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    Stress category. If


    The phenomenon of stress, open by Ganssel Selleg, refers to the number of fundamental manifestations of life, as it allows organisms to adapt to various environmental factors due to the universal complex of neurogumoral reactions. This term became one of the symbols of the medicine of the twentieth century, and then went beyond the limits of this science into related areas of biology, psychology, sociology, and just an ordinary consciousness, becoming fashionable, crowd and multivalued. This was facilitated by a real increase in the number of stresses in humans, due to urbanization, an increase in the rate of life, an increase in the number of interpersonal interactions (including conflict), as well as an increasingly obvious inconsistency between human biological nature and the conditions for its social existence.
    If the founder of stress's teachings itself initially considered his hormonal and biochemical aspects, then later the increasing number of researchers began to pay attention to the psychological component of stress. It turned out that an extremely complex and sensitive psyche of a person is able to seriously modify the nature of the "classic" stress described in the works of Selre. It became clear that without an understanding of the neurophysiological features of the functioning of the human brain, as well as emotional and cognitive processes, moral installations and identity values, it is impossible to predict and manage human stressful reactions. Thus, it becomes obvious to the increasing role of theoretical and practical psychology in creating a single interdisciplinary concept of stress.

    According to the Russian psychophysiologist Yu. I. Alexandrov, "Stress has become one of the most fashionable medical and psychological diagnoses. This diagnosis is made by a person when he has in his personal life, in everyday life or in production there are any problems that lead to the deterioration of his mental and physical health. "
    At the same time, doctors, physiologists, psychologists and social workers are often investing in the concept of stress completely different content, which is why people can develop an incorrect, distorted idea about this phenomenon. For practical psychologist it is desirable to be able to identify not only psychological but also physiological, behavioral, and other signs of stress in order to correctly assess the gravity of the situation and to help people cope with their problems. Therefore, this tutorial is built on an interdisciplinary basis, allowing to give to students-psychologists a holistic look at such a complex phenomenon as stress. In this question, it is very important to observe the optimal balance between a narrow specialization and a wide view of the problem. On the one hand, a practical psychologist must focus on his subject of research in the first place to identify the psychological causes of stress and the changes taking place in the human psyche, and in the event of a situation outside the scope of its competence to transfer your customer to another specialist (psychiatrist or general practitioner). On the other hand, the psychologist himself must have the topics of knowledge on physiology, medicine and biochemistry of stress, which will allow it to determine the criteria for the area of \u200b\u200btheir professional opportunities. To do this, in this tutorial, great attention is paid to the physiological and medical aspects of stress that is quite justified, for the fourth-year student-psychologists have completed the study of such subjects as "CNS Anatomy", "Physiology of the CNS", "Physiology of GNI and sensor systems "And" psychophysiology ". The author of the benefit took into account the fact that the concept of "stress" briefly understands other training courses in the State Standard - in "General Psychology", in "Psychology of Labor", in "Health Psychology", etc. Therefore, the task of this special subject It is a compound of students received by students for three years of knowledge of stress within the framework of a single concept based on the principle of nervism, traditional for the Russian scientific school.
    In the process of studying this course as "Psychology of Stress", students learn the basic concepts upon which the science of stress, study various forms of stress, learn about modern methods of assessing stress levels and acquire skills to adequately assess its severity.
    As the course studies, students also establish the main causes of stress (primarily psychological) and factors affecting the dynamics of the development of stress processes. For its future work, psychologists should know not only the general patterns of professional stress, but also their main varieties. Integrating the information obtained from this course with others their knowledge and skills students acquire the most effective methods to optimize stress levels: different ways of self-regulation and the techniques used in psychotherapy.
    The structure of the textbook includes theoretical sections, questions and tasks to verify the learning of knowledge, cited and recommended literature for each section. Approximate themes of seminars and abstracts, exercises and practical tasks, relevant psychological tests and answers to test tasks are submitted to applications. There is also a methodical material for teachers: approximate thematic plans for the course, program and questions for the exam.

    List of abbreviations

    Hell is blood pressure.
    ADS - arterial pressure systolic.
    Add-arterial pressure diastolic.
    ACTH is an adrenocorticotropic pituitary hormone.
    AT - autogenous training.
    Vic - the vegetative index of Kerdo.
    The GNI is the highest nervous activity.
    VNS is a vegetative nervous system.
    WRC - cardiac rhythm variability.
    In - voltage index of regulatory systems.
    IPS is an integral indicator of fears.
    NLP - Neyrolynguistic programming.
    NA - nervous system.
    PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder.
    SMR - sensitor reaction.
    Heart rate - cardiac frequency.
    CNS - central nervous system.

    Chapter 1
    Stress as a biological and psychological category

    1.1. Problem of stress in biology and medicine

    1.1.1. Classic stress concept

    In recent decades, stress is a relevant subject of research of various industries of science: biology, medicine, psychology and sociology. The complexity and variety of stress forms determines the diversity of approaches to the study of this state, however, for a better understanding of this phenomenon, it makes sense to appeal to the initial concept of stress proposed by Hans Selre. We can say that the concept proposed by him was revolutionary for the science of the middle of the twentieth century. While among biologists and physicians opinion prevailed that the response of a living organism to environmental factors is highly specific and task of scientists is to discover and fix it on a variety of differences between the reactions of an external world. H. Selye went the other way and started to look for general patterns of biological reactions, causing discovered a single, non-specific component of biochemical changes in humans and animals in response to a variety of effects. He wrote:

    "Businessman, under constant pressure from customers and employees, the airport manager, who knows that a momentary weakening of attention - hundreds dead, athlete, madly craving victory, husband, watched helplessly as his wife slowly and painfully dying of cancer - all They are experiencing stress. Their problems are completely different, but medical studies have shown that the body reacts stereotypically, the same biochemical changes, the purpose of which - to cope with the increased demands on the human machine "@@@@@ 2; from. 105 #####.
    Before the appearance of the works of this author, it was believed that the body's reaction to cold and heat, movement and long-term immobilization are diametrically opposed, however, G. Selre managed to prove that in all these cases, the bark of adrenal glands allocates the same "anti-stress" hormones that help the body adapt to Any stressor.
    The phenomenon of the nonspecific response of the body in response to a variety of damaging effects, he called adaptation syndrome, or stress.
    This nonspecific syndrome is consistent from a number of functional and morphological changes that are deployed as a single process. G. Selre allocated three stages of this process:
    + treaty of alarm;
    + stage of resistance (adaptation);
    + stage of exhaustion.
    In the first stage, the body faces a kind of indignant factor of the environment and tries to adapt to it.
    In the second stage, adaptation is adaptable to new conditions.
    But if the stressor continues to act for a long time, hormonal resources are depleted (third stage) and the disruption of adaptation systems, as a result of which the process takes a pathological nature and may end with the disease or death of the individual.
    According to his theory, at all stages of this process, the leading role belongs to the adrenal cortex, strongly synthesizing steroidal hormones - glucocorticoids, which are, in fact, provide for adaptive function. It should be noted that G. Selre did not deny the important role of the highest departments of the central nervous system in the formation of adaptive reactions of the body, but he did not do this issue, and, accordingly, the nervous system in his concept was reserved.
    Within the framework of the theory of the city, the organism reactions include the organism's reactions on any sufficiently strong effects of the medium, if they launch a number of common processes with the participation of adrenal cortex. At the same time, the founder of the teaching on non-specific adaptive syndrome has allocated his two forms: the stress is useful - eustobeand malicious - distress@@@@@ 2 #####. However, more often under stress understand the reactions of the body precisely on the negative effects of the external environment, which is reflected in the definitions that give this phenomenon various researchers.
    So, according to V. V. Suvorova, stress is "the functional state of the body arising from the external negativeimpact on his mental functions, nerve processes or peripheral organ activities »@@@@@ 16 #####.
    The following in meaning is the definition of P. D. Horizontov, who considered stress as "the overall adaptive reaction of the body, developing in response to the threat disturbs of homeostasis »@@@@@6#####.
    Nevertheless, according to the sense of Hanssel, Selre, stress can be useful, and in this case he "tones" the work of the body and contributes to the mobilization of protective forces (including the immune system). In order for stress to take the character of Eustrassa, the presence of certain conditions is necessary (Fig. 1).
    At the same time, in the absence of these conditions or, with a significant strength of the negative impact on the body, the primary stress passes into its damaging form - Distress. This can be facilitated by a number of factors both objective and subjective nature (Fig. 2).

