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  • PR in antique mythology. Franco Agamenone live score, schedule and results - Tennis Agamemenon, King of the leader of Ahetsev in the Trojan War

    PR in antique mythology. Franco Agamenone live score, schedule and results - Tennis Agamemenon, King of the leader of Ahetsev in the Trojan War

    Agamemenon, King of the leader of the Ahetsev in the Trojan War

    Agamemenon - Character of Greek myths and "Iliads" of Homer, the son of atreya and aircraft, the Mikaensky king, the leader of the United Ahase troops in the Trojan War.

    Proud and domineering, mighty and brave warrior and at the same time a suspicious egoist, lost in difficult situations - such appears to Agamemnon in Homer, Eschil, Euripid and Sofokla, in novels and plays of modern authors; His character at the same time attracts us, and repels, and the tragic fate causes compassion.

    Agamemenon was born in myxa, where his father, Atii, came to power after the death of King Eurysfy, who did not leave the descendants behind him. The childhood of Agamemnon and his younger brother Mellaya passed in the atmosphere of intrigue and the struggle for power between atre and his brother Fiesta.

    Agamemenon's child witnessed the disgusting crime of his father who killed Plisphen and Tantalum, sons of Fiesta; Later in front of Agamemnon, Atii was killed by Egisfom, Son Fiesta.

    When the phiesta came to power in Micheen, Agamemenon and Meneli fled to Sparta, under the protection of the king Tyndara. However, at the very first opportunity, Agamemnon returned to take revenge on the death of his father. By killing Fiesta, Agamemenon became king Myce, as the legal heir atre.

    Agamemenon became one of the most powerful and rich Ahasey rulers. He lived in friendship with all the kings and even reconciled with his father's killer, Egisf. About his residence was not different, as about "malicious mixes". He was also a happy spouse and father.

    When his brother Melani took himself to his wife Elena (beautiful), Agamemenon married her threatening sister Klisterere, who gave him the son of Oreste and daughters Christmide, Electra and Iphigence (in older sources, instead of the electra, Laodice is named, and instead of infidation - Ifianssa).

    Agamemenon lived in his palace calmly and happily, taking advantage of general respect, and only one threatened him: that he will enter the myth without any glory.

    But there was anxious news in Mycenae: Meal, who after the death of Tindray became the king of Sparta, kidnapped his wife Troyansky Tsarevich Paris. Soon, Melai himself arrived in Mycenae and asked Agamemnon to help him retail him. After all, she was the most beautiful of all mortal women, her father was Zeus himself, and Covarian Paris kidnap her, being a guest of Sparta. And not only this: at the same time he grabbed the treasures of Menel.

    It was a gross violation of hospitality, the greatest insult of the king, spouse, men. Such treachery could not remain unpunished.

    Agamemenon advised his brother to go with some experienced mediator, best - with the king of Ithaca Odyssey, in Troy and there to ask for justice to the father of Paris, the Trojan king to Priau, who, of course, will settle the whole thing. Menelai did that, but did not achieve anything. Paris was ready to return stolen treasures, but he did not want to talk about the return of Elena.

    Then Menelai and Odyssey threatened the Trojans of the war, but Paris stood on his own, and supported him. Having learned about this, Agamemenon sent ambassadors to all the Ahase kings, calling them to help Melane and punish Paris.

    The campaign headed by Agamemnon was survived by the participants of glory and rich prey. In the harbor, Avlida gathered 1186 ships and 100 thousand soldiers, ready to oppose Troy.

    The article uses frames from the film "Troy" 2004. In the role of Agamemnon - Actor Brian Cox.

    In the consciousness of their responsibility, the commander-in-chief Agamemenon was ready for any sacrifice, if only the gods were favorable to the campaign. He sacrificed to Artemis his native daughter Iphigenia to redeem the insult, which was once goddess.

    After dangerous swimming, complete unforeseen obstacles, the fleet of the Ahetseians stuck, finally, to the shores of Troy. Although there they had a mighty army, driven by the eldest son of Pria Hector, the Ahaseians managed to land in the Troadade. However, take the assault high walls of Troy Greeks failed and rolled back from them, like waves from the uncomplicated dam. Then Agamemnon ordered to break the fortified camp and began new and new attacks of Troy from him - whole nine years old, but everything is in vain!

    On the tenth year, in the Ahase troops opened a long time to accumulate discontent. Warriors dreamed of returning home, and the commander has lost hope for prey and glory. In addition, when the disappointment of an unpromising war has reached the limit, a dispute arose between Agamemnon and the best Achille Achille, the leader of Mirmidonyan.

    The reason was the woman: with one of the military expeditions, Achille captured several prisoners, including the daughter of Christ, the Priests of Apollo; In case of the deseparation of Chryside, Agamemnon went.

    Soon her father came to the camp and asked Agamemenon to return to him for a rich ransom. But Agamemenon did not agree, since he liked the girl, and he with disgrace he expelled her father. Then Christ appealed to Apollon with a prayer for ignition. Apollo, insulted in the face of his priest, descended from Olympus and with the help of his arrows released from a silver bow, scattered the perceived Ma in the village of Ahetsey.

    Since Agamemenon did nothing to delight Apollo, Achille intervened. He convened a popular assembly so that it decided that they should be taken. Agamemenon was about this, as it believed that the right to convene the meeting belongs to him alone. He appeared at the meeting, but with anger in the soul and with the intention to demonstrate His power and power to Achillu. At the meeting of the Ahase warriors, the Army sovereign Calchant stated that Apollo would succeed only in the event that Christ's daughter return the father, but without any redemption and apologize.

