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    What did the scientist do n spiders. Spanking D.N. Awards and titles

    Owls. scientist, specialist in the field of agrochemistry, plant physiology and crop production, Acad. (from 1929, Corr. from 1913), the act. CHL Waschhil (from 1935). Hero of Socialist Labor (1945). Student K. A. Timiryazev.

    Born in Kyakhte (b. Transbaikalskaya oblast), he received secondary education in Irkutsk. Gymnasium.

    In 1887 he graduated from Moscow. UN-T, and in 1889 - Petrovskaya S.-H. Academy (now Mosk. S.-H. Academy of them. K. A. Timiryazeva), in Ki-Roy, according to K. A. Timiryazev, and others. Scientists were left to prepare for scientific activities.

    All further work P. was inextricably linked with this academy, where from 1895 (and until the end of life) he was prof. At the same time (1891-1931) lectured in Moscow. Un-Those worked in a number of In-Tov, organized with its active participation (in the in-those fertilizer, later transformed into a scientific institution for fertilizers and insectifungsides, in the All-Union Institute for fertilizers, agricultural engineering and agriculture, in the central N.-I. In-those sugar commit et al.]. Along with this, took an active part in the work of the State University of Law and the Committee on the Chemical Committee of the People's Republic of USSR. Osn. Research P. is devoted to the nutritional issues of plants and the use of artificial fertilizers in farming.

    His works are especially known for the study of nitrogenous nutrition and the exchange of nitrogen substances in the plant organism.

    P. gave the general scheme of transformation of nitrogenous substances in plants, removing the exceptional role of ammonia as an initial and final product in this process.

    Explained the role of asparagin in the plant organism and denied the prevailing prevail against this substance as a primary product of the disintegration of proteins; It showed that asparagin is synthesized from ammonia generated in the plant at the final stage of the decay of proteins or from the outside. Conducting an analogy between the role of asparagin in plant and urea in animal organisms (believing that the role of asparagina is to neutralize ammonia, harmful in elevated concentrations both for vegetable and for an animal organism), P. revealed the general traits for the exchange of nitrous substances in the plant and animal The world, which was of great importance to know the laws of the evolution of living organisms.

    At the same time, these studies gave a scientific justification for the use of ammonium salts in p. X, and for their wide range. Under his leadership and in direct participation, such important issues in the field of plant nutrition and applying fertilizers are developed, as an assessment of domestic phosphorites as a direct source of phosphorus for plants and as raw materials for prom. Superphosphate production.

    They are composed of physiological. The characteristic of domestic potash salts, various types of nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers were studied, the limestrosis issues of acidic soils, the drying of the solon.

    In addition, P. was engaged in the problem of green fertilizer (Sideration), questions of the use of peat, manure and other organic. Fertilizers.

    Gave the substantiation of ways to feed plants and introducing various types of fertilizer and others. Proposed new methods for the study of plant nutrition: method T.N. Insulated food, sterile crops, fluid solutions, as well as various methods and methods for analyzing soils and plants.

    Along with the research work P. paid a lot of attention to pedagogic. Activities.

    In 1896 introduced into practice. Student classes. Setting vegetation experiences, made a lot to improve the academic work Mosk. S.-H. In-Ta, where in 1907-13 was a deputy dir. By study part. The author has repeatedly reprinted textbooks ("Private farming", 1898, 8 ed.; 1931; "Agrochemistry", 1934, 3 ed., 1940, etc.); They created a domestic school of agrochemists.

    Works P., as well as the work of his students and employees contributed to the conduct of various activities on chemicalization of agriculture in the USSR - to the widespread introduction of mineral fertilizers in S.-H. Practice and creating a powerful tank prom.. In 1946, the USSR Academy of Sciences for the work of "Nitrogen in the life of plants and in the agriculture of the USSR" (1945) P. was awarded the award to them. K. A. Timiryazeva.

    P. was elected honored chlor. A number of foreign academies and scientific organizations. Name P. Assigned to Perm S.-H. In-ta and a number of experienced stations.

