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  • Multivariance of social development Types of Societies of EGE. Typology of societies. According to the degree of social bundle

    Multivariance of social development Types of Societies of EGE. Typology of societies. According to the degree of social bundle

    The typology of societies is considered from different positions. Scientific approaches allow to allocate the main signs of the types of the state device. The 10th grade of the profile course of social science disciplines is brief, but the general characteristics and levels of development of countries are clear.

    Development of states

    Society, according to researchers, 3 steps (level, stage) passes . They can be built in sequentially as follows:

    • agrarian, industrial or traditional;
    • industrial or capitalist;
    • post-industrial or informational.

    The first two types developed slowly. Their historical period lasted depending on the cultural traditions of countries. Despite the difference and individual features of the development of countries, in all states these types had similar characteristics. Scientists did not stop learning the development of states, they detect what features should be made to the level of mandatory, which may be present completely or partially. Evolution can move slowly, delaying the state at one level of development for many centuries. In other conditions, everything is accelerated. What matters in definition of type :

    • man and his attitude towards nature, natural resources of the planet;
    • interpersonal relationships, social ties;
    • values \u200b\u200bof the spiritual life of people (man and society).

    The topic of the training course helps to imagine how the history of the planet, country, a separate person passes.

    All three types are interrelated, to call the exact date of the transition from one state to another is impossible, the evolution passes through the territories, remote areas are tightened by the center or vice versa.

    Table "Typology of Societies"

    Traditional to industrial

    Industrial Society

    Post-industrial society

    Production area

    The predominant manufacturing sphere is agricultural work based on manual technologies. It is clear that the tools of production are, but they are simple on the device.

    The industrial field of activity prevails. It is characterized by the active use of machines and conveyor technologies.

    Production sphere are services for the population. Production is characterized by the development of computer technology. The era of robots begins.


    Most of the population are rural residents. The standard of living of their low: houses on wood fuel. Man is engaged in physical labor requiring good health. Man lives due to pet care. Main food produces independently. The society adhere to customs and traditions built on the experience of ancestors.

    Most of the population lives in urban areas. Energy sources are the use of natural resources: oil, coal or gas.

    The population concentrates around the cities. Alternative sources are selected for energy production: dangerous but less costly, for example, an atom.

    Main values

    The main value is land areas.

    The main value is capital.

    The value of man and society is the knowledge and timeliness of obtaining information.

    Political device

    The Company is a political device with a monarchy with powerless residents. It's hard to climb a person, go from one class to another. The ruler has a special right and inviolable authority.

    The device of society is a republic that guarantees respect for any person's rights, but the rights are not the same for all countries, but different.

    Public laws are regulated by legal regulatory acts.

    According to the political structure - the legal state.

    Social life regulates laws and legal norms.

    Traditional society meets today. This states of Asia and Africa. Part of the signs of civilization reached the countries, but not completely rooted in society.

    The industrial type of society is characteristic: the flourishing of large cities, the concentration in the hands of financial resources and a clear division of the forms of ownership.

    Top 4 Articleswho read with this

    The post-industrial society is covered by technical modernization in all spheres of human life. The post-industrial society is often referred to as technogenic civilization.

    What did we know?

    The Table "Typology of the Company" helps to imagine how different countries develop. What depends on the speed of transition from one type of society to another, is it possible to jump at the next step without stopping on the previous one. In what situations the country stops in development.

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    Theme "Types of Societies"

    Comparative table "Types of societies"

    Comparison lines

    Traditional (agrarian)

    Industrial (technogenic)

    Post-industrial (technotronic, informational)


    Earth, Pashnya

    Steam engine

    A computer

    1. The main factor of production




    2. Character traits of production

    Manual work, s / x production

    Widespread use of mechanisms, technologies, mass industrial production

    Automation of production, computerization, development of services

    3. The level of development of technology

    low, manual tools of labor

    high, use of steam strength, electricity

    very high, the use of electronics, high-tech technologies

    4. Nature "Nature-Man"

    Degenidation of nature, human dependence on nature

    "Nature is not a temple, but a workshop"; conquering nature; Pressure on nature

    Awareness of the value of nature as a universal house of all mankind

    5. Making a person in society

    Close relationship of a person with a primary team;

    non-free man

    Personal freedom of man; the owner of his fate;

