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  • Causes of victory in a seven-year war. The main events of the seven-year war. How did the seven-year war started

    Causes of victory in a seven-year war. The main events of the seven-year war. How did the seven-year war started

    The war of two coalitions for hegemony in Europe, as well as for colonial possessions in North America and India. In one of the coalitions included England and Prussia, to another - France, Austria and Russia . Between England and France, there was a struggle for colonies in North America. Here, the clashes began in 1754, and in 1756 England declared the war of France. In January 1756, the Anglo-Prussian Union was concluded. In response, the main rival of Prussia Austria was repeated with his long-standing enemy France. The Austrians hoped to regain their silesia, while Prussians were going to conquer saxony. Sweden was joined by the Austro-French Defense Union, which considered Stettotin and other territories lost during the Northern War in Prussia. At the end of the year, Russia joined the Anglo-French coalition, which hoped to win East Prussia to later convey it to Poland in exchange for Kurland and Zemgalia. Prussia was also supported by Hannover and several small North-German states.

    The Prussian King of Friedrich II Great had a well-trained 150-thousand army, at that time - the best in Europe. In August 1756, he with a troop of 95 thousand people invaded Saxony and inflicted a number of defeats by the Austrian troops who came to the rescue of the Saxon Kurfurest. On October 15, the 20,000th Saxon Army capitulated under the Pier, and her soldiers joined the ranks of Prussian troops. After that, the 50,000 Austrian army left Saxony.

    In the spring of 1757, Friedrich invaded Bohemia with a troop of 121.5 thousand people. At this time, the Russian army has not yet started the invasion of Eastern Prussia, and France was going to act against Magdeburg and Hannover. On May 6, under Prague, 64 thousand Prussians broke 61 thousand Austrians. Both sides of this battle lost 31.5 thousand killed and wounded, and the Austrian army also lost 60 guns. As a result, 50 thousand Austrians were blocked in the Prague of the 60-thousand Army of Friedrich. For the Deblockada of the capital of the Czech Republic, the Austrians collected Kolin 54-thousand army of General Dauna with 60 guns. She moved to Prague. Friedrich put 33,000 people with 28 heavy guns against the Austrian troops.

    On June 17, 1757, Prussaki began to bypass from the north the right flank of the Austrian position from Colin, but Dowan remarked this maneuver in a timely manner and turned his strength to the north. When the next day, Prussians attacked, inflicting the main blow against the enemy right flank, she was met with strong fire. The Prussian infantry of General Gulsen managed to take the village of Krogegra, but the tactically important oak grove behind it remained in the hands of the Austrians. Down moved his reserve here. In the end, the main forces of the Prussian army, focused on the left flank, could not withstand the rapid fire by the enemy artillery, shot the card, and ran. The Austrian troops of the left flame passed into the attack. Cavalry Dowena several kilometers pursued a broken enemy. The remnants of the Friedrich army retreated to Niburg.

    The victory of the Down was the consequence of the Austrian's semi-second advantage in people and twofold - in artillery. Prussians lost 14 thousand killed, injured and prisoners and almost all artillery, and the Austrians - 8 thousand Chegogeek. Frederick was forced to remove the siege of Prague and retreat to the Prussian border.

    The strategic position of Prussia seemed critical. Against the Army of Friedrich, the forces of the Allies are the number of up to 300 thousand people-eyelids. The Prussian king decided to first smash the French army, strengthened by the troops of the Allied Austria of the Principles, and then again invade Silesia.

    The 45-thousand allied army occupied the position of Mühelna. Friedrich, who had only 24 thousand soldiers, a pretended retreat to the village of Rossbach lured his enemy from the fortifications. The French expected to cut off the Prussians from the recharge through the River Zale and defeat.

    On the morning of November 5, 1757, the Allies performed three columns to bypass the left flank of the enemy. This maneuver covered a 8-thousand squad that tied a shootout with Prussian avant-garde. Friedrich solved the idea of \u200b\u200bthe opponent and in half the third in the afternoon ordered to reveal from the camp and imitate the departure for Merzeburg. Soyuchnic tried to intercept the Ways of Cupid by sending their cavalry bypassing the Hill of Janus. However, she was suddenly attacked and broken by Prussian cavalry under the command of General Zeidlitz.

    In the meantime, under the cover of a strong fire, 18 artillery batteries perched Prussian infantry. The infantry allies was forced to line up in a combat order under the enemy nuclei. Soon she was threatened by the flank strike of Zeidlitz squadron, trembled and climbed. The French and their allies lost 7 thousand killed, injured and prisoners and all artillery - 67 guns and traffic. Prussian losses were insignificant - only 540 killed and wounded. This affected both the qualitative superiority of Prussian cavalry and artillery, and the errors of the Union Command. The French commander-in-chief started a complex maneuver, as a result of which most of the army was in the hiking columns and was deprived of the opportunity to participate in the battle. Friedrich got the opportunity to beat the enemy in parts.

    In the meantime, Prussian troops in Silesia suffered defeat. The king rushed to help with 21 thousand infantry, 11 thousand cavalry and 167 guns. The Austrians are located at the village of Leuten on the banks of the River Weinsitis. They had 59 thousand infantry, 15 thousand cavalry and 300 guns. On the morning of December 5, 1757, Prussian cavalry dropped the Austrian avant-garde, having deprived the enemy of the opportunity to observe the Army of Friedrich. Therefore, the attack of the main forces of Prussakov turned out to be for the Austrian commander-in-chief of the duke of Karl Lotaring a complete surprise.

    Friedrich's main blow, as always, caused on his right flank, but the actions of the avant-garde attracted the attention of the enemy to the opposite wing. When Karl understood the true intentions and began to rebuild his army, the combat order of the Austrians was violated. This took advantage of Prussians for the flanking strike. Prussian cavalry broke the Austrian cavalry of the right flank and turned it into flight. Then Zeidlitz attacked and the Austrian infantry previously pushed by Leituen Prussian infantry. Only darkness saved the remnants of the Austrian army from complete destruction. The Austrians lost 6.5 thousand people killed and wounded and 21.5 thousand prisoners, as well as all artillery and traffic. Prussian losses did not exceed 6 thousand people. Silesia was again under Prussian control.

    At this time, active fighting began russian troops. In the summer of 1757, the 65-thousand Russian Army under the command of General Field Marshal Apraksina S.F. Moved to Lithuania, going to master East Prussia. In August, Russian troops approached Königsberg.

    On August 19, a 22-thousand squad of Prussian General Levald attacked Russian troops at the village of Gross-Jersdorf, without having no idea about the true number of enemy, almost three times overlooking it or its location. Instead of the left flank, Levald was in front of the center of the Russian position. Rearrangement of Prussian Forces during the battle only aggravated the situation. The left flank of Levald turned out to be overthrowing that it could not be compensated by the success of the left-handed Prussian troops who captured the enemy battery, but did not have the opportunity to develop success. Prussian losses were 5 thousand killed and wounded and 29 guns, 5.5 thousand people reached the loss of Russians. Russian troops did not pursue the retreating opponent, and the strong value of the fight in Gross-Jersdorf did not have.

    Suddenly Apraksin ordered to retreat, motivating this lack of supply and the separation of the army from its bases. Feldmarshal was accused of treason and betrayed the court. The only success was the seizure of Memel by a 9-thousand Russian landing. This port was turned during the war in the main base of the Russian fleet.

    Instead of APRAKSINA, General Anhaff Willim Willimovich Farmor was appointed commander-in-chief forces of Russian troops. An Englishman in origin, he was born in Moscow. He was a good administrator, but an indecisive man and a bad commander. Soldiers and officers, taking Fermore for the Germans, expressed discontent with his appointment to the position of commander-in-chief. Russian people were unusual to observe that with the commander-in-chief instead of the Orthodox priest there was a Protestan Capellan. Upon arrival in the troops, Farmor first brought together his headquarters of all Germans, and then they were a lot of them in the Russian army, "and led them to the tent, where a prayer was held with strangely for Orthodox chants in an unfamiliar language.

