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  • Nebula in Perseus Constellation. Constellation Perseus. Myth about the constellation Perseus

    Nebula in Perseus Constellation. Constellation Perseus. Myth about the constellation Perseus

    Perseus - the constellation of the northern part of the sky, named after the Greek hero who killed Gorgon Medusa. It is one of the 48 Constellations of Ptolemy and was adopted by an international astronomical union as one of the 88 contemporary constellations. It contains the famous variable star Algol (β per), as well as the radiant of the annual meteor flow of Perside.

    a brief description of

    Lat. name Perseus.
    Abbreviation Per.
    Symbol Perseus
    Direct climb from 1 H 22 m to 4 H 41 m
    Declining from + 30 ° 40 'to + 58 ° 30'
    Area 615 square meters degrees
    (24th place)
    Brightest stars
    (Value< 3 m)
    Mirphac (α per) - 1,79m Algol (β per) - 2.1-3,4M ζ per - 2,85m ε per - 2.90m γ per - 2,91m
    Meteor threads Persians September Persians
    Neighboring constellations Cassiopeia Andromeda Triangle Aries Taurus Calling Giraffe
    Constellation apparently in latitudes from + 90 ° to -31 °.
    The best time to observe is December.

    Persian on the starry sky

    Perseus constellation covers an area of \u200b\u200b615 square degrees of the sky, thanks to which it takes 24th place among other constellations.

    This constellation is almost completely focused on the Milky Way, so it is clearly visible against the sky of a dairy-white sky. Near the Persee, you can find the zodiac constellations of Aries and Taurus, as well as Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Easy. With good observation conditions, when the night is mad and quite clear, without using optics, you can see an average of 90 stars of Persea.

    The best time to observe this constellation is late in the late autumn - in November. However, the inhabitants of the average latitudes of Russia can observe it almost all year, with the exception of May and June months, when Perseus partially hides in the north outside the horizon. But, waiting for November or December and raising his gaze on the starry sky, everyone will be able to distinguish between the wrong polygon, formed by the 11th bright stars of this constellation in the chaise. This is the constellation of Perseus.

    The brightest representative of Perseus

    It's time to talk about the stars of the constellation Perseus, who deserve the greatest attention of observers. The first one should be called Alpha Perseus, it also bears the names of the MirFack (translated - "elbow") or alventib (all from the same Arabic - "side"). This star giant yellow-white spectrum. From our planet MIRFAC is at a distance equal to 590 light years. The temperature of this star is solar, that is, 5000k.

    Miaphc is a double star. The visible stellar value is 1.80m. Alpha Persea is attributed to the spectral class F5 IB. The satellite Mira has a visible stellar value of 11.8m and is located from the dominant star at the angular distance in 167 angular seconds. In Alfer Persea, there is the same open accumulation of myphk, which is also found under the names of Melotte 20 and Collinder 39. Miaphka has its own exoplanet - a hot giant, the mass of which is commensurate with 6.6 masses of Jupiter. The period of circulation of this object is approximately 128 days.

    Star, which has become the standard of elaborate-variable shining

    In the constellation Perseus there is a very interesting star, because, besides the fact that it is a multiple system, she is assigned the role of the brightest representative of the elaborate-variables of the celestial objects. The name of this star Algol, she is Beta Persea. The two components (A and B) are combined into a very close system. The distance between the elements of this dual system is 0.682 astronomical units. Algol A and Algol in rotating relative to each other with a period of approximately 2.9 days. As a consequence that two stars occasionally overshadow one friend and appears this effect of variability.

    In this system, the third component settled in this system is Algol S. Last, the third star rotates relative to the center of mass of two other objects with a much larger period, which is equal to almost two years (1.86). This is explained by a significant removal of the component with: the distance from Algol with to two other stars is equal to the whole 2.69 astronomical units. The entire system of three stars has a total mass, which can be compared with almost six solar masses.

    This star in Perseus's constellation is paradoxical in the literal sense of the word. So, the component B is a less massive object - subgigant, which is located at the last stages of evolution. In turn, the second component of Algol A seems to be the star of the main sequence. It usually occurs so that more massive celestial bodies and evolve, respectively, much faster. In this case, everything happens exactly the opposite. This case in science is called the paradox of Algol. But everything is explained quite simple: as a result of the flow of a substance from one star to another, a more massive star after a subgigant time later.

    Paradox Algoli.

    You did not notice anything strange in the facts outlined above? Let's look at the data obtained by astronomers. Algol A is a hot massive star of the main sequence, that is, a star that, like the Sun, is in equilibrium, burning hydrogen in his core. Meanwhile, her satellite, Star Algol B, has already gone from the main sequence and moved to the stage of subgigant. This means that it developed much on the main star: hydrogen in her kernel comes to an end.

    But how is it possible, because Algol is a much massive satellite?! And the star is more massive, the faster it burns the nuclear fuel, and the faster in the end it is evolving! It seems we came across an obvious contradiction!

    This is a contradiction arising from comparison of the observed data with the theory, the name "Paradox of Algol". He is explained simply and beautiful.

    In the past, Algol B was a massive Algol A and therefore developed faster. Turning into the subghanant, Algol b filled the rocher cavity - the area around the star, where the strength of its attraction is greater than the force of the satellite attraction. As a result, the substance of Algol B began to flow to Algol A, enriching the star with hydrogen (in the external strata of the star it is always greater than in the kernel) and at the same time heated it at the expense of an additional mass. So the stale has become less massive than an evolutionary younger. Something similar astronomers was observed on the example of the regulator.

    How to watch Algol?

    Is it possible to blame for the change in the gloss of Algol? Of course! You are not only able to make sure the star variables with your own eyes, but also to do the same work as John Gudraike, building the shine of the algae. To do this, you will not need a telescope or other expensive equipment, only your own eyes, clock and pencil with a piece of paper.

    Your goal is to collect a few dozen star gloss assessments (including, of course, evaluations made near the minimum of the algae's gloss!), Then transfer these estimates in star values \u200b\u200band apply them to the chart. It seems too difficult? Not at all! Moreover, it may be a very exciting occupation! If you have not yet frightened this task, then read our article how to observe the elaborate variable star Algol, where it is described in detail, as it should be monitored.

    If accurate observations are too tedious to you, just watch the star at the time of the eclipse. At the beginning of the event, Algol is a striking spectacle! The shine of the star falls almost in front of her eyes. To make sure that you do not even need to carry out accurate observations, it is enough just to look at the star with an interval in half an hour! There is something incredible in how the algol in a matter of hours turns out of the second on the brightness of the Perseus star into a completely ordinary asterisk.

    As we have already written above, the eclipse process lasts about 10 hours: five hours of glitter Algol drops, and then for five hours it grows. After 2 days and 11 hours, the phenomenon is repeated. In order not to wait for the beginning of the eclipse (suddenly it falls on daytime hours?), Go to a minimum page of Algol, where the moments of the minimum of β Persea are indicated for the coming months.

    But before being taken for observations, you must first find Algol in the sky!

    How to find algol in the sky?

    Watch the Devil star in medium latitudes can be almost all year round, with the exception of a period of short summer nights, when the Perseus constellation is low above the horizon in the north. At the end of summer in the evenings, Perseus is visible in the east, at the beginning of autumn - in the south-east. The best time to observe Algol - Autumn and the first half of winter. At this time, in the evenings, the Perseus constellation is located almost in the zenith in the southern part of the sky.

    In the fall of Perseus, the easiest way to find the constellation of Cassiopeia, which is in Zenith and externally similar to the letter W. Another search method is to push off from the gigantic "bucket" with the handle that forms the constellation Pegasus and Andromeda. The main star of Persea, Mirphak, is located on the continuation of the knob "Bucket". In the spring and summer, when the Perseus constellation is low above the horizon, it is easy to find, pushing away from the bright yellow star of Capella.

    The most vivid stars of Persei form three chains - two lower and upper, - similar to the mirror reflection of the Greek letter λ. Three chains are connected in the brightest Perseus star, known as the MirFack. Algol is at the bottom of the right lower chain, together with the stars ω, ρ and π Persea forming a small quadrangle.

    Other no less curious stars constellation

    There are in this constellation and another variable luminaries that we can see from the ground. Such is the star RO Persea, which is related to the variable stars. The brightness of the star varies from 3.2M to 4m, but this change occurs every time with a different period, which fluctuates in 33-55 days. There is an assumption that just at this time is also superimposed, the long-period change of the shine of the star, whose period is already about 1100 days.

    Another beautiful Perseus star, which is also a double system, is her this. The dominant star of the system has a stellar value of 3.8m. While its satellite, removed on the angular distance in 29 seconds of the arc, has only 7.9m values. The observation of this steam star into the telescope seems to truly an impressive spectacle. The "leading" star shines with soft orange light, while the satellite has a blusted gloss. From the shine of these two open space bodies on the night sky, it is very difficult to tear off your eyes.


    Gorgon head - Asterism, the corresponding part of the traditional figure of the constellation. The incorrect shape is a quadrilateral, including the stars β (algol), π, ρ and ω.

    Persay segment - Asterism formed by six stars of Perseus, stretched into line from about from the south to the north - ξ, ε, δ, α (miral), γ and η.

    Meteorful Perside Stream

    Perseys are the most famous of all meteor flows, which can be observed every summer from mid-July to the end of August in the northern hemisphere. Maximum falls on August 13, when the speed reaches more than 60 debris per hour (usually before dawn).

    For the first time he was recorded even 2,000 years ago in the Far East. The flow is called the tears of St. Lawrence, because in some countries it coincides with this holiday (August 10).

    Perseys are connected with the Swift-Tattla comet - a comet with an orbital period in 133. In July 1862, Lewis Swift and Choraus Tattle were found separately. A firm core comet takes 26 km long and leaves a trash flow - Perseys clouds. The age of most dust is 1000 years.