    Agamemnon pounced on Calkhanta, and when Ahill stood up, Agamemenon shouted and rudely insulted. After a sharp crossing, in which neither the other did not choose words, Agamemenon eventually stated that in the interests of the troops refuses Chryside, but in return to someone from the leaders a different captive - and chose Bricewood, the concubines of Achilla. Achilles obeyed the decision of the commander-in-chief, no matter how increasing and unfair it was, but made his conclusions from it. He proclaimed that he would not participate in the war, while Agamemenon and all the Ahaseians who did not speak in his defense would not ask him for forgiveness, they would not remove his dishonor.

    In vain, Achilla, the rest of the leaders, especially the Pilos King, an old man Nestor, the brave Diomed from Argos and a cunning Odyssey from Ithaca. He stood on his own and this brought the troops to his army: when the Trojans learned that the Achilles would fight with them, who had horrified on them, they made a bitter from the city, forced the Ahaseians to retreat and began to prepare for the crushing assault of their camps.

    Agamemenon sent ambassadors with apologies and a proposal to reconcile. He promised to return him to Bricewood with the seven other prisoners in addition and with rich gifts. However, Achille could not forget the offense and rejected as the proposal of the world and the gifts. I had to fight the ahilla and his troops without Achille.

    Despite the resistance, the Trojans pressed the Greeks to the very sea. Agamemenon bravely fought in the forefront, as he likes the leader, but when, due to injury and loss of blood, he had to leave the battlefield, he suggested the rest of the Ahase leaders to abandon the further struggle and save the life of Warriors. However, the soldiers continued to fight courageously, and with them all leaders.

    Finally, they waited for the new turn of the events: seeing that Hector had already started to approach the Ahase ships, Achilles allowed his friend to enter the battle at the head of Mirmidonyan and lent him his armor. The Trojans decided that the Achilles himself was opposed against them, and the feet rushed in fear.

    But the cartridge, who saved the ships and the camp of the Ahaeis, did not return from the battle; He died in martial arts with Hector, who helped God Apollo. Then Achille decided to join the battle to take revenge on a friend. He accepted the proposal of Agamemenon about reconciliation and fought under the walls of Troy to his heroic death.

    We know that the Ahaseians eventually took the trick. At the proposal of Odyssey, they built a huge wooden horse, inside which the most brave warriors hid. Then Agamemnon ordered to set fire to the camp, put the army on the ships and sailed to the West with all the fleet. However, he did not swim in Greece, as the Trojans believed, and had a tendos for Cape and the onset of darkness returned with all the army.

    The Trojans meanwhile brought the horse to the city - and even disassembled the sake of this part of the urban wall, since the gate was too narrow. Too easily, the Trojans believed the story of the Greek warrior Synonym, who left Odysse on the shore by providing it with the relevant instructions. Synonyn said that a gigantic wooden horse is dedicated to the Ahaseians the goddess of Athena and can serve as a protection of the city.

    At night, the hid warriors came out of the horse, defeated anything suspected of the guard, and Synonym gave an agreed sign Agamemenon, who invaded the army to the city through a break in the wall. Only throat only smoking ruins reminded once glorious three.

    The victorious Agamemenon returned to Mycenae, his ships were overloaded with gold, silver, bronze, slaves. Having entered the native land, he touched her and brought a gratitude to the gods. Then Agamemenon ordered a huge bonfire on the coastal mountain - before leaving for war, he promised his spouse to notify her in this way about returning. Clievche was looking forward to the conventional signal, but not alone waited for him.

    While Agamemenon fought at the walls of Troy, his cousin Egisf appeared in the mixes and seduced his wife. True, at first she resisted, but then succumbed to a flattery, and now they have already developed a plan for how to get rid of Agamemnon.

    Egisf solemnly welcomed him, introduced into the feast room, and when the day was in full swing, Egisf gave a sign of hidden soldiers, and those killed Agamemnon along with all his associates (as Homer said: "And, hurt, stabbed how to cut a bull nearby nursery "). Then Egisf ordered hastily to bury Agamemnon behind the city walls, married Klishestra and proclaimed himself to the king of Mikten.

    At this, the story about Agamemnon does not end. The last word said in 1876 the German archaeologist Schliman. In the photo: the so-called "Agamemnon Mask" from wrought gold, made in the XIV century BC. The Golden Mask was found by Heinrich Schliman in 1876 in mycken. Now stored in the National Museum, in Athens.

    After in 1871-1873 Schliman spread the ruins of Troy, in the existence of which most scientists doubted that he went to the Michanets in search of Agamemnon's tomb. At the same time, Schliman relied on information from the "Iliad" of Homer, "Orestei" of Eschil, "Electra" ELRIPIDE and "Descriptions of Eldlas" of Pavania, who visited Micheen in 2 V. BC e.

    And indeed, on a fenced area of \u200b\u200bfortress walls, at a depth of about 8 meters, Schliman found five tombs with the remains of fifteen people, literally swept gold and jewels. Their decorations and weapons correspond to the description of Homer. The faces of the dead were covered with gold masks reproducing their features; In this, Schliman could be convinced because under one of the masks found intact, naturally mummified face of Mycenaean Lord.

