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  • Cassiopeian constellation is the brightest star search. Orion - constellation in the night sky. Scheme of constellation and description. Facts, position and map of Cassiopeia constellation

    Cassiopeian constellation is the brightest star search. Orion - constellation in the night sky. Scheme of constellation and description. Facts, position and map of Cassiopeia constellation

    Cassiopay's constellation is located in the northern hemisphere of the heavenly sphere. It includes about 150 stars, which are visible to the naked eye. The brightest lights are numbered 5. In the sky, they are located in the form of a Latin letter W. They are easy to distinguish between shining star splendor.

    This accumulation of shone knows people from ancient times. In the second century, Claudius Ptolemy included him in his Almagest Folitan, along with another 47 constellations. The Kassiopheus herself in the ancient Greeks was associated with the Ethiopian Queen, the wife of Ciefa (Cefheva). She was Andromeda's mother. After death, it was in the heavenly sphere next to her husband, daughter and her beloved Perse. All these star clusters are next. So related bonds have been preserved forever, and people have already admired with relatives with relatives with relatives for more than one thousand years.

    The constellation under consonentially is located opposite the Bolshaya Major, and the polar star of a small bear is visible in the sky between them. The brightest star is Shedar or Alpha Cassiopeia. From the Earth, it will be 70 parses or 228 light years away. It is an orange giant. Slowly rotates around his own axis and makes a complete turn in 102 days. At one time, the Shedar qualified as a variable star, but from the XIX century there were no brightness changes.

    The right of 5 bright luminaries is the star of the cafe that translated from Arabic means "palm". This is a subsidiary with a yellow tint. It is 3 times more than the sun and 28 times brighter. Currently, the luminaire is in the process of cooling and expansion to evolve in the Red Giant. Star This variable type Delta shield. It refers to the main sequence at the last stage of his life. Kaf is a double star. She has a lightweight satellite, which has very little information.

    Navi Star is in the middle of the top five. The bright shine, but does not have a traditional Arab name. But the ancient Chinese marked him in a word, which means "whip". This variable shone. With maximum intensity, it overshadows all other stars of constellation. The cosmic body rotates very quickly and has equatorial bloating. Refers to the subfigan stars and gradually turns into a giant star. Its mass exceeds sunny at 19 times. It emits energy that is 55 thousand suns and shines with white and blue light. There is strong X-ray radiation.

    Closer to the left edge is the star of the drafts or Delta of Cassiopeia. This is a double star system, rotating around one center of mass. Full turnover they do in 759 days. The distance from them to the ground is 30 parses. The chief participant of the system is a giant star, the radius of which is 4 times more solar. There is an excess of infrared radiation.

    The leftmost left star is Sgin. Shine has blue-white. The distance to the Earth is 430 light years or 130 parses. It is considered one of the brightest stars in the constellation Cassiopeia. Lumped 6 times longer than the radius of the sun. There is an interesting assumption that Sgin's star is kinematically connected with the Alpha Persea cluster. Once apparently, it was separated from the cluster as a result of tidal interactions.

    Cassiopeian constellation in the night sky

    Causes a supernova star SN 1572 or quiet Brage. In 1572, astronomer Quiet Brareg noticed the emergence of a new bright star at all near Sgin. She shone in the sky a year and a half, and then disappeared from the sky. Nowadays, it is known that it was a supernova explosion. Currently, this education exists as an object in the radio frequency spectrum and is at a distance of 7500 light years from the Earth, and its sizes are 20 light years.

    Very similar to the sun Yellow Dwarf This Cassiopeia Awhich is included in the double star system. It has the name Achird and is located from the earth at a distance of 19 light years. The second object is orange dwarf. His mass and radius are equal half of the sun. The object is cold and dull. Both bodies turn around one center of the masses, and the full turn is made in 480 years.

    Cassiopheus constellation is rich and star clusters. This is first M52.. It presents with a scattered cluster, in which there are 193 space objects. From the Earth it is at a distance of 5 to 7 thousand light years. In the night sky is located quite close to Cefie and has a glow that can be seen in binoculars.

    Other visible clusters are NGS 457. and NGS 663.. They include many stars. The first accumulation is at a distance of 8 thousand light years from the Earth and has 150 stars. And the second is located at a distance of 8,200 light years from the blue planet and there are about 400 stars.

    To find the constellation under consideration in the sky, you need to spend a straight line through the extreme stars of the bucket of a big bear and a polar star. She will strive in the desired stars, leaving the Cefhea constellation from the side. Cassiopeia seems to swing on a swing with a big bear. When one of them goes to the horizon, the second rises to the zenith, and vice versa. This is explained by the fact that in the heavenly sphere they are on different directions from the polar star.

