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  • Bare scientist. Bar Carl Ernst Background - Biography. Karl Ernst Background Bair - Quotes

    Bare scientist. Bar Carl Ernst Background - Biography. Karl Ernst Background Bair - Quotes

    The largest biologist of the first half of the XIX century, the founder of modern embryology. Virtual name is Max Background Lingen. In the past year, he was in our city and participated in the seminar, held by the ban on the memory of His Great Prapraded.

    Karl Ernst Background Bair
    Karl Ernst Von Baer

    Karl Maksimovich Bair (1792-1876) - an outstanding scientist-naturalist, it is estimated by V.I. Vernadsky in a number of the greatest minds of humanity. All over the world, Karl B. is considered almost the founder of embryology - like science. He also owns the opening of the geographical phenomenon in the Caspian lowland, which now call Barrey hills. In the sea of \u200b\u200bLaptev is the island of Baer. Carl Bare first established the existence of such a phenomenon as permafrost. Entomologist and anthropologist. Researcher of the works of Homer, in practice, proven that the journey of Odyssey actually took place and took place from Ithaca to the eastern coast of the Black Sea. Historian who has written labor on the polar expeditions of Peter the first. Anthropologist. Entomologist. Zoologist. Botanist. Ichthyologist. Anatomist. Doctor. Darwinist before the appearance of Darwin's works. Poet. Polar researcher. One of the founders of the Russian geographical society.
    How did it happen that interests and, most importantly, success, one scientist is so diverse?

    A story about it will start with a multiple certificate that such embryology is to the creators of which Bair rank.

    Embryology (from the ancient Greek ἔμβρυον, germ, Embryo; and -λογία -Logia) - This is a science studying the development of the embryo. Interesting History of embryology. Embryological studies in India, China, Egypt and Greece to 5 V. BC e. Sometimes reflected religious-philosophical exercises. However, the above-looking views had a well-known impact on the subsequent development of E., the founders of which should be considered hippocratic (as well as the authors of the authors of the T. N. "Hippocratov Collection") and Aristotle. Hippocrates and his followers paid the most attention to studying the development of a human embryo, recommending only for comparison to study the formation of a chicken in the egg. Aristotle widely enjoyed observations and in the writings "History of Animals" and "On Animals" reported data on the development of man, mammals, birds, reptiles and fish, as well as many invertebrates. The most detailed Aristotle studied the development of chicken embryo. The embryological views of Aristotle remained throughout the medieval, up to 16 V. without significant changes. An important stage of development of E. was the situation of the work of the Dutch scientist V. Koyter (1573) and the Italian scientist of Wirepentend (1604), containing new observations on the development of chicken embryo. The essential shift in the development of E. came only from the middle of the 17th century, when an essay of W. Garvela appeared (see Garvey) "Studies on the emergence of animals" (1651), the material for which was the study of the development of chicken and mammals. GARVEY summarized the idea of \u200b\u200bthe egg as the source of the development of all animals, however, as Aristotle, believed that the development of vertebrates occurs mainly by Epiecenesis, argued that no part of the future fetus "does not exist in the egg is relevant, but all parts are in it potentially "; However, for insects, he admitted that their body arises by the "metamorphosis" in the initially preceding parts. The eggs of Mammals Garvey did not see, as well as the Dutch scientist R. de Graph (1672), who received the follicles of the ovarian follicles, which were subsequently the name of the grapham bubbles. The Italian scientist M. Malpigi (1672) with the help of a microscope found organs in those stages of the development of a chicken, which had not previously been able to see the formed parts of the embryo. Malpigi joined the premedistic ideas , prevailing in embryosology almost until the end of the 18th century; The main defenders were Swiss scholars A. Galler and Sh. Bonn. A decisive blow to ideas about the preformation that is inextricably linked with the idea of \u200b\u200bunchanged living beings, Nano K. F. Wolf in the dissertation "Theory of origin" (1759, published in Russian in 1950). In Russia, the influence of Idea Wolf affected the embryological studies of L. Trederna, H. I. Pantra and K. M. Bair.

