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    Translation of the scam points in the Russian language. Criteria for evaluating the exam How to evaluate the exam in Russian

    Document punctuation is saved.

    Criteria for evaluation of response to task C1 Point



    Formulation of the problems of the source text

    Examined (in one form or another in any of the parts of the writing) correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text.

    Actual errors associated with understanding and wording problem

    The examiner could not correctly formulate none of the problems of the source text.


    Commentary on the formulated problem of source text

    The problem-formulated problem commented on the support for the source text. The examiner brought at least 2 examples from the read text, important to understand the problem.


    The problem-formulated problem commented on the support for the source text. The examiner brought 1 example from the read text, important to understand the problem.
    Actual errors related to understanding the problem of the source text in the comment


    Formulated examinated text problem commented with a support for the source text, but The examiner did not lead a single example from the text of the text, important to understand the problem, orin the comments one actual error associated with the understanding of the problem of the source text


    Formulated exam problem is not commented or commented without support for the source text, or In the comments, more than one actual error associated with the understanding of the source text was admitted orcommented another,
    non-formulated or Instead of comment, there is a simple retelling of the text or its fragment, orinstead of comment cited a large fragment of source text



    Reflection of the position of the author of the original text

    The examiner correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text at the commented problem.
    Actual errors associated with the understanding of the position of the author of the source text, no

    The position of the author of the source text examined is informable, orthe position of the author of the source text is not formulated


    Argument examined one's own opinion on the problem

    The examiner expressed my opinion on the problem formulated by him, supplied by the author of the text (agreeing or not agreeing with the position of the author), argued it (led not less than 2 arguments, one of which was taken from artistic, journalistic or scientific literature)


    The examiner expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, supplied by the author of the text (agreeing or not agreeing with the position of the author), argued it (led at least 2 arguments, relying on knowledge, life experience), orbrought only 1 argument from artistic, journalistic or scientific literature


    The examiner expressed my opinion on the problem formulated by him, supplied by the author of the text (agreeing or not agreeing with the position of the author), argued it (led 1 argument), relying on knowledge, life experience

    The examiner formulated my opinion on the problem with the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the author's position), but did not lead arguments, orthe view of the examiner is only formally stated (for example: "I agree / disagree with the author"), orthe opinion of the examiner is not at all reflected in the work.


    Speech decoration of writings


    Semantic integrity, speech connectivity and sequence of presentation

    The work of the examiner is characterized by semantic integrity, speech connectivity and a sequence of presentation:
    - Logic errors are missing, the sequence of the presentation is not violated;
    - There are no violations of paragraphic membership in the paper.


    The work of the examined is characterized by semantic integrity, connectedness and sequence of presentation,
    butone logical error is allowed, and / orthere is one violation of the paragraphic session of the text.


    In the work of the examiner, the communicative intention is visible, butmore than one logical error is admitted, and / orthere are two cases of violation of the paragraph of text



    Speech accuracy and expressiveness

    The work of the examined is characterized by the accuracy of the expression of thought, a variety of grammatical system of speech.
    * The highest score according to this criterion examines only if the highest score is obtained by the criterion K10

    The work of the examined is characterized by the accuracy of the expression of thought, butmixed monotony of the grammatical system of speech, orthe work of the examined is characterized by a variety of grammatical system of speech, butthere are violations of the accuracy of the expression of thought

    The work of the examined is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary and the monotony of the grammatical system of speech 0




    Compliance with spelling norms

    orphographic errors No (or 1 non-bug) 3
    not more than 2 errors 2
    3-4 errors are admitted 1
    advanced more than 4 errors


    Compliance with punctuation norms

    punctuation errors no (or 1 non-bug) 3
    1-3 errors are admitted 2
    4-5 errors are allowed 1
    more than 5 errors are allowed


    Compliance with language norms

    there are no grammatical errors 2
    1-2 errors are allowed 1
    admitted more than 2 errors


    Compliance with speech norms

    not more than 1 speech error 2
    2-3 errors are admitted 1
    more than 3 errors are admitted


    Compliance with ethical norms

    ethical errors in work are missing 1
    ethical errors (1 or more) are allowed


    Compliance with factual accuracy in the background material

    actual errors in the background material are missing 1
    actual errors (1 or more) are admitted in the background material
    Maximum number of points for all written work (K1-K12) 24

    When assessing literacy (K7-K10), the composition of the compositions 1 should be taken into account.

