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  • Earth has two natural satellites. Materials crossed out of official history. The Moon is the Earth's satellite

    Earth has two natural satellites. Materials crossed out of official history. The Moon is the Earth's satellite

    The science

    Scientists found out that our planet had once two moon. Little in size the twin of the moon existed only a few million yearsAnd then ran into our companion, followed by now we have the opportunity to observe.

    This theory was nominated at a conference dedicated to the Moon, Professor Eric Asfaug (Erik Asphaug) from the University of California Santa Cruz.

    Most planets our Solar systemWith the exception of the Earth there are several satellites. So, Marsa 2 have 2, Jupiter - 66, at Saturn - 62, in uranium - 27, and Neptune - 13.

    Scientists still do not know why the earth has only one natural satellite - Moon. But maybe they were once more?

    The Moon is the Earth's satellite

    According to the theory, the second moon rotated around the Earth at the same speed and distance, and her slightly sucked until she collided on the other, connecting into a single whole.

    The tidal forces and the gravity of the Sun, most likely led to the instability of the orbits of the moon, which led to a collision. This can explain the asymmetry of the cortex of the moon, as the surface of the moon facing the ground is low and flat, and the reverse side is covered with craters and mountains.

    The diagram shows four stages of the collision of two moons about 4 billion years ago.

    Professor Asphaug believes that the mountain landscape of the moon is the remains of a smaller satellite after the merger. It is assumed that the size of the twin was about one thirtieth size of today's moon.

    The land and the moon were formed between 30 and 130 million years after the birth of our solar system, which occurred 4.6 billion years ago.

    Last year, scholars from Harvard put forward the theory that the moon was once part of the Earth, which was disconnected after a collision with another celestial body.

    Recently, astronomers have found three more planets, similar to EarthRotating around one star that may be able to maintain life.

    Researchers believe that in our galaxy can be up to 100 billion planets similar to Earth.

    Rotation of the Moon around the Earth

    The moon makes turn around the earth for 27.3 days. The Luna orbit is an average of 385,000 km from the ground.

    Like other planets of the solar system, the orbit of the moon is not round, but elliptical.

    With the nearest point, called Pergehey, the moon is located in 364 397 km from the ground. With a further point called apogee, it is located 406,731 km from our planet. When the moon is full and closest to the ground, it is visible more and brighter.

    - 11898

    Watching the night sky, we see one single moon - inspiring romantics and forcing wolves. But, in the solar system, it has already become a rule that the planet has several moon. For example, Jupiter has 67. On Mars will completely come for the moon, a couple of asteroids. Why does the earth have one moon? And was it always so?

    Perhaps billions of years ago, they were not alone. Also, the strange reverse side of our moon testifies to this, in which, maybe another moon crashed into the top layer of the satellite for tens of kilometers. The multi-billion story of our planet assumes that the moon could appear and "leave", just as it happens on Mars, having, truth for a while, two moon, the larger of which - Phobos, gradually on the helix goes to the planet with which it may encounter For the next ten million years. And then, as on earth, one moon will remain on the red planet - Dimimos.

    There is a possibility that the land in the future will be "caught" another moon, like Triton, who rotates in the opposite of the neptune side. This testifies that he, coming to the planet close, was seized by it from the belt of the bed.

    This event as a five-meter asteroid, which for the period from 2006 to 2007, was approaching our planet for the period from 2006 to 2007, was finally revealed. Could such events occur in the past?
    It is possible that there are satellites today, the small sizes of which do not allow them to open them. Scientists calculated that hundreds of years may be in the orbit of the Earth, the heavenly bodies, the size of which in the diameter does not exceed the meter until the gravity is poured.
    In addition, there are objects intersecting in a strange way with earthly orbit, which scientists do not belong to the moon, but which are located next to us. In orbital resonance, for example, with our planet is an asteroid 3753 Cruithne. He flies around the shone for the year, as well as the orbit of his fairly large eccentricity. There are other similar objects.

    Trojan asteroid, named 2010 TK7, the only one of the famous, around the Sun rotates one with an orbit earth, but takes a stable point in space

    To say how many or it was, the moon can not be for sure, but today you need to appreciate what we have.

    The legacy of the ancestors about the Luna states the following:
    Three Midgard Lands - Lelia, Fatt, month

    In ancient times, our Midgard-Earth system had two moon - Lelia and a month, then there were three moon before the bridge of black people, now one moon remained. The memory of the Three Moon has been preserved in legends of India and Russia.