    Heavenly objects constellation Perseus

    • Messier 34.(M34, NGC 1039) - open accumulation with a visual value 5.5 and remoteness of 1500 light years. With age in 200-250 million, it accommodates about 400 stars, and radius - 7 light years. In the middle of the 17th century he found him an astronomer from Italy Giovanni Batista Godior. In 1764 he fell into the Mesae catalog. With good visibility conditions, the blurred spot norther from Angola to Gamma Andromeda.
    • Nebula Little dumbbell(Messa 76, M76, NGC 650 and NGC 651) is a planetary nebula with a visual value of 10.1 and remoteness of 2500 light years. In the amount takes 2.7 x 1.8 angular moments. In the Messier catalog, this is one of the most difficult objects for observation. From the very beginning she had two numbers - NGC 650 and NGC 651, because it seemed that it consists of two different emission nebulae. The name is the reference to the nebula dumbbell (Messier 27) in the constellation of a chanterelle, to which it looks like. In 1780, she found Pierre Messenger in 1780, and after added to the Messier catalog. For the first time as a nebula, he was acknowledged by Astronomer Gebere Kertis.
    • Alpha Persea cluster(Melotte 20, Collinder 39) - open star cluster with visible visual value 1.2 and remoteness in 557-650 light years. Age - 50-70 million years. Holds several blue stars, the brightest of which is Mirphac. This also includes Delta, Epsilon and Psi Persei.
    • Molecular Persay cloud- Giant molecular cloud located in 600 light years. In the amount it takes 6'x2 'and does not differ in large brightness. Exception - clusters IC 348 and NGC 1333. Both are plots of low-mass star formation.
    • Climbing Persea(ABELL 426) - accumulation, accommodating thousands of galaxies. Divided from us at 5366 km / s. Located in 240 million light years.
    • 3C 83.1b.- Radiogalaxy with a visual value of 12.63. Belongs to the elliptical galaxy NGC 1265. In size reaches 2.04 'x 1.74'. It is classified as a fanuroff radio language and class 1 Rilee - one of the brightest points of radio emission located in the center.
    • Double accumulation in Perse(Caldwell 14, NGC 869 and NGC 884) - Two bright open clusters NGC 884 and NGC 869. Located 7600 and 6800 light years. Age - 3.2 and 5.6 million years. Total visible value 4.3. It can be found in the naked eye, but to share visually, a telescope will be required. NGC 869 is in the West with a visible value of 5.3, and NGC 884 - in the East, and its value reaches 6.1. The accumulation accommodates more than 300 supergigants. The brightest stars of the main sequence are represented by the spectral class B0. Both move to us at a speed of 21 km / s and 22 km / s.
    • NGC 1333.- Reflected nebula with a visible value 5.6 and remoteness in 1000 light years. Located in the molecular cloud of Perseus and in the amount of 6'x3 '.
    • NGC 1260.- Spiral galaxy with apparent 14.3 and remoteness of 250 million light years. Holds supernova SN 2006GY (2006), which has become the second bright object in the observed universe.
    • California Nebula(NGC 1499) is an emission nebula with a visual value of 6.0 and 1000 light-old remoteness. It takes 2.5 ° in length and not particularly bright, which makes it difficult to observe. In 1884 she found it an astronomer from America E. Barnard. It is just like that because it looks like a California plan.
    • Perseus A.(NGC 1275, Caldwell 24) is the Galaxy of Seeter Type 1.5, corresponding to the Radioxis of Perseus A, and is located in the center of the accumulation of Perseus. Visual value - 12.6, and remoteness - 237 million light years. This is a powerful source of radio emission and X-ray rays, so it is believed that inside a supermassive black hole is hidden. Consists of two galaxies. One of them is a CD type galaxy (gigantic elliptical galaxy with a large halo star, located near the center of the Galactic cluster), and the second is a high-speed system (HVS), removed from it for 200,000 light years and, possibly merges with the accumulation of Persea. Because of the huge distance, HVS does not affect the central galaxy. NGC 1275 is a dominant galaxy in size in more than 100,000 light years. In the galaxy there is a thin network of surrounding threads. They had to collapse due to collisions with other galaxies, but this did not happen. It is believed that their strong magnetic fields hold them.
    • NGC 1058.- The Galaxy of Seyfert Type-2 with a visible value of 11.82 and remoteness of 27.4 million light years. It is removed from us at a speed of 518 km / s, and relative to the Milky Way - 629 km / s.

    Legend of Perseus constellation

    According to the well-known myth, Perseus was the son of Zeus and Danai, the daughter of the Argos Tsar Akrismia.

    The acrycia was predicted that he would die of grandson. To avoid a similar plot, he sharpened his daughter to give a copper tower. Having learned about this injustice, Zeus, turning around the golden rain, penetrated the tower to Dana. Soon she gave birth to Perseya. Acrycius came into rage. He ordered to put the daughter and grandson in the box, stick and throw it into the sea. Seven days the drawer was over the waves until they nailed to the island serf. On the island reigned Phald. He sheltered unfairly affected.

    But calm is not forever. Perseus grew up and matured, but another idea came to Polyudect - to master the Danae. To avoid difficulties, he sent Persea to the right death - to get the head of the jellyfish Gorgon, the look of people addressed the stones.

    But the gods helped Perse. Athena and Hermes presented our hero winged sandals, a sharp knife, a mirror shield, a magic hat-invisible AIDA and showed the way to Gorgon. The fight was impressive. Rising into the air on the winged sandals, depending on the reflection of the jellyfish in the mirror shield, he cut off the gone head. The jellyf had two more sisters, but putting the head of the Gorgon in the bag, Perseus put the invisibility cap and calmly disappeared from the persecutors.

    On the way back, in Ethiopia, Perseus saved from the sea monster of China, the royal daughter Andromeda, what we were told about in detail, speaking about the legend of the constellation Andromeda. Perseus took Andromed in wives.

    Arriving home the winner, Perseus discovered his mother in the temple - there she was saved from pursuing a halfdect. The conversation was short: with the help of the head Gorgon, he drew a halfdect and his minions in the stones.

    But the ancient prophecy still came true - Perseus accidentally killed acrycia. Not wanting to further reign, Perseus left the Argos Trone to his relative, and went to Tirinf himself. But the feats of Perseus did not remain unnoticed - the gods raised him to heaven, turning into a beautiful constellation.

    How to find the constellation Persea in the sky?

    The constellation is clearly visible throughout Russia, the best conditions for observation are addressed in December.

    In order to find the constellation, we need to mentally continue to the east line formed by the chain of three stars of Andromeda. She will definitely point to Persea. From the east, the Persea's constellation borders with Cassiopeia, in the West - with the catchery, and the calf is located in the south-east.

    "Nearby - right at the feet of the doomed monster of the Virgin -
    Viden winged Perseus, thankful printed Savior.
    Her husband itself itself - the proof of his father's power -
    The light emits such and so much the sky is given.
    Right husband Hand glitters next to Cassiopeia,
    As if it will be treated. In a rush, rape racing
    In the sky Perseus, trampleting the ether with a painted stop. "

    Arat from Sol "Phenomena", 248 - 254, III century BC

    "Astronomy is currently not a mandatory subject at school and faculty ... Therefore, I hope someone will be interested in the constellation Persea in pictures, myths and schemes.

    Seosnews9., 2015 year

    Perseus's constellation (PERSEUS) - the head of the constellation group of the same name does not shine with bright stars, yes, and in the corner area is the fifteenth constellation of the Northern sky, and among all the constellations of the heavenly sphere (in the sky) Perseus occupies 24 place (615 square meters. Degrees), slightly ahead of Cassiopeia constellation.
    Through the constellation Persea passes the Milky Way and many of his stars are highlighted by mysterious foggy light.
    Perseus directly borders the seven constellations, this is: Giraffe; Cassiopeia; Andromeda; Triangle; Aries; Calf; Call and is the main thing in the Perseus constellation group created by Donald Menzel on a combining classic myth about Persene and Andromeda.
    Perseus on the territory of Russia is partially setting, visible completely constellation (declining from 31.7 ° to 58.5 °). In the midnight climax of the constellation Perseus falls in the second half of autumn and keeps in it from the third decade of October until mid-November. Available for observation all year, though, in May and June, only partially.

    Stars and Perseix Constellation Scheme

    In the constellation Perseus, there are only two bright stars, but the number of navigation has been accepted by four stars constellations: yellowish Miraph (α per 1.79 m) and three white-blue Algol (β per; 2.09 m), Attic (Menkhib, ζ per; 2.84 m) and Adid Austlis (ε per; 2.90 m). The fourth and last of the stars of the third star value - Seid (Γ per; 2.91 m) eclipses the neighboring miral and did not enter the list of navigation stars.
    The borders of the constellation and most visible stars are presented in Figure 1 - view of the Perseus constellation at the time of climax (In such angle, it is customary to represent the constellation in astronomy):

    Sergey OV.

    Fig. one. Constellation Perseus. Historically established names of the bright and most notable stars.

    Perseus's constellation includes nineteen stars with the brilliance of the fourth stellar value, and our own names received seven of them: Basel (Adid Borealis, Δ per; 3.01 m) - a little south-east of the Mirphac; Gorgona Temitation (ρ per; 3.32 m) - next to Algolem, the second eye Gorgon jellyfish; Miraem (η per; 3.77 m) - Persona's right brush; Adad (ν per; 3.77 m) - the base of the body; Misam (κ per; 3.79 m) - on the left shoulder of Persea; Atik. (ο per; 3.84 m) - on the left foot or left volatile sandals and Menkyb. (ξ per; 3.98 m) - on the knee of the left leg. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe head of the jellyfish, even two stars of the fifth star magnitude of the quarter gone (ω per; 4.61 m) and the Goregon of the second (π per; 4.68 m) are obtained.
    In total, fifteen stars received fifteen stars in the constellation in the constellation Perseus as part of the European-Middle Eastern tradition.