    The founder of modern E. K. M. Baer discovered and described in 1827 an egg in the ovary of mammal animals and man. In the classic work "On the history of animal development", BER was first described in detail the main features of embryogenesis of the vertebrate series. He developed the concept of germinal sheets as basic embryonic bodies and found out their subsequent fate. Comparative observations on the embryonic development of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fish led Bair to theoretical conclusions, the most important of which is the law of similarity of germs relating to different vertebrate classes; This similarity is all the more than younger germin. Bare tied this fact with the fact that in the embryo as it was developed before the properties of the type appear, then class, detachment, etc.; species and individual features appear last.

    Karl Ber in his writings on embryology formulated patterns that were later named "Baer's laws":

    1. the most common signs of any large group of animals appear in the embryo earlier than less general features;
    2. after the formation of the most common features, less general and so before the emergence of special features inherent in this group;
    3. the embryo of any type of animal as it becomes becoming less and less like embryos of other species and does not pass through the late stages of their development;
    4. the germ of a highly organized species may have similarity with an embryo more primitive species, but never looks like an adult form of this species.

    In the book "On the history of animal development. Observations and reflections ", published in Koenigsberg in 1837, Carl Ber came to the conclusion that "The history of nature is just the story of the continuing victory of the spirit over the substance ... Individuals and rows of creatures, it makes it fade from the face of the earth and rejects modernity on the fragments of the exorbitant past."

    Karl Ernst, or, as he was called in Russia, Carl Maksimovich Bair, was born 17 (28) in 1792 in the town of PIP, in the Gerven district of Estland province. Bearea's father, Magnus Background Bar, belonged to the Estland nobility and was married to His cousin Yulia von Bair.

    Little Karl early began to be interested in different objects of nature and often brought home various fossils, snails and similar things. Beird's seven-year-old boy not only did not know more to read, but did not know any letter. Subsequently, he was very pleased with the fact that "did not belong to the number of those phenomenal children who, because of the ambition of parents, are deprived of light childhood."
    In 1810 he entered Derptsky (Tartu) the university, which graduated from 1814. Bair endured the examination of the doctor's medicine. They were presented and defended the thesis "On endemic diseases in Estlandia De Morbis Inter Esthonos Enthonicis. Auctor Carolus Ernestus Baer. Dorpat, Litteris Schummanni. 1814. 88 c.).

    In the depths of the Internet, found curious information about the Estonians, allegedly made of the crop of this dissertation:

    « All of them to the latter are serfs of Germans - poor and in the use of many cases are zeed ... Estonians are very greedy. Already the northern country itself makes it easy to assume; However, they are far away in one geographic latitude of their neighbors. From here and the reasons for the fact that since childhood is overlooking the stomach and stretch it ... This people also seek a more joyful mood, so for a moment to forget the gulling conditions of life at least for a moment, although their rude soul finds consolation only in wild and buoy fun, and she is alien to calm greasiness ... As for spiritual culture, most European peoples exceed them significantly, For very little Estonians learned a letter ... Of the disadvantages, it would be impossible to deny anyone, they would have listed it: lazy, uncleanness, excessive sub-construction before strong and cruelty, wildness in relation to weaker ... "

    Nevertheless, Estonians in Tartu10 years after Bair's death, on November 16, 1886, a monument to the Great Scientist was put on folk money (Peksinsky sculptor).

    And on the 2nd crown Estonian bill, Estonians also depicted a portrait of Baer.

    After graduating from Derpt University, Bare went abroad, choosing to continue his medical education to Vienna, where such celebrities such as Guildlands, Rust, Beer and others were taught. In the fall of 1815, Ber arrived in Würzburg to another well-known scientist - Dellinger, who was awarded, instead of a letter of recommendation, sachet Mukhov, explaining his desire to engage in comparative anatomy. The next day, Karl under the leadership of the old scientist began to prepare the leech from the pharmacy. In this way, he studied the structure of various animals. All his life, BER kept his heavenly thanks to Dellinger, who did not regret either the time, no work for his training. Of these, the teaching and scientific activities of Bair entered his permanent rut. He led the practical classes of students in an anatomical theater, read courses on human anatomy and anthropology and found time to prepare and publish special independent work.

