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  • Hitler's photos in good quality. Rare photos of Hitler. The Rarest Last Frames

    Hitler's photos in good quality. Rare photos of Hitler. The Rarest Last Frames

    The rampant Nazism in 30-40 years of last century is one of the most terrible and bloody events in history. Take a look at rare photos of who stood at the head of criminal acts against humanity.

    The main defendant, the founder and the performer of the embodiment of the bloody Nazi dream was Adolf Hitler, whose portrait became the face of fascism and Nazism around the world.

    In our article, you will see a large selection of photos from the life of this very terrible dictator. Many photos are rare and appeared in public access quite recently, when the spring was sold with a hammer on one of the auctions.

    When looking into the face of this person, the blood is sweeping and covers horror from awareness that all the most terrible events are millions of deaths, hellish experiments and bullying of people and children - they happened on our land because of him.

    Root of evil

    Parents Hitler Father - Aloiz (1837-1903) and Mother - Clara (1860-1907) were formally relatives, so his father had to receive permits for marriage. Aloiz was a very heavy man with a tough character, he often arranged drunk robs in the house and hands-painted. The unfortunate mother saw the light in the window only in his little son Adolfe and completely gave him his love and hyperzabota. He was her fourth child, the first three died at an early age from diseases.

    Adolf Hitler was born on 04/20/1889 in Austria in the small village of Ranshofen.

    The boy from the little years has drawn well than the father was scary and forbidden to do this son. Mother, on the contrary, tried to develop a boy's skills behind her back and constantly inspired him that he was immensely talented and becomes the famous. When the Father came across the eyes of the Son's drawings, he came into fury and asked two winters, for which his wife screamed into despair, that he was mistaken, his son would still be famous for the whole world. And she was right, but he was famous for the famous artistic drawings.

    School years Adolf Hitler

    In school years, Hitler was a good study, leadership qualities, and he also began to manifest themselves the challenges of nationalism and the desire to join the ranks of the bucket warriors. All this he was colorfully demonstrated in the drawings, showing their peers. According to experts, such behavior could be caused by an emotional protest in front of a despotic father who demanded unquestioned obedience from the Son.

    According to the memoirs of Aloisa Jr., consolidated brother Hitler, Adolf was distinguished by cruelty and could come into rage from minor reasons, he did not love anyone, except for the mother, and was a narcissal person It came from hands.

    Beginning of the dictator path

    Munich 02.08.1914 Hitler at a rally at Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army to participate in the First World War.

    Moldoval, Hitler tried to go to the art school and was completely sure that he would be able to easily. But what was the blow to him when he was not credited, saying that his drawings were good, but not sufficient for the artistic school, with such skills he was recommended to go to the architectural faculty. Adolf came into rage, he believed that the school was working as badlessness, which would not be able to evaluate truly talented things.

    For several years he tried to enroll in artistic educational establishments, but everywhere he was refused. The feeling of the ideal artist did not give him peace, although in reality it turned out that he had no talent that Idealized Clara's blinded maternal love.

    After unsuccessful attempts to become an artist, the death of mother, impoverishment and wandering, Hitler entered a volunteer in the ranks of the German army, which then untied the first world war. According to memoirs, Odnopolchan Adolf was brave, quiet and executive, for which he quickly received the rank of corporal in service, but the leading title was not given to Hitler, since he was considered an excellent performer who had no leading guidelines. We also celebrated his inexplicable luck: Hitler always returned from the battlefield alive and unharmed, even if his entire squad was broken, and when injured, they were lungs and did not threaten the life of the future Führera.

    Front-line photos of Hitler during World War II

    During World War I, the nationalist sentiment and convictions of Adolf only grew and were attached, with seven-year steps. When Germany began to lose and take positions, then in the rear, the protest moods began due to poverty and hunger, which Hitler regarded the betrayal.

    What is the guilty of the Jews?

    The beginning of the ascent of Hitler on Political Olympus 1921

    At the end of the war, Hitler left the military service, which did not become his career, but allowed to have like-minded people who were only 7 people. With these people, Hitler began his political career, and later the incarnation of his dreams. He wanted a little: "To become the sole leader of Germany and start fighting hated Jews, and enslave the whole world." Hate to the Jews was laughed by his patient imagination, Adolf believed that this nation wants to capture power over other nations and make them faceless.

    Anti-Semit Hitler was not always, he had friends for his life with the Jews that helped him in varying degrees. Curb and hatred began to grow after the death of the mother, who was sick with cancer, and her doctor was a Jew. Hitler repeatedly thanked this doctor for trying to cure his mother as much as possible. But, most likely, Hitler had a subconscious offense at the doctor for the fact that he did not save his mother, and she was the only person who loved the Führer madly, and after her death he burned heavily. Therefore, over time, the insult has grown into obsessed hatred of all the Jewish people.

