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  • Abstracts of educational activities in GEF. Abstract of directly educational activities in GEF in the field "Cognition. continuous educational activities in Dow

    Abstracts of educational activities in GEF. Abstract of directly educational activities in GEF in the field

    Victoria Yachushko



    1. Secure the representations about the composition of the number 7, the score skills within 7

    2. Continue to form temporary views (days of the week)

    3. To introduce the S. education and the composition of the number 8 and digit 8;

    4. Secure the ability to relate the number of items with the number;

    5. Secure the name of the geometric shapes; interrelation of integer and parts


    1. Develop logical thinking

    2. Give ideas about true and false judgments


    1. Rail the skill to focus on the task.

    2. Educating the ability to work in the team, prudence, ability to understand and independently perform the tasks of the educator

    3. To educate a kind, respectful attitude towards others, to work independently with handouts.

    Priority education area: "Informative -Chellery"

    Integration educational regions: "Socio-Communicative", "Artistic - aesthetic", "Physical".

    Tasks integrable educational regions:

    Socially communicative

    develop in children free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking

    intensify the dictionary of children.

    rail in children curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.

    Physical education

    continue to develop the motor activity of children in a dynamic pause

    Artistic - aesthetic

    fasten the ability of children to hear and move to the music of various dynamics.

    Preliminary work:

    Accounting to 10 and back, Acquaintance with geometric shapes, acquaintance with didactic games, making benefits, cards, handouts.


    Travel course.

    B. - Let's stand in a circle, take up your arms and smile each other. Children together with the educator are in the circle.

    B. - in a circle wide, I see,

    All my friends got up.

    We will now go right away

    Now let's go left

    In the center of the circle will gather

    And they will return everything to the place.

    Smile, wemgeh,

    And the lesson will begin

    Children perform exercises in accordance with the text. 1 time

    B. - And now I invite you to travel.

    V. - Guys, what can travel?

    D. - by bus, airplane, steamer, train, bike.

    B. - We go to our travel on the steamer. Because ours travel will be by sea - marine. To do this, we must buy tickets.

    1. Gaming exercise with ball "Ticket for steamer"

    B. - I will first throw the ball to you, call the number, and you call his neighbors, before and after the number. Name the neighbors of the number 2; neighbors number 4; neighbors of the number 5; Neighbor numbers 6.

    B. - You are well done, I thought well and can all sit on our places on the steamer (I distribute "Tickets" with a number 8, depicted dotted line, put on the table).

    Sounds music "The train from "Romashkovo"Children take place at the table.

    B. - In order for the way to do not let me play with you. Guys, you know what fairy tales is the number "7"?

    1. What fairy tale was the seven kids?

    2. What flower did all the desires of the girl of the girlfriend performed?

    3. What is the name of the fairy tale where were the gnomes and one girl?

    4. What is the name of the fairy tale A. S. Pushkin Where was the seven heroes?

    Answers children: "The wolf and the seven Young goats", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Flower-seven flowers", "The fairy tale of the dead princess and seven heroes"

    Q. - How many days in the week? Name the seventh day of the week?

    B. - Number 7, is indicated by the number "7".

    B. - We are already in the open sea. Listen to how water is noise. But look, someone meets us here. Who is it?

    D. - Octopus.

    V. - count how many legs at the octopus? (8) . Guys, but he asks us to help calculate how much children he has. (on the board there are six octopins of red in color). Count how many kids? (6) So sailed one more (blue, how much did it become? How did you get the number 7? (6+1) .

    And now we will play the game "Day Night"

    B. - Carefully look at octopies and remember.

    Children cover their eyes, night came.

    The tutor changes the blue octopus on the red.

    The day came, open the eyes "What changed?"

    D. - Blue changed on red. How many red octopians become? (7)

    Night, close your eyes. The educator adds one blue octopus.

    B. - The number of eight is indicated by such a number.

    (Exhibited on the blackboard number 8)

    The figure 8 is so tasty, of two bagels it.

    Q. - What number in front of the number 8? (7) . After number 8? (9)

    B. - Let's take a look at the figure. What she looks like (children's responses) Pictures (Neva, Matryushka, Pear)

    Children draw a number 8 hand in the air, then on "Tickets" by points.


    How many legs at octopus? (Top)

    Many, a lot, a lot, a lot ...

    How many hands at octopus? (clap)

    Many, a lot, a lot, a lot ...

    Once, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

    And the children at octopus (jump)

    Many, a lot, a lot, a lot ...

    Once, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

    Poor dad octopus. (perform walking in place)

    How many kids wash your feet?

    V. - And now look, the octopus shows us your home and asks to cut their octopians so that everyone fit.

    What is the number at home? (8)

    How to divide the number 8 into two smaller?

    How much do you need to add octopians to get the number 8?

    The tutor shows a table with squares and discusses with children options: 6 and 2; 5 and 3; 4 and 4; 3 and 5; 2 and 6; 1 and 7; 7 and 1;

    Output: The educator says can be compiled in different ways and lists all the options in Table 1 and 7; 2 and 6; 3 and 5; 4 and 4; 5 and 3; 6 and 2; 7 and 1; How many options for us of the composition of the number 8

    V. - Well done! Well coped. But octopies want to play with you at hide and seek.

    Gaming exercise "We play hide and seek with octopies".

    Children have 2 large triangles - "Pebble" and 8 circles - "Octopus" One color. Children "Hide" Octopresses for pebbles, talk about the possible embodiments of the number of 8 to two smaller numbers.

    V. - Guys, you helped the octopus well and coped with all the tasks, for this he gives you a cake. What is it forms? Let's share with octopies?

    The educator shows the children a circle, asks to call the geometric shape and divide it into 2 equal parts, then asks: how many parts you divided the circle, more: whole or 1/2

    What is less: Half or whole? The educator asks children to divide the circle into two equal parts (4)

    How can I call every part? what more: integer or 1/4? what less: 1/4 or integer?

    The educator asks children to divide the circle into two equal parts: How many parts did it work out? (8)

    How can I call every part? what more: integer or 1/8? what less: 1/8 or integer?

    All octopians are enough for cake? How many pieces? How many octopians?

