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  • Quotes on the topic of a friend knows in trouble. An essay of a friend is known in the misfortune of the proverb. The best quotes about friends with meaning

    Quotes on the topic of a friend knows in trouble. An essay of a friend is known in the misfortune of the proverb. The best quotes about friends with meaning

    And in friendship and in the hostility you always need to observe certain borders: sustainableness - it should not be too big, because it immediately becomes dangerous, and dislike, which should not be chosen into the form of irreconcilable.

    Ancient human wisdom says that it is necessary to mine and other worldly goods solely with the goal in order to help friends in need of needing them. - Karl Marx

    Friends always know not in trouble, but in happiness. Only a true friend May be glad for you when it is bad. - Nikolay Roerich

    Reliable base for friendship is similarities in characters and common interests, and not personal sympathy in relation to man. - Georg Hegel

    In no case do not tell your friends about their squashs in the indulgent form. Otherwise, they will fix them, but you will not forget. - Logan Smith

    Friends can not constantly hoe with their problems, and for help you can only contact in the most extreme case. - Georg Hegel

    How good that there are no ideal people. People without flaws are doomed to loneliness. - William Gazlitt

    Continued quote about friends Read on the pages:

    At the top of the greatness, do not forget that in trouble - Johann Schiller

    Who is a good friend himself, he has good friends - Nikcolo Makiavelli

    We need new friends. Some of us are cannibals devouring old friends; Others must update the audience to resume showing the ideal version of their life - George Santuana

    Two unfortunate, located in friendship, are similar to two weak trees, which, one of the next to another, can be easier to resist storms and all frantic winds - goat rods

    For Love, there are no friends - Standal

    Friendship warms the soul, the dress is the body, and the sun and the stove - the air - the goat rods

    I do not find such happiness, as in the soul, keeping the memory of my good friends - William Shakespeare

    Without difficult, you will do someone who wants, it is only a good thing to say about him when it is not when there is a conversation that many people will tell him. The beginning of friendship contributes to praise, the beginning of the hostility - the censure - Vasily Macedonian

    An unfamiliar person can complain about what one cannot complain to a friend and a friend - to what the wife cannot be complained - Jean Rostan

    Low soul One who is ashamed of his friendship with people whose shortcomings became everyone known - Luke Okungag

    Will out, my friend, I'm first from the difficulty, and you will read the morals - Jean Lafonten

    Friends leave three times more than yourself. For myself, keep at least a bit of the original heart purity - Hong Zischen

    Friend in power - lost friend - Henry Adams

    The one who always thinks only about the enemies will acquire them, but destroy friends - Milorad Pavice

    It's not so difficult to die for a friend, how to find a friend who cost him to die for him - Edward Bullver-Litton

    TRUE Friends Those who have "one soul in two bodies" - Michelle Monta

    There is one old toast, wonderful in its beauty: When we climb on top of success, you can not meet your friend - Mark Twain

    Self-love - poison for friendship - Onor Balzac

    I would never have become his friend, be familiar with him. It is very dangerous - to know your own friends well - Oscar Wilde

    Who will tell me the truth about me, if not a friend - Vissarion Belinsky

    Friendship is one of the biggest joys of life; One of the biggest joys of friendship is to have someone to believe the secret - Alessandro Mandzoni

    I wish you good, therefore I will scold you - so always recognize true friends! - Hans Andersen

    There are no debtors in friendship, no benefactors - Romain Rolland

    The basis of friendly attachment is those benefits that friends expect to get from each other. Deprive them of these benefits - and friendship will cease to exist - Paul Golbach

    To find a friend, you need to close one eye. To keep it, you need to close both - Norman Douglas

    If we want to make friends, let's do something for this, requiring our time, energy, disinterested feelings and attentiveness to others - Dale Carnegie

    Have a lot of friends - it means not to have a single - Erasmus Rotterdam

    If you can not directly, frankly, even dramatically tell a friend all you think about him, about his actions, or listen to the same truth about him, it means you don't believe this friend, do not understand and do not respect each other - Ivan Goncharov

    Only he acquires true friends who is friend to himself - Leonid Andreev

    Friend: A man who misses everything and forgets us - even our advantages - Adrian DeccCell

    If the spouses love each other for many years, then love is inconspicuously moving into a sweet habit and a fervent passion is replaced by a tender friendship - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    A friend is such a person with whom I can be sincere. In his presence, I can think out loud - Ralph Emerson

    Hate enemies lighter and more exciting than love friends - Bertrand Russell

    There are people who we forgive, and there are people who do not forgive. Those who we do not forgive, these are our friends - Henri Monterlan

    No matter how rare true love, true friendship meets even less often - Francois Larancyfo

    Friendship sees everything and does not pay attention to anything. Love for everything pays attention and does not see anything - Don Amine

    Must keep the secrets of his friends. Does not keep secretly by the secret of his conscience and will be posted confidence in him - John Damaskin

    Language - the best mediator for the establishment of friendship and consent - Erasmus Rotterdam

    Many talk about how non-permanent women in love, but not much about how they are constant in friendship - Gaston Lewis

    If a person has a devotee friend - he has no two lives to exercise his desires - Francis Bacon

