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  • Speech therapy work at school. The specifics of the work of a speech therapist in a secondary school

    Speech therapy work at school. The specifics of the work of a speech therapist in a secondary school

    Speech therapy work  at school

    As practice shows, many children entering grade 1 have limited vocabulary, fine motor skills are poorly developed, and persistent speech disorders. To make the work of a school speech therapist more effective, he needs a close relationship with the primary school teacher. Both the speech therapist and the teacher have a common goal - to give high-quality education to schoolchildren. To achieve this goal, the teacher needs each student to have a fairly high level of general (including speech) development. The task of a speech therapist is to eliminate speech defects and to develop the child’s oral and written speech to a level at which he could successfully study at school. In turn, the teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has learned; there is an integration of speech therapy work and the educational process.

    Speech therapy in primary classes can be divided into 4 stages: approximate, diagnostic, corrective and evaluative. Each of them has its own goals, objectives and technologies. The duration of the stage is determined by the totality and compatibility of various factors detected in the process of examination, diagnosis and correction. Also, the relationship in the work of a speech therapist and teacher is being phased out.

    Stage 1 - Approximate March - May

    Tasks of the stage:

    - determination of the level of the general and speech development  every future first grader;

    -identification of children with speech disorders;

    -consultative assistance to parents in preparing for school children with speech disorders.

    From March to May, the school organizes special classes for future first-graders, which the teacher conducts once a week. Speech therapist has the opportunity to examine the state of speech of all enrolled children in these classes, and to identify children with speech disorders.

    Tasks of the stage:

    -determination of the structure and severity of speech disorders in schoolchildren;

    -planning appropriate corrective work.

    In the first two weeks of September, the speech therapist conducts a full examination of the state of speech of first-graders, and introduces the teacher to the results. Speech therapist is acquainted with the curriculum and the standard of primary general education, is interested in the technologies used by the teacher, his methods and techniques.

    Then the speech therapist proceeds to the planning of corrective work. This necessarily takes into account the program requirements for the Russian language, reading and other subjects, the sequence and time of the study of certain topics. In other words, a speech therapist seeks his work to have continuity with the program in this class.

    In addition, at this stage it is possible to schedule the following activities:

    - joint parental meetings;

    - participation of a speech therapist in the work of methodical associations of primary school teachers;

    - consultations of the speech therapist for teachers;

    -participation in pMPK work  and etc.

    Tasks of the stage:

    - elimination of speech disorders;

    - development of oral and writing  to the level at which the child could successfully study at school.

    The duration of this stage for each child is determined by the nature and severity of speech impairment, as well as the dynamics of its correction. So, in case of violations of the sound pronunciation (dyslalia), the correction can last on average from 2 to 6 months, and in case of OHP - up to 2 years.

    At this time, the relationship of speech therapist and teacher is becoming increasingly close. The speech therapist periodically informs the teacher about the specifics and content of correctional work with children, and at the same time receives information about their progress (during the school year).

    At speech therapy classes, students acquire new speech skills and abilities, which are then improved during learning process. For example, the teacher has an excellent opportunity to help children automate the set sounds. To do this, when reading texts or memorizing poetry, he reminds the child what sounds need to be pronounced correctly.

    The teacher with the help of a speech therapist exercises control over the correct speech of children, participates in the education of their self-control. In addition, he helps the child in the design of the answer in the classroom and in organizing the student's verbal communication with peers. This is especially important for stuttering children with communication problems for children with OHP.

    In Russian lessons, the teacher includes developmental exercises. phonemic perception. The teacher, like a speech therapist, also teaches to distinguish between vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonant sounds; teaches to relate sounds and letters; produce sound letter analysis. That it was interesting to children - all these exercises can be carried out in the form of didactic games. Some of these games can offer a speech therapist to the teacher to use in their lessons.

    The curriculum in the primary grades is saturated, its assimilation by children with deviations in speech development is difficult. Therefore, the speech therapist does not give tasks beyond the program material, does not overload first-graders with additional information. For example, when automating sound p in educational material on the Russian language, a speech therapist offers children the following tasks:

    - make sentences with these words it.d.

