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  • The child does not want to write the recipe. The child does not want to learn! "Who is guilty?" and "What to do?". What if the child does not want to learn to write

    The child does not want to write the recipe. The child does not want to learn!

    Every child has a desire to learn, develop, strive for better and more, every child wants good, kind and intimate relationships with native people, as well as acceptance, approval and recognition. If not, something has changed these desires. And the sooner we discover this something, the better!

    Facing the problem of unwillingness of their own children to study, parents more often: they get lost and do not know what to do, they try to explain to the child how important it is to study well and what it can give in the future (good work, money, independence ...), they tell from their adult understanding what a “bad” study can lead to, scare us with various horror stories about doom in the future to be a janitor, a loader, etc., punish every kind of deprivation, get very tired, strain themselves and strain their children, get angry, get upset, cry, complain ts, shout, think that the child specifically arranges all this, just mocks .... Most often, all of the above does not work, the situation does not change. “Why he does not hear me, does not understand, why the situation does not change?” - the parent thinks.

    Calculation occurs when the children are ready! Again, there are stages of development. To draw the numbers, submit with the body, then ask the pediatrician. Ergotherapy treatments and psychomotor exercises can work wonders. In a real arithmetic problem, professionals are in demand. If the child is already in school and cannot count, a conversation with the teacher is required! And here you do not have to wait, because children must count before the start of school time!

    Apply for a good training therapy. Differences in development can be found in almost every first grade. Often, children with older brothers and sisters already know more about reading and writing as lonely children, some children learn quickly, others learn slowly. If the child is taught in such a way as to take these differences into account, the child is unlikely to be able to read, while others are still trying to memorize the letters. However, there may be problems with the classic frontal lessons: the biggest enemy of every success in learning comes into action, boredom.

    And that's why.

    To scare a child with the prospects of a distant future is meaningless, since he sincerely does not understand what the parent is talking about. The child thinks in the present, he cannot build such long logical chains in his head (especially if he is a primary school student!). Shouting, getting angry, threatening, crying, complaining means losing control over your emotions. Of course, in parental hands, power and power, and you can easily intimidate a child, he will even have a feeling of guilt and responsibility for the feelings of the parent (by the way, absolutely unbearable for him!) And he, of course, will do what they want from him, but what will happen to him in fact, the parent is unlikely to know, because he will close his world for him. To deprive a child of what is important and interesting for him is to deprive him of resources, a place where he draws strength, energy for life, including for study. What a secret, studying in a modern school is not sugar and honey. And more often than not, this is not a place where it’s healthy and good, where a child is noticed and accepted as a person, with his strengths and weaknesses, where he is welcome and where he draws strength. Most often, this is a must, this is a program, this is a focus on results, and the child is one of ... And well, if he can produce the desired result, then he has a chance to be accepted and noticed, and if not? The pressure on parents begins, and on the part of parents, on the child. And most often the child is left alone with his difficulties. How much strength does the immature physically and mentally body need? And here also they deprive the last joys of ...

    Learning to read before school is a sign of intelligence?

    Children who learn to read before enrollment often admire other parents, sometimes jealously. These children are not necessarily smarter than others. Often this creates an environment: so it can motivate a five-year-old child to cleanse himself and write when he looks at his two-year-old older sister with homework. Sometimes children also learn to read before school and, last but not least, there are parents who specifically encourage reading. Since at this age the ability to learn a language is very great, it is not difficult for an interested child to recognize the first words and sentences.

    And after all, parents do all this out of good intentions and most often because they simply do not see the alternatives.

    Therefore, the question "Who is to blame?" No answer. All parents want the best, but it turns out ... how it turns out ... How to break this vicious circle? How to change the situation to make it easier for everyone?

    The first thing I propose to do is have the courage to admit that you cannot cope with it, that everything listed above does not work and take responsibility for changing the situation, and not wait that sometime the same road will lead you to another place, to another result.

    There are pedagogical approaches that usually impede reading with a child until the early years of primary education. The reason is simple: if the child feels pushed or not ready yet, he can learn to read the words, but he misses the meaning of what reading means. This basically leads to the ability to read, absurd. If a child wants to read on his own, then there is nothing wrong with this desire.

    If you want a child, you must inform yourself. Preferably in a later elementary school where teaching methods and teaching tools are used. In addition, a kindergarten can usually report, but usually preparation for reading is usually carried out to prepare children of preschool age. In these tables, images are assigned to each letter with objects whose name begins with the corresponding letter.