    One of the most recognizable constellations of the northern hemisphere of the sky - Cassiopeia. Many of you have noticed in the okolopolar region silhouette from bright stars in the form of the letter M or W, so this is the famous asterism in the constellation Cassiopeia. The constellation lies on the Milky Way strip, as a result of which the many scattered star clusters are in itself and not only. Let's reveal all the secrets of this section of the celestial sphere.

    Legend and History

    The constellation received its name on one beautiful Greek legend. Tsar Ethiopia has long lived a long time ago. He had the daughter of Andromeda and the beloved wife of Cassiopeia. The wife often boasted with her beauty in front of the maritime nymphs and once they complained to Poseidon (God of the Seas) for this. Poseidon in punishment for boasting sent a huge sea monster of China for Ethiopia. From time to time, Keith sailed to the shore and joined people and animals. Cefi was very frightened and sent the messengers to Oracle Zeus to Libya for help, in the hope of obtaining at least the information how to get rid of the monsters.

    The decision from the oracle was the following - Keith should eat Andromed, and then he will leave other residents alone. The king of Cefi resisted for a long time and did not want to give his daughter, but the people made him do it. Andromeda chained chains to the rock and gone.

    Fortunately, at this time, the son of Zeus Perseus flew over Ethiopia, he returned after the victory on the jellyfish home. Perceit really liked a chained girl and he decided by anything to save his beauty. When whale flew from the sea, Perseus entered into battle with the enemy. A few hours did the battle lasted, but as a result, Perseus won and liberated Andromed.

    In memory of such a valiant heroic act, all the characters were placed on the sky. Therefore, in our time, constellation can be seen in the sky, and.


    Latin nameCassiopeia.
    Area598 square meters Degree (25th place)
    Direct climbFrom 22 H 52 m to 3 H 25 m
    DecliningFrom + 46 ° to + 77 °
    Brightest stars (< 3 m)
    • Shedar (α CAS) - 2.24 m
    • Kaf (β CAS) - 2.27 m
    • Navi (γ CAS) - 2.47 m
    • Redhead (Δ CAS) - 2.68 m
    The number of stars brighter 6 m90
    Meteor threads-
    Neighboring constellations
    Visibility of constellationFrom + 90 ° to -13 °
    Time to observe in the territory
    Belarus, Russia and Ukraine

    The most interesting facilities for observing the constellation Cassiopeia

    1. Scattered star cluster M 52 (NGC 7654)

    Very rich and dense scattered cluster M 52. Includes about 100 stars with a total brightness of 6.9 m and angular dimensions 16 '. Well distinguishable even in binoculars or the easiest amateur telescope.

    With a more detailed acquaintance with accumulation, several cold orange stars can be distinguished. On large zooms in the telescope M 52. Fully permitted on separate stars. But to count the exact number of stars is unlikely to succeed, do not forget that on the Milky Way strip the density of the stars is much higher.

    Scattered accumulation M 52. lies almost on the border with the constellation Cefi, next to the emission nebula bubble ( NGC 7635.), which can be noted in the photo above in the upper right corner. Route recommend laying from a bright star of the cafe, the brillia of which is 2.27 m (showed below red arrows).

    2. Diffuse Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635, C 11)

    Near M 52. Located (emission) nebula NGC 7635. (or "bubble"). In the catalog it is indicated at number C 11.. The ionized gas cloud has a shine about the 10th star magnitude and visible dimensions of 15.0 '× 8,0'. Unfortunately, the nebula is more often successful to capture on the camera than to see with its own eyes in an eyepiece of a telescope, due to low surface brightness and relatively large sizes.

    Above atlas green arrows Showed the location of the dip-skia "bubble".

    3. A pair of scattered star clusters NGC 7788 and NGC 7790

    Cute couple of small scattered clusters NGC 7788. and NGC 7790. Only visually seems to separate their distance in several light years. In fact, this optical illusion and clusters do not interact with each other. Angular distance between clusters a little more than 10 '. Thus, in a wide-angle eyepiece, it is possible to clearly get acquainted with them at the same time in one field of view.

    I wonder what NGC 7790. Brighter, larger and opened almost 40 years earlier than its nearest neighbor NGC 7788.. The brilliance of the first accumulation is 8.5 m, the angular size is 5 '. Brightness NGC 7788. - 9.4 m, and the angular size is 4 '.

    Search start from Star Kaf ( β Cas.) And slightly shift the telescope pipe in the northeast direction. On a star map above blue arrows Noted the direction to the pair of clusters.

    4. Scattered star cluster NGC 7789

    Large, beautiful and saturated scattered cluster NGC 7789. It fascinates with its appearance even when meeting him in binoculars. About 150 inheritance stars, the glitter of about 6.7 m and scattered "Crupes" in area 25 '. In the photo above it is clear how many other background stars in this area of \u200b\u200bthe sky, and when you look into binoculars or a telescope, their number is different at times. The head of the circle goes from what he saw.

