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  • Didactic games with counting sticks. Card file of didactic games on famp (senior group) Didactic game "Constructing from sticks"

    Didactic games with counting sticks.  Famp didactic games card file (senior group) Didactic game

    Sensory card file of games (second junior group No. 4)


    on sensory education

    children of early and junior preschool age.

    Didactic games for the development of tactile sensations:

    Wonderful bag

    Identify by touch, (find objects that differ in one attribute)

    A handkerchief for a doll, (identification of objects by the texture of the material, in this case, determination of the type of fabric)

    Recognize the figure, (it is suggested to touch the proposed figure from the bag)

    Find a pair, (it is suggested that the child find pairs of identical objects by touch)

    Didactic games and exercises to consolidate the concept of form.

    Find an object of the specified shape, (the child is invited to find pictures with the image of objects similar in shape to a given shape)

    What shapes does ... ?, (you need to determine from the drawing what geometric shapes the object consists of and how many of them)

    Find an object of the same shape, (learn to highlight the shape in specific objects of the environment)

    Which figure is superfluous?

    Didactic games and exercises to consolidate the concept of magnitude.

    Compare objects in height,

    The longest, the shortest, (offer to lay out the multi-colored ribbons along the length, from the shortest to the longest, as an option, you can offer to compare the ribbons on several grounds)

    Multi-colored circles, (suggest putting circles (or other geometric shape) starting from the largest, so that the color of the previous circle is visible)

    Which box?, (Distribute five types of toys of different sizes in five different boxes depending on the size)

    Didactic games and exercises for color consolidation.

    What color is gone ?,

    What color is the item?, (Suggest choosing the required color for the item)

    Collect a garland

    What colors are used?

    Let's clarify the color, (learn to distinguish and name similar colors)

    Do-it-yourself didactic sensory education games for young children

    Do-it-yourself didactic games on sensory education for children of the first junior group.

    For the development of imagination in children, the formation of hand-eye coordination on the basis of actions with objects, the didactic manual "Flower Glade" was prepared. It attracts attention with its brightness and interesting content.

    Description of the manual: The manual consists of a board with glued flowers made of self-adhesive film, in the center of the flower there is a hole drilled into which necks from bottles of different sizes are glued. Plugs are screwed on the necks.

    Examples of didactic games, assignments using the "Flower meadow" manual.

    Target: consolidation of knowledge of size; colors; development of hand motor skills.

    "Pick the middle to the flower"

    “Roll up the largest center of the flower. The smallest "

    “Wrap the red center around the flower. White "

    Balloons game

    Purpose: Learn to distinguish and name colors, develop motor skills of fingers through actions with objects.

    Game "Butterfly"

    Purpose: To learn to distinguish between primary colors, to teach to correlate objects by color.

    game "Snowmen"

    Purpose: To develop fine motor skills of the hands, to consolidate the main colors. Learn to spin and unscrew the tubes.

    game "Let's play with clothespins"

    Target; Teach children to choose the right clothespins of the same color, develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensations.

    Didactic manual "Sensory book" Didactic games with your own hands on sensory education for young children

    D Children at the age of 3-4 become more independent, the desire to assert themselves grows: "I myself!" To do this, you need to use games that increase the child's interest in knowledge, creating toys that can attract a child with their brightness and content. Reflecting on how to interest them and at the same time consolidate the acquired skills and skills, this book was born. Leafing through the "pages of the book" children not only develop fine motor skills, color perception, but also consolidate the knowledge gained.

    Didactic game "Harvest"

    Target: develop motor skills of the fingers through actions with objects, distinguish and name colors. Fasten the buttoning method.

    The teacher invites the children to harvest apples, unfasten the leaves, remove the apples (unfasten the Velcro).

    D idactic game "Build a house"

    Target: development of sensory perception, visual-effective attention, fine motor skills.

    All parts are fastened with Velcro.

    Complete the task - attach the parts to their proper places.

    Didactic game "Caterpillar"

    C spruce: develop motor skills of the hands through actions with objects, sensory perception, logical thinking

    Variant of the game: "Continue the row."


    Upbringing of a child's sensory culture from birth to 6 years old Wenger L.A., Pilyugina E.G., Wenger N.B. , Enlightenment, 1988.

    Didactic manual "Finger dry pool"

    Dry pool - used for the simultaneous active impact on various points of the hands, fingers, palms; sensorimotor development, the formation of basic sensory standards: shape, size, material, weight, sound; fostering perseverance and patience in work; removal of emotional stress. It is very simple to make it: we fill the capsules from the kinder surprise with various fillers (rice, peas, beans), glue it with thermal film for Easter eggs, put them in a small deep plastic container, hide the toys from the kinder surprise at the bottom.

    Ask your toddler to look for small items or toys in the dry pool. Plunging as deep as possible into the filler, the child's hands are massaged, the fingers become more sensitive, their movements are coordinated.

    This manual can be used in music lessons.

    Didactic game "Salt dough beads"


      strengthening and development of fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination;

      the formation of the ability to combine in color;

      development of concentration of attention; development of perseverance, accuracy, children's creativity, a sense of beauty in their work and the work of other children;

      training in techniques for working on a model and creating your own product.

    This manual can be made by the kid himself, with a little help from an adult. Dough modeling helps a lot to develop the child's motor skills. After all, the baby can change the shape of an object from a spherical shape to a square or triangular one. And, picking up a piece of dough, he can feel its weight, heaviness and viscosity.

    writing the preparation of the manual:

    Prepare salted dough (mix 1 glass of Extra salt, 1 glass of flour, 0.5 glass of cold water, leave for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator), mold balls, make holes in them with a cocktail tube, leave until completely dry. The beads are ready!

    Didactic guide "Put the testicles in your houses"


      to form the ability to distinguish and correctly name the 4th primary colors;

      to learn to combine the testicle with the cell, to perform correlative actions (guideline by color); act purposefully, consistently: from left to right, without skipping cells; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Description of the manual: We paint over the cells of the container for eggs with the main colors, cover with varnish. We tie the capsules from the kinder surprise with the appropriate color.

    The result is a bright and beautiful textbook.

    Children should arrange the testicles in houses according to their color.

    If possible, name the color of the testicles and the color of the houses.

    Didactic guide "Arrange pencils in cups".


      to form the ability to distinguish colors;

      learn to combine a pencil with a glass; act purposefully, consistently: from left to right; develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Description of the manual: Cut out rectangles and pencil figures from the ceiling tiles. We glue the rectangles to the middle with squares made of self-adhesive foil of different colors. We glue the pencils with the appropriate colors. Fast, beautiful, economical!

    With your own hands: "Tactile box"

    Tactilebox is a didactic guide for young children.

    Made from a regular shoe box, beautifully decorated with self-adhesive paper.

    The box is filled with pieces of fabric of different texture: wool, fur, silk, guipure, etc. It also contains small items: pebbles, soft toys, ribbons, zippers, laces etc.

    Children examine all the items in the box with their hands with great interest.

    Didactic guide "Tactile box" helps children, using touch, to learn about the world around them from a completely unusual point of view.

    So that the kids do not lose interest in the box -

    Periodically, you have to update the contents of the box, come up with different fillers.

    Tactile box can be filled with objects that are completely opposite in properties, for example: sandpaper, an iron key, pieces of foam rubber, a porcelain figurine, etc.

    This manual can be used in direct educational activities, as well as in the independent activities of children (provided that it contains items that are safe for the life and health of children).

    Didactic game "Find an extra plug"

    Means: corks of different colors and sizes.

    Purpose: development of logical thinking.

    Do-it-yourself educational game for the development of fine motor skills "Feed the pig"

    Remedy: a soft toy (pig) and a soft toy-sized bottle. Get compound feed - beans, peas, corn flakes, etc.

    Game "Colored sticks"

    Target. Teach children to distinguish between primary colors, exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

    Equipment. Wooden sticks, painted in four primary colors, boxes of similar colors, complemented by images of animals.

    Dictionary. Blue, red, green, yellow.

    The course of the game.

    the dweller places boxes of four colors on the table and shows the multi-colored sticks that the bear scattered. Children - participants are invited to arrange all the sticks in boxes of their own color. The teacher examines the sticks, drawing the attention of the children to the fact that the color of the stick and the box is the same (the same). Then the children complete the task.

    The child who is the first to select the sticks of his color and to name it correctly wins.