    Three Midgard Luna Luna

    Lelia is the very closest to Midgard Moon, with a period of circulation of 7 days. Ancient legends say that there were 50 seas on the little on, i.e. This is not just a cold stone, but she had its own atmosphere.

    111 thousand years ago, Mrak's forces were gathered to attack Midgard-Earth and capture her. Dazhibogu had to destroy Lelo, one blow. The eldest and younger Edda, Vishnu Puran, Mahabharat and Sanyti Vedas Perun, are written about the destruction of Leli and the first Flood on Midgard-Earth.

    Waters of the Moon, that flood was created
    on Earth from heaven, they fell a rainbow,
    for the moon split into parts
    and Midgard's waters went down to Midgard.
    Vedas Perun, Santia 9.
    Fatt is a period of circulation of 13 days. Fatt our ancestors dragged the Earth. In Greek myths, Fatt is called Phaeton.

    Moon Fatt was destroyed 13 thousand years ago. Large fragree Fatty got into Pacific Ocean, and the gigantic wave on the equator triggered the Earth three times. It is believed that Antlaun (Atlantis) died at this time. At that time, many people died, so the number 13 became terrible, and the name "Fatt" gave a new phrase - fatality, as an inevitability, something predetermined.

    On the fatal trace of the fate moon

    Everyone knows the meaning of the Words of the Fat and Fatal (fatal outcome), but we will talk about the origin of these words, that they are born. Income, it will be about another one-sided word - "Fatt" - Moon Fatt.

    The moon has always did not give peace to people. It personifies the unconscious perception of the world - the reflection of the sun light at night.
    The moon is given to people so that we can distinguish the light in the darkness. In each of us at the level of feelings, emotions, at the level of irrational knowledge there is a skill to distinguish light from darkness.

    "... And the light in the darkness shines and darkness did not argue it ..."

    The unconscious - means the feminine. Women prevailing the unconscious right hemisphere of the brain. And in many cults, the Moon deity was and is precisely beautiful half.
    In some, even two or three people.
    This can be attributed to a special attitude to the revered celestial luminaire, but we can also conclude that there were several shining.

    Having dropped into the world of the past, it can be found that there were two powerful cataclysm, provoked by an external stimulus on Earth. These stimuli and once were two fallen moon.

    It is no secret that many dozens of works of work burned in Alexandria, the Romans burned, in other countries there was also a similar way of war - the memory and knowledge of generations was destroyed. And now, in the preventable history, there are no mentions about several satellites of the Earth, but there are descriptions of the fall of the moon.

    So what happened? Where are two moon going? After all, after all, there were three of them!

    Of course, the influence of three luns created a completely different climate on Earth and the world Different from our. Amazing finds of archaeologists indirectly confirm this information, but now we will not discuss them.

    We will see where the sisters of our month lived before: Lelia and Fata.

    Our stars can tell a lot, no need to disclose books. It is better for them to open and they will open you.

    By running a hand in this wonderful heap of the shone, you can scarce such an interesting space object as the Trojan asteroid.

    It is located near the earth, in a stable orbit and rotates around the Sun along the same trajectory as the Earth.

    "... these chosenses, the rulers of gray, cung down together with the moon overnight ..."
    Unfortunately, it was not without a disaster.

    Our ancestors lived in Daaria for a long time - continent on the North Pole of Midgard-Earth.
    The image of the outlines of the continent of Daaria is preserved on the wall of one of the pyramids in Giza. In 1595, this card was published by Rudolph - the son of Herard Mercator.

    The northern country is also mentioned in the Scandinavian sagas and Bulgarian legends.

    After the destruction of Leli, Darium was absorbed by the water of the Ice Ocean.

    The death of the mainland and catastrophe was predicted by the Magitis by Savior, so the Slavic-Aryan peoples began to move along the curvature formed by the Ripia Mountains (Urals) at the beginning to the South Urals area, and then settled the Island of Buyan in the East Sea (West Siberian elevation).

