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  • Ways to raise self-esteem in psychology. How to improve self-esteem man: Practical recommendations and advice of a psychologist. Criteria that characterize dependent self-esteem

    Ways to raise self-esteem in psychology. How to improve self-esteem man: Practical recommendations and advice of a psychologist. Criteria that characterize dependent self-esteem

    To become successful (no matter where it is), you need to have confidence in your own opportunities. A person with understated self-esteem is extremely difficult to succeed and even just become happy: their whole life is built on doubts, disappointments and companies in itself. And at this time, bright moments fly by, stopping before those who are confident in their capabilities. Today we are thinking about how to increase self-esteem and love yourself with the help of simple and effective techniques.

    This understanding by a person's understanding of his own personality and individuality in the context of relationships with other people, as well as assessing its qualities, pros and cons. Self-assessment plays a huge role in the normal activity of a person in society and solving different everyday tasks: implementation, family, finance and spirituality.

    This quality performs the following functions:

    • protection - ensuring the stability and relative autonomy of a person from other people's opinions;
    • regulation - Provides people to make a personal choice;
    • development - providing an incentive to self-improvement.

    Ideally, self-esteem is based only on a person's own opinion about himself. However, multiple side factors are influenced in real life, for example, assessing others: parents, peers, buddies, friends and colleagues.

    Adequate self-esteem (or ideal), specialists call the most accurate estimation of the personality of their skills and abilities. Low self-esteem often leads to excessive doubts, self-analysis and abandonment of activities. Heated caution loss and making multiple errors.

    It's important to know! In psychological practice, it is a low self-esteem, when a person is not able to reveal his own potential, and in particularly severe cases, experts speak of an inferiority complex.

    What does self-esteem affect?

    So, the meaning of adequate self-perception is to "love" himself hereby - even with minuses, disadvantages and various "vices". Each is flawed, but a confident person is distinguished from other things that he, above all, notices his successes and is able to benefit himself to prevent society.

    If you hate yourself or just consider yourself a loser, as another person can love you? Psychologists celebrate a curious fact: most people subconsciously (a, maybe with knowledge of the case) with self-sufficient personality. Usually, these prefer to choose in business partners, in buddies and spouses.

    Symptoms of low self-esteem

    People with such problems are most often distinguished by such character traits like:

    The understated self-examination causes a person to perceive temporary failures and problems as permanent "satellites of life", which leads to incorrect conclusions and incorrect solutions. Do you feel bad? Get ready for the fact that the surrounding will negatively respond to you. And this is already fraught with alienation, depressive sentiments and even emotional disorders.

    4 reasons for low self-esteem

    It is extremely difficult to indicate all the factors affecting the attitude of the person to themselves. Psychologists include congenital features, appearance and position in society. Next, we consider the four most common causes of low self-esteem in humans.

    Cause No. 1.

    Have you heard the phrase that says that every problem "grows" from childhood? In our situation, it is suitable for a hundred percent. At an early age, the direct dependence of the child's self-esteem from the attitude towards him of parents and other significant adults is traced. If the mother and Father are constantly scolding and compares children with peers, they will not have faith in their own abilities.

    Psychological science claims that it is the family - the center of the universe for a child. In the cell of society, absolutely all traits of the nature of the future adult person are formed. Initiativeness, uncertainty, passivity - the consequences of parental installations.

    Cause number 2. Children's failures

    We all face failure, the most important thing is our reaction to them. Psychological injuries in childhood can cause low self-esteem. For example, a child begins to blame himself in divorce mother with his father or family scandals. The constant feeling of guilt turns into uncertainty and unwillingness to make decisions.

    In addition, children acutely react to any harmless failure. Took second place in the competition? A older man just doubles efforts to achieve the goal, and a small man may generally abandon activities, especially if a significant adult injured him by a mockery or careless remark.

    Cause number 3. "Unhealthy" environment

    Adequate self-esteem and the claim arise only in the environment where the success is valued and achieving results.

    If people from the nearest environment do not seek to the initiative, it is difficult to expect confidence from a separate personality.

    We do not argue that it is necessary to completely refuse to communicate with such people (especially if these are close relatives). However, it costs at least, to think about whether you have seized such an empty relationship to self-realization.

    Cause number 4. Features of appearance and health

    Quite often, low self-perception appears in children and adolescents with non-standard appearance or innate diseases. Yes, relatives relate to their "non-standard" child correctly, but he is not insured from the opinion of peers, which, unfortunately, ruthless, like all children.