    Cluster NGC 7789. In some sources, they are called the cluster of Rosa Carolina in honor of the German Church of Carolina Herschel. Removed accumulation from us at a distance of 8000 light years.

    Search start from already familiar star cafe or β Cas. and shift the telescope pipe towards the specified red arrows Atlas.

    5. Diffuse nebula NGC 281 + scattered cluster IC 1590

    Immediately it is worth clarifying some mixture in the names of nebulae and clusters. In some textbooks you can meet NGC 281. As a scattered star cluster with nebula, other sources are clearly divided into two dip-skia: NGC 281. - this is an emission nebula, that is, an area of \u200b\u200bionized hydrogen, in which the processes of active stars and IC 1590. - Small, but very scattered accumulation.

    Distance to Dip-Sky objects is about 10 thousand light years. General dimensional dimensions - 35.0 '× 30,0'. Brightness - about 7 m. By the way, often NGC 281. Call the Nebula Pakman, in honor of the character of the arcade eponymous game.

    And again the amateurs of astrospotch bite, in the telescope I managed to distinguish only the scattered cluster IC 1590. In the form of several bright stars, I did not notice any signs of the nebula. And how are you doing with "Pakmoman"? Share in the comments after the survey of the constellation.

    The starting accurate pair of Dip-Sky objects will serve the brightest star of the constellation of the Shedar or α Cas. Glitter 2.24 m.

    6-7. A pair of dwarf galaxies NGC 147 (C 17) and NGC 185 (from 18)

    The following in the list of interesting dip-jumps constellation Cassiopeia go two dwarf galaxies NGC 147. and NGC 185.. The angular distance between them is slightly less than 1 °. Galaxies do not interact with each other.

    NGC 147. - Dwarf spheroidal galaxy, that is, a small size of almost spherical shape and low surface brightness. In this case, the total brightness of it is 9.3 m, and the angular dimensions - 13,2 '× 7,8'. By the way, belongs to the local group of galaxies and is the satellite of the famous Galaxy Nebula Andromeda from the constellation.

    NGC 185. - Dwarf elliptical galaxy. Also relates to the local group of galaxies. Brightness - 9.2 m, angular dimensions - 14 '× 12'. The 10-inch telescope looks much brighter, with a brightly selected core.

    And again we find a bright star of Shedar and move aside Andromeda, after 7, more than a degree, bypassing a few bright stars, you can distinguish 2 blurred foggy spots. Do not miss them, they are especially clearly visible by side vision, against the background of sharp stars.

    8. Scattered star cluster NGC 457 (C 13)

    NGC 457. or cluster Owl (and sometimes cluster Dragonfly) - a very well-known scattered accumulation among passionate observations of astronomy lovers. After all, indeed, in contours of the stars are very easy to imagine: two bright eyes, wings, tail and body.

    The visible star magnitude of the cluster is 6.4 m, visible dimensions - 20 '. Upon ideal weather conditions, it can be noticed even with a naked eye. It is best to watch binoculars or an optical telescope seeker. One of the favorite scattered clusters from astrophotographers.

    At night sky NGC 457. It is very easy to find, below on the map with colored arrows I offer several options (there, by the way, there is another cluster nearby NGC 436.):

    9. Scattered star cluster NGC 436

    Compared to the previous one ( NGC 457.) Cluster NGC 436. Loses on the background of other stars. It can only be seen in binoculars. Includes about 25 stars 12-14 star magnitude with a total brightness of 8.8 m. Visible sizes - 5 '.

    Usually, NGC 436. It is observed in a pair with the "owl". Below in the photo you can see the difference in the size and brightness of two adjacent clusters.

    Scattered clusters NGC 436 (right) and NGC 457 (left)

    10. Scattered star cluster M 103 (NGC 581)

    Another scattered cluster M 103.which fell into the Mesam Catalog, although it was opened by Pierre Messenger. Removed from us by 8 thousand light years and consists of 20 - 25 stars of different luminosity. Even in the image, the shades of the stars from blue to orange are clearly visible.

    The brightness of the cluster is 7.4 m, visible dimensions - 6 '. I recommend to study the constellation into an eyepiece of a telescope on a small increase, for 15-fold binoculars, the dimensions are small.

    We find a bright star of the draft ( Δ Cas.) And slightly shift the pipe in the east direction. Near M 103. There are three more clusters ( NGC 654., NGC 659., NGC 663.), with whom we will get to know a little lower.

    11. Scattered star cluster NGC 654

    Immediately I apologize for the quality of the image, I just didn't find the best on the Internet, if you have better and you can publish it - write to the mail or in the comments.

    A little removed accumulation NGC 654. From the flock of others, however, no less interesting. It can be noticed even in binoculars, but due to small angular sizes (6 ') it is better to use a telescope. The brightness of the cluster is 6.5 m.

