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  • What awaits in August lovers to look at the night Novgorod sky? What planets of the solar system will be able to see in August surveillance planets in August

    What awaits in August lovers to look at the night Novgorod sky? What planets of the solar system will be able to see in August surveillance planets in August

    1.06.2017 20:31 | Alexander Kozlovsky

    At this week on the night of August 7, there will be a private lunar eclipse, which will be seen almost throughout Russia and the CIS (except the most eastern and northern mainland areas). The maximum phase of the eclipse will be 0.25 (the moon will pass through the northern part of the earth's shadow), but it is noteworthy that before the beginning and after the end of the private eclipse of the moon will completely be in the earthly fellow. Private eclipse will begin at 20 o'clock 22 minutes Moscow time, and will end at 22 hours 19 minutes, waving more than two hours. However, the darkening of the moon edge can be noticed earlier (the semoligible phase). The start and end time is equally throughout the country (taking into account the time zone difference). The next day, after the eclipse of the moon (F \u003d 0.99-), it will be in the downlink node of the orbit, and on August 9, the moon coating (f \u003d 0.95-) of the Neptune planet appears to be in sight in Antarctica and Australia. On August 12, Mercury will reach standing with the transition to the digital movement, and the meteor flow of the Perseid is a maximum of action (hourly meteors - 120). At the end of the week, the moon will take place near the uranium with a phase of about 0.7-. In addition, it is possible to observe silver clouds that appear against the backdrop of the morning and evening twilight segment. In the constellation of the shield, a new star appeared (about 10 stages. Led). A new comet C / 2017 O1 (Asassn1) is also open, which moves on the constellation Eridan in the direction of the star cluster of giada with a brilliance of about 10m.

    From the planets of the solar system: Mercury is visible on the evening sky in the southern latitudes of the country, Venus is observed in the morning and afternoon, Mars is not visible, Jupiter has evening visibility, Saturn is visible all night, and Uranus and Neptune can be found at the night and morning sky. Detailed ephemeris planets and motion cards are given in the printed version.

    Some close couples Luminous: Moon - Neptune, Moon - Uranus, Mercury - Regulus, Venus - Pollux, Jupiter - Saturn - Antares, Uranium - Oomikron Fish, Neptune - Lambda Aquarius, Ceres - Venus, Vesta - Regult, C / 2015 ER61 (Panstarrs) - Pleiades, P / Clark (71p) - Antares.

    Review of the foggy celestial objects of the month - video cards for a month and

    Information about the phenomena of the past and the future - in.

    Review articles about planets and small bodies of the solar system.