    Prize winner. V. I. Lenin (1926) and Stalin Prize (1941). So.: Protein substances and their conversion in the plant due to breathing and assimilation, M., 1899; Selected writings, ed. and from entry Art. Acad. N. A. Maximova, vol. 1, 3, M., 1951-52; Selected writings, [ed. And with a preface. Acad. O. K. Kedrov-Zikhman], vol. 1-3, M., 1952-53; Collection of articles and scientific works. Anniversary collection, t. 1-2, M., 1927; The exchange of nitrogenous substances and nutrition of plants, in the book: An anniversary collection dedicated to the thirtieth anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution, Part 2, M., 1947 (USSR Academy of Sciences); The doctrine of fertilizer, 5 ed., Berlin. 1922; Chemistry of plants, [Aggonomical Chemistry (Favorites Chapters)], vol. 1-2; M., 1907-14, vol. 1, 2 ed., M., 1917; Agrochemistry, M., 1940; My memories, M., 1957. Lith. Academician Dmitry Nikolayevich Spanks.

    Hero of Socialist Labor, Winner of the Stalin Prize.

    Collection, ed. Acad. V. S. Nemchinova, M., 1948 (there is a bibliography of Labor P. and Lit. About him); The memory of Academician D. N. Spinishnikova [Collection of works, ed. Acad. L. I. Prasolova et al.], M.-L., 1950; Shestakov A. G., founder of the Soviet Agrochemistry, "Nature", 1954, No. 1. Spinishnikov, Dmitry Nikolaevich (6.xi.1865-30.iv.1948) owls. Agrochemistry, biochemist and physiologist of plants, Acad. Academy of Sciences of the USSR (from 1929), Acad. Vaschelil (from 1935). Pupil and successor K. A. Timiryazev.

    R. in Kyakhte (now Buryat ASSR). He graduated from Moscow University (1887) and Petrovsk Agricultural and Forest Acad. (1889). From 1895 he worked in Moscow S.-H. In-Those (in 1917 renamed Petrovskaya S.-H. Acad., In 1923 - to Moscow S.-H. Acad. I. K. A. Timiryazeva; in 1916-1917 rector).

    He lectured in the Moscow University (1891 -1931), on the Golitsyn Higher Women's S.-H. courses (in 1900-1917 director).

    He also worked in a number of In-Ts, organized with his participation: scientific institutions for fertilizers (subsequently scientific institutions of fertilizers and insucleatofungsides, 1919-1948), ALS. In-those for fertilizers, agricultural engineering and agriculture (subsequently, the Vni fertilizers and agriculture, 1931 -1948) and others. The works are devoted to the study of plant nutrition and applying fertilizers.

    Formulated (1916) the theory of nitrogen nutrition of plants, which became classic; He investigated the ways to transform nitrogen-containing B-B in plants, explained the role of asparagin in the plant organism.

    Developed the scientific foundations of soil phosphority. Various types of potash, nitrogen and phosphate fertilizers in the main agricultural districts of the USSR were tested. He studied the questions of the limestrosis of acidic soils, the drying of the sollets, the use of the org. Fertilizers.

    Improved methods for the study of plant nutrition, plant analysis and soil. The author of the classical leadership "Agrochemistry" (3rd ed. 1934). Active participant in the chemical system of the National Hozage of the USSR. The first introduced (1924) the term "chemical". CHL A number of Acad. Sciences and scientific OB-B. Hero of Socialist Labor (1945). Prize them. V.I. Lenin (1926), state. USSR Prize (1941). VNII fertilizers and agricultural scientific studies wears (since 1948) the name of the spinnikov.

    Spicy, Dmitry Nikolaevich Rod. 1865, mind. 1948. Physiologist and biochemist of plants, the nap of domestic agrochemistry.

    The creator of the theory of excitation of nitrogen compounds in the plant organism, the teachings on the mineral nutrition of plants, the use of fertilizers, the calculation of soils, cultivating legume crops as biological adsators of atmospheric nitrogen. In 1908, in his laboratory, for the first time in the USSR, he received superphosphate and precipitate from Russian raw materials. Graduate of the Petrovsk Agricultural and Forest Academy (subsequently by the Moscow agricultural. Timiryazev) (1889, Academy with a degree of candidate of agricultural sciences). Student K. A. Timiryazeva, V. V. Markovnikova and others of prominent scientists.

    Founder and first director of the highest Golitsyn women's agricultural courses (1907-17), an active participant in the creation of a scientific institution for fertilizers (1919) and network of its scientific stations.