    A common example is thick children who in preschool and school institutions become the owners of the most unpleasant and offensive nicknames. Low self-esteem will not wait long to wait in such situations.

    How to improve self-esteem: effective methods

    If a person realized his problems and decided to raise self-esteem, he had already done the first step towards confidence. We offer some of the most efficient and effective recommendations.

    1. Change of environment. Negative people are not the best society for a doubtful personality.
      Psychologists advise reconsider their own circle of communication, including successful, self-confident, positively to you related individuals. Gradually, confidence and self-esteem will be returned to the person.
    2. Refusal of self-vacation. It is extremely difficult to increase self-esteem, regularly piercing itself, negatively spoke in its address about its own abilities. Specialists recommend avoiding negative assessments regarding their appearance, personal life, career, financial position.
      In priority - positive judgments.
    3. Avoid comparison. You are the only one person in the world: unique, unique, connecting the dignity and disadvantages. In addition, it is enough to just find people who have achieved much greater success in any field of activity. A possible option is a comparison of yourself (with new achievements) with the previous, unwilling changes.
    4. Listening to affirmations. This is a difficult word means short verbal formulas in the psychological literature, creating a positive attitude in the human subconscious.
      Affirmation should be formulated in the present time so that the personality perceives it as a given. For example: "I am a beautiful and smart woman," I own my own life. " It is better to repeat similar phrases in the morning and before bedtime, and you can also write them to the voice recorder.
    5. Making unusual deeds. The desire of a man or woman to escape into the zone of personal comfort and "hide in the shell" is quite natural.
      It is easier for us in a difficult situation to console yourself, your favorite (beloved) goodies, alcohol, tears. We do not call on extreme, just try to meet the problem face to face.
    6. A visit to the training. In large cities, trainings, courses and seminars, help to improve confidence and raise self-esteem. Of course, it is necessary to find a real expert on psychology, and not "Konovalov", which, unfortunately, is also enough. Another option is reading psychological literature and watching artistic and documentaries on the topic.
    7. Sports. One of the most accessible opportunities to raise self-esteem is sports. Regular physical education exercises make a person less critical to relate to their own appearance and with great respect for themselves. During sports exercises, people are distinguished by dopamines - the so-called joy hormones.
    8. Diary of achievements. And the girl, and the young man help their own success, in which the marks should be made about every little victory, achieve, even if small. For example, every day 3-5 "little things" is recorded in such a notebook: they were transferred to Granny across the road, they learned 10 new foreign words, earned 500 rubles this month more than in the past.

    Improving self-esteem is closely associated with a sense of guilt in front of himself and self-conformity. How to love yourself and increase self-esteem man and woman? Very simple and, at the same time, it is difficult - be kinder and tolerant to your own personality. The given techniques will help you with this.

    Adequate self-esteem and self-confidence is not fantasy, but a completely likely development of events. The most important thing for a person is to understand the importance of changes and have a desire to go in the right direction: a change in personal life, career, appearance. Remember that love for yourself in some situations need to be earned, passing through dissatisfaction and self-esteem.

    Hello, I am the hope of carpenter. I successfully studied in SUURSU at a special psychologist, several years have dedicated to working with children with problems in the development and consultation of parents on the upbringing of kids. The experience gained, including, in the creation of articles of psychological orientation. Of course, in no case I pretend to be the truth in the last instance, but I hope that my articles will help respected readers to deal with any difficulties.

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    56 comments on the article " 8 ways to increase self-esteem and love yourself»

      My grandmother constantly told me as a child that I had an ugly ears, my eyes my face and in general I was so-so, and I don't have to be a lot of looking around, you need to be like everything ... eradicated until now I can not fully. But increased their self-esteem, when in different countries, you catch thousands of admiring views of men, boys, boys in different countries. When they want to meet, or take a picture with me. That's what concretely cured me.

      I, as a person with low self-esteem, helps to keep the diary of its achievements. When I start doubting myself, I reread useful things that made and mood instantly improves!

      Man - like a tree, if the krivoy has grown up - no longer align) no matter how much you "didn't beat your head about the wall", but, how we have programmed parents, a kindergarten school and a close circle of communication ... So all my life we \u200b\u200bwill have existence . The most offensive and paradoxical, that, it turns out, our parents, without knowing it ... made us with such unfortunate. Because they were unfortunately made their parents, etc. And it is hardly a psychologist \\ psychiatrist will greatly change the situation, and the person himself is even less understandable ... Therefore, re-read at least a thousand articles, but you will stay the same substantive being, that's how.

