took out a magazine from the bag, found his top five and looked at her for a long time. And when he was already walking down the street, he suddenly remembered that I forgot the magazine in the tram. When he remembered it, he almost fell away from fear. He even said "oh!" or something like that. The first thought, which came to his head, is to run behind the tram. But he quickly understood (he was still smart!) That there is no point in running for the tram, since he has already left. Then many other thoughts came to his head. But it was all such minor thoughts that he should not talk about them.

    He even had such a thought: take a train and go to the north. And go there somewhere to work. Why it was north, he did not know, but was going to go there. That is, he was not even going. He thought about a moment about it, and then remembered his mother, grandmother, his father and threw this idea. Then he thought, did not go to the Bureau of Lost Things, it is quite possible that the magazine is there. But here there will be a suspicion. He will certainly detain and attract responsibility. And he did not want to raise responsibility, despite the fact that he deserved.

    He came home and even lost in one evening. And all night he could not fall asleep to the morning, probably, even more lost.

    First, he was tormented by conscience. The whole class remained without a magazine. They disappeared the marks of all friends. It is clear to his excitement.

    And secondly, the five. One for life - and that disappeared. No, I understand him. True, I am not quite understandable to his desperate act, but I am completely understandable to me.

    So, he came to school in the morning. Worried. Nervous. In the throat lump. Do not look into the eyes.

    Teacher comes. He speaks:

    Guys! Lit magazine. Some boring. And where could he go?

    Alyosha is silent.

    Teacher says:

    I seem to remember what came to the class with the magazine. Even saw him on the table. But at the same time, I doubt it. I could not lose it on the road, although I remember very well, as I took it in the teacher and use by the corridor.

    Some guys say:

    No, we remember that the magazine lay on the table. We saw.

    Teacher says:

    In this case, where did he go?

    Allyusha could not stand. He could not sit and silence more. He got up and says:

    The magazine is probably in the chamber of lost things ...

    The teacher was surprised and says:

    Where? Where?

    And in the class laughed.

    Then Alyosha, very worried, says:

    No, I tell you the truth, he probably in the chamber of lost things ... He could not disappear ...

    In what camera? - Teacher says.

    Lost things, "says Alyosha.

    I do not understand, - says Teacher.

    Here Alyosha suddenly for some reason was afraid that he would fly great for this thing if he confesses, and he says:

    I just wanted to advise ...

    The teacher looked at him and sadly so:

    Do not need nonsense, you hear?

    At this time, the door opens, and some woman comes into class and keeps something wobbled in the newspaper.

    I am a conductor, "she says," I apologize. I have a free day today, and here I found your school and class, and in this case, take your magazine.

    The class immediately rose noise, and the teacher says:

    How so? This number is! How was our class journal at the conductor? No, it can not be! Maybe this is not our magazine?

    Conductors smiles and says:

    No, this is your magazine.

    Then the teacher is enough at the conductor the magazine and quickly leaf.

    Yes! Yes! Yes! - He shouts, is our magazine! I remember that it was used by the corridor ...

    Conductors says:

    And then forgot in the tram?

    The teacher looks at her widely revealed eyes. And she, smiling wide, says:

    Well, of course. You forgot him in the tram.

    Then the teacher grabs his head:

    Lord! Something happens to me. How could I forget the magazine in the tram? It's just unthinkable! Although I remember that it was used by the corridor ... Maybe I leave school? I feel, I feel more difficult for me to teach ...

    The conductor says goodbye to the class, and the whole class shouts "thanks", and she leaves with a smile.

    For goodbye, she tells the teacher:

    In another time, be careful.

    The teacher sits at the table, clasping his head with his hands, in a very gloomy mood. Then he, put her cheek hands, sits and looks at one point.

    I stole a magazine.

    But the teacher is silent.

    Then Alyosha says again:

    That I stole the magazine. Understand.

    The teacher sluggishly says:

    Yes ... yes ... I understand you ... Your noble act ... But to do it ... You want to help me ... I know ... Take the blame for yourself ... But why do it, my dear ...

    Alyosha almost crying says:

    No, I tell you the truth ...

    Teacher says:

    You look, he still insists ... What a stubborn boy ... no, it's a surprisingly noble boy ... I appreciate it, cute, but ... since ... such things happen to me ... You need to think about leaving ... Leave the teaching ...

    Alyosha speaks through tears:

    I ... you ... truth ... I say ...

    The teacher rises sharply from his seat, clapped on the table a fist and screams hoarsely:

    Do not!

    After that, he wipes tears with a handkerchief and quickly leaves.

    And what about being aleas?

    It remains all in tears. Tries to explain to the class, but no one believes.

    He feels a hundred times worse as if it were cruelly punished. He can neither eat or sleep.

    He goes to the teacher to the house. And he explains everything. And he convinces the teacher. The teacher strokes him on his head and says:

    This means that you are not a completely lost person and you have a conscience.

    And the teacher accompanies Alesh to the corner and reads him notation.

    Copyright: Victor Gawalkin

    Somehow my colleagues fell on an open lesson in the first class. The teacher put on the board pictures with animal images and said: - Children! Today we have in the lesson - the animals. And all first-graders are friendly
    turned towards guests ...