    "And when the big revolution was approached in the sky of the sky far, when the Atlanta was waiting for the fall on the ground of the three of her lunas and, as a result of such a fall, the flooding of the mainland, on which they lived, they prepared for the giant flood and built the cities that should have covered His waters Ocean "
    (The legend "intended")

    After a 16-year-old transition from Daaria in mating and followed after the flood, the feast was founded to Easter (abbreviation letters - by Assa Walking by this). The tradition that arose to paint and beat each other eggs, which symbolized: a broken egg - a symbol of the deceased Moon Leli, and the whole egg of Tarh-Dazhbog. He destroyed the moon together with the blasphemes on it, to destroy Midgard-Earth to destroy Midgard-Earth.

    Our Trojan asteroid is not the rest of those distant events, rotating today along the trajectory of the Earth ...

    Here is a description, as it happened ..

    At the time of the Great Resettlement after the death of the Luna, H'arysky Rod, led by the Great Chief of Antom, reached the Western (Atlantic) Ocean and stopped on the island in this ocean, on which there were befelling people with flames color. The island began to be called the land of Ants or Antlan (in ancient Greek - Atlantis, i.e. Atlantis). On that land, the Great Leader built as the head (temple) of the trident of the god of the seas and the oceans (god), which patronized people defending them from the forces of evil.

    But the great wealth turned the head of the leaders and priests antlay. Laziness and desire of someone else eclipsed their mind.

    And they began to lie to the gods and people, began to live according to their laws, violating the covenants of wise first and the laws of the God-Creator. And they began to use the power of elements to achieve their goals. In the battle between the people of the White race and the priests of Antlani, who experiment with strength crystals (with the help of which you can modify torsion fields, the kernel of the moons and lands) accidentally destroyed the Fatt moon.

    When destroying Fatty, a huge fragment crashed into the ground in the Western Mainland area (America), as a result of which the slope of the earth's axis was changed by 36 degrees and mainland outlines. The Yaril-Sun began to pass through other celestial parses on the navigation circle. The gigantic wave bypassed the land three times, which led to the death of Antlani and other islands. The increased volcanic activity led to the contamination of the atmosphere, which was one of the causes of the great cooling and glaciation.

    In the ancient Chinese treatise, "Huainanji" is described as follows: "The sky was put on north-west, the sun, the moon and the stars moved."

    On the wall of one of the Mayan pyramids in America there is an inscription "Small Moon crashed."

    Wars and catastrophes are not easy - something in the order of things, and the legitimate order of things is the result of our common mistakes. A person becomes a man when he begins to separate himself from Chaos, who surrounds him.

    Errors are given to us to learn from their example. Our ancestors have already passed this stage. We just need to realize this and make the right conclusions.

    You need to live on conscience, not forgetting that the trace of your mistake goes much further than your life.

    We all know and love the moon. We are so sure that we have only one moon that they did not even give her some kind of special name. All the moon, we have a moon. This is the brightest object of the night sky, and amateur astronomers get genuine pleasure, making a map of its craters and seas. To date, this is the second heavenly body in the universe (as far as we know) with the fingerprints of human feet.

    What you may not know is the fact that the moon is not the only natural satellite of the Earth. More recently, in 1997, we found another body, 3753 Cruithne, - the so-called quasi-bital satellite of the Earth. This means that "cruisters" simply does not make a loop around the earth in the form of an ellipse, like the moon or artificial satellitesthat we launched into orbit. "Cruisters" rotates around the inner solar system along a horseshoe orbit (higher in the image).

    To understand why this orbit is called horseshoe, let's imagine that we are looking at the solar system and rotate at the same speed as the earth rotates around the sun. From our point of view, the Earth will be in a stationary state. The body on a simple horseshoe orbit moves towards the ground, and then unfolds and leaves. Then comes to the ground on the other hand and leaves again.

    Pretty orbits are quite common for the lunas in the solar system. Saturn has several such moons, for example.

    What is unique in the "cruisters", so this is what she swings along his horseshoe. If you look at the "Crewney" movement in the solar system, it makes an uneven circle around the Earth's orbit, swinging so far that he looks in the surroundings of Venus and Mars. "Krytney" draws around the Sun once a year, but it takes about 800 years to complete this uneven circle around the Earth's orbit.

    So, "cruisters" - our second moon. What does she look like? We really do not know. It is only five kilometers in the diameter, which is not very different from the size of a comet 67p / Churyumova - Gerasimenko, which is currently accompanied by the "Rosette" apparatus on the way to the Sun.