    B. - Congratulations! You coped well with the task and it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. (music)

    B. - Today we have committed an exciting journey. Did you like it journey? What did you like? What was interesting? What kind of digit and number met? You are great, I really liked working with you.

    Consultation for educators "Organization of directly educational activities (NOD)
    In accordance with GEF to "

    Directly educational activities are implemented through the organization of various types of children's activities (game, motor, communicative, labor, educational, research, etc.) or their integration using various forms and methods of work, the choice of which is carried out by teachers independently depending on the contingent of children, the level of development general education program for pre-school education and solving specific educational tasks.
    According to the theory of L.S. Vygotsky and his followers, the processes of education and training are not directly developed by the child directly, but only when they have activity forms and have the appropriate content.
    The GEF contains an indication of what types of activities can be considered acceptable forms of practice for a child of preschool age:
    - at an early age (1 year - 3 years) - subject activity and games with composite and dynamic toys; Experimentation with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.), Communication with adults and joint games with peers under the leadership of adult, self-service and action with household Items (spoon, scoop, shovel, etc.), perception of the meaning of music , fairy tales, poems, viewing pictures, motor activity;
    - For preschool children (3 years old, 8 years old) - a number of activities such as a game, including a plot-role-playing game, the game with the rules and other types of games, communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers), cognitive-research ( research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them), as well as the perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work (indoors and on the street), designing from different material, including designers, modules, paper, natural and other material, visual ( Drawing, modeling, appliqué), musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, games in children's musical instruments) and motor (mastering the main movements) forms of the child's activity.
    The development scheme of any type of activity is as follows: first it is carried out in joint activities with adults, then in joint activities with peers and becomes homemade.
    The essential signs of the joint activities of adults and children are allocated - the availability of an affiliate position of the adult and affiliate form of the organization (cooperation of adults and children, the possibility of free placement, movement and communication of children).
    An essential feature of an adult partnership with children is its openness towards the free independent activities of the preschoolers themselves. At the same time, the affiliate activity of the adult is open to design in accordance with their interests (children).
    The educator, based on the interests and game of children, offers them activities that stimulate their cognitive activities.
    By providing children with direct contact with people, materials and real life experiences, the educator stimulates the intellectual development of the child.
    Thematic game centers give children the possibility of independent choice of materials and, accordingly, the areas of knowledge. Various themes, large-scale tasks (projects) should also take into account the interests of children can be associated with certain centers. The interior of the group should be organized in such a way that children be given a fairly wide selection of centers and materials.

    In a child-oriented atmosphere, children:
    make a choice;
    actively play;
    use materials that can be found more than one application;
    Work all together and take care of each other;
    They are responsible for their actions.
    There should be mutual respect between the educators and children. Respect is the necessary element in the community that is a kindergarten group. Educators file an example of mutual understanding, respect and concerns about each other they are waiting for children. The degree of respect that children feel from other people is a key development factor in their self-esteem. And self-esteem, in turn, lays the robust foundations of positive relationships with other children.
    When teachers show respect for each child in the group, children learn the best of all other children - and those who are slowly running, and those who perfectly draw, and even children with unusual or conflict behavior.
    When children see and feel that each of them is accepted and respected, they begin to feel comfortable and can behave freely and implement their own interests.

    How to demonstrate your respect for children
    Always call children by name.
    Speak individually with each child as often as it is possible.
    When talking, you are on the same level with a child: go down to squat or sit down to a low chair.
    Listen to your child, and answer him.
    If you promised to children that you will do something for them later, do not forget to do it.
    Express sincere admiration for the results of children.
    Give children the opportunity to tell others about your work and their interests.
    Use the ideas and suggestions of children and thank them for the help.
    Equipments should be realized that children, like adults, feel and notice sincerity with which they treat them. Praise children for the results of their work it is necessary individually and sincerely, the interaction should be natural and relaxed.
    Children are happy to take humor and fun, which correspond to their age, and react to them. Adults should not be afraid that, laughing and joking with children, they can lose control of the order in the group. On the contrary, the overall fun only brings closers with children, and the atmosphere of cooperation in the group is strengthened.
    Features of the organization of directly educational activities in the form of joint partnership of adult and children
    The organization of directly educational activities in the form of joint partnership of adult with children is associated with a significant restructuring of the style of the caregiver.
    The affiliate position of the educator involves the adoption of a democratic style of relations, and not an authoritarian, conjugated with the teacher position.
    Understand what it means to be a partner of children, the easiest way, comparing these two positions

    Comparative characteristics of features
    Partner and teacher positions
    Characterized Objects Affiliate Shape School and Promotional Form
    Partner is always an equal member of the case and as such is associated with other mutual respect, the teacher is a head, regulator; It is not directly included in the activity, but gives a task (explains) and controls
    Position of an adult in a group of adult group - partner, next to children (together), in a single space (for example, sitting in a circle with children behind a shared table)
    The position of an adult is dynamic (can transfer with their work if he sees that someone especially needs it); At the same time, all children in the field of view of the educator (and each other). Adult - teacher, distant from children, outside the circle, oppose children, over them
    (for example, for a writing desk as in the school lesson)
    The position of an adult is either stable (it stands at the board, sitting at the desk), or it moves to control and evaluate ("bypassing the child" of children, controls, evaluates, hanging "over" child).
    Organization of space The maximum approximation to the situation of the "round table" inviting to equal participation in the work, discussion, study. Accommodation behind the ranks of tables, as behind the parties, looking into the back of another child
    The degree of freedom is free placement of children and movement in the process of activity.
    Free communication is allowed (working hum)
    Children can discuss work, ask each other questions, etc. Strong securing jobs, ban on moving.
    Free communication of children is prohibited. The disciplinary requirement of silence is introduced
    The "fraught" position of the educator contributes to the development of a child of activity, independence, the ability to make a decision, try to do something, not afraid that it turns out to be incorrectly, it causes an achievement to achieve, conducive to emotional comfort causes the passivity of the child, the impossibility of independently make a decision, emotional discomfort, The fear of doing something wrong and aggression as a negotiable side of fear, as the discharge of accumulating stress.

