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  • Children about St. George Ribbon in kindergarten. Conversation with children of senior preschool age "Georgievskaya Tape. "I will tell you, baby, about St. George Ribbon"

    Children about St. George Ribbon in kindergarten. Conversation with children of senior preschool age

    Municipal budget pre-school educational institution "Kindergarten № 58"
    Mias City District
    Education of civilian feelings
    Abstract Classes for children 6-7 years old "History of St. George Ribbon"
    Educator II Categories: E. V. Dyachkova
    An abstract classes for children of senior preschool age "History of St. George Ribbon"
    Purpose: Education of the value attitude towards the native country.
    Tasks: Development of cognitive interest in a child to the history of the country.
    Formation of the moral consciousness of the child.

    Download Presentation

    Preliminary work:
    1 The occupation is carried out in the group. Install equipment to demonstrate electronic presentation and play music.
    2. Consider the album "Heroes Awards"

    TC for playing music.
    Electronic Presentation: Parade
    St. George Ribbon
    George Victorious.
    Order of St. George
    Order of Glory
    Georgievsky ribbons in the number of children.
    Materials: paper, glue, brush, colored paper strips.
    Literary Row: Legend "Miracle George about Zmie"
    Music row: D. Tukhmanov; V. Kharitonov "Victory Day"
    Travel course.
    Children enter the group. Sit on the chairs by a semicircle near the screen. An illustration "Victory Day" is demonstrated on the screen.
    At the teacher on the chest "Georgievskaya Tape"

    Educator: In May, our country marks a great holiday. Who knows how it is called?
    Children: Victory Day - "9mm"

    (Slide 1) parade

    Educator: Look, guys, a special bow will be fastened on my chest.
    People of our country, preparing for the holiday "May 9" fasten the same bows on the chest. This bow is not similar to the decoration. This tape is a symbol.

    (Slide 2) "Georgievskaya Tape"

    Educator: Bow of a tape, in which black and yellow stripes alternate are called "Georgievskaya ribbon".
    Are you interested to know why the tape is called "Georgievskaya ribbon"?
    Children: (children's responses)

    Educator: The story about St. George Ribe came to us from the distant past. This happened a long time ago. There are many legends about this, I will tell you one of them:
    The legend is called "Miracle George about Zmie"
    "In a certain city, the rules of the king. The city he has flourished the city. But not far from the city in the swamp settled the monstrous zmiy, who devastated the surroundings and devoured residents of the city.
    Then the king gathered the army and went to Zmia, but the monster raised the excitement on the swamp, and the army could not even close to Zmia.
    To avoid death, the inhabitants of the city were forced to sacrifice the zmia of their children. When the queue reached the royal daughter Elisava, an excellent young man appeared on a white horse - Saint George.
    Seeing the crying girl, he began to ask her what was the matter, and she told him about Zmey.
    Georgy went to the fight with Zmey, won, delivered the girl and the whole city from an imminent death.
    So good won evil.
    Residents of the city, affected by Miracle began to glorify St. George, retell his feat and depict his face. "
    Images of St. George met ancient times on coins and seals. Today, its images can be seen in museums, on icons in the cathedrals and on the coat of arms of the city of Moscow (illustrations can be demonstrated).

    (Slide 3) "Georgy Victorious".

