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  • Logic Tricks for Adults

    Logic Tricks for Adults

    Nice riddles nice guessing and interesting to guess. It develops thinking, logic and broadens the mind. The whole family can have an interesting evening with friends, if you arrange a quiz.

    Interesting trick riddles with answers

    When there is a subtext in the question that is not immediately visible, it becomes doubly complicated. Going to reasoning about the question, sometimes they forget about the condition. And here every little thing is important. Otherwise, the answer will be wrong. According to this principle, the most complicated riddles with a set of data and numbers are built, but the answer lies on the surface, and even a child can give the correct answer.
    Interesting riddles with answers:
      You are a pilot of an airplane that flies along the Paris-Amsterdam route with two transfers in Berlin. What is the name of the pilot?
    / The condition states that you are driving the plane. So the surname is also yours.
      Light was turned off in the whole house. But in the closet is a gas stove, there is also a kerosene lamp and a candle. In the matchbox, there is only one match. What do you light first?
    / First you should light a match. /
      A bus was driving along a country road into a heavy downpour. All passengers fell asleep, only one driver was awake. What was his name and what was the route number?
    / In such a shower are not distinguishable numbers. And the driver - Anatoly. /
      Exam held at the Military School of Communications. There is silence in the audience, only occasionally the teacher taps a pencil on the table. Cadet takes a ticket and sits down at the table. A minute later, he silently approaches with the record book, and the teacher, without asking a single question, puts him "excellent." Happy student leaves. Why?
    / The teacher checked and knowledge and vigilance of students. For this purpose, using Morse code, he tapped: “Whoever comes to me now, will receive“ excellent ”. The student is one of all responded correctly. / Sometimes the riddle is like a small task: there is a condition, there is a question. For kids, perhaps, it will be difficult. It is necessary to keep in mind the condition to guess. And the outlook is still small. But for children of primary school age interesting puzzles  Response logic will be helpful:
      Which cup is impossible to drink?
    / From empty. /
      What shrub will the hare hide under when it rains?
    / All bushes and trees are wet during rain. The hare will hide under a wet bush. /
      Two absolutely identical people go towards each other. Which of them will greet the other first?
    / He who is more polite.
      The weight of a full barrel of water is 100 kilograms. What should be done to change its weight by 10 kilograms?
    / Make a hole in it. /
      What is holding back without touching your hands?
    / This is your own breath.
      The train moves in the direction of the wind. Where does smoke go?
    / It has no smoke, fireboxes in other train structures. /

      It is known that polar bears are predators. Nevertheless, the nerve they eat, and the penguin - no. Why?
    / They just do not meet, penguins do not live in the North. /
      When is the sky below the earth?
    / When it is reflected in a pool. /
      No matter how huge the pan, there is something that will never fit in it. What is it?
    / The lid of the pan is always made slightly larger circle. /
      It is in the room, but in it is the room itself. What is this?

    Short logic puzzles

    So called tasks in which you want to make a logical sequence of reasoning. It will lead to an answer. Here, too, attentiveness to the condition is a guarantee of the right decision. Here are the interesting logical puzzles  with answers:
      A person cannot sleep for seven days. Nevertheless, he found a way out. Which one
    / He decided that he would sleep at night - it’s impossible to do it only during the day.

      One farmer was returning home from the field. Suddenly there was a strong wind and a downpour began. The farmer had nothing to protect himself, and he came home completely wet. But it turned out that not a single hair on his head was wet! How did he do it?
    / The farmer was bald.
      One physics teacher clearly demonstrated the laws of nature. He could briefly set a closed jar on the table in such a way that most of it hung over the floor. True, then the bank still fell. What is the secret of physics?
    / He first frozen the water in the jar, putting it horizontally. The water was about one third cans. When he put it on the table vertically, the ice column was always located on the table, and the empty part was above the floor. When the ice began to melt, the weight was distributed throughout the bottom and the bank fell.

    Funny puzzles

    Brainstorming can tire. Therefore, alternating complex tasks with ridiculous questions. The main thing in them is the listener's smile. Interesting riddles with answers:
      There is a word that is always pronounced incorrectly. What is this word?
    / This word is "wrong."

      He has two horns, but this is not a bull, he has legs, but no hooves, he flies — howls loudly, lands, digs the ground.
    And here is a chain of funny riddles that amuses both children and adults:
      How to put a giraffe in a fridge? /one. Open up. 2. Sui go there giraffe. 3. We close. / How to place an elephant in a refrigerator at one-two-three-four? /one. Open up. 2. Throw away the giraffe. 3. Sui elephant. 4. Close. / Leo ordered everyone to come to the meeting. One did not come. Who! / This is an elephant, he is sitting in the refrigerator. / How to cross the river full of crocodiles? / Quickly, until the crocodiles returned from the meeting. /

    For adults

    Some large commercial corporations use logical tasks to select employees. When you need not the intellect, but the ability to make non-standard decisions. These questions, which are to be thought carefully over, will be enjoyed by parents and older schoolchildren. There is something to break your head. Interesting puzzles for adults with the answers:

      The prisoner is given a chance of release, provided that he correctly decides his fate. Otherwise, he will be executed. He is placed in front of two doors that are guarded by two guards. It is known that one always tells the truth, and the other - once. The prisoner has the right to ask two questions only to one, but he does not know who is who from the guards. He was able to solve the problem and was released. How did he do it?
    /one. Are you sly? 2. Is this door free? /
      Mr. Jones called the police and said that Mr. Wills was threatening to kill him. He insisted that someone be sent to him immediately. A detective who arrived at the scene discovered Jones' body. Turning on the recorder Jones, he heard: “Wills will kill me. He is already here. Hiding is useless. This record will be the basis for his arrest. " The detective realized that this was a false mark. The true culprit was discovered later. Why not arrest Wills?
    / Rewound tape recorder talked about fabrication of evidence against Wills. If he saw Jones say something to a tape recorder, he would have destroyed the record. /