    Personal freedom, self-sufficiency of man; Permanent self-development

    6.Social structure

    Corporate and hierarchy; The presence of classes, the existence of the community

    The formation of new classes - bourgeoisie and workers; Destruction of the class structure

    Formation of the middle class; Conservation of social differentiation

    7.Social mobility

    Low mobility; submission to traditions; Stability of society

    High degree of mobility; urbanization

    High social mobility

    8.Sometric values

    Tradition, faith, collectivism, patriarchal

    Secularization of public consciousness; individualism; Freedom of man

    Individualism, freedom, legal state and civil society

    9. Complements of society

    High degree of dependence on nature; Hunger and disease

    Global problems of humanity

    Guys, good day!

    Carefully make homework:
    1. Kravchenko A.I. Security. Grade 8 - §3.
    2. Bogolyubova L.N. Introduction to Social Studies: 8-9 Classes - §17
    3. Table "Types of Societies".
    4. Concepts: traditional, industrial, post-industrial society.

    Preparing for the conceptual dictation !!!

    We work with texts:

    Traditional Society - society that is regulated by the tradition. The preservation of traditions is in it a higher value than development. Public attributes in it is characterized by a rigid estate hierarchy, the existence of sustainable social communities (especially in the countries of the East), a special way of regulating the life of society based on traditions, customs. This organization of the Company seeks to preserve the sociocultural foundations in a constant form. Traditional society is an agrarian society.
    General characteristics:
    For traditional society, as a rule, are characteristic:
    Traditional economy
    the predominance of agricultural defendant;
    Stability structure;
    class organization;
    Low mobility;
    high mortality;
    Low life expectancy.
    The traditional person perceives the world and the head of the order of life as something inextricably-holistic, holistic, sacred and not subject to change. A person's place in society and its status is determined by the tradition (as a rule, on the right of birth).
    In traditional society, collectivist installations prevailed, individualism is not welcome (since freedom of individual actions can lead to a violation of the commissioned procedure, tested by time). In general, the traditional societies are characterized by the predominance of collective interests over private, including primacy of the interests of existing hierarchical structures (states, clan, etc.). Not so much individual capacity as the place in the hierarchy (official, class, clan, etc.), which occupies a person is appreciated.
    Traditional societies are usually authoritarian and not pluralistic. Authoritarianism is necessary, in particular, to curb the attempts to failure to comply with traditions or their changes.
    In traditional society, as a rule, relational relations are dominated, and not a market exchange, and elements of a market economy are toughly regulated. This is due to the fact that free market relations increase social mobility and change the social structure of society (in particular, the data is destroyed); The redistribution system can be regulated by tradition, and market prices - no; Forced redistribution prevents "unauthorized" enrichment / depletion of both individuals and classes. The persecution of economic benefits in a traditional society is often morally condemned, disinterested care is opposed.
    In traditional society, most people live in a local community (for example, village), relations with "big society" are rather weak. At the same time, relatives, on the contrary, are very strong.
    The worldview (ideology) of traditional society is due to tradition and authority.

    Industrial Society (It. Industriegesellschaft) - a type of society that has reached such a level of socio-economic development, in which the greatest contribution to the value of material benefits is making extraction and processing of natural resources, as well as industry.
    Industrial Society is a society based on industry with flexible dynamic structures, which are characteristic of: division of labor, widespread development of mass communication and high levels of urbanization.
    Industrial society arises as a result of the industrial revolution. The redistribution of labor is happening: the employment of the population in the field of agriculture falls from 70-80% to 10-15%, the share of employment of the population in industry is increasing to 80-85%, the urban population increases. Business activity is becoming a dominant production factor. As a result of the scientific and technical revolution, the industrial society is transformed into a post-industrial society.
    Traits of Industrial Society:
    1. The story moves unevenly, "jumps", the gaps between epoch are obvious, often these are the revolutions of different types.
    2. Social and historical progress is quite obvious and can be "measured" through different criteria.
    3. The Company seeks to rule over nature, subordinating it and removes the maximum possible.
    4. The basis of the economy is the Institute of High Development of Private Property. Ownership is considered natural and inherent.
    5. Social mobility of the population is high, the possibilities of social displacements are practically not limited.
    6. Society autonomously from the state, developed civil society.
    7. Autonomy, freedom and personal rights are constitutionally enshrined as integral and inborn. Personality and society relations are built on the basis of mutual responsibility.
    8. The most important social values \u200b\u200brecognized the ability and willingness to change, innovations.
    For industrial society, a sharp increase in industrial and agricultural production is characterized, unimaginable in previous epochs; Stormy development of science and technology, communication tools, invention of newspapers, radio and television; sharp expansion of propaganda capabilities; a sharp increase in the population, an increase in the length of his life; significant increase in living standards in comparison with previous epochs; sharp increase in the mobility of the population; complex division of labor not only within the framework of individual countries, but also on an international scale; centralized state; Smoothing of horizontal differentiation of the population (dividing it into caste, class, classes) and the growth of vertical differentiation (division of society on the nation, "worlds", regions).