    In the constellation Persea deserve special consideration of the second of bright stars and double scattered star cluster of Persea:

    - Algol, β per

    The ancient legends of the Algole are a visual illustration of the observation and insightness of the ancient peoples. Changes in the brightness of this star were seen both in ancient Egypt and in ancient Greece, but for some reason the sinister meaning was attributed to a temporary nine-hour reduction in the brightness of the star - in the ancient Greeks, according to mythology, Algol is an eye of the terrible Gorgon Jellyfish (perhaps if the star had increased the brightness at the same time, it would be considered a good sign).
    The alternating character of the luminosity of Algol was opened only in the 17th century, first by the Italian astronomer of Geminiano Montanari, and then, regardless, in the next century, the Englishman John Goodrayk, and the Goodrike immediately put forward the hypothesis about the eclipse character of the change in the luminosity of the star.
    According to modern ideas, Algol is the correct elastic-variable star system and is a prototype for other stars of this class.
    The Algol system consists of three stars: the most massive and bright algol A, an aging loose and relatively dim algol B and separately disposable from them like our Saturn from the Sun, though, bright shining algol C.
    Algol's luminosity and almost a half of the order exceeds the luminosity of Algol B and Algol C, they correlate as 98: 3.4: 4.1 L ☉ - Sun luminosity units. Their masses and radii relative to our Sun, respectively, are:
    β Per A.- 3.6 m ☉, 2.3 r ☉; β per B.- 0.8 m ☉, 3.0 R ☉; β per C. - 1.67 m ☉, 0.9 R ☉
    Algol A and in the form of a close dual system (The distance between them is almost five times less than the radius of the orbit of Mercury)and one turnover is committed relative to the center of mass in 2,86732 ± 1 * 10 5 days. It is with such an interval that the luminosity of the Algol alternate the luminance, the darkening of the star, completely distinguishable visually, occurs when Algol B partially overshadows from us algorith A. In order for the live to observe this process, you need to be patient, because the intensive decrease and, accordingly, the growth of the brightness last four and a half. You can pick up suitable for observation the coming dates of the eclipse of Algole and Moscow time (MSK):

    Nearest Eclipse Dates Algole Moscow time

    Beginning of gloss change

    Date of minimum brightness

    End of gloss change

    18.11.2018 17:18

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    Algol served as the benefit of astronomical science not only in the field of opening variable stars, but stimulated research dynamics of close star systems. The fact is that single stars are older than their mass, at the same time in the Algol system, old old Algol B is significantly easier than the young Algol A, the contradiction is allowed to consider the fact that in close systems the substance can flow from one star to other.
    With the help of a modern interferometric system of CHARA telescopes, a set of images of the double system of Algol was obtained, which allowed to animate their mutual movement - this animation and is represented as a capital illustration of the subsection.

    Double scattered peers accumulation (NGC 869 and NGC 884, Caldwell 14, C 14)

    Double Star Persay It can be seen with the naked eye as a foggy oval cloud in the northwestern part of the constellation.
    This cluster, like a nebula, is known since ancient times, the first written mention of him refer to the works of Hippark (2 century BC), it is also present in the Almagest catalog of Ptolemy. Despite this, starting from the 17th century, strangeness begins with the mentions of this object: the hunter behind the misty objects of Messier does not write anywhere about this accumulation; Pedantic Bayer in its catalog at the site of the cluster denotes a certain object as χ per.
    Many followers of the Bayer designation system begin to attribute χ per to double cluster. But Bayer, in one of the last works, suddenly writes that a foggy education in Perse is "Double Finger Nebula" and it should not be attributed to the stars, while no changes in the atlas do not contribute to any changes. That's where everything is confused ...
    As a result, the statement of Bayer was executed as one of the last requests: the eastern cluster designated as H accumulation of Persea (NGC 869), more western as χ Perseus accumulation (NGC 884) and the nearest star of the star magnitude as χ per!
    Since then, in English-speaking countries, this cluster loves to call H-χ PERSEUS.
    H-χ in English sounds like "Eich Chi", there is a Cambridge Anecdote (England)):
    Chatted student loudly sneezed at the lecture.
    Professor: " Did you say something?"

    Student: "Sorry, Professor, I unexpectedly remembered how we looked at the star cluster in Persee and could not resist exclamation!"
    Professor: " Yes, Eich Chi Persea is an interesting object, but it is better to call it a double star cluster (Double Cluster)! "
    This cluster, mainly, admire observers in that with the help of a simple optics, a fog-white oval spot turns into two bunch of multi-colored stars. But remarkable clusters still not only.
    First, these clusters are very young - they are "total" about 12 million years (Life on Earth has already been 3.5 billion years, and the first primates appeared 55 million years ago)But, despite this, there are already red aging stars in them;
    Secondly, these clusters are really in the neighborhood, formed from the same gas-dust cloud and the gravity interact with each other;
    Thirdly, they are in the next sleeve of our galaxy (Sleeve Persea) At a distance of 7600 light years and move towards us with speeds: NGC 869 - 39 km / s, and NGC 884 - 38 km / s, that is, for our descendants they will look brighter and brighter.

    Within the constellation Persea is a radiant of a meteororal flow called Persianswhich has a record high population density maximum up to 150 meteors per hour coming on August 12, the period of passage of all flow lasts more than a month from July 17 to August 24 - this stream is a short-period comet Swift - Tattla . By the way, the radiant of the meteor flux almost coincides with the location of the double starring of Persea.

    With a list of more than 160 stars of Persea, their attractions and features can be found, causing a list:

    When creating a contour picture of the Perseus constellation, it is desirable to solve two tasks: first, so that the image at least somehow corresponded to the name of the constellation and, secondly, in order to occupy as much part of the area within its boundaries.
    In our case, to get the historic image of the mythological hero of the ancient Greece Persea, the constellation should be considered from the position somewhat different from the generally accepted now - culmination.
    In the ancient constellations for the image of their characters, simple figures do not do, in those days, asteristers approached this issue in detail and thoroughly. To build a graphic image of Persea at the time of attack on the marine monster of zetus (Ketus or China) Almost all the most bright stars are used. up to 5 star magnitude (Fig.2):

    Sergey OV.

    Fig. 2. Perseus constellation scheme. Chart on the stars (contour image) of mythological character with a sword brought, her head Gorgon in hand, bag and flying sandals. - To see the stars designations, move the cursor when JavaScript is enabled.

    The image presented in Figure 2, fully corresponds to the mythological plot, but build such an image on the stars in medium latitudes, alas, not every night, but only with the clear sky on the eve of the new moon. It is much easier to get a picture consisting mainly of stars up to 4 star magnitude: and the stars are smaller, and the picture yourself is much easier:

    Perseus Constellation, Perseix Constellation Scheme Sergey OV.

    Fig. 3. Scheme of the constellation Perseus from the kit of the brightest stars. Perseus in the winged cloak with a cruel-cutting weapon in both hands rushed into the attack on the zetus - chart of the stars (contour image). To see the star designations, move the cursor to the picture when JavaScript is enabled.

    Simplified peers visualization, presented in Fig. 3, is used for the image of the Perseus constellation in our map-planetarium: "".
    But with these two schemes, the visual capabilities of the constellation stars are not exhausted, in alternating images of Persea Fig.4, you can find two more new options, which, in general, can fit into the mythological plot of "Perseady":

    Fig. four. Variants of the Perseus constellation schemes, fit in the mythological plot. Graphic images from lines of connecting stars:
    1. Cranked Perseus; 2. Perseus on a flying board - flyboard; 3. Simplified image of Perseus and, for comparison, our main version of the schematic image of Persea (4).
    This image can be controlled using the:

    Perseus of the Cranporoten - Perseus on Flyboard - Perseus, Simplified scheme - Perseus, Main version - Show all images - Stars designations for Bayer - Hide Stars Designations

    In all the variants of the images shown in Figure 4, Perseus has the ability to fly, or with the help of sandals, or with the help of a winged raincoat (in its place can be represented, a jet knead with a nozzle, adding the line of Mirph - Adad)Or with the help of the Fileboard already created in our time.
    As already repeatedly mentioned, the images of constellations are now taken to represent in their culmination position as if the observer looks at them, turning strictly south. It is for such an angle to be inventive observers and try to create their own schematic images of Perseya, two such images even received world fame - these are drawings of the American German origin. Reya and French Mastered:

    Fig. five. Conceptual drawings created for the climax of the constellation Perseus
    To stop the image, click on the appropriate button:

    Perseus, Scheme H. Riya - Perseus, Scheme Mastered - Sailor in Persee - Perseus, Scheme S. Ov - Show all images - Stars designations for Bayer - Hide Stars Designations

    After the final approval by the Astronomical Union in 1922, the borders and the list of constellations, the main task of star cards, according to publishers, it turned out to be the correct display of the borders of the constellations and the location of the brightest stars. Schematic images within constellations are reduced to connecting the lines of the brightest stars obtained with this image approach in our constellation, it is not even worth playing here. The first took over to eliminate such flaws of Card Hans Augusto Ray, its version of the contour image of Persei is presented in Fig. 5 the very first.
    I believe that the illustrations presented herein clearly demonstrate the presence of many possibilities for building interesting Perseus constellations.

    Asterisms Perseus

    In the constellation Persea, there are only two bright stars and for each of them the story has kept one classic asterism. But more on that later...
    Especially For preschoolers and primary school students, two "manifests" schematic patterns of asterisms of the constellation Perseus were prepared. The first of them is images of personal weapons of Perseus. Due to the unique affiliation of these objects, the mythological hero, son of Zeus, they are called the Perseus attributes (Fig. 6).
    The second drawing is a five-pointed star from the lines between the stars, if someone can not draw a star, then with the help of our drawing you can learn ...

    Sergey OV.

    Fig. 6. Perseus attributes - asterisms depicting the items of the hero, based on the ancient Greek myth about Perse.

    So that in Figure 6 shows the images of the Perseus attributes, move the cursor in the picture field.
    When Perseus, by order of the king of the country, in which he grew, gathered at a trip for the head of Medusa Gorgona, then all the gods interested in the prosperous return of the hero took part in his preparation. Hermes gave his flying winged sandals - Talaria, Zeus presented the Adamantic Sword, Athena gave a mirror shield (in our battle, it was not used with a monster) and told how to get other necessary attributes and defeat Horus Gorgon.
    After that, Perseus, not without adventure, found Nymph Gherd, who handed him a dimensionless bag for the head Gorgon and the invisibility helmet (The invisible helmet on our drawing remains invisible).
    And now, let's alternate an ancient myth for science fantastic way:
    God's gods will be technologically advanced aliens or people from the future; Flying sandals are embedded in shoes with sleeveings, and Gorgon's jellyfish - a robot (for "hair like snakes" ancient could take the protruding wires), in the head of the robot, it was probably embedded in the alarm emitter, aimed at the action, precisely such Perseus attributes and depicted In Fig.6.

    The most beautiful asterism that can be built out of the stars of Perseus is a five-pointed star Fig. 7:

    Fig. 7. Star asterism is an almost perfect geometric figure.

    Try step by step to portray the drawing of our star on paper - it will help immediately see the star in the sky!
    Asterism Star helps to find not very bright Teta and Lambda Persea (in the picture is №7 and №8 ) .

    And another surprise Persea.
    If you look at the constellation rotated "upside down", you can see the following drawing:

    Fig. eight. Conceptual drawing from stars of constellation Perseus: kitten or dragon?
    To see the cartoon heroes, lay the cursor and wait ...

    Who showed the stars of the Drakonchik toothless or Kitten Gava? You can vote on our as a dragon, and for the kitten - so we are in the end and learn about the decision of the stars!
    Kitten or dragon?

    iD \u003d "SCHOOL"\u003e

    The most ancient asterism of the constellation Perseus is the asterism of the Gorgon head (Fig. 9), consisting of four stars β per, ρ per, π per, ω per, which received special names from Gorgona Prima to Gorgona Quart.
    Starting from the 17th century, astronomers without any tips from the ancients, they begin to allocate asterism. Perseus segment is really noticeable and well-memorable star object (Fig. 9).