    Fig. 1. Factors contributing to the transition of stress in Eustobe.

    Fig. 2. Factors contributing to the transition of primary stress in Distress.
    Hans Selre wrote: "Contrary to the problem, we should not, and not able to avoid stress. But we can use it and enjoy them if I better learn its mechanism and work out the appropriate philosophy of life "@@@@ 2; from. 109 #####.
    occupational psychology specialists point out that "the problem of controlling and preventing stress at work is not so much in order to definitely to" fight "with stress as a competent and responsible management of stress and reducing the likelihood of the stress in distress" @@@@@ 13; from. 243 #####.
    As an example, you can take an examination stress with which students and schoolchildren are facing while studying. It should be noted that although in the framework of the traditional educational process, the process of preparing and passing exams in universities is accompanied by certain negative emotions, such a state of affairs is not the only possible.
    With a properly organized pedagogical process, the study can bring joy, and the exams serve as a means of self-affirmation and improving the personal self-assessment @@@@2 #####.
    In the meantime, we are forced to admit that subjective alarming experiences and reactionary reactions associated with them during the preparation and passing exams correspond to the classical description of the distress.
    What is stress and what determination can be given to this concept? Surprisingly, this apparent simple question is not a clear answer.
    Selre himself determined stress as a "universal reaction of the body to various irritants in its nature" @@@@@ 2 #####, however, such a definition is too general and suits such concepts as "reflex" or " irritability". Other researchers gave more voluminous definitions of the concept of "stress", including all interacting factors in it affecting the final picture of stress: the stressful stimulus itself, the reaction to it, the cognitive estimate of the threat, the mechanisms of the kopping, etc. @@@@ 25-26 # ####, but this definition rather refers to the concept of "psychological stress", which we will speak later.
    There is also the opinion that the level of stress depends on the total difference between the pressure of the medium and the adaptability of the body, respectively, stress is a combination of a stressor and stressful reactivity @@@@7 #####.
    From our point of view stressthere is a non-specific reaction of the body on any sufficiently strong or long-term effects of an external or internal medium, which launching neurogormonal mechanisms for adaptation to these effects. Another question is how successful and adequate is the way of adaptation, which is proposed by genetic programs of the body, but we will discuss in the third chapter of the textbook.

    1.1.2. Physiological manifestations of stress

    Activation of hypothalamus

    The hypothalamus performs a number of important functions in the human body, which are directly related to Stress @@@@ 1, 3, 7, 12 #####:
    + is the highest center of the vegetative nervous system;
    + responsible for the coordination of the nervous and humoral systems of the body;
    + manages the secretion of hormones of the front lobe of the pituitary gland, in particular the adrenocorticotropic hormone, stimulating adrenal glands;
    + forms emotional human reactions;
    + adjusts the intensity of nutrition, sleep and energy exchange.
    Thus, with primary emotional excitation arising from a collision of a person with a stressor, it is the hypotalamus that determines the nature of the first neuro-humoral reactions.
    On the one hand, it increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, and on the other, it causes the secretion of anti-stress hormones of adrenal cortex (Fig. 3).

    Improving the activity of the sympathetic department of the nervous system

    Nervous regulation of metabolism in the human body is the result of a dynamic balance of two subsystems the vegetative nervous system:her sympathetic and parasympathetic departments. A task sympatheticthe department is to help survive the body at a critical moment, give him so many resources as needed to fight (if you can win) or flight (if the enemy is stronger). When the sympathetic department is activated, the heart beats stronger, pupils are expanding, it appears in the blood adrenalin(at fear) or noraderenalin(When anger), the muscles are strained and work more intensely, but over time, the energy reserves in the body ends and need to think about their replenishment. If the reserves of nutrients and energy in the body, excitement occurs parasympatheticthe department whose task is to restore and preserve resources, and its activation occurs during sleep, food and recreation @@@@2 #####.
    Accordingly, at the initial stages of stress, the activity of the sympathetic department increases the first, and as a result, the heart beats stronger, breathing is expensive, the muscles are intense, the skin is pale and cold sweat can act on it. If the stress continues for a long time (as well as the adaptation of limited energy reserves, or "weak" type of higher nervous activity) is activated by the parasympathetic division, which is accompanied by weakness, drop in blood pressure, decreased muscle tone and gastrointestinal disorders @@@@@ 21 # ####.

    Fig. 3. Scheme of neuro-humoral processes occurring in the human body during stress. Dark arrows show the processes that are based on the concept of the city of Selre.

    The inclusion of hormonal mechanisms

    It should be noted that Hans Selye was awarded the Nobel Prize for the discovery of this particular aspect of stress reactions - Activation adrenal cortex, which helps the body of humans and animals overcome various difficulties with the help of special antistress hormones. This reaction is also launched by the hypothalamus, but differs significantly from the previous one. The cortical adrenal substance in stress enhances the allocation of two groups of hormones: glucocorticoidsand mineralkorticoids. The most important hormone of the first group is cortisolwhich enhances all metabolic processes, increases blood glucose concentration (which is formed from amino acids in the liver), suppresses inflammatory processes and reduces the sensitivity to pain. In addition to glucocorticoids, in stress increases mineralkorticoidswhich are able to increase blood pressure by delaying sodium and water in the body @@@@@ 7 #####. As a result of all these processes, the degree of adaptation of the body increases to the increased requirements of the external environment, but it should be remembered that these reactions were well suited to overcoming the physical factors of the medium, contributing to the reactions of "struggle or flight", but little help to a modern person with social stresses.
    Further development of events depends on how fast the body will be able to cope with stress, which consistently passes the stage anxiety, adaptationand exhalation.
    In the first stage, the body is trying to adapt to stress or overcome it. What we have described earlier is actually the essence of this stage.
    If the stress factor continues to influence the body, it comes adaptation- Stage of the equilibrium of the stressor and protective mechanisms on which the body succeeds more or less compensate for the damage from negative impact. This stage may experience an athlete in the middle of a long distance, the head of the company during the fulfillment of a responsible project, a student in the first half of the examination session.
    However, staying in a state of stress cannot continue indefinitely, since the reserves of adaptation energy, according to the teachings of the village, are limited. Therefore, if the stress factor continues to influence the body, the physiological stress is replaced by the pathological, in other words - a person is ill. Such psychosomatic diseasesLike arterial hypertension, nonspecific colitis, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and a number of other diseases are frequent complications of long psychological stresses.

    The role of the cardiovascular system in the formation of stress reactions

    According to the results of numerous clinical observations and experimental studies, the cardiovascular system primarily responds to stress, as well as becoming one of the first targets of stress @@@@@ 5, 9, 10, #####. According to most researchers, the leading pathogenic factor in relation to the cardiovascular system in stress is a violation of the permeability of heartbene membranes lead to the disorders of their metabolism and hypoxia @@@@@ 22 #####. At the same time, researchers emphasize the bilateral connection of stress and ischemia Heart muscle: On the one hand, ischemia often occurs as a result of a stress reaction that causes spasm and thrombosis of coronary vessels, and on the other hand, ischemia caused by any reason causes pain, the fear of death, and in the end - expressed emotional stress @@@@ @@10#####.

    The meaning of the nervous system in overcoming stress

    Noting the undoubted merits of H. Selye, it should be noted that in his theory of the apparent lack of importance given to the role of the nervous system - the main regulatory system of our body, is actively involved in all processes of adaptation to adverse environmental factors. Studying the mechanisms of adaptation of the organism to the disturbing factors, we can not neglect have become classic works of W. Cannon, Ivan Pavlov, Orbeli, E. Gellgorna and other scholars, noted the important role of the nervous system in the formation of adaptive reactions of the organism under stress .