    Then, from the position “I am right (a) because the parent” to move to the position “Something happens to my child, it is important for me to understand that and help him” and try to establish contact with him. To do this, you first need to remember and tell him that he himself, whatever happens to him, no matter how he studies, is important and necessary to you (let me remind you that this is a very dear person for you, your own, maybe even an only child! ). Then try to find out (if you don’t know yet) what he likes, what he likes and what he doesn’t like, what he feels and generally how he lives. To do this, you should not talk down to him, but rather with interest (as with your best friend). With interest, listen to him and not dismiss "they say, there is no time for you," spend time with him, at least half an hour a day, doing that he loves, without being distracted by phone calls and household chores. Especially carefully listen to him when it is difficult for him, when he has conflicts in a relationship, when someone has unfairly treated him. It is invaluable to reflect his feelings to him, to tell the child about his feelings about his actions, to be more human, to admit his feelings. Share with him your "school experience" and the difficulties that you have encountered. Instead of depriving him of important and favorite activities as a punishment, encourage him for achievements, for what he has done today better than yesterday, but not by material means (money and purchases), but by an interesting time together. If you do not know how interesting it is to spend time together, look! Try different! Let your inner child manifest, let go of your importance and cleverness for a while. Remember that you were interested in your childhood. These can be board and outdoor games, playing football or with dolls, drawing together, sculpting (by the way, you can learn a lot about yourself and your child!), Traveling by bike, skiing, to the airport (see how airplanes take off) reading aloud together (so you can pull up speed and instill interest in reading in one), watching and discussing cartoons, movies, just fooling around on the couch or on the grass, massaging each other, cooking delicious unusual dishes, home concerts (turn on yourself, it's very interesting !) And much more.

    Even pedagogically significant educational games, such as games, lead the child playfully to reading. In general, it can be said that a child does not need to learn to read before school, when this is done by itself. As for the argument of boredom, then, of course, a child who is not allowed to read before school will soon be ahead of others. Because the speed of learning of children also depends on. What is interesting for a child, learn it quickly. On the other hand, if he is afraid or associates negative feelings with a particular training topic, this can lead to failure.

    Probably, it seems to you that you have absolutely no time for all this. But I assure you, once you start doing this and feel the interest, the time will be and the results are worth it.

    Why all this and how it relates to school, you ask? Directly!

    All this will give your child confidence, raise his self-esteem, he will believe that he is important, important for you, he will see that parents are interested in him, spend time with him. You know perfectly well how important self-esteem is in life. And it should be noted that the child’s self-assessment is not formed on its own, but from how significant adults treat the child.

    That is why it is so important that the child has the best possible experience before and after school — be it reading, writing, arithmetic, or other learning topics. At an early age, we can encourage the child to write. Let's take a look at some simple methods that we can apply at home.

    Tips for encouraging children to write

    We can motivate the child by reviewing the letters together and explaining how the movement of the hand should be when writing. To develop a process that allows them to write, children need to achieve a certain neurocognitive maturity, which, among other things, includes hand-eye coordination.

    The child will have interest, joy, energy. Then it is easier to cope with difficulties, there are forces. The child will feel protected (“I’m not alone, my parents are on my side and I’m not afraid of anything”). In the process of playing together, you will get to know each other better, become closer, and will be able to see what your child is most likely to do, what he does best, and this can help further with the choice of a profession. All this will help your child to grow as a “living” person, and not as a programmed robot, which gives out what they want from him, completely unaware of what he wants.

    But this process, although acquired naturally as the child grows, can be stimulated from an early age. This does not mean that the child will learn to write earlier, but he is given the opportunity to have tools that will be very useful in the learning process.

    Motivating a child to write is something simple and does not mean that you should sit with your child in front of a notebook with a pencil in hand, but through everyday activities that we can do when we are at home, when we go for a walk, when we go to do shopping, playing, etc.

    And further. Stop treating school as something very serious, important and decisive once and for all, whether your child is capable of something or not. No one knows your child better than you. School is only a stage of life. Long, important, sometimes difficult, unbearable in order to pass it alone. Have patience, sense of humor, sensitivity, humanity, sensitivity, and strengthen your faith that your child is fine. And if a child does not want to learn, then it is difficult for him. And what is the difficulty, your task, as a parent, to find out. And it is better if you do it gently, easily, playing, being on his side. Believe, you will not regret!

    "To develop a process that allows them to write, children need to achieve a certain neurocognitive maturity, which, among other things, includes hand-eye coordination." Below are some simple tips when it comes to stimulating our children to the art of writing.

    Allow them to always be within their reach as a whole and leave so that they use them whenever they want. You should never force him to sit down for this activity, he should always be pleasant and free. When elders do their homework or parents work or study, this is a great time for them to pull out their “tools” and play with them. Although at first they will only be stripes, which for majors they do not make sense, little by little they will seek greater accuracy. Watching the letters together, explaining how the movement of the hand should be, and creating the sound of each of them, when you draw it, there are some useful methods for linking sound with lyrics.

    • As we already know, children learn by copying.
    • We should always praise their work according to age.
    Remember that all this must be supported by good development of the oral language, this is because a child who incorrectly speaks any phonemes will write them incorrectly.

    With respect to you and faith in your parental wisdom, Natalya Medvedeva.

    All children are different and individuals. Each child is a personality, the formation of which depends on many factors. This - and the environment, climatic conditions, "weather in the house," heredity of parents and so on. How to make a child learn?

    For example, if he says “tasting” instead of “at home”, it will probably be “taste” at the time of this writing, because it is so. "Stimulating a child in writing does not mean that he will learn to write earlier, but he is given the opportunity to have very useful tools for the learning process."

