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  • Development Tests 5 years

    Development Tests 5 years

    This simple quiz will help determine how developed your 5-year-old child is. To determine the level of psychological development of the baby you need only a pencil and a sheet of paper. The test takes no more than 10 minutes!

    So, the test consists of five simple tasks. Its essence lies in the conversation.

    If the tester gives a clear detailed answer to the question, then for each completed task you give him +, but if he did not cope with the task, then for each wrong or incomplete answer you write him -.

    Task list

    Task 1. Ask the baby to name the seasons and days of the week that he knows. Ideally, the child should name everything correctly and in order.

    Task 2. Ask the child why people should brush their teeth every day. The answer will be counted if it is supported by facts, a clear explanation.

    Task 3. What are five simple words familiar to the child, not related to each other in meaning. For example: house, dog, forest, water, strawberry. Ask to repeat them.

    Task 4. Ask the test person to explain the meaning / purpose of some objects that surround him. This could be: a spoon, a teapot, a pencil, a flower pot, etc. A child will cope with this task if he describes each item with 3-4 sentences.

    Task 5. Draw on a sheet of paper 3-4 long broken lines and show your drawing to the kid. Then remove the sheet from the field of view and ask him to reproduce (draw) your picture from memory. A five-year-old child, as a rule, easily copes with such a task.

    Counting results

    If according to the results of a psychological test, a child received five advantages, then his development corresponds to his age and normality. You have no reason to worry!

    Four plus and one negative is a good result too. Perhaps, when the baby passed the test, he was worried about something, or worried. Therefore, the question to which the child did not give the correct answer can be asked later again to find out if he knows the answer to it. You may have to explain to the baby something that he does not understand.

    Three plus points and less is a poor result. You need to communicate more and develop the child comprehensively. After all, solving such tasks is the minimum that a child must cope with at the age of 5! Sometimes in such situations, parents should consult a child psychologist so that over time the situation does not come to a standstill.

    The increasing interest of a 5-year-old child is directed towards the sphere of relationships between people. Adult scores are critically reviewed and compared with their own. Under the influence of these assessments, the child's ideas about I am real (what I am, how I relate to my parents) and I-ideal (which I, how can I be good?) Are differentiated more clearly.

    There is a further development of the cognitive sphere of the personality of the preschooler child.

    The development of arbitrariness and volitional   qualities allow the child to purposefully overcome certain difficulties specific to the preschooler. A subordination of motifs also develops (for example, a child may abandon a romp during adult rest).

    There is interest in arithmetic and reading.   Based on the ability to represent something, the child can decide simple geometric problems.

    The child can already rememberanything purposefully.

    In addition to the communicative, the planning function of speech develops, i.e. the child learns consistently and logically build their actions  (the formation of self-control and regulation), to talk about it. Self-instruction, which helps the child in advance organize your attentionon the upcoming activity.

    A senior preschooler is able to distinguish the entire spectrum of human of emotions, he has strong feelings and relationships. Formed "higher feelings": emotional, moral, aesthetic.

    To emotional feelings include:



    Sense of humor;


    To aesthetic feelings include:

    Sense of beauty;

    Feeling heroic.

    To moral feelings include:

    Sense of pride;

    Feeling of shame;

    Feelings of friendship.

    Against the background of emotional dependence on the adult's assessments, the child develops a claim to recognition, expressed in an effort to get approval and praise, to confirm its significance.

    Quite often at this age in children there appears such a feature as deceit, that is, a deliberate distortion of the truth. The development of this trait contributes to the violation of parent-child relationships, when a close adult with excessive severity or a negative attitude blocks the development of a child's positive sense of self and self-reliance. And in order not to lose the confidence of an adult, and often to protect himself from attacks, the child begins to invent excuses for his mistakes, to shift the blame on others.

    The moral development of a senior preschooler in much depends on the degree of participation of an adult in it, because it is in communication with an adult that a child learns, interprets and interprets moral ones! rules and regulations. The child must form the habit of moral behavior. This is facilitated by the creation of problem situations and the inclusion of children in them in the process of everyday life.

    In children of preschool age by the age of 7, a sufficiently high level of competence has already been formed in various activities and in the sphere of relationships. This competence is manifested primarily in the ability to make their own decisions on the basis of existing knowledge and skills.

    The child has developed a stable positive attitude towards himself, self-reliance. He is able to show emotionality and independence in solving social and domestic tasks.

    When organizing joint games, he uses the contract, knows how to take into account the interests of others, to some extent restrain his emotional outbursts.

    The development of arbitrariness and volitional beginning is manifested in the ability to follow the instructions of an adult, to adhere to the game rules. The child seeks to carry out any task qualitatively, compare it with a sample and redo it if something does not work out.

