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  • Recent prophecies Matrona (4 photos). Recent Prophecies Matrones (4 photos) August 19, Matrona Prediction

    Recent prophecies Matrona (4 photos). Recent Prophecies Matrones (4 photos) August 19, Matrona Prediction

    Internet users in recent days are actively discussing the news about the upcoming end of the world. This time the apocalypse "appointed" on April 23, 2018.

    The author of "horror" is the notorious American numerologist David Mid. Previously, he stated that the end to the ground would come with the planet Nibiru, who, according to him, allegedly flew into the solar system. The conspiragologist was waiting for the killer's planet last year and even wrote about this book, but Nibiru never flew away.

    Now the numerologist refers to the biblical "revelation". According to him, on April 23, 2018, he is the sun, the moon and Jupiter will enter the Constellation of the Virgin, which will make a prepocalyptic eclipse.

    "And a great sign appeared in the sky: a wife clothed in the sun; Under the legs of her moon, and on the chapter of her crown from twelve stars ... "

    As the Foreign Ministry assures, "twelve stars" is just the constellation of the Virgin.

    According to the promises of the namirologist, on April 23, the same Nibiru will also appear in the sky, and also - the Antichrist, and before the heap - the third world war will begin, behind which the seven years will come to the Great Grief, which is still spoken by the Apostle Mark.

    All this Foreign Ministry found in the "Revelation", to which allegedly indicate the following lines: "... when you hear about wars and about military rumors, do not worry: for it should be, - but this is not the end. For the people will rise to the people and the kingdom to the kingdom; And there will be an earthquake in places, and there will be glades and confusion. It is the beginning of the disease ... "

    For the prediction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, after that, the Ascension of the Church in Heaven will occur so respected in Western religion and meeting with Jesus Christ before his second coming on the eve of the vessel.

    Official comments about the forecasts of the numerologist have not yet been received.

    The fact is that the frequency of precession perihelia Mercury and Jupiter almost coincides. As it turned out, the gas giant is capable of transmitting Mercury part of the angular momentum.

    Experts believe that our planet in the near future may encounter Venus, which will cause the complete destruction of both planets of the system. It is noteworthy that if this happens, then the fault in such a large-scale catastrophe will be completely lying on Mercury. The fact is that the frequency of precession perihelia Mercury and Jupiter almost coincides.

    As it turned out, the gas giant is capable of transmitting Mercury part of the angular momentum. Over time, this may cause the interaction of two these planets will affect the trajectories of other objects in Solar system And shifted from their orbits to Venus and Earth.

    According to a number of specialized publications, these indicators are now on an extremely minor level, but in the future the planet can really break away from their usual orbits, which will lead to the apocalypse.

    Experts clarify that Mercury at the same time will become a satellite of the second planet from the Sun, but the Venus at high speed approaches our planet - as a result, both of them will face powerful strong. Since the dimensions of the Earth and Venus are comparable, such a clash threatens to completely destroy both planets.

    Oddly enough, each of us is not the first time hears about the "end of the world". We have already successfully survived not one of them. Should I believe new forecasts? Deciding, of course, only to you. However, the fact that new predictions are caused by the broadest resonance in society, it is unlikely that someone will challenge. 2018 is not much different from the previous years, for prophecies about the "end of the world" again appeared.

    If you look at the history of mankind, it makes the impression that people are waiting for and will not wait for the day. The story of the "end of the world", probably began from the moment of the emergence of people. They were so afraid that something should happen, so they did not stop talking about it. If you analyze this question, then it turns out that there was no century when the earthlings did not wait for the apocalypse. Here are just some expectations of our ancestors:

    Time / year Who predicted the "end of the world"
    The first century of our era Kumran community
    365 I. Pictawai
    400 M. Tursky
    800 Y. African
    848 Tiota
    1000 Sylvester II.
    1500 S. Bottichelli
    1525 J. Shtoffer
    1528 H. Hahat.
    1673 W. Aspinval
    1736 W. Wiston
    1774 E. Alto
    1794 Galilee
    1814 I. Sautkott
    1843 W. Miller
    1848 Holy Callinik
    1899 R. Falab.
    1918 D. Rutherford
    1919 A. Port.
    1945 Ch. Long
    1954 Ch. Lughated
    1960 E. Blanco
    1969 R. Bradbury
    1978 D. Strong
    1988 E. Venant
    1989 E. Clair
    1993 Y. Krivonogs
    1994 Khamping
    1996 Sh. Nidle
    2001 K. Munien
    2002 Anastasia's earrings
    2005 Contacter T. Pavlova
    2007 Vissarion - Head of the Church of the "Last Testament"
    2009 Nostradamus
    2011 Khamping
    2012 By the Mayan calendar
    2014 Viking version
    2017 Matrona Moscow

