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  • Drawings on the topic Ecology Protection of Nature. Ten global environmental problems in pictures. Nakhodka for the interior: Vase for trifles from bottles

    Drawings on the topic Ecology Protection of Nature. Ten global environmental problems in pictures. Nakhodka for the interior: Vase for trifles from bottles

    Though the Lord and made a lot of problems (not counting the disease, crime, hunger, poverty, war, corruption and Russian pop) He still managed to create a good atmosphere of life on our planet. Earth with water is often capricious, having massive sacrifices. But in some places it turned out very not bad, you can even make a bunch of nyashny photos. But we can save even deeper. In this lesson you will learn how to draw nature with a simple pencil. After that, you can take your drawing tools and safely go to a cozy place in order to create an indescribable masterpiece. Nature is a symbolic name for everything that eyes see. An exception can be considered to be plastic or reality shows, the rest refers to one formal body that manages life and has a strange plan for the production and provision of its livelihoods. As an ordinary harsh boss, nature easily removes any office plankton, sometimes whole types, and, like any girl, loves whims and antics. The last critical days of this lady ended with the birth of Hitler, Hussein and Justin Bieber, which grand influenced the state of the planet as a whole. It may seem that the nature of evil and impeccurnin, in fact she didn't care exactly just like a dog on the ethnic origin of fleas in her wool. Suddenly it turns out that nature needs help, and some people are sacred in this, while they can not even protect themselves from local splines. If suddenly it turned out that you are - nature itself, then what are your privileges:

    • You are beautiful, for you are the concept of being.
    • You exist, although I will never really understand this.
    • You own all valuable metals on the planet, and therefore the shortage of money does not suffer.
    • Portraits are hanging in almost every house on each wall.
    • No need to worry about what you made a mistake, your mistake will fall either in a circus for freaks or in the Red Book.
    • You can always arrange fireworks from volcanoes.
    • You put a bolt on the theory of relativity, as you can be in all places at the same time.
    • You can cure cancer, but no one will believe you.

    But now take a pencil in your hands and try to draw a mother-nature.

    How to draw the nature of the pencil phased

    Step one. Immediately select the lines with a small pond with the shores, on the shores the same lines draw several trees. Several circles in the water will serve to turn into ducks.
    Step second. Below we draw high grass, the circles slowly turn into birds. The thick line will neatly circle the edge of the shores.
    Step Three. In this step, all the attention of switching to the back background behind the horizon line. Draw clouds there.
    Step fourth. Now draw small waves and shadows on the water, make the grass thicker, and the rear fountain hatch.
    Pitch fifth. Residually sketch and missed places on trees and earth, and then accurately finish the drawing, putting the ducks.
    See also similar lessons for drawing landscapes.

    Oksana Glyaeva

    Environmental education is carried out in childhood Garden through all pedagogical process - in everyday life And in class. In the implementation of environmental education tasks great importance It has natural environment B. children's garden . Environmental education of children preschool age - New direction of pedagogy, folding in last years and replaced traditionally presented in the programs familiarizing children with nature.. Ecological education of preschoolers is paid to special attention, since at this age the foundations of the environmental culture of the individual are being laid, which is part of spiritual culture. Environmental education of children is a targeted, systematic pedagogical process, the purpose of which is an environmentally educated person.

    This year is declared Year of ecology. In relation to this, we also have various events in the area and the republic. Our group took part in the republican competition of children's drawings "We children of nature» .Children painted on the topic of careful attitude to nature and its guard. On the competition Received 920 works of children from all over our republic

    Following the work of the jury, one girl with my group received a nomination.

    "The best combination of execution technician in figure» .

    I suggest you, see work.

    Unfortunately when loading a photo, half the photo is turned over. Therefore, I could not upload photos of all pictures. I tried several times, but it does not work.

    Publications on the topic:

    In our kindergarten there are several circles additional education. I have already offered publications about the activities of vocal.

    On the eve of the New Year, an exhibition of joint works of children and their parents "Winter - Wester" was organized in our group. The purpose of the exhibition.

    "The most expensive person is life," wrote N. A. Ostrovsky. And the life of the child is doubly the road, because he is just doing the first.

    Objectives and tasks: 1. Support creative activity children and educators; 2. The admission of preschoolers to artistic creativity;.

    Regulations on the competition of children's drawings "ABC security" Regulations on the competition of children's drawings "ABC of Safety" 1. General provisions 1.1. Contest drawings among children MDOU "Kindergarten number.

    Regulations on the competition of children's drawings "Winter fun" Regulations on the competition of children's drawings "Winter fun" 1. General provisions 1.1. The contest of drawings among children MDOU "Kindergarten No. 5" "Winter.

    Exhibition of children's drawings "My favorite toy" One of the forms of interaction and cooperation with the family is a joint organization.