    Enemies as a sword karate, soul friends captive - Denis Davydov

    Small-fit little friends, and for the one who cannot be selected, is even less - Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

    The heart of our friends is often more impenetrable than the heart of our enemies - Paul Valerie

    People are usually called friendship joint pastime, mutual assistance in affairs, exchange of services, in one word, such relationships, where selfie hopes something to give out - Francois Larancyfo

    More is more profitable to have among the enemies than among friends - Fyodor Dostoevsky

    The only way to find a friend is to be them - Ralph Emerson

    No matter how demanding people in love, they still forgive more provinces of those who love, rather than those who are friends - Jean Labryuer

    Particularly dangerous, the frankness is especially dangerous: he said his secrets to another - became his slave ... So, they do not listen to secrets and do not tell him - Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

    The greatest pleasure that an honest person can feel, - It's a pleasure to give your friends - Voltaire

    Sometimes, to lose a friend, there will be enough non-payment: no longer a debt, he is distinguished - the debtor has become a cruel - Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

    Bello who in richness will forget a friend - Gregory Theologian

    Never pleaded by the judgment of friends. True testimony that is pronounced hostile vote - Jerome Stridonsky

    You can not love - sit together! - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

    Egoists - the only our friends with whom we are friends disinterested - Henri Monterlan

    All I need is a room where you can put a hat and several friends - Dorothy Parker

    Time strengthens friendship, but weakens Love - Jean Labryuer

    Treason is much more painful than treason, because it is worth it from it - Etienne Rei

    In order to be a friend, it is not necessary to be a dog - Mikhail Zadornov

    Friends love you how you are; Wife loves you and wants to make another person from you - Gilbert Chesterton

    One who has never been looking for any friendship, nor love, a thousand times the poorest of who both lost - Jean Paul

    There are few friendship in the world - and least among equal - Francis Bacon

    Friends - not always friends - Mikhail Lermontov

    Lent five pounds from a friend and not having to pay to pay, thereby sell it for five pounds, and this is unprofitable - George Show

    A truly kind and kind person can have so many friends as he wants, but not always those who want - Maria Ebner Eschenbach

    It is easy to call a man wise, much more difficult to convince him of his friends - Mark Twain

    Never join friendship with a person you can't respect - Charles Darwin

    Everyone wants to have a friend, but no one wants to be friend - Jean Carr

    You found yourself a dedicated friend if, raised, he did not get acquainted with you - Jean Labryuer

    Love can be undivided. Friendship - never. Love is filled with pride, egoism, greed, ungratefulness. She does not recognize merit and does not distribute diplomas. In addition, friendship is extremely rarely the end of love - Yanush Vishnevsky

    My glory brought into the rage of my enemies and crossed my friends - Sarah Bernard

    When there are no friends, birthday celebrates in a nightclub - Frederick Begbeder

    A true friend with you when you are wrong. When you're right, everyone will be with you - Mark Twain

    Friendship - Harbor, to which a person seeks, she delivers the joy and tranquility of the Spirit, she is a rest in this life and the beginning of the life of Heavenly - Torquato Tasso

    Easier to forgive the enemy than a friend - William Blake

    Old dating and old friendship appear only in youth - Vladislav Guezhegorchik

    Do not entrust your secrecy to someone who treats you before you do not know His loyalty and friendship - John Damaskin

    Success creates few friends - Luke Okunga

    Nature and animals Talking to know their friends - William Shakespeare

    Discussion of weaknesses and the victory of our common friends - Great pleasure and cement of friendship - William Gazlitt

    We consider a coward of the one who allowed him in his presence offensively respond about his friend - Denis Didro

    Without friendship, no relationship between people has values \u200b\u200b- Socrates

    A friend I love the most for his flaws, which can be reached - William Gazlitt

    Do not have a single friend - misfortune, but the one who has no friend, will not be caught and the enemy - George Halifax

    In order to live long, acquire old wine and old friend - Pythagore

    We willingly forgive our friends the shortcomings that we do not hurt - Francois Larancyfo

    If friends begin to make you compliments regarding your young species, be sure - they believe that you are older - Washington Irving

    Friend: A person who knows about us and nevertheless loves us - Elbert Hubbard

    How sweets criticized comments coming from friendly mouths; You believe in them, it becomes sad, because there is no doubt that they are correct, but they do not cause pain - on the Balzac

    In relations with friends, advise them to do only what they are able to do, and lead them to good, not disturbing the decency, but do not try to act where there is no hope for success. Do not put yourself in a humiliating position - Confucius

    Friendship usually serves as a transition from a simple acquaintance for hostility - Vasily Klyuchevsky

    In politics and in the maps of friends there is no - Finley Dunn

    Those who we shared joy are remembered with pleasure; The same with whom we have transferred burdens together - with tenderness - Samuel Johnson

    In the public relations of their avoids to make enemies from friends; Try, on the contrary, turn your enemies to friends - Pythagora

    Perhaps to quite appreciate friendship, you need to survive love first - Nikola Shamf

    Die for a friend with any exceptional circumstances less elevated than daily and secretly sacrifice for him - Stedal

