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  • Fairy tale “Finist - The Clear Falcon. Finist - clear falcon

    Fairy tale “Finist - The Clear Falcon.  Finist - clear falcon

    The fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" was published a year before the death of Sergei Aksakov, in 1858, as an appendix to his story "The Childhood of Bagrov the Grandson." Did Aksakov hear a few fairy tales in his life? But it is precisely the story of the beauty and the beast, heard first from the housekeeper Pelageya in the Bagrovo estate (end of the 18th century); read then years later in the French journal "Children's School"; seen later on the opera stage of the Kazan Theater - it was this story that sunk into the soul and was remembered by Sergei Aksakov when he reflected on what he had experienced, brought memories to a common denominator and wrote a children's book "which has never happened in literature." Of course, this is not accidental. Placed in the appendix, this tale is, in fact, the main key to understanding the whole meaning of the story; and this meaning is “a bright world where love, beauty and good conquer evil and death itself” (S. Sobolevskaya).

    The fairy tale rich in symbolic meaning allowed Aksakov to allegorically express his entire life credo.

    What is the "crown" that his eldest daughter asks for a gift from a merchant father? It is a symbol of power, human power over people.

    And the “crystal tuvalet” for the middle daughter is worldly glory, received, as you wish, through scientific discoveries, through technical achievements or through art.

    Against the background of the claims of the older daughters, the wish of the younger one (bring me a scarlet flower) looks, of course, silly and childish. With such desires "you will not achieve anything in life." The scarlet flower is a dream of love, a desire for it and a willingness to sacrifice for it. Love is the main miracle of all time; more glory, more important than power. But unlike a crown or a mirror, this is a miracle that lives inside a person and only through his powers can become a reality. This is what the merchant's youngest daughter does: she overcomes obstacles and temptations, showing a sacrificial attitude first to her father, then to the monster. In her image, researchers believe, Aksakov recreates "the universal responsiveness of the Russian soul" (P. Fedorov). It is worth noting here that the worldly responsive Russian soul does not accept any horrible monster: nevertheless, the merchant has seen many overseas gardens, and chose a flower about which he felt in his heart that he was “the one and only”.

    "An important difference between the younger daughter and the elders is that she was not tempted by overseas gifts promising power and knowledge convenient for everyday life."- writes P. Fedorov and says that Aksakov in the fairy tale "The Scarlet Flower" carries the idea of ​​Moscow - the third Rome.

    The eldest daughter who chose the crown (power) is Ancient Rome; middle (worldly glory) - Byzantium; the youngest (love) is the personification of Russia and her heart, Moscow. “His (Aksakov's) cherished idea about Russia was the hope that the sad fate of Ancient Rome and Byzantium, who exchanged the faith of their fathers for the trinkets of civilization and ingloriously disappeared from the historical arena, would bypass Russia. The writer hoped that she, like the youngest daughter in his tale, would save herself and other nations with her pure and unshakable faith and love, just as the younger daughter saved her father and the enchanted prince from despair and mutual destruction. "(P. Fedorov)

    Today, all also people for the most part remain, in the words of V. Sukhomlinsky, "civilized savages": "a person can learn to create spaceships and nuclear submarines, but if he does not learn to love, he will remain a savage, and an educated savage is a hundred times more dangerous uneducated. "

    All the same, on the scale of social values, power and fame are immeasurably higher than love. And all the same true values ​​a person comprehends only after going through suffering that cleanses the soul from the husk. Thus, the sound of Aksakov's fairy tale has not lost a single gram of its relevance today.

    Finist-Clear Falcon is a fairy tale about how the girl Maryushka, with her sincerity and strong feelings, freed the Clear Falcon from the captivity of the evil queen. Finista-clear falcon is recommended to read for children aged 5 years and older.