    Date A (2000.0) D (2000.0) R Delta M ELON. V PA Son. Ceres (1) 6 Aug 2017 6H47M10.25S +24.22498 DEG 2.664 3.460 8.9 32.8 61.70 89.7 GEM 11 AUG 2017 6H56M07.14S +24.21928 DEG 2.661 3.420 8.9 35.5 61.25 90.4 GEM Pallada (2) 6 Aug 2017 2H52M14.26S - 2.01971 DeG 2.748 2.495 9.4 93.4 42.99 121.0 ERI 11 Aug 2017 2H57M00.66S - 2.80169 DEG 2.736 2.421 9.3 97.0 42.46 125.8 ERI Vesta (4) 6 Aug 2017 10H48M07.85S +12.71824 DEG 2.326 3,200 8.1 25.5 71.07 111.9 LEO 11 Aug 2017 10H57M06.34S +11.82625 Deg 2.321 3.218 8.1 23.1 71.68 112.2 LEO GEBA (6) 6 Aug 2017 17H10M49.18S - 9.15632 DEG 2.422 1.716 9.7 122.9 22.11 186.7 OPH 11 Aug 2017 17H10M53.09S - 9.89662 DEG 2.410 1.757 9.8 118.5 22.39 172.4 Oph Irida (7) 6 AUG 2017 1H47M21.92S +18.79753 Deg 1.937 1.456 9.1 101.8 51.72 62.1 ARI 11 Aug 2017 1H53M40.17S +19.57392 Deg 1.928 1.401 9.0 104.8 48.44 61.8 ARI Julia (89) 6 Aug 2017 23H13M11.35S + 7.02201 DEG 2.103 1.222 9.6 140.1 34.15 321.0 PSC 11 Aug 2017 23H10M02.73S + 7.86982 DEG 2.100 1.189 9.5 144.7 36.52 311.9 PSC A Direct climbing for the era 2000.0, D - declination for the era 2000.0, R - distance from the sun (A.E.), Delta - distance from Earth (A.E.), M - star magnitude, Elon. - elongation, V - angular velocity (seconds per hour), RA is the positional angle of direction of movement of the celestial body, Son. - Constellation Son. Ceres (1) 6 Aug 2017 6H47M10.25S +24.22498 DEG 2.664 3.460 8.9 32.8 61.70 89.7 GEM 11 AUG 2017 6H56M07.14S +24.21928 DEG 2.661 3.420 8.9 35.5 61.25 90.4 GEM Pallada (2) 6 Aug 2017 2H52M14.26S - 2.01971 DeG 2.748 2.495 9.4 93.4 42.99 121.0 ERI 11 Aug 2017 2H57M00.66S - 2.80169 DEG 2.736 2.421 9.3 97.0 42.46 125.8 ERI Vesta (4) 6 Aug 2017 10H48M07.85S +12.71824 DEG 2.326 3,200 8.1 25.5 71.07 111.9 LEO 11 Aug 2017 10H57M06.34S +11.82625 DEG 2.321 3.218 8.1 23.1 71.68 112.2 LEO GEBA (6) 6 Aug 2017 17H10M49.18S - 9.15632 DEG 2.422 1.716 9.7 122.9 22.11 186.7 OPH 11 Aug 2017 17H10M53.09S - 9.89662 DeG 2.410 1.757 9.8 118.5 22.39 172.4 Oph Irida (7) 6 Aug 2017 1H47M21.92S +18.79753 Deg 1.937 1.456 9.1 101.8 51.72 62.1 ARI 11 Aug 2017 1H53M40.17S +19.57392 DEG 1.928 1.401 9.0 104.8 48.44 61.8 ARI Julia (89) 6 Aug 2017 23H13M11. 35S + 7.02201 Deg 2.103 1.222 9.6 140.1 34.15 321.0 PSC 11 Aug 2017 23H10M02.73S + 7.86982 DEG 2.100 1.189 9.5 144.7 36.52 311.9 PSC A Direct climbing for the era 2000.0, D - declination for the era 2000.0, R is the distance from the Sun (A.E.), Delta - distance from Earth (A.E.), M - Star Village, Elon. - elongation, V - angular velocity (seconds per hour), RA is the positional angle of direction of movement of the celestial body, Son. - Constellation

    Selected astronomical phenomena of the week.

    In August, the truly nights favorable for space observations are finally beginning. What predicts the astronomical calendar for August 2019? The most interesting is a rich meteor flow of Persians. And, of course, there will be other phenomena.

    Astronomical calendar for August 2019 does not foreshadow something particularly significant as it was in August last year. Then the solar eclipse and the great confrontation of Mars occurred. This year there will be nothing like that, but from this the starry sky will not be poorer - it can also observe a huge number of interesting objects. Also in August, the visibility of silver clouds will continue.

    The August Starry Sky demonstrates in all its glory. This time of year is one of the best for the observer. Nights become very dark, but not too cold, and a lot of clear days. At this time of the year, even the naked eye is perfectly visible to the place of thousands of stars, and the Milky Way is great.

    Starry sky in August in the direction of the south.

    High in the sky, practically in Zenith, shines Denhead - Alpha. With a bluish veggie gave way to swan his place and leans to the West. The eagle, and the summer triangle from Vigi, Deneba and Altair are perfectly visible to the south.

    The horizon is still bright red light shines Mars, although it is already noticeably lower than it was. He is in Capricorn. Closer to the east, the giant square of the PEGAS constellation is well visible high above the horizon, and next to it. You can search for the famous galaxy M 31 -, in a dark night it can be easily detected by the naked eye in the form of a foggy spot.

    Planets in August 2019

    In August, planets will be observed:

    And the day appear in the sky, so it is not available for observations. Venus only at the end of the month will appear in the sky immediately after sunset and will have brightness -3.9m.

    Jupiter It can be observed within the course of the month in the evenings. Its brightness will be approximately -2.3m, and the visible diameter in the month will decrease from 43 to 39 seconds. It will move on the constellation of the snakes, and after midnight hide. Although the height of Jupiter over the horizon in August is small, it can be considered in a telescope with an increase of 80 times and distinguish between its belt, as well as find the main satellites.

    Saturn will be in the constellation Sagittarius. Its visible diameter will also decrease and will reach 18 seconds by the end of the month. It will be possible to observe his rings quite successfully in a telescope with an increase of 30 times, and at 100 times you can notice the cassini gap in them. Saturn Saturn Titan can be tried to find even 50-mm binoculars.