    A speech therapist and primary school teacher must have uniform requirements for a student with speech deviations. At the same time necessary:

    - taking into account the structure of the violation and the selection of the corresponding speech material  for each student (both in speech therapy classes and lessons);

    - taking into account the age characteristics of children;

    -presenting program requirements for students, taking into account possible specific (speech) errors and providing advanced assistance to prevent them;

    -the implementation of an individual approach against the background of collective activity;

    -the consolidation of knowledge and skills acquired in speech therapy classes and lessons;

    -giving upbringing character training;

    -the comprehensive development of the individual student.

    Such requirements contribute to improving the performance of speech therapy work and better learning of these materials by these children. And mutually visiting lessons and speech therapy classes help to develop such a unity.

    For timely warning, detection of violations of the letter, the speech therapist periodically analyzes the written work of children (usually during the holidays) and draws the teacher’s attention to errors due to speech disorders that should be distinguished from simple grammatical errors.

    In order to promote its classes, a speech therapist conducts individual and thematic consultations for teachers on the development and correction of students' oral and written language. The relationship in the work of speech therapists and primary school teachers is also carried out at methodological associations, meetings, where various organizational issues are solved, best practices are studied. A speech therapist, like a primary school teacher, is a member of the PMSC, at meetings of which the reasons for children's academic failure are examined and ways of their psychological, medical and pedagogical support are developed.

    Stage 4 - Evaluation

    Tasks of the stage:


    -analysis of correctional and educational work;

    -determination of the prospects for future activities.

    The result of the commonwealth of teachers and speech therapist is an increase in the academic performance and quality of knowledge among schoolchildren who had speech disorders at the beginning of the school year.

    In conclusion, we can say that the timely identification of children with speech disorders, properly organized work in close cooperation of the teacher and speech therapist are of great importance in a secondary school.


    Only man has the greatest gift of nature - speech. But it is not an innate ability.  Speech is the most important mental function of man. Having mastered the speech, the child acquires the ability for a generalized reflection of the surrounding reality, for awareness, planning and regulation of his behavior.

    Speech is formed along with the development of the child under the influence of the speech of adults gradually and largely depends on some factors: sufficient speech practice, upbringing and education, as well as the normal speech and social environment that stimulates speech development and gives a speech pattern. And all these factors are important for the child from the very first days of life. The mastery of speech for each child occurs at different times and in different ways, since it is an individual process that depends on many moments. The causes of this process can be both the pathology of pregnancy and childbirth, and the effect of genetic factors. The defeat of the hearing organs and the general lag in mental development, as well as lack of communication and upbringing can also be the reasons for the delay in mastering speech. For the formation of speech is extremely important to the development of analyzers, such as speech-speech and speech-hearing. But it all largely depends on the environment. New vivid impressions, appropriate setting contribute to the development of movements and speech. If this is not the case, then the child’s mental and physical development is delayed. Of great importance for the development of the child is his psychophysical health. From the state of his higher nervous activity, from his attention, memory, imagination and thinking, i.e. higher mental processes, and somatic or physical condition depends on the development of speech.

    Active participation  adults in the healthy development of the child's speech, i.e. education of speech in normal conditions for it, is the main point of prevention. Unfortunately, this moment in the development of speech, as well as the value of full-fledged speech, is still underestimated in the family and school.

    According to statistics, the number of speech disorders in recent years has a tendency to increase, so much attention should be paid to the work on the prevention of speech disorders - this proves the relevance of my chosen topic.

    The purpose of the work is to study the main directions of prevention of speech disorders.

    Unlike verbal, written speech is formed only in the conditions of purposeful training, that is, its mechanisms are added up during the period of literacy training and are improved during all further education.

    When analyzing speech disorders, speech activity should be considered as a complex multi-level functional system, the components of which (phonetic, lexical, grammatical aspects of speech, phonemic processes, semantics) depend on each other and condition each other. Entering into interaction, they make their specific contribution to the formation of language skills and the course of the speech process.

    Violations of reading and writing (dyslexia and dysgraphia) are the most common forms of speech pathology in junior high school students, especially in children with general speech underdevelopment.

    As practice shows, many children entering grade 1 have limited vocabulary, fine motor skills and persistent speech disorders are poorly developed.The speech therapy service at the school was created in order to provide special assistance to students who have violations in the development of oral and written speech in the development of educational programs.

    In order for the work of a school speech therapist to become more efficient, he needs a close connection, first of all, with a primary school teacher. Both of them strive for a common goal - to give high-quality education to schoolchildren. To do this, the teacher needs every student to have a fairly high level of general (including speech) development.