    Gradually the number of sticks increases.

    Notes. Take ice cream sticks, paint with paint in primary colors. Cut the kefir boxes and paste over with multi-colored paper. Stick a picture with a picture of a funny animal on the back side.

    Games for toddlers 2-3 years old

    Cut into a plate small pieces of vegetables and fruits (apple, pear, plum, orange, cucumber, carrot, radish, turnip, etc.). Invite your baby to close his eyes and chew a bite. Ask what the taste was (sweet, sour, bitter, salty) and what is the name of what he eats.

    Take 2 ice cubes out of the refrigerator, give one to the child, and take the other for yourself.
    Invite your baby to melt the ice and comment on how this happens (cold, solid, liquid).

    Explain to the kid: “I will name different objects, animals, birds. If I say something that is flying, raise your arms, and if I say something that is not flying, clap your hands. - Rocket? .. - Dove? .. - Table? .. etc. "
    Give your baby time to think.
    Games are held in the same way: "What's going on?" etc.

    Prepare 5 large and 5 small circles. Mix the circles, show them to the child with the words: "These circles are different." Show first large, then small circles one at a time ("These are large circles, and these are small").
    Fold large circles to one side and small circles to the other.
    Explain your actions. Enclose two small circles to each other, emphasize that they are the same.
    When sorting the third pair of circles, ask where to place the large and where to place the small circle. The child lays out circles.
    As options, you can use a square and a triangle, a circle and a square, etc.

    Prepare 5 circles and 5 squares, mix them, explain that the toys are different.

    Start grouping by shape, then ask your child to divide the shapes into two groups.

    Options: rectangle and triangle, 2 types of buttons, etc.

    Prepare pictures on which geometric shapes are drawn - a square, a circle, a rectangle, a triangle, an oval, as well as several of the shapes themselves.

    Invite your child to match the shape to her image in the picture. Show your child how to do this, and then ask him to do the task himself.

    Prepare small and large versions of the same item: spoons, cups, buttons, toys, etc.
    Ask your child to choose the larger one from each pair. You can ask your toddler to arrange items into two groups - large and small.

    Option 1: Have your child find and show you large and small paired home furnishings.
    Option 2: Offer your baby two pencils - a large and a small one. Ask to draw a line with a large pencil.
    The task can be complicated: let the child draw a large path with a large pencil, and a small one with a small one.

    Prepare 5 large and 5 small circles, squares, triangles, rectangles, ovals.

    Ask the kid to "hide" the small figures behind the large ones (be sure to show that it is easy to cover the small figure with the large one, and then the small figure will not be visible).

    Items with different properties are placed in a linen bag: a ball of thread, a toy, a button, a ball, a cube, a matchbox. The kid should feel one by one the objects in the bag by touch. It is desirable that he describes their properties aloud. Small children can put objects in the bag themselves for better memorization. Older children are given already filled bags.

    Have plenty of old clothes ready. Talk to your baby and find out who he wants to be - how he wants to dress. Help me choose clothes that match the character, make hats for a doctor, firefighter, salesman, builder.
    Let the baby show how the person he portrays behaves, what he says, what he does.

    Prepare several items that are roughly the same size but different in weight.
    You can glue cubes, triangles, rectangles from paper and take similar, but solid figures from lotto, building set, etc.
    Invite your baby to pick up a pair of similar but different weight items. You can start by dividing all items into two groups - "light" and "heavy". Discuss these signs with your child.

    Prepare a piece of paper with one half colored green and the other yellow. Explain to your child that the paper is two colors. Give the baby 6-8 paper-cut leaves (some yellow, others green).
    Putting a yellow leaf on the yellow half of a sheet of paper, explain that the leaf is "hidden", it is not visible. Then place the yellow leaf on the green half and emphasize that it is now very visible. Ask your child to "hide" the leaves so that they are not visible.
    If the baby finds it difficult, you can give him more contrasting colors - a red-blue sheet of paper and similarly painted fish, flowers, etc.
    Gradually complicate the task facing the child by giving him objects of similar color tones (blue and purple, orange and yellow, etc.).
    You can also "hide" objects of three or four colors. Discuss the progress of the assignment with your child each time.

    Give your baby 3 different colored figures (circles, squares, etc.).
    Invite him to walk through the house and find items of the same color. The child can put his mugs on objects of the same color.

    Take 4 large round and 4 large square beads of the same color, a thin cord or thick thread.
    Explain to the kid that the beads are of different shapes and they need to be strung in turn - a ball, then a cube.
    Options: stringing in turn beads of the same shape and color, but different sizes or the same shape and size, but two colors.

    Cut some bright object picture into 3 parts. First, invite the child to assemble it according to the sample, and then independently.

    Take any picture or photo from a magazine, book (the image should be clear to the child), cut out squares, circles, triangles from it.
    Paste the picture "with holes" on a sheet of white paper and invite your child to cover the "white spots" formed in the picture with figures that have been cut out of it.

    Place 5-6 toys familiar to your baby on the table: a hare, a bear, a rooster, etc.
    Ask him to look carefully and turn away, and remove one toy yourself. Ask: "What is missing?"
    The game can be made more difficult by introducing more items into it.
    Option: "What has increased?"

    Place 5 familiar toys on the table (car, cube, etc.).
    Invite the child to look at what is where and turn away, warning that you will transfer one toy. Then ask them to say what has changed.
    Gradually, the task can be complicated.

    Ask your child to guess what actions you will be doing.
    Show, without words, how you wash your face, brush your teeth, etc., and the child calls the actions. Then switch roles.

    Stick images of objects, animals on a blank sheet of paper and ask your child to connect them with lines.
    Another task: attach a piece of paper to the table and place a cube on it, and then ask your child to push the cube with a pencil. The pencil will leave a mark on the paper - show it to your baby.

    Sometime on a walk, after noisy games, sit down with your baby on a bench and try to play such a game.
    Pick three objects, such as a blade of grass, a small pebble, and a leaf.
    Have your toddler choose one of these objects and guide them up and down your arm until you can sense what it is with your eyes closed.
    Now it's the baby's turn to close his eyes. Pick one thing and slide it over his arm. The kid must guess what you have chosen. If necessary, help him with a hint.
    These games require serious thought effort and help develop sensory perception.


    This very simple game will teach your kid to memorize with fingers the shape and properties of an object, recognize it by touch, think, see with closed eyes, develop speech, vocabulary, tactile ability of small fingers.

    How to make this educational toy?
    I sewed 2 small identical bags with an elastic band from red material. I sewed shiny butterflies, flowers and circles on them, children generally like everything shiny.
    In the apartment I found paired identical objects of small size, different in properties - smooth, rough, round, sharp, soft.
    In total, I found paired items:
    - big and small rings
    - balls of the same size, but one smooth, the other rough
    - caps from bottles of different sizes
    - a toy from a kinder
    - scrunchy
    - pacifier
    - and other trifles ...
    I put this good in two bags.

    you can play like this:

    Mom puts her hand in the bag and pulls out the item. Names its properties, if necessary, gives the baby a touch. And then he will forgive him to find the same in his bag. But on condition - do not peep into the bag! We play until all the items are laid out from the bag. If the kid did not guess the item, return it back to the bag and try again.
    It is very important to play not only with your right but also with your left hand.

    You can play in another way - mom puts her hand into the bag, gropes for an object, names it, takes it out of the bag and shows it. So we take out all the items, and then put it back. And your baby must then repeat everything himself. This is an option for older kids.

    What other items can you put in the magic bag:
    - eraser (round, triangular, square, rectangular)
    - pencil
    - a ball of thread
    - finger battery
    - magnetic letters, magnetic numbers
    - geometric volumetric figures, flat geometric figures
    - a piece of leather (usually such pieces hang on leather bags, when purchased, along with a price tag)
    - a piece of fur
    - rope
    - refrigerator magnets
    - perfume bubbles
    - coins
    - sweets
    - cube
    - pebble
    - small toys (toy car, matryoshka, dog)
    - a comb for a doll
    - toy spoon
    - buttons (round or square)
    - natural material (shells, cones, acorns, chestnuts)
    Etc. etc. - the list is endless.

    The easiest way to play with babies is with one bag. Place the figures of animals known to the child - a cow, a giraffe, a snake. Ask to take out the snake. Then the giraffe, then the cow. You can offer to guess what kind of animals hid in the bag. Children of two or three years old like the very process of the appearance of animals from a mysterious handbag.