    On our land lives the mass of people who are confident that they can look a few years ahead. If you look at their predictions, you can see that they are very contradictory, and they differ so much from each other, which seems - psychics live on different planets. Judge for yourself:

    • Part of clairvoyant is confident that humanity stands on the threshold of a terrible disease, which can destroy most of the world's population. A similar forecast made Matron Moskovskaya, who claimed that in 2018, people would massively die without wars.
    • Other prophets argue that in 2018 there will be a strong flood and some of the continents will go under water. The most brave says that America and East Asia will not become.
    • Some things do not cease to predict the fall on our land of a large meteorite, which will cause unprecedented tsunami, able to demolish whole continents.
    • There are those who expect landing on the territory of America a large flying plate, on which representatives of extraterrestrial civilization will arrive at our planet. The purpose of their arrival will be to prevent global military conflict.
    • Closer to the truth of those extrasens who predict the world crisis in 2018. They are confident that the dollar, as an international currency, will lose its leading position. In world use there will be only two currencies yuan and ruble.
    • There are prophecies regarding volcanoes. It is believed that many of them in 2018 wake up, which will lead to the earthly catastrophe.
    • Some seats, such as Wang, are confident that a person will appear on Earth, which will be able to bring earthlings to the path of positive development. Will be the end of the wars and economic problems many nations.
    • Recently, a collision with the planet Nibiru has been discussed in the circle of mediums, which is rapidly underground. Representatives of NASA do not even hide this. Whether "the end of the world on this occasion remains only to guess.

    Oddly enough, and in this area, Russians have their own idols. The Russian people trust their clairvoyant more, so we have prepared predictions for 2018 from all known psychics, such as:

    • Vanga;
    • Matrona Moscow;
    • Pavel Globa.

    As for this showers, she never pointed out time, the code will happen to mankind. In her opinion, people will be to blame for their troubles, as thoughtlessly belong to the resources of our planet. As such, the death of the planet will not happen. People will be able to go to another form of life.

    As Vang believes, the events in the east will be an impetus for changing the fate of humanity. The current state of affairs around Syria indicates that Bulgarian clairvoyant was right.

    In addition, in his prophecies, she mentioned trains on the wires that will move from the sun. It happened faster, in view of the development of Russian scientists - Sky Way. In this project, the trains are actually moving on suspended rails at a speed of 500km. / Hour, due to solar energy.

    Another Wang argued that in 2018 the production of oil will cease, the Earth will be resting and an economic rise will occur in Russia. In this regard, the medium probably was wrong. Although considering that already now in the world more and more electric vehicles are produced, and instead of oil other sources of energy have already been found, it may happen that this prophecy also happens.

    This famous appearance predicted the end of humanity in 2017, although it is assumed that the astronomical year comes later, then it can be argued that its forecast applies to 2018. According to the medium: "Heavy times will come. People have to choose between a cross and bread. Those who choose the first will not die. All of them will be saved from grief, which will fall on our planet. In the evening, many damaged bodies will lie on the ground, but in the morning everyone will be resurrected. " What I mean a prunerator, no one knows. Maybe she hints at a collision with the planet Nibiru? Otherwise, how to explain that everyone will be amazed without war.

    Be that as it may, according to the predictions of Matrona, all believers will remain alive. It remains only to believe and pray.

    This postponed psychic predicted for Russia is not a completely bad scenario. He believes that soon, in 2018, the country's economy will begin to rise, by increasing energy prices. The Economic Center of Russia will move to Siberia. Our country will be able to stop the third world War And it will become one of the most influential in this world. Even a convulsion will be created from five states that will flourish and be an example for all other countries. In addition, a colossal scientific breakthrough will occur, which will change the life of earthlings to be unrecognizable. Also Pavel Globa is confident that a person will appear in Russia, which will indicate the path of salvation for all of humanity.

    Will there be a "end of the world" in 2018, no one knows. It remains to believe that the golden age of Russia will come soon, because the term of working out our country of karmic sin for the death of the last emperor.