    1. The estimation rate specified in the table is developed for the composition of 150-300 words 2.

    2. If there is less than 70 words in writing, then such work is not counted and 0 points are estimated, the task is considered unfulfilled.

    When evaluating an essay of 70 to 150 words, the number of permissible errors of four species (K7-K10) decreases.

    2 points for these criteria is set in the following cases:
    K7 - orphographic errors No (or one non-bugs is allowed);
    K8 - punctuation errors No (or one non-bug is made) .1 points for these criteria is set in the following cases:
    K7 - not more than two errors are allowed;
    K8 - one - three errors are admitted;
    K9 - no grammatical errors;
    K10 - no more than one speech error is allowed.

    The highest score according to the criteria K7-K12 for the work of the volume from 70 to 150 words is not put.

    If an essay is a retracted or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work on all aspects of the check (K1K12) is estimated by 0 points.

    If in the work, which is rewritten or retold source text, contains fragments of text
    examined, then when checking only the number of words belongs to examine.

    Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated.

    1 When counting, words are taken into account both independent and service parts of speech.
    Any sequence of words written without a space is calculated (for example, "nevertheless" is one word, "Still" - two words). The initials with the surname are considered in one word (for example, "M.Yu. Lermontov" is one word). Any other characters, in particular the numbers, are not taken into account when calculating (for example, "5 years" - one word, "five years" - two
    the words).
    2 If the essay contains partially or completely rewritten by the examiner text of the review of the task 24 and / or information about the author of the text, the volume of such work is determined without taking into account the text of the review and / or information about the author of the text.

    In accordance with the procedure for conducting the state final certification on educational programs of secondary general education (the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 26, 2013 No. 1400 registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia 03.02.2014 No. 31205)
    "61. According to the results of the first and second checks, the experts independently expose points for each response to the tasks of the examination work of the exam with an expanded answer ...
    62. In the event of a significant discrepancy in points issued by two experts, a third check is appointed. A significant discrepancy in points is defined in the criteria for estimation on the relevant learning subject.
    An expert carrying out the third inspection is provided with information on points issued by experts previously verified by examination. "

    At the end of May, graduates 11 classes will face a rather difficult test - EGE in Russian 2017. This exam is considered mandatory, the same as mathematics, so it will have to pass it all without exception. To date, the main task for eleventh graders is timely preparation for the test, so that the certificate is not spoiled by a bad assessment. In addition, the high score for the exam in the Russian language opens up in front of the future door applicant to the most prestigious universities of the country.

    Most students, assuming that the tests in the Russian language are not as complex as mathematics or physics, are completely not prepared for the subject and as a result are not enough high points. It must be remembered that the exam affects not only the materials for grade 11, but also the topics over the past years of study. Everything else, such assignments that require extraordinary thinking are included in the USE. As you can see, the Russian language is not such a simple subject, but considering the future predicted for 2017, it will become even more difficult.

    What should I prepare?

    The fact that the tests in the Russian language is waiting for a number of innovations, said more than once. Over the years, scientists and teachers have developed an optimal knowledge check system that could display real knowledge of students. In 2017, the Russian language is planned to introduce the oral part. This was already told Lyudmila Verbicksk (head of the Russian Academy of Education).

    At this stage, all necessary transformations have already been developed. It remains only to understand how to use them rationally in this.