    For kids

      Why are you going to sleep on the bed?
    / By gender. /
      What happens to the red scarf, if you drop it in the river?
    / Namok./
      Write the word "mousetrap" in five letters.
      That the sheep has one, the sparrow has two, and the mouse has none?
    / The letter "o" ./
      Name the canvas from which you can not sew anything.
    / Railway./
      Name the forests in which no one lives.
    / Constructional./
      Name the wheel of the car that does not rotate while driving.
      Name five days in a row without giving numbers.
    / The day after tomorrow, tomorrow, today, yesterday, the day before yesterday. /
      Name the first female pilot.
    / Baba-Yaga. /
      What comb is not suitable for hairstyles?
    / Pet. /
      How to wear water in the sieve?
    / In the form of ice. /

    For the whole family

    Stories about Sherlock Holmes are read with interest by both adults and children. I just want to use his deductive method, and then tell my best friend: “Elementary, Watson!” And if there were cell phones in his time, it would be very simple. For you - interesting riddles with answers, where the famous detective appears.
      Once, walking through London, Sherlock Holmes noticed a woman lying on the ground. Unfortunately, she was dead. Holmes took a phone out of her purse and found a spouse number there. Calling him, he said: “Your wife is dead. Come urgently. When he arrived, the police were already waiting for him. Holmes pointed to him as a criminal. Why?
    / Holmes did not name the street where he found the corpse. /

    But the problem about the inhabitants of the remote Russian hinterland:

      She lived on the farm orphan girl. She had 3 cats, 3 dogs, 3 parrots and 2 hamsters. Hamsters had babies, 7 of them. It took to buy food for these animals. The road went to the store first by field, then by forest, then again by field, then again by forest, then again by field. But it turned out that the food was not delivered. She had to go to another store: field, forest, field, forest, field, forest. It was an unfamiliar forest, and the girl fell into a well-disguised pit. Then she heard that they put a condition on her: if she gets out of the pit, her mother will die. If he stays in the pit, her dad will die. How should she be?
    / Get out of the pit, because she has long been dead. /
    After reviewing all these interesting riddles with answers, you can deduce the principles by which they are compiled, and try to please your loved ones with new options about Sherlock Holmes or intricate puzzles, in which the main thing is to remember the condition well.

      / 10 logic puzzles to determine the professional suitability of the role of the investigator.

    No. 1 riddle
    The guy meets a girl, they love each other. On Saturday evening they should see each other, the girl is preparing for a meeting. An hour before the scheduled time comes sms: "Sorry, dear, we will not be able to see. I am with my parents, guests have come to them, they will be up late, they will have to stay there for the night. See you tomorrow, kiss, love." . How did she understand?

    No. 2 riddle
    At the entrance to the vault of the bank is a guard. A spy lurked nearby. One employee of the bank comes up to the guard, the guard to him: "Six." The clerk in reply: "Five." The guard missed. The next one is the guard: "Five," the employee: "Four." The guard missed. The spy took the risk; the guard approaches: "Four," spy: "Three." A guard with screams: "Wrong, caught, bastard!" twisted spy. Question: why is wrong and what is the correct answer.

    No. 3 riddle
    Several companies were engaged in the sale of goods, using specially prepared catalogs for these purposes. Since the products of the firms were almost the same, the customer contingent was the same, as was their number. Soon one of the firms changed its catalog. At first glance it seemed that from these changes he only lost and became less popular. However, after a change in sales, this company went better than its competitors. What change did they make and how did it work?

    № 4th puzzle
    Going to a 30-day vacation, the doctor gave the patient 30 tablets of the drug "A" and 30 tablets of the drug "B". You need to take these medicines every day for 30 days and strictly one tablet of each product per day, otherwise death is inevitable. Tablets are absolutely identical in appearance, weight, density, etc. also completely coincide. Once the patient took 1 pill from one package, and dropped 2 from another, and all 3 pills were mixed up. How to follow the doctor's instructions?

    №5th puzzle
    It is shaped like the moon, and the weather is different. It has a sunset, like the sun and dawn. Another important sign is misleading: - In itself, it can "accommodate" any object.

    The person who buys it does not use it himself. The person who produces it does not produce it for himself. The person using it does not know about it. What is it?

    № 7th puzzle
    In the room there are three switches, each of which is connected to one lamp. Find a way to identify a pair of "switch - light". If the light bulbs are in another room and you can enter it only once.

    No. 8 riddle
    The woman lives on the 12th floor of the building. Every morning, when she goes to work, she calls the elevator to the 12th floor and goes down to the first floor. But in the evening, returning from work, she arrives by elevator only to the 7th floor, and then, to get to her apartment, she overcomes another 5 floors on foot. Why?

    №9th puzzle
    Yuri and Tatiana are friends since childhood. Yura's brothers and sisters equally. Tatyana has three times more sisters than Yuri, and only as many as Jury's parents have children. How many sisters do Tatiana and brothers and sisters have Yuri?

    №10 mystery
    Vasya, Petya and Kolya live next door in a house on Elovaya Street in 15, 17 and 19 apartments. Each of them has a special door - one is painted red, the other is blue, and the third is dark green. Petina is blue. He works as a mechanic and is friends with Vasya, who lives in 15 apartments. Neither Vasya nor Petya get along with Kolya. In the 17th apartment there is a red door. Determine where each of them lives and what color his door is.

    No. 1 Answer:
    If he really is with his parents, he should have written "stay here for the night"

    Number 2 Answer:
    In the word "six" - five letters, in the word "five" - ​​four, in the word "four" - six.
    The answer is six.

    Number 3 Answer:
    They began to produce their own directory smaller in size than the catalogs of other companies, because of which this directory always had to be put topmost in the stack

    №4 Answer:
    It is necessary to get another pill out of the first package - a total of 4. All cut in half. In one day, take 4 left halves, the other - 4 right. The main thing to remember, where half of a tablet.
    Add another pill, grind to a powder, mix, and divide into two parts.