    The initiator of the establishment of the All-Union Institute of Fertilizers (subsequently the All-Russian Institute for Fertilizers and Agricultural Sciences named after D. N. Sprinknikov) (1931). For many years, the head of the Department of Agrochemistry of the Moscow University, director and head. Department of Agrochemistry and Biochemistry of the Agricultural Academy.

    The creator of the agrochemical department of the Sugar Industry Institute.

    In 1920-1925 Officer of state of law of the RSFSR and the USSR. Works: "On the decay of protein substances during germination" (master's diss., 1896), "Doctrine on the fertilizer" (monographer.), "Private farming" (monographer), "Agrochemistry" (1934), "Nitrogen in the life of plants and agriculture of the USSR "(MONOG., 1945), etc. Honorary member of the Swedish Academy of Agricultural Sciences (1913), Czechoslovak Agricultural Academy (1927), German Academy of Sciences (1927), French Academy of Sciences (1946) and others since 1929 . Valid Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, since 1935 - Vaschnil.

    Laureate of Leninsky (1926) and state (1941) awards, awards them. K. A. Timiryazeva (1946). Hero of Socialist Labor (1945). Since 1948, for the best works on agrochemistry, production and application of fertilizers, the premium is awarded. Academician D. N. Spainishnikova.

    Since 1950, annual spindle readings are held in Moscow.

    Illarion Mikhailovich Spanks was born in the Kaluga region in the village of Timashovo on March 20, 1840. From 1856 to 1866, spindles received education in the Moscow School of Painting, Drainies and Architecture. His teachers were S.K. Zarynko and E.S. Sorokin. During training, a strong influence on the formation of the artist was provided by V.G. Perov. Distinctive features of the artist's creativity can be clearly defined by the first works (, "Boy-Corobeinist"). These canvas are characterized by juicy colors, comprehensive socio-psychological characteristics of characters. Special talent of the artist became its observation. Fame of spinning room brought a picture created in the first year of study. In 1870, the spinths received the title of the artist of the first degree.

    With the partnership of mobile exhibitions, pies was closely connected. He became a member of the founder of this society and the permanent participants of mobile exhibitions. A new stage of artist's artist was the Pogoretsee cannons ,. Appearing at the first mobile exhibition, these paintings were recognized as significant in the development of art. It is possible to note features that distinguish the above-mentioned paintings from the artist's early works. First of all, it is a large color saturation and a clearer composite system. The value of the landscape in the pictures has changed: if earlier it performed mostly the role of the background, then now has become a full-fledged participant in the overall composition.

    In the history of the painting of the spindles, he entered as an artist working in a "small genre". Each picture became another scene from the life of the lower layers of society. If in the earliest work, this topic was permeated with irony and humor, then later it became more tragic. At the same time, throughout his creative path, the spinters skillfully combined drama with satire.

    The individuality of the artist manifested itself in the work of the "episode of the war of 1812". This picture, as opposed to many similar, became the image of not famous commander, and ordinary soldiers who won the enemy. Such large-scale paintings, as neighboring chamber plots, such as "in the province" ,.

    Since 1873, and almost until the end of his days, spindles taught in the Moscow School of Painting, Drainy and Architecture. He studied Lebedev, Bogdanov-Belsky, archups and many others. The spindles took part in the painting of the Moscow church of Christ the Savior. Finish the latest work by the artist did not allow the end of March 12, 1894.

    The best pictures of Snidishnikova I.M.


    According to completely indisputable
    and unanimous recognition
    one of the leading directions
    In the world agronomic science XX century.
    It is the school of Dmitry Nikolayevich Spainishnikova.

    N.I. Vavilov

    D.N. Senthers - outstanding domestic agrochemistry, biochemist and physiologist of plants. It owns the classic works in the food area of \u200b\u200bplants and applying fertilizers. He was born in Kyakhte Irkutsk province on November 6, 1865. This city stood on the caravan path through the Gobi Desert and was at that time one of the lively points of trade in Russia with China. He was also a place of reference first Decembrists, then - People's Republics, Polish rebels, the participants of the uprising of 1863. There were also parents of Alexandra Fedorovna, Mother Dmitry Nikolayevich.