    Gravity on the surface of 67p is very weak - a living gait, most likely, will send you to tumble into space. That is why for the planting module "Fila" it was so important to use it harpuna to climb to the surface, and why when landing from bounced from place to place.

    Considering that the "cruisters" for us is a few blurred pixels in the picture, it is safe to say that it is included in the list of middle-size celestial bodies in our system and that any robotic researcher or person will face the same difficulties as "Rosette "And" films "at 67p.

    If "Krytney" falls into the ground, the collision will be terrible and will lead to the event of a catastrophic level, similar to what happened at the end of the chalk period. Fortunately, this will not exactly happen soon - astrophysics have shown that although Crytney can go very close to us, it is unlikely to hit the earth. And it will happen in 2750 years.

    After 8000 years, Kruchney expects a rather close convergence with the Venus. There is a good chance that it will put a cross on our free moon, throwing it from our earthen family.

    "Krytney" is not all

    This story does not end. As a nice house, the Earth takes many wayward boulders who are looking for a gravitational well to get closer. Astronomers found a number of other quasi-bitetal satellites that are friends with the Earth and will remain with us for some time before they go further to new pastures.

    What can we learn about the solar system from "cruisters"? Quite a bit of. Like many other asteroids and comets, it contains material evidence about how planets were going. Her crazy orbit is ideal for learning how solar system Developed under the action of gravity.

    Venus - Possible Parent Moon

    As we noted, until the end of the 20th century, we did not even suspect that heavenly bodies can go to such strange orbits and remain there for a long time. They also indicate that such interactions could occur when the solar system was formed. And since we think that planets earth Group They are formed in the process of collisions with such bodies as "cruisers" and more, this is a new variable.

    Once "Cruisters" can be a place to land for people, and maybe even the place of extraction of rare-earth metals, in which our new technologies are desperately need. And that the most important, "cruiser" tells us that the solar system is not eternal - and we, it turns out, too.

    According to astronomers, the orbit of cruisers has a not quite familiar form for our understanding: so, the satellite moves around the entire solar system in the form of a horseshoe, approaching at the same time with Venus, Mars, Sun and Mercury.


    In order for the cruisers to completely pass the circle, you need almost 790 years. But the diameter of the relatives of the moon is small and is only five kilometers. Astronomer's forecasts say that in two thousand years our second satellite will be as close as possible to Earth, but he should not be theoretically to face it. The fact is that it cannot get closer to our planet closer than 30 million kilometers, and this is 30 times more than the distance to the Moon.

    Another theory relative to the cruisers is more interesting. It is expected that after 7899 satellite Land will pass near Venerwhich will attract it and they are mercy. If nothing extraordinary happens, Venus will absorb cruisers: he will become her new companion. By the way, scientists noted that in our system - not one such satellite. For example, Saturn is three similar "travelers."

    Recall that the new satellite of the Earth, Crytney, was discovered on October 10, 1986 by the British astronomer of Duncan Uadron. He noticed him in a picture with a Schmidt telescope in Australia. The name of the cruister asteroid was given in honor of the first Celtic tribes that inhabited the British Islands.

    The preparation of the solar system to colonization an ancient race was not only in ordering the orbits of the objects of objects around our star. It was necessary to give the necessary parameters of the orbits of the rotation of numerous moons - satellites of the planets (now in our solar system at the planets there is a little more than 60 large moons and more hundreds of small). Our planet is Midgard-Earth - was equipped with three moon: Lelle, Fatta and a month. Some reasons for this abundance of the moon around the Earth Nikolay Levashov explains as follows: "... Thus, the three Midgard-land moon provided the optimal daily cycle for the development of the mind, for the movement of the golden way of spiritual climb ... Three moon, their location on certain near-earth orbits And, of course, the sizes of each of the moons and their weight, beyond any doubt, also created a certain gravitational anomaly. The joint gravitational influence of the three Midgard-Earth Luns provided also a certain qualitative state of space around the planet, a peculiar spatial "creek" to which external processes Have minimal influence ... "

