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  • Loule Vilma. In search of truth. About pity for yourself and loss of vitality

    Loule Vilma. In search of truth. About pity for yourself and loss of vitality

    This book literally opened my eyes for the causes of all my ailments. So simple, understandable, with love the author brings us to understand the most important thing - we are the creators and illness of your own, and their health ...

    Ivan K., N. Novgorod

    How many garbage, how much dirt, how many trampling I discovered in my soul thanks to this book. And not only found, but began to clean. Already one awareness of the problems significantly improved my condition, helped me quit smoking and get rid of fears. Now I focus on getting rid of the disease.

    S. L., Moscow

    Vilma's books are priceless for parents - because only our children's future health depends on us. Now we have all the opportunities to grow a healthy generation!

    Evgeny P., Arkhangelsk

    It was not so difficult to get rid of the bad habits of the body, but it is difficult to get rid of bad thoughts eating the soul. But I believe that everything will work out, because Dr. Viilma is running on the way to health, which, even be invisible, always next to us!

    Yulia T., Samara

    Thanks to the compilers of the book for each word of Dr. Loule, reported to us, for these waves of light and love, picked from the pages of the book!

    Marta, St. Petersburg

    Wonderful book for those who do not want to root more, who want to keep a healthy body and spirit for many years!

    Svetlana B., Kaliningrad

    Do not ruin yourself!

    In 2002, the life of a wonderful person and an amazing physician, hesitating not only the body, but the soul - Loule Vilma. This, of course, the wrong loss for everyone who knew her for those to whom she helped, for all her followers and simple readers.

    But Loule Vilma's books were left and people remained painstakingly study her heritage. Until now, the flow of letters in the name of Vilma is still running out, there are still those who hoped for her help. After all, life goes and puts new and new tasks before us.

    That is why the heirs Loule Vilma adopted a difficult decision - on the basis of existing manuscripts to publish new books in which certain issues are considered in more detail.

    Before you one of these books.

    All thoughts, all words in it belong to Loule Ville, and her wisdom will help the reader to figure out how to make his life better!

    Loule Vilma was sure that everyone himself was responsible for his life, and, it means, he can only change it. She said: "People are different. Someone is stupid, someone lazy, and someone just does not suit anywhere. There are those who have all these qualities, and their life is quite good. For example, it works such a person side by side with smart, hard-working and energetic people, and it falls apart. Declared bankruptcy. One workman due to this dies. The second enters the hospital. The third is treated at home. The fourth turns out to be behind the bars. And he, this fool and sloth, cares, putting his chest, and healthy as a bull. Why so unfairly arranged life?

    No, life is just valid. Life reveals the truth. Life shows that this person is able to overcome any obstacles, for sincerely believes that there are no hopeless situations. "

    Even if you have harmful habits now - you can get rid of them, realizing that they are only symptoms, and the reasons are much deeper. Even if your life, as you think, goes under Sun, only bad happens in it, you can stop it.

    This is how Viilma said:

    "At the beginning of every conversation, I say that a person should know to understand me. To understand anyone or anything, you need to remember:

    There are no bad people, but in each person there is bad.

    We are on this light to fix the bad!

    Everyone is to correct its bad - this is life.

    Life continues, as long as there is a bad, requiring correction.

    Simply put - life continues, as long as there is a job!

    So, believe me that you can change your life, remove the lesson from all the bad things that happened with you, stop destroying yourself - Start work on yourself and your life right now.

    The root cause of everything

    Face of our character

    I open the mystery of the spiritual world, I find the knowledge that every person has everything inside, and every person has all the energies that only in the universe are. If you or read about stress, or hear about them, or see how a person shows that they make his stress with him, that is, shows something good or bad with his behavior, and it can be seen and audible, then it He speaks your Stress, because we see everywhere only yourself. When we develop further, that is, we exempt out (and each of us is love), we liberate certain stress out of love, then we do not see these stresses in others. Because this other person, even with his definite stress, goes like through me or by, not touching me. I do not provoke my definite stress manifestation of his stress.

    We can free any stress, we can free your original stresses, which are only two, and they are called: my mom and my dad. Because, besides their energies, I have when I come to this world, there are no other energies. When we die in the past life, then the energy that we possessed by the time of death is used to arrive in this life, which begins with the moment of conception. So my mom and my dad in the amount and there is me.

    If I am a woman, then I am a woman because I have a female body, that is, a female material shell. The material body is appearance, and inside me - dad. Why are women such stable why women around the world live so long compared to men? Thanks to men, lovely women. They are that stability that keeps us from the inside.

    And why are the men such fragile, why do they go out so quickly from this world? Because they are only outwardly men, and inside they are women. And very, very important, like you, cute men, treat your mom. Because you are this woman, and how much do you understand mom, that is, treat it from love, so you see women, too, what they are. You see not only their character, which represents only accumulated positive and negative knowledge.

    Symbolically, character energy can be imagined as a hedgehog. Have you ever seen hedgehog needles: how are they located, parallel or intersect? When the needles rise, then their tips are rising, which converge below like scissors, right? And descend the same. This is what he says that in the character of man there is the same thing that in everything on the globe, that is, two ends: good and bad. And all these stresses that are digging in our inside can become so big that they will not fit already in man. How to live? Let's say, the "tower" of one energy, the "tower" of other energy, still different energies in quantities n. + 1. And we, people, spiritual creatures, came to this world to take care that our stresses would not have grown so large that they would be more than the person. And if they become, they turn into character traits. And often they say that everything can be changed in this world, but character will remain.

    Change in nature - it means to rethink life and be freed from the bad thing to achieve a federed goal. It is more difficult than you think, and easier than suspect. And the one who will not learn to do in a smart one will be forced to learn through suffering. Another person once lives life in torment to fix one of the character traits.

    Unfortunately, from this nature, as a result, we will die, because our diseases and our sufferings that accompany the disease is the face of our character. And justify ourselves to the fact that I have such a character, meaninglessly, just stupid. When a person consults himself, justifies himself with his character, then this person does not understand who he is in fact, confuses himself and himself. And so gradually, since this attracts like that, those energy that we already have inside are growing more and more, as they attract similar energies. And here these "needles of the hedgehog" grow more and more, above, longer. And then it does not matter, we meet positive or negative irritation, we, as an hedgehog, raise our "needles." And what are you doing? Of course, we protect yourself. And the man who protects himself is a man who does not know how to live, he does not know how to be himself, that is, man. He does not know how to be love, he wants to love and wants to be loved. And how can he love if he himself is not? Or how to love him if it is not? Then come to love his body, his friend. And he sells his body. And this all proves that he loves and has the right to demand that he love. And the disappointment is worse and worse. Because a person, spiritual creature, confuses two levels. Man in stress - as an hedgehog. Each person has stresses, but not all people in stress.

    When we are in stress, when we really got into such a deep hole, then you can free stress, and our stresses are reduced, decrease and stroke at one moment, like hedgehog needles. How will our hedgehog be? So soft will be so cute ... And if we all these needles one after another wonzim in his skin and let's not let it go, what will happen then? Before the hedgehog perceives, he like a wild beast to pounce on you even stronger. And even after death, this corpse can be so staining that you will exhibit a malicious whole century, and maybe longer.

    All stresses originate from fear that "they don't like me."

    The main stresses are the feeling of guilt, fears and evil. Accumulating, they proceed to each other, mutually combined and can form a confusing meal disease. The feeling of guilturns in fear, fear will grow into anger. Evil ruins man.

    The chain of stress is driven by fear to be guilty. Nobody wants to be guilty. Therefore, the most reliable way to subordinate to your will of a person who wants to be good is to appeal to his conscience. So tyrant, playing in benefactor, is able to fully squeeze the will of the will of the will to life, without giving himself a report in what is bad. And the man is dying, without knowing how to protect himself.

    Basic stress and their interaction

    Any stress, in the end, develops in anger

    1) There was a feeling of guilt in the com, he is accused, and he begins to be afraid and turns himself to the prosecutor. The accusation is malicious. Any evaluation, comparison, comparison is essentially an accusation.

    2) in the Complete fear of being frightened, and he begins to scare others At least for the purpose of teaching or warning. This is already hidden malice, or a struggle for life.

    3) In whom sits malice, it is angry, and he himself begins to be angry. Evil may be:

    open, or bringing to a crime,

    hidden, or causing disease.

    Hidden malice can be:

    benevolentcausing benign painful processes,

    malignantcausing malignant processes, or cancer.

    No one voluntarily recognizes herself maliciously, and meanwhile the share of poor-quality diseases in the world is rapidly increasing. Why? Because everyone wants to seem good. The desire to live in the world of illusions or in the air locks of the dreams sooner or later ends with the fact that a person falls from heaven to the ground, that is, sick. In this book, this is said about this.

    A) The feeling of guilt is stress of the heart. They make a person susceptible to diseases, but they themselves are not a disease. The feeling of guilt relax.

    B) Fears are stresses of kidneys and adrenal glands. Fears attract bad, but they themselves do not have another disease. Fear makes helpless.

    B) Evil is the disease itself. The malice is settled there, where the movement of energy is interrupted. What is malice, such and the disease. Evil destroys.

    Fears are located in the body as follows:

    Fears inhibit or completely block the human power of will, or the will to life. They can be copied slowly and imperceptibly, and may, as if the lightning strike, to reduce a person in the grave. The fears cause inability, misunderstanding, incomprehensibility, inability, the inability, etc. Constantly repeated inability becomes in the end, reluctance. Inability is fear. Unwillingness is an evil.

    Malice You can recognize five features that can manifest themselves individually and which are not considered a disease. But if they perform in combination at least one more, then the disease is considered. These features include:

    pain - the evil search for the guilty;

    redness - the evil is the guilty;

    temperature - The angry condemnation of the perpetrator. The most lifeful for life is an evil self-evidence, which arises most often due to the fact that a person takes accusations of his address. Be without guilt to blame - the greatest burden for the heart;

    swelling, or growth- anger of exaggeration;

    selection, or destruction of tissues (necrosis), - Evil suffering.

    In reality, the pain does not protrude one - the temperature, redness, swelling, or accumulation of discharge are hidden behind it. In the same way, there are four others for other signs of malice. Together they form a humiliated anger, which causes inflammation. The higher the concentration of the humiliated malice, the most likely the formation of pus. Pump is unbearable humiliation.

    Man is on this light to raise and raise. If he does not know how to rise, he does not know how to elevate and humiliates himself and others. Juice is a source of all types of malice related to the life struggle.

    All types of malice can be reduced to one denominator - charges. Evaluation, comparison, weighing - all this also, in a small difference, is, in principle, the accusation. Evil destroys.

    It is possible to distinguish five basic types of malice, respectively, their location in the body:

    desire to be better than others - makes a person heartless, destroys the mind;

    dissatisfaction - destroys the meaning of life, takes the taste of life;

    upper-demand - splits the purposefulness;

    forced position - deprives freedom, makes a person a slave;

    rejection - slows down movement, development.

    Of all stresses, malice is the most complex and cunning. Expansive anger of a primitive person causes simple and easily curable diseases. The higher the level of education of mankind, the more difficult it becomes: illness. They are more difficult to detect and more difficult to cure. The most hostile physical body disease is a malignant tumor arising from malicious malice.

    The malicious angry becomes when a person does not receive what his soul craves, although he considers it to be his right, and a person is focused on his rights.

    Under the form of foreign success, such a person feels helpless in this unfair vital struggle. The desire to revenge for injustice can only be warm in the shrouds of shrouds and never manifest itself in actions, but it exists and takes the appearance of maliciousness.

    As for AIDS, this is a disease of the transition to higher, or spiritual, level of development. AIDS is a signal that at least a person is potentially ready to rise, because it is quite prolonged, but he is not yet able to abandon the benefits of the visible world, that is, the world of physical. AIDS says that a person with his feelings is in the future, and with the desire - in the past, but this is not aware of this (see drawing).

    The disease arises from the division of life to the spiritual and physical part, between which a clear boundary is carried out, step over through which it is prohibited both and others. A person who is absolutely confident is the right thing of such a presentation, does not give anyone the right to shake his at least an expression of a natural human doubt. AIDS is a disease excessive rationality.

    The one who sees the world in black and white paints consciously complies with all halftone from his vision of the world and does not understand that thereby pays the present into non-existence. The diaphragm, or the blessing barrier, symbolizes the moment of the present. The surrounding fabrics symbolize a longer present - the casual present. Who in thoughts in a hurry to the fabulous future, he will have to go without the body, because in the present he does not understand his body and does not like.

    The present teaches us to quietly unite the opposites in yourself. Who justifies the breakdown of his body with his physiological needs, he is able to step into the sanctuary from the crime scene and, without resting in sin, to feel Holy Man there. If a person believes that it has an immutable right to enter all the doors, then the door to the spiritual world will be closed for him. The awareness of the causes of the suffering of the physical body again opens the gates to the sky to let the linger lamb.

    And here is a person who wants to be better than others, finishes his earthly path on a par with all the others. Birth and death prove each of the human soul its equality with others until we start to understand it. And the number and quality of life days is determined by quantity and quality self man.

    Everything has two sides, balancing each other so that the whole is in equilibrium. In life and in a mirror reflection of life in a person by 49% bad and 51% of good. All our stresses are included in these 49%, and I am talking about them.

    If this percentage increases, then health, and in the future and life, threatens danger. Each person without exception is born to this light to learn, that is, to correct bad, that is, to keep this one percent, missing up to 50, if possible, closer to zero. This means that a person is born only in the call of that bad, which in previous lives remains unknown to them as good.

    A person would have to be like a wandering traveler who goes through life and through which life passes, like through a sieve. Of these 49%, the traveler leaves at the bottom of the sieves only the wisdom chrice for him. This grains elevates a person in his dignity. Unfortunately, a frightened person leaves in himself, except for grazing, a lot of all rubbish, and this is a disease. Dryan - this is what a person considers rubbish. For one, it is one thing for the other - another. Who of the desire to like others to form their own world in favor of someone else's opinion, he leaves himself and someone else's rubbish.

    For a frightened man, it can be bad as good and bad because it is afraid to be under the authority of the other. A frightened person is afraid to be a slave, and therefore he is a slave. Most of all, he is a slave of his stress. All that a person is afraid, he attracts to himself. We ourselves are more than anyone make themselves bad, and we are looking for guilt in others. Fear blocks any movement of energy, causing an excess of appropriate energy in the shower and in the body and turning the accumulated energy into the energy of the malice.

    1) excessive, or bad, exceeding 49%, causes physical diseases of the body.

    2) excessive, or good, exceeding 51%, causes mental illness.

    Illusions, or excessive, cause mental deviations, developing from clusters good to mental disorders and, finally, in mental illnesses.

    A person can help his body himself, if he has a reason for reason. If there is no reason, he can't help himself. Help him can parents and relatives. If they do not know how or do not want to provide spiritual assistance, then you have to help the body of the mentally ill, no matter how difficult it is.

    Treatment of patients, including mentally ill, it should be the most naturally caring of the patient's parents, as the child is the amount of his parents. If in the family, i.e., between parents, the love reigns, then the family is balanced. And the child who is a family mirror will then be balanced, which means healthy. Equilibrium is the relationship between both sides with each other, both on spiritual and physical level.

    What is the father of the child, such and the spirit of the child, the mind and the backbone. Such is his material life.

    What is the mother of a child, such and the soul of a child, feelings and soft fabrics. Such is his mental life.

    All disadvantages of the bone are reflected on soft tissues, and all flaws of soft tissues are reflected on the bones. Who can't see himself, let him look at his parents and make a conclusion. The denial of this truth will painfully respond in the future.

    Mother defines the world, father creates peace.

    The child is half of each of them.

    The sick child is the redemption of the debt of karma of both parents.

    If parents go through life because they nor them nor the child are not lagging behind, and the child does not have physical illnesses. If parents are reasonable, not ahead of time, then neither them nor a child has mental illnesses. Intentionality is equilibrium, understanding, love.

    The child is the sum of their parents.

    The amount, as is known, there is a quantity that is certainly different from the quality of the quality. Therefore, parents are pleased to find themselves in the child when the child is healthy and in good sense is extraordinary. But if something is wrong with the child, then frightened parents can become completely blind.

    Fear to be guilty can completely destroy the desire to help.

    Own well-being is more important for those who call themselves creative good. In the real misfortune to the rescue come bad people.

    Regardless of the circumstances there are no guilt, there are only errors. And errors can be corrected.

    The error is not sin, the error is inability.

    We are for the light that we are to learn, whether parents or children.

    The only sin in the world is non-recruitment.

    And this sin people are committed in large quantities, not understanding that they do not hide anything from themselves.

    Sin is when good forgetting, and bad remains in memory.

    In memory, it remains bad, in whom the person does not recognize his own error and therefore attributes to his other.

    You should not blame your parents: you yourself chose them in our kind when they decided to revive again. You had the need to fix it bad in this life, what they could give. You came to love them unconditionally, what they are. If you forgot it, try to remember and correct your mistakes.

    Regardless of the parents, the children themselves must make an equilibrium to their spiritual life.

    Well, if parents understand their role in the formation of a child and help him that correct their inner world. But if the parent spiritual blindness does not allow this, then the child chose a more difficult life lesson and should overcome it alone.

    No one should do anyone if the other does not want this and at the same time, everyone has the need to create good. A person needs to do a good friend or give to be the most man. But to give? And what is most valuable?

    When they give a thing, they give a little.

    When love is given, then give a lot.

    When they give forgiveness, they give the most valuable.

    Everyone forgiving in life certainly comes such a moment when he feels that he wants to ask for forgiveness from the past for left his past without blessed love. When the past is released, the future is filled with unhindered by current love, which makes a man happy.

    Forgive - it means to give doubly, consciously and worthy. Squash for forgiveness - it means to replace this bad on good, consciously and worthy.

    With a generous forgive, you can unnoticate a stick. With the whole heart, a request for forgiveness does not happen.

    Well, when a person knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness from a person. It is even better when he considers a worthy forgiveness of the animal. And best of all, when a person learns to forgive and ask for forgiveness from invisible energy bodies, or stress. Then a person is exempt from the strength of attraction of negativity and gains happiness.

    There is a single God, it is love.

    He is waiting for a person will be free from the captivity of fear to start him to love.

    Man is a wanderer walking on the road of his destiny. Everything he meets on the way is necessary as it is. A person needs only to change his attitude and start aware of the two-generalness of life. The one who will free from their fears can begin to be aware.

    To the question, to go to your way, we have already answered our appearance. Now everyone needs to answer how to go. Will without stress or with stress?

    Despite the growth of stress, the average life expectancy of a person increases, which is conjugate with great suffering and painful leaving life. This means that human souls need deeper and most mature knowledge, which owns only old age. This need allowed to discover many opportunities and ways to extend physical life. Probably open and spiritual possibilities.