    The enthusiastic archaeologist decided that this was Agamemnon himself: "I found the tombs that Pausania, relying on the tradition, considers the tombs of Agamemnon, Cassandra, Eurymedont and their friends killed by Cusar Egisf and a treacherous clionstroee."

    However, later studies have shown that people, the remains of which Schliman discovered in the mixes, lived in about two and a half centuries to the death of Troy, and hence the death of Agamemnon.

    True, Agamemenon can die, he first had to live - but we have no direct evidence of its existence, so even after the discoveries of Schliman Agamemnon remains a hero of myths.

    Mycena Treasures are now in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. They occupy almost the entire introductory hall there, and their radiance testifies that Homer did not speak for nothing about the "Gust of Rich Mixes". The name Agamemenon is mentioned there at every step, in particular before the Golden mask, which Schliman attributed to him.

    In addition to those mentioned above the attic tragedies of the 5th century. BC e. He is devoted to the tragedy of the Seinea "Agamemnon".

    In a new time, the fate of Agamemnon was based on dozens of various works; We will call only the tragic tetraldogue of Gauptman and the opera-trilogy "Orestea" S. I. Taneyev.

    A.S. Pushkin in the poem "It was time: our holiday is young ..." (1836) Agamemenon - Emperor Alexander I:

    "You remember how our Agamemenon
    From the prisoner Paris to us snapped. "

    Agamemenon Agamemenon

    (Agamemnon, άγαμέμνων). King Mycene, Brother Meal. He married a cliques, who gave him the infigration, crisophemide, Lodica (electric tragic) and Orest. He was the most powerful king in all Greece. When Paris took Elena and the Greek kings on the call of Menely decided to take revenge on the Trojans, then Agamemenon was elected the leader of all the troops. But still not Agamemnon Hero "Iliad", since he is below the Achilles on valor and nobility. In taking Troy, he went to the extraction of Cassandra, the daughter of Priama, with whom he returned home. Here, His Egisf is killed, who in the absence of Agamemenon lived with the wife of Agamemnon Cliudernone; Cliqueness kills Cassandra. The son of Agamemnon Orest subsequently takes possession of the death of his father and kills his mother and Egisf.

    (Source: "A brief dictionary of mythology and antiquities." M. Korsh. St. Petersburg, edition A. S. Suvorin, 1894.)


    (Άγαμέμνων), in Greek mythology Son ATREY and Aeropes, The leader of the Greek troops during the Trojan war. After the murder of atreya Egisfom A. I. Meneli. were forced to run in Etolia, but the king of Sparta Tendarka Going on a mixture for me, made Fiesta To give way to the power of the Sons of Atreya. A. became the king in mycken (which an antique tradition often identifies with neighboring Argos) and married the tyndara daughter Clikesere. From this marriage A. had three daughters and son Orice. When Paris kidal Elena And all her former grooms united in a hike against Troy, A., as the elder brother Meal and the most powerful of the Greek kings, was elected head of all Rati. "Iliad" depicts A. Valorous Warrior (the description of his feats is given in the 11th century), but does not hide his arrogance and disadviance; It is these properties of character A. What causes many disasters for the Greeks. Having killed once on the hunt of Lan, A. Praised that such a shot could envy Artemis; The goddess accepted and deprived the Greek fleet of passing wind. The Greeks could not leave the Avlude for a long time (while A. did not bring his daughter to sacrificing the goddess Iphigenia; This fact, the Greek tradition explains the host's hostility to her husband) (Apollod. Epit. ILL 21 trail.). Capturing in captivity during one of the raids at the surroundings of Troy Chryside, A. refuses to return it for the big redemption of the father of Christ, the priest of Apollo, and God, hovering by the Molubas of Christ, sends to the Greek army with a sea ulcer. When it turns out the true cause of disaster and Achilles Requires from A. Returns to Christide her father, A. Selects his prisoner's prisoner from Achilla, which leads to a long self-esteem of the insulted Achilla from the battle and to serious defeats of the Greeks (Noah. P. I 8-427; IX 9-692). The epic poem "return" (7th century BC) and "Orestea" of Stsisikhore did not come about the further fate. After taking Troy A., having received huge prey and Cassandra returned to the homeland, where he was waiting for death in his own house; On the more ancient version of the myth, he fell during a feather from Egisfa's hand, who had time to share Klistera (notes. OD. III 248- 275; IV 524-537). Starting from the middle of the 6th century. BC e. At first place, the cliete itself was harvested: having met A. with hypocritical joy, she then sketched heavy covers in his bath and caused three fatal strikes (Aeschyl. Agam. 855-1576).
    The fabulous wealth of A. and its outstanding position among the Greek leaders, which are reflected in the myth, reflect the elevation of historical michen in 14-12 centuries. BC e. And their dominant role among the early states of Peloponnese. The preserved ritual epithet "Zeus-Agamemenon" shows that A., probably, was initially one of those half-skinned heroes of the patrons of his tribe, whose functions with the formation of the Olympic Pantheon moved to Zeus.
    in. n. Bright.