    First successes and beer coup

    Career Hitler rapidly grew in the political sphere, he was a magnificent speaker who could keep the crowd's attention and carry in his ideas.

    In his speeches, the future chancellor played the patriotic sentiments of the population, which reigned in Germany after the war and failure, led by the country to enormous external debts and decay of the economy.

    When the audience of listeners who came to his speeches, up to 2000 people, Hitler began to suppress the power of everyone who shouted discontent: his attack aircraft broke up and beat them.

    Not having significant obstacles to the authorities, Adolf became more aggressive and arranged entirely by traveling with the protesters against his actions and ideas with the help of the entire self-defense detachments created by him, for which he spent 5 weeks in prison.

    Hitler launched the experience and support of Mussolini, the Italian dictator, who in the 20s successfully received power in Italy with the help of captures and violent resistance suppression.

    Beer "Burgersbroqueller" (1923), where Beer Patch began. Photo from the German federal archive

    The seizure of the Military Ministry Rem buildings during the beer coup. With a banner - Himmler

    In 1923, Hitler arranged the Patch in Germany for the seizure of power, which was called "beer". The seizure of power failed due to the betrayal of some of his supporters, although at first and was successful. In the course of these events, 18 people died, including the guards of the order and the Nazis.

    Birth famous mein kampf

    Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years of imprisonment as a mass riots organizer, but then in December 1924 was relieved early. In prison, he wrote his famous dual minister of memoirs, consisting of an autobiography and a political campaign, which called MEIN KAMPF, translated from the German "My struggle." Also, for the year of the conclusion, Hitler thought for a long time over the mistakes and realized that the Mussolini script was not suitable for Germany, and built a new action plan.

    At the court over Ludendorf, from left to right: lawyer Holt, Weber, Rodor General Ludendorf and Adolf Hitler, 1923

    After ledsberg's Landsberg prison in Landsberg-on Lehe in Bavaria, December 1924.

    In the federal archive of Germany, two documents of Adolf Hitler were preserved: the first - permission for weapons wearing, the second - confirming its membership in the national-socialist German workers' party, as a first person under No. 1.

    Pre-election performances Hitler

    Meeting Nazis Germany in Munich 1929

    Hitler is an excellent speaker. The beginning of the 1930s, on the election race.

    Photographing 1932 year.

    At the construction site of the New Corps of Reichsbank (Central Bank Hermann Empire) May 1932.

    When Hitler came out of prison, he built a new plan, political, to achieve the goal. His calculation was to play on national population sentiment and middle class, which at that time experienced difficult financial difficulties, as well as put pressure on power. He then sat the various kinds of provocation.

    At the top of the authorities

    After 14 years of takeoffs and falls on the political arena, by violent and political actions, several election tours, Hitler came to power as Chancellor on January 30, 1933. The celebration of this event resulted in the famous torch of Berlin.

    No one then could suggest which animal in human attitude entrusted power. After all last years In the election race, Hitler hid and restrained his anti-Semitic aspirations and the desire to resort to radical measures to implement the idea of \u200b\u200bcleansing Germany and the world from the Jewish race.

    Mass rally Nazis in Buckeburg, 1934

    A visit to his prison cameras in Landsberg prison 10 years old, where Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" 1934. g

    Olympic Games of 1936, the first persons in Germany are distributed autographs

    Berlin 1936, Farewell to Hitler on New Year's Banquet with guests present

    Wedding by the Nazi Elite

    All powerful people who helped get Hitler such a high position in the government, fed the illusions that this "Nazi stroke" will be in their hands drunk into the corner of the puppet, but soon they were gratedly paid for it and was already being confused with a delayed mistake.

    In the pursuit of the power of Hitler decided to take care of his health, in order to have time to embody his vigilant ideas into life and, as he believed, to save Germany. Therefore, the Führer became a true vegetarian, as a result of which he was actively creating laws for the protection of animals and tightened the punishment for their violations.

    Communication with animals

    Favorite Fuhrera German Shepherd Blondie

    Hitler with its scotch-terriers

    Communication with children

    Also, Hitler always indicatively showed care of German children as a future clean nation.

    Different events of Hitler's Board

    The first statement that Hitler voiced as Chancellor was about re-equipment of the army and restoring its full combat ability, after which it will be possible to conquer land in the east with their complete Germanization.

    Buckeburg, 1937. Thanksgiving Day

    Regular rallies

    Reichstag decided to the peaceful accession of Austria 1938.