      • You are not right. Remind me of a little green goblin! Enough to blame parents in your shortcomings. If you are not a teenager and older than 19 years old you must answer for your life and do not look back in the past! How can I compare a person with a tree? And even if they compared, then think about the trunk of a curve but can it be growing to send it to the other side? Thus, it is not a standard smooth form and much more beautiful and more interesting? (Yes, it is possible and even necessary) the brain develops to 25 - 27 years. You yourself can easily educate whom you want to see every morning in the mirror!

      • Absolutely agree with you.

      • Man is not a tree. I do not agree. Man is able to change.

    There are many distinctive qualities that are inherent in self-confident women.

    Such representatives of beautiful sex cause admiration for men and envy in rivals.

    Under confidence in this case it is not implied by external beauty, but inner energy. Some features of the nature of such women are incorrectly understood.

    For example, most of the most beautiful sex representatives believe that self-confidence is identical with independence, but independence in turn implies, but a lonely strong woman can never be.

    Signs of a woman with high self-esteem and self-confidence:

    Causes of understated self-esteem

    Provoke an understatement of self-esteema woman can have numerous factors that concern childhood, adolescence, life experience and the impact of psychotrauming situations. Excessive self-criticism and lack of love for itself always has a specific reason.

    To identify this negative factor must be necessary. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to perform work on improving self-esteem.

    Possible reasonsthe following factors can become understated self-esteem:

    The reason for low self-esteem among girls:

    What methods will help in the formation of adequate self-esteem?

    To enhance self-esteem, a woman can be used by several techniques. The optimal option is Appeal to a psychologist.

    The specialist will be able to identify the reasons for an overly critical attitude towards itself, to make an individual program of work on the subconscious and competently choose the necessary ways of impact.

    You can try to make this work. alone.

    How to get rid of low self-esteem? Basic techniques:

    • work on yourself and its worldview;
    • improving personal qualities;
    • self-development and knowledge of new areas of life;
    • reading psychological literature;
    • expansion of your horizons and intelligence.


    If a woman is afraid to turn to a psychologist, then find information about the ways of raising self-esteem she can special literature. A variety of sources are devoted to a similar problem. As a basis, you can take the recommendations of psychologists who are freely available on the Internet (scientific articles, forums, etc.).

    What book to buy? Examples of books Psychology:

    Having studied the foundation, you can develop your own techniques that will help become a representative of the beautiful sex that does not doubt their effectiveness and confident in their abilities.

    How to love yourself and increase self-esteem? Find out of the video:

    What can be done at home?

    Methods of improving self-confidence At home:


    Training on improving self-esteem in a woman turns into Four main directions- Development of confidence in communicating with the surrounding people, in its external and internal attractiveness, in their stay in Sociume and in different kinds of relationships (love, professional, etc.). The result of the program is achieved by implementing certain stages.

    Stages of trainingby improving self-esteem in a woman:


    Exists many coursesHelping to cope with various psychological problems. Improving self-assessment for women is no exception.

    Specialists use programs developed by leading psychologists, and are carried out not only by group, but also individual classes.

    There are such courses in many cities. Analogue of such programs is record for consultationto a psychologist.

    How to find self-confidence? Advice:

    How to become a bold and confident?

    Audacityit is considered one of the distinguishing features of a woman who is confident.

    It is not worth confused by this concept with stervation and arrogance.

    The strong representative of the beautiful floor is always good to others.

    The arrogance and sterreavity of such qualities do not imply. To generate proper audience need long work on yourself. A woman confident, always defends her point of view, but does it tactfully.

    Tips for psychologists to improve self-esteem in different situations:

    When improving self-esteem is important to understand that the process of self-development is infinite. It is impossible to become an ideal for a certain period of time, but it is possible to greatly increase your personal qualities by changing not only your own attitude towards yourself, but also the opinion of the people around us.

    Self-development a woman should always do. Having achieved one goals, you need to set new tasks.

    His betray and your self-esteem. What to do? Find out of the video:

    Launched self-esteem is a very serious problem for many girls, because it threatens them not only by disappointments in personal life, but also failures on a professional field. What self-esteem can be considered low and is there a way to increase it?