    The organization of directly educational activities in partnership requires an adult behavior style that can be expressed by the motto: "We are included in the activities are not related to mandatory relations, but only the desire and mutual contract: we all want to do it."
    At different stages of directly educational activities, the affiliate position of the educator is manifested in a special way
    Manifestation of the affiliate position of the teacher
    At different stages of directly educational activities

    Stages of directly educational activities
    1. The initial stage of activity The teacher invites you to activities - optional, relaxed: "Let's today ... who wants, arrange at more convenient ..." (or: "I will ... who wants, join ...".
    Note the task for joint implementation, the educator, as an equal participant, offers possible ways to implement it.
    2. During the activity process, the teacher is improving as a developing content (new knowledge, ways of activity, etc.); offers its idea or your own result for children's criticism; manifests interest as a result of children; included in mutual assessment and interpretation of the actions of participants; Strengthens the child's interest in the work of peers, encourages the meaningful appeal, provoke mutual assessments, discussing emerging problems.
    3. The final stage of the activity every child works in its pace and decides himself, he finished or not research, work. "Open end" activity
    Thus, the essential characteristics of the organization of directly educational activities in the form of an adult partnership with children are:
    1) the inclusion of an adult in action on a par with children;
    2) voluntary attachment of children to activities (without psychological and disciplinary coercion);
    3) free communication and movement of children during directly educational activities (with the appropriate organization of space);
    4) Open temporary end of directly educational activities (everyone works in its pace)
    At the very beginning of a similar organization of directly educational activities with children, it is necessary to immediately agree on the general rules of behavior in the group: "You do not want today (now) to do this with us, let's go slowly with your business, but do not bother others."
    If the educator correctly selects the contents for enforcement activities with preschoolers, corresponding to their interests, and is emotionally tuned to the proposed case, the problems of joining children simply does not occur.
    When the teacher becomes a partner of a child, which means that the equal participant of the general work, as a result, change:
    - the style of the behavior of an adult (from the administrative and regulatory to the ease-trustful);
    - the working space where collaboration is unfolding (from a separate place for the "teacher" table to place behind a common table next to children);
    - The attitude of the teacher to fulfill the overall work: from the general guidelines to participate in the implementation of a certain part of work, etc.
    When organizing directly educational activities in the form of joint partnerships, the situation of children is changing.
    1. Children can decide themselves, participate or not in general work. But this is not the introduction of permissiveness and anarchy. The child appears the choice - to participate in this work or organize something else, to do something else. This is the freedom to choose between activities and their content, and not between activities and nonesthelnia.
    2. The procedure and organization of joint activities are generated: free placement of children over a common table, their communication with other children in the course of work and move as needed. In the course of the work, children can appeal to the teacher, approach him, discuss with him those who are interested in their questions related to the performance of work, get the necessary help, advice, etc.
    3. Children can work at different pace. The volume of work every child can determine for yourself: what he will do, but will make it well and bring the work started to the end. Children who have completed work earlier can do what they are interested. In the event that the child did not cope with the work, he can continue it in the following days.
    That which offers to make an adult, the child must be needed and interesting. The meaningful for the child offered by adults is the main key of the developing effect.
    Direct motivation in preschool age is much stronger than the broad social behaviors. Hence the main principle of educational work with preschoolers (not to mention young children) should be the principle of child's interest.
    In preschool age, direct motivation is determined primarily by the need for new impressions.
    The need for new impressions is the basic need of a child arising in infancy and is the driving force of its development. At the following stages of development, this need is transformed into a cognitive need of different levels.
    The organization of direct educational activities in the form of a relaxed partnership activity of an adult with children does not mean chaos and arbitrariness on the side of the teacher or the children. This form of activity (like traditional training sessions) is introduced into the routine of the day and the week of kindergarten. For the educator, this is mandatory and planned actions.
    Children are included in directly educational activities from interest in the proposals of the educator, from the desire to be with peers. Gradually, they have a habit of the daily and weekly rhythm of "working" activities. Interest in the upcoming activity is supported by the logicality of this type of activity in a certain time period, which is ensured when implementing the principle of events.
    Children who did not participate in joint activities (within the framework of directly educational) focus on productive independent activities. The results of joint and independent activities are necessarily discussed and evaluated.
    The results of productive independent activities, just as jointly, must be brought to the state of exhibition works.
    At the same time, solving the tasks of the development of the independence of children, the products of independent activity should be assessed more often and higher than the products of joint activities, drawing the attention of adults - "Look, this child did himself!".
    A similar organization of the educational process will contribute to the gradual formation in children of ideas about the vital activity in the kindergarten group, where the case is given to the time, and the fun.

    Approximate forms of organization
    directly educational activities

    Children's activity examples of work forms
    Motor * Moving Games with Rules * Movable Didactic Games * Game Exercises * Competitions * Gaming Situations * Leisure * Rhythmic * Aerobics, Children's Fitness * Sports Games and Exercises * Attractions * Sports Holidays * Gymnastics (Morning and Awakening) * Organization of Swimming
    Game* Scene Games * Games with Rules * Creating a gaming situation by regime, using a literary work * Games with speech accompaniment * Finger games * Theatrical games
    And designed
    * Workshop for the manufacture of products of children's creativity * Implementation of projects * Creating a creative group * Children's design * Experimental activities * Exhibitions * Mini museums
    IN sPRDRIES OF FIGNAL LITERATURE AND FOLKLOR * Reading * discussion * memorization, told * conversation * theatrical activity * independent artistic speech activity * Quiz * KVN * Questions and answers * Presentation of books * Exhibitions in bookcore * Literary holidays, leisure
    Cognitive research * Observation * Excursion * Solution of problem situations * Experimentation * Collectibles * Simulation * Research * Project implementation * Games (plot, with rules) * Intelligent games (puzzles, quiz, jokes, rebuses, crosswords, charaks) * mini museums * Designing * Hobbies
    Communicative *Conversation. Situational conversation * Speech situation * Drawing and gudding mysteries * games (plot, with rules, theatrical) * Gaming situations * Etudes and performances * Logo
    Self-service and elementary household work * Duty * assignment * tasks * self-service * Joint actions * Excursion * project implementation
    Musical * Hearing * Improvisation * Performance * Experimentation * Moving games (with musical accompaniment) * Music and didactic games

