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  • Practical work. Revealing the relationship between the components of nature on the example of one of the natural zones. Revealing the relationship between the components of nature Practical work identifying the relationship between the components of nature

    Practical work.  Revealing the relationship between the components of nature on the example of one of the natural zones.  Revealing the relationship between the components of nature Practical work identifying the relationship between the components of nature

    Topic 7 Revealing the relationship between the components of nature using the example of one of the zones

    Purpose of work: the formation of skills on specific examples to show the relationships that exist between natural components in the natural zone.

    This practical work can be carried out in the form of a profile analysis showing the change in soil and vegetation cover when moving from north to south.

    1. Exercise:

    a) Prepare a written profile analysis across the East European Plain (other areas could be taken). When completing the assignment, stick to the plan:

    1. How do the main soil types change from north to south of the East European Plain?

    2. How does soil fertility change and what does it depend on?

    3. How and why does the nature of vegetation change?

    b) Compare the species composition of animals inhabiting the taiga and mixed forests with the species composition of animals in deserts and semi-deserts. Explain the reasons for the difference. Make a conclusion.

    2. Exercise:

    a) Using maps of the atlas, fill in the table.


    Natural area


    Animal world

    Yamal Peninsula

    Siberian Uvaly

    Kulunda steppe

    b) Give a written description of one of the natural areas according to plan:

    1. Geographical location.

    2. Features of the climate.

    4. Vegetation and fauna.

    Topic 8 Determination of population density and the share of urban and rural population in their area. Comparison with national averages

    Purpose of work: formation of skills to work with demographic indicators and a map of population density, compare indicators and draw conclusions.

    1. Exercise: to compare the main demographic indicators typical for Russia, its republic, territory, region, for its district. Enter data into the table.

    Indicators (statistical data)

    Own republic, territory, region

    Your area

    Your settlement


    Population density

    Urban population

    Share of urban population

    Rural population

    Share of rural population

    Topic 9 Determination of trends in the number of people employed in the economy based on statistical materials

    Purpose of work: development of knowledge about the population of Russia, the formation of skills to work with statistical materials characterizing employment in various spheres of the economy, to draw conclusions based on their analysis.

    Exercise: fill in the table and draw a conclusion about the tendencies of the population of Russia.

    Economy sphere


    Industry and construction

    Trade, communication, transport

    Agriculture and forestry

    General conclusion:

    2. Assignment: give examples of industries included in various spheres of production, note the situation with employment in specific industries. Fill in the table. Make a conclusion.


    Employment trend

    1. Production

    2. Non-production

    Conclusion: what changes in employment of the population are taking place and what are they caused by?


    Topic 1 Designation on a contour map of all republics ^ included in the Russian Federation

    Purpose of work: the formation of skills to work with the map of the administrative-territorial division of Russia.

    1. Exercise: on the contour map, draw the republics that are part of the Russian Federation.

    2. Task: fill in the table.

    Definition distances and directions on plan ... relative error (M). Solutiontasks calculated and experimental tasks on subject ...
  • Educational program of primary general education for the period 2011-2015

    Educational program

    ... picture... Regulatory: to formulate and maintain an instructional task, make up plan and the sequence of actions. Cognitive: use general tricks solutions tasks ...

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    The main educational program

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  • The name of the republic of the Russian Federation


    Capital of the republic

    Final practical work

    Final practical work

    1. Topic: Revealing on maps the relationships between the components of nature in one of the natural complexes of South America.

    2. Educational objectives:

    1. Deepening and expanding knowledge about the relationship between the components of the natural complex on the example of humid equatorial forests and shroud of South America.

    2. Formation of skills for the complex use of various maps of the atlas.

    3. To draw a conclusion not only about the presence of interconnection between the components within the complex, but also about their dependence on the geographical position of the territory on which the complex is located.

    Comparison of natural complexes of two different natural zones of South America (humid equatorial forests and shroud) and draw a conclusion about the relationship between the components within the complex and the geographical position on which this natural zone is located. Students draw up the results of the work in the form of a table.

    4. Sources of knowledge on the basis of which the work is performed:

    Students analyze maps of the atlas: a physical map of South America, climatic, natural zones, a soil map and the text of the textbook "Geography of continents and oceans" - V.А. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenyov number 40 - 44.

    5. Methods cognitive activities students:

    I propose to carry out this work based on the analysis of atlas maps and the text of the textbook in the form of a comparison of two natural complexes in South America. The students draw up the results of the work and the conclusions obtained in the form of a table. Analysis of the table makes it possible to show students the difference between natural components and natural conditions (relief, climate) that affect the qualitative content of the components, depending on the geographical location of the territory in which the complex under consideration was formed.