    №5 Answer:
    P.S. If you look into the eye of a man looking at the moon, you will see the moon there.

    №6 Answer:
    This is a coffin.

    Number 7 Answer:
    It is necessary to turn on two switches. After some time one turn off. Enter the room. One light will be lit from the on switch, the second one will be hot from the on and off, the third one will be cold, from the untouched switch.

    №8 Answer:
    This woman is very short: she manages to reach only the button of the 7th floor in the elevator car.

    №9 Answer:
    Yuri has 1 brother and 1 sister. Tatyana has 3 sisters

    # 10 Answer:
    Vasya lives in 15 rooms behind a dark green door. Kohl lives in room 17, behind the red door. Petya lives in 19 rooms, behind the blue door

    1. To pat in front, you need to lick behind. (Postage Stamp)
    2. Around the hair, in the middle sausage. (Corn)
    4. Hair on the hair, body on the body and the dark matter begins. (Eyelids)
    5. That cold - then hot, then hanging - then standing. (Shower)
    6. There - here - back, you and I are pleased. (Swing)
    7. What are you looking at me? Take off your clothes, I'm yours! (Bed)
    8. Hairy head for cheek comes cleverly. (Toothbrush)
    9. We are guys, we are lazy, we climb in the slit sex! (Broom)

    10. Lying on his back - no one needs. Lean against the wall - it is useful. (Stairs)
    11. In a dark room, on a white sheet 2 hours of pleasure. (Movie)
    12. You remember it a little bit, it will become firm as a potato. (Snowball)
    13. I will take it in hand, squeeze it tightly - it will become elastic and firm as a turnip. (Snowball)
    14. The red head in the hole climbs cleverly (woodpecker)
    15. Small, black, shriveled - every woman has. (Zest)
    16. If it were not for the grandmother's shag-girls, the grandfather's beaters would freeze. (Mittens)
    17. Hell, no carrot - red head. (Pioneer in the cap)
    18. Behind, I walked, thrust and went. (Slippers)
    19. How nice you and me are when you are lying on your back ... (Hedgehog with an apple)
    20. I take with two hands, I put my hands between my legs ... (bicycle).
    21. What young man in the morning drips from the end. (crane)
    22. What is - from three letters, in one ear enters, and comes out of the other? (Scrap)
    23. Us (c) is ay, striped. (Mattress)
    24. What is: enters dry, goes wet, gives warmth and joy? (Tea bag)
    25. What is lengthened when taken in hand, passed between the breasts and thrust into the hole? (Safety belt)
    26. If all women sit on the splits, what will happen? (The land of Piz ... will be closed)
    27. Grain, fire, water and copper pipes. (Moonshine)
    28. The new name of the beloved musical instrument of the former American president. (Sexphone)
    29. Why do women scratch their eyes in the morning? (Because they do not have eggs)
    30. The most harmful insect, dark back, abdomen white, paws in the manure. (Summer resident)

    32. What is common between "Formula 1" and sex? (Pit stop - change tires)
    33. What comes last to the head of a bug that enters the windshield of a moving car? (His ass)
    34. You are sitting on a plane, in front of you is a horse, behind the car. Where are you at? (On the carousel)
    35. Who is: Red heels sticking out of the garden? (Krasnoyatochnyy kotryadochatel)
    36. With claws, not a bird, flies and curses. (Electrician)
    37. With onions and eggs, but not a pie? (Robin Hood)
    39. Scarlet sugar itself, green velvet caftan. (Negative on color film, captured the "new Russian")
    40. Top black inside red. How to thrust is so beautiful. (Galoshes)
    44. How many programmers do you need to turn on a light bulb? (None. This is a hardware problem, programmers do not solve them)
    45. What is this: small, gray and weighs 3 kilograms? (A mouse that has weight problems)
    46. ​​What word begins with three letters "G" and ends with three letters "I"? (Trigonometry)
    47. One eye, one horn, but not a rhino? (The cow peeps around the corner)
    48. What has a head, but no brain? (Cheese, onion, garlic)
    49. What is: black outside, yellow inside? (Ninja Chicken)
    50. What is: with the eyes - but does not see, with the beak - and not bite, with the wings - and does not fly? (Dead crow)
    53. Does not bark, does not bite, and is also called. (@)
    54. About 40 million people do IT at night. What it is? (Internet)
    56. What is written in black and white? (The toilet, which stood Negro)
    57. What woman rubs against you first, and then demands money? (The conductor in the tram)
    58. What plant knows everything? (Horseradish)
    62. What is green, bald and jumping? (Soldier at the disco)
    64. What is: 90/60/90? (Speed ​​at traffic cop)
    65. What is this: hanging on the wall and crying? (Climber)
    66. What is: the eyes are afraid - the hands do. (Phone sex)
    67. What is: a head, no head, no head, no head? (Lame behind the fence)

    The best
    51. What is it: in white laces, moos and crawls along the ground? (Nyavsheysya bride)
    52. What is it: many heads, a long tail, eyes burning, eggs are small and dirty? (The queue for the eggs of 90 kopecks 80s of the twentieth century)
    31. What is the difference between a woman’s chest and a toy railway? (Nothing: both are made for children and dads play with them)
    63. What is - small, white blood sucks? (Tampon)
    45. What is this: red-white-black, standing in the corridor, and can not turn around? (Nun with a spear in his throat)
    90.What is easier to unload: a wagon with bricks, or with dead babies? (With babies, because they can be pinched by 3-4 forks)
    99.What it is: green, and click on the red button? (frog in grinder)
    6. What is so small, red, knocking on glass? (baby in the microwave)
    59. What is the difference between a young bachelor and an old bachelor? (A young bachelor tidies up his house to invite a woman, and the old one invites a woman into the house to tidy up)
    60. How does a teacher differ from a pedophile? (Pedophile truly loves children)
    61. What is: two ends, two rings? (gay)
    43. How many babies will fit in a double pram? (And this, depending on how you chop it ...)
    45. How many eggs can a woman hold in one hand? (Both)
    55. What is: black and white, black and white, black and white? (The nun is heading off the mountain