    Educator: On a dark red background, a rider is depicted on a horse in silver armor and blue mantle (raincoat) on a silver horse. He has a spear in his hand. This is George Victorious. On other images of George as a ray of the Sun in a golden cloak with a golden spear.
    The rider is striking in a spear of Black Zmia (Smya is evil)
    Georgy Victorious - symbolizes the light, good, courage, victory over the enemy, evil, diseases, failures (this is good) ...
    The educator offers children to approach the desktop. In front of a child a white sheet of paper. On a white sheet of paper eight colored stripes.
    Educator: Choose a strip of the color of which, in your opinion, can symbolize the malice, enmity, fail ....
    Children: (make their choice)
    Educator: Choose a strip color, which, in your opinion, can symbolize joy, kindness, light, victory ...
    Children: (make their choice)
    Educator: Place the strip on the sheet so that the black strip
    Located below (Zmiy), and yellow - from above (Georgy in the Golden Cloor). It can be said that these strips symbolize the phrase "good won evil"?
    Children: (children's responses)
    The educator offers children to continue the rhythm stripes and stick them.
    The screen demonstrates "Georgievskaya Tape". The educator proposes to compare tapes.
    Educator: This was how a tape was created, which symbolizes the victory of good evil and tells us that "always good will defeat evil."
    And long ago was invented the Order at which St. Georgy was depicted. He was awarded to a person who committed a big good deed - a heroic act - a specific feat.
    "Topics, koi ... distinguished themselves to a particularly courageous act or filed useful advice for our military service."
    It was an exceptional military award. I hung this order to St. George Ribbon.

    (Slide 4) Order of St. George.
    Georgievskaya ribbon was also assigned to some signs of distinction, the complained military units, - Georgievsky silver pipes, banners, standards, etc. Many combat awards were worn on the St. George ribbon, or it was part of the tape.

    (Slide 5) Glory Order
    Educator: In the years of the Great Patriotic War and fierce fights for the freedom of our Motherland, the Order of Fame of Three degrees was established. The yellow-black color of the ribbon indicated black - gunpowder, and yellow color - fire and decorated many soldiers and modern Russian premium medals and signs for military valor.
    On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, each person puts on his clothes, hand, bag or car antenna. Georgievskaya ribbon as a sign of memory about the heroic past, expressing respect for the winners, giving a tribute to the memory of the battlefield on the battlefield, gratitude to people who defended our Fatherland. Putting on the tape, we say "We remember! We are proud!"
    Do you want to wear such ribbons on your clothes? Why?
    Children: (children's responses)
    Educator: You can take these ribbons and tie them to your clothes, in memory of people who defeated the enemy and defended our homeland.
    The teacher attaches the ribbons to children.
    Music sounds. The occupation ends with reading a poem.

    In the Russian Empire, Georgievskaya tape was one of the most important premium symbols. She appeared after the decree of Catherine the second in 1769 and became a supplement to the St. George cross, medals or the Order of St. George. She is named after George Victorious.

    To get such a tape, it was not necessary to have a high military rank or noble origin: they were worn, for example, sailors on ships that received the St. George flag.

    In this place it becomes clear why some are cobby the mass use of such an important symbol. However, firstly, after the establishment of Soviet power, the George Rent was generally canceled. And secondly, during the Great Patriotic War on the fleet, it was proposed to use the Guards Ribbon, suspiciously similar to St. George. She was put on Cooked Sailors, whose ships for successful fighting received the title of Guards.

    What does the George Ribbon mean?

    Now, when it is clear where this symbol came from, you can figure it out. The motto "For the service and courage" was made to St. George Ribbon, and she herself was distinguished by people who commit courageous actions for the benefit of the Russian Empire.

    Initially, black and yellow stripes were alternated on the tape, then they were replaced by orange (and moved to the guards). There is no malicious intent or change of symbols here: both colors - the display options for gold and in fact correspond to the colors of the emblem of the Russian Empire. This is then the Soviet Navy slightly calculated ...

    In any case, in the use of black and orange tapes today there is no blasphemy: then you can accuse the military fleet in it. This symbol was not used separately in the imperial army, and during the Patriotic War was complemented by the name of the ship and the anchors. So to discuss the fact that "young people awarded themselves by the St. George Cross," nobody makes no one to wear ribbons on a bag.

    educator Maksimtseva Alla Anatolyevna, Madou "Kindergarten No. 173" G.O. Samara

    Purpose: Education of the value attitude towards the native country.
    Tasks: Development of cognitive interest in a child to the history of the country. Formation of the moral consciousness of the child.

    Educator: In May, our country marks a great holiday. Who knows how it is called?

    Educator: Look, guys, a special bow crawled on my chest.
    People of our country, preparing for the holiday "May 9" fasten the same bows on the chest. This tape is a symbol. The bow of the tape, in which black and yellow stripes alternate are called the "Georgievskaya ribbon". What do you think, why is the tape call "Georgievskaya ribbon"?

    Children: (children's responses)

    Educator: The story of Georgievskaya Ribe came to us from the distant past. This happened a long time ago. There are many legends about this, now we will take a virtual journey with you. The legend is called "Miracle George about Zmie":

    "In a certain city, the rules of the king. The city he has flourished the city. But not far from the city in the swamp settled the monstrous zmiy, who devastated the surroundings and devoured residents of the city.
    Then the king gathered the army and went to Zmia, but the monster raised the excitement on the swamp, and the army could not even close to Zmia.
    To avoid death, the inhabitants of the city were forced to sacrifice the zmia of their children. When the queue reached the royal daughter Elisava, an excellent young man appeared on a white horse - Saint George. Seeing the crying girl, he began to ask her what was the matter, and she told him about Zmey. Georgy went to the fight with Zmey, won, delivered the girl and the whole city from an imminent death.
    So good won evil. Residents of the city, affected by Miracle began to glorify St. George, retell his feat and depict his face. "
    Images of St. George met ancient times on coins and seals. Today, his images can be seen in museums, on icons in the cathedrals and on the coat of arms of the city of Moscow.

    Educator: On a dark red background, a rider is depicted on a horse in silver armor and blue mantle (cloak) on a silver horse. He has a spear in his hand. This is George Victorious. On other images of George as a ray of the Sun in a golden cloak with a golden spear.

    1,2,3, - We are now warriped.

    Hands up we raise

    For the stamping we step

    Bogatyrskaya oblast

    Looks left, looks right

    Not in the seas not in heaven

    The enemy will not miss

    We walk together in the leg

    Let the enemy goes from the road.

    The educator offers children to approach the desktop. In front of a child a white sheet of paper. On a white sheet of paper eight colored stripes.
    Educator: Choose a strip, the color of which, in your opinion, can symbolize the evil, enmity, fail ....

    Children: (make your choice)

    Educator: Choose a strip color, which, in your opinion, can symbolize joy, kindness, light, victory ...

    Children: (make your choice)

    Educator: Place the strip on the sheet so that the black strip
    Located below (Zmiy), and yellow - from above (Georgy in the Golden Cloor). It can be said that these strips symbolize the phrase "good won evil"?

    Children: (children's responses)

    The tutor offers children to continue the drawing of the strips and glue them.

    Demonstrate Georgievskaya tape, suggest compare with its.

    Educator: That was how the tape was created, which symbolizes the victory of good evil and tells us that "always good will defeat evil."
    And long ago was invented the Order at which St. Georgy was depicted. He was awarded to a person who made a big good deed - a heroic act or some feat. It was an exceptional military award. I hung this order to St. George Ribbon.

    The George ribbon was also assigned to some signs of distinction, which was complained by military units, - Georgievsky silver pipes, banners, standards, etc. Many combat awards were worn on the St. George ribbon, or it was part of the tape.

    Educator: In the years of the Great Patriotic War and fierce fights for the freedom of our Motherland, the Order of Fame of Three degrees was established. The yellow-black color of the tape indicated the black color, and the yellow color - the fire and decorated many soldiers and modern Russian premium medals and signs for the military valor. On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, each person puts on his clothes, hand, bag or car antenna. Georgievskaya ribbon as a sign of memory about the heroic past, expressing respect for the winners, giving a tribute to the memory of the battlefield on the battlefield, gratitude to people who defended our Fatherland. Putting on the tape, we say "We remember! We are proud!"

    Do you want to wear such ribbons on your clothes? Why?
    Children: (children's responses)

    Educator: You can take these ribbons and tie them to your clothes, in memory of the people who defeated the enemy and defended our homeland.
    The teacher attaches the ribbons to children.
    Music sounds. The occupation ends with reading a poem.

    Radiation memory generation

    Wars do not want nowhere, never

    And the memory of those who are so holy honorable

    Let the world be in the world everywhere and always

    Let's, people stand up for a moment

    And in the sorrow, stand up and rub.

    Hello, my dear readers. Not far from the mountain celebration of Victory Day. Numerous residents of the country will hang Georgiev ribbons not only on the chest, but also on the bags, cars, and even in the hair instead of ribbons. And you know, what does the George Ribbon mean? Where did it come from, the designation of strips and colors? Here I am today and I want to tell you.

    How to appear by Georgievskaya ribbon

    The story of its appearance begins in the 18th century. The national colors of the Russian Empire were considered white, orange (yellow), black. The coat of arms of the country was decorated with these shades. 11/26/1769 Catherine II was established by the Order of St. George Victorian. It consisted of a tape that received the name "Georgievskaya" in honor of this Order, which was complained of the military merits of generals and officers.

    In 1807, another medal was approved - a sign of the merit of military order. This reward was also devoted to St. George Victorious. Informal name - Georgievsky cross. Since 1913, Unter-Officers and Soldiers have honored the St. George Medal.

    All these awards received together with the St. George Ribbon. If for any circumstances the cavalier did not handed the Order, he received a George ribbon.

    At the beginning of the 19th century, Georgievsky standards appear. After in 1813, the sea guards crew received this award, the sailors began to wear a St. George ribbon on their heads. For the differences, the tape complained to the whole military units for the decree of Emperor Alexander II.

    After the October Revolution of 1917, all royal medals were canceled by the Bolsheviks. But after that, the ribbon was awarded for merits.

    In the post-revolutionary period, the most respected differences were considered "for the great Siberian campaign" and "for an ice campaign". These awards included Georgiev ribbons.

    What are the colors and stripes

    Georgievskaya tape on the statute had two strips of yellow and three - black. Although the orange was used immediately instead of the yellow shade.

    Even Catherine is great, establishing the coloring of the ribbon, relied on the value of yellow as a sign of fire, and black - as a symbol of powder. Another black color is interpreted as smoke, but this does not change the entity. Therefore, the flame and smoke personifies the military glory and the soldiers' valor.

    There is another version. I have already said that it was chosen in particular this color gamut (gold, black), like the energic flag of Russia.

    In Heraldry, it is customary to symbolize a black shade with mourning, land, sadness, peace, death. Golden shade symbolizes strength, justice, respect, power. Therefore, the color gamma of St. George tape combined respect for the heroes and participants of the battle, regret for its victims, the election of the courage and the forces of fighters, the cost of life of which justice recovered.

    Another version says that the color symbolism of these shades is associated with the face of George the Victorious, where he wins the snake.

    There is also a consideration that strips on the St. George ribbon personify the death and return to the life of George Victorious. He met with death three times, and was resurrected twice.

    It should be noted that about the designation of colors argue to this day.


    Georgievskaya tape was made by a victory symbol on May 9, 1945. By decree of the Presidium of the USSR Sun, this number introduced the medal "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." It is this ribbon that the block of medals are covered.

    The medal was appropriated not only for special merits, but also to all participants in hostilities. Even those who dropped out of service due to injury and translated to another work were honored with this honor.

    Approximate number of awarded - within 15 million people.

    The Order of Glory was honored only for personal merits. Commanders, workers of the rear, military equipment developers have not been honored. The medal was awarded only ordinary soldiers on the basis of the Statute of the Order:

    • Personal capture captured by a German officer.
    • Personal destruction of a mortar or machine gun at the opponent's position.
    • Capturing an enemy banner by ignoring your own security.
    • The fulfillment of a military task from tank weapons while in the burning tank.
    • Help the wounded in a number of battles under the fire with risk for life.
    • Destruction of the garrison of zota (trench, dota, dugout) without looking at danger.
    • Removal or capture of the guard watch (post, secretion) of the enemy at night.
    • Destruction of a warehouse of the enemy with military property during nightly tip.
    • Saving a banner per minute danger from the capture of the enemy.
    • Creating a passage in the enemy barrier from the wire during hostilities.
    • When a wounded soldier returns again to the battlefield.