    Tasks of the school speech therapist:

    1.Timely identification of children with impaired speech and writing.

    2. Correction of violations in the development of oral and written speech of students.

    3. Timely prevention and overcoming of difficulties in mastering students' educational programs.

    4. Explaining the special knowledge of speech therapy among school teachers and parents (legal representatives) of students.

    In turn, the teacher continues the child’s speech development, relying on the skills and abilities he has learned; there is an integration of speech therapy work and the educational process.

    The main directions of speech therapy at school

    Formation of full learning activities  it is possible only with a sufficiently high level of speech development, which presupposes a certain degree of formation of language means, as well as skills and abilities to freely and adequately use these means for the purposes of communication.

    It is obvious that deviations in the development of speech make it difficult to communicate, interfere with the correct formation of cognitive processes, impede the assimilation of reading, writing and, as a result, other school skills and knowledge. The problem of violation of writing and reading is one of the leading places in the practice of school education, which prevents the formation of a full-fledged learning activity for children.

    In recent years, the number of children with various deviations in speech development has significantly increased among students entering the primary grades of our school. With the start of literacy training, such children show a persistent violation of the formation of written speech, manifested in the form of disgraphing. When examining speech disorders in children, it is notedmixed dysgraphiaThe structure of which includes such flaws in writing as a violation of language analysis and synthesis, acoustic and articulatory-acoustic dysgraphia, elements of agrammatic and optical dysgraphia. With mixed dysgraphic errors are multiple and varied. Diagnostic studies show that mixed dysgraphia is almost always due to the general underdevelopment of a child’s speech. Such children, as a rule, have difficulty mastering the program in the Russian language, remember the grammar rules with difficulty and put them into practice, their vocabulary is reduced, the lexical aspect of speech suffers. This is a complex set of disorders, which manifests itself not only in violations of the written language, in most cases there is a lack of formation of such higher mental functions as attention, memory of various modalities, as well as disorders in the emotional-volitional sphere.

    Timely organization correctional education  at preschool age  would significantly reduce the number of children with speech disorders. Therefore, in the early school years, the school speech therapist needs a longer period of speech sounds. That in turn allows to minimize the defect at the level of the oral form of speech.

    A lot of children come to our school, not attending kindergartens, and no work has been done with them to form phonetic-phonemic processes and the lexical and grammatical structure of speech. Insufficient formation of phonetic, phonemic and lexical-grammatical means of the language, due to the diagnosisgeneral speech underdevelopment, interferes with successful learning of writing; violations of the sound syllable structure of words create great difficulties in mastering phonemic analysis and synthesis. The limited vocabulary of children is manifested in the form of difficulties in mastering the semantics of words, resulting in errors in the understanding and use of words.

    The experience of teaching these children demonstrates the need and relevance of the work on the prevention and correction of dysgraphia and dyslexia during the period of primary schooling.


    Diagnostics of students

      examination of oral speech of pupils of the 1st grade;

      survey of written language of students in grades 2-4;

      in-depth examination of the speech of children speech therapy group;

    Manning speech therapy groups

      with general speech underdevelopment (OHP);

      with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFNR);

      with violation of reading and writing due to OHP;

      with violation of reading and writing, due to FFNR;

    Advisory Assistance

      primary school teachers;

      teachers of Russian language and literature;

      teachers of compensatory training classes;

      parents (legal representatives) of students;

      speech therapists preschool institutions  cities;

      students with defective pronunciation of sounds;

      future first-graders and their parents (legal representatives);

    Areas of work:

      overcoming violations of sound pronunciation;

      development of phonemic perception;

      development of sound analysis and synthesis;

      development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech;

      development of coherent speech;

      development of spatial perception.

    In conclusion, it can be said that the timely identification of children with speech disorders, properly organized work in close cooperation of the teacher, psychologist, parents and speech therapist are of great importance in a secondary school.

    Students who have these or violations of speech and writing are enrolled at the school log item. Meanwhile, in recent years, the school speech therapist has to deal with problems that go beyond his professional competence. As the experience of speech therapy work shows, the difficulties of mastering the material of a general education school are most often caused not only by speech underdevelopment, but by the lack of psychological prerequisites, communicative readiness for learning, features of the psycho-physical development of children, etc.