    * A loving woman has a special property - she never needs anything superfluous. This woman owns the greatest treasure in the light of love.
    * A woman who loves her husband, connects to him into a non-inspirerable integer. You probably heard about married couples, when after a few days or a week after the death of my wife, the husband leaves this world after her. This woman selflessly loved her husband. This man never had to draw strength on the side. When the source of love is dried, a person died of thirst.
    * A modern woman does not like her husband first, because he does not know how good it is to love her husband. And it will not recognize until the love of sex, caring, concern, loyalty, the execution of debt, etc., and so on. Modern woman lives in the excitement and hear love in the whole world. The fear "Don't love me" makesone to do as much as possible as possible as many people as possible and the latter in this list is often its own husband ...
    * If at least now the woman realized her mistakes! Usually there is much more fierce malice, the accusation, regret, the thirst for revenge and all that such. Woman recognizes their mistakes rarely. Modern woman fights for his place in life. Fights without choosing funds. It can also win, but on lifeless ruins, there is a lot of fuss of victorious babies. Husband no longer fall.
    * This statement causes a different reaction. Most women are customized categorically - the husband is an adult man, he gets his own, and if not, then it is to blame. Relax you, women, I can not. But if you think well and experience a true desire to know the sincere love of a natural person, then your desire will be. And then you will agree that I told the truth. If a woman loves her husband's husband, his children, their children cannot be sick.
    * Try to develop your feelings as follows: Imagine your husband and put it in your soul as you yourself want, and leave it there forever. If you like to feel it near the natural value, then let him be there invisible, but tangible for you. Whenever you will remember your husband, know that he needs now in your love, as he is hard. You will feel a warm stream of love, flowing from your heart in the heart of your husband, and feel that you have become good. At this very moment, a husband with love remembered his wife. Now you know why at the moment.

    * Jealousy is a measure of infidelity that enjoys the wrong side. The more infidelity, the stronger jealousy. This feeling is always mutually, although usually at least one of the parties is not recognized in jealousy. A quiet mutual torture ends, as a rule, by fierce battle and the collapse of the family, if the persistent spouses do not know how to free themselves from their "ego".
    * But, as you know, a man without a woman and a woman without a man can not live normally. So the beautiful love of a woman is dying - love either heads to the side, or it becomes anger. It is clear that her husband will not get. In such a situation, a woman can fix his family life, only learning how to think correctly and applying these knowledge from the whole soul. If both appreciate the family and is able to correct, then the result will not slow down to affect. The smaller the crisis, the easier it is easy to correct errors.
    * Anyone who wishes to break the persistence of another can and achieve their own, but thereby he breaks herself. But these two found each other, their spirits brought them together, because these two were needed to learn their lives through each other. They turned out to be stupid, did not learn, and now life will teach them, but already more severely. Who changes partners in this way, will certainly remember the first, sorry for their stupidity. This is a lesson of life. Since everyone comes into this life to learn exactly this wisdom, then each subsequent partner gives him the opportunity to all better assimilate his life lesson, but at a higher level. It will continue until the forces for intrigues are run out and the person does not make conclusions from suffering. While does not recognize your mistakes. Otherwise, his death is waiting for him.
    * The pursuit of happiness is hunting for the external brilliance, momentary pleasure and acquisition of superficial life experience, which will subsequently pay pain. But, as usual, the man is fixed by the rear mind. The one who comes into marriage for money will be forced because of them to suffer. And if the rich marriage in love and will continue to consider love to the main thing in life, he will grow rich even more. Wealth will appear to it for preservation, because this man knows the price of wealth.
    * Many people are no longer capable of deep feeling at all, since their parents, as well as parents of parents, could not love. And they knew how to preserve the family in order to enrich and preserve wealth.
    * Recently, studying patients, I saw their parents, grandparents, grandparents, great-grandmothers, and more and more certified in her sad outcomes. Must admit that if among 1,000 people I find a single grandmother who loved her husband with clean, perfect love of man of nature, then I am happy. I am glad because I happened to see it with my own eyes!
    * Dear wives and husbands! I know that you are offended, as they considered themselves loving, but if you believe me, then dedicate yourself to studying your inner entity and find errors that require corrections. If your body responds with recovery, then you corrected the errors correctly. Free the stress that you blame the other, and ask for forgiveness from your body for making stress to hurt him.
    * Mother, who failed to give her love to give the Father's family, is in conflict with children, because children, without knowing, blame the mother. They cannot express it, but their nervousness and capriciousness speak for themselves. While the family is still a mustache and in the family quarrels outweighs the fatherly swear, seeing the guilty of the father. If the father is too soft and compliant, then the guilty again see in it. A child who does not even know his father can hate him, but usually hates mother. If the child is aggressive, then the parent deserves it. And that parents do not want to admit it, this is already a special article.
    * If the parent, raising the child after the collapse of the family, is removed to turn a child into a weapon against another parent, then at least at first he may have achieves his goal, but such a parent commits a crime. Father - the spirit of a child, mother - a child's soul. Look at yourself removed and imagine that from you they themselves, eat the spirit or soul and then, frightening the punishment, keep them stuck. But this is your spirit and your soul that you love so much and for which they are generally at this light. Only you need and, only having them both, you can be alive.
    * When a child is taught to hate his father, he is taught to hate his Spirit. When a child is taught to hate his mother, he is taught to hate his soul.
    * Who hates her father, he hates the male floor. Who hates her mother, he hates the female floor.
    * Daughter who loves his father, learns to love her husband. Son who loves his mother, learns to love his wife.
    * If the daughter is angry with his mother, then she is at the same time angry at himself. If the daughter hates his mother, then it automatically hates like himself and the female floor, since the mother is a woman.
    * If the son is angry with his father, he is at the same time angry at himself. If the son hates his father, he automatically hates himself, and the male floor, since the father is a man.
    * Women! It will be best to help if you ask for forgiveness from your husband, ask for forgiveness from your children and, despite the fierce, will love her husband again, even if he is not near you. The father of your children needs your mental love at least in the name of your children's life. You can not restore the broken marriage, but you need to understand your errors. Through the recognition and awareness of the error comes and understanding, like a learned lesson.
    * Men! Forgive your mother and wife, the fact that they failed to fulfill the most important task of a woman in life - to love her husband. Sorry that the woman is waiting first of all the love of her husband and does not understand that before the husband can give, he must receive. He and so gives physical strength without asking permission.
    * Children! Forgive your mother and grandmothers of their mistakes. Sorry and my father's mistakes. If you do not do this, you will suffer yourself, as your father is your spirit, and your mother is your soul. If these two are in you in a quarrel, then in your life there will be no movement forward and there will be no peace of mind.
    * A woman who knows how to think correctly, corrects the mistakes committed by His mother and mother-in-law.
    * A man who knows how to think correctly, knows how to wait for it and, for his part, forgive mother, as well as mother-in-law and wife.
    * A man annocates only when he cannot go on life further. Then he cannot go when he has no strength. Source of force and is located in the heart of a woman.
    * When a woman and a man marry, and her husband, in accordance with the education gained at home, is immediately taken to dishes his wife, then the heart of his wife is forever closed in front of him. These people will never be able to understand each other at the level of love. If they continue to live together, only work remains for them. Will it satisfy them, this is another question. To speak with them about love - it is useless. And one may turn out.
    * If a person who managed to extract a lesson from a divorce, knows how to see his own mistakes that provoked bad in a partner, he knows how to logically evaluate all aspects of the situation. Such a person will not hate his spouse, and in a new marriage it comes to wisely. Old errors, he will no longer repeat.
    * Who continues to hate his divorced spouse, there will be no happiness while he will not understand his mistakes. He can marry with the most peace-loving person and immediately quarrel with him, for he knows how to facilitate suffering. In his excuse, he says: "Why do they allow this to do this!" There is a share of truth in this - indeed, it is not necessary to make it painfully, but, unfortunately, the accusation of the other sounds again in his statement. He will be imperceptibly accumulated by anger, which will destroy his children himself.
    * I know a woman who has a special ability to turn into alcoholics of all men who bind to her fate. She seems to be a kind of trial stone for testing weak, loving men. It does not feel shortages in men, but among them there are no respected people. In appearance she is very good, kind, according to reviews - a real angel, but not one of the alcoholics thanks to her love with a sober. Her own fear "I don't like me" for a long time there is no exceeding in anger and took away sincere powers. Passing from the mother's malice, disguised as a love for men, turned against men in order to destroy them. The first victim is a man's wallet, the second is the man himself, the woman is much rushing. Neither she nor her men think so. Rather, they do not think at all.
    * If the mother does not like her husband, if it does not apply to the male sex, then the son is deprived of love. Mother's concern about the marriage of the Son, in fact, there is a manifestation of her feelings of guilt before the son. Since the mother does not see his mistakes, because he has a feeling of guilt, it begins to blame. Here is a mother-in-law and finds in the daughter-in-law a guilty, which is not suitable for her son, who does not like her son, and a thousand more reasons, not understanding that the daughter-in-law is a rejuvenable reproduction of it.
    * Smart daughter-in-law It is necessary to know that if she loves her husband to truly, then all the former flaws, including the shortcomings of mother-in-law, will be compensated. The love of one woman outweighs the anger of other women. The daughter-in-law, which found at least one good side and sincerely values \u200b\u200bit and therefore refers to the mother-in-law with respect, acquires a quiet husband.
    * A woman who does not like a podkin husband, usually directs his love for her son. Son for her is all, especially if he is the only child in the family. For the Mother of the Son - the embodiment of the whole male, which bypassed her love. Son Out of Love Wills Mother. But one day suddenly it is discovered that the child has become an adult, and in front of the eyes of the mother-in-law, a girl who takes himself his love. Can a mother be squeezing like that? It is unlikely, since the mother-in-law stopped to be just a mother - she is a friend and "his boyfriend". The father from the circle of communication was led, he also did not bring up a man out of his son, while the son considers him a bad father - after all, he does not survive with his Pai-boy. Mother who failed to stay by his mother, makes a child unhappy, and then accuses daughter-in-law.
    * Whatever relationships exist between two generations, know - if you see an error in another, then this is your error. The one who attacks the other is in the power of the Evil. Correction of any bad should begin with himself, from the liberation of bad thoughts, and not with looking for other people's mistakes.
    * Perhaps someone will get angry with my words and fall out: "What can I rejoice, if a person quit to me, scolds me, stipulates and humiliates!" It is not necessary to rejoice. Only idiot rejoices in any situation. But forgive your fear and malice in front of picky, welded and intentionally by evil people. Forgive fear "Everything is not the way I want." Know that this is your life lesson you brought on yourself. Once you came to live, then came to learn. If the spouse chose yourself, then simultaneously married to his spirit and soul - beetrack or test, mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

    Burning syndrome.

    In fact, it is anger, which destroys a person sincerely: anger that "I have not achieved what I wanted," or the evil "everything is not like I want." Human hands are doomed.
    * Especially regrettable when a person burns out in childhood and, without seeing the beauty of life, lives in order to die. But this is one of the life lessons. Who chose a crisis situation for birth, he needed a critical lesson.
    * Who feels that there is a sense of meaninglessness to him, one should know that it is necessary to find the meaning of meaninglessness.
    * Teaches any situation, but especially painful, and therefore intelligibly teach extremes. Matureness is a feeling of complete devastation. Dear person, your error is the greatest possible.
    * Matureness comes to teach you the fact that her seemingly lack of thought and hopelessness hid the greatest thoughts.
    * Mature appears to give you a chance to reveal the greatest opportunities of your life.
    * You will find it when I forgive sense of meaningless feeling in you. Ask for him forgiveness for, without knowing how to think, you have grown it to such sizes that it threatens to destroy you. You did not realize that it had arisen in order to bring the greatest meaning to your life.
    * The feeling of meaninglessness is the most comprehensive stress. He does not appear immediately, does not bear an avalanche of emotions, he is silent because it is meaningless. Ask always the heart of his forgiveness for keeping him in captivity, and then you will open the deep meaning of meaninglessness. In reality, it costs dissatisfaction that originates from the feeling of guilt.
    * Your indifference will be replaced by the joy of movement, actions, being. You will feel that you need, need yourself and through ourselves - others. Feel how the contours of your body disappeared - this is the merging with the unity. This is a special feeling, feeling of gaining greatness and dignity, the feeling of being.
    * Sorry to yourself that there was a feeling of meaninglessness. Ask forgiveness from your body for the fact that there was thus caused by the brave syndrome, meaning for the body death even before the necessary life lessons are learned. Ask the body for forgiveness for not understood that while the body lives, you are still loved. Lay someone who loves you, it exists.
    * My dear, you did not understand that if there is no love, then there is no body. You have the body, the rest will attract if you try to act. Your temptist is the mind - makes your soul sick, blocks you from love so that, the battle is bad, you have gained intrinsicness.
    * The mind brings humanity to illness. In the mind of two poles - spiritual and physical. Their equilibrium is reasonable, everyday wisdom. Materialism gripped the physical mind to the maximum limits and tried to deny the spirit. The result was senselessness. Matureness is to live among wealth and die from meaninglessness.

    Reckless angry

    I told a lot about the evil, about how she arises and how destroying. However, I still have to assist people who need a more in-depth understanding of the malice.
    * Equally shot down with a sense, as a person living in the power of fears, who considers himself bad and very angry, but the fear does not even dare even get angry, and the one who hates cowardice, including its own. Only he does not consider it anger. He wants to raise courage in himself and in others.
    * "I hate alien to me, and people hate me," says a person who is constantly interfering in someone else's life. He does it in the actions, words and thoughts. He does not want to understand that even the prosecution is energized in the quoted sentence - and this is angrily - as well as an angry tone, which is a multiple malice. You can deny it, but the essence of the case will not change.
    * The cause and consequence of life is love. When a person is experiencing fear "He does not like it," the flow of energy of love is blocking the wall. Without love, life stops. With the growth of fear, failures are increasing, because a man attracts them to his fear. So that life can continue, sufferer begins to fight in order to eliminate barriers. Fight is always malicious. A man crashes the wall of fear, but she becomes threatening, for fear will not be breaking so. Only enhanced malice.
    * Evil is an unconscious reaction to the lack of love, no matter what a person considers love. An angry always takes the beginning of the fear "I do not like me." Many many deny their fear because: they are too bald from childhood, and later the spouse was injured. They are hiding their negative stresses for the external kindness. Such a person does not understand what he is looking for in the life that he needs, why he has the severity in his head and why the head hurts. He is used to what others do others. He does not realize that if a person himself does not make efforts, his spirit is like a stopped traveler, and it will not be concerned about the future. The future is definitely someone who has achieved a lot itself, regardless of gender. A woman who loves her husband will not remain in the world alone.
    * People are very scary to recognize the presence of this fear. Let him suffer, but I do not recognize. This fear is more likely to have men. Due to the fact that the life of men depends on wives, sensitive husbands become too wound with respect to everything that concerns their wives. They are not able to calmly listen even to the conversation on the common topic, because they are afraid, no matter how wondering the dignity of his wife. Their fears have long been rearranged into a state of constant irritation, which they refuse to call malice. They are defenders of weak, and let nobody decide to start changing their judgment - at old age. They do not understand what they are attracting exactly what they fear;
    * They have a fear of "I don't like me" for a long time I switched to anger and buried the true feelings. This fear could still have a mother or father so strong that in the curtain of indifference concession into denial of love. "I don't need love, the main thing is to live calmly. The main thing is that it is to be done and that people respected me," say such people with pride. They got a satellite of life, similar to them, and in their colorless existence slowly, but correctly moving towards death, being unable to understand what is needed by the body in their lives.
    * Reveal the inner essence of such people is very difficult. They are from those who are most of the Ryano Love. They made so much good in life that everyone loves them because they made so much good. Or they love their spouses, because I did so much good for him (s) that it is impossible not to love me. These people do not want to understand that the work is not love.
    * Love is the force required to work. Work is a means of teaching for a person.
    * Love is all, love is God. Work is just work.
    * Such a person will not get rid of his pigeons until it understands it. But the person disagrees - let someone else do it for him. And by strange logic, who he did not do anything good.

    Such a person may seem even balanced, but those who have to live side by side with him, expects a decline forces.

    From good motivation, he directs, directs, indicates, thereby depriving another opportunity to be himself. Superflowing husband and wife, incessantly interfering with each other, may at first seem like a third-party observer of the perfect pair, but after a few hours, communication with them becomes unbearable for a person action. The eyes are tired of themselves and others. A person who neglects the role assigned to him by sexuality, tries himself to suffer.
    * It should be assimilated that everything in life has two poles, even love.
    * Life can be managed by a person who knows how to think, and not the one who graduated with honors from the university and sich. A highly educated person who does not understand that the material life is a small part of the life of the spiritual, he can swim against the current, calling himself honest and principled, worker and smart, but at one fine moment of his legs will refuse to walk along the road, on which the materialist brain will tell . The very road is true, but the means are incorrect - if you fight the vibrant with life difficulties, the body is the loser. Such a person will not help neither medication or scalpel. In life, you should do everything right, including overcome obstacles, and if you do wrong, then the person himself will suffer first.

    Simple complex malice.

    * Repeat briefly the action of stresses: the fear "Don't love me" blocks the mind, and the person sees everything in the opposite light.
    * The feeling of guilt makes a person weak, it causes a lava of stresses.
    * Fear attracts bad to him.
    * Evil destroys.
    * All this - stress peculiar to any person, no man without them. There are only good or only bad people on Earth. The perfect person is balanced both externally and internally. All very good people hide bad inside, because they dream of becoming perfectly good.

    What is evil?

    Evil is a negative emotion that destroys. Diseases of children are always a mirror reflection of parent's peace of mind. If every person with age absorbs, an increasing number of stresses from his own life, then the diseases of young children occur solely from parental stresses.
    * With the help of a table of fears, you can even more accurately localize your pain and find the correct definition for it.
    Headache - malice due to the fact that they do not like me that I neglected me. Evil due to the fact that everything is not the way I want.
    Abdominal pain - malice associated with overlooking himself or over others. This is the area of \u200b\u200bfeeling of guilt. The charge is evil.
    The pain in the legs is anger associated with the performance of work, receipt or spending money - in one word, with economic problems.
    Pain in the knees is an evil that prevents advancement.
    Pain in the whole body is anger against everything, because it's not the way I want.

    About the hard work for forgiveness.

    It hurts me because a person perceives forgiveness as an unusually difficult work. It hurts to see that humanity is stubbornly moving towards his death, because it does not want to understand life. A person refuses to recognize his mistakes, and it ruins him.
    * The more the person frees his stress, the more the true face of the world, people and himself in their uncomplicated height. The picture may not be pleasant, but the gone is able to look at her calmly, because he gained an internal equilibrium. He looks and sees how you can help these people. It will help if assistance is accepted, and will not help if they refuse to help. Emotions at the same time he does not arise. He does not feel neither sadness, no joy, no malice, nor love.
    * He feels and sees everything in its essence. The essence is extramotional. He is himself. This means peace of mind. Such a person as if gained wisdom without any effort. He knows what to do. The liberated spirit discloses for him the wisdom of alliance.
    * Having achieved this level for the first time, a person may be afraid - it is so unusual sense of emptiness that he scares away from himself. The feeling can go right away right away, but may remain if the fear arises to lose the mind.
    * After some time, the need to simply be again there is no react in the world. This feeling differs from the apathy of the zero state and from the everyday state of relative balanced rest.
    * The feeling of peaceful peace means openness for everything. The more people will be liberated before that feeling, the most likely the world will become good.
    * Everyone achieves this in different ways. Many feel inner dorms, and their covers fear, as they do not understand the situation. The body is striking into pieces, and he is no longer gather together. It is rushing old ideas, and you don't need to put them together at all. Free the fear of this feeling, as well as concerns about something worse. This is spiritual flour. At this time, it is necessary to put your relationship with your mother in order, so that everything has been leaking less painfully.

