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  • Who is the descendants of Polovtsy. Who are the poles, as they appeared in Russia

    Who is the descendants of Polovtsy. Who are the poles, as they appeared in Russia

    How did the Polovtsy look like? Of many sources, it is reliably known that the Polovtsy were blonde, with blue eyes (approximately as representatives of the Aryan race), in connection with this, and their name are bright. However, there are different versions about this. The reports of the Egyptians about how the half-blonde looked, on the one hand, could be made from the point of view of pronounced brunettes. And on the other hand, they refer to the time when Polovtsy managed to live side by side with Russian two centuries and as a result of the heightened the same external qualities.

    The appearance of Polovtsev

    One of the explanations of the name is Polovtsy (it means in ancient Russian - yellow) is associated with the color of the hair. The word "Kumani" means everything is the same - "yellow". The word "Esaryk", which was also called Polovtsy, not only means yellow, white, pale, but also, apparently, the basis of the modern Turkish word "Saryshin" - "Blonde". It is generally strange for nomads who came from the East. In favor of the opinion of the bright hair of Kipchakov, the parchment of medieval Egypt protrude. Polovtsy for many years included there in the ruling elite and sage themselves on the throne of the sultans of their blood. Egyptian documents say occasionally about bright eyes and hair in Kipchakov.

    Polovtsy like nomadic people

    If we consider the Polovtsy, like a nomadic people, it is suddenly possible to find that it was a tribal union well-trained military business, strategic-minded people. Military case nomads started learning from the very early age. According to the historian of Carpini, already two-year-old children of nomads began to master the horses and learn to let from small bows, specially made for them. The boys learned to shoot and hunts in small steppe animals, and girls joined the maintenance of a nomadic household. In general, children, the hunt was perceived as a campaign on someone else's country.

    It was preparing for her, the hunt was developed by delets and the art of fighting, it was revealed by the most dying riders, the most tearful arrows, the most skilled leaders. Thus, the second important function of the hunt was the training of the military case of all - from Khan to a simple warrior and even his "Chelyadinza", that is, all those who participated in military events: campaigns, raids, scores, etc.

    Eurasian Territory Polovtsy Steppe

    Polovtsy now (Hungarian descendants of Polovtsy)

    On the current world map, it is impossible to find people with the name "Polovtsy", but they definitely left their mark in modern ethnic groups. Many modern Turkic peoples (Kazakhs and Nogai), as well as modern Tatars and Bashkirs, have a trail of Polovtsy, Kipchak and Kumanov in their ethnic basis. But this is not all: it is safe to argue that the Polovtsy not only completely dissolved in other ethnic groups, but also left their direct descendants. Now there are groups of subethnos, whose ethnonym is the word "Kipchak". In Hungary, there are now modern people, known as "Kuns" ("Kumani"). This people can be called the descendant of those most Polovtsy who lived in a Polovtsy steppe in the XI - XII centuries.

    On the territory of Hungary there are several historical regions, which even the names hint at their connection with Kumun - Kishkunshag (can be translated as the "territory of younger Kunov") and Nadkunshag ("The Territory of Senior Cunov). Despite the fact that the large people of Kunov there is no, in the city of Kartzag (the capital of the "territory of the older kunov") still exists Society Kuncevech, the main task of which is to maintain information and knowledge about Kuna and in general about their entire history.

    Cuncheshag location on the map of Hungary

    Exterior of Hungarian Polovtsy

    Despite the fact that in Russian there are practically no information on this topic, it can be based on the conclusions of the Russian ethnologist B.A. Kaloeeva, the main direction in which was the study of Hungarian Alanov. This is how it describes the appearance of the Hungarian Polovtsy: "Special darkness of the skin, black-eyed and black-hairedness, and, obviously competing with such features of Roma, they received a nickname Congur, that is," Dark ". As a rule, Kuna have a "low and dense physique"

    Kunov tongue

    Of course, the Polovtsian language has no left, the main communication is conducted at one of the dialects of the Hungarian language. But they contributed to the Hungarian literature, leaving about 150 words in the Hungarian literary language

    Number of kunov

    The exact number of people - the descendants of the Polovtsy, can not say. As, according to the laws of Hungary, the ethnic composition of the inhabitants should be taken into account on the principle of the native language, then some of the 16 million Hungarian people can be considered the descendants of Kunov-Polovtsy one tenth.