    Currently, when there is an intensive development of science and technology,
      requirements for intellectual development person Naturally, the content of school programs became more complicated, and with it the number of students who did not succeed increased. Many scientists talk about the deterioration of the physical and mental health of children. But after all, the requirements for a modern school have increased. After all, before everyone was taught according to a single program, the children came to school, unable to read or write, and quietly spent the whole year studying the primer. Modern secondary school programs are built from taking into account the interaction with perfectly healthy children (who do not have serious speech disorders, minimal brain dysfunction, delay mental development  etc.). It is very difficult for children with speech disorders to learn primary school  several languages ​​at the same time. In recent years, children with dysorphography have increasingly been referred to the speech therapy center. Dysorphography is “persistent and specific lack of formation of the mastering of spelling knowledge, skills, and skills, due to a number of non-speech and speech mental functions”. In the written works of students, it is increasingly possible to observe not so much specific errors, as errors on the different rules of the Russian language. Moreover, dysorphography, being the most common violation of the acquisition of writing skills among primary school students, is persistent and persists until graduation. Disorphography can occur both in isolation and in the structure of general speech underdevelopment. The recommendations of teachers to improve literacy sound like this: "To write without spelling mistakes, you need to know the rules." A child cannot find the learned spelling. To solve the spelling problem, he must possess a morphological analysis of words, sufficient lexical reserves and be able to choose the necessary test word. Correctional assistance at the log point for children with dysorphography is primarily aimed not at correcting, but at preventing errors.
    Therefore, speech therapists recommend conducting precautionary dictations. To do this, before recording the words, it is specified which letter the child chooses and why. And only "as the skill of correct spelling of words is strengthened, one can proceed to the control dictations." After all, often parents, while working with children, practice daily dictations, which, as a rule, do not lead to expected results. In children with bilingualism, you can also notice a large number of errors in spelling of unstressed vowels, double consonants. And this is not accidental, because of the poverty of the dictionary, the insufficiency of sound and morphological generalizations, the application of the rules is difficult for this category of students. A child with a language barrier does not accurately understand the meanings of words and does not catch the semantic connection between words. Test words are chosen by such children most often at random.

    Sometimes children with a so-called “hypodynamic syndrome” get on a speech center. These children on the part of adults cause less complaints than hyperactive schoolchildren. They do not cause any anxiety, they are passive in class, do not raise their hands, even if they know the material. Writing tests becomes for them a real test. Their written works are distinguished by the omission of letters, syllables, words, the under-writing of endings. As a rule, such children do not need remedial work  to overcome the errors caused by the violation of language analysis and the synthesis of words and sentences. Just the pace of work in the classroom does not suit these students. They need much more time to do this or that job. So poor students come out of these children, and they get offensive nicknames from classmates because of their slowness. Should be considered individual characteristics  and allow such children to write tests at recess. But after all, there are certain temporary norms for the performance of tasks and, accordingly, all of them comply with them. The implementation of a differentiated approach to students, unfortunately, does not find practical application.

    Each school has students who, at the time of entering the school, do not have school-significant functions. They have poor speech, poorly developed motor skills. Childishness and playfulness prevail in the behavior of such children. They are characterized by a persistent decrease in efficiency with attention disorder, memory, the ability to switch from one activity to another. Due to their rapid fatigability, they respond worse at the end of the lesson, even worse at the last lesson. Many educators classify students who are not succeeding as mentally disabled and stop paying attention to them. In their notebooks the predominant color is red from the teacher's numerous corrections. Such children are easy to learn if you look into the classroom. Usually they sit somewhere on the last desk. Of course, these children do not reach the so-called “norm”, but they also have personal achievements, but, as a rule, they are not evaluated by teachers who need results. Unfortunately, the efforts of the child, his efforts go unnoticed. And the child wants so much to be praised. Who is usually praised at school, generously giving the words "clever", "well done". That's right, excellent students. But they didn’t put in any effort. Someone after all, the ability given already from birth. Well, it is necessary to give an opportunity to any child to feel their success, to evaluate his efforts, while he has them. After all, the situation of permanent failure leads to negativity, to refusal to go to school. The result itself can be assessed at later stages, when there will be no fear of failure. Corrective work with such students provides an individual approach that will provide them with the opportunity to work at their own pace. When creating comfortable conditions for such children, the level of learning will be much higher. Learning without taking into account the psycho-physiological characteristics of students can lead to school maladjustment and reduced learning motivation. But before starting a correctional impact, it is necessary to determine what still lies at the heart of poor progress: temperament, lack of emotional-volitional sphere, underdevelopment of cognitive processes, lack of learning motivation, state of health, general underdevelopment of speech or something else.