    Love. Peaceful warmth.

    What feeling you enter intimate communication? What sense did you conceive children?
    * And now answer yourself - do you know at all what spiritual love is?
    * Usually a woman even before marriage determines for itself the goal of marriage - to acquire family, good housing, by a car, condition, then a good life comes. A man is trying to give it all this to a woman and gives, but he has no time from excessive employment, nor the desire to climb his wife. Men see the invisible, but they do not realize this to their trouble and therefore do not trust themselves. They feel without words thirst for naught spouses, and gentle words that women are waiting so much, fiece on the mouth.
    * On the game, the husband meets the game. On love - love. On the duty - duty. Make your "business" in bed and turns on the other side to fall asleep as soon as possible, since tomorrow there is a lot of work - you need to fill the wallet at most. In this regard, there was an idea, as if sexual life tires, exhausts, is dangerous for patients, etc.
    * The world sees more men's mistakes and accuses men. Woman - affected side?
    * Act a man is a mirror reflection of women's thoughts. Initially, men are not peculiar to men. A good idea of \u200b\u200ba woman is manifested in a good act of a man. The bad idea of \u200b\u200ba woman is manifested in the bad act of a man.
    * If a woman knows how to love her husband, then he will not make bad. But if a wife belongs to her husband as a property, he begins to fight for his life with the reckless fatal fear of the captive. So the evil arises. The source of prudigence and happiness is love, the drivers of which is a woman.

    Human love for neighbor can not be destructive power. Such a transformation can occur only with proprietary love at which the thing is used in the angle as unnecessary. Sincere love, creating a family, grows over the years.

    And the emotion, which was considered love and which served as the basis of the creation of the family, dies. Emotions are needed from a human point of view, but they cause stress and loving love.
    * Woman, freeing from egoism, then you will open the correct understanding of life! Excuse opinions, as if the woman is always right! Your child wants to live and be happy ...
    * The most difficult to go now for children, for their clean soul threatens destruction. The consumer cult of the human body has become for adolescents by the meril value of the human value. Only in the house where parents love each other, the children subconsciously feel that such spiritual love is, and they know how to appreciate this feeling above all, even if they happen to be temptation and to bring a painful lesson to themselves.
    * Children are more and more sacrificed in the family name. Increasingly, children die a quiet sudden death - in the evening the child falls asleep, and in the morning it does not get up. Or his life candle poins incurable disease with an unclear diagnosis.
    * This disease is called cessation of mental love.
    * In such cases, medicine is powerless. You can put the nurses and monitors to your child on the clock and monitors, but they are not able to fill out a mental emptiness in a child. His heart stops, as the consumer attitudes of the parents dismissed the Spring of Love to life. The mother does not understand this - after all, they cared for their heir. They do not know that a child is not a property and a means for implementing a political career. The child is not a thing that boasts which parents expect to raise their prestige. A child is love in which those whom he came to love, do not need spiritually. They certainly need something material, tangible. Such is the fate of children in the society of external prosperity. These children have nothing but death to prove that they lack something. They lack their love to be in demand. They still do not know how to address their love to other people, nature or animals. Or they have no pet, which could be loved. And maybe they do not want to replace their parents anyone - it is better to die.
    * But if the bed of a sick child is a mother, who understands that the root cause of the disease is the inability of the mother to love his father, so that you can easily love the child, then the child will certainly recover. His disease is only taught parents a lesson that they must learn.
    * All diseases originate from inability to understand life. The condemnation can end it very sadly for himself and for the child.
    * A woman who in the holy simplicity loves his husband's mind, contributes to the development of his mind. So from a simple and clumsy rustic guy can grow a genius. People may be surprised why such a smart man has such a modest and simple wife and why he does not marry another. But he knows, in which nest is fed the eagle. And the wings will keep it, as long as he feels that he is the road love of only this woman.
    * Who does not know how to keep joy in the shower, the feeling of guilt is found in the same place.
    * Accusing (both a woman and man) is very sensitive to each word, which is said about him or him. Even in the most innocent word, he is mounted in his address, and he is angry. Oh, something with the heart is bad, oh, I'll die now. And that's you to blame for bringing me out of myself!
    * Those who were away from us either in a different light, such good, sinless that they should not be mounted. And those who are still alive, you need to achieve.
    * Paradox, isn't it? And he all strips. Learn about what else is useful and interesting on this site, you can link:
    * If every person would have freed himself from a sense of guilt, then he would not be a prosecutor and would not be charged. Then we would not have a reason for the following words: "I don't want to go home. There they are waiting for solid reproaches. I don't care where to be and what to do. Anyway, I do not put anything. So the fear will not love me. And he also wait for liberation.
    * Forgive your sense of guilt what it came to teach you, however did not manage to do this. Ask forgiveness from the sense of guilt for being grown to such an extent that it has grown into an evil charge. Ask forgiveness from your body for accusing harm to yourself and others. When you blame the other, you always have a hard feeling in your chest. And it can spread throughout the body, if not to listen to the heart sign.
    * Come on the reception with your hands smart and respected people. And the reason for the ailment is the mother reproaches. And their mother also consider that they are not needed to anyone, they do not like them, they want to get rid of them, they are all in terms of them, etc. The repertoire of mothers is very similar. Thought for words, perhaps, different, but for the pickyness, everyone lies the need to make a child hurt, revenge for non-existent guilt.
    * Envy to more successful and famous people can imperibly paint into envy to their child. Parents who have not achieved their life goal want children happy. They do not know that it is not easy to carry the burden of fame, and, without knowing that, they begin to envy the child. One mother was forced to confess to me that envy to the success of the child turned into her obvious malice, since at one time she was all deprived of it. But she was talented!
    * Life is a movement forward. The need for every spirit is to go. The more vanity, the stronger becomes envy to those who leave further. Envious person can not understand what envy is like the way on the legs: how much do you try, you will not shift from the place. It remains only to slow down the course of the other, and for this, as it is impossible, the charge is better. Ahead deprived of the forces thus.
    * Envy - stress cunning. There are no people without envy. She can melting in man and break off unexpectedly on the unimaginable occasion. The object of envy can be both close and completely strangers. One of its forms is jealousy. Envy is a malicious evil that causes cancer.
    * Dear people! Know that the farewell pronounced by the root tone lies with a stone on the heart of the traveler. And the road becomes difficult, bladder, meaningless. Let everyone free their stress, and you will achieve the desired. Good will come to you.
    * Mother, which disgusts the child from all dangerous and difficult, is wondering why he sticks to the computer. The child does not understand the instrument of a mother. The computer does not bite, does not fall on the leg, does not put into the criminal butcher. The computer does not blame, does not frighten, it is not angry with him well. But the mother is unhappy. Mother declares that his eyesight will deteriorate from the computer, although she should be aware that vision to a large extent spoils from the malice, without which they do not know how to do in the family.
    * Mother who did not taught the child to a good manner, order and work, and all for him did herself and will remain his slave. A lazy passive mortar of life has grown out of the child, which visually demonstrates her mistakes.
    * Patients from the lack of sleep and the overload of the mother complain that they have to be a slave of her husband and children. Morning begins with the wake-up ceremony. You listen and the impression is that no one knows how to determine the time of time, and no one, except the exhausted mother, does not know how to lay the bed. Breakfast by these sleepy troubles, which go to school and to work is served right under the nose. After a working day, which is more authentic than children at school and her husband at work, you need to urgently run to the store and then into the kitchen. The dirty dishes accumulated in the day, she will persuade wash during cooking. Then the chubby body and soul family need to feed, surprising, why all such dissatisfied.
    * Cute women! Stay for a minute and think why households become joyful when they come out of the house. The duty is to be at home and feel your uselessness brings the stretched relationship to a quarrel, which, like an explosion, scatters family members in different directions, where they either find their use, or become losers.
    * Initially, no one can correct the situation, and later does not want. Husband and children in the house there is no place. They are superfluous. What they do is not good anywhere, and their advice will mark. Mother knows how best, so let him do it. She never gave her husband and children to experience the joy of their own prepared dishes, self-removed apartment, tailored linen, etc. The joy of Acts remains in a person for life and inspires for subsequent cases. Children and her husband would have a desire to work, and this, in turn, would give them a sense of self-esteem.
    * Mother should be a source of love and a mentor for a family who watches families with joyful satisfaction, directs, if necessary, gives advice, admires the initiative of her husband and children, their resourcefulness, dexterity, logic, prudence, mind, and in case of intentional, punishable , but moderately. Mother should be able to ask if a mistake: "What did this error taught you? Now you will remember it for life?" Mother should not be a slave, which, drowned in matters, does not notice anything around himself, especially the family. A woman who frees his stress gives each family member to find his place both in the family and in life. She is a happy woman who does not need to sacrifice herself, shut, sorry, worry, forced, demand, rule, threaten, punish, etc. Her acts accompanies joy. Such a mother is never lonely, and its glorious children quickly find their place in life.
    * And the mother, who, before children, are to blame and the feeling of guilt, they run to their children as an abnormal, not giving peace or others.
    * If a woman has no fear "I don't like me," then it is filled with self-esteem: she lives correctly. If she has a hobby, then in deep old age it will find something to do, and there will be no boredom.
    * Modern women suffer from what they cannot assert themselves, and their main activity is becoming interference in someone else's life. I boredom myself, it makes no sense to take something, there is no work - there is no deficiency in excuses.

    Ruthless lookout of those perpetrators in others causes pain in the whole body.

    So they get up with these people of their mistakes. As a rule, they do not listen to the councils, preferring to swallow painful or sedatives. I advise you to learn from the mistakes of an old man so that in old age I myself did not have to experience such suffering. Remember that this old person came to your life as a warning fire, which is trying to teach you to avoid the same mistakes. Do not consider it bad, consider it bad actions. Bad actions are committed by a stupid man who appeared to this light to learn, but did not learn and now suffer. Old age - the concept of relative. Such an inability to understand life is typical of us all, the older is just much more weighty cargo of errors.
    * People with a new way thinking captured by recognizing themselves, it often hurts to see how their expensive relatives suffer from spiritual or bodily mules, but good teachings are not acceptable, but, on the contrary, they are angry. This, in turn, causes anger from a potential assistant. It hurts to see that my help is rejected. There are different ways to resolve the situation.
    * A modern man goes through the smallest resistance - he moves away. Children leave the parental home to get rid of dependence. Talk to yourself: "I myself can cope!" Deceptive calm can last for years. Over time, problems arise.
    * Parents would have to nurse and show grandchildren, and children should help parents, but does not allow the distance. The excuse is convincing. With the growth of difficulties, mutual accusations begin to emerge, and the apparent truth always remains for the speaker. Neither, nor the other party understands that they have both.
    * The truth is that neither parents nor children learned to understand each other. Their life lessons remained untapped, and the consequence will affect when upbringing their own children.
    * Other parents say: "The child is raised in the spirit of independence!" This is an excellent indicator that can be proud of. But any good when excessive expansion turns badly. If independence grows up to the root from the roots, the tree can be filled into heaven, but it is no longer a tree. A tree, which is indifferent to his roots, lifeless. It says: "What I have root, I can't handle them!" It does not even notice how the forces are deprived of the forces that dug out of the nutritional soil, and as the fatal disease of the new era exterminates his earthly body, living only with food coming from the roots.
    * The requirement is familiar to my part so that a person puts its life in order, often becomes an insurmountable obstacle. Even those who are already being forgiven often to their discontent find that they again fell into the west of old habits. People do not notice their superficiality and the fact that they are made of little effort, and make, disappointed, the rapid conclusion that forgiveness did not help. They realize their mistake only when a new life test grows in front of them.
    * Almost the Forssation either do not do. If you learn to think in such a way that you will not like to attract a bad thing more, then everything will be fine. As long as you still have to disclose your mouth to clarify things to protect yourself and others. It is necessary to rebuff the church. An attacker - to say in the eyes of his acts, so that he does not consider himself almighty. Silence of the sufferer exacerbates bad, since since he suffers, then a quiet malice will be silent.
    * Who makes an evil to others and does not understand the verbal instructions, that time of the century of pouring rods, so that the mind rose from the bottom up - in the head. If a person needs such a teaching, but it is proposed to him the teaching of a higher level, which he does not know how to accept, he, as it would be an inaccessible one stage of learning, and no matter how hard he tried, but he will not be able to ask. Try to understand this and do not fall into extremes. Each person must have the experience of at least one physical punishment to be able to comprehend it for himself.

    * I have repeatedly had to talk to women: "A woman can even be a prime minister, but under one condition - she must first love her husband, even if he is a simple black-worker. From the moment she loves most of all his ministerial chair, she It ceases to be a real prime minister, as it ceases to be a woman. " The renunciation of sexuality is a big mistake that deprives a person of equilibrium and finally angry it.
    * Cute women wishing to be so strong to do in life without men! Forgive your mother, her own attitude towards life. Instead of coming with a man in strength and make men's work, so as not to ask him for help and not to humiliate his pride, each woman would have to free their stress and love her husband. Then the man will become more courageous, and a woman is more feminine.
    * If even a man is angry from overcoming difficulties by force, what to talk about a woman. Intelligent restraint or external quiet submission is equalized to the internally restrained angry when the husband stops seeing a person in a woman.
    * A modern man takes material values \u200b\u200bfor love and saves anger in himself, for wealth cannot fill the absence in the soul of love.
    * Blasting the other in helplessness can only a fan of profit. It will not come to the generous.
    * Even if the fan of the profit is not thinking about his mistakes, in it because of the thirst for profit, an inexplicable feeling of guilt arises. The feeling of guilt and charges living in the heart cause slowdown in blood supply and swelling, respectively, sites for the location of stress.
    * Thirst for profit - cunning stress. Although the time of the century is considered a shosor for a person, she complicated her hypocritical entity in opposition so that we learned this entity for themselves. The desire to hide and deny it complicates the case. Even the most modest person can talk about himself in his justification: "Did I have the right to get such a little, others have how much". If he does not know how to give first, he will not receive. The magnitude of the acquisition and giving is the concept of relative, but the presentation must be preceded by obtaining. Thus, a person first of all becomes richer spiritually, and then only - materially.
    * Everyone sees himself in the other of himself. The more own drawback, the sharply the negativity of another person is striking. In a similar man, shortcomings do not notice either see them in a reduced form, because to this belong to understanding.
    * Free all sorts of bad idea about another person - she belongs to you. We also free the unwillingness to see evil, melting in the shade of the apparent good. Living in an externally prosperous medium, you need to be insane, so as not to feel increasing the invisible tension to the explosive state. Whether an explosion will appear on the surface of the body or the destruction of the body, depends on the nuances of the accumulation of anger.
    * If there is a similar suppressed protest of large human masses, he, like an ulcer on the face of the Earth, is expressed in the form of a natural disaster or a focus of war, which does not stop until malice is exempt. With visible evil do not bother. And with visible good, they will be bought up to such an extent that they completely forget about evil. And if suddenly something or someone decides to break free, then this is like a thunder among the clear sky. The same turns out in the opposite situation, when an attack is made for a person with the goal of rejuvenially, and he slams his eyes, like a naive child who does not even suspect the danger, because it is not enough in the rays of visible good. Everything needs to be seen in its integrity.
    * I repeat once again: a typical and characteristic of the human behavior, wasted by the thirst for profit, is that he blames the helplessness of another. He himself really wants to receive, nothing gives anything to another, but it accuses.
    * Fear "Don't love me" is the main fear of humanity aimed at receiving, acquisition. What does it want to buy? And all the same, without which no one else can ever live, is love.
    * The blinded thirst for profit does not see the basic need of human existence - the need to give. Fear that my love is not needed is not accepted, is the greatest fear, but a greedy man is experiencing it only when wealth is deprived. As a rule, then only it discovers for himself true value - another person.
    * Fear that my love is not needed is stress than giving. No one is only giving or only receiving. But if you allow the thirst for the profit will grow up, she will receive such power over you that you will not see anything other than money and what is purchased for them. You can even feel happy because they gave their love money, however, with any excessiveness, good turns to the bad.
    * If you think about yourself now and feel that both fear are present in you, then, it means that your thirst for profit and generosity compete or even fight among themselves. That of them at the moment won up, determines the fear that you are experiencing.
    * Gotation and obtaining with surface consideration can be even confused. If you give or give, and in return, you are waiting for gratefulness or follow how with your gift they treat, and call for order, if you, in your opinion, do not cost it, then it is also thirst for profit. You gave you so that you love, respected, paid attention to you. You wish to give more and more, but in order to give more, you need to get more. You are angry with someone who does not allow, does not allow, no one who seems to be an obstacle in the implementation of your plans.
    * But the desire to get love can lead to the fact that a person encroaches someone else's property. Who comes across, that thief who does not come across, that honest person. However, the spirit of man sees and knows everything, including thoughts, and rolls it through the body. The people say: "God sees and punishes." Sinful humanity sees the manifestation of punishment in everything.
    * Thirst for profit makes a person storm and greedy. The need to hear love leads to the diligence of accumulated good. The body is trying to teach balance. If you recognize that your problems are caused by the thirst for profit and fear, then ask for forgiveness for the fact that they have held them in captivity and failed to understand what they wanted to teach you, they will be able to start to leave you. If you talk to them every time and ask your body for myself for my misconception, then the day will come when it becomes easy. Then you will find that, oddly enough, there is nothing slid, if you give quite a little or do not give at all. Instead of the bouquet of roses, we present a fish of wildflowers, and instead of a gift - a kiss from the whole soul. And there will be no remorse of conscience, as there will be no sense of own damage. And you will feel that people in your society becomes good.
    * Recalculation to gave and getting happening in everything, including work, family relationships, etc. Whoever loves work and is given to her, he receives return from work. And who requires a great payment for work than it deserves, that one of the greed is trimming his soul to suffering. An evil on the obstacle that stacked on the way to enrichment leads to a little glance of the lower body. Who forgets that we are not created for money, and the money is created for us, he refers to work as a facility and forced to suffer.
    * Here I would like to turn to spouses who think about divorce, but not yet divorced. Imagine that now you have to disperse. What is your feeling? If you are in the soul feel immense pain from the fact that you can no longer love your spouse, because sooner or later it will belong to another person, then you continue to be giving. Let go to the will of his fears, then the evil and the family will disappear, and the family will disappear, for love again awakened. Then, any distance will be presented by love that makes a gift for his recipient.
    * Happiness in marriage does not depend on what age or again it lies. If the family is created in order to make a happy other or assist, it will be happiness. And if a person marries on the aid of the other, then the wishing to live deprives exactly what he expected to purchase. Who hoped to get love, deprived of love. Who hoped to find a support, deprived the supports. Who hoped to acquire money, deprived of money. Who hoped to grieve everything, remains without everything. Loving love is the basis of life. Gotation must be constantly, then there is always what to receive.
    * But modern decent parents do not know this, believing that the giving is only in material, and wondering why children begin to destroy the fact that they are created with this effort. Parents gave money - children throw them on the wind. Parents buy a car - children split it in an accident.
    * Good parents have forgotten how they themselves stretched to parental love and caress, and if they were deprived of love, they began to protest against everything and all. Protest develops in the spirit of contradiction. The child does not value the car, but, on the contrary, wants to destroy it, because it sees that she is the most valuable treasure. The thought turns into an act and, by becoming reality, turns the car into the debris. Well, if the child does not break to death. If at least the bed of the affected child, parents realized their mistake, then the lesson thirst for profit would be completed. But if they see in the child only the culprit of the accident and mourn their car, then the lesson does not end.
    * Material loss makes fill damage. Thirst for naughty force more and more hurry. A hurrying person never does anything thoroughly and is not satisfied. He sees not the affairs of other people, but what they are purchased. The envy can be crazy. Taking care of their own pains, such a person dresses the dirt of others, criticizes any step and sees someone else's convergence. I did much more, and everything I got that the disease - a different person in old age summarizes his life with Hortieu. He does not notice that the other worked with joy, he was with anger. The other tried with all his might, it is only for removal of the eyes.
    * One of the forms of manifestation of thirst for profit is madness on the soil of faith. What faith? Anyway what. When a person is overshadowed by reason, the only thing that does not drive is crazy is an open belief in God. The rest of the gods are sooner or later, to a greater or lesser degree driven crazy. If a person wants to exceed the others and believes that it can be achieved with money, then it will dine thirst for money. If a person wants to approve his superiority to power, he will customize his thirst for the power, the external face of which is politics. Whether the politician remains within the framework of real earthly opportunities or wants to conquer the world, it depends on whether it leads the case to balanced, listening to the voice of the heart, or hovers in the clouds, considering himself a messenger of God on Earth until one day breaks his neck.
    * But if a person has no ability to economy and the gift of eloquence, he directs the feet in a religious sect, where it is constantly emphasized that if you are with us, then you are better than others. If this thirst for profit is a desire to rise above the rest, is not too strong, then the person is satisfied with his dogma and sect and is content with the fact that all members of its sects are better than others. If households are not included in this sect, it starts to crack them and enter. He does not humble with the fact that he is not respected, and requires that others have changed themselves. If his desire to dominate the desire to be above all, he assigns himself the right to speak on behalf of God. In any corner of the globe, you can meet among patients of psychiatric hospitals of Napoleon and Hitler, these human gods that are dangerous to society with their indispensability and obsession to the idea of \u200b\u200bcorrecting the world. To such a state, they were brought by harness. Who ignores the growth of their own thirst for profit, who does not curb her, he imperceptibly for himself can be in the similar crisis. In this case, it will be difficult for him to help, because he does not control his thoughts. All this spiritual disorder is caused by fear, they do not like me, who does not want to bring us crazy at all, but wants to teach us to be brave, smart and strong, but whose doctrine we reject.
    * Ideas torn off from life, although they can be wonderful, but if they must implement other people, the author of the idea is on a false path. The brilliant person who realized how crazy her ideas seem to be the world, although they herself are perceived real, it will be their ideas in life itself, and this is its genius. The development of the world is based on such personalities. Only when everyone himself free his stress, a family may continue. The family needs to save.
    * Who created a family, he needed a lesson to gain perfection. We do not know how to understand what the man and women are alone. First of all, we certainly imply a bed. And do not think about the union of shower.
    * Who is divorced, it is no longer able to achieve sincere equilibrium. Disappointment is forced to evaluate the opposite sex in accordance with their bitter experience. The peace of mind comes only through the awareness of his mistakes. To do this, you must first forgive your stress, then the spouse, etc.

    About men and for men

    The book emphasizes the role of a woman. Since we are all in different lives, then women, then men, you need to know that first of all we are people and have no right to point your finger to another. Many men, as for the saving straw, are enough for the idea that the woman does not know how to love a man. In our blood - to blame the other, but this is an excuse for stupid.
    * I want to emphasize their role for men.
    * A clever man will be able to treat female trifles with respect, since it makes a big out of the trifles. The man creates great things and sees everything on a close scale. However, the house is not a homely focus. The house becomes a homemade hearth thanks to women's trifles. A man who believes that from a big one can always be done, destroys the house on the part and turns out to be with the colors on the ruins.
    * A man is obliged to know what his male role is in life, and the woman leave a female role. When disbelief disappears, you can entrust the other and your work. Only a married couple, manifesting reasonable flexibility, is able to find a way out of any situation.
    * Female Paul is evaluated by the mother. As long as a man does not understand this, he will evaluate his wife subjectively, and this assessment characterizes him. Typically, the negativeness of the mother-in-law is expressed in his wife in reinforced form so that a man can thoroughly learn his life lessons. Either the wife presents the exact opposite of the mother-in-law due to the extreme negativity of the latter, which can no longer increase in his wife, and you continue to evaluate it all the same measure.
    * Emotions are an integral part of femininity. Stresses arise from emotions. All stresses that you keep in yourself are in the end to the destruction of the body. The wife can love her husband, but with all her desire she is not able to untie the stress of her husband. It should do it himself.
    * A man who is overlooked unnecessary female emotions, loses masculinity and dies.
    * A courageous man does not deny emotions and stress, but perceives them as part of life. He understands that in moderate quantities they move life forward, and in excessive - weaken, block and destroy.
    * A man characterizes prudence. A courageous man does not capricious, not angry, does not run away, does not fall into hysterics, does not dull his feelings by nicotine, alcohol, medicines and drugs. A man who is peculiar to all these shortcomings is similar to a natural disaster. And natural disasters in our days occur more and more. Each of us in the power is distress to prevent or eliminate. A man should know that it is always possible and must fix everything - for this life is given.
    * If a man is not freed from fear "I don't like me," or from various forms of this fear, he is not able to accept the love of a woman in full. This fear suppresses prudsence, logic, memory, mind. He causes an inferiority complex. A man loses the soil under his feet with such fear. He feels that it takes not his place in life, which is not the head of the family. This man begins to live, focusing on the opinions of others.
    * A man experiencing the greatest sense of guilt is the biggest prosecutor. Free the feeling of guilt, fears and malice, then you will stop blaming, scare and angry, and you will stop doing it yourself towards others. The feeling of guilt and the prosecution weakens a person as spiritually and physically, and avalanche of stresses fell on it.
    * A man who degrades women with his male superiority, he himself is imperceptible to humiliated, for it does not understand where his masculinity is drawn from. If a man hurts his wife spiritual or bodily pain, then he should be aware that he invisibly brings against himself, which many times surpassed them.
    * A man chooses his wife to achieve perfection through it, and already on the basis of moving life forward. The male mind is a treasure that cannot be spent on a quarrel. Who is smarter, he forgives. Who hopes flight to avoid quarrels, he is being blocked into an even faster quarrel, because its life lessons will be similar, until they donate. Who uses the arms of silent contempt against his wife, he will suffer from him.
    * A man who wants to live with his wife in happiness, must first of all forgive her mother mistakes and learn to love her mother. A woman raises children. This is the most difficult of all works. With the support of a man, women work acquires wings. If a man is aware of this and takes both due inquaintability of recession and lifts in family life, problems are allowed easily. Sensity and impatience in relations between husband and wife ruffles children. The marriage must consecrate the family, and if he is ruined, then it should be found from it the least painful way out.
    * In the modern world, men experience such a greater shortage of love, taking the beginning of a mother, which, not having time to really make a joint life with his wife, they are accepted to look for love on the side. The wife is experiencing bitter disappointment, and love, which was also at the beginning, dies. There is only dissatisfaction and physical love, causing pain. This situation indicates the lack of knowledge in humans and to the inability to understand themselves.
    * The humiliation of women, their enslavement and attitude towards them as a thing was and, unfortunately, continues to remain the revenge of men in the female sex, in which both parties are losers.
    * Look around! Which of the people are exactly known what is bad for you, and is it possible to make it so that you become good? You can point your finger on God, the state, politicians, economists, bosses, family.
    * None of them knows this for sure, and therefore it cannot correctly fulfill your desire, even if it wanted very much. And if it would fulfill, your life would not significantly improve.
    * To someone who does not do, do not like what is done by another person.
    * Watch on people who fell into trouble, and you will see a confirmation of this truth. Only very few are sincerely grateful if you help them stand up. And they will continue their way, trying to deal with the reasons for their fall. Most of the fallen begin to seem guilty and do not want to understand that, blaming others, they actually accuse themselves. They do not know how to thank the soul who came to the rescue, but they think only about the kara's guilty.
    * It should be started to understand that the bad is for each obstacle erected on his life path, his personal obstacle erected for him alone. This is his misfortune he is called to turn into happiness. The more misfortune, the more happiness could be, if only be able to understand life.
    * We are in confusion that we assimilate with all humanity with a relatively similar lesson, without which there is no road. And everyone still has an individual task, without which he does not work. Similar is to take us to take measure from others, because it is so easier. To see yourself, we have not learned yet.
    * Life is a movement, development, gaining wisdom. Who considers this movement for happiness, he is really happy. The development of the material world is a tiny part of life movement. It's time to realize it and rejoice in our unlimited possibilities.
    * Who himself chooses from the abyss, he gained wisdom. Who help to get out, he will soon fall into the abyss again, because I did not understand the causes of your fall.
    * Children teach to know life - develop the thought, based on experience so that they grew up full-fledged people. In school, this is not trained. Invidence coming down those parents who give the child the opportunity to experience difficulties within his strength.
    * Parents who value vital wisdom teach children sternly, but it is true that life does not cost them even severe. A person should know in advance that it is required that he can develop his abilities. Loving parents know the limit by crossing which, the child will tell, and stop it on time. They do not customize and without a good child for the sake of future glory and honors.
    * Loving parents will never be overly pamping a child. They subconsciously feel the border that protects against extremes, as they do not drive the thirst for profit. Such parents do not require a decent relationship, as they are filled with their own dignity - live themselves and give to live children. A worthy parent does not force a child to live by his pointer, but he says: "Listen, an expensive child, I have my drawback, because of which I had to suffer a lot, and I want it to be it. But if you want to take it , I know what to prevent you in your test I can only with one - punishment. " Honest recognition of their shortcomings raises the parent in the eyes of the child.
    * Heart love cannot be spoiled overly. But the monkey love does not know the borders. It increases as the thirst for profit is gross. Uncontrollable growth imperceptibly goes beyond reality and destroys the child. So the limit has come. No misfortune comes without warning, its precursor is our bad thoughts.
    * Men and women see the world in different ways. Femininity is the ability to see the visible, that is, the little things of life, which include all objects of the material world, be it a button or skyscraper. Masculinity is the ability to see an invisible, that is, an intangible world with its ideas, plans and activities on their implementation. Any plan implemented by a man becomes part of the women's world, where estimation immediately begins.
    * If a woman loves a man and man loves a woman, they combine their visions in the complete integer. In the female world there are boundaries, whereas there are no men's borders. Therefore, women dream of excellent purposes, and men are about ideas. Setting unreal, that is, too large goals leads to physical suffering.
    * Who sets the goal of moving along a life road, where there is always tomorrow with his good and bad, and bad every day is subject to correction, he himself personifies the movement on the life road. His biggest treasure is vital wisdom.
    * Who puts the purpose of the acquisition, whether the good of spiritual or material, he begins to rush and does not notice the fact that the goal moves with him, that is, the desired he will never achieve. And if he achieves something, then it is always not what he needs - his desires increase in proportion to his hasty, as long as the body will not stop the race with its diseases so that the person finally has found time to think.
    * We live in the material world, where a woman and man can build a single whole, which has material outlines, and in essence is an infinite movement. A man is in front of the road, illuminating the path, like a beam of light. A man is in a hurry - such is his nature. Following him there is a woman. She looks around, studying the situation, and the man is forced because of her slow down a step. If it were not for this, a man would crash in a hurry. The horizon looms the life lessons of humanity, large and small, which will come up with this pair on the road. To comprehend everything, you need to hurry slowly.
    * One looks deep into the other - styling. Love compatible this in a single whole, where every thing will take the right place. The vital wisdom of these travelers is patient, and not in suffering. Their goal is the future. They are people, not angels, and about it knows the child walking behind them, who will soon be on the light.
    * Through parents, the child learns that everything in the world is necessary. He will begin to understand that even any thought, not to mention things, has two faces - good and bad. The sense of responsibility, moving forward mankind, with an excessive increase in the man of a person under him. Fear forms a sense of danger from a person, a kind of instinct of self-preservation. With an exorbitant increase in fear attracts a bad thing that destroys. In order to assimilate the lessons of the current civilization, a person must be in a state of combat readiness. This state is ensured and regulated by malice. Running, malice destroys itself and others. A person who learned to see everything in unity is bad and good, acquires balance, health and happiness.

    * If a woman knows how to hand over her husband with a kiss all his spiritual love, then her eggs make the same. This is a healthy head of a healthy woman.
    * Most often, the kiss expresses the habit, waiting, disappointment, fierce, hopelessness, order, instruction, repulsion, sense of duty, suggestion, jerk, imitation of films. In the marriage relations that have become ordinary, as a rule, do without kisses. You can have sex without them. The ability to kiss goes back to childhood and, regardless of sex, expresses mental love.
    * It became very fashionable to have sex without love. It can be applied to the lips cream, you can lubricate the genitals with oil, you can grow the fruit in the test tube, but it is abnormal. The spiritual and physical body of a person needs the right thing for the other nutrition. Natural allocations indicating the proper functioning of the body should be able to exit. Otherwise, they cause harm. All sorts of artificial remedies although they can cause emotions, but they do not contribute naturally, natural intimate coup.
    * If the woman is tuned extremely negatively to sex and with fear, he avoids him, because it has an unpleasant experience, then the husband seems to make violence over it. Sex without love sooner or later causes a drying of the mucous membranes of external genital organs and vagina, which causes large flour. If a woman in his ailflife and antipathy begins to hate her husband and wish him badly, then she develops cancer of outdoor genital organs. And his daughter's vaginism is a convulsive cutting of the vagina - can destroy the ability, daughters to live sex life and deprive her maternity happiness. If another mother, at least, did not prohibit the slogan of the morality of the morality of the daughter and father.
    * Mother kisses a small son, and that through a kiss learns to love a woman. Little daughter Chmoket Father and learns to love a man. Kiss is a serious lesson in which a person learns to give out love. Playing in childhood in a love game, a person learns what he is in adulthood. Parents who shame children for this game, because the abnormality is seen in it, the normality itself and lick. Fear before the perversions should not ruin the life of people. Pure mental love will wake up all the bad.
    * If a sincere children's heart loves his father, then a little daughter is not ashamed of her father hugging, caressing or kissing. With age, caresses only change their form of expression, while love is preserved. Daughter love gives happiness as well as father. This is expressed in perfect cooperation of the left ovage and ovary. Perfect sisterhood of sister and brother, devoid of false shame, never becomes sexual. Love sisters to his brother, her hugs and kisses are the expression of the warmth of feelings and support, but at the same time this is the love of a woman to a man. So the brother learns through the sister to accept the love of a woman, and it will bring him happiness in adulthood. Thanks to this, the cooperation of the right ovage and ovarian is perfect. Who did not learn this in childhood, I advise you to return mentally in childhood and correct your mistake in order to become truly adults. And who has no brother, let he learn to love his non-existent brother, or a brother who did not become because of the abortion made by the mother. Ask for forgiveness from all sorry for your mistakes and forgive them.
    * The work of female genital organs characterizes constant variability. However, a woman must constantly give a man's peaceful love to be able to take his physical love. The genitals of men are able to work stably until deep old age. Their health is determined by the warehouse of the Men's thoughts, which in turn depends on the attitude of his parents to life and that a man can change only himself. If a man constantly has to prove his sexual consistency, he was not destined to have sex for a long time.

    What is communication? Communication is love without conditions.

    What do people say? They say: "I love you for the fact that you are good." And if not good or good, but not always? Such love with the conditions is not love. It is easy to love the one who is worthy of love, because in it and so there is love.
    * Life is the process of teaching through that bad, which arises on the path of man. It is bad because there are no love in it. It arises on the way of this man because it needs the love of this person to, in order to contact him in good, to teach him a life lesson.
    * One who turns bad in good, towers in the spirit, since the flow of love is tested from it. The faster the Love flow from a person, the person becomes more worthy. Every bad thing is that a person meets in a vitality, in fact, it is necessary for him the necessary bad. On a life path, the most different bad - thought, situation, event, deed, person, team, illness, etc. They all arise to teach something. And what exactly, everyone should understand himself.
    * Bad is never a person in order to prove the presence of a bad in others, and in order to draw your attention to your mistake through someone else's bad mistake.
    * If a person does not know how to love his own flaws without conditions, how can he love others?

    What is love?

    Friendship, affection, love, sex, care, loyalty, collaborative life. There are many opinions, but none of them love.
    * There are a lot of gusts of feelings, but there is one feeling one - love.
    * For each emotion there is an explanation, but no one knows how to define love, as words serve as expressiveness of emotions, while feelings are expressed by silence.
    * Love is silence. Love gives a man peace of mind, and words are not needed.
    * We used to rush and even proud of it and do not notice that we rush past the love and waste her wasted. In a hurry, you can only feel emotions. People rightly say they do not know what love is.
    * You will learn love if you pay for a few minutes, for example, morning forgiveness. For a moment, silently adhere to each other, feel the warmth of each other, and you will feel that you feel good. Silently, see each other in the eyes and see there deeply hidden tenderness - and you will be even better. No longer want to run through his head to work. You felt the happiness of the giving. There was a need to experience this feeling again and again. Running, you get. This day will be the best in your life. The work will argue, and in the evening you will hurry home as on wings. House is waiting for love.
    * Most often love is confused with sex. Especially often, young people and inexperienced people are mistaken on this, since parents never spoke with children about love and sex. Parents always have an excuse for his false way - we do not know how. On the light we are precisely in order to learn. If we were all skillful, then we would not be here now. If we admitted to children in our inability and shared with them those few that we can, then the children would be smarter. The parent who is recognized as a child is that even though the spouse grumbled him with his act, but he remained a mile heart, at least because he was in his youth, gives a child food for reflection. Usually, an embittered adult begins a couple with a spouse-enemy hate both sex and love.
    * You should know that one in the first place is there is mental love, the sexual contacts are rare, however, they deliver much more pleasure.
    * Who does not attach the values \u200b\u200bof mental love, that mad sexual activity can develop, but he does not know pleasure.
    * Excessive satisfaction with himself leads a person to self-examination. He does not see and do not hear that bad, which was to teach him a lesson. He doesn't look at his feet - he is nothing, because he is fine. However, the bad arose on his way. Why?
    * A person who becomes blind and deaf for his good life from joy, does not teach. Does his life lessons remain untapped? Usually no. His arrogant indifference is sooner or later turns out of hopefulness, and the day will come when he gets everything in full. If he did not understand what was different because of his indifference, now he will experience someone else's indifference to his troubles. Will it happen at home, at work or in a medical institution, but it will not pass without a trace. Whether a person is aware of his mistake or get angry at the others, but his spirit will fall out of mind through the experience acquired by the body. Before a harsh test in person, it is concentrated visible only to other arrogant arrogance towards everything, the habit of getting everything he wishes, and if this does not happen, then to revenge the one who did not satisfy his thirst for profit. The denial of its negativity only aggravates the position of things.
    * If you met such a person, loose-looking at others, then it is your lesson. All emotions that they are stirred in you, and there are your stresses that wait for liberation.
    * The reluctance comes to teach a person to do with pleasure that he had previously done without desire. It says: "Dear man! The life path is full of obstacles. Instead of unwillingness, learn to overcome them with pleasure, and you will understand what they are taught. Then your legs will stop stubborn from reluctance, but even refuse to move."
    * Requirements wants to teach a person to be disposedant. She says: "Who knows how to rejoice in Maloma, he attracts great joy to him. And who immediately strives for the big one, he will remain without small, because it does not know how to appreciate and protect the happiness."
    * The desire to be better than others is such a natural need that he is considered a negative feature. On the contrary, every person should be better than others - children are taught. Life proves the opposite. Why?
    * We are accustomed to run in the herd, be the same. If someone wants to be better than others, he should break out forward. For this, he has to be submitted to others or sweep them. In any case, pain experience both sides. So arises envy.
    * The one who rushes ahead, gets tired of someone else's envy, and sooner or later in it flashes anger to envious. With this begins his death. His forces dried up, the run is slowed down, and the herd hits it. This is the development on the horizontal level.
    * A person who frees the desire to be better than others, begins to develop at the vertical level. Gradually, he develops itself and rises to a new level of consciousness, where there is no petty comparison and evaluation. There he does not disturb the life struggle of others.
    * This is a blessed higher life level of peace of mind. We are on the way to it.
    * Happy will be the one who will pass the stream of love.

    Loule Vilma is a doctor, an obstetrician-gynecologist. After a 23-year brilliant practice in this profession, she discovered the gift of healing the most severe diseases. Loule Vilma came to the conclusion that every person can heal himself, if you teach it to be freed from the causes of the disease! Only desire and will are required. Vilma's teachings are based on love and forgiveness. It helps not only cure a particular disease, but also find their way to happiness, peace and harmony. This book is devoted to getting rid of the most common causes of disease. Touch the knowledge that health carries! Thousands of patients were healed from the most severe diseases, having studied the books of Vilma. Now it's your turn!

    * * *

    Led Book Foreign Fragment Loule Vilma. Nadezhda book, Salvation Book! Healing from any disease of the power of love (Loule Vilma, 2015) Granted by our book partner - LITRES.

    The root cause of everything

    Face of our character

    I open the mystery of the spiritual world, I find the knowledge that every person has everything inside, and every person has all the energies that only in the universe are. If you or read about stress, or hear about them, or see how a person shows that they make his stress with him, that is, shows something good or bad with his behavior, and it can be seen and audible, then it He speaks your Stress, because we see everywhere only yourself. When we develop further, that is, we exempt out (and each of us is love), we liberate certain stress out of love, then we do not see these stresses in others. Because this other person, even with his definite stress, goes like through me or by, not touching me. I do not provoke my definite stress manifestation of his stress.

    We can free any stress, we can free your original stresses, which are only two, and they are called: my mom and my dad. Because, besides their energies, I have when I come to this world, there are no other energies. When we die in the past life, then the energy that we possessed by the time of death is used to arrive in this life, which begins with the moment of conception. So my mom and my dad in the amount and there is me.

    If I am a woman, then I am a woman because I have a female body, that is, a female material shell. The material body is appearance, and inside me - dad. Why are women such stable why women around the world live so long compared to men? Thanks to men, lovely women. They are that stability that keeps us from the inside.

    And why are the men such fragile, why do they go out so quickly from this world? Because they are only outwardly men, and inside they are women. And very, very important, like you, cute men, treat your mom. Because you are this woman, and how much do you understand mom, that is, treat it from love, so you see women, too, what they are. You see not only their character, which represents only accumulated positive and negative knowledge.

    Symbolically, character energy can be imagined as a hedgehog. Have you ever seen hedgehog needles: how are they located, parallel or intersect? When the needles rise, then their tips are rising, which converge below like scissors, right? And descend the same. This is what he says that in the character of man there is the same thing that in everything on the globe, that is, two ends: good and bad. And all these stresses that are digging in our inside can become so big that they will not fit already in man. How to live? Let's say, the "tower" of one energy, the "tower" of other energy, still different energies in quantities n. + 1. And we, people, spiritual creatures, came to this world to take care that our stresses would not have grown so large that they would be more than the person. And if they become, they turn into character traits. And often they say that everything can be changed in this world, but character will remain.

    Change in nature - it means to rethink life and be freed from the bad thing to achieve a federed goal. It is more difficult than you think, and easier than suspect. And the one who will not learn to do in a smart one will be forced to learn through suffering. Another person once lives life in torment to fix one of the character traits.

    Unfortunately, from this nature, as a result, we will die, because our diseases and our sufferings that accompany the disease is the face of our character. And justify ourselves to the fact that I have such a character, meaninglessly, just stupid. When a person consults himself, justifies himself with his character, then this person does not understand who he is in fact, confuses himself and himself. And so gradually, since this attracts like that, those energy that we already have inside are growing more and more, as they attract similar energies. And here these "needles of the hedgehog" grow more and more, above, longer. And then it does not matter, we meet positive or negative irritation, we, as an hedgehog, raise our "needles." And what are you doing? Of course, we protect yourself. And the man who protects himself is a man who does not know how to live, he does not know how to be himself, that is, man. He does not know how to be love, he wants to love and wants to be loved. And how can he love if he himself is not? Or how to love him if it is not? Then come to love his body, his friend. And he sells his body. And this all proves that he loves and has the right to demand that he love. And the disappointment is worse and worse. Because a person, spiritual creature, confuses two levels. Man in stress - as an hedgehog. Each person has stresses, but not all people in stress.

    When we are in stress, when we really got into such a deep hole, then you can free stress, and our stresses are reduced, decrease and stroke at one moment, like hedgehog needles. How will our hedgehog be? So soft will be so cute ... And if we all these needles one after another wonzim in his skin and let's not let it go, what will happen then? Before the hedgehog perceives, he like a wild beast to pounce on you even stronger. And even after death, this corpse can be so staining that you will exhibit a malicious whole century, and maybe longer.

    All stresses originate from fear that "they don't like me."

    The main stresses are the feeling of guilt, fears and evil. Accumulating, they proceed to each other, mutually combined and can form a confusing meal disease. The feeling of guilturns in fear, fear will grow into anger. Evil ruins man.

    The chain of stress is driven by fear to be guilty. Nobody wants to be guilty. Therefore, the most reliable way to subordinate to your will of a person who wants to be good is to appeal to his conscience. So tyrant, playing in benefactor, is able to fully squeeze the will of the will of the will to life, without giving himself a report in what is bad. And the man is dying, without knowing how to protect himself.

    Basic stress and their interaction

    Any stress, in the end, develops in anger

    1) There was a feeling of guilt in the com, he is accused, and he begins to be afraid and turns himself to the prosecutor. The accusation is malicious. Any evaluation, comparison, comparison is essentially an accusation.

    2) in the Complete fear of being frightened, and he begins to scare others At least for the purpose of teaching or warning. This is already hidden malice, or a struggle for life.

    3) In whom sits malice, it is angry, and he himself begins to be angry. Evil may be:

    open, or bringing to a crime,

    hidden, or causing disease.

    Hidden malice can be:

    benevolentcausing benign painful processes,

    malignantcausing malignant processes, or cancer.

    No one voluntarily recognizes herself maliciously, and meanwhile the share of poor-quality diseases in the world is rapidly increasing. Why? Because everyone wants to seem good. The desire to live in the world of illusions or in the air locks of the dreams sooner or later ends with the fact that a person falls from heaven to the ground, that is, sick. In this book, this is said about this.

    A) The feeling of guilt is stress of the heart. They make a person susceptible to diseases, but they themselves are not a disease. The feeling of guilt relax.

    B) Fears are stresses of kidneys and adrenal glands. Fears attract bad, but they themselves do not have another disease. Fear makes helpless.

    B) Evil is the disease itself. The malice is settled there, where the movement of energy is interrupted. What is malice, such and the disease. Evil destroys.

    Fears are located in the body as follows:

    Fears inhibit or completely block the human power of will, or the will to life. They can be copied slowly and imperceptibly, and may, as if the lightning strike, to reduce a person in the grave. The fears cause inability, misunderstanding, incomprehensibility, inability, the inability, etc. Constantly repeated inability becomes in the end, reluctance. Inability is fear. Unwillingness is an evil.

    Malice You can recognize five features that can manifest themselves individually and which are not considered a disease. But if they perform in combination at least one more, then the disease is considered. These features include:

    pain - the evil search for the guilty;

    redness - the evil is the guilty;

    temperature - The angry condemnation of the perpetrator. The most lifeful for life is an evil self-evidence, which arises most often due to the fact that a person takes accusations of his address. Be without guilt to blame - the greatest burden for the heart;

    swelling, or growth- anger of exaggeration;

    selection, or destruction of tissues (necrosis), - Evil suffering.

    In reality, the pain does not protrude one - the temperature, redness, swelling, or accumulation of discharge are hidden behind it. In the same way, there are four others for other signs of malice. Together they form a humiliated anger, which causes inflammation. The higher the concentration of the humiliated malice, the most likely the formation of pus. Pump is unbearable humiliation.

    Man is on this light to raise and raise. If he does not know how to rise, he does not know how to elevate and humiliates himself and others. Juice is a source of all types of malice related to the life struggle.

    All types of malice can be reduced to one denominator - charges. Evaluation, comparison, weighing - all this also, in a small difference, is, in principle, the accusation. Evil destroys.

    It is possible to distinguish five basic types of malice, respectively, their location in the body:

    desire to be better than others - makes a person heartless, destroys the mind;

    dissatisfaction - destroys the meaning of life, takes the taste of life;

    upper-demand - splits the purposefulness;

    forced position - deprives freedom, makes a person a slave;

    rejection - slows down movement, development.

    Of all stresses, malice is the most complex and cunning. Expansive anger of a primitive person causes simple and easily curable diseases. The higher the level of education of mankind, the more difficult it becomes: illness. They are more difficult to detect and more difficult to cure. The most hostile physical body disease is a malignant tumor arising from malicious malice.

    The malicious angry becomes when a person does not receive what his soul craves, although he considers it to be his right, and a person is focused on his rights.

    Under the form of foreign success, such a person feels helpless in this unfair vital struggle. The desire to revenge for injustice can only be warm in the shrouds of shrouds and never manifest itself in actions, but it exists and takes the appearance of maliciousness.

    As for AIDS, this is a disease of the transition to higher, or spiritual, level of development. AIDS is a signal that at least a person is potentially ready to rise, because it is quite prolonged, but he is not yet able to abandon the benefits of the visible world, that is, the world of physical. AIDS says that a person with his feelings is in the future, and with the desire - in the past, but this is not aware of this (see drawing).

    The disease arises from the division of life to the spiritual and physical part, between which a clear boundary is carried out, step over through which it is prohibited both and others. A person who is absolutely confident is the right thing of such a presentation, does not give anyone the right to shake his at least an expression of a natural human doubt. AIDS is a disease excessive rationality.

    The one who sees the world in black and white paints consciously complies with all halftone from his vision of the world and does not understand that thereby pays the present into non-existence. The diaphragm, or the blessing barrier, symbolizes the moment of the present. The surrounding fabrics symbolize a longer present - the casual present. Who in thoughts in a hurry to the fabulous future, he will have to go without the body, because in the present he does not understand his body and does not like.

    The present teaches us to quietly unite the opposites in yourself. Who justifies the breakdown of his body with his physiological needs, he is able to step into the sanctuary from the crime scene and, without resting in sin, to feel Holy Man there. If a person believes that it has an immutable right to enter all the doors, then the door to the spiritual world will be closed for him. The awareness of the causes of the suffering of the physical body again opens the gates to the sky to let the linger lamb.

    And here is a person who wants to be better than others, finishes his earthly path on a par with all the others. Birth and death prove each of the human soul its equality with others until we start to understand it. And the number and quality of life days is determined by quantity and quality self man.

    Everything has two sides, balancing each other so that the whole is in equilibrium. In life and in a mirror reflection of life in a person by 49% bad and 51% of good. All our stresses are included in these 49%, and I am talking about them.

    If this percentage increases, then health, and in the future and life, threatens danger. Each person without exception is born to this light to learn, that is, to correct bad, that is, to keep this one percent, missing up to 50, if possible, closer to zero. This means that a person is born only in the call of that bad, which in previous lives remains unknown to them as good.

    A person would have to be like a wandering traveler who goes through life and through which life passes, like through a sieve. Of these 49%, the traveler leaves at the bottom of the sieves only the wisdom chrice for him. This grains elevates a person in his dignity. Unfortunately, a frightened person leaves in himself, except for grazing, a lot of all rubbish, and this is a disease. Dryan - this is what a person considers rubbish. For one, it is one thing for the other - another. Who of the desire to like others to form their own world in favor of someone else's opinion, he leaves himself and someone else's rubbish.

    For a frightened man, it can be bad as good and bad because it is afraid to be under the authority of the other. A frightened person is afraid to be a slave, and therefore he is a slave. Most of all, he is a slave of his stress. All that a person is afraid, he attracts to himself. We ourselves are more than anyone make themselves bad, and we are looking for guilt in others. Fear blocks any movement of energy, causing an excess of appropriate energy in the shower and in the body and turning the accumulated energy into the energy of the malice.

    1) excessive, or bad, exceeding 49%, causes physical diseases of the body.

    2) excessive, or good, exceeding 51%, causes mental illness.

    Illusions, or excessive, cause mental deviations, developing from clusters good to mental disorders and, finally, in mental illnesses.

    A person can help his body himself, if he has a reason for reason. If there is no reason, he can't help himself. Help him can parents and relatives. If they do not know how or do not want to provide spiritual assistance, then you have to help the body of the mentally ill, no matter how difficult it is.

    Treatment of patients, including mentally ill, it should be the most naturally caring of the patient's parents, as the child is the amount of his parents. If in the family, i.e., between parents, the love reigns, then the family is balanced. And the child who is a family mirror will then be balanced, which means healthy. Equilibrium is the relationship between both sides with each other, both on spiritual and physical level.

    What is the father of the child, such and the spirit of the child, the mind and the backbone. Such is his material life.

    What is the mother of a child, such and the soul of a child, feelings and soft fabrics. Such is his mental life.

    All disadvantages of the bone are reflected on soft tissues, and all flaws of soft tissues are reflected on the bones. Who can't see himself, let him look at his parents and make a conclusion. The denial of this truth will painfully respond in the future.

    Mother defines the world, father creates peace.

    The child is half of each of them.

    The sick child is the redemption of the debt of karma of both parents.

    If parents go through life because they nor them nor the child are not lagging behind, and the child does not have physical illnesses. If parents are reasonable, not ahead of time, then neither them nor a child has mental illnesses. Intentionality is equilibrium, understanding, love.

    The child is the sum of their parents.

    The amount, as is known, there is a quantity that is certainly different from the quality of the quality. Therefore, parents are pleased to find themselves in the child when the child is healthy and in good sense is extraordinary. But if something is wrong with the child, then frightened parents can become completely blind.

    Fear to be guilty can completely destroy the desire to help.

    Own well-being is more important for those who call themselves creative good. In the real misfortune to the rescue come bad people.

    Regardless of the circumstances there are no guilt, there are only errors. And errors can be corrected.

    The error is not sin, the error is inability.

    We are for the light that we are to learn, whether parents or children.

    The only sin in the world is non-recruitment.

    And this sin people are committed in large quantities, not understanding that they do not hide anything from themselves.

    Sin is when good forgetting, and bad remains in memory.

    In memory, it remains bad, in whom the person does not recognize his own error and therefore attributes to his other.

    You should not blame your parents: you yourself chose them in our kind when they decided to revive again. You had the need to fix it bad in this life, what they could give. You came to love them unconditionally, what they are. If you forgot it, try to remember and correct your mistakes.

    Regardless of the parents, the children themselves must make an equilibrium to their spiritual life.

    Well, if parents understand their role in the formation of a child and help him that correct their inner world. But if the parent spiritual blindness does not allow this, then the child chose a more difficult life lesson and should overcome it alone.

    No one should do anyone if the other does not want this and at the same time, everyone has the need to create good. A person needs to do a good friend or give to be the most man. But to give? And what is most valuable?

    When they give a thing, they give a little.

    When love is given, then give a lot.

    When they give forgiveness, they give the most valuable.

    Everyone forgiving in life certainly comes such a moment when he feels that he wants to ask for forgiveness from the past for left his past without blessed love. When the past is released, the future is filled with unhindered by current love, which makes a man happy.

    Forgive - it means to give doubly, consciously and worthy. Squash for forgiveness - it means to replace this bad on good, consciously and worthy.

    With a generous forgive, you can unnoticate a stick. With the whole heart, a request for forgiveness does not happen.

    Well, when a person knows how to forgive and ask for forgiveness from a person. It is even better when he considers a worthy forgiveness of the animal. And best of all, when a person learns to forgive and ask for forgiveness from invisible energy bodies, or stress. Then a person is exempt from the strength of attraction of negativity and gains happiness.

    There is a single God, it is love.

    He is waiting for a person will be free from the captivity of fear to start him to love.

    Man is a wanderer walking on the road of his destiny. Everything he meets on the way is necessary as it is. A person needs only to change his attitude and start aware of the two-generalness of life. The one who will free from their fears can begin to be aware.

    To the question, to go to your way, we have already answered our appearance. Now everyone needs to answer how to go. Will without stress or with stress?

    Despite the growth of stress, the average life expectancy of a person increases, which is conjugate with great suffering and painful leaving life. This means that human souls need deeper and most mature knowledge, which owns only old age. This need allowed to discover many opportunities and ways to extend physical life. Probably open and spiritual possibilities.

    Notice and awaken

    Human life is the ordering of visible chaos. Everyone does it as he can, wants and can. The development of man and humanity occurs in the form of sinusoids. The inconsistency of the thought of man, with a smaller amplitude, he moves along this sinusoid from extremes to extremes, the less pain causes himself.

    Our movement is headed by the Spirit, that is, the idea, that is, the goal. From ordering material life, we know that to achieve the goal it is necessary to have a good plan for a good idea to come true. To achieve a small daily goal leads a short path, or easy implementation. To achieve a big goal, important for the future, leads a long road, or difficult implementation.

    We know and what big begins with a small one. Who since childhood tends to create something from everyday little things, the one growing is capable of realizing great goals.

    Release your inability to understand what is big and that small, and the inability to understand that in the session is the main thing and that ingulazny.

    Otherwise, these stresses can become a stumbling block on your way.

    Small starts from scratch.

    Large relatively, for no limit.

    The physical life of each child begins with scratch. Lessons, which are given to him on the principle of increasing complexity, lead him away and high. And if there are missing links in the chain of increasing complexity, since his parents counted or he himself considered that he would not need something from the meeting on the way, then whenever he, following his sinusoid, will fall into a similar Situation, his legs will be linked on the road. Each time everything is deeper and deeper - until the gap is filled.

    If you concluded that the start of the child's life is a minor thing, then mistaken. This insignificant thing has a different, very important side, which in his invisibility indicates that the moment of conception of the child is fundamental. Change the number of this primary energy of life Perhaps only a mistakes for their parents, if there is a desire to understand these errors. If there is no desire, then life will continue, obeying only fate.

    Each moment there is something big and small. A person who does not experience fears, understands this, a frightened person does not understand.

    Imagine that you are standing on the road, which suddenly leaves from under the feet. If this road, as if ice crust on a dirty pool, then nothing else. It was true, fright, but since only legs were blocked, then you went further. Scared once, the other was frightened, and the third is no longer afraid. Like a schoolboy, you the experience has learned Besides that no need to fear Dirty puddles. Only the attitude towards the puddle has changed. This is the wisdom of the visible level. But this case has another side. If you understood the first time, why the mud was evaporated, then this dirt would not stick to you. Before you stand in a puddle physically, you were called for human spiritual uncleanness, or meanness, and dirty tuning drew your attention to it. But you did not notice this. From now on, you will have to endure suffering, as long as you will not understand this. After all, meanness is inherent to everyone. Including you.

    People are constantly hurrying, and the hurry increases everything, so the conversation about such trifles seems to be enlarged by the smallest things, that is, exaggeration. Thus, a person gets fucked and deeper: to his knees, to the hips, in the belt, - and clears out of the bogs with brave and accusations. And only when a person gets so much so much that even the price of incredible efforts to dig up he does not succeed, he finally thinks seriously, asking himself: "Why am I and then I get exactly in such situations?" Or you break your head over why such trouble happens to your child.

    The little things remain unnoticed due to the rush, which means because of fears. It is serious about life begins to conceive the one who is stuck in the quagmire and wants to get out of it on their own, for it is aware that others cannot help him.

    Those few who suddenly from under the feet left the soil and the quagus closed over his head, and then, as if miraculously, they again carried to the surface, they begin to believe in the invisible, since they saw the invisible death on the threshold. A man who saw the truth wants to see her and believe in it more and more.

    The bulk of people does not notice the emergence of stress.

    They do not recognize their fears, feelings of guilt, malice, because they did not notice, nor how they arose, nor how they switched in sensations. Who does not follow their feelings and thoughts, that one fine MiG will be as if guillotine, feeling that he is punished unfairly.

    Discussing your daily problems with a different person, you see how it is annoyed, speaking about things that have no relation to him personally. It is worth noting this to notice only in passing that, they say, it makes no sense to annoy the voice, as he immediately increases the voice, saying that it is not annoyed at all. Usually the interlocutor tries to stop such a conversation to avoid trouble. So neither the other nor the other noticed how angry increased from one thing in both of them.

    Even now, reading this paragraph, you can also say exactly: "A completely normal conversation of polite, delicate people. Is it worth looking for bad everywhere? " But if you understand the essence of the case, then the interlocutor, wanting to avoid quarrel, did not say the following: "But you are annoyed. Increased daisy tone indicates irritation. ". The same, the other, did not coal in his irritation of the Evil. And since the quarrel did not follow, there is nothing to remember, and both continue to live as if nothing had happened. After all, compared with evil, similar small trouble - as if a drop in the sea, which you can not call the sea. Well, the fact that such drops accumulate more than fit in the sea, it remains unnoticed.

    If you walk and start proving to another that he is nevertheless annoyed, then a large and intransigent quarrel would be broken. The final of this offensive quarrel would be remembered by both. One does not tolerate a lie, because it is afraid of her and in any little negation sees not fear, but already intentional lies. The other does not want to recognize his mistakes, fearing seem bad, cowardly, unfair. Both are not seen that, what is one of them outwardly, this is another internally.

    I have to every day to be such a book, but so as not to do it hurts or another. With a misunderstanding person, I could not have succeeded. It is especially difficult to talk about the root causes of a person's disease, dear. More than once I refused, saying that you should not disturb the soul of the deceased. On the other hand, it is necessary to know this in order to not die from the same disease.

    For example, a very meek, ready for self-sacrifice, a man fell ill with cancer or died. How so, because he was the embodiment of kindness? Unnoticed For themselves, people confuse meekness with helplessness, peace-lovingness with a reception, willingness to go on humiliation with humility, joy with sadness, respect with love, charity with good deeds.

    Desire to live life unnoticed, no disturbance, leads to the fact that this modest man was afraid of: a severe illness made it especially painfully noticeable for loved ones. In the soul, everyone would like to live as a normal person, that is, being in measure noticeableBut does not dare. You need to learn to move.

    The article appeared in the newspaper "The runny nose comes from the offense", which caused evil attacks, as if this theory was hostile to a person. A certain militant man questioned: "What am I now - thinking bad about your good acquaintance if he goes down the street to meet and squals his nose?" I would like to ask him, really he didn't notice in his naiveness that all people were offended from time to time, because we are people. The article caused him irritation, because the costs - his weak place. In fact, he thought that now people think about him when they are willing on the street, and he has a runny nose. After all, the runny nose, the hell would it be swing, hide not so simple. A quilting nose is a squanding arrogance, entered by tearing offshoes - this is a traitor who appears at the most inopportune moment, to the temper of the owner. This angry man believed that it would be to apply the same measure that he applies to others. By the way, American doctors are already learning the relationship between the insults and the formation of cancer tumors. And here, in Estonia, annoying when they say that the offense is associated with a runny nose. If a certain American states that Estonians are petty, then we are very offended and earned a runny nose. At the same time, we continue to deny the cause of your runny nose. We want to show that we are better than others. Because of this desire, the runny nose arises!

    For people, a typically desire to get along with everyone so that there are no different opinions and quarrels. Justification is convincing: why do you certainly need to be for or against someone? I will refrain, and then nothing will say anything.

    What is - "refraining"?

    This is the fear to take someone else's side so as not to give yourself the enemy. He is the fear that the opposite side will not love me. Since it is usually not accepted so deeply to delve into such things, especially by linakeing them with love, then such fear as if there is no. A bold man does not have an abstention - he always has its own position. Brave says: "Your deed bad". He distinguishes between the Personality and its erroneous act, because he knows how a person learns. A frightened man says or thinks: "You are bad." He does not dare to recognize his mistakes and therefore he does not know how to separate a person from the act, for it does not see the reverse side of the case. Especially he does not notice the emergence of small stress, as it does not perceive emotions as stress and does not know what they accumulate.

    How can you notice your mistakes until it is too late? How to focus those thoughts that slip in the head, at least sixteen times per minute? Opportunities as much as in the world of people.

    I advise you to start with a minimum program: to notice one negative thought during the day and trace it affects your day. If you learn to look at yourself from the outside, how others look at you, you will understand that this thought is affecting all day. When you digest this, you will find one thought for an hour and free it. So learn to follow your thoughts, words and actions.

    Bumpy path to spiritual hell

    Whenever a person experiences a good or bad feeling when a good or bad thought is visited when he pronounces a good or unkind word, makes a good or bad act, a sense of guilt is added in a drop. For this man does not realize that both good and bad do not exist in its pure form, but have a root side. He does not tell himself: "There is something else in this, which I don't understand yet, but over time I will deal."

    Testing in front of him shame for their actions and thoughts, a person suppresses a sense of guilt until it ships. It seems to him that it will relieve him from the extra hassle. How? As you know, for other people's people are experiencing less. When a person is alienated from himself under the influence of growing stresses, he ceases to worry about himself. So it became as if it was easier to live. It appears more time to worry about others and depict a good person.

    Mute feelings can be compared with anesthesia, which is of varying degrees - light, medium and deep. The difference is only that with general anesthesia caused by the means of medicine, the person is deprived of the consciousness. Under local anesthesia, as under the denial of stress, the mind is maintained, consciousness and ability of perception.

    A person who is overwhelmed by a sense of guilt, life rolls under the mountain, and it is stepwise:

    I. Night feeling, it is bad self-treatment;

    II. Poor mood, she is depressed, she is depression;

    III. Bad deed, she is full of indisciencement, she is apathy.

    Between these steps, there are also steps in the form of poor well-being, fatigue (fatigue from life, satiety of life), laziness (reluctance to do anything, the state of injury), comfort, mass of different shades of depressure, state of mental devastation. Full apathy contributes to negative egoism - unshakable confidence that they are considered bad, for they know that I am guilty. In a word, a dual confidence is fixed in man: I know what people know about my negative side, although I myself am her i do not feel. The feeling of guilt causes poor well-being that provokes a bad opinion of others. Although there is no objective reason for this, and a person who wants to hear good, accepts someone else's opinion close to heart, and therefore agrees with him. If the judgment expressed by the strangers preceded bumbly fear It is perceived as an accusation, perceived tragically, and therefore every subsequent judgment, comparison, an indication of an error enhances the sensation of tragedy in man. He reacts to the slightest stimulus as if the end of the world came. His well-being worsens, and the day comes when he himself calls himself a bad man. It was bad in one, but soon it becomes bad and in another, and in the third, and in the fourth, as long as nothing good remains in it.

    If a person is tragically exaggerating, demands from others to be more inactive about the judgments expressed by them, then the victim of the tragic exaggeration provokes the people of the tragic warehouse. There are terrible suffering due to tragic people, a person may experience such fear and shame before the tragic behavior that no one will ever see the tragic behavior. This means that a person does not relieve in any words or in matters, for forbids it to do it. Outwardly, he is very calm, and therefore everything around is perplexed, why he constantly arises for skirmishes with tragics who make an elephant flying. Such a person hesitates and swell, dries and injected guilt, Losing faith in your own strength and abilities, as well as the hope of resolving the problem. In some moment he feels that it is not suitable for anything. No one, such a niquushny, is not needed. So he belongs to himself and believes that the surrounding treat him the same way. Often it happens, because people are amenable to provocation.

    Feeling obliged to be good and become all better bad person more often Unwittingly draws attention only to good people. The more good people in his surroundings, the uncomfortable to be bad. It is so? And the fact that these people just try to make the impression of good, this is another matter. A person who wants to be good, this does not notice. His good wish leads to a deplorable outcome, turning around disappointment and fierce.

    The feeling of guilt is a fertile soil for everyday problems and diseases. Than sharper The feeling of guilt, the soil thankful And problems will develop the person himself. Than a sense of guilt heavier, Top heavier Soil and theme heavier The disease growing on it. Diseases correspond to the features of the feeling of guilt. When a person is angry, the feeling of guilt immediately develops into the glory of everyone around. Such is a protective reaction. A person who sacrifice himself is usually not angry, for guilty considers himself.

    The most difficult feeling of guilt is a sin.

    A person who considers himself a sinner is becoming harder. The most powerful and destructive types of energy are generated by the fierce, and they suppress feelings, like a high concentration poison. Fear, no matter how people learned about his shame caused by their own stupidity, plunges a person in Apathia. When a man extract despair due to the fact that he failed to change the world, the disease fell on it.

    Desire to be good

    Often you do not understand why, thinking something to do, you started it, but did absolutely otherwise and the result got another. It is very often happening. Why?

    Because you do not know how to be ourselves, because you did what they did, under the influence of our stress.

    Stresses managed you, and necessary - on the contrary.

    Our stresses are like a storm, which makes with a person everything that makes a storm with mild, like a petal, a boat. The storm does not ask the boat if it is possible to throw it there and, finally, drown. The storm is simply raging, and this will say that you are not a helpless petal, you are a person, and you need to think in advance, and if I did not think, then draw conclusions after, then it will not happen again. It is important to understand.

    There is such a beautiful desire - desire to be a good person. Briefly - this is our kindness. Kindness - the energy of the treewhich makes a man log. And the kindness is such a stress that you don't need to grow, it grows itself, - quickly or slowly, depends on how much "fertilizers" receives. It can sharply begin to grow, if the desire to be good will increase sharply.

    The desire to be good in principle causes benign tumors.

    If we have a good desire to be good in some particular sphere, then the corresponding place in the body will get sick. Anyway, where a benign tumor is formed.

    A kindness is such a mousetrap that does not happen worse. All others want to use a good man.

    This man to stay alive should now defend themselves. But I won't fight the people who want me to live their lives, or became the way they want. And it happened what happened - in less than ten years I added 45 kg in weight. But how not to defend himself: the church wants to destroy, medicine wants to destroy in their own way, and the patients - well, they would generally kill in pieces. And as a result, we become more and more that it leads to an increase in adipose tissue at the bodily level. See, what is I big, now afraid of me? And what am I afraid you, I hide. When you cheat you - a small problem, deceiving myself - the problem is much more, and also see all this. And I myself just recently accepted it, but I understood.

    Free your kindness, because if you want to be good, but you want that even worse, have a commodity look, then the stress that is stronger, wins, and you will have a commodity look, but there will be cancer, because the other end of obesity - This is cancer.

    If I went there, where fat was inserted or make some other procedures to reduce body volumes, and there I would have been processed from all sides and made me "doll", then this energy will remain, only inside there is no place for " The warehouse of kindness. " This energy is condensed, since the body has become smaller, which creates conditions for cancer.

    Now all over the world pays a lot of attention to various diet and other ways to lose weight, everyone hope that it will work out very beautiful, but soon these people get sick. And do not understand what is the matter.

    Fat is spiritual self-defense. A kind person who wants to use is forced to defend themselves. Another end of kindness is anger, which a kind person, without daring to express and not know how to let go, saves in adipose tissue. Fat - "Depot". Just now begin to understand a little that all these ways are not that.

    To be even better!

    The desire to be good develops in the desire to be better, this is our pride.

    Pride - Stone energy.

    External pride is important for your external attractiveness, and internal pride is important for your inner beauty, for human essence. What she is more, the urgent one is a handsome man. She can smuggle so much that a person turns into an animal. A small animal often gets from a small man clicking on the nose to know his place and was not done big.

    The attitude towards a large animal is where the ratio is even more dangerous - even a big person will not dare to click it on the nose, so as not to provoke a cruel fight with unpredictable consequences, so you have to put up with the neighborhood of each other. It is closely followed by each other, to make a growl, sometimes even cool down, but, nevertheless, put up. Who is the first gives slack, so spread. The struggle for survival inherent in the animal world, and the animal struggle for survival, peculiar to human pride, is essentially the same thing.

    A person who is not ashamed of his pride becomes the strong world of this.

    The pride is eager for all the best and automatically offended if it does not get the desired one. She considers himself to have the right to have what wishes. Pride will not take anything, she craves to presented her. Positive side of Gordini It is that it does not allow to do evil. There are many such people about which we can say that their pride does not allow them to allow such a lead. As a result, the search for the perpetrator is delayed for a long time until it turns out that it is such a person. How so? Meanwhile, the pride of man has time to grow into swelling. Swelling is ready to confuse himself if something is unable to her.

    Gordiny is waiting for her to give her. Pride wishes receive.

    Swelling takes itself. Arrogance should receive; at any cost .

    Pride denounces others and offended when it remains with empty hands.

    The swelling is denied itself and offended if it is impossible to take away from others.

    If the pride is stronger than swelling, then a person does not steal himself, but it is offended by the fact that others steal, and he is not capable of. Pride forbids, swelling orders.

    If swelling overstifts the pride, then the person steals and indignant by the fact that no one looks at his property, conbupping theft. This is his self-defense and self-defense.

    Gordinia is a stress that does not expect when he grows up, the pride grows everything herself, the faster, the better, well, if yesterday.

    Pride - stress that deprives a person's ability to think.

    And the ability to think is where? Yes, in my head. And in what place? On right. Left hemisphere is the mind, this is a memory. Right hemisphere is the ability to use knowledge, this is the ability to think. The smarter man and the more he proud of his mind, considering himself in connection with this better than others, the more this man destroys his brain. It may happen that he will only have a left hemisphere. Since everything attracts a similar one, the pride is ours, like a stone, attracts a similar stone to himself. And they fight. It is possible to call it rivalry or anyway as, in fact, a fight. And no one will give way. Because if I give you up, you will be better, and I will be worse. Not just bad, but worse. And this is already shame. And shame - the energy of death. If I do not want to die, then I will not give you up. I can do terrible nonsense, then repent to death, but I will not give up, because the shame for a person may be worse than death, it will be better, but will not give way.

    What's worse than pride?

    Worse than pride egoism! There is nothing worse. What is egoism? Try to understand and tell me one or two words, which means selfishness. If a person wants to be better and gets his good, then he immediately considers himself the best, and it is - positive egoism. Such a person believes that it is entitled to demand all the best for himself.

    If a person does not get good, then he considers himself worse and experiencing shame. It is his negative egoism. So what is egoism? This is a knowledge that evaluates. Knowledge that I am better, knowing that I worse is an egoism. Evaluates Egoist always. If you rate something as good or bad, and this is unshakable for you, even in the head does not come to doubt that it may not be so, then it says your egoism.

    Egoism is your insensitiousness that you kill the one you appreciate, without understanding that you see himself in it, that is, as a result, as a result, you appreciate yourself and kill it yourself.

    We receive such assessment knowledge from the very birth, from school, on the street, anywhere and ever. We catch some messages, read the newspapers, watch the TV, listen to the radio, use mobile phones, which, without a break, we have already given some kind of finished assessment of something or someone, the circle of information flows. And all this remains in us. Not mobile destroy the person, but the information that we are without a break. If a person has a mobile, then this person does not give her phone rest. Instead of agreeing on something once, calls ten times. Without a break, check: you are good or not good, prove your love or do not prove.

    When a person got his good, he immediately begins to demand something else, because his desire for this time has already grown. And every time a good man got good, he was dissatisfied with what he got, he wants even better. Received - again the discontent grew.

    The accumulation of discontent, which is the stress of the fifth throat chakra, causes mental disorders up to serious diseases. When a person strives, seeks, wants and gets at some point - he begins to consider himself the best. Now he has the right to demand that everything is only good. And, I put your hand on the chest, says: I'm not an egoist, because I want not only myself, I want all people live well. What does he want? He wants half of humanity to go crazy and half died. When a person proves something, for example, that he is not an egoist, it does not matter what it is he proves, it is always the opposite, we always prove what is notTo become the best.

    You can strive as an athlete seeks to become an Olympic champion. We have one simple, hardworking, a nice guy became the Olympic champion. When he returned from the Olympics to Estonia, in his first interview in the newspaper, he began such nonsense to say: demand that everyone in Estonia lived only well, and take the responsibility to take it in order to be implemented. You are crazy.

    The hero kills enemies

    The energy of heroism is a desire to hide their shame at any cost, even the price of life.

    A man shake his shame and wishes to deal with anyone who shakes him.

    By itself, shame is the negativity of the past. If a person firmly knows that it is impossible to change anything, and then it comes across someone like me and trying to push me, that in the past it is impossible and no need to change anything, except for my relationship, then a person covers fear and he is being blind and deaf.

    To the shamelessness of the highest level - spiritual - the black magic belongs . Since we are talking about conscious and deliberate manipulation by the human spirit, while the man himself is not able to defend himself, as it does not know what they are doing, the consequences are the most serious. The victim falls out of suffering, proportionate to the extent to which he is afraid of black magic, maliciousness, but the magician himself suffers much more. Moreover, his acts are circumscribed on suffering primarily his direct descendants, and in the future he will have to pay his karmic duty in subsequent lives.

    Heroes of the present time are the heroes of labor. We need to understand why we work so much why we become machines. By the way, the longer the working day, the more we become like horses, and our hearts are ill. Men such: come to the reception, the heart hurts, and ask: why? So short, one offer. And I will answer: because you are a horse. They understand. The more intense work we are proud of, the more we are cars, that is, we are selfish.

    The car does not need food and rest, while a person who has turned into a working cattle must be resting. The more he works, the more he needs food and rest. Unfortunately, in the days only 24 hours. Extending the working day at the expense of sleep, the man begins to eat faster and in large quantities. He no longer eats, but it burns, which is why the metabolism is violated. Then the working day is lengthened at the expense of family and children. It is assumed that the spouse itself (a) knows what and how to do, and the orders are given in the form of notes or phone calls. People live in a family, in contact with each other less. Neither caress, nor tenderness, and their lack is felt all the sharper, they do not give each other here, because there is nothing to give. Moreover, it is learned to relate down. The consequences of the transformation into the car can be terrifying.

    The man's ego car can achieve such sizes that he does not see not only the results of the work of the near, but also the closest. If the neighbor does not perform exactly the same work and exactly in the same volume, then he, nearby, is worth nothing. The person who made the car is an egoist who identifies his neighbor with his work. He does not make relief or children nor women nor the old men, nor weak nor sick. He has one motto: alive - it means working. If you can not, get out to hell.

    Next to the car in no case cannot become a slave, the performer exclusively its will is humiliating for a person, besides, a slave cannot be loved. They use.

    Most of the whole person wear out, exhausts, exhausts one-sided cardiac attachment - unrequited love.

    Without the release of its complex of inferiority, we can love a person with all souls, but love does not reach the addressee. She will spin in a closed circle of pity for himself, but if I, giving one hand, then I immediately take back, then love does not reach the neighbor. Middle can be in some kind of degree working machine, but as long as he is alive, there is a person who is revealed in him if he is really like. Another thing is that over time he will reveal everything with great effort.

    The car has no feelings. The car she is a car, the tractor for example. A man says he simply does not understand, why this woman flies with him for a week. So today women and men live. Men do not understand that women want, and women do not understand what is happening with men.

    Women are quickly becoming working animals, men even faster work machines. The greater the slave woman, the more she seeks to prove that she is better. What makes a man then? He as a whip drives a slave so that this slave would be even more humiliated to be started to understand what is happening.

    We, women, turn a man in a slacker, we ourselves. What does the wise woman do? Wise woman cares for her husband to have a business. No, no more, normal. Wise woman cares for everyone to work as much as you need, no more, no less. A wise mistress knows exactly what you need, she is the heart of the family. And who prevents us from being such a heart? No one. We ourselves. We ourselves want to be better than we are. Why? Because we consider yourself bad. Why are we bad? We talk about it later. About shame you can say a lot. I write about it in detail in my books.

    Pity and sympathy

    If you suddenly felt sorry for yourself - immediately release this feeling. Pity for himself undermines human vitality. Acute pity for himself causes fainting, and constant - malaise, weakness, the absence of all sorts of forces.

    If you want to help someone - never spare. Pity in relation to another person is the manifestation of your pride, which you also need to let go.

    But sympathy is the energy of love. Sympathy is the ability to feel the feelings of another person.

    Pity to yourself - as a vicious circle, from which it is not visible to exit. If a person is poor, but does not regret himself, it becomes rich. And if a rich person is experiencing pity for himself, he will start the poorest.

    Pity is a stress that is able to deprive the person of the last grain of forces in one moment, and so that nothing in the world can help this unhappy. There is no medicine capable of eliminating the energy of pity. You can regret yourself, you can regret others, you can regret all kinds of manifestations of life. Who shakes about their lives, there is no vitality. Who is crushed because of their health, so there is no strength to recover. Who regrets themselves due to the fact that you have to work, there is no strength to work. Who regrets the near, so there is no strength to help the neighbor.

    Who regrets themselves because of their sex, in the same arise violations of sexual activity.

    Shame and sadness

    The higher the level of development, the more intremal relationships resemble the relations of two strong stones. Why depends on the level of development? From wealth or from the mind? From the mind. So, Russia is a highly developed country? Highly developed because everyone gets compulsory education.

    Since tears are considered a sign of weakness, as well as non-attileity, most people try to restrain tears. For sadness it does not matter whether it is hiding her for a mask of seriousness or for the mask of laughter. The difference lies in the fact that laughter is able to deceive the hearing and forces sadness to grow, otherwise its need for freedom will remain unnoticed. Suppression of sorrow, its containment can lead to a seemingly complete absence of sorrow. I call it the death of sadness. The killing sorrow is identical to the killing of himself.

    To understand the mechanism of suppression of sorrow, as well as any other stress, imagine that you have a big ripe watermelon. You put it under the press for squeezing the juice and start crushing. This is, in principle, the same as if you say that a good person, in the name of the good goal, creates evil. The daviller presses the juice from the watermelon. The administrator is intelligent - it means good. The purpose of the intelligent means is good. And only with the energy of sorrow they were bad. Since invisible energy is not perceived, then its killing is like nothing.

    What can be turned on like misunderstanding, I will try to explain below.

    Non-chosen sadness. She is the stage of active hope for deliverance from the annoying feeling of sadness and readiness to let the tear. At this stage, a person actively reacts to sadness. I don't dare to be paid and does not want, and not cry can not. If such a person is crying because of himself, then only in the case when no one sees him.

    Despair is concentrated sadness. In Estonian, there is a commodity expression: I have a terrible cat despair. What does this mean?

    Horror is a concentrated fear at which it is impossible to run. Horror paralyzes the mind and the ability to move. Cat symbolizes freedom. At the level of abstraction, this concept means hopelessness from a frightening forced position, which leads to a complete blocking of fear and sadness. Everything is copied inside. The sadness accumulates in a person at all under the other name and in a much more dangerous amount.

    This stage is similar to the leakage from the watermelon of juice.. The stronger you give, the more the juice flows until the whole down. Instead of letting out each spoken tear, a person who restrains sadness, as if substitutes the tears of the vessels for collecting. Who as a vessel applies his head, who is the legs, who - the belly, who is back, who is a heart, lung or liver, and who are several vessels right away. It all depends on what problems the person is saddened.

    At the stage of non-chosen sorrow, they are formed:

    cysts or stripe benign tumors;

    clusters of fluid in organs and cavities;

    edema in individual organs and tissues, on whole areas or all over the body.

    Shame kills feelingsAnd man is feelings. We may have a terrible mountain of stress, any stress, anyway, what are the lungs, heavy, sophisticated or simple. They are very large load, but they do not kill.

    The only stress that kills is shame.

    When a person proves his advantage, there are a lot of obstacles on his road. Because life always helps us so that the bad does not become even worse.

    Tell people: "Would be given!" - And you can be sure that you will fall in the top ten. Everyone knows what he is ashamed. Since all emotions, feelings, stress together form the soul, it means that Shame kits the soul! So that the soul does not die, there are two possibilities: leave the body or start defending. Whoever wants to be strong, he begins to defend and suppress shame in himself, becoming a stalking soul.

    The highest achievement in the education system of a modern developed society is education in the fear of death. The child has already suddenly inspire that if he is doing something shameful, parents and friends will turn away from him. He will stop loving and cast out of society. He will not have work, and he will be a loser.

    It is pride and shame that we kill themselves and generation.

    Living in the past means living in shame.

    Living in shame, a man continues to live, although in fact he is dead.

    A man is born to know himself. Cognition is a movement. Development occurs if a person has feelings. The only true feeling is love. All other feelings are deviation from the center of equilibrium, that is, love, and we come to fix this mistake. Rising, developing the feelings of a child, parents are proud, and if the upbringing gives a mischief, the child immediately begin to shame.

    The higher the level of development, the more they raise the children shame. Why? Convenient, very convenient. Let's say this picture: on the street Mom and the child quarrels. Child screams. Passersby go past and outraged: "Lord, what people are dense, as from the forest came out, well, as they are not ashamed!" And my mother is ashamed. Shame kills moms feelings. Mom is now so insensitive, she can't be herself, he does not know how to ask himself, and what it means that my child shouts.

    Why do children scream? You know, children will shout only under one condition: when mom is in a hurry. The child teaches this: Mom, what would you do now, you do it not out of love, you do it out of fear and feelings of guilt or out of the malice and shame, no matter, you do it not from love, mom, stop. If my mother stops, the child will ask: "What's wrong with you, well, tell me?" Then she is already interested in love, what happens to her child. The child will stop screaming. He taught, and Mom took a lesson.

    Consciously or subconsciously, at this moment it does not matter, it is important that mom does not rush. Maybe the child now saved mom from something, no one knows what. Maybe the mother would have come to the car with his runner, and now, because the child stopped her, she taught not to rush, she did not suffer.

    But the child is capricious, the mother is embraced by shame, tomorrow will repeat the same thing, and then what will mom say? Mom will tell the child: "I am ashamed, ashamed." If Mom Rugala, the child would shout even stronger, and when the mother says "ashamed, shameful," then a good result is immediately visible, the child comes off. Why? Very simple: Mom killed the emotions of her baby.

    The next day, Mom will not say "ashamed, shameful," Mom will only look at the child, and her eyes are already shameful. And the child does not shout anymore. The next time my mother is already nothing to say, neither to do, because the child learned: if you do something shameful, then soon you will not have a place in the family, nor in the team, nor in society, nor in humanity, because that no one likes such a rascant. How well get what I want! So just to take such ability is impossible. We can kill shame as much as. If we were ashamed because of ourselves, it would be not enough, and we are ashamed because of others, and it burns the shame much more. Well, for example, we see how someone does something, for example, two dogs make "it." And we are indignant: "Lord, well, as it is allowed!" Nature teaches me in my own way: a person, you can't love - learn. And I'm ashamed, I am ashamed. Animals do what is natural, and teach: a person, you are ashamed of love, naturalness, kill it all in life, the next generations. A person is ashamed, and soon his eyesight will deteriorate. Life gave that man wanted, without glasses, he sees it, right? But we have glasses so that this feeling is preserved, and so that we can kill him even more.

    Perhaps you hear someone very rude says: "Lord, however, however, it is still not ashamed of people!" And they are not ashamed. They are not ashamed, but I am ashamed. Whose rumor is killed now? Them? No, that you, on the contrary. They he gets sharper because they shouted. It is important to understand: Everything you shame to see, kills your ability to see, that is, the vision, but what you want to hear, kills your ability to hear, that is, a rumor. So act your Shame, and those who do what you perceive as indecent, is neither cold or hot.

    Why are people so rude lately? You noticed? More than before. In general, the Russians always knew how to apply rude words, but I think that now they are consumed increasingly. Recently, I look at us American films. Lord, there is nothing normal there, the sex is shown there in the most perverted form and the vocabulary is the same. If I say, "I am not ashamed," then I will soon hear stop. Well, how is it really, to hear such a person? What means "good man", these people do not understand. Or maybe in the next life there will be such a person as a social element.

    Roughly needed. The more the feelings are killed, the most important feelings, the biggerness is required for their awakening. This is the only opportunity to stay alive. Well, let's say more about such a feeling as smelling. The more you ashamed to smell all sorts of smelly smells, the more your smell is killed, which has a different end. The smell is a material feeling. And the other end is intuition. Intuition develops through which feeling? Through the smell, but also through curiosity: I wonder something to "deliver." Shame curiosity, of course, destroys the smell and intuition too. So what to do? We find curiosity to another end. This is curiousness. Inquisitiveness is an interest in life. What is that is studying. Especially in boys it is manifested correctly? The boys absolutely everyone knows, they are such inquisitive, they will find all attics and basements, all holes will examine, they absolutely everyone knows. Do they say about it? Do not speak. Why do they then know all this? This is no longer curiosity. A curious person about everything that recognized and saw where he put his nose, he tells everyone. Women usually talk: who is sleeping with who he walks who, who did to whom to whom. And if we shame curiosity, we gradually lose the sense of smell, and with it - and intuition.

    The taste disappears when we shame someone for a bad taste in clothes, etc. If we admire the modes, they humiliate themselves.

    Touch - the most vital feeling. Single children play their genitalia, as it is the last thing they feel. Shame for any sexual manifestations in women causes frigidity, and in men - impotence.

    Shame, no matter what we are ashamed, kills this energy that becomes an energy corpse within us and, attracting itself similar, causes a hearth disease.

    No on earth anything like that could be ashamed. Shame is a fiction of people for the convenience of manipulating each other. However, what we invented as shame, we kill ourselves and.

    Shame is the energy of death.

    A man experiencing shame and his not discharged, killing himself.

    Man shame and shy half dead.

    Shame, if you do not release it, turns around to the temptation.

    Locking is killing.

    Injury itself is suicide.

    Middle sticking is the murder of the near.

    Instead of learning, free the feeling of shame and instead of dying begin to live.

    Anger and fear

    When a person, filled with hatred, begins to be angry, it is attacked on a similar one, because the one, like he himself, does not know how to be a man. After all, it is impossible to call the person who is enough for the weapon and kills the neighbor for only the reason that he believes in God who has a different name. A similar act by a simple Christian is a small mistake, a small wine, a small sin. The same error initiated by the church tip is a big mistake. All the big wars leading from the blessings of the highest carriers of religious power were and there are sacred wars. For whom? Of course, for those who consider the violence of the Holy Del. Extermination as proof of its superiority is such a result of human inability to think. In short, the result of exorbitant fear. What is the biggest fear?

    I answer: Dogmatic fear, it is knowledge that is scary.

    Dogmatic thinking is a commitment to a certain look that gives a momentous calmness of the soul, whereas in reality is unshakable, final point of view, Not exposed to study due to fear. Dogma is when there are some things about some things: so it was, so it will be so. The verdict is not subject to the final and appeal. Well known dogma (she is blind faith) is a religion that is familiar to everyone, but few people understand it.

    The strongest religious fear is experiencing atheists, Since in addition to the flight from religion, they criticize religion, destroying it indirectly or straight. They drive fear and hatred blind faith Not allowing a person to develop. They do not know how to release the problem. Do not condemn the former "red", which are now trying to redeem their sins in the church. In the church they drive them religious fear For people at all times were looking for a shrine in the walls of the temple. When you start to release your religious fear, you will understand how great it is. It is not surprising that from the moralizing morals of church dignitaries is thrown into a shiver. Only egoists are able to relate to this with stupid indifference in the state of apathy.

    Our fears are great enough to attract the heat of hellish flame, that is, spiritual pain. Hell, If you remember, it corestolubie. BUT The fact that frightening sees in others, now it's not about it. When you begin to release your religious fear, you can feel how every cell of your body trembles - so the fears accumulated for thousands of years. What fears? All the same - fear to be guilty and fear to survive shame.

    Starting the release of religious fear, you at first more often than usual will face religious morality and discover that it scares you either annoying. This is a normal reaction to the fact that the fear of the fear came into motion and therefore was tangible. Continuing to release fear, you will gradually understand that nothing is earthly, including religion, can not be perfect. Faith, given to man by God turns into religion because of fears experienced by the earthly person, due to the blind commitment to faith. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal is simply distorted in the process of its incorrect implementation, but only as we learn to learn. Despite this, the true ideal in every person lives regardless of religion.

    The frightened person lives, constantly listening to someone else's opinion, and the more impressive it becomes, the fatabro appreciating judgments are made. Atheism is a generation of despair, tested by humanity, humiliated fears and a sense of guilt. There was no more opportunity to redeem the sins with personal earthly well-being, because it was not enough to meet the demands of the church. The church may deny this statement, proving that people make donations voluntarily, but in fact it happens in a voluntarily compulsory manner. Not from the feeling that it is necessary to church, but from knowledge that it should be, from fear - what will happen to me if not sacrifice. After all, God sees everything. But those who give the latter, the church, however, continues to consider sinners.

    Atheism is engaged in morality at no less religion, but atheism does not call the material life with a natural sin. Having come to atheism, humanity got the opportunity for some time sigh freely and raise his head. Unfortunately, it didn't just raise his head, but the nose grindly cloud. People do not understand that they repeat the mistakes of the past, which just crashes into new clothes. They take to the soul guilt, that is, sin, even when it deny it in words. Neither religion nor atheism teach a person how to get rid of the wrong attitude towards life, for and religion, and atheism represent people in their face who are not aware of their needs. Not ready giving, not ready taking.

    Nazrelly update time, but it is waiting for people will be ready to perceive a new relationship!

    If the church would recognize the reincarnation, then the Christian would be of what to think about the moments of doubt when he was a choice between good and evil. (After all, initially, even in the Bible there was a chapter on reincarnation.) To correct this mistake, the church's fathers at first would sufficiently stop the unnatural morality and stop broadcasting with a false voice and with false pathos. I have repeatedly had to hear pastors quoting the Bible with a normal human voice. Initially, I experienced a strong surprise: they pronounced the words acquired a completely different meaning. They even felt a clear hint of revival. These were human words that feed the hand to falling, helping to stay on his feet and calling the bold to prudence. The same words pronounced with false pathos produce an opposite effect, only aggravating non-recruitment and hatred.

    despair strengthens
    fean reduces production of antidiuretic hormone,
    panic fear (horror feeling) fully overlaps the tap antidiuretic gomon.
    In addition are desperate from the mind. Now, when you all know, you can watch the work of your bladder and deal with your feelings that have been mixed under the onslaught of emotions. Soon you will learn to catch the feeling that suggests that in a few minutes you will have to run away the bladder, although at the moment it is completely empty. This is especially important for those who have to communicate with people by family. And although there is nothing indecent in the visit toilet, however, if this happens at an inappropriate moment, people regard it differently. Who has incontinence of urine, about the fact of a low opinion. At the same time, it is not the best opinion develops about a person who has a bad head because of a crowded bladder. So in any case it is worth studying your reactions in order to free up the condition a terrible alarm.Since the anxiety is inseparable from despair, you should work on both.
    With a decrease in these stresses, you will stop terrifying yourself with questions: after all, I knew about it before, so why not remembered? How could I be so fool and not to understand this? How could I be so blind? There is despair, which is increasing from regret. What will happen if people know about it? How much harm I hurt them? And this is already anxiety. Whoever believes in God, the alarm is a total character - because God sees everything. Who is deeply religious, he automatically becomes a sinner, and he will remain. What anxiety is here, everything is predetermined. His fate is eternal despair and eternal suffering because of sin.