    Stars in a cluster NGC 654. It is very scattered around the perimeter, and considering that on the background you can see more than hundreds of other stars, it is generally at first we are lost in the integrity of the painting seen. But let the eye get used and "everything will fall into place." Start your search from the star of the draft, and through M 103. You can get to the desired accumulation NGC 654..

    12. Scattered star cluster NGC 659

    Another representative is not very bright (glitter - 7.9 m), but well released against the background of other stars - scattered cluster NGC 659.. The number of stars in the cluster - 40. The brightest of them has a shine equal to 10 m. General dimensions of the cluster - 6 '.

    Near NGC 659., at a distance of a little more than 30 'you can find another cluster - NGC 663..

    13. Scattered star cluster NGC 663 (C 10)

    The largest and most populous scattered cluster in the local group - NGC 663.. It covers about 80 stars with a total brightness of 7.1 m. Visible dimensions - 15 '. It is not bad even in binoculars.

    The cluster has a very interesting form: the brightest stars outline the contours of the horseshoes, in the middle of which there is not a single star. Stars on the periphery merge with the background.

    When using an ultra-wide-groomed eyepiece and a small increase (up to 50 times) in one field of view NGC 659. and NGC 663.. Below I present a snapshot of a pair of clusters against the background of bright stars.

    14. A pair of diffuse nebulae "Heart" (IC 1805) and "Soul" (IC 1848)

    So that you immediately understand the cosmic razbach IC 1805. (Heart) and IC 1848. (Soul), imagine, in the image above the angular distance from the left edge of the same nebula to the right different is 2.5 °. That is, it is like 50 diameters of the full moon or nearly 200 diameters of the planet Jupiter. And in this regard, the question arises: are these nebulae visible with a naked eye? Not.

    Despite the visible star magnitude of 6.5 m for each of the nebulae, they are separate or under the most favorable weather conditions for hundreds of kilometers from cities using special light filters or astrophotographic. The human eye, unfortunately, cannot distinguish so dull objects, but the digital camera can even in color.

    In the nebulae "Heart" a separate section of the interior substance has its own sequence number in the new general catalog - NGC 896..

    Both nebulae are removed from us about 7,500 light years, these are clouds of ionized hydrogen (plasma), which radiate in the visible range of the spectrum. In the books on astronomy, you can find pictures in the infrared range, for example, the following:

    "Soul" (left) and "heart" (right) in the infrared range

    Search for nebula I recommend from the extreme bright star asterism ε Cas., and further towards the constellation will notice the clouds of ionized gas. There, by the way, there is a good tip in the form of a scattered cluster NGC 1027.. As an option, start searching from clusters Chi-ashes pie.

    15. Scattered star cluster NGC 1027

    Between hid a handful of stars in the form of a cluster NGC 1027.. The brightness of the cluster is 6.7 m, and visible angular dimensions - 15 '. Thus, it can be seen both in binoculars and in the most budget telescope. Please note, in the picture above on the background of the cluster, the Nebula "Heart" is visible ( IC 1805.).

    In fact, when in binoculars or a telescope on small zooms, you observe this accumulation, then no nebulae on the background you will not notice. It is necessary to use an additional special narrowband light filter, which will add the contrast of the nebula and will cross the space background.

    On the other side of the asterism W or M lies a lot of no less interesting dip-sky objects. Time to get acquainted with them.

    16. Scattered star cluster NGC 637

    NGC 637. - Small (visible dimensions are only 3 ') and dim (brightness - 8.2 m) scattered accumulation. Consists of 15 stars that are very tightly gravitationally connected. Against the background of other stars allocated greater brightness and sizes of individual stars. In a telescope, even at an 80-fold increase, the cluster is fully placed in the field of eyepiece.

    Starting from the star ε Cas., extreme star asterism, and, bypassing the star of the 5th star magnitude, you will meet the desired dip-sky NGC 637.

    17. Scattered star cluster NGC 609

    Continuing the route from the star ε Cas.through cluster NGC will meet another scattered cluster NGC 609.. Nothing terrible if you will not find it from the first time. The brightness of the cluster is 11 m, and the dimensions are 3 '.

    In fact, the cluster is larger than the previous one and rich. There are about 40 stars. But it is removed from us much further and notice it in the canvas of other stars will be very not just. I recommend looking for a telescope with a diameter of the main mirror from 200 millimeters (or 8 inches).

    The picture below the difference in the brightness of two clusters is almost indistinguishable:

    18. Scattered star cluster NGC 559

    At some distance from the previous ones, or rather, 1,5 ° is another small scattered cluster NGC 559.. It consists in some calculations of 40 stars 12 - 16 star magnitude with a total brightness - 9.5 m and sizes - 7 '. The accumulation surround (optically it seems) a dozen more brighter stars from 6 to 8 star magnitude.

