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  • Why is the surface of Mars red? Solar system. Venus - Blue scale

    Why is the surface of Mars red?  Solar system.  Venus - Blue scale

    It is very easy to find Mars by looking at the night sky. It is the only planet that glows with a reddish light, so it is in stark contrast to the nearby white twinkling stars. The planets glow with unblinking light. Photos transferred by automatic space station The Viking, which visited Mars in 1976, showed that the Martian landscape closely resembles the desert landscape of Arizona.

    Mars surface

    The ground is covered with rocks. Boulders are scattered among the moving sand dunes. Flat mountains look into the gentle pink sky. Even on a summer morning, the pools of water were frozen, and the red rocks were whitened with solidified carbon dioxide.

    Interesting fact: Mars is red because there is a lot of iron oxide in its soil.

    This mineral reflects red rays, which is why it is painted in such colors. In other words, the soil on Mars contains a lot of rust. So if you want to see firsthand what color Mars is, then admire the old rusty cast-iron pan. The wind drives particles of Martian soil across the planet's surface, covering the gray volcanic rocks with a thick layer of rust.

    Storms on Mars

    "Dusty Devils" - furiously spinning tornadoes - throw soil dust into the atmosphere. The fury of Martian storms often exceeds all conceivable limits, enveloping the entire planet in an impenetrable red cloud. Even in calm weather, some dust is suspended in the atmosphere of Mars, the sky is colored reddish.

    The cosmos has always attracted with its mystery and obscurity. For many centuries, people have tried to solve its riddles. Today, with the development of the space industry, the study of the solar system and distant galaxies has reached a completely different level. Of course, much still remains unknown and hidden from our understanding, but everything is still ahead.

    In this article, we will look at one of the planets in the solar system - Mercury. You will learn a lot of interesting things about this celestial body: how long is the day and year here, whether it has satellites and rings, and much more.

    Which planet is from the Sun?

    Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. Until 2006, this title was held by Pluto. But at the congress of the General Assembly of the IAU, which took place on August 24, it was decided to deprive him of the status of a big planet.

    The distance from Mercury to the Sun is 57.9 million km. Unlike other planets, it is closest to the luminary. It is followed by Venus, Earth and Mars, followed by the celestial giants: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. So, Mercury is the planet of the solar system, which is located first from the sun.

    Celestial object color

    Images taken from space satellites and ground-based telescopes made it possible to determine exactly what color Mercury is. The entire surface of the planet is covered with gray rocks, which arose as a result of the solidification of molten lava. The cooling of magma and the formation of rocky rocks took place billions of years ago. Mercury is now a planet entirely of bare rocks. According to scientists, for several million years there have been no signs of activity of erosion and tectonic processes on it. The change in the landscape of the planet occurs only due to the fall of meteorites, which leave behind furrows on the surface of Mercury.

    Geologists who have studied the images claim that at the moment not a single active volcano has been recorded at the moment. What color Mercury could be if it was colored by streams of hot magma - one can only guess. But today it appears before us as a faceless gray planet.

    Landscape research

    Thanks to the development of the space industry, people have the opportunity to better know our universe, including information about the planets of the solar system. Consider Mercury:

    1. A day on the planet lasts approximately 59 Earth days. This is how long it takes for Mercury to complete one revolution around its axis.
    2. The planet makes a circle around the Sun in almost 88 Earth days. This is exactly how long a year lasts here.
    3. Temperature fluctuations are very significant. At night, the planet's surface cools down to -183 degrees Celsius, and during the day the Sun heats Mercury to +430 degrees. The thing is, the planet cannot keep warm.
    4. Depending on how far Mercury is from the Sun, the composition of its exosphere (a type of atmosphere) changes. Scientists have found that it contains sodium, calcium and magnesium. The concentration of these substances changes with the approach and distance from the luminary.
    5. Although Mercury is quite difficult to find in the sky, our ancestors knew about its existence thousands of years ago.
    6. There are only two planets in the solar system that do not have natural satellites or rings. These include Venus and Mercury.
    7. This planet has the largest reserves of sulfur. Water ice and organics have also been found on Mercury.

