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  • How to find a good job without higher education. What to do without education. How to live without education can a person live without education

    How to find a good job without higher education. What to do without education. How to live without education can a person live without education

    In recent years, the receipt of higher education has slipped to the needs of the lower level of the Pyramid of the Oil. It comes to the absurd. Avoid troes, which in the lessons of mathematics could not properly solve the simplest equations and tasks, become economists, engineers or lawyers.

    The diploma has become a mandatory attribute of a modern person. What - no difference. Neither the university nor the specialty, no matter the assessment in the liner matter. The fact itself is important. I have a diploma!

    Under the conveyor of higher education, there is an increasing number of people. What to do? The market, fashion, the opinion of the older generation dictates their conditions. Being successful and educated - it means to be a specialist with a diploma. One is nothing more than a stereotype. In real life between the educated person and man with a "crust" there is a big difference.

    Why more and more people are disappointed in higher education and can be successful, refusing a diploma, - in the stories of our heroes.

    Andrei, 21 years old

    Field of activity: Happy man

    Place of residence: the man of the whole world. Right from Bobruisk.

    After school, I entered the faculty of journalism BSU. The story came out funny: I filed documents, because I worked as a worker, and myself. After 30 seconds after a mental installation, the event came true, and so I was among future journalists in the most prestigious university of the country. After a semester, I realized that learn, firstly, not particularly interesting, secondly, too expensive. I could not afford to spend about $ 1500 per year for absolutely useless wiping of pants at lectures and seminars.

    Everything else an awareness of what can be a professional and without higher education appeared. But when you are 18 years old, it is enough not easy to confront pressure from the outside.

    In the summer I again decided to do, only this time, because of the difficult material situation, by the budget. Paid just did not pull. Round on the physical faculty of BSU, where from year to year undertakes for the free compartment. Why? I do not know. Everything happened completely spontaneously. He studied for a year and realized that it was better not to learn at all than to learn from the specialty, which does not bring a gram of pleasure. On this, my pull to the "crust" ended.

    After numerous attempts, I realized that the receipt of higher education is a meaningless occupation. If a man is a fool in life, then it will not give anything. If a person and without a "paper" has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe world, if he does not cut off from reality, then without higher education, it will understand what. I managed to say "no" himself in time, realizing how much time I spend on useless things for yourself. Just in the system so established: it is necessary to have a higher education, for example, to reassure the parents.

    My natives first were also not supported and said: "Keep learning. You never know what in life can be useful." By the way, this phrase is the most common. Perhaps this is good if there is an education. But you can go your way differently, without spending time on "potentially" useful things for you.

    My mother just recently had an understanding on this issue. She took me with my life position, but friends always supported.

    The meaninglessness of our higher education is understood absolutely everything, only not everyone has enough spirit to go against the system. Among my acquaintances, there are quite a lot of those who have not reached, threw. Someone found yourself, someone is not. But if they did not start learning again, they made their choice in favor of free swimming.

    By the way, I noticed an interesting pattern: the level of professionalism does not depend on the presence of a "crust", even on the contrary. Often, people who love to learn are absolutely not adapted to work, moreover, they do not like to work at all! But those who, on the contrary, are not different to university knowledge, it is immersed for a hundred percent.

    There is such a phrase wonderful: "What is a higher education? This is a certificate that you are not a fool."But not a fool can be without higher education.

    I recently returned from traveling in Southeast Asia, which lasted five months and which managed to change me and my lifestyle. I gained confidence in myself and now I am in full harmony with my inner world. After situations in which I had a chance to visit Siberia or, on the contrary, with a heat of 40 degrees), you understand how simple in life is simple. If you want, do, and you will see what will happen. When this is not your personal experience, it is difficult to realize. But when you take a $ 200 with you and you go to an infinite journey, this, believe me, changes you. I could continue my journey, could earn $ 1500 per month, there were a lot of options, how and where to stay, but still decided to return. Just because I really wanted it. I do and I will do what the soul is.

    In the journey, I realized that the most interesting people and in 40 years old do not know what they want to do in life. There is a desire to write a song - write if the desire to do business is then go and create it. There is no fence from obstacles. It all goes out of our head, but this garbage is better to throw away, he prevents living.

    Now I do not think about what exactly I will do in the future. The most closest plans are their small business and creative self-realization. Our project starts in the spring, and while I have 2-3 months to bring thoughts in order. Who will I be in 5 years? It's hard for me to say. But the main thing is that I will live as I want the actual one.

