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  • Individual work plan with poorly performing. Exercise "The most important thing." Circle Tale Exercise

    Individual work plan with poorly performing. Exercise


    with poorly performing students at 201 4 – 201 5   academic year

    primary school teachers ______________________________


      Implementation of the Education Act

      The adoption of comprehensive measures aimed at improving the academic performance and quality of students' knowledge.

      Manage mediocrity and non-talented management. In a conversation with a well-known corporation manager, he replied that everything is not so simple with talented employees as it seems at first glance, and if you reward them for their work, you will revive the envy and inequality of others. And any company needs stability, silence, and for this it must protect its funds. Peak, talent and better performances are often less stable and predictable than others.

      This is why most managers and human resources systems working in today's companies provide protection to mediocrity for employees who achieve median performance. This is not entirely wrong. This means a pragmatic choice of human resources strategy with its advantages and limitations. On the one hand, homogeneity has many advantages: it is predictable, it can be easily replaced and it is easier to control. A strategy of focusing on mediocrity is necessary for a place in the business world.


      Creation of conditions for successful mastering of curriculum by students.

      Selection of pedagogical technologies for the organization of the educational process and increase of motivation among poorly performing students

      The implementation of multi-level learning

      The study of the characteristics of poorly performing students, the reasons for their learning gap and poor motivation

      On the other hand, in such an organizational system, talented employees are marginalized and cannot be used properly. They only have time to leave or swallow many. And, regardless of their decision, the leadership of mediocrity quickly turns any healthy organization into a disease that seems to be without flight.

      Others, although they represent a minority, demonstrate that they can fight with mediocrity, with this “modern organizational evil,” and that it can be defeated. By practicing modesty and appreciating talent and value, they manage to create teams and reference organizations in a world where mediocrity increasingly dominates.

      Formation of a responsible attitude of students to academic work

    The main sections of planning:

      Planning work with low-performing students of the subject teacher

      Planning the work of the class teacher with poorly performing students


    Fundamental areas and activities:

    The danger of mediocrity: the culture of mediocrity. Although we don’t like it all, and apparently we are afraid of mediocrity, and we run away from it, most of us will quickly be pampered on average. However, there is no reason to fear average, mediocrity. One of the definitions of normality is expressed precisely by this median reality. But each of us knows that, having accepted the choice of “caldera”, he has little chance to realize himself or to win the place of excellence. And this may be something unacceptable for a mediocre person, because he wants to participate in the great ideas of his organization, but without participation, without taking on risks and responsibilities.

      Organization of work with poorly performing and poorly performing students in the classroom.

      Methods and forms of work with poorly performing and poorly performing students outside school hours.

      Educational work with poorly performing and poorly performing students, aimed at improving performance.

      Organization of work with parents of poorly performing and poorly performing students.

      Everything he does, he strengthens his positioning in the middle, in the hearth. They act with the fear of not exceeding their budget and force others to undertake the efforts and risks of any initiative that goes towards organizational excellence. That is why Peter the Creation said that "a mediocre person is a crystal from which the wings of flight will never be born."

      For all these reasons, mediocrity is harmful both to the health of the individual spirit and to the health of the organizational spirit, to everything that means initiative, innovation, participation, risk, etc. in order to take the place of excellence, mediocrity extends throughout the entire structure of the organization, occupies various positions, assumes rights and achievements that it does not belong to, honestly passes through meetings and various meetings in order to identify supporters. And as soon as the chaos of intermediaries dominates the management and structure of the organization, they begin to struggle with everything that overcomes them, against everything that is at the top, both talent and performance.


    with poorly performing students of a subject teacher

    1. Carry out diagnostics at the beginning of the year in order to identify the student's level of training.

    2. To use various types of questioning (oral, written, individual, etc.) in class for the objectivity of the result.

    3. To prepare and use in the lessons support schemes, visual aids, technical aids, didactic material.

    And then mediocrity begins a cultural revolution throughout the organization, aligning and unifying those who are at the top in their own image and likeness, "grinding everything that is above him, by storm over the centuries is dark gray." That is why the culture of mediocrity is a trap, and a great danger that threatens society, organizations and institutions in which we are, as well as each of us individually. And when we talk about the culture of a social entity or person, the thought of Tom Peters, “The culture of an organization eats breakfast,” complements the understanding of our everyday reality.

    4. Regularly and systematically interview, making grades in a timely manner, avoiding the accumulation of grades at the end of the quarter, when the student is no longer able to correct them (the number of respondents in a lesson must be at least 5-7 students).

    5. Comment on the student's assessment, noting the shortcomings so that the student can eliminate them in the future.

    6. Eliminate gaps in knowledge identified in the course of examinations, and then re-monitor knowledge.

    7. Notify the student's parents of low performance, if there is a congestion of unsatisfactory grades (3 and more 2)

    8. Conduct individual group counseling and classes with students in need of help to develop basic knowledge and skills.

    9. Use new educational technologies, innovative forms and teaching methods: a personality-oriented approach (learning to build taking into account the development of individual abilities and the level of formation of skills in educational work) and different levels of differentiation at all stages of the lesson.

    10. Organize individual-group work, applying differentiated training tasks, invariant practical work, differentiated verification work, creative works of choice.

    11. At the lessons and extra classes to apply “Help Cards”, “Memo for students”, to make wider use of game tasks, which make it possible to work at the subconscious level.

    12. When interviewing poorly performing schoolchildren, an approximate response plan is given, it is allowed to use a plan drawn up at home, more time to prepare for an answer at the blackboard, make preliminary notes, use visual aids, etc.

    13. Pupils are asked leading questions to help consistently present the material.

    14. Periodically checked the assimilation of material on the topics of lessons on which the student was absent for one reason or another.

    15. During the survey and analysis of its results, an atmosphere of goodwill is provided.

    16. In the process of studying the new material, the attention of poorly performing students focuses on the most important and complex sections of the topic being studied, the teacher often addresses them with questions that clarify the degree of understanding of the educational material, stimulates students' questions when they have difficulty in learning new material.

    17. In the course of independent work in a lesson, poorly performing schoolchildren are given tasks aimed at eliminating mistakes made by them when answering or in written works: there are positive points in their work