    In 1819, he became an extraordinary professor of the Zoology of Königsberg University with the instructions to begin for the device at the University of Zoological Museum. In general, this year was happy in the life of Bair: he married one of the residents of Königsberg Augustus von Medhem. Gradually, in Königsberg, Baer became one of the prominent and favorite members of an intelligent society - not only in the circle of professors, but also in many families who did not have a direct relation to the university.

    Perfectly owning a German literary language, Bair sometimes wrote and German verses, and still very chemless and smooth. "I have to repent," says Bar in his autobiography, - that one day I was not a joke to mind, whether the poet was not sitting in me. But my attempts found out to me that Apollo was not sitting from my cradle. If I wrote not humorous verses, then the ridiculous element was still involuntarily in the form of a blank pathos or a teashedral elegy. "

    In the autumn of 1829, Bair went to Russia. But after a short stay in St. Petersburg, who made an unfavorable impression on him, the scientist settled again in Königsberg, to the great joy of his family and friends. Its position continued to improve: the government has assigning funds to the device of the new building for the Zoological Museum, in which the apartment was assigned to Baru.

    Scientific classes Bair continued with extraordinary zeal. He sat over a microscope for all day and, after all, heavily upset his strong health. While Bar thought, how to change his position, an unexpected event led to his new turn in his career. Senior Brother Ludwig fell ill and died; The targeted family estate in Estland was burdened with debts and demanded a good governance that was no longer expected, except from Charles. Thus, Bara had to go back to Estlandia.

    He is decided to send a request to the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences: Will there be free space in it? The Academy answered the election of Bara again into its members, and thus the final resettlement of Bair in Russia was decided. At the end of 1834, Baer lived in St. Petersburg.

    From the capital, the scientist in the summer of 1837 made a trip to the new land, where there was not a single naturalist. Baer was delighted with the abundance and novelty of the impressions made on him by this poor and to the ferventness by a harsh country.

    This journey led to the desire for new similar enterprises. In 1839, Baer made a trip with the eldest son Karl to study the islands of the Finnish Bay, and in 1840, together with the future famous traveler, Middendorf visited the Kola Peninsula. Thus, Bare became increasingly more and more in the study of geography, and since 1840 began to publish, together with Gel Messen, a special magazine at the Academy, called "Materials for Knowledge of the Russian Empire".

    His travels, however, were interrupted by new duties assigned to him. Since 1841, the scientist was appointed an ordinary professor at comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical and Surgical Academy. But the position of professor, although he significantly increased the content, so much of it, not leaving at the same time any amenities for independent zoological works that Bar in 1852 settled this title.

    In 1851, Baer presented the Academy of Sciences a large article "On Man", intended for the "Russian fauna" Semashko and translated into Russian.

    Since 1851, a series of travel travels in different places of Russia, undertaken with the practical goals and the involvement of Baer, \u200b\u200bexcept geographical and ethnographic studies, to the area of \u200b\u200bapplied zoology. He conducted an expedition to the Church of the Lake and the Baltic Sea, the Volga and the Caspian Sea. His "Caspian Research" in eight parts, very rich in scientific results. In this essay of Baer, \u200b\u200bthe eighth part is most interesting - " On the general law of education of river beds" We are talking about a wonderful phenomenon that later received the name of the Bair law, under this name it entered the textbooks of geography. Baer could not help at their numerous travels that the Russian rivers have the right beach (if you look at the direction of the river flow) is usually high, and the left is low. Thinking about the reason for this phenomenon, he came to the next theory. If the current water is sent to approximately parallel to the meridian, from the equator to the pole, then due to the rotation of the globe from the west to the east of the water, bringing with a large speed of rotation than in the northern latitudes, it will be with a special force to write to the eastern, that is, the right bank, which Therefore, it will be sharper and high than the left.