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    The predictor of the Moscow Matronian famous in the people as the Holy Matronushka or the Matron Healer was a legendary personality not only in the history of Russia, but also in world history. This Great Staritsa lived a long and difficult life. At its age, there were many tests and many historical incidents that Matron knew and warned humanity in advance.

    Many who listened to the Matron, but few have heard. And at the same time, the last prophecy of Saint Matrona described everything that happens to us today and what awaits us in the near future. The last prophecy of the Holy Matrona story literally leads this: "Everyone will die without war! At night, all the dead will lie on the ground. And in the morning it will rise, and a new era will begin for all mankind! "

    And all your attempts to lose weight were not crowned with success?

    And you have already thought about radical measures? It is understandable, because a slender figure is an indicator of health and a reason for pride. In addition, it is at least a man's longevity. And the fact that a person losing "extra kilograms" looks younger - an axiom does not require evidence.

    Prophecy Matrona about the fate of Russia

    When little, blind, girl made a sensational statement that tsarist family Dies from the hands of Bolsheviks, no one believed. Was the case, the most powerful person of the country, and will be shot with all his family? Yes, the king could destroy the tsar and the blind provincial himself, then just just a girl Matronushka with a poor family, and all her relatives. And about the Bolsheviks, in those days, did not hear a dream with a dream. Native girls did not apply to the words of Matrona, and even at all, they took her conversations for children's fantasies. But after a few years about the glory of the little blind, Providice was also recognized in her native village and in the neighboring counties.

    With the arrival of Soviet power, the life of the Matrona itself and her fellow villagers changed cool. It is worth recalling that the red affair was considered:

    • eradication of faith in God;
    • the destruction of all the manifestations of religion;
    • destruction of churches;
    • shot of priests.

    Interesting fact: in the People's Council of the County (village of Xiabino Tula province), the younger brothers Matronov took place. That is, the native brothers of the Great Providian, the minister of the Lord, promoted the refusal of God and the Great Church. A story silent about how Matron lived in such conditions, and how two absolutely different directions were reconciled in the same house. Only one thing is known, the Matron predicted and the arrival of Soviet power, calling it the power of Satan, and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

    One of the most terrible prophecies of the young then predictor was a statement that the second world will begin, and many people will die in it. There are unproved negative about the fact that when the German troops approached close to Moscow, Stalin himself suggested to the Matrona. He believed little in the prediction, but the fame of the People's Providice, reached his ears.

    Just on the eve of the planned evacuation from Moscow, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, complained to the apartment of Matronushki with an unofficial visit. What they said, remains a mystery, only an unofficial source claims that the propheted reassured the Great Leader and said: "You don't need to flee from Moscow! Red rooster ( Soviet authority) The enemy will win! "

    Matrona predicted the beginning of World War II

    As not strange, but Stalin heard the Matron and believed her. Evacuation was canceled, Hitler's troops were not entered into Moscow, and soon our army went to the offensive. "Red Rooster" won, as the propheted spoke.

    But the styles spoke and about our times. The last prediction of Matrona states that if the people of Russia succumb to provocations, it will believe the liars and instigators will be another great revolution in the country. And this revolution, according to Matronushki, will lead to Russia to fall into separate parts and the power in the collapsed once a great country will take care of aggressors - Europe, China, USA.

    Matrona Moscow calls people to faith, to self-knowledge to self-improvement. She asks to remember God, wearing his word in his hearts and not to renounce His kingdom. Only so, the provincial said, it will be possible to keep yourself and his country for his descendants free and give them a chance to avoid slavery in the power of the aggressor, who does not honor God and his will on Earth.

    Only if people set in the hearts of their faith they will pass these difficult times with honor and waiting for Russia 1000 years of prosperity and prosperity. Prediction of Matrona for 2017 for Russia, it was about the fact that only the unity of the inhabitants of this country, their faith in the Lord will help them to overcome the sorrow who fell into their share.

    For 2017, the propheted point pointed out as a turning point in the life of humanity

    Prediction of the Great Study for 2017 for Ukraine

    The last prediction of the Matronushki for Ukraine as the powers concerned our time. And if we talk specifically, the period from 2015 to 2017. It was this time that the Great Providian attributed to the last time, and spoke about him as not about the vowel beginning of the end of times. For 2017, the propheted point indicated both at a turning point in human life.