    Of the dramatic works of antiquity dedicated to the murder of A., the tragedies "A." Eschil (the first part of the "Orestea" trilogy) and the Seneki. The plot was developed in European drama from the 16th century. (Sax, T. Decker, etc.). The interest in myth awakened again in the 2nd half of the 18th century. (tragedies "A." V. Alfiery, L. J. N. Lemar, etc.). In 19-20 centuries. The plot is based on about 30 tragedies, the dramatic tetralogy of Gauptman ("Ifigations in Delphi", "Iphigence in Avlida", "Death A.", "Electra").
    In the ancient fine art A. - a secondary character in multifigure compositions (Methods of the Northern side of Parfenon et al.). The murder of A. Found an embodiment in the painting of a number of Greek VAZ and in reliefs of several Etruscan funeral urns.
    In European musical and dramatic art, the plot of death A. Loe is based on the libretto of a number of operas 18-20 centuries. ("Kliecesstra" N. Piccchini; "Klieceestra" N. Qinggarlelli; "A." D. Treveves; Opera trilogy "Oresteya" S. I. Taneyev; "Oresteya" F. Waingartner; "Oresteya" D. Miyo; "Kliecesee "R. Prokhazki;" A. "D. Kuklin;" Kliecesster "I. Pizzetti, etc.) and Cantat (" Cliemstrae "L. Kerubini et al.).

    (Source: "Myths of the Peoples of the World".)


    In Iliad, King Mycene and Argos, the leader of the Ahase troops in the Trojan War. It was famous for courage and wealth, simultaneously distinguished power and arrogance. Son king Mikten Atera and Aeropes. Spouse Climbers (daughters of the Ice and Spartan king Tyndaray). The brother of the Spartan Tsar Menel, married to the sister Climetra Elena beautiful. Under Troy Agamemenon was the supreme leader of the Allied Ahase troops. On the day of returning home, Cunningly killed by Climennest, which, while her husband fought under Troy, came into contact with his cousin Egisf. Father Ores, Iphigenia, Laodice, Christhemis and Electra.

    // Jose Maria de Neredy: Death of Agamemnon // Nikolai Gumilev: Warrior Agamemnon

    (Source: "Myths of Ancient Greece. Dictionary-Directory." Edwart, 2009.)


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      One of the main heroes of the ancient Greek Nationaleepos, the son of the Mycena King Atreya and the Eropy and the brother of Menel. Fight, the surveillance of the father's nephew of his auspices, son of Tiesta and the stead of the last, together with his brother in Sparta. Here is the brothers ... ... Encyclopedia Brockhaus and Ephron

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      Agamemenon - In the myths of the ancient Greeks, the leader of the Greek troops during the Trojan war. After the murder of his father, Agamemenon and Menelai atre fled in Etolia, but the king Sparta Tyndarey, going to a walk on Mycena, forced Fiesta to give way to the power of the Sons of Atreya. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary "World History"

    Agamemenon was born in mycken, where his father Atrei came to power after death, who was not leaving the descendants of Tsar Eurisfie. The childhood of Agamemnon and his younger brother Mellaya passed in the atmosphere of the struggle for power and intrigue between atre and his brother Fiesta.

    When Agamemenon was a child, his father killed the sons of Fiesta - Plisphen and Tantalla, later another son of Fiesta - Egisf killed atreya.

    After the murder of the Father, Agamemenon, together with the brother Menel, fled to Sparta, where he was looking for refuge in the Spartan king Tyndaray. Here the brothers married the daughters Tyndaray, Agamemenon on the Clique, Meneli - on Elena. The throne after death tyndaray moved to Menelia. With the help of Brother Agamemenon, killing Fiesta, became the king of Myce, as the legal heir at the atreya.

    Subsequently, he significantly expanded his own ownership and became the most powerful ruler in all Greece. About his residence was not different, as about "malicious mixes".

    He was also a happy spouse and father. His children: Son Orest and daughters of infigration, Electra and Christhemide.

    Trojan War

    Everything was good until the moment when Menel had kidnapped his wife Trojan Tsarevich Paris. And not just his wife, and also the most beautiful of all mortal women, the father of which was Zeus himself. The worst thing was that Paris kidnap her, being a guest of Sparta, and at the same time grabbed the treasures of Menel.

    It was and gross violation of hospitality, and the greatest insult of the spouse, king, men. Such a crime could not remain unpunished

    Menelai asked Agamemnon to help him return Elena. Agamemenon advised his brother with some experienced mediator, best - with the king of Ithaki Odyssem, go to the Troy and there for justice to turn to the father of Paris, the Trojan king to Priau, who, of course, wishes the whole thing. But he did not achieve anything good. Paris was agreed to return the stolen treasures, but he categorically did not want to give Elena, and the Song supported.

    It was possible to solve the question only war.

    Agamemenon sent ambassadors to all the Ahasey kings, calling them to help Melane. He got up at the head of the Ahetsev troops. The campaign enulged the participants of glory and rich prey. In the harbor, Avlida gathered 1186 ships and 100 thousand soldiers, ready to oppose Troy. Before the war, Agamemnon visited Oracle in Delfa.

    Agamemenon was a valiant warrior, but had an arrogant and outstanding character, which was the cause of many disasters for the Greeks.

    Why could Greek ships live a long time from the Avlude? Yes, because Agamemenon angry the goddess Artemis. Having killed once on the hunt of Lan, he boasts that Artemis could envy such a shot; The goddess accepted and deprived the Greek fleet of passing wind. And while Agamemnon did not sacrifice his daughter with the disgust, the Ahaseians could not go on the road. This fact, the Greek tradition explains the enmity to her husband's clikestra, which did not know that the infigrations at the last moment was saved by Artemius.

    The fleet of the Ahetsey after dangerous swimming, complete unexpected obstacles, finally stuck to the shores of Troy. They were already waited for a mighty army, led by the eldest son of Pria Hector, but the Ahaseians were still able to land in the Troadade. But the high walls of Troy take the assault of the Greeks failed.

    Then Agamemnon ordered the fortified camp and made new and new attacks of Troy from it - whole nine years old, but everything is in vain!

    On the tenth year, the dischargeable discontent was openly manifested in the Ahase troops. The commander has lost hope for prey and glory, and the soldiers just dreamed of returning home. When the limit was disappointed by an unpromising war, a dispute arose between Agamemnon and the leader of Mirmidonyan, the best Achille Achille fighter.

    During one of the raids, capturing in the vicinity of Troy Chryside, Agamemenon refused even for a big ransom to return her father to Christ, the priest of Apollo, and, hovering by Christ's Melbam, God sends a seaside ulcer to the Greek army. When the true cause of disaster turned out, and Achilles demanded from Agamemnon the return of Chryside Father, Agamemenon took his prisoner from Achille, which led to a long self-esteem from the fights of the offended Achille and to serious defeat of the Greeks.

    The Trojans, being confident that Ahill, who visited the horror on them, does not fight with the Ahetans, they made a babble from the city, forced the Greeks to retreat and began to prepare for the crushing assault on their camps.

    During this assault, the Trojans pressed the Ahetsev to the very sea. As he likes the leader, Agamemenon bravely fought in the forefront, but when, due to injury and loss of blood, he had to leave the battlefield, he offered the rest of the Ahase leaders from further struggle to refuse and flee to save the life of warriors. However, the soldiers continued to fight courageously, and with them all leaders.

    When Hector had already started to approach the Ahasey ships, Achilles allowed him to enter his friend to his friend and lent him his armor into battle. The Trojans decided that Ahill himself made them against them, and rushed to run in fear.

    Patrole managed to save the ships and the camp of the Ahaeis, but did not return from the battle; He died in a duel with Hector, who helped God Apollo.

    To revenge for a friend, Achill decided to join the battle. He fought under the walls of Troy to his heroic death.

    In the end, the Ahaseians took three tricks. They built a huge wooden horse, the most brave warriors hid inside him. Then Agamemnon ordered the camp, the army put on the ships and sailed to the west with all the fleet. The Trojans decided that he was floating in Greece, while the Greeks were hidden by Cape Teenos and with the onset of darkness returned to all the army.

    On the shore, only the Greek warrior Synonyn remained on the shore, which the relevant instructions were given. Synonyn said that the Giant Wooden Horse was dedicated to the goddess of Athena, the giant wooden horse and could serve as a protection of the city.

    Too easily believed the Trojans by the story of Synony. They drove a horse to the city, and even for this, part of the city wall was dismantled, since the gate was too narrow. At night, the hid warriors got out of the horse, they defeated anything suspect of the guard, and Synonym gave an aggravated sign of Agamemnon, which through a break in the wall invaded the army in the city. Outroot about once glorious three resembled only smoking ruins.

    Death of Agamemnon

    Agamemenon with Triumph returned to Mycenae, his ships were overwhelmed with silver, gold, bronze, slaves. He is Vyuz as a prisoner and daughter of King Troy - Cassandra. But I was not glad there was his wife to return. While Agamemenon fought at the walls of Troy, his cousin Egisf appeared in myxes and seduced his wife. They have already developed a plan for how to get rid of Agamemnon.

    The meeting in the mixes was solemn, and after a time, the inhabitants of the city found out about the death of Agamemnon. Upon an older version of the myth, he fell during a feather from Egisf's hand. Starting from the middle of the 6th century to our era, another version was put forward to the fore, according to which Agamemnon was killed by his wife Cliudernone: who met her husband with hypocritical joy, and then sketched a heavy bedspread on him in a bath and caused three fatal strikes. The same fate was subject to Cassandra. Those who returned with him from Ilion were killed by Egisf for Peir.

    Later Odyssey meets him in Aida. His soul after death chose the life of an eagle.

    His sad fate and in particular the fatal end were a favorite theme of ancient tragedies.

    In honor of Agamemnon, Asteroid (911) Agamemenon, opened in 1919.

    The myth of the murder of Agamemnon

    When King Agamemenon went on a trip to Troy, Egisf, after long-term exile, returned to Argos and announced that he recognizes the primacy of Mighty Agamemnon, is ready to reconcile him with him and submit his power. All Argovyanam seemed that this reconciliation of close parents should put an end to an old bloody hostility between the two sectors of Pelopidov; So Agamemenon himself thought and, having accepted the authorities over the Ahasey Reli, quietly made a campaign. But while Heroes Eldlated under the walls of Troy, a cunning Egisf, who remained in Argos, built Kozny against Agamemnon and plotted his death. He got close to the clientedness and, mastering her heart, assigned to himself and power over Argos, hosted in Agamemnon's house, judged and commanded the people, as if he was the lawful king of the country. Both of them - Egisf and Cliqueness - hoped that Agamemnon would not return from under Troy; And if, contrary to their expectation, and managed to return to Argos alive - they were ready for everything to prevent the rival scary to Egisfa to join the rights belonged to him.