    As Academician K. V. Sudakov noted, "the center of gravity of studies of the problem of stress from the sphere of neuroendocrine relationships is increasingly distinctly moved into the so-called mental sphere, the basis of which undoubtedly make up the emotional experiences of a person" @@@@@ 17; from. five#####.
    The beginning of the physiological direction of studies of the problem of stress was laid by the work of W. Kennon, which created the theory of homeostasis. The leading place in maintaining homeostasis and in the interaction of the organism with the environment belongs, according to Kennon, the vegetative nervous system. At the same time, he assigned a sympathy adrenal system, mobilizing the body for the implementation of hereditary programs of "struggle and flight".
    The physiologists of the national school I. P. Pavlov, L. A. Orbeli, P. V. Simonov, made a great contribution to the study of stress mechanisms. Physiologist L. A. Orbelle opened the phenomenon of the "trophic" action of sympathetic nerves, one of the first to find the possibility of the nervous system directly affect the metabolism in tissues, bypassing endocrine mechanisms. As a result of the study of the patterns of nervous processes in the critical conditions I. P. Pavlov, created the theory of experimental neurosis, according to which, with certain external influences, requiring the maximum functional voltage of the highest nervous activity (LED), a disruption of the weak link of nerve processes and the perversion of the power of a strong link occurs. In his experimental neurosis conditions, the interaction of the processes of excitation and braking in the crust of large hemispheres of the brain was broken. In the course of experimental neurosis, which in its essence was typical stress, there were breakdowns of the functioning of the GNI in the direction of braking or arousal, which was later confirmed in the studies of domestic and foreign authors. Recognizing the outstanding merits of I. P. Pavlov in the study of the physiology of the CNS, it should be remembered that its studies were carried out on experimental animals and their results do not give an exhaustive idea of \u200b\u200bthe mechanisms of stress in humans due to the existence of the last second signal system and livelihood features in social conditions medium. Nevertheless, even working with animals, I. P. Pavlov noted a significant role of individual factors, in particular a congenital type of GNI, in the formation of a picture of the emerging experimental neurosis. The fact that stressful situations can lead to significant physiological violations have been shown in experiments on monkeys, where the conflict situation with the demonstrative deprivation of a sexual partner led to the emergence of sustainable hypertension and cardiac behavior.
    As noted by P. V. Simonov, "Negative emotions arise in situations of pragmatic uncertainty, the deficit of the information necessary for the organization of actions" @@@@ 14; from. 34 #####. The important role of the uncertainty factor in the emergence and development of mental stress reactions is indicated as domestic @@@@@ 4 ##### and foreign researchers @@@@@2 #####.
    In other works, the significance of other conditions that promote the development of stress was shown:
    + immobilization @@@@@ 18 #####;

    Psychological stress, in contrast to the biological stress described in the classic work of the city of Selre, has a number of specific features, among which several important * features can be distinguished. In particular, this type of stress can be launched not only actually acting, but also probabilistic events that have not yet occurred, but the onset of which the subject is afraid.

    1 Maklakov A. G.General psychology. St. Petersburg, 2002, p. 456.

    2 there, with. 457.

    Unlike animals, a person reacts not only to the actual physical danger, but also at risk or reminder of it. As a result, it happens that in a poorly spent student, only thoughts on the likely unsatisfactory estimate sometimes cause stronger vegetative reactions than its receipt on the exam. This causes the specifics of human psycho-emotional stress, to which the patterns of its course are not always applicable, described in detail in experiments on laboratory animals.

    Another feature of psychological stress is the existing importance of assessing a person to the degree of its participation in the active impact on the problem situation in order to neutralize it. It is shown that the active life position or at least awareness of the possibility of influence the stress factor leads to activation of the mainly sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, while the passive role of the subject in the current situation necessitates the predominance of parasympathetic reactions.

    The main differences between biological and psychological stress are reflected in Table. one.

    The test question that allows differentiation of stress varieties, sounds like this: "Does stressor cause an explicit damage to the organism?".If the answer is "yes" - this is a biological stress if "no" is psychological.

    Table 1. Differences between biological and psychological stress


    1.2. Psychological stress 27.

    Table 1. (Ending)

    Parameter Biological stress Psychological stress
    The character of emotional experiences "Primary" biological emotions - fear, pain, fright, anger "Secondary" emotional reactions in combination with a cognitive component - anxiety, anxiety, longing, depression, jealousy, envy, irritability, etc.
    Provisional boundaries of stress Specific, limited to the present or closest future Blurred (past, distant future, indefinite time)
    The influence of personal qualities Insignificant Very significant
    Examples F Supported by a long bathing F of burn hot steam foxication caused by alcohol intake f viral infection F exacerbation of gastritis after taking acute write f-injury (injury, fracture) F Review, received from the head of F Rarefare F Fear of flights on aircraft F Family conflict f concern for the health of close relatives f Unhappy love f concern about the future

    The mechanism for the development of psychological stress can be demonstrated on the example of a student who is preparing to protect the graduation project. The severity of the signs of stress will depend on a number of factors: its expectations, motivation, installations, past experience, etc. The expected forecast for the development of events is modified in accordance with the already available information and installations, after which the final assessment occurs. If consciousness (or subconscious) evaluates the situation as a dangerous, stress develops. By parallel to this process, an emotional evaluation of the event occurs. The primary launch of the emotional reaction is developing at the subconscious level, and then another emotional reaction made on the basis of rational analysis is added to it.

    In this example (expectation of the diploma protection), developing psychological stress will be modified aside

    or decrease in intensity depending on the following internal factors (Table 2).

    Table 2.Subjectivefactors affecting the level of stress

    Subjective factors Stressing stress Reducing the level of stress
    Memory of the past Availability of unsuccessful performances in the past, failures of public speeches Experience of successful speeches, presentations, public reports
    Motivation "Ala I am very important to perform perfectly on the sew and get the highest grade" "I don't care how I will perform and what evaluation will get"
    Installations F "It all depends on me" F "During public speeches, everyone is worried, and I especially" 4 "From fate you will not leave" F "Think, the diploma is sewn. This is just a formality that does not stand the special experiences. "
    Expectations The uncertainty of the situation, incomprehensible to the Commission's members Situation (expectation of a benevolent attitude towards members of the Commission)

    This process can be expressed in the form of the following scheme (Fig. 4).

    Chapter 1. Stress as a biological and psychological category

    1.2. Psychological stress 29.

    "I'm afraid to injure small. She is already a year and 9 months. She is already used to it. I'm afraid to harm alterars, "I hear such fears from many moms who are doubted whether it is possible to make a job for a dream correction safe for the kid. Always in such phrases, one or another form of injury word sounds. And this, let's remind, from Mom, who is already on the verge of fatigue itself, and sees that the baby under current conditions also suffers from a lack of rest - no one is engaged in a good life improving sleep.

    INJURY. What a strong word. And very manipulative in the modern Internet, where there are tons of articles that any incorrect step of the parents will immediately lead to the trauma of the baby. Fortunately, any children's psychologist will tell you with confidence that true injuries are applied to children only through very serious adult misdemeanors: constant long-lasting violence (both physical and emotional); Regular ignoring the needs of the baby (for example, mom in a state of deep depression or under the influence of drugs); the absence of stable living conditions (in kids who are transferred from one orphanage to another); Long stress caused by severe life conditions in the family (the family lives behind the threshold of poverty or in the conditions of war). Such families do not turn to me, on the contrary, my customers are caring, educated mothers who spend the whole day with a baby in a laugh, hugs, finger games, books, songs, sandbox, and ... shudders in front of each upcoming bedding.