    Based on the need for senior preschoolers the need for self-affirmation and recognition by adults, the educator provides conditions for the development of children's independence, initiatives, creativity. He constantly creates situations that encourage children to actively apply his knowledge and skills, puts more and more complex tasks in front of them, develops will, supports the desire to overcome difficulties, bring the work started to the end, aims to search for new, creative solutions.
    The educator adheres to the following rules. No need to hurry to help the child at the very first difficulties, it is more useful to encourage him to an independent decision; If without help, it is not to do without help, this assistance must be minimal: it is better to give advice, ask leading questions, intensify the past experience in the child. It is always necessary to provide children with the possibility of an independent solution of the tasks set, to search for several options for solving one task, support children's initiative and creativity, show children growth of their achievements, cause them a sense of joy and pride from successful independent, initiative actions.
    The development of independence contributes to the development of children of universal skills: to put a goal (or accept it from the educator), to think about the way to achieve it, to carry out its idea, assess the result from the purpose of the goal. The task of development of these skills is set as an educator in different activities. At the same time, the educator uses funds to help preschoolers systematically and independently exercise their intent: reference diagrams, visual models, open cards.
    The educator carefully observes the development of the independence of each child, makes adjustments to the tactics of their individual approach and gives the relevant tips to parents.
    The highest form of independence of children is creativity. The task of the educator is to develop interest in creativity. This promotes verbal creativity and the creation of creative situations in gaming, theater, artistic and visual activities, in manual work.
    All this is the mandatory elements of the lifestyle of senior preschoolers in kindergarten. It is in fascinating creative activity before the preschooler arises the problem of independent definition of the intention, methods and form of its incarnation.
    Senior preschoolers gladly respond to the offer to put a performance based on familiar fairy tales, prepare a concert for kids or come up with and write down in the "magic book" invented by them of stories, and then make a cover and draw an illustration. Such homemade books become the subject of love and pride of children. Together with the educator, they reread their writings, discuss them, come up with new continuations of stories.
    The seventh year of life is expanding the possibility of developing independent cognitive activity. Children are available diversity of methods of knowledge: observation and self-observation, sensory examination of objects, logical operations (comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification), simple measurements, experimentation with natural and man-made objects. Memory capabilities are developing. It increases its volume, arbitrariness to memorize information.
    To memorize, children deliberately resort to repetition, using a grouping, composing a simple reference plan, helping to recreate the sequence of events or actions, visual-figurative means.
    The developing cognitive activity of senior preschoolers is supported by the whole atmosphere of life in the kindergarten group.
    The obligatory element of the lifestyle in senior and preparatory groups is the participation of children
    - in the resolution of problem situations,
    - in the conduct of elementary experiments,
    - in organizing experimentation (with water, snow, air, sounds, light, magnets, magnifying glasses, etc.),
    - in the educational games, puzzles, in the manufacture of homemade toys, simplest mechanisms and models.
    The educator encourages children to an independent research search for answers to emerging issues: he draws attention to new, unusual features of the object, expresses guesses, appeals to children for help, aims to experiment, reasoning, assumption, and their inspection.
    The group constantly appears objects encouraging preschoolers to manifest intellectual activity. These can some devices, broken toys that need to be fixed, encrypted records, "parcels from space", etc.
    Rogueing the riddles prisoners in such objects, children experience the joy of opening and knowledge. "Why is it going on?", "What will happen if ...", "how to change it to ...", "What can we do this?" Is it possible to find another solution? "," How can I find We know about it? " - Similar questions are constantly present in the communication of the teacher with senior preschoolers.
    A particular educator emphasizes the role of a book as a source of new knowledge. It shows children how from the book you can get answers to the most interesting and complex questions. In the "difficult" cases, the educator specially addresses books, along with children finds in books solving problems. Well illustrated book becomes the source of new interests of preschoolers and awakens the desire to master the reading.
    The main educational unit of the pedagogical process in the junior age group is the developing situation, that is, such a form of joint activities of the teacher and children, which is planned and is organized by the teacher in order to solve certain tasks of development and education, taking into account the age characteristics and interests of children. When planning a developing situation, the educator needs to coordinate the content of different sections of the program, to achieve integration, the relationship of educational areas.
    For example, the developing problem-gaming situation "What happened to the doll Masha?" It is used not only to master the experience of the manifestation of sympathy, help and ideas about health - saving behavior, but also to solve other tasks:
    Enrichment of ideas about the objects of life and their appointment: from which cup it is more convenient to drink a doll, which is a blanket or a pad to choose which items to care for the patient it is necessary to choose others (the educational region "Cognition");
    Mastering the comparison methods of items on different features or their grouping: Select only a small cup, saucer, spoon, plate for dolls from a general set of dishes; Choose at the request of the doll only apples of a certain size and shape, etc. (educational region "Cognition", "First steps in mathematics");
    Reflection of an emotional attitude towards the recoverable doll in the musical game "Favorite Doll" and in the modeling "We make a treat for the doll" (educational fields "Music", "Fine activity");
    Mastering the ideas about pets - the situation "Cat Vasily and the Pooh kitten came to spend our Masha" (educational area "Cognition");
    The development of children's speech, acquaintance with new literary works and illustrations: the recovery doll wants to hear a fairy tale or, after recording after the disease, participates with children in a speech or theatrical game (educational areas "Communication", "reading fiction").
    With this approach, the single educational content, repeating in different form, is better comprehended and mastered by children.
    Effectively use of plot-thematic planning of the educational process. Themes are determined based on the interests of the children and the needs of the enrichment of children's experience, for example, "our kindergarten", "Our favorite toys", "I and my friends", "Pets", "Mom, Dad and I am a friendly family", and integrate Content, methods and techniques from different sections of the program. A single topic is reflected in the planned developing situations of children's practical, gaming, visual activities, in music, in observations and communication of the teacher with children.
    In the case of working with children of younger age in the conditions of the educational institution, the tutor must be remembered for mandatory motivation of the child to any type of activity.
    So, for example, in the living conditions of children of New Year's events, it is appropriate to offer children (blind) a treat for guests who come to celebrate New Year: for a cat - sausages, bunnies - carrots, mom, dad, grandmother - pies or ginkers. Children are given the right to choose what to sculpt. Together with children, they are specified, and if there is a need, it is checked (investigated) methods of modeling listed products.
    After the children successfully mastered the modeling methods and showed each other, as they do it, the teacher is also determined with what and for whom he will sculpt, and does it with children.
    Products have been laid out on plates previously decorated with children by appliqués and specially prepared as a festive tableware, which waited for its o'clock and stood on the shelves of toy furniture. Next, the teacher with children determines the storage location of the prepared treat (for example, a toy refrigerator), where everything moves.
    All this is necessary in order to motivate children every day to work.
    What will be mounted that it is designed to be decorated, and in any way, that first, that later the teacher determines itself, depending on the age of children and development tasks.
    But you still need to think about the decoration of the room, outfits for mom, dolls and for yourself, to learn poems, songs, cook invitations, send letters, "buy" products .... How many of the most interesting things are waiting for children for holidays! And how much the tasks of various educational areas are solved very naturally!
    Modern approaches to the organization of the educational process require revision of traditional technologies that are not effective in achieving the goal of the social success of preschoolers at the next level of education.
    At the moment, it is necessary to focus on the following principles of working with children:
    - care from rigidly regulated school-type learning;
    - ensuring the motor activity of children in various forms;
    - the use of diverse forms of training for learning, including different specific childhood activities;
    - ensuring the relationship of directly educational activities with the daily life of children, their independent activities (game, artistic, constructive, etc.);
    - use of cyclicity and design organization of education;
    - creation of a developing objective environment that functionally simulates the content of children's activities and initiating it;
    - Widespread use of methods that activate thinking, imagination and search activity of children. Introduction to training elements of problem problems, open-type tasks that have different solutions;
    - widespread use of game techniques, toys; Creating emotionally significant situations for children;
    - ensuring the child the opportunity to navigate the peer partner, interact with him and learn from him (and not only in an adult);
    - allocation as a leading dialogical form of adult communication with children among themselves, which ensures the development of activity, child initiative, forms respect and confidence in adult;
    - Formation of the children's community, providing each child a sense of comfort and success.