    Before leaving, Agamemenon promised Cliquenestra - only the Troy will be taken, immediately give to know about Tom in Argos. He wanted to send the forestellands and told them to breed the lights on the heights of all mountains lying on the way from Ida to the Argos itself; These lights should have serve as a victory sign over Ilion and the early return of Ahasey Rati to their native shores. Each night sent a cliques in one of his servants to the tower: the watchman was awake all night and vdal looked dusty - whether there will be no conditional fire. For many years, I did not have a hardware guardian service and was looking forwarded when I would get rid of him from that service when I won't spend the nights of sleep without sleep, lonely standing on a high tower and vainly looking out and waiting for the appearance of a victory sign. And once, in the morning dawn, he sees: Fire appeared on the top of the distant mountain. The conditional sign was transferred from a multi-wheelful Ida on the rock of Hermes, on Lemnos, hence the AFOS, then, through the tops of the coastal mountains, to the Kieferon and further to the Skaronian Bay, to the top of Araneon, close to Argos. Loudly and enthusiastically exclaimed the guard, seeing the expected flame for a long time, and hurried with joyful news to the palace of his lady.

    Only he listened to his cliques, immediately called on the ministers and went with them to the Square to bring the gratitude to the gratitude. The joyful news quickly spread throughout the city, and the people were going to the tsarist palace by crowds; On the square, in front of the palace, citizens wanted to wait for the arrival of the king. The elders are folk, chatting among themselves, recalled how the war began, as a treacherous parrench, insulted the divine and human rights, kidnapped Elena from the House of Tsar Menel and took with him in Troy for the death of himself and all the people of Priama: angry like eagles who have kidnapped chicks from the nest, rushed to the three atrides with the loss of the speaking agents and revenged the people of Priama, who made criminal paris under their protection. Copyright with glory, now the Ahaeis is returned to their native land. But how many heroes Palo in bloody, destructive types, how many houses in Argos is announced by sobs and screams! The great glory soiled the Agamemenon's Atridge, the enviable share fell out to him, now it is now all the people of Ahasey, names the great hero, the winner and the destroyer of the enemy firm. But the happiness of the mortal husband, and the loud glory gives rise often to death; Do not forget the outdoor of the Great Sacrifice brought in Avlida, do not forget him with his Iphigation, who fell under the priest sacrificial knife! No, the lot of great lands are envied; Let our share be modest, but it will be purely in our heart, and yes our days in the world.

    So interpreted the people who gathered in front of the Tsarist Palace, near the altar, who had a minister of the cliques who had committed sacrificial inspections. The queen herself, cold and proud, tried to take a joyful look, but from the few words, which she exchanged with the elders of the people, it was clear that she had something unkind. When the noise and people were heard in the crowd. In the fairness of the news of the king's arrival, Cliqueness was proudly straightened, with contempt I responded to the speech of the people's crowd and pointed to the messenger approaching the people with the oil branch in the hands and an oil crown on the head. The Bulletin native land, Altari gods and folk crowds, was happily greeted, then approached the queen and gave her the news of the victory over the Troy and about the return of the Ahasey rati. Cliqueness took the message with pretended joy and instructed the Bulletin to transfer to his master that the spouse is waiting for him with impatience and asks to hurry with arrival in the city. Following that Queen quickly retired to the palace - then, as if to prepare for the meeting of his royal spouse.

    After a little distance, on the road from the sea to the city, the King Agamemenon himself appeared and his own Reli. Armed warriors decorated with green branches were ahead; They followed the mules, rejected by rich prey, chariot with prisoners and at the end of all procession - a luxuriously, the core chariot harvested with white horses. On that chariot, the king Agamemenon, dressed in a purple mantle, with a golden scepter in his hands and with a crown of victory on the chel; Near the king was placed by the prisoner's daughter Tsar Priama, the tender Deva Cassandra. People welcomed the winners with joyful cries. When the royal chariot arrived at the Palace and Agamemenon was ready to enter the gate of his dwelling, Cliqueness, accompanied by a crowd of lush dressed ministers, hastily went to meet his spouse, happily welcomed him and began to talk about how many grief she had been in his absence In his luckless and helpless loneliness, as he was twisted and gone, when bad news came from under Troy. "But he had a hard time, the years of grief and tears: after winter storms, a clear sun of a peaceful, blooming spring was asked. Greetings to you, repelling and strongholds of the family, anchor of salvation of the entire Argos people! " So told climes and ordered the maids to remove with purple tissues all the way from the chariot to the gate of the palace, so that the land of the earth did not touch her feet of her spouse, the glorious destroyer of Ilion solid. Agamemnon did not want to accept honors, decent only immortal: Cliqueness managed to persuade him, convinced with flip words, and he finally agreed. But in order not to attract the gods to themselves the gods, the king took off his shoes and naked legs went to the doors of his dwelling. Cliqueness followed him and loudly thanked the gods for the happy return of the spouse; Crossing through the threshold of the palace, she suddenly stopped and exclaimed: "Now, about Zeus, I will fulfill my prayer, give help and make a conceived me!"