    Fragment from the book "Donbass - Infinite Story"

    Polovtsy remained in the history of Russia as the worst enemies of Vladimir Monomakh and cruel mercenaries of the time of internecine wars. The tribes that they worshiped the sky, almost two centuries terrorized the ancient Russian state.

    Who are the poles?

    In 1055, Pereyaslavl Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich returning from the hike at Torkov, he met a detachment of new, unknown before Russia, nomads led by Khan Bolush. The meeting was peacefully, the new "acquaintances" received the Russian name "Polovtsy" and future neighbors were separated. From 1064 in Byzantine and from 1068 in Hungarian sources, Kumani and Kuns are mentioned, also before that are unknown in Europe. They had to play a considerable role in the history of Eastern Europe, turning into Grozny enemies and the insidious allies of the Old Russian princes, becoming mercenaries in a fratricide intersubire. The presence of Polovtsy, Kumanov, Kunov, who appeared and disappeared at the same time, was not left unnoticed, and the questions they were and from where they came from, to this day, worry historians.

    According to the traditional version, all four of the above mentioned people were a single Turkic-speaking people, which was different in different parts of the world. Their ancestors - Sarah lived in the territory of Altai and East Tien Shan, but the state formed by them in 630 was broken by the Chinese. The remains went into the steppe of Eastern Kazakhstan, where they received their new name "Kipchak", which, according to legend, means "ill-fated". Under this title, they are mentioned in many medieval Arab-Persian sources. However, both in Russians and in the Byzantine sources of the Kipchak are not found at all, and the people are called "Kuman", "Kumani" or "Polovtsy" similar to the description. Moreover, the etymology of the latter and remains unclear. Perhaps the word comes from the ancient Russian "Polov", which means "yellow". According to scientists, it may say that this people had a light color of the hair and treated the western branch of Kipchakov - "Sary-Kipchak" (Kuns and Kumanas belonged to the eastern and possessed a mongoloid appearance). According to another version, the term "Polovtsy" could occur from the word "field" usually, and denote all the inhabitants of the fields, regardless of their tribal affiliation.

    The official version has a lot of weaknesses. Firstly, if all the above-mentioned peoples initially represented a single people - Kipchakov, then in such a case, how to explain that neither Byzantium, nor Russia, or Europe, was unknown. In the countries of Islam, where they did not know about the boils, on the contrary, they absolutely did not hear about Polovtsy or Kuman. The archeology, according to which, the main archaeological finds of the Polovtsy culture, the stone women, erected in the mounds in honor of the soldiers who fell in battle were characteristic only for Polovtsy and Kipchakov. Kumani, despite her worship of the sky and the cult of the goddess of the mother, did not leave such monuments.

    All these arguments "Against" allow many modern researchers to move away from the canon to study Polovtsy, Kumanov and Kunov as the same tribe. According to the candidate of science, Evstigneeva, Palovtsi-Sarah are Türgeshi, for some reason that fled from their territories in Semirchye.

    Weapons of civil workers

    Polovtsy were by no means intend to remain a "good neighbor" of Kievan Rus. As befits nomads, they soon mastered the tactics of sudden raids: arranged ambushes, attacked by surprise, swept away in their way of an unprepared enemy. Armed with bows and arrows, sabers and short spears, Polovtsy warriors rushed into battle, falling asleep enemy bunch of arrows. They walked "the region" in the cities, robbery and killing people who hijaculate them in captivity.