    Abstract of organized educational activities in the senior group

    Subject: "Fabulous umbrellas" "

    purpose: Creating conditions for the development of cognitive activity of children by familiarization with some types of tissues and their properties.


      create conditions for familiarization of children with fabric properties in the process of cognitive - research activities;

      create conditions for the expression of children of his opinion;

      promote the development of observation, curiosity, initiative, independence;

      create conditions for encouraging children to speech activity;

      promote the development of children's interaction skills with adults and peers.

    Integration contents of the educational area "Cognition", "Socialization" "Communication", "Labor", "Health"

    Organization of children's activities:

      research activities;

      productive activity;

      communicative activity.

    Vocabulary : Words denoting the properties of fabrics: transluders, not shifted, it does not occur, it wines, does not wash, smooth, rough, etc.

    Materials and equipment: Luntik - Soft toy, umbrella, fabric samples: sitherium, cloak 5x10 cm, the same fabrics on cardboard (by the number of children) Paper envelopes with cut-out umbrella contours, adhesive pencil, box under the manufactured umbrellas; Set for experimentation on 2 children: flat plate, paper napkin, pipettes, measuring plastic spoons, glass small cans, water in glasses; Picture depicting clouds and sun, record musical works for the game; Lunny pebbles for a surprise moment.

    Preliminary work: view a series of cartoon "Luntik and an umbrella"

    The course of directly educational activities

    Organization of educational


    Adult activity

    Children's activities

    Psychological and pedagogical conditions / tasks

    Input part (Organizing time)

    Educator: - I am very glad to see you. What are you today beautiful and elegant. Look at the guests came to us. Still say hello to them. Guys smile to guests, and now smile at each other. Do you have a good mood?

    Children stand in a circle.

    Greet guests.

    Creating conditions for psychological comfort in the group:

    ensuring the interest and emotionality of children.

    Input part (motivational moment)

    Unnoticed for children in the group, Luntik appears (soft toy). He is wet. The adult first does not pay attention to him.

    Children independently detect a new subject, going around it, turn to adult with questions.

    Conditions for the development of independence and initiative.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts

    Attracting attention to the upcoming joint activities.

    The cartoon hero greets children.

    Educator: - Who is it guys?

    Did you find out?

    Quite right, this is our familiar cartoon hero - Luntik!

    How could he find here?

    Let's say hello to him too.

    What happened to Luntik?

    Why is it so wet?

    Responses of children.

    Children express various assumptions. Hello with Luntik. It is found that it is wet.

    Discussion of the current situation.

    Main part

    (Problem Situation)

    Luntik appeals for help to children


    Indeed, Luntik fell under the rain.

    Is it good or bad if Luntik wet?

    What you need to remain dry in the rain?

    Educator: - Do you want to help Luntika?

    How can we help our friend?

    Children say he can catch a cold and get sick

    Responses of children.

    Children offer their help.

    Conditions for development, speech activity.

    Motivation of children for joint activities with a teacher.

    Conditions for the manifestation of search activity.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Formulation of children's goal.

    Artistic word

    The purse is a thing.
    That in the rain will come in handy.
    We will get it out, we will not become wet.
    Nothing that rain is going:
    Everyone has his own ...

    Riddle about umbrella

    Educator: - Completely, we can give him a thing that will protect him from the rain. - What is this thing?

    Responses of children.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Conditions for the formation of children's own conclusions.

    Educator : - What is the most important thing in umbrella?

    That's right, the most important thing is that he protects from the rain (the dome is made of fabric that does not wet)

    Answers and assumptions of children.

    Together with adults, children come to the conclusion that an umbrella should be made of a fabric that does not let water.

    Work in parach

    Attributes for research

    Educator: - I suggest finding yourself a couple for further work.

    - Go to the desktop. - Look, each of you have pieces of fabric. Take them in your hands, we study together and let's call their properties.

    Answers in the course of research actions of children.

    Individual work at the table.

    Development of ability to work in pairs, assisting each other.

    Conditions for manifestation of search activities.

    Conditions for the development of cognitive activity

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    ANDfabric translating begins with Citz.

    Conversation on issues

    Educator: -This fabric misses the light? (Shouted - not shown)

    Is this fabric thinking or not?(It does not mean)

    What is this fabric to the touch?(Smooth, slippery, rough)

    Answers and research actions of children.

    Work behind the tables

    During work, the teacher draws attention to the posture of children.