    For experienced players, we continue the game - we train not only tactile, but also visual memory - we invite you to play with us your favorite doll or any other toy, and put in front of it all the objects taken from the bag. The child tells the horse which items have been taken out, they are remembered, you can even count everything. Then the child closes his eyes, and the doll, meanwhile, hides one item in the bag. It is necessary to name the disappeared object. Gradually, the number of items must be increased.
    Now you can change places, mom closes her eyes, and the baby hides the toy.

    In stores you can find ready-made sets with cubes, balls, cylinders, etc. For the smallest, we offer to arrange the figures in pairs, and for the older ones - to get a certain figure, to find near them objects that are similar in shape. The same figures can be of different sizes - one is larger, the other is smaller. Figures can also be divided into two halves, taking out one half, you need to find the other half by touch.

    Another version of the game is competitive. Suitable for playing with several children. We distribute a bag to all children, put the same sets of objects. The presenter pulls out, for example, a cylinder and shows it to all participants. Whoever pulls out the same figure faster is the winner.

    The magic bag game can be used to develop speech, in particular, expand the child's vocabulary and develop thinking.
    First try to find one of the geometric shapes in the bag, now describe in words. "I came across a figure that does not have a single corner." The guys guess what kind of figure it is. They especially like to change.
    The older the children are, the more difficult the descriptions can be. It is important that all the guys have been at the host's place in this game. After all, it is easy for someone to describe objects and to tell, but for someone it is difficult. The skill appears during training.

    Playing with your child with bags, you will develop his memory, logic, observation, fine motor skills, speech, vocabulary. This simple game directs the child to active activity, perfectly develops sensory abilities, trains visual memory, teaches counting, introduces the properties of an object. In addition to all of the above, this is just an interesting and addicting game.

    idactic guide Let's play ...

    I suggest everyone for children from 2 to 7 years old to make such a bright, funny and useful constructor on their own in just a few minutes.

    And so we need:

    Universal napkins



    Stencil of geometric shapes


    With multi-colored napkins, you can cut out various figures and make interesting applications, lay out patterns, flowers, houses, trees, etc., how much fantasy and imagination are developed ...

    This guide will help:

    To develop in children thinking, attention, imagination, perception of oral and visual information.

    Improve all types of account.

    Learn to generalize and compare objects in size.

    Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

    Form ideas about geometric shapes, shapes.

    Strengthen the ability to classify objects by general qualities

    (shape, size, color).

    Develop the speech of children, the ability to draw simple conclusions.

    Anchor and expand the spatial representation.

    Game options -

    "Collect beautiful beads"- If desired, children choose different geometric shapes and lay them out in a certain sequence, thereby collecting beads.

    “Write the numbers. "- the teacher says a number, and the child must lay out a number from any figures that he chooses.

    “Write a letter. "- the child lays out the letter.

    "Lay out the item"- the child lays out, for example, a house (the child himself chooses the geometric figures, then the sun, etc. In the future, you can lay out the whole "picture" (develops the child's creativity).

    "Find a pair", "Find the same ..."- to teach to select geometric shapes different in size, shape, color, to compare and find similarities, differences. Develop observation skills.

    "What changed? " exercise in the correct naming of geometric shapes, develop visual memory.

    "Pick a figure"- to consolidate children's ideas about geometric shapes, to exercise in their naming.

    "Three squares"- to teach children to correlate three objects in size and to designate their relationship with the words: "large", small "," medium ",

    the biggest ”,“ the smallest ”.

    "Geometric Lotto"- to teach children to compare the shape of the depicted object with a geometric figure, to select objects according to a geometric pattern.

    "What are the shapes"- to acquaint children with new shapes: oval, rectangle, triangle, paired with already familiar ones: square-triangle, square-rectangle, circle-oval.

    "To whom what form"- to teach children to group geometric shapes (ovals, circles) in shape, distracting from color, size.

    "Make up the subject"- exercise in drawing up the silhouette of an object from separate parts (geometric shapes).

    The kid will have fun with educational games, and if you turn on kind, pleasant music, it will create a light, relaxed atmosphere. Solving simple, developing game tasks, the child will enjoy his results and achievements. A good mood is the key to successful development!


    Do-it-yourself educational children's game

    Tactile pouch "

    Educational game for children 3-6 years old. This game is based on the well-known game “Magic Bag”, where you need to find and guess objects of different shapes by touch, only the rules are a little complicated: you need to look for objects not by shape but by texture. Have Maria Montessori there are sensory exercises with rough tablets aimed at developing the sense of touch, fine motor skills and to prepare for writing, here this principle is translated into an interesting game form.
    The idea of ​​textured barrels is not new, we found such a toy in an online store, but it seems to us that the cost of the game is a little overpriced.

    Preparation method:

      Cut out circles from cardboard so that they clearly fit into the juice lids.

      Cut out the tactile material according to the pattern of the circles. Two mugs of material.

      We glue the material onto a cardboard circle and fix it inside the lid. If we take the same covers as in our photo (from under the juice), then the cardboard with the material is very successfully fixed under the thread itself, if the covers are different from ours, then the circles are fixed inside with glue.

    Sew a bright, colorful bag for play.

    Rules of the game

      To begin with, study all the barrels with the material with your child, probe, find the same.

      Then put several pairs of kegs in the bag and try to pull out the same ones. Over time, you can complicate the game by adding new pairs of barrel lids to the bag.

    If the kid has not yet grown up to such a game, you can play the classic game “Magic Bag”.
    To do this, put objects and toys that are different to the touch in a fabric bag: lego toys, soft little toys, rags, wooden cubes. To begin with - not very much so that the baby does not get confused. Pick up items that are not similar to each other, made of different materials: plastic, fur, wood ... You can guess with your child what is in the bag or take items out of the bag by order.

    Sensory Tutorial "Fun Bucket"

    Sometimes it happens that toys have already lost their meaning for the child or he has lost interest in playing with them. And then they just scatter and constantly fall under their feet. Or there are so many of these toys that it takes a long time to collect them. You can give these items a new life. Didactic manual "Merry Bucket". For it you will need a large plastic bucket, cubes of 4 colors, balls from a dry pool, also 4 colors, in order to withstand the didactic task of fixing the names of the primary colors. In the canopy, select 4 sectors according to the main colors, cut out the squares, cut out a circle in the middle. In the bucket on the side we make 2 round holes for the child's hand, sew on the sleeves from the sweater.

    Playing with this manual, the following tasks are solved:

    Correlation of the color of an object with a color field.

    Correlation of the shape of the object with the hole.

    The development of speech through words denoting the colors and shapes of objects.

    Develop the ability to find objects by touch.

    Development of fine motor skills of hands and coordination.

    The main thing for females is that it can be worn around the group and at home, you can play with it wherever the child wants, because the object removed from the bucket returns to the same place according to the didactic task.


    With this craft, you can
    play with colored caps (twist and twist)

    Lace up

    Match by color

    Throw small objects and balls into round holes

    Put different interesting things in a bucket, carry it by the handle

    Weave a spider's web and tie a bow for him

    The spider was walking along the wall
    Carried a pouch on his back:
    To all the girls on laptops,
    All the boys on sandals.
    (massage the back of the child. The first two lines - to touch the back with your fingers, the second two lines - to pat the back of the baby).

    The spider crawls, crawls.
    Weaves a cobweb.
    The cobweb is thin -
    Holds the spider tightly.
    The cobweb is breaking
    The spider laughs.
    Ha ha ha, ha ha ha spider dare.
    (finger play. Connect the thumb of the right hand with the forefinger of the left, and connect the forefinger with the thumb of the left hand. Fingering with your fingers, as if walking, "weave" a cobweb. Clap your hands on the last lines)

    Lyubov Nikolaevna Roslyakova

    Target: development of logical thinking.


    Clarify knowledge of geometric shapes, exercise in quantitative and ordinal account, comparing figures in size, laying out from counting sticks silhouettes of geometric figures, objects according to a sample, according to oral instructions, according to a plan; teach to solve logical problems for the construction and transformation of images of geometric shapes and objects;

    Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

    To cultivate perseverance, interest in logical problems, the desire to independently cope with the task, a sense of joy from the results achieved.