    The conference put before the Farmor at the end of 1757 - the beginning of 1758 the task of mastering all the Eastern Prussia and bringing its population to the oath to Russia's loyalty. This task of Russian troops was solved successfully. In the crackling frost, tightening in the snowy snowdrifts, the compounds under the command of PA were actively operating. Rumyantsev and P.S. Saltykov.

    On January 22, 1758, the Russian army occupied Königsberg, and after this and all Eastern Prussia. In these operations, Farmor did not even show the signs of the colonical talent. Almost all operational and tactical plans have been developed and performed by the Rumyantsev and Saltykov independently, and Farmor often interfered with them with their ill-conceived orders.

    Upon joining the Russian troops in Königsberg, the burgomaster of the city, the members of the magistrate and other officials in the swords and in the uniforms solemnly came to meet. Thunder Litavr and fraction of the drums Russian shelves entered the city with loose banners. Residents with curiosity looked at the Russian troops. Farmore entered the main shelves in Königsberg. He was given the keys to the capital of Prussia, as well as from Pillau's fortress, defended Königsberg from the sea. The troops were located on vacation until the morning, burned fires for heating, and the music thundered all night, fireworks flew lights into the sky.

    The next day, in all churches of Prussia, thanks to Russians were held. A single-eyed Prussian eagle was universally replaced by a two-headed Russian eagle. January 24, 1758 (for the birthday of the Prussian King, you can easily present his condition) The entire population of Prussia brought the oath of Russia - his new homeland! In history, such a fact is given: putting his hand on the Bible, brutal and the Great German philosopher Immanuel Kant, which was perhaps the most bright episode in his boring life.

    The German historian Archengolts, the feast of Friedrich II, wrote about this time: "Never before the independent kingdom was not conquered as easily as Prussia. But never winners, in the ecstasy of their success, did not be so modest as Russian. "

    At first glance, these events may seem incredible, some historical paradox: how was it possible? After all, we are talking about the citadel of Prussian Junker, where the ideas of domination over the world came from, from where the German Kaisers took a personnel to implement their grip-looking plans.

    But there is no paradox in this if we take into account the fact that the Russian army did not capture and did not occupy Prussia, but attached This ancient Slavic land to Slavic Russia, to the Slavic land. Prussians understood that the Russians will not leave here, they will remain on this Slavic land, once captured The German principality of Brandenburg. The war, which Frederich II led, devastated Prussia, took people for canary meat, horses for cavalry, food and fodder. The Russians, who entered into the limits of Prussia, did not touch the property of local citizens, treated the population of busy areas humanely and friendly, even helped the poor than they could.

    Prussia has become a Russian governance general. It would seem that for Russia the war could be considered complete. But the Russian army continued to fulfill his "duties" in front of the Austrian allies.

    From the battles of 1758, it was necessary to note the battle at the Tsorndorf on August 14, 1758, when Friedrich his maneuver forced our army to fight the inverted front. The fierce of the battle completely corresponded to the title of the town where it passed. Tsorendorf (ZORNDORF) in German means "angry, fierce village." The bloody battle was not over the operational victory of any of the parties. The result was heavy for both sides. Both army simply crashed one of the other. Russian losses - about half of the whole army, Prussians - more than a third. In morally, the cores was a Russian victory and a cruel blow for Friedrich. If earlier he was disregarded about Russian troops and their fighting, then after Tsordorf, his opinion has changed. Prussian king gave proper perseverance of Russian regiments from Tsoreforf, stating after the battle: "Russians can be killed all to one, but you can not get to retreat." Resistance of Russian king Friedrich II put as an example with his own troops.

    Farmore in the battle at the Tsorndorf showed himself ... He did not show himself at any way, and in the literal sense of the word. Two hours, Russian troops kept the destructive fire of Prussian artillery. Losses were big, but the Russian building stood indestructible, preparing for a decisive fight. And here, Willim Fermor left the bet and, together with his retire, rode in an unknown direction. In the midst of the battle russian army remained without commander. The case is unique in the history of world wars! Russian officers and soldiers against the king were a battle at the Cormoraf, based on the situation and showing resourcefulness and intelligence. More than half of Russian soldiers lay dead, but the battlefield remains for Russians.

    By night, when the battle stopped, it is not known where the feror appeared from. Where he was during the battle - there is no answer to this question in historical science. Huge losses and the absence for the Russian army of a particular tactical result - this is the regular result of the battle of the Tsorndorf spent without the commander.

    After the battle, Friedrich retreated to Saxony, where the autumn of the same (1758) was defeated from the Austrians due to the fact that the best of his soldiers and officers were elected at the Tsorndorf. Farmor after an unsuccessful attempt to master the strongly fortified Kolberg dave the army for winter apartments in the lower flow of the Vistula.

    In 1759, Fermore changed the Feldmarshal General Count Saltykov P.S. By that time, the allies put 440 thousand people against Prussia, who Friedrich could oppose only 220 thousand. On June 26, the Russian army spoke out of Poznan to Oder River. July 23 in Frankfurt-on-Oder, she connected with Austrian troops. On July 31, Friedrich with the 48th-thousandth army took the position of the village of Kunersdorf, expecting to meet the United AssCreak-Russian forces, significantly superior to his troops in numbers.

    The Saltykov Army consisted of 41 thousand people, and the Austrian army of General Dauna - 18.5 thousand people. On August 1, Friedrich attacked the left flank of the union troops. Prussians managed to capture an important height here and put a battery there, which brought fire to the center of Russian troops. Prussian troops sweating the center and the right flank of the Russians. However, Saltykov managed to create a new front and go to the overall counteroffensive. After a 7-hour battle, the Prussian army retreated for Oder. Immediately after the battle, Friedrich had only 3 thousand soldiers at hand, since others scattered through the surrounding villages, and they had to collect under the banner for several days.

    Kunersdorf is the largest battle of the seven-year war and one of the brightest wins of Russian weapons in the XVIII century. She put forward Saltykov in a number of outstanding Russian commander. In this battle, he used the traditional Russian military tactics - the transition from defense to the offensive. Thus, Alexander Nevsky won on the Church of the Lake, Dmitry Donskoy - on the Kulikov Field, Peter the Great - under Poltavaya, minih - with the stands. For the victory at Cunesdorf Saltykov received rank Field Marshal. Participants in the battle are awarded a special medal with the inscription "Winner over Prussians."

    Campaign 1760.

    As Prussia weaken and the approach of the end of the war, contradictions in the village of the Allies were acted and approaching the end of the war. Each of them sought its goals that did not coincide with the intentions of his partners. So, France did not want to complete the defeat of Prussia and wanted to preserve it in opposition to Austria. That, in turn, sought the maximum weakening of Prussian power, but sought to make it the hands of Russians. On the other hand, Austria and France were united that it is impossible to enhance Russia, and persistently protested against the accession to Eastern Prussia. Russians who generally fulfilled their tasks in the war, Austria is now used to use Silesia to conquer her. When discussing the plan for 1760, Saltykov offered to move hostilities in Pomerania (terrain on the Baltic coast). According to the commander, this region remained not ruined the war and there it was easy to get food. In Pomerania, the Russian army could interact with the Baltic Fleet and receive the reinforcement by the sea, which strengthened its position in the region. In addition, the occupation of the Russian Baltic coast of Prussia sharply reduced its trading ties and strengthened the economic difficulties of Friedrich. However, the Austrian leadership managed to convince Empress Elizavet Petrovna to transfer the Russian army to Silesia for joint actions. As a result, Russian troops were fragmented. Minor forces were sent to Pomerania, at the siege of Kolberg (now the Polish city of Kolobrzeg), and the main to Silesia. The campaign in Silesia was characterized by the inconsistency of the actions of the allies and the unwillingness of Saltykov ruining their soldiers for the protection of interests of Austria. At the end of August, Saltykov got seriously ill, and the command soon passed to Field Marshal by Alexander Buturlin. The only bright episode in this campaign was the capture of General Zakhar Chernyshev (23 thousand people) of Berlin, the Unique Episode.

