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  • The day of the preschooler was spent in the library. Excursion to the school library on International Children's Book Day (Photo report). "There are miracles, there are many books ..."

    The day of the preschooler was spent in the library.  Excursion to the school library on International Children's Book Day (Photo report).

    “Different books live here!

    And you are always welcome here! "

    On December 13, the central children's library opened its doors to young readers of the Krasnaya Riding Hood kindergarten. Pupils senior group, having come to the library for the first time, set off on a fascinating journey through the Book Country!

    During this trip, preschoolers learned about the history of the creation of libraries, got acquainted with the variety of books in our library.

    The children were told how the library is arranged, how convenient it is for books here: each is in its place and is waiting for its reader. They talked about how you can enroll in the library, what you can do in the library, showed interesting book exhibitions.

    In the reading room, librarians invited young readers to look at unusual books, introduced them to the rules of handling books.

    The attention of the children was attracted by the book exhibition "Visiting a Winter Fairy Tale".

    Then the meeting continued in the event hall, where the children were given a safety lesson "Safety Rules for Well-Bred Children": presentation "Home Alone", the game "Reflect".

    After that, the preschool children were offered a mini-quiz "Travel to the world of winter riddles", where they showed their knowledge and erudition.
    At the end of the event, the children received sweet prizes.

    Acquaintance with the library for preschoolers is the discovery of a new, magical and unusually interesting book world. The librarians have tried to make a simple visit a memorable meeting that will hopefully help the children to show interest in books and reading.

    The preschoolers promised to come to the library with their parents!

    One of the most important areas of work of libraries is working with preschoolers, because you need to shape the reader from the cradle: let the baby listen to his mother reading aloud to him, try to read it himself, or just leaf through the book, looking at vivid illustrations. If a child is not friends with a book from early childhood, then it is unlikely that later he will develop a craving for reading.

    That is why the children's library, for the third year in a row, at the end of November, is holding the "Preschooler's Day" campaign. This year, all libraries of the city joined it and held events on November 28 for pupils of kindergartens No. 1, 3, 10, 15, 17, 18, 52 and the kindergarten of the village of Pudlingovy.

    V central library a game program for Mother's Day took place, during which many warm words were said about mothers. The children tried to convey their mother's beauty in words, and a soft, warm heart helped them express their gratitude and love. The kids collected scattered "beads" for their mother, played the game "White-sided Magpie" and watched the cartoon "Mom for a Mammoth".

    Children's library - the organizer of the action - held 6 events of various kinds.

    During the slide trip “In the underwater world”, children solved riddles, watched a slide presentation, “dived” into the sea, where they were suddenly covered by a “storm”, and when they got out onto the “land” they dried out in the sun. The guys took part in the “Crabs” relay, “caught” fish and picked up the tail of each fish, and King Neptune played the game “The sea is worried”.

    The children found themselves "Visiting Santa Claus" at his birthday: they "walked" through the rooms of the mansion in Veliky Ustyug, learned how Santa Claus delivers gifts, met his relatives and colleagues from other countries. In the fabulous workshop, the kids made a New Year's toy - a little Santa Claus.

    Librarian troops also visited kindergartens to acquaint preschoolers with the work of modern children's writers.

    Traveling on the "Steam train from Romashkovo", the children listened to the reading "Stories about two chickens" and the fairy tale "Steamer" by G. Tsyferov using flat dolls, played the game "Who talks like that?" Listening to the famous fairy tale "The Locomotive from Romashkovo", the kids guessed the voices of animals and birds, collected lilies of the valley and made a funny train from many "carriages".

    During the minutes of fascinating reading, the children got acquainted with the book by V. Bondarenko "Five Funny Bears". They were fishing on the "lake" with a fishing rod, like the heroes of the fairy tale "Ivashka caught a fish", made a collective collage of pictures of funny bear cubs, which were "treated" with a fish.

    The actors of the Skazka puppet theater showed the kids - members of the Malyshok club - and their parents a puppet show based on the work of S. Aksakov "The Scarlet Flower". And the children gave their mothers homemade scarlet flowers that were made in advance.

    All preschoolers who came that day to the subscription of the children's library were in for a surprise - a bright balloon and kind words from librarians.

    V branch number 1 an ecological walk "How do animals meet winter?" The bunny with the guys played the game "Repeat, don't yawn!" The slide presentation helped the kids learn a lot of interesting things from the life of animals in our forests.

    Employee branch number 2 conducted a tolerance lesson "Do good for the joy of people" in MADOU Kindergarten 17. The holiday of kindness began with smiles that the children gave each other, and then everyone went to the city of "Magic Words": they played the game "Cheerful greetings", remembered fairy-tale heroes , who did good deeds, sang along to the song "If you are good ...".

    V branch number 3 on literary game"The good wizard Vladimir Suteev" with the help of the "magic broom" all were transported to a fairyland. The guys guessed riddles about the heroes of V. Suteev's works, "unraveled" confused fairy tales. After reading the fairy tale "The Rooster and Paints" the kids painted the cockerel, and after reading the work "The Fishing Cat" they "caught fish". They showed their artistic talents in staging the fairy tale "Under the Mushroom", and having found the "magic" chest, they distributed the fairy-tale objects according to the fairy tales.

    The day of the teacher and all preschool workers is a professional holiday in the Russian Federation, which has been celebrated on September 27 for fifteen years. As you know, kindergartens and all preschool institutions are the first step in the formation of the baby's personality. But children's libraries also have a great responsibility in shaping the personality of the child and introducing him to reading. Therefore, on September 26, events dedicated to this holiday were held.