    A genuine civil society consists of people with a sense of responsibility in front of each other, with a conscious attitude towards life and careful - to nature. If an adult is really needed to carry out environmental libraries, then children are associated with nature initially. They climb on trees, run around the fields, play with animals, surprised by the waves on the sea and the water stroit of the lake, catch the mouth of the snowflakes and have fun in the puddles. Children like no other understand the genuine value of nature. In our age of the spiritual plague it is worth paying attention to children who need to study nature and ecology.

    Nature protection is important!

    In the XXI century, the smoke factory and everywhere scattered garbage no one is no longer surprised. We are accustomed to nauseous smell and to the fact that water from under the tap can not drink under any circumstances. We eat fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses and having no taste and nutritional value. At the moment there is at least such an opportunity. So what is next?

    Man depletes natural resources, cuts out forests, pollutes the atmosphere. Because of this, the ozone layer is destroyed and climate change. Man kills animals, many types are lost irretrievably. With the existing growth rate of the destruction of natural ecosystems by 2030 they will not be left at all. The society of growing consumption leads to catastrophic changes in nature, which are reflected in humanity.

    If no one scares the ubiquitous growth of poverty and hunger, very high child mortality, lack of clean drinking water in 2/3 of world settlements, growth of diseases of allergies, HIV epidemic and AIDS, you can do not care anything on the environment and continue in the same vein. But the planet should breathe, like people, and therefore it's time to listen to her needs.

    Environmental education of children

    What is she - ecology through the eyes of children? It is necessary to develop environmental responsibility from the smallest age. Just getting on your feet, a person must realize that tearing out the flower, he hurts him, and throwing garbage on the street, he clogs his house. Children from parents and teachers in schools should hear that rational environmental management - It is not a fault, but the need. We can take from nature, but exactly as much as we need to help and ignite the natural balance.

    For children, the form of the game and creativity is clearer. Of course, boring lectures and notations can cause disgust to the topic. But all sorts of contests drawings, crafts, songs competitions, quiz, environmental trips are a completely different matter. They will be interested in the five-year-old kid, and a teenager.

    Competition of environmental drawings

    A children's drawing contest is one of the best ways to spend time fun and with benefit. Boys and girls with pleasure draw and global ecological problems, and beautiful landscapes, and human harmony and nature. Competition can be held not only at home, but at school and kindergarten. The kids will be offered to the choice of gouache, watercolor, crayons, pencils, mascara, and even a ball handle. The main thing is that the students were able to express their thoughts and feelings, embodying them on paper. What is ecology through the eyes of children? Their vision of nature and attitude towards it is represented in a variety of colorful creative works.

    A children's drawing contest will help combine the needlework of girls, boys and their parents. Fine when families are united by such important reasons. For example, moms and dads can prepare coloring on the topic "Ecology through the eyes of children." So you can attract the attention of small citizens to important problems in nature, in the relationship between humans and nature. Guys, painting drawings, will fantasize and think about important.

    Competition Crafts and Appliques

    Baby and schoolchildren, like many adults, are very like to create something with their own hands. So why not arrange a contest for crafts "Ecology through the eyes of children"? In the fall, this is an excellent reason to collect acory and chestnuts, who fell out multicolored leaves, twigs and pebbles, and then build some kind of beast from all these finds. In the summer you can paint the naval pebbles and make herbarium from the colors found in the field, signing each and specifying interesting information about it. For older children and adolescents, you can make your small terrarium in the bottle.

    The contest of appliqués "Ecology through the eyes of children" will also help attract children to the problem of protection of nature. A good modern idea of \u200b\u200bscrapbooking: you can make ecological postcards and posters. Application from multicolored butt and twigs in the form of autumn foliage will cause delight and in small, and in adults.

    Quiz "Ecology through the eyes of children"

    Such a quiz for the smallest can be carried out in the form of an interactive theater. Children play the presentation or read poems on the theme of nature. For such an event (as a scenario for submissions), works will be suitable for the following authors: Pouustovsky, Barto, Zhitkov, Bianki and Kipling. Poems Children can choose from the proposed teacher or write independently. Competition "Ecology through the eyes of children" for senior school age can be held in the form of the game "What? Where? When?" Or "his game", where the guys will be able to improve their knowledge of ecology, the relationships in the world of nature and the harmony of man and the environment.

    Hiking and eco-tourism

    The project "Ecology through the eyes of children" should not necessarily be timed to science or creativity. It may be sport's event or hike to the nearest forest (park). What to organize for students of secondary and high schools? You can conduct sports orientation. An interesting idea will be a quest with prompts and tasks in certain places. This will delight not only children, but also their parents. For the smallest, too, you can find tasks: to consider bumps, foliage, feed squirrels, study the bark of trees.

    There is another option. Children with parents go beyond the city with overnight in tents. The task for the guys can be the branch of fire (under a sensitive supervision of adults) and shooting from the sports bow. Holidays outside the city usually provides for fishing. You can also organize horse riding.

    Along the way, teachers should talk about nature, terrain, the importance of saving all this for themselves and descendants.