    Taking Berlin (1760). On September 22, an equestrian Russian squad under the command of General Totleben approached Berlin. In the city was, according to the testimony of prisoners, only three infantry battalion and several squadrons of the cavalry. After a short-term artillery preparation, Tobleba on the night of September 23, stormed the capital of Prussia. At midnight, the Russians broke into the Gallic gates, but were repulsed. The Prussian corps led by Prince Württemberg (14 thousand people) approached Berlin. But at the same time, Chernyshev's housing arrived at Tahleben. By September 27, the 13-thousand Austrian Corps approached the Russian. Then Prince Württemberg with his troops left the city. At 3 am on September 28, the Russian arrived from the city of Parliamentaries with a report on agreement on the capitulation. Having stayed in the capital of Prussia for four days, Chernyshev destroyed the Mint, Arsenal, won the royal treasury and took the Contribration of 1.5 million talers from the city authorities. But soon the Russians left the city at the news of the approach to him by the Prussian army headed by the King Friedrich II. According to Saltykov, the remaining of Berlin occurred due to the inactivity of the Austrian commander-in-chief of Down, which gave the opportunity to Prussian king "beat us as much as I am pleased." The capture of Berlin had for Russians rather financially than military significance. The symbolic side of this operation was equally important. It was the first in the history of the capture of Berlin by Russian troops. Interestingly, in April 1945, the Soviet soldiers received a symbolic gift - copies of keys from Berlin, presented by the Germans to the Germans in 1760.

    "Approx. RusFact. .RU: "... When Friedrich found out that Berlin, at his lesson, the Russians received only minor destruction, he said:" Thanks to the Russians, they saved Berlin from the horrors that the Austrians threatened with my capital. "These words are fixed in the history of witnesses. But At the same time, Friedrich gave one of his approximate writers to compose a detailed memoir about what "villains were made by Russian barbarians in Berlin." The task was completed, and the evil lies began to walk throughout Europe. But there were people, the real Germans who wrote The truth. It is known, for example, the opinion on the presence of Russian troops in Berlin, which expressed the great German scientist Leonard Euler equally relative to Russia, and to the King of Prussia. He wrote one of his friends: "We had a visit here, which in other circumstances would be extremely pleasant. However, I always wished that if the Berlin had ever been destined to be busy foreign troops, then let it be Russian ... "

    Voltaire in letters to Russian friends admired nobility, durability and discipline of Russian troops. He wrote: "Your troops in Berlin produce a more favorable impression than all the metastasio operas."

    ... The keys to Berlin were transferred to eternal storage in St. Petersburg, where they are located and today in the Kazan Cathedral. After 180, after these events, the ideological heir to Friedrich II and his admirator Adolf Hitler tried to master Petersburg and pick up the keys from his capital, but this task turned out to be a relative Furyra not on the teeth ... "http: //znaniya-sila.narod. RU / SOLARSIS / Zemlya / Earth_19_05_2.htm)

    Campaign 1761

    In 1761, the allies were again failed to achieve concerted actions. This allowed Friedrich, successfully maneuvering, once again avoid defeat. The main Russian forces continued to be inffectively to act with the Austrians in Silesia. But the main success fell to the share of Russian units in Pomerania. With this success was the capture of Kolberg.

    Taking Kolberg. (1761). The first attempts of the Russians take Kolberg (1758 and 1760) ended in failure. In September 1761, the third attempt was made. This time, the 22-thousandth body of General Peter Rumyantsev - Hero Gross-Jersdorf and Kunesdorf was moved to Kolberg. In August 1761, Rumyantsev, applying a new tactics of a loose system for those times, broke on the approaches to the fortress of the Prussian army under the command of Prince Württemberg (12 thousand people). In this battle and later, Russian land forces supported the Baltic Fleet under the command of Vice Admiral Polyansky. On September 3, the Rumyantsev corpus began to siege. She lasted four months and was accompanied by actions not only against the fortress, but against the Prussian troops who threatened precipitated from the rear. The Military Council expressed three times for the removal of the siege, and only the adamant will of Rumyantsev made it possible to bring the case to a successful end. On December 5, 1761, the garrison of the fortress (4 thousand people), seeing that the Russians do not go and are going to continue the siege in winter, capitulated. Taking Kolberg allowed Russian troops to master the Baltic coast of Prussia.

    The battles for Kolberg made an important contribution to the development of Russian and world military art. It was found to be the beginning of a new military tactic of loose building. It was under the walls of Kolberg that the famous Russian light infantry was born - Henser, the experience of which was then used by other European armies. Under Colberg, Rumyantsev first applied battalon columns in combination with a loose system. This experience effectively used Suvorov. This method of combat appeared in the West only during the wars of the Great French Revolution.

    Peace with Prussia (1762). Taking Kolberg was the last victory of the Russian army in a seven-year war. The message about the surrender of the fortress found the Empress Elizabeth Petrovna on the mortal app. The new Russian emperor Petr III concluded a separate world with Prussia, then the Union and returned to her all its territories, which the Russian army took possession of time. This saved Prussia from an imbreakable defeat. Moreover, in 1762, Friedrich managed with the help of the Chernyshev Corps, who was temporarily operating now in the Prussian Army, oust the Austrians from Silesia. Although Peter III was overthrown in June 1762, Catherine II and the Union Treaty terminated, the war was not resumed. The number of those killed in the Russian army in a seven-year-old war was 120 thousand people. Of these, about 80% accounted for the dead from diseases, including the smallpox epidemic. Exceeding sanitary losses over combat was typically characteristic of other countries participating in the war. It should be noted that the termination of the war with Prussia was not only the result of Peter III sentiment. It had more serious foundations. Russia has achieved its main goal - the weakening of the Prussian state. However, his complete wreck was unlikely to be part of the plans of Russian diplomacy, since it strengthened primarily Austria - the main competitor of Russia in the future section of the European Ottoman Empire. Yes, and the war herself has long been threatened by the financial catastrophe of the Russian economy. Another question is that the "knight" gesture of Peter III in relation to Friedrich II did not allow Russia to fully use the fruits of his victories.

    Results of war. The fierce struggle was also on other theaters of the hostilities of the seven-year war: in the colonies and the sea. According to the provincial world of 1763, Prussia fursed Silesia with Austria and Saxony. At the Paris Peace Agreement, 1763 passed to the UK from France Canada, Vost. Louisiana, most French possessions in India. The main result of the seven-year war is the victory of the United Kingdom over France in the struggle for the colonial and commercial championship.

    For Russia, the consequences of the seven-year war were much more valuable for its results. She significantly multiplied combat experience, military art and the authority of the Russian army in Europe, first seriously-shaped steppe wandering mini. In the battles of this campaign there was a generation of outstanding commander (Rumyantsev, Suvorov) and soldiers who have achieved bright victories in the "Century Catherine". It can be said that most Ekaterinin success in foreign policy was prepared by the victories of Russian weapons in a seven-year war. In particular, Prussia suffered huge losses in this war and could not actively impede Russian politics in the West in the second half of the XVIII century. In addition, under the influence of the impressions brought from the fields of Europe, in Russian society, after a seven-year war, ideas about agricultural innovations, agricultural rationalization are emerging. There is also interest in foreign culture, in particular, to literature and art. All these sentiments have been developed in the following reign.

