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  • Target training. Corporation News Mai Target Set

    Target training. Corporation News Mai Target Set

    In pursuance of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 5, 2015 No. 192 " On the State Plan for training frames with secondary vocational and higher education for organizations of the defense and industrial complex for 2016-2020"And in connection with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of July 28, 2015 No. 785" On establishing the task of a state plan for training with higher education for organizations of the defense and industrial complex for 2016-2020 educational organizations of higher education, subordinated to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, for training on educational programs of higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school"For FSUE "TsAGI.»Allocated quotas for training specialists in educational programs of higher education (undergraduate, specialty, master's program) and on higher education programs - programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school.

    Quota for training in the interests of FSUE "TsAGI"

    Educational institution

    Specialty and type of education

    Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI)

    Flying Authority Management Systems (Specialty) *

    Aircraft and helicopter construction (specialty) *

    Test of aircraft (specialty) *

    Informatics and computing (undergraduate, magistracy) *

    Motion control and navigation systems (undergraduate)

    Ballistics and hydroeerodynamics (undergraduate, magistracy) *

    APPLICATION (undergraduate, magistracy)

    Engines of aircraft (undergraduate)

    Radio electronic systems and complexes (specialty)

    Design, production and operation of missiles and rocket-space complexes (specialty)

    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) (MFT)

    Applied Mathematics and Physics (Undergraduate)

    Applied Mathematics and Physics (Master's Master)

    Informatics and computing equipment (graduate school)

    Aviation and Rocket and Space Technology (Postgraduate Studies)

    Mathematics and Mechanics (graduate school)

    Moscow State Technical University. AD Bauman (MSTU them. AD Bauman)

    Applied mathematics and informatics (undergraduate)

    Applied Mathematics (undergraduate)

    Design and technology of electronic means (undergraduate)

    Electronic and optical electronic devices and specialty-destination systems (specialty)

    Nuclear power and thermal physics (undergraduate)

    Mechanical engineering (undergraduate)

    Applied Mechanics (Undergraduate)

    Standardization and metrology (undergraduate)

    National Research University (MEI)

    Electricity and electrical engineering (undergraduate)

    *Branch "Strela" MAI (Zhukovsky) hostel does not provide

    From the first numbers of February, the management of the staff of FSUE "TsAGI" begins to accept applications and primary candidates for targeted training.

    The end of the reception of documents on June 1 (a copy of the certificate and the result of the EE submitted until July 1)

    What documents need to be submitted:

    1. Application for the conclusion of the Target Teaching Treaty (established form, filled in the selection, assessment and development of staff management staff of FSUE "TsAGI" and is signed by the candidate itself and one of the parents or a copy is sent to the email address E-mail: [Email Protected]website. with notice " Statement candidate for targeted training. FULL NAME Candidate for targeted training»);

    2. Candidate of the candidate for targeted training (established form);

    3. Autobiography (written by a candidate in arbitrary form with information about the date and place of birth, place of residence, where he studied if there is an employment experience, then the time, place of work and position; information about parents);

    His features, advantages, disadvantages.

    When preparing for admission to university, it is customary to consider different options. One of them is an admission in the framework of the so-called target set. His feature is that the applicant comes to the university not only with the results of the USE, but also with the corresponding direction from any region or institution. At the same time, in the case of a successful passage of the competition, he is credited to the specialty chosen by him, learns there, and after graduating from the university, it goes to work in where he was sent.

    It seems everything is clear and understandable. However, the system of the target set is much more complicated than it may seem at first glance. She is in itself and a mass of nuances who would not hurt to know the future apprentice. Let us dwell on some of them.

    Take at least the fact that de facto exists, two options for the target set. One of them is carried out under contracts concluded with the executive bodies. Other - under contracts with enterprises and organizations, as well as within the framework of state programs related to the development of the defense and industrial complex. And although the second option is not formally considered to be targeted, it, nevertheless, is equal to it and gained widespread.