    And here they are starting the mother to gnaw two feelings - wine for being tired and wants to sleep, and fear for what can harm its "alterations". Only occasionally, such a mother modestly notices that yes, and the baby is not poured, climbs and walks with bruises under his eyes, but she still seems like she wants to sleep (and who can blame her?). Good neighbors are generously divided by their discoveries from the Internet that long stress can be toxic for the brain of the baby that it leads to serious changes in the architecture of neural connections (which, by the way, is true), and that these changes lead to the consequences for the whole life of this little man . It remains only to decide what is "long stress", which can be toxic?

    The Center for the Study of Children's Development of Harvard University (USA) made a classification of stress, which was adopted by the American Association of Pediatricians. According to this classification, stress can be divided into three levels: positive, tolerant and toxic:

    Positive stress - Normal and important part of healthy development, characterized by a brief increase in cardiac rhythm and a small increase in the level of stress hormones. An example of situations that can run positive stress can be the first day with a new nanny or receiving vaccination. Such stress is part of the normal life of the baby and the ability to adapt to change becomes a key aspect of the healthy development of the child. Hostile events that run positive stress help children learn to control and manage these events - with caring adults, and on the background in general, calm, protected and warm relationships.

    Tolerant stress - It launches the enhanced work of the body regulatory systems, in response to more serious and long events, such as loss of the beloved, natural disaster, or serious injury. If the launch of these systems is temporary and amortized by relationships with adults that support the baby and help it adapt, the brain and other child organs are coping with the reaction that could be traumatic in other conditions.

    Toxic stress - It is formed when the child is under long, serious and / or frequent pressure of hostile factors. The list of such factors include physical and emotional violence, chronic neglect of the needs of the child, the abuse of native alcohol or drugs, the child's exposure to violence, accumulated difficulties associated with the difficult economic situation in the family without adequate support from adults. Similar long-term activation of mechanisms in response to stress can disrupt the formation of the architecture of neural connections and other systems, as well as increases the risk of developing stress-related diseases, limits cognitive development and can have an effect until adults.

    Now back to the subject of sleep correction. None, even the most direct method, does not imply ignore the needs of the baby, the exceptions of warm and really strong relationships with the baby throughout the entire time of the implementation of the process. Think about it: how can we compare stress from learning an independent falling asleep with stress from the loss of a family member, for example (tolerant stress)? All existing techniques that have passed multiple security studies and efficiency create conditions in which the child learns to manage and cope with new circumstances (the need to fall asleep without support for external factors). At the same time, the fallout itself, even in the most difficult cases, the day does not last long, and in periods of wakefulness, parents have the opportunity to strengthen communication with the baby, maintain it, to demonstrate heat, care, caress, which is just an amortizing factor for any negative aspects related to any negative aspects related with stress. Moreover, today there are several very soft techniques that allow parents to be with the baby nearby during the entire learning process. The presence of a parent who encourages the calm and faith in the child is often enough for the baby to stop nervous, relaxed and began to effectively look for alternative tools for change without an extremely enlarged stress response to the altered conditions.

    Our children can cope with ordinary life stress - this is a life skill that allows them to be flexible and adapt to ever changing living conditions. Remember how the kid met the first bathing under the shower, putting on the caps in cold weather, the need to fasten into the car seat, massage? Most likely, the baby was not happy, but did it last forever? Most likely, no - the child learned to cope with this situation, and she did not harm his body, although he may need ten massage sessions to get used to or a couple of months to wear the caps to stop noticing her. And your support and mood has become key factors in facilitating adaptation for the child. The learning process on an independent population will never last for months and certainly does not imply a child's tears on days or weeks. Yes, of course, like any change in the life of the baby is stress, but it is positive, he leads to the development of a new and valuable skill. Believe in your child, he (a) has much big abilities than you are often ready to admit, and our task, as responsible parents, give these abilities the opportunity to open up on the full power, providing your shoulder and heart to support, send, Hug, kiss and give a wonderful feeling "I can!".

    Stress category;

    Organizational and personal factors

    Another group of stressful factors could be called organizational and personal, since they express the person's subjective recaptivity to their professional activities. German psychologists V. Ziegert and L. Lang allocate several typical "fears" of workers:

    Fear can not cope with the work;

    Fear to make a mistake;

    Fear of being overwhelmed by others;

    Fear of losing work;

    Fear of losing your own Ya.

    Stressogenies are also an unfavorable moral climatic climate in the team, unresolved conflicts, lack of social support, etc.

    To this "bouquet" of organizational and industrial design stressors can also add problems with a person who gives a lot of grounds for favorable emotions. Dysfunction in the family, health problems, the "middle-aged crisis" and other similar stimuli are usually sharply experienced by a person and cause a significant damage of its stress resistance.

    Thus, the reasons for stressing a special secret are not made up. The problem lies in how to carry out the prevention of stress, affecting the causes of it. The main rule here comes itself: it is necessary to clearly distinguish the stressful events that we can somehow affect, from those that are clearly not in our power. It is clear that on the crisis situation in the country or in the world, on an inevitably impending retirement age a separate person, if it can act, then very slightly. Therefore, such events should be left alone and focus on those stressful factors that can be changed real.

    K. Cooper and J. Marshall offered 6 main categories of stress characteristic of the activities of "White Collarkov" - managerial labor specialists:

    1. Labor-related factors.These include working conditions (severity, tempo characteristics, duration, or inconvenience of the working mode) and working overload, qualitative or quantitative. Unfortunately, many managers react to overload an increase in the duration of work: work on weekends, evenings, without vacations, which can later lead to psychosomatic diseases.

    2. Role in the organization. This category of stresses include role-playing uncertainty (an employee has enough information about their professional duties, working conditions, expectations of colleagues), role-playing conflict (the worker believes that he performs unusual functions), excessive responsibility (the presence of small real power at a high level of responsibility. There is a certain dependence: people mental labor are the more susceptible to stress from role-playing conflicts, the smaller physical exertion they have.

    3. Relationships at work. In this category, it is necessary to identify relationships with the manual - the poor relationship from the leadership causes a sense of voltage; relations with subordinates - refusal of subordinates to fulfill the instructions of the head due to the lack of pressure tools; Relationships with colleagues - rivalry, lack of adequate social support in difficult situations.

    4. Career development. This factor includes "fear of early resignation" due to the real or alleged professional failure and the inconsistency of the status (slow or too fast promotion).

    5. Organizational structure and psychological climate. The participation in the organization itself is a kind of threat of individual freedom, its autonomy and status. Stressors can be lack of or small participation in decision-making processes, the lack of a sense of belonging to the organization, the inability to obtain qualified assistance, the lack of estimates of good work or excess control, intrigue.

    6. Nonealization sources of stress. This is the largest and varied circle of influences. First of all, the family problems should be attributed here (lack of time on the family and vice versa), financial problems, age crises, conflicts of personal values \u200b\u200bwith values \u200b\u200bdeclared in the organization, personal features.

    General concepts and stress categories

    Factors causing stress and nonspecific ways of combating them, the intensity of the body's need for adaptation. Unpleasant emotional arousal, accompanied by an increase in physiological stress, negative reflexive sensations of a person.

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    The main types of stress - study the enemy, win the battle

    The pursuit of peace is characteristic not only for any body in the universe, but also for the nervous system. Any external impact on the body launches an adaptation reaction - stress. What are the basic types of stress? There are four main groups: eustess, distress, physiological and psychological form. Classification of stress takes into account the degree of indulgence of irritants, the ability to independently cope with the load and the rate of restoration of the stability of the nervous system.

    What are the types of stress?

    In psychology, it is customary to share a similar load into two main categories:

    • "Good" form (eustess);
    • "Poor" form (Distress).

    The launching mechanism of stress is necessary for a person for survival, since it is a form of adaptation to a changing world. Short-term stresses tone the body, releaseing energy that allows a person to quickly mobilize internal resources. The excitable stage of Eustrassa continues a few minutes, so the nervous system quickly restores the stability of work and negative aspects do not have time to manifest.