    Secrets of the houses of Romanov Balyazin Voldemar Nikolaevich

    Seven-year-old war of Russia with Prussia in 1757-1760

    After January 11, 1757, Russia joined the Versailles Union Agreement, concluded on May 1, 1756 between Austria and France against England and Prussia, Sweden, Saxony and some small states of Germany stuck at the expense of Russia.

    The war, started in 1754 in the colonial possessions of England and France in Canada, only in 1756 passed to Europe, when on May 28, the Prussian King of Friedrich II invaded the army of 95 thousand people in Saxony. Friedrich broke in two battles Saxon and the Austrian troops allied to them and took Silesia and part of Bohemia.

    It should be noted that the foreign policy of Russia in the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna was distinguished almost all the time in peace and restraint. Inherited war with Sweden, she was completed in the summer of 1743 by the signing of an Aboskogo peace treaty, and until 1757 Russia did not fought.

    As for the seven-year war with Prussia, Russia's participation in it turned out to be an accident, the focus-related intrigues of internationally adventurers, as mentioned when it came to the furniture Madame Pompadour and the tobacco trading of the Svuvalov brothers.

    But now, after the victories of Friedrich II in Saxony and Silesia, Russia could not stay aside. It was obliged to this by the rashly signed union contracts with France and Austria and the real threat to its possessions in the Baltic States, since Eastern Prussia was a border area adjacent to new Russian provinces.

    In May 1757, the seventieth thousand Russian army, who was commanded by Field Marshal Stepan Fedorovich Apraksin, one of the best Russian commander of that time, moved to the shores of the border with the Prussia of the Neman River.

    Already in August, the first major victory was obsessed - with the village of Gross-Jersdorf, Russian troops defeated the Corps of Prussian Feldmarshal Levald.

    However, instead of going to close from here, the capital of Eastern Prussia Koenigsberg, Apraksin gave the order to return to the Baltic States, explaining this disadvantage of food, large losses and diseases in the troops. This maneuver gave rise to rumors about his treason in St. Petersburg and led to the fact that the new commander-in-chief was appointed to his place - the British British, General-Annef, Graf Vilim Vilimovich Farmor, successfully commanded troops in wars with Sweden, Turkey and the last War - with Prussia.

    Apraksina was prescribed to go to Narva and wait for further orders. However, orders did not follow, and instead, the "Great State Inquisitor" granted in Narva, the head of the secret office of A. I. Shuvalov. It should be borne in mind that Apraksin was another Chancellor Bestuzhev, and Shuvalov - Yary his enemies. The "Great Inquisitor", having arrived in Narva, immediately learned the laid interrogation with a strict interrogation with the main correspondence with Catherine and Bestuzhev.

    Shuvalov had to prove that Catherine and Bestuzhev inclined Apraksin to treason in order to make it possible to ease the position of the Prussian king. Abrasing Apraksina, Shuvalov arrested him and transported four hands to a tract, not far from St. Petersburg.

    Apraksin denied any evil intent in his retreat for Neman and argued that "no promises did not make any comments in favor of the Prussian king from him."

    Nevertheless, he was accused of state treason, and everyone, suspected of a criminal connection with him, were arrested and brought to interrogations to the secret office.

    February 14, 1758, unexpectedly for everyone, Chancellor Bestuzhev was arrested. He was first arrested and only then began to look for: what would you blame? It was difficult to make it, because Bestuzhev was an honest person and a patriot, and then he was attributed to "the crime in insulting Majesty and for the fact that he, Bestuzhev, tried to sow a discord between the imperial majesty and their imperial high spirits."

    The case was completed that Bestuzheva was sent from St. Petersburg to one of his villages, but during the investigation of suspicion fell on Catherine, Jewelera Bernardi, the former Favorite Elizabeth Petrovna, Lieutenant Bettov, Teachers of Ekaterina Adodorov. All these people were associated with Catherine, Bestuzhev and English envoy Williams. Of these, all of them are Catherine, as a great princess, and understandable, as a foreign ambassador, could feel relatively calm if there were no secret intimate relationships and purely secret relationships with the Bestuzhev Chancellor, which was easy to regard as an anti-government conspiracy. The fact is that Bestuzhev compiled a plan for which Elizaveta Petrovna catches, Peter Fedorovich will become the emperor on right, and Catherine will be a co-guarantee. Bestuzhev provided a special status, which elected his power, not less than that of Menshikov under Catherine I. Bestuzhev claimed the chairmanship of the three most important colleges - foreign, military and admiralty. In addition, he wanted to have the title of lieutenant colonel in all four Life Guards shelves - Preobrazhensky, Semenovsky, Izmailovsky and Konnon. Bestuzhev outlined his considerations in the form of manifesta and sent him Catherine.

    Fortunately for himself, and for Catherine, Bestuzhev managed to burn the manifesto and all drafts and thus deprived of investigators of the most serious evidence in state treason. Moreover, through one of his loyal servants - Vasily Grigorievich Schucurin (remember the name of this person, soon, dear reader, you will again meet him in circumstances more than extraordinary), Catherine learned that the papers were burned and there was nothing to fear.

    Nevertheless, the suspicion remained, and Elizabeth Petrovna's efforts to the Svuvalov brothers, Peter and Alexander, was notified of the Alliance Bestuzhev - Catherine. The impulsive and unbalanced Empress decided to at least externally, to shoot her displeasure Catherine and stopped accepting it, which resulted in cooling to it and a significant part of the "Big Court".

    And Stanislav-Augustus remained still a lover of the Grand Duchess, and there is a lot of grounds to believe that in March 1758, Catherine was pregnant once again and 9 December gave birth to a daughter called Anna. The girl was taken to the rest of Elizabeth Petrovna immediately after birth, and then everything happened, like four years ago, when her firstborn appeared - Paul: Balls and fireworks began in the city, and Ekaterina again left one. True, this time, her bed was close to her court ladies - Maria Alexandrovna Izmaylov, Anna Nikitichna Naryshkin, Natalia Alexandrovna Senjanina and the only man - Stanislav-August is understood.

    Anna Naryshkina, the nee counseum of Rumyantsev, was married to Ober-Hofamarshal Alexander Naryshkin, and Izmailov and Senjavina were cornpieces of Narnish - Native sisters of Gof Marshal and trusted inaccisers of Catherine. In the "Notes", Catherine reports that this company has been going secretly that Naryshkina and understood spent on Shirma, as soon as the knock on the door was distributed, and in addition, Stanislav-August was held to the palace, calling himself a musician of the Grand Duke. The fact that Catherine was understood by the only man, after birth at the bed of Catherine, looks quite eloquent evidence confirming the version of his fatherhood.

    In his "notes", Catherine leads a curious episode that happened shortly before the birth in September 1758: "Since I became severe on my pregnancy, I no longer appeared in society, considering that I was closer to childbirth than was actually . It was boring for the Grand Duke ... and therefore his imperial highness was angry with my pregnancy and attended to say Once upon himself, in the presence of Lion Naryshkin and some others: "God knows where my wife takes her pregnancy, I don't know my wife too, my Whether this is a child and whether I should take it to my account. "

    And yet, when the girl was born, Peter Fedorovich was pleased. First, the child was called exactly the name of his deceased mother - the native sister of the Empress - Anna Petrovna. Secondly, Peter Fedorovich received as the father of a newborn, 60,000 rubles, which, of course, were more than necessary for him.

    The girl lived very long and died on March 8, 1759. For some reason, she was buried not in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral, which since 1725 he became the tomb of the house of Romanov, and in the Church of the Annunciation of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. And this circumstance also did not escape the contemporaries, leaving them for the idea if Anna Petrovna was the legitimate royal daughter?