    Preparation for the speech of the Orchestra Leopoldhall Munich 1938.

    Visit to the city of Graslitz, temporarily occupied by the Sudeten region 1938.

    Nazi rally in Czechoslovakia, city Eger 1938

    Hitler in the circle of Austrian fans in 1939.

    Events on the eve of the beginning of World War II

    Performance for the first May at the 1939 stadium.

    After coming to power, Hitler's holiday received the status of the official in 1933 - the Day of National Labor.

    Hitler at Charlottenburg Theater, May 1939.

    The first flight of the ship Robert Ley, Hitler on board the ship.

    Tea drinking in your residence in Obernzaltzberg (Bavarian Alps) 1939.

    World War II

    Hitler lies on the front line of 1940.

    France 40th year

    Hitler with Emmy and Edda Gearing 1940g.

    Emmy is the German actress of the theater and cinema, the second spouse of Herman Görring, was unlawfully considered the first lady of Germany. Together with Magda Goebbels (the wife of the German Minister of Enlightenment) was led by a different kind of charitable shares. The godfather of Edda was Hitler himself.

    Christmas celebration with German highest military ranks 1941.

    Adolf Hitler welcomes the German servicemen at the airfield in Uman.

    In the photo, Hitler is in the Ukrainian city of Uman and welcomes his soldiers. Here Hitler flew with the inspection of the German and Italian military in the summer in 1941.

    Symbolic gift Hitler on the occasion of the capture of Sarajevo.

    This sign hanging on the wall near the Latin bridge, the soldiers hurried to remove and transfer to the Führer, almost immediately after taking Sarajevo, as a symbol of their victory and distribution of the Hitler's power in these territories.

    Visits to the hospital to the wounded officers of 1944.

    Hitler with Goebbels on preponference in Berlin

    Guitler Marshal Gering - "Lady with Salol" (1880 g).

    Both figures were collectors of painting and other works of famous authors, by 1945 the Adolf collection was more than 6000 paintings, Gering - more than 1000. Pictures were acquired or were confiscated by personal agents of political figures. The rights to the data of the canvas are condensed to this day.

    Hitler with Eve Brown

    Hitler on the discussion of the Ardennes surgery and Guderian in October 1944

    Inspection of destruction after the bombing of the Soviet troops, Spring 1945

    The Rarest Last Frames

    These are rare mans of Hitler's last days of his life, as after massive offensive soviet army On the fascist detachments of the German troops, Hitler preferred to sit in his underground bunker.

    Last photo in life

    Photo from the Base FBI, USA. Possible change in the appearance of Hitler when he is an attempt to escape.

    According to the official version on April 30, 1945, together with his wife Eva Brown Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Eva died after taking a capsule with poison without visible violent signs, and Hitler first shot her favorite German shepherd, after which he sent a bullet to his head.

    The end of Adolf Hitler

    According to information from the employee of Hitler's staff, on the eve of them was given the order to prepare canisters with gasoline to burn the corpses. On April 30, 1945, Hitler, having shook his hands from his relative environment, went along with his wife to his room, soon he was shot from her. After the time, the servant looked into them into the room, where they saw the Fuhrer corpse with a gunshot wound in the head and the corpse of Eva Brown without visible damage. After that, they wrapped their bodies into army blankets, poured gasoline prepared earlier and burned them, as was ordered.

    In the photo, the burned corpse on the examination by Soviet specialists.

    But there is a version that Hitler together with Brown escaped to South America, where they met their old age, and instead of themselves left the twin corpses. Even Stalin at one time put forward the version that Hitler is alive and hides at allies.

    On the photo allegedly, a seventy-year-old Hitler on mortal app.

    School photo 1901

    "Friend of children"




    Hitler with Emmy and Edda Gering. 1940 Emmy Gering - German actress, the second wife of Herman Ghering. Since the then Reichskanzler and Reich Spronsident of Germany, Adolf Hitler's wife was not, Emmy Gering was unclearly considered the "first lady" of Germany and in this capacity, along with those who tried to play the same role Magda Goebbels led by various charitable shares.

    Hitler visits one of the officers, as well as he suffered from an unsuccessful attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination Hitler was unable to be a whole day on his legs, since more than 100 fragments were extracted out of the legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of the right hand, the hair on the back of the head was soldered and the drumpipes were damaged. On the right ear temporarily flames. He ordered to turn the penalty of conspirators into humiliating torments, to shoot a film and take a picture. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

    Hitler gives Reichs Marshal Gering a picture of Hans Makarta "Lady with Sokol" (1880). And Hitler, and Gering were passionate collectors of works of art: By 1945, the Hitler's collection numbered 6755, the Goring collection - 1375. Pictures were acquired (including at low prices with threats) Agents worked on Hitler and Goering were transmitted approximate as a gift They were confiscated from the museums of countries occupied by Germany. Disputes about the legal status of some cases from former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going.