    The child, it would seem, with such minor problems is experiencing difficulties in assimilating state educational standards. Is the school ready for the integration of children with more severe pathologies? After all, every “abnormal” child, while studying in a mass school, should receive specialized help and support from both specialists and his teacher.

    What prevents us from properly organizing remedial work with children with limited health in a secondary school? First of all, it is low awareness of teachers and even parents about the peculiarities of children's health, lack of educational technology  education and training of children with various health problems in the mass school, and, finally, the prevailing negative attitude of the population towards seeking help from child psychiatrists and neurologists. The recommendations of a speech therapist about the need to get a qualified consultation from doctors are considered by parents as cautious and even aggressive. Hiding from the doctor the true reasons for which the examination was recommended, parents miss the time allotted for the necessary medical treatment. Not all parents and teachers understand the relationship between the child’s state of health and his problems in educational activities. Such a passive attitude of parents in relation to the organization of treatment leads to the ineffectiveness of remedial work at school. Therefore, it is important to timely advise parents on the problem of certain violations in the development of children and the need for simultaneous correction, medical and pedagogical.

    For the proper organization of correctional work, it is necessary that the school has the necessary specialists, in particular, defectologists who can provide real assistance to students with special educational needs, and teachers with in-depth knowledge of special pedagogy. At this stage in mass schools only speech therapists provide qualified assistance to children who have learning difficulties. But even now speech therapists in secondary schools are sorely lacking. In addition, speech therapists should work primarily on the prevention and overcoming of all sorts of speech disorders that impede the full-fledged mastery of the general education program in the Russian language and literary reading.

    So learning in comprehensive school children with mental and physical disabilities are possible and necessary for their successful socialization in the outside world. But this integration should be prepared and thought out, having a material basis.

    The specifics of the work of a speech therapist teacher in the conditions of the school log item.

    Disorders of writing (dysgraphia) in children have been studied for a long time, but even today it is one of actual problems  speech therapy, because violations of the letter are one of the most common forms of speech pathology in younger schoolchildren. Violations of the letter affects the whole learning process and the speech development of children as well as in the formation of a number of non-speech functions (the process of lateralization, spatial and temporal orientations, motor functions of the hand, auditory and motor coordination). The timely detection of these disorders, the precise determination of their pathogenesis in each individual case, the delimitation of dysgraphia from writing errors of a different nature is extremely important for building a speech therapy work with children.

    Systematic, specially organized work on the development of written speech of younger schoolchildren, can form all communicative speech skills of students.

    The main task of the school speech therapist is to identify and overcome the disorders of the written language in a timely manner, preventing them from moving to the next stages of training, which complicates the learning and cognitive activity of students. A huge role in the prevention of writing disorders is played by the joint work of a speech therapist and a class teacher.

    According to many authors due to the living conditions and learning of the child. Therefore, the occurrence in recent years of a tendency to an increase in writing disorders in children can be stopped by using pedagogical methods. Pedagogy, speech therapy, and medicine should, in aggregate, provide the necessary correctional basis for the prevention and correction of speech errors in writing to junior schoolchildren in secondary schools.

    Ideally, preventive work with children should be dealt with before they enter first grade, but in the current situation in our country at the moment, not all children have the opportunity to attend kindergartens, due to their lack. Parents often do not have the appropriate knowledge, so the burden of preventing dysgraphia often falls on the shoulders of a school speech therapist.

    Thanks to correctional work at the school's log post, it is possible to achieve positive dynamics in the correction of dysgraphia among elementary school students.

    A speech therapy center in a general education institution is created in order to assist students who have impaired development of oral and written language (of a primary nature), in mastering their general education programs (especially in their native language). With the proper organization and conduct of remedial work, the speech therapist helps these children cope with their speech disorders and on the same level with other students to master school knowledge.

    The main tasks of the speech therapy center are:

      correction of developmental disorders of oral and written language of students;

      timely warning and overcoming difficulties in mastering general education programs by students;

      explanation of special classes in speech therapy among teachers, parents of students.

    A speech therapy center is established in general educational institutions located in urban areas, if there are five to ten grades of grade I of elementary general education and three to eight grades of grade I of elementary general education in a general educational establishment located in rural areas.