    And the events behind the walls of the imperial palaces walked as their own guy. On January 11, 1758, the troops of Vilima Fermor took the capital of East Prussia - Königsberg.

    Then, on August 14, the bloody and stubborn battle was followed by a core, in which the opponents lost only killed about thirty thousand people. Catherine wrote that more than a thousand Russian officers were killed in a combat under the coreforf. Many of those killed themselves quartered or lived in St. Petersburg, and therefore the report on the core rapidly caused sorrow and despondency in the city, but the war continued, and until she was visible to the end. Together with all worried and Catherine. I felt quite differently, and Peter Fedorovich behaved.

    Only on August 6, 1758, without waiting for the court, S. F. Apraksin suddenly died. He died of a paralysis of the heart, but in St. Petersburg, rumors had spread about violent death - after all, he died in imprisonment. The supporters of this version even more convinced that Field Marshal buried without any honors, Hasp and secretly from all at the cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

    Apraksin died from the paralysis of the heart, but why did the paralysis occurred, one could only guess. An indirect recognition of the innocence of apraksin was that all Bestuzhev attracted to the investigation - and it arose after Apraksin's arrest - were either lowered in positions or sent from St. Petersburg to their villages, but no one suffered criminal punishment.

    Catherine was still in dismilies in the Empress, but after he asked to let her go to the Church, to her parents, so as not to experience the humiliation and insulting suspicion for her, Elizaveta Petrovna replaced the anger to mercy and restored her previous relationship with the daughter-in-law.

    And on the theater of military operations, good luck was replaced by failures, and, as a result, the Commander-in-Chief was replaced: Feldmarshal was replaced in June 1759, Count Peter Semenovich Saltykov, and in September 1760, another Field Marshal appeared, Count Alexander Borisovich Buturlin. The favorite of the Empress flashed fleeting luck - without a fight took the Berlin, the small garrison of which was left of the city while approaching the Russian cavalry detachment.

    However, after three days, Russians were also hastily, learning about the approach to the capital of Prussia superior forces Friedrich II. "Diversion" on Berlin did not change anything during the war. A military campaign was not decisive for its outcome, but the coming to power in England a new government, which was refused Prussia in further cash subsidies.

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    § 5. Seven-year war (1757-1762) in the 50s. There was a sharp change in the relations of former fierce enemies and rivals in Europe - France and Austria. The strength of the Anglo-French and acuteness of Austria-Prussian contradictions forced Austria to search in the face of France ally. They are unexpected

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    § 5. Seven-year-old war (1757-1763) in the 50s there was a sharp change in the relationships of former fierce enemies and rivals in Europe - France and Austria. The strength of the Anglo-French and acuteness of Austria-Prussian contradictions forced Austria to search in the face of France ally. Them

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    Seven-year war. In 1756, political conjuncture in Western Europe unexpectedly changed. The warrior between England and France prompted the British government to conclude an agreement with Prussia to guarantee German neutrality in this war

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    Seven-year-old war on the eve of the seven-year war Russian army, at least on a staffing schedule, there have been more than 400 thousand soldiers and officers. This number included 20 thousand guardsmen, 15 thousand grenaders, 145 thousand fusilers, 43 thousand cavaliers (including hussar), 13 thousand

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    Seven-year-old war and her ending mental apraksin replaced General Farmor. On January 11, 1758, the Russians occupied Koenigsberg, Eastern Prussia was included in Russia, then her troops entrenched in the lower reaches of the Vistula, and in the summer they joined Brandenburg - the key fortress on

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    Seven-year war of Russia with Prussia in 1757-1760 after January 11, 1757, Russia joined the Versailles Union Agreement, concluded on May 1, 1756 between Austria and France against England and Prussia, to the Anti-Prussian Coalition in the expense of Russia

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    World seven-year war Political disputes so aggravated that one cannon shot in America threw the whole of Europe into the fire of war. Voltaire The history of mankind knows a number of world wars - at least from the Epoch of the Early Middle Ages. However, coalitions

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    Seven-year-old war in the meantime Russia turned out to be drawn into the so-called seven-year war, whose instigator was Prussia. By strengthening the supreme power, the mobilization of resources, the creation of a well-organized numerous army (for 100 years it has grown 25 times and

    The campaign of 1762 was the last in the seven-year war. The weapon fell out of the hands of tired fighters. The conclusion of the world accelerated the exit from the seven-year war of Russia after the death of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna. Sweden even used to come out of the struggle, signing the Hamburg Agreement (May 22, 1762), which pledged Prussian Porosania. Seven-year-old war graduated from the Parisian and Governorates of Peace Contracts 1763, which summed up its political results.

    Paris World 1763.

    The result is the result of the French ambassador of the Duke Nivere in London and the English Duke Bedford to Paris was the conclusion of the preliminary peace to Fontainebleau (November 3, 1762) and then the final world in Paris (February 10, 1763). Paris World 1763 put an end marine and colonial struggle between France and England . England, destroying French and Spanish fleets in the seven-year war, received all the benefits of which he could wish. France gave the British in North America in North America in North America: Canada with all the areas belonging to it, i.e. Cap-Breton Island, St. Lawrence, the entire Ohio Valley, the entire left bank of Mississippi with the exception of New Orleans. From the Antille Islands, she gave way to three disputed islands, obtaining back only the island of St. Lucia, and refused on top of him from the Grenada and the Grenadyl Islands.

    The results of the seven-year war in North America. Map. Red British possessions up to 1763, Pink - joining the British on the end of the seven-year war

    Of all Senegal, France retained after a seven-year war, only the island of Sorrow, of all his former huge possessions in Industan - only five cities.

    India in the middle and late XVIII century. The big map of the purple line shows the dissemination boundary to 1751 French colonial influences, lost according to the results of a seven-year war

    In the Parisian world, the French returned the British and located in the Spanish coast of the Minork. Spain did not oppose this concession, and since it also lost to the British Florida, then France in remuneration gave her the right bank of Mississippi (agreement of November 3, 1762).

    Such were the main results of the seven-year war for France and England. The English nation could be pleased with the world on such conditions. And regardless of them, the cessation of war was already a big good, which increased the public debt of Britain by 80 million pounds.

    Governorsburg Agreement 1763.

    Almost at one time with Paris was signed by the Governorsburg Peace Treaty between Prussia, Austria and Saxony (February 15, 1763), which determined the results of the seven-year war on continent . He was developed by Minister Herzberg from the face of the Prussian King, Frisch and Colelenbah on the face of Mary Teresia and the emperor and a brone from the face of the Saxon Kurfürst of August III. According to the Governorsburg Agreement, Friedrich II, the Great kept to Silesia, but promised to file his voice for election to Roman kings (that is, to the heirs of the throne of the German Empire) of the Senior Son of the Austrian Empress Mary Teresia, Joseph. Saxon Kurfürst received back all his possessions.

    The Governorsburg Agreement restored those state borders that existed in Europe before the seven-year war. The Prussian King remained the Lord of Silesia, because of which the struggle began. The enemies of Friedrich II faced a seven-year war with an opponent who "managed to better defend themselves than they attack him."

    "Wonderful," said one of the most active figures of that era, French Cardinal Bernie, - that, according to the results of the seven-year-old war, no power reached its goal. " Prussian King has fictional to produce a great coup in Europe, make the imperial throne with the alternate property of Protestants and Catholics, exchange possessions and take themselves the areas that he taste. He acquired great fame to subjugate all European yards with his species, but he left his contingency inheritance. He ruined his people, exhausted his treasury and dismissed his possessions. Empress Maria Teresia discovered more courage in the seven-year war than they were waiting for it, and forced her to appreciate its power and the dignity of her armies ... but did not reach any of the goals planned. She could not return to himself lost in the war for the Austrian legacy Silesia, nor return to Prussia to the position of secondary German ownership. Russia in the seven-year war Showed Europe the most invincible and nice led from the existing armies. Swedes without use played a subordinate and inglorious role. The role of France in the Seven-year-old war, according to Bernie, was Vlepa and Shadydna.