    Sergey OV.

    Fig. nine. Gorgon head and Perseus segment are classic Persene's Asterisms.

    As can be seen from the drawing, the peers segment is the outline of a huge crescent, which, besides, is highlighted by a separate bright path of the Milky Way. Asterism The Persea segment is so well visually remembered that it can serve as a direct reference to the Milky Way to determine the stars of the Perseus constellation.
    Probably, this asterism was used to identify the constellation from ancient times called "Sickle", hence the sick-like sword of Perseus in alternative versions of the myth of Persene and Andromed.

    After all the schematic contours, asterisms and the brightest stars of Persea are studied to a complete auditorium, you can proceed with the search for the constellation directly in the Star Sky.

    How to find the constellation Persea

    Perseus's constellation on the latitude of Moscow can be observed completely or partially all year round. The best time to observe the constellation Perseus is the interval from September to February, when the constellation in the evening is near Zenith.
    Persea's constellation adjoins the southeastern side of the Cassiopeia constellation. Unfortunately, none of the lines of sight through the bright stars of Cassiopeia does not lead to bright Perseus Stars. But there are two accurate gets all the same! (Fig.10).

    Fig. 10. How to find the constellation Perseus using Stars of Cassiopeia

    If you mentally spend a line from Navi. (γ CAS) to Red (Δ CAS) and continue it to the stars of the Perseus Constellation, will turn out to be accurate in η per, Miraem.
    The second tank shot is obtained if you hold a line from Cafe (β CAS) to Achird (η CAS)and continue its far-far, past Algol, up to ζ per, Attic.
    In large cities due to light pollution, the inappropriate stars of Perseus, often, coal is quite difficult. In this case, the second way to search for the stars of Perseus will be useful, allowing you to unmistakably find both of its brighter stars (Fig. 11).

    Fig. eleven. How to find the constellation Perseus, the brightest stars of Perseya, with the help of stars of neighboring constellations

    To do this, we need to mentally continue the line Cafing (β CAS) - Navi. (γ CAS), as long as it fails to the third in the brightness of the Northern Sky Chapel, Alpha Easy. Then OT. Capella Return to Cassiopheye to Red (Δ CAS), divide the resulting line in half, spend through the middle of the perpendicular and, Wu-a la, it passes through Miraph and through Algol!

    Now it remains only to determine the corner sizes of the Perseus constellation. In Figure 12, the constellation is represented in that position, so it can be seen above the head of the late-year or winter evening, turning to the south or southwest.

    Fig. 12. Evaluation of the corner size of the constellation of Perseus with an elongated hand.

    Angular distance between the brightest stars of Perseus, the distance from Mirphac before Algolais 8 °. The angular distance between the large and index finger of the human hand of a normal physique is 16-18 ° (regardless of the floor and age of 7 years), so Perseus's star on the background stretched up the hand will look like it is shown in Figure 12.

    Galactic Perseus Sleeve

    Our galaxy, the Milky Way belongs to the type of spiral galaxies with a jumper. The computer model of our galaxy, developed by NASA, is presented in Fig.13:

    Fig. 13. Galaxy Milky Way, the image is obtained as a result of computer simulation
    (For detailed study of the image, click on it)

    The theory of development dynamics and the formation of galaxies with a jumper is still in the formation stage, therefore the model presented cannot be considered final and indisputable, for example, in terms of numeration of sleeves.
    Carefully look at the area of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding location of the sun, appreciate the distance to the sleeves and the directions of the shortest distances and immediately will become clear, on what principle these sleeves got the names.
    Right! In the constellation Perseus are closest to the stars from Perseya sleeves.
    One of the closest to us visible to the naked eye of the stars from the scenes of Perseus is 9 perer, the star value is 5.16 m, the distance 2050-3000 St.

    History and Mythology Constellation Perseus

    The first all recognized written mention of the starry sky, corresponding to the constellation of Persea, goes back to almost the middle of the second millennium BC, to the clay clinp wrappers Mul.apin, representing the first astronomical catalog.
    According to Sumerian mythology, the stars of modern Persea are within the so-called Enlil path - the heavenly possessions of the fateful in those times of God who is responsible for everything that happens between the sky and the Earth, including the entire human and landpaste, in particular, too .. .
    Climbing designation of the constellation-rapidness Persea historians-archaeologists translirted as and determined its meaning as "an old man" (Elder, elder?, In some sources in good condition: Deity Shu-Guy, Shugi). Currently, the corresponding image of the male figure in the headdress is found, in the front of the crown, with the staff in the right hand and the incomprehensible item in the left (Gavin White). Other references or mythological roles for SHU.GI have not yet been detected. There is a hypothesis that this is a symbolic image of enlim.
    By the way, about the staff and the crown: three symbols of power came from Sumerians to us: Crown, Skiptere and staff.

    The first written references reached us directly about Persee belong to the fifth century to our era and is associated with the names of Herodotus and Sophokla. Before that, in the subsequent myth of Persee, was transmitted mainly orally. It is important to understand that for the ancient Greeks Perseus was not a mythological character, but a real historical person, the founder of Mycenae and the Dynasty of Perceidov (We look in Wikipedia and we specify the years of the life of Perseya - Mycenae are known from about 1600 BC).

    Despite the many sources of describing Persea's exploits, directly about the constellation I found only one mention in the "phenomena" of Arata:

    Nearby - right at the feet of the doomed monster of the Virgin -
    Viden winged Perseus, grateful printed Savior ...

    This text is fully given as a page epigraph.

    Mythology associated with the Persem, places are confused and even a few contradictory, so it will be appropriate to recall and continue our fundamental myth about Persene and Andromed.

    MYTH: Perseus - the son of Zeus and the Argos Princess Danai, due to the rash solutions of his grandfather, turned out to be together with his mother in a foreign country.
    As a result of the conflict with the local king, the young Perseus had an urgent obligation: to deliver the Mushew Gorgon's head to this king, almost that, the most dangerous being of the ancient world.
    The task for an ordinary person is not fulfilled, but his relatives were helped by Ponder - gods. The goddess of Athena told how to defeat Gorgon and handed the Jelly Shield to Pierce, God-Father Zeus presented a sword, and Hermes's consolidated brother presented the flying sandals. Having obtained thanks to the advice of Athens also, the invisibility helmet, as well as a dimensionless bag, Perseus coped with his task almost without a fight.
    When Perseus, after the victory over the jellyfish Gorgona, returned home on the newfound Cone Pegasus, then fluttering near the sea shore, noticed a girl and a crowd of the people chained to the rock. He landed next to the young captive, who immediately liked him, and the name was Andromeda.
    In a gravily battle, thanks to the gods of gods and fate, Perseus won the monster and married Andromeda.
    (The location of the actors in the Star Sky undoubtedly confirms the authenticity of this story).

    Claudius Ptolemy in the second century of our era in the Almagest star catalog gives a description of Perseus, as a warrior holding a hinge jellyfish head in an elongated left hand, while other weapons in the catalog is not mentioned. When building a figure of the hero, Ptolemy leads a description of 29 stars.
    Persian astronomer as-sufi (Abu-L-Hussein Abdurrahman Ibn Umar Az-Sufi) In his "book of fixed stars" represents a little different from Ptolemeevsky image of Perseus: a warrior with a long straight sword in the right hand and a none monster's head (Fig. 14).

    Fig. fourteen.The constellation of Perseus in the "Book of Fixed Stars" AS-Sufi (Al Sufi. Book of the constellations, or Fixed Stars. - Bodlean Copy: Suwar Al-Kawakib Al-Thabitah (Book of Fixed Stars) - a copy written by the son of As-Sufi in 1009 in Iran).

    Jan Geveliy, in his atlas "Uranography" (published in 1690)When creating a picture of Persea, trying to preliminarily enter the figure of the hero in the field defined in the Ptolemy stars listed in the catalog, but turns on the drawing already 41 star.
    In the collage offered to your attention, the Persea image is a mirror reflection of the original. Since the hero according to the author's plan turned face to earth, which was supposed to be inside the heavenly globe, then in our reflected picture, the sword is not in the right, but left hand, and in the neighborhood a new beast appears - Giraffe (Camelopardalus):

    Fig. fifteen. Perseus constellation - a collage based on the drawing in Atlace Yana Gevelia (only those stars that were listed by Geveliy in Atlas)

    Sergey OV. (Seosnews9)