    Uranus Will be in the constellation of Aries. The visible diameter of the disk will be 3.5 seconds and to see it, it will take an increase from 60 times. But the shine of uranium will be 5.8m, so that with excellent eyesight find it in the sky is quite an unarmed eye. In binoculars he is easily.

    Neptune It will be in the constellation of Aquarius, its shine will be 7.8m, so that the search will require a good binoculars or a telescope and a star map. The disk diameter will be 2.35 seconds.

    August 12 will be able to confront the asteroid Evania (15 Eunomia), it will be in 3 degrees west of the Beta Aquarius. From the ground to Evniony, the distance will be 1.4 AE. or 210 million km.

    Meteor threads in August 2019

    In August, we are waiting for a very abundant starfall - the meteor flow of Perceid will reach its maximum of 12-13 numbers. It operates from July 23 to August 20, but in the days of the maximum, the intensity of up to 100 meteors per hour is expected.

    Unfortunately, almost full of moon will prevent a spectacle to enjoy, but trying to try. No tools are required for observations, you only need to find a comfortable dark place with a good review in the direction from the north-east to the southeast.

    The best time to observe Perceid is the morning before dawn on the night from 12 to 12 August. At this time, the flow will reach the maximum, and the moon will hide. Yes, and after a maximum of a few more days it will be possible to see bright cars - large meteors, burning very bright and leaving the trail of fascinated gases.

    Perceids can be seen every year since the end of July to August 24. At this time, the Earth passes through the dust cloud in the orbit of the comet of Swift-Tattla. The comet itself approached the Earth in 1992, and next time approach in 2126 - after a hundred years.

    The particles of sand-tattla come into the atmosphere at a speed of 60 km / s. There they flare and evaporate quickly. All of them seem to fly from one point in the Perseus Constellation, which is why the meteor flow and received its name.

    The location of the radiant of the meteor flow of Perseides in the northeast.

    We wish you more clear and warm nights, and successful observations!

    - When and what time can you see this amazing romantic phenomenon in the night sky? In August 2017, do not miss your opportunity to make a desire "on the falling star", which, by the way, can be up to 60 per hour.

    Starfall Perside - one of the most popular both among professionals and among lovers, and not surprising: Perseys are a very abundant meteor flow and enters Top 3 most beautiful starlets. At this time, you can watch in the sky up to 1 spark per minute - therefore, stock "spare" desires.

    When and at what time can I see the starfall of Perside?

    Persians begin to fall from August 9, and reaching apogee by August 12-13Gradually, as it removes from the ground, fade to the 20th. The magic spectacle is the result of the fall of meteoric rocks, cosmic dust and ice pieces from passing meteors. Perseida as a meteoroch flow originates from the constellation Perseus.

    Special brightness flows "Cherry on the cake" - comet Swift-Tattlewhose tail, actually losing space breeds, giving us this star fireworks. It is based on the stream of Perseid and the comet of Swiff Tattle in particular, the discovery was made that the meteor flow "Running" from the tail of the comet.

    Is it worth saying that you won't see such a beauty? Extinguish light in the house, go to the balcony, street, garden, park or nature, take a look at the sky and enjoy the peace. Remember that Persians will return only in a year.

    Where will be visible and how to watch Starsfall Perside?

    Persian starfall best to watch, of course, equal to persay constellation. In this part of the sky you can observe the maximum number of incident meteors. First, find the constellation in the sky Big Mesmen. (Bucket) and Polar Star.. The bucket - the constellation in the form of the same name kitchen tool, in the form of the letter "J" from seven stars. If the bucket is increasingly or less understandable, then we are looking for a polar star, leading a line to the right from the edge of the bucket: you must achieve the edges of a small bucket. Polar Star - Extreme Star "Handles" The Constellation of the Constellation Small Males. From the polar star, lead the line further - you will come across cassiopeia constellation (accumulation of stars in the form of the letter W). Below - Perseus Constellation. More clearly can be seen on the METEOWEB scheme:

    Persians are known to humanity for about two thousand years, according to Moscow Planetarium. Lubbean Adolf Jacques ketle is considered to be a flow opener. The absolute record for incident meteors in the entire history of observation of Persians was noted in 1839 - 160 Falling meteors per minute! Therefore, prepare a list of desires. At night 9 to 13 August, it is precisely worth distrast from the burden of life and draw a gaze to the sky.