    General results of the seven-year war for European powers

    The results of the seven-year war were doubly disastrous for France - and the fact that she lost in it, and the fact that her enemies and rivals won. The French on the results of the seven-year war lost their military and political prestige, their fleet and their colonies.

    England came out of this fierce struggle with a full-awake master of the seas.

    Austria, this Declar Allian, which Louis XV has been addressed, freed from the results of a seven-year war from the political influence of France in all Eastern European affairs. After a seven-year war, she began to settle them without any look at Paris, together with Prussia and Russia. The three-way agreement concluded soon, Austria and Prussia, 1772, about the first section of Poland was the result of the joint intervention of these three powers in Polish affairs.

    Russia put up in the seven-year war already organized and strong troops, a little inferior to those who saw the world later under Borodin (1812), Sevastopol (1855) and Pulve (1877).

    Prussia, according to the results of a seven-year war, acquired the name of the Great Military Power and the actual primacy in Germany. The Prussian Dynasty of Hohenzollers "With their rugs" after that, continuously increased its ownership. Seven-year-old war, in fact, became the initial point of the union of Germany under the primacy of Prussia, although it took place only in a hundred years.

    But for Germany generally The immediate results of the seven-year war were very tragic. Incomprehensible disaster of many German lands from military ruin, the mass of debts, remaining and over the offspring, the death of the welfare of workers' classes - those were the main results of persistent political efforts by the religious, virtuous and beloved empress

    After the thirty-year war, the nature of the opposition between countries in the world began to change. Local conflicts gave way to wars that have been international. For example, such a seven-year war, which began in Europe in 1756, this was an attempt to the Prussian King Friedrich second to spread its influence on most of the continent. The aspirations of Prussia supported England, and against such a powerful Tandem was a coalition of four states. These were Austria, Saxony, Sweden, France, which Russia supported.

    War lasted until 1763, ending with the signing of a series of peace treaties, which influenced the political development of countries.

    Cause and causes of war

    The official reason for the war was the discontent of many countries by the results of the redistribution of the Austrian heritage. This process continued to eight years - from 1740 to 1748, leaving European states by displeased new territorial acquisitions. The political and economic situation of that time had a significant impact on the formation of contradictions between England and France, Austria and Prussia. So by the end of the 1750s. Two groups of reasons formed, provoked the beginning of a seven-year war:

    • England and France could not share colonial possessions among themselves. Countries with each other were constantly competing in this matter and not only at the political level. Armed clashes occurred, which carried the life of the population in colonies and soldiers of both armies.
    • Austria and Prussia argued because of Silesia, which was the most developed industrial region of Austria, selected from her as a result of the conflict of 1740-1748.

    Participants of the confrontation

    Prussia, who focused on the fire of war, concluded a coalition agreement with England. Austria, France, Saxony, Sweden and Russia were against this grouping, which provided considerable support for the coalition. Neutrality took Holland, who participated in the war for the Austrian Legacy.

    The main fronts of war

    Historians allocate three directions for which the military actions of opponents occurred. First, this is the Asian Front, where the events unfold in India. Secondly, it is the North American front, where the interests of France and England collided. Thirdly, the European front on which many military battles occurred.

    Start of military action

    Frederick the second to war was preparing for several years. First of all, he increased the number of his own troops and conducted its complete reorganization. As a result, the king has received a modern and combatable army for that time, the soldiers of which have committed a number of successful conquests. In particular, Silesia was selected from Austria, which provoked a conflict between the participants of the two coalitions. The Government of Austria Maria-Teresia wanted to return the region, therefore he turned for help to France, Sweden and Russia. The Prussian army could not stand against such join forces, which was the reason for finding the allies. Only England was able to withstand both Russia and France. For their "services", the British government wanted to consolidate possessions on the mainland.

    Prussia is the first beginning of military actions, attacking Saxony, which was strategically important for Friedrich second:

    • Bridgehead for further promotion to Austria.
    • Ensuring permanent food and water resources for the Prussian army.
    • The use of Prussia is the material and economic potential of Saxony.

    Austria tried to beat off the attack of the Prussian army, but everything turned out to be unsuccessfully. Nobody could surrender against Fritrich's soldier. The Mary-Terezia army turned out to be unable to restrain the attacks of Prussia, so he lossed all the time in local skins.

    For a short time, Friedrich was the second managed to capture Moravia, Bohemia, going to Prague for a while. The Austrian army began to fight back in the summer of 1757, when the Austrian warlord of Down, using the entire military reserve, ordered the permanent shelling of the Prussian army. The consequence of such actions was the surrenders of Frederick's troops of the second and its gradual retreat to the city of Nymburg. To preserve the remnants of your troops, the king ordered to relieve the roar of Prague, and return to the border of his own state.

    European Front 1758-1763: Main events and battles

    Anti-Army of the Prussian King made an allied army with a number of almost 300 thousand people. Therefore, Friedrich second decided to divide the coalition, which fought against it. First, the French were broken down in the Principles next to Austria. This allowed Prussia again to invade Silesia.

    In the Strategic Plan, Friedrich, the second was a few steps ahead of his enemies. He managed to make chaos in the ranks of the Army of the French, Lotarings and Austrians. Thanks to a well-planned operation, Silesia and the second was under the rule of Prussia.

    In the summer of 1757, Russian troops were actively involved in the war, which through Lithuania tried to seize the eastern regions of the Prussian state. By August of the same year, it became clear that Friedrich the second battle for Königsberg and Eastern Prussia would lose. But Russian general Apraksin refused to continue hostilities, motivating this by the fact that the army is at a disadvantage. As a result of a successful company, the Russian army left only a port of Memel, where the Fleet base of the Russian Empire was posted for the entire period of war.

    During 1758-1763. There were many battles, the main of which were:

    • 1758 - Eastern Prussia and Königsberg are mounted in Russians, the decisive battle occurred near the village of Tsorndorf.
    • The battle near the village of Kunesdorf, where the large battle of the Prussian army and the United Russian-Astrian occurred. After the battle from 48 thousand Army of Friedrich, only three thousand soldiers left, with whom the king was forced to retreat for the river Oder. Another part of the Prussian servicemen was scattered at the neighboring settlements. The king and his commanders needed a few days to bring them back to line. To pursue the Army of Friedrich the second allies did not become, since the human lost walked for tens of thousands, a lot of soldiers were filled and disappeared. After the battle under the Cunesdorf, Russian troops were redesigned to Silesia, which helped the Austrians to drive the Prussian army.
    • In 1760-1761 Military actions practically did not work, the nature of the war can be characterized as inactive. Even the fact that the Russian troops in 1760 took Berlin at the time, but then they handed it without a fight, did not cause the activation of hostilities. The city was returned back Prussia because he had strategic importance.
    • In 1762, Peter the Third, who replaced Elizabeth Petrovna asked the Russian throne. This radically affected the current course of the war. The Russian emperor worshiped the military genius of Friedrich second, so he went to sign a peace treaty with him. At this time, England destroyed the fleet of France, to bring it out of war. Peter the third in July 1762 was killed by order of his wife, after which Russia returned to the war again, but did not continue. Catherine The second did not want to assume that Austria intensify in Central Europe.
    • February 1763 was signed by the Austro-Prussian peace treaty.

    North American and Asian Fronts

    In North America, the confrontation occurred between England and France, which could not divide the spheres of influence in Canada. The French did not want to lose their possessions in this part of the North American continent, so in every way aggravated relations with the British. The confrontations were drawn and numerous Indian tribes who tried to survive in an undeclared war.