    6. Assignment to students:

    1. To acquaint with the application of the textbook "Geography of continents and oceans" V.А. Korinskaya, I.V. Dushina, V.A. Shchenev on page 313 "How to compare correctly"

    2. Compare the natural zones of South America: humid equatorial forests and savannas according to the following plan:

    a. Geographical position.

    b. Natural conditions: a) relief b) climate.

    v. Natural components: a) soil b) inland waters c) flora fauna.

    d. Draw a conclusion about the interrelationships of the components in the complex and their dependence on the geographical location.

    7. The planned result of the performance of the work by the students.

    Natural conditions and natural components of the complex

    Humid equatorial forests


    1. Geographical location

    It is located on the Amazonian lowland and on the adjacent eastern slopes of the Andes, as well as in the northern part of the Pacific coast in the equatorial climate zone.

    Occupies the Orinoco Lowland and most of the Guiana and Brazilian Highlands.

    2. Natural conditions

    A) relief

    Amazonian lowland

    Orinoco Plains, Brazilian Highlands, Guiana Highlands.

    B) climate

    Equatorial, hot and humid all year round.

    Subequatorial, dry and wet (December-May) periods are clearly expressed, partly in the tropical one.

    3. Natural ingredients

    A) soil

    Red-yellow ferralite

    Red ferralite

    B) inland waters

    Amazon River and its tributaries

    Rivers Orinoco, Parana, vdp. Angel, wdp. Iguazu.

    C) vegetation

    Ceiba, melon tree, chocolate tree, palm trees, ficuses, hevea

    Cereals and legumes, palms, mimosas, bottle trees, kebracho.

    D) animal world

    Jaguar, capybara, anaconda, hummingbirds, toucans, parrots

    Deer, pigs - picars, armadillos, crocodiles, jaguar, cougar, ostrich

    Output - The zone of humid equatorial forests covers a large area in South America due to the presence of extensive low-lying plains. Due to the humid climate and the rich iron compound, the soils acquire a reddish tint. Hence the name of the soil - red ferralite. Incoming in large quantities organic matter decompose to the end, and do not accumulate in it, and an abundance of moisture leads to continuous washing of the soil to a great depth. The relief is flat and since it is very humid in this natural area, it is not surprising that the most full-flowing river in the world, the Amazon, flows here. Characteristic features of the humid equatorial forests of South America (in selvas): they are evergreen, varied in species composition, multi-tiered, flowering and fruiting are year-round. In places, the thickets are impassable and sunlight barely penetrates through the dense foliage. In such a forest, it is gloomy even during the day. Therefore, many animals live in trees or sleep in trees.

    Savannahs in South America are smaller. Due to the two seasons of dry and wet climates, the soils are also easily leached, but here the vegetation cover consists of various and leguminous plants. In the dry period, due to a lack of moisture, the vital activity of microorganisms slows down and plant litter does not decompose completely and therefore humus accumulates. During the period of heavy rains, nature comes to life. Animals, like plants, adapt to dry and wet seasons. Rivers also have a seasonal nature of the regime, or are deep and flood the surrounding flat areas, or during the dry season they are very nice. Rivers flow from the plateaus (Guiana, Brazilian) and therefore there are many rapids and waterfalls - Iguazu, Angel. Thus, these are very different, unique natural areas located in South America.

    Practical work for the course "Geography" grade 8

    Practical work No. 1

    Geographical position of Russia

    Purpose of work: formation of knowledge about the peculiarities of the geographic location of the Russian Federation


    Using the text of the textbook, plan a and maps of the atlas, characterize the state enterprise of Russia

    On the outline map of Russia:

    Mark in red state border Russia;

    Determine the length of Russia from north to south by 100 O v.d. and from west to east at 60 O (to the Shelikhov Bay);

    Sign the names of states bordering on Russia;

    Sign the names of the seas and oceans washing the shores of Russia (including the Caspian Sea);

    Mark the extreme points of Russia, indicate their names and define them geographical coordinates.

    Practical work No. 2

    Solving problems for determining the standard time

    Purpose of work: the formation of skills to determine the standard time


    Option 1.

    1. Determine the local time in Yakutsk, if it is noon in Murmansk.

    2. Determine the standard time in Anadyr, if in St. Petersburg it is 10 o'clock in the morning.

    3.Local time settlement differs from Moscow by 6 o'clock. In what time zone is this point located?