    In addition to the shock cavalry, their strength was also in the developed strategy, as well as in new, for that time, technologies, such as heavy self-timing and "liquid fire", which they borrowed, obviously, China still since the times of life in Altai.

    However, until the central government held in Russia, due to the order of the throne, established under Yaroslav Mudrome, their raids remained only by a seasonal disaster, and certain diplomatic relations were even struggled between Russia and nomads. A lively trade was conducted, the population was widely communicated in the border areas among the Russian princes, dynastic marriages with daughters of Polovtsy Khanov became popular. Two cultures coexisted in a fragile neutrality, which could not last long.

    In 1073, the triumvirate of the three sons of Yaroslav Wise: Izyaslav, Svyatoslav, Vsevolod, who he bequeathed Kievan Rus - collapsed. Svyatoslav and Vsevolod accused her elder brother in a conspiracy against them and the desire to become a "self-assembly", like a father. It was the birth of a big and long turmoil in Russia, whom Polovtsy took advantage. Without taking to the end of a draw side, they willingly performed on the side of the person who enloled them the big "baryrs." So, the first prince who resorted to their help - Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich, who was decedened by the inheritance, allowed them to rob and burn Russian cities, for which Oleg Gorislavich was nusted.

    Subsequently, the call of Polovtsy as the allies in the internecine struggle became common practice. In the Union with nomads, the grandson Yaroslav Oleg Gorislavich was kicked out Vladimir Monomakh from Chernigov, he also got Murom, having driven away from the son of Vladimir Izyaslav. As a result, the real danger of the loss of their own territories got up before the warring princes. In 1097, on the initiative of Vladimir Monomakh, then the Prince Pereslavl was convened, a Lubash Congress was convened, which was supposed to end the internecine war. The princes agreed that from now on, everyone had to own his "secondary". Even the Kiev Prince, which formally remained the head of state, could not break the borders. So, in good intentions in Russia, fragmentation was officially fixed. The only thing that even the Russian lands were united, there was a single fear of half of the invasions.

    War of Monomakh

    Vladimir Monomakh was the most tary enemy among Russian princes, with the great reaction of which the practice of using the Polovykaya troops for the purposes of fratricide was temporarily ceased. The chronicles that really actively rewrite with it are talking about him as the most influential Prince in Russia, who heard a patriot, who did not regret neither forces, no life for the defense of Russian lands. By suffering from defeats from Polovtsy, in the Union with whom his brother stood and his worst enemy - Oleg Svyatoslavich, he developed a completely new strategy in the fight against nomads - to fight on their territory. Unlike the Polovytsky detachments, which were strong in sudden raids, Russian squads received an advantage in the open battle. Polovtsaya "Lava" was divided into long spears and shields of Russian walking warriors, and the Russian cavalry, surrounding Stepnyakov, did not give them to wonder on their famous lightly bumps. Even time of the campaign was thought out: to early spring, when Russian horses, which were fed with hay and grain, were stronger than the Fivotsky horses on the foothold.

    He gave advantage and favorite Tactics of Monomakh: He provided the opportunity to the enemy to attack the first, preferring protection at the expense of hiking, because, attacking, the enemy washed himself much more than the defending Russian warrior. During one of these attacks, when the infantry accepted the bulk, the Russian cavalry bypassed from the flanks and hit the rear. It solved the outcome of the battle. Vladimir Monomahu was enough just a few campaigns to the Polovetsky lands in order to deliver Russia for a long time from a half-way threat. In the last years of the life of Monomah, I sent my son Yaropolk with the army for Don, hike against nomads, but he did not find them there. The Polovtsi was run away from the borders of Russia, in the Caucasian foothills.