    The fundamental point in this whole process is that children are always in contact with actions that allow the correct neurocognitive development, therefore we must allow them to see, listen, scratch, write what they want and how they can, because they will form your knowledge step by step. According to how the child matures, he will ask us to teach him to write what matters to him, for example, “mom”, “dad”, the proper name of each family member, etc.

    If the child does not want to write, what can be done?

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    There are children who are not interested in writing and lessons, they are interested in helicopters, cars more than books. In primary school, great attention is paid to writing in the list. Most children have bad handwriting and jump letters. In order for the child to write beautifully, it is necessary to develop the fine motor skills of the child's fingers. If a the child does not want to write, such classes can be applied:

    Difficulties with kindergarten

    Subtle motor skills and, especially, writing, will become a serious obstacle to the academic success of dyspraxist students as soon as they get into kindergarten, if these difficulties are not taken into account. From small and medium-sized sections, dyspraxic students encounter an important place that is given to the exercises of fine motor skills: drawing, pearls, cutting, collage are part of their daily activities, which they understand with great difficulty because of their disability.

    The situation continues to deteriorate during the big year. The number of graphic activities associated with the preparation for writing, and children with a surprise, is increasing, despite excessive efforts, which adults rarely know, hardly write down their names.

    • Construction
    • Modeling
    • Drawing
    • Fingering small items
    • Cleaning vegetables, such as onions and garlic, beans
    • Coloring and Hatching Pictures

    You can offer the child to shade the drawing with chopsticks, then, when he masters the technique, to shade the elements of the drawing with circles and loops. When a child learns to write in circles and loops, chopsticks, then the child will be able to write letters beautifully.

    No writing automation

    Teachers quickly become embarrassed by these children, who speak with great ease, often very clever, but cannot attract a person. Discrete children cannot automate a certain number of voluntary actions. In particular, they cannot automate the recording. Handwriting is a way for them to carefully control the design of each letter, which, absorbing most of their attention, prevents them from focusing on all other aspects. It is also a source of great fatigue.

    Thus, in order to have an addiction to a graduate student in the classroom, this is a real difficulty. It is important to discuss written agreements with the medical and paramedical team that accompanies the child. For all children with dyspraxia, several rules apply.

    Be sure to praise the child for achievements. A girl can have a diary in which she will write, draw and paste photos. You can record all the events that occur during the day.

    How to teach a child to write in words?

    If a the child does not want to learn to write, then you need to act gently and not persistently, because you can push away the child from him and he flatly refuses to learn, but all efforts should not be reduced to toys. Parents should try to do everything in moderation and play and work. The child must understand the difference in these actions. How to teach a child to write in words? You need to make sure that the child has neurological problems, and he can cope with such loads. You need to make sure that the personal qualities of the teacher in the school influence the child well and the teacher treats the children well. Be sure to pay attention to the preschool classes. It is better to attend them. It is good, if they will pass, as game or its elements. Play with the kid at home in writing games, like at school. This and the child will be useful and will increase the level of his preparation for school.

    Efforts to write are so important that you need to reduce the number of letters if you do not want to exhaust the child. Therefore, we often see too late, before their anxiety, that the number of letters was excessive. The amount of attention resources required to write a written letter for dyspraxists does not allow them to pay attention to what they write. Unlike other students, dyspraxic students cannot learn anything by writing, not even writing. On the contrary, focused on drawing letters, they multiply spelling errors. Therefore, a good solution is to restrict writing writing-oriented exercises and encouraging ways to collect alternative information in all other contexts. Warning: children dyspraxics tend to go for their resources. . Handwriting exercises should be avoided for several reasons.

    • Game "Paratroopers"

    Dots of different colors are drawn on the landscape sheet in the upper part. This is the parachutists. Below on a piece of paper draw a circle - the place of their landing. The task of the child straight lines to land paratroopers.

    • Game "Archer"

    At one end of the notebook sheet draw an arrow with a bow in hand. At the other end of the sheet draw a target. The shooter must aim at the target and hit the middle. Onions with a straight line should connect to the center of the target without detaching the pencil from the paper.

    And if we taught them to write?

    A copy requires the coordination of the eye hands, which is imperfect in these children, and the need to adjust spatial references in order to switch from one carrier to another makes the exercise especially tedious. Turning the text, inevitably full of errors, it undermines the spelling sense of dyspraxics children. Assessing the quality of the letter does not make sense in the case of children with dyspraxia. . Intensive learning does not allow children with a disorder to catch up with their peers. Encouraging a dippy child to put all their efforts and energy into learning handwriting is an educational dead end.

    There are many similar games with children, in order to teach a child to write in notebooks, you need more attention from the parents. Teachers in preschool institutions also have a huge influence; therefore, parents should approach the choice of such an institution as responsibly as possible.

    Message to parents whose child is zero in the schedule at the end of kindergarten

    They just misunderstood artists. One day your child may surprise you by painting and writing better than other children of his age, or even develop a certain artistic talent and create, play with materials and colors. And yes, everything comes in its time.

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    A common phenomenon in families with a young student is the following scene: the child writes homework.