    In particular, its predictions for this period were among several countries of the former soviet Union - Ukraine and Russia. As Matrona said, 2017 will be marked by large world changes. People turn away from God, and will come to the world the power of Satanian. But humanity does not recognize the devilish principles in the new rulers, as they will glorify the Lord with false languages, creating their evil affairs under cover and with the blessing of the sales church.

    "I do not like the Lord that the devil will establish the devil in his house throughout the land. The wines of all people who let the demon in the soul, closing their hearts from God! " The Great Staritsa preddered that, turning away from God, would lose the last stronghold, which gave them a chance to survive in the world under the rule of the devil. She told about the fact that there would be a terrible brawieth war.

    And not in the portable, and in the literal one brother will come out against his brother native against his blood with a knife and a barrel and blood sheds. What Matron said, history leads literally:

    "And the world of Cains will go, and they will go to the brothers to their brothers, they will go against God. But the ability of his head will not bow and there will be a legitimate and the church selling bless the destruction of a person himself! ".

    Now it is prophecy in particular as relevant with the background of what is happening in Ukraine in the Donbass. Eastern Ukraine, covered by the flame, does not know what creates. And said Sviridian Matrona: "At this time, people will run from Ukraine! Not in their will run away! All wines will be fear. Fear of war and hunger, impoverishment will lead to the fact that people will throw their homes, their native graves of the earth and escape to the countries, in someone else's side, where no one is waiting for them! ".

    According to the prediction of St. Matrona for 2017, the enemies of Ukraine will begin the offensive, but not the war they will receive power in the country, but will exchange freedom to gold. The devastated villages and cities with which people will go to other countries in search of food and better life will be sold by the government for snacks and Ukraine will forever lose the integrity and will cease to be the country in the literal sense of the word.

    Matron predata complex tests of Belarus

    Prophecy Matrones for Belarus

    The predictions of the Holy Matrona relative to Belarus are also not rainbow. For 2017, Matron preddered complex tests and this fraternal country for us. The West is increasingly implemented in the territory of Belarus and destroys it down from the inside. Many agree to provocations. And blood is shed. The power of Belarus is severely invent attempts to destroy the country. They will pass, many demonstration courts a lot of people will suffer for their attempt to arrange a coup. But the stale said that this attempt would be the latter. More hostile countries of the West will not risk causing the concern for this peaceful and stable country.

    Prophecy Matrona for Europe

    For Europe, for this year, the prediction of Matronov Moscow for 2017 propheted strong internecine conflicts. The beginning of a terrible inner religious war, Christianity will fight with Orthodoxy, not realizing that they are essentially fighting with themselves. Most countries in Europe will find a new government. Military will come to power, they will bring order in Europe with their sufficiently cruel ways. Blood legs again.

    The words of Matronushki fully confirm the made, once prophecy of Vangi. Europe stood on the path of self-destruction and can no longer stop in the desire to gain power through weapons and fear. Despite the fact that many wells indicate the fact that most Europeans will look for salvation in Russia, Mother Matron's mother did not think so. She said that the war on the territory of Europe would be so cruel that not to be saved to many.

    So it turns out that the death of the Earth has repeatedly predicted lately. However, none of the forecasts until that moment came true.

    Possible Armagedon from August 19, 2017 is now widely discussed. There are assumptions on the Internet that it is on this day some terrible events will occur, which will entail the death of all mankind. Allegedly, a terrible tragedy predicted one of the most famous and revered in our country of the Saints Matron.

    During the existence of the Earth, the death of our planet was predicted repeatedly - fortunately, none of them came true, although many sincerely believe in the next such forecasts.

    Predictions Matrona about the end of the world on August 19

    People will fall to the ground

    In his prediction, the Holy Matrona indicates a kind of global catastrophe that collapses on the planet that is on this day.

    The prediction of the saint is trying to decipher for many decades. On one of the versions, it sounds like this:

    "At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise rise, and the world will become different. And people are waiting for the great griefs, which they have not yet been tested. "

    According to another version:

    "Without war, everything will die. The victims will be much. All dead on earth will lie. In the evening, everyone will be on Earth, and in the morning rise. And everything will go to the ground. "

    Holy Matrona believed that the cause of the end of the world would be the behavior of people who turned away from God and were mired in immorality. At the same time, on August 19, it can become a turning point for people - on this day the Orthodox marks one of the great church holidays - the Transfiguration of the Lord.

