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  • The dependence of the relief from external geological processes. Earth relief and its main forms External processes under the influence of which the relief changes

    The dependence of the relief from external geological processes. Earth relief and its main forms External processes under the influence of which the relief changes

    External power - These are such forces that act only on the surface of the subject, but do not penetrate it inside. These forces include all the forces developed by the material object.

    Domestic powers - These are such forces that act immediately to all atoms of the subject, regardless of where they are: on the surface or in the middle of the subject. These forces include the forces of inertia and field force: gravitational, electric, magnetic. And this happens because the field and carrier of the inertia of the physivacum freely penetrate into any body.

    In mechanics external forces with respect to this system of material points (i.e., such a totality of material points in which the movement of each point depends on the provisions or movements of all other points) is called those forces, which represent the action on this system of other bodies (other systems of material points) not included in our Composition of this system.

    The internal forces are the interaction forces between the individual material points of this system. The unit for the external and internal forces is completely conditional: with the change in the specified composition of the system, some forces previously formerly external can become internal and back. So, for example, when considering

    Primer. The movement of the system consisting of the Earth and its satellite of the moon, the strength of the interaction between these bodies will be internal forces for this system, and the forces of the attraction of the Sun, the rest of the planets, their satellites and all stars will be external forces in relation to the specified system. But if you change the composition of the system and consider the movement of the sun and all the planets as traffic common system, then external. Forces there will be only the forces of attraction rendered

    If the loaded body is in equilibrium, then the internal forces are equal to the value of the external forces and are opposite to them in the direction. Obviously, they impede the development of deformation. Work of internal forces (U), taking into account their direction relative to the deformation, is always negative.

    Work of external forces equal to the opposite sign working internal forces:

    Let the element of the rod of length experiencing stretching (Fig. 15.3, a).

    The action of the removed parts of the rod on the element in question is replaced by the longitudinal forces N. These efforts are shown in the figure with dashing lines. In relation to the element, they are like external. The elongation of the element is caused by them. .

    The effect of the element under consideration to the discarded parts is shown in the figure with solid lines. The elementary work of the internal longitudinal forces, gradually increasing, and opposing the development of elongation, according to the Klapairone Theorem, will be expressed by the formula: .

    Elementary work of internal transverse forces () at a pure shear (Fig. 15.3, b)

    With a pure shear, tangent stresses are evenly distributed throughout the cross section and are determined by the formula :.

    The absolute shift of the right cross section of the element relative to the left section, taking into account the law of the throat, is:,

    then .

    With transverse bending, tangent stresses are separated by the cross section unevenly. In this case, the expression for the elementary operation of the internal distinguishing forces can be represented as: where k is a coefficient depending on the form cross section rod. For example, for a rectangular cross section.

    Elementary work of domestic effort when crashes

    The rotation of the right cross section of the element relative to the left cross section, occurring under the action of the external torque (), shown (see Fig. 15.3, c) with duct lines, is: .

    Then the operation of the internal torque (they are not shown in the figure) on this corner of rotation is determined by the formula: .

    Now let the rod element experience bend. And let its right cross section turn into an angle of rotation in relation to the left section (see Fig. 15.3, d).

    Then the inner bending moments shown (see Fig. 15.3, d) with solid lines, will make a turn on this angle:


    With simultaneous stretching, tension and direct transverse bending of the rod (taking into account the fact that the operation of each of the inner efforts on movements caused by the rest of the effort is zero) we obtain the following expression for the elementary operation of the internal forces of elasticity:

    Integrating the expression along the entire length of the rod, finally get formula of the internal forces.

    External forces - weathered, wind work, work of fluid (erosion), work of snow and ice, activities of waves and tides, the action of gravity

    The activities of the external forces generally leads to the destruction of rocks, the slanting ground, and the demolition of the destruction products from high places to lower. This process is called denudation. The demolished material accumulates in low places - valleys, basins, depressions. This process is called accumulation. The destruction of rocks near the surface of the Earth under the action of various factors - weathelation prepares the material for moving. Weathered can be three species - physical, chemical and biological.

    The role of water that fell into cracks is especially great, almost always available in rocks. Freezing, it expands, spreads the edges of the crack; Ottayaya, follows from it by carrying out the destroyed particles.

    No less important force, under the influence of which relief changes - manifestation of gravity. These are such natural phenomena as sat down, landslides, collaps and scratch. The activity of fluid is formed in the relief of beams, ravines and huge canyons. Thanks to the carstam, mountain caves and funnel appear.

    Sea waves and tides are contributed to the change in relief. They destroy the shores, carry destroyed material and move it at different distances along the coast, forming coastal shafts and beaches, constantly change the coastline.

    On the surface of mountain glaciers and in their thicker, fragments of rocks, sand, dust from the surrounding rocks and slopes of the valleys are moved. When melting the glacier, all this material falls onto the earth's surface. Ice mass itself is capable of providing a strong forming effect on the relief. Under its impact, glacier valleys of the trough-shaped form are formed - the triggers, pointed peaks - kallets, huge bullets - Moraine. Glaciers contribute to the formation of Undree and mountain varies. As a result of erosion, the earth and rocks acquire a strange form, change the color, form bizarre figures.

    Another important element that affects the relief state is the wind. The most striking example of its activities are sand veryans.

    And the last external force, which does not apply to natural phenomena, belongs to human activity. With the help of mechanisms, it is able to pull out gigantic careers or heat.

    1. Pads temperature. With the first rays of the sun, the snow and ice starts to melting high in the mountains. Water penetrates all cracks and rooted rocks. At night, the temperature drops a few degrees below zero, and the water turns into ice. At the same time, it increases in a volume by 9% and spreads cracks, expanding and deepening them. So goes on day after day, year after year, while some crack will separate from the main massif, a piece of rock and that will not roll down the slope. Mountain breeds are also exposed to heating, then cooling. In their minerals in them, different thermal conductivity. Expanding and shrinking, they tear down the robust links among themselves. When these bonds are completely destroyed, the breed turns into the sand.
    2. The active impact of plant and animal organisms on rock rocks becomes the cause of biogenic weathera. The roots of plants make mechanical destruction, and the acids that stand out during their livelihoods are chemical. As a result of many years of activity of living organisms, coral reefs arise and the special kind of islands - the atolls formed by the limestone skeletons of marine animals.
    3. Increased owner of open spaces is the wind. Meeting on their way obstacles, it forms the magnificent hills - dunes and the veryans. In the Sahara desert, the height of some of them reaches 200 - 300 meters. In the mountain arrays located in the desert, almost never have a loose material, filling recesses and cracks. That is why there are eolog form of relief, resembling towers, pillars and bizarre castles.
    4. The economic activity of man also causes relief changes. A person extracts minerals, as a result of which careers are formed, builds buildings, the channels, makes the mound and fall asleep the ravines. It is all direct impact, but it may be indirect, which is the creation of favorable conditions for relief-forming processes (the disintegration of the slopes causes rapid growth of ravines).

    So far, we have considered internal relief-forming factors such as movements earth crust, Folding formation, etc. These processes are due to the effect of the internal energy of the Earth. As a result, large form of relief are created, such as mountains and plains. At the lesson, you will learn how the relief was formed and continues to form under the influence of external geological processes.

    Other strengths work on the destruction of rocks chemical. Leaking on cracks, water gradually dissolves rocks (See Fig. 3).

    Fig. 3. Dissolving rocks

    The dissolving capacity of water increases with the content of various gases in it. Some breeds (granite, sandstone) are not dissolved, others (limestone, gypsum) dissolve quite intensively. If water penetrates along cracks into the soluble rock layers, then these cracks are expanding. In those places where water-soluble rocks are close to the surface, it observes numerous failures, funnels and basins. it karst form relief(See Fig. 4).

    Fig. 4. Karst Forms Relief

    Karst - This is the process of dissolving rocks.

    Karst form relief are developed on the Eastern European Plain, the priestly, the Urals and the Caucasus.

    Mountain breeds can be collapped and as a result of the vital activity of living organisms (plants of stone and dr.). it biological weathering.

    Simultaneously with the processes of destruction, the transfer of destruction products into low sections is, thus, the relief is smoothed.

    Consider how a quaternary glaciation formed a modern relief of our country. Glaciers have been preserved to date only on the Arctic Islands and on the highest tops of Russia (See Fig. 5).

    Fig. 5. Glaciers in the mountains of the Caucasus ()

    Going along steep slopes, the glaciers form a special, ice Relief. Such a relief is common in Russia and where there are no modern glaciers, in the northern parts of the Eastern European and West Siberian plains. This is the result of an ancient glaciation, which arose in a quaternary era due to climate cooling (See Fig. 6).

    Fig. 6. Territory of the ancient glaciers

    The largest centers of glaciation at the time were the Scandinavian Mountains, Polar Urals, New Earth Islands, Mountains of the Taimyr Peninsula. The thickness of the ice on the Scandinavian and Kola Peninsula reached 3 kilometers.

    The glaciation arose more than once. It was posted on the territory of our plains with several waves. Scientists believe that it was about 3-4 glaciations that were replaced by interledstial epochs. The last glacial period ended about 10 thousand years ago. The most significant was the glaciation on the Eastern European Plain, where the southern region of the glacier reached 48º-50º s. sh.

    By the south, the amount of precipitation decreased, so in Western Siberia, the glaciation reached only 60º s. sh., and east of Yenisei because of a small amount of snow was even less.

    In the centers of glaciation, from where the ancient glaciers moved, traces of activity in the form of special shapes of the relief - lambs were widespread. These are braids of rocks with scratches and scars on the surface (the slopes facing the movement of the glacier, gentle, and the opposite - cool) (See Fig. 7).

    Fig. 7. Bariums Lob

    Under the action of its own weight, the glaciers spread far from the center of their formation. On the path of their following, they smoothed the relief. A characteristic glacial relief is observed in Russia in the territory of the Kola Peninsula, Timan Kryaga, the Republic of Karelia. The moving glacier scraped the surface of soft loose rocks and even large, solid debris. Clear clay and hard rocks for ice mOREN (deposits of thresholds of rocks formed by glaciers when they move and melting). These breeds were postponed in more southern regions where the glacier melted. As a result, sea hills were formed and even whole naval plains - Valdai, Smolensko-Moscow.

    Fig. 8. Education Moraine

    When the climate has not changed for a long time, the glacier stopped in place and along its edge accumulated single moraine. In the relief, they are represented by curved rows of tens or sometimes even hundreds of kilometers, such as Northern Horses in the Eastern European Plain (See Fig. 8).

    During the melting of glaciers, the flows of melt waters were formed, which were twisted by Morane, so in the areas of the spread of glacial hills and a variety, and especially along the edge of the glacier accumulated water-glacial injuries. Sand flat plains arising from the outstanding glacier, are called - zandrovy(from him. "Zunder" - Sand). Examples of Zandrovy Plains are Meshcherskaya Lowland, Vytnevolzhskaya, Vyatsko-Kamskaya Nizin (See Fig. 9).

    Fig. 9. Education of Zandrovy Plains

    Among the flat-lower hills are widespread water-glacial facilities, obs(from Swedish. "OZ" - Rud). These are narrow ridges, up to 30 meters high and a length of up to several tens of kilometers, in shape resembling railway mounds. They were formed as a result of settlement on the surface of loose nans formed on the surface of glaciers rivers (See Fig. 10).

    Fig. 10. Education of Oz

    All water flowing on land, under the action of gravity, also forms relief. Permanent watercourses - rivers - form river valleys. With temporary watercourses formed after heavy rains, the formation of ravines (See Fig. 11).

    Fig. 11. Orag.

    Ingust, ravine turns into beam. The most developed beam-oxide network has slopes of hills (Midnoesertskaya, Volga, etc.). Well-designed river valleys are characteristic of rivers flowing outside the boundaries of the last glaciation. Current waters not only destroy rock rocks, but also accumulate river seizures - pebbles, gravel, sand and illum (See Fig. 12).

    Fig. 12. Accumulation of river applications

    Of these, river floats, stretching strips along the river bed (See Fig. 13).

    Fig. 13. The structure of the river valley

    Sometimes the latitude of floodplains ranges from 1.5 to 60 km (for example, the Volga) and depends on the size of the rivers (see Fig. 14).

    Fig. 14. Volga width in different areas

    Along the river valleys, traditional places of settlement of people are located and a special kind is formed. economic activity - animal husbandry on floodplain meadows.

    On lowlands experiencing slow tectonic lowerings, extensive spills of rivers and wandering of their beds occur. As a result, plains built by river nanos are formed. The most common is such a relief in the south of Western Siberia (See Fig. 15).

    Fig. 15. Western Siberia

    There are two types of erosion - side and bottom. The deep erosion is aimed at cutting streams into depth and prevails at the mountain rivers and plane rivers, which is why deep river valleys are formed here with steep slopes. Side erosion is aimed at blurring the shores and is characteristic of plain rivers. Speaking about the effects of water on the relief, the exposure to the sea can be considered. At the occurrence of the seas on the flooded land, sedimentary rocks accumulate horizontal layers. The surface of the plains, from which the sea retreated a long time ago, is strongly changed by flowing waters, wind, glaciers (See Fig. 16).

    Fig. 16. Reception of the sea

    Plains, relatively recently abandoned by the sea, have a relatively flat relief. In Russia, this is the Caspian lowland, as well as many plain areas along the coast of the Northern Ocean, part of the lowland plains of the Precocalism.

    Wind activity also creates certain form of relief, which were called eoloic. The eoloid form of relief is formed on open spaces. In such conditions, the wind transfers a large amount of sand and dust. Often, a small bush is a sufficient obstacle, the wind speed is reduced, and the sand falls to the ground. So it is formed at first small, and then the large sandy hills - verakhans and dunes. In Plan, Barhahan has the shape of a crescent, and with its convex side, he addressed the wind. With a change in the direction of the wind, the orientation of the vehana is changing. Relief shapes associated with wind are distributed mainly on the Caspian lowland (vegana), on the Baltic coast (dunes) (See Fig. 17).