    What is self-esteem

    Normal self-esteem

    So, if you are the owner of an adequate self-esteem, then we can say that you are very lucky. For people of this type, a real estimate of its capabilities is characteristic. Such girls are not afraid to put serious goals in front of them, and have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bhow this goal can conquer them. There is also an opinion that normal self-esteem can only be among a truly mature personality is possible both at sixteen years and forty.

    A high self-evaluation

    Perhaps, people of this type are considered the most unpleasant personality for others, than others. It is noteworthy that they often do not even realize that their self-esteem is really overestimated. However, some believe that only such individuals are able to achieve large goals - with a certain fraction of luck it is. However, the main problem of arrogant people is that they quickly lose real friendships due to their own reluctance and inability to recognize their mistakes. Also, such people highly overestimate their importance in the outside world - at work, in the circle of friends, in the family and so on. They are rarely able to sincerely apologize, because they often do not suspect that they can really do wrong. As a rule, they are friends with such people and communicate only because of the possible benefit or from hopelessness.

    Low or understated self-esteem (reasons and signs)

    It is harder to live with girls that are subject to low self-esteem. Most often, the reason lies in the improper education from parents or in other problems in school years. What is characteristic of the person, whose self-esteem is clearly understated? As a rule, almost immediately rushes into the eyes that the girl is insecure. Most often, she is uncommunicative and quite closed - she is very afraid to voice her mind, even if it is asked about him. In addition, such a girl manifests the initiative only in the most extreme cases, more preferring to act on someone else's pointer.

    It often seems to her that it looks stupid or inappropriate, and if representatives of the opposite sex begin to be taken to it, it begins to immediately look for any trick. Girls of this type prefer not to attract attention, and if they have to be in some company, they will be calmer if they remain almost unnoticed.

    Relationships in the family

    Many people know that the majority of complexes are drawn by a person from childhood, and if parents do not notice or even provoke some problem in the child's self-esteem, it is likely to fully manifest themselves in adulthood. If the parents did not give you enough attention and love, but at the same time they found the opportunity to criticize and regularly put forward various requirements, then it is probably now your self-esteem is somewhat underestimated. Also, the comparisons of their children are not in the best way with his friends, in favor of the latter. The child gets used to feeling worse than others, and this habit goes into an adult life.

    Relationship with peers

    A very important factor on which close attention should be paid. If in childhood you had any features or talents, to which peers treated with a mockery, then this is a very serious reason for concern. Due to the disapproving relationship of friends and classmates, it is difficult for a child to take himself and this feeling of some "wrongness" accompanies him in adulthood. It is important to emphasize that if the relationship in the family is good, and the child receives adequate education, then the influence of peers, most likely will not affect his future life. If you notice that your children are uncomfortable in the company of peers, then this is a serious reason to change the environment of their kids, as well as to spend psychological work with him.

    The first love

    The first love - in children or youthful age - can also have a great influence on self-esteem. In general, here you can mention the relationship with the opposite sex, in general. If the girl caused sympathy from boys, it is likely that it will have a positive effect on her own perception of herself. However, in the event that the boys not only did not notice her, but also mocked, it could negatively affect the formation of women's self-esteem. In addition, it is important and what the first love of the girl is mutual or not. If love has grown into a romantic relationship, this is a good sign, but if the girl rejected, probably, and this will affect her self-esteem.

    Methods of improving self-esteem in a woman or a girl

    Take and love yourself

    If you suffer from understated self-esteem, the output suggests itself - you need to urgently increase it. First of all, realize that there are no ideal people, even if it seems to you that it is not. Do not dwell on your disadvantages, many of which probably have thought you yourself - it's just your features. Instead, pay attention to your strengths. If you think that you do not have, then, it means you are mistaken. Look for advantages until you find it! It is also possible that you are in a step from some of your advantage. Perhaps sports will give you an ideal figure, makeup lessons will teach you to easily and successfully use cosmetics, cutting courses and sewing will allow you to create winning outfits for yourself. Whatever it was, in your case it is very important to love yourself under any circumstances, even when it seems to you that you are not worthy of love. Become a major support to yourself, and your life will start to improve.

    Stop comparing yourself with others

    People with low self-esteem, comparing themselves with others, as a rule, do it out of their favor. Realize that any comparison is an absolutely useless occupation that will not lead to anything good. Of course, another thing, if, comparing yourself with someone, you have a stimulus in order to become better. In the case when everything ends only with self-vaccination and bad mood, it is necessary to refuse this habit. All people are different - everyone has its advantages and disadvantages, even if it seems to you that there are exceptions. Do not compare yourself with anyone - just take care of yourself and improve, without care for anyone.

    Down with self-criticism

    Self-criticality can only be useful if it stimulates you to any new achievements. Unfortunately, girls suffering from an understated self-esteem criticizing themselves, only do worse. Mentally again and again returning to their imperfections, you only drive yourself into depression. Instead, find the reason to praise yourself. Also encourage any of your little victories - buy yourself goodies, take care of yourself.

    Be a little egoist

    Many women with low self-esteem are quite prone to sacrifice. Believing that they do not deserve love by themselves, such people are trying to "deserve" or "earn" love and attention. This can manifest itself in a relationship with her husband or friends. Perhaps you are also subject to this. Examples of this behavior: You do expensive gifts to people, infrainmenting themselves; You spend time on their business, pushing our own care on the background; You regularly adjust to other people's plans, even if it is inconvenient to you and so on. If something like you noticed, it is necessary to urgently change. Learn to put your needs and desires in the first place - first you will be unusual, but then you will feel all the advantages of such tactics.

    Belief in yourself and in your success

    Do not doubt yourself and do not detain your advantages. If you want to achieve something, then do not deprive yourself such an opportunity! If you try to try, everything will remain the same, however, if your efforts are crowned with success, your life will play new paints - believe that it will be so! To configure yourself to the desired way, periodically read the biographies of successful people.

    If you do not like something in yourself or your life, then only in your power to fix it! Self-development and self-improvement will never be superfluous. Take time to learn something new, as well as to take care of your health and appearance. Be careful to your health, periodically sign up for useful cosmetic procedures, expand your horizons. You can start living a really interesting life if you wish it yourself! Very few people are easy, and if you think that someone is very lucky, but you are not, then, most likely, it's not about luck, but in a stubborn work on yourself. Think what qualities you do not like in yourself, leave a plan, thanks to which you can fix it, and stick to him.

    Forgive yourself defeats, praise for victory

    Many girls are very painful relate to their defeats. Such developments of events most often drives them into an oppressed state and significantly undermine the faith in itself. If this is your case, it is useful for you to learn to ignore such misses, only removing the necessary lessons from them. At the same time, you should develop a completely different attitude towards your victories. Remember your achievements, encourage yourself for them, making themselves small or large gifts.

    More positive and optimism

    A girl suffering from understated self-esteem is very important to learn how to think positively. On the Internet you can find a lot of techniques on this account, but the essence is one - so that it does not happen, look for positive parties in this, even if it is pretty difficult. Try not only not to talk about negative topics, but also not to think about them. Control yourself - thinking about something bad, immediately switch to more pleasant thoughts. In any situation, initially configure yourself to success, and he will accompany you!

    • Fight with your fears. If you are uncomfortable in large companies, and you are lost in conversations with unfamiliar people, then this can be fixed. Courses of oratory can help you, periodic visits to crowded places. Try to go towards your fear, and then he will start to retreat.
    • Cut new knowledge. If so far it is not convenient for you to go to any courses or master classes, look for the necessary lessons on the Internet. So you can learn a foreign language, learn to sew, dance and much more. The more new skills you will gain, the higher your self-esteem will be.
    • Do not communicate with people who underestimate your self-esteem. If there is at least the slightest possibility for this - completely interrup contact with them. Such communication will go to you only in harm, and in such circumstances it is very difficult to achieve a positive result. At the same time, try to be more often in the society of people, next to which you feel confident and comfortable.
    • Pay special attention to your care about yourself and your appearance. People who are afraid to attract attention, usually fear that any disadvantage will become obvious. You should not live with this feeling - find any way to correct in yourself what confuses you and limits in communicating with other people.
    • If you have enough time to engage in self-criticism and indulge in disheartening, it is better to send it to a completely different direction - put big and small goals, build plans about how they can be achieved, then proceed to the realization of their ideas. And in no case do not think that you will not succeed. If you really want something, it is achievable, even if not from the first attempt. The main thing is to start acting, because it is usually the harder that is exactly the first step.

    The world around for each person is a mirror reflecting his own inner world. This means that your vision of the world depends on your own feelings, thoughts, beliefs, installations, minigration. Another important component of relationships in society is the representation of a person about himself, his own assessment of his personality.