    4. How much and where should the clock hands be translated for passengers who flew from Yakutsk to Moscow?

    5. Determine when Moscow time will land in Moscow (zone 2) the plane that took off from Novosibirsk (zone 5) at 11 o'clock local time and was in flight for 5 hours.

    Option 2.

    1. Determine the local time of Verkhoyansk, if it is midnight in Novosibirsk.

    2. Determine the standard time in Yakutsk if it is 15 o'clock in Moscow.

    3. The local time of the settlement differs from the Moscow time by 5 hours. What time zone is this location in?

    4. How much and where should the clock hands be shifted to passengers who flew from Anadyr to Yakutsk?

    5. The plane took off at 9 o'clock local time from Yakutsk (8th zone) to Moscow (2nd zone). When, Moscow time, the plane that has been in flight for 5 hours will land in Moscow.

    Practical work No. 3

    Designation on the contour map of the main landforms

    Purpose of work: to get acquainted with the main landforms of Russia


    Using the text of the textbook and maps of the atlas, mark on the contour map the main landforms of Russia, highlighted in italics in the text of the paragraph

    Practical work No. 4

    Establishing the interdependence of tectonic structures, relief and minerals

    Purpose of the work: the formation of skills for the integrated use of tectonic and physical maps to identify the relationship between the tectonic structure, relief and minerals



    Tectonic structure

    The corresponding relief shape


    West Siberian Plain

    Make a conclusion about the existence of a relationship between tectonic structure, relief and minerals

    Practical work No. 5

    Determination from the climatic map of the total radiation, the moisture coefficient for individual geographic objects

    Purpose of work: formation of skills to work with various types of climatic maps and with a synoptic map


    Using atlas maps, text and textbook maps, complete the table:


    solar radiation (kcal.cm2 / year)

    Average January temperature

    Average temperature in July

    Annual quantity

    in precipitation

    Humidification coefficient



    Make a conclusion about the patterns of distribution of total solar radiation, air temperature, precipitation and evaporation

    Practical work No. 6

    Characteristics of the river according to plan

    Purpose of the work: the formation of skills to draw up a detailed description of the river, using various sources of information


    Using the text of the textbook, physical, climatic maps, a map of water resources and climatograms of the atlas, a map of environmental problems, give a description of one of the rivers in Russia according to a typical plan:

    Option 1 - Lena

    Option 2 - Cupid

    The geographical position of the river on the territory of Russia (in which part of Russia the river flows);

    Location of the source of the river, direction of flow, mouth;

    Which ocean or internal drainage basin the river belongs to;

    River power sources

    Type of water regime

    Fall and slope of the river

    Flow characteristic

    Economic use of the river

    Conclusion: Why does the fall of the river, nutrition and its regime depend?

    Practical work No. 7

    Revealing the relationship between the components of nature on the example of one of the zones

    Purpose of the work: the formation of skills on specific examples to show the relationships that exist between natural components in the natural zone


    Using the text of the textbook, atlas maps, additional literature, describe the natural zone of the steppes.

    Geographical position

    Climate (temperature in January, July, precipitation, moisture)

    Typical plants (traits of adaptability to living conditions)

    Typical animals and their adaptability to habitat conditions

    Ecological problems

    Practical work No. 8

    Characteristics of the working and living conditions of a person in one of the natural areas

    Purpose of the work: the formation of skills to assess the living conditions and human activities in any of their natural areas.


    Features of the geographical location

    Climate features

    Features of inland waters

    Soil features

    Features of flora and fauna

    Natural area, which includes the area

    Make a conclusion about the living conditions and activities of a person, about the adaptation of a person to life in extreme conditions.

    Practical work No. 9

    Geographical position of the Ivanovo region

    Purpose of work: to form the ability to assess the geographical position of your area, using atlas maps and additional literature


    Using the map on page 4, determine in which natural area the Ivanovo region is located.

    Use the map on page 5 to find out which regions and where the Ivanovo region borders.

    Determine the extent of the area from north to south and from west to east.

    What is the area of ​​our area?

    How many administrative districts are allocated on the territory of our region?

    Determine the geographical coordinates of Ivanov and Privolzhsk.

    Practical work No. 10

    Grade natural conditions Ivanovo region.


    1. What is the height of the terrain in the Ivanovo region?

    2.What part of the area has the lowest height? What is it equal to?