    Attempts to independently come up with explanations for various phenomena indicates a new stage in the development of cognitive abilities. The child is actively interested in cognitive literature, symbolic images, graphic schemes, makes attempts to use them independently. Children of preschool age tend to dominate socially significantmotives over personalIn the process of mastering moral norms and rules, an active attitude towards one’s own life is formed, empathy and empathy develop.

    Self-esteem of a child of preschool age is quite adequate, its overstatement is more characteristic than underreporting. The child more objectively evaluates the result of the activity than the behavior.

    In 6-7 years, visual-figurative thinking with elements of the abstract develops. Nevertheless, the child still has difficulty in comparing several attributes of objects at once, in identifying the most essential in objects and phenomena, in transferring learned thinking skills to solving new problems.

    In the older preschooler, the imagination needs to be supported on an object to a lesser extent than at previous stages of development. It turns into an internal activity, which is manifested in verbal creativity (counting, teasers, poems), in the creation of drawings, modeling, etc.

    There is a gradual transition from the game as a leading activity to learning.

    Psychological readiness for school.

    Components of psychological readiness

    Intellectual readiness

    Ø Having a broad outlook and stock of knowledge.

    Ø The formation of the initial skills of educational activities.

    Ø Analytical thinking (the ability to comprehend the signs and connections between phenomena, the ability to act on the model).

    Ø Logical memorization.

    Ø The development of fine motor and sensorimotor coordination.

    Ø The ability to allocate a learning task and translate it into an independent goal of the activity.

    Ø The development of phonemic hearing

    Personal readiness

    Ø Adoption of a new social position.

    Ø Positive attitude to school, teachers, learning activities, to himself.

    Ø The development of cognitive criteria, curiosity.

    Ø The development of desire to go to school.

    Ø Arbitrary management of their behavior.

    Ø Objectivity of self-esteem.

    Ø The loss of "childishness", immediacy

    Socio-psychological readiness

    Ø Flexible ownership of relationship building techniques.

    Ø The development of the need for communication.

    Ø Ability to obey the rules and regulations.

    Ø Ability to act together, coordinate their actions.

    Emotional-volitional readiness

    Ø The development of "emotional anticipation" (premonition and experience the long-term effects of their activities).

    Ø Emotional Resilience.

    Ø Formation is not afraid of difficulties. Self-esteem.

    Ø Ability to limit emotional outbursts.

    Ø The ability to systematically perform tasks.

    If you want to diagnose your child - then you can do it through the Internet (with a webcam) by contacting me, a psychologist


    Tests for the development of a child 5 years.

    The world

    • Determine what time of year it is, time of day (morning, afternoon, evening)?
    • Call your name and surname. Know the name and surname of their parents. Know the name of your city, street, house number. Know the name of the capital of their country. Know the name of our planet.
    • Know the names of the main professions of people and explain what people do in certain professions.
    • Call the seasons, the days of the week in the correct sequence.
    • Distinguish domestic animals from wild, garden plants from field.
    • Distinguish between primary colors (What color is a ball? Show red, blue, yellow, green).


    • Use knowledge of abstract geometric shapes (ask your child to name the surrounding round and square objects).
    • Find 5-6 differences between objects and between two drawings.
    • Keep in sight 8-10 items.
    • Repeat pattern or movement.


    • Ask to count several items, which are more than ten (count how many cubes there are).
    • Ask to divide the circle, the square into two and four equal parts.


    • Understanding of the simplest causal relationships (Why does mom wash clothes? Why does mom prepare dinner?).
    • Name the purpose of household items (why do we need a spoon, cup, table, chair, pen?). Immediately show three objects or pictures with their images).
    • To find among the proposed objects is superfluous, to explain your choice.
    • Add puzzles without the help of adults.
    • Build from the designer on the model of any shape.
    • Find and explain the differences between objects and phenomena (the difference between summer and autumn, trolley bus from the bus, etc.)


    • Memorize 7-8 pictures.
    • To memorize children's counting books (for example: “One, two, three, four, five, We gathered to play. Forty flew up to us and told you to drive”) and tongue twisters (for example: “White sheep beat the drums”).
    • To memorize not long sentences (for example: “Katya and Kohl draw in small crayons”; “Grisha played in the sandbox with a bucket and spatula”).
    • To recite from memory small stories, fairy tales, poems, content of pictures.

    Fine motor skills

    • Decorate drawings without leaving their contours.
    • To be able to hold in hands a pencil, brush and change the direction of movement of the hand depending on the shape of the depicted object.
    • Sculpt small figures from plasticine.
    • Tie knots on the rope.

    Speech development

    • Make complex sentences of different types.
    • Explain the meaning of some proverbs (For example: “You can’t easily pull a fish out of a pond”).
    • Write stories by pictures.
    • Expressively recite poems.
    • Distinguish between vowels and consonants.

    If a child easily answers your questions and copes with tasks, the level of his development corresponds to the norm. If you see that the child is struggling with some tasks, these areas of knowledge require additional attention.

    By topic: methodical developments, presentations and notes

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