    "Bad" stress in psychology is called the impact with which the body is not able to cope independently. We are talking about long-term stress exposure, when the resources of the psyche lacks for adaptation, or it is about violation of physical health. Distress implies a detrimental effect on the body - in critical cases, a person without proper treatment completely loses performance. Long stress contributes to the depletion of the immune system, which in turn will attract a number of chronic or acute diseases.

    Physiological stress - elementary adaptation form

    Classification of stress is also based on the method of starting adaptation processes. The category of "simple" stress takes into account the minimum set of exposures of environmental-plants, physical overloads. The result becomes physiological stress.

    This form involves an acute body response to the aggressive impact of the surrounding world. A sharp temperature difference, excessive moisture, long lack of food or drinking water, penetrating the wind, excess heat or cold - any similar factor requires excessive mobilization. The launch mechanisms of physiological stress should also include excessive physical exertion characteristic of athletes, as well as food deviations provoked by excess or insufficient nutrition (increasing or fasting).

    In popular psychology there is a special, food form of stress, which provokes improper power (violation of the mode, inadequate selection of products, excessive absorption of food or a refusal of it).

    In normal circumstances, the physiological form passes without a trace due to the high endurance of the human body. However, in the case when a person stays in a uncomfortable state for a long time, its body ceases to properly adapt and failure at the physical level - the disease occurs.

    Psychological stress

    Psychological stress - Beach of modernity. This form has become a characteristic feature of the era, since it is directly related to the adequacy of human interaction with society. If at the physical level adaptation is the primary pledge of survival and is facilitated by a powerful mechanism of instinctive reactions, then psychological stress is able to knock down a person from a rut for a long time.

    Characteristics of the psychological form of stress

    The "undermined" psyche is the result of an extreme reaction into two types of exposure - informational or emotional factors.

    "Being simultaneously with an independent physiological, mental and social phenomenon, stress is inherently another type of emotional state. This condition is characterized by increased physiological and psychological activity. At the same time, one of the main characteristics of stress is its extreme instability. Under favorable conditions, this state can be transformed into an optimal state, and under adverse conditions - into the state of neuro-emotional tension, which is characterized by a decrease in the performance and efficiency of the functioning of systems and organs, the depletion of energy resources. "

    It should be noted here that from the point of view of biological feasibility (the application of the "struggle or flight" strategy) stress improves the efficiency of organ systems - for example, when a person runs away from an aggressively tuned dog or participates in a sports competition. Reducing performance occurs only when natural behavioral programs come together with social norms or terms of intellectual activity (which manifests itself, for example, in stress of air traffic controllers or exchange brokers).

    1.2.2. Features of psychological stress

    Psychological stress, in contrast to the biological stress, described in the classic work of the city of Selre, has a number of specific features, among which several important things can be distinguished. In particular, this type of stress can be launched not only actually acting, but also probabilistic events that have not yet occurred, but the attack is afraid of @@@@@ 21, 23 ####. Unlike animals, a person reacts not only to the actual physical danger, but also at risk or reminder of it. As a result, it happens that in a poorly spent student, only thoughts on the likely unsatisfactory estimate sometimes cause stronger vegetative reactions than its receipt on the exam. This causes the specifics of human psycho-emotional stress, to which the patterns of its course are not always applicable, described in detail in experiments on laboratory animals.

    Another feature of psychological stress is the essential importance of assessing a person to the degree of its participation in the active impact on the problem situation in order to neutralize @@@@@ 4 #####. It is shown that the active life position or at least awareness of the possibility of influence the stressful factor leads to the activation of the mainly sympathetic department of the autonomic nervous system, while the passive role of the subject in the situation determines the predominance of parasympathetic reactions @@@@@ 16 ##### .

    The main differences between biological and psychological stress are reflected in Table. one.

    The test question that allows differentiation of stress varieties, sounds like this: "Does stressor cause explicit damage to the body?"If the answer is "yes" - this is a biological stress if "no" is psychological.

    Table 1. Differences between biological and psychological stress.

    Table 1. (end).

    The mechanism for the development of psychological stress can be demonstrated on the example of a student who is preparing to protect the graduation project. The severity of the signs of stress will depend on a number of factors: its expectations, motivation, installations, past experience, etc. The expected forecast for the development of events is modified in accordance with the already available information and installations, after which the final assessment occurs. If consciousness (or subconscious) evaluates the situation as a dangerous, stress develops. By parallel to this process, an emotional evaluation of the event occurs. The primary launch of the emotional reaction is developing at the subconscious level, and then another emotional reaction made on the basis of rational analysis is added to it.

    In this example (expectation of diploma protection), developing psychological stress will be modified towards strengthening or decreasing intensity depending on the following internal factors (Table 2).

    Table 2. Subjective factors affecting the level of stress.

    This process can be expressed in the form of the following scheme (Fig. 4).

    Fig. 4. Mechanisms for the formation of psychological stress.

    1.2.3. Differentiation of stress and other states

    The differentiation of stress and other emotional states is quite complex and in most cases very conditional. The closest to stress states are negative emotions, fatigue, overload and emotional tension. With sufficient intensity and duration, such emotional phenomena, as fear, anxiety, frustration, psychological discomfort and tension, can be considered as a psychological reflection of stress, as they are accompanied by all manifestations of stress reaction: from disorganizing behavior to adaptation syndrome @@@@@ 16 ## ###.

    Most often the question arises about the differentiation of stress from the process fatigue.This task is facilitated by the fact that the two states have a different physiological basis: stress is associated with humoral and vegetative changes, and fatigue is determined by the highest floors of the nervous system, first of all - the crust of large hemispheres. However, there are "transitional points" between them: fatigue develops at the beginning of the depletion of activation caused by sympathetic regulation, which launches the activity of a parasympathetic department that promotes the restoration of spent resources. The prevailing activity of the parasympathetic system at fater is expressed in a decrease in speech activity, the desire to rest and ease the occurrence of a sleepy braking @@@@@ 16 ####. According to V. V. Suvorova, only extremely rarely strong fatigue can launch the development and sympathetic reactions, expressed in the overexcitation and disorders of sleep. In real working activities, fatigue may manifest itself:

    + or in a decrease in the labor intensity of the employee while maintaining the magnitude of the initial voltage of its physiological functions (decrease in labor productivity);

    + or in increasing the degree of tension of physiological functions with unchanged indicators of the amount and quality of labor (the increase in the "labor of labor");

    + or (which happens most often) in some reduction of labor indicators with the simultaneous increase in the voltage of physiological functions.

    In the last situation, fatigue by the end of work can be quite deep, and to restore the normal functional state of the body will require a long holiday.

    If the rest turns out to be insufficient to fully restore performance by the beginning of the next labor period, during this period, fatigue develops more quickly and its depth to the end of work will be more significant than in the previous period. This shows that fatigue has the ability to accumulate, gradually moving into a qualitatively new state - overwork. The latter is usually defined as chronic fatigue, not liquidated for conventional rest periods (daily and weekly). The mental-emotional overwork syndrome is regarded by some authors as a special nosological state of the body, which is between normal and pathological reactions, which in adverse conditions can move into the disease @@@@@1 #####. Hereditary-constitutional factors play a special role in the development of nervous overvoltage and chronic fatigue, because without taking into account genotypical features, it is difficult to explain the multidirectional psycho-physiological shifts in extreme situations from different individuals.

    The concept of stress is firmly rooted in the vocabulary of a modern person, and most ordinary people regard this phenomenon as negative, painful experiences or disorders caused by unsolvable difficulties, irresistible obstacles that are unstable. More than 80 years ago Hans Selre, the creators of the theory of stress, in their works emphasized that stress does not mean, pain, torment, humiliation, catastrophic changes in life.