    On a star map above blue arrows Showed the direction to Dip-Skye.

    Still not open a central plot of constellation Cassiopeia. We are moving in his direction and get acquainted with each dip-Sky object personally.

    19. Scattered star cluster NGC 381

    Between the stars Navi and the draft there is a slight accumulation of very distant stars. The brightness of each star does not exceed 16 star magnitude, while the total visible value is 9.3 m. Dimensions - 7 ', but separating the accumulation from other stars is very difficult; The image above is the confirmation.

    Most of the dip-sky objects of the central region of the constellation are best searching, pushing out from the star Navi. or Cafing. They are bright (approximately 2.4 m) are visible to the naked eye, they are easy to find them in an optical finder, and the desired clusters are close to them.

    Central part of the constellation Cassiopeia

    20. Scattered star cluster NGC 225

    Very beautiful and bright scattered cluster NGC 225. With nebula in the back background. Consists of 20 stars from 9 to 11 star magnitude. Someone sees the letter W, as well as the same asterism in the constellation, for others it is a stretched spiral spring.

    The brightness of the cluster is 7 m, and the angular dimensions are 15 '(in other sources you can meet the number 12).

    Atlas above from the star Navi green arrows Indicated direction to cluster.

    21. A pair of scattered clusters NGC 133 and NGC 146

    This pair of clusters, probably, the most difficult to find in the sky. Great Landmark will serve a bright star of the 4th Star κ Cas..

    NGC 133. - scattered cluster with brightness of 9.4 m and angular dimensions of 3 '.

    NGC 146. - scattered accumulation, the brightness of which is 9.1 m, and visible dimensions - 5 '.

    Each cluster contains 25 to 30 stars from 15 to 18 star magnitude. The gravitational clusters are not connected in any way, removed from the solar system to a distance of approximately 15 thousand light years.

    22. Scattered star cluster NGC 189

    Scattered accumulation NGC 189. Contains 2 groups of stars: Blue hot B and A, and already cooling, lively stars of the spectral class G and K.

    The brightness of the cluster is 8.8 m, and the angular dimensions are 5 '.

    Search should start from Navi Star, after finding a major cluster NGC 225. and it is already a little shifted in the western direction to detect NGC 189.. On the map above the green arrows indicated the direction directly from the star HIP 4151. Before the desired dip-sky object.

    23. Scattered star cluster NGC 103

    With accumulation M 103. We got acquainted earlier, now we have to learn about the scattered cluster NGC 103.. The brightness is noticeably lower, only 9.8 m. Consists of a dozen stars of 12 - 14 star magnitude with a total area of \u200b\u200b5 '.

    All accumulations in this central group are preferably one after another, for example, found NGC 189.follow up to NGC 103.. Nearby, though there are several stars of 6 star magnitude, but immediately imagine the seeker will be problematic. You can also try to pave the route from the star Kaf ( β Cas.), previously from which we found clusters like NGC 7788. and NGC 7790..

    24. Scattered star cluster NGC 129

    And finally, the last and large scattered cluster in the constellation Cassiopeia - NGC 129.. Against the background of previous clusters NGC 129. It really has impressive dimensions (12 ') and high brightness (6.5 m).

    A bright star at the bottom of the image is a double star with a brightness of 6 m.

    Route can be paved from the star Navi. (as shown by blue arrows on a star map above) and from the star Cafing. Both options are optimal and simple.

    Multiple starry systems

    25.1 Double Star η Cas

    η Cas. Or Cassiopeia - a double star whose components are: the main star is a yellow giant with a brightness of 3.7 m, and its satellite is a red cold star with a shine of 7.4 m. The angular distance between the stars is 12.2 ". The period of satellite circulation around the main star is 526 years old. Removed from the sun for a distance of 20 light years.

    25.2 Double Star Σ Cas

    Σ Cas. or Cassiopeia sigma is a double star, which consists of the main component of the brightness of 5 m, and its satellite with a shine of 7.1 m. The distance between the stars is 3 ".

    Search Double Stars This and Sigma Cassiopeia

    Our Space Review of Constellation Cassiopeia approached the end. Well, impressed? What did I miss or not notice? What can I add or fix?

    Constellation Kisiopha It is clearly seen on the night sky in the form of five stars that form the wrong letter W or M. These five stars of the constellation of Cassiophai are often called the throne - it seats the Queen Cassiopeia, which is usually depicted with a mirror.

    Constellation Kisiopha It is not very far from the polar star and therefore can be seen at any time of the year, never entering the horizon throughout Russia.

    Nevertheless, observe the objects in constellation of Cassiopeia The telescope is best in the fall - at this time of the year it is closest to Zenit about midnight.
    More precisely, Cassiopey is located near Zenith on the latitude of Moscow at the end of September.

    Unlike some other constellations, five main stars of Cassiopeia are clearly visible even on the illuminated urban sky.