    It can be conditionally divided into several groups:

    1. Didactic games with counting sticks images of geometric shapes

    - by sample:

    According to the used quantity chopsticks for laying out the figure,

    for example, lay out a square of 4 sticks or 8 sticks, compare the values ​​obtained squares:

    out of 10 chopsticks lay out 3 squares:

    According to the indication of the size of the figure,

    for example, lay out a small square in which the length of each side is equal to the length of one sticks, or a large square with a side length of two sticks;

    2.with posting images of objects

    - by sample:

    pictures from the library MAAM:

    According to verbal instructions, for example, to build a house, the wall of which is a square of 8 chopsticks, build on top of 4 sticks triangular roof, build a square window from 4 chopsticks, in the attic - a triangular window of 3 chopsticks:

    similarly construct and compare in shape and magnitude three house:

    then change the shape of the roof of the last house, make it in the shape trapezium:

    - by design:

    3.with transformation of geometric figures: add, subtract or shift a certain amount chopsticks to get a new figure (figures):

    1) out of 8 chopsticks lay out a square, add 4 more sticks so to divide it by 4 equal square:

    remove 2 sticks- get 2 unequal square:

    or shift 3 sticks- get 3 equal square:

    or shift 4 sticks- get 3 equal square:

    2) remove 3 from the left figure sticks- get 3 square:

    3) out of 10 chopsticks lay out 2 unequal squares, shift 2 sticks- get 3 equal square:

    4) on the left piece, shift 2 sticks- get 3 triangle:

    5) out of 15 chopsticks stacked 5 squares, remove 3 sticks so that there are 3 of the same square:

    6) lay out 6 chopsticks triangle, add 3 more sticks so so that 4 equal to each other are formed inside it triangle:

    remove 4 sticks- get 2 equal triangle:

    remove 3 sticks- get 2 equal triangle:

    remove 2 sticks- get 2 unequal triangle:

    7) shift 4 sticks- get 3 squares, there are 2 correct solutions:

    4.with image conversion items:

    1) rearrange 3 sticks so that the fish swim to another side:

    2) rearrange 3 sticks so so that the arrow points to the other side:

    3) shift 2 sticks so that the calf looks the other way, but the tail must be directed up:

    5., in which the overlap of some chopsticks across others when laying out or when transforming (this is stipulated when reporting the task):

    1) out of 9 chopsticks lay out 6 squares:

    2) shift 2 sticks- get 7 squares:

    shift 4 more sticks- get 10 squares:

    Can be used in individual, subgroup, frontal work with children on logical and mathematical development.

    Related publications:

    Educational game "Funny names" (Children from 6 years old) Purpose of the game. To develop the ability to correctly form different forms of nouns, to coordinate.

    "Mixed pictures" To consolidate and test cultural and hygienic skills. A series of large pictures to which children find appropriate.

    Didactic game "Ladybug". 1st option: Purpose: to consolidate the correlation between the numbers and the number of objects (middle - older group). Move.

    Didactic game "Mood Masks" Purpose: to form children's ideas about various emotional states of people, to recognize the characteristic ones.

    No less interesting games were made by Dudina Darya's family. The educational game "Weaving a rug" is made of dense multi-colored oilcloth.

    Didactic games with Kuisener's sticks

    for children 3-5 years old

    Drying the towels

    Target. Teach children to compare objects in length; find similarities between objects;

    classify objects by length and color, indicate the comparison results with words

    (longer - shorter, equal in length).

    Material. Colored counting sticks: 1 brown, 5 yellow, 5 red.


    On the tray are sticks of two colors.


    Set aside sticks of equal length. What color are they?

    What should be done to find out which sticks are more?

    (Put chopsticks of one color under chopsticks of a different color).

    - How many long (short) sticks? (Many, how many, equally.)

    - Place the brown stick in front of you. This is a string. Sticks of yellow and

    red - "towels". Let's hang the "towels" on a string to dry.

    Hang the long first, then the short, then the long again. What should be hung now

    towel? (Short.) Hang up all the towels. Touching your finger to

    "Towels", name it color: yellow, red, yellow ...


    - How many yellow towels? (Many.)

    - How many red towels? (Many.)

    - What color of towels is more (less)? (Equally, equally, so much -

    how many long, how many short; how many yellow, so many red.)

    Multicolored flags

    Target. Anchor the names of geometric shapes. Exercise in counting, ability to respond

    to the questions: “How much? Which account? "

    Material. Card, colored counting sticks: 2 burgundy, 10 blue,

    10 red.


    The teacher invites the children to make a "rope" out of two burgundy sticks by connecting them

    ends with each other, then says: "We'll hang" flags "on this string. Make

    of three sticks, a triangular flag and hang on a string. Now do

    from red sticks a rectangular flag and hang next to the flag

    triangular shape. Make the check box triangular again. What shape will be

    next checkbox? "


    - What shape are the flags?

    - How many sticks are used to make a triangular flag? And the checkbox is rectangular


    - How many pieces are there?

    - Which are the rectangular flags? And which is the checkbox


    - What are the sides of a triangle? (Equals.) How to check this?

    - Which side is longer - the side of the rectangle or the side of the triangle?

    How can you find out?


    Target ... Teach children to classify objects by length; compare groups of items

    by the number of elements included in them; denote the result of a comparison

    (more, less, as much - how much).

    Material. Colored counting sticks: white, pink, blue; card.


    The teacher invites the children to arrange the sticks by color. Checks correctness

    completing the assignment, then says: “Today we will make a chain of these sticks in

    this sequence: first put white, then pink, blue, again

    white. Continue the row to the end. "

    Questions and tasks

    - What color are the beads in this chain?

    - What number does each color represent?

    - What number represents the longest "bead"?

    - The chain broke and the "beads" fell apart. Stir all the beads. How to find out,

    which beads are more? Smaller?

    - What needs to be done for this?

    Children lay out the sticks one under the other and determine which color sticks are larger.

    After that, you can invite the children to assemble the chain again in the same

    sequence, think and say to whom they would like to donate these chains.

    Numbers 1 and 2

    Target. Teach children to compare objects in length and indicate the result in words

    comparisons. Introduce the formation of the number 2, the numbers 1 and 2.

    Material. For the educator: magnetic board, 2 white 10x10 squares, pink stripe

    20 x 10cm, numbers 1 and 2.

    For children: colored counting sticks -3 white and 3 pink, numbers 1 and 2, card.


    The teacher invites the children to show him a white cube and asks: “How many white

    cubes have you shown? What digit can be used to designate this number? "

    The teacher on the board lays out the number 1 under the white square.

    Children put the number 1 under the white cube and repeat: "One cube - number one!"

    The teacher focuses the attention of children: "The white cube is the shortest" stick "

    in our set. What is it equal to? (To one.) What number does it represent? (One.)

    Show the pink stick. Place it under the white stick so that on one side

    the edge coincided. Which stick is longer? " (Pink.)

    The teacher demonstrates this stage of work on the board.

    “Place another white cube next to white. (Demonstrates on the board.) Let's

    Let's count how many white cubes are in a row. (One, two, two cubes in total.) What sticks

    longer, one pink or two white? (Equal, equal in length.) Pink stick

    stands for the number two. (Shows and names the number 2, puts it next to the number 1.)

    Why do we put the number two next to the pink stick? (Because it has two white

    sticks.) Remove the white cube on the right and replace it with the pink stick.

    It turned out a ladder. How many steps does it have? (One.) How many rows? (Two.) How many

    place two white dice.

    The teacher demonstrates each stage of the work on the board.

    “What can you say about two white sticks and one pink one? (They are the same height.)

    Remove two white cubes. How many white cubes are next to the pink stick? What

    the figure was put under it? (Two.) Which wand does she represent? (Pink.) Touch

    finger to each stick and count. (One, two.) Give the numbers in order. "

    Construction of houses

    Target ... Teach children to model an object from four sticks of the same length, compare

    items in height. Exercise in the account; in distinguishing quantitative and ordinal

    accounts, the ability to answer the questions: “How much? Which one? "

    Material. Colored counting sticks: 3 white, 6 blue, 6 red, 4 pink and 2

    yellow; card.


    Questions and tasks

    - What happened? (House.)

    - Build a large house on one side of the house and a small one on the other. From what

    side of the big house? Which side is the small house?

    - How many houses are there?

    - Which one is the highest? And the lowest?

    - Between which houses is the blue house?

    - Pick up a stick and make windows in the house. How many windows are there in each house?