    Full getting rid of stresses means the end of life

    What is psychological stress? We present its classical definition given by the author of the theory. Stress (stress - a state of high load, emotional voltage) - A complex of nonspecific adaptive reactions of the body on any claims presented to it due to the impact of stressor factors that caused a violation of its homeostasis. Non-specific reactions - adaptable actions aimed at restoring the initial state of the body produced by specific effects on specific stimuli. Any surprise that makes a change in the familiar life of the individual may be a stress factor. It does not matter what nature is wearing a positive or negative. Emotional shock can provoke not only external circumstances, but also subconscious attitudes towards specific events. For the human psyche, only the amount of necessary efforts on the restructuring of familiar life rhythms, the intensity of the energy spent on adaptation to new requirements.

    Types of stress

    In medical practice, it is customary to share stressful situations into two types: eustess - a positive form and distress - negative. Eustissa mobilizes the life resources of the body and stimulates further activities. Distress brings, inflicts "wound", which, even completely healing, leaves scars.

    Distress has a negative impact on the somatic and mental health of a person and can give impetus to the development of serious diseases. In the state of stress, the activity of the immune system is significantly reduced, and the person becomes defenseless before viruses and infections. With a negative emotional stress, a vegetative nervous system is activated, intensively operates the gland of the internal secretion. With a long or frequent effect of stress factors, a psycho-emotional sphere is located, which often leads to severe depressions or to.

    By the nature of the impact of stressors allocate:

    • nervous psychic;
    • temperature (thermal or cold);
    • light;
    • food (as a result of food deficit);
    • other types.

    Outstanding psychologist Leontyev It claimed that in the case when the body demonstrates the reaction to external phenomena, not related to the satisfaction of life needs (meal, the need for a dream, the instinct of self-preservation, the continuation of the kind), such reactions are purely psychological. The concept is difficult to solid, extraordinary for a person of the situation in the concept of the theory of stress - also psychological phenomenon.

    Stressful situations also allocate in two groups: extreme social conditions (Military actions, hooligan attacks, natural disasters) and critical psychological events (Death of relative, changing social status, divorce, exam). For some events that occurred are shock shock, for others - a natural phenomenon, and the intensity of the reaction is purely individual. We are indisputable: In order to have a response to an irritant, this stimulus must have a certain force. And each individual has a non-permanent, changeable sensitivity threshold. Individual with a low sensitivity threshold demonstrates a strong reaction to an irritant of weak intensity, while specials with a high sensitivity threshold does not perceive this factor as an irritant.

    Biological and psychobiological stress

    Stress is also accepted to divide by parameters in two groups:

    • Biological;
    • Psychological.

    The definitions of psychological stress are excellent in different authors, however, most scientists refer to this type of stress caused by the influence of external (social) factors or formed under the influence of internal sensations. Psycho-emotional stress is not always possible to apply the laws of the stages of its flow, since each individual is purely individual properties of psyche and personal features of the vegan nervous system.

    Differentiate the type of stressful situation allows the test question: "Are the stressors apply explicit harm to the body?". In the case of a positive response, a biological species is diagnosed, in the event of a negative - psychological stress.

    Psycho-emotional stress is distinguished from a biological species near the specific features, including:

    • It is formed under the influence of both real and probable situations that are an object of anxiety anxiety;
    • Of great importance is the evaluation of the degree of its participation in the impact on the problem situation, the perception of the quality of selected methods of neutralizing the stressors.

    The method of measuring stress sensations (PSM-25 scale) is aimed at analyzing the emotional state of a person, and not on the study of indirect indicators (stressor, indicators of depressive, alarming-phobic conditions).

    The main differences between biological and psychological stressful situations:

    Group Biological stress Psychological stress
    The cause of the occurrence Physical, chemical, biological impact of stressors Own thoughts, internal sensations, the impact of society
    Hazard level Real Virtual, Real
    The orientation of stressors Somatic health, threat to life Emotional sphere, self-esteem, social status
    Character of response "Primary" reactions: fear, fright, rage, pain. "Secondary" reactions: excitement, anxiety, irritability, anxiety, panic, depressive states
    Temporary range Clearly designated within the borders of the present and the near future Unclear, blurred, includes past and indefinite period in the future
    Effect of Individual Character Features There is no minimum Significant
    Example Viral infection, injury, food intrication, frostbite, burn Family conflict, parting with partner, material difficulties, a change in social status

    Stress: Basic Development Stages

    The reaction range to the stress event includes a variety of excitation and braking states, including states called affective. The process of proceeding stress state consists of three stages.

    Stage 1. Emotional alarm reaction.

    At this stage, the first response of the organism on the impact of stressful factors is manifested. The duration of this phase is strictly individual: some people have increasing the voltage takes place in minutes, other anxiety increases for several weeks. The level of the body's resistance is reduced by external stimuli, weakens self-control. A person gradually loses the opportunity to fully manage his actions, loses self-control. His behavior changes on fully opposite actions (for example: a calm, exist person becomes impulsive, aggressive). Specials avoids social contacts, an alienation appears in relation to loved ones, the distance in communicating with buddies, colleagues increases. The effect of the distress has a destructive impact on the psyche. Excessive emotional voltage can cause disorganization, disorganization and depersonalization.

    Stage 2. Resistance and adaptation.

    In this phase, the maximum activation and strengthening of the body resistance is irritant. The prolonged effect of the stress factor provides gradual adaptation to its effects. The resistance of the body significantly exceeds the norm. It is at this stage that an individual is capable of analyzing, choose the most effective way and cope with the stress.

    Stage 3. Exhaustion.

    Having exhausted the existing energy resources due to the impact of the stressor during a long time, a person feels strong fatigue, emptying, fatigue. The feeling of guilt is joined, repeated signs of alarm stage appear. However, in this phase, the ability of the body to respondaptation is lost, the person becomes powerless to take any actions. Organic nature disorders appear, severe pathological psychosomatic states arise.

    Each person has "programmed" from the children's years its personal scenario of behavior in the stressful situation reproducible in frequency, form of manifestation of stress reaction. Some have the impact of stressors daily in small doses, others experience distress rarely, but in full of painful manifestations. Also for each person is characterized by the individual orientation of aggression in a state of stress. One accuse itself exclusively, the launching mechanisms for the development of depressive states. Another particular finds the causes of their troubles in the surrounding people and nominates unfounded claims, often in extremely aggressive form, becoming a socially dangerous person.

    Psychological mechanisms of stress

    The emergence of emotional stress in stress - the adaptation reaction of the bodyappearing and increasing as a result of the interaction of physiological systems and mechanisms in combination with psychological response methods.

    In the physiological group of stress mechanisms are involved:

    • Subcortical systemwhich activates the work of the cerebral cortex;
    • Sympathetic autonomous system, preparing the body to the unexpected effects of stressors, intensifying heart activities, stimulating the supply of glucose;
    • Subcontultal motor centers, managing congenital instinctive, motor, mimic, pantomimic mechanisms;
    • Internal secretion authorities;
    • Reverse affamentation mechanismsTransmitting nerve impulses through interiorsteractors and proprigatorioreceptors from internal organs and muscles back to the brain zone.

    Psychological mechanisms - Installations formed and fixed at the subconscious level arising as a response to the impact of stressful factors. Psychological schemes are designed to protect the psyche of a person from the negative effects of the impact of stressors. Not all these mechanisms are harmless, they often do not allow to evaluate the right event, often harm the social activities of the individual.

    Psychological protective schemes include seven mechanisms:

    • Suppression. The main mechanism, the purpose of which - the removal of the existing desires from consciousness in case of the impossibility of their satisfaction. The extrusion of sensations and memories can be partial or complete, as a result of which the Persons gradually forgets past events. Often is the source of new problems (for example: a person forgets the data of previously promises). Often it becomes the cause of somatic diseases (headaches, heart disease, oncological diseases).
    • Negation. Individual denies the fact of the accomplishment of any event, "leaves" in fantasy. Often, a person does not notice contradictions in his judgments and actions, therefore often perceived by others as a non-serious, irresponsible, inadequate person.
    • Rationalization. The method of self-assessment, the creation of allegedly logical moral arguments to explain and justify the inadmissible society of behavior that arise their own desires and thoughts.
    • Inversion. Conscious replacement of true thoughts and sensations, actually conducted actions on completely opposite.
    • Projection. Individual projects on others, attributes to other people their own negative qualities, negative thoughts, unhealthy sensations. It is a mechanism of self-excursion.
    • Insulation. The most dangerous response scheme. The person separates the threatening component, a dangerous situation from his personality as a whole. It may lead to a split personality, to cause schizophrenia.
    • Regression. The subject returns to primitive ways to respond to stress factors.