    The battle, which finally put everything in its place, occurred in 1759 near Quebec. After that, the French finally lost their colonies in North America.

    The collision of the interests of the two countries occurred in Asia, where Bengal was rebuilt against the British. It happened in 1757, at the very beginning of a seven-year war. France, which Bengal submitted, announced neutrality. But it did not stop the British, they became more and more often to attack French outposts.

    Maintaining war for several fronts and the absence of a strong army in Asia led to the fact that the government of this country could not adequately organize the protection of its Asian possessions. The British of this hurried to take advantage by landing their troops on Martinique Island. It was the French Trade Center in West Indies, and on the results of a seven-year war, Martinique went to Britain.

    The results of the confrontation between England and France were enshrined in a peace treaty, which was signed in early February 1762 in Paris.

    Results of war

    In fact, the war stopped in 1760, but local confrontations continued almost three years. Peace treaties between countries subscribed to 1762 and 1763, on their basis and then a system of relationships in Europe after a seven-year war was created. The results of this conflict were changed, once again, changed the political map of Europe, correcting the borders slightly and reformatting the balance of forces in the second half of the 18th century. in international relations.

    The main consequences of the war should include:

    • Redone colonial possessions in Europe, which caused the redistribution of spheres of influence between England and France.
    • England has become the largest colonial empire in Europe, thanks to France outstanding from Northern Europe and Europe.
    • France in Europe lost many territories that caused a weakening of the position of the state in Europe.
    • In France, during the seven-year war, the prerequisites were gradually folded for the start of the revolution, which began in 1848
    • Prussia his claims to Austria issued in the form of a peace treaty, according to the terms of which Silesia, as the neighboring territories, were departed under the authority of Friedrich second.
    • The territorial contradictions in Central Europe aggravated.
    • Russia received an unpleasant experience of conducting hostilities in Europe against the leading states of the continent.
    • In Europe, the pleiad of the outstanding commander, who then began to bring victory to their states.
    • Russia has not received any territorial acquisitions, but its position in Europe intensified and strengthened.
    • A large number of people died. On average estimates, in a seven-year war could die about two million servicemen.
    • In British colonies in North America, taxes increased several times to pay military costs. This caused the resistance of the colonists, which in Canada and the North American states tried to develop the industry, built roads, invested money in the economy of the colonies. As a result, the prerequisites for the struggle against the British rule on the continent began to take shape.
    • Asian colonies of France became the property of the British monarchy.

    Prussia's victory in the seven-year war could not predict the talented commander of that time. Yes, Friedrich the second was a brilliant strategist and tactic, but his army was many times on the verge of full loss. Historians believe that a number of factors prevented finally split the Prussian army:

    • The allied coalition created against Prussia was not effective. Each country defended his own interests, which prevented at the right moment to unite and make a single force against the enemy.
    • Strong Prussia was a favorable ally for Russia, and for England, and for France, therefore States agreed to capture Silesia and Austria.

    Due to this, the consequences of the seven-year war had a serious impact on the situation in Europe. In the central part of the continent there was a strong Prussian state, with centralized power. So Friedrich the second managed to overcome the separatism of individual principalities, get rid of fragmentation within the country, making an emphasis on the unity of German lands. Prussia, consequently, became the central core of the formation of such a state as Germany.

    The article is divided into two parts. In the first part of the cause of the seven-year war, and in the second same material presented more

    Causes of the seven-year war - briefly

    The main reason Seven-year war There was the unrestity of the Western contradictions of the previous major fiction of the European powers - the war for the Austrian legacy of 1740-1748, in which the Anglo-Austrian Union opposed Franco-Prussian. By Aachen Mire 1748.almost all states participating in this war came out of her empty-handed hands, except for a small increase in Sardinia and the acquisition by Spanish Prince Philip of Italian Duchy Parma. Only one Prussia won, taking Silesia from the Austrians and thanks to this immediately elevated to the rank of one of the strongest states of the West. The Prussian King of Friedrich II turned out to be a cunning politician, who did not disappear in achieving his goals of open treachery with contempt for any right. He was also a skilled commander, and his army - exemplary for his time.

    Friedrich II Great Prussian - the main hero of the seven-year war

    Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich (future Peter III) and the Grand Duchess Ekaterina Alekseevna (Future Catherine II)

    That's why russia's participation in the seven-year warDespite the whole number of loud victories, it was noted by a noticeable indecision. Russian commander, more than once, who have become Friedrich II on the line of complete defeat, were constantly acted with a loaf to rival two Petersburg parties and therefore refrained from bringing the struggle against Prussia to a strong end.

    Causes of seven-year war - in detail

    The reasons that prepared a seven-year war arose long before it began. Dirish Friedrich II Prussian was able to support the dignity of his little state in intercourse with large powers, although he had no brilliant embassies with foreign courtyards and did not spend big money for diplomatic affairs. He deeply insulted the Russian Empress Elizabeth with his reviews that she captured the throne by "illegal" palace coup 1741; However, I knew how to overthrow her nephew and heir, Peter III, married the princess recommended by him (in 1745). This princess was the daughter of Prince of Anhalt Crsc.t, who served in the Prussian service; When moving to Greek confession, she got a name Catherine. Her husband, since childhood, the former fan of Friedrich, until the very death did everything along the Prussian pattern and acted in favor of Prussia, bringing this addiction to emergency one-sidedness. Frederick tried to help him with prudent tips. But Peter on the limited mind could not follow the suggestions of the Great European Policy. He could not love a huge empire, which he had to manage, and felt, thought and acted only as the Duke of Holchtinsky, even when he became emperor.

    On the contrary, Chief Minister Elizabeth, Bestuzhev-Ryumin. was a decisive enemy of King Prussian, as was the enemy and the Grand Prince Peter. Before the start of the seven-year war, he took large sums from the British and Austrians, but his policy was not based on one bribe. Friedrich II not only himself was unavailable by anyone to foreign influence, but did not allow Denmark and Sweden to submit to the influence of Russia. Therefore, Bestuzhev even during the war for the Austrian legacy concluded a treaty against Prussia with Austria and Saxony. Since then, relations between Russia and Prussia were very stretched. In May 1753, Russia finally decided to prevent further expansion of the Prussian monarchy, which was striving for and preparing the future seven-year war Austria. Next year, Bestuzhev even prepared troops so that in case of needed, together with the Austrians, to attack Prussia. But then, the first Minister of Russia on the eve of the seven-year war acted against King Prussian, the heir to the Russian throne remained a blind fan of Friedrich and reported to him everything that learned about the secret plans against him, so Bestuzhev had to surround Peter Spies.

    Russian Chancellor Alexey Petrovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin. Portrait of an unknown artist

    Before the start of the seven-year war, the Russian government had the most hostile intentions against Friedrich and have already been led by Austria and Saxony, who was negotiating to the harm of Prussia. But only from this would not have come to the subsequent seven-year war. No more wars came out even from the close union concluded by the Austrian Chancellor Kaunitz Between Austrian and Francian against Prussia: the war prevented the slowness that prevailed in Austrian politics, disgust, which the French inspired this unnatural union with an old rival, the miserable state of the Saxon government and the strange state of affairs in Russia. Seven-year-old war with Prussia would start not soon if the war broke out in the ocean between Francia and Engley.

    These two powers before the start of the seven-year-old war began to fight at the two opposite ends of their ownership of the ocean, in Ost-India and in North America. The war caused a dispute arising between them because of American possessions. IN Ost-India The native sovereigns, called themselves the Vassal of the Great Mogol, were taken to the allies of some French who owned Pondicheri, while other British who had an army in Madras. One of these sovereigns gave way to a huge region of the French East India Company in gratitude for military services rendered to him by French Boss. Because of this, war would start between Engful and Francia; But the French government banned his East India company to accept the area presented to her and did not approve the ideas of the ambitious director of the company, Duple. The British calmed down. But in America, right before the start of a seven-year war, the dispute accepted a different turn.