    Another feature of the target set is in sectoral universities where the founder is a profile ministry (agency), the number of budget places dedicated to it is usually more than that of universities in direct submission of the Ministry of Education. Moreover, in practice, it often exceeds the established standards, according to which the proportion of the designers cannot be more than 15% of the reception control numbers. And this state of affairs is considered quite admissible, unless, of course, the value of the target set is previously agreed with the founder.

    Future targets need to be taken into account that the fact that the contract between universities and customers (executive authorities, departments, enterprises, organizations) are, as a rule, in April - May month, because It is by this time that all questions with funding, lists of applicants and the number of places allocated for training are confused.

    Another intriguing moment. It concerns the possibility of refusing to provide targets. Such cases are a common phenomenon. The university is not rubber and it is not obliged to satisfy the interests of all who appealed to him with the request. The historically established practice of interaction between the university with those structures, who were previously cooperating with him and with which the contracts for the preparation of future specialists were already concluded.

    The knowledge and the fact that cooperation with the university is not carried out at all, but at well-defined areas of preparation. Those., For example, one customer is interested in the training of computer security specialists, and the other security of automated systems. That is why, the future target must have a submission not only about the partners of the university on the target set, but also about the specifics of their requests addressed to the university.

    At the same time, it should also be taken into account that the needs in target specialists can form a two ways to be descended from above, or to form from the bottom, in accordance with the requests of specific enterprises and organizations. A bright example of the first case is medical universities, where the basic parameters of the target set are set by the Ministry of Health. The second is more peculiar to technical universities that have close ties with partner enterprises, which are in the future employers.

    What is interesting for all target set? If you take universities, its benefit is quite obvious - the target set is actually guaranteed filling of budget places, regardless of the demographic situation or any other unpleasant circumstances. At the same time, for the most popular universities that do not have problems with applicants, this issue is less relevant compared to the others, which is why the number of places of highlighted targets there is incomparably less than that of others.

    No less interested in the target set and the applicants themselves. It is understandable - the target direction allows you to close many questions at once. Firstly, its presence will make it easier for the receipt itself, because This group of applicants is a separate contest, which is significantly lower than usual, and is enrolled in the first place. Secondly, the target direction makes it particularly not to think about the employment after the end of the university, because the future place of work has already been initially defined. The fact that the targets often have certain advantages compared to the rest of the students are important. In particular, we can talk about the priority settling in the hostel, which is especially important for non-resident students or additional scholarships at the expense of future employers.

    There is a target set and the reverse side of the medal. We are talking about commitments that are superimposed on graduates. The main one is almost the complete lack of choosing a place of work after the end of the university. According to the established procedure, the designer is obliged to work in the organization that sent it to study, and to work out there, at least 3 years. If the specified norm is not followed, the employer has the right to apply to the court and to recover the costs of training from the violator.

    If all this does not confuse - in a good way. The target set is not such an indefectable task, as it may seem at first glance.

    Information about where to take the target direction -

    Reading time: 5 minutes

    Not all applicants understand that such a target reception in how to use it. In our material we describe the features of this type of training, as well as tell me where and how to get the target direction to the university.

    Features of targeted learning: advantages and disadvantages

    The target reception is admission to the university to the budget towards the state department or from the enterprise. If your training pays an enterprise, then you undertake to work out for it during the period established in the Treaty. If you get a direction from the state body, then we will work out for gossip.

    The main advantages of the target direction:

    • free education;
    • guaranteed employment after the end of the university;
    • a separate contest "for the designers";
    • enrollment occurs before the first wave start, if you did not pass, you can participate in the main competition;
    • some enterprises provide the ability to work while studying flexible graphics;
    • social support from the future employer: scholarship, hostel, passage, etc. (stipulated in the contract);
    • help the employer in the educational process (for example, collecting the necessary information for coursework, abstracts, scientific articles and thesis).