    Dmitry Nikolayevich's father, Nikolai Semenovich Spanks, Native Sibiryak, served as an accountant in one of Kyakhtin firms. He died when Dmitry was fulfilled only two and a half years. After his death, the family moved to Irkutsk to grandmother on the Father Natalia Yakovlevna and settled in the old wooden house of spinning on the banks of the Angara. The childhood and youth of Dmitry Nikolayevich took place here. Subsequently, he recalled: "We grew enough, not knowing any sentences, no severity, but at the same time did not have that soft kindness, which often borders non-precipitation. We raised us as an example, fixed love, inspired respect for work and workers. Where did she have learned the moral forces and so much a clutch in the raising of children? "

    Dmitry's secondary education in the Irkutsk gymnasium, graduating from her gold medal in 1883. In the same year, he entered Moscow University, having done the path to Moscow for more than 5.5 thousand km by steamer and the Siberian postal tract on horseback, so As a Siberian railway, then there was not yet.

    "For a three-year stay on the natural branch, I wrote a spinths - I left the greatest track with me strictly, crystallically clear presentation from the table; Brilliant shape and hot impulse in public speeches of thymryazev; sometimes severe, but the valuable school of laboratory practice in Markovnikova; A simple gentle word, sometimes a friendly conversation ahead with the work of the town-reason. "

    The young man worked a lot in the University's chemical laboratory. His studies of research assumed the attention of Professor Markovnikov, who offered Dmitry Nikolayevich to stay at his department and work in the field of chemistry. "It would seem that it was better: I was then 21 years old. Dropped into chemistry, with a good leadership it was possible by age, in what majority of my comrades only ended the university (23-24 years), it was detached to work into organic chemistry, to pass the master's exam and start reading a private-associate rate. " But he decided to enter the Petrovsk Academy after the university, because In agronomic science, natural science and social studies are combined with a single goal. In addition, it remained the possibility of free choice between scientific and practical activities.

    After graduating from the university, in 1887, the spiners entered the third course of the Academy, where he studied the physiology of plants, crop production (led by I.A. Stout), agronomical chemistry (G. Gruston) and agricultural statistics (A.F. Fortunate ). The first printed works of the Spinishnikov appear by 1889. These were reports of experiments with mineral fertilizers under sugar beet during production practice at the Borinsky Sugar Plant (Lipetsk region), as well as articles on economic conditions in the Black Sea coast and the factors of yield in the steppe zone, Including the results of observations of Dmitry Nikolayevich during his trips to the treatment of the lungs in Sukhumi and Samara province.

    In the spring of 1892, the Petrovsk Academy commands him for two years abroad to familiarize themselves with the works of the visible agro-chemicals. Experimental work he led in A.Koch (Göttingen) laboratories, J. Düklo (Pasteur Institute in Paris) and E.Shulze (Zurich). Schulza Dmitry Nikolaevich began a study in the transformation of protein substances in plants that made his name known.

    At that time, Asparagin was considered the primary product of the spree of the protein. The famous German physiologist of plants V. Pfephfer considered Asparagin the transport form of nitrogen-containing substances in plants. The spinters put forward a new hypothesis, according to which the asparagin in the body is synthesized from ammonia formed during the breakdown of the protein. The synthesis of asparagina in plants is a method for binding and neutralizing ammonia, claimed spiners, because Its accumulation in plant tissues leads to poisoning. For many years of spinters continued to develop their theory, conducting new experiments, speaking with reports, publishing theoretical generalizations in domestic and foreign publications.

    This theory, which had fundamental importance at that time, was first met in the bayonets, especially Pfeffer, who considered it erroneous. Supported spinishnikov only k.A. Timiryazev. Only many years later, by 1920, the right point of the scientist recognized other prominent biochemists and physiologists of plants, among whom was Ruild, the successor to Pffer.

    At the end of 1894, by the time of the return of the spinning room, the Petrovsky Academy was closed, and Dmitry Nikolayevich, although not without hesitation, took the proposal to occupy the department of private agriculture (crop production) in the newly created Moscow Agricultural Institute, where it was then worked for more than 30 years. Here he was reading courses "Fertilizer" and "Private farming (crop)" and at the same time conducted a study in the field of plant nutrition.

    According to the memories of many contemporaries, Dmitry Nikolayevich learning - worked, and exploring - taught. He was deeply convinced that the success of the teacher at the Higher School was inextricably linked to how intensively he was at the same time scientific research in his field. Scientist repeated the words of N.I. Pirogova, that "scientific and without learning shines and heats, and the study without scientific only glitters."