    Post-industrial society - This is a society, in the economy of which as a result of the scientific and technical revolution and the essential increase in income of the population, priority has passed from the predominant production of goods to the production of services. The production resource is information and knowledge. Scientific developments become the main driving force of the economy. The most valuable qualities are the level of education, professionalism, learning and creativity of the employee.
    The post-industrial countries are called, as a rule, those in which the scope of services accounts for significantly more than half of GDP. Under this criterion, in particular, the United States (the US Department of Services accounts for 80% of US GDP, 2002), EU countries (services of services - 69.4% of GDP, 2004), Australia (69% of GDP, 2003), Japan (67.7% of GDP, 2001), Canada (70% of GDP, 2004), Russia (58% of GDP 2007). However, some economists indicate that the share of services in Russia is overestimated.
    The relative predominance of the share of services over material production does not necessarily mean a decrease in production volumes. Simply these volumes in the post-industrial society increase more slowly than the volumes of services rendered.
    Under the services should be understood not only by trade, utilities and household services: any infrastructure is created and is created by the Company to provide services: state, army, right, finance, transport, communications, health care, education, science, culture, Internet are all services. The service sector includes the production and sale of software. The buyer does not have all the rights to the program. He enjoys its copy on certain conditions, that is, receives a service.
    The term "post-industrialism" was introduced into scientific turnover at the beginning of the 20th century by A. Kumaravami, who specialized in the pre-industrial development of Asian countries. In modern value, this term was first used in the late 1950s, and the concept of post-industrial society was widely recognized as a result of the work of Professor Harvard University Daniel Bella, in particular, after the release in 1973, his books "The Coming Post-industrial Society".
    The concept of post-industrial society is based on the division of all social development into three stages:
    Agrarian (pre-industrial) - determining was an agricultural sphere, main structures - church, army
    Industrial - determining was the industry, main structures - corporation, firm
    Post-industrial - theoretical knowledge is defining, the main structure is the university, as the place of their production and accumulation
    Similarly, E. Toffler allocates three "waves" in the development of society:
    agrarian when moving to farming,
    Industrial during the industrial revolution
    Information on the transition to a knowledge-based (post-industrial) company.
    D. Bell allocates three technological revolutions:
    The invention of the steam machine in the XVIII century
    Scientific and technological advances in electricity and chemistry in the XIX century
    Creating computers in the XX century
    Bell argued that, just as a conveyor production, an increase in labor productivity and a mass consumption, which had increased the production of mass consumption, and now there should be a streaming production of information, providing relevant social development in all directions.
    The post-industrial theory, in many ways, was confirmed by practice. As it was predicted by its creators, the mass consumption society gave rise to a service economy, and in its framework the fastest pace began to develop the information sector of the economy.

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    Types of societies, global problems

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    The existence of global problems of humanity testifies

    1) about the integrity of the modern world

    2) on equalization of levels of development

    3) on the interaction of countries and peoples

    4) on the benefits of economically developed countries


    Global problems - problems affecting the whole world as a whole. (All countries and states) regardless of development, economics, nation.

    The correct answer is specified at number 1.

    Answer: 1.

    The cause of the global problems of our time, scientists consider

    1) historical traditions

    2) cultural diversity of the world

    3) growth of human economic activity

    4) multivariate social development


    Global problems are the result of human activity, which always satisfies their needs. The production of various products occurs together with the cutting of the forest, CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, etc.

    The correct answer is specified at number 3.