    1. How many giraffes fit in "Zaporozhets"?
    2. 2. And how many hippos fit into the "Zaporozhets"?
    3. How many operations need to be done to put a giraffe in an ordinary refrigerator?
    4. And how many operations are needed to put a hippopotamus in the fridge?
    5. What is it: small, green, sitting at a depth of three meters and swallowing stones?
    6. What is it: fun, red, speckled, sticking out of the garden?
    7. What is it: black, big, on one leg?
    8. And this: black, big, on two legs?
    9. And this: black, big, on three legs?
    10. Three tourists traveled through the forest, and they had three cakes in their backpack for three. On the first day, they ate one pie. On the second day, they ate the second pie. On the third day they look into the backpack - it's empty! Where did the third pie go?
    11. Imagine that the Moscow city hall, through the center of the earth, dug through a shaft with a diameter of 1 meter and threw a stone of 5 cm diameter into it. Did it fly to the opposite end of the mine?
    12. Who will run faster around the Kremlin - giraffe or hippo?
    13. Two friends went to the Orient Express. One had a German shepherd, and the other had a domestic suitcase. Once they quarreled, and in the heat of quarrel, the first threw a suitcase out the window, and the second threw a dog out of the window in retaliation. After that, both jerked the "brake valve". The train stopped, they ran out - and see: a shepherd rushing toward them, and in her teeth ... What?
    1. Three: although the car and four, but one place is intended for the driver.
    2. None, because all the places in Zaporozhets are already occupied by giraffes.
    3. It is necessary to do three operations: open the door of the refrigerator, shove a giraffe in there, close the door.
    4. This time, you already need four operations: open the door, pull out the giraffe, stick in the hippo and close the door.
    5. The answer is simple: it is a small green stone eater.
    6. Even simpler: a cheerful krasnoyatochny gardener.
    7. one-legged black
    8. Two one-legged Negro (and not just a Negro, as some thought!)
    9. Grand piano (and not three one-legged blacks).
    10. They lost him.
    11. No, because at a depth of three meters it will be eaten by a small green stone eater.
    12. Giraffe, because the hippopotamus sits in the refrigerator and can not take part in this competition.
    13. Not a suitcase (it would be too easy for a puzzle of the third kind). The correct answer: in her teeth a shepherd holds a pie that was lost by three tourists in the forest.

    Name the word in which 40 vowels.
    Forty (forty "A").
    A hippopotamus flew across the sky, and a hunter with a gun ran across the ground behind him. The hunter shot, and the hippo fell on him. Who stayed alive?
    An elephant, because it flew out later.
    How many peas can enter one glass?
    Not at all, because peas do not go.
    What is it: hanging on the wall and smelling?
    Hours: the cuckoo died in them.
    Why don't elephants fly?
    By air.
    How does a horse differ from a needle?
    At first you will sit on a needle, then jump, and first jump on a horse, then sit down.
    How is the ground floor different from the ninth?
    From the first floor you will fall: "Buh! - Oh!" And from the ninth, "Oh! - Boo!"
    What is the difference between the public in the circus from the balloon?
    The balloon is first inflated, then allowed, and the public is first admitted and then inflated.
    How does a person differ from a locomotive?
    The engine whistles at first, then it moves, and the person at first moves, and then walks and whistles.
    Not quite a childish mystery: how does a young bachelor differ from an old one?
    A young bachelor tidies up his house to invite a woman, and the old one invites a woman into the house to clean up.
    What is common between money and the coffin?
    And the one and the other is first pinned down and then lowered.
    Two nails fell into the water. What is the name of a Georgian?
    What ends day and night?
    A soft sign.
    What is it: blue, big, with a mustache and completely stuffed with hares?
    Trolley bus
    What is it: flies, rustles, but not a rustle?
    Brother shurshavchika
    a) Pet on the "t" begins.
    b) Pet, on "d" begins. Two cockroaches.
    c) Pet on the "s" begins.
    NOW one cockroach.
    What is it: sitting on the window, speaks in French?
    How to say: "I do not see the white yolk" or "I do not see the white yolk"?
    The yolk cannot be white.
    Why in Paris girls go red?
    On the ground.
    What is the difference between a tractor and a tomato?
    The tomato is red, and in the tractor the door opens outside.
    What it is: there is in heaven, not in the earth; The women - two, the peasant - none?
    The letter "B".
    What word begins with three letters "G" and ends with three letters "I"?
    The riddle is absolutely childish:
    a) What is it: is it black, on one leg?
    One-legged black
    b) What is it: is it black, on two legs?
    Two one-legged Negro.
    c) Is it black, on three legs?
    No, these are not three one-legged blacks, but only a grand piano :-)
    One eye, one horn, but not a rhino?
    The cow looks around the corner :-)
    What is in the middle of the earth?
    The letter "m".
    Moscow wound up, in which the first nail bang?
    In a hat.
    How to say: the fish have no tooth, the fish have no teeth, or the fish have no teeth?
    Fish have teeth.
    Who is this little one, lives in the earth, begins on "u"?
    Why does pop hat buy?
    Because the gift is not given.
    What makes a duck swim?
    From the shore.
    Shel hunter past the clock tower. He took out a gun and fired. Where did he go?
    To the police.
    What is the difference between water and twins?
    Water - H2O, and the twins - Oh, already two!
    Small, gray, like an elephant?