    List of remarkable and visible stars of constellation Perseus

    Star designation Bayer sign Hipparcos, number Direct climb Declining Star quantity Distance,
    sv. year
    Spectral class Star Name and Notes
    Alpha Perseaα per15863 03 h 24 m 19.35 C+ 49 ° 51 '40.5 "1,79 592 F5IBMirfak (Mirfak - IAU), Algenib
    Beta Perseaβ per14576 03 h 08 m 10.13 C+ 40 ° 57 '20.3 \u200b\u200b"2,09 93 B8V.Algol (Algol - IAU), Prima Gorgona, prototype of elaborate variables
    Jet Persayζ per18246 03 h 54 m 07.92 C+ 31 ° 53 '01,2 "2,84 982 B1IB.Attic, Menkhib (ATIK, MENKHIB)
    Epsilon Perseusε per18532 03 h 57 m 51.22 C+ 40 ° 00 '37.0 "2,90 538 B0.5V.Adid Australis (Adid Australis), Variable Type β Cef
    Γ Perseusγ per14328 03 h 04 m 47.79 C+ 53 ° 30 '23,2 "2,91 256 G8III + A3VSeid, Alphakir (Al Fakhir, Seid); Albol type variable
    Δ PerseusΔ per17358 03 h 42 m 55.48 C+ 47 ° 47 '15.6 "3,01 528 B5III SB.Basel, Adid Borealis (Basel, Adid Borealis); Variable type γ Cassiopeia
    ρ Perseyaρ per14354 03 h 05 m 10.50 C+ 38 ° 50 '25.9 "3,32 325 M3IIVAR.Gorgona Tertia (Gorgonea Tertia)
    η Perseusη per13268 02 h 50 m 41.79 C+ 55 ° 53 '43.9 "3,77 1331 K3IB COMP SB.Miram (Miram - IAU)
    ν Perseaν per17529 03 h 45 m 11.64 C+ 42 ° 34 '42.8 "3,77 556 F5IVAR.Adid Adid Media (Adid, Adid Media)
    κ Perseusκ per14668 03 h 09 m 29.63 C+ 44 ° 51 '28.4 "3,79 112 K0iii.Misam (MISAM - IAU)
    ο Perseyaο per.17448 03 h 44 m 19.13 C+ 32 ° 17 '17.8 "3,84 1475 B1III.Atik (ATIK - IAU), Atiks
    τ Perseyaτ per13531 02 h 54 m 15.46 C+ 52 ° 45 '45.0 "3,93 248 G4III + A4V.albol type variable
    48 Perseus48 per19343 04 h 08 m 39.67 C+ 47 ° 42 '45.3 "3,96 553 B3VE
    ξ Perseusξ per18614 03 h 58 m 57.90 C+ 35 ° 47 '27.7 "3,98 1772 O7,5IB:Menkib (Menkib - IAU)
    φ Perseusφ per8068 01 h 43 m 39.62 C+ 50 ° 41 '19,6 "4,01 716 B2VPE
    ι Perseyaι per14632 03 h 09 m 02.88 C+ 49 ° 36 '48.6 "4,05 34 G0V.close Sun-Live Star
    θ Perseusθ per12777 02 h 44 m 11.69 C+ 49 ° 13 '43.2 "4,10 37 F7V.
    μ Perseusμ per19812 04 h 14 m 53.86 C+ 48 ° 24 '33.7 "4,12 723 G0IB ...
    16 Persea16 per13254 02 h 50 m 34.91 C+ 38 ° 19 '08,1 "4,22 128 F2III.
    λ Perseusλ per19167 04 h 06 m 35.06 C+ 50 ° 21 '04.9 "4,25 346 A0ivn.
    58 Perseus58 per21476 04 h 36 m 41.43 C+ 41 ° 15 '53.5 "4,25 642 G8II Comp.
    ψ Perseusψ per16826 03 h 36 m 29.36 C+ 48 ° 11 '33.7 "4,32 700 B5VE.Seif, Alseiph (SEIF, Alseiph)
    Σ PerseusΣ per16335 03 h 30 m 34.48 C+ 47 ° 59 '42.6 "4,36 353 K3III.
    17 Perseus17 per13328 02 h 51 m 30,83 C+ 35 ° 05.6 "4,56 409 K5III.
    HD 26961.HD 26961.20070 04 h 18 m 14,58 c+ 50 ° 17 '44.3 "4,60 318 A2V.
    Ω Perseusω per14817 03 h 11 m 17,40 C+ 39 ° 36 '41.7 "4,61 305 K1III.Gorgona Quarta (Gorgonea Quarta)
    34 Perseus34 per16244 03 h 29 m 22.03 C+ 49 ° 30 '32.5 "4,67 558 B3V.
    52 Perseus52 per19811 04 h 14 m 53.31 C+ 40 ° 29 '01.4 "4,67 627 G5ii Comp.
    π Perseusπ per13879 02 h 58 m 45.65 C+ 39 ° 39 '46.2 "4,68 325 A2VN.Gorgona Secuunda (Gorgonea Secunda)
    HD 18970.HD 18970.14382 03 h 05 m 32.43 C+ 56 ° 42 '20.0 "4,77 204 K0ii-III.
    53 Perseus53 per20354 04 h 21 m 33.15 C+ 46 ° 29 '56.3 "4,80 464 B4iv
    HD 20468.HD 20468.15416 03 h 18 m 43.82 C+ 34 ° 13 '21.6 "4,85 1475 K2II.
    1 AUR1 AUR22453 04 h 49 m 54.67 C+ 37 ° 29 '17.5 "4,89 528 K4II.
    12 Perseus12 per12623 02 h 42 m 14.93 C+ 40 ° 11 '39.8 "4,91 80 F9V.
    54 Perseus54 per20252 04 h 20 m 24,66 C+ 34 ° 34 '00,3 "4,93 226 G8III.
    24 Pershey24 per13905 02 h 59 m 03.71 C+ 35 ° 10 '59.2 "4,94 350 K2III.
    32 Perseus32 per15648 03 h 21 m 26.61 C+ 43 ° 19 '46.7 "4,96 155 A3V.
    40 Persea40 per17313 03 h 42 m 22,64 C+ 33 ° 57 '54,1 "4,97 924 B0.5V.
    4 Perseus4 per9505 02 h 02 m 18.07 C+ 54 ° 29 '15,2 "4,99 739 B8III.
    HD 21278. 16147 03 h 28 m 03.05 C+ 49 ° 06.6.6 "4,99 570 B5V.
    HD 20123. 15219 03 h 16 m 12.20 C+ 50 ° 56 '15.8 "5,04 834 G5ii.
    31 Perseus31 per15444 03 h 19 m 07.62 C+ 50 ° 05 '42.1 "5,05 481 B5V.
    21 Perseus21 per13775 02 h 57 m 17.28 C+ 31 ° 56 '03.5 "5,10 387 B9P ...
    42 Perseus42 per17886 03 h 49 m 32.70 C+ 33 ° 05 '29.0 "5,14 297 A3V.
    9 Perseus9 per11060 02 h 22 m 21,43 C+ 55 ° 50 '44.4 "5,16 2050 A2ia.
    29 Persea29 per15404 03 h 18 m 37.72 C+ 50 ° 13 '20.0 "5,16 528 B3V.
    HD 18537. 14043 03 h 00 m 52.18 C+ 52 ° 21 '06,5 "5,24 795 B7V.
    43 Perseus43 per18453 03 h 56 m 36.44 C+ 50 ° 41 '44.5 "5,28 133 F5iv
    HD 27971. 20704 04 h 26 m 06,26 C+ 31 ° 26 '21,1 "5,29 243 K1III.
    36 Perseus36 per16499 03 h 32 m 26.30 C+ 46 ° 03 '25.4 "5,30 119 F4IIVAR.
    59 Persea59 per21928 04 h 42 m 54.30 C+ 43 ° 21 '55.0 "5,30 271 A1VN.
    HD 20809. 15770 03 h 23 m 13.18 C+ 49 ° 12 '48.0 "5,32 625 B5V.
    20 Perseus20 per13490 02 h 53 m 42,58 c+ 38 ° 20 '15.6 "5,34 235 F4VVAR.
    HD 24504. 18396 03 h 55 m 58.16 C+ 47 ° 52 '17.3 "5,39 845 B6V.
    14 Persea14 per12768 02 h 44 m 05,16 C+ 44 ° 17 '49.4 "5,43 692 G0IB
    HD 27084. 20156 04 h 19 m 13.18 C+ 50 ° 02 '55.8 "5,46 259 A7V.
    HD 18474. 13965 02 h 59 m 49.78 C+ 47 ° 13 '14.3 "5,47 557 G4P.
    HD 21699. 16470 03 h 32 m 08,58 C+ 48 ° 01 '24.7 "5,47 585 B8IIP MN.
    30 Persea30 per15338 03 h 17 m 47.33 C+ 44 ° 01 '30.3 "5,49 644 B8V ...
    HD 24640. 18434 03 h 56 m 28,69 C+ 35 ° 04 '51.3 "5,49 970 B1,5V.
    50 Persea50 per19335 04 h 08 m 36.49 C+ 38 ° 02 '24.8 "5,52 70 F7V.
    1 Persea1 per8704 01 h 51 m 59.31 C+ 55 ° 08 '50.7 "5,53 1028 B1,5V.
    HD 22780. 17203 03 h 41 m 07.84 C+ 37 ° 34 '49.0 "5,55 807 B7VN.
    HD 27192. 20234 04 h 20 m 11.51 C+ 50 ° 55 '15.4 "5,55 1190 B1,5IV.
    HD 21362. 16210 03 h 28 m 52.31 C+ 49 ° 50 '54.4 "5,58 553 B6VN.
    HD 23193. 17460 03 h 44 m 31,40 C+ 36 ° 27 '36.7 "5,60 332 A2m.
    HD 23838. 17932 03 h 50 m 04.45 C+ 44 ° 58 '04.5 "5,65 346 G2III ...
    HD 12953. 9990 02 h 08 m 40,58 c+ 58 ° 25 '25.0 "5,66 1821 A1IA
    HD 23300. 17584 03 h 45 m 59.25 C+ 45 ° 40 '55.0 "5,66 1038 B6V.
    HD 29526. 21823 04 h 41 m 24.09 C+ 48 ° 18 '03.6 "5,66 311 A0V.
    2 Pershey2 per8714 01 h 52 m 09.35 C+ 50 ° 44,3 "5,70 492 B9P ...
    3 Perseus3 per9222 01 h 58 m 33.50 C+ 49 ° 12 '15.3 "5,70 246 K0iv
    HD 21402. 16168 03 h 28 m 20.68 C+ 33 ° 48 '27.7 "5,72 343 A2V.
    55 Perseus55 per20579 04 h 24 m 29.14 C+ 34 ° 07 '51.0 "5,73 610 B8V.
    8 Perseus8 per10718 02 h 17 m 59.82 C+ 57 ° 53 '59.3 "5,75 379 K3III.