    Answer: 3.

    Subject: man and society. Threats of the XXI century

    Such installations of labor ethics, as a preference of rest, the desire to earn no more than it is necessary to meet the basic needs, are characteristic of society

    1) Industrial

    2) Traditional

    3) Mass

    4) post-industrial


    Industrial Society is the flexibility of social structures, social mobility, a developed system of communications, the domination of labor.

    Traditional society - the behavior of individuals is strictly controlled, is regulated by the customs and norms of traditional behavior, attempts to any social transformations, innovations, low pace of development, production, work is aimed at meeting basic needs.

    Mass society - industrialization and urbanization, standardization of production and mass consumption, bureaucracy of public life, the spread of mass communication and "mass culture".

    Post-industrial society is a very high labor productivity, high quality of life, the prevailing sector of the innovation economy with high technologies, service dominance.

    The correct answer is specified at number 2.

    Answer: 2.

    Subject: man and society. Unimpressant social development (types of societies)

    Salima Burkhanova (Kazan) 09.06.2012 11:11

    Please explain in more detail. Traditional is different called agrarian. As in the agrarian society, rest preference can be given. If you think about it, the time does not wait. And, accordingly, everything must be done on time.

    The desire to earn no more than it is necessary for basic needs, is characteristic exclusively for a traditional society.

    The fact that preference is given to the rest, it means that a person is resting, if possible, and not that instead of plowing the earth, it lies on the furnace.

    Here, for example, in the industrial society, preference is given to work, it is being built to the cult.

    Evgeny Bikmayev (Astrakhan) 21.12.2012 02:51

    I believe that the desire to earn no more than it is necessary to meet basic needs, depends not on the type of society, but from human psychology. Today, too, many people are aimed at earnings, sufficient for existence, and not everyone lives in Greesaz that they will be poured in their lives. Based on this, I chose the "post-industrial society."

    Anastasia Smirnova (St. Petersburg)

    Always compare options. Yes, now there are still people who earn exclusively on the roof above their heads, food and clothing. But in the traditional society such people had a lot more.

    Remember the characteristic feature of the post-industrial society: the dominance of the service sector. Services satisfy not the basic needs of a person.

    The emergence of transnational corporations in modern society, the development of international trade serve as a manifestation of the trend

    1) Modernization

    2) globalization

    3) Democratization

    4) informatization


    Modernization is the macroprocesssess of the transition from a traditional society to modern society, from agrarian - to the industrial.

    Globalization is a process of world economic, political and cultural association and standardization.

    Democratization is the process of introducing democratic principles into a political system, culture, lifestyle, etc.

    Traditional Society

    This type of company includes the life of people with agricultural orientation. This society takes as the basis of the development of natural economy, the monarchy as the ruling link and the elevation of religion over science. The following features include characteristic features:

    • Activities are aimed at developing agriculture.
    • Society has very low growth and development rates.
    • Often it does not have progress, because innovations are not welcome.
    • Submission to collective opinions.

    In this case, the technology and the level of their development are taken as the basis. In contrast to the first version, this system is aimed at rapid progress and has a number of distinctive features. Characteristic:

    • The main form of labor is based on the use of technology and the work of the factory.
    • The basis of the life of people is taken as the basis.
    • The main task of such a system is to meet the needs of people and achieving adaptation to existing living conditions.

    Post-industrial society

    The post-industrial type includes those societies that gradually emerge from the production of material goods and transfer to the development of the service sector. Depending on the pace of development of the service sector, one can judge the progress of society. The following principles are characteristic of:

    • Transition to mental work.
    • Active development of the service sector.
    • The interaction between people, while communicating in the man-man system.

    Information society

    The current stage of development dictates new conditions for creating a new system of development of a social system. In this case, the key role is played by information and work with it. People are gradually moving from work in agriculture and at factories to work with computer technology. Distinctive features are as follows:

    • The main factor for development is the information and methods of its processing.
    • More than half of the population are rapidly moving to the scope of services.
    • The orientation of the activity is aimed at future achievements, so the key role is played by the ability to analyze and make forecasts.

    By degree of openness


    In this category, the public system is considered in terms of the openness of the ideology and the general principle of development. Depending on the choice of the main direction in the development and prevalence of one or another form of management, there are different and distinguish between the two main forms of organizing people's lives.