    Dmitry Nikolayevich speech did not shine external effect. He spoke quietly, slowly, picking up simple, affordable expressions to convey complex scientific issues to all listeners. Friendly with everyone, the spanks had a frank conversation and a novice student, and the professional experience of the professor. The scientist did not impose a companion or audience of his views, but easily found weak points in the evidence of the enemy. The conclusion is always as if he has emerged from an extensive and well-argued material of his lectures.

    The spinters always tried to use the results obtained earlier in the practice of agriculture. In science, then it prevailed the opinion that cultural plants can only eat a nitrate nitrogen. Three circumstances were promoted: the widespread use of the Chilean Selitra (sodium nitrate) gave good results, the results of the experiments showed that the nitrate nitrogen is absorbed better than ammonium, and finally, nitrifying bacteria transforming ammonia into nitrates were discovered in the soil. The spinters believed that "if the plant can neutralize and use ammonia, released during the final decay of the protein in the body, then it is not logical to assume that the ammonia entered the plant from the external environment, it is also able to first translate into harmless asparagin, and Then put into a new synthesis of amino acids and protein. "

    To prove his rightness of the spindles, he conducted experiments with young plants, in which ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate) served as a source of nitrogen. He discovered that it was pretty quickly becoming a noticeable acidification of the solution surrounding the roots. Since the chemically neutral salt of ammonium nitrate when dissolved in water, it is easily dissociated by NH 4 + and NO 3 ions, only ammonia and nitrogen acid can be in solution:

    NH 4 NO 3 + H 2 O NH 4 OH + HNO 3 NH 3 + H 2 O + HNO 3,

    the acidification of the solution could only be caused by the fact that the plant absorbs ammonia faster than nitric acid that accumulates. This proves that plants absorb more nitrogen in the form of ammonia, and not nitrates.

    The scientist found that in the processes of the synthesis of organic nitrogen-containing compounds of the plant can directly use ammonia. The nitrogen coming into plants before joining the biosynthesis reaction turns into ammonia. This requires a lot of energy, so ammonia nitrogen is a more economical source of nitrogen than a nitrate.

    From here it follows the famous position of the spinnikov: ammonia is an alpha and omega conversion of nitrogenous substances in plants. The synthesis of complex organic compounds containing nitrogen begins with ammonia, and the ammonia ends the decay of these compounds in the vegetation organism.

    The scientist found that the nitrate forms of nitrogen fertilizers give the best effect on acidic soils, and ammonia - on neutral. Dmitry Nikolayevich called a nitric acid ammonium fertilizer of the future, having in mind the high nitrogen content in this salt (almost 35%) and the presence of two forms of nitrogen - reduced (NH 4 +) and oxidized (NO 3 -). It gives plants the opportunity to choose the form that the most suitable for them.

    The foresight of the scientist came true during his lifetime. During the First World War, an industrial method for obtaining synthetic nitric acid ammonium from the nitrogen of the atmosphere was invented. Currently, ammonium nitrate is the main nitrogen fertilizer.

    But not only mineral fertilizers were interested in spiners. He gave tribute to the local organic resources of nitrogenous substances in agriculture - defended the use of manure and deposits of peat, expanding crops of legume crops with their remarkable ability to absorb the molecular nitrogen atmosphere with the help of nodule bacteria. He introduced many years of Lupine into the culture - a beautiful green fertilizer for the northern regions of Russia. More than half a century studies in this area, the scientist summarized in the monograph "Nitrogen in the life of plants and in the agriculture of the USSR", published to its 80th anniversary, in 1945 for these studies the scientist was awarded the K.A. Prize Timiryazeva.

    Spankings created the Patriotic School of Agrochemists. N.I. Vavilov, A.N. Sokolovsky, N.A. Maisuryan, I.V. Yakushkin, V.M. Clekkovsky, V.S. Butkevich and others. Proudly called himself his students. His students can also be considered all the agronomians who studied agronomic chemistry according to the book of spinnikov "Agrochemistry". She was published many times and was repeatedly translated into other languages. The eighth publication was awarded the first degree premium.