    Tasks with a trick
    1. Three tractor drivers have a brother Sergey, and Sergey has no brothers. Could this be?
    2. The room was lit 50 candles, 20 of them blew out. How much is left?
    3. If it is raining at 12 o'clock at night, can we expect that in 72 hours there will be sunny weather?
    4. On the edge of the table put a tin, tightly closed lid, so that 2/3 cans hung from the table. After some time, the bank fell. What was in the bank?
    5. Is it possible to create another element from two chemical elements?
    6. As is well known, all native Russian female names end in either “a” or “I”: Anna, Maria, Olga, etc. However, there is one single female name that does not end in either "a" or "me." Call it.
    7. Name five days without naming numbers (eg, 1, 2, 3, ..) and the names of the days (eg, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday ...).
    8. When is a black cat best to get into the house?
    9. On the table are a ruler, pencil, compass and eraser. Draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where to begin?
    10. One train travels from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow when they meet?
    11. From the nest flew three swallows. What is the probability that in 15 seconds they will be in the same plane?
    12. On the table are two coins, in the amount they give 3 rubles. One of them is not 1 ruble. What are these coins?
    13. How fast should a dog run so as not to hear the ring of a griddle tied to its tail?
    14. The satellite makes one revolution around the earth in 1 h 40 minutes, and the other in 100 minutes. How can it be?
    15. The roof of one house is not symmetrical: one slope makes an angle of 60 degrees with the horizontal, the other - an angle of 70 degrees. Suppose a rooster lays an egg on the crest of the roof. In which direction will the egg fall - in the direction of a gentler or steeper slope?
    16. The 12-storey building has an elevator. On the first floor there live only 2 people, from the floor to the floor the number of tenants doubled. Which button in the elevator of this house is pressed more often than others?
    17. The boy fell from 4 steps and broke his leg. How many legs will the boy break if he falls from 40 steps?
    18. A very old mystery: Kondrat went by train to Leningrad, and five guys were walking towards him. Each of the guys had 2 bass-boxes, each basket had 3 cats. Each cat has 2 mice in its teeth, and each mouse also has a mouse. Then Uncle Kondrat thought: how many guys, kittens and mice go to Leningrad?
    19. Is it possible: two heads, two arms and six legs, and only four in walking?
    20. What wheel does not turn at the right turn?
    21. Another mystery with a beard: two fathers and two sons were walking, they found three oranges. Began to share - all got one by one. How could this be?
    22. On the birch grew 90 apples. A strong wind blew, and 10 apples fell. How much is left?
    23. What words have exhausted Winnie the Pooh?
    24. Under what tree does the hare sit when it rains?
    25. How far can the hare run into the forest?
    26. Which word always sounds wrong?
    27. From what dishes can you not eat anything?
    28. Where does the chicken go when crossing the road?
    29. Which horse does not eat oats?
    30. When is the day shorter: in winter or in summer?
    31. In what cases is a number called a fruit?
    32. What is thrown when necessary, and raised when it is no longer needed?
    33. What will a gray horse be if it is redeemed?
    34. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?
    35. What stones have geologists still not found in the beds of existing rivers?
    36. Where does water stand?

    1. Yes, if the tractor drivers are women.
    2. Remains 20: blown out candles will not burn completely.
    3. No, - after 72 hours it will be midnight again.
    4. A piece of ice.
    5. Yes, galvanic.
    6. Love.
    7. The day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.
    8. Many immediately say that at night. Everything is much simpler: when the door is open
    9. Need to get a sheet of paper.
    10. At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow.
    11. Three points always form one plane.
    12. 1 and 2 rubles.
    13. This task in the company is immediately revealed by a physicist: the physicist immediately answers that she needs to run at supersonic speed. Of course, the dog is enough to stand still.
    14. 1 h 40 min = 100 min
    15. Roosters do not lay eggs.
    16. Regardless of the distribution of residents on the floors, the button "1".
    17. Only one, because the second one is already broken.
    18. Not at all - they all went to meet him.
    19. Yes, it is a horseman.
    20. Spare.
    21. These were grandfather, father and son.
    22. On a birch apples do not grow.
    23. Long.
    24. Under the wet.
    25. To the middle. Then he runs out of the forest.
    26. The word "wrong."
    27. Out empty.
    28. On the other side of the road.
    29. Chess.
    30. Day is always 24 hours.
    31. In the school "unit" - "banana", on the shooting range of the "dozen" - "apple".
    32. Anchor.
    33. Wet.
    34. One (the second will be no longer on an empty stomach :).
    35. Dry.
    36. In a glass.

    Do you want to train your brain and test your ability to think logically? We offer a selection of the most difficult puzzles for adults on logic. All riddles are given with answers, but do not rush to look there. Over solving some riddles you have to pretty sweat, and most challenging puzzles  may not be all in the teeth.

    Difficult riddles with answers

    Riddle number 3591.

    Misha was seventeen the day before yesterday, and next year he will turn twenty. Is it possible?

    Answer: This is possible if such a phrase is pronounced on January 1, taking into account the fact that Misha was born on December 31. Consequently, on December 30 he was 17 more, and on the 31st he turned 18. In the coming year he will be 19, well, and next in the next 20. That is how Misha was born.

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    The task of Einstein.

    Albert Einstein composed this problem at the beginning of the 20th century. He argued that 98% of the population would not be able to solve it.

    On one street there are 5 houses painted in 5 different colors. In each house there lives a citizen of a friend of the country. Each of them drinks his drink, kypit their cigarettes and contains their own pet. Determine which of them contain fish?

    1. The Briton lives in the red house.
      2. The Swede has a dog.
      3. Dane drinking tea.
      4. The green house is to the left of the white and close to it.
      5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.
      6. The person who holds Pall Mall has birds.
      7. The owner of the yellow house kypit Dunhills.
      8. The owner of the average house drinks milk.
      9. Norwegian lives in the first house.
      10. The man who kypit Blends, lives next to the owner of cats.
      11. The one who keeps the horses lives next to the one who kypit Dunhills.
      12. The one who kypit Blue Master drinks beer.
      13. German kypit Prince.
      14. The Norwegian lives near the blue house.
      15. The person who kypit Blends, has a neighbor who drinks water.

    Riddle number 3580.