    The formation of self-esteem is influenced by various factors, among which it is possible to highlight upbringing, social environment, features of professional activity. Oscar Wilde said that love for himself means a novel, long life. And this is true, because the individual feeling of happiness, peace of mind and well-being of a person is possible only with an adequate assessment of themselves as a significant person and accepting their individuality. To learn how to raise self-esteem and find specific ways to enhance your own self-esteem, listen to the advice of the psychologist and try doing exercises aimed at improving self-esteem.

    How do we appreciate ourselves

    American psychotherapist K. Rogers, the author of the famous client-centered psychotherapy, believed that the main component of the personality structure is the "I-Concept" - representations of a person about himself, which is formed in the process of socialization, in other words, in its interaction with society. In this process, the mechanism of characterization is involved - the adoption of their identity assessments by other people as its own, as well as the identification mechanism - the ability to put yourself in place of another person and thus evaluate their identity.

    Each man at birth has a personal phenomenal field - a blank space of life experience. In the process of individual development, this field is filled, a personal "I" of a person "begins to manifest, his" I-concept "is formed. Rogers believed that self-actualization is the final point of development of the individual - the implementation of all potential possibilities.

    Self-assessment is the central component of the "I-Concept", because it is a rational assessment of a person himself, its capabilities and qualities gives a real opportunity to achieve the goals. Self-assessment performs a protective and regulatory function, affects relationships with other people, human behavior and development. Self-criticism and demanding on it depends on it. Self-assessment is the basis of human attitude towards its successes and failures, choosing the goals of a certain level of complexity, which characterizes the level of personal claims.

    It is possible to distinguish specific types of self-esteem, relying on its individual signs:

    • Reality: adequate and inadequate self-esteem (understated or overestimated). Adequate self-esteem gives a person to treat himself critically, to correctly evaluate his strength and opportunities. Inadequate self-esteem is manifested in the revaluation or underestimation of its strength and opportunities.
    • Time: Retrospective, up-to-date and prognostic. The first characterizes the evaluation by the person of his past experience, the second - its current opportunities, and the latter means the opinion of a person about his possible successes or failures.
    • Level: High, Middle and Low. The self-esteem level itself is not so important, because in various situations and spheres of activity, self-esteem can be both low and high. For example, a person is competent in the field of finance and he has a high level of self-esteem in this area, but he does not know how to keep household deals and rather lowers himself in this matter. High or low level of self-esteem does not play a key role, first of all, it must be adequate.

    The famous American psychologist W. James proposed to determine the level of self-esteem by the formula:

    Self-assessment \u003d success / level of claims

    Level of attractions - This is the upper boundary of the achievement of the person to which he seeks. This may include different types of success: career, personal life, social status, material well-being.

    Success is a specific accomplished fact, specific achievements from the list of personal claims.

    Obviously, raising self-esteem Psychology offers in two ways:

    • reduce the level of claims;
    • or increase the efficiency and effectiveness of your own actions.

    The level of claims affect various successes and failures in the life of a person. If the level of claims are adequate - a person sets itself real-reaching targets. A person with a high adequate level of claims can put quite high targets, knowing that they can successfully achieve them. Moderate, or the average level of claims means that a person is able to perfectly cope with the tasks of the average level of complexity and does not want to increase its results. Low, and even understated levels of claims characteristic of a person not too ambitious, which puts fairly simple goals. Such a choice is explained by either low self-esteem or "social cunning". The last psychology explains as a conscious avoidance of complex tasks and responsible decisions.

    Self-assessment is formed in childhood, when the possibilities of a person are in a state of development. It is for this reason that the self-esteem of an adult is more likely to be understated when the actual possibilities are much higher than the personal representations about them. Having understood in the peculiarities of the formation of self-assessment and its species, it becomes obvious that working with this personality component means raising self-assessment to the level of adequate.

    Raising self-esteem - the process is not easy, but there is no limit to human capabilities. On how to raise self-esteem, you will be prompted by the effective advice of a psychologist, among which you will also find effective exercises.

    Tip number 1. Do not compare yourself with other people. Around you will always be found people who will be worse in various aspects or better than you. A permanent comparison simply will lead you to a deaf angle, where you can over time not only to get low self-esteem, but also to lose self-confidence. Remember, you are a unique personality, find your advantages and disadvantages and learn how to use them depending on the situation.