    According to the official version, Hitler, together with his wife, Eva Brown committed suicide on April 30, after completing the beloved dog Blondie. In the domestic historiography, the point of view was approved that Hitler adopted poison (cyanide potassium, as well as most of the Nazis who committed with them), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, taking into the mouth and enjoy an ampoule with poison, simultaneously shot at himself from a gun (applied, thus, both instruments of death).

    According to witnesses from among the service personnel, the day before Hitler gave an order to deliver canisters from the garage with gasoline (for the destruction of tel). April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to those from his closest environment and, having shook his hands, together with Eve Brown, retired to his apartments, where the sound of the shot was soon ran away. Soon after 15 hours of 15 minutes, Hitler Hitler's servant Heinz Linga, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günche, Goebbels, Borman and Aksman, entered the apartments of the Fuhrer. Dead Hitler sat on the sofa; In the temple he broke the bloody spot.

    Near the Eva Brown, without visible external damage. Günche and Ling were wrapped the body of Hitler to the soldier's blanket and carried to the Riccancelary Garden; After him, Eva's body was carried out. The corpses put not far from the entrance to the bunker, poured gasoline and burned. In the photo: Hitler's burned corpse on an examination by Soviet specialists.

    There are a number of conspiracy theories that argue that Hitler did not commit suicide, and escaped. According to the most popular version, Führer and Eve Brown, leaving twins instead of themselves, disappeared in South America, where they lived safely under strangers to deep old age. In the photo, allegedly, a 75-year-old Hitler was captured on mortal app.

    FBI photomontage made in 1945 in case Hitler tries to escape by changing appearance.

    Blog about Omsk and not only ... in other social networks:

    Adolf Hitler in 1924 in Landsberg prison during a visit to party comrades, including Rudolph Hess.

    Parents Adolf Hitler: Clara and Alois Hitler

    Certificate of the birth of Adolf Gilera. Braunau, Austria

    Little Adolf in 1895 (in the lower row of the third left) with classmates. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

    School photo of Adolf Hitler. 1901 year.

    School photography. 1904 year

    Mobilization of the German army in August 1914, Munich. Fragment with Hitler increased

    1916. Soldier-volunteer Adolf Hitler (right). Bavarian Army, 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment

    1918, Military Hospital. Adolf Hitler second to sprout back row.

    1923. Hitler during the election campaign.

    December 1924. Adolf Hitler after the liberation of Landsberg prison, where he wrote "Main Campf".

    1924. Adolf in shorts.

    1925th year. Production photoset Heinrich Hoffman. "Apocalyptic, far-sighted, convincing."

    The face of National Socialism.

    1932, Portrait of Adolf Hitler

    May 1932. New Reichsbank Building Building.

    1933, Hitler acts in Leipzig at a court session.

    1934, Adolf Hitler visits his prison chamber 10 years later.

    1934, rally in Burekkenburg.

    Olympic Games of 1936. In the photo, Izief Goebbels and Adolf Hitler distribute autographs.

    1936. Hitler leaves New Year's banquet in Berlin.

    Hitler on someone's wedding

    1937, Thanksgiving, Buckeburg.

    Construction autobahstan

    1938. Hitler in Reichstag after Anshlus Austria announcement.

    Speech Hitler

    Hitler in the form of sa. 1938

    Munich, 1938. Leopoldhall orchestra rehearsal.

    1938, Adolf Hitler in the city of Graslitz Sudeten

    1938, Eger, Czechoslovakia. Rally.

    1939 year. Adolf Hitler with Austrian fans.

    Pervomaisky rally at the 1939 stadium with the arrival of Hitler's authority on May 1 received official status in 1933. The date was called "National Labor Day". A day after the introduction, the Nazis broke into the premises of the trade unions and banned them.

    On the Nazi rally

    In the Charlottenburg Theater. May 1939

    On board the Robert Ley ship, published on its first flight.

    Hitler with guests at the table in his residence in Obersalzberg. 1939

    During lunch on the front line. 1940

    In Paris. 1940

    At the Christmas banquet with the German general. 1941

    "Friend of children."

    Hitler with Emmy and Edda Gering. 1940 Emmy Gering - German actress, the second wife of Herman Ghering. Since the then Reichskanzler and Reich Spronsident of Germany, Adolf Hitler's wife was not, Emmy Gering was unclearly considered the "first lady" of Germany and in this capacity, along with those who tried to play the same role Magda Goebbels led by various charitable shares.