    There is also a different classification of types of protective mechanisms, divided into two groups.

    Group 1. Schemes of information of information

    • Perceptual protection;
    • Crowding out;
    • Suppression;
    • Negation.

    Group 2. Schemes of violation of information processing

    • Projection;
    • Intellectualization;
    • Extraction;
    • Revaluation (rationalization, protective reaction, expilation, illusion).

    Stress factors

    The level of stress affects a variety of variety of factors, including:

    • The significance of the stressors for the individual,
    • Congenital features of the nervous system,
    • Hereditary model of response to stress events,
    • Features of growing
    • The presence of chronic somatic or mental pathologies, recently transferred illness,
    • Unsuccessful experience in past similar situations,
    • Having moral installations,
    • Threshold of tolerance to stress,
    • Self-esteem, the quality of perception itself, as a person,
    • Hope, expectations are their certainty or uncertainty.

    Causes of stress

    The most common cause of stress is a contradiction between the reality and representations of an individual of reality. Stress reactions can be launched both under the influence of real factors and events that exist only in imagination. Not only negative events, but also positive changes in the life of the individual, lead to the development of stressful state.

    Studies of American scientists Thomas Holmes. and Richard Reia allowed to form a table of stress factors that provide in most cases the strongest influence on man and launching stress mechanisms (stress intensity scale). Among meaningful events for people:

    • The death of a close relative
    • Divorce
    • Parting with a loved one
    • Imprisonment
    • Serious disease
    • Loss of work
    • Change of social status
    • Deterioration of the material situation
    • Big debts
    • Impossibility to pay off credit obligations
    • Disease of close relatives
    • Problems with law
    • Retirement
    • Marriage
    • Pregnancy
    • Sexual problems
    • The emergence of a new family member
    • Change of place of work
    • Detection of relations in the family
    • Outstanding personal achievements
    • Start or ending learning
    • Change of residence
    • Problems with leadership
    • Unfavorable atmosphere in the team
    • Changing the routine of labor and swelling
    • Changing personal habits
    • Change of food behavior
    • Change of working conditions
    • Vacation
    • Holidays

    Stress factors have the accumulation property. Without making effective steps, he drove his experiences inside, remaining alone with her problems, a person risks to lose contact with his own "I", and subsequently lose contact with others.

    Psychological symptoms of stress

    Manifestations of stressful state - Purely individual, but all signs unites their negative color, their painful and painful perception by an individual. The symptoms are different depending on which the stress stage is especially and which protective mechanisms are involved. Among the main symptoms of stress can be allocated:

    • Unprecedented;
    • Feeling of internal stress;
    • Hellness, nervousness, irritability, aggressiveness;
    • Excessive inadequate reaction to the slightest stimuli;
    • The inability to control your thoughts and emotions, manage your actions;
    • Reducing the concentration of attention, difficulties in memorizing and reproducing information;
    • Periods of dreary mood;
    • Oppressed, depressed condition;
    • Decline in interest to the usual activity, an apathetic state;
    • The inability to enjoy pleasant events;
    • Constant feeling of dissatisfaction;
    • Capriciousness, excessive demanding to others;
    • Subjective feeling of overload, not passing fatigue;
    • Reducing performance, the inability to fulfill the usual duties;
    • - removal from its own "I";
    • - feeling of the ghost of the surrounding world;
    • Changing food behavior: no appetite or excessive meal;
    • Sleep disorders: insomnia, early rise, intermittent sleep;
    • Change behavior, reducing social contacts.

    As a result of the impact of the stressors, the individual is often trying to artificially replace the negative sensations of "pleasant" external factors: begins to take alcohol or narcotic drugs, becomes a gambling player, changes sexual behavior, begins to overeat, performs risky, impulsive actions.

    Treatment of stress

    Staying in situations causing the state of stress, each person should strive to get out of the situation that has created the winner, overcome the obstacles courageously, with a sense of self-esteem and without negative health consequences. After all, every new battle with stressors is another step on a thorny path of self-development and self-improvement.

    Medical treatment of stressful states

    The choice of a comprehensive pharmacological treatment program is carried out individually, given a variety of factors, including:

    • prevailing symptoms, strength and frequency of their manifestation;
    • stage and severity of stressful state;
    • the age of the patient;
    • somatic and mental health of the patient;
    • personal characteristics of character, a way to respond to the impact of stressors, an individual sensitivity threshold;
    • the history of mental pathologies and border guides;
    • individual preferences and material capabilities of the patient;
    • the resulting therapeutic response to drugs used earlier;
    • portability of pharmacological agents, their side effects;
    • accepted drugs.

    The main criterion for appointing treatment is the manifested symptoms. To eliminate stressful states, use:

    • Tranquilizers;
    • Beta blockers;
    • Amino acids;
    • Sedatives of plant origin, bromides;
    • Neuroleptics;
    • Antidepressants;
    • Sleeping pills;
    • Vitamin and mineral complexes.

    If the patient prevails signs of anxiety (irrational fear, excessive excitement, no concern without reason) to relieve symptoms, a short-term course of treatment with psychotropic drugs is carried out. Used tranquilizers benzodiazepine row (for example: diazepam) or more gentle anxiolyti other groups (for example: adoptol).

    Quickly take control and minimize the painful physical manifestations of fear capable beta blockersThe action of which is aimed at blocking emissions into the blood of adrenaline and reduce blood pressure indicators (for example: anaprilin).

    In overcoming emotional stress, reducing nervousness and irritability, a good therapeutic response provides relatively harmless drugs with aminoacetic acid (for example: glycine).

    With the weakly pronounced manifestations of anxiety, a long course (at least one month) are prescribed sedatives "Green" pharmacyMade from Valerian, Mint, Melissa, Dashtroke (for example: Pans). In some cases, drugs are used - bromide with significant sedative potential (for example: adonis-bromine).

    In the presence of a "protective" disease in the picture, obsessive actions are recommended neuroleptics - drugs capable of eliminating severe mental states (for example: haloperidol).

    When prevailing depressive manifestations (apathy, oppressed state, dreary mood) use antidepressants Different groups. With a light form of depressive sentiment, a long-term course (more than one month) of plant in vegetable origin is prescribed. Thus, the antidepressant effect will ensure the preparations based on the Zverboard (for example: deprim). In more severe and hazardous cases, psychopharmacological antidepressants of various groups are used. Similar to use, do not lead to overdose and show the high result selective inhibitors of serotonin - SIRES inhibitors (for example: fluoxetine). Eliminate depressive symptoms and reduce the anxiety capable of the latest generation - melatonergic antidepressants (the only representative of this class: agomelatin).

    If the patient marks the change in the mode and quality of sleep (insomnia, early awakening, intermittent sleep, nightmarish dreams) appoint a reception snow pills, both vegetable origin and synthesized means of benzodiazepine series (for example: nitrazempams) or the latest chemical groups (for example: zopiclon). Use as hypnotic barbiturates today has lost its relevance.

    An important role in overcoming stressful states is the replenishment in the deficit body vitamins and Minerals. In situations of emotional voltage, the reception of group vitamins in (for example: neurovan), magnesium facilities (for example: Magne B6) or multi-active complexes (for example: Vitrum) are recommended.

    Psychotherapeutic techniques for overcoming stress

    Psychotherapy of stressful states - Methods designed to provide beneficial therapeutic influence on a psycho-emotional scope activities directly related and affecting the functioning of the human body as a whole. Psychotherapeutic assistance is often the only unique chance that allows the person who is in stressful state to overcome the available problems, adjust the erroneous ideas and without negative consequences to get rid of the alarming, depressive states.