    Until 2017, all students of secondary schools handed out Russian in writing. The test form that was in the blanks, of course, the thing is good, but it is not able to display the real knowledge of graduates, because they can simply guess the answer. And what about being punctuation or spelling? Tests are not able to thoroughly show the literacy of the student.

    The oral exam will help to identify gaps in knowledge, the ability to accurately express their thoughts, put off suggestions from words and lead a narrative for examiners.

    Nowadays, the correct speech statement is extremely important, especially in the sectors of the economy. Any manager should be able to formulate tasks for subordinates, be able to express thoughts and convey their ideas to others. Just for this, each schoolboy must learn spelling, as well as learn the basics of oratory.

    The oral block is not all changes that expect an exam in Russian. In the approaching 2017, officials intend to introduce the rating system for the control essay. Recall that at the moment for the manifestation of creative abilities and the ability to logically build their own thoughts, the student was simply "test" or "non-post".

    Lyudmila Verbickskaya considers it an unfair approach, especially for those students who can show the level of their knowledge through an essay. Only the introduction of a clear evaluation scale will help clearly learn the level of student's preparedness and will form a clear objective view of the exam.

    Dates of carrying

    Early exams will begin on May 25, 2017. Just during this period, the Russian allele graders will be able to pass. The main tests are scheduled for May 30. Realcuting for those who "overlooked" the subject or wishes to increase the assessment, it will be possible to pass a repeated exam on June 27. Reserve days are scheduled for April 15 and September 24.

    Conducting an exam in Russian

    To cope with all the tasks, the students are given an hour. For the allotted time, all two blocks must be solved, including 24 questions. The first block consists of questions that need to be responded in a digital or verbal form. In the second form, the students should write an essay on the specified subject.

    Estimated scale

    Back in 2015, for this test could be obtained "testing / nonsense." Already since 2016, scores appeared, the amount of which depended on the number of correct answers. From the table below, you can find out the exact number of points you can get for a particular question.

    The second part of the exam requires a student of the manifestation of creative abilities and free ownership of the Russian language. It should be noted that the compositions are assessed by a special way, so one grammar does not surprise the examiner.

    For the right part of the exam, the student can earn 25 points. In general, in two blocks, the graduate will earn 57 points to which points for other criteria are added. Given that the rate of assessment of Knowledge is 100-point, in order to understand what an assessment earned a student, it suffices to contact this scheme:

    • 0 - 24 - "Two"
    • 25 - 57 - "Troika"
    • 58 - 71 - "Four"
    • from 72 - "Five"

    Note that the minimum number of points for admission to the university is only 36 points, but it is enough to dial 24 points to get a certificate.

    Materials for preparation for the exam in the Russian language

    Now the mass of literature is produced annually, which helps future graduates to prepare for the exam. In addition, for general access on the official website of the FII, there is a mass of additional materials, namely:

    1. Demonstration version of the exam
    2. Task blanks
    3. Training collections
    4. Video complusion

    Among the most optimal literature to prepare is to highlight the author of the author Tsybulko I.P.

    After checking the tasks of the exam in the Russian language, the primary score for their execution is set: from 0 to 57. Each task is estimated by a certain number of points: the more difficult task, the more points for it can be obtained. For the right execution of tasks in the exam in Russian, it is given from 1 to 5 points, depending on the complexity of the task. At the same time, the writing can be obtained from 0 to 24 points.

    After that, the primary score is translated into a test point, which is specified in the Certificate of the EGE. It is this score that is used when entering higher educational institutions. Translation of scam points It is carried out using a special scaling of points.

    Also, on the score for the USE, it is possible to determine an approximate rating on a five-point scale that a schoolboy would receive for the fulfillment of tasks in the Russian language on the exam.

    Below is given scale Translation Points EGE in Russian: Primary scores, test points and approximate estimate.

    Scale Translation Balls EGE: Russian

    The minimum test score for admission to higher education institutions in the Russian language is 36.