    The latitude of scientific interests, deep erudition and the multipleness of Dmitry Nikolayevich as a scientist gave rise to curiosities. His student and many years of employee I.I. The enarogues recall the trip to France in 1958: "To me, as the chapter of the delegation, each time had to be represented by the self and submit other members of the delegation. In the overwhelming number of cases I was enough to say that I am an agrochemistry and physiologist, student D.N. Snidishnikov so that we were rendered the most warning and warm welcome. The French, as a rule, was familiar to the name of the spinnikov - the Soviet Academician and the corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences. But many have been convinced that there are several well-known spindle scientists: spanking-agronomas, spinning-agrochemics, spanking - physiologist and biochemist, and everyone thought he knew the works of one of these spindles. After clarification, that this is the same Dmitry of Sanids, invariably followed: "Oh! This is incomprehensible: only Russian is capable of it! "

    Another important direction in the work of the scientist was to study the use of phosphorites as direct fertilizer. The experiments argued that the phosphate provides phosphoric nutrition of plants on soils with some levels of acidity, and only the lack of acidity leads to a weak effect of phosphate flour on chernozem. Later it was found that on leached and degraded chernozem, phosphoritic flour gives a good effect. The use of the phosphorita of buckwheat, peas, hemp does not affect the acidity of the soil, for cereals and other cultures this is not marked. Dmitry Nikolayevich developed methods of decomposition of phosphorite with the help of peat and manure (composting), received superphosphate and precipitate quite satisfactory quality from the "unsuitable" Russian phosphorite. The introduction of this technique at the Kineshma and Vyatka factories has made it possible to move over time to the production of superphosphate from domestic raw materials.

    An outstanding specialist in the field of physiology of plants and agrochemistry, spindles was one of the most famous agronomes of his time. Amazed him truly encyclopedic knowledge in the organization and economy of agriculture, crop production and agriculture. Many of his work in these areas have not lost significance even many years later. The same can be said about his numerous performances on the organization of higher agronomic education in Russia, on the chemicalization of both individual crops and cultures and the entire agriculture of the country, on the introduction of the right crop rotations, justify the system of applying fertilizers in various crop rotations, etc.

    Since 1919, Dmitry Nikolaevich headed the agrochemical department of the Scientific Institute for Fertilizers, and since 1931 and until the last days of life, he led the laboratory of mineral fertilizers of the All-Union Institute for Fertilizers, Agrotechnics and Agriculture, having transferred the last frames and the laboratory at the Department of Agrochemistry TSH, created by him yet 1896 The laboratory was conducted numerous experiments in the state farms and collective farms in order to develop ways to make fertilizers to all major soil types of the country.

    The government has repeatedly noted the merits of Dmitry Nikolayevich. In 1926 he was awarded to the award. IN AND. Lenin, in 1945 awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor. The scientist consisted of a valid member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Vaschnil, as well as the Academy of Sciences in Galle, the Swedish Academy of Agricultural Sciences, the Czechoslovaksky Agricultural Academy, a corresponding member of the French Academy of Sciences and many foreign scientific societies.

    Dmitry Nikolayevich Spanks died in Moscow on April 30, 1943 on the 83rd year of life from complication after inflammation of the lungs and buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

    Trudy D.N. Snidishnikova

    Spanking D.N.Popular agrochemistry. - M.: Science, 1965. 396 C.: IL.

    Spanking D.N.On chemicalization of agriculture and correct crop rotations. - M.: Knowledge, 1965. 45 s. (New in life, science, technician.)

    Spanking D.N.On the fertilizer of fields and crop rotations: election. articles. - M.: Agricultural Media, 1962. 263 p.

    Spanking D.N.Selected Works. - M.: Science, 1976. 591 p. (Classics of science.)

    Spanking D.N.Selected Works: In 3 T. - M.: Kolos, 1965. T. 1: Agrochemistry. 767 p.: Il.; T. 2: Private farming: Field culture plants. 708 p. ; T. 3: General issues of agriculture and chemicalization. - 639 p.: Il.

    Literature about D.N. Spindle

    DmitriyNikolayevich Spanks // People of Russian Science. - M., 1963. - P. 795-814.

    Petersburg A.V.D.N. Spicy and his school. - M.: Soviet Russia, 1962. 106 p.: Il.

    Petersburg A.V. Smirnov P.M.Dmitry Nikolayevich Spanks and his teaching. - M.: Knowledge, 1962. 46 s.

    DmitriyNikolayevich Sanidichnikov: Life and activities / Raggar. S.I. Wolfkovich and others - M.: Science, 1972. 270 s.: Il.

    Dobrovolsky G.V., Mineev V.G., Lebedeva L.A.Dmitry Nikolaevich Spanks. - M.: Publishing House of Moscow University, 1991. 49 p.