    Fig. 17. Education of Barhana

    Many small fragments and sand wind blows off the bare mountain peaks. Many grains endowed with them again hit the rocks and contribute to their destruction. You can observe bizarre weathered figures - ostasy(See Fig. 18).

    Fig. 18. Rests - Fancy Forms of Relief

    The formation of special breeds is connected with the wind activity - Lesov. - This is loose, porous, dust breed (See Fig. 19).

    Fig. 19. Les

    The forest is covered with large areas in the southern parts of the Eastern European and West Siberian plains, as well as in the Lena River basin, where there were no ancient glaciers (See Fig. 20).

    Fig. 20. The territories of Russia covered with Loeos (shown in yellow)

    It is believed that the formation of Loeza is associated with the vowing of dust and strong winds. The most fertile soils are formed on LOE, but it is easily blurred by water and the deepest ravines appear in it.

    1. The formation of the relief occurs under the influence of both external and internal forces.
    2. Internal forces create large form of relief, and the external forces destroy them, transforming into smaller.
    3. Under the action of external forces is carried out both destructive and creative work.


    1. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 1 half. Grade 8 / V.P. Dronov, I.I. Barinova, V.Ya Rom, A.A. Lobzhanidze.
    2. VB Fifteenth, E.A. Customs. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 8th grade.
    3. Atlas. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. - M.: Drop, 2012.
    4. V.P. Dronov, L.E Savelyev. UMC (educational and methodical kit) "spheres". Tutorial "Russia: Nature, population, economy. 8th grade". Atlas.
    1. The effect of internal and external processes on the formation of relief ().
    2. External forces, changing relief. Weathering. ().
    3. Weathered ().
    4. Alession in Russia ().
    5. Physics of vegans, or how sandy waves are formed ().


    1. Is the statement true: "Weathered is the process of destruction of rocks under the influence of wind"?
    2. Under the influence of what forces (external or internal) vertices of the Caucasian Mountains and Altai acquired a pointed form?

    Question: Help please !!! No need to throw off the giant texts! 1. Use the external forces that have the greatest impact on the relief of the mountains. 2. Using the card of the newest tectonic movements, reveal the cause of different relief created by flowable waters in diluted Siberia and on the medium-protein plateau. 3. Create the boundaries of the ancient coating glaciation and the distribution of the relief created by its activity.

    Help please !!! No need to throw off the giant texts! 1. Use the external forces that have the greatest impact on the relief of the mountains. 2. Using the card of the newest tectonic movements, reveal the cause of different relief created by flowable waters in diluted Siberia and on the medium-protein plateau. 3. Create the boundaries of the ancient coating glaciation and the distribution of the relief created by its activity.


    1) External forces - weathered, wind work, the work of fluid (erosion), the work of snow and ice, the activity of waves and tides, the action of gravity. 3) There were only 3-4 oranges era. Moving, the glacier has very much changed the surface of the earth. From the center of the glaciation, he carried the stones at the lower layers of ice, as a powerful bulldozer, removed from the surface of loose breeds (sand, clay, crushed stone) and even quite large stones. The glacier smoothed and spinning the rocks, leaving on them deep longitudinal scratches (strokes). Created by ancient glaciation form of relief is best expressed in Russian plain, where the glacier power was the greatest.

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    External Earth Forces

    The activities of the external forces generally leads to the destruction of rocks, the slanting ground, and the demolition of the destruction products from high places to lower. This process is called denudation. The demolished material accumulates in low places - valleys, basins, depressions. This process is called accumulation. Destruction of rocks near the action of different factors - weathered prepares the material for moving.

    The role of water that fell into cracks is especially great, almost always available in rocks. Freezing, it expands, spreads the edges of the crack; Ottayaya, follows from it by carrying out the destroyed particles.
    , carrying sand from place to place, not only expanding cracks, but also grinds them, pulls out the rocks of the rocks, creating bizarre figures. Where the wind subsides in the wind "shadow", for example, behind a rock or shrub, sand accumulates. A new form of relief is created, which over time will give the beginning of the Barhana - the sandy hill. Such formations are called eoliac form of relief, by the name of the ancient Greek God Eol, the Lord of the Winds.

    Sea waves and tides are contributed to the change in relief. They destroy the shores, carry destroyed material and move it at different distances along the coast, forming coastal shafts and beaches, constantly change the coastline.

    On the surface and in their thicker, fragments of rocks, sand, dust from the surrounding rocks and the slopes of the valleys are moved. When melting, all this material falls on the earth's surface. Ice mass itself is capable of providing a strong forming effect on the relief. Under its influence, the valleys of the trough-shaped shape are formed - the triggers, pointed peaks - rings, huge bulk trees - Moraine.

    In recent centuries, a person has so actively affected the environment that it becomes a powerful external force. Harmful emissions in industrial enterprises lead to acid rain.

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