    Write about your friend - it means to put up with him forever - Jules Renar

    Familiar: the person we know is good enough to take money from him, but not good enough to give him a loan - Ambreza Birs

    When your friends begin to make you compliments about how you're healthy look, this is a faithful sign that you are older - Mark Twain

    Fake friend We prefer an open enemy - Friedrich Engels

    True friendship does not know envy, and true love - flirts - Francois Larancyfo

    Friends have all the common, and friendship is equality - Pythagora

    Friendship that is given for money is not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, you can buy, but you can not hold - Niccolo Makiavelli

    Without giving our friends to look into the very depths of our heart, we do it not so much of the mistrust to them, how much of the mistrust to yourself - Francois Larochefuko

    There are no calculations and considerations in friendship, besides her, Michelle Monta

    Good, made by the enemy, is also difficult to forget how hard to remember the good, made by another. For good we pay good only the enemy; for evil second and enemy, and friend - Vasily Klyuchevsky

    I have three varieties of friends: friends who love me, friends who do not care about me, and friends who can not tolerate me - Nikola Shamf

    Many of our misfortunes would be easier to transfer than the consolation of our friends - Charles Colton

    If a person on his life path does not acquire new acquaintances, he will soon turn out to be lonely - Samuel Johnson

    Service and friendship - two parallel lines: do not converge - Alexander Suvorov

    Beware of a woman who has many girlfriends, for they will constantly strive to destroy your marriage union, your "we". However, one girlfriend is even worse: in the future she can become your wife - Syril Connole

    Sincere friends are very small, and the demand for them is small - Maria Ebner Eschenbach

    Carefully choose enemies. But friends - too, because they will become enemies - Henri Monterlan

    All the troubles that your worst enemy can tell you in the face, nothing compared to the fact that your best friends talk about you behind your back - Alfred Mussse

    It is impossible to go far in friendship if friends are not located to excuse each other. Small flaws - Jean Labryuer

    Friendship of people vicious unreliable; It lasts until the time, as long as it serves to mutual benefit - Oliver Goldsmith

    In life, selfless love is more commonly found, rather than true friendship - Jean Labryuer

    Friendship is not so pitiful to ground in separation - Johann Schiller

    Our high-ranking friends will not impress us, but we hope that they will impress others to our friends - Jean Rostan

    In old age, the number of friends is not increasing: all losses are irrevocable - Luke Okungg

    Stay without friends - the most important, after poverty, misfortune - Daniel Defo

    Friendship has changed so much that it makes betrayal, does not need meetings, correspondence, hot conversations and even allows one friendly - Mikhail Zhvanetsky

    The greatest feat of friendship is not to show our disadvantages, but to open his eyes to his own - Francois Larancy Fuche

    Friendship keeps not in gifts, but on promises - Georges-Arman Masson

    The generous man must have several drawbacks not to upset his friends - Benjamin Franklin

    There is nothing precious friends; Therefore, do not lose the case to acquire them when you can - Francesco Gwitchchardini

    In friendship, as in love, more often gives happiness what we do not know than what we know - Francois Larancyfuche

    Before you to love your enemies, try at least a little better treat your friends - Edgar How

    The two most terrible phrases in the world, it is: "I need to talk to you" and "I hope we will stay friends." The funny thing, they always lead to the opposite result, breaking and conversation, and friendship - Frederick Begbeder

    Brave is tested in a sorrowful time, and faithful friends - in trouble - John Damaskin

    The deepest friendship gives rise to the most fierce hostility - Michelle Monta

    Friendship must be a strong man, able to survive all the temperature changes and all the shocks of the bumpy and decent people - Alexander Ivanovich Herzen

    No matter how rarely meets real love, the real friendship is occupied even less often - Francois Larancyfo

    The powerless enemy is our best friend; Envious friend - the worst of our enemies - Peter Chadaev

    All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend - Voltaire

    Human friendship in most cases germinates a multitude of prickly "if" and "but" and eventually goes into ordinary friendships, which are held only due to the overhaul - Nikola Shamf

    Friends find out in trouble. In the troubles of friends you will find out yourself - Alexander Kumory

    A friend must take part of a friend's chagrin - Erasmus Rotterdam

    For friendship, any burden is easy. The universe is eternal, meetings with friends Rashtok - Nikolay Lobachevsky

    Of the two friends, one is always the slave of another, although often none of them admits in this itself - Mikhail Lermontov

    Avoid a friend; You can't be happy one: happiness is the case of two - Pythagoras

    How little friends would stay friends if they could fully learn each other's thoughts - Georg Lichtenberg

    Friendship, like love, there is a rose with a luxurious color, a suspension aroma, but also with prickly spikes - Vissarion Belinsky

    Friendship is a calm and quiet attachment, sent and strengthened by the habit that arises from long communication and mutual obligations - David Yum

    In the light, we have a Trojic kind of friends: some of us love, others hate, others simply do not remember - Nikola Shamf

    True friend is the greatest of the goods and at the same time, that good, about the acquisition of which the least - Francois Larancyfuche

    The meaning of true friendship is that the joy is doubles, and the suffering divides in half - Joseph Addison