    On the table are scales with two bowls and 9 identical coins. One of them is fake, its weight will be less than the rest. How to determine it with just 2 weighings?

    Answer: At the first weighing 3 coins should be put on one bowl and the same on the other. If the scales are balanced, then a fake is among the last 3 pieces. At the second weighing you need to take two coins and put them on the bowl. If they weigh the same, then the third coin is not real. If some was easier, then it is a fake. But when, after the first weighing, one of the heaps turned out to be less in weight, then the desired coin is among those three. It is necessary to calculate it by the principle of the second weighing.

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    Riddle number 3590.

    Three school teachers sat carelessly on the bench and talked, and at that time, the students decided to make fun of them and put funny stickers on their backs. Then the teachers saw stickers on the backs of their colleagues and started laughing. But each thought that she herself had nothing back. But then one of them stopped laughing, realizing that she herself also has a sticker.

    Answer: Let's call the teachers A, B, and C. And I thought so: "B sees C laugh, but she thinks that she has nothing on her back. Therefore, if I didn’t have a sticker, B would be surprised why C laughs, and would understand that she herself still has it, and would stop laughing. But since this does not happen, it means the guys have been joking all of us. " That's why A stopped laughing.

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    Riddle number 3587.

    What is the next number?
    77, 49, 36, 18 ...

    Riddle number 3585.

    One man was captured by an African tribe. They wanted to kill him. But the leader asked him to choose his own death. A man had to say a phrase, and if it was deceitful, then he would be given to the mercy of lions, and if truthful, he would be thrown off a cliff. But he managed to say such a phrase that he had to be released.

    Riddle number 2210.

    Two fifth graders Peter and Alyonka go to school and talk.
      “When the day after tomorrow becomes yesterday,” said one of them, “today will be as far from Sunday as the day that was today when the day before yesterday was tomorrow.” What day of the week did they speak?

    Riddle number 4102.

    The picture shows the rest of the guys. Take a close look at the picture and try to answer the questions below. All the questions you need to find answers by looking at the picture and carefully reading the questions. The answer to each question justify.

    1. How many tourists live in this camp?
      2. When did they come here: today or a few days ago?
      3. What did they come here for?
      4. Is it far from the camp to the nearest village?
      5. Where does the wind blow from: from the north or from the south?
      6. What is the time of day now?
      7. Where did Shura go?
    8. Who was the attendant yesterday? (Name by name)
      9. What is the date of which month?

    Answer: 1. There are 4 tourists in the camp, it can be seen from the number of spoons and plates laid out before the meal.

    2. They came here yesterday or even earlier. After all, today is the 8th number, and the duty schedule begins on the 7th. In addition, the question below is: who was the duty officer yesterday? And also, during the rest, the spider managed to weave a web next to the tent.

    3. On the boat. The oars from the boat are leaning against the pine.

    4. No, not far: a chicken entered the camp from the village.

    5. The wind blows from the south. This can be seen in the direction of the flag on the tent and on the slope of the fire flame. On the southern side of the pines large branches.

    6. It is morning now, since the sun is shining from the east, this can be seen from the shadow of Petit standing by the fire.

    7. He went to catch butterflies.

    8. Kohl. On the backpacks of the guys there are letters - "K" and "B". It is logical to assume that the letters mean the names "Kolya" and "Vasya". In Kolin's backpack one of the boys rummages, suppose that this is Kolya. In Vasin’s backpack, a tripod from a camera is visible, which means Vasya is the one who stands behind the pine tree with a camera. Shura, as already known, left for butterflies. So today Petya is on duty at the camp: he stands by the fire. Consequently, judging by the schedule, Kolya was on duty yesterday.

    9. Today Petya is on duty, so today is the 8th. The month is most likely August, because the guys have a watermelon for breakfast, and watermelons ripen in August. September - the beginning of study, therefore not suitable.

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    Strange army

    This army is familiar to everyone who knows about the past,
      Nowadays, it can only be seen in the movies. About
      The glorious time distant remembers the dial,
      And about her teacher at the school makes a report.

    Famous for being strictly marching saves.
      Warrior first lonely ahead always goes
      Two followed, three behind them, and behind those three in a row,
      Next - a couple, and for her three should be a soldier.

    Following the four war brave, after five, followed by three.
      That turned out to be our army. Look
      On a wonderful military build and try to guess
      How many warriors tanned will continue to walk.

    Riddle number 3588.

    What letter is missing?
      ь, ь, t, ь, ..., ь, ь, t, ь, ь, ь, ь

    Riddle number 3581.

    There are 10 bags stuffed with coins. The number of them in each of the bags is the same. In nine of them, all the coins are gold, and each weighs 5 grams, and in one all are false, and they, respectively, are lighter - 4 grams. It is necessary to determine this bag, but weighing can be done only 1 time.

    Answer: First you need to number the bags. Then take 1 coin from the first, 2 from the second, 3 from the third, and so on. Then you need to weigh these 55 coins. If they were all gold, then their total weight would be 275 (55 to 5) grams. But if one gram is missing, then fake coins are in the first bag, if two are in the second (2 pieces were put on the scales, each of which is 1 gram lighter than the others), etc.

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    Riddle №5353.

    There was a murder in the apartment on Downing Street. In the middle of the room there was a table on three legs. Behind him sat two men playing chess. Nearby was the third, who simply watched the party.

    For a few minutes the light suddenly went out, and when it became bright again, it turned out that the third man was lying on the floor with a knife in his throat.

    One of those present at the interrogation stated that when the light was turned off, he had just bent down to put a piece of cardboard under one of the legs of the table so that it would not swing.

    Another suspect replied that he had not heard anything at all, since he was intensely considering another move.

    Who is the killer?

    Riddle number 3584.

    Imagine a two-story house. On the first floor there are three switches, each of which is responsible for one of the three light bulbs, which are located on top. You can climb there only once, but the switches can be turned on and off an unlimited number of times. How to determine which bulb is responsible for each of them?