    1. Closed society. Most often, this group includes authoritarian systems in which all power is concentrated in the hands of one ruler. With this approach, people have no freedom and rights to their own opinion, strictly subordinate power is the only principle of existence. For such formats, low pace of development, prohibition or slow adoption of innovation, loyalty to traditions is characterized.
    2. Open society. The exact opposite of the previous category is an open type of public life. Distinctive features are the absence of a unified state ideology and a rigid dictatorship, as well as the presence of pluralism. In this regard, it is formed for high mobility, the rapid pace of development and the adoption of innovations into society. Most often, this type is found in democratic societies.

    According to writing


    One of the simplest classifications to determine the type of society and the level of its development is the availability of writing. On this basis, all existing types of social system can be divided into two large groups.

    1. Additional societies. Such types of existing societies do not have their own alphabet and symbolic letters. This indicates a low level of development and creates certain difficulties to communicate between representatives of the social system, as well as with representatives from other societies.
    2. Written societies. In this case, we are talking about those groups where there is your own alphabet, with which communication occurs between different representatives. With it, people can establish communications and achieve great success in the development of the social system.

    According to the degree of social bundle


    Depending on the level of complexity of interaction between representatives of the Company, it is customary to allocate two main forms of existence. Their main difference lies in the presence of class inequality and a layer of social system.

    1. Simple society. This type is taken to attribute simple organizations without a clear management structure. In such systems there is no established form of relationships, there are no subordinates and managers. Such a structure is characteristic of initial periods of development without the existence of state power.
    2. Society. This format of public life management implies the presence of class inequality, a hierarchy in the system of the implementation of power, as well as the presence of population division into layers. The presented category is characteristic of the state-owned management.


    1. Polytheism. Faith in many gods has developed since ancient times when people worshiped various deities to draw them and ask for mercy to help in their everyday affairs.
    2. Monotheism or monotheism. Unlike the previous version, faith is installed here in one God, who is a patron of people and helps them in earthly life.
    3. Pantheism. With such an understanding of religion, God is put on a par with natural forces and is closely connected with them.
    4. Religion without God. In this case, we are talking about a deeper understanding of moral problems, we are talking about the philosophical understanding of important issues of life.

    Historical types of society for K. Yaspers


    Karl Jaspers in his writings used the classification by temporary gaps in the history of human development. According to his work, you can select two main stages.

    1. Prehistoric (period of wildness). This period includes that time interval, which was marked by the emergence of human communities. At the same time, the prehistoric period includes only the time when people had no written writing and instruments for writing texts.
    2. History or civilizational period. After the appearance of a writing, a fundamentally new stage of the development of the Company, who Karl Jaspers called the historic period is allocated. It is customary to allocate four main stages.
    • Great cultures of antiquity. At this stage, there is a division of a single culture of humanity to local structures, which are combined by common interests.
    • "Anxiety" (from 800 to 200 BC), during this period the main directions of religious teachings and sciences on the salvation of the soul are formed. In this period, people think about the philosophical start of life and develop the concepts of salvation of the soul after death, also this epoch is characterized by the appearance of faith and religion.
    • Century of science and technology. With the development of technologies and the emergence of new scientific knowledge, people seek to improve and simplify life, this period received the name of the technological century.
    • The uniform world of mankind. The presented category implies the total association of humanity into a single coordinate team that will work and achieve success joint efforts.

    I. Valentine presented a society in the form of a large capitalist system in which there is its own structural elements


    A rather interesting look at the development of society possessed the American sociologist I. Valentine, according to his teaching, all aspects of public life can be divided into several main categories that differ in the degree of participation in the global economic process.

    1. "Mini Systems". The most small structure are societies that have no more than six generations in their development. Most often they were engaged in hunting and gathering, while not the high rates of development and cultural heritage.
    2. "World Empires". The world's empires, existing on certain laws and who had a clear hierarchy and the structure of the organization of a social system that had a clear hierarchy. Also a distinctive feature is the presence of certain cultural models that determine the basis of relationships between individuals.
    3. "World economies". This form is the peak of the development of a social system. This option includes several integrated chains of economic activity and achieving the desired goals. In the world economy, success depends on who occupies the leading position in the structure of power.