    All colors affect a person in a certain way. Each color is associated with the planet, which endows a person with special qualities, talents and skills. To figure out which flowers are favorable, it is not necessary to go to an astrologer, you can, by the description of flowers and planets, determine which color is right for you.

    The planet Mercury, the most intelligent planet, is responsible for the green color in Vedic astrology. This color gives a person a sense of novelty, a desire to do something new, a surge of strength and a thirst for knowledge. This is the color of businessmen, students, people of science.
    Green color gives a person:
    * New creative ideas;
    * Desire to study, go to courses, improve qualifications;
    * Develops useful communication skills;
    * Helps to establish business connections;
    * Accelerates the thinking process;
    * Gives talent in building your own business and solving numerous daily problems.

    To whom green is contraindicated:
    * Those who are experiencing overexertion or chronic fatigue;
    * Those who are overwhelmed by the active mental activity;
    * Those who want a rest;
    * Those who are inclined to accumulate unnecessary knowledge;
    * Who has a predisposition to nervous diseases;
    * Who is confused in their thoughts, cannot make a decision and who is prone to reckless actions.

    For the blue color in Vedic astrology, the planet is responsible - Saturn - the planet of workaholics with great endurance and self-control. The blue color gives a person a feeling of peace, adjusts for a long and hard work, helps to enjoy the process, not the result. This is the color of old people and assiduous people, people who are not tuned in to easy profit, but are ready to work for a long time for a promising task. This is the color of big politicians and businessmen, or vice versa, the most detached people and ascetics.

    Blue gives a person:
    * Endurance, ability to make informed decisions, depth of thinking;
    * Develops diligence and desire to perform complex tasks;
    * Focus on long-term and serious results;
    * Desire to deal with socially significant issues;
    * Desire to help common people, the old and the disadvantaged, and take care of the servants;
    * Ability to wait for a long time and do little in life.

    Whom blue is contraindicated for:
    * Those with poor health;
    * Those who are prone to slowness and depression;
    * Those who find it difficult to keep their promises;
    * Those who need to make a quick decision;
    * Those who lack self-control and patience.

    For the gold and ruby ​​color in Vedic astrology, the planet Sun is responsible - the planet of status and position. This color gives a person the desire for big money, power and status. It is a planet of political leaders, presidents, kings and people of leadership.

    Gold and ruby ​​colors give a person:
    * Self-confidence, good self-esteem;
    * Purposefulness and determination;
    * Ability to declare oneself, good clear speech and health;
    * Desire to be a leader and lead other people;
    * Desire to be in the spotlight;
    * Desire to take care of others;
    * Gaining luxury and fame.

    Gold color should be avoided:
    * Those who have problems with the heart, digestion;
    * Those who are inclined to criticize others;
    * Those who have problems in relationships with their father or men;
    * Those who are not inclined to care about others;
    * Those who have weak immunity and are prone to infectious and viral diseases.

    For the white color in Vedic astrology, the planet is responsible - the Moon - the planet of purity and correct thoughts. White and silver give a person good character in general, a stable psyche, a desire to take care of others, confidence and strength of character, life wisdom.

    White color gives the person:
    * Calmness, confidence and inner strength;
    * Develops gentleness, kindness and love;
    * Gives a feeling of freshness and novelty, clears the thoughts of a person;
    * Develops good qualities character;
    * Strengthens the nerves and psyche.

    White should be avoided:
    * Those who are prone to nervous breakdowns and mental disorders;
    * Those who have an imbalance in the water balance in the body, kidney problems;
    * Those who doubt their decisions for a long time;
    * Those who lack strength of character;
    * Those who are prone to excessive emotionality are too touchy.

    For the yellow-beige color in Vedic astrology, the planet Jupiter is responsible - the planet of spirituality, wisdom and prosperity, and Jupiter also protects children. This color gives a person success in all matters - both worldly and spiritual. This is the color of people associated with the law, the color of spiritual and moral personalities.

    A yellow-beige color gives a person:
    * Full realization in the spiritual and material sense;
    * Helps to attract material wealth;
    * Improves relationships with the law;
    * Helps during pregnancy and childbirth;
    * Improves relationships with children;
    * Gives status and power;
    * Helps to find a spiritual teacher or mentor.