    The current US was then another English colony and limited to the lap of the Earth in the eastern shore. Canada and Louisiana belonged to the French, and the pools of Ohio and Mississippi rivers, who were still the stepma, accounted for a dispute between these powers. In addition, there was a dispute about the borders of the new Braunschweig and New Scotland; They also argued because of the trade in the furs that was then very important. The British provided all the trade with the internal regions of America to the partnership of London merchants, called the Ohisky Componance, and gave it the land strip on the Ohio River. The French armed forces were driven by English merchants and built whole rows of forts on Ohio, Mississippi and the northern border to prevent the expansion of the English colonies. This discord, which became one of the main reasons for the seven-year war, occurred right in front of it, at the time when the Ministry of Pelgham, supported by Pitt elders, enjoyed the location of the king and nation. But unfortunately, Pelgym died at that time (in 1754). Duke Newkestl, having made his brother's death by the first minister, was a man deprived of the talents required by the Regulations, and in its pride and stubbornness did not allow them to act independently to such people as Pitt. Therefore, the people were discontent, and in the ministry the discord, meanwhile, it was more necessary for the unanimity.

    In Europe, a seven-year-old war was already brewed, and in the American colonies the British government demanded that the French cleanse the areas in which they began to build their new forts. Negotiations did not lead to anything, and England decided to consume strength, not declaring, however, war. Not intermittent negotiations, which were conducted in Europe, the government told their ships everywhere to seize French vessels, and in a short time 300 French courts were captured. In January 1755 Braddock With the English fleet, the American shores appeared to prevent French ships to the River of St. Lawrentia, who were visited and reinforcements to Canada, and to attack French ports. But it did not succeed: the troops landed by Braddock ashore were broken and would even be exterminated if their retreat was not masterfully covered with Major and an adjutant general of the Virgin militia, Washingtonwhose name has become subsequently such a celebrity.

    This began in 1755 the war between Francia and England, which was among the main reasons for the seven-year war. The first consequence was that the English nation had to give money to protect the Hannover King of his king from the French, and the French began to tighten into War Spain. To protect Hanover, England, before Seven-year-old war, a contract was concluded with Russia, which was obliged to keep troops in the readiness of the troops, receiving subsidies for it (in September 1755). Gota, Hessen, Bavaria and some other German states also received subsidies, with the same commitment. In Spain (where Minister Karvakhal died in 1755), the English envoy was upset by the foreman, having time to overthrow the Esspada, who consisted of them on a salary, and putting the minister in his place Valya, Irish, naturalized in Spain.

    The war started by England and France in America helped the success of the efforts of the Empress Mary Teresia and Kaunitsa to conclude the Austro-French Union, which became one of the two main coalitions of the coming seven-year war. Negotiations or, it is better to say, intrigue, for many years by Kaunitz, fully all other diplomatic affairs of the XVIII century introduce us with the character of the then governments and then morality. In France dominated marquis Pompadur, the power of which was especially strengthened from 1752, when it entered the close alliance with the Duke of Richelieu, Subisome and other noble participants in royal orgies. The Union of France with Austria and the seven-year-old war, anticipating this union, represented the label to the prospect of great personal benefits. This union tied a European policy to her personality, so for all the time of the seven-year war it was done by Louis XV, and the main powers of Europe should have helped her in the destruction of any rival, which could come. In addition, the seven-year-old war was the opportunity to give a lesson for the border of the Duke of Richelieu, and his removal from Paris got rid of the Marquis from the greatest of all the then Liebe Ministers, and Pompadour was released from every minute fear that he would bring the king with some new mistress. In this position and on the benefits of Marquise, Kaunitz met all the intrigue, through which he made the most wonderful feat of diplomatic art before seven-year war. For this, the calculation and Maria Teresia decided to act, to the oddity indecent: at a decisive moment she wrote Pompadour his own letter; However, with her strong anger on Friedrich II, this step was not at all so hard as usually represent.

    Portrait of Marquise Pompadour. Artist Francois Bush, 1756

    These anticipated seven-year-war war negotiations stretched before her starting years, and neither French nor British ministers knew anything about them. They even followed the policy at this time, directly opposing affairs that were satisfied with the secret of them. Emperor Franz also knew nothing; In general, he was kept away from all government cases of hereditary Austrian possessions. In France, Louis XV and Pompadour for the conclusion of an unnatural union with the old rival of France, Austria, should have to betray the state to the power of a person who did not have any advantages except that the love letters for Louis XV had first composed for Pompadour. That was the abbot, subsequently Cardinal de Bernie. To conclude the Union with Austrian, he was taken to the State Council (in September 1755). Much earlier (in May 1753), Kaunitz left Paris and took the title of state chancellor in Vienna; His place was sent to the ambassador to Paris of the column of stampberg, who was also dedicated to the mystery. While Kaunitz was in Paris, he and the Empress played every special role. Maria Teresia All sorts of courtesies attracted to the French Messenger in Vienna, in order to restore the French ministry against the recent french allies to Prussia. Kaunitz, completely against his inclinations, played in Paris in front of the seven-year-old war of the Great Welcome, and shared the lifestyle of Louis and Pompadour to tie them to himself and to his plan. But when he leaving Versailles to Paris, he led the most simple life in Paris and did not seek any fun, except that he was in literary salons.

    French king Louis XV, a member of a seven-year war

    One of the means to achieve the desired goal was Kaunitsa intimidating the French government to the fact that Austria will enclose the Union with England. Indeed, the French ministers were firmly convinced that the Austrian policy is inseparably connected with English, although it was not difficult to see that Austria interprets England about his friendship only to get subsidies from her. Moreover, King English George II fell strong dislike to Prussia; Therefore, when the French began to threaten him to Hannover Kurfure, he concluded the Union with Prussia to his defense, and with Russia, in September 1755. But this union that could prevent a seven-year war or give her a completely different move, collapsed when Friedrich II presented Georgi II writing evidence that secret negotiations have been underway between Austrian, Russia, Saxony and Francian and that in October (1755) Russia has entered into an alliance with Austria. Georg against Will was forced to conclude an alliance with Prussia - and a seven-year war already, in fact, nothing could prevent. Friedrich had in his hands written evidence of the secret relations of Austria, due to the fact that for two years already given a fee to the secretary of the Austrian Embassy in Vienna, von Weingartenu, and the Prussian Messenger in Dresden bribed the Saxon Court Office official, Mentessel. This way, Friedrich found out about the Union, who slowly compiled against him, preparing a seven-year war, although he still did not know the main secret, which Maria Teresia and Kaunitz hid very carefully. At the end of 1755, England joined negotiations with Prussia, and on January 16, 1756 a union known for the name was concluded between these powers. Westminster Treath. At the same time, the British ministry lost the last residue of its popularity when it was found that it was in fraction of France. Save the popularity only two of its members, Pitt and LedgeIn November 1755 opposed the subordination of English politics by Hannover interests and then left to resign.

    The union between Francia and Austrian was already concluded. France pledged to send a very strong army to Germany; It remained only to give this union the form of a public treatise, and from September 1755 the negotiations were about it; They were not finished when the news of the Union between Engological and Promasery was separated. Thus, all the conditions for the start of the seven-year war were provided. When the treatise between Francis and Austria was made public, the whole of Europe was amazed, and the emperor Franz himself was amazed to conclude close friendship between the powers, which are no longer one century in hostility. When a seven-year-old war began, Pompadour made the Minister of his client, Bernie, and the two other her favorite, Richelieu and Subiz became the main commanders of the French troops.