    3. What minerals are there in the Ivanovo region?

    4. In what climatic zone is the Ivanovo region?

    5. What is the average temperature in January and July? (Specify where)

    6.What is the highest rainfall?

    7. Where on the territory of the region was observed the lowest and the most high temperature? Which?

    8. To which river basins are all the rivers of the Ivanovo region?

    9. What are the 2 largest lakes in the region?

    10. Describe the soils of the Volga region

    Practical work No. 11

    Assessment of natural resources of the Ivanovo region

    Purpose of the work: to form the ability to assess the natural resources of their area, using atlas maps and additional literature


    1. Using maps of the atlas of the Ivanovo region and additional literature, give a characteristic:

    A) agroclimatic resources

    B) mineral (quantitative and qualitative assessment)

    C) soil resources

    D) water resources

    E) biological resources

    2. Conclusion: give an estimate of natural resources for the development of the economy of the Ivanovo region

    Lesson type: Skills formation lesson
    Didactic goal: to consolidate knowledge about the features of natural zones, to continue the formation of skills to identify cause-and-effect relationships.
    1. Educational task: to consolidate the knowledge gained about the peculiarities of the natural zones of Russia and to identify the relationship between the components of the natural complex using the example of natural zones.
    2. Development task: to continue the formation of skills to describe and explain the features of a natural zone, to find cause-and-effect relationships between the components of a natural complex, to analyze and compare thematic maps.
    3. Educational task: formation of ability and readiness to preserve the environment and socially responsible behavior in nature.
    During the classes:
    Organizational moment: Greetings.
    Incentive motivation: For several lessons, you and I traveled across our Russia. Various natural zones of our Motherland appeared before our eyes in all their grandeur and beauty. From the icy, silent Arctic to the humid subtropics of the city of Sochi. Each natural landscape amazed us with something special.
    Actualization: Let's remember
    The natural zone is shown, and the students name it.
    1.What natural areas did we meet on the territory of Russia? (student shows on the map on the board)
    2. How are the natural zones located on the territory of Russia? What laws do they obey?
    3. Can we call a natural area a natural complex? Why?
    4. What components are there in the natural complex? Name them?
    5. Are these components interconnected? Give examples?
    6. Bring PCs of different sizes?
    7. Can you single out the most important components of a PC? (climate, rocks, soils)
    8. Can a person influence natural areas, change them? What are some examples of negative impacts and positive impacts?
    9. What measures can each of you take to preserve the natural zones of Russia?

    And now we are starting to carry out practical work, where each of you will be able to show how well you have formed the ability to identify cause-effect relationships and the ability to work with thematic maps.

    Topic: "Establishing the relationship between the components of nature on the example of natural zones."
    Purpose of the work: to learn how to establish the relationship between the components of nature using the example of natural zones.



    The soil


    Astrakhan region

    Wrangel Island

    Consolidation and summing up:
    1. Is there a relationship between climate and soil type?
    2. Between vegetation and soil? Example
    3. Between flora and fauna? Example
    4. Between climate and vegetation? Example
    5. Between climate and wildlife? Example
    Guys! What conclusion can we draw from today's lesson?
    In any natural complex, there is a very close relationship between the components of nature. If you change one natural component, then the whole natural complex will change.
    Assignment: Put a plus if you agree with the statement and a minus if you do not agree with the statement.
    1. Climate is one of the main components of the natural complex.
    2. In the tundra zone there are sod-podzolic soils.
    3. Camel thorn is a typical plant of the steppes.
    4. In the Arctic desert zone, only crusty lichens can grow.
    5. In the natural area, there is a close relationship between the components of nature.
    Lesson summary: The components of the natural zone are closely interconnected with each other, a person planning economic activity must always take these relationships into account.
    Reflection: What difficulties did your practical work cause you? What was the most difficult for you? What did you like about this work?

    Didactic material for the lesson
    Topic: "Establishing the relationship between the components of nature on the example of natural zones."
    Purpose of work:
    Assignment: Using maps of the atlas, textbook st. 296-297 fill in the table.



    The soil


    Astrakhan region

    Wrangel Island

    Conclusion: Formulate a conclusion about the relationship between the components of nature based on the analysis of the table data.
    Topic: "Establishing the relationship between the components of nature on the example of natural zones."
    Purpose of work:
    Assignment: Using maps of the atlas, textbook st. 296-297 fill in the table.



    The soil


    Astrakhan region

    Wrangel Island

    Conclusion: Formulate a conclusion about the relationship between the components of nature based on the analysis of the table data.