    - How many windows are there?

    - What are the largest windows?

    Number 3

    Target. To acquaint children with the formation of the number 3 and the corresponding digit; learn

    name in order the numbers from 1 to 3; exercise in orientation in space.

    Material. For the teacher: 3 white squares 10x10 cm, pink strip 20x 10 cm,

    blue strip 30x 10 cm, numbers.

    For children: colored counting sticks -4 white, 1 pink, 1 blue; numbers from 1 to 3.


    The teacher gives the children a task: "Put a white cube, next to the right with a column

    put the pink stick. Take as many white cubes so that they are even

    fit in the pink stick and place them in a column next to the pink stick. "

    The sequence of explanation is accompanied by laying out demo

    stripes of the same color on the board.

    - How many white cubes are to the right of the pink ones? (Two.)

    - What is a pink stick equal to if it contains two white ones? (Two.)

    - Which is more - one or two?

    - Show the pink stick with your finger. Now show the white stick. Show

    finger number one and number two. Remove the two white sticks.

    - Find a stick that is larger than pink and show it. What color is it?


    - How do you know what number it stands for? (Needs to be measured.)

    After listening to the answers of the children, the teacher offers to demonstrate all this on sticks.

    Children put different ways to compare values ​​under the blue stick (pink and

    white or three white).

    The teacher says:

    - The pink stick represents the number two, and the blue one represents the number three. Put it in a column

    a blue stick next to a pink one. It turned out a ladder.

    Then the teacher shows the number 3, invites the children to put the number 3 under

    sticks representing the number three.

    -Now place the numbers under the white, pink and blue sticks.

    - Give the numbers in order.

    - Which number is greater - one or two? How much is two more than one? How much is one

    less than two?

    - Which number is greater, two or three? How much is two less than three? How many three

    more than two.

    -What happens in three, we find and count on a walk.

    Number 4

    Target ... To acquaint children with the formation of the number four and the number four; learn to count in

    within four; consolidate the ability to distinguish quantitative from ordinal.


    For the teacher: numbers.

    For children: colored counting sticks within 4, numbers, card.


    A method of constructing a vertical ladder (consisting of two steps) from low to

    high sign to children. The teacher invites children to do this work on their own.

    There should be 3 steps.

    - How many steps are there?

    - What number stands for white? (One.) Pink? (Two.) Blue? (Three.)

    -Now find the red stripe and add a step.

    - Which one is she? (Fourth.)

    - What number does it represent? (Four.)

    - Let's check that the red stick represents the number four.

    - How much is three less than four? (One.)

    - Place another column with the red post, consisting of four white ones.

    - Which is more: one red stick or four white ones? (Equally, equally.)

    Then the teacher shows the number 4 to the children and invites them to spread it out under the chopsticks

    numbers from 1 to 4.

    - Please name them in order.

    - What is the number under the pink stick? Under the blue? Under the red?

    - What is the biggest number?

    - What is the smallest number?

    - How much is two more than one?

    - How much is four more than three?

    - How much is one less than two?

    - How much is two less than three?

    - What color is the number four?

    Number 5

    Target. To acquaint children with the formation of the number five and the number 5; learn to name

    numerals by order. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between quantitative and ordinal

    account, correctly answer the questions: “How much? Which one? "


    For the teacher: numbers within 5.

    For children: numbers up to 5, colored counting sticks within 5.


    There are numbers 1,2,3,4 on the board. The teacher, pointing at random numbers, invites the children to name

    their. Then gives the task:

    - Make a ladder from sticks, consisting of three steps. Put under the chopsticks


    - What number does the pink stick stand for? (Number two.)

    - What color represents the number three? (Blue.)

    - What number does the red stick stand for? (Four.)

    - Count four white cubes and place them in a column next to the red stick. What

    what about the red and white bars? (They are equal, the same height.)

    - Count in order how many columns are in a row? (Five.)

    - How many white cubes are there in the fifth column? (Four.)

    - How many cubes do you need to put on a white column to make them five? (One.)

    - Which column above is four or five? (Fifth.)

    - How much is four less than five and five more than four?

    - Can a yellow stick replace five white cubes? Replace.

    - How many columns are there in total? How many cubes are in each column?

    The teacher shows the children the number 5 and asks: "Where should I put it?" (After

    numbers four.)

    - Give all the numbers in order.

    In the same way, it is necessary to acquaint children with all the numbers within ten.


    Target. Consolidate knowledge of numbers within 5; the ability to compare objects in length,

    transform the design of the object.

    Material ... Card, colored counting sticks: 2 yellow, 2 red, 2 blue, 1 black

    and 1 white.


    The teacher asks the children to remember how they laid out the house. Clarifies: “How many

    the house had walls? What sticks did you take to build them? (Two sticks of one

    length.) Do you need the same sticks for the floor and ceiling? "

    Invites children to show with their hands what the roof looked like, what shape it was.

    The teacher tells the children: "Make a small house." When the house is ready

    reads a riddle:

    Between the branches a new house

    There is no door in the house

    There is only one window

    Not even a cat can get through.

    The teacher asks the children to make the clue come out of the house, but out loud

    don't say the answer yet.

    When the answer (birdhouse) is laid out on the table, the children voice it. Questions

    - What number does the yellow stick stand for? Red? Blue?

    - What is the largest number of them?

    - If a yellow stick means a large number, it means that a blue, red

    wand ... (In short.)

    - What time of year do birdhouses hang out?

    - What kind of birds live in them?

    - You first made a house out of sticks, and then made a birdhouse out of it. How

    is a birdhouse different from a house?

    -And what are the similarities between a birdhouse and a house?

    Suburban village

    Target ... Teach children to compare objects in height using a conditional measurement;

    to consolidate the ability to navigate in space, using the words: left, right, above,

    lower, far, close.

    Material ... Colored counting sticks, card.


    The teacher, pointing to the card, says: “This is a summer cottage. There is a house here

    make it out of sticks. Plant a tree. Put up a fence. Make a shop. "

    After completing the assignment, he invites each child to tell about their site,

    using words: left, right, in front, next, about.

    “Take your cards and put them on the big table,” the teacher says. -Y

    we turned out to be a dacha village ”.


    - What's on the left of the house? What's in front of the house? What's to the right of the house?

    Where is the shop?

    - Are your houses similar or not? What is the shape of the roof? House?

    - What trees grow on the site?

    - Whose house is higher? Prove. (This can be done using a conventional yardstick.)

    - Which one of you has the tallest tree?

    - Which is higher: a tree or a tree?

    - Which site did you like the most? Why?

    - Come up with a story about how we went to the dacha.

    Christmas tree

    Target ... Exercise children in determining the length of an object using the overlay technique;

    to consolidate the ability to use words: longer - shorter, shortest; develop

    ideas about color standards.

    Material. Colored counting sticks: 1 brown, 1 orange, 2 purple, 2

    yellow, 2 red, 2 blue, 2 pink; card with a picture of a Christmas tree.


    The teacher invites the children to pick up the sticks genuinely and put them on the branches

    drawn Christmas tree. Questions and tasks

    - What color are the branches? Name them in order, starting at the top.

    - What color are the longest branches?

    - Name the color of the branches that are shorter than the longest.

    - How many are the shortest branches?

    - How many branches are of the same color?

    - Set aside any two branches of the same length. How long are they?

    (Identical, equal.)

    Working in pairs

    - Compare the branches and determine which branches are longer? Briefly speaking?

    Which tree is higher?


    Target. Strengthen the ability to compare sticks in length; correlate the size of an object with

    limited space.

    Material. Colored counting sticks: white, blue, pink, yellow; cardboard format



    The teacher invites the children to arrange a housewarming: “In front of you is an apartment (shows

    sheet of cardboard). Let's arrange furniture in it. When arranging furniture, remember

    that there are several objects in the room and they should not be very

    big. Otherwise it won't fit. "

    bed, table, chair, armchair. After completing the assignment, the teacher asks the children questions:

    - How much furniture is there in the room?

    - What's the highest in her?

    - How many sticks is the cabinet made of? What colour is he? And the bed?

    - What number does each color represent? Which is higher - a wardrobe or a table?

    - Where is the closet? Bed? Armchair? Chair? Working in pairs

    - Compare the interiors of your rooms by comparing images of objects and their


    The road home

    Target. Strengthen the ability of children to measure using a conditional yardstick; navigate in

    space in a limited area.