    Yellow-beige color (champagne, Ivory) universal, so there are no contraindications for wearing. Unless you want to become rich, wise and spiritual, then you can not wear this color.

    These colors in Vedic astrology belong to Venus - the planet of art and beauty. These colors develop creative talents and are good for women to wear. It is the color of creative people of all professions.

    What do these colors give to a person:
    * Develop a sense of taste and Creative skills;
    * Improve mood, energize and positive;
    * Help to enjoy life and give a festive mood;
    * Help develop femininity;
    * Help to get out of difficult emotional states, contribute to the disclosure of a person's potential.
    * Attract love.

    The colors of Venus should be avoided:
    * People with an excess of creative energy;
    * Those who need to "ground" and return to their daily duties;
    * Those who lack seriousness in life;
    * Who is prone to alcohol and cigarette abuse.
    * Too amorous natures.

    Red in Vedic astrology belongs to Mars - the planet of war and power. This color gives a person determination, a desire to achieve their goals and develops will. It is the color of police officers, judges, athletes, people working with fire, leaders, and also doctors.

    The color red gives a person:
    * Desire to achieve your goals;
    * Develops the qualities of a leader;
    * Gives the desire to go in for sports;
    * Love for order and logical thinking;
    * Develops will and determination;
    * Desire to take care of the weak.

    Red should be avoided:
    * People who are often injured, bruised or cut;
    * Those who get into accidents and unpleasant adventures;
    * Who have had frequent operations, surgery;
    * Who is too angry;
    * Who likes to solve issues by force;
    * Those who direct their power to destruction, not creation.

    DARK BROWN, EARTHY - RAHU COLOR (shadow planet in Vedic astrology)
    Brown color in Vedic astrology belongs to Rahu - the planet of extremes and deception. Rahu gives a tendency to deception, immorality, low behavior. Rahu is a planet of criminals, thieves, people who are ready to sacrifice moral and ethical principles for profit, dirty businessmen and politicians, scientists, meat-eaters and prostitutes. These are people who are ready to go over their heads, for their own profit.

    A dark brown color gives a person:
    * Exit difficult situation;
    * New creative ideas;
    * Invention of new modern technologies using electricity, plastic and hazardous materials;
    * Progress in scientific research;
    * Desire for quick profit and profit.

    Dark brown should be avoided:
    * Those who have problems with alcohol, gambling;
    * For those who strive for spiritual development;
    * Those who want to bring good to people;
    * Those who monitor their health.

    GRAY, SMOKE - KETU COLOR (second shadow planet in astrology)
    Gray belongs to the planet Ketu - the second planet of extremes, but with the ability to spiritually progress. Ketu gives a person good intuition, subtle nature and introversion. Ketu is the planet of navigators, magicians and magicians, hypnotists.

    Gray color gives a person:
    * Develops intuition, subtle vision;
    * Helps to remain invisible;
    * Develops esoteric and mystical abilities;
    * Helps in painstaking work;
    * Gives the desire for spiritual progress and liberation from the cycle of rebirth in samsara.

    Gray should be avoided:
    * Immoral personalities;
    * Who have hallucinations;
    * Who feels that life bypasses him;
    * Who has problems in relationships with society;
    * Who feels depressed and alone.

    The color of the planets largely depends on the composition of the substances of which it is composed. This is why the planets look different. Ongoing research in space allows us to get more and more information about the color of the planets in the solar system. The search for cosmic bodies outside of it is being carried out.

    The solar system is the most colorful

    There are not many planets in the solar system. Some of them were calculated by physicists and mathematicians even before the advent of modern telescopes. And the subsequent development of astronomical science and technology made it possible to see and identify the colors of the planets of the solar system.