    Exercises: Write a list of your goals and positive qualities that will help achieve these goals. Also create a list of qualities that are an obstacle to achieving goals. Thus, you will understand that your failures are a consequence of your actions, and your personality has nothing to do with it.

    Tip number 2. Stop searching for flaws in yourself, scold yourself. All the great people have achieved heights in their field, while studying on their own mistakes. The main principle - the error makes you choose a new strategy of action, increase efficiency, rather than lower your hands.

    Exercises: Take a sheet of paper, color pencils and draw yourself as you go to see, with all the attributes of success. You can also come up with and depict a personal symbol of success. Drawing will help you better express your desires and improve confidence.

    Tip number 3. Always perceive compliments from other people with gratitude. Instead of "not worth" answering Thank you. Such a response, a person's psychology takes this assessment of his personality, and it becomes its inherent attribute.

    Exercises: try using special assertions (affirmations). Several times during the day (at the beginning of the day - must) clearly and thoughtfully pronounce the phrases "I am a unique unique person", "I can achieve this goal", "I have all the necessary qualities."

    Tip №4. Change the circle of communication. Our social environment carries a key influence on a decrease or improving self-esteem. Positive people who are able to give constructive criticism to adequately evaluate your abilities and increase your confidence should be your permanent satellites. Try to constantly expand your circle of communication, get acquainted with new people.

    Tip number 5. Live, guided by your own desires. People who constantly do what others require them, never know how to raise self-esteem. They are accustomed to follow someone else's goals, living not their lives. Do what you like. Work there, where you feel respect and you can realize your abilities. Try to travel more, bring the long-standing dreams into reality, do not be afraid to risk and experiment.

    Exercises: Make a list of your desires and make them real objectives. Sewing step by step that you need to do to achieve these goals and start moving in the selected direction. You can also make a route of the nearest travel, make it unusual. If you usually go to the sea, then this time go hiking, in the mountains. You may not even suspect your own opportunities, because they never tried to get out of the "Comfort Zone".

    Self-assessment of a person is his attitude to his own personality, which is formed by assessing its bad and good qualities. However, this opinion is evolving not only from the subjective view of the individual on itself, but also from a number of factors that affect the development and approval of self-assessment in different ways. The affected representations of a person about their own person are fraught with rather serious problems, both in his daily life and psychologically. That is why the increase in self-esteem in psychology is considered a very important factor in achieving harmony with him and the happy existence of a person as a whole.

    What prevents the improvement of self-esteem

    Before considering the most effective ways to increase self-assessment, it is necessary to deal with what the main reasons are prevented by a person to feel confidence.

    It should be noted that sometimes the origins of unnecessarily understated self-esteem lie at the childhood age of a person, which is usually due to the attitude of parents to the child and the methods of upbringing. But it also happens that such a complex develops over the years, that is, it provokes various life circumstances. And if a person does not find the strength to fight a problem, over time, it is only aggravated by actively contributing to the development of an inferiority complex.

    Consider the most common causes that hinder the improvement of self-assessment of the individual:

    • Negative attitudes surrounding;
    • Criticism of surrounding people;
    • Looping on their own failures;
    • Constant comparison of yourself with others;
    • Too high priorities.

    In fact, negative people in society are much more than those who try to encourage in every way and unail confidence in the near. Therefore, the increase in self-esteem in psychology is often associated with the environment of a person. If he is constantly convinced that he does everything badly or wrong, he gradually begins to believe it.

    The same applies to criticism. It doesn't matter how high quality or not, work performed: there will always be those who will criticize it. There is already a question in their own complexes of criticizing: so they as itselves assert themselves, but they do this at the expense of others. Communication with such people should be avoided or not to attach importance to unreasonable comments.

    Improving self-esteem also bothers the focus on past failures and mistakes, which leads to an unnecessary generalization: a person begins to think that if he didn't work out, then next time it will be the same. It threatens the fact that he will no longer try to try his strength in something and preferably not to take.

    Comparison of yourself with other people also serves as one of the main reasons for underestimated self-esteem. Often, on this background in a person, such a harmful quality is awakened as envy. He constantly thinks that if he had the same abilities as another, he would have achieved better results. In fact, it should be relying on your own opportunities and set goals based on them.

    Improving self-esteem in psychology is often associated with the ability to comply with their priorities. When the goals and ideas are too difficult and for their implementation requires a lot of time, a person decides that they are not under power and begins to blame himself. Such experience leads to the fact that he will soon refuse to plan his own life, relying on the opinion that he still does not work.