    Students of a general education institution who have impaired development of oral and written speech in their native language (general underdevelopment of speech of varying severity; phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment of speech; stuttering; imperfections of pronunciation — phonetic defect; speech defects due to impaired structure and mobility of speech apparatus (dysarthria, rhinolalia); impaired reading and writing, due to a general, phonetic-phonemic, phonemic speech underdevelopment).

    First of all, students who are impaired in the development of oral and written speech, who impede their successful development of general education programs (children with general phonetic-phonemic and phonemic underdevelopment of speech) are credited to a speech center.

    Enrollment to a speech center is carried out on the basis of a survey of students' speech, which are held from September 1 to September 15 and from May 15 to 30. Regular classes on speech therapy point  held from September 16 to May 15 . The maximum occupancy rate of the logging post of the urban educational institution is not more than 25 people, the rural general educational institution is not more than 20 people.

    The teaching load of a speech therapist is 20 academic hours per week.

    For each student enrolled in the speech center, the speech therapist fills in a speech card. After the elimination of violations in the development of oral and written language, the student is released from the speech therapy center.

    Classes with students are conducted both individually and in a group. The main form is group classes, as a rule they are held outside school hours. The frequency of classes is determined by the severity of speech disorders. Duration group classes  is 40 minutes, the duration of individual lessons is 20 minutes. Topics of classes and attendance is conducted in the journal of speech therapy classes.

    In order to successfully achieve the set goals, the school speech therapist should be guided in a wide range of issues related to the development of the child’s body, the patterns of formation of higher mental functions, behavioral patterns in the children's team. He should be familiar with primary school education programs, which he must take into account when planning a correctional process. Of course, when working at a speech center, a close and systematic relationship with parents and teachers is needed to achieve a stable end result in speech therapy with younger students. For this teacher speech therapist  provides advice to teachers and parents of students, gives them recommendations.

    For a speech therapy center, an office with an area that meets sanitary and hygienic standards is allocated, and it is also provided with special equipment.

    Thanks to correctional work at the school's log post, it is possible to achieve positive dynamics in the correction of dysgraphia among elementary school students. With a targeted correctional and speech therapy effect, the symptoms of speech disorders smooth out and disappear, which helps to improve the performance of children.

    Speech at the parent meeting in the SBP

    Work speech therapist in school.


    To acquaint parents with the main areas of work of a speech therapist at school.

    What does a speech therapist do at school?

    When communicating with parents, one often hears: “Why should we go to a speech therapist at school? We all speak normal sounds, ”or“ What does a speech therapist do in school? ”.

    The main areas of work of a speech therapist at school are the correction of reading and writing disorders, as well as the prevention (prevention) of these disorders, which are the most common forms of speech pathology in younger schoolchildren.

    It is widely believed that speech therapists only “put on” sounds, i.e. correct the wrong pronunciation. This is not quite true.

    The global goal of speech therapy is the development of the entire speech system as a whole, namely:

    1. development of coherent speech,

    2. correction of pronunciation,

    3. accumulation and improvement of the dictionary,

    4. development of physical and speech hearing,

    5. development of the grammatical side of speech,

    6. the development of articulation motility,

    7. training in word formation and inflection skills.

    During the work a number of additional tasks are solved:

    The development of mental processes (attention, memory, perception, thinking);

    Formation of elementary training skills (to be able to listen carefully to the teacher, purposefully and diligently carry out the task, adequately assess the result of their work and correct mistakes);

    Formation of the prerequisites for teaching literacy (training sound analysis  words, familiarity with the concepts of "sound, word, sentence", the development of fine motor skills and spatial orientation);

    Prevention and correction of violations of the letter and reading.

    Speech problems  they cause difficulties in mastering one or another school subject, which is the most frequent cause of school maladjustment, and a decrease in learning motivation, resulting in behavioral deviations.

    The causes of speech disorders are multivalued. It is impossible to solve them quickly, but it is also impossible to pretend that they are not there. These children need a special approach, increased attention. They need the help of teachers and parents, moreover, the help is timely, qualified, systematic. This approach is carried out by the school's speech therapist.

    Speech therapy for students includes:

    Student survey

    1. Preparation of survey materials.

    2. Conducting an express diagnosis of early detection of violations of writing and reading, examination of oral speech among pupils of the 1st grade.