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    Finist-clear falcon: a fairy tale. Summary

    The beginning of the story begins according to one of the usual fairy-tale scenarios. The father has three daughters, two of whom are not distinguished by intelligence and diligence, and the youngest Maryushka is both beautiful and clever. When going on the road, a father always asks his daughters what kind of gifts they would like to receive. Older girls only dream of fashionable things, and Maryushka dreams of the feather of the Yasn falcon. Once it happened that the old grandfather passed such a feather to his father, and here the story itself begins. Maryushka meets Finist - a good fellow and, going through the dirty tricks of the sisters, sets off on the road to save her beloved from an evil witch. The girl will have to meet Baba Yaga and her sisters, in exchange for her kindness and sincerity to receive magical gifts. It is they who will help Maryushka free Finist from the spell ...

    Finist the Clear Falcon is a magical character in a folk tale

    The fairy tale Finist the clear falcon (read "good fellow") is one of the few Russian folk tales named not after the main character, but after the name of a magical character. Finist is one of the good heroes of Russian folk art. The ability to turn into a falcon is manifested after the girl Maryushka calls him to her. Finist-clear falcon personifies pure love, easily passing through any obstacles.

    The peasant had three daughters. The eldest and middle are envious and angry, and the youngest is Mashenka, kind, affectionate, hard-working, of unwritten beauty.
    Once a peasant went to the city to the market, called his daughters to say goodbye and asked:
    - What gifts, daughters, should I bring you?
    - Bring us, papa, painted shawls, embroidered with gold, - asked the senior and middle.
    - And to me, father, if you find Finist's feather - the falcon is clear, - Mashenka asked.

    The peasant returned home sad, brought gifts to the eldest daughters, but did not find the youngest.
    Got to town next time. The daughters ordered various gifts, and Mashenka again asked to bring her a feather.
    In the city, the peasant walked around all the shops, but did not find a feather anywhere. On the way home he meets a little old man.
    - Where are you going, dear? the old man asked.
    - I'm returning home from the city. I'm taking presents for my daughters, but I can't find a gift for my younger daughter. She wanted Finist's feather - the falcon is clear.

    A feather is not simple, cherished. Take it as a present for your daughter, may she be happy.
    The peasant was delighted and drove the horses home with all his might.

    In the evening, when everyone went to bed, Mashenka took a feather, hit it on the floor and said:
    - Dear Finist - clear falcon, come to me, my betrothed.
    And out of nowhere a young man of unprecedented beauty appeared. And by morning he turned into a falcon and flew away to distant lands.
    He began to fly to Mashenka every evening, until the evil sisters noticed him. They envied Mashenka and conceived evil.
    We went to her room, and while she was away, they stuck knives and needles into the frames, and hid themselves to see what would happen.

    A clear falcon flew up to the window, and nowhere to sit, sharp knives stick out. He began to beat against the window, but Mashenka was not in the room. A clear falcon broke into blood, wounded its legs. And then he says:
    - If you need me, you will find me far away, until you trample three forged shoes, break three staffs, and lose three iron caps.

    Then Mashenka entered the room, heard this, but it was too late. Finist flew away - a clear falcon.
    She cried out all her tears and began to gather in distant lands, looking for her falcon. I ordered forged shoes, iron staffs and hats. I said goodbye to the priest and sisters and went wherever they looked.
    For a long time, or for a short time, she came to the clearing, and on it was a hut on chicken legs.

    Stand up to me, hut, in front of me, back to the forest. I want to enter, rest.
    The hut turned, Mashenka entered and saw Baba Yaga in the hut. And that let's swear:
    - Fu, fu, damsel, why are you walking, wandering, interfering with sleep?
    - I, grandmother, am looking for Finista - the falcon is clear, - Mashenka answers.

    Long for you to look, girl. He now lives in the thirty-tenth state. The local queen bewitched him. Here, honey, take a gold egg and a silver saucer. Go to the queen and hire her as a servant. Just don’t sell the saucer and the egg, but give it back, just ask the falcon to see clearly.