    "Friend beasts."

    Hitler and Eve Brown with Scottish terriers.

    Hitler with his shepherd Blondie

    Reading Morning Press.

    Hitler and Eva Brown. 1943

    Hitler, Goering and Guderian discuss the Ardennes operation. October 1944

    Hitler visits one of the officers, as well as he suffered from an unsuccessful attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination Hitler was unable to be a whole day on his legs, since more than 100 fragments were extracted out of the legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of the right hand, the hair on the back of the head was soldered and the drumpipes were damaged. On the right ear temporarily flames. He ordered to turn the penalty of conspirators into humiliating torments, to shoot a film and take a picture. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

    Hitler gives Reichs Marshal Gering a picture of Hans Makarta "Lady with Sokol" (1880). And Hitler, and Gering were passionate collectors of works of art: By 1945, the Hitler's collection numbered 6755, the Goring collection - 1375. Pictures were acquired (including at low prices with threats) Agents worked on Hitler and Goering were transmitted approximate as a gift They were confiscated from the museums of countries occupied by Germany. Disputes about the legal status of some cases from former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going.

    One of the last photos of Hitler. The Führer in the Britain of the Imperial Office awards the young members of the Hitlergend Brigade, mobilized to protect Berlin.

    According to the official version, Hitler, together with his wife, Eva Brown committed suicide on April 30, after completing the beloved dog Blondie. In the domestic historiography, the point of view was approved that Hitler adopted poison (cyanide potassium, as well as most of the Nazis who committed with them), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, taking into the mouth and enjoy an ampoule with poison, simultaneously shot at himself from a gun (applied, thus, both instruments of death).

    According to witnesses from among the service personnel, the day before Hitler gave an order to deliver canisters from the garage with gasoline (for the destruction of tel). April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to those from his closest environment and, having shook his hands, together with Eve Brown, retired to his apartments, where the sound of the shot was soon ran away. Soon after 15 hours of 15 minutes, Hitler Hitler's servant Heinz Linga, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günche, Goebbels, Borman and Aksman, entered the apartments of the Fuhrer. Dead Hitler sat on the sofa; In the temple he broke the bloody spot. Near the Eva Brown, without visible external damage. Günche and Ling were wrapped the body of Hitler to the soldier's blanket and carried to the Riccancelary Garden; After him, Eva's body was carried out. The corpses put not far from the entrance to the bunker, poured gasoline and burned. In the photo: Hitler's burned corpse on an examination by Soviet specialists.

    FBI photomontage made in 1945 in case Hitler tries to escape by changing appearance.

    There are a number of conspiracy theories that argue that Hitler did not commit suicide, and escaped. According to the most popular version, Führer and Eve Brown, leaving twins instead of themselves, disappeared in South America, where they lived safely under strangers to deep old age. The photo, allegedly, captured 75-year-old Hitler on the mortal window:

    Fast news today

    Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30, 1945 in his Fürterbrunker in Berlin. Later, the remains of the dictator were discovered by Soviet military and delivered to Moscow.

    But the very fact of the death of Hitler is still enveloped by all sorts of secrets and riddles. There are a lot of theories, in addition to the official version, according to which the remains of Hitler were not genuine, he did not commit suicide or stayed altogether.

    26 April. Soviet troops occupied three quarters of Berlin. Non-losing hopes Hitler is located in a two-story bunker at a depth of 8 meters near the yard of the Imperial Office.

    Together with him in the bunker there are his lover Eva Brown, Goebbels and family, head of the General Staff Krebs, secretaries, adjutants, guards.

    According to the Certificate of the Officer of the General Staff, on this day, Hitler was a terrible picture: he moved with difficulty and clumsily, throwing up the top of the body forward and dragging his feet ... The Führer barely retained the equilibrium. The left hand did not obey him, and the right was constantly trembling ... Hitler's eyes were pouring blood ...

    In the evening, one of the best flyers of Germany Hanna Rich, fanatically devoted Hitler arrived in the bunker. She later recalled that the Führer invited her to himself and said: "Hannah, you belong to those who die with me. Each of us has ampoule with poison. "

    He handed the Hannah's ampule with the words: "I don't want any of us to get to the Russians in your hands, and I don't want our bodies to get Russian. Eva and mine bodies will be burned. "

    As Raich testified, during the conversation, Hitler was a terrible picture: almost blindly rushed from the wall to the wall with paper in trembling hands. "Fully broken person," - stated the pilot.