    This scheme shows the main stars of the constellation of Cassiopeia. The main stars in Cassiophee are only five, they are pretty bright, are located in the form of a well-distinguishable figure and have their own names:
    Shedar - Alpha Cassiopeia
    Kaf - Betta Cassiopeia
    Navi - Gamma Cassiopeia
    Hubbles - Delta Cassiopeia
    SEGIN - Epsilon Cassiopeia

    The remaining stars are much weaker and are usually not combined with conditional lines, but the brightest of them are distinguishable by the unarmed eye and denoted by the letters of the Greek alphabet.
    Light nebula on the background of the scheme is the Milky Way.
    By the way, the Milky Way is usually not visible near the cities, but finding the constellation of Cassiopeia, you can be gone, where he goes around and try to consider it.

    Cassiopheye constellation - Interesting facts

    It is curious that if you mentally spend straight lines from any stars of the bucket of a big bear through a polar star, then in the end, they will almost definitely cross one of the stars of asterism throne in the constellation Cassiopheus, that is, one of its brightest stars.

    Cassiophai constellation is named after the spouse of the Ethiopian king Cefhea. Cefy and Cassiopeia were the parents of Andromeda, the very hero of the ancient Greek myths of Persians saved from the sea monster.
    By the way, in the appearance of this monster was to blame the Central Queen of Cassiopeia - she said that more beautiful namif Neremid. The nymphs did not squeeze the baggage and asked Poseidon to stand up. Poseidon, being married to one of Neremid, could not refuse and enjoyed the Marine Crank on Ethiopia, with whom I had to deal with Perse.
    Here, because of the self-examination, Cassiopeia and are depicted with a mirror.
    In general, without female intrigue and here it did not cost, but without them there would be no heroes ...

    If you look at the map of the starry sky, you can see the constellations dedicated to all members of this Star family. They are all located nearby: Andromeda is on the bottom from Cassiopeia, closer to the horizon, and the constellation of the Cefi is closer to the polar star to the right of Andromeda located and Pegasus - the winged horse, born of blood droplets of Medusa Gorgon, but this is another story :)

    Look at the Cassiopeian constellation scheme and find a star indicated by the letter K.
    Not far from her (a little higher and the right of the scheme) In early November 1572, a bright supernova star broke out. November 11, the brightness of the star increased so much that it was visible even during the day at noon!
    According to the records of Astronoma, it is quietly braga, its brightness reached the value of approximately 4 m. According to the records, the brightness was approximately the same bright as Venus in the greatest shine. The supernovae was visible even during the day through the haze.
    Then the star swept and gradually disappeared from the sky.
    In 1952, the source of radio emission was found in this place. In 1960, the remains of the star were discovered in an optical telescope.
    Now this object is called SN 1572. NASA managed to make it a snapshot.
    SN 1572 is located at a distance of 7500 light years from the Sun (2300 parses).

    The constellation of Cassiopeia is not rich in remarkable objects, but something else is there.
    Basically, these are scattered star clusters, which is not surprising: the constellation of Cassiopeia is located against the background of the Milky Way, and the lion's share of scattered star clusters is located there.
    Near the star of the drafts is the scattered cluster of the stars M103, it is visible in good binoculars.
    M76 - Planetary Nebula Small dumbbell with a brightness of only 10 m - the telescope is needed quite strong.
    M52 - scattered star cluster, can be seen in good binoculars.
    At the very bottom, M32 is visible - the famous nebula in the constellation Andromeda. It certainly not in the constellation of Cassiopeia, but not so far ...
    Smoothly down from the star Sgin on the scheme is visible NGC 884 and NGC 869 - a fairly famous pair of scattered clusters "Hee and Ash Persea". In binoculars, they are visible as a pair of two light balls of stars located close to each other - I am very advised to see!

    Other Cassiopeian constellation objects are less bright, almost all of them are scattered star clusters.
    The nebula is marked with gray, but for their observation, a good telescope needs and a completely black sky away from the cities, without being illuminated. Information about them is better to look at the Star Sky map online - see menu on the left.

    Or tell me to friends:

    Starry sky

    Back in antiquity, people began to study the mysterious and beautiful starry sky. They saw the stars on it, which called constellations. Constellations resembled people various objects, animals, mythical heroes, for which they received their names.

    These drawings from the ancient star satin are depicting the constellations with which you met in the classroom. Submitted and using the textbook to sign their name.

    Using the drawings of the textbook connection, so that the Cassiopheye constellation schemes, swan, orion are obtained.

    If the stars were visible in the afternoon, we would notice that the Sun for a year happens in the "guest" from different constellations. Each constellation has the Sun "Got" about one month.

    Zodiac - This is a belt from constellations, along which the sun moves throughout the year.