    Mashenka went on. She walked, walked, already worn out the forged shoes. Here he again goes out into the clearing, and there the hut spins on chicken legs.
    Masha went into the hut, and there Baba Yaga was sitting.
    - Fu, fu, girl, what are you looking for here?
    - I'm going to the thirtieth kingdom for Finist - the clear falcon, - Mashenka answers.
    - I see you visited my sister too. She decided to help you, and I will help you. Maybe you can find your falcon. Here's a gold needle and a silver embroidery frame. The needle is not simple, she knows how to embroider herself. If the queen asks you to sell, then don’t sell it, but give it away for nothing, just let her allow me to look at Finist.

    One of the most interesting Russian folk tales is Finist - Clear Sokol. A summary will tell the reader about the plot, introduce the main characters, some clarifications will help to better understand the work.

    Father and daughters

    The story begins with the acquaintance of readers with a widowed peasant, who has three daughters. Once he told them that it would be nice to hire an assistant. To this, the youngest daughter Maryushka replied that it was not necessary, she herself would do all the household chores.

    Maria was a hardworking girl, and all her affairs were well argued. She was not only a needlewoman, but also a beauty, unlike her sisters. They were ugly, and besides, they were also greedy. From morning to evening, they sat in front of the mirror, whitening their faces, applying blush. Having got acquainted with this part of the work, the young reader may think about why to whiten his face, as the folk authors of the work "Finist - Clear Falcon" describe it. A summary will shed light on this question.

    The fact is that in those days, tanning was considered the lot of poor peasants who worked from morning till night under the scorching sun, and therefore their face and hands were tanned. The young ladies wore wide-brimmed hats with delicate umbrellas to make their faces white. The waxy complexion was fashionable, and a light tan was removed with the help of white. The cheeks were generously smeared with blush, this was also a trend in the old days.

    Peasant's trips to the bazaar

    Once the priest went to the market, asked his daughters what to bring from there. The elders, who were very fond of dressing up, answered that they wanted shawls with large flowers. Father Maryushka asked the same question, and she asked, as the tale says, for Finist's feather - Jasn Sokol.

    The father was able to fulfill the request of only the eldest daughters - he brought them beautiful semi-hangers. He did not find such a feather as Marya asked.

    Here the priest goes to the bazaar for the second time. Older daughters ask for beautiful boots, he bought them a new thing. The youngest again wanted Father to bring her a feather, but he walked all day in search, but never found it.

    The father went to the market for the third time, the fairy tale "Finist - Clear Falcon" will also tell about this. A summary will tell about this case.

    The older daughters, as usual, will ask to buy them new clothes, this time - a coat. Marya is true to herself, she only wants a feather. Again, the priest succeeded in quickly fulfilling the requests of the eldest daughters, but the youngest did not.

    Meeting with an old man

    The peasant was returning from the bazaar. A very old grandfather met him. They talked, and the grandfather asked the father of his daughters where he was going. He replied that he was saddened because he could not fulfill the request of his beloved daughter.

    The old man listened to the story of his fellow traveler and made him happy, saying that he had such a thing. And he took out nothing more than that very feather. The peasant looked - the feather is like a feather, there is nothing extraordinary in it. He also thought: what did Maria find in this thing that so wanted to have it?

    Father arrived home with gifts. The older children put on new clothes, they could not stop looking at themselves, and they began to laugh at the younger one, telling her that she was a fool, and remained so. They suggested that she put a feather in her hair and show off. The attentive reader will understand what the story called "Finist - Clear Falcon" reminds: this tale is very similar to "The Scarlet Flower". No wonder the famous collector of Russian folk tales Afanasyev wrote down two interpretations of this story. The first one is called "Finist's feather - Jasn Sokol", and its plot is similar to this one. In the second he appears. When he is put into the water, Finist, the Clear Falcon, arrives. Afanasyev's tale is listed in the collection as number 235.

    Finist's apparition

    Maryushka did not answer the smirks of her older sisters, and when everyone went to bed, she threw her pen on the ground and spoke the magic words. In them, she urged the kind Finist, her fiancé, to appear to her. And he was not long in coming. A very handsome young man came to the girl. In the morning he hit the floor and turned into a falcon. Then he flew out the window, which the girl opened for him.