    Answer: First you need to turn on the first switch for ten minutes, then turn it off. Now click on the second and go up to the second floor. That light bulb, which is now off, but still warm, is connected to the first switch, the one that is on - with the second one, and the third one - with the last one.

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    Find a husband

    Once a lady came to a detective agency.

    Help, - he says - to find a husband. He escaped from me with his mistress. God be with her, with his mistress, I am interested in my money, which he took with him. I tried to find it myself, but I was stumped. Here is all the information I could find: first, he flew to Tokyo, then to Antananarivo, then he was in Yerevan, the cities of San, Nairobi and Canberra, and then his tracks are lost.

    Detective scratched his head - is it easy to find someone moving around the world? But suddenly it lit up:

    Yes, your husband is a great logician! he exclaimed. - Go pay to the cashier, and I will tell you in which city your husband is now.

    Question: what city did detective call his client?

    Riddle number 2233.

    Basil, Peter, Semyon and their wives Natalia, Irina, Anna are together 151 years old. Every husband is older for his wife by 5 years. Vasily is 1 year older than Irina. Natalia and Vasily are together 48 years old, Semyon and Natalya are 52 years old together. Who is married to and how old is? (Age must be expressed in integers).

    8 questions on attentiveness

    Another Soviet mystery. True to all 8 questions can only 4% of people.

    Looking at the picture, answer the following questions:
      1. What time of day is shown in the picture?
      2. Early spring or late autumn depicts a drawing?
      3. Is this river navigable?
      4. In which direction does the river flow: to the south, north, west, or east?
      5. Is the river deep near the shore where the boat stands?
      6. Is there a bridge across the river nearby?
      7. Is the railway far from here?
      8. Do cranes fly to the north or south?

    Answer: 1. Having examined the drawing, you see that the field is sowing (a tractor with a seeder and a cart with grain). It is known that sowing is done in autumn or early spring. Autumn sowing takes place when there are still leaves on the trees. In the figure, the trees and bushes are completely naked. It should be concluded that the artist depicted the early spring.
      2. In spring, cranes fly from south to north.
      3. The buoys, that is, signs marking the fairway, are put only on navigable rivers.
      The buoy is reinforced on a wooden float, which is always angled against the stream.
      4. Having determined the cranes on the flight where the north is, and paying attention to the position of the triangle with the buoy, it is not difficult to decide that at this point the river flows from north to south.
      5. The direction of the shadow from the tree indicates that the sun is in the southeast. In the spring on this side of the sky the sun comes in at 8 - 10 am.
      6. A railroad conductor with a lantern is sent to the boat; he obviously lives somewhere near the station.
      7. Small bridges and a ladder going down to the river, as well as a boat with passengers show that there is a permanent transportation across the river. He is needed here because there is no bridge nearby.
      8. On the shore you see a boy with a fishing rod. Only when fishing in a deep place can the float be moved so far away from the hook.

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    Riddle number 5360.

    This riddle was presented to Inspector Lestrade by none other than Sherlock Holmes. Scotland Yard, a renowned inspector, rescued, and as a result he needed the help of Dr. Watson. And you will be able to do without help? The riddle is not an easy one, but she has a solution, and only one.

    One day, by no means the most beautiful morning, the morning papers reported the murder of a famous writer. The body was found not far from the celebrity home, twenty miles from Southampton. Since the writer was a close friend of Holmes, the decision to go and find the killer came immediately.

    Watson, I leave by the first train, and you expect a letter from me, ”the detective stated immediately after reading the note. - So that they do not recognize me, I will make peace and stay in a local hotel under a different name. You be ready and come at the first signal. Yes, and invite Lestrade. A walk on the sea and a new open case will not hurt him. In the letter I will tell you who the killer is.

    Of course, my friend, ”Dr. Watson said readily,“ I look forward to your message.

    The same morning, the detective got on a train to Hampshire, and a few days later he received a letter of this content:

      "Dear doctor, I hasten to describe my life in this quiet land. I settled down near Southampton on the very coast, in a small hotel. The owner is the sweetest person, with the help of his wife and daughter he perfectly controls his establishment. My room is beautiful, the windows look straight on the shore. In the morning, I go down 24 steps from my second floor, then another 161 steps, and I am on the shore. I return to lunch around twelve. Then I have a little sleep and then go back to the shore. There are few people here, for example, in this village residents and as many as 67 dogs. Come, We will increase the population to 29 people. The weather is fine now. True, there was a four-ball storm yesterday, but today everything is calm. Compose me company in my walks and, I dare to assure you, you will not regret. In my first thirty-nine years rest so superb.

    Your friend and colleague, Thomas Gosport. "

    Which sea? What kind of dogs? - Inspector Lestrade, it seems, was outraged. - Did he go there to rest?

    Let me, inspector, - the doctor took the letter in his hands and in a few minutes said anxiously. - Everything is clear, it is necessary to go urgently, the killer is discovered, it ...

    After deciphering the letter, solve the riddle of Holmes, which turned out to be too tough for Lestrade.

    Who is the killer of a famous writer?

    So the game goes on all day. The cons will win if some of the prisoners come out of a special punishment cell and say "there were already all prisoners here" and this will be true, otherwise, if this is not true, the game ends.

    The Mystery of the Queen and Her Son

    This riddle for lovers of history, all sorts of antiquities, epics and legends. But the rest will be able to find for themselves something interesting, solving a historical puzzle.

    In the far-distant gray days
      The queen with the proud name lived once.
      She lived, unknowing troubles, dreaming only about
      To give birth to a heir under the royal tent.

    Many days passed in the prayers of the hot mother,
      Fate hitherto cold suddenly smiled at her.
      Among the steppes of uncut, not knowing peaks,
      A royal son was born under the sun of the sultry south.

    For the sake of women's whim did not wait long:
      We decided to name her heir.
      Since then, the steppes ruled by the name of one
      Arrogant ruler and sovereign son.