    If in the present August at dawn look into the northeast part of the skyscle, then you will probably notice an unusual shine, similar to "big" and very bright yellow star. Meet - before you Planet Venus, which at the beginning of the year you probably noticed in the evenings in the western part of the sky. But that was the period of evening visibility of the planet, which from about the middle of the spring was changed by a period of its morning visibility.

    So, the best time to observe Venus in August 2017 is 3 - 4 in the morning (local time). The planet shines brightly against the backdrop of the morning dawn in the northeast - eastern part of the skyscland as a star -4.0 ZV. And it is simply impossible not to notice in the clear sky. By August 24, Venus will cross the constellation of twins, shifting the south of the most striking stars of this constellation - Castor and Polluks. And at dawn on August 19, it is worth arming a camera, because the golden slim decreasing sickle of the moon will take place near Bright Venus. And it will be a very beautiful spectacle!

    When preparing the review, the following sites and software were used.

    Augustus promises to become rich in astronomical events, reported on the website of the Moscow Planetarium.

    Starry Sky August

    In the southern sky, the summer triangle is dominated by the summer triangle, formed by the bright stars of Venea, Denget and Altair - the main lights of the constellations of the Lyra, Swan and Eagle, and near the horizon - the snakecar. In the same part of the sky, the sky is visible, but very interesting constellations of arrows, chanterelles and dolphin. The horizon itself is located the Southern Constellations of Sagittarius and Capricorn. In the south-eastern region of the sky at high altitude - Andromeda and Pegasus, and near the horizon - fish and whale. To the west of Zenith - Dragon, Hercules and Sternoshac. The Milky Way stretches from the south to the northeast, passing near Zenith.

    In the field of Zenith, the constellation is Cefhea, east of it - Cassiopeia, below - Perseus.

    In the northeast - Beauty of Cassiopeia, Perseus and the arcing, and the horizon is the Taurus.

    Starfall Perceid.

    The starry sky of Augustus will decorate the traditional August Starstel Perseid, whose action is held for the period from July 23 to August 20, and the flow peak is August 12-13. In 2018, up to 100 meteors per hour are expected to predict the international meteor organization.

    Perseid Starfall is a meteor flow that has been observed annually in August from the constellation Perseus. Falling particles with grain size burn in an earth atmosphere at an altitude of approximately 80-100 km. At the same time, the speed with which they face the Earth's atmosphere can vary from 13 to 73 km / s, it depends on the angle of fall. For the flow of Perseid, the rate of fall is about 50-60 km / s. Therefore, small particles, possessing colossal energy, flare.

    Star rain do not constitute dangerous for people or for spacecraft. A meteor fell on Earth is a rather rare phenomenon. Total 6-7 meteorites found in the history of Belarus are known. And they all had no attitude to the starfold of Perside.

    To successfully observe the starfall, the most cloudless sky and the lack of lunar lighting are desirable.

    Silver clouds

    In August, a magnificent opportunity continues to detect and observing silver clouds. They can appear throughout the summer period. Photo from the archive Photo from the archive Silver clouds (also known as mesospheric clouds or night luminous clouds) - a relatively rare atmospheric phenomenon. Observed in the summer months in latitudes between 43 and 65 degrees of the North and South latitude. It was possible to prove that similar phenomena take place on other planets, in particular, on Mars.

    Private eclipse of the sun

    The sun is moving on the constellation of cancer until August 10, and then goes to the constellation of the lion and remains in it until the end of the month. The decline in the daylight, compared with the first two year months, decreases every day after every day. As a result, the duration of the day is also rapidly reduced. On August 11, a new moon will occur and the private eclipse of the sun. This eclipse will be seen from North and Eastern Europe, the northern parts of North America and some northern and western places in Asia, which makes it the most observed solar eclipse of 2018, if the weather is allowed.

    Important events of August

    August 5 - 88 years ago, the American astronaut Neil Armstrong was born - the first person, who set foot on the surface of the moon.

    August 6 - 57 years ago Soviet cosmonaut Hermann Titov made the second in the history of the flight in space. On August 6, 1961, at nine o'clock in the morning of Moscow time, Herman Titov on the East-2 spacecraft rose to an near-empty orbit and spent 25 hours of 18 minutes on her, shelted land 17 times.

    August 19 - 58 years ago, the Soviet Spaceship "East" with dogs, whitewash and arrow, made a daily flight with return to Earth. In addition to dogs, there were two white rats and several mice on board.

    August 31 - 39 years ago, the first reliably famous fall of the comet of Howard-Kamen-Michelza comets in the sun.