    The people still crowded to the Tsarist Palace; Silence stood ahead of the elder, dull, tommy, with some kind of unknown, but close misfortune. Suddenly returns from the cliennes Palace and hastily comes to the chariot, where Cassandra was located; Approaching the captive, the queen sternly spoke to her and told her to go to the inner relatives of the palace. The things Virgo remained fixed, as if did not hear the orders of the queen. Climbing climes and threatening the captive, hastily retired inside the palace. With deep participation, the people's elders came up with Cassandra, and they were just approaching, the source quickly rose from the place and, shuddering, prophetically exclaimed: "Mountain, Mount! Oh, Apollo, Oh, the desire, what death did you make me! Genus, hated The gods, criminal, stained with blood! How many atrocities are made to you: the babies are crying, jealous of the murderous knife; fry on the fire of their bodies and are offered in Sali Father! What she was planned, insane, which makes it! Here it raises her hand on his wife and lord Deeps him - he drops, it comes blood! Mount me, poor: death is waiting for me, and I will take death from the same hand! " So the things exclaimed the things, and the elders did not listen in horror. They advised her to escape from death, but Cassandra rejected their advice, threw off his covers, threw a sacred crown from his head, I broke the rod, given to her Apollo, and went to the door of the palace, who expected her death. In fear, she stopped for a moment before the gate of the royal dwelling, but encouraged again and gentlely joined the monastery of death and crimes. One hope comforted Priamov's daughter: she quoted that the atrocities of the Clique and her accomplice would not remain unpunished that Orest would reject them once.

    An embracing fear, in silence there was a people in front of the house of King Agamemnon. Suddenly heard from the palace of moans and screams. Chuy hearts misfortune, folk elders exposed swords and wanted to rush to the assistance to the king, but at this very moment a cliques appeared in the door of the palace. The man of her and clothes are stained with blood; On the shoulder, she kept the bloody sword, the corpses of Agamemnon and Cassandra carried her. In the bath, made for the king turned out from the far path, climensome struck him with a sword, and after the time he was killed and Cassandra. Elders, perturbed by the atrocity, showered the queen by reproach; She looked at them with contempt for them and praised his business as a business of righteous revenge: "He, returning home, washed the bowl, they were filled with him. That he lies, killed by my hand, - the villain, who took my daughter, to soften Thracian winds He did not regret his daughter, betrayed her for a mortgage. But, next to him, there is a faithful girlfriend him: and she fell from my hand, sang before the death of the things, swan song. " In horror, retreated from the criminal of the elder, and again fell on her reproaches and threats. Little little to the queen and herself began to confuse and rob. At first, she boasts blood stains that covered her man, boldly and proudly answered the people on his charges and threats; But as the consciousness of guilt, self-confidence disappeared in it, it disappeared in it, she no longer justified his business for the death of his daughter, and attributed him to the action of an evil demon, whose power is encouraging over the birth of Pelopidov.

    Rejected by the people and frightened by his anger, a complete shame and despair, silently stood the killer, holding, still, the sword on his shoulder and not sieving the blood from him from a chela, nor from the clothes. Suddenly, an Egisf with a crowd of armed slaves seemed at the gate of the palace: dressed in the royal purple, he came up with a scepter in his hands, he came down to the people, boasting a perfect business and threatening with his angry. Here, the people could not support - with a weapon rushed on the hated villain and would confuse him if I did not give him a clientedness. By defending Egisfa, she tried to soften the rage of a folk crowd and so said: "Do not enter into battle, Argos men, do not chosen the swords of your blood: a lot of blood is spilled and without you! Go with the world to your homes, elders; not repent of you, If I do not listen to my word. Yes, if it falls to some Mountain - a lot will have to endure that much and we have undergone troubles, many heavy wounds struck us an angry demon who owns the fate of Pelopidov. " The crowd stood, began to rain and diverge. Egisf, relying on his squire, remained for a long time on the square, is magnifying and rapidly before the few gathered argovans; Taking a madman by the hand, the cliques was fascinated him into the inner rest of the palace.

    Kozlova Natalia.


    Summary of myth

    Agamemenon - in the Greek mythology, the son of atreya and aircraft, the leader of the Greek troops during the Trojan war. After the murder of Atreya, Egisfa Agamemenon and Meneli were forced to escape in Etolia, but the king Sparta Tyndarya, going to a hike to Micheen, forced the Fiesta to give way to the power of the Sons of Atreya. Agamemnon became the king in mycken (which an antique tradition often identifies with neighboring Argos) and married the daughter of the tyndaray cliques. From this marriage Agamemenon had three daughters and son of Orest. When Paris kidnapped Elena and all her former grooms united in a hike against Troy, Agamemenon, as the elder brother Meal and the most powerful of the Greek kings, was elected head of all Rati.

    Murder Agamemenon
    Red-breast crater, 5 p. BC.

    After taking Troy Agamemnon, having received huge prey and Cassandra, returned to his homeland, where death was waiting for his own home; On the more ancient version of the myth, he fell during a feather from the Hand of Egisfa, who had time to seduce with clutes during the absence of Agamemnon. Starting from the middle of the 6th century. BC e. The first place was put forward by Kliecesee: Having met Agamemnon with hypocritical joy, she then sketched heavy covered on him and caused three fatal strikes.

    Golden posthumous mask
    Agamemnon, found during excavations
    In Mycena Henry Schlight.

    Having killed once on the hunt of Lan, Agamemnon boasts that such a shot could envy Artemis; The goddess accepted and deprived the Greek fleet of passing wind. The Greeks could not leave the Avlude for a long time (while Agamemenon did not bring his daughter to the goddess of his daughter infection; this fact explains the Greek tradition to the enemy's cliestra to her husband.

    Quarrel between Achilles and
    Peter Paul Rubens.

    Capturing in captivity during one of the raids at the surroundings of Troy Chryside, Agamemenon refuses to return her for a big redemption Father Christ, the priest of Apollo, and God, hovering by Moluba Christ. Satisfies on the Greek army with a sea ulcer. When the true cause of disaster and Achille demands from Agamemnon to the return of Christide her father, Agamemenon takes His prisoner to Briceida from Achilla, which leads to long-term self-esteem of the insulted Achilla from the battle and to serious defeats of the Greeks. The epic poem "return" (7th century BC) and the "Orestea" of Stsisikhor said about the further fate of Agamemnon.