    As you can see, my dear readers, the Order was awarded for those who daily exposed the life of danger and really tried to do everything in the name of the Great Victory.

    How to wear a ribbon

    Wore a ribbon in different ways. Everything depended on the Cavaler class. It was possible three options:

    • On the neck.
    • In a loop.
    • Over shoulder.

    Can you imagine what pride was the owners of this award? Also interesting is the fact that the soldiers who received this award also received a lifelong reward from the treasury. After the death of awarded, the ribbon passed to their heirs. But the awards could be deprived if any act was performed, the stained reputation between the St. George Cavaller.

    Georgievskaya ribbon today

    Every year on May 9, we see this ribbon in many people as a sign of honor to the fallen heroes of war. This action originated in 2005. Her creator is Natalia Losev, working in RIA Novosti. This agency in Tendem with the ROSHM "Student Community" is the organizers of the action. It is funded by local and regional authorities, supported by the media and businessmen. Volunteers distribute ribbons to everyone.

    The goal of the holiday is to express respect and appreciation to veterans who fell on the battlefield. When we wear a St. George ribbon, it means that we remember about the Second World War and proud of our valiant ancestors. The ribbon is distributed free of charge. Most often, we see it and wear it at the time of celebrating the Victory Day.

    As you can see, dear readers of my blog, the history and significance of the George ribbon are important today. Do you wear this victory sign during the holiday? Share the article with your friends. Well, of course, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates.

    Sincerely, Ekaterina Bogdanova

    "History of St. George Ribbon"

    Purpose: To tell children about the St. George Ribbon - the symbol of courage and courage, to acquaint them with the heroic past of our people.


    Opening words

    Today, our conversation is dedicated to the "Georgievskaya ribbon".

    St. George Ribbon

    Alexander Zhanna

    May Day handsome extraordinary

    Victory Day celebrates the country!

    Maybe this is not at all

    What spring ended the war?

    It is no coincidence that day is wonderful,

    In memory of the heroes of old years, -

    Disamed now everywhere

    Petals of George ribbons.


    The old woman is that at the bus stop,

    I waited for my bus

    On the chest, on the Odden bar,

    Also this ribbon was.

    Order for manifested courage

    What I handed down a young combat,

    She for the fact that day under fire

    I carried the wounded soldiers!

    In a hurry to visit the homework

    Something was completely slightly

    Although all the lives of other people treated,

    And as you can see, I could not ...

    Suddenly, on red, the speed is not reducing,

    Jeep Mordaty by slipped.

    Next to the stop driving,

    All the water from the puddle

    All who were - bounced off his cry

    She has no reaction

    And flowed with cloves

    Rain, dirty water.

    "Here is the reptile, so that you turn over!"

    "Room record, and all things!"

    But the old woman silently broke his

    And home quietly wandered ...

    And the car rope as a torpedo,

    With the Guards Lental on the wing.

    And "Thank you by my grandfather for the victory!"

    It was concerned about the glass ...

    Someone will say, we are not to blame,

    What is the will of the fate today, -

    Memory of war and about soldiers

    Quietly turned into lots.

    Inclosure endless orgies

    Lost your past.

    And looks at us holy georgy,

    Firmly squeezing iron spear ...

    Today's uneasy, it is significant. All you know that every year, May 9, the whole world celebrates the day of victory in the Great Patriotic War.

    This holiday, became a symbol of national pride, fame, valor, when all the people united to defeat fascist Germany. Our people with honor stood the test of war.

    For the courage and courage, the military valor of 13 million soldiers was awarded orders and medals, 11 thousand - awarded a high rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Our people, the people of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, made a feat to which there are no equal in history. And they survived and won. Fascist troops were defeated near Moscow, Stalingrad and Leningrad, in the Caucasus, on the Kursk arc, in Belarus ...

    But what the price was conquered by the victory?!