    Separate garbage collection

    In Russia, a catastrophic situation with split garbage collection. To get our population to engage in this useless, according to many, the case is almost impossible. Why not start with little citizens? As part of the event "Ecology through the eyes of children", you can spend an open lesson for schoolchildren and their parents. The teacher tells detail about the problem of landfills in the world, clearly will show how to sort the garbage, points on the map points of garbage collection, play with students in the game on a separate garbage collection and will give a home task. Thus covered not only the children's part of the population, but also adults. After all, it is impossible to refuse the child to develop and comprehend the world.

    Growing plants

    In the lessons of biology and nerds of the teacher talk about plants, the stages of their growth and development. Be sure to arrange practically classes for the guys. To add a play point, teachers can themselves give the seeds in white non-marked sachets to students, explaining the basic rules of care. Girls and boys will have to record and photograph all the growth stages of their pet. And ultimately try to guess how their plant is called. The one who can cope with this is the first time, receives a five-fourth five.

    Such a game will help children understand how difficult it is to grow at least one plant, the careful attitude towards nature will bring in them.

    Briefly about important

    There are many ways to develop in the child the desire to live in harmony with nature. In addition, in the children it is laid since birth. The main thing is to indicate the child the correct vector motion vector. As in the case of drawings, appliqués, games, quizzes, and in the case of hikes and separate garbage collection, environmental thinking is developing. The schoolboy begins to realize what work daily nature leads to prove to people that she is right.

    Environmental education should be the basis for the education of the new person of the XXI century. Only so we will be able to build a healthy civil society. After all, if the child will perceive nature as a house, he will take her to her and, becoming an adult, will not allow wars and bloodshed.

    Ministry of Education, Science and Youth Policy of the Krasnodar Territory

    state budget professional

    educational institution Krasnodar Region

    "Anapian Agricultural Technical School"

    Methodical development

    for schoolchildren of the junior and secondary classes of schools in the resort of Anapa as part of an ecological and local history project "I love Anapa"

    (September - October 2016)


    Solovyva Svetlana Nikolaevna

    Explanatory note

    Competition of children's environmental drawings "Ecology through the eyes of children" is intended for students of junior and middle classes secondary schools Resort Cities Anapa as part ofecological and local history project "I love Anapa". Competition conduct technical school students, the teacher helps in preparation methodical material and his organization.

    Objective Competition for Students : formation of students of the following general competencies (OK):

    OK 2. Organize your own activity, choose typical methods and methods for performing professional tasks, evaluate their effectiveness and quality.

    OK 3. To make decisions in standard and non-standard situations and be responsible for them.

    OK 4. To search and use the information necessary to effectively fulfill professional tasks, professional and personal development.

    OK 5. Use information and communication technologies in professional activities.

    OK 6. Work in the team and teamwork, effectively communicate with colleagues, management, consumers.

    OK 7. To take responsibility for the work of the team members (subordinates), for the result of the tasks.

    OK. 8. Independently identify the tasks of professional and personal development, to engage in self-education, consciously plan to plan advanced training.

    The purpose of the competition for schoolchildren: attracting the attention of children to the problems of preserving the environment, education of the careful and attentive attitude towards nature.


      development of a student active civil position and a non-indifference attitude towards nature;

      strengthening the role of artistic creativity as a means of environmental and civilian education;

      development creative abilities students.

    Competitors: pupilsjunior and middle classes of secondary schools of the resort of Anapa.

    Requirements for work : Works can be performed on any material (cardboard, watman, canvas, etc.) and in any drawing technique (watercolor, mascara, color pencils, etc.), format A 3. The content of the picture should reflect the subject of the competition. Be sure to specify the name and name of the author, the name of the drawing, class and school.

    Jury members: all teachers and studentstechnical school wishing to vote for the best, in his opinion, the participant of the competition. Mystery vote.

    The decision on the winners and the nominees of the jury competition takes a simple majority of votes. In the event of an equal number of votes, an additional voice has a jury chairman.

    The contest coordinators are - Prikhodko Alina, Aslanian Violetta.

    Chairman of the jury: I.V. Chernovashov - director of GBPOU KK AST.

    reflection of environmental topics and its disclosure;

    artistic expressiveness;

    cognitive focus;


    quality of execution;

    composite solution;

    aesthetic appearance.

    Minutes of the meeting of the Expert Commission

    competition of children's environmental drawings "Ecology of the eyes of children"

    (September - October 2016)

    30 students took part in the competition high School No. 1 of the resort of Anapa and 10 students from school№ 23 p. Spacious. As a result of the voting, a decision was made:

    Axtricate 1 East Krivoshein Roman, School No. 1;

    Axtricate 2 place token Michael, School №1;

    Axtricate 3rd place Astapinko Angelina, School №1.

    Chairman of the jury:

    ________________ I.V. Chernyshov - Director of GBPOU KK AST

    1 .______________ / s. N. Solovyov /

    2.______________/ Prikhodko Alina/

    3.______________ / Aslanian Violetta /

    Competition Reportchildren's environmental drawings "Ecology through the eyes of children"for students of the younger and secondary classes of secondary schools in the resort of Anapa as part of an ecological and local history project "I love Anapa"

    (September - October 2016)