    Children together with the educator are negotiated ways to check. An adult invites children to independently check the patterns of fabrics.

    Educator: - So, guys, a fabric that misses the light, the toughness and slightly rough to the touch, called the site. And the other fabric, opaque, dense, not frowning, smooth, is called - cloak.

    Educator: -How to learn from which fabric it turns out a waterproof umbrella?

    Educator: -That's right, you need to check the fabric.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Experiment"What fabric does not wet?"

    An adult invites children to conduct an experiment with Waterand check the fabrics to permeability.

    At the tables attributes for research by the number of children.

    Educator: - What results did you get? Completely, from the cloak fabric you can make an umbrella from rain.

    Children together with adults come to the conclusion about the permeability of the fabric.

    Conditions for the development of cognitive activity.

    Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.


    Drops first fell
    The children of umbrellas got.
    Rain boiled stronger
    The birds disappeared the goal of the branches.

    The rain watered both from the bucket, the defortion was frightened.

    And then from the clouds, the sun will again look at us in the window!

    The game is carried out to the music (duration depending on the degree of fatigibility of children).

    Educator: - We have spent very difficult work together.


    Output: Find out about the properties of the fabric and found out which fabric will suit the umbrella.

    But we have another task: to make umbrellas for fabulous heroes, because Luntik has many friends. But first we need to relax.

    Educator: - Let's work out. Luntik knows that the best rest is a game. Want to play?

    Children are conclusion.

    Children agree to playget up in a circle, performing with a motion tutor in the course of the text.

    Conditions for changing the activities of children and the development of motor activity.

    Artistic and productive activities.

    Explanation of the method of manufacturing an umbrella

    Independent activities of children

    IN: - Guys! There are many different ways to manufacture umbrellas. But I know the easiest way! Let me show you? On the tables you have a paper envelope with a cut-out umbrella circuit. You need to take a suitable cloth, insert it into a cardboard envelope. It turns out such a wonderful umbrella!

    Children independently select the desired material for an umbrella, justifying the choice, stick on paper.

    Education to the speech of the teacher, the ability to memorize and execute instructions.

    Conditions for the development of independence, self-control.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Conditions for the manifestation of speech activity.

    We collect together with the Luntik umbrellas for friends in the box

    Educator: What beautiful, bright umbrellas you got!

    Let's add them to the box, Luntik will take with him.

    Children view work, share their impressions.

    Children agree.

    Educator: - What do you think will love your umbrellasfabulous friends?

    I also liked them too!

    Responses of children.

    Reflection: outcome

    Assessment of children's activities.

    Surprise moment

    Luntik gives "Moon Pebbles"

    Educator : - Now everything is ready!

    - Let's remember what we did?

    - What did you know in the process of manufacturing umbrellas?

    - And you were interested?

    - Was it difficult?

    Now Luntik and friends may not be afraid of rain. Today you were active attentive. I am proud of you!

    Responses of children.

    Help Luntika and manufactured umbrella to fabulous friends.

    Analysis and evaluation by children of their activities

    Children feel joy and delight, thank, say goodbye to Luntik and guests.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Conditions for fixing

    new material.

    Conditions for development, and stimulating speech activity.

    Education of culture of behavior.

    Node abstract designed in accordance with GEF

    Subject: "Fabulous journey" (integration of the content of the educational area of \u200b\u200b"Cognition", "Socialization" "Communication", "Labor", "Health").

    purpose. Creating conditions for the development of cognitive development of children by familiarization with some types of tissues and their properties.


    1. create conditions for teaching children to search for possible ways to solve the problem situation during experimental activities (cognitive development);
    2. create conditions for the expression of children of his opinion (socially communicative development);
    3. provide conditions for self-selection of materials (socio-communicative development);
    4. promote the development of logical thinking, observation, attention, the ability to identify several properties of tissues using modeling schemes (cognitive development);
    5. create conditions for encouraging children to speech activity (speech development);
    6. promote the development of children's interaction skills with adults and peers (socio-communicative development);

    Organization of children's activities:

    • communication of a child with adults;
    • game activity;
    • research activities ( research Practice).

    A type, and methods used in nodes: Forming, correspond to the age and individual characteristics of children.

    A type- Combined

    Method- verbal, practical, research, gaming, visual.

    The form- Frontal and individual.

    Type of children's activity: Communicative, motor, gaming, healthybean.

    Activation of the dictionary: Words denoting the properties of tissues, shines, does not shine, it turns away, it does not wink, not floss, smooth, rough, etc.

    Materials and equipment: Paper aircraft, fabric samples: sitts, cableing 5x10 cm, the same fabrics on cardboard ½A4 (by the number of children) Cardboard envelopes with cut-out umbrella contours, an experimental set for 2 children: a flat plate, a paper napkin, pipettes, water in glasses.

    The course of directly educational activities

    Stage of educational activities

    Organization of workspace

    Adult activity

    Children's activities

    Psychological and pedagogical conditions / tasks

    Introductory part (organizational moment)

    B. I am very glad to see you. What are you today beautiful and elegant. Look at the guests came to us. Still say hello to them. Guys smile to guests, and now smile at each other. Do you have a good mood?

    Children stand in a circle.

    Responses of children.

    Creating conditions for psychological comfort in the group:

    ensuring the interest and emotionality of children

    Input part (motivational moment)

    Unnoticed for children in the group an airplane appears with a letter. The adult first does not pay attention to him.

    The educator asks a question to children: guys do you like to travel?

    Q. And would you like to be in a fairy tale? And how do we get there?

    Responses of children.

    Conditions for search activity

    Conditions for the development of independence and initiative

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Educator:Where could an airplane come from here?

    Educator Do you want to know what is written here?

    Children independently detect a new subject, going around it, turn to adult with questions.

    Assumptions of children.

    Main part

    Problem Situation:

    (Adult reads a letter).

    Educator:Children, we are notified, what a fabulous hero need help of such smart and bold guys as you. Tell me, do you like fairy tales? Then let's go with you in a fabulous journey.

    Children cover their eyes, clap your hands and read count: "Path to a fairy tale": one two three four five. Here in the fairy tale we again!

    (Serial account up to 5).

    Conditions for development, speech activity.

    Conditions for consolidating a sequence account.

    A presentation is included, where the cartoon hero greets with children.