    April 29th. The wedding of Adolf Hitler and Eve Brown took place. The process was passed in accordance with the law: the marriage contract was drawn up and the rite of wedding was committed.

    Witnesses, as well as Krebs, Goebbels's wife, Hitler's adjutants, General Burgorf and Colonel Belov, secretaries and the cook were invited to celebrate the wedding. And after a small feast, Hitler retired to draw up testament.

    April 30. The last day of the Fuhrera came. After lunch by order of Hitler, his personal driver Schotandenführer COP Korpek delivers to the garden of the imperial office of canisters with 200 liters of gasoline.

    This is the last lifetime shot of Hitler, made on April 30. On the threshold of the bunker in the courtyard of Reichskancelery in Berlin Fuhrera captured one of the officers of his personal guard.

    The room for meetings Hitler and Brown say goodbye to those who came here Borman, Goebbels, Burgdorf, Krebs, Aksman, with the secretaries of the Fuhrer Jung and Waihell.

    According to the first version, based on the testimony of personal championer Hitler - Ling, Führer and Eva Brown shot at 15.30. There is even a photo of the body of Hitler with the following from the bullet, the authenticity of which is questionable.

    When Ling and Borman entered the room, Hitler allegedly sat on the sofa in the corner, a revolver lay on the table in front of him, blood flowed from his right temple. Dead Eva Brown, who was in another corner, dropped her revolver to the floor.

    Another version (accepted by almost all historians) reads: Adolf Hitler and Eva Brown poisoned with cyanium cyanis. In addition, before the death of the Führere also poisoned two favorite shepherds.

    By order of the body of the body of the deceased, they were wrapped in blankets, were taken out into the courtyard, and then bezed gasoline and burned in a funnel from the projectile. Since they burned badly, half the burned corpses of the siepers buried to the ground.

    Hitler's and Brown bodies were discovered by the Red Armenian Churakoveki on May 4, but for some reason, for some reason, they were lacquered without surveying: they were delivered to inspection and identifying to one of the Berlin Morgo on May 8.

    An external inspection gave reason to assume that the burnt corpses of men and women are the remains of the Fuhrera and his spouses. But, as you know, Hitler and Brown had several twins, so the Soviet military authorities intended to spend a thorough investigation.

    The question of whether a man delivered to the morgue was really Hitler, still worries researchers.

    According to an eyewitness, the man's corpse was in a wooden box with a length of 163 cm, a width and height of 55 and 53 cm, respectively. On the body was discovered a burnt piece of knitted matter of a yellowish shade, similar to a shirt.

    During his life, Hitler has repeatedly applied to his dentist, as evidenced by a large number of seals and gold crowns on the preserved parts of the jaws. They were withdrawn and transferred to the Demo-3 Department of the Shock Army.

    On May 11, 1945, the dentist Guizerman described in detail the anatomical data of the Hitler's oral cavity, which coincided with the results of the study conducted on May 8.

    On damaged by the fire of visible signs of severe fatal damage or diseases was found. But the crushed glass ampoule was found in the oral cavity. From the corpse, the characteristic smell of Gorky Almonds.

    The same ampoules were discovered when opening another 10 corpses of approximate Hitler. It was established that death had occurred as a result of poisoning with cyanic compounds.

    On the same day, an opening of a woman's corpse was made, presumably belonging to Eva Brown. Despite the fact that in the mouth there was a broken glass ampoule and from the corpse also proceeded by the smell of bitter almonds, traces of fragmentation injury and 6 small metal fragments were found in the chest.

    Military intelligence officers packed the remains in wooden boxes and burned out in the ground near Berlin. However, Soon, the headquarters of Chekists changed the deployment, and the boxes went after him.

    In a new place, they were buried again, and then, with the next crossing, removed from the ground.

    She found a permanent refuge on a military base near the city of Magdeburg. Here the boxes were laying in the ground until 1970, when the territory of the base passed under the jurisdiction of the GDR.

    On March 13, 1970, the head of the KGB Yuri Andropov gave an order to destroy the remains. They were cremated, and ashes dispelled from a helicopter by air.

    For history, only the jaws of the dictator and the fragment of its skull with the bullet hole were left.

    These material evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler was sent to Moscow and placed in the Archive of the KGB.

    Rumors that Adolf Hitler is alive, appeared, almost immediately after his death. The death of the dictator doubted the British, French, Americans. Stubborn talk about the amazing salvation of the Fuhrera.

    It was rumored that he fled from Berlin abroad for the so-called "rat path". She represented a "window" on the border with Switzerland. Through it, high-ranking officials of the Third Reich with concrete documents were made their way to a neutral country, and from it were sent to fascist Spain or Latin American countries.