    Primary score Test score Evaluation
    0 0 2
    1 3
    2 5
    3 8
    4 10
    5 12
    6 15
    7 17
    8 20
    9 22
    10 24 3
    11 26
    12 28
    13 30
    14 32
    15 34
    16 36
    17 38
    18 39
    19 40
    20 41
    21 43
    22 44
    23 45
    24 46
    25 48
    26 49
    27 50
    28 51
    29 53
    30 54
    31 55
    32 56
    33 57 4
    34 59
    35 60
    36 61
    37 62
    38 64
    39 65
    40 66
    41 67
    42 69
    43 70
    44 71
    45 72 5
    46 73
    47 76
    48 78
    49 81
    50 83
    51 86
    52 88
    53 91
    54 93
    55 96
    56 98
    57 100

    Next year, the Russian government decided to make changes to the State Mandatory Exam Exam. The oral part of the exam in the Russian language 2017 is planned. Algorithms at the oral part already have. As with the surrender of foreign languages \u200b\u200borally, the student is listening to the task for twenty minutes and responds to five questions, describing the picture and asking questions. Next, the verifiers listened to the student's entry and expose the evaluation. Such a model of holding the oral part of the Russian language arranges experts. The only thing that is required from the government is to quickly and highlight the premises for the delivery of this type of exam. Because, in contrast to foreign languages, about 700 thousand applicants are passed annually. The only aesthetic inconvenience is to pass an oral exam for children with speech defects, but now it is on consideration of teachers to improve the system of delivery in general.

    Evaluation criteria

    Exam in Russian language in grade 11 (exam)

    For true execution all tasksexamination work can be obtained as much as possible 55 primary points.

    For true execution eVERY tasks parts 1 (except tasks 7, 15 and 24) a graduate receives 1 point. For an incorrect answer or its absence, 0 points are exhibited.

    For execution tasks 7. May be exhibited from 0 to 5 points. For each right specified digit corresponding to the number from the list, the examiner receives 1 point (5 points: no errors; 4 points: 1 error is allowed; 3 points: 2 errors are allowed; 2 points: 2 digits are correct; 1 point: correctly indicated Only one digit; 0 points: completely incorrect answer, i.e. incorrect sequence of numbers or its absence). The order of recording numbers in the response is important.

    For execution tasks 15. May be exhibited from 0 to 2 points. For each correctly specified digit corresponding to the response number, the examiner gets 1 point. If you are correctly given 2 digits, the examiner receives 2 points.

    For execution tasks 24. May be exhibited from 0 to 4 points. For each correctly specified digit corresponding to the term of the term from the list, the examiner receives 1 point (4 points: no errors; 3 points: 1 error is allowed; 2 points: 2 errors are allowed; 1 point: only one digit is true; 0 points: 0 points Fully incorrect answer, i.e..

    Maximum number of pointswhich can get a student who correctly fulfilled the task part 2, amounts 23 points.

    Criteria for appreciation of the task with an expanded answer (essay)

    Criteria for evaluation of response to task C1



    Composition of writings


    Formulation of the problems of the source text

    Examined (in one form or another in any of the parts of the writing) correctly formulated one of the problems of the source text.

    Actual errors associated with understanding and wording problem


    The examiner could not correctly formulate none of the problems of the source text.



    Commentary on the formulated problem of source text

    The problem-formulated problem commented on the support for the source text. Actual errors associated with understanding the problem of the source text,
 no comments


    The problem formulated is not commented,or in the comments, more than 1 actual error associated with the understanding of the source text are admitted or the other problem is commented, non-examined problem,or as a comment, a simple retelling of the text or its fragment is given,or as comments cited a large fragment of source text



    The examiner correctly formulated the position of the author (narrator) of the source text at the commented problem.
    Actual errors associated with the understanding of the position of the author of the source text, no




    Argument examined one's own opinion on the problem

    The examiner expressed my opinion on the problem formulated by him, supplied by the author of the text (agreeing or not agreeing with the position of the author), argued it (led not less than 2 arguments, one of which was taken from artistic, journalistic or scientific literature)