    Only a teacher turned away to the board, and I once - and under the desk. As the teacher notes that I disappeared, terrible, probably will be surprised.
    I wonder what he will think? It will ask everyone where I went, "this will be laughter! Already half the lesson passed, and I sit everything. "When," I think, "he will see that there is no me in the class?" And under the desk it is difficult to sit. I got sick with me even. Try so asking! I coughed - no attention. I can not sit again. Yes, I still serve my back in my back in my back all the time. I could not stand. It did not reach the end of the lesson. I get out and say:
    - Sorry, Peter Petrovich.
    The teacher asks:
    - What's the matter? Do you want to board?
    - No, excuse me, I sat under the desk ...
    - Well, how is it convenient to sit, under the desk? You sat very quiet today. That would always be in the lessons.

    Once we sat in the class. The teacher told us that if it was not in 15 minutes, then we can leave home. After 5 minutes it comes and tries to open the door, and we keep it with the whole class.
    After 10 minutes, we open her the door and go home with the words: - "You said if you are not in 15 minutes, then you can leave. 15 minutes passed. Goodbye.

    Directress of one school, pushing on graduation, distinguished: about every graduate, handing certificate, she said something good. But very soon inspiration dried up. And now there is another graduate, and the director reports to parents sitting in the hall and invited: - The Lenochka came to our school another girl ... Pause. "Then she became a girl ... here the director hangs. Voice from the Hall: - We are interested, continue!

    It happens that we do not know someone. Sometimes even friends or relatives. In school years, one story happened ... I did not recognize myself. At the training session, he touched his leg, and could not go to school. Calls teacher. I take the phone.
    - Hello. Is it Sanna?
    - No, it is not clear why I say ...
    - Are you her sister?
    - Yes, it is automatically answered and just just shocked from his answer, as well as from the first!
    But since the stupidity broke, you will have to pour until the end. Not to say now "Ah, no, it's still me! I just forgot that Sanna is me and me! "
    - Why is she not at school?
    "She," I say about myself, "I touched the leg and will be two weeks.
    I put the handset and I sit in bewilderment for a long time, how can I forget that I am ...

    Everyone is well known since school bench that the first and even KVN Jokes come from childhood.
    The older our kids become, the more curiosities happen to them. Sometimes, such funny situations even form the basis of the entire ages or novels. Here, for example, a story from life:
    The case occurred with the girl's 5th grade girl, which was not just an excellent study, but an excellent reader. We must pay tribute, the girl did everything on "5", so only one word "Squata" caused her bewilderment.
    Irina Petrovna gave a task to prepare for the presentation. The work was necessary to write in Turgenev, or rather on its work "Mu - Mu." The five-fold appeal to the task and simply removed the book. Having come to the lesson, and writing a presentation, proudly gave a notebook to check.

    In the morning, Katya girl was waiting for a huge disappointment and amazement when the teacher began to read the lines from her masterpiece: "In the morning, Mu-Mu brought to Gerasim, with which he was friends!"
    Class froze. The teacher, with a huge delicacy, continued: "Katya, how Mu can" be happy "with a wheelbarrow?" But Katya was not confused and said that it was so written in the work. Then he took the book and read out: "... led to him the old waterport, with which he lived in a big friendship ..." Irina Petrovna, without increasing his voice, added: "Katya, a water-around is a horse!"

    Funny story with first grade

    No less advanced story from the life of a child in school happened to the first grade, which simply struck her class teacher when I handed over the reading technique.

    After the lessons of Mom's little Lenochka, as usually came for his daughter, and what a pleasant surprise was when Anastasia Ilinichna began to praise his student, saying his mother that her daughter reads at the level of the five plates.
    Then Mom Lenochka was not confused and asked the teacher: "What book did you read?" Anastasia Ilinichna was in bewilderment showed a textbook, and Mom first-graders said that exactly such a textbook had a house inherited from the older sister, who was a smart lenochka knew "nazubok".
    Clear thing that the next day the smart lenochka relied the reading technique, but already on a completely different textbook.

    Baba Yaga hid his good soul in a mortar with a broom.

    When Petya returned from a ski campaign, he fell asleep with a big appetite.

    Snegiri was sitting on the branch like apples.

    Vasya broke skis. Comrades helped him.

    On the Christmas tree burned lights, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

    Arthur Gizargiz

    - Well, Gavrilov, immediately put two or walk to the board and back? - asked Vera Petrovna, and Sergee became a shame. "How she knows," he thought, - What did I not learn lesson? Why does she say that?! "

    - How do you know, Vera Petrovna, what am I not learned? - Serezha asked.

    - So you never learn! - Verina Petrovna was surprised.

    Seryozha stood up, raised up the index finger and stood so alone. As if listening to something.

    "This is yes," he agreed, "but suddenly learned today?"

    - Did you learn? - asked Vera Petrovna. Seryozha thought. He scattered looked at Copernicus. Then Newton and Finally, answered:

    - Can I put a two twice? - asked Vera Petrovna.

    Seryozha looked at the clock.

    "Now you can," he agreed, "we figured out."

    - What is the difference? - asked Vera Petrovna.

    "That I got a deuce seven minutes later," answered Sergei.

    "I don't understand," said Vera Petrovna, "do you really easier from this?"

    "Just Pope said:" You will last in physics at least five minutes - I will buy you a soccer ball. " And I lasted seven, - explained Sergei.

    "We are witnesses," said Kulakov, teeth and silver.

    "I understand," Vera Petrovna said.