    HD 26311. 19525 04 h 10 m 59.02 C+ 33 ° 35 '12.5 "5,75 548 K1II-III.
    11 Persea11 per12692 02 h 43 m 02,80 C+ 55 ° 06 '21.9 "5,76 420 B7IIP ...
    HD 24240. 18212 03 h 53 m 38.67 C+ 48 ° 39 '02.0 "5,76 430 K0iii.
    56 Perseus56 per20591 04 h 24 m 37.42 C+ 33 ° 57 '35.6 "5,77 136 F4V.
    HD 20995. 15876 03 h 24 m 29.68 C+ 33 ° 32 '09.7 "5,78 527 A0V.
    HD 24131. 18081 03 h 51 m 53.72 C+ 34 ° 21 '32.9 "5,78 1035 B1V.
    HD 20041. 15192 03 h 15 m 47,97 C+ 57 ° 08 '26.3 "5,79 1614 A0ia
    HD 21912. 16591 03 h 33 m 35.02 C+ 39 ° 53 '58.5 "5,79 178 A5m.
    HD 21551. 16340 03 h 30 m 36.93 C+ 48 ° 06 '13.2 "5,82 869 B8V.
    HD 16735. 12686 02 h 42 m 59.47 C+ 53 ° 31 '34.3 "5,85 413 K0ii-III.
    HD 17656. 13339 02 h 51 m 41.75 C+ 46 ° 50 '31.2 "5,86 397 G8III.
    HD 29721. 21972 04 h 43 m 21,60 c+ 49 ° 58 '25.8 "5,86 640 B9III.
    HD 18482. 13949 02 h 59 m 39.87 C+ 41 ° 01 '59.0 "5,89 780 K2.
    HD 21856. 16518 03 h 32 m 40.02 C+ 35 ° 27 '42.2 "5,91 1638 B1V.
    HD 19845. 15004 03 h 13 m 23,86 C+ 48 ° 10 '37.2 "5,93 311 G9III.
    HD 20675. 15669 03 h 21 m 52.37 C+ 49 ° 04 '15.8 "5,94 149 F6V.
    HD 23728. 17846 03 h 49 m 08.12 C+ 43 ° 57 '46.9 "5,95 226 A9iv
    HD 27278. 20241 04 h 20 m 14.42 C+ 41 ° 48 '29.4 "5,95 346 K0iii.
    HD 11151. 8598 01 h 50 m 57.09 C+ 51 ° 56 '01.3 "5,96 145 F5V.
    HD 20346. 15334 03 h 17 m 45.74 C+ 39 ° 17 '00.3 "5,97 607 A2iv
    HD 29645. 21847 04 h 41 m 50.08 C+ 38 ° 16 '49.5 "5,97 102 G0V.
    HD 20277. 15241 03 h 16 m 35.19 C+ 32 ° 11 '03,2 "5,98 551 G8iv
    7 Perseusχ per10729 02 h 18 m 04.60 C+ 57 ° 30 '58.8 "5,99 710 G7III.under the "χ Persea" imply NGC 884, scattered cluster
    HD 30138. 22220 04 h 46 m 44.47 C+ 40 ° 18 '45.6 "5,99 443 G9III.
    HD 11031. 8475 01 h 49 m 15.56 C+ 47 ° 53 '49.0 "6,01 331 A3V.
    HD 18155. 13713 02 h 56 m 33.30 C+ 47 ° 09 '50.4 "6,05 1952 K3III:
    HD 18339. 13832 02 h 58 m 02.33 C+ 38 ° 36 '53.9 "6,06 1164 K3III.
    HD 19066. 14365 03 h 05 m 21.03 C+ 40 ° 34 '55.9 "6,06 408 K0iii.
    HD 23049. 17437 03 h 44 m 06,43 C+ 48 ° 31 '25.3 "6,06 827 K4III.
    HD 20063. 15118 03 h 14 m 56,55 C+ 42 ° 30 '13.0 "6,07 225 K2III.
    49 Perseus49 per19302 04 h 08 m 15.46 C+ 37 ° 43 '40.7 "6,07 144 K1III.
    HD 21071. 15988 03 h 25 m 57.36 C+ 49 ° 07 '15.0 "6,09 603 B7V.
    57 Perseus57 per21242 04 h 33 m 24.90 C+ 43 ° 03 '50.0 "6,09 211 F0V.
    HD 29866. 22034 04 h 44 m 13.01 C+ 40 ° 47 '11.4 "6,09 542 B8ivn.
    HD 18991. 14392 03 h 05 m 40.15 C+ 56 ° 04 '08.5 "6,10 246 G9III.
    HD 23139. 17475 03 h 44 m 40.91 C+ 46 ° 05 '59.5 "6,10 573 A7IV.
    HD 18552. 13997 03 h 00 m 11.88 C+ 38 ° 07 '54.5 "6,11 1113 B8VN.
    HD 19736. 14887 03 h 12 m 09,54 C+ 42 ° 22 '33.4 "6,15 657 B4V.
    HD 20162. 15209 03 h 16 m 04.43 C+ 45 ° 20 '46.4 "6,15 918 M2III.
    HD 27349. 20231 04 hours 20 m 09.95 C+ 31 ° 57 '11.5 "6,16 819 K5.
    HD 23552. 17772 03 h 48 m 18.08 C+ 50 ° 44 '12.4 "6,18 594 B8VN.
    HD 28459. 21038 04 h 30 m 38.40 C+ 32 ° 27 '28,1 "6,18 307 B9.5VN.
    HD 21455. 16252 03 h 29 m 26.26 C+ 46 ° 56 '16.6 "6,21 576 B7V.
    HD 18153. 13732 02 h 56 m 50.66 C+ 51 ° 15 '40.9 "6,22 675 K5III.
    HD 24167. 18094 03 h 52 m 04.45 C+ 31 ° 10 '07,2 "6,22 411 A5V.
    HD 27026. 20063 04 h 18 m 08,09 C+ 42 ° 08 '28.5 "6,22 389 B9V.
    HD 17818. 13462 02 h 53 m 21.07 C+ 48 ° 34 '11.9 "6,23 5175 G5IB:
    10 Perseus10 per11279 02 h 25 m 16.03 C+ 56 ° 35 '35.4 "6,25 3543 B2IA
    HD 17378. 13178 02 h 49 m 30.74 C+ 57 ° 05 '03.6 "6,25 A5IA
    HD 20210. 15204 03 h 16 m 01,83 C+ 34 ° 41 '19.0 "6,25 218 A1m.
    HD 27650. 20498 04 h 23 m 35.80 C+ 42 ° 25 '40.8 "6,25 553 A1SP ...
    HD 28503. 21108 04 h 31 m 24,10 C+ 40 ° 00 '36.8 "6,25 1707 B8V.
    HD 23626. 17732 03 h 47 m 49.04 C+ 32 ° 11 '43.8 "6,26 182 G0.
    HD 17228. 12982 02 h 46 m 58.28 C+ 35 ° 59 '00.7 "6,27 411 G8III.
    HD 11335. 8771 01 h 52 m 50.74 C+ 51 ° 28 '29.5 "6,28 495 A3V.
    HD 17240. 12990 02 h 47 m 03.60 C+ 35 ° 33 '17.3 "6,28 153 A9V.
    HD 14662. 11174 02 h 23 m 51.75 C+ 55 ° 21 '53.5 "6,29 2012 F7IB
    HD 21620. 16424 03 h 31 m 29.35 C+ 49 ° 12 '35.2 "6,29 468 A0VN.
    HD 16780. 12690 02 h 43 m 01,85 C+ 48 ° 15 '54.9 "6,30 1387 G5
    HD 20193. 15191 03 h 15 m 47.15 C+ 32 ° 51 '24.0 "6,30 202 F4vwvar
    HD 13137. 10115 02 h 10 m 07.73 C+ 53 ° 50 '35.5 "6,31 590 G8III.
    HD 26702. 19810 04 h 14 m 52.07 C+ 37 ° 32 '33.6 "6,31 419 G5
    HD 19735. 14914 03 h 12 m 26.36 C+ 47 ° 43 '33.9 "6,32 502 K5III.
    HD 24843. 18565 03 h 58 m 29.13 C+ 38 ° 50 '25.3 "6,32 416 K1III:
    HD 19268. 14566 03 h 08 m 03.83 C+ 52 ° 12 '48.8 "6,33 694 B5V.
    HD 10110 7786 01 h 40 m 13.12 C+ 53 ° 52 '05.8 "6,35 616 K5III.
    HD 17743. 13424 02 h 52 m 52.03 C+ 52 ° 59 '50.6 "6,35 1009 B8III.
    HD 28591. 21144 04 h 31 m 56.94 C+ 36 ° 44 '34.3 "6,35 385 G5
    5 Perseus5 per10227 02 h 11 m 29.19 C+ 57 ° 34 '44.0 "6,38 2547 B5IA
    HD 19279. 14544 03 h 07 m 47.34 C+ 47 ° 18 '31.3 "6,38 246 A3VNN.
    HD 25152. 18769 04 h 01 m 14.84 C+ 36 ° 59 '22,1 "6,39 373 A0V.
    HD 14433. 11020 02 h 21 m 55.44 C+ 57 ° 14 '34.5 "6,40 2937 A1IA
    HD 21661. 16447 03 h 31 m 49.04 C+ 49 ° 24 '03.9 "6,41 2145 B9III.
    HD 22402. 16938 03 h 38 m 00.17 C+ 42 ° 34 '58.4 "6,41 830 B8VN.
    HD 21803. 16516 03 h 32 m 38.98 C+ 44 ° 51 '20.8 "6,42 1560 B2iv
    HD 13476. 10379 02 h 13 m 41.61 C+ 58 ° 33 '38.1 "6,43 2885 A3Ib.
    HD 11408. 8847 01 h 53 m 48.46 C+ 55 ° 35 '51.6 "6,44 240 A5m.
    HD 17605. 13257 02 h 50 m 35.30 C+ 36 ° 56 '55.1 "6,44 198 G0.
    HD 20283. 15282 03 h 17 m 11.45 C+ 40 ° 28 '59.0 "6,44 704 B9P.
    HD 17245. 13036 02 h 47 m 31.15 C+ 44 ° 16 '20.0 "6,45 1884 F5.
    HD 17484. 13176 02 h 49 m 26.93 C+ 37 ° 19 '35.1 "6,45 379 F6III-IV.
    HD 23301. 17558 03 h 45 m 37.11 C+ 38 ° 40 '34.4 "6,45 460 K0.
    HD 20096. 15193 03 h 15 m 48.65 C+ 50 ° 57 '21.5 "6,46 413 A0.
    HD 26605. 19746 04 h 13 m 59.73 C+ 37 ° 58 '01.7 "6,47 394 G9III.
    HD 13854. 10633 02 h 16 m 51.72 C+ 57 ° 03 '18.9 "6,48 2380 B1IAB.
    HD 18878. 14264 03 h 03 m 56.75 C+ 47 ° 50 '54.6 "6,48 363 F0.
    HD 13519. 10361 02 h 13 m 33.51 C+ 53 ° 03 30.9 "6,50 8359 K5.
    HD 21684. 16425 03 h 31 m 30.28 C+ 40 ° 45 '36.1 "6,50 436 A5.
    X PerseusX Perseus.18350 03 h 55 m 23.08 C+ 31 ° 02 '45.1 "6,79 2694 O9.5PEX-ray double star