    Material. Card, colored counting sticks.


    The teacher invites each child to put a white cube in the upper left corner

    cards, and then put the same cube in the lower right corner.

    “These are the houses where Ira and Olya live,” says the teacher. - Ira lived in the upper

    house, and Olya in the lower one. Olya decided to visit Ira and play. Make a road, by

    which she will go. Having played enough with Ira, she decided to return home, but another

    expensive. Make this road. "


    - Which path is the fastest way to get to the house? Explain why.

    - How can you prove which track is longer?

    - Where is Ira's house? Where is Olya's house? Working in pairs

    - Compare the short tracks. Who has the longer track? Length comparison methods

    different: using overlay

    or the application of sticks (roads) to each other, as well as by measuring, taking for

    base measure.

    Doll Masha

    Target ... Teach children to compare objects to authenticity, to denote the result with words

    comparisons (longer, shorter, equal to the length); simulate a subject verbally

    instructions; navigate in space.

    Material ... Card, counting sticks: 2 blue, 3 white, 4 red, 4 pink, 1

    yellow, 1 purple, 1 black, 1 burgundy.


    The teacher invites children to make a doll from sticks, dictating the sequence:

    - Place the blue sticks one under the other. This is the head of the doll. What sticks on

    length? (Equal, same.)

    - Use two white sticks to make bows.

    - The white cube is the doll's neck. Where does it lie? (Under the blue ones.)

    - Make blouses out of two red sticks, put the sticks one under the other.

    - Now make your hands from the remaining red sticks. What are the red sticks for

    length? (Equal, same.)

    - Use yellow, purple, black and burgundy sticks to make a skirt. What sticks on

    length? Which one is the shortest? And what is the length of the burgundy stick? (The most


    - How many pink sticks are left? (Four.) What are all the lengths of the sticks? Make

    of them legs and shoes.

    - What number stands for pink? (Number two.)

    - The result is a beautiful doll Masha. What color is the longest stick in a skirt? And the most


    - What is the length of the purple stick? (Longer than yellow, but shorter than black.)

    -And what is the length of the black stick? (Longer than purple, but shorter than burgundy.)

    - Above the burgundy stick are the sticks of what color?

    - Between red and purple, what color is the stick?

    - How many sticks went to the skirt? And for a jacket?


    Target. Strengthen the ability to compare objects in length and height; denote in words

    the result of the comparison.

    Material. Card, colored counting sticks: 4 white, 4 red, 4 burgundy, 4

    blue, 1 brown and 2 pink.


    The mistress threw the bunny, The bunny remained in the rain. I couldn't get off the bench, All up to

    the strings got wet.

    The teacher asks the children about whom this poem is about, invites the children to post

    bunny from sticks, dictating the sequence:

    - Use two red sticks to make a torso. How long are they? What number

    stands for this color?

    - Make a head out of white sticks. How many white cubes did you need for the head?

    -Now make the ears. What are the length of the ears? What number stands for blue?

    - Make the front legs of the two blue ones. Which side of the body are they on?

    - Think about how to put the sticks to make the bunny sit? How many hind legs does a hare have?

    - Take the longest stick and place it under the hare's paws.

    - Use two burgundy sticks to make legs for the bench. -Let's make another one

    bench. She must have a seat

    be the same length as the first. Make stick legs on this bench

    color pink.

    - What about the length of the benches? (They are the same, equal in length.)

    - How high are the legs of the benches? (Equal in height.) The teacher asks someone

    - Why did the bunny get wet in the rain while sitting on this bench? Because she was


    - Which bench would be easier for the bunny to jump off? (From the second one below.)

    What about these benches? What are they?

    Acquaintance with Kuisener's chopsticks

    Target: Introduce children to sticks as play material. Help children

    navigate in this material. Reveal the initial knowledge of a group of children, levels

    development of a child. Draw the attention of children to the properties of sticks.

    Material: set of Kuisener sticks, doll.


    The teacher draws the attention of children to the doll Katya, who came to visit. Kate

    came with a gift, which is in a beautiful box (a set of chopsticks). Educator

    invites children to consider a gift.

    The teacher needs to give children the opportunity to consider colored sticks,

    provide the freedom necessary to navigate the material.

    Observing how children play with chopsticks, what exactly they do (construct,

    lay out patterns).

    Together with the children, the teacher examines the sticks, and talks with them:

    -What sticks? (short, long, large, small, colored).

    -How many sticks? (many).

    -Same color or different?

    -What colors do you know? (children list the colors they are familiar with).

    The teacher invites the children to collect sticks in a box (when he realizes that the children have played enough) and place it on the shelf with games. Informs that children in their free time can take sticks and play with them. Children with a teacher thank Katya doll for a gift.

    Colored sticks

    Target : To acquaint children with color standards, fix the names of the main colors,

    develop the ability to group, classify sticks (stripes) by color.

    Develop the speech of children. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

    Material: sets of sticks (strips) Kuisener, doll, boxes of different colors.


    The teacher attracts the attention of children, reports that the doll Katya wants to play with them

    with chopsticks. Children, together with the teacher, sit at the table. Educator

    draws the attention of children to the color of the sticks:

    What are the color sticks?

    Show red stick (blue, green, yellow).

    Take in each hand one stick of any color you like and name

    the color of the sticks.

    The teacher, together with the children, pronounces the name of the flowers.

    Then the doll Katya brings colorful boxes, invites the children to lay out

    sticks in boxes of the corresponding color (red stick in a box of red

    colors, blue into a blue box, etc.). Children, together with a doll and a teacher, watch

    the correctness of the task, jointly correct mistakes.

    Building tracks

    Target: Fix the names of the primary colors, develop the ability to group,

    classify sticks (stripes) by color. Develop the speech of children (use in speech

    words: "the same", "the same", "also red", etc.). Develop attention, memory,


    Material: sets of colored sticks or stripes, houses of different colors (you can cut

    made of cardboard), silhouettes of gnomes of different colors.


    The teacher places colorful houses on the table or on the carpet (white, red, pink, blue, etc.). She tells the children that she received a letter from the residents of these houses - the Dwarfs. In rainy weather, it is difficult for them to get to their home. The gnomes ask the children to help build paths to the houses, but so that they are the same color as the houses.

    Each child chooses a house and builds a path on their own. Children (with the help of an adult, if necessary) find out and clarify what color the path turned out to be, what can I say about the color of the paths and houses, which path is the longest, the shortest.

    Dwarfs appear, thank the children, invite the children to dance.


    Target: To consolidate the name of color standards, to develop combinatorial abilities,

    introduce children to modeling. Promote the development of speech. Develop attention,

    memory, imagination.

    Material: a painting depicting a train, a set of Kiyuzener sticks or stripes,



    The teacher invites the children to look at a picture of a train. Conversation on

    picture. What is shown in the picture, sing the train, what does it consist of (wheels, carriages).

    The teacher clarifies and complements the knowledge of children. Then he invites the children to build a train.

    from colored sticks or stripes. The teacher builds a train on a carpet of

    colored stripes (white, pink, blue, blue, etc.) and explains their actions.

    Any combination of sticks can be used. Children on the table on their own

    line up their trains. Then they look at who did it. Educator

    plays with children on the train. Children line up one after another - they are trailers,

    the teacher at the head is a steam locomotive, and they drive around the group.

    The locomotive shouts: "Doo-doo, I go, I go, I go."

    And the wheels are knocking, and the wheels are saying:

    "Well, well, well!"

    Here is our train, the wheels are knocking,

    And the guys are sitting on our train.

    Chu-chu-chu-chu-chu! A steam locomotive is running.

    He took the guys far, far away.

    Wonderful pouch

    Target: Fix color references and their names. Exercise in

    distinguishing colors. Develop memory, attention.

    Material : set of chopsticks, opaque pouch.


    The teacher invites the children to play, shows the "wonderful bag" and says that there are magic wands there.

    1. Children need to take any stick out of the bag with their eyes closed, look at it and say what color it is.

    2. With your eyes closed, you need to find two sticks of the same (different) length. Remove from the bag and compare: sticks of the same length of what color. What color sticks of different lengths. The educator concludes and leads to the fact that sticks of the same length are of the same color, sticks of different lengths are of different colors.

    Find and show

    Target: Exercise color discrimination. Develop logical thinking, memory.

    Material: a set of sticks, Pinocchio (toy or picture).