    Educator: - Come to the computer, who meets us? Did you find out? Quite right, this is our familiar cartoon hero - Luntik! You want to help him, then let's listen to him ...

    Children pay attention to the computer sound.

    View videoLide. (Children's responses)

    Conditions for supporting speech activity.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Educator: - What happened to Luntik? Why is it so confused and wet? Indeed, Luntik fell under the rain. He can get sick and cold.

    Educator: How can we help our friend?

    Children listen carefully record and express various assumptions.

    (discussion of the current situation).

    Responses of children.

    Children offer their help.

    Artistic word

    The purse is a thing. That in the rain will come in handy. We will get it out, we will not become wet. Nothing that rain goes: everyone has his own.

    Riddle about umbrella

    Educator:Completely, we can give him a thing that touches Luntka from the rain.

    If you answer correctly, it will appear on the slide - the picture is the correct answer.

    Responses of children.

    Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.

    Conditions for the development of research actions.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Educator:That's right, the umbrella saves from the rain. What is the most important thing in umbrella? That's right, the most important thing is that he protects from rain.

    Together with adults, children come to the conclusion that an umbrella should be made of a fabric that does not let water.

    Answers and assumptions of children.

    Attributes for research

    Educator:Let's go to the tables. Look, each of you have pieces of fabric. Take them in your hands, we study together and let's call their properties.

    Answers in the course of research actions of children.

    Individual work at the table.

    Conditions for manifestation of search activities.

    Conditions for the development of cognitive activity

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Fabric Study Begins with Citz

    (conversation at the table)

    Educator:This fabric misses the light? (Shouted - not shown)

    Is this fabric thinking or not? (It does not mean)

    What is this fabric to the touch? (Smooth, slippery, rough)

    Answers and research actions of children.

    (work at the tables)

    Children together with the educator are negotiated ways to check. Adult offers children to check the tissue samples using modeling schemes.

    Educator:So, guys, a fabric that misses the light, the toughness and slightly rough to the touch, called the site. And the other fabric, opaque, dense, not frowning, smooth, is called - cloak.

    Educator:How to learn from which fabric it turns out a waterproof umbrella?

    Educator:that's right, you need to check the fabric.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Experiment "What fabric does not wash?"

    An adult invites children to carry out an experiment with water and check the fabrics to permeability.

    at the tables attributes for research by the number of children.

    Educator: What results did you get? Completely, from the cloak fabric you can make an umbrella from rain. And the umbrella from Citz will protect from sunlight. But who might need such an umbrella?

    Children together with adults come to the conclusion about the permeability of the fabric.

    Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.

    Picture: Plugs and the Upper Friends of Luntik appeared.

    Educator:They say that it is very fond of rain, and do not need a waterproof umbrella at all. They want to warm up in the sun and relax, and the sun is so hot bake! Can we help them? What fabric can we make umbrellas from the sun?

    Answers children . Children call the properties of fabrics.


    Drops are the first fell, the children of umbrellas got. The rain boils stronger, the birds disappeared at the branches.

    The rain watered both from the bucket, the defortion was frightened.

    IN maylightning sparkles. Thunder all the sky breaks. And then from the clouds, the sun will again look at us in the window!

    During the physical attack, the adult draws attention to the posture of children.

    Educator: We have spent very difficult work together. But we have another task: to make umbrellas for fabulous heroes. Before this you need to relax.

    Educator:Let's work out. And Luntik knows that the best rest is a game. Want to play?

    Children agree to play, get up in a circle and chorus repeat verse: "Rain", performing with a teacher of movement in the course of the text.

    Conditions for the improvement of children and motor activity:

    Duration depending on the degree of fatigancy of children.

    Artistic and productive activities.

    IN: And now see how we will do umbrellas for our friends. To do this, you need to take a suitable cloth, insert it into a cardboard envelope. It turns out such a wonderful umbrella.

    Responses of children.

    Conditions for the interaction of children with adults.

    Conditions for the development of independence.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity.

    The adult sends the eyes of children to the slide, meanwhile removes the aircraft with umbrellas.

    Educator: What beautiful umbrellas we turned out. I suggest to fold the umbrellas in the postal aircraft and send Luntika and his friends. Close the eyes and count to 3.

    Children approach their workplaces, and start working, justifying the choice of material.

    Children cover their eyes and consider up to 3.

    Educator: Do you want to know if your umbrellas like our fabulous friends?

    Responses of children.

    Children view video lides and say goodbye with cartoon characters.

    Educator:Luntik and his friends thank you for the help and say: "Goodbye!"

    The path from the fairy tale:

    "Five, four, three, two, one"!

    Educator:And now it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's face five times in your hands, and we will immediately return to our group. Do not forget that now we go back from the fairy tale, it means that we will have the opposite.

    Children consider from five to one.

    Conditions for consolidating the countdown.

    Reflection:node outcome.

    Assessment of children's activities.

    Educator: Tell me, did you like our journey to a fairy tale? What did you know the new? What did we do with you in a fairy tale? Educator: Completely, we helped Luntik, and our fabulous friends. Now Luntik is not afraid of rain. Today you were active attentive. I am proud of you!

    Responses of children.

    Conditions for the expression of children of their thoughts.

    Conditions for fixing

    new material.

    Conditions for development, and stimulating speech activity.

    "Cognitive development":

    And his varieties. . Encourage children to cognitive activity, observation. Improve the perception of children by active use of sense organs (touch, vision, smell). Enrich sensual experience and ability to fix the experience gained in speech.

    Tasks OO Integration:

    "Speech Development":

    Visual activities;

    "Physical development":

    Equipment for the teacher:

    Equipment for children:

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Children sit on the carpet.


    Responses of children.




    Pedagogue doll Katya

    Educate a desire to help people, be responsive

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)



    Responses of children. From soap






    Cognitive development

    Group, verbal

    (Questions for children)

    tazik with water

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)





    Physical development




    Consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about what people use soap in everyday life

    Development of orientation in space and on your body

    The development of large motility

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    on two legs)

    Fun ridge we.




    Children's answers: a gift.

    Educator:Of course, a gift.