    Matrona Moscow (Matron Dmitrievna Nikonova) was born in the Tula province in 1881. From birth was blind, in 1902 it paralyzed. According to life, with eight years have had a gift of prediction and healing. In 1925 he moved to Moscow, where she lived to his death in 1952. In 1999, he was recognized as a local saint, in 2004 - generally considered. Relics are stored in the metropolitan Pokrovsky monastery.

    In step from the end of the world

    In the predictions of the prison from Bulgaria, Vanga for 2017 it is said that the conflict in the east of Europe will be the cause of the Third World War. European countries will fight with Muslims - they will apply nuclear weaponAs a result, Europe and will become desertless and empty.

    Clairvoyant predicts that many people will suffer - the economic crisis will begin, which will turn into hungry times, but the religious struggle will exist even in such conditions.

    The evidence in his visions saw that Russia in 2017 would be engaged in reconciling the warring countries - it is possible, with some of them it will unite, creating a new powerful state.

    "Natural cataclysms and outbreaks of epidemics are completed by the fact that people began to do. Our world is in step from the end of the world, "the prediction is said.

    Wang warned from wars and struggle for power. She was sure that every person can find salvation only in a peaceful life. The worsening of ecology on the planet, hunger and illness - the people themselves will be to blame for all this.

    The prediction of the Blessed Matrona about the end of the world commented on the RPC on August 19

    In Russian orthodox church They called on not to relate seriously to reports about the allegedly predicted blissful matron of the Moscow end of the world. According to Hieromonach Macaria (Markisha), believers worth being "especially attentive to this peep, which, unfortunately, is inherent human personality", Ren-TV writes.

    According to the clergyman, replicating news about the end of the world, which allegedly should take place on August 19, is a consequence of the tendency of some people "to nightmares, pegs and fried plots."

    "Do I need to believe it? Well, it's not even a question. The question is how to look at it. "- the priest believes.

    Who else predicted the end of the world

    The planetary catastrophe in the summer of 2017 was predicted by Elena Blavatskaya - a well-known ambulance engaged in the occultism, which lived to Matrona.

    A large-scale space explosion, which will occur due to dangerous unfinished experiments, foreshadowed Professor Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

    It should be noted that many agree with both predictors - especially against the background of serious climate changewho overtake the planet over the past few years.

    Numerologists, digestors on the book of change and Feng Shui specialists are convinced that on August 19th is the beginning of great cataclysms, and astrologers believe that the celestial body will be close to Earth, which will bring the epidemic for all mankind.

    The probability of the development of just such a scenario is minimal, because no one provides accurate calculations relating to the speed and direction of the comet movement.

    Some astronomers still believe that the Earth can die from a collision with one of the mythical planets - Nibiru, which is also called the planet X, but its existence for many scientists is in question.

    Versions of the end of the world

    There are several versions of the development of the likely end of the world - some believe that the world is waiting for a flood, because glaciers are rapidly melting, and the climate is undergoing serious changes.

    By the end of the world, a deadly virus can be given, which can get into the water and infect a huge number of people living on the planet.

    There is also a version that people in the future waiting for a large number natural anomalies And wars that will cause extermination of life on the planet.

    When the next end of the world

    Another end of the world may occur on October 12, 2017 - a group of researchers from the USA found out that on this day the land can face a huge space object with a diameter of 40 meters, which is moving at high speed to our planet.

    Scientists believe that the fall in the object in the fall of this year will lead to sad consequences - the ozone layer of the planet will disappear, which will lead to a sharp change in climate and the death of all living things.

    This is not the first similar warning about the end of the world. Of the dangerous asteroids, it is reported often, but every time there is enough space in the solar system so that the cosmic bodies are safely dismissed.

    The death of the earth was predicted repeatedly, but so far none of the forecasts justified
    Humanity threatens another Armageddon - the next end of the world, on the predictions of clairvoyants, is expected on August 19, 2017.

    A terrible tragedy was predicted by one of the most famous and revered Saints Matron and one of the most mysterious predictions of the XX century Wang.

    During the existence of the Earth, the death of our planet was predicted repeatedly - fortunately, none of them came true, although many sincerely believe in the next such forecasts.

    Of course, theoretically, this is possible - our planet is essentially a star, and the celestial bodies have a certain "shelf life", but no one knows the exact date of this event.

    At the age of twelve, Wangely, together with his sisters, was returned home, it was then that they fell under a strong hurricane, who took the future prunerator for hundreds of meters from his native village.

    After this incident, her eyesight deteriorated sharply, but, nevertheless, she had a chance not to blind. The necessary operation was not able to be held due to the fact that Vanga family did not have necessary toolsSo she spent the rest of his life in blindness.