    The war carried out more than 26,000,000 lives, more than 6,000,000 civilians were tortured and exterminated, hundreds of thousands were ruined in death camps, 4,000,000 hijacked hard work in Germany.

    Each of these people was our compatriot, whose family and close man. These were people who dreamed of a happy life of their people.Over time, this immeasurable feat of people who entered the legend telling the world about the greatness of the Human Spirit, about burning love for their own land, and free love for native land and freedom about burning the world.

    Guys, I think you know, for several years now in Russia a share of the St. George ribbon, dedicated to the anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War.

    What do you think, what does this ribbon mean?

    Why now she became a symbol of victory?

    What is the meaning of this loud action in which millions of people participate?

    Information block

    Georgievskaya ribbon is a symbol of a holiday, a symbol of our respect for people who won in this terrible war, respect and memory of the fallen. This is our memory, our attitude to the events that came from 1941 to 1945. These are the dead fighters and peaceful workers of the rear, this is a blockage Leningrad, this is a concentration camp, this burned village. These are our grandfathers and great-grandfathers. This is our pain, this is our pride.

    Seeing on the street of a man with a St. George Ribbon, you understand that he just like you remember and honor that the words about the war for him are not a simple set of sounds that all information is missed through the heart and consciousness.

    The tradition of distributing Georgievsky ribbons appeared with us quite recently, in 2005. It was a one-time action to remind people about the war, about the Great Victory. And what was the surprise of the organizers of the distribution of ribbons when they saw that it inspired people that everyone from Mala was trying to get a ribbon and proud to attach her to her clothes.The colors of the George ribbon repeat the color of the Georgievskaya ribbon to Oden "St. George", to the Order "Glory", to the medal "for victory over Germany." Ribbon colors - yellow-orange with black mean fire and smoke. This is a symbol of personal valor of a soldier on the battlefield.

    Also, the colors of the Georgievskaya tape are consonant with the life of St. George Victorious, who passed three times through death and was resurrected twice. Death - black, resurrection - yellow-orange.

    - What do you know about Saint George Victorious?

    Georgievskaya ribbon received its name from the Order of St. George. Great Martyr George was the son of rich and pious parents who attacked him in the Christian faith. He was born in the city of Beirut (in antiquity - Belit), at the foot of the Lebanese mountains.

    Holy George - the Great Martyr. He was tortured and killed by the enemies of Christianity - pagans. For courage and for the spiritual victory over the tormentors who could not make him abandon Christianity, as well as for miraculous assistance to people in the danger of St. George called another victorious.

    On the icons of St. George, it is depicted sitting on a white horse and affecting a snake. This image is based on tradition and refers to the posthumous wonders of the Holy Great Martyr George.

    There is a legend in which it is told that not far from the place where St. George was born, a snake lived in the lake, who often devoured people of the terrain.

    Suvervant people of the terrain for the thoughts of the snake began regularly to give him to the egument of the young man or the maiden. Once the lot fell to the daughter of the ruler of the terrain. She was taken to the shore of the lake and tied, where she was horrified to expect the appearance of a snake. When the beast began to approach her, suddenly appeared on a white horse a bright young man who was hit by a snake and saved the girl. This young man was holygreat Martyr Georgy. .

    In such a wonderful phenomenon, he stopped the destruction of young men and girls in his native land. Holy Great Martyr George is considered a patron and defender of warriors.

    Since the time of the Grand Duke John III, the image of St. George the Victorious - a rider, striking the Snake, became the coat of arms of Moscow and the emblem of the Russian state.

    In Russia, they loved and revered the Holy Great Martyr George. Therefore, they gave his name to the honorable military order himself. This Order was awarded only officers and generals for personal combat merit.

    Order of St. George establishedNovember 25, 1769 Empress Catherine II Great. According to the status, he was given only for specific exploits in wartime "those who were distinguished by a particularly courageous act or filed useful tips for our military service." It was an exceptional military award.

    For example, those who "personally leading to the army will turn over the enemy, in significant forces of consisting, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be perfect destruction."