    In our solar system, most planets have moon - Natural satellites, which have more than one and a half hundred. Our planet - Midgard-Earth - now has one moon, the correct name of which - Month. However, academician Nikolay Levashov Reports in their work that about 800 thousand years ago, our planet had 3 satellites (3 mons): Lela, with a period of appeal around Midgar 7 days; Fattu, with a period of rotation of 13 days; and Month, with a period of circulation of 29.5 days (for more details, see the site "RA Food"). Nikolai Viktorovich gave a detailed explanation of the reasons why our ancestors went to incredible efforts and costs, in order to deliver 3 moon to Midgard and give them the necessary parameters of orbits and rotation. That's what he writes about this:

    "The creation of an ancient race of the colony on Midgard-Earth was not an accident, and the implementation of a secret plan for creating new qualities in humans, for the possibility of a future victory over dark forces ... Every absurdity immediately disappears, if we assume that there are unique in our midgard-earth , the only conditions in our universe for the development of a person, as a possible Creator, allowing such a developed person to operate with space and matter at levels inaccessible on any other planet-land! It turns out that our Midgard-Earth is a unique planet! And this is confirmed by all in the same Slavic-Aryan Vedas! ..

    With the help of the moon ancient race, the gravitational influence sought a certain speed of rotation of Midgard-Earth around its axis. And the speed of rotation of the planet-land around its axis determines the duration of the planetary day. Thus, the three Midgard Luna lunas provided an optimal daily cycle to develop a mind to move on the golden way of spiritual climb. But it seems to me that not only that, although the duration of the planetary day is a very important factor for any living organism. Three moon, their location on certain near-earth orbits and, of course, the dimensions of each of the moons and their weight, beyond any doubt, also created a certain gravitational anomaly. The joint gravitational influence of the three Midgard-land lunas provided around the planet also a certain qualitative state of space, a peculiar spatial "creek", which external processes have a minimal effect.

    First of all it concerns negative influence, so-called, Nights Svaroga! Initially, three moon, together with special equipment, which was placed in their subsoil, created a special spatial "oasis" a special spatial "oasis" around Midgard-land, in which there is practically no, the negative impact of the "Nights of Svod" for the evolution of a person. This allowed Midgard-Earth develop faster, without the influence of negative factors created by nature itself ... "

    Confirmation Everything that has been glorified by Russian scientists, is quite difficult to find. But the fact that our land in the past had 3 moon, confirmation was found! On the one hand, many planets of our solar system have more than one satellite, and we have never seen anything unusual in it. For example, Mars has 2 Moon: Phobos and Dimimos. Jupiter - 67 moon; Saturn - 63 satellite; Urain - 27 satellites, etc. And 3 Midgard-land moon on this background is not something out of a series of outgoing. On the other hand, information about the three lunas near our planet is contained in the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" ("Source of Life", 7-8 p.):

    ... and became childbirth to live in this fertile ancient edge from the beginning of time of prosperity, when our great first-enders were convicted in the night heavens three moon.
    Ancient and wise Great Assa called this fertile land of the Holy country, the country of childbirth of Asov or the Earth of Saint race ...

    And from the third party, the archaeologists recently found material confirmation of the existence of three luns near Midgard land. In 1999, a bronze disk was found in the vicinity of the German city, the bronze disk was found. This discovery was dubbed the "heavenly disk". German scientists have determined that the disk is about 3,600 years old, and are now lost in guess, trying to determine the function of this subject. In the end, the disk was attributed to the function "Integrated, astronomical watches that combine the solar and lunar calendar". True, honestly warned that "The function of these hours, in all likelihood, was known only to a small group". Meanwhile, if you know that our planet has not yet long had 3 moon, then everything quickly becomes in its place. It immediately becomes clear what exactly is shown on the disk: it is depicted by Midgard-Earth, and not the sun, and 3 of her satellite - Lelia, Fatt and a month.

    And, what else is interesting - such a picture could be seen only from space, and no later than 113,000 years ago (for 2014). Of course, this does not mean that the disk was created at the time, in no case. For 100 thousand years, any bronze would turn into a duch. But this means that the "picture", depicted on the disk, was "reprinted" from another source, which could "survive" this thousand centuries and donas to us information about the three Midgard-Land Luna ...

    How was the fate of our earthly lunas? Why don't we see them today at the sky?

    The fate of two of the three moon was tragic. According to information from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, Moon Lela (the smallest) destroyed the light hierarch Tarh Purunovich About 113,000 years ago (for 2014), when he discovered the secret bases of the dark forces, already prepared for the attack on Earth. Under the action of gravity, the wreckage of the moon fell to the surface of the planet than caused