    But here came the harsh, dashing times
      On the lands of the south moved alien tribes.
      Invaders are bloody, listening to most
      A loud iron-deity sang a prayer.

    To the glory of God the terrible desperate host
      Heir iron decided to give the name.
      Years have passed under the banner of the iron king,
      Suddenly, with the rays of the new, the dawn began to see.

    The metal has become rusty and turned to dust
      And the royal heir almost left fear.
      He found a new name, forgetting his own mother,
      Another name of the queen decided to call himself.

    In the steppes forever mowed they live together,
      Forgetting forever and ever about his name.
      But on the boy's birthday, there are ways
      To them, the memory returns to then leave.

    Try to remember the heroes of the puzzle and name them. And in the answer it is necessary to list all the names of the son and another name of his mother, which is not mentioned here.

    Spy story

    The spy was abandoned to the rear of the enemy in order to penetrate the secret laboratory.
      At the entrance to the lab, the sentry inquires by asking for a password. 8. Will the car move for a long time along the railway?
      9. What should the driver prepare now?
      10. Is there a bridge nearby?
      11. Is there an airfield in this area?
      12. Is it easy for oncoming train drivers to slow down the train on this section?
      13. Does the wind blow?

    Answer: 1. A bit. Month old (its reflection in water is visible).
      2. Not soon. Old month is visible in the morning dawn.
      3. Autumn. According to the position of the sun it is easy to figure out that the cranes are flying south.
      4. By the rivers flowing in the Northern Hemisphere, the right bank is steep. So the river flows from us to the horizon.
      5. Navigable. Visible buoys.
      6. The train is worth it. The lower peephole of the traffic light is red.
      7. Recently. He is now at the nearest blocking site.
      8. A road sign indicates that there is a railway crossing ahead.
    9. To braking. A road sign indicates that there is a steep descent ahead.
      10. Probably there. There is a sign obliging the driver to close the blower.
      11. In the sky, the trail of the plane that made the loop. Figures aerobatics are allowed to do only far from the airfields.
      12. The sign near the railway track shows that the oncoming train will have to climb up the slope. To brake it will be easy.
      13. Blowing. The smoke of a locomotive creeps in, and yet the train, as we know, is still.

    Show answer ...

    Riddle about five ships

    Five large ships at sea are gone at once,
      Every hundred sailors took on board,
      And also the captain - and hid away,
      Somewhere to arrive at the desired port.

    Storm collapsed, life threatening to carry.
      Everyone fell to prayer soon,
      But the brave hero decided to save them:
      He decided to count all his friends.

    And then he said the magic word
      And the sailors managed to save.
      The spell I wrote here,
      And you need to find him.

    A small hint: in the riddle you need to find the hidden word. It is there for sure, you just need to see it. It is not necessary to choose from those words that are written below. It must be found, it is dissolved in a riddle, and your task is to collect it in bits and pieces.

    Thomas and the seven brothers

    Once upon a time, I do not remember where,
      He lived with Thomas.
      He spent all his days in labor,
      Big was crazy.

    Children, he gave the light
      And, having found peace,
      He blessed them on the path
      On a long, difficult.

    Raising his nose proudly to the sky
      Steps first brother
      Proud from heels to hair,
      He is only rich.

    The second is envious of everything
      What he sees all around
      As if everyone owes him.
      Enough about him.

    Their third brother is a big walker,
      He knows a lot about girls.
      He recognizes one lesson:
      I'm in the female herd - the wolf!

    Fourth evil, like a hundred devils,
      Greedy fifth brother
      And in their idle laziness
      The sixth despondent is glad.

    But there was another son
      The old Thomas.
      How to call him? Just give a deadline
      We learn this.

    Do not forget these brothers,
      And if you meet suddenly, - How old are you? 2. Are they familiar with home economics?
      3. Is the river navigable?
      4. In which direction does it flow?
      5. What is the depth and width of the river at the nearest rift?
      6. Will the laundry last long?
      7. Will the sunflower grow much?
      8. Is there a camp for tourists far from the city?
      9. What kind of transport did the guys get here?
      10. Do dumplings like in these places?
      11. Is the newspaper fresh? (The newspaper is dated August 22)
      12. In which city does the plane fly?

    The puzzle is very difficult, to correctly answer all the questions you need to understand some aspects, and of course you need to connect logic and attentiveness.

    Answer: 1. Obviously, recently: experienced tourists in a hollow will not break a tent.
      2. In all likelihood, not very: they do not clean the fish from the head, it is inconvenient to sew a button with too long thread, it is necessary to cut the branch with an ax on the block.
      3. Shipping. This is evidenced by a navigational mast standing on the shore.
      4. From left to right. Why? See the answer to the next question.
      5. The navigation mark on the river bank is set in a strictly defined manner. When viewed from the side of the river, signs to the right of the stream are shown, indicating the width of the river at the nearest rift, and to the left, signs indicating the depth. The depth of the river is 125 cm (rectangle 1 m, a large circle of 20 cm and a small circle of 5 cm), the width of the river is 30 m (a large circle of 20 m and 2 small ones of 5 m each). Such signs are installed 500 m before the roll.
      6. Not for long. There is a wind: the floats of fishing rods drifted upstream.
      7. The sunflower is obviously broken and stuck in the ground, since its “cap” is not facing the sun, and the broken plant will not grow again.
      8. Not further than 100 km, at a greater distance from the body, the antenna would be a more complex structure.
      9. The guys probably have bicycles: a bicycle wrench is on the ground.
      10. No. Here they like dumplings. Mud hut, pyramidal poplar and a high height of the sun above the horizon (63 ° - in the shade of a sunflower) show that this is a Ukrainian landscape.
      11. Judging by the height of the sun above the horizon, it happens in June. For Kiev, for example, 63 ° is the highest angular height of the sun. This happens only at noon on June 22. The newspaper is dated August - therefore, at least last year’s.
      12. Not at all. The plane produces agricultural work.

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