    Many learned about her during World War II. It was then that he shocked all when he began to talk about the location of the missing soldiers. And since that time, many people began to come to her. Despite the fact that it helped people for free, all the same received, but from the state.

    Vanga died from breast cancer, because she lacked money for the operation, due to the fact that he spent all the money for charity.

    Many psychics, including Vangu, argue that the nineteenth of August of this year a terrible event may occur, which will lead to the end of the world.

    This day, many are associated with a global catastrophe on Earth. In the prophecy of Vanga, it is said that humanity will grieve, due to the loss of a huge number of people.

    People accept the next "end of the world" skeptical, because previously there were similar predictions that did not happen. Wang claimed that it was August 19, 2017, many people would die in connection with the war, which can begin in minutes, if at least one of the conflict countries will begin active actions.

    In addition, the appearance told the phrase: "The moment will come when the people go with the desert." Specialists who are engaged in deciphering Wangeli's predictions suggest that we are talking about the inhabitants of Africa and some residents of Asian countries. After all, it is now really a tremendous number of people move to Europe.

    Therefore, its other misty hints at the war at the end of the summer of 2017 quite have chances to come true.

    Almost before his death, Matron saw the events that should happen in 2017. Her words "without warrior will die everything on Earth and will be in the distant 2017" already begin to catch the waves of fear of people.

    Matron calls on humanity to turn to God, it's not too late, do not stop praying, because the end of the world is no longer around the corner. She argued that difficult times would come, filled with sorrow and pain.

    Great Clairvoyant even called an approximate date of the Apocalypse - autumn 2017. According to her, everything will happen in the evening, the war will come without war and thousands of damaged bodies will be just lying on the streets.

    Indeed, her prophecy will inspire a crying horror and want to believe that the Matron was mistaken. Of course, avid skeptics do not believe like predictions and hurry to turn to science to find a reasonable explanation of statements clairvoyant.

    But even modern scientists cannot give one hundred percent guarantee that in the near future our planet will not face any celestial body that will launch the process of destroying all the lives that is on earth.

    Despite the pessimistic attitude of Matrona predictions, humanity does not cease to believe in the best times. After all, even a great predictor said that after the apocalypse, calm and peace would come. The surviving people will build new, happy states without aggression and hatred.

    Whether the end of the world will come in 2017 - it is hard to predict. Only time can help in this issue ...

    The next coming end of the world is discussed in Russia. Allegedly Holy Matron predicted that it would happen on August 19, 2017.

    "At sunset, all people will fall to the ground, and at sunrise rise, and the world will become different. And people are waiting for the great grief, which they have not yet been tested, "such a phrase is attributed to the saint.

    And someone in it sincerely believes. Meanwhile, our planet has repeatedly predicted death. Fortunately, until these predictions come true. However, ready to be needed to everything, and therefore we publish the schedule of the coming ends of the world. Just in case.

    With each time these periods became all shorter in time. In this regard, after some time, another turning point may occur in the history of our state, which is very likely to turn the catastrophe.

    Dates of the future "ends of the world"

    2020 year

    That the end of the world will come in this year, I calculated Isaac Newton, who, in turn, took the basis of biblical predictions. The exact date is not specified. But wait and see.

    2023 year

    According to the prediction of Nostradamus, the earth will come down from its orbit. Well, in general, nothing can be done, we will wait.

    2036 year

    It is assumed that by this time the Asteroid Apophis should fly to the ground. However, the new data of scientists prove that the possibility of a collision of this asteroid with our planet is extremely unlikely.

    2098 year

    Another space catastrophe predicts Elias Otis, which built his calculations at the revelation of John the Bogoslov.

    2242 year

    In his writings, Ibn Ezra Abraham (XII century) and Abu Mashhar (IX century) argue that this year the era of the Sun will end and the world catastrophe will come.

    2780 year

    This end of the world was designed for prophetic icons written at the end of the XVIII century on the predictions of Abel-clairvoyant.

    3000 year

    Astrophysics from Oxford University argue that this year it will take the end of the world. And the reason for this will serve as a meteoric flow of Taurida, which will pass through the solar system.

    3797 year

    The next forecast of the catastrophe from Nostradamus. It is believed that this prophecy is in his "letter to the son of Caesar."