    1. To designate stars, the Bayer signs (ε LEO) are used, as well as the numbering of Flemstide (54 LEO) and the Drayer catalog (HD 94402).
    2. Even those who are not visible without the help of optics are attributed to the remarkable stars, but in which planets or other features have been found.
    (Or because they are nowhere else to attach ...).

    Myth about Persee and Andromeda (summary)
    When Perseus, after the victory over the jellyfish Gorgon, returned home on his cereal horse Pegasus, then fluttering near the sea shore, noticed a girl and a crowd of the people chained to the rock. He landed next to the girl who immediately liked him, and the name was Andromeda.
    Asking the girl, Perseus found out that she, the princess of this country, was sacrificed to the monster Zetus by the will of the gods, in order to stop the disasters led by this monster. The king of Ceffei and Queen Andromeda were nearby. Perseus told the parents of Andromeda, which is ready to fight with the monster, but in the event of victory asks the hands of their daughter. Parents agreed. At that moment, a terrible tsetus appeared from under the distance (which was captured on the heavenly canvase).
    In a gravily battle, thanks to the sword donated by the gods, Perseus won the monster, married Andromeda and their children became the Rodonarchists of the Persian people ...

    3. Navigation stars - These are stars used in navigation and aviation to determine the location of ships and aircraft, in the event of a refusal of technical means. Currently, the navigation includes stars listed in the Sea Astronomical Yearbook.

    4. Photosphere - The most profound and dense layers of the star atmosphere (including and the sun), of which the main share of energy emitted by it comes out.

    5. Direct climb and declining - Name of coordinates in the second equatorial reference system

    6. Own movements of stars -visible angular movements of the stars in the heavenly sphere for the year.

    Big Soviet Encyclopedia, 3 ed. 1969 - 1978.

    Asterism in the constellation Perseus. Description of asterism is given in the book of Richard Hinckley Allen: Allen, Richard Hinckley. Star Names: Their Lore and Meaning (REPRINT ED. 1899). New York: Dover Publications Inc. p. 331. ISBN 0-486-21079-0.
    The paragraph dedicated to the Persea segment is presented in the book on page 331, and here is his scan (photo):
    I transferred this paragraph as follows:
    Δ per, ψ per, σ per, α per, γ per and η per and some more stars on the right side of the figure form a arc, with a slight deflection to the northeast, here is a reference segment.
    In 2016, Richard Alelena's book was published in Russia, but I didn't really like the translation of this particular paragraph:
    Richard Hinckley Allen. Stars. Legends and scientific facts about the origin of astronomical names / trans. from English: Lamanova E. V. - M.: Centerpolygraph, 2016. - 575 p. - (Series: Encyclopedias) - ISBN: 978-5-9524-5195-7

    Welcome to the knight!

    Double cluster and nebula heart
    Perseus reached the Gorgon Medusa, and then (on the way to Pegasu) saved from China Andromeda - Daughter Cephea and Cassiopeia. We see this story above the head of the early winter in the evenings.
    We told the legend in abbreviated form, now let's move on to consideration in interest to some goals for visual observers.

    An object A type The size Zv. Lev RA DEC
    An object M 34. OCL 25.0" 5.2 02h 42m 37.3s. +42 47" 55"
    M 76. Pneb. 3.1" 10.1 01H 42M 49.8S. +51 36" 54"
    MEL 20. OCL 185.0" 1.2 03h 22m 35.6s. +49 01" 51"
    NGC 869. OCL 18.0" 5.3 02h 19m 39.3s. +57 10" 29"
    NGC 884. OCL 18.0" 6.1 02H 23M 07.8S. +57 11" 00"
    NGC 1023. GLX. 7.4 "x2.5" 9.5 02h 40m 55.5s. +39 06" 01"
    NGC 1058. GLX. 2.5 "x2.5" 11.2 02h 44m 01.1s. +37 22" 41"
    NGC 1245. OCL 10.0" 8.4 03h 15m 16.1s. +47 16" 14"
    NGC 1342. OCL 17.0" 6.7 03h 32m 12.5s. +37 24" 14"
    NGC 1491. BneB. 25.0 "x25.0" 04h 03m 51.4s. +51 20" 23"
    NGC 1513. OCL 12.0" 8.4 04h 10m 31.8s. +49 32" 23"
    NGC 1528. OCL 18.0" 6.4 04h 15m 56.9s. +51 13" 58"
    NGC 1545. OCL 12.0" 6.2 04h 21m 34.0s. +50 16" 32"
    Sophisticated ABELL 426. GLX CL. 252.0" 13 03h 20m 15.2s. +41 31" 53"
    Objects IC 351. Pneb. 18" 11.9 03h 48m 05.2S. +35 04" 27"
    IC 2003. Pneb. 20" 11.4 03h 56m 54.0s. +33 54" 04"

    In Persene, only gradually. It is located on both sides of the Winter Milky Way, so that it was possible to expect the abundance of scattered clusters and reflective nebulae, but there is something else - a considerable share of galaxies. According to the Sky Tools 2 database (generally recognition of incomplete), there are 8445 galaxies, 10 groups of Abel Galaxies, 19 quasars, 23 planetary nebula, 7 diffuse nebulae, 42 dark nebulae and 35 scattered clusters. This is a truly amusement park for astronomy lovers!

    First, let's discuss several objects for binoculars or a naked eye. One of them enters the observation list, the other is not, but also very interesting in consideration, and one bonus (not from the list), a complex object for binoculars.
    MEL 20 - Roni de Laat at 9x

    In the center of Perseus, we will find a moving cluster Alpha Persea. This accumulation, also known as MEL 20.and COLLINDER 39., huge - more than three degrees in the diameter, and on my taste it is best looks like a naked eye or with a low increase. MEL 20, cutting the winter Milky Way, has an inspiring view, especially with the weak optics.

    California Nebula and M45 - Boris Stromar (Boris Stromar)

    The next goal is a complex object, in my memory it remained as an "independent" discovery that I did in the process of sketching the Hale-Bopp comet more than 10 years ago. This is an easy for the photographer, but the target is difficult for the visual train. I speak Ob. NGC 1499. - california Nebula. It is named so thanks to its form, but her photos are partly deceiving a visual observer. This is a huge goal (approximately 3 on 2/3 degrees), it has a 5-star magnitude, but extremely low surface brightness, which makes its definition very difficult. It is best to choose for her or a small telescope with a wide field of view, or binoculars, or view it with a naked eye in a very dark area. In "wide-angle telescopes" it looks just a light clarification of the star background. Some observers report positive results to the use of H-beta filter.
    Discussion of Perseya would not be complete without mentioning Algola - Demonic star. Algol is located at a distance of about 93 light years and is the eclipse double. Every 68 hours and 45 minutes a larger, but more dull second algoli companion overshadows small, but brighter first by 79%. For 10 hours, while it continues, Algol will fill up from 2.12 to 3.39. In fact, Algol is a triple star system, but visible "variability" is caused by the interaction of only these two. It is quite interesting that between these stars, in all likelihood, the flow of a substance occurred. One of the stars filled the drop-like area with each other and a companion (called Roche cavity) and passed the substance above the point of Lagrange. Unfortunately, we can only draw in the imagination, how exciting it should look like.
    The famous double cluster will be an exciting goal for an observer with the weakest optics.
    NGC 869/884

    These two independent clusters are easily noticeable to the naked eye in the seafood area and, apparently, were known from the most ancient times, being registered and hypoche, and Ptolem. A couple has a breathtaking look, and beginner observers often stumble upon it, playing in "What is it for a misty thing?". I myself did it in my youth, almost a year before at my disposal it turned out at least something that could tell me what I found. Double accumulation causes me special memories, and I suspect that many of you can say the same. It was one of the first telescopic objects from which my jaw dropped, and subconsciously my feelings in the first observation of this object are inextricably bind to the first look at Saturn.

    Double cluster - Eric Jacob (Eric Jacob)

    Classically clusters were often called H and X Persea, however, Archchal and Hinis note that O'Mira and Green showed that this marking appeared when Bayer designated so two objects in his "uranometry". Archchal also mentions that today there is reason to believe that under the x Bayer meant the light of both clusters.
    It seems to me that this goal is the most advantageous in a telescope with a wide field of view. For many years, I observed her countless times, however, the best types were obtained in NP101 with a 13-mm eyepiece nagler (and later with 13 Ethos). This combination gives an increase in 42x and a field of view of almost 2 degrees (2.5 with ETHOS eyepiece). With this combination of the star appear to tiny diamonds filmed through the night sky. While peppering, take a minute and look for a dark red pearl in the heart 884. This is a half-way variable RS Perseus with a period of 224 days. It changes the value from 7.8 to 10.0.
    This is what Roger Raubach (Rodger Raubach) provided: « This is not the result of one observation, but the general impressions of this magnificent gem. I considered double cluster - NGC 869 and NGC 884 - in many telescopes. The most unforgettable look turned out by frosty evening in December 2003 with my then new Takahashi toa 130. Best of all double cluster looked at the magnification of 29x in the eyepiece of Panoptic 35, which showed two little star balls, as if floating in a rich winter Milky Way. Previously, I saw a double cluster in Celestron C 9.25 and C 14, but none of those species compare with the pristine beauty of a wide-angle image created by a small refractor ".
    Moving to 8 degrees south-west of double cluster, we arrive at our first Messier object in Perse.


    This small planetary nebula demonstrates some structure even into small telescopes and has no one, but as many as two notation NGC (650 and 651). Most telescopes show two planetary petals with their dark area separating them. For a small telescope is a small but interesting object. At a low increase, you will need to take care of the terrain survey, because It is pretty easy to slip.

    At the sight of a large telescope you will fall off the jaw. For the first time I watched the M76 in a large telescope at my acquaintances, in their 20-inch tool. I have no habit of looking at Messa to a big aperture, and they did not tell me what is the goal - I chose to see if I recognize her myself. I was a fight pushed, finding it instead of a tiny M76 nut, which I used to watch.

    M76 - Bill Warden
    Each centimeter of aperture increases the number of parts seen in this object. In small apertures, it looks like peanuts, something resembling M1. With an increase in the aperture, it becomes a rectangular strip of light. In yet more telescopes, I saw (direct vision, by the way) handles / wings, which for photos are characteristic of no less than the richness itself. Oddly enough, even though it is a planetary nebula, I do not have to take on OIII filter, I usually see more details without any tricks.
    As O'Mira notes ("Messier Objects"), M76 has the same true size as M27, but is about 5 times further.
    I am not quite clear why, but it seems, the M76 has gained a reputation of the most difficult in the Mesia list. Of course, there are some things that work against it: this is a small size, a somewhat isolated position (but not quite), and the fact that it is a little dull compared to the majority of his fellow. But believe me, it's not all that makes the goal difficult.

    NGC 1245.

    But back to the Perse, as such, and we will move down the body. A little south-west Mel 20 we accumulate on the NGC 1245. In my 4-inch apocharmate at an increase in 45X, this is a rather small cluster. It can be seen as a foggy haze between three bright stars and becomes clearer when using lateral vision. Adding an increase helps to detect more and more members of the accumulation, which helps and increase the aperture. I like to use in scattered clusters such a low increase as much as possible - it best provides aesthetic attractiveness of the picture.
    Because of the light pollution of the sky, Bill Warden could not monitor the F5's 80 mm telescope, but he sent the following digital shot.

    NGC 1245 - Bill Warden

    Now we will move east of Mel 20, to Lambda Perseya. Here are three scattered clusters representing interest to us and emission nebula.

    NGC 1491.

    Although in the catalogs it is indicated as a bright nebula, I could not fully pull it out in the telescope 4, but deftly noticed 18 inches as a rather bright, half-dental glow. Try on it an OIII or UHC filter and see what happens.

    NGC 1513.
    In a 4-inch telescope, it was dull, a rather unpretentious accumulation, which in the best moments at the limit of lateral view opportunities was allowed to approximately on a dozen stars. Large telescopes show her a little more winning and at a maximum of 25-35 stars.

    NGC 1545.

    4 inches show a scattered haze, surrounded by a bright triangle of stars. Try to look at the color of these stars, located for the most part on the background of the glow. In general, I estimated the view as rather interesting for a small telescope, with geometric patterns that attract the look again and again. For my taste, the best types turned out with an ethos eyepiece by 42x. Try to consider in a telescope with a wide field of vision NGC 1545 and its larger, but more dull companion NGC 1528 (which is located about the degree northwest) in one field of view.

    NGC 1545 - Juha Ojanpera (Juha Ojanpera), 11 "69x

    NGC 1528.

    It is considered a little dull than 1545, but aesthetically seems to me a little more pleasant in my 4-inch apochromate, demonstrating with a careful inspection of much greater permission. When using lateral vision, glimpses of the dozen stars appear, and the attractive field invites you to a detailed inspection. Look for arc chains of stars, running in different directions from the central point of the accumulation.

    NGC 1528 - Yuha Duyper, 11 "69x
    This is what the reader writes under the nickname zizzapnia: (binoculars, 4.5 inches) in binoculars can be seen as a dim spot. Big and rareered. Half generators in diameter. The triangle is dominant from the stars of the 7th size. (10 inches) at an increase in 62x a pleasant cluster, interesting in detail. Approximately triangular shape with dark alleys on the surface. A pile of stars with a glitter of 10.5 and more dull. Pretty many stars, 4-6 stars about 6 clusters, including the main accumulation.
    Let's go to the last part of the sky for this evening. Here we will have a lot of goals: and clusters, and galaxies, as well as our complex objects.


    M34 - Eric Jacob (Eric Jacob)

    M34 - Fantastic cluster for small telescopes and binoculars, which in dark areas can be seen with the naked eye. I never liked to consider large clusters with too much magnification: if the look is too stretched, part of the impression will be lost. M34 - exciting picture.

    Roger Raubach provided the following:
    From my notes from 01/23/2004. "Easy binocular goal; It is easy to stand out when scanning the sky from Almaha to Algol. Stars are easily resolved at 8x in Ior Bucharesti 8x40 binoculars. In toa 130 mm for 29X, the accumulation is allowed in a beautiful collection of bright blue-white stars. I also noted the pronounced double Struve 44 almost in the center of the cluster. Even at 29X, the telescope almost ruins this object. Probably best to look into the big binoculars installed on the tripod. " I will add that several times, very transparent dark nights, I highlighted it with a naked eye.

    M34 - Carol Lakomiak (Carol Lakomiak)

    NGC 1023.
    Having dropped at 3 and 2/3 degrees almost strictly south of M34, we accumulate to the brightest galaxy in Perse, NGC 1023. This bright galaxy refers to SBO, which means that this is a spiral galaxy with central convexity that has no sleeves. A recent analysis carried out using the Hubble Space Telescope data and various terrestrial telescopes showed signs of supermassive black hole in the nucleus - one of those that stars (already captured) their disc with an estimated speed of 1.3 million miles (2 million km ) at one o'clock.

    NGC 1023 - Wadevc

    In my notes it is indicated that it is light preparation for a 4-inch apochate with a 12-mm eyepiece Nagler (45X). In such an aperture, it is simply blurred light, possibly with some clarification in the direction of the center, but not showing almost no details. In the telescope 18 "light drops are noticeable. Closer to the middle the light becomes brighter, and a long-term inspection shows a pronounced core and almost the star core.
    Here is what the reader Zizzapnia writes: (4.5 inches) pleasant, pretty bright, star core. Near many stars from the 8th to the 9th size. Located almost an edge, oriented from the east to the west. Extracted about 5 angular minutes. The appearance of the surrounding kernel of the halo is bad at 180x. The eastern part of the halo is a little brighter than western and extends a little further. Two degrees on the south-west, and we find a more difficult inhabitant of the Galactic Zoo:
    NGC 1058.

    It, of course, can be distinguished into a medium-sized telescope, but in terms of impressions it is even close to compare from 1023 - except that you looked at it that summer when the supernova 2007 star was discovered ( note: In August 2007). One more broke out in 1961. You definitely need to include this galaxy in your supernova search program. Usually (on the night without supernova) it is only a half-total, diffuse glow of 2 "", which does not show a hint of shine in the center.

    NGC 1342.

    Now we will move 9.5 degrees east of 1058 and you will find a small scattered cluster NGC 1342. A 4-inch telescope shows an approximately a dozen or two stars. Luginbul and Scyth in the "Observation and Catalog and Catalog of Deep-Sky Objects" directory "(" Observing Handbook and Catalog of Deep-Sky Objects ") mention that this cluster reminds you to the west of the skate. True, as I join the starpoints, I could not see him. And you?

    Complex objects Tonight, I have three of them for you.

    IC 351. and IC 2003.

    For a start, two planetary nebulae that you can actually squeeze into one field of view (TFOV) "wide-angle telescope". IC 351 and IC 2003. Was it? Both bright, tiny and resembling a star with an increase from small to medium. To recognize them, you will have to carry out a small research work. Identify the area and pumped up. Photo DSS above will help navigate. The OIII filter can also facilitate the task, keep it between the eye and the eyepiece and then "Flight" them - quickly remove and return it back. "Star", which will not swell, and will be a planetary nebula.

    In a telescope 18 "both look like casual discs (IC 351 slightly less). The central star does not give signs even at 800x.
    ABELL 426.

    The next complex object can not be called traditional - this is a cluster of galaxies. No one argues, you will undoubtedly be able to assemble a bag of bright components, but the complexity here is to see how much you can catch. Approximately 500 members of the cluster stretched more than 4 degrees wide. In the center (approximately) - NGC 1272. The more the telescope, the more you will see. True, it will take some horizontal scrolling, and if you really want to distinguish between members of the cluster, you will have to make a decent amount of time on large zooms to add a visible contrast. The 13-millimeter Ethos on the telescope 18 "gives a true 1/2 degree field and an increase of ~ 180 - perfect for the galactic hunting of average power. By installing the center on the NGC 1267, I first allocated something about a dozen of obvious candidates first, and Careful study increased their number even more.

    The first thing you need is a good search card. Print it and put next to the telescope for identifying. Excellent location 1272, 1275, 1278 and 1273 is just suitable for starting your research. Be sure to highlight the time and deviate to the west southwest, down the chain of galaxies, which speaks for itself.

    Galactic skies!

    This is all this month. Thank you again by readers who provided their observations, sketches and photos. Your contribution greatly enriches these articles.

    As always, I will be glad if people find my reasoning useful. To new meetings - Tom T.

    By Tom Trusock.
    Adapted translation from the English site
    Published with the permission of the author.
    The original version of the article on

    Map of the starry sky - the spectacle is incredibly attractive and fascinating, especially if it is a dark night sky. Against the background of the stretching foggy road, the Milky Way is perfectly visible both bright and slightly blurred stars that make up various constellations. One of these constellations, almost entirely in the Milky Way, is the Perseus constellation.

    Legend of Perseus constellation

    The constellation of Perseus (the legend of which is extremely beautiful) - quite interesting from the point of view of science. But now it's not about that, but about love. Constellation resembles a person in a high hat on his head. And that is what the story about the constellation. According to an old legend, Perseus was an extramarital child of Zeus and the royal daughter. At one time, the ruler was open to the prophecy that he would die of his native grandson. Frightened by predictions, the king closed the beauty in the tower. But Zeus, who loved the earthly girl, sneaked into the dungeon, turning into golden rain. Soon, Tsarevna gave birth to a son. And in order to get rid of the unwanted baby, the king ordered the mother with a baby in a barrel and throw in the sea. The young mother and kid survived, and the barrel sailed to the shore of the island.

    When the young handsome Perseus became an adult, he made a lot of exploits. And during his adventures, the young man found his love - Beauty Andromeda. Already as an adult, he participated in the competition competitions, where he accidentally killed his native grandfather. Here is such a beautiful story about the constellation with a slightly sad end.

    History of ancient constellation

    The constellation of Persea, located in the Northern Heavenly Hemisphere, was openly another ancient astronomers. And best of all in the stellar sky it is seen from November to March. In a cloudless and selfless night, it will not be difficult to distinguish between the ninety stars of the constellation even with a naked eye, because the constellations have stars and the second, and third magnitude.

    Second variable star

    In the constellation Perseus, except Algol, there is another variable star. It can also be observed without a telescope. The time range of its flicker is not constant, like the "Devil" star, and stacked in a period of 33 to 55 days. Such a phenomenon of impermanence is not fully studied by astronomers, as the reason for the flicker is not defined.

    Watching this gives pleasure. But since scientists are accustomed to combine pleasant with useful, it was found that this star also has a satellite. In this case, its dimensions are somewhat less than the size of the star itself.

    Watching this pair into the telescope, the astronomers called them "heavenly diamonds" due to an amazing combination of colors. The main star is burning with beautiful orange light, and her little satellite has a mysterious blossom.

    Meteoring rains Perseus

    Those who are actively interested in meteorites, astronomers offer to view the exciting spectacle of the meteorite rain in the constellation Perseus. There is a starfall for summer time. It is around the middle of July to the last numbers of August. Rain peak falls in mid-August. Astronomers called this active meteor flow by Perceid.

    At the night sky, you can see a huge number of wonderful constellations, many of which require even thorough study and consideration. This also applies to the constellation Perseus. Despite many perfect discoveries, they still have to have many more generations of people. The fact that there is still far "behind the scenes" of modern astronomical science, perhaps, in a few decades it will strike humanity with the scale of its discovery.