    Regarding the escape of the dictator in South America, there is even a number of "documents" of the FBI, regarding the investigation of this fact.

    However, most historians continue to assert that Hitler had no chance to escape from Berlin.

    The answer was put forward by the version that Hitler could not be at all in the bunker near Reichancelyriage. On this issue, there is a version that all tactical questions solved the twin of the Fuhrera. It was he who was shot on April 30, 1945.

    Together with him killed and Eve Brown, so that the death of the main Nazis of the country looked more naturally. Hitler himself, at this time, again sailed on a submarine toward South America, changing the appearance.

    Such versions are spent currently.

    Newspapers wrote about them who published allegedly surviving clothes of the Fuhrera in which he arrived in Peru or Paraguay.

    Even the photo of the surviving Hitler, who calmly meets the old age incognito.

    But historians argue that the Fuhrer could not be called a coward. About his courage is evidenced by the fact that he left the volunteer to the front in the first World War And he was awarded several iron crosses for courage, and also had injured in battles.

    After that, it is for the worst for the nation for the nation's moment the Führer Podlyly runs, leaving the twin instead, just illogical.

    In favor of the fact that Hitler was in the bunker says the fact that only after his death the Germans put forward a delegation proposal. Having received a refusal, Goebbels committed suicide with himself, poisoning and all his family. Borman made the same few hours later.

    In 2009, the head of the registration and archival funds of the FSB of Russia, Vasily Khristofors, said that in 1946 the Special Commission held additional excavations at the site of detecting the corpses of Adolf Hitler and Eva Brown. At the same time, "left darken part of the skull with an outlet bullet hole was discovered.

    In 1948, the "Finds" from the Fuhrer bunker (several burntables, as well as fragments of jaws and teeth, according to which the identification of Hitler's corpses, Eva Brown and Goebbels were sent to Moscow, to the investigative department of the 2nd Main Department of the USSR MGB.

    Since 1954, by order, by order of the KGB chairman at the CM of the USSR Serov, all these items and materials were kept in a special order in a special placement of the departmental archive.

    Since 2009, Hitler's jaws were kept in the FSB archive, and fragments of the skull - in the State Archive.

    However, the DNA analysis conducted in 2009 by the staff of the American University from the city of Hartford (Connecticut) destroyed the entire evidence base for the death of the dictator. According to their version, a fairly retainable skull bone did not belong to Adolf Hitler. She did not belong to a man at all. It was a fragment of a woman's skull. Moreover, the woman at the time of his death was in the heyday of forces - 35-40 years.

    This statement caused a big scandal. FSB employees completely refused to recognize his accuracy. And later also expressed the version of the mistake of Soviet soldiers who were collected.

    It seems that the point in this matter will never be delivered. Although, at present, most often "surviving" Hitler and his twins become heroes of memes, rather than large scientific disputes.

    Hitler's parents: Clara and Alois

    Hitler's birth certificate. 1889 Braunau, Austria

    Little Hitler (the third left in the bottom row) with one-shirts. Fischlham, Austria. 1895

    School photo 1901


    Hitler in the crowd at Odeonplatz during the mobilization of the German army during the First World War. Munich, August 2, 1914

    Hitler volunteer (right) as part of the 2nd Bavarian Infantry Regiment of the Bavarian Army during the First World War. 1916

    Hitler (rear row, second right) in a military hospital. 1918

    Rising star of German politics. 1921.

    During the election campaign of 1923.

    Hitler came out of Landsberg prison, where he wrote "Mein Kampf". December 1924

    Hitler in shorts, 1924. "In some photos, Adolf Hitler looks like a jester, but they prove that he experimented with his way. Those. Hitler was a very modern politician for his time, "the book" Hitler Was My Friend "books (" Hitler was my friend ") Henrich Hofmann (Heinrich Hoffmann), which was a personal photographer Hitler.

    "Apocalyptic, far-sighted, convincing." Production photoset Heinrich Hoffman. 1925

    The face of Nazism.

    Portrait of 1932

    On the embedding of the new Corps ReichSbank "a. May 1932

    Speech by court in Leipzig 1933

    Hitler during a visit to the Prison Camera in prison Landsberg, where he wrote "Mein Kampf" ten years ago. 1934

    On the mass Nazi rally in Burekkenburg, 1934

    Hitler and Goebbels distribute autographs at the Olympic Games of 1936

    Hitler says goodbye to those present leaving the New Year's banquet. Berlin, 1936

    On whose wedding

    At the bottom of Thanksgiving in the Buckeburg. 1937 year.

    On the construction of autobahn

    Hitler adopts ovations in the Reichstage after the announcement of the "peaceful" accession of Austria. 1938


    Hitler in brown Nazi clothing while performing outdoors in Austria. 1938

    At the rehearsal of the Leopoldhall orchestra in Munich. 1938

    While visiting the occupied sundan region in the city of Graslice. 1938

    On the Nazi rally in Eger, Czechoslovakia. 1938

    With Austrian fans. 1939

    Pervomaisky rally at the 1939 stadium with the arrival of Hitler's authority on May 1 received official status in 1933. The date was called "National Labor Day". A day after the introduction, the Nazis broke into the premises of the trade unions and banned them.

    On the Nazi rally

    In the Charlottenburg Theater. May 1939

    At the rally in honor of the Legion Condor returned from Spain. June 6, 1939.

    On board the Robert Ley ship, published on its first flight.

    Hitler with guests at the table in his residence in Obersalzberg. 1939

    During lunch on the front line. 1940

    In Paris. 1940

    At the Christmas banquet with the German general. 1941

    "Friend of children."

    Hitler with Emmy and Edda Gering. 1940 Emmy Gering - German actress, the second wife of Herman Ghering. Since the then Reichskanzler and Reich Spronsident of Germany, Adolf Hitler's wife was not, Emmy Gering was unclearly considered the "first lady" of Germany and in this capacity, along with those who tried to play the same role Magda Goebbels led by various charitable shares.

    "Friend beasts."

    Hitler and Eve Brown with their Scottish terriers.

    Also, Hitler had a shepherd dog.

    Reading Morning Press.

    Hitler and Eva Brown. 1943

    Hitler, Goering and Guderian discuss the Ardennes operation. October 1944

    Hitler visits one of the officers, as well as he suffered from an unsuccessful attempt on him on July 20, 1944. After the assassination Hitler was unable to be a whole day on his legs, since more than 100 fragments were extracted out of the legs. In addition, he had a dislocation of the right hand, the hair on the back of the head was soldered and the drumpipes were damaged. On the right ear temporarily flames. He ordered to turn the penalty of conspirators into humiliating torments, to shoot a film and take a picture. Subsequently, he personally watched this film.

    Hitler and Minister of Propaganda Goebbels. Poland, July 25, 1944

    Hitler gives Reichs Marshal Gering a picture of Hans Makarta "Lady with Sokol" (1880). And Hitler, and Gering were passionate collectors of works of art: By 1945, the Hitler's collection numbered 6755, the Goring collection - 1375. Pictures were acquired (including at low prices with threats) Agents worked on Hitler and Goering were transmitted approximate as a gift They were confiscated from the museums of countries occupied by Germany. Disputes about the legal status of some cases from former collections of the leaders of Nazi Germany are still going.

    One of the last photos of Hitler. The Führer in the Britain of the Imperial Office awards the young members of the Hitlergend Brigade, mobilized to protect Berlin.

    According to the official version, Hitler, together with his wife, Eva Brown committed suicide on April 30, after completing the beloved dog Blondie. In the domestic historiography, the point of view was approved that Hitler adopted poison (cyanide potassium, as well as most of the Nazis who committed with them), however, according to eyewitnesses, he shot himself. There is also a version according to which Hitler, taking into the mouth and enjoy an ampoule with poison, simultaneously shot at himself from a gun (applied, thus, both instruments of death).

    According to witnesses from among the service personnel, the day before Hitler gave an order to deliver canisters from the garage with gasoline (for the destruction of tel). April 30, after dinner, Hitler said goodbye to those from his closest environment and, having shook his hands, together with Eve Brown, retired to his apartments, where the sound of the shot was soon ran away. Soon after 15 hours of 15 minutes, Hitler Hitler's servant Heinz Linga, accompanied by his adjutant Otto Günche, Goebbels, Borman and Aksman, entered the apartments of the Fuhrer. Dead Hitler sat on the sofa; In the temple he broke the bloody spot. Near the Eva Brown, without visible external damage. Günche and Ling were wrapped the body of Hitler to the soldier's blanket and carried to the Riccancelary Garden; After him, Eva's body was carried out. The corpses put not far from the entrance to the bunker, poured gasoline and burned. In the photo: Hitler's burned corpse on an examination by Soviet specialists.

    FBI photomontage made in 1945 in case Hitler tries to escape by changing appearance.

    There are a number of conspiracy theories that argue that Hitler did not commit suicide, and escaped. According to the most popular version, Führer and Eve Brown, leaving twins instead of themselves, disappeared in South America, where they lived safely under strangers to deep old age. The photo, allegedly, captured 75-year-old Hitler on the mortal window: