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  • The result of educational activity is. Learning activities

    The result of educational activity is. Learning activities

    "Subjects" and "objects" of the educational process in higher vocational education institutions
    In modern pedagogy and pedagogical psychology, the traditional relationship between teachers and students has long been abandoned, when the teacher acts as a “bearer” of knowledge and his active “guide” into consciousness. The new scheme is based on the fact that both teachers and students are active. subjects of the educational process. In this case, the teacher acts as a “subject of the organization of the educational process”, and the student plays the role of “subject (educational) activity”. But here, raising a very difficult and very real problem: not all students are ready to be such genuine “subjects”, and many of them; it takes a long time to prepare them to become Russian students. Unfortunately, a modern general education school does not always prepare graduates (and future; university tutors) to study at a higher school, only “gaining” (or “nesting”) them with all sorts of often unsystematic knowledge. At the same time, the school often does not fulfill its main task “to learn to learn”. Introductory examinations also often do not reveal the most important quality. In this connection, very difficult questions arise: 1) it is better to form students' readiness to be “subjects; but professional activity? 2) how to work in the labor of students, among whom someone is still willing to speak in] genuine "subjects", and someone does not want to take an apt position at all (it is easier for him to remain a "consumer" of knowledge, he is accustomed to this at school, where he was an "excellent student", even a "medalist").
    It is useful to understand what it means to “be a subject of Noah's activity” and what the essence of “learning activity” is. Proceeding from the fact that each activity is objective, one should look at what subject the student deals with already in his school years. “It seems that the subject of study is a generalized experience of knowledge, differentiated into separate sciences,” ponders this question.
    0 ^ D. F- Obukhova. - But what subjects are changed by the child? The paradox of learning activity is that, by assimilating knowledge, the child himself does not change anything in this knowledge. For the first time, the child himself is the subject of changes in educational activity, the subject himself performing this activity ... Educational activity is such an activity that turns a child on itself, requires reflection, an assessment of "what I was" and "what I became." The process of own change stands out for the subject as a new subject. The most important thing in educational activities is the turning of a person on himself ... ”. These words refer to the beginning of schooling, and naturally, they assume that a graduate (and even more so a university student) has formed just such a “subjectivity”, just such readiness for “learning activities”, which is based on the “reflection” of his own self-change. But unfortunately, not even all students are so willing.
    Already in high school (and university) education, the student must be willing to self-change and self-development in relation to the development of the scientific method of knowledge. As early as the 1920s, the outstanding domestic educator S.I. Gessen wrote that a university course should be aimed primarily at “mastering the method of scientific research” and that this “can be achieved only by involving students in independent research work”. “A higher scientific school, or university, is therefore an indivisible unity of teaching and research,” noted S.I. Gessen. - This is a teaching through the research performed before the eyes of students ... A student is not just studying, but is engaged in science, he is a student. Both of them ... move science forward. The doctrine and research here coincide, and this applies both to students who embark on self-study at the University, and to professors who continue their never-ending Teaching through research. ”
    Thus, the most important condition for introducing students to independent research is, as S. Hessen correctly points out, the example of the “never-ending teaching” by Ami professors and teachers, the example of their constant thinking on important problems of their science. "Therefore, the task of the teacher in the classroom, in the classroom, in the laboratory,
    0 to think scientifically, to apply the method as a living instrument of thought. POLK ° Constant tension of thought with which the teacher is Pep 3 ^ 6T In fact, in the lively work the method of scientific knowledge, putting
    Red students problem, resolving with his help got up
    s1m d ^ assom questions, encountering unexpected difficulties, indicated
    it is possible to solve arising from one or from another.
    perplexities — only such an activity of thought is capable of communicating the student to the method of knowledge, ”wrote S.I. Hessen, meaning not only university, but even secondary having formed [ibid, p. 250].
    The educational process at a higher education institution should not be reduced to the “narration” of textbooks and to the “presentation” of ps known in this science, reflected in textbooks and problem books. "Not a textbook and] a problem book stand at the center of genuine teaching, but a teacher with (unrelenting awake thought. A textbook and a problem book are only conditionally useful aids ...", - writes SI. Sept. the teacher - with the help of public reasoning "about the subject being taught"! to interest the students and encourage them to independently research the problem, including using textbooks and books in the library ...
    Unfortunately, in most cases, teaching at the university rotates into “presentation of the material” and “retelling of textbooks.” special courses in which they know little, and they just have to turn into pugaev-shabashnikov "retelling hastily read; nicknames and books, and do not even have time to delve into these or problems. Only remains to exclaim: "!
    But students suffer more in this situation. It is not enough that they do not receive the main thing that the highest and should give them (”to attach to the method of scientific knowledge), they also form a conviction that the teacher in general“ is obliged ”to tell and chew them, i.e. ~ the stance of the “object of pedagogical influence” ... Therefore, the students (whenever possible with interested teachers) are forced to somehow break free from the vicious circle and feel a degree of independence and responsibility for their educational activities.

    More on topic 7. Student as a subject of educational activity:


    Teaching is a party to the essentially social learning process - a two-way process of transferring and mastering knowledge. It is carried out under the guidance of a teacher and is directed to the development of students' creative abilities.

    Discography is the difficulty of writing and may also arise from dyslexia. Its main characteristics are: exchange of graphemes, demotivation for writing, agglutination or unreasonable division of words, lack of perception and understanding of punctuation marks and accent. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a neurological problem that brings with it clear signs of anxiety, inattention, lack of concentration and impulsivity.

    Teachers may be the most important in the process of identifying and identifying these problems, but they do not have special training for such diagnoses, which must be done by doctors, psychologists and psychopaths. The role of the teacher is limited in observing the student and facilitating his learning process, which makes the classes more motivated and dynamic, not naming the student, but giving him the opportunity to open up his opportunities. It is important that this diagnosis be made by a doctor and other trained specialists.

    Enrollment in school marks the beginning of a new age period in the life of a child of primary school age, for which learning activity becomes the main activity. In the process of its implementation, the child, under the guidance of a teacher, systematically masters the content of the developed forms of social consciousness (science, art, morality, law) and the ability to act in accordance with their requirements. The content of these forms of public consciousness is theoretical. In the process of mastering the content of the listed forms of public consciousness as a product of organized thinking of many generations of people, a child has an attitude towards reality that is connected with the formation of his theoretical consciousness and thinking and corresponding abilities (in particular, reflection, analysis, planning), which are psychological neoplasms of primary school age. Leading learning activity is only in the elementary school age, therefore at this age only the basics of theoretical consciousness and thinking arise and form in children. In subsequent school age, where learning activity is no longer the leading one, the development of theoretical consciousness and thinking of schoolchildren occurs in the process of carrying out learning activity, which is closely related to productive work and other types of their socially beneficial activity.

    Human knowledge, depending on various references, is explained differently in its genesis and development, which conditions different concepts of man, peace, culture, society, education, etc. within the framework of the same structure, one can have different approaches, having together only different primacy: either an object, or a subject, or the interaction of both.

    According to Mizuki, based on an analysis of the different approaches of the teaching and learning process, it was possible to verify that some theoretical lines explain some aspects in more detail than others, thus realizing the possibility of formulating various sentences explaining the educational phenomenon. He seeks to actually systematize the concepts of the phenomenon under study. Mizuki continues to criticize teacher training, saying that what teachers have taught has nothing to do with teaching practice and its positioning in front of an educational phenomenon.

    The result of training activities. Is not getting the finished product, and the mastery of the methods and knowledge that will further allow to obtain any product. the main task elementary school   - teach your child to learn. The essence of learning activity is the appropriation of scientific knowledge, the restructuring of the entire personality of the student, unlike other activities, the result of the training is changes in the subject itself. These changes occur in the overall development of the child’s personality, in mental development in general, in the level of knowledge and skills, in the level of formation of the activity itself.

    Personal experience will reflect the consistent behavior of the teacher, thus putting an end to the ongoing discussion of theory and practice. One possible solution would be to rethink teacher training courses, which focus on pedagogical disciplines that analyze approaches to the educational and methodological process, trying to formulate them with pedagogical practice. Increasingly approaching the existing theoretical options, such as analysis, discussion, life in practice and from the same, theoretical options facing the same practice are discussed and criticized.

    Thus, the paradox of educational activity is that, assimilating knowledge, the child himself does not change anything in this knowledge. For the first time, the child himself who carries out this activity becomes the subject of a change in educational activity. Learning activity "draws" the child to himself, requires reflection, evaluation of what "I was" and "what I have become." Evaluation of one's own changes, reflection on oneself and is one's own subject of educational activity.

    He should try to create theories with the help of practice, analyze the daily and polls. Avoid, therefore, the use of pedagogical recipes, which the author calls blindly following a theory that ignores practice. The teacher's course must allow confrontation between approaches, whatever they may be, between their assumptions and consequences, limits, points of contrast and convergence. At the same time, it should allow the future teacher to analyze the pedagogical practice itself, its consequences, prerequisites and determinants in the sense that she learned about her actions so that she could, besides interpretation and contextualization, it is constant.

    Special consideration of educational activity showed that it consists of several interrelated components: a learning task, which by its content is a way of action to be learned; training activities that are actions that result in the formation of a representation or a preliminary image of the digestible action and the initial reproduction of the sample; control action, which consists in comparing the reproduced action with the sample through its image; the action of assessing the degree of assimilation of those changes that occurred in the subject itself.

    The theory of transformational learning is related to education and involves learning in a formal and non-formal context. It considers the intersection between the individual and the social, coexisting and equally important aspects, since individuals are formed in society. Mezrou is recognized as the original originator of this theory of learning, the epistemological foundations of which lie in constructivism.

    It was influenced by the work of such critical authors as Paulo Freire and Jürgen Habermas. Freire, one of the pioneers in Brazil who works with the concept of adult learning, offers teaching practice that values ​​students' culture and develops their criticality and anxiety, pointing to the need to look for true causality of social phenomena through a deep interpretation of the problems experienced, critically assimilating reality.

    Training set- this is the goal of the activity of the teaching accepted and realized by the child; this is what the student needs to master. The learning task is different from the practical task. Practical task- this is, for example, “learn a poem”, “make out a sentence”, “solve a problem”, etc. The training task is related to the fact that you need to perform one or another practical task. For example, write off and parse a word to highlight parts of it. Thus, when solving a practical task, the student, as a subject, strives to change the object of his action. The result of this decision is some modified object. When solving a learning task, a student also makes changes in objects or in ideas about them with his actions, but in this case the result is a change in the actor himself. The learning task can be considered solved only when there have been predetermined changes in the subject.

    Emancipatory training can occur in formal or non-formal educational institutions, such as community development groups, professional development programs, political and environmental movements. Consequently, the transformation of learning can occur in any environment where learning takes place. For example, acquiring technical knowledge, a person can increase his self-confidence and change his perception of his place in the world, thereby obtaining emancipatory training. In some cases, people acquire a number of instrumental and communicative knowledge, until such knowledge is integrated.

    Another component of learning activities is learning activitiesschoolchildren, performing which they master the objective mode of action. Learning activities are actions that students can actively produce with educational material and which allow to solve the learning problem; this is what the student must do to discover the property of the subject he is studying. By degree of generalization, types of learning activities are are common(comparison, analysis, classification, planning skills) and specific(related to the school subject). Divided by structure skills(score, reading, writing) and skills(method of applying knowledge). By the nature of cognitive activity stand out perceptual, mnemicand mentalactions. By functional features, learning activities are planning, controlling, performing, evaluative.Regardless of who the students are given the mode of action (by the teacher or they discover it themselves), learning activities for mastering it begin from the moment the sample is selected.

    In other cases, emancipatory learning does not occur, because in this process there is only the acquisition of new knowledge or the development of previous knowledge, learning processes that are not related to a survey of previously existing beliefs or prerequisites.

    The teacher must rebuild himself by creating a critical being in the student, helping to shape his personality. Evaluating the struggle for your space in society, breaking down barriers and overcoming the obstacles that life can give you. If teachers intend to promote in their students a love of knowledge and respect for diversity and creativity, they should strive for a critical and reflexive contrast. According to Pombo, the teacher should strive to prepare adults who do not have psychological trauma, people who were not going to take happiness from others, which was removed from them.

    The next component of the structure of educational activities - control action.This is the correlation with the pattern that is set from the outside. Monitoring is to determine the compliance of other learning activities with the conditions and requirements of the learning task. This is a definition of whether the student has achieved the result or not. Stand out control by result(final); planningcontrol (before starting work); operationalcontrol (tracking the progress of the action). In the course of work, the student can say in what way he decides. This is a more mature control, allowing you to correct errors. Thanks to this educational action, the child finally masters the assimilable method.

    The world is changing, and this is happening at an unprecedented pace in the historical evolution of humanity. Globalization, the emergence of new technologies, such as the advancement of telecommunications and information technology, contribute to changes in education. In recent years, student teacher interaction has become much more dynamic. The teacher ceases to be a simple transmitter of knowledge, to be more likely a guide, a stimulator of all processes that force students to build their concepts, values, attitudes and skills that allow them to grow as people, as citizens and future employees, playing a constructive role.

    Assessment actions allow you to determine whether or not the common way to solve this learning problem has been learned. The assessment consists not only in the statement of the mastering or unassimilation of educational material, but in the substantive, qualitative consideration of the result of mastering in accordance with the goal. In the practice of teaching, this component is highlighted especially brightly.

    Education should not only educate workers on the requirements of the labor market, but also on the most important citizens who can transform the market for exploitation into a market that values ​​an increasingly important commodity: knowledge. In this context, it is important to provide students with a rational understanding of the world around them, which will lead them to a life free from prejudice or superstition, and a more adequate position regarding their participation as a person in the society in which they live and the environment they occupy.

    The value of learning-learning will depend on the teacher's enthusiasm, imagination, education with joy, not thinking about the problems in which they participate, knowing how to separate the class from what is happening in their personal lives. This makes teachers think about the importance of their professional activities and the need to be aware of themselves. The clarification of the human and civic side of each teacher, susceptible to criticism and the desire for professional development, involved in the consciousness of the builder of society.

    Motives of educational activity.L.I. Bozovic, considering the structure of the motivational sphere of the individual as a whole, pays great attention to the motives of the teaching. She identifies two large categories of educational motives. The first group includes children's cognitive interests, the need for intellectual activity and the acquisition of new skills, skills and knowledge (cognitive motives). The second is related to the needs of the child in communicating with other people, in their assessment and approval, with the student’s desire to occupy a certain place in the system of public relations accessible to him (broad social motives). It was shown that both of these categories of motives are necessary for the successful implementation of training activities. The motives resulting from the activity itself have a direct impact on the subject, while the social motives of the teachings can induce his activity through consciously set goals, decisions made, sometimes even independently of the person’s direct attitude to the activity.

    Based on this principle, teachers can be considered as the main agent in the educational process, actively participating in the formation of their students, helping and inciting to restore the models of thinking, feelings and behavior of each person. This concept includes both stimulating the active intellectual participation of the student, as well as facilitating contrast with alternative formulations of critical representations of intellectual culture.

    Teachers are very much present in the lives of thousands of families, who place on them an enormous responsibility for raising their children, knowing that their attribution and competence will not be absent. The teacher’s profession is of paramount importance to society, as a professional works on education of a student, full of general culture and diversity, scientific knowledge, logical reasoning, communication skills and group work, that is, reflecting and able to learn to learn, be, do and know, besides clear to be creative skillful and competent.

    Mv Matyukhina, based on the classification proposed by L.I. Bozovic and PM Jacobson, identified the following groups and subgroups of motives.

    1. The motives inherent in the training activities associated with its direct product. In this group of educational and cognitive motives there are two subgroups of motives.

    The motives associated with the content of the teachings. The student is encouraged to learn the desire to learn new facts, to acquire knowledge, ways of action, to penetrate into the essence of the phenomena. Such motivation can be called motivation content.

    According to Fernandez, the historical transformation of the cultural socio-historical context is the result of a constant process of evolution, to which the family structure is formed and changes, simultaneously with various historical moments experienced by humanity, taking into account the specific characteristics depending on the type of reference, adopted as the basis for teaching children at a specific time or period.

    Recently, the concept of family has changed a lot, the family pattern no longer exists, and a diverse, familiar pattern, with its own identity in constant development. The family is directly related to the child’s behavioral attitudes. In most cases, the influence that parents have on their children, unconsciously, because they do not realize that their behavior, their way of being and talking, of dealing with people, of seeing the world, has a huge impact on the development of his son.

    The motives associated with the process of learning. The student is encouraged to learn the desire to be intellectual, to think and reason in class, to overcome obstacles in the process of cognition, in the process of solving difficult problems; the child is fascinated by the decision process itself, and not just the results obtained. Such motivation can be called the process of motivation.

    Parents play an important role in the development of autonomy. If they encourage children's initiatives, praise success, perform tasks that do not exceed the child’s abilities, meet their requirements and accept failures, they will promote self-confidence and self-esteem.

    Recognizing the great importance of parents in the development of the child’s cognitive and developmental development, their absence in the training of students can lead to poor work and even repetition of the school. Many parents view school as a place of custody of children, they enroll their children and appear only at school when their children are in trouble, underpaid or when the coordinator requires it. Without family, there is no way to promote good education. The participation of parents in the school life of their children is an indispensable condition for a child to feel loved and motivated to achieve success in learning.

    2. The motives associated with the indirect product of the exercise, its result, and what lies outside the learning activity itself. This group includes the following subgroups of motives.

    Broad social motives: motives of duty and responsibility to society, class, teacher, etc .; motives of self-determination (understanding the meaning of knowledge for the future, the desire to prepare for the upcoming work, etc.) and self-improvement (to be developed as a result of learning).

    Narrow-personal motives - the desire to get approval from teachers, parents, classmates; the desire to get good grades. Such motivation is conventionally called the motivation of well-being. This also includes the desire to be among the first students, the desire to be the best, the desire to occupy a worthy place among the comrades. Such motivation is conditionally called prestigious motivation. This category of motives includes negative motives, the desire to avoid trouble that may arise from teachers, parents, classmates, if the student does not study well. Such a motivation can be called the motivation to avoid trouble.

    There are other classifications of the motives of learning.

    Age and individual characteristics of the motivation of learning.The age development of motivation consists in the appearance of psychological neoplasms, i.e. qualitatively new features that characterize its higher level. The motivational sphere of a small child is distinguished by a single-level structure and a series of individual motives, situational character and impulsivity of behavior. The school age is characterized by a hierarchy with a predominance of some leading motives that vary from age to age. It must be emphasized that the features of the motives and cognitive interests of students of different ages are not “fatally inevitable” and are necessary for them. Modern age psychology, which demonstrates the presence of large reserves of development at each age, asserts the possibility of creating a new type of attitude to learning (for example, generating interest in methods of acquiring knowledge) as early as primary school age (VV Davydov, VV Repkin). However, there are qualitative differences in the motives of learning in different age periods.

    At primary school age, both positive and negative (in terms of learning activities) features of motivation are noted. Positive features: general positive attitude towards school, increased curiosity; breadth, intensity of cognitive needs; openness, gullibility, faith in the authority of the teacher, readiness to perform tasks. Negative features: instability of interests (they quickly fade away and do not renew, require constant support); poor awareness of motives.

    The general line of development of motivation: from interest to the outside of being in school, to the first results of its activities and further to the very methods of obtaining knowledge. Social motives develop from a general undifferentiated understanding of the significance of a school to an understanding of the real reasons for the need for school education. In general, by the end of primary school age, a positive attitude toward learning is reduced, a “motivational vacuum” arises.

    In middle school age there are also positive and negative features of motivation that do not coincide with the features of motivation of younger school age. Positive features: the need for adulthood, the desire to take a new social position, which determines the heightened susceptibility of the adolescent to the assimilation of ways and norms of adult behavior; general increased activity, desire to engage in various forms of activity; the need for self-esteem; the desire for independence, which requires the development of methods, knowledge; increase of the measure of stability and certainty of motives. Negative features: the immaturity of self-assessment and assessments of other people makes it difficult to contact, they, in turn, block the development of social motives, lead to conflicts; the contradiction between striving for independence from the opinion of adults and sensitivity to their assessments; a sharply negative attitude towards ready knowledge; lack of understanding of the relationship of studying subjects with the possibility of their use in the future; the breadth of interests, leading to their dispersion.

    The general line of development of motives is the dominance of social motives.

    Breaking cognitive motives:interest in the facts gives way to interest in general laws.

    In senior school age, cognitive motivation increases, which is associated with the need to acquire knowledge in the aspect of preparation for the predicted profession. There is an awareness of the personal significance of the teachings. The positive features of motivation at this age are as follows: a relatively formed need for professional self-determination, an awareness of the need for new knowledge and skills; the formation of social motives of duty; formed interest in self-education; stability and certainty of motives and interests in comparison with all other ages. Negative features: sustained interest in one subject to the detriment of others; negative attitude towards strict control by teachers, lack of formation of motivation due.

    The question of individual motivation of motives is not sufficiently studied in psychology. However, some materials to clarify it, still received. Thus, differences in motives are revealed depending on the type of temperament. Sanguine persons are characterized by a relatively high intensity of motivational manifestations, an average degree of stability and breadth of motives, the predominance of social motives. In choleric individuals, the rapid emergence of motifs, their instability, rapid change, and the lability of motivational manifestations are detected. There is also a great breadth and unstructured motives, the relative predominance of social motives. For phlegmatic persons, the slow formation of motives, their greater stability, the presence of one dominant motive, as well as their resistance to negative external influences, is typical. The melancholic traced the similarity of features of motivation with those of phlegmatic. However, their motives are less stable and, as a rule, negative motivational attitudes prevail (the so-called motivation for avoiding failure).

    On the parameter of extraversion - introversion, there are also certain differences in motivation. Extroverts are dominated by social motives, while introverts are dominated by cognitive ones. Motives differ according to gender. Boys have a slower development of all aspects of the motivational sphere than girls. By the end of schooling, the breadth, structure and content of the motifs are more pronounced in boys compared to girls. There are differences in the content of cognitive motives, which is manifested, first of all, in the preferred academic subjects.