    Imperfection - That's what we like in our friends - Philip Chesterfield

    If you start new friends, do not forget about old - Erasmus Rotterdam

    Friendship can do without love; love without friendship - no - Vasily Klyuchevsky

    Neither a slave nor the owner of friendship is not necessary. Friendship loves equality - Ivan Goncharov

    Friendship is not a service, no longer thanks - Gabriel Derzhavin

    Lead money to the enemy and you will acquire a friend; Lean money to a friend and you will lose it - Benjamin Franklin

    We need two discharge of friends: those who can complain about life, and those that you can brag - Logan Smith

    Love and friendship - mutual echo: they give as much as taken - Alexander Herzen

    Do not give your every right hand; Do not hug everyone; Do not press anyone to your heart! What will remain for the decent and kind, and who will trust your friendships; Who will give them the proper price if you crush it without any disclamation - Adolf Bookge

    Friends help us live and interfere with working - Tadeush Kotharbinsky

    The cradle of personal success in life is the preservation of friendship, trust and respect from the closest neighbor - Booker Washington

    A real friend is aware of the trouble, to which he brought us - Vellas Brudzignan

    Friendship between women - just a nonsense pact - Henri Monterlan

    When friendship begins to weaken and cool - it always resorts to enhanced courtesy - William Shakespeare

    Friendship should be a strong man, able to survive all the temperature changes and all the shocks of the bumpy and decent people, Alexander Herzen.

    For high friendship, one condition is needed - the ability to do without it - Ralph Emerson

    Little in the light of vices that prevent a person more people to find numerous friends than too much dignity - Nikola Shamf

    The collapse of all the hopes of a person is nice and his friends and enemies - Francois Larancyfo

    Neon understanding makes friends of enemies - Lyon Feichtvanger

    Friendship is based on mutual good, on community of interest; But as soon as interests faced - friendship is terminated: look for her in the clouds - Arthur Schopenhauer

    From love flame Sometimes the asola of friendship remains - Henri Rainier

    What, in essence, the bad thing is that my friend loves more than me? - Francis Bacon

    Important friends - for important affairs ... Therefore, have important friends and be able to save them - it is important than money to have - Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

    It is better to stay in darkness than without a friend - John Zlatoust

    And in friendship, and in love sooner or later, the life of the accounts is coming - George Show

    Friendship often ends with love, but love rarely ends with friendship - Charles Colton

    For wounds of love friendly participation - Genuine Balsam - Thomas Reed

    There are no words in the world capable of expressing the difference between loneliness and friendship - Gilbert Chesterton

    Women are given to friendship only what takes loan from love - Nikola Shamf

    Friends - Time Thieves - Francis Bacon

    The equality of the situation communicates the heart. But between the rich and poor people of long friendship, because of the inequality between wealth and poverty - Miguel Saoveoven

    Recognize talent from your friends is even harder than to recognize it with your enemies - Edmond Honor

    Friends can not be too much - Alexander Dumas (Father)

    The dispute even between friends has something rude, hostile and nasty friendly relations - Francesco Petrarka

    Help yourself, and friends will love you more - Jonathan Swift

    If a man wants to be smarter than he really, and a woman is to be believed to be more beautiful, misleading is beneficial for them both and harmny for others. And I would prefer to make them my friends, Potakaya them, rather than their enemies, trying, and moreover, in vain, to bring them out of this error - Philip Chesterfield

    About the person judges his friends - Baltasar Gracian-I-Morales

    The restraint in love or friendship would be a stupid fad and besides the act of self-love, killing any feeling at first in our own, and then in your loved one - Georges Sand

    Of the two friends, only one of each other - Jean Carr

    If you want to know what your friend thinks about you, I got angry - Oliver Holmes

    Friendship and community are born in humans when there is a common enemy - Perse Shelly

    There can be no long friendship, subordination, partnership where one is not adapted to another - Francesco Guichchardini

    Listen, friend: To entertain you, I will tell you about the last trouble - Karol Izhikovsky

    A real friend is the one who will keep your hand and feel your heart - Gabriel Marquez

    Some friends are good away, others - close; The one who is not very suitable for conversation is excellent in correspondence. The distance smoothes flashes, unbearable with close communication. - Baltasar Gracian and Morales

    The one who is true is the other - that real man, he does not remain in debt and in front of the society - Anthon Schaftsbury

    Better the enemy of Zadarm than for money - Karol Bunsh

    The one who is afraid of the Nude enemies will never lead true friends - William Gazlitt

    Friendship of two women - always a conspiracy against the third - Jean Carr

    Useful friends three and harmful three. Useful friends are a different, sincere and friend, who heard a lot. Harmful friends are a friend of a hypocritical, a friend of the insincere and friend's talkative - Confucius

    Love requires infinitely less than friendship - George Neanan

    Friends can not be impartial and often even there are unfair, trying to preserve impartiality - Friedrich Goebbel

    Everyone sympathize with the misfortunes of their friends, and only a few rejoice in their success - Oscar Wilde

    True happiness is not in many friends, but in dignity and freedom of choice - Ben Johnson

    Can not be a good wife Woman who is not and is not able to be a friend to her husband - Thomas Paine