    Images and symbols of myth

    The fabulous wealth of Agamemnon and his outstanding position among the Greek leaders, which are reflected in the myth, reflect the elevation of historical Mixes in 14-12 centuries. BC e. And their dominant role among the early states of Peloponnese. The preserved ritual epithet "Zeus-Agamemenon" shows that Agamemnon was probably initially one of those half-skinned patron heroes of his tribe, whose functions with the formation of the Olympic Pantheon moved to Zeus.

    Cassandra (Kassandra) - the heroine of the Greek epic. Daughter of the Trojan Tsar Priama and Hugeba. Already in the cyclical poems of Cassandra, they performed a propheter, whose predictions no one believes.

    In the historical era in a number of Peloponnese (in Amiklah, Mynaeh, Levter), the grave and the Kassandra Temple, identified with the local deity, Alexander, were pointed out.

    Cliqueness kills Cassandru
    Red-bream ceramics, 430 BC.

    The tragic image of Cassandra broadcasting in the prophetic ecstasy of terrible visions of the future is captured in Agamemnon Eshil and Trojanka Euripid

    Cliqueness, in Greek mythology Daughter Tyndaray and Ice, Agamemnon's spouse. Most often, she is depicted by the direct killer of her husband, covering the true cause of the crime (treason with Egisfom) revenge for daughter infigracy.

    Engraving, Jean-Michel Moreau

    "Iliad" depicts Agamemnon with valiant warrior (the description of his feats is given in the 11th century), but does not hide his arrogance and disadvantage; It is these properties of the character of Agamemnon are the cause of many disasters for the Greeks.

    It was famous for courage and wealth, simultaneously distinguished power and arrogance. In Sparta, he was redeemed by divine honors.

    In Heronee was kept like a shrine, his scepter, - the work of Hephasta.

    "Agamemnon Mask" - the Golden Massage Mask of the middle of the second millennium BC, found in 1876 in Mynrich Schliman. His name received from the legendary king of Agamemnon, as Schlobe was sure that he found his grave. However, by time to create a mask is more ancient.

    The mask depicts the face of an elderly bearded man with a thin nose, close to the eyes and a large mouth. The face corresponds to Indo-European type. The tips of the mustache raised up in the shape of a crescent, near the ears of the Bengnebard. The mask has holes for the thread, which was attached to the face of the deceased.

    All artifacts found in the tombs, including Agamemnon Mask, are in the exposition of the National Archaeological Museum of Athens. In the Archaeological Museum, a copy of the mask is exhibited.

    Communicative means of creating images and symbols

    Agamemenon was broadly fame among the ancient Greeks, as evidenced by a large number of references to it in different sources. That is why there are many variants of the culmination of the myth about Agamemnon, about how his life ended, and where he fell after death.

    Of the dramatic works of antiquity dedicated to the murder of Agamemnon, Agamemenon tragedies were preserved (the first part of the Orestea trilogy) and the Seneki. The plot was developed in European drama from the 16th century. (Sax, T. Decker, etc.). The interest in myth awakened again in the 2nd half of the 18th century. (tragedies "A." V. Alfiery, L. J. N. Lemar, etc.). In 19-20 centuries. The plot is based on about 30 tragedies, the dramatic tetralogy of Gauptman ("Ifigations in Delphi", "Iphigenment in Avlida", "Death of Agamemnon", "Electra").

    F.I. Shalyapin as Agamemnon

    The acting face of the tragedies of Eschil Agamemnon, Sofokla "Eant", Evripid "Iphigenia in Avlida" and "Hekaba", Ion of the Chios and Unknown author Agamemnon, Trojan and Agamemenon Seneki, Racina "Iphigations".

    In the ancient fine art of Agamemnon - a secondary character in multifigure compositions (Methods of the Northern side of Parfenon, etc.). The killing of Agamemnon found an embodiment in the painting of a number of Greek VAZ and in the reliefs of several Etruscane burial urns.

    In European musical and dramatic art, the plot of the death of Agamemnon Loefully based on the libretto of a number of operas 18-20 centuries. ("Kliecesstra" N. Piccchini; "Klieceestra" N. Qinggarlelli; "A." D. Tvormese; Opery trilogy "Oresteya" S.I. Taneyev; "Oresteya" F. Waingarter; Oresteya D. Miyo;

    "Clilestra" R. Proshazki; "BUT." D. Kuklin; "Clilestra" I. Pizzetti et al.) And Cantat (Cliemstrae, L. Kerubini, etc.).

    This domineering and self-sufficient hero show cruelty and arrogance towards everything surrounding.

    Social meaning of myth

    It is worth noting the determining the meaning of the myth in the transfer of social experience from generation to generation, establishing paradigms of behavior in the social group and organizing the foundations of public consciousness. Through a consistent study, the individuals acquires the origins of the history of a particular society, inspired by the supernatural acts of their gods and heroes. Thus, the self-identification of a person in relation to the family, the state, the nation subconsciously passed.

    Agamemenon seems to us with power, rich, self-sufficient, arrogant, cruel. And in our time there are a lot of people with such features. The myth of Agamemnon represents us the behavior of such people and gives reason to think about the possible consequences of their activities.