    Number the constellation of the zodiac in the order of their "visits" by the Sun. Start with the constellation of Aries.

    With the help of an atlas-determinant "from the ground to the sky" learn the names of two bright stars in the Constellation Orion. On the model of the constellation made on the task of the textbook, sign them. Find in the atlas - the identifier information about these stars. Try to see them in the evening sky.

    Two bright stars in the Constellation Orion - Bethelgeuse, Rigel.

    Bethelgeuse - At the top of the left of the Constellation Orion, a reddish star is burning (its name is translated as "a giant armpit"). Interestingly, this star in diameter is almost 400 times more than the sun.

    Rigel - At the bottom of the right of the Constellation Orion shines this star (its name is translated as a "foot"). In the entire constellation, she is the brightest.

    Never goes beyond the horizon and one of the 88 and the letters of the heavenly alphabet - the letter "w". This is Queen Cassiopeia.

    You can watch the Cassiopeian constellation on medium latitudes of the northern hemisphere year round, but the best conditions for his observations come with the onset of autumn when the constellation rises high above the head and practically rests on the Zenith, this period continues until the end of winter.

    Main stars constellation

    Characteristic and, so recognizable, the silhouette of the Cassiopeia, in the form of a Latin litera "w" form the brightest stars of constellations: α, β, γ, δ and ε Cas. They have an almost equal star magnitude, which varies from 2 to 3m.

    Shedar or Alpha Cassiopeia

    The brightest star in Cassiology is α Cas or a shadar, having 2.2 star magnitudes. Navi, Γ Cas, - a variable star, changing its brightness from 1.6 to 3 star magnitudes for about 50 years.

    Objects of distant space and their descriptions

    Cassiopeian constellation is almost entirely immersed in t. Summer Milky Way, which is already saying that the constellation can be very rich in the objects of distant space. So, there is more than two dozen wonderful scattered star clusters to Cassiology, because there will be a powerful astronomical binoculars for us today, or a light refractor with an aperture of at least 100 mm and a wide field of view.

    Almost all of these objects can be observed even in the most ordinary field binoculars 7x35. Having done a run in the area of \u200b\u200bthe sky that it occupies the asterism "w", in the field of view of the binocular, will certainly be alternately to fall many of these clusters. Some of them immediately rush into the eyes immediately - on the contrary, because of the small number of stars in them, they are not the first time even with the card. It is curious that Charles Messia among such an abundance of objects introduced only two in their catalog. Now they are listed there at the numbers M52 and M103. We will dwell on them in more detail.

    Scattered cluster M52.

    If you visually continue the segment formed by the α and β Cas stars on an equal distance to the navigation to the navigation, then we will see the scattered cluster M52. In the middle binoculars, it looks like a light, sparkling, foggy, almost a round spot, against which glitters with a dozen stars, they form two notable chains. One of them is similar to an inverted letter "U", the other - on "V".

    Observations M52.

    When observing the telescope, it is a fairly bright scattered cluster, in which in the search ocular can be counted under two tens of stars, again, stacked in the abishes of the beech "U" and V "(acknowledged star swarm on the background of the sparkling fog of unresolved luminaries), south -Wasy tip of which is crowned with a bright star, the approximate brightness of which is 7 - 8 star magnitudes. When lifting an increase of up to 40 - 50x, it becomes noticeably slightly compressed from the north-east spot, against the background of which the considerable amount (more than two dozen) stars already flickers, the brightness of which is fading as it approaches the periphery.

    The most impressions of the M52 observations can be obtained using 5 - 6 "(125 - 150 mm) of a light telescope on medium zooms. Then the accumulation is already fully resolved on the stars, deprived of "star dust" and presents the observer with fifty wonderful white luminaries.


    Next door to the scraper (Δ of Cassiopeia), about one degree to the East-Sev-East from it, we will find the last object in this constellation, Open S. Messier. At the same time, it was also final and in his catalog (other objects, up to M110, were added in the twentieth century from unpublished Messier notes). This object itself was signed pretty trivially "cluster stars", which, in fact, does not fully characterize this excellent "Star Resident".

    Observations M103

    Even in the small commander binoculars of 7x35, you can find a small on-size cloud of sparkling star dust, in it, if you hard to install the same tool, you can see characteristic asterism, which does not apply to cluster, but is the most noticeable for a small binoculary it part. This is a multiple star Struve 131, the components of which are located in such a way that the entire intricate pattern resembles the arrow's tip, where the brightest star matches its edge.

    For an observer with a telescope, the cluster M103 has a special, let's say charm. Contrary to the established opinion that scattered clusters are best observed on rather small zooms, it must be raised for M103, but not more than up to 50s. At 40x (which is optimal) curiously calculate, "dropped" from the sparkling background, the stars (in this case, their number exceeds fifty). It is as very interesting to guess in the star weave horseshoe-like asterism - a star chain in the center of the cluster, thanks to which it is sometimes called undercover. In fact, it is in the southwestern part M103.