    Modern psychotherapy uses over 300 diverse techniques, among the most common, in demand and effective techniques:

    • Psychodynamic;
    • Cognitive behavioral;
    • Existential;
    • Humanistic.

    Direction 1. Psychodynamic approach

    Based on the method of psychoanalysis, which was the famous talented scientist Sigmund Freud. Feature of therapy: transfer to the area of \u200b\u200bconsciousness (awareness) by the patient with the subconscious sphere of memories, tested emotions and sensations. Receptions are used: the study and evaluation of dreams, free associative series, research on the nature forgetting information.

    Direction 2. Cognitive behavioral therapy

    The essence of this method is to inform and teach an individual to adaptive skills necessary in emotionally difficult situations. A person has a new model of thinking, which allows us to correctly assess and adequately act when a collision with stressful factors. In artificially created stressful situations, the patient, surviving a state close to the panic fear, the threshold of sensitivity to disturbing its negative factors is noticeably reduced.

    Direction 3. Existential approach

    The essence of therapy for this technique is to concentrate on the existing difficulties, revising the patient of the valuables, awareness of personal significance, the formation of self-esteem and the right self-esteem. During sessions, a person learns how to harmonious interaction with the outside world, produces independence and awareness of thinking, acquires new behavioral skills.

    Direction 4. Humanistic approach

    This method is based on the postulate: a person has unlimited abilities and opportunities for overcoming issues in the presence of significant incentive and adequate self-esteem. The work of the doctor with the patient is aimed at limiting the consciousness of a person, exemption from indecision and uncertainty, getting rid of fear of defeat. The client learns to actually realize and analyze the causes of the existing difficulties, develop true and safe options for overcoming problems.

    How to overcome the consequences of stress yourself?

    A person has a desire to get rid of pain, tension, anxiety. However, this ability to experience unpleasant sensations, oddly enough, is one of the valuable gifts of nature. The state of stress is a phenomenon designed to warn an individual about the threat of integrity and life activity of the body. This is an ideal working mechanism activating the natural reflexes of resistance, evasion, retreat or flight, indispensable in battle with a negative hostile environment. The unpleasant sensations associated with the state of stress mobilize hidden resources, encourage the application of efforts, carry out changes and accepting difficult solutions.

    Each person needs to learn to effectively and rationally control stress. If the event that caused stress depends on the individual activity (for example: emotional stress due to excessive work in the professional field), efforts should be concentrated on developing and analyzing options to change the existing position. In the event that an emotionally difficult situation is caused by external factors, non-viable monitor control and management (for example: the death of a spouse), it is necessary to accept this negative fact, to accept its existence, change perception and attitude towards this event.

    Effective methods for removing the emotional stress and states of psychological stress

    Method 1. We issue emotions

    Remove the accumulated voltage, special breathing techniques are designed to get rid of negative emotions. We perform energetic movements (mahs) with hands, then close your eyes. We make a slow deep breath through the nose, delay your breath for 5 seconds, slowly spent through the mouth. Perform 10-15 approaches. We try to relax muscles as much as possible. Concentrate your attention on the emerging sensations.

    Method 2. Reveal the soul

    In prevention and overcoming stressful states, an invaluable role is assigned to emotional support from the outside and friendly communication. Problem moments, frankly and freely behaved near a person, lose global significance and cease to be perceived as catastrophic. Friendly communication with optimists allows a person to formulate and express out loud disturbing factors, throw out negative emotions, get the charge of vital energy, develop a strategy to overcome the problems.

    Method 3. I trust your alarms paper

    No less effective method of dealing with emotional tension is the maintenance of a personal diary. Thoughts and desires set forth on paper are becoming more consistent and logical. Fixing in writing its negative sensations tolerates them from the area of \u200b\u200bsubconscious in the sphere, controlled by consciousness and managed by the will of the individual. After such an entry, stressful events are perceived less large-scale, realized and recognized the fact of the availability of problems. With the subsequent reading of his revelations, it is possible to analyze a difficult situation as it were from the side, new ways to overcome it appear, an incentive is formed for its permission. Especially takes control of his condition and, taking the past and living the present, begins to make efforts for well-being in the future.

    Method 4. Blacks of own stress factors

    As they say, to win over the enemy, it is necessary to know him in the face. In order to cope with emerging negative emotions under the hour of the impact of stressors, it is necessary to identify and explore which particular events can "knock out of the rut."

    Staying in silence alone, we focus and try to focus as much as possible. We choose for an analysis of at least 12 aspects related to various areas of life (for example: health, family relationship, successes and failures in professional activities, financial situation, relationships with friends). Then in each of these aspects, we allocate situations that represent considerable difficulty, deprive self-control and restraint. We write them up in order of importance (response intensity, the temporal duration of the experiences, the depth of emotional perception, arising negative symptoms) from the smallest negative category to the most traumatic factor. After Achilles Fifth is revealed, for each item we make a list of "arguments": we develop options for possible solutions.

    Method 5. Transform emotional experiences in vital energy

    An excellent way to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of stress is to perform intense any motor activity. It can be: classes in the gym, long-term hiking, swimming in the pool, morning jogs or work on the preservation site. Energetic exercise distract from negative events, send thoughts into a positive channel, give positive emotions and charge vital energy. Running is the perfect natural method to "escape" from stress: feeling a pleasant physical fatigue, there is no place and effort on crying about his own grief.

    Method 6. Splash emotions in creativity

    A faithful assistant in the fight against psychological stress is creative activity, vocal classes, music, dancing. Creating a beautiful, man not only get rid of negative sensations, but also involves hidden potential, develops its abilities, significantly increases self-esteem. Music directly affects emotional status, transferring to the world of bright distinctive sensations: makes cry and laugh, grieve and rejoice. Through music, the perception of his own "I" and others is changing, the real world appears in its diversity, the significance of their own "meager" worries is lost. Through the dance, you can express your emotions, survive your negative, to appear in front of the light in all inner beauty.

    Method 7. We increase the level of psychological knowledge

    An important factor for successful overcoming stress is the existing knowledge luggage: full, structured, diverse. In the formation of immunity to stress, a significant role is played by human cognitive processes that determine the skills of orientation in the environment, the logicality of actions, objectivity of judgments, the level of observation. No matter how generously or scoop nature gave a man with talents, the personality is responsible only for the use of their mental abilities, and should not stop on the path of its development.

    Method 8. We change the belief system

    A particular niche in the perception of stress factors is the individual system of beliefs. A person regarding the world around the world as a source of dangers, threats, problems, responds to stressors with strong negative emotions, often disorganizing his behavior. Quite often, the difficult consequences of the experience of stress provoke the results of the discrepancy between the real complexity of the situation and its subjective assessment of the individual. Adequate, realistic perception of the world, where the well-being and misfortunes are adjacent to the recognition that the world is imperfect and not always fair, the desire for harmony, optimism and gratitude for every positive moment help not perceive the problems close to heart.

    Method 9. We increase your own significance

    A person who reacts to any stress with stormy emotions is distinguished by the lack of confidence in its capabilities and a sense of own inferiority. Due to low or negative self-esteem, the personality has a minimum level of claims and occupies the "position of the reinsurer" in the life. Enhance and form adequate self-esteem helps simple exercises - affermentation (positive statements about their identity spoken by loud).

    Method 10. Perform a difficult task

    Excellent Emotional Control Technology is a strong concentration of attention on the task executable, allowing to dissolve and overcome situational stress factors.

    From spheres that bring satisfaction and joy, choose one complex category. We put a clear goal, we determine the concrete end deadlines for the implementation of ideas in life (for example: to study French for six months, construct a helicopter model, conquer the mining vertex).

    In conclusion:Each person can overcome stress and control the complex situation if it becomes focused on the existing problem, rather than manifested by emotionally protective actions. Active possession of his own consciousness brings exclusively positive results, gives the personality a sense of domination over the stressors, strengthens the sense of its own significance, increases the assessment of its abilities, increases the chance of disclosing opportunities.