    First Love is because of the prieft, that she forgets the difference of the floors that she is a passionate friendship - Alexander Herzen

    A true friend is the one to whom I would believe in everything concerning me, more than myself - Michelle Monta

    What people are called common friendship - in essence, only the Union, the purpose of which is the mutual preservation of the benefits and the exchange of good services, the most disinterested friendship - nothing else, as a deal, in which our pride always expects something to win - Francois Larancyfo

    How little would have survived the friendship, if everyone suddenly learned that they were talking about his back, although then they were sincere and impartially - Blaze Pascal

    A weak person is better to have its own enemy than a friend - Henry show

    I get into friendship only with very few, but I rode it - Karl Marx

    A friend should be like blood flowing immediately to the wound, not expecting attraction - Antonio Perez

    When friendship suddenly arises between the dog and the cat, it is not otherwise like a union against the cook - Stephen Cweig

    The price of the state is learned when it was acquired, and the price of a friend - when he was lost - Jean San

    The most beautiful girl can not give more things that has; And the most loyal friend can be silent only about what he does not know - Alfred Mussse

    Who wants to have more than one friend, does not deserve one - Friedrich Goebbel

    Alone, a person is a weak creature, in unity with others - strong. A deep, penetrating in the heart of a friend's opinion, the word of his advice, his consolation is spread out and raise low on it - Johann Herder

    Brother may not be a friend, but a friend - always brother - Benjamin Franklin

    People on Earth should be friends ... I do not think that you can make all people love each other, but I would wish to destroy the hatred between people - Isaac Azimov

    In conversations, a friend with each other, a woman imitates the spirit of friendly solidarity and the trust frankness, which they do not allow themselves to be with men. But for this visibility of friendship - how much vigilant distrust, and how it is, admitted, justified! - Andre Morua

    Friend is a person who will not sell you for free - Gabriel Laub

    False people are more dangerous to have friends than enemies - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

    The enemy revealing your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them - Leonardo da Vinci

    Friend, useless for his friend, becomes a stranger person - Paul Golbach

    There is nothing more tender than correspondence of friends who do not want to meet more - Marseille Prost

    We are not particularly satisfied with our friends if they, we appreciate our good qualities, allow yourself to notice our drawbacks - Luke Okunga

    Unfortunate do not have friends - John Dryden

    When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, of which the big absorbs smaller - Madeleine Schuderi

    What is friendship? Word, illusion, charming us, shadow, following happiness and disappearing in misfortune hours! - Oliver Goldsmith

    Friendship reaches the same result as bravery, but only more pleasant way - Francis Bacon

    If a friend refused to give you $ 50, probably he knows you especially close - Lorence Peter

    There is nothing more dangerous than ignorant friend - Jean Lafonten

    The only reward for virtue is virtue itself; The only way to have a friend is to be a friend - Ralph Emerson

    Only a real friend can endure the weakness of his friend - William Shakespeare

    Friendship diversizes joy and reduces half sorrow - Francis Bacon

    I do not need a friend who repeats each of my gesture: it makes much better than my shadow - Plutarch

    Close Communication - That's where the gentle friendship is originally originated and the strongest hatred - Antoine Ryarolol

    The trust is the first condition of friendship; It can be said to serve as a threshold of the temple, while the willingness to go to the victims is the temple itself - Jean Labryuer

    The friends of this world are so afraid to part with the arms of the world that there is nothing harder for them, as not to work - Averalius Augustine

    Only those people who know how to forgive each other small disadvantages can be associated with true friendship - Jean Labryuer

    The least noisy, most modest friendship is often the most useful. Therefore, I would always prefer a restrained friend not to the measure of a zealous - Joseph Addison

    It is nice to be in the society of people when only a friendly tendency and respect are encouraged to this; To look for a meeting with them, when you expect services from them: it means cutting into friendship - Jean Labryuer

    Friendship Eyes are rarely mistaken - Voltaire

    If we want to ruin any state, we with this state should begin to be friends. The arms race they have been transferred to us with us, and the friendship will not transfer nobody - Mikhail Zadornov

    Most more that I can do for my friend - just be a friend to him - Henry Toro

    Friendship - Wine of Existence, Love - Good Charge Vodka - Edward Bullver-Litton

    Friendship is love without wings - George Byron

    One who boasts that has acquired many friends, never had a single friend - Samuel Kolridge

    One of the ordinary lights is to accuse missing friends to like others - Pierre Bouast

    Friendship is the art of distance, while love is the art of proximity - Sigmund Graff

    People are all useful to do what it helps to strengthen friendship - Benedict Spinoza

    Gentleman: a person friendly with those who have no friends - Elbert Hubbard

    Friends and conscience have a person until they need - Gabriel Laub

    Friends We notice those disadvantages that may damage them, and our loved ones, from which we ourselves are ourselves - Jean Labryuer

    The one who does good friend does good to itself - Erasmus Rotterdam

    Hide something from friends is dangerous; But still dangerous anything from them not to hide - Jean Lafonten

    The sincerity of the relationship is true in communication - here is friendship - Alexander Suvorov

    A friend to me one to whom I can say everything - Vissarion Belinsky

    Invalid friends are swallows that we meet only in the summer; This is a sundial, the benefits of which only until the sun shines - Theodore Hippel