    Anxiety about the fact that everything in life could be done otherwiseit is able to force a person that and then run to the toilet. I myself experienced no one once and only later understood the reason. I I noticed that whenever it opened a simple and logical truth for myself, my kidney work was stormy. On the usual days, at least on the knees of moths - neither the drop does not come out. Having done this discovery, I began to think about the patients who could be very useful. My God, and suddenly would save someone from death? Why did I recognize about it just now? Why didn't you think about it before? In principle, such thoughts indicate self-evidence. As if the question of the justification of himself immediately arises the question: "But in the world so many smart people, immeasurably smarter than me, why did they not know it?" But such a question says already that I accuse others.
    Since for any point that I cannot bring to perfection, I imperceptibly react with anxiety, the removal of excess fluid from the body is useful for me, but if the urine is derived from stress, it is harmful. Why? Because together with the urine, the minerals needed for life are derived. The nervous system and especially the brain are reacting the nervous system and especially the brain, for the violation of the mineral balance, for the centers of our spiritual life are located. Who wishes a lot to achieve, the alternation of anxiety and despair can begin, and so that a person will cease to understand his body altogether. Slinder falls into depression, and the fighter covers anxiety.
    Anxiety occurs when a person lives in constant waiting for the bad.A person must be immensely tired and fought from staying in the atmosphere of tragic exaggeration and Umnichnya, to respond to the next hysterical cry without anxiety and fright. If there is a person with the tragic perception of life among the households, who is in depression and tirelessly trying to re-educate close, the larger source of nervous voltage is not found. The tragic man is only afraid of one way, so that they will not regret, but despite this, will regret doubly. And first of all, households are to blame. In the vocabulary of such a clever, the word "would" dominate. If he starts speech from the words "if you ...", it certainly adds "that would not ..." As a result, the charge sounds.
    If the mother or father is either both parents cultivate a tragic attitude to life in the family, the child is forced to listen to all kinds of reproaches and exclamations addressed to everyone: " Oh, Lord, well, what you again! What did you say this time? How dare you! My God, why you are not sitting on the spot! Leave me alone! Damn it, in the end, we will have peace at home or not! " And so on and so forth. The reproaches may be barely audible, and then they even more soul. A surveillance man can withstand such an environment for no more than half an hour, after which it covers panic, while the child is forced to endure all this. The only right of his right is to get sick.
    A good hysterical warehouse is not aware of how much harm it hurts homemade. If the child is trying to love him, then he does herself on suffering and becomes less susceptible because of this. He will be born with bad, without guessing that now dependent on it is bad and is under his constant fire. After all, a good person should have a target for shooting. The child is struggling to love parents and whenever they arrange the world coup, flows into despair. Multiple children's disappointment, bitterness, as long as the child does not solve radically change his life and leaves the parents where the eyes look. From this act, the feeling of guilt is imperceptible. If the child is small, and therefore it cannot get away from the parents, then goes into the world of others as a result of renal disease. This happens to those who have a feeling of guilt overweights fears.

    Small fear pushes to escape.
    Big fear nails to the place.

    The constant anxiety imperceptibly gives rise to great fear, that is, the cowardice that does not even allow the thoughts that you can take something to improve your own life. A cowardly child may even be afraid to cry, because his tears will most likely cause a traditionally tragic reaction: "Oh God, well, what did I do this? I did not touch you at all. What do you want me to surrender with the light? " Or something in such a kind. From such words of a timid child, a heartbeat is beginning to tremble, the heartbeat is rapidly, it is covered with a cold later, and then he is in his pants. At first it happens at home, but soon and behind his walls. When an immensely sad child ceases to cry, having humbled with his miserable position, not far from the mountain and violations of the bladder.
    Anxiety can be comprehensive and scoring. With a sense of anxiety, you can go to work, with a sense of anxiety you can come home. If anxiety is associated with the affairs that we are somehow rarely satisfied, the liquid can flow through the intestinal tract. For example, there are people who begin diarrhea always when you need to go to work, as each work day is perceived as a harsh exam. Someone is afraid to be a tested, someone is afraid of discontent, someone is afraid of punishment, and someone - ridicule. After all, the reasons for alarm set. An unexpected fear may entail abundant sweating and tears, so it can be said that a person flows through all holes. Permanent fear, which means that constant tension causes increasing fatigue.
    In a person in a state of crisis caused by cowardiness and fatigue. Nonachar diabetes developsDiabetes.incipidus).
    Diabetes Causes a sharp increase in the amount of urine and is accompanied by continuous thirst and drink.With diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus) The amount of liquid consumed and derived from the body is measured by liters per day. With non-car diabetes, this amount reaches several tens of liters per day. The liquid and then flows on top and follows from the bottom, deriving from the body including vital minerals. In both types of diabetes, the root cause is one: people subject to both the first and second, wishing Good. The specific type of diabetes depends on the direction of the person moves - in the direction of increasing the good or decrease in the bad one.

    Diabetesit occurs because
    man wants to achieve good for corrections are bad;
    unhappy with his actions.

    Nonachar diabetes It occurs because
    man wants to achieve a good way multiplying good ",
    a person suffers from because surrounding unhappy with him as a person.
    Both types of diabetes are caused by the fact that a person suffers when someone is constantly and unfairly accused of: "Why don't you live the life of others?" The earlier a person is being depleted, those at an earlier he gets ill. It happens that in a year old. If the parents are holy honuting self-sacrifice as a style of their own life, because they believe that thereby prove their love, the most likely that their child will get sick with diabetes.
    Antidiuretic hormone can also be called hormone vision. If the eyes are completely healthy, the hormone is enough. The volume of the absorbed and output fluid is balanced and corresponds needscleansing the body. The violation of the visual function correlates with a violation of metabolism, in which some substance is not enough in the eyes and eye nerves, and some - in excess. If a person believes only his physical eyes, he becomes the victim of his vision. Being depending on the good, visible to the eye, he throws this good to take possession, and it only gets him shame, For waiting for him is deceived. From the excitement of the person's eye deprived of minerals, and he finally ceases to see what you do not need to see. If a person is despite, his eye nerves, waiting for help, instead of helping get a bunch of slag. In the aggregate with other stressing the result, eye cancer can be, starting in one eye nerve.
    If a person is very shameful to look into his eyes, it is likely that his eyesight will suffer. Therefore, looking in the mirror, follow your own feelings. It would be necessary to release the slightest discontent with themselves, as well as take something real to eliminate the drawback.


    Oxytocin is hormone honest. It is produced in the rear lobe of the pituitary and increases the tone of smooth muscles.
    Hope always helps to find the optimal way out of the situation. When a person ceases to fuss at an old difficult situation and says himself: "There are no hopeless provisions. Of any situation, there is a way out. It is only necessary to understand in what direction to move and move the brains to make sure to use a chance ",it passes the rear line of pituitary caused by fear of the rest of the rear lobe, and the allocated oxytocin contributes to the normalization of the activities of smooth muscles. When smooth muscles work normally, both transverse-striped and striped work normally, and if physical effort is required to get out of the difficult position, then such force in humans appears. Then no need to wait for someone else's help, and you do not have to spend a precious time.
    When a person suffering from behind the hopelessness of his position decides that someone must To rescue it out of trouble, it becomes an intrusive idea. At that moment, when he grows with an intrusive idea, a greater amount of oxytocin is erupted from the rear lobe of the pituitary gland, which is, it causes the strongest reduction in smooth muscles. An attack of arrhythmia, a sharp increase in blood pressure can occur. Pregnant women also have a convulse reduction of the uterus, as a result of which pregnancy can be interrupted. The spasm of the uterus during childbirth is able to cause a lot of trouble as a mother and a baby. Oxytocin is most often associated with childbirth.
    The very idea that someone is obligedto help someone out of trouble, leads a good person to another thought: he is obliged too help out someone out of trouble, or at all all must Constantly cut off someone out of trouble. The suspicious of this thought comes to him, the unexpected reaction. For example, from one childish crying from the mother from the chest begins the jet to flow milk, which is due to the sharp reduction in the smooth muscles of the mammary glands. After all, a good mother should take care of the child and instantly run up to him, it is worth a voice. If you remember, the chest glands in principle are largely similar to the sweat glands. Feeling his helplessness in front of the stuffed misfortune or seeing the suffering of the neighbor, who had no less misfortune, or thinking about someone who may have suffered the same evil fate, you suddenly feel sweat streams flowing on the back and between the breasts. So abundant sweating is caused by the fact that you squeezed a large amount of oxytocin from the pituitary with their thoughts, from which a convulsive reduction in the smooth muscles of the sweat glands and the release of sweat occurred. You are a conscientious person, and your thought affects like a button with a button with a label "Avtomat, living life for others."
    Oxytocin is produced hypotalamusAnd the rear share of the pituitary is the reservoir for it and the distributor. Let me remind you that the stress acting on the hypothalamus applies naive hopethat someone will live for me my life. As well as bitterness, Since this does not happen. Having squeezing the intrusive idea from the pituitary gland all that only can, the person indirectly suspends also the production of oxytocin. As a result, there is a relaxation of muscles in excessive tension, and they remain in a relaxed state. All I have told about previously due to spiritual aspirations, applies to this chapter.
    Who counts on others, he counts on medicine, but medicine cannot constantly pour oxytocin into human blood. Medicine does this in an emergency situation, for example, when weakening the fights in the guinea, but also there is a danger to make a dosage. Never know in what quantity and what kind of hormone need a person, for the need varies with every second. The body itself regulates thisprocess, if only he does not interfere. Recomplying stresses, you help the body to restore the mechanism of self-regulation.
    With the transformation of free will, that is, the needs, responsibilities, people face serious impairment of health. When there is no free will, there is no hope, as well as oxytocin, which normalizes the metabolism in smooth muscles. This problem is serious, which is proved by the fact that it is trying to solve the earthly ways. Oxytocin has been opened for a long time, he has learned to synthesize, and it is used in medicine. The lack of oxytocin can be filled, but you can not fill the lost hope and free will.

    Shaded temperament

    When I began to refresh information about intermediate share pituitary, I noticed that in old textbooks there was no yet It is known anything substantial, and in modern about it already It does not say anything substantial. As if she did not play any significant role in the body. In the textbook of R. F. Schmidt and J. Tyuza "Human Physiology" (1997) on the intermediate proportion of the pituitary, the following is said: "The rear and front lobes of the pituitary is separated by a thin layer of cells. They form an intermediate share of the pituitary gland and are innervated by the neural fibers of the hypothalamus. The average proportion of pituitary glands is important for vertebrates and secondary for mammals. " This is the case from the point of view of material.
    In my opinion, a person has this fabric is equally rudimentary, in which its honesty is. Nevertheless, this cell layer supports the form of a pituitary gland, without giving him to fall on the bone base of a shapeless piece of dough - even if the person is completely suppressed as spiritually, and physically, that is, when a man is mastering melancholy, depression.
    Greek word melas. means "black". Words with this root are somehow connected with the concepts of "black" or "dark." If we treat this color without any estimates, it is just a color that helps to navigate something. But as soon as we begin to evaluate it, he certainly becomes something bad. Without knowing how to live in spiritual peace because of stress, a good man is nevertheless able to blacken everything that falls into his informational field. He himself becomes because of this black in the shower , and the morbid ends out externally . Of course, in the event that the neighbor takes a discrepancy close to heart.
    I had a lot of people at the reception with unnaturally dark color of the skin - now it is about the representatives of the White race - but since they were confident that the natural color of their skin, I believed. And two men did not believe, because they were clearly expressed melanosedark skin color caused by overpressing melanin pigment. Both were in the deepest depression and considered themselves worthless people. One suffered a severe physical ailment, and the second - mental disorder and was on the verge of suicide. And that and the other experienced so a great shame due to its own worthlessness,that the shame did not fit on them inside. Shame splashed on the skin. And both had to deal with the release of his shame for more than a year before Melanose began to pass.
    The mistake of these men was that they exceeded most valued honesty,but at the same time, there were sufficient everyday experience in order not to talk about everything accumulated on the shower. They understood perfectly well that it was possible to pour the soul only before the saint, and it was impossible to tell a good man. One way or another, the worship before honesty did its job. They were very ashamed also before themselves due to the fact that they themselves are dishonest. Especially difficult to them accounted for wives - revelations with his wife would be equivalent to suicide.

    So, what is the intermediate proportion of the pituitary?
    In order to combine the front and rear lobes of the pituitary gland. To at the level of actions, honest unity of feelings and will, women and men.
    In order for sishkovoid iron and the pituitary gland to be combined into one system. In order for the unity of white and black, pride and shame in the field of actions. So that a person has the opportunity to remain a person.
    All named is the need of human existence. If a man does not achieve the desiredbed is small but if can not realize your need This is already true trouble. Bed is especially great if a person unable to realize yourself with a partner of the opposite sex. Not in a state, because he does not know how, and not knows how to stress. The more he tries, the more often he has to be shame. Trying to honestly explain failure, he is experiencing an even greater shame. The more he dedicates honesty, the stronger it is ashamed of himself in everything, which cannot be divinely honest. And even more shakes how people did not notice his shame, although they are completely blind in this matter.
    The stronger the person strain To bring together two sides of life, the greater pressure turns out to be on the cells of the intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland, producing a hormone called intermediate.
    When a person is what he is, he merges together with everything that is. If someone does not want to communicate with him in everyday life, he is not worried about this. For him, this is not something shameful for him, and he does not fit someone who cost him badly, for he saw himself. And since the feeling of shame has not increased, then the production of the hypophysis of the intermented has not increased over measure.
    Intermedia - hormone, stimulating pigment cells, referred to melanocytes.
    They talk a lot about this pigment, and therefore we know that someone is not intermented, the skin is too white, and the sun rays are contraindicated. He defensive before ordinary nature.In fact, this problem is much more serious than it is known to science. It is much more important to know that the white and more sensitive is the skin, that is defenseless before exposed to him from the outside. Through the feeling of burns, the sun honestly and promptly gives a signal, they say, do not wish more than you can align. Leave anything for tomorrow. Who craves to protect, he does not make a solar signal. It invents sunscreen and takes everything that is possible. The feeling of victory convinces it in his own right. The tan protects him only from the comments on his blue blood. In addition, if the last fashion trend argues that the Negro Tan is beautiful, it means that it is beautiful, and the person believes in it.
    Is it possible to say that black people intermediate produced in more?
    Not. If a person remains himself, he is protected regardless of race. Self-defense for a person serves its temperament, which is the unusual manifestation of its nature. The temperament expresses the liveliness of feelings and constitutes congenital individuality. Since the nationality of a person is his free choice, who is satisfied with its nationality, he is healthy and happy. He himself is protected, and no one has to defend himself from him. White race intermediate, as well as temperament, is more hidden inside. The black race pigment is visible immediately, as well as temperament. Who is more protected - black or whitebish? Black. Do not be white people so defenseless, they would not have invented all sorts of deadly weapons for the purpose of self-defense.
    Who is not ashamed of their own temperament, he is not ashamed of colorsown skin.
    Who is not ashamed of the colors of their own skin, he will not be ashamed of histemperament.
    Who is ashamed of their temperament people, colorsskin, racial, nationality, unattractiveness, low origin,he cries the pigment cells of the skin in dark spotsOr bright or dark. The most dense pigment, under the density of heavy metals, is melanoma- skin cancer. Recently, this type of cancer is increasingly found among representatives of both white and black races, since people have greatly increased naive faith in beauty, which brings happiness. Any the slightest appearance defect is perceived as a terrible shame - straight albeit. It is often happening, for melanoma develops very quickly. To treat it only with the help of thoughts I do not advise - Melanoma can not wait, as a person is not able to wait for an external beauty. True, rare cases when medicine is powerless, and a person is more powerful than medicine.

    Example from life
    Called a woman thank for the help. Four months ago, she together with her husband visited the reception at my colleague. The instructions and books received from him were adopted, and now the woman gladly reported on the results. She said, her husband was diagnosed with blood cancer, and since, according to physicians, there was practically no hope for healing, the husband decided not to spend the remaining time for treatment in the hospital. The study of special literature helped her husband with his wife realize that no one could live a life for another person, but you can help the neighbor, by correcting your own mindset. The woman told that they began to work together on themselves and that their faith was revived when they saw that their peace of mind was a favor to favor.
    Four months later, a new test was taken from the cancer focus, and the doctor said that the malignant tumor turned into benign. Woman said: "You-Mo, of course, know what happiness is. And I did not know. And if it were not for this disease, I probably would never know. " I I was pleased with both. Thanked her for good news - a gift for me - and emphasized so that they would in no case be resting on the laurels.
    After a couple of days, a slanderous article appeared in the republican newspapers, and I continued to rejoice. It was nice to realize that God defended me. At first they sent good, then the bad. From the bad, apparently, you will also have to extract a lesson.
    The main culprit of the development of melanoma is the sun, but it is not. A person who is not ashamed that he is what it is, from the sun does not get sick. But if a man is fried under the sun, desperately trying to hide his shame, the sun really takes his shame to the light of the day, as if saying that the sun's light for this exists.

    Who is ashamed to itself in their own temperament,the color of the skin, racial and nationality, physical defects, he suppresses his temperament already in the germ itself, so that there is no track from the temperament to the very end of life. Fear to argue because of the problems hidden from people suffers from pressed pigment cells into subcutaneous fabric, creating conditions for the development of melanoma. Since the occurrence of cancer is always associated with a sense of severe shame, in any cancer should have a redundant amount melanocytes. And they certainly are present at the late stage of cancer in blackened decomposing tissues.

    Dissatisfaction, malice. Power and self-defense. We can rule the fear, threat, warning, accusation, suspicion, tears, etc. Skuperey. No joy in relation to yourself and others. Unwillingness to understand and believe in their feelings. Complex of inferiority, denial of own physical needs (as well as denial of love and sex). Dependency towards parents and other people. Close relationship and communicating with mother. Unwillingness to be healthy.

    IV. Heart chakra, at heart level. The most important chakra! Green.

    The feeling of love to everyone and everything and to life. Independence, assistance, positive self-sacrifice. Will strength, which determines our lives.

    Action on body sections:Top back, heart, lungs, blood circulation, hands, leather, eyes.

    Common stress that block chakra:Upset love feelings - do not love meI do not stand love. Feeling guilt in front of a loved one. I do not meet reciprocity. Depressed love. Everyone impede me to live like it. The world is cruel, and here reigns the right of great and strong. I do not care, and I do as I want. I live, only catching myself, because it is necessary to wait and better wait.

    Chakra number, title and color:V. Thorough chakra, at the level of the larynx, blue.

    Energy underlying force:Communication, openness. Independence, independence. Inspiration, adaptability to life. Defending their own rights. Luck. Feeling respect.

    Action on body sections:The tops of the lungs, bronchi, larynx, voice ligaments, jaw, tongue.

    Common stress that block chakra:Problems in communication with the world. Nervous assessment, feeling of helplessness. All the feelings that are intercepting the throat and cause suffocations from tears. Inability, the inability to live with his personal life, since someone or something interferes. Inability to accept what life offers. Misunderstanding of your desires. Accusation of others. The belief that everyone wants me bad. No one is before me. Feeling rejection. Fear of failure. Delaying others.

    Chakra number, title and color:Vi. Lobal chakra, or third eye, at the level of the forehead, blue (indigo).

    Energy underlying force:Learning visible and invisible. Intuition, clairvoyance. The emergence of ideas. Fulfillment of desires. Attitude towards themselves by the world.

    Action on body sections:Cerebellum, lower part of a large brain, ears, nose, sandy sinuses, eyes, nervous system, face.

    Common stress that block chakra:Conflicts between the world of feelings and the world of mind. The desire to get more. Sensibility. Discontent with your appearance. Helplessness in compiling or in the implementation of plans. Crash rainbow plans. Representations that do not correspond to reality or negative. Fear of responsibility. Unwillingness to do nor so, neither. Protest against everything. Unstable feelings.

    Chakra number, title and color:VII. Short chakra, on dark blue, purple-white.

    Energy underlying force:Perfection. Cognition of unity. Furious connection with its spirituality - faith in its spiritual possibilities.

    Action on body sections:Big brain, skull.