    From the very morning in the library quiet magic music sounded, and in the foyer the little visitors were greeted by the Queen Book. She presented young readers with colorful children's books, asked questions about their favorite fairy tales and characters, introduced them to the Book Kingdom - the library.

    At 09.30 a theatrical excursion "Skipping with a book" took place for the pupils of kindergarten # 231. The Queen of the Book told the children about the origin of the word "library" and the history of the creation of books. The children learned that many centuries ago books were not at all like modern book editions and were created for a very long time. The Book Queen also taught the little ones the basic rules of reading and handling the book. Preschoolers learned that each book has its own address in the library - it lives on a certain rack and a certain shelf. And if you take a look at a book, then you need to return it to the same place so that every reader can easily find it.

    But most of all, the guys liked the sudden appearance of their favorite book hero - Carlson, who took the time and flew to visit them. He told the children that he loves books very much, and even more loves to ask questions about fairy tales, to organize games and contests, such as "Wider, Wider Circle", "Kolobok", "Guess the Hero of a Fairy Tale by Subject", etc. After the games, Karlson started up his motor and invited the kids to "fly" around the library to get acquainted with all its departments and the most interesting books.

    And at 10.30 the pupils preparatory group kindergarten №133 was awaited by the educational and game program "Pochemuchkina Polyana". Children made an exciting journey through the most famous fairy tales, answering quiz questions, and also played outdoor games.

    At the very beginning of the event, the librarian suggested that the preschoolers take a fabulous train and go to look for Pochemuchkina glade. During the journey, the train with the children stopped in the forest, where the children had to depict trees, wind, birds, animals ... Then the kids met a sad bunny who had lost his friend, a bear cub. The guys helped the bunny to have fun and find their clubfoot friend. A little later, the sorceress Boredom and Little Red Riding Hood came to visit the children. They played outdoor games with the children and asked educational riddles.

    The event ended with the presentation of coloring pictures to preschoolers, which they had to paint over and bring to the library, in exchange for receiving library cards.

    At the same time, nursery rhymes about animals were told in the touch-play room for the little participants of the children's studio "We are growing with the book" and their parents. Little readers also made a journey to a fairyland. But to get into a fairy tale, they had to walk along tactile and sensory paths, crawl through a colorful tunnel.

    In this magical land, the guys played a lot with the glowing rain on the "Tuchka" panel and admired the floating artificial fish in the colorful water. And a little later, the librarian, with the help of a flannelgraph, told the kids a fairy tale about the dog Bobik. Young readers not only listened with interest to the fairy tale, but also touched each animal with their hands. And then Bobik invited the children to play with su-jok and taught them finger gymnastics "Ladushki". The journey ended with a joint round dance and decoration of the Miracle Tree.

    In the middle of the day for the guys from the studio "It's fun to grow together" was held an educational game event "In distant kingdom". Young visitors to the library could not only listen to an interesting fairy tale, but also draw on a sand glass table, dance to cheerful music, and participate in finger and music games. At the end of the event, the children were expected to learn lessons, where each child had to demonstrate not only their knowledge, but also the ability to be focused and attentive.

    Ayman Kushkumbaeva

    In the library for the guys

    On the shelves, books are in a row.

    Take, read and know a lot

    But do not offend the book.

    T. Blazhnova

    I work in a mixed age group and reading I pay great attention to books... In any free moment, I try to take a book and read a new fairy tale, story, rhyme to the children. When in kindergarten the week of "Books and Libraries" began, I invited a librarian to visit us in the kindergarten.


    To acquaint children with the librarian, continue to acquaint children with the library, the rules of the reader;

    Instill love, respect and interest in the book, the desire to communicate with it;

    To bring up future book lovers in children.

    In the course of the librarian's story, the guys learned a lot of new and interesting things:

    "What is a library"

    "What are the libraries"

    "When did libraries appear in Russia"

    "How to behave in libraries"

    "What are libraries for"

    Children got acquainted with new words (subscription, form, reader, reading room, bookshelves, shelves, how books are arranged on shelves in libraries, what books are in libraries.

    A quiz on multimedia equipment "Visiting a Fairy Tale" was held with the children. Children in riddles guessed the heroes of fairy tales known to us.

    The librarian brought with him many new books of fairy tales. Children listened with pleasure to new fairy tales.

    Children approached the books with great interest, looked at colorful illustrations, new characters. We paid attention to how neat the books look, how different they are in shape, size, and appearance.

    At the end of the lesson, the children learned rules for handling the book:

    1. Take the book with clean hands;

    2. Flip carefully over the upper left corner of the page;

    3. Do not vomit;

    4. Do not wrinkle;

    5. Do not use for games;

    6. Always put the book back in place.

    Thanks to the librarian for the lesson at the preschool educational institution of our little book lovers and an exciting reading!

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    Lyudmila Dudoladova

    The history of the holiday begins in 1967, this date was determined by International Council for Children's Books... And the date was not chosen by chance, because it was on April 2, 1805 that the well-known Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen was born. And it is with reading his tales that reading begins children's books.

    And so today,

    Then we went to school library where they were already waiting for us.

    Librarian, Olga Alexandrovna, prepared for preschoolers exhibition of children's books, told about children's writers and clearly demonstrated how children's books from adults.

    The guys watched with interest, asked questions, talked about their favorite authors and works.

    In custody excursions, Olga Aleksandrovna once again reminded the guys how to properly handle books, and what you need to sign up for library.

    As a teacher, I believe that parents should understand that best friends child is books! Not expensive phones and tablets, but books, which we should read to children and after all, reading is one of the means of child development

    Children in preschool age , very grateful listeners. I would very much like them to become good readers in the future. And this largely depends on us, educators and parents.

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