    On guard of dead and alive

    Polovtsy, like many other peoples, have sunk in the summer of history, leaving after themselves "Polovtsy Stone Babs", which still eave the souls of their ancestors. Once they were put in the steppe "watching" the dead and protect the living, as well as placed as guidelines and pointers for brodes. Obviously, this custom, they brought with them from their initial homeland - Altai, spreading her on the Danube. "Polovtsy women" is not the only example of such monuments. Long before the appearance of Polovtsy, in the IV-II millennium BC. BCAs of these Eastukanov in the territory of the current Russia and Ukraine, put the descendants of Indo-Iranians, and a couple of thousand years after them are Scythians.

    "Polovtsy women", like other stone women - not necessarily the image of a woman, among them there are many men and men. Even the etymology of the word "Baba" itself comes from the Turkic "Balbal", which means "Prasrat", "Grandfather", and is associated with the cult of reverending ancestors, and not at all with the creatures of the female. Although, according to another version, stone women are the traces of the matriarchate who went into the past, as well as the cult of the worship of the Mother's Goddess, in Polovtsy - Umay, personified the earthly principle. The only mandatory attribute is the hands-made hands holding a bowl for sacrifice, and the chest, which is also found in men, and is obviously connected with the feeding of the genus.

    According to the beliefs of the Polovtsy, who professed Shamanism and Tengrianism (the worship of the sky), the dead ended with a special force, allowing to help their descendants. Therefore, passing past Polovtsy was to bring a statue to the victim (judging by the findings, it was usually rams) to enlist her support. This is how this rite describes the Azerbaijani poet of the XII century by Nizami, whose wife was a half-one: "And before the idol grows the spin boils ... The rider is slowing before Him, and having held the horse, he arrow, leaning, stuck together, knows every shepherd runs The flock that leave the sheep in front of the idol. "


    Polovtsy (Polovchane) - a nomadic people who were once considered the most militant and strong. The first time we hear about them in school history lessons. But those knowledge that the teacher can give as part of the program is not enough to understand who they are, these Polovtsy, from where they came and how they influenced the life of ancient Russia. Meanwhile, during several centuries, they did not give peace by Kiev princes.

    The history of the people like it

    Polovtsy (Polovchan, Kipchak, Kumani) - nomadic tribes, the first mention of which refers to 744. Then the Cychaks were part of the Kimakian kaganate, the ancient state of nomads, formed in the territory of modern Kazakhstan. The main residents here were kimaki, which occupied oriental lands. The lands near the Urals occupied Polovtsy, who were considered relatives of kimakov.

    By the middle of the 9th century, Kipchak reached superiority over kimakov, and by the middle of the 10th century they were absorbed. But on this half, they decided not to stop and already by the beginning of the 11th century, due to their warliness, they moved to the boundaries of Khorezm (the historical region of the Republic of Uzbekistan).

    At that time, the Oguzi (medieval Turkic tribes) lived here, which because of the invasion had to move to Central Asia.

    By the middle of the 11th century, the Kipchak was obeyed almost the entire territory of Kazakhstan. The Western limits of their possessions reached the Volga. Thus, thanks to the active nomadic life, raids and desire to win new lands, once a small group of people, occupied extensive territories and became one of the strong and rich among the tribes.

    Lifestyle and social organization

    Their socio-political organization was a typical military democratic system. All the people were subdivided into the genus, the names were given by the names of their elders. Every family had land and summer nomadic routes owned. Chapters were khana, which are the heads of certain Kureny (small divisions of the genus).

    The wealth mined in the campaigns was divided between representatives of the local elite, participating in the campaign. The simple people, without having the opportunity to feed themselves, fell into dependence on the aristocrats. The poor men were engaged in grazing, women were served by local khans and their families.

    For the appearance of Polovtsy, there are still disputes, the study of the remains using modern possibilities continues. Today, scientists have some portrait of these people. It is assumed that they did not belong to the Mongoloid race, and more went by Europeans. The most characteristic feature is blond and reddings. This converges scientists in many countries.