    4006 November 1

    Allegedly, this date of the end of the world was encrypted by Leonardo da Vinci on his most mysterious fresco "The Last Supper".

    Called the exact date of the end of the world

    Another apocalypse, who scares humanity, should come on October 12, 2017. This time, all living things threatens to destroy the space object with a diameter of 40 meters.

    Terrible predictions about the death of humanity appear with enviable regularity. A new threat to the earth civilization was wondering in space. A group of researchers noticed the mysterious object with a diameter of 40 meters approaching our planet at high speed.

    According to experts, this Bulletin of the Apocalypse will face Earth on October 12, 2017 and the consequences will be terrible. The planet will disappear the ozone layer, which will lead to a sharp climate change and the death of all living things.

    This is not the first such warning about the end of the world. Of the dangerous asteroids, it is reported often, but every time there is enough space in the solar system so that the cosmic bodies are safely dismissed.

    According to The Mirror edition, April 19 to Earth for 1.1 million miles (1.8 million kilometers) approach the giant asteroid. According to experts, this object did not approach our planet for such a distance of the last 400 years. The next time it will happen in 500 years, they assured.

    Future from Vangi.

    • 2008 - an attempt on the four heads of governments. Conflict at Industan. This will be one of the reasons for the Third World War.
    • 2010 - the beginning of the Third World War. War will begin in November 2010 and will be completed in October 2014. It will begin as usual, the nuclear first will be applied first, and then chemical weapons.
    • 2011 - As a result of the fallout of radioactive precipitation in the northern hemisphere, no animals will remain nor vegetation. Then Muslims will begin a chemical war against the remaining Europeans.
    • 2014 - Most people will suffer with glasses, skin cancer, etc. skin diseases (a consequence of a chemical war).
    • 2016 - Europe is almost deserted.
    • 2018 - China's new world power is becoming. Developing countries are converted from exploited in the exploiters.
    • 2023 - Earth's orbit will change a bit.
    • 2025 - Europe still has little settled.
    • 2028 - Creating a new source of energy (probably it is a controlled thermonuclear reaction). Hunger is gradually overcome. Starts a piloted spacecraft to Venus.
    • 2033 - Polar ice melt. The level of the world's ocean increases.
    • 2043 - The global economy is flourishing. Muslim law in Europe.
    • 2046 - Any organs are grown. The replacement of the organs becomes one of the best treatments.
    • 2066 - During the attack on the US Muslim Rome apply the new kind Weapons - climatic. Sharp cooling.
    • 2076 - Classless society (communism).
    • 2088 - a new disease - aging in a few seconds.
    • 2097 - Fast aging defeated.
    • 2100 - Artificial Sun illuminates the dark side of the Earth.
    • 2111 - People become cyborgs (live robots).
    • 2125 - in Hungary will receive signals from space.
    • 2130 - Colonies under water (using aliens tips).
    • 2164 - animals are converted into a cruciety.
    • 2167 - New religion.
    • 2183 - Colony on Mars becomes a nuclear power and requires independence from the Earth (as the United States from England).
    • 2187 - It will be possible to stop the eruption of two large volcanoes.
    • 2196 - Full mixing of Asians and Europeans.
    • 2201 - Thermonuclear processes slow down in the sun. Chill.
    • 2221 - In search of extraterrestrial life, humanity comes into contact with something terrible.
    • 2256 - Spaceship He listed on the ground a new terrible disease.
    • 2262 - the orbits of the planets are gradually changing. Mars threatens comet.
    • 2273 - Mixing yellow, white and black races. New races.
    • 2279 - energy from nothing (probably from vacuum or from black holes).
    • 2288 - Travel in time. New contacts with aliens.
    • 2291 - The sun cools. Attempts are being made to light it again.
    • 2296 - Powerful outbreaks in the sun. Changes the force of attraction. Start old old space stations and satellites.
    • 2299 - In France - partisan movement against Islam.
    • 2302 - new important laws and secrets of the Universe are open.
    • 2341 - Something terrible approaches Earth from space.
    • 2354 - an accident on one of the artificial suns leads to drought.
    • 2371 - Great Hunger.
    • 2378 - a new rapid ross.
    • 2480 - Two artificial sun will face. Land at dusk.
    • 3005 - War on Mars. Violated the trajectories of the planets.
    • 3010 - Comet will roll the moon. Around the Earth is a belt of stones and dust.
    • 3797 - By this time, all living things will die on Earth, but humanity will be able to lay the foundations for a new life in another star system.