    Buratino came to visit, he does not know the names of flowers. The teacher offers to help him. On the table or on the carpet, there are sets of sticks or strips. Pinocchio says what chopsticks he needs, and the children find them in the set.

    Find, please, not a red stick (which means that all sticks are suitable except for the red one).

    Not yellow.

    Not blue, etc.

    Hide the toy

    Target: Develop an understanding of the height of the sticks. Introduce the concepts of "high",

    "short". Develop an understanding of the length of the sticks. Develop the ability to compare

    sticks in height and length.

    Material: sets of Kuizener sticks (colored stripes), small toys or silhouettes of animals of different heights (lion, fox, walrus, crane, elephant, rhino, kangaroo, bear, crocodile), poem by S.Ya. Marshak "Where did the sparrow dine?"


    The teacher reads to the children the poem "Where did the sparrow dine?" The teacher shows the animals that live in the zoo.

    Consider the animals, compare them in height. The teacher invites children to build their own zoo for toy animals. To do this, each child receives a toy of the beast and builds a fence of such a height that it will hide it (so that it is not visible).

    It is necessary to discuss with the children where, behind the fence of what color the tallest animal lives, which one. What fence does the lowest animal live behind, who is it, etc.

    Consider enclosure fences, which are higher and lower. To draw the attention of children to the fact that all "boards" in one "fence" are of the same color and the same height.

    Let's build a fence

    Target: Develop an understanding of the height of the sticks. Develop the ability to compare and

    match objects in height. Reinforce the concepts of "high", "low". Exercise

    in the discrimination of color, size. Promote the development of speech. Developing environment:

    sets of Kuisener's chopsticks, small toys.


    The teacher invites the children to look at the toys on the table, and tells the story:

    “Once upon a time there was a grandmother. Her house was not far from the forest. And my grandmother had friends. The horse drove my grandmother for shopping. The cow that fed her gave milk. The dog guarded the grandmother's house. The cat was catching mice. They lived amicably and merrily, but they were afraid of the wolf that lived in the forest. There was no fence around the house and the animals were not protected. They sent us a letter and asked to help build the fence. "

    The teacher invites the children to take sets of chopsticks. Children choose animals

    (toys). The teacher builds a fence for the grandmother's house from multi-colored sticks, and the children for animals - from the same colors.

    Children, together with the teacher, consider what happened, discuss:

    -What beautiful fences!

    -What sticks did you use to build your fence? What kind of sticks did you use? (each

    the child talks about his work).

    -What kind of fence does a horse have? And the cat? High or Low?

    -Will a cow, a dog, etc. be able to hide from a wolf?

    -Why did you get such smooth fences? What color and size are they?

    -Look at the fence I have. Does he look like yours? Why doesn't it look like it? What is the difference?

    The teacher leads the children to the fact that sticks of the same color have the same height, and sticks of different colors are different in height.

    - Grandmother and her friends will be happy and now they are not afraid of the wolf.

    Let's build a bridge

    Target: Continue your acquaintance with the set of Cui-Zener sticks, consolidate the concepts

    "Longer", "shorter", "equal" (equal) in length, "wider", "narrower". Develop skill

    compare items in width and length. Develop imagination, logical thinking,

    speech. Organize a collective role-playing game. Develop skill

    Material: sets of multi-colored sticks (stripes), on the carpet or on the table the image

    a long winding river, the width of which changes or turns into streams,

    toys (cars of different sizes, people, animals).


    The teacher places toys on different sides of the "river". Offers children

    consider the river and what is around it. Beats the situation.

    -Cars, people, animals are on opposite sides of the river and cannot meet.

    How can I help them? We need to build bridges.

    -What river? Is it the same width in all places?

    - What bridges are needed (in different sections of the river)?

    Each child (if necessary with the help of an adult

    r) outlines where in the river he will build the bridge.

    1. Children select sticks (strips) of the appropriate length for the bridge (it is important that

    their length overlapped the width of the river). Through trial and error, children find the building material they need. After the construction of the bridges, it is discussed what color each of them is, how long, which is shorter, longer. Why did they take a blue stick for the stream, and an orange one for the river (compare by length).

    2. You can diversify the game and offer children another option, more difficult. Bridges are built along the width of the sticks (for this, sticks of the same color and length are applied

    to each other until the shores are connected).

    - What are the bridges? (wide, narrow).

    - Wide bridges of what color? What color are the narrow bridges?

    Children use toys to check whether this or that bridge is wide enough, whether a car, a bus, a doll or a hare can pass. A bus rides across the blue bridge (wide), a hare runs across the blue (narrow) bridge. Then it is advisable to pass to the independent play activity of children in order to consolidate the concepts.

    Matryoshka tracks

    Target: Consolidate knowledge of color standards and their name. Develop the ability to relate

    items by color, size. Develop the ability to compare objects in width,

    value. Develop imagination, logical thinking, speech. Introduce such

    concepts like "more", "less", "largest", "smallest", "less

    than ... "," more than ... ".

    Material: nesting dolls of different sizes (toys or silhouettes), in sundresses of different colors,

    sets of sticks or strips.


    Children, together with the teacher, examine matryoshka dolls, compare them in size, according to

    the color of sundresses. For example, the largest matryoshka is in a blue sundress, the smallest is in

    yellow sundress, even less in red, even less in blue, the smallest in


    Matryoshka dolls came to visit us,

    They brought the strips.

    The teacher informs the children that the nesting dolls are going to the forest for berries:

    We are nesting dolls, these are the crumbs

    And on us, and on us different boots.

    We do not sleep, we do not sit, we want to go to the forest for berries.

    We are nesting dolls, these are the crumbs

    Make us, make us

    Different tracks.

    And the paths are not simple blue-red-blue,

    Each matryoshka has its own path.

    Take one stick at a time. What color are they?

    The teacher asks each child: how much do you have

    chopsticks? (One.)

    The teacher is surprised, makes a discovery with the children: there were a lot of sticks, and now one has

    every child. Suggests putting all the chopsticks on the table.

    How many sticks are there together? (Many).

    Take the sticks back. How many sticks does each of

    you? (One by one)

    The teacher asks the children: how many chopsticks do I have? (none). He takes his wand.

    How many chopsticks do I have now? Just like yours.

    The teacher hides the stick in the palm of his hand so that it is not

    it is seen.

    How many chopsticks do I have in my hand? (One.)

    How many chopsticks are in the bag? (Many.)

    The teacher shows the children a beautiful small box (the box is smaller

    sticks). Suggests to put a stick in it (does not fit).

    How many sticks are in the box? (None.)

    The teacher, together with the children, find a way out - put in

    a box of some other stick. Choose which stick will fit. (Pink.)

    combine them.


    Target: Exercise children in establishing the equivalence of length and color. Develop attention, memory.

    Material: sets of Kuisner's chopsticks.


    The teacher invites children to build different ladders (different color combinations).

    For example, make a ladder from white, blue and yellow sticks. What color is the stick

    below, above, in the middle?

    You can offer to lay out a ladder of sticks through one. For example, a pink stick,

    red, purple. Assignment: find a place for white, blue, yellow sticks.

    Find the mistake

    Target: Exercise in the count from 1 to 5. Fix the name of the color. Develop skill

    match items by color and size.

    Material: sets of Kuisner's chopsticks.


    Sticks from 1 to 5 are laid out on the table with a ladder. Then the teacher offers

    child close his eyes and mix up the sticks. The child opens his eyes and looks that

    changed, bug fixes. Depending on the knowledge and skills of the children, the educator

    may make more or fewer mistakes.

    In this game, it is possible for the teacher to switch roles with the children. Child

    confuses the sticks, and the adult looks for a mistake and restores the ladder. You can play

    repeat 5-6 times.

    A ladder for a kitten

    Target: Exercise children in forward and backward counting. Exercise in the count from 1 to 5.

    To acquaint children with the numerical value of sticks: 1 - white stick, 2 - pink, 3 -

    blue, 4 - red, 5 - yellow.

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks, kitten toy.


    The teacher invites the children to build a ladder for the kitten. For this you need to take

    the shortest stick. What color is it? The white stick is one, the number "1".

    To the right of the white cube, put a pink stick - this is the number "2", and so on up to five.

    Children, together with the teacher and the kitten, count the steps, while they call the color


    Let's make all the sticks clearly in height

    From low to high, it's very simple.