    Independent Chinese specialists also describe Kipchakov as people with blue eyes and "red" hair. They were among them, of course, dark-haired representatives.

    War with Polovtsy

    In the 9th century, Kumanov were allies of Russian princes. But soon everything has changed, at the beginning of the 11th century, Polovtsy squads began to regularly attack the southern regions of Kievan Rus. They ruined at home, led prisoners, which were then sold into slavery, took the cattle. Their invasions were always sudden and cruel.

    In the middle of the 11th century, Kipchak ceased to fight with Russians, as they were busy with steppe tribes. But then again took up their own:

    • In 1061, Pereyaslav Prince Vsevolod suffers defeat in the battle with them and Pereyaslavl completely ruining nomads;
    • After that, the war with the half became regular. In one of the battles in 1078, Russian Prince Izyaslav died;
    • In 1093, the army collected by three princes to fight the enemy was destroyed.

    These were hard times for Russia. Infinite raids on the village ruined the already simple farm of the peasants. Women were captured, and they became maidmen, children were sold in slavery.

    In order to somehow protect the southern borders, the inhabitants began to arrange strengthening and settle the Turks there, which were the military force of the princes.

    Camping Seversky Prince Igor

    Sometimes the Kiev princes walked with the offensive war on the enemy. Such events usually endanted the victory and applied great damage to the Kipchak, the cooled of their dust and allowing the opportunity to restore their strength and life to the border villages.

    But there were unsuccessful trips. An example of this can be the campaign of Igor Svyatoslavich in 1185.

    Then he, uniting with other princes, came out with the army to the right influx of Don. Here they encountered the main forces of the Polovchan, the battle began. But the numerical superiority of the enemy was so tangible that the Russians immediately got into the environment. Departing in this position, they came to the lake. From there, Igor picked up to the aid to the prince of Vsevolod, but could not accomplish the conceived, because he was captured, and many warriors were killed.

    All the fact that the city of Ries was able to destroy the city of Ries, one of the major cities of the Kursk region and smash the Russian army. Prince Igor managed to flee from captivity and returned home.

    Captive remained his son, who returned later, but in order to get freedom, he had to marry the daughter of one Polovtsy Khan.

    Polovtsy: who are they now?

    At the moment there are no unambiguous data on the genetic similarity of Kipchakov with some nations living now.

    There are small ethnic groups that are considered remote descendants of Polovtsy. They meet among:

    1. Crimean Tatars;
    2. Bashkir;
    3. Kazakhs;
    4. Nogai;
    5. Balcarians;
    6. Altaians;
    7. Hungarians;
    8. Bulgarian;
    9. Poles;
    10. Ukrainians (according to L. Gumilev).

    Thus it becomes clear that the blood of Polovtsy flows today in many nations. They did not exception and Russian, given the rich joint history.

    To tell about the life of the Cleps in more detail, you need to write not one book. We touched on the brightest and important items of its pages. After reading them, you will be better understood who they are - Polovtsy, what they know and where they came from.

    Video about nomadic peoples

    In this video, the historian Andrei Privhanin will tell how the Polovtsy arose in the territory of ancient Russia:

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    During the existence of the Golden Horde, the Russian princes were often taken to the wife of Polovetsky Prince. The beginning of this tradition was put in the son of Yaroslav Wise Prince Vsevolod, in 1068 he married Anna, the daughter of Polovtsy Khan, who entered the story as Anna Polovtsaya. His son Vladimir Monomach was also married to the pollovka. Kiev Prince Svyatopolk Izaslavich was married to the daughter of Polovtsy Khan Toggurkana, Yuri Dolgoruky - on the daughter of Khan Aepea, Rurik, son of the Grand Kiev Prince Rostislav Mstislavich - on the daughter of Khan Beloka, son of Novgorod-Seversk Prince Igor Svyoryoslavich, hero "Words about the regiment Igor" Vladimir - On the daughter of Khan Konchak, Prince Galitsky Mstislav is a good - on the daughter of Khan Kotyan, which, by the way, became a grandmother Alexander Nevsky!

    So, the mother of Vladimir-Suzdal affair Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky, the son of Yuri Dolgoruky, was a half-one. The study of his remains was to serve as a confirmation or refutation of the theory of the European appearance of Polovtsy. It turned out that there was nothing Mongoloid in the appearance of the prince. If you believe anthropologically, they were typical Europeans. All descriptions suggest that Kipchak had blond or reddish hair, gray or blue eyes ... Another thing is that in the process of assimilation they could be mixed, for example, with Mongols, and their descendants have already acquired mongoloid features.

    How did the Polovtsy take the European-like features? One of the hypotheses states that they were descendants of Dinlinov - one of the oldest nations of Europe, as a result of migration processes mixed with Turks.

    Today, among the Nogaites, Kazakhs, Bashkir, Tatars, Kyrgyz meets the descendants of the tribes with the generic names "Kipchak", "Kypchak", "Kipzak" with similar genetic haplogroups. Among the Bulgarians, Altaians, Nogayts, Bashkir, Kyrgyz meet ethnic groups with the names "Kuman", "Kuban", "Cuba", which some historians belong to parts of Polovtsy tribes. Hungarians, in turn, have ethnobroups of "Plavers" and "Coon", which are descendants of related tribes - Polovtsy and Kunov.

    A number of researchers believe that remote descendants of Polovtsy are also found among Ukrainians, Polyakov, Chekhov, Bulgarians, and even Germans.

    Thus, the blood of Polovtsy can flow in many people not only asia, but also in Europe, and even Slavic, not excluding, of course, and Russians ...

    Polovtsy is one of the most mysterious steppe peoples, which included in Russian history due to raids on the principality and repeated attempts by the rulers of Russian lands, if not to defeat steppes, then at least agree with them. The Polovtsy themselves were broken by the Mongols and settled at a significant part of Europe and Asia. Now there is no people who could directly erect his pedigree to Polovtsy. Nevertheless, they certainly have descendants.

    In the steppe (chety-Kipchak - Kipchak, or Polovtsaya Steppe), not only Polovtsy, but also other nations, which are combined with Polovtsy, are considered independent: for example, Kumani and Kuns. Most likely, Polovtsy were not a "monolithic" ethnos, but shared on the tribes. The Arab historians of the early Middle Ages allocate 11 tribes, the Russian chronicles also testify that various tribes of the Polovtsy lived the west and east of the Dnieper, east of the Volga, near Seversky Donets.

    The descendants of Polovtsy were many Russian princes - their fathers were often taken to the wife of noble Polovytsky girls. Not so long ago an argument broke out about how Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky actually looked like. For the reconstruction of Mikhail Gerasimov, in his appearance, the Mongoloid features were combined with the Europeanoid. However, some modern researchers, for example, Vladimir Zvyagin, believe that the Mongoloid Damn in the guise of Prince was not at all.

    How did the Polovtsy themselves look like?

    This is not the common opinion of the researchers. In the sources of the XI-XII centuries, Polovtsy are often called "yellow". The Russian word also probably comes from the word "half", that is, yellow, straw.

    Some historians believe that among the ancestors of Polovtsev were described by the Chinese "Dinlin": people who lived in Southern Siberia were blondes. But the authoritative researcher of Polovtsy Svetlana Plenev, who has repeatedly worked with materials from Kurgan, does not agree with the hypothesis about the "blondeness" of the Polovtsy ethnos. "Yellow" can be self-disposal of a part of the nation in order to distinguish itself, to oppose the rest (in the same period there were, for example, "black" Bulgarians).

    According to the Plenevical, the main mass of the Polovtsy was a carbohylase and dark-haired - these are turks with an admixture of mongoloid. It is possible that among them there were people of different types of appearance - the Polovtsy would be eagerly taken to his wife and concubine of Slavs, however, not princely childbirth. The princes of their daughters and sisters steppes were never given. In Polovtsy nomads were Rusichi, who fell into captivity in the battle, as well as slaves.

    Hungarian king from Polovtsy and Polovtsy Hungary

    Part of Hungary's history is directly connected with Polovtsy. Several Polovtsy gods settled on its territory already in 1091. In 1238, close by Mongols, the Polovtsy, under the leadership of Khan Katyan, settled there with the permission of the King of Bella IV, who needed allies.
    In Hungary, as in some other European countries, Polovtsev was called "Kumani". The lands on which they began to live, called Kunság (Kunshag, Kumania). A total of 40 thousand people arrived at a new place.

    Khan Kotyan even gave his daughter for the son of Bella Ishthan. He and Polovchalka Irzebet (Erstebet) Born Laslo's boy. It was called "Kun" for the origin.

    According to his images, he did not look like a European one without an impurity of the Mongoloid damn. Rather, these portraits remind us of familiar from the textbooks for the reconstruction of the external appearance of Stepnikov.

    Personal Guard Lasli consisted of his tribesmen, he appreciated the customs and traditions of the people of his mother. Despite the fact that he was officially a Christian, he and other Polovtsy even prayed in Kumansky (Polovtsy).

    Polovtsi-Kumani gradually assimilated. For a while, until the end of the 14th century, they wore national clothes, lived in yurts, but gradually adopted the culture of Hungarians. The Kumansky language was supplanted by Hungarian, community lands switched to the property of the nobility, which also wanted to look "more Hungarian". The Kunschag region in the XVI century was subordinate to the Ottoman Empire. As a result, the wars died to half of the Polovtsev-Kipchak. A century later completely disappeared and tongue.

    Now the long-term descendants of Stepnikov are no externally different from the rest of Hungary - they are Europeanoids.

    Polovtsy in Bulgaria

    Polovtsy arrived in Bulgaria several centuries in a row. In the XII century, the territory was under the rule of Byzantium, Polovtsy migrants were engaged in cattle breeding there, they tried to enter the service.

    In the XIII century, the number of steppes, who moved to Bulgaria, increased. Some of them came from Hungary after the death of Khan Kotyan. But in Bulgaria, they quickly mixed with the local, accepted Christianity and lost their special ethnic traits. Perhaps now in a certain number of Bulgar flows Polovtsian blood. Unfortunately, it is still difficult to distinguish the genetic signs of the Polovtsy, because the Turkic features in the Bulgarian ethnic neat, due to its origin abundantly. Bulgarians also possess a European appearance.

    Polovtskaya Blood in Kazakhs, Bashkhah, Uzbeks and Tatars

    Many Polovtsy did not migrate - they mixed with Tatar-Mongols. The Arab Historian Al-Omari (Shihabuddin Al-Umari) wrote that, pouring into the Golden Horde, the Polovtsy moved to the position of the subjects. The Tatar-Mongols settled on the territory of the Polovtsy steppe gradually mixed with Polovtsy. Al-Omari concludes that after a few generations, the Tatars began to look like Polovtsy: "As if from one (with them) a kind," because they began to live on their lands.

    In the future, these people were detained in different territories and took part in the ethnogenesis of many modern nations, including the Kazakhs, Bashkir, Kyrgyz and other Turkic peoples. The types of appearance have each of these (and listed in the title section) of the nations are different, but each flows the fraction of half blood.

    Polovtsy are also among the ancestors of the Crimean Tatars. The steppe dialect of the Crimean Tatar language belongs to the Kypchak group of Turkic languages, and Kypchaksky is a descendant of Polovtsy. Polovtsy mixed with the descendants of Huns, Pechenegs, Khazar. Now most of the Crimean Tatars are European phones (80%), the steppe Crimean Tatars have a European one-mongoloid appearance.