    Clusters NGC 654, 659 and 663

    Scattered clusters NGC663 (left in the middle), NGC 659 (left below), NGC 654 (left at the top) and Messier 103 (right and below the center).

    Less than two degrees to continue direct Δ Cas - M103 to the East-Sev-East, easily placed in one field of view, there are three adjacent scattered clusters: NGC 654, NGC 659 and NGC 663. Together they form an equally-free stupid triangle in the sky , giving the observer the opportunity to compare them among themselves. NGC 654 is a small, poor cluster, in it you can count no more than a dozen stars 8 - 9 quantities. NGC 659 also does not shine beauty, but their neighbor in the sky - NGC 663 is worthy of attention as an object.

    NGC 663 observations

    So, in the search ochable in a small light refractor or a powerful astronomical binoculars in it, it is possible to count just over two tens of stars shrouded in unresolved sparkling fog. As the increase increases, it is also possible to detect with the floor of a dozen, adding to the rest of the roe, shining. It should be noted a certain feature, which is not immediately striking, namely, the unresolved mass of the cluster is located directly in its center, while the periphery consists of, almost entirely allowed luminaries. This feature, oddly enough, is manifested only when observed in small telescopes, in other cases it is not manifested so noticeable.

    Other clusters in Cassiology

    Let's walk away from the beginning to the end of the "w" part of the Cassiopeia, stopping at such objects as NGC 457, which northeastern Δ of Cassiopeia, or NGC 225 is strictly east of γ.

    VDB 4 and NGC 225 Nebula

    Reflective VDB 4 Nebula, associated with scattered star cluster NGC 225 is also called a sailing boat or broken heart.

    NGC 457 - scattered cluster

    We will not leave and easily two such a large object, such as NGC 129 and NGC 281, having almost 6th Star magnitude. NGC 281 is also called Pakman nebula.

    NGC 281 - Emisy Nebula in the constellation Cassiope

    But more specifically, we will focus on the NGC 7789.

    It is also possible to find it, moving on one field of view in the direction of the West from the geed. There, exactly between the two stars ρ and σ Cas, it will be. This is a rather bright scattered cluster, having 6.7 star magnitudes, whose observations are possible in absolutely any optical tool, be it a pickle tube or a 10-and more inch telescope.

    NGC 7789 observations

    In the binoculars of 10x50 it can be seen as a rather large sparkling foggy spot, in the north-western part of which a young star of 7 - 8th star magnitude, having a bluish tint. In a major astronomical binocular, the classic example of which is 15x70, the accumulation looks quite different. Among the flickering MGLL of unresolved luminaries, brighter stars make their way, the number of which exceeds one ten. The same things are with a 100 mm high-angle refractor, it is possible that the number of allowed stars in this case increases to two dozen.

    Naturally, the owners of more powerful optics can count on the full resolution of the "star hassle" already in 120-150 mm telescopes. At the same time, hundreds of individual luminaries are visible in the cluster, which are stacked in intricate interlacing and chains, and in the center it becomes more dark, deprived of the stars of the zone, which gives the image of a cluster of some dynamicity.

    Bubble nebula

    Now back to the previously observed, cluster M52. To the southwest of it, about 0.6 o, a characteristic figure of four stars is visible, which resembles two adjacent triangles, which crosses the star the magnitude of approximately 6.5m, the remaining three of the 7-8-centie magnitude .

    Near the star, which denotes the less bright vertex of the adjacent side, is one of the most interesting nebulaes - the bubble nebula or NGC 7635. This is not the brightest object, but its brightness, which will be 11M, allows you to identify it even at 70 - 80 mm telescope. Then the nebula looks like a kind of "process", located from the star and shrouded in the barely caught glow.

    Kaleidoscope flowers nebula bubble

    It is much easier to notice the glow itself in a powerful binoculars that gives a more generalized picture. As such, the "bubble" in a small telescope see, most likely, will not succeed. The minimum aperture that is needed in order to guess the slightly elongated part of the nebula shell greater than 8 "(200 mm).

    Visualization of the spatial structure of the nebula

    Asterism HRR12

    Interest for the sake of moving your gaze a little higher (towards the north). Here is curious asterism, no more than a random chain of stars, in no way connected physically. It is included in the catalog as HRR12. The intricate pattern of it consists of stars of the 6th - 7th magnitude and is like a small bucket, facing the straight three-star handle to the south.

    Eastern facilities in Cassiology

    If, armed with binoculars, descend a little south of the star Δ Cas and move to the seventeenth in the direction of the segment Δ - ε Cas, then in a wide field of view, such scattered clusters and nebulae will appear alternately, like Stock2, MRK6, IC 1805, NGC 1027, IC 1848, CR33 and CR34.