    So, in order:

    • Mercury is a gray planet. The color is determined by the absence of atmosphere and water, only rock is present.
    • Next comes the planet Venus. Its color is yellowish-white, this is the color of the clouds that envelop the planet. Clouds are a product of hydrochloric acid vapor.
    • Earth is a blue, light blue planet with a cover of white clouds. The color of the planet is largely determined by the water cover.
    • The "Red Planet" is the well-known name for Mars. In fact, it is red-orange. According to the color of the desert soil with a large amount of iron.
    • Large liquid ball - Jupiter. Its main color is orange-yellow with the presence of colored stripes. The colors are formed by clouds of ammonia and ammonium gases.
    • Saturn is pale yellow, also the color is formed by clouds of ammonia, under the clouds of ammonia there is liquid hydrogen.
    • Uranus has a light blue color, but unlike Earth, the color is formed by methane clouds.
    • The planet is green, Neptune, although it is rather a shade of blue, since Neptune is the twin of Uranus and the color of the planet Neptune is determined by the presence of methane clouds, and its surface is darker due to its distance from the Sun.
    • Pluto, due to the presence of dirty methane ice on the surface, is light brown in color.

    Are there any more planets

    Astrologers and astrophysicists have been searching for and discovering exoplanets for many decades. This is the name for the planets outside the solar system. Telescopes placed in Earth's orbit are actively helping in this, which take pictures and try to give an accurate idea of ​​what color the planet still exists. The main goal of these works is to find an inhabited planet similar to the Earth in cosmic silence.

    In the search parameters, the main criterion is the glow of the planet, or rather the reflection of its glow from the star, in the image of the Earth. Blue-white is not the only shade. According to scientists, a planet with red spectrum radiation can also be habitable. Most of the Earth is reflected from the water surface, this is a blue-white glow, and the reflection from the continent with vegetation will have a reddish tint.

    So far, the discovered exoplanets are very similar in characteristics to Jupiter.

    Each planet has a specific color. By mixing different shades, you can achieve completely unique properties and qualities.

    Sun - Orange gamut

    The sun responsible for protecting the body, health, life values ​​and everything else that concerns the human ego. Therefore, the use of orange colors carries these energies. When using the orange scale, a desire is created to defend and move away from possible irritants.

    The moon is white, milky colors

    White gamut Are the colors of acceptance and sensitivity. They are best used in activities and projects related to concentration and attention. White is the best background for reading and learning. White color gives emotional relaxation and calmness.

    Mars - red scale

    Mars is a planet of power and energy. Therefore, the red range of colors first of all gives an impulse to activity and decisive action. Most often, I use red colors in the design of very visited places, so that people make decisions faster. Contact the red scale when you want to get the strength to be active.

    Mercury - green gamut

    Green gamut sets a high pace for intelligence and communication. If you need to sell or find something mutual language with people - green colors will make these processes easy and relaxed.

    Jupiter - yellow scale

    Learning, knowledge, growth and development associated with the yellow scale ruled by Jupiter. Yellow colors can provide motivation and a desire for knowledge if the beholder wants to develop, but they can also exert pressure if the person is passive and inert. So use this scale carefully.

    Venus - Blue scale

    From time immemorial, blue colors bear energy of tenderness and romance... The blue scale is best used to attract women and romantic people. The best color for attracting partners and life companions. The blue scale awakens creativity.

    Saturn - black and blue scale

    Black is the color of order, which is why businessmen and serious people love him so much. Worth fearing side effect black - depression and stagnation, which is mixed with this range. Arm yourself with black colors if you need to make an impression of a business person, hardened by experience.

    Ketu - violet range

    Purple colors are pretty ambiguous... On the one hand, this is the highest degree of spirituality and liberation from the captivity of matter. On the other hand, the violet scale can carry the spirit of schizophrenia and inner confusion. Be careful with this scale.

    Rahu - colorful and rich scales

    It is also worth mentioning that mixing colors gives unique combinations of planetary energies. Here are some examples:

    Pink = Red (Mars) + White (Moon). The pink color clearly indicates sexuality and a subtle hint. Many girls who like to subtly attract attention use pink tones in their wardrobe.

    Brown = Green (Mercury) + Red (Mars). The brown range is a vintage classic that carries an active message to people and is distinguished by a pleasant visual pressure.

    Mix colors and get the desired combinations of planets!

    Roman Gavrilov