    The most important and significant drawback of such training - The obligation you carry in front of the employer. Even if during the training you decide that you do not want to associate your fate with the chosen profession, you still have to work out the period specified in the target agreement. Otherwise, it will have to compensate funds spent on your training, sometimes in a two-and three-time size.

    Target set 2018: What changes are possible

    In 2018, the government is planning to adopt a new law, which will tighten the conditions for the target reception. It is expected that the minimum period of mandatory development in the enterprise after training will make at least 3 years.

    A new participant will appear in the contract between the applicant and the employer - the university. It will be responsible for the availability of all obligations in the document for both parties. It is also planned to tighten the responsibility to failure these obligations.

    In popular universities of the country a high competition for target places

    Where to get the target direction to the university

    How to find an organization that will be customer your studies in the university? There are several options here:

    • If you want to go to some particular university, contact his admission committee and find out what organizations he has entered into target reception contracts. Some universities indicate such information on their sites.
    • You can get directions in government agencies. For example, if you want to act in, contact the Department of Health of Your Region.
    • In local governments (for example, in the city administration), you can get information about which employers have left applications for the conclusion of the target agreement. There, you can write a statement about obtaining the target direction, indicating the desired specialty.
    • You can find an organization yourself. Decide on the direction, select large organizations in this industry. After that, visit them personally or go to sites, find out if you get directed from them to the university.

    Hello, I am currently learning in the 10th grade, going to enter medical for the target. Do I have already been able to get it this year or not before the 11th grade?

    Daria Kotova, good afternoon! It depends on the requirements that establishes an organization issuing directions. Try to start looking

    Good day! This question arose: and that if the target direction wants to take a few people. Who is preferred?

    Maria Dostoevskaya, good afternoon! Each organization independently sets the requirements for applicants. Therefore, they can draw up their rating

    Ivan Ivanovich, good afternoon! Yes, you just need to take care of it in advance. Try starting with the search for the organization.

    Good day. Tell me, please preserve the quota when translating to another university and the city?

    Ksenia, good afternoon! The organization concludes a contract and pays for training in a particular university. Therefore, the terms of the contract will need to be reviewed

    Tatyana Mercuryeva, good afternoon! Only applicants can enter into an agreement on training on the target direction. Unfortunately, those who are already learning to change the training system will not work.

    In the mouth of Miera, targeted training is possible. The mechanisms of targeted learning are governed by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 2019 No. 302. For applicants installed rules for receiving target training.

    Admission quota for targeted training in 2019/2020 academic year.

    What is targeted training?

    Target training is training in budget areas on programs of secondary vocational or higher education in the interests of the customer (authority or municipal management, enterprises or even an individual entrepreneur).
    Target training is carried out on the basis of a contract with the Customer, who is interested in learning a student at a specific training or specialty and its subsequent employment.
    As part of the implementation of targeted education, the Customer is obliged to provide (or organize the provision) to the student of social support measures that may include a wide range of additional scholarships before housing, and guarantees employment.
    A student is obliged to master the educational program and work out at least 3 years in the enterprise, which is indicated in the contract, in position, which is also indicated in the contract. The contract may also be agreed by the level of wages during employment.

    Reception for targeted training

    For whom is available: Reception in the university on targeted training is possible only for applicants entering higher education programs. For applicants arriving at secondary vocational education programs, such an opportunity is not provided, although the Targeted Training Agreement is an additional advantage when receiving.

    The term of concluding a contract: The target learning agreement must be concluded before the applicant filed an application for admission to training.

    Who serves as the customer: Only authorities, local governments, state organizations, municipal institutions and organizations with state participation can be a customer for targeted education.

    What programs do: Reception on targeted education in budget places is possible only in areas of preparation, specialties from the approved list specified at the disposal of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2019 No. 186-P (with additions established by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 18, 2019 No. 979- R).

    Below is a list of MIREA RTU programs, which can be received for targeted learning *.

    How the quota stands out: Applicants come to the university as part of a separate receiving quota for targeted training. The reception quota is established by the Government of the Russian Federation as a percentage of budget places.