    This went on for three days. By day, the young man was a falcon. In the evening he flew to Marya, hit the floor and turned into a handsome man. Finist, the Clear Falcon, was already standing before her. The summary will very soon tell about the next interesting point. In the morning he flew away again, and in the evening he returned.

    What did the sisters' anger lead to

    But the idyll of the young man and the girl did not last long, the sisters found out about the night guest and told their father about it. But he did not believe them, ordered to look after himself better.

    However, the envious did not stop there. They attached sharp knives to the frame and began to see what would happen next.

    As usual, the falcon tried to fly into Masha's room, but could not, only hurt himself on the knives. Then Finist said that if anyone needs him, he will find him. He warned that it would be difficult. You can find it only when three pairs of iron shoes are worn out, the same number of staffs break and 3 iron caps become unusable.

    Before that, Maryushka was asleep, but when she heard these words, she woke up. However, it was already late, and when the girl approached the window, the bird had already disappeared. Finist flew away - Clear Falcon, pictures in the book will help you to clearly see this dramatic moment.

    Marya hits the road

    The girl cried, but there is nothing to do - you need to look for a loved one. She told the priest everything, announced that she was leaving, if fate pleased, she would return back unharmed.

    The girl ordered herself 3 iron staffs, 3 caps and three pairs of shoes, set off on a difficult journey.

    She walked through fields, forests, mountains, but no one touched her. On the contrary, the birds amused them with their songs, the streams washed their faces. When the staff broke, the shoes were worn out, the cap tore, I saw a hut on chicken legs in the clearing. She asked her to turn around. The girl went into the house and saw Baba Yaga. The old woman asked the girl what brought her here.

    Huts on chicken legs and their inhabitants

    Marya told why she had come so far. Baba Yaga told where Finist is now - the Clear Falcon, the pictures will again help to vividly represent this moment. It turns out that the girl's fiancé was drunk by the magic queen and married to herself.

    My grandmother gave the beauty a magic saucer and a golden egg, told what to do with them. She advised me to hire that queen as a worker.

    Marya set off again, after a while she again saw the hut, in it there was already another Baba Yaga - that sister. The old woman gave the girl a silver embroidery frame and a gold needle, which she embroiders, and ordered not to sell to anyone, but to give it up for being allowed to see her beloved.

    By this time Marya had worn out the next pair of shoes, the second cap and staff had become unusable. She went on, and when the third iron kit broke down, she again saw the hut. To the question of the third Baba Yaga, she replied that she needed Finist - the Clear Falcon. The characters in this scene behaved diplomatically. Marya spoke to the old woman with respect, for this she gave her a golden spindle and a silver base, taught her what to do with them.

    The summary comes to the final points.

    Finist - Yasny Sokol and Maryushka met

    Marya went further, she met a wolf, who gave the girl a ride right to the place. Marya saw the palace, and in it the queen. Marya was hired as a servant. The queen took it, Maryushka worked during the day, and at night she put the testicle in a saucer and looks, and the saucer shows it to her.

    The queen heard this, asked to sell the magic gizmos, but Marya said that she would give it away for nothing if she showed her Finista. But he slept in deep sleep, the girl could not wake him up, as well as the next night, when she gave the queen a magic hoop and a needle for a date.

    On the third night, having given the spindle and the silver base to the queen, the girl again tried in vain to wake her beloved, he woke up only from her hot tears. He woke up, was glad that his beloved had found, and they returned home, had a great feast. That was the end of the fairy tale "Finist - Clear Falcon". The heroes - Maryushka and Finist - found each other, and good won.

    And again, in the Tale, the character of an unspoiled girl is shown, who does not suit her father with a scandal because he could not bring her the coveted feather of the Clear Falcon from the Hall of Finist from the market. On the contrary, she reassured her upset father that next time he would definitely bring her the cherished feather.

    "... Time passed, and again my father needed to go to the marketplace. He asks his daughters what to bring them as a gift: he was kind.

    Fun and says:

    - You brought me, father, the boots once before, so let the skilled blacksmiths now puff the heels on those boots with silver horseshoes.

    And Vesnyana hears her older sister and says:

    - And me, father, too, otherwise the heels are knocking, not ringing, let them ring, and so that the carnations from the horseshoes are not lost, bring me another silver hammer: I will knock them the carnations myself.

    - And what should I bring you, Nastenka?

    - And look, father, a feather from Jasn Sokol from the palace of Finist: will there be, will not ..."

    Once again, Nastenka's father goes to the marketplace and again asks his daughters about what kind of presents to bring from it. And again, the elder sisters of Nastenka, Zabava and Vesnyana, ask their father for various tinsel: to shoe the boots they had brought earlier with silver horseshoes from the blacksmiths and buy a silver hammer to knock out the carnations ourselves. And Nastenka again asks her father for the same feather of the Clear Falcon from the Hall of Finist:

    "… Lyubomir Vedaslavich went to the marketplace. Soon he did his business and chose gifts for the eldest daughters, and for the youngest until the evening he was looking for a feather, but there is no that feather, no one gives it in exchange or in purchase. The father returned again without a gift for his youngest daughter. He felt sorry for Nastenka, and Nastenka smiled at her father: she was glad that she saw her parent again ..."

    And again Nastenka's father returned without a gift for her. This time, the Tale even clearly indicates that the market place, which Father Nastenka drove to, was located not far from their skuf. And this means that it was small, local, and that, in this marketplace there were merchants-traders (or goods) from other star systems. According to this passage, Lyubomir Vedaslavich left for the marketplace early in the morning, and, soon having done his business, quickly chose gifts for his eldest daughters, but until the evening he was looking for a feather for Nastenka. Until the evening ... it means that Nastenka's father managed to return from the market before nightfall, because then the emphasis would not be placed on the fact that he was looking for the Bright Falcon feather from the Finist Hall for his youngest from the merchants-traders until the evening. And again Nastenka was left without a cherished gift, but she was glad to see her father even without a gift! And that says a lot too! Once again, Lyubomir Vedaslavich is going to the marketplace and again asks all his daughters about what gifts they want him to bring them:

    "... The time has come, my father went to the market again.

    - What should you, dear daughters, bring as a present to you?

    The eldest thought and did not immediately come up with what she wanted.

    - Bring me something, father.

    And the middle one says:

    - And me, father, bring something, and add something else to something.

    - And you, Nastenka?

    - And you, father, bring me one feather of Jasn Sokol from the palace of Finist ..."

    And again, the elder sisters of Nastenka show their pampering and capriciousness, which is clearly seen from their wishes, which they convey to their working father. A statement like "bring me something, and add something else to something" speaks of the extreme spoiling of Nastenka's older sisters. And Nastenka again asks him to bring her the cherished feather of the Clear Falcon from the Hall of Finist:

    "... Lyubomir Vedaslavich went to the market place. He did his business, chose gifts for the eldest daughters, but did not find anything for the youngest: that Falcon Feather is not in the market place.

    Father goes to the forest skuf and he sees: walking along the road, leaning on an oak staff, an old sorcerer, older than him, completely dilapidated.

    - Hello, grandfather!

    - Hello dear. What is your anguish about?

    - And how can she not be, grandfather! My daughter ordered me to bring her one feather of Jasn Sokol from the palace of Finist. I was looking for her that feather, but it is not. And she is my smallest daughter, my favorite, more than anyone I feel sorry for her.

    The old sorcerer pondered, and then he says:

    - Ying so be it!

    He untied his shoulder bag and took out a box.

    - Hide, - he says, - a box, in it a feather from Jasn Sokol from the palace of Finist. Yes, remember also my words: I have one son; You feel sorry for your daughter, but my son. An does not want my son to marry now, and the time has come for him. If he doesn’t want to, you can’t be forced into bondage. And he says to me: someone will ask you for this feather, you give it back, he says, - this is my bride, given by Svarog, asks.

    The old sorcerer said his words - and suddenly he is not there, he disappeared into an unknown direction: whether he was or was not! .."

    And again, Nastenka's father did not find the feather of the Clear Falcon in the marketplace and, upset, returned home in the evening to his forest skuf; and on the way he met an ancient sorcerer, who asked him why he was twisting? And he told the ancient sorcerer Lyubomir Vedaslavich why he was returning with a sad, torpid face. And then the ancient sorcerer told him that the Clear Falcon was his son, but that he did not want to marry until there was a beautiful maiden who was betrothed to him by Svarog, who would ask for a feather of the Clear Falcon as a gift! And the ancient sorcerer gave the feather of the Clear Falcon to Nastenka's father, and he disappeared! The ancient sorcerer, having passed the feather to Lyubomir Vedaslavich, disappeared ... that is, he left EASY FOOT OR BREATH, as our distant ancestors used to say, or teleported, as our contemporaries would say. The only difference is that the words EASY STEPS AND BOTTOM natively Russian, while the word TELEPORTATION came to the Russian language from English, becoming a derivative of the English word TELEPORTATION! It is in this way that living Russian words are deliberately replaced with dead-born derivatives of foreign words that were already created dead by themselves.

    But not only this is still hidden in this passage of the Tale. It turns out that the feather of the Clear Falcon belongs to a young guy, the son of an ancient sorcerer, who gave this feather to Lyubomyr Vedaslavich! Thus, the Clear Falcon is not some bird living on a distant planet-earth from the Hall (constellation) of Finist, but HUMAN! But why, then, is a person called the Clear Falcon, and even dropping the real feathers? It seems that the "inconsistency" turns out ?! But this is only at first glance!

    In those old and even not so old times THE CLEAR FALCON WAS CALLED ... THE BIRD WARRIOR, THE INVENTION OF THE GOD OF WAR - THE WOLKH, THE DEFENDER OF THE RUSSIAN LAND! Considering this, the Tale takes on a completely new meaning! This is not only the Tale of Nastenka and her search for her betrothed, but also about the Russian land, which should be protected by a good fellow who could turn around FALCON, which symbolized the ability of the warrior-defender of the Russian land to instantly move over great distances! But not only this is hidden in this passage of the Tale! And this circumstance gives the Tale of the Clear Falcon a completely different meaning, a completely different color!

    "... Nastenka's father was left with a feather in his hands. He sees that feather, and it is gray, simple. And you couldn't find him anywhere. My father remembered what the old sorcerer had told him, and thought: "Apparently, Makosh has woven my Nastenka such a fate, and it comes out to her - not knowing, not having seen, to marry someone who knows" ..."

    Nastenka's cherished feather turned out to be a simple gray feather of an ordinary bird! This surprised my father very much, since he, apparently, expected to see something incredible, completely outlandish, instead of a simple, gray, feather, familiar to Midgard-land. He expected to see some extraordinary feather, the feather of a bird living in a distant star system - the Hall of Finist. Especially when you consider that merchants-traders did not have such a seemingly simple gray feather in their bins, although they had heard of it. Having finally obtained the cherished feather, and excited by the words of the sorcerer, Lyubomir Vedaslavich returned to his home:

    "... The father came home, to the forest skuf, gave gifts to the eldest daughters, and to the youngest, Nastenka, he gave a box with a gray feather. The older sisters dressed up and laughed at the younger.

    - And you, Nastenka, stick your sparrow feather in your hair, and show off in front of the mirror.

    Nastenka said nothing, and when everyone went to bed in the mansion, she put in front of her a simple, gray feather of Jasn Sokol from Finist's palace and began to admire it. And then Nastenka took the feather in her hands, held it with her, stroked it and accidentally dropped it on the floor. Immediately someone hit the window. The window opened and the Clear Falcon flew into the upper room. He laid down to the floor and turned into a fine fellow. Nastenka closed the window and began to talk sincerely with the fellow. And in the morning Nastenka opened the window, the young man leaned to the floor, and that hour the young man turned into a Clear Falcon, and the Falcon left a simple, gray feather and flew away into the blue skies. Three evenings were greeted by Nastenka Sokol. During the day he flew over the skies, over fields, over forests, over mountains, over seas, and in the evening he flew to Nastenka and became a good fellow ..."