    Or "personally led to the army, will take the fortress."

    This award could also be issued for taking an enemy banner, capturing the commander-in-chief of the enemy troops and other outstanding exploits.

    The Order of St. George was divided into four degrees, and the first time was the lowest, the 4th degree, the next 3rd, the next 3rd, then the 2nd and, finally, who committed the fourth outstanding feat could be presented to awarding the Order of St. George 1- th degree.

    As far as Honorable was to receive the Order of St. George 1st degree, says, for example, the next fact. The highest award of the Russian Empire - the Order of Andrei First Called - received more than a thousand people.

    And the Order of St. George 1st degree only 25 people, among them the great Russian commander Suvorov Alexander Vasilyevich. This Order he was awarded for an outstanding victory over significantly superior its corps in numbers of the Turks in September 1789 on the River River.

    In the entire history of Russia, only four people became full of St. George Cavaliers, among them: M.I. Kutuzov-Kutuzov. This famous Russian commander all his life, all his combat path from the ensign to General Feldmarshal was held together with the Russian army. Troops under his command participated in all wars, which Russia led at the end of the XVIII - early XIX centuries.

    M.B. Barclay de Tolly is an outstanding Russian commander, Feldmarshal General (from 1814), Military Minister, Prince (from 1815), the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

    With the name of St. George in Russia, another reward is connected - "Golden Weapon".

    Since 1807, faces awarded "gold weapons" were ranked at the cavaliers of the Order of St. George. In 1913, this award received the official name "Georgiye Weapons". The Order of St. George and the award weapon "for courage" could only receive officers and generals.

    For awarding soldiers and non-commissioned officers at the beginning of the XIX century, a special silver St. George Cross was established, who had one degree and worn on Orange-Black St. George Ribe.

    This award was awarded the famous "Cavalist-Maiden" Nadezhda Andreyevna Durov, who began military service by ordinary Ulan and who later became the first to the first officer in Russia.

    In the middle of the XIX century, the soldier Georgievsky was divided into four degrees (the 1st and 2nd - the Golden, 3rd and 4th silver) and began to be issued in the same way as the Order of St. George, i.e., first 4- I, then the 3rd, 2nd and, finally, the 1st degree is the highest.

    Some heroes were on the chest Georgiev crosses of all 4 degrees, the so-called "full bow".

    Promotion "Georgievskaya Ribbon" in class

    Guys, today we heard about the exploits of our distant ancestors. But these are events of the long-lasting years. What does the Order of St. George to the most terrible war of the 20th century? But what. In the midst of the battle with the fascists, the Order of the Patriotic War was established. On it, too, there is Georgievskaya tape - as a symbol of communication with the Russian combat tradition. The Order of the Patriotic War was awarded the individuals of the ordinary and superior composition of the Red Army, the Navy, the NKVD troops and partisan detachments that showered in battles for the Soviet Motherland, as well as servicemen for courage, persistence and courage, which their actions contributed to the success of the combat operations of our troops.

    Millions of Soviet soldiers went to battle for their homeland, for the honor and freedom of their land. About one and a half million people were awarded this order, which means that almost every Russian family has its Georgievsky cavalier.

    Now we know that black-orange ribbons - a symbol of memory of Russia's victory in the Great Patriotic War, they became a sign of eternal appreciation to veterans who liberated the world from fascism. The current action "Georgievskaya ribbon" is a relay from past generations to the current one. The relay of popular memory, respect for the feces and grandfathers, the relay of readiness to protect their land, their people, their own language, their name. This action becomes a good tradition, a common tribute to memory and respect for veterans. Our people have always been strong for their unity, it was this unity that always saved Russia in the most difficult times. But we are united, while remember.

    Let us continue this relay, we will attach to the chest "Georgievskaya ribbon". (Children attach ribbons to clothing.)


    Guys, our event comes to an end. Maybe some moments caused excitement? Or maybe someone wants to add anything? (Children talk about their great-grandfathers.)