    KM Bair is known as one of the largest anthropologists of its time, as an organizer of anthropological and ethnographic studies in Russia. Of particular interest is his work "On the origin and distribution of human tribes" (1822), in which a view about the origin of humanity from the common root is developing, that the differences between human races have been developed after their settlement from the general center, under the influence of various natural conditions in the zones of their habitat. Perhaps this work for the first time is not just a collection of anthropological information, and does not boil down to a simple postulation of some idea, but is an attempt by the evident logical conclusion of a certain hypothesis. In 1824, KM Baer published his lectures on anthropology. Of the three-planned author parts, only the first anthropography, setting the foundations of anatomy and human physiology, was printed. Other two parts were to be devoted to the comparison of a person with animals, its position in the system of the animal world, as well as the description of differences within humanity, the issue of divisions within the form, about the influence of climatic factors and living conditions for the structure of a person. Unfortunately, at the completed form, the work did not see the light. Partially your ideas KM Baer outlined in a number of popular articles published in the 50-60s. In Petersburg.
    From 1842 K.M. Bare is headed by an anatomical office of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, where a small one was stored crane collections , The famous Petrovska collection of freaks and anatomical preparations purchased by Peter I at the Dutch Anatoma Ryuysh. Thanks to Baru, this cabinet becomes the basis of the future of the major museum. Baer led them and gave a lot of strength to replenish and systematization primarily its craniological collections. In the process of their study, BER published a number of articles on Craniology. The first of these refers to 1844 and is devoted to the description of the Karagass skull, which he compares with Samoyed and Buryat skulls. This is not only the first craniological work in Russia, but, undoubtedly, one of the first corneological studies in which many methodological and general questions of anthropology are delivered.
    By 1859, the article C.M. Baer "On Papuas and Alfure", in which his views on the origin of human races are detailed. Special works belong to him - about deformed turtles, about the craniological type of Slavs and a number of others. KM Baer was the founder of the study of the anthropological type of the Kurgan Slavic population of Russia and the direct predecessor of the outstanding works A.P. Bogdanova in this area.
    It should be especially noted by the merit of Bair in the development programs and technologies of anthropological, primarily craniological studies. Already in the works of the 40s and 50s, it indicates the need to develop uniform principles of measuring the human body (first of all, the skull). KM Baer was the initiator of the Congress of Anthropologists, who took place in Göttingen in 1861. The methods proposed on the Congress and the program of craniological studies formed the basis for further work craniologists both in Russia and abroad.
    Of the theoretical problems of anthropology, the greatest attention to KM Baer attracted questions of the origin of human races, the factors of racial features. The main position he has developed in his works is that the differences, both in the physical type, and in the culture of peoples, are due to the peculfles of the geographic environment, the influence of climate and terrain (tradition of J.B. Lamarc). It consistently develops a hypothesis of the uniform origin of humanity and its settlement from the Unified Center (theory monocentrism). These views were flowing out of the recognition of the variability of forms in the animal world and the generality of the origin of related species. Throughout its activities, KM Bair adhered to the theory transformism.

    In 1835, K.M. BER, besides its main activity at the Academy, showed a desire to do the library. He was appointed director of the foreign branch of the Academic Library and stayed in this post until resigned in 1862.

    The largest event to improve the organization of book funds and catalogs was the creation of a new scientific library classification, due to which library funds began to form and lay out in accordance with the level of development of accurate natural and humanitarian sciences. In accordance with this scheme, all foreign books and magazines have been encrypted and set up until 1929. Currently, this fund is part of the Basic Foreign Fund of Ban and is called the Barho Foundation, being a valid actively used by the book assembly.

    A huge contribution was made by BER into solving practical problems on the study and rationalization of fisheries on the Church of the Lake, in the Caspian and Azov seas. 4 years (1853-1856) he conducted an expedition to the Caspian Sea. Hisnic fishing by private industrialists in the mouth of the Volga and the Caspian-main area of \u200b\u200bthe fish products of the Russia of Russia led, as today, to the catastrophic fall of fish and threatened the loss of this main fishing base. To fulfill the supplied Baer problem, I decided to pre-conduct a detailed study of the hydrological and hydrobiological features of the Caspian, which were completely not studied before it. Wherein. He was overlooked Caspian in several directions from Astrakhan to the shores of Persia. He found that the reason for the fall of the catch is not at all in the squeezing of nature, but in the crucial and corruption interests of private fish workers, the hishnic ways of fishing fish and the irrational primitive ways to process it, which he called the "insane plant of the gifts of nature." It is impossible to catch the fish to spawning and during it, it is impossible not to make fish reproduction with artificial methods: Nature is not a bottomless barrel. Bare made the requirement to introduce state control over the protection of fish stocks and their recovery.

    The unique edition found in the internet subsoil: Bare, Karl Maksimovich "Pictures for the study of Caspian fishing". Published by the Ministry of Public Protection. SPb., In the printing house V. Robility, 1861.Mogenous color and tone lithographs, except scientific, have an artistic meaning. Rarity!

    Although Ber and used general respect and did not have a shortage of a friendly society, but life in St. Petersburg was not particularly like. Therefore, he was looking for the opportunity to leave Petersburg and go somewhere to live on the rest of the rest of his life, giving out exclusively to his scientific inclies, without any official duties. In 1862, he resigned, while he was elected an honorary member of the Academy.

    On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place in the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. The emperor complained to the anniversary of the life annual pension of 3 thousand rubles, and the Barho Prize for outstanding research on natural science was established at the Academy of Sciences.

    Bair was a very sharply, and his designer, having fun-kind humor swayed both in his speeches and in writings, sometimes even in the articles of a special character. For the sample of this humor, it is not, to bring the following excerpt from his speech, said in response to the greeting of Middendorf during the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of Bair's activities:

    "In conclusion, Bar said," let me thank all those present for their participation and try to pay them to the new theory for this. Death, as everyone knows, has been proven by experience, and this experience repeated very often, but the need for death after all It is still not yet proven. Lower organisms live often only for one specific time of the year, and for these limits, their lives will not extend, unless they leave the embryos of new individuals; such, for example, annual plants. But so that the organisms experienced winter and summer and summer having funds to accumulate food materials so that these organisms must have had to die - this is, I repeat, not proven. The famous Garvey anatomy once a man who died in the 152nd year of his life, and found all his bodies completely healthy, so this person She could probably live even more if he had not been moved from the village for the sake of better care of him, to the capital, where he died from too good care. I am inclined by the poet In considering death only for the manifestation of imitation, for something like fashion, - and fashion is completely unnecessary. In this conviction, I strengthen me and the philosophy of Schopenhauer, which considers everything that exists as a manifestation of will. If the stone falls, then this is only a consequence inherent in his will, forcing him to fall, just like I go because of my will, encouraging me to go. And so I set myself a task not to desire death and, if my bodies wanted to fulfill their duties, then I will opposing my will, which they will have to obey. I advise everyone to do everything in the same way and I invite you to all at my secondary doctoral anniversary in 50 years in the same place and ask only to give me an honor to accept you, as guests, as a host. "

    These words that have come from the mouth of a 72-year-old old man, are as much striking with their witty humor, how much and cheerfulness, which infrequently you can meet in a young man. They eloquently testify to the completeness of the spiritual forces and clarity of the mind, characteristic of Bara and in his old years!

    Karl Bar belonged to those scientists, the inspiration of which relates to science with poetry.

    After the jubilee, BER considered his Petersburg career finally completed and decided to move to Derpt, since he would have left abroad, he would be too removed from his children. Bair's family by this time declined greatly: the only daughter of His Maria married in 1850 for the doctors von Lingen, and from six sons were alive only three; Bair's wife died in the spring of 1864. At the beginning of the summer of 1867, he moved to his native university city.

    The aged scientist continued here, at rest, interested in science. He prepared his unpublished work to print and, if possible, followed the success of knowledge. His mind was still clear and actors, but the physical forces began to change more and more. 16 (28) November 1876, Bar died quietly, as if she fell asleep.

    Karl Maksimovich B. (Karl Ernst) (1792-1876) - naturalist, founder of embryology, one of the founders of the Russian geographical society, foreign corresponding member (1826), academician (1828-30 and 1834-62; Honorary Member since 1862) St. Petersburg An. Born in Estlandia. Worked in Austria and Germany; In 1829-30 and from 1834 - in Russia. Opened an egg in mammals, described the staging of Blastuly; He studied embryogenesis of chicken.

    Karl Baer established the similarity of the embryos of higher and lower animals, the consistent appearance in the embryogenesis of the type, class, detachment, etc.; described the development of all the main vertebrates. He explored a new land, the Caspian Sea. K. Ber - Editor of the Editions of the Russian Geography . I explained the pattern of the rear of the banks of the rivers (Baer's law: rivers flowing in the direction of Meridian, in the northern hemisphere, put the right bank in the northern hemisphere, in the south - left. It is explained by the influence of the daily rotation of the Earth on the movement of water particles in the river.).



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    Karl Ernst Background Bair Teaching Biology Kuzyaev A.M. Nizhny Novgorod

    Karl Ernst von Bair (February 171792 - November 28, 1876) Karl Ernst von Baer, \u200b\u200bor, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich B., one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy, academician Petersburg Academy of Sciences, President of the Russian Entomological Society, one of the founders Russian geographical society. Ichthyologist, geographer, anthropologist and ethnographer.

    Bair was born on February 28, 1792 in the father's estate of PIN, Estland province (Tarta, Estonia); Bearea's father, Magnus Background Ber, belonged to the Estland nobility. HOME teachers were engaged in Carl. In August 1807, the boy entered the noble school in Rive. In 1810 - 1814 he studied at the Derpt University of Medicine and in 1812 - 1813 had the opportunity to do it almost in a large military climbing in Riga. In 1814, BER stood the exam on the degree of doctor of medicine.

    For improvement in the sciences, Karl Bar went to Germany, where, under the direction of Delling, he was engaged in comparative anatomy in Würzburg; I got acquainted with Neuz von Esenbeck, who had a great influence on his mental direction. Since 1817, BER consists of a Burdach prostile in Königsberg. In 181 9, he was appointed extraordinary, and soon after the ordinary professor of zoology. In 1826, he was appointed an ordinary professor of anatomy and director of an anatomical institution. In the same year, Ber opened an egg mammalian egg. In 1828, the first volume of the famous "animal development history" appeared in print. In 1829, an academician and professor of zoology in St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences was invited. Johann Dellingher carried Background Esenbek

    In the summer of 1837, he traveled to the Nanova Earth, where there was not a single naturalist. In 1839, Bair made a trip to study the Isles of the Finnish Bay. In 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Since 1840 began to publish, together with Gel Messen, a special journal at the Academy, called "Materials for Knowledge of the Russian Empire".

    Since 1841, Baer was appointed to a specially-founded department of comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical and Surgery Academy by the ordinary professor. Incidentally works in conjunction with the surgeon N.I. Pirogov. In 1851, Baer presented the Academy of Sciences a great article "On Man", intended for the "Russian fauna" Yu.I. Simashko and translated into Russian. K. Bar N.I. Pirogov

    Since 1851, Baer travel construction is begins in Russia with practical purposes and worn, in addition to geographical and ethnographic research, to the area of \u200b\u200bapplied zoology (on the Church of Ozerko, the Baltic Sea, on the Volga and the Caspian Sea). In the spring of 1857, the scientist returned to Petersburg and is fond of anthropology. He brought into operation and enriched the collection of human skulls in the Anatomical Museum of the Academy of Sciences. In 1862, he resigned, while elected an honorary member of the Academy. On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place in the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. After the anniversary, BER counted his Petersburg career with an irrevocably completed and made a conclusion to move to Derpt. At the beginning of the summer of 1867, he moved to a close university town.

    Baer's laws The most common features of any large group of animals appear in the embryo earlier than less general features; After the formation of the most common features, less general and so before the emergence of special features inherent in this group; The embryo of any type of animal as it becomes becoming less and less like embryos of other species and does not pass through the late stages of their development; The germ of a highly organized species may have similarity with an embryo more primitive species, but never looks like an adult form of this species.

    The law of the germinal similarity of Karl Ernst von Baer showed that the development of all organisms begins with an egg. At the same time, the following patterns are observed, common to all vertebrates: in the early stages of development, the striking similarity is detected in the structure of animal germs related to different classes (at the same time the embryo of the highest form is not like an adult animal form, but on its embryo); In the embryos of each large group of animals, general features are formed earlier than special; In the process of embryonic development, there is a discrepancy from more common to special.

    On November 16 (November 28), 1876, Bar died quietly, as like as she fell asleep. In November 1886, a monument to Baru was installed in Tartu. Monuments are also established at the entrance to the Zoological Museum of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and in the library of the Academy of Sciences (Ban) in St. Petersburg. In 1864, the premium was approved. Baer. K. Baer on Estonian banknote in 2 krons of Karl von Bär depicted on a banknote dignity in two Estonian crowns.

    Karl Ernst Background Bair (it. Karl Ernst Von Baer), or, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich B., February 17, 1792 - November 28, 1876), one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, president of the Russian entomological society, one of the founders of the Russian geographical society.


    Born in the family of the Baltic Germans in the Estonian PIP (Est. PIIBE) in Estonian Piebe (Est. Piibe)) in the arrival of Marien Magdalen (it. St. Marien-Magdalenen; in the Estonian version - the arrival of Coiru (Est. Koeru Kihelkond) ) Of the Weisinstein County of Estland Province (now on the territory of the parish of Rakka Lääne-Virumaa County of Estonia).

    Bearea's father, Magnus Background Bar, belonged to the Estland nobility and was married to His cousin Yulia von Bair. HOME teachers were engaged in Carl. He studied mathematics, geography, Latin and French languages \u200b\u200band other subjects. An eleven-year-old Carl has already become familiar with the algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

    In August 1807, the boy was taken to the noble school at the city of Cathedral (Doma Church) in Revel (now Tallinn). In the first half of 1810, Carl graduated from the course of the school. He enters the University of Derpti. In Derpte (now Tartu), Bair decided to elect a medical career.

    In 1814, BER stood the exam on the degree of doctor of medicine. They were presented and defended the thesis "On endemic diseases in Estlandia De Morbis Inter Esthonos Enthonicis. Auctor Carolus Ernestus Baer. Dorpat, Litteris Schummanni. 1814. 88 c.). Bare went abroad, choosing Vienna to continue his medical education.

    Professor Burdach suggested Baru to a prosector on the Department of Physiology in Königsberg University. As a transceller, BER opened the course of comparative anatomy of invertebrate animals, which was applied, as it consisted mainly of showing and explaining the anatomical preparations and drawings.

    In 1826, Baer was appointed an ordinary professor of anatomy and director of an anatomical institution with the release of the transceller who had fallen on it.

    In 1828, the first volume of the famous "animal development history" appeared in print. BER, studying the embryology of the chicken, observed that early stage of development, when two parallel rollers are formed on the germ plate, subsequently closed and forming the brain tube. Bair believed that in the process of development, each new education arises from a simpler preexisting foundation. Thus, in the embryo, the general foundations appear first, and more and more special parts are separated from them. This process of gradual movement from the total to the special is known under the name of differentiation. In this volume, Bar also described his proportion of germinal similarity. In 1826, BER opened the mammalian eggs. This discovery was made publicly in the form of a message in the name of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which chose him with his correspondent member.

    Another very important find, made by B., is the discovery of the spinal string (chord), the basics of the inner skeleton of vertebrates.

    At the end of 1834, Baer lived in St. Petersburg. From the capital, the scientist in the summer of 1837 made a trip to the new land, where there was not a single naturalist.

    In 1839, Bair made a trip to study the Isles of the Finnish Gulf, and in 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Since 1840 began to publish, together with Gel Messen, a special journal at the Academy, called "Materials for Knowledge of the Russian Empire".

    Karl Ernst Background Bair (it. Karl Ernst Von Baer), or, as he was called in Russia, Karl Maksimovich B., February 17, 1792 - November 28, 1876), one of the founders of embryology and comparative anatomy, academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, president of the Russian entomological society, one of the founders of the Russian geographical society.