    3. Conducting a frontal survey among students.

    4. Conduct an in-depth individual examination of children taken and visiting a speech therapy center.

    5. Filling in voice cards, documentation.

    6. Repeated speech therapy examination on the results of training for the year.

    According to the schedule, individual and frontal work are systematically conducted. speech therapy classes.

    The main areas of work with children:

      Prevention and early detection of violations of reading and writing.

      Work on the development of basic mental processes (attention, memory, thinking), the development of graph - motor skills, visual - motor tracking, spatial, temporal representations.

      Working out the articulatory - phonetic side of speech.

      Development phonemic hearing  and perception, language analysis and synthesis.

      Statement of sounds, the introduction of consistent sounds into speech.

      Differentiation of sounds and letters in writing.

      Fastening graphic images of letters, fastening the connection of sound and letters.

      Expansion and refinement of vocabulary, work on morphemic analysis, word formation and inflection.

      Work on the grammatical structure of speech, the grammatical design of oral and written utterance.

      Work on a coherent oral and written speech.

      Automation of reading skills, work on intonation, expressiveness and pace of reading, reading comprehension.

    Correctional speech therapy work with students in grades 1- x:

      Exercise in the differentiation of oppositional groups of sounds by ear and in pronunciation.

      Acquaintance with all vowels and rules of their writing.

      Differentiation of vowels of the 1st and 2nd series.

      The designation of the softness of a consonant by means of a vowel of the 2nd row.

      Formation of action change words.

      Free operation of sound and graphic models of words.

      Formation of grammatically correct connected speech. Dictionary development.

      Enrichment, consolidation and activation of the dictionary with nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs.

      Work on understanding the meaning of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms and polysemantic words in different parts of speech.

      The development of generalizing concepts, classification of objects.

      Work on the formation of coherent speech.

      Word-building work. Systematization of children's knowledge about methods of word formation.

    Since speech therapy centers work, as a rule, in general education schools, the beginning and end of the school year, the time and duration of holidays comply with the standards established in schools. The duration of the next vacation for speech therapists and teachers is also the same as the duration of the regular vacation for teachers of secondary schools.

    Twenty-five primary classes are attached to a speech therapy center, including all primary schools where the speech therapy center is located, and schools (or schools) located nearby.

    The teaching load of speech therapists is 20 hours per week (Order of the Ministry of Education of the USSR No. 94 of May 16, 1985 and Instruction on the procedure for calculating wages of education workers, paragraph 87, subparagraph B.) After leaving the regular vacation until September 1 the speech therapist checks the condition of the equipment of the speech therapy room: technical means of education, lighting, etc., examines visual and educational aids and brings them to working condition, prepares the necessary documentation and visual speech material for examination students. If necessary, the speech therapist replenishes his arsenal of visual-teaching aids; gets acquainted with the personal affairs of students newly enrolled in schools attached to a speech therapy center.

    8.1.1. The distribution of time allocated for the examination of oral and written speech of students

    The first two weeks of the school year (from September 1 to September 15) are set aside for the complete recruitment of groups and subgroups that will be engaged at a speech therapy center in the current school year. The speech therapist examines the oral speech of first-graders attached to the speech point and the written speech of students in grades 2–4, clarifies the lists of groups that he previously completed in May of the previous academic year from among students in grades 2–4.

    The examination of oral speech of first-graders is carried out in two stages. During the first week of September, the speech therapist conducts a preliminary examination of the oral speech of all students enrolled in the first classes, and identifies children who have certain deviations in speech development. At the same time, he selects those students who need systematic remedial classes. This is done in the morning during study time.

    During the second week of September, the speech therapist conducts a secondary in-depth examination of the oral speech of those children whom he selected to study at a speech center during the preliminary examination. A secondary in-depth examination of children's oral speech is conducted in the speech therapy room during the second half of the day, that is, after the lessons. Regular classes at the speech therapy center are held from September 16 to May 15.

    The last two weeks of May (from May 16 to May 31) are set aside to examine oral and written speech of students in grades 1–3 for the purpose of pre-recruiting groups with written disabilities and reading for the new academic year.

    Students in grades 4 are not surveyed due to the fact that they are moving into high school. Methods and techniques for the examination of oral and written speech of pupils are described in detail in the section “Organization and methods of examination of oral and written speech of students”.

    All organizational work of a speech therapist teacher, conducted from September 1 to September 15 and from May 16 to May 31, is recorded on the corresponding page of the Attendance Log.