    Sanctions for non-performance of the contract: A treaty agreement with which the student came by quota cannot be terminated. Sanctions in case of failure to fulfill the condition of the contract for the state of the student / Customer / Employer - compensation for the university of learning costs for the past period.

    Order of reception to university

    Reception of documents within the quota for targeted training is carried out in the same manner and on the same time as on other budget places. When applying, it is necessary to present a copy of the training contract with the enterprise, which gives you the right to participate in the competition for target places.

    The set on targeted education in the university is carried out on the basis of a separate competition, and applicants applying for target places are credited to the university earlier than persons participating in the overall competition. Applicants who have not passed the competition for target places can participate in the general competition for budget places.

    When the documents are returned to the persons entering the target places, the right to the target place is lost.

    Target places remaining free after publishing orders for enrollment are provided to applicants involved in the general competition.

    Even if the applicant has an agreement on targeted training, it is not obliged to come across the quota. It can act on general reasons and, if it goes to the budget, it will still remain a student of targeted learning under the contract, but at the same time will avoid possible additional sanctions for non-fulfillment of its conditions.

    * List of MEAR RTU programs, for which reception on targeted training:


    Cipher Directional direction
    01.03.02 Applied Mathematics and Informatics
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    01.03.04 Applied math
    04.03.01 Chemistry
    05.03.03 Cartography and geoinformatics
    09.03.01 Computer Science and Computer
    (Institute of Information Technologies)
    09.03.02 Information systems and technologies
    09.03.03 Applied Informatics
    (Institute of Information Technologies)
    09.03.04 Software engineering
    (Institute of Information Technologies)
    10.03.01 Information Security
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)
    11.03.01 Radio engineering
    (Institute of Radio Technological and Telecommunication Systems)
    11.03.02 Infocommunication technologies and communication systems
    (Institute of Radio Technological and Telecommunication Systems)
    11.03.03 Design and technology of electronic means
    (Institute of Radio Technological and Telecommunication Systems)
    11.03.04 Electronics and nanoelectronics
    12.03.01 Instrument-making
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)
    12.03.02 Optic
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    12.03.04 Biotechnical systems and technologies
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    12.03.05 Laser technology and laser technology
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    15.03.01 Mechanical engineering
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    15.03.04 Automation of technological processes and production
    (Institute of Information Technologies)
    15.03.05 Design and technological support of machine-building industries
    (Branch in Stavropol)
    15.03.06 Mechatronics and robotics
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    18.03.01 Chemical Technology
    (Institute of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov)
    19.03.01 Biotechnology
    (Institute of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov)
    20.03.01 Technosphere security
    (Institute of Thin Chemical Technologies named after M. V. Lomonosov)
    22.03.01 Materials Science and Technology Materials
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    27.03.01 Standardization and metrology
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    27.03.02 Quality control
    27.03.03 System analysis and management
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    27.03.04 Management in technical systems
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    27.03.05 Innovat
    (Institute of Economics and Law)
    28.03.01 Nanotechnology and microsystem equipment
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    29.03.04 Technology of artistic processing of materials
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    38.03.03 Personnel Management
    (Institute of Economics and Law)
    38.03.05 Business Informatics
    (Institute of Innovative Technologies and Public Administration)
    40.03.01 Jurisprudence
    (Institute of Economics and Law)


    Cipher Specialty
    10.05.01 Computer security
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    10.05.02 Information Security of Telecommunication Systems
    (Cybernetics Institute)
    10.05.03 Information Security of Automated Systems
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)
    10.05.04 Informational and analytical security systems
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)
    10.05.05 Security of information technologies in the law enforcement
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)
    11.05.01 Radio electronic systems and complexes
    (Institute of Radio Technological and Telecommunication Systems)
    12.05.01 Electronic and optical electronic devices and special purpose systems
    (Physical and Technological Institute)
    38.05.01 Economic security
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)
    40.05.01 Legal support of national security
    (Institute of Complex Security and Special Instrument Engineering)