    • Life leaves a number of best friends. Disease - sent by God.
    • I don't choose friends. This occupation is stupid and useless. I am much more interesting to choose vegetables on the market. Friends are the gifts of fate.
  • Good thing - a friend's hand. Neither obliges anyone who stretches her, and very comforting who she shakes her ... (A. Gavalda)
  • If you get new friends, do not forget about old. (Erasmus Rotterdam)
  • Look for friends, rake enemies! (Ray Bradbury)
  • The best quotes about friends with meaning

    • It is necessary to appreciate the friendship, and not just be able to have fun together.
    • I do not need a friend who, in everything with me, agreeing, changes with me glances, nodding his head, because the shadow does better. (Plutarch)
    • That's what it means to be best friends. That's what they need. To help not break into the abyss. (Lauren Oliver)
    • Short quotes about friends with meaning "Nothing strengthens his friendship as confidence that this friend is better than the other." (Honore de Balzac)
    • Only those people who know how to forgive small disadvantages can be associated with true friendship. (Jean de Labryuer)
  • Enemies always speak the truth, friends - never. (Cicero)
  • Only a friend's hand can snatch spikes from the heart. (Claude Gelving)
  • Friendship - does not mean long acquaintance and communication with some person. It means let it in your life and soul forever.
  • 3a my life I was convinced that only more and all unnoticed time talking with friends; Friends great time robbers. Petrarka
  • Friendship is the most necessary for life, as no one wishes his lives without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. (Aristotle)
  • Learn people through personal communication to have real friends.
  • One of the biggest problems in our life is to deal with who you friend. (Mark Levi)
  • The wiser was asked: how many types of friendship exist? Four - he answered. There are friends like food - every day you need them. There are friends as a medicine, looking for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you. But there are such friends like air - they are not visible, but they are always with you ...
  • Not always friendship is checked. It happens that both happiness.
  • We are not particularly satisfied with our friends, if they, appreciate our good qualities, allow themselves to notice our shortcomings. (VovenAg)
  • Friend is the person who comes when everyone leaves ...
  • Our friends are part of our happiness.
  • Passing the tests are complex life situationsIn our life only the most faithful friends remain. They take us when we are cool, witty, luck. They love us hysterical, snot, weak.
  • No related links create friends, but the community of interests. (Democritis)
  • In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.
  • A friend is the one who gives you complete freedom to be yourself. (Jim Morrison)
  • Quotes about friends with the meaning of great people - Friends are known in trouble, but even more in joy and luck. It is the feeling of envy most often transforms once close people.
  • Friendly jealousy, perhaps, worse than any other.
  • Do not lose and remember - when it is hard, take a book and read. Books are friends who do not die. (Confucius)
  • Only enemies speak to each other truth. Friends and beloved, confused in a web of mutual debt, lie infinitely. (Stephen King)
  • "A friend is known in trouble" - many know this saying, but you can only verify in your own experience. A person communicates with people who are close to him in character, hobbies, tastes, interests, but not all these acquaintances can be called friends, a friend is more.

    In the nearest surroundings of a person, many people who are interested to spend time, walk, walk to the movies, play various games, do together lessons. But one should not hastily call them friends, and shares the most intimate. After all, there is such a thing as a benefit. Perhaps some of them are simply used to spend their time, or that you helped them with lessons, or you have a cool computer game, which they have no and so on. Therefore, you need to know who belongs to such familiar, and who is a real friend.

    Friendship is a high feeling. When entering friendly relations with a person, we learn to keep other people's secrets, become less selfish, and we begin to rejoice and worry about their successes and falls, as for our own. Friendship should not carry betrayal, meanness, care and egoism.

    A real friend, in addition to the joint vacation of your leisure, will always come to the rescue, you will always support you, give the necessary advice, it will always be with you in a difficult moment. Also, such a person must sincerely share joy with you, without black envy and anger. If all these qualities are in man, it means that it can already be called his friend. The main thing is not to forget about reciprocity, because good friends are from those people who themselves know how to be good friends.

    If passing through various difficult situations, troubles, a friend stayed with you, and did not seek excuse to help you, it means you can congratulate you, you have a real friend! Appreciate it and do not betray it.

    Option 2.

    More often they talk about a friend who learns in trouble, but friends are even better. It is immediately nice that there are many of them, although the main thing is that these are true.

    A friend is not the one with whom they are talking about studying, even if well. Not the one who come across in the yard, you are playing ... not even one who go to one section or in a circle. This is the one who can really help out in trouble.

    Unfortunately, we often think that a friend is in front of us, and he throws us in a critical situation. He may think himself that he is friend to us, but it becomes immediately in such a situation that he is not a friend for sure, and herself.

    Sometimes they offer to check friends. Of course, time checks. They say it's about the salt ... But the times can be calm. Together to rest, you do not know who your true friend is. But the trouble, of course, will show the face of "friend."

    Also check friends tests. As they say, pull him in the mountains. But, in my opinion, the test is also not quite a good option - such special, contrived. After all, a person can be offended, offended. I check me out?! So you do not trust me in fact?

    I would not be very nice if I was checked specifically. Is it worthy to be someone else? Then the return check should be. By the way, it is important to understand myself what a friend you are. At least imagine, honestly answer questions ... could you risk life for this person? What is ready?

    I think it is important to start with yourself. And do not come up with any troubles!

    And if they happen, then, however, friends are checked. Delay all things - run to the hospital to you. Forget about yourself, even step over yourself. Sometimes it turns out that those who did not wait come. But those who waited - no. Everything happens.

    There are suddenly a problem with the money - a friend will overcome, he will refuse himself. It happens that you need to oppose everyone for each other. Also happens.

    So I want everyone to consider friends to be friends and turned out to be. And if you were deceived, then you should not be upset, you need to draw conclusions. Trusted not. And it is better to learn about it now than all your life in the ignorance.

    And it is still important that friendship is also developing. One second "faithful friend" does not become. A year ago was not ready to support in trouble, in now ready. Or vice versa…

    We make small elections every hour. If this is a good friend, then friendship is growing with us.

    Reasoning on the topic

    Friends are known in trouble - Razing phrase. Only when the trouble happens you begin to understand the value and meaning of these words. Friend! Another me He must understand me, share my interests, help me save me. They say in the people: the trouble will come, she will be divided with friends, joy will come, she will multiply with friends. How much do you need to have friends? To be faithful, 1-2 is enough. I have such a friend Alexey.

    On the summer vacation I broke my leg. Doctors said that I could walk only in six months. I did not want to miss school. Odnoklassniki assured that they would help, bring assignments. In the first month of learning, the number of people willing to help shrink. By the new year, one - Alexey remained.

    He came every day: in the frost and blizzard. We did lessons with him, prepared for testing. He mastered a simple massage method and helped me restore the leg. I saw: he is not difficult, the joy to be useful to me. Someone will say that he did nothing special. I do not agree. He came to the rescue when it was needed, for a minute, and to the end.

    Exams we passed well with him, entered one institute. I feel good with my friend - calmly and reliably. I want to be the same faithful for him.
    Why do friends know in trouble? Maybe because it was when the trouble came, you need to make a right decision. Sometimes it simply does not have time and the person comes spontaneously, unconsciously: jumps to save the drowning, goes to a burning house, flashes from a knife. In difficult emergency situations All the qualities of a person are exposed.

    A faithful friend will show reliability, sacrifice. The seeming friend will expose the cowardice, worn. All these qualities are brightly detected during hostilities. If there were no faithful friends, how many people would have died without a friend's shoulder.

    Let it pass for many years, I want Alexey to stay faithful friends and showed an example of their children.

    An essay on the proverb's friends learn in trouble grade 7

    Father always told me that not my friend who plays in the yard in the ball. And not the one with whom I go to the campaign or in the movie. He loved to repeat that friends are known in trouble, because only a truly close and supporting person will divide the burdens that have met me. I confess, I did not give it the words of deep sense, until the summer of last year came, when we went to the camp to the whole class ...

    Those vacations I will remember for life. We have all the class, accompanied by our class teacher and Fizruck went to the new mountain camp. Madly rejoiced with their babble and naturally, ignored the warning: - the instructor forbade leaves the camp limits and go beyond the fence (around the perimeter was a fence from the grid). However, having won a convenient moment, we with my quadric "friends" and a few more guys fled to explore the surroundings.

    Thille thinking, headed for the nearest rocks. At first, the climb was very easy to climb. We joked and played, but soon let me know fatigue. Just recognize your weakness and turn back nobody wanted. We climbed, firmly intending to get at least to the ledge. At some point I slipped, the stones were sprinkled alone by one, and I could not resist, I fell. Falling down, I hit my head and lost consciousness.

    I woke up in the medical center, it turned out that I had a deeply cut my leg and I could not go normally. I have not seen your "friends". Together with all the guys, they played football, rose three times in the mountains, went to the river, but to come to me to spend time. But instead they came to me a boy from a parallel class. It turned out that my comrades returned without me, and that, noticing that, it was Zhenka who was the first to raise the alarm.

    Since I fell into crew and was not visible, I was looking for me for several hours. During this time, I lost a lot of blood and strongly weakened. I could not like to play and probably would die of boredom if it were not for a new buddy, who daily visited me sacrificing with his entertainment and time. The guy brought from somewhere a few books and old instructions, how to cut a ship. All remaining before returning time, we spent together. During these days I understood - friends are familiar with the trouble. Unpleasant experience, but now I know who my true friend and comrade.

    In each village there are houses in which people live modestly, and there are home to the house. However, if there is a master of all hands in the village, then there will definitely be a house that will differ from all other houses with its beauty

  • Writing on the picture of the Ryll field ripper grade 5 (description)

    I consider the reproduction of the painting "Field Ryabinka". Arkady Rylov created it in 1922. The painter managed to capture the real puff and brightness of the paints of domestic nature.

  • Essay in the picture Winter Fun 2, Grade 3

    The guys went out into the courtyard. Everyone has found a lesson in the shower. The boy of Vitya in a blue jacket and drifting, grimingly pushing the ski sticks along the paved ski.

  • This section publishes selected quotes, aphorisms and statements, as well as proverbs and sayings about friendship.

    Quotes from the Bible

    · « A real friend loves at all time, he brother, born for distress» (Proverbs 17:17)

    · « There are pleasants, ready to break each other on the part, but it happens more tied than brother» (Proverbs 18:24)

    · « Oil and fimiams please the heart - so pleasant a friend who gives advice from the soul» (Proverbs 27: 9)

    · « Do not leave your friend and friend your father and do not go into the brother's house a day when you have trouble. Better neighbor near the brother away» (Proverbs 27:10)

    Comment: "This biblical parable covers how important it is to have a faithful friend and be a true friend, especially during trouble. The first part indicates how to be such a friend. On the day of disaster or misfortunes should not be left or leaving those who were your friends or family friends. It is impossible to be "friend to the first trouble," which disappears when they really need it. Also pay attention to the opposite aspect. During trouble, it is better to have a friend nearby, which not only can, but also wants to help you, than to be forced to go far to the home brother's home to ask if he can not help " ("Watchtower", release from 01.01.81, p. 7)

    · « A man who shines to a friend spreads the net before his legs» (Proverbs 29: 5)

    Comment: "Being legible in relation to his friends testifies to wisdom. False friends who want to take into confidence with some hidden motive, often recognize on their flattened words. " ("Watchtower", release from 15.02.88, p. 4)

    Biblical quotes are given by "Holy Scripture - the translation of the New World".

    Statements of famous people

    · « Friendship that stopped, never, in fact, did not start» (Public)

    · « Who is so deaf that even does not want to hear the truth, that hopeless» (Cicero)

    · « Friendship is not so pitiful light to ground in separation» (Johann Schiller)

    · « Will reveal a friend's time as gold - fire» (Menandr)

    · « If you commendably chariter friends, then there is no shameful to accept help from friends» (Plutarch)

    · « Friendship penetrates all people, but to preserve it sometimes you have to demolish and resent» (Cicero)

    · « I do not need a friend who, in all with me agreeing, changes with me glances, nodding his head, for the shadow does better» (Plutarch)

    · « Only in one case, we have nothing to be afraid to insult a friend - this is when it comes to expressing the truth and thus prove his loyalty to him» (Cicero)

    · « Stretching your hand to friends, do not compress your fingers into the fist» (Diogen)

    · « Friend is one who whenever you need it, guesses about it» (J. Genan)

    · « Without true friendship life - nothing» (Cicero)

    · « One who is deprived of sincere friends is truly alone» (Francis Bacon)

    · « Friendship can connect only worthy people» (Cicero)

    · « Do not hurry to make friends; But if you make friends, be in friendship constant and firm» (Socrates)

    · « Hate enemies lighter and more exciting than love friends» (Bertrand Russell)

    · « Easier to forgive the enemy than a friend» (William Blake)

    · « Reproach a friend alone, and humbia - publicly» (Solon)

    · « The enemy, the truth is speaking, better than a hypocritical friend» (Sofokl)

    · « Friendship is equality» (Pythagoras)

    · « Part of your friends will blame you, and the part praises: approach the belonging and remove from praising» (Talmud)


    · « Bad friend - that the shadow: on a sunny day they do not get up, and you can't find» (Russian proverb)

    · « Not that friendship hand, which only strokes, and the one that is tacking for Vikhor» (Russian proverb)

    · « Not the one friend who walks on the feast, but the one who helps in trouble» (Russian proverb)

    · « Better listen to friends of friends than losing the last» (Arab Proverb)

    · « Do not recognize a friend at three days, learn in three years» (Russian proverb)

    · « an old friend is better than two new ones» (Russian proverb)

    · « Friendship is strong not flattery, and truth and honor» (Russian proverb)

    · « A friend in need is a friend indeed» (Russian proverb)

    · « A friend drink water sweeter of the enemy honey» (Russian proverb)

    · « The one who indicates your shortcomings is not always your enemy; one who talks about your merits is not always your friend» (Chinese proverb)

    · « Mutual Trust - the basis of friendship» (Chinese proverb)

    · « Three things are tested only in three cases: durability in danger, wisdom in anger and friendship - in need» (French proverb)

    · « Do not interrupt the rough thread of friendship, because if you have to tie it again, the knot will remain» (Indian Proverb)

    Other statements

    · « Brother may not be a friend, but a friend - always brother»

    · « Parting with friends, people remain them forever - regardless of whether the connection is supported or not»

    · « Not wealth - friend, and friend - wealth»

    · « True friendship does not know envy»

    · « Find a good friend - it's only half of the case: you still have to be so»

    · « Vanity - the main enemy of friendship»

    · « The enemy revealing your mistakes is much more useful than a friend who hides them.»

    · « Friend - a man who wants to be with you when it's hard for you, and wants you to be with him when he is good»

    · « Krickni - hear any, whispers - will hear the closest, but only a real friend will hear you when you are silent»

    · « Friendship doubles joy and reduces half sorrow»

    · « A true friend is one that never happens to unreal»

    You can also read:
    · Statuses about friendship for social networks
    · Comedy, jokes and jokes about friendship