    Born in the family of the Baltic Germans in the estate of PIP (Him. PIEP.; Estonian Piva (EST. PIIBE)) on the territory Marien Magdalen (it. St. Marien-Magdalenen.; In the Estonian version - arrival Coir. (Est. Koeru Kihelkond)) Weissenstein County of the Estland Province (now in the territory of the parish of Lääne-Virumaaya County of Estonia).

    Bearea's father, Magnus Background Bar, belonged to the Estland nobility and was married to His cousin Yulia von Bair. HOME teachers were engaged in Carl. He studied mathematics, geography, Latin and French languages \u200b\u200band other subjects. An eleven-year-old Carl has already become familiar with the algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

    In August 1807, the boy was taken to the noble school with the city cathedral in Rive (now Tallinn). In the first half of 1810, Carl graduated from the course of the school. He enters the University of Derpti. In Derpte (now Tartu), Bair decided to elect a medical career.

    In 1814, BER stood the exam on the degree of doctor of medicine. They were presented and defended the thesis "On endemic diseases in Estlandia De Morbis Inter Esthonos Enthonicis. Auctor Carolus Ernestus Baer. Dorpat, Litteris Schummanni. 1814. 88 c.). Bare went abroad, choosing Vienna to continue his medical education.

    Professor Burdach suggested Baru to a prosector on the Department of Physiology in Königsberg University. As a transceller, BER opened the course of comparative anatomy of invertebrate animals, which was applied, as it consisted mainly of showing and explaining the anatomical preparations and drawings.

    In 1826, Baer was appointed an ordinary professor of anatomy and director of an anatomical institution with the release of the transceller who had fallen on it.

    In 1828, the first volume of the famous "animal development history" appeared in print. BER, studying the embryology of the chicken, observed that early stage of development, when two parallel rollers are formed on the germ plate, subsequently closed and forming the brain tube. Bair believed that in the process of development, each new education arises from a simpler preexisting foundation. Thus, in the embryo, the general foundations appear first, and more and more special parts are separated from them. This process of gradual movement from the total to the special is known under the name of differentiation. In this volume, Bar also described his proportion of germinal similarity. In 1826, BER opened the mammalian eggs. This discovery was made publicly in the form of a message in the name of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, which chose him with his correspondent member.

    Another very important find, made by B., is the discovery of the spinal string (chord), the basics of the inner skeleton of vertebrates.

    At the end of 1834, Baer lived in St. Petersburg. From the capital, the scientist in the summer of 1837 made a trip to the new land, where there was not a single naturalist.

    In 1839, Bair made a trip to study the Isles of the Finnish Gulf, and in 1840 he visited the Kola Peninsula. Since 1840 began to publish, together with Gel Messen, a special journal at the Academy, called "Materials for Knowledge of the Russian Empire".

    Since 1841, the scientist was appointed an ordinary professor at comparative anatomy and physiology at the Medical and Surgical Academy.

    In 1851, Baer presented the Academy of Sciences with a large article "On Man", intended for the "Russian fauna" Semashko and translated into Russian.

    Since 1851, a number of travel travels in Russia, undertaken with the practical goals and the involvement of Baer, \u200b\u200bexcept geographical and ethnographic research, in the area of \u200b\u200bapplied zoology. He conducted an expedition to the Church of the Lake and the Baltic Sea, the Volga and the Caspian Sea. His "Caspian research" in eight parts are very rich in scientific results. In this essay of Baer, \u200b\u200bthe eighth of the eighth part is most interesting - "On the general law of river river formation" (see Baer Law). In the spring of 1857, the scientist returned to St. Petersburg. Now Baer surrendered mainly anthropology. He put in order and enriched the collection of human skulls in the Anatomical Museum of the Academy, gradually turning it into the Anthropological Museum.

    In 1862, he resigned, while he was elected an honorary member of the Academy.

    On August 18, 1864, a solemn celebration of his anniversary took place in the St. Petersburg Academy of Science. After the anniversary, BER counted his Petersburg career finally completed and decided to move to Derpt. At the beginning of the summer of 1867, he moved to his native university city.