    DmitriyNikolayevich Sanids / Raggar. A.P. Gorin and others. - M.: Publishing House TSH, 1960. 122 p.

    Modern development of scientific ideas

    D.N. Snidishnikova: Sat. Scientific Tr. / Answer ed. D.N. Durmanov, E.A. Andreeva. - M.: Nauka, 1991. 279 p.: Il.

    D.N. Spicy and chemicalization issues of agriculture: reports at the plenum of the section of agrochemistry and fertilizer Vaschnil, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of D.N. Snidishnikova / Raggarte. I.I. Sinyagin et al. - M.: Kolos, 1967. 510 p.

    Kudryavtseva TS Dmitry Nikolaevich Spanks. - M.: Book, 1964. 11 p.

    Spanking D.N. My memories. 2nd ed. - M.: Agriculture, 1961. 309 p.: Il.

    The first pages of memories are devoted to native places, childhood, study in the Irkutsk gymnasium. Interestingly described student years. Many memories of excellent scientists - Spicy teachers, the history of the Academy, the development of her scientific life. Essentially, this is the history of higher agricultural education and an experienced business in our country of the late XIX beginning of the XX century. Here are memorability of travel to France, Italy, other countries of Western Europe with a scientific goal or due to the need to correct health. All that related to agriculture, agriculture, agrochemistry was reflected in the author's travel sketches.

    PCARZhevsky ON Spinters. - M.: Young Guard, 1963. 237 p.: Il. (Life of wonderful people.)

    "It was probably one of the most ampful and diligent laboratory craftsmen, which science only knew on the fracture of the two centuries. And at the same time, it is possible to call a few scientists who would cause so many contradictory passions that raged far beyond the laboratory walls, "the author writes in the preface. The reader is waiting for the full events of the story of the life path, painstaking and restless labor of a person of amazing fate. Modest and soft by nature, spinters became irreconcilable in the scientific dispute. In one issue he graduated with a Petrovskaya Academy V.R. Williams. Students of one academy, later professor, side by side worked on her close to the profile of the departments. The author tells how and why the paths of the two largest scientists were separated, about the essence of their disagreements, irreconcilability in defending their positions. The reader learns about the personal life of scientists, friends, students. Popularly describes the basic studies of spinning and their meaning for the development of plant physiology, biochemistry, agrochemistry.

    Dmitry NikolaevichSpicy(October 25, 1865, p. Kyakhta Transbaikal region of the Russian Empire (now Republic of Buryatia) - April 30, 1948) - Agrochemistry scientist, founder of agrochemical school, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, Winner of Stalinist and Lenin Prizes.

    D.N. Senthers: Biographical Help

    Born in the family of an accountant. In 1882 he graduated with the Gold Medal of Irkutsk Gymnasium. He continued to education at Moscow University on the Natural Branch of the Physical and Mathematics Faculty. Completeing in 1887 training at the university with a degree of candidate of natural sciences, entered the third course of the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forest Academy. According to KA Timiryazeva and I.A. The Soviet Council of the Petrovsk Academy approved him for the competition for three years with a scholarship of the highest salary to prepare for scientific title. In 1889 he graduated from the Academy (now - Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva) calling the candidate of agricultural sciences. In 1891 passed the master exam at Moscow University.

    In 1892, Privat-Dovert began reading a course on agronomic chemistry at Moscow University (which continued until 1929).

    In 1895 he received the Department of Agrochemistry at the Moscow Agricultural Institute (transformed later to the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy, then to the Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazeva), began to read the courses "Doctrine on Fertilizer" and "Private Agriculture". He worked here until 1948 for the first time in the history of higher education in Russia, a large number of students attracted to scientific work, introducing vegetative experiences to practical exercises.

    In 1896 he defended his master's thesis on the topic "On the disintegration of protein substances during germination" in Moscow State University. Opponent was K.A. Timiryazev, who gave a high rating of this dissertation.

    In 1900, he defended his doctoral dissertation in Moscow State University on the topic "Protein substances and their disinteg with breathing and assimilation."

    In 1907 he participated in the organization of higher female agricultural courses in Moscow (the so-called "Golitsinsky"), was elected by the director of them for 9 years (from 1909 to 1917), lectured on agrochemical and physiology of plants.