    Cognitive development


    practical experience)

    Breathing exercises

    Introduce children with soap properties

    Development of interest in various types

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    Cognitive development


    productive activity

    ICT use

    bubbles, Watmans



    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)



    (Questions for children)

    surprise moment

    Show interest in peers; observe their actions

    Organization of the continuous direct educational activities of children in the middle group

    on the topic "Holiday for a friend"

    Tasks of the priority educational area:"Cognitive development":

    Tasks OO Integration:"Socially communicative development":

    Educating cultural and hygienic skills: wash yourself yourself, wash your hands with soap

    Educate a desire to help people, be responsive

    "Speech Development":

    Development of free communication with adults and children. Improve a dialogic speech: learning to participate in a conversation, it is clear to the listeners to answer questions and ask them. Enrichment of vocabulary

    "Artistic and aesthetic development":

    Rise up the desire and ability to interact with peers when creating collective work.

    "Physical development":

    Development of orientation in space and on your body

    Training activities:

    Development of the interests of children, curiousness; the formation of cognitive motivation and cognitive actions; The development of creative activity and imagination, the teaching children to listen to explanations and fulfill the tasks without interfering with each other.

    Equipment for the teacher: Katya doll, multimedia installation with a presentation "Show soap bubbles", soap liquid and solid, soap bubbles, tape recorder, song Barberry group "Soap bubbles", two basins with water, wooden wand, paints

    Equipment for children:watmans, molds for soap bubbles, cups

    Introductory part (motivational, preparatory stage)

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    Children sit on the carpet.

    Educator: Hello children. I have a wonderful mood today. And you?

    Responses of children.

    Educator:Oh, guys, you hear, someone crying. Yes, this is our katya doll. Katya, why are you crying?

    Katya:My girlfriend Masha today is a birthday, and I wanted to make her a surprise, and bring soap bubbles for the holiday. But in the store all bubbles ended and now I do not know what to do.

    Educator:Guys, and we can help you? How?

    Socially communicative development

    Group, gaming (sudden toy appearance)

    Pedagogue doll Katya

    Educate a desire to help people, be responsive

    Development of emotional involvement in action with toys

    Main part (meaningful, activity stage)

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    Educator:Guys, does anyone know where you can take soap bubbles?

    Responses of children. Buy, ask, make.

    Educator: Make yourself - this is a good idea. And what can you make soap bubbles?

    Responses of children. From soap

    Educator: Yes, from soap. Guys, where can I get soap now? Where do we use it? Responses of children.

    Educator: Ksyusha, please bring soap from the toilet room. Children touch, smell soap.

    Educator: Guys, what soap when it is dry?

    Children's answers: smooth, fragrant, pink, white, yellow, etc.

    Educator: What will be soap, if you wet him?

    Children lower soaps in a basin with water.

    Children's answers: slippery, slips out of her hands.

    Educator He summarizes children's responses: soap has color, smell, shape. We S.

    Cognitive development

    Group, verbal

    (Questions for children)

    tazik with water

    To acquaint children with the properties of soap and his varieties.

    Improving the perception of children by active use of sense organs

    The ability to own an active speech included in communication; Ability to handle questions and requests, understanding the speech of an adult.

    Ability to use cultural fixed objects.

    Fasten knowledge of children about soap

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    you looked hard soap, and soap is liquid.

    Educator: And why do soap need? Is it impossible to wash your hands and face with ordinary water? (Children's responses)

    Educator: Correctly, soap is laundered dirt, destroys microbes and unpleasant odors. Soap, who wash hands, is called toilet.

    Educator:Guys, and tell me when you need to wash your hands?

    Responses of children: after the street, visits to the toilet, before eating


    Soap in hand we take, (children take an improvised soap)

    Water crane open. (Imitation of the opening of the crane)

    Cheeks we sweat, (palms clutch cheeks, neck)

    Furiously. (imitate washing)

    We wash the handles, (clap your hands)

    We laundered legs, (put on legs)

    Towel wrap (turn around them)

    And smile to each other. (smile)

    And now, like balls (jumping on site

    Physical development




    Consolidate and clarify the knowledge of children about what people use soap in everyday life

    Development of orientation in space and on your body

    Fasten self-secretion skills

    The development of large motility

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    on two legs)

    Fun ridge we.

    Educator:Guys, do you want to make soap bubbles yourself?

    The educator invites children to the table, asks for one basin with water pour liquid soap, in another basin put chips of solid soap and draws attention to the fact that the liquid soap dissolves faster.

    It offers children with the help of a mold for bubbles to blow soap bubbles.

    Educator:Guys, what good things. We helped Cate to make soap bubbles.

    Educator:Guys, what is waiting for a birthday book on his birthday?

    Children's answers: a gift.

    Educator:Of course, a gift. Want to help Kate make a gift with your own hands?

    We will need Watman with you, soap bubbles that we did with you,

    Cognitive development

    Artistic and aesthetic development


    practical experience)

    Breathing exercises

    Water basins, liquid soap and solid soap chips, wooden wand

    Forms for soap bubbles, soap

    Introduce children with soap properties

    Development of interest in various types

    The ability to play games in which the child reproduces adult actions

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    forms for soap bubbles, paints. Sasha, take a form for bubbles, blow on the mold. Let's see: the bubble is transparent and not visible on paper. Let's try to add red paint. Dasha, help me, inflate the bubble. (so to do with three types of paints)

    Children are divided into subgroups and make paintings, blowing soap bubbles on Watmans.

    Educator: What are you young, what wonderful paintings we turned out.

    Katya: Thank you guys, you have helped me so today.

    View fragment of the video "Shows of soap bubbles"

    Cognitive development


    productive activity

    ICT use

    bubbles, Watmans

    The teacher has a multime-dyan presentation "Shows of soap bubbles"



    Educate the desire and ability to interact tweak with peers when creating teamwork

    Encourage children to educate-like activity, monitoring

    Show interest in peers; observe their actions

    Final part (reflexive stage)

    Education area (activity)

    Forms and methods of work

    Availability of funds in children




    Targetlights (characteristics)

    Educator: Guys, what did we do with you today? What did you talk about?

    What did you like best?

    The teacher includes the apparatus for soap bubbles, the song of the Barbarika group "Soap bubbles", children are having fun

    Socially communicative development.



    (Questions for children)

    surprise moment

    Magneto-background, music, soap bubbles

    Show interest in peers; observe their actions