    You can build a double-sided ladder and, going up and down the steps,

    And next we compose in the reverse order - From long to short,

    like charging. We walk up the ladder And we count all the steps. Everything

    up to one steps We know a colored ladder!

    Forest glade


    - Colour. Exercise in the ratio of quantity and count. To consolidate the concept of "the same".

    Prepare children for mastering the concept of "number composition".

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or planar version), on

    handouts for each child, such as mushrooms.


    Children sit at the table. The teacher invites the children to take the shortest stick.

    -What color is it? The white stick is one, the number "one". You need to put one fungus under the white stick.

    -Now put two mushrooms, and under them there are as many white sticks as there are mushrooms.

    Move the white sticks so close together that they appear to be one white stick.

    -Look for a stick that is exactly the same length as two white sticks stacked together.

    Children evaluate by eye or determine by application which stick is

    the proposed is a length of two white sticks and choose a pink one. Each of the playing children puts a pink stick under two white ones.

    Let's call the pink stick "two" because it is the same length as the two white sticks.

    Then you need to put three mushrooms under the pink stick, and under them the same number of white sticks.

    - Move three white sticks together and look for another

    a colored stick, the length of which would be equal to the length of three white sticks.

    Children find a blue stick and make sure that it is equal to three white stripes. This is a stick of three.

    Similarly, children get to know the number "four", "five" (depending on the age and knowledge of the children). During the game, the children learned what number is expressed by white, pink,

    blue ... sticks.

    - Look what a mushroom clearing turned out! Now

    Mushroom riddle

    Under the pine tree by the path

    Who stands among the grass?

    There is a leg, but there is no shoe.

    There is a hat - there is no head.

    At the end of the game, you can invite the children to mold mushrooms from plasticine, as many as they want.

    Name a number - find a wand

    Target: Exercise in establishing equivalence relations: color is a number, a number

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or flat version), handouts (small toys).


    The leader (educator) calls the number, the children count the corresponding number of objects, put them on the table. Then the players select the appropriate

    stick. Conversely, the presenter shows the stick, and the children name the number that it stands for (for example, white - one, pink - two, blue - three, etc.). Further children

    lay out the required number of items.

    It is advisable for young children to call numbers by

    order within five. Older children can be offered numbers within ten and at random.

    Accommodate passengers

    Target: Exercise in establishing equivalence relations: color is a number, a number

    - Colour. Exercise in the ratio of quantity and count.

    Material : sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or planar version), small

    toys or object pictures depicting animals, men.


    The teacher and the children are building a train from sticks. Each stick is a wagon. Each carriage needs to accommodate the required number of passengers (one passenger in a white carriage, two in a pink one, three in a blue one, and so on). Children "seat" the required number of hares, squirrels, bears.

    The locomotive hummed

    And I drove the trailers:


    I will rock you far! "

    Colored trailers

    They run, they run, they run.

    And the round wheels

    All fat, yes, yes.

    Pick up a pair

    Target: Exercise in establishing equivalence relations: color - number -

    quantity is a digit. Exercise in the ratio of quantity and count. Introduce with

    in numbers.

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or planar version), cards with

    circles, geometric shapes of different numbers, cards with colored numbers (number 1 - white, 2 - pink, 3 - blue, 4 - red, 5 - yellow).


    Job options:

    1. For a colored number (stick), you need to pick up a card that shows

    the corresponding number of circles, and then geometric shapes: squares, triangles.

    2. Then invite the children to match the colored stick with the corresponding color number shown on the card.

    3. The usual number shown on the card is matched to the color number.

    4. The corresponding number of objects or their images on the card is matched to the color number.

    Pick a number

    Target: Exercise in establishing equivalence relations: number - color. Exercise

    in the ratio of numbers and number sticks. Develop attention, logical thinking.

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or planar version), hoops,

    cards with numbers.


    The teacher lays out five hoops on the floor. Each hoop contains cards

    with numbers from 1 to 5 (at the initial stage of training, fewer numbers are taken).

    Children from sets of sticks choose one stick at a time and arrange them in hoops according to the figure. After they have laid out all the sticks from the sets, the children, together with the teacher, examine the contents of the hoops and correct mistakes, if any.

    The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that sticks of the same color are selected in a separate hoop (in the hoop with the number 1 - only white sticks, with the number 3 - only blue ones, etc.). Thus, the educator leads children to the concept that sticks of the same color represent the same number. Each stick represents a number. You can play the game in a competitive manner. Divide the children into subgroups. Each subgroup has its own hoop with a number. Who will collect the sticks faster.

    Multi-colored rugs

    Target: Exercise children in composing a number from two smaller numbers using Kuisener's sticks. Prepare children for mastering the concept of "number composition". Develop logical thinking, attention.

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or flat version), toy.


    The teacher invites children to make multi-colored rugs for the bear (doll). The teacher takes a long stick. Children are invited to find two others, in short, so that when put together they are equal in length to the stick that the teacher took. For example, a blue stick - yellow and white, red and pink, blue and blue are applied to it.

    Children make up a colored rug from several sticks. For example, a blue stick - three pink ones are applied to it; six. white; blue, pink, white. The bear (doll) really liked the rugs. You can invite children to draw the same rugs on paper.

    Constructing geometric shapes

    Target: To consolidate in children knowledge about geometric shapes, about their properties. Exercise in the construction of geometric shapes from sticks. Strengthen the ability to recognize and distinguish between a square, triangle, rectangle.

    Material: sets of Kuisener sticks (volumetric or planar version), card-schemes with geometric shapes, samples of geometric shapes.


    The teacher invites the children to play. He informs that different figures are hidden in the group, but before finding them, the children need to guess and find out what kind of figures they are. The teacher praises the children, and offers to lay out the figures using Kuisener's sticks. At an early stage, you can offer children a card-scheme in the life-size of sticks, and using the superposition method, depict geometric shapes. When the children have mastered the material about geometric shapes well, they lay out the shapes from memory from different sticks (whoever likes which). In this case, the teacher draws the attention of children to the fact that the square is composed of identical sticks (all sides are equal - sticks of the same color); a rectangle is composed of two types of sticks, two opposite sides of one color, two other opposite sides of a different color. Gradually, the teacher acquaints children with the properties of geometric shapes. It is advisable to find and count the sides and angles of the figures during the game. At the end of the game, the children examine each other's resulting multi-colored figures.

    DIDACTIC COUNTING STICKS Save yourself! We present to your attention didactic games in mathematics. These games can be played both at home and in kindergarten. Conduct group or individual lessons. Of all the variety of mathematical games, puzzles with sticks are the most acceptable at older preschool age (5-7 years) (matches without sulfur can be used). They are called tasks for ingenuity of a geometric nature, since in the course of the solution, as a rule, there is a transformation of some figures into others, and not just a change in their number. In preschool age, the simplest puzzles are used. To conduct didactic games in mathematics, we need: - counting sticks (15-20 pieces) Purpose of mathematical games: The child is practicing in drawing up geometric shapes on the plane of the table. The child analyzes and examines the figures in a visually tactile way. Math Tasks: 1. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks 2. Make 2 equal squares from 7 sticks 3. Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks 4. Make 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks 5. Make 3 equal squares from 10 sticks 6. Make a square and 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks 7. Make a square and 4 triangles from 9 sticks 8. Make 2 squares and 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks (from 7 sticks make 2 squares and divide into triangles 9. Make 2 squares from 10 sticks : large and small (a small square is made up of 2 sticks inside a large one) 10. Make 5 triangles from 9 sticks (4 small triangles, obtained as a result of construction, form 1 large) 11. Make a square and a small triangle 12. Make small and large squares 13. Make a rectangle, the top and bottom sides of which will be equal to 3 sticks, and the left and right sides - 2. We ask questions: How many sticks were required to make phenomenon of a square? Triangle? Why? Show the sides, corners, tops of the shapes. Why the left, right, upper and lower sides of the square are made up of the same number of sticks Games and exercises with colored counting sticks: Children make various images, geometric shapes from colored counting sticks, and elementarily modify them. Tasks are given with subsequent complication. Children first make object images from sticks: houses, boats, simple buildings, pieces of furniture, then geometric shapes: squares, triangles, rectangles and quadrangles of different sizes and with different aspect ratios, and then again different object images. Appointment. Development of spatial representations, consolidation of knowledge about the properties and distinctive features of geometric shapes.