    Vladimir, 25 years old

    Field of activity: entrepreneur

    Location: Minsk

    My university education is 4 days of the installation session in the Belarusian Institute of Law on the specialty "Lawyer-Rovement". More in the walls of the institute I did not appear, perhaps, until the moment when I took the documents. Was very young, I did not want to learn. Initially, I planned to associate my life with programming, but the points were not enough. To become a legal student, it was enough for me to submit two certificates from the three, which I had in my arms, and pass the internal social examination exam.

    But at the installation session, I realized that this is not mine. I did not go to another university, I did not hurry at once too. Just at that time I defined exactly that I don't need university education. My mother, of course, was against the Son to remain unemployed. However, there is not her fault. Stereotypes, what can be done here. Mom turned a little bit, but in the end she took my choice.

    I myself am from Grodno, so after a very short "student" returned to the hometown, until I did the project manager in the BSUIR business incubator. After that, finally felt in Minsk and began to do what I really like. Now I am an entrepreneur in the field of IT. Working in large and fairly well-known companies, I acquired a lot of experience and decided that all. Enough. It's time to implement your own project. I'm actively working on it. In general, judging by your own experience, I will say that without a diploma it is easy to get into absolutely any sphere. The main thing is that there was a head on the shoulders, the ability to speak and competently write.

    Training in the university is cool. But if you did not work out, it does not mean that you will not be invading all my life. Education is the everyday process, the process of developing yourself as a person. I read the minimum of 25 books per year. It is like fiction, for example, Bulgakov, Pelevin, Brothers Strugatsky, Goethe and Professional. Now, in addition, there are two courses of the Coursera project - "Institutional Economics" and "Philosophy of Culture". (Note. Author: Coursera is a project in the field of mass online education, which allows you to pay for free courses in leading universities in the world).

    Yaўgen, 22 Gada


    Messez jarry: Mіnsk

    Easy Skanchennya Salіgorski Gіmnazіі, I am a preload of Litzay BDU, and at the boat - at the BDA on Mechanika-Mathematychnaya Faculty (Specialsyalnasy - "Matimatyk"). Yak, I'm grazing and gatag?

    Granny May was displayed by Fіzіki, Batzka Skonchyўў in his hour, BDIR, Dziadzka ў Mean - Architectar. Getyya abstavіny skladalі ¢ SNM "i AtmAsfera peўnay pavagі yes tehnіchnay adukatsyі. Di i i myself yashche school ¢ tsіkavіўsya matematykay, udzelnіchaў in ablasnyh alіmpіyadah. And navuchanne ¢ Lіtseі yashche pain ўzmatsnіla May lyuboў yes matematykі. Tama rashenne pastupats on mekhmat dalosya me davolі easy I was Svyazhim. Hatsia Ballas, ATRAYMANYY ON THE CT, dasvalali to me the bases of the Prabl Puzzle to the batsplotnia administrator ў Lyuba.

    I choose mehmat, and not oskuў, drenched, checkels on Pragramist, Boim, Što Maematyka - Gata Avnov ўSyago. І ўZhO Tolkі Potom I zrazumuў, just a praz leaded Matmatykі You Mozhasha ўyavіtsi, Yak Putsuye Light. Cali You're a Gate, then, Darcheuy, Mozhash Netta Zimanyatsky І Palypsum. Gate a healthy to me Velmі SPATERB_YA ў Majai Dzainastsi.

    Neykі An hour I'm a table of Zakhapіўsya Matyamykai, otto thinks Нават Resholіtsi PEўN PHIPN PLAYGO ZHYTSY TRAVE DZEINASTSI. Ale, Vedets, Hado Zimatsevza, Traby Chasevekam PEўNA Warehouse. I am an Aldeja recently for Gataga, for the mead ў PEўNA Moma became the allowance of the Ngyrth, the hour of Zimimatse Tolki Maemyatkai, and Pa-Intsham Zhu is simple Nelga.

    Gates w HOST I am a Pachinaў actually waving a platform, yelling Maghan B Pilepshti's Krai. Misceliers ў Maim Sirtsi І Galawe, Zest Matyamyki, Talaka did not borrow. Yashche of the pain of the East Step Kanfіlіk z clock: Matmatka Especially Patribawal Shmat Hasu, and the Pachracama Pachracama Pachrache Patrabavatsi ў with a pain of і pain. I am pleased with Radzia, Asabyva on the aposh courses, hoveno-employed, ale zhostzіў hour, Cuba Paspikova Zdavatsi SESI.

    Usi Gatzhi "Idilіya" fought, Cali UniVersіtt Paschaў Patrabavatsi Yashcheu greatly. Kursa, Padrychto yes, Naisannya Dymploma ... Tada I zrazumuў, not a paradise. At that time, I am ўzho Dastatkova pavuchely, the Hub of the good of the Abstract Mystery of the i-ў Siatz Hell Unіvesіtheta ўsu, of the Magchem.

    AB "Ektānova, ATRAHMATS HYDLE, IT ACTABLE ACTABLE POOTARAYAVAY YALHCHE AZIN-Two months old. Zdetstsa Mala, Came B NOT SKONCHYS? ALLE EN SENS ў GATE IS NOT BACH ў Nіchto could not an alkalo. Vybar would be cropped.

    Zeper I actually I am engaged in the villactional of the Stem Nekamertsyyniy Gramadsk Platform Taxama PEўNA HOUR I am pratsy over in the Paradamі ў sphere of Budaўnіtvtva і AlternatiўNay Energeteki. That's right I am pradprymalnіk, the Tsi of the Boles of Listen to the Satzyalyna Pradprymalnіk. I don't have a pupil to me, and Galava, I am Jryochy Mehmata "Prakachaў", Abstract Mysterious I S_stamna's Mind on Rachi, Achnamans on Mehmace, I am Velmі Spryyutsu.

    Davaitz Sezvoletsy "Without Adukatsyi" і "Without a Dyploma". Pascha Zakhanchennya Napchachnna I NI Once not a tramp at Skituitsa, Dze B Porty Praki Nayaўnastsi Dymploma. Well, you can only adzіn times, Cali I am sprinkling q_tantsya ab Stretcha ў DIA.

    Velmі is important Adrroznіvatsy Adukatsyyy and Navachane. And eight of the Aduksysyyi settlement of the warehouse. Honey Adukavan Chavevecam - Gate Not the meaning of the MEC "shoard" of the city of Sfezza to observe the Phaўnya Puta. Adukavana - Gate of the knowledge of that, HTO Mae Schyroki plot, that, HTO of good Aryentetsez ў Laughchnastsi, at Naverki, paddes. At the plane, I have a lappared Lyatuchi ўnіversitet. Gata Spelch Sadrytz SapraўDnya ўNіversіtet, Yakі is not a teacher Prafesіі, a, Yak І Pavinen, give ўnіversum Vedaў. Lyatuchi Sabraў in aduna Monssets Nabolsh Children's іnttelectualў, philosfaў і dandrechyka З З Олене Belarusі. PEўNE HOUR I am allowed Acts ўDzelnіchaў in Zhycitzі Lyatuchaga, Dzea і Papўnyў Nakhopa Poya Adukaavanastsi.

    Blіzheishi Hour Virttseza Va ўN_VERSITTET I do not zb_yusya. And Yakі Sans? I do not turn off such Magchemtsy. Kali me Sapraўda Sparebiana Pedia Vedas, then I will Pyida Navuchaztsz ў in the ins. Ale, Rabіts Gat I will not be not for the "shutter". Adukatsya for the mead - Gata, SOTO Musіtsi Byzy, so, whim is a traba loyatza. Gate warehouse Harmanіchna wave ashes. Well, the anniversary of the ўzho jumper_vatsi І Bluttsy Ya Z "Sechchay".

    And whether you helped a diploma of higher education to become successful?

    "You will be bad to learn - you will go the streets of Vesti," the words that parents repeat as a mantra over the entire generations.

    For some reason, it is believed that scaring the child by janitor, an adult "speaks" a small man is not a comfortable and bright future. Perhaps that is why in our country a profession related to maintaining order and purity to put it mildly is not popular.

    According to official data, only 54% of Russians aged 25 to 64 years old graduated from various institutions.

    It turns out that the rest of the half of the citizens of our immense doomed to sad life without money and prospects? The conversion of the experience, the presence of education rarely becomes a guarantor of employment.

    There are some factors that crook the "Tower" card.

    Why is the former excellent student and favorite of teachers standing in a cape for the store of the store, and the Thynechnik and Ripple fills multi-million corporations? Cause - talent.

    Talent covers the lack of qualifying crusts. There is a lot of evidence in history. Remember Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or Oleg Tinkova - What is united? In addition, that they are billionaires, these three businessmen do not have a diploma about higher education and, honestly, simply neglected academic knowledge. However, in their case, the collateral of success became shards of a grip, turnover and talent for entrepreneurship.

    How else can the talent help get in life? Today there are hundreds of work options for which the absence in \\ o is not critical.

    The most paid and prestigious professions are professions. Here they will be able to show themselves both short-circuited technari and creative humanities.

    Programmer developer, tester, SEO specialist, web designer, copywriter is just a small part of IT specialties that you can master yourself.

    Also does not require special education, but is quite profitable.

    Salary of professions without higher education *.

    * The average salary offered by industry in Russia for March 2017

    Hardworking and desire to work - Another way to take place under the sun without a diploma. The company's managers noted that often graduates of prestigious universities do not reach knowledge even to the simplest position, and their behavior leaves much to be desired.

    HR specialists are recognized, sometimes it is easier to hire a candidate without education and teach everything. But this approach is applicable not everywhere - it is unlikely that someone in the right mind hires a surgeon without education, but with great desire to work.

    You can count on internal training in the following areas: sales, worker, administrative and home personnel, and car business.

    In the modern world, money can be earned from almost the air - the main thing is to know that now in trend. Fashion trends, lifestyle and other ephemeral concepts are one of the largest earnings traffic.

    Just think - Instagrampers, Vloggers and all sorts of coaches earn millions! There is no formation or any specific skills for this.

    The fitness industry is also at the peak of popularity. Zozh and the cult of sports healthy body make their business - today a personal coach is one of the highest paid professions.

    In order to start working a fitness trainer to finish monthly courses.

    Does it make sense to respond to a vacancy with the requirement in \\ o without a diploma?

    It is better to honestly admit yourself, without higher education, the path in some professions is closed. This list can include the sphere of top management and narrow-specialized areas of the type of medicine, science and finance.

    It turns out that in this case it is pointless to respond to vacancies. Still, in the others - absolutely acceptable.

    If you have experience and the desire to develop - Fortune on your side. According to the employment market, in 2017 employers prefer the experience of youth, and the abyss of ambitions.

    Higher education is one of the first items in the description of the requirements for most vacancies. In fact, HR specialists are not so often laid diplomas about higher education for personal affairs of employees. There is an idea that the magnitude higher education is necessary, and life will go under the slope without it. But is it really? The approach to higher education has increased by many cliches. Today we will consider the most common causes of higher education, and what they are poured into reality. To understand whether to start.

    When higher education is needed

      Receiving a specialty, to learn which is independently impossible. And this is perhaps the only one hundred percent objective cause. Indeed, a number of specialties require higher education. For example, become a doctor or chemical engineer without long-term specialized training impossible. Higher education provides close control over the skills and provides the base for their work in practice.

      Initially, the higher education system was directed to the training of specific skills, the independent development of which difficult, unreliable or even neetics. Over time, higher education has become a wider range of activities and has spread to professions that did not require higher education.

      Enhance the overall level of erudition. Higher education primarily teaches not a specialty, but where to find information and how to process itTo learn specialty yourself. This is one of the key skills for successful adaptation to changing living conditions. Of course, it is possible to learn this without universities, but the institute gives a good opportunity to do it in a compressed period. If you want to learn to learn, higher education will really help. In addition, higher education gives knowledge of general basic academic disciplines - psychology, philosophy, economic theory, sociology, right, conflictology. Basics of knowledge on these subjects in life can only help. At least for general development.

      Smooth transition from childhood adult life. If two previous reasons concern people of any age, then this refers only to graduates of schools. Adult life is different from the eve of yesterday's schoolchild. For many adolescents, the adaptation period to a new status may be traumatic. The student can become a kind of psychological buffer for farewell to childhood. The reason for higher education, of course, is subjective, and not suitable for everyone. But she is still with a plus sign, because the desire to stay with a student to at least just slightly extend the carefree youth - perfectly normal.

    When only it seems that you need

      The inability to get a good job without higher education. Favorite older generations manipulation "you will not learn - you will become a janitor", of course, firmly settles in consciousness and acquires a negative color. If you get higher education forcing such installations, then it is better to think hard before entering the university or even work with a psychologist. This will help separate the real desire from the imposed feeling of guilt. Success in life depends on the ability to adapt, and not from a tendency to academic success. But we about a friend.

      Getting good work without higher education is not so difficult enough have one's skills. Make repairs in apartments, for example, work is good. Being a flight attendant on a passenger plane responsible for the safety of passengers, while seeing the whole world is also good. No one or another specialty education is required. And the list can be continued infinitely. In addition, some posts that do not require higher education for employment allow you to learn already at the expense of the employer. So can do, for example, police.

      The inability to be a respected specialist (and man) without higher education. Such a reason also requires psychological work. Or, again, the actual examples that this myth destroys. Obstetrics, jewelers, architectural restorers - all of them do not have higher education, only average. But it is unlikely that someone will call their work a little respected.

    Bad reasons to get higher education

      Parents said - it is necessary. There are parents - well, and no one argues with that. But a person lives his life independently and only he determines the need for training, the right specialty for himself, etc. Parents, of course, can advise something, but they should only make categorical solutions about themselves.

      All get higher education. Do something for the company - not the path that will lead to success. Receiving education is a conscious, responsible step that can seriously change life. And this step should be based on personal purposes and desires.

    Higher education is an excellent tool that can make a professional from you. But not for each specialty it is necessary. For example, many humanitarian directions can be mastered independently much faster and much deeper than in the university. The banal example of this is famous writers, poets that have not received higher education, but throughout their lives honed their literary skills and achieved brilliant success. Technical Profile specialists Refusal to obtain higher education also did not bypass. Many well-known companies can demonstrate in themselves in self-taught programmers who are not at all inferior to their colleagues with a diploma.

    Examples can be brought infinitely, the essence of one: higher education is not always the only source for the development of the profession


    The decision to obtain higher education should be purely individual. Someone is really necessary, it is simply impossible to carry out some activities without higher education. Higher education is an excellent tool that can reveal outstanding potential. But in modern times and without higher education you can live with dignity, there is no doubt about it. Therefore, you need a higher education, or not - this is not a controversial question. This is a question, the solution of which is determined individually in each particular case. And the solution depends on goals, desires and already existing skills and resources.

    Education issues are very sharp and difficult questions. On the one hand, who are we without knowledge, without a school diploma and a diploma of middle or higher education? From early years, we prove hypervatility of education, otherwise we will not be able to achieve anything. Then, when we have our own children, we are in the general mass, follow the same installations. We try to give education to children, often - at any cost, sometimes - and the price of happy childhood. On the other hand, only does not see the blind, as the lame by our education on all its steps, how disadvantageously children's curiosity and traction disappears, how the abyss is growing between the long-awaited diploma and real life, because modern realities are changing too fast for educational institutions.

    Some of this question are solved dramatically. And we are not talking about home training, but rather about learning life itself. Such a point of view also has the right to exist, because what is the main goal of education? In my opinion, give knowledge, and they can be received not only sitting at the desk. Here is one of the opinions.

    Education or freedom?

    Want, I will now lose another template?

    Get acquainted with Karina - the sunny, cheerful, beautiful and open girl living on about. Nusa-Pdenida has been for two years (island, located about 12 km south-east of the Indonesian Island Bali. - Approx. ed.). Karina 12 years. Two years ago, traveling with family in Asia, they came to a beautiful island for a couple of days and ... could not leave. Now they have the most famous and, perhaps, the only guest house "Nusa Garden" on the island, which stops all tourists who come to enjoy the juicy beauties of the island.

    Karina has not been going to school for two years and does not even learn remotely. Instead of breaking his psyche, rape your brain and lose their freedom thanks to traditional education, she solves the organizational issues in the guest house with adults with adults, communicates with tourists in English, with local on Bahasa, drives a bike where you smalle , perfectly photographs and plans to start your blog. It is literally impregnated by the sun, the sea and the spirit of freedom, and it is difficult for me to present it in the template reality of the children of her age, although I have an imagination that I myself envy myself.

    I looked at this young personification of life outside the dogmas, standards and rules and for some reason I remembered my work in "Prof.Ru".
    - My child suffocates! He suffocates! - With the heat of broadcasting in my headset, a client with which we could not pick up one day for 5 minutes to arrive a tutor, because the 11-year-old boy is 6 days a week 7 lessons at school, and after English, sports, music and god knows what else. And he, poor, chips. And mom knows that he chips. But one more tutor is needed, he is needed about it, because the fourth chanda is instead of the five, and the same shame and shame!

    I then said what it should be said, but only one thought twisted in my head: "What are you doing, insane people? What do you do with your children?! " It is possible how many people can prove to the world and so magic on the head, as I, that without education is nowhere, but the lives of most people are the best proof that this model of life does not work. The magic on the head for 30 years managed to turn out to be turned on people with two higher education and English levels Advanced, who worked as sales managers or sellers in cellular salons near yesterday's schoolchildren.

    I know personally and those who in the second-third year threw the university and now lives the lives that the people diligent people, excellent students and medalists see only on TV.

    No, you do not need to massively pick up children from schools and to move to tucked in Asia together. Each of his own - someone likes to throw diplomas and awards and be a small breeding mechanism. Someone thanks to the knowledge gained really creates the empire and affects the social, economic and political world order. And someone jumps on the waves of the Crystal Ocean, speaks three languages, every day drinks coconuts, manages the gest and in 12 years he argues more sensitly than large 30-year-old children playing "serious life".

    Make conclusions yourself.

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    Well no

    Many professions require a diploma of higher education - for example, the profession of a doctor or engineer. However, in many other areas the diploma is not needed, and some employers consider experience more important than higher education. Knowing how you can engage in self-education and what employers want, you can increase your chances of success and without a diploma.


    How to decide whether to come to the university

      Think about possible difficulties. Before deciding, entering the university or not, you should decide which minuses for you are in higher education. Knowing what you can lose, you can make a conscious choice. Most often, people refuse to higher education in three reasons. Analyze these reasons and decide whether they can affect your decision:

      • Financial question. Perhaps you have no sufficient amount to study. Find out if you can get an education for free or find the right amount.
      • Academic requirements. Often, very high points are needed for receipt. If you do not meet these criteria, look for another educational institution where the requirements will be lower.
      • Lack of time. You may be forced to work and you do not have the opportunity to attend classes. Many universities have a correspondence and remote form of training that allows you to combine study with work.
    1. Know all the pros and cons of the lack of higher education. Higher education has its pros and cons. All of them are relative, so most often it all depends on the specific situation. Think how the absence or availability of education will affect your life.

      • Plus, higher education - a good teaching staff will allow you to get valuable knowledge.
      • Plus, higher education - a diploma of higher education is required when taking a job in many places.
      • Plus, the lack of higher education - you can save a lot of money.
      • Plus the lack of higher education - you can get a different education yourself.
      • Minus the lack of higher education - you may find it difficult to confirm the quality of your knowledge without a diploma.
      • Minus the lack of higher education - when looking for work, it will be difficult for you to compete with people with higher education.
      • Minus higher education - expensive education will lead to the formation of a big debt.
      • Minus Higher Education - a diploma of higher education does not guarantee a successful career.
    2. Be prepared to work. Whatever decision you have taken, be prepared to completely devote yourself to your work. Even if you decide not to enter the university, you will need to work a lot. In this case, plan your future and decide how you will go to your goals.

      Look for any other courses. Many knowledge can be obtained at courses. Almost all educational centers issue certificates about the passage of the course confirming the knowledge gained. Thanks to the courses you can get a job and without a diploma about higher education.

      • Certificate about the passage of courses will be useful for a summary of the device to work.
      • Look for courses in libraries.
      • In some universities there are courses for everyone.
      • Look for courses related to the sphere you are interested in in your city.
    3. Think about an internship. You can get the necessary knowledge by passing the internship in any organization. As a rule, internship allows you to gain knowledge and experience that will be useful in the future.

      • Internships are paid.
      • Look for paid internships in your city.
      • Internship can assume further employment in the company.
      • Often, among candidates in the experts there are high competition.
      • Internship information can be signed on employment sites.
    4. Think about obtaining secondary special education. There are educational institutions that allow you to get a specific working specialty. Training in such establishments is not as expensive, as in universities, and most often go through the program in two or three years. Consider this option if you have little money or time. So you can get an education and master the profession.

      • Secondary special education is more affordable in the financial sense.
      • Most often, training takes 2-3 years.
      • In an average special institution, you can master the welder's profession, locksmith-sanitary room, cooks and others.
    5. Think about military service. Military service can give you skills that will be suitable in the future. Military service contract provides for a certain earnings. Find out whether the military service is suitable for your further plans.

      • You will need to get the knowledge necessary for the role you will be appointed.
      • Learn what benefits are military personnel.
    6. Continue to learn and after getting to work. Many posts allow the employment of candidates without higher education. Often, employers encourage further training and allow you to build a working schedule depending on the schedule of study, as well as financing education. This is an excellent opportunity to get an education, while maintaining a workplace.

      • Acquisition of new knowledge and skills will help you to express yourself at work.
      • If you have to go away from this work, new skills will increase the chances of successful employment.

    How to engage in self-confusion

    1. Make focus on your experience. If you apply for a vacancy, but do not match the level of education, make an emphasis on your experience. The employer experience may be more important than a diploma. If you demonstrate the skills necessary for this post, your chances of successful employment will be higher.