    The examiner expressed his opinion on the problem formulated by him, supplied by the author of the text (agreeing or not agreeing with the position of the author), argued it (led at least 2 arguments, relying on knowledge, life experience), orbrought only 1 argument from artistic, journalistic or scientific literature


    The examiner expressed my opinion on the problem formulated by him, supplied by the author of the text (agreeing or not agreeing with the position of the author), argued it (led 1 argument), relying on knowledge, life experience


    The examiner formulated my opinion on the problem with the author of the text (agreeing or disagreeing with the author's position), but did not lead arguments, orthe view of the examiner is only formally stated (for example: "I agree / disagree with the author"), orthe opinion of the examiner is not at all reflected in the work.



    Speech decoration of writings


    Semantic integrity, speech connectivity and sequence of presentation

    The work of the examiner is characterized by semantic integrity, speech connectivity and a sequence of presentation:
    - Logic errors are missing, the sequence of the presentation is not violated;
    - There are no violations of paragraphic membership.


    The work of the examined is characterized by semantic integrity, connectedness and sequence of presentation, but1 logical error is allowed and / orthere is 1 violation of the paragraphic session of the text


    In the work of the examiner, the communicative intention is visible,
 but more than 1 logical error is admitted,and / or there are 2 cases of violation of the paragraph of text



    Speech accuracy and expressiveness

    The work of the examined is characterized by the accuracy of the expression of thought, a variety of grammatical system of speech.
    * The highest score according to this criterion examines only if the highest score is obtained by the criterion K10


    The work of the examined is characterized by the accuracy of the expression of thought, butmixed monotony of the grammatical system of speech, orthe work of the examined is characterized by a variety of grammatical system of speech, butthere are violations of the accuracy of the expression of thought


    The work of the examined is distinguished by the poverty of the dictionary and the monotony of the grammatical system of speech





    Compliance with spelling norms

    orphographic errors No (or 1 non-bug)


    not more than 2 errors


    3-4 errors are admitted


    advanced more than 4 errors



    Compliance with punctuation norms

    punctuation errors no (or 1 non-bug)


    1-3 errors are admitted


    4-5 errors are allowed


    more than 5 errors are allowed



    Compliance with language norms

    there are no grammatical errors


    1-2 errors are allowed


    admitted more than 2 errors



    Compliance with speech norms

    not more than 1 speech error


    2-3 errors are admitted


    more than 3 errors are admitted



    Compliance with ethical norms

    ethical errors in work are missing


    ethical errors (1 or more) are allowed



    Compliance with factual accuracy in the background material

    actual errors in the background material are missing


    actual errors (1 or more) are admitted in the background material


    Maximum number of points for all written work (K1-K12)

    When estimating literacy (K7-K10), the volume of essays should be taken into account. The estimation rate specified in the table is designed to work with the volume of 150-300 words.

    If there is less than 70 words in writing, then such work is not counted and estimated by zero points, the task is considered unfulfilled.

    When evaluating an essay from 70 to 150 words the number of permissible errors Four species (K7-K10) decreases.

    2 points for these criteria is set in the following cases:

      K7 - no orphographic errors (or 1 non-bugs are allowed);

      K8 - punctuation errors No (or 1 non-bug).

    1 score for these criteria is set in the following cases:

      K7 - not more than 2 errors are allowed;

      K8 - 1-3 errors are allowed;

      K9 - no grammatical errors;

      K10 - no more than 1 speech error is allowed.

    Highest mark According to criteria K7-K12 For work volume from 70 to 150 words not put on.

    If the essay is a retold or completely rewritten source text without any comments, then such work on all aspects of the check (K1-K12) is estimated by zero points.

    If in the work that is a rewrote or retold source text contains fragments of the text of the examiner, then the number of words that belongs to examine is taken into account when checking. Work written without support for read text (not in this text) is not evaluated.