    In 1908, he was elected deputy director for the study part at the Moscow Agricultural Institute (at the main place of work). Being in this position in 1913, he conducted the reorganization of the institute: introduced specialization, thesis and exams similar to the master's. In 1908-1909 and 1916-1917 performed the responsibilities of the Director (Rector) of the MSI. In 1920-1925 he was the dean of the agricultural branch of the Petrovskaya Academy, which produced farming specialists, zootechnics and economics.

    In 1913 he was elected a corresponding member, in 1929 - a valid member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and in 1936 - Vaschnil. He was a valid and honorable member of many foreign academies and scientific societies.

    Scientific and social activities

    The main works of the scientist are devoted to agrochemistry. Developed the scientific foundations of soil phosphority. They are given the physiological characteristics of domestic potash salts, various types of nitrogen and phosphoric fertilizers are tested in the main agricultural districts of the USSR. She worked on the limestrosis issues of acidic soils, solo drying, the use of organic fertilizers. Improved methods for studying the nutrition of plants, plant analysis and soil, growing experience.

    D.N. The spanters went on business trips abroad to study the experience of production and applying fertilizers, formulations of research and development and agricultural education. Repeatedly acted with reports at international congresses, representing Russian and Soviet science abroad.

    In 1921-1929, Dmitry Nikolayevich actively participated in the work of the State Academic Council (GUS) of the Narkomplek, the Food Institute, the Central Institute of Sugar Industry (CINS).

    He is the founder and director of the Scientific Institute for Fertilizers (since 1948 - VNII fertilizers and agricultural scientists. D.N. Sanidishnikova), Member of the USSR State University (1920-1925) and the Committee for the Chemical Management of the National Economy (1928-1936).

    Was a member of the editorial board of the magazine "Soil Science" in 1929-1936, the magazine "Fertilizer and harvest" in 1930, the magazine "Chemicalization of Socialist Agriculture" and SOIL Science in 1934-1948

    Awards and titles

    In 1945 he received the title Hero of Socialist Labor with the presentation of the Gold Medal of Sickle and Hammer and the Order of Lenin for outstanding services in the field of agrochemistry and physiology of plants, fruitful activities to increase yields and for the creation of a domestic school of agro-chemicals.

    D.N. Senthers - Stalin Prize Laureate (1941), V.I. Prize Lenin (1926), Prize them. K.A. Timiryazeva (1945). Awarded orders: named after V.I. Lenin (1940, 1945), Labor Red Banner (1936, 1944, 1945), the Order of the Patriotic War I degree (1945), as well as medals: a large gold medal of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (1939).


    Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in 1948, award named after Academician D.N. Snidishnikova, which, by decision of the TSHA Council, annually is awarded for the best work on agrochemistry, production and application of fertilizers. In 1962, the Gold Medal was established. D.N. Snidishnikova, once every three years, awarded by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences for the best works in the field of plant food and applying fertilizers.

    Name Academician D.N. Snidishnikova was assigned to the All-Union Research Institute for Fertilizers and Agriculture of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Perm Agricultural Institute. Starting from 1950, annual spindle readings are held in Moscow.


    1. Protein substances. General chemistry of protein substances. L., 1926, 168 p.
    2. Selected writings. T. 1-3. M., 1965.
    3. Popular agrochemistry, M., 1965.
    4. The doctrine of fertilizer: a course of lectures. M., 1900.
    5. Chemistry plants. Vol. 1-2. M., 1907-1914.

    In 1934, "Agrochemistry" was published (during the life of the author, four publications were withstanding, translated into Ukrainian, Georgian, Armenian, Azerbaijani and Bulgarian languages), students still study on this textbook.

    Sources and literature

    1. Academician D.N. Pants: Sat. By the 80th anniversary of his birth. M., 1948.
    2. D.N. Pants and chemicalization issues of agriculture. M., 1967.
    3. Dmitry Nikolaevich Spanks. M., 1972.
    4. Irkutsk: historical and local lore dictionary. Irkutsk, 2011.
    5. Memory Academician D.N. Snidishnikova. M.-L., 1950.
    6. Petersburg A.V. D.N. Spicy and his school. [M.], 1962.


    1. Heroes of the country:\u003d9704.
    2. Megaencyclopedia Kirill and Methodius:\u003d665272.
    3. Page D.N. Spain on the website of the Chemical Faculty of Moscow State University:
    4. Page D.N. Snidishnikova: