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  • The influence of natural zones on man's economic activity. The influence of natural conditions on human life and human health. Types of natural resources

    The influence of natural zones on man's economic activity. The influence of natural conditions on human life and human health. Types of natural resources

    In accordance with the density of the population, the degree of human impact is also changing. However, with the current level of development of productive forces, human society affects the biosphere as a whole. Humanity with his social development laws and powerful technique is quite able to influence the age-old course of biosphere processes.

    Air pollution.In the process of its activities, a person pollutes the air environment. Over the cities and industrial areas in the atmosphere, the concentration of gases increases, which in rural areas are contained in very small quantities or are completely absent. Polluted air is harmful to health. In addition, harmful gases, connecting with atmospheric moisture and falling out in the form of acidic rains, worsens the quality of the soil and reduce the crop.

    The main reasons for the pollution of the atmosphere are the burning of natural fuel and metallurgical production. If in the 19th century entering the combustion of coal and liquid fuel entering the environment almost completely assimilated the vegetation of the Earth, then the content of harmful combustion products is steadily increases. A number of pollutants fall from the furnaces of the furnaces of cars in the air. Among them, the sulfurish anhydride is especially allocated - poisonous gas, easily soluble in water.

    The concentration of sulfur gas in the atmosphere is especially high in the vicinity of the copperlavyl plants. It causes the destruction of chlorophyll, underdevelopment of pollen grains, drying the foaming of the leaves of the needles. Part SO 2 is oxidized to sulfur anhydride. Solid solutions and sulfuric acids, falling out with rains on the surface of the Earth, cause harm to living organisms, destroy the buildings. The soil acquires a sour reaction, the humus (humus) is washed out of it - an organic substance containing the components necessary for the development of plants. In addition, it decreases the number of salts of calcium, magnesium, potassium. In acidic soils, the number of animal dwellings in it is reduced, the speed of the decomposition of the cap is slowed. All this creates unfavorable conditions for plant growth.

    Each year, as a result of fuel combustion, billions of tons of CO 2 come to the atmosphere. Half of the carbon dioxide generated during the combustion of fossil fuels is absorbed by the ocean and green plants, half remains in the air. The CO 2 content in the atmosphere gradually increases and over the past 100 years has increased by more than 10%. CO 2 prevents thermal radiation into outer space, creating the so-called "greenhouse effect". Changing the CO 2 content in the atmosphere significantly affects the climate of the Earth.

    Industrial enterprises and cars cause the atmosphere of many poisonous compounds - nitrogen oxide, carbon oxide, lead compounds (each car allocates 1 kg of lead), various hydrocarbons - acetylene, ethylene, methane, propane, etc. together with water droplets They form a poisonous fog - was able to be harmful to the human body, the vegetation of cities. Liquid and solid particles (dust) suspended in the air reduce the amount of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth. Thus, in large cities, solar radiation decreases by 15%, ultraviolet radiation - by 30% (and in the winter months it can completely disappear).

    Freshwater pollution.The scale of the use of water resources is rapidly increasing. This is due to the growth of the population and the improvement of human sanitary and hygienic conditions, the development of industry and irrigated agriculture. The daily consumption of water for household needs in rural areas is 50 liters per person, in cities - 150 liters.

    A huge amount of water is used in industry. 200 m 3 of water was needed on the smelting of 1 tons, and on the manufacture of 1 tons of synthetic fiber - from 2500 to 5000 m 3. Industry absorbs 85% of all the water spent in cities.

    Even more water is necessary for irrigation. During the year, 12-14 m 3 of water takes place on 1 hectare of irrigation lands. In our country, more than 150 km 3 is spent annually on irrigation.

    A continuous increase in water consumption on the planet leads to the danger of "water hunger", which necessitates the development of measures for the rational use of water resources. In addition to the high level of consumption, the lack of water is caused by its growing contamination due to the discharge in the waste river industrial and especially chemical production. Bacterial pollution and poisonous chemicals (for example, phenol) lead to a derogation of reservoirs. The harmful effects also have a milestoy alloy of forests on rivers, which is often accompanied by the opposite. With a long stay of wood in the water, it loses business qualities, and the substances flushed out of it destructively act on fish.

    The mineral fertilizers and phosphates are also coming in the rivers and lakes - nitrates and phosphates, which in large concentrations are capable of changing the species composition of water bodies, as well as various pesticides - pesticides used in agriculture to combat pest insects. For aerobic organisms living in fresh waters, unfavorable factor also serves by reset by enterprises warmwater. In warm water, oxygen is poorly dissolved and its deficiency can lead many organisms to death.

    Pollution of the World Ocean.Water seas and oceans are exposed to significant pollution. With a river runoff, as well as from sea transport to the sea, pathogenic waste, petroleum products, salts of heavy metals, poisonous organic compounds, including pesticides are received. Pollution of seas and oceans reaches such a scale that in some cases caught fish and clams are unsuitable for eating.

    Anthropogenic changes in the soil. The fertile layer of soil is formed for a very long time. At the same time, tens of millions of tons of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus are withdrawn from the soil annually together with the harvest from the soil. Humile, the main factor of soil fertility is contained in chernozem in an amount of less than 5% of the mass of the arable layer. On poor soils, humus is even less. In the absence of soil replenishment with nitrogen joints, its stock can be spent in 50-100 years. This does not occur, since cultural agriculture provides for the introduction of organic and inorganic (mineral) fertilizers into the soil.

    Nitrogen fertilizers used in the soil are used by plants by 40-50%. The rest is restored by microorganisms to gaseous substances, it disappears into the atmosphere or is washed out of the soil. Thus, mineral nitrogen fertilizers are rapidly spent, so they have to make them annually. In case of insufficient use of organic and inorganic fertilizers, the soil is depleted and the crops fall. Adverse changes in the soil occur as a result of incorrect crop rotations, i.e., the annual sowing of the same crops, such as potatoes.

    Erosion (corrosion) belongs to the number of anthropogenic changes. Erosion is the destruction and demolition of soil cover of water flows or wind. Water erosion is widespread and most destructive. It occurs on the slopes and develops with improper processing of the Earth. Together with the waist and rainwater from the fields annually in the river and the sea millions of tons of soil. If the erosion does not interfere, the small missions turn into deeper and finally in the ravine.

    Wind erosion occurs in areas with dry naked soil, with a venerable vegetation cover. Excessive grazing in steppes and semi-deserts contributes to wind erosion and rapid destruction of herbal cover. To restore the soil layer, 1 cm thick in natural conditions requires 250-300 years. Consequently, the dust storms bring irreplaceable losses of the fertile soil layer.

    Significant territories with formed soils are withdrawn from agricultural turnover due to an open way of developing minerals that occur at a small depth. An open method of mining is cheap, as it eliminates the construction of expensive mines and a complex communications system, and is also more secure. The deep careers and dumps of the soil destroy not only the land to be developed, but also the surrounding areas, while the hydrological regime of the area is disturbed, water, soil and atmosphere are contaminated, crops are reduced.

    The influence of a man on a vegetable and animal world. The impact of a person on a living nature is made up of direct influence and indirect changes in the natural environment. One of the forms of direct impact on plants and animals - the cutting of the forest. Selective and sanitary logging, regulating the composition and quality of the forest and necessary to remove damaged and sick trees, do not significantly affect the species composition of forest biocenoses. Another thing is a solid cutting of the stand. Once suddenly in the conditions of open habitat, the plants of the lower tiers of the forest are experiencing an adverse effect of direct solar radiation. The tepeless plants of grassy and shrub tiers are destroyed by chlorophyll, the growth is oppressed, some species disappear. In the place of deforestation, light-loving plants are incentive, resistant to elevated temperature and a lack of moisture. Changing I. animal world: Types related to the veins disappear or migrate to other places.

    Tangible impact on the state of vegetation cover has a massive visit to the forests by resting and tourists. In these cases, the harmful effect consists in pulling, soil seals and its pollution. The direct influence of a person on the animal world is to exterminate species representing food or other material benefits for it. It is believed that since 1600, more than 160 species and subspecies of birds and at least 100 kinds of mammals were exterminated. In the long list of disappeared species, the tour is a wild bull that lived throughout Europe. In the XVIII century It was exterminated by the Russian naturalist G.V. Steller Sea Cow (Stellerova Cow) is a water mammal belonging to the detachment of lilac. A little more than a hundred years ago, a wild horse Tarpan, who inhabited in the south of Russia disappeared. Many species of animals are on the verge of extinction or preserved only in reserves. Such is the fate of bizonov, tens of millions of population of North America, and bison, previously widespread in the forests of Europe. In the Far East, spotted deer is almost completely exterminated. The enhanced fishery of cetaceans led to the edge of destruction of several types of whales: gray, Greenland, blue.

    The number of animals has an influence and economic activity of a person who is not associated with fishery. The number of Ussuri tiger has sharply decreased. This happened as a result of the development of territories within its range and reducing the feed base. In the Pacific Ocean, several tens of thousands of dolphins die annually: during the fishing period, they fall on the net and cannot get out of them. More recently, before the adoption by fishermen special measures, the number of perishes in the networks of dolphins reached hundreds of thousands. For marine mammals, the infamination of water pollution is very unfavorable. In such cases, it turns out to be ineffective ban on animal catch. For example, after the ban of the diva dolphins in the Black Sea, their number is not restored. The reason lies in the fact that in the Black Sea with river water and through the straits from the Mediterranean Sea comes many poisonous substances. These substances are especially harmful to young dolphins, the high mortality of which prevents the growth of the livestock of these cetaceans.

    The disappearance of a relatively small number of species of animals and plants may not seem very significant. Each species occupies a certain place in biocenosis, no one can replace it in the chain. The disappearance of a species leads to a decrease in the stability of biocenoses. Even more importantly, each species has unique inherent in its properties. The loss of genes that determine these properties and selected during a long-term evolution, deprives a person in the future to use them for its practical purposes (for example, for selection).

    Radioactive contamination of the biosphere. The problem of radioactive pollution originated in 1945 after the explosion of atomic bombs discarded on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Test nuclear weaponsProduced until 1963 in the atmosphere caused global radioactive pollution. When the atomic bomb explodes, very strong ionizing radiation occurs, radioactive particles are dissipated over long distances, infecting the soil, water bodies, living organisms. Many radioactive isotopes have a long half-life, remaining dangerous during the entire time of their existence. All these isotopes are included in the cycle of substances, fall into living organisms and have a destructive effect on the cells.

    In tests of nuclear weapons (and even more so when using this weapon for military purposes) there is another negative side. For nuclear explosion A huge amount of fine dust is formed, which keeps in the atmosphere and absorbs a significant portion of solar radiation. Calculations of scientists of various countries of the world show that even with limited, local use of nuclear weapons, the dust formed will delay most of the solar radiation. A long cooling will come ("Nuclear Winter"), which will inevitably lead to the death of all living on Earth.

    Currently, almost any territory of the planet from the Arctic to Antarctica is subject to diverse anthropogenic influences. Very serious nature gained consequences of the destruction of natural biocenoses and environmental pollution. The entire biosphere is under all the enhancing pressure of human activity, therefore environmental activities are becoming an urgent task.

    Acid atmospheric lunges on land.One of the most acute global problems of modernity and the foreseeable future is the problem of increasing acidity of precipitation and soil cover. The areas of acidic soils do not know the droughts, but their natural fertility is lowered and unstable; They quickly deplete and crops on them are low. Acid rains cause not only acidification of surface waters and upper soil horizons. The acidity with descending water flows is propagated by the entire soil profile and causes a significant acidification of groundwater. Acid rains arise as a result of man's economic activity, accompanied by the emission of the colossal amounts of sulfur oxides, nitrogen, carbon. These oxides, entering the atmosphere, are transferred over long distances, interact with water and are converted to solutions of sulfur, sulfur, nitrate, nitric and coal acids, which fall out in the form of "acid rains" to land, interacting with plants, soils, waters. The main sources in the atmosphere are the burning of shale, oil, coal, gas in the industry, in agriculture, in everyday life. Human economic activity almost doubled the receipt of sulfur, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide oxides and carbon oxide into the atmosphere. Naturally, this affected the increase in the acidity of atmospheric precipitation, ground and groundwater. To solve this problem, it is necessary to increase the volume of systematic representative measurements of compounds of polluting the atmosphere of substances in large territories.

    The influence of natural conditions for life and economic activity of people. Classification of the territories of Russia in terms of comfort. The dependence of the placement of sectors of the production of national economy from the natural features of the territory. Unfavorable and dangerous phenomena of nature: problems of protecting the population and economy. Classification of natural resources and distribution of them in the country. Economic and geographical assessment of natural resources: quantitative, technological, cost.

    Natural factors played and continue to play an essential role in the life and development of human society.

    The concept of "natural factors" usually includes the following categories: natural conditions, natural resources, stability of landscapes and the environmental situation that we will consider further mainly from the positions of management science.

    Under natural conditions are a totality of the most important natural characteristics of the territory reflecting the main features of the components of the natural environment or local natural phenomena.

    Natural conditions directly affect the life and economic activities of the population. They depend on: the settlement of the population, the development and placement of productive forces, their specialization. They determine the cost of and, consequently, the competitiveness of products manufactured, which is especially important for countries with a significant spread of extreme natural features, among which includes Russia.

    Among the components of the natural environment, the climate, geological environment, surface and underground water, soil, biota, and landscapes are considered as a characteristics of natural conditions.

    An additional, but very important characteristic of natural conditions is the prevalence of local natural phenomenon-adverse and dangerous phenomena of nature, which includes natural disasters and natural foci of infections.

    The climatic features of the territory are manifested primarily in the ratio of heat and moisture.

    The amount of heat required to complete the vegetation cycle (growth period) is called the biological temperature of temperatures. Thermal resources determine the growth energy of plants.

    Being the world's largest country in the territory (about 17 million square meters), Russia is characterized by a significant variety of climatic conditions. At the same time, it should be emphasized that Russia as a whole is the northernmost and most cold country in the world, which affects its farm, the economy, many parties to the life of the population and politics. The consequence of climatic conditions is a long-term permafrost, which covers an area equal to almost 10 million square meters. km.

    The specificity of many years of milling must be taken into account when creating engineering structures: pipelines, bridges, iron and road roads, power lines and other infrastructure facilities.

    Moisturizing is manifested primarily in the form of atmospheric precipitation, is the second most important climatic factor. It is necessary for the entire period of life of plants. The lack of moisture leads to a sharp reduction in yield. To identify the conditions for moistening, one or another territory operate with indicators of the amount of precipitation and the magnitude of possible evaporation. In Russia, territories are dominated with excess moisture, i.e. Exceeding the amount of precipitation over evaporation.

    The most important factors for the formation of the natural specificity of the region are the relief and geological structure. By influence all the components of the natural environment, the relief contributes to the emergence of differences in landscapes and at the same time hesitates the effects of natural zonality and high-dimensional explanation. Engineering and geological conditions of the area reflect the composition, structure and dynamics of the upper horizons of the earth's crust due to the economic (engineering) activity of a person. Based on engineering and geological studies, it is determined by the most favorable places to accommodate various kinds of economic facilities, carry out the stability of rocks during construction work, recycling of shores after filling the reservoirs, dam resistance, determine the requirements for the construction of structures in the conditions of many years of permissive, excessive surface moistening in seismic, clown, landslide areas, etc. Accounting for mining and geological conditions is vital in all spheres of economic activity, but especially in urban planning, transport and hydraulic construction.

    For agriculture and a number of other areas of the economy, soil conditions have crucial. The soil is a special natural body that is forming as a result of converting the surface layer of the earth's crust under the influence of water, air and biota and combining the properties of alive and inanimate nature. The value properties of the soil are reflected in its fertility - the ability to provide plants with digestible nutrients and moisture and create conditions for obtaining a crop.

    Under the bioto in the natural sciences, they understand the historically established combustion of living organisms living on any large territory, i.e. Fauna and flora of this territory. The characteristic of natural conditions of terrain also includes an assessment of vegetation and animal world.

    In Russia, the main types of vegetation include the tundra, forest, meadow and steppe. Among the various types of vegetation, the forest belongs a special place. Their environmental and economic value, as well as a unique mid-forming role on the planet.

    Natural conditions affect almost all directions everyday life population, features of his work, recreation and life, the health of people and the possibility of their adaptation to new, unusual conditions. The total assessment of natural conditions is determined by the level of their comfort for humans. For its measurement, up to 30 parameters (duration of climatic periods, temperature contrast, climate humidity, wind mode, the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases, etc.)

    In terms of comfort, allocate:

    1. Extreme territories (polar regions, high-mountainous areas of high latitudes, etc.);

    2. Discount areas - areas with harsh natural conditions, which are affordable for the lifestyle of non-naeadapoted population; divided into cold humid (arctic deserts, tundra), arid territories (deserts and semi-deserts), as well as on mountain areas;

    3. Hypercomfort territories uch areas with limitedly favorable natural conditions for the disposal; are divided into boreal (refinered belt forests) and semi-samida (steppes of a moderate belt);

    4. Precroph territory - areas with minor deviations from a natural optimum for the formation of a permanent population;

    5. Comfortable areas - areas with almost perfect conditions of the external environment for the vital activity of the population; Characterized for the southern part of the moderate belt, in Russia are presented with insignificant areas of the area.

    Of paramount importance, natural conditions have for those sectors of the national economy that operate in the open sky. This is a rural, forest and water management. In vast dependence on natural conditions, there are almost all types of construction. The natural parameters of the territory have a significant impact on the organization of urban communal services.

    In the north and in other regions with extreme natural conditions there is a need to create special technical meansadapted to these conditions, for example with increased reserve Strength.

    The specific form of natural conditions is internally inherent in particular areas of unfavorable and dangerous phenomena of nature (Nov) or natural disasters

    To the most common and at the same time, natural disasters dangerous for humans include earthquakes, floods, tsunami, hurricanes and storms, tuning, typhoon, collaps, landslides, villages, avalanche, forest and peat fires. Characteristic examples of adverse nature phenomena are drought, frost, severe frosts, thunderstorms, strong or long rains, hail and some others.

    Vital in many cases, novel protection inevitably leads to a significant increase in the cost of construction and content of cities and communications; Technologies adapted to high loads or capable of preventing hazardous impacts.

    Natural resources are presented by the elements of the natural environment that can be used in the process of material production at this stage of the development of society. They are used to obtain industrial and food raw materials, electricity production, etc.

    As the basis of any production, they are divided into:

    1. Resources of subsoil (they include all types of mineral raw materials and fuel);

    2. Biological, land and water resources;

    3. World Ocean Resources;

    4. Recreational resources.

    On the basis of exhaustability, natural resources are divided into exhausted and inexhaustible.

    Exhausted resources are divided into non-renewable and renewable. Inexhaustible natural resources include water, climatic and space resources, the world's ocean resources.

    Mineral and commodity resources remain indispensable for the development of any society. By the nature of industrial and sectoral use, they are divided into three large groups:

    fuel or combustible - liquid fuel (oil), gaseous (suitable gas), solid (coal, combustible shale, peat), nuclear fuel (uranium and thorium). These are the main sources of energy for most types of transport, thermal and nuclear power plants, blast furnaces. All of them, in addition to nuclear fuel, are used in the chemical industry;

    metallometric - ore of black, colored, rare, noble metals, rare and rare earth metals. Make up the basis for the development of modern engineering;

    non-metallic - mining and chemical raw materials (asbestos, graphite,

    mica, talc), construction raw materials (clays, sands, limestone),

    agrochemical raw materials (sulfur, salt, phosphorites, and apatites), etc.

    The economic and geographical assessment of mineral resources is a complex concept and includes three types of estimates.

    It includes: a quantitative assessment of individual resources (for example, coal in tons, gas, wood in cubic meters, etc.), its value is growing as the resource's exploration increase increases and J as it uses; Technological, technical, (the suitability of resources for economic purposes is detected, their condition and study, degree of explorationity and accessibility) and value (in monetary terms).

    The total cost of the explored and estimated mineral raw materials is 28.6 (or 30.0.0) trillion US dollars, of which one third is gas (32.2%), 23.3 - coal, 15.7 - oil, and the predicted potential - in 140.2 trillion US dollars (structure: 79.5% - solid fuel, 6.9 -gaz, 6.5 -neft).

    The natural resource potential of Russia is located unevenly on the territory. The main and most promising sources of natural wealth are located mainly in the east and north of the country and are removed from the developed areas for very significant distances. The share of Eastern areas accounts for 90% of the stocks of all fuel resources, more than 80% of hydropower, high specific weight of reserves of non-ferrous and rare metals.

    Direct effects are primarily the impact of climatic conditions, primarily affecting the thermal state of a person, which not only affects well-being and performance, but can also be accompanied by certain shears in the body and disease. Climate zoning on its impact on the human body is called anthropoclimatic zoning.

    Methods for assessing the effect of climate on the state of a person

    The methods of assessing the effect of climate on the thermal state of a person are based on the accounting of joint influence of four: temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and solar radiation. This should take into account the change in these indicators by season of the year, since it is brightly pronounced seasonal. Important and duration of the season of the year, which is different in districts. For example, it is believed that in Western Siberia, winter continues from 240 days a year in the north to 135 days in the south, and summer - respectively, from 30 to 140 days. Summer is determined as a period with average daily air temperatures above 10 °, and winter is below 0 °. The summer period allocated for this criterion lasts up to 240 days a year on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, about 180-200 days - in the North Caucasus, 120-150 days - in the Moscow region and about 90 days - in Arkhangelsk.

    In anthropoclimatic zoning, indicators are used as the degree of weather variability (which is important to assess the possibility of manifestation of adverse reactions in humans), the duration of the period with ultraviolet fastness, the number of days with precipitation and so on. Interesting and assessment of the contrast of seasons of the year: Winter and summer can either not be too much different from each other (for example, on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, where the average temperatures of July and January differ by 15 °), or be sharply different (in Verkhoyansk amplitude is 66 ° : in winter minus 48 °, and in the summer plus 18 °).

    Geochemical conditions - the maintenance of the environment of those or other elements and their compounds, a disadvantage or excess of which cause deviations in the state of health of the population. The main line of exposure is biochemical: the microelements contained in rocks, through water and the soil are absorbed by plants and animals, and then through food of plant and animal origin fall into the human body. Currently, the impact of natural geochemical anomalies on the health of the population has significantly decreased, since knowledge of the geochemical situation allows preventive measures and, in addition, products from other areas play an increasing role in nutrition in the population. But increasing importance is the technogenic changes in the geochemical setting.

    The biotic conditions (the nature of vegetation and the animal world) can have direct impact on a person through pathogens of various diseases, that is, through natural foci of diseases. A significant part of these foci in our country is either destroyed at all or their danger to the population is sharply reduced. If these foci persist, the population needs to take special protection measures (for example, against tick-borne encephalitis and others).

    In some cases separate representatives Animal world is not so dangerous as carriers of infections, but just just interfere with being outdoors. For example, Viktor Ivanovich Transfensev considers the abundance of blood-sucking insects (hededs, mosquitoes and midges, united under the general name "Gnus") one of the most severe living conditions of the population in the Taiga part of Siberia, and sometimes in the forest-steppe. In some periods in many places Siberia, the amount of Gnus is so large that without special protective measures it is impossible to work outdoors. The use of special clothing and grids is associated with a number of inconvenience, greatly interferes with work, productivity is deepening, significantly worsens the well-being of workers.


    1. The concept of natural conditions and their characteristics

    2. The impact of natural conditions for life and economic activities of people

    3. Adverse and dangerous phenomena of nature

    Natural conditions played and continue to play an essential role in the life and development of human society. Undoubtedly, scientific and technical progress has significantly affected the growth of human power in relation to nature.

    Starting from 1992. - the year of the UN Conference on Environment in Rio de Janeiro - has become a generally accepted idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is paramount condition sustainable development Individual countries and all mankind in general is the entire set of natural factors.

    Accounting and adequate understanding of the role and place of natural development factors have in modern conditions vital importance in the field of management practically at all territorial levels. The concept of "natural factors" usually includes the following categories: natural conditions, natural resources, stability of landscapes and an ecological situation.

    Natural conditions - A combination of the most important natural characteristics of the territory reflecting the main features of the components of the natural environment or local natural phenomena.

    They affect the life and economic activities of the population, they depend on the settlement of the population, the development and placement of productive forces, their specialization. They determine the cost, and, consequently, the competitiveness of products produced, which is especially important for countries with a significant distribution of extreme natural features, which include Russia.

    Among the components of the natural environment, climate, geological environment, surface and groundwater, soil, biota, landscape or landscape conditions as a whole are considered as a characteristics of natural conditions.

    The specificity of the natural conditions of the terrain depends on its location in a natural zone, the presence of a certain combination of natural landscapes in it.

    Natural zones - large units of the geographic shell, expressed in the form of wide belts of the earth's surface, combined by the similarity of such characteristics, as the amount of solar radiation, moisturizing, type of soil, vegetation and animal world.

    Natural landscapes - These are relatively homogeneous areas of the geographic shell, characterized by a natural combination of its components and phenomena, the nature of their relationships. Along with natural, anthropogenic, or cultural, landscapes, characterized by one or another degree of purposeful or natural transformation of initial natural natural complexes, are also isolated.

    Landscape - the main category of territorial division of the natural environment. The metabolic processes of the substance and energy between the components of landscapes (rocks, soil, vegetation, etc.) determine their structure. Both natural and anthropogenic landscapes are subject to rhythmic and irreversible changes, so those and others are objects of regulation in human activity.

    Among the lanchaft-forming factors forming the most important properties of landscapes, external (cosmic and geodynamic) and internal (manifested in the interaction processes of individual natural components) factors. All landscape-forming factors are also divided into zonal (climate, soil, vegetation) and abonal (relief, geological structure).

    In general and in regional policies, in particular, landscapes are considered as a natural basis for the life and economic activities of people. At the same time, their features such as genesis, type, resistance to anthropogenic effects, aesthetic advantages, degree of impaired or preservation, nature of anthropogenic effects are taken into account.

    At the heart of the selection natural zones And landscapes are climatic features of the territory, manifest, primarily in the ratio of heat and moisture.

    Climate - This is the average member of weather in one area or another. Being the result of a variety of natural processes that continuously occurring in the atmosphere, the climate of the Earth and its individual regions is constantly changing, markedly affecting people's lives.

    The most important climatic factor is warm. Thermal resources determine the growth energy of plants. The amount of heat required to complete the vegetation cycle (growth period) is called the biological temperature of temperatures. It should be emphasized that this directly affects the household of the country, the economy, many parties to the life of the population and politics.

    The consequence of climatic conditions is a long-term permafrost, sometimes called eternal, widespread in the northern hemispheres. The specifics of many years of milling must be considered when creating engineering structures: pipelines, bridges, railways, etc.

    Water (Moisturizing), primarily in the form of precipitation, is the second most important climatic factor. The lack of water, as well as its excess, adversely affect the development and agriculture, and the economy as a whole, bringing significant budget costs.

    The most important factor in the formation of natural specificity is relief. By influence all the components of the environment, it contributes to the emergence of various landscapes. Over the past century, the formation of anthropogenic relief has become widespread. A person affects the relief directly (mining work, hydrostrolation, etc.) and indirectly through other components of the natural environment. For example, the reduction of forests in savannas contributes to the desertification and development of the eolog forms of relief; The re-fall leads to an increase in water erosion, etc.

    For agriculture and a number of other areas of the economy, soil conditions have crucial. The soil - This is a special natural body that is formed by converting the surface layer of the earth's crust, air and biota and combining the properties of a living and inanimate nature. The value properties of the soil are reflected in its fertility - the ability to provide plants with digestible nutrients and moisture and create conditions for obtaining a crop. The fertility is natural and artificial. A comparative qualitative assessment of soils on the developed scales in relation to this area is made by bonitization.

    Under the bioto, they understand the historically established combustion of living organisms living in any territory, i.e. Flor and fauna of this territory. The characteristic of natural conditions of terrain also includes an assessment of vegetation and animal world.

    Vegetation - This is a combination of plant communities (phytocenoses). This or another type of vegetation has a significant impact on the development of the farm - rural, forest, etc. Opportunities.

    Animal world - This is a set of animal communities living within any particular territory.

    Natural conditions affect practically all directions of the daily life of the population, especially his work, recreation and life, the health of people and the possibility of their adaptation to new, unusual conditions.

    The total assessment of natural conditions is determined by the level of their comfort For a person. For its measurement, up to 30 parameters (duration of climatic periods, temperature contrast, climate humidity, wind mode, the presence of natural foci of infectious diseases, etc.) are used.

    In terms of comfort, allocate:

    · Extreme territories (polar regions, high-mountainous areas of high latitudes, etc.);

    · Disciplous territories - areas with severe natural conditions, low-life for the lifetime of non-naeadapoted population; are divided into cold humid (arctic deserts, tundra), arid territories (deserts and semi-deserts), as well as mountainous areas;

    · Hypercomport territories - areas with limited favorable conditions for the disposal; are divided into boreal (refinered belt forests) and semi-samida (steppes of a moderate belt);

    · Precrophores - areas with minor deviations from a natural optimum for the formation of a permanent population;

    · Comfortable areas - areas with practically the ideal conditions of the external environment for the vital activity of the population; characteristic for southern moderate belt, etc.

    The concept of natural conditions in itself implies one or another type of economic activity. Natural conditions are predetermined by the economic diversity of human activity, the sectoral specialization of individual regions, the pace of economic and social Development. At the same time, the influence of natural conditions on the national economy is ambiguous and largely depends on the level of development and economic situation of the country.

    Of paramount importance, natural conditions have for those sectors of the national economy that operate in the open sky. First of all, it is rural, forest and water management. Their specialization and efficiency of development are directly related to soil fertility, climate, water regime. Under their influence there are also transport and many other branches of the economy.

    For example, in organizing mining of minerals, not only reserves and qualitative characteristics, but also the conditions for their location, which directly affect the method, scale and cost of production are taken into account. In practice, it is often that the most economical becomes not the richest, but relatively poor, but located in more favorable natural conditions of the deposit.

    In vast dependence on natural conditions, there are almost all types of construction. Its cost is predetermined by such parameters of the terrain, as the strength and waterproofing of the soils, the degree of seismicity, the territory of the territory, the presence of permafrost, the horizontality of the relief, etc.

    The natural parameters of the territory have a significant impact on the organization of urban communal services. Thus, the cost of heating, water supply, sewage, housing lighting, as well as their construction, is also significantly different depending on climate and engineering and geological conditions. In the northern regions of Russia, the heating season lasts up to 10 months, and in the south of the country 4-5 months.

    Special attention deserves the issue of natural conditions for agriculture. Specialization and efficiency of the agricultural sector of the economy are directly related to natural soil fertility, climate, water regime.

    Methods for growing various crops and breeding of farm animals depend on the agro-climatic conditions - climate resources in relation to the demands of agriculture.

    Agroclimatic conditions have significant differences from the place to the place. Understanding the patterns of agro-climatic differentiation is necessary not only for the management of the agrarian sector of the national economy, but also for the purposes of political and economic analysis. It is estimated, for example, that the US agro-climatic potential is approximately 2.5 times higher than in Russia. It follows from this that at an equal cost, the effectiveness of US agriculture will always be higher.

    In assessing agro-climatic conditions and for a number of other practical purposes, use data on the zonal differences of the country's territory.

    The specific form of natural conditions acts internally inherent in particular areas of adverse and dangerous phenomena of nature or natural disasters.Disaster - It is a dangerous natural phenomenon that causes emergencies. Under emergency It is understood as a critical situation on a certain territory, which established as a result of a natural disaster or a technogenic accident and led to human sacrifices, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and violation of the normal conditions of people's vital activity.

    To the most common and at the same time, natural disasters dangerous for humanity include earthquakes, floods, tsunami, hurricanes and storms, tornads, typhoon, collaps, landslides, villages, avalanche, forest and peat fires. Characteristic examples of adverse nature phenomena are drought, frost, severe frosts, thunderstorms, strong or long rains, hail and some others.

    In Genesis, all major types of adverse and dangerous phenomena of nature are divided into hydrometeorological and geological and geomorphological. Among the less common, solar-cosmic (magnetic storms, a drop of meteorites), biogeochemical (soil salinization, biogeochemical corrosion) and biological (reproduction of pests of agriculture, epizootia, etc.) are also distinguished.

    Flood are among the most common dangerous phenomena. They threaten almost ¾ of the earth's surface.Usually, seasonal floors are observed on the rivers, associated with the manifestation of regular climatic factors, in particular with melting of snow (for example, r. Lena). Often, strong rave rains become the cause of catastrophic floods.

    The largest Chinese River Juanhe is especially known for its catastrophic floods, in the valley of which more than 80 million people live. It is recorded here more victims than in all other regions, combined. She owns the most tragic record in the history of mankind: in the fall of 1987. The water level in Juanhe rose to 20 m. 300 was flooded settlements, about 2 million people remained silent, the death toll reached 1 million.

    The floods were and continue to remain for humans and the cunning elements. According to UNESCO, in recent century, 9 million people died from them. Higher and causing material damage.

    The most important prerequisite for effective flood protection is their accurate forecast. Flood protection can be active (fabrication of dams, dams, tap channels, regulation of river beds) whether passive (notification and evacuation of people, the use of places that will probably not be flooded, etc.).

    Earthquake - The most significant geological element in their consequences. Every year about 10 thousand people die from them, and material damage, on far from full data, reaches $ 400 million.

    Earthquakes are generated by shock seismic waves and elastic oscillations of the earth's crust. In addition to natural, there may be devastating earthquakes caused by human activity - flooding of deep reservoirs, oil production, injection in the depths of industrial waste, creating deep quarries, etc.

    The destructive power of earthquakes is characterized in conditional intensity points. In Russia, a 12-point intensity scale was adopted, describing the result of the earthquake.

    The most catastrophic is an earthquake in the Chinese province of Shaanxi (1556) with the number of those killed 830 thousand people.

    The other widespread dangers of the geological nature of exogenous origin include landslides, collaborators, villages, banks from the banks.

    Despite the undoubted achievements of science and technology, the vulnerability of modern society for natural disasters is constantly increasing. The number of nature suffered from adverse and dangerous phenomena annually increases approximately 6%. This is due to the rapid growth of the population and the high concentration of the population in the cities; Environmental degradation causing hazardous natural processes.

    The greatest economic damage in the world bring floods, tropical storms, droughts and earthquakes.

    Nature is inextricably linked with a person, in different locations, it affects people in different ways, their habits, taste preferences, lifestyle features. You will be able to consider the natural conditions of Russia in the lesson "Natural Conditions and Resources of Russia". During the lesson, you will learn how natural conditions differ from natural resources, which must be taken into account when characterizing natural conditions, as well as, examine the classification of natural resources.

    Topic: Natural Conditions and Resources

    Lesson: Natural Conditions and Resources of Russia

    1. Natural conditions

    Nature is inextricably linked with man. Features of nature in different parts of the planet affect the habits of people, on customs, features, taste preferences form even the appearance of people.

    Considering natural conditions, we will keep in mind the characteristics geographic location, relief and geological structure, climate, inland waters and seas, soil, vegetable and animal world. (see Fig. 1)

    Fig. 1. Natural conditions

    Directly, in economic activities, these natural conditions are not involved, but they affect the entire component of the human life. In other words, we can say that natural conditions - This is the habitat in which a person lives, and to which he is forced to adapt.

    2. The influence of natural conditions for man's economic activity

    And since we have already said, natural conditions affect many areas of human farm activities. Industries of human activity depend on natural conditions as: agriculture, forestry and water management. Let's see how different natural conditions of two specific territories of our country affect the economic activities. Take for example the Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk region. (see Fig. 2)

    Fig. 2. Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk region on the map of Russia

    We remember that with the characteristics of natural conditions it is necessary to take into account the various components of natural conditions.

    The Arkhangelsk region is located in the northeast of the East European Plain and washed by the waters of the Arctic Ocean. Within the Arkhangelsk region there is an extreme northern point Cape Flygeli. The Astrakhan region is also within the Russian plain, but in the south, and washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The relief of both territories is plain, but in the Arkhangelsk region it is more complex and diverse. The Astrakhan region lies on the Caspian lowland - the lowest territory of our country. The climate of the Arkhangelsk region of Surov - we can say about this on the basis of the geographical location. The region is within the limits of the Arctic, subarctic and in the northern part of the moderate belt, the Astrakhan region lies in the southern part of the moderate belt.

    Fig. 3. The position of the Astrakhan and Arkhangelsk regions on the climatic map

    The northern part of the Arkhangelsk region is occupied by the Arctic deserts, northeastern - tundra, south, more than half of the territory occupies a taiga. The Astrakhan region is 70% in the limits of dry steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. As we see, the natural conditions of these two territories differ significantly from each other and, as a consequence, there is a significant difference in human activity. Can you answer such a question: in which of these areas reindeer herding and forestry will be developed? Of course in the Arkhangelsk region, because within this area there is Tundra and Taiga.

    3. The concept of "Natural Resources"

    Elements of nature that man uses for its economic activity is called natural resources.

    Division into natural resources and natural conditions is sufficiently conditionally. For example, water and sunlight can be simultaneously both natural resources and natural conditions. As technology and technologies are improved, some natural conditions go into the category of natural resources, for example, geothermal sources began to be used relatively recently.

    4. Types of Natural Resources

    By features of origin Natural resources for several species. (see Fig.4)

    Fig. 4. Types of Natural Resources on Features of Origin

    Natural resources are distinguished by signs exhaustibility and renewability. (See Fig. 5)

    Fig. 5. Types of natural resources for exhaustibility and renewability

    Natural resources are divided into several groups on the possibilities of their economic use. From this point of view, resources are allocated, which can be used with the achieved level of technology. Part of the resources that are installed, but currently cannot be used, called potential, or forecast. Replaceable and indispensable resources are also allocated. Indispensable - This is air, earth, fresh water. Replaceable - These are the resources that can be replaced by others - oil, coal.


    1. What are the difference between natural conditions and resources?

    2. Give examples of the transition of individual elements of nature from the discharge of "natural conditions" in the category "Natural Resources".

    3. Supplement the examples of the table "Types of natural resources for exhaustion and renewability". (see Fig. 5)

    1. Geography of Russia. Nature. Population. 1 half. 8th grade / auth. V.P. Dronov, I. I. Barinova, V. I ROM, A. A. Lobzhanidze

    2. Geography of Russia. Population and economy. Grade 9 / Auto. V.P. Dronov, V. Ya. Rum

    3. Atlas. Geography of Russia. Population and farm / edging "Drop" 2012

    4. UMC (educational and methodical kit) "spheres". Tutorial "Russia: Nature, population, economy. 8th grade »Auth. V. P.Dronov, L. E Savelyev. Atlas.

    Other lessons on this topic

    1. Natural resources.

    2. Natural resources.

    3. The natural resource potential of Russia.

    Learn more on the topic

    1. Database for Natural Resources of Russia.