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  • MAI What documents are needed for admission. Reception Commission of MAI. MAI Institutes for Faculty Rights

    MAI What documents are needed for admission. Reception Commission of MAI. MAI Institutes for Faculty Rights
    Charter Mai. The real charter of the University is a new version of the University's Charter, adopted by the University Conference on December 20, 1996, approved by the Ministry of General and Vocational Education of the Russian Federation on July 20, 1998 and registered by the Moscow State Registration Chamber of the Moscow Government on October 7, 1998 per number 74309.

    Charter of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)" adopted by the Conference of Scientific and Pedagogical Workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students of the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) December 20, 2001
    Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation April 1, 2002
    Registered by the Moscow Registration Chamber April 11, 2002 per number 74309 .

    I. General provisions

    1. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) is a state educational institution of higher professional education of federal subordination, hereinafter referred to as the "University", organized by the Decree of the CEC and SCA of the USSR dated June 23, 1930 No. 40/237 as the Moscow Aviation Institute.

    In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers - the Government of the Russian Federation of 03/15/1993 No. 549, the order of the State Committee on Higher Education of the Russian Federation of July 05, 1993 No. 55 was renamed Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University). Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 1, 2001 No. 647 was renamed Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University).

    The full official name of the University is the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University)".
    Abbreviated name - MAI.

    Location (legal and actual addresses): 125993, GSP-3, Moscow, A-80, Volokolamskoe sh., D. 4.

    According to their organizational and legal form, the university is a state educational institution of higher professional education. The university is a legal entity and has separate property in its operational management, maybe from his own behalf, to acquire property and other non-property rights, carry duties, to be the plaintiff and the defendant in court. The university has an independent balance, printing depicting the state coat of arms of the Russian Federation and its name.

    In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the University is subject to state registration on the basis of the approved statute, additions and changes to it.

    2. The founder of the university is the Government of the Russian Federation. The powers of the founder implements the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
    The relationship between the founder and the university, unresolved by the Charter, is determined by the contract concluded by the founder and the university.
    Location of the founder: 115998, Moscow, Lucinovskaya st., 51.

    3. The university includes the following branches:

    Branch "Sunrise" (Baikonur) is formed by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR, the USSR Ministry of Defense and the USSR Ministry of Community Engineering of October 24, 1974 No. 140/0186 / 338c as a branch of the Moscow Aviation Institute.
    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2002 No. 1004 renamed the Branch of the "Sunrise" of the Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) in Baikonur.
    Location of the branch: 468320, Republic of Kazakhstan, Baikonur, ul. Gagarina, d. 5.

    Branch "Takeoff" (Akhtubinsk) formed by order of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Higher Education of January 24, 1995 No. 82 as a branch of the Moscow State Aviation Institute (Technical University).
    Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of March 25, 2002 No. 1004 was renamed the branch of the takeoff of the Moscow Aviation Institute (Technical University) in Akhtubinsk.
    Location of the branch: 416510, Akhtubinsk Astrakhan region, ul. Dobrolyubova, d. 5.

    Branches independently carry out all the functions of the university or their part.

    University branches are created, renamed and eliminated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4. In its activities, the University is guided by federal laws, acts of the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the state authorities of the city of Moscow, local governments, a model regulation on the educational institution of higher vocational education (higher education institution) of the Russian Federation and this Charter .

    5. The university independently forms its structure, with the exception of the creation, reorganization, rename and liquidation of branches.

    The main structural divisions of the university are created, are reorganized and eliminated by the decision of the Academic Council of the University. Regulations about them are developed by the university, approved by the rector. As a structural unit exercising within the framework of the authorities of the University of University, offline activities can be created by the Institute and (or) Research Institute, as well as training and educational and scientific centers.

    The university includes departments of the knowledge and faculties in the areas of training of specialists.

    The university may have branches, offices, research units, design bureaus, graduate school, doctoral studies, structural units of additional vocational education, extracurricular and educational work, preparatory departments and courses, objects of industrial and social infrastructure, hostels and other structural units.

    The university's structural divisions are not legal entities.

    6. Employment of structural divisions in whole or in part by the authorities of a legal entity is made with the approval of the Academic Council of the University by proxy, signed by the rector.

    7. The university is the center of education and science in the field of aviation and rocket-space technology, the main tasks of which are:

    • meeting the needs of the personality in intellectual, cultural and moral development by receiving the highest and postgraduate vocational education;
    • satisfying the needs of society and the state in qualified specialists with higher education and scientific and pedagogical personnel of higher qualifications;
    • organization and conduct of fundamental and applied research, as well as scientific and technical and experimental design work;
    • preparation, retraining, professional retraining and advanced training of specialists and managers;
    • the accumulation, preservation and increase in the moral, cultural and scientific values \u200b\u200bof the Company;
    • dissemination of knowledge among the population, an increase in its educational and cultural level.
    8. Functions for the protection of state secrets and information are carried out by specially established structural divisions, the provisions on which are approved by the University Rector in accordance with the license and other regulatory documents approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    9. The duties of the university for conducting and providing measures for mobilization preparation, civil defense are held in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation through the university's structural units: the military-accounting department and the headquarters for civil defense and emergency situations.

    10. The university and its branches are implementing educational programs of higher and postgraduate vocational education, the main general, secondary (full total, secondary vocational education), as well as additional professional education upon receipt of relevant licenses in the prescribed manner.

    The activities of the University on the implementation of these programs (including the development of requirements for the reception of citizens, the content of education and the organization of the educational process, the issuance of documents on education, the provision of rights, social guarantees and benefits to students and employees) is regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, model provisions on educational institutions of relevant types and species.

    The university receives the right to conduct educational activities and for benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, from the date of issuing a license.

    University's rights to issue their graduates of the State Sample document on the appropriate level of education, to use the press with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, as well as the university's right to incorporate in the scheme of centralized state financing occur since its state accreditation confirmed by the certificate of state accreditation.

    The university has the right to voluntarily join and unite in the association (alliances), which are created and operate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    II. Reception at university

    11. The university independently develops and approves the rules for admission to a part that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and the procedure for admission established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
    The rules for admission to the university are approved by the Academic Council of the University.

    The university is obliged to familiarize the applicant with the Charter, the University license for the conduct of educational activities, as well as a certificate of state accreditation for each of the areas of preparation (specialty), giving the right to issue a state-owned document on higher professional education. Familiarization of applicant with a certificate of state accreditation at the preparation (specialty) selected training (specialty) or the fact of the lack of this evidence is recorded in the receiving documents and are certified by the signature of the applicant.

    Reception to the university is held in Russian on a competitive basis according to applicants. The conditions of the competition must guarantee compliance with the rights of citizens to education and ensure enrollment of the most capable citizens prepared for the development of educational programs of the corresponding level and (or) steps.

    Outside the competition, subject to successful commissioning of entrance examinations, categories of citizens provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation are accepted.

    The first course is accepted by persons who have a state-owned document on the average (full) general or secondary vocational education, as well as a diploma on primary professional, education, if there are records in it on obtaining a medium (full) general education.

    For the period of entrance examinations and enrollments at the university, adoptive, subject examination and appeal committees are created, the procedure for formation, the composition, powers and activities of which are governed by the provisions approved by the rector of the university.

    When admission, the university provides publicity and openness of the work of the Admission Commission, the objectivity of the assessment of the ability and inclination of applicants.

    12. The timing of the reception of documents from the university of arriving at the first rate is established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    The University announces a reception for educational training only if there is a license for the implementation of educational activities on these programs.

    13. The number of citizens accepted for the first year of the university for training at the expense of the federal budget, and the structure of their reception is determined within the tasks (control numbers) established annually by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    The university has the right to implement in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, the reception of citizens in excess of established tasks (control numbers) for training on the basis of contracts with the payment of the cost of learning legal and (or) individuals. At the same time, the total number of students of the university should not exceed the number of contingent established in licenses for the implementation of educational activities.

    The university may allocate within tasks (control numbers) of a place for targeted reception based on contracts with state and municipal bodies and organize a separate contest for these places.

    III. Educational activities of the University

    14. Learning at the university is conducted in Russian. Separate lecture cycles with the consent of students may be taught in a foreign language.
    Training is conducted in full-time and part-time (evening) forms.

    15. The academic year for students of full-time and part-time (evening) forms of study begins on September 1 and ends according to the work plan at a specific area of \u200b\u200bpreparation (specialty).

    By decision of the Academic Council of the University, the beginning of the school year can be transferred for a period of no more than two months.

    The timing of the development of educational programs of various levels is determined by standard provisions on educational institutions for relevant types and species or relevant state standards.

    16. The term of study on the educational program of the Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education for Full-time education is established in accordance with the State Educational Standard.

    The deadlines for learning in part-in-country (evening) form, as well as in the case of a combination of various forms of training in the implementation of the main educational programs of higher vocational education, may increase for up to 1 year compared with the deadlines for full-time education on the basis of the decision of the University Scientific Council.

    17. The maximum volume of learning load of full-time students, including all types of audit and extracurricular learning work, is determined by the curriculum and, as a rule, should not exceed 54 hours per week.

    18. Training classes at the university are held in the form of lectures, consultations, seminars, practical exercises, laboratory work, test work, colloquiums, independent work, research work, practice, course design (exchange rate), as well as by performing qualification work (thesis project or work, master's thesis). The university can establish other types of training sessions.

    University through a targeted organization of the educational process, the choice of forms, methods and means of training, the use of distance learning creates conditions for the development of educational programs of a certain level and orientation. It is prohibited to use anti-human, as well as life-threatening student learning methods.

    For all types of audit training sessions, an academic hour is installed 45 minutes.

    Educational programs are implemented at the university at the relevant levels and levels of education or continuously taking into account their relationship.

    19. The university is implemented by the following steps of higher professional education: "Bachelor", "Certified Specialist", "Master".

    Persons who received state-owned documents on the highest professional education of a certain step are entitled to continue education on the educational program of higher professional education to the next step in the educational program of higher professional education.

    20. The organization of the educational process at the University of Higher Professional Educational Educational Programs is governed by the working curriculum in the direction of training (specialty) and the schedule of training sessions for each form of training, which are developed and approved by the University independently on the basis of the State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education, Sample Educational Programs, Training Plans to prepare (specialty) and discipline programs approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, with an exemplary curriculum and disciplines' programs have a recommendatory nature.

    21. Training on individual curricula is organized for persons having an average vocational education of the relevant profile and higher professional education of various steps on the basis of the decision of the University's Academic Council for the Reduced Educational Program of Higher Professional Education, as well as for persons who can master the basic program of higher professional education. For a shorter period. The conditions for the development of these persons of the main educational programs of higher vocational education in abbreviated deadlines are determined by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Students have the right to master additional academic disciplines taught at the university that are not included in the curricula on chosen areas (specialty).

    22. The university in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its charter is entitled to carry out above the established tasks (control figures) on receiving the training of specialists of the relevant level of education with the payment of training costs, to provide paid additional educational services (training for additional educational programs, teaching special courses and disciplines cycles , tutoring, classes with educational in-depth study of items and other services) not provided for by the relevant educational programs and government educational standards under contracts with legal and (or) individuals.

    Paid educational services cannot be carried out in return and within the framework of educational activities funded by the budget.

    The cost of training and the amount of payment for the provision of additional educational services is established by the rector of the highest educational institution, taking into account the approved estimates of expenses.

    23. The university assesses the quality of the development of educational programs through the implementation of current monitoring of academic performance, intermediate certification of students and total graduate certification.

    Intermediate certification of students at the university is carried out in the form of examinations and tests. For disciplines and types of academic work, according to which the form of the interim certification of students is the exam, the estimates are "excellent", "well", "satisfactory" and "unsatisfactory", if the form of interim certification of students is a credit, evaluations are established: "Changed" and " Disabled. "

    Conducting and examing: oral, written, testing, protection of work (project) and others - is established by the Department.

    The standings are held on schedule approved by the Dean of the Faculty, without allocating a special time budget.

    The time assigned to the examination session is included in the working curriculum. Exams are held on schedule approved by the rector or vice-rector for academic work. For preparing for the exam, there are not less than 3 days. In the form of an exception, by decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty, individual exams can be carried out during the theoretical learning upon completion of the teaching of the discipline. In this case, the student is also provided for at least 3 days to prepare for the exam.

    Evaluation or offset can be exhibited without a survey - according to the results of the student's work during the semester. With the disagreement of a student with an assessment, the latter has the right to rent a test or exam on general reasons.

    No appearance without a good reason for the offset or exam on the declared dean of the faculty, the schedule is equal to a negative result.

    A student who has not surrendered the standings installed for the semester, as a rule, is not allowed to session.

    Realcut the unsatisfactory results of the exam (test) is allowed towards the dean of the faculty and no more than two times.

    By the decision of the dean of the faculty, the exam (credit) can be made by the Commission. Replacing the examiner, if there are valid reasons, is carried out by the head of the department with the consent of the Dean of the Faculty.

    Persons who study at the University of Higher Professional Education Programs for Interim Certification take no more than 10 exams during the academic year and 12 tests. This number does not include exams and tests in physical culture and elective disciplines.

    Students studying in abbreviated terms and in the form of externalation, with interim certification, they take no more than 20 exams during the school year.

    The provision on the conduct of current monitoring of academic performance and interim certification of students is approved by the University Socked Council.

    24. Persons (listeners) adopted at the university for simultaneous parallel development of two main educational programs of higher professional education, in orders for enrollment in listeners can be established the conditions for visiting training sessions, conducting practices and certification.

    25. The student can be expelled from the university at its own request, including illness; in connection with the transition to another educational institution; Upon receipt of three and more unsatisfactory assessments, with the imposition of academic debt set by the decan, for violation of the University's Charter, the rules of the internal regulation, the rules of residence in the hostel, in violation of the terms of the concluded agreement (for persons who study on a paid basis).

    For violation by the student of the responsibilities stipulated by the University's Charter, the rules of its internal regulation, and the rules of residence in the hostel may be used disciplinary penalties up to the deductions from the university. Disciplinary recovery, including the deduction, can be imposed after receiving an explanation from it in writing, no later than a month from the date of the discovery of the offense and no later than six months from the date of its commission.

    The deduction of students during their illness, vacation, academic leave, maternity leave is not allowed.

    The deduction is made by order of the rector (vicector) on the representation of the Dean of the Faculty.

    26. The final certification of the university graduate is mandatory and carried out after the development of the educational program in full state attestation commission in accordance with the Regulations on the final state certification of graduates of higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation, approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    The university issues to those who have passed the final certification, documents of the state sample on the level of education and (or) qualifications.

    After passing the final certification, the student on his personal statement can be provided within the term of the development of the main educational program of higher professional education of the holidays, at the end of which deducts from the form of university students.

    27. The university is obliged to inform students about the situation in the field of employment of the population of the Russian Federation, to promote students in the conclusion of contracts with enterprises, institutions and organizations on their training and employment.

    28. A personal business is formed for each studying at the university. A university graduate and a student who retired before his ending, an education document is issued from a personal affairs, on the basis of which he was enrolled in the university. A certified copy of the document remains in business. All other documents (extracts from orders for enrollment, about the end or disposal, the test book, student card, etc.) remain in your personal case.

    IV. University scientific activities

    29. The main objectives of the university's scientific activities are the development of sciences through scientific research and creative activities of scientific and pedagogical workers and students.

    30. The main scientific fields of the university are:

    • aircraft;
    • aviation and Space Heat Engineering;
    • armament and military equipment;
    • humanitarian and social sciences;
    • engineering and energy installations;
    • cybernetics, informatics, automation and computing;
    • control and quality management;
    • space machinery and rocket education;
    • mathematics and applied mathematics;
    • mechanical engineering and machine studies;
    • medical equipment;
    • mechanics;
    • scientific and scientific and methodological support for the development of science and education;
    • instrument making;
    • physical and chemical bases of applied research;
    • ecology and rational environmental management;
    • economy and management;
    • electronics, radio engineering, communication;
    • energy, electrical engineering.
    31. The university organizes and conducts fundamental, applied research and experimental developments aimed at ensuring the training of specialists, scientific and educational staff at the level of world qualification requirements; As well as the effective use of the scientific and technical capacity of the university for the development of the economy and solving the social tasks of the country.

    32. Sources of financing scientific research conducted by the University are:

    • funds of federal and local budgets; funds obtained by grants;
    • funds received under contracts from customers of work (including foreign);
    • funds of various funds;
    • own funds of the university;
    • other sources, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.
    33. The thematic plan for scientific research of the University, performed on the tasks of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, is annually formed on a competitive basis, taking into account the results of annual protection and expertise and is approved by the University Scientific Council.

    Scientific research conducted by the University is funded by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, regardless of the financing of educational activities.

    Scientific or scientific and technical activities at the university can also be carried out at the expense of grants that in the prescribed manner are transferred to scientific and pedagogical workers or university.

    Grant recipients dispose of them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or if they are used in the territory of foreign countries - in accordance with the legislation of this state and in the manner due to a legal or individual who provide grants.

    All executed open research work funded from the federal budget are subject to state registration in accordance with the requirements of the current regulatory and technical documentation.

    The results of research activities are subject to annual discussion on the scientist of the University Council.

    The university is in a timely manner in the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation an annual report on research work, ensuring the accuracy of the information provided on the established forms.

    V. University management

    34. University of independent in the selection and placement of personnel, the implementation of educational, scientific, financial and economic and other activities in accordance with the legislation and this Charter approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Possessing autonomy, the university is responsible for its activities before each studying, society and the state.

    University management is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Model Regulations on the educational institution of higher professional education (higher education institution) of the Russian Federation, this Charter and the contract with the founder on the principles of combination of union and collegiates.

    35. The competence of the founder is determined by the Treaty between the University and the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    36. University employees take part in the university management, sending their delegates to the conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students of the University (hereinafter conference), in the University of Scientific Council and Faculty.

    The procedure for election of delegates at the University Conference is determined by the University Scripture with the participation of all categories of workers, students and representatives of public organizations.

    Representation of members of the Academic Council of the University at the Conference should not be more than 50% of the total number of delegates.

    University Conference:

    • accepts the charter of the university, changes and additions to it;
    • elects the Scientific Council of the University;
    • elects the University Rector;
    • takes a collective agreement between the administration and the University's team;
    • he elected representatives of employees to the labor dispute committee.
    The charter of the university, changes and additions to it after the conference is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Conditions for all employees and students should be created at the university to familiarize themselves with the current charter, contributing to its change or add-on and to discuss these proposals.

    The charter of the university, changes and additions to it are subject to registration in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The conference is considered to be eligible if no less than 2/3 of its delegates took part in it.

    The decision of the conference is considered adopted if more than 50% of the delegates participating in the voting voted for it.

    37. The general leadership of the university is carried out by an elected representative body - the University of Scientific Council, headed by the rector (Chairman).

    The scientific council of the University of Position includes: Rector, Vice Rector; By decision of the Academic Council of the University - the deans of faculties. Other members of the Academic Council are elected at the University Conference by Secret Voting.

    The standards of the Representative Office to the Academic Council of the University of University's units are established by the University Script. The representatives of units and students, who received more than 50% of the delegates who received more than 50% of the delegates, with a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of delegates of the conference, are considered to be members of the academic council or withdrawn from it.

    The composition of the University of Scientific Council is announced by the order of the University of Rector. In the case of dismissal (deductions) from the University of the member of the Academic Council, it automatically drops out of the scientific council.

    The regulation of the work of the scientific council is determined by the Scientific Council itself. The Scientific Secretary is elected by the Scientific Council itself from among the elected members of the Council.

    The term of office of the University of Scientific Council is 5 years.

    Early re-elections of members of the Academic Council of the University are held at the request of at least half of its members.

    The number of members of the Academic Council of the University cannot exceed 121 people.

    The University of Scientific Council works in public conditions. Under the Scientific Council, working commissions are being created, the provisions on which are subject to approval of the Academic Council and are approved by the Chairman of the University Scientific Council.

    38. The Academic Council of the University makes decisions:

    • on the creation, reorganization, the elimination of the main structural divisions of the University;
    • about convening the University Conference;
    • about an increase in the period (up to 1 year) of learning under part-time (evening) form of training;
    • on reducing the term of training of persons with secondary vocational education of the appropriate profile or higher professional education of various steps, as well as persons able to master the basic educational program of higher professional education in a shorter period;
    • on the transfer of the deadlines for the beginning of the school year;
    • on the possibility of incorporating the Deans of Faculties to the Academic Council of the University without election of them at the University Conference;
    • according to the submission to scientists and honorary titles;
    • on the areas of use of funds and the execution of the university budget;
    • university structure;
    • Regulations on the current monitoring of academic performance and interim certification of students;
    • terms (date) and the procedure for holding the election of the University of Rector, the procedure for nominating candidates for the position of rector and requirements for them;
    • the procedure for electing the deans of faculties and heads of departments;
    • the procedure for providing scholarships of students studying for full-time education and receiving education at the expense of the federal budget;
    • dimensions of surcharges and dumps, premiums and other payments to university employees;
    • Regulations on the procedure for the formation of thematic plans for research work (NIR) on the task of the Ministry of Education of Russia, reporting on the implementation of the NIR, as well as acceptance of the results of the NIR;
    • the volume and structure of admission of students for the first course for training in the branch at the expense of the federal budget;
    • procedure for termination of an employment contract with a teacher in connection with its insufficient qualifications;
    • the procedure for preparing for the main and additional programs of vocational education declared for licensing;
    • the procedure for renting objects of property and land plots, and also provides its consent to the rental of property and land facilities;
    • the procedure for the creation and activities of the Board of Trustees of the University.
    The University of Scientific Council solves other issues included in its competence in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    To coordinate certain areas of activity in university divisions, elected representative bodies are created by decision of the University of the University - scientists (tips).

    The procedure for the formation, the composition, the powers of these Soviets are determined by the scientific Council of the University. These tips are carried out on the basis of the provisions taken by the University of the University and approved by the rector.

    39. Directly manage the university is rector.
    The current rector of the university is elected at the conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students for a period of 5 years by secret voting on the results of the discussion of its report for the preceding period of activity. The election is considered to be, if the election voted a simple majority of the conference delegates in the presence of a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of delegates of the Conference.

    In the case of an infection of the current rector for a new term on the results of the report and in the presence of a vacancy, the University's rector is elected on a competitive basis by secret voting at a conference of scientific and pedagogical workers, representatives of other categories of workers and students for a period of 5 years based on the results of the discussion of applicants' programs (applicant) . The candidate who received the greatest number of votes is considered to be elected, but at least 50% + 1 vote, if there is a quorum of at least 2/3 of the list of conference delegates.

    The time and procedure for holding the election of the rector, the procedure for nomination of candidates and the requirements for them are determined by the University Script Council.
    Approval of the candidacy chosen to the position of rector is carried out by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.
    In the presence of a vacant position of the rector, the execution of his duties is assigned to one of the vice-rectorists by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    The rector of the university has the following powers:

    • manages the educational, scientific, industrial, economic and financial activities of the University in accordance with this Charter and the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • disposes of property in the prescribed manner, including acquired at the expense of funds received from permitted activities and taken into account on a separate balance;
    • advises employment, dismissal, conclusion and termination of employment contracts with university employees in accordance with current labor legislation, including the conclusion of urgent employment contracts with viscores and scientific and pedagogical workers;
    • suspends the decisions of the Council of the Faculty, if they contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;
    • forms the composition of the rectorate (advisory body) and appoints the heads of structural divisions, determines the powers of the University's governing staff, approves job descriptions and staffing;
    • solves issues of encouragement and attracting university employees to disciplinary responsibility;
    • solves issues related to the conclusion of contracts, agreements on the extension of obligations and other conditions that are not contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter;
    • approves the university, taking into account the opinion of the representative body of university workers;
    • approves or changes the rules for residence in the hostel, provisions on structural divisions and other local acts that are not contrary to this Charter;
    • represents the University in all domestic and foreign organizations, institutions, enterprises, courts;
    • signs the decisions of the University Council as his chairman;
    • approves the composition of the Academic Council of the University;
    • publishes orders and orders that are not contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the University's Charter; decisions of the Academic Council of the University, mandatory for all workers and students at the university;
    • gives out and recalls attorney to implement the legal entity (fully or partially) structural university units;
    • brings personal responsibility to the University's team and the founder for the activities of the University;
    • defines the official responsibilities of university workers.
    The fulfillment of part of their duties rector may transfer the viscores and other executives of the University. Vice-rectors carry out direct guidance and are responsible for a certain type of university activity in accordance with the order of the University of Rector on the distribution of responsibilities between them and other managers who communicate to the attention of the entire university team.

    The rector has no right to combine his post with another paid governing position (except for academic and scientific and methodological guidelines) inside or outside the university.
    The rector cannot fulfill its part-time responsibilities.

    The rector in its activities is guided by the Regulations on the status of the rector of the State Higher Educational Institution of the Russian Federation of Federal Subordination, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 11.06.1996 No. 695.

    40. The relationship between public organizations of students with the University administration is determined by collective agreements between them.

    The Academic Council of the University considers and takes into account the recommendations of public organizations of students.

    41. The main educational university universities are faculties and departments.

    The faculty is headed by Dean, elected on a competitive basis by the Council of Faculty for a period of 5 years by secret voting from among the most qualified and reputable university workers who have a degree or title.

    The candidate who received the largest number of votes of the member of the scientist council, but not less than 50% of the votes is + 1 vote, if there is a quorum of at least 2/3 from the list of scientific council of the Faculty.

    The department is headed by the head, elected by the University of the University's Council for a period of 5 years by secret voting from among the most qualified and authoritative specialists of the corresponding profile, which is usually a scientific degree or title.

    The candidate believed that the candidate who received the largest number of members of the member of the scientist council, but not less than 50% of the votes of + 1 vote, in the presence of a quorum of at least 2/3 from the list of university scientific council.

    The procedure for election of the Dean of the Faculty and the Department of the Department of the University is approved by the University Socked Council.

    Selected deans and heads of departments are approved by the Order of the University of Rector. Approval is preceded by the conclusion of urgent employment contracts for the election period.

    42. The positions of the rector, vicector, director of the branch (institute) and the dean of the faculty can be occupied by persons under the age of sixty-five years, regardless of the time of conclusion of employment contracts.

    Persons who have ceased to meet these requirements are exempt from the position being held and are translated from their consent to other positions corresponding to their qualifications.

    In accordance with the law on the submission of the Academic Council of the University, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has the right to establish a period of stay as a rector before reaching the age of 70 years.

    According to the submission of the Academic Council of the University of the University, the rector has the right to extend the tenure of the Vice-Rector, the Dean of the Faculty, the head of the branch (Institute) until they reach the age of 70 years.

    43. The direct management of the branch is carried out by the head (director), appointed by the Order of the University of Rector, as a rule, has the experience of scientific and methodological and (or) scientific, organizational work in a higher educational institution and operating on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the University Rector.

    44. Students can participate in the discussion and solving the most important issues of the university's activities through trade union organizations, student councils, Tips Starost, etc., as well as through their representatives in the University Council and at the University Conference.

    Vi. Students and university employees

    45. Students at the university include students, graduate students, listeners and other categories of students.

    The student is a person, in the prescribed manner, enrolled by order of the rector at the University for training in the educational program of higher professional education.

    A student card and a certificate book of the established sample is issued free of charge for a university student.

    University students have the right to:

    • receive knowledge corresponding to the modern level of development of science, technology, culture;
    • choose optional classes and elective courses offered by the relevant faculty and department;
    • participate in the formation of the content of their education subject to the compliance with the requirements of state educational standards of higher professional education;
    • in addition to educational disciplines in selected areas of training (specialty), learn any other educational disciplines, taught at the university, as a rule, on a paid basis (such services are provided with the facilitation of the faculty on which the student is learning), as well as those taught in other higher educational institutions. (in coordination with their leaders);
    • receive education in a military specialty in the procedure established by the legislation;
    • take part in all types of research work in the prescribed manner;
    • submit to publication their work, including at the university publications;
    • election and be elected to the University of Scientific Council (faculty) and at the University Collective Conference (Faculty);
    • full-time students of training have the right to work in free from studies to work at enterprises, in institutions and organizations of any organizational and legal forms;
    • unite into public organizations that protect their rights and interests.
    University students are required:
    • fulfill the requirements of this Charter;
    • mastering knowledge, fulfill all types of tasks provided for by the training plan and educational programs;
    • comply with the rules of internal regulations at the university and in hostels;
    • take care of the property of the University carefully, to bear material responsibility for the property entrusted to them, literature and equipment in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • be disciplined, neat and polite at the university and in public places;
    • comply with cleanliness and order in all university premises.
    Listeners of the university are faces students:
    • on the preparatory offices;
    • in the structural divisions of advanced training and retraining of specialists;
    • in another higher educational institution, if they are in parallel receive the second higher professional education.
    The legal status of listeners regarding the receipt of educational services meets the status of a university student relevant to the form of training.

    46. The student has the right to free use of the library, information fund, the services of therapeutic, sports, cultural and educational divisions of the University upon presentation of a student ticket and complying with the rules for using the services provided by these divisions.

    47. Reception of persons from another higher education institution to continue learning at the university is carried out in accordance with the procedure for admission to the university, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Students expelled from the university for a good reason, including at their own request, have the right for 5 years from the date of deduction to restore the basics of learning (free or paid), in accordance with which they studied before deduction, if there are University of vacancies.

    Students expelled by a disrespectful reason can be restored for 5 years to represent the faculty, subject to the elimination of academic debt in the time limits established by the dean of the faculty, if there are vacant places.

    The transition of students studying on a contractual basis, from one educational program and form of training to another and the transition from one higher educational institution to another may be limited if this is stipulated in its contract.

    The student receives a higher professional education in the chosen direction of training (specialty) within the relevant state educational standard by mastering the relevant educational program of higher professional education.

    The student is guaranteed freedom to transfer to another higher education institution with the consent of this higher educational institution and the successful passing of certification.

    The translation of the student from one higher educational institution to others is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise provided by the legislation of the Russian Federation. At the same time, the student remains all the rights as for the student for the first time at this stage of higher professional education.

    In state higher educational institutions, the fee for recovery, the transition and translation is not charged if the person received or receives a higher professional education for the first time at the expense of the federal budget.

    48. The translation of students with a paid basis for free training is carried out by the decision of the rector in the presence of vacant budget seats at the request of the management of the faculty and, as a rule, with excellent and (or) excellent and good performance for at least two last semesters.

    49. University students who study on full-time education and education at the expense of the federal budget are provided by scholarships in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the manner determined by the University Scripture Council. For special merits in studies and active participation in research work, students may be presented to obtaining scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation.

    The university within the existing budget and extrabudgetary funds is developing and implements the measures of social support for students.

    50. For students of the full-time and part-time form of training at least twice in the school year, vacations are established with a total duration of at least seven weeks.

    Nonresident Students of full-time learning in need of living space are provided by a place in a hostel in accordance with sanitary standards within the existing housing stock. The amount of accommodation fees in the hostel is established in accordance with applicable law. For additional services in the mutual agreement of the parties, the payment may be increased, with each living in the hostel is a contract, the typical form of which is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Students have the right to other social guarantees and benefits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    51. Professors and teaching positions include the posts of the Dean of the Faculty, the head of the department, professor, associate professor, senior teacher, teacher and assistant.

    The replacement of all the posts of scientific and pedagogical workers at the university is made under the employment contract concluded for up to five years. When replacing the posts of scientific and pedagogical workers at the university, with the exception of the Dean of the Faculty and the head of the department, the conclusion of the employment contract is preceded by a competitive selection.

    The provision on the replacement of positions of faculty and researchers in higher educational institutions is approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    Scientific and pedagogical workers have the following rights and social guarantees:

    • to ensure their professional activities;
    • election and be elected to the University Council of the University (faculty);
    • participate in the discussion and addressing of the most important issues of educational, scientific, creative and industrial activities of the university, including through public organizations and university management bodies;
    • free use of library, information funds, as well as services of social and household, medical and other universities in the manner prescribed by the collective agreement;
    • appeal against orders and orders of the University Administration in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • to choose methods and means of learning, conducting scientific research that most fully meet their individual characteristics and ensure high quality of educational and scientific processes.
    Pedagogical workers in order to facilitate their provision of publishing products and periodic publications are paid monthly monetary compensation in the amount determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Scientific and pedagogical workers are required:

    • ensure high efficiency of the pedagogical process, develop independence, initiative, creative abilities, careful attitude to the university property;
    • respect the personal dignity of future specialists, to take care of their cultural and physical development;
    • conduct research, ensuring a high scientific level of education, actively involve students in them;
    • systematically improve their qualifications;
    • fulfill the requirements of this Charter and comply with the rules of the internal labor regulation;
    • participate in the vocational guidance work carried out by the University.
    52. For pedagogical workers of the university, the abbreviated duration of working time is established - no more than 36 hours per week and the elongated annual paid leave of 56 calendar days.

    Training load for pedagogical workers is established by the University independently depending on their qualifications and profile of the department in the amount of up to 900 hours in the school year.

    53. Pedagogical workers have the right to a long vacation for a period of up to one year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work at the university. Decisions on the provision of leave adopts the Academic Council of the Faculty of the Department of the Department and are issued by the order of the University of Rector.

    Vacation can be paid completely, partially or not paid depending on the budgetary or extrabudgetary funds available at the university. Vacation is provided, as a rule, to write textbooks, scientific papers, to improve the skills and in other cases and can be provided at any time of the school year and (or) is attached to the next holiday.

    54. The recruitment of the team of university workers, except for the scientific and pedagogical composition and visorial university, is made by entering into an indefinite employment contract between the employee and the administration.

    Vice-rectors of the university are being made to work on an urgent employment contract concluded between the university and the Vice-Rector, the end time of which coincides with the term of the end of the authority of the University of Rector.

    55. The dismissal of pedagogical workers on the initiative of the University administration in connection with the reduction of states is allowed only after the graduation year.

    56. The rights and obligations of the administrative and economic, engineering, industrial, educational and other personnel of the university are determined by the legislation on labor of the Russian Federation, the rules of the internal labor regulation and job descriptions. Labor, socio-economic and professional issues are also solved within the framework of the collective agreement concluded in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    57. University employees for success in educational, methodological, scientific, educational work and other activities, and students for success in studying and research activities provided for by this Charter establish various forms of moral and material promotion provided for by labor legislation, internal regulations and other Local acts of the university.

    VII. Preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel and the advanced training of scientific and pedagogical personnel

    58. The preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel at the university is carried out in the following forms: graduate school, doctoral degree, as well as by attaching applicants for scientists by degrees, by transferring pedagogical workers to the posts of researchers to prepare candidate and doctoral dissertations and providing creative holidays to complete work on the dissertations Candidate of Science or Doctor of Sciences.

    To complete the dissertation for the degree of candidate of science or doctor of science, employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations are given leave with salary time, respectively, 3 or 6 months in the manner prescribed by graduate students, doctoral students, applicants.

    Regulations on the preparation of scientific and pedagogical and scientific personnel in the system of postgraduate vocational education in the Russian Federation are approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    A doctoral student is a person who has a scientific degree of candidate of science and enrolled in doctoral studies for the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science.

    The graduate student is a person having a higher professional education and studying in graduate school and preparing the dissertation for a scientific degree of a candidate of science.

    The applicant is a person with a higher professional education attached to an organization or institution that have a graduate school and (or) doctoral studies, and prepare the dissertation for the degree of candidate of science without learning in graduate school, or a person having a scientist degree of candidate of science and a preservative on the dissertation on Degree of doctor of science degree degrees.

    The university has the right to receive admission to graduate school and doctoral in excess of the necessary tasks on the basis of contracts concluded with legal entities and individuals on a fee.

    Doctoral students and postgraduates of the University, students at the expense of the budget, government scholarships are paid and annual holidays are provided for two months.

    Doctoral students keep all the rights at the place of work that they had before entering the doctoral studies (the right to receive living space, to assign the scholar title, etc.), as well as the right to return to the previous place of work.

    Persons admitted to the introductory examinations in graduate school are provided with a duration of thirty calendar days while maintaining average wages at the place of work.

    Doctoral students and graduate students are entitled:

    • participate in the discussion of the activities of the University;
    • to enjoy free information funds, library, equipment, laboratories, educational and methods, as well as the right to travel, participation in the University's research work on a par with scientific and pedagogical workers of the University.
    Graduate students and doctoral students are entitled to other social guarantees and benefits stipulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the Regulations on the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel and other acts regulating the activities of the University.

    Graduate students and doctoral students are required:

    • mastering professional knowledge, methods for conducting scientific research;
    • carry out an individual work plan;
    • observe the university's internal regulations.
    Every year, graduate students and doctoral students are certified. In case of negative certification, they are subject to deduction.

    To complete the dissertation for the degree of candidate or doctor of science, university employees are given leave with salary to three or six months, respectively.

    Persons who completed graduate school and doctoral studies, these leave are not provided.

    Applicants working on the dissertations for the degree of doctor of science and having significant scientific results can be transferred to the posts of scientists for a period of up to two years with the preservation of their official salaries and with the right to return to the previous place of work.

    59. Improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers of the university is carried out at least once every five years in educational institutions of the system of advanced training and professional retraining of personnel, in higher educational institutions, in leading Russian and foreign scientific and industrial organizations by learning, passing internships, participation in the work of seminars , as well as using other types and forms of advanced training.

    Improving the qualifications of scientific and pedagogical workers can be financed both at the expense of the federal budget, and at the expense of legal and (or) individuals under the university of contracts.

    VIII. Property of the University and its financial and economic activities

    60. For the university in order to provide educational activities provided for by this Charter, in accordance with the established procedure, they are established on the right of operational management of the building, structures, property complexes, equipment, as well as the other necessary property of consumer, social, cultural and other purposes, which are on its balance sheet and are federal Property.

    The university is enshrined in the indefinite free use of land allocated to him in the prescribed manner.

    61. State property assigned to the university may alienate the owner in the manner and on the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    62. The university owns the right of self-order with cash, property and other property facilities transferred to him in the form of a gift, donations or will, as well as objects and property acquired from permitted activities taken into account on a separate balance sheet.

    63. The university is entitled to act as a tenant and (or) landlord property. Leases of the University of Properties enshrined behind it is carried out without redemption rights with the consent of the University Socked Council at prices that cannot be lower than the prices established in the region.

    The funds received by the University as rent are sent to ensuring and developing its educational process.

    64. The university is borne by the owner and founder responsibility for the safety and efficient use of the property assigned to it in the operational management. The control of the university in this area is carried out by the owner and founder.

    The university is responsible for its obligations in its disposal, as well as property taken into account on a separate balance sheet. In their insufficiency, the subsidiary responsibility for the obligations of the university bears the founder in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    65. Funding for university activities is carried out at the expense:
    but) federal budget funds, as well as funds of budgets of various levels;
    b) funds received from the implementation of paid educational activities, entrepreneurial and other activities stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    in) voluntary donations and targeted contributions of legal entities and individuals, including foreign;
    d) means of other sources in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Funding for educational activities of the University is carried out at the expense of the federal budget, taking into account the established tasks for receiving (control numbers) on the basis of state and local financing standards.

    66. Attracting the university of additional funds does not entail a decline in state and local financing standards and (or) the size of its financing provided for in the relevant budget.

    67. The university exercise budgetary tools and funds of other sources of financing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    68. The university in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and its charter is entitled to exercise in excess of the established tasks (control numbers) on receiving the training of specialists of the appropriate level of education with the payment of the cost of training, to provide paid additional educational services that are not provided for by the relevant educational programs and government educational standards, under contracts with legal and (or) individuals.

    These activities cannot be provided in exchange and within the framework of educational activities funded at the expense of the federal budget.

    The cost of learning and the amount of payment for the provision of additional educational services is established by the rector of the university, taking into account the approved estimates of expenses.

    The provision of paid educational services does not apply to business activities. Revenue from these services is reinvested to the university, including an increase in wage costs, at its discretion.

    69. The university independently solves the issues of concluding contracts, identifying obligations and other conditions that are not contrary to the legislation of the Russian Federation and this Charter.

    70. The university independently determines the directions and procedure for the use of funds received by him at the expense of the budget and other sources, not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including funds allocated to pay for labor and material incentives for their employees. The funds unused in the current period (year, quarter) cannot be removed from the university or credited to the amount of university financing for the subsequent period.

    71. The university has facial accounts discovered in the prescribed manner to account for operations to fulfill the costs of the costs of federal and other budgets, to account for funds received from entrepreneurial and other income-generating activities, currency account - in banking or other credit institutions.

    72. The university has the right to conduct entrepreneurship in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation:

    • on carrying out fundamental, applied and experimental design work related to the creation of aviation, rocket and space technology;
    • to implement the results of fundamental research and applied work in a new special technique;
    • to perform installation, commissioning, adjustment, equipment, configuration, maintenance, repair, reconstruction, re-equipment, software development and software packages in relation to computer;
    • to fulfill work as a developer of light civil aircraft intended for operation according to the rules of visual flight;
    • on the implementation of works (services) of environmental protection in terms of commissioning and operation of environmental protection equipment, measuring and control of environmental parameters;
    • on working in the field of information protection, including certification of funds and control, their development, production, implementation, installation, installation, commissioning, testing, repair and maintenance;
    • to carry out work related to the use of information constituting a state secret, as well as the implementation of activities and (or) provision of services in the field of protection of state secrets;
    • on the development and production of medical equipment;
    • for the manufacture and repair of measuring instruments;
    • on shared participation at the expense of funds and property that is in its own disposal, in the activities of other institutions, organizations, enterprises;
    • on acquisitions at the expense of the university, shares, bonds, other securities and income on them;
    • for rental of fixed assets and property;
    • on the production of print publications of any kind;
    • by publishing activities;
    • to carry out transportation of the population and cargo by their transport;
    • on the provision of services in restoring the efficiency of aggregates of modern vehicles;
    • upon receipt and design of the source data for the design of construction and reconstruction facilities;
    • on technical support of the project stage;
    • upon issuing permits for the construction and reconstruction of facilities, on monitoring the deadlines of the issued technical conditions for the accession of engineering communications;
    • to ensure the liberation of the construction site;
    • to ensure construction materials and equipment for the supply of the customer and their implementation;
    • on the organization of construction management, technical oversight, participation in working and state commissions, transmission of objects commissioning;
    • to coordinate the activities of design, construction and installation, specialized and other organizations carrying out the design, construction and reconstruction of objects;
    • for the production of installation, repair and maintenance of fire safety buildings and structures;
    • for the provision of local telephone services;
    • for the provision of telematic services services;
    • on providing data transfer services;
    • on the repair and construction work of buildings and structures;
    • on the construction of centralized drinking water supply systems and drainage systems of urban and other settlements;
    • for the production and sale of products (services) of catering;
    • in spa and sanatorium and medical care;
    • on the production of consumer goods;
    • on the sale of goods facing federal property;
    • trading purchased goods, equipment;
    • on certification of jobs under working conditions and industrial control;
    • on the survey of workplaces of residential and public buildings of the area of \u200b\u200bresidential, social, sanitary protection, production zone and construction sites;
    • to control the parameters of the environment and parameters affecting the environmental environment;
    • for dosimetry and radiation control.
    Activities requiring in accordance with licensing legislation are carried out only after receiving the relevant license.

    In their entrepreneurship, the university is subject to the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

    The activities of the University for the implementation of the products and services provided for by this Charter of products, works and services refers to business activities only in the part in which the income received from this activity is not reinvested directly to the university and (or) to the immediate needs of ensuring, developing and improving the educational process (in including wages) at the university.

    The university has the right to participate in the statutory funds of partnerships (joint-stock companies) and other organizations with funds and property that are in an independent order.

    73. The minimum wage of university workers is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The university within its funds available on their payments independently in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the decision of the University of the University, determines the amount of surcharges and allowances, premiums and other payments to university employees.

    IX. Accounting, reporting and control at the university

    74 . The university carries out operational accounting, guided by the Federal Law "On Accounting", the Instruction but accounting in budgetary institutions.

    Forms and accounting procedures are established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The deadlines for the submission of quarterly and annual financial statements are established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

    75. Forms of the University of Statistical Reporting, addresses, deadlines and the procedure for their submission are established by state statistical authorities.

    76. Control over compliance with the university of financial and economic discipline is carried out by the relevant federal and regional bodies within their powers.

    X. International and Foreign Economic Activities of the University

    77. The university has international cooperation in the field of higher, postgraduate and additional professional education and scientific and technical teaching and other activities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international treaties of the Russian Federation through:

    • participation in bilateral and multilateral exchange programs by students, graduate students, doctoral students, pedagogical and scientists;
    • holding joint scientific research, conferences, symposia and other events, as well as participation in congresses;
    • fulfillment of fundamental and applied research, development and technological work on orders or grants of foreign legal and (or) individuals, as well as manufacturing and supplying products based on the results of research and work in accordance with concluded agreements (contracts);
    • participation in international programs to improve the highest and postgraduate vocational education;
    • preparation, retraining, professional retraining and advanced training of citizens of foreign states;
    • participation in the work of international and national academies and funds;
    • creating joint ventures and production of high-tech products;
    • advertising and information activities;
    • licensing and patent learning;
    • organizations of educational tours and exhibitions of educational services.
    Reception, preparation, retraining, professional retraining and advanced training of citizens of foreign states at the university, teaching and research work of university staff is carried out on the basis of interstate and interuniversity agreements, as well as under contracts (contracts) concluded by the university with foreign educational institutions, organizations or Based on individual contracts (contracts) on a compensation basis or at the expense of funds transferred to the university with these organizations, higher educational institutions or foreign citizens.

    The funds received by the University, as well as its branches, representative offices, structural divisions as a result of foreign economic activity, are not subject to withdrawal and taxation, including mandatory sale if they are spent on the implementation of the main tasks defined for the university and its branches.

    Xi. List of species of local acts of the university

    78. The university in the regulatory of its activities publishes the following local acts:

    • orders;
    • orders;
    • rules (admission of students, internal labor regulations, etc.);
    • provisions (on structural divisions, conducting current control of academic performance, etc.);
    • decisions, including joint with public organizations.
    XII. The procedure for reorganization and liquidation of the university

    79. The university may be reorganized into a different educational institution by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation in coordination with the bodies of the legislative and executive power of Moscow, if this does not entail a violation of the university's obligations or if the founder takes these obligations on itself.

    When reorganizing the university, its charter, license and certificate of state accreditation are lost.

    The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation may suspend its regulation by the University to decide in violation of the University of Legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education and (or) of this Charter.

    University liquidation can be carried out:

    • The Government of the Russian Federation in coordination with the body of the legislative and executive authority of Moscow;
    • by decision of the court in the event of activities without a proper license, or activities prohibited by law, or activities that do not meet its statutory goals.
    When deciding on the elimination of the university, the liquidation procedure is made in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    When liquidating the university, cash and other property facilities belonging to him on the right of ownership minus payments to cover obligations are sent for the development of education in accordance with this Charter.

    In case of liquidation of the University, the founder takes measures to ensure the safety of banks and databases of scientific and (or) scientific and technical information, as well as documented information with limited access.

    In the reorganization of the university, all documents formed in the process of activity, including documents for personnel, are transferred to the storage of a successor, and in liquidation - to the State Archive.

    Without leaving home? How to do it? In our article you will find answers to these questions.

    Documents in the university can be submitted via the Internet

    Consider all possible submission options for university

    There are several ways to submit documents:

    1. To come personally in the admission committee. This is the easiest option. You come with a package required for the receipt of documents, fill out all applications and blanks. If you choose this method, schedule all the costs in advance. For example, the price of tickets to Moscow and back depending on the distance of the permanent residence region will be from 4,000 rubles. The cost of living in a hostel or hostel is from 500 rubles per day per person; In a removable one-bedroom apartment with daily rent - from 750 rubles per person per day. At best, familiar or relatives are shelled. Do not forget to schedule two trips: first - to feed copies; The second is to pass the originals after clarifying the competitive situation.

    2. Make a notarial power of attorney. The trustee can dispose of copies and originals of your documents, as well as sign applications and make all actions related to the configuration assignment. For this, power of attorney must be drawn up with all the training options that interest you: full-time, absentee or evening, on a budgetary or commercial basis. Be careful! If a trusted person is not allowed in the document to submit documents in the format you need, then the university will simply not be able to take your application from other people's hands.

    3. Send by mail to Russia. You download the application on the site, fill out, apply copies of the necessary documents to it and send it all by registered letter with the description of investments. Note: You can send only copies of documents. If you live far, it is very convenient, because you will need to visit the university only once - to pass the originals. But do not forget to take into account the speed of the mail, send everything as early as possible, and not a week before the end of the reception of applications.

    4. Submission of documents by e-mail.All the necessary documents and scans you send to the mailbox of the Admission Commission. And there are many nuances here.

    In some universities, electronic registration can not be passed

    Features of filing documents in electronic form

    The ability to submit documents in electronic form is not available in all universities. Among them, both top universities - and regional - and. Request all documents from the notary before shipping will not need.

    It should be borne in mind that when submitting documents by e-mail in some universities, such as in, the document signatures is required to sign documents. PDF format file.

    What documents are needed when issuing documents on the university website

    To submit documents in electronic form, you need to scan the following documents:

    • application for training in which you need to specify a specialty, direction or program that you have chosen;
    • consent to the processing of your personal data (a form can be downloaded on the website of the university);
    • passport or other identity document;
    • certificate and application with marks to it;
    • medical certificate (if a medical examination is required);
    • 2 black and white photos of 3 x 4 size (sometimes they may require more);
    • military ticket if you are military-net;
    • a document confirming your individual achievements (participation in the Olympiads, awarding the Golden or Silver Medal, the sign of distinction of the GTO, etc.);
    • documents confirming your special rights or benefits upon admission (status of orphans, disability, etc.).

    Mandatory list of digital copies of documents each university determines independently. You can find it on the site of the institution in the section "Entering" or "Applicants" with the mark "Feeding documents".

    Check if the university of your dream documents takes documents in electronic format, you can in search services for key phrases:

    • submit documents by email;
    • submit an Online statement;
    • submit documents in electronic form on the site;
    • electronic digital form of submission of documents.

    How to properly submit documents in electronic form: Step-by-step instructions

    Consider the general algorithm for electronic submission of documents:

    If you did everything right, you will get a response letter from the university or your data will appear in the lists of persons submitted (they are published on the site). In the event of controversial issues, call the admission committee.

    Reception in MAI for training on the main educational programs of higher professional education is carried out on the statement of citizens.

    When applying for acceptance in MAI, the incoming provides:

    • a document certifying his identity, citizenship;
    • original or photocopy of the document of the State Sample on Education;
    • 2 black and white photographs of 4 × 6 cm on matte paper - for persons entering the results of entrance tests carried out by MAI independently;
    • documents confirming the special right of applicant in the presence of such;
    • other documents (submitted at the discretion of the incoming).
    We remind you that only one application application can be submitted in MAI, indicating no more than three directions of training (specialties).

    Information on places of reception of documents and addresses to send documents by mail

    The documents required for receipt are submitted (sent) to the MAI receiver's admission committee in one of the following ways:

    1. submitted by the incoming or trustee;
    2. message to the admission committee of MAI through public postal operators at the address: 125993, GSP-3, A-80, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, d. 4, Reception Commission MAI.

    Reception of documents necessary for admission to MAI is carried out at the following addresses:

    125993, Moscow, ul. Dubosekovskaya, d. 4;

    121552, Moscow, ul. Orsha, d. 3;

    109240, Moscow, Bernikovskaya Nab., \u200b\u200bD. 14 (Reception of documents is carried out until July 26, only on Bachelor's budget places and specialist)

    Reception of documents necessary for admission to MAI to the specialty 24.05.07 "Airplane and helicopter construction" on an internally absentee form of training, in addition to the above addresses, also held at the Base Department of MAI at: 347923, Taganrog, ul. Freedom, D.1 in the manner prescribed by the Rules of Reception.

    Reception of documents to the branch "Strela" MAI

    At the address: 140180, Moscow region, G.O. Zhukovsky, ul. Zhukovsky, D.8.

    Reception of documents to the branch "takes up" MAI

    At the branch: 416501, Astrakhan region, Aahtubinsk, ul. Dobrolyubov, d. 5.

    Reception of documents to the branch "Sunrise" MAI

    At the branch: 468320, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ba Baison, Ave. Gagarin, 5.

    Reception of documents in the Stupinsky branch of MAI

    At the branch: 142800, Moscow region, Stupino, ul. Propal, d. 4.

    Reception of documents by mail

    Copies of the documents required for admission are sent to the MAE reception commissions through public utility postal service operators with notification and investment discus. The notification and an inventory of attachments are the basis for confirming the reception of the documents of the incoming.

    Documents sent by an attorney by mail are taken by the MAI receiver's reception at their arrival no later than July 26. In the event of documents receipt later than the specified period, the documents from applicants are not accepted and the claims are not considered.

    In the direction of documents by mail entering the application for the application, the photocopies of documents certifying his identity and citizenship, a photocopy of the document of the established sample of education, consent to the processing of personal data, as well as other documents stipulated by the Rules of Reception in MAI.

  • Consent to enrollment (sent only when submitting the original document of the established sample on education)
  • At the address: 125993, GSP-3, A-80, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, d. 4, Admissioning Commission MAI.

    Reception of documents in electronically digitally

    In 2019, MAI provides for the possibility of receiving in electronic form of applications and other documents specified in the procedure for training on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs, a magistracy program, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 14.10.2015 No. 1147.

    The incoming at its discretion may submit documents personally (or trusted), send them by mail or in, as well as provide their originals or photocopies. Priority for enrollment when providing copies or original documents. When submitting documents by mail, the photocopies of the documents listed below are sent by registered mail with the notice of the presentation and the description of the investment, certified by the Communications Department.

    Documents required for admission

      application for admission to the selected specialty *;

      passport or other document certifying;

      a document on higher education or a document of a foreign state on education (with a translation into Russian);

      documents confirming the availability of individual achievements: publications in scientific journals, the availability of sporting achievements, the results of the Olympiad, the Golden GTO icon.

    * With personal feeding of documents for admission to NIU "MEI", the application of the incoming can be fill out and sign in place.

    How to submit documents (Moscow)?

    At the entrance to MEI, take the questionnaires and fill them in. So you denote the purpose of the visit.

    In the lobby, PC officers are sitting at computers. They need to give the questionnaires, they will put you in the queue and will issue a coupon. Coupon is better not to throw away. Ask PC employees to explain to you where to go on

    Climb the second floor along the main staircase. The lobby is standing stands with information about institutes and departments. Pay attention to the television panels. When your coupling number appears, go further.

    Go to the B-300 audience. Complete by the second floor corridor: the audiences should begin with the letter "b", if starting the letter "g", you are not doing to the other side. Climb the stairs on the third floor. You're at the place. Go to the audience.

    Documents on arrival incoming may pass:
    - Through a trustee (the power of attorney is made in a simple writing, notarial assurance is not required; the person who has imposed a power of attorney presents his identity card. The amount of powers of a trustee is indicated by attorney);
    - by mail;
    - in electronic form on the Internet (guided by the instructions posted in the personal account of the incoming).
    1. When submitting an application for admission to undergraduate training programs (specialist) incoming:
    a) represents a person certifying the person:
    Document certifying the identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation in the territory of the Russian Federation:
    - Internal passport of the Russian Federation. The passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is not a certificate of identity in the Russian Federation, he only confirms citizenship. Citizens of the Russian Federation who do not have an internal passport should apply to any multifunctional center for the provision of public services to obtain an internal passport;
    - on the period of registration of an internal passport may be issued a temporary identity identity of a citizen of the Russian Federation. It is considered within its deadlines as an equivalent passport of the document;
    - certificate of the serviceman;
    Document Certification Personality of refugee in the Russian Federation - "Certificate of provision of temporary asylum in the territory of the Russian Federation" or "Refugee Certificate".
    document Certification of the personality of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation - passport of a foreign citizen or other document established by federal law or recognized in accordance with the International Agreement of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen;
    The identity of the person without citizenship in the Russian Federation is a document issued by a foreign state and recognized in accordance with the International Treaty of the Russian Federation as a document certifying the person of the person without citizenship; "Permission for temporary accommodation" in the Russian Federation; "Residence".
    b) represents the document certifying citizenship
    The presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation is certified by the following documents:
    passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, including a foreign passport;
    diplomatic passport;
    service passport;
    identification certificate (military ticket) of a serviceman with a liner, indicating the availability of citizenship of the Russian Federation;
    Certificate of birth, in which information about the citizenship of the Russian Federation of parents, one of the parents or the only parent;
    Certificate of birth with a mark confirming the presence of citizenship of the Russian Federation, an ownership of the authority of the authority;
    The person permanently residing in the Crimea provides a document (documents) confirming that it is such a person in accordance with the terms of classification of these persons established by the Federal Constitutional Law of March 21, 2014 No. 6-FKZ "On adoption in the Russian Federation The Republic of Crimea and Education as part of the Russian Federation of new subjects - the republics of the Crimea and the city of the federal significance of Sevastopol "and (or) by Federal Law No. 84-FZ.
    The presence of citizenship of a foreign state is certified by the passport of a foreign citizen.
    c) provides one of the following formations (copy) listed below:
    - certificate of average general education with the application (application must);
    - certificate of average (full) general education with the appendix (application is required);
    - diploma of secondary vocational education;
    - a diploma of primary vocational education if it has an entry on obtaining a medium (full) general education;
    - diploma on primary vocational education obtained on the basis of secondary general education;
    - A document on higher education (academic certificate and diploma on incomplete higher education are not included in the list of documents confirming the level of education during admission).
    - document of a foreign state on education with applications.
    When submitting a document on education - "Diploma" issued in the Russian Federation, the application to the diploma is required, if in the future received will claim the disciplines previously studied.
    2. Under the submission of a foreign state of the document on education, the applicant submits a certificate of recognition of foreign education if available.
    Certificate is not required:
    - when submitting a document of a foreign state on education, which corresponds to part 3 of Article 107 of Federal Law No. 273-F3;
    - When submitting a document on education, the sample of which was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, if the owner of the specified document is a person recognized as a citizen, or a person who has permanently residing in the territory of Crimea.
    In all other cases, MEI independently implements the recognition of foreign education and (or) foreign qualification in the prescribed manner.
    Documents performed in a foreign language seem to translate into Russian, certified notarized. Documents issued in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine and represented by persons recognized by citizens, and persons permanently residing on the territory of the Crimea, the requirements of the transformation into Russian, certified notarized.
    3. Applied simultaneously with the submission of an application for admission to places within the framework of the CCAM submits a statement of consent to enrollment with the Original Application Application Application in the following cases:
    a) when admitting without entrance examinations on the basis of the special right specified in subparagraphs "1)" - "3)" of clause 2.1 of the Rules for admission to the FSBEA in NiU "MEI" for training under undergraduate programs and full-time specialist, correspondence forms in 2019 (hereinafter referred to
    b) when admission without entrance examination on the basis of the special right specified in subparagraph 4) of clause 2.1 of the reception rules;
    In the case of admission to training in accordance with subparagraph "a)" in one organization and subparagraph "b)" to another organization of the applied:
    - applies to enrollment with the application of the original formation document in one of the organizations;
    - In a statement of admission to another organization, it is indicated which organization is filed (will be filed) an application for enrollment.
    4. When using special rights, the incoming replies in the receiving office of the Copy (preferably upon presentation of originals to assign copies of the admission committee of the university) listed below documents (notarial assurance of copies of documents not required):
    a) children with disabilities, disabled people with intention to participate in the competition on the results of general educational entrance tests held by MEI for certain categories of incoming, provide a document confirming disability;
    b) if necessary, the creation of special conditions during entrance examinations is provided with a document confirming limited health capabilities or disabilities requiring these conditions;
    c) to confirm the status of orphans are provided:
    - certificate of birth of the incoming;
    - Documents confirming the attribution of children-orphans entering the category, to persons from the number of orphans, etc.
    - Decision of the competent authority (if available) on the premises to the children's boarding school or under guardianship (guardianship);
    - A document indicating the absence of documents on the date of submission of adoption (adoption).
    Documents confirming the attributory of children-orphans entering the category, to persons from the number of orphans are:
    Certificates of the death of parents;
    Certificate of death of the only parent (mother) and certificate of institution of 3Ags on the introduction of information about the father's father from the words of the mother;
    Certificate of death of one of the parents and written (notarized) refusal of another parent (M.B. Refusal of both parents);
    Court decision to restrict the legal capacity of the father and mother or the only parent;
    The decision of the court on the deprivation of parental rights, the relationship of the child, recognizing missingly absent, declared dead, recognizing them incapable;
    Verdict of a court of condemning parents;
    medical document on the long-term disease of the parents impede the fulfillment of their duties;
    a document confirming that the child was thrown into;
    Materials about the search for parents, etc.
    In cases where there is a document confirming the deprivation of a parent care child only in relation to one parent, and another parent does not take part in the content and education of the child, and the latter has been arranged for education and maintenance in the children's boarding school or under guardation (guardianship ) These children relate to the number of children who are actually left without parental care, and benefits are spreading. In these cases, an appropriate document must be presented from the competent authorities that parents do not participate in the upbringing and maintenance of the child.
    The child is not considered an orphan in cases where it seems: the death certificate of one of the parents; Act divorce parents; Information about accommodation of one of the parents in another family.
    If parents live separately from the incoming, even in other countries, and relatives are drawn up for a child of custody or guardianship - this is not the fact of the recognition of the child with orphan or the remaining parents.
    d) to use special rights or advantages:
    Winners and winners of the All-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren provide a document confirming that the incoming has become a winner or a prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian School Olympics not earlier than 4 years before the day of completion of the reception of documents and entrance tests inclusive;
    The winners and winners of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiads provide a document confirming that the incoming received by the winner or prize-winner of the IV stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad not earlier than 4 years before the day of completion of the reception of documents and entrance tests inclusive;
    Members of the national teams of the Russian Federation, who participated in the International Olympiads on general educational subjects, provide a document confirming that the incoming was included in the number of national team members not earlier than 4 years before the day of completion of the reception of documents and entrance tests inclusive;
    Members of the national teams of Ukraine, participating in international competitions on general educational subjects, provide a document confirming that the incoming has been included in the number of national team members not earlier than 4 years before the day of completion of the reception of documents and entrance tests inclusive;
    e) for the use of special right "advantage" champions (winners) in the field of sports, a document confirming the status of a champion or winner;
    e) To use the right to receive within a special quota, a document is provided confirming that the incoming one relates to the number of relevant persons (children with disabilities, persons with disabilities I and II groups, disabled since childhood, disabled due to military injury or diseases obtained during military passage Services). Providing the conclusion of a federal institution of medical and social expertise on the absence of contraindications for training is not required;
    g) to use the special right "preferential enrollment right" a document is provided confirming that the incoming applies to the number of persons with the relevant right;
    h) To use the special right "without introductory tests", the winners and prize-winners of schoolchildren are provided with a document confirming that the arriving is the winner or a prize-winner of the schoolchildren's Olympics and the document on the presence of existing EGE results of at least 75 points on the subject corresponding to the Olympiad's profile;
    5. Documents confirming the individual achievements of the incoming, the results of which are taken into account when admitting MEI, are submitted if there is an indication of individual achievements in the application.
    6. Persons entering in accordance with Article 17 of the Federal Law "On State Policy of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad" dated 24.05.1999. №99-ФЗ is provided with equal with citizens of the Russian Federation the right to access to education, subject to the provision of documents or other documents evidence confirming respectively:
    Citizenship of the USSR - for persons in the citizenship of the USSR (a confirmation of the document can be a birth certificate issued in the USSR);
    Accommodation in the past on the territory of the Russian state, the Russian Federation, RSFSR, the USSR or the Russian Federation, relevant civil affiliation when leaving from this territory and civil affiliation or the lack of such at the time of presentation - for immigrants (emigrants);
    Rodality in a straight uplink with the specified persons - for descendants of compatriots;
    Accommodation abroad - for all these persons.
    The incoming is considered to be residents abroad, if he does not have a residence permit in the Russian Federation, or permits for temporary residence in the Russian Federation and resides in the Russian Federation on the basis of a visa or migration card.
    At compatriots who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, the right to obtain special rights and advantages provided to citizens of the Russian Federation during admission to state and municipal educational institutions of higher education are not covered. Exception - Winners and prize-winners Olympics of schoolchildren from the list of Olympics, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, if there are no less than 75 EE Points on the subject corresponding to the Olympiad profile.
    7) when admission to training in the specialties and areas of preparation included in the list of specialties and areas of preparation, when admission to training undergoing obligatory preliminary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner prescribed by the conclusion of an employment contract or a service contract for the relevant position or Specialties approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 No. 697, entering mandatory preliminary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner prescribed when concluding an employment contract or a service contract for the respective posts, profession or specialty.
    The list of specialties and areas of preparation, when taking training on which coming in MEIs undergo mandatory preliminary medical examinations (surveys) include:
    Directions of the preparation of undergraduate:
    - 13.03.01 Heat and power engineering;
    - 13.03.02 electric power industry and electrical engineering;
    - 14.03.01 Nuclear power and thermal physics;
    - 11.05.01 Radio electronic systems and complexes.
    The incoming, which during the reception of documents for admission until the enrollment did not provide the results of the passage of the above medical examination, is preventing the need for its passage and gives a written obligation to undergo inspection in the learning process.
    8) to participate in enrollment:
    - applicants for budgetary training are required to provide in the admission committee to enrollment with the appointment of the original formation document;
    - applicants to contractual education are obliged to provide in the Admission Commission to enroll in the Admission Commission to enroll in contractual education with an application of the original or a notarized copy of the formation of education, or the photocopy of education document with the presentation of the original to assign a copy of the employee of the Admission Commission.
    9. When submitting documents by mail, photocopies of the required documents are sent.
    Admission, sending documents by mail or in electronic form, when granting the original formation document, the original is the original document certifying the person, a copy of which was sent.
    10. In the case of submission of documents by mail or in electronic form, the documents giving the right to provide benefits when enrolled must be brought to the admission committee in the form of originals or notarized copies when granting the script for education or earlier (to assign appropriate copies to The case by employees of the admission committee).
    11. In the case of submitting applications for receiving, which contains not all information provided for in the current reception rules, as well as in the case of the submission of an incomplete set of documents and (or) inconsistencies to the documents submitted to the requirements established by the reception rules, the documents entering returns:

    - in the case of submission of documents in the MEI personally entering (trusted) - on the day of submission of documents;
    - In the event of the direction of documents through public postal operators or in electronic form - within 3 working days after the date of receipt of documents in MEI.

    Updating the registry of documents is carried out once a day at 19.00. Documents sent not at the opening hours of the Admission Commission will be considered the next business day. Documents sent by e-mail with an indication of the link to download the archive of documents are not accepted.

    Personal cases of applicants who submitted documents by mail and e-mail are located at: Moscow, ul. B. Semenovskaya, d. 38. Reception of the original documents and the submission of enrollment agreements is carried out at the address st. B. Semenovskaya, d. 38.

    (print version )

    Appendix 2.4 to the rules of admission to Moscow Polyteches in the 2018/19 school year,

    approved by the order of the rector of 29.09.2017 No. 970-od

    Requirements for the presentation in the electronic form of documents necessary for admission to Moscow Polytech

    1) The incoming has the right to send a set of documents necessary for admission to Moscow Polyteches, in electronic form by email.

    2) A set of documents is sent to the email address of the admission committee of the Moscow Polytechnic or to the address of the Moscow Polytechnic Unit, which the applicant submits (in accordance with paragraph 2.4.2 of the reception rules).

    3) Documents required for admission are translated into electronic form using the scan tools. Pictures of documents of the receiving commission for consideration are not accepted.

    4) Application for admission, completed and signed, is necessary, a set of documents without a statement (with a not fully completed or empty statement) of the admission committee for consideration is not accepted. The application is applied to an email in the form of a scanned image (images). The scanned image of the application without the application of the document set of the admission committee is also not accepted for consideration.

    5) An emails are applied to the scanned images of all documents required for the receipt established by the "Rules of Admission to the Moscow Polytechnics".

    6) Application and documents are scanned in order to obtain a color or black and white image, resolution 200 dpi (200 dpi). Images are stored in * .pdf or * .jpg formats.

    7) The photographic photo sent in electronic form must comply with the following requirements:

    Photo source - digital camera;

    Graphic file format - JPEG;

    Color space - SRGB;

    Minimum size in height and width - 1200x800 PIX (pixels);

    Permission not less - 72 ppi (pixels per inch);

    Photo orientation - books;

    Monoton light background - gray, blue, white;

    Position of the head - Fear, without turning and tilt head;

    Hair should not close the face;

    Eyes are open and watching the center of the frame;

    Glasses of glasses (if available) should not block a photo or overlapping eye visibility;

    The photography contrast should be sufficient to entertain the features of the face.

    Photos in the headdress are not accepted.

    Too dark or bright photos are unanswered.

    The use of art or any other filters distorting a photo is prohibited.

    Scanned images of photos from paper or other carriers are not accepted.

    8) Page Images of each document (photo) are saved in a separate folder with the name of the document (passport, diploma, certificate, photo, etc.)

    9) A formed document image package is archived in * .zip or * .rar formats. Archival files with other extensions of the receiving commission for consideration are not accepted.

    10) The name of the archive is formed in accordance with the following requirements: "Codegion_Familia_Mima_Tequity_DDMMGYGY", where:

    Codegion - the code of the regions of the residence of the incoming;

    DDMMGYYGG - day, month, year of birth of the incoming.

    An example of the name of the archive:

    Foreign citizens or stateless persons as the region's code indicate "00".

    11) Information on the results of the consideration of the documents received in the electronic form are published on the official website of the receiving commission of the Moscow Polytech () in the section "Applicant on-line" no later than the next working day from the date of receipt of documents.

    Reception in MAI for training on the main educational programs of higher professional education is carried out on the statement of citizens.

    When applying for acceptance in MAI, the incoming provides:

    • a document certifying his identity, citizenship;
    • original or photocopy of the document of the State Sample on Education;
    • 2 black and white photographs of 4 × 6 cm on matte paper - for persons entering the results of entrance tests carried out by MAI independently;
    • documents confirming the special right of applicant in the presence of such;
    • other documents (submitted at the discretion of the incoming).
    We remind you that only one application application can be submitted in MAI, indicating no more than three directions of training (specialties).

    Information on places of reception of documents and addresses to send documents by mail

    The documents required for receipt are submitted (sent) to the MAI receiver's admission committee in one of the following ways:

    1. submitted by the incoming or trustee;
    2. message to the admission committee of MAI through public postal operators at the address: 125993, GSP-3, A-80, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, d. 4, Reception Commission MAI.

    Reception of documents necessary for admission to MAI is carried out at the following addresses:

    125993, Moscow, ul. Dubosekovskaya, d. 4;

    121552, Moscow, ul. Orsha, d. 3;

    109240, Moscow, Bernikovskaya Nab., \u200b\u200bD. 14 (Reception of documents is carried out until July 26, only on Bachelor's budget places and specialist)

    Reception of documents necessary for admission to MAI to the specialty 24.05.07 "Airplane and helicopter construction" on an internally absentee form of training, in addition to the above addresses, also held at the Base Department of MAI at: 347923, Taganrog, ul. Freedom, D.1 in the manner prescribed by the Rules of Reception.

    Reception of documents to the branch "Strela" MAI

    At the address: 140180, Moscow region, G.O. Zhukovsky, ul. Zhukovsky, D.8.

    Reception of documents to the branch "takes up" MAI

    At the branch: 416501, Astrakhan region, Aahtubinsk, ul. Dobrolyubov, d. 5.

    Reception of documents to the branch "Sunrise" MAI

    At the branch: 468320, Republic of Kazakhstan, Ba Baison, Ave. Gagarin, 5.

    Reception of documents in the Stupinsky branch of MAI

    At the branch: 142800, Moscow region, Stupino, ul. Propal, d. 4.

    Reception of documents by mail

    Copies of the documents required for admission are sent to the MAE reception commissions through public utility postal service operators with notification and investment discus. The notification and an inventory of attachments are the basis for confirming the reception of the documents of the incoming.

    Documents sent by an attorney by mail are taken by the MAI receiver's reception at their arrival no later than July 26. In the event of documents receipt later than the specified period, the documents from applicants are not accepted and the claims are not considered.

    In the direction of documents by mail entering the application for the application, the photocopies of documents certifying his identity and citizenship, a photocopy of the document of the established sample of education, consent to the processing of personal data, as well as other documents stipulated by the Rules of Reception in MAI.

  • Application in the directions of undergraduate and specialist
  • Consent to the processing of personal data
  • Consent to enrollment (sent only when submitting the original document of the established sample on education)
  • At the address: 125993, GSP-3, A-80, Moscow, Volokolamskoye Highway, d. 4, Admissioning Commission MAI.

    Reception of documents in electronically digitally

    In 2020, MAI provides for the possibility of receiving in electronic form of statements and other documents specified in the procedure for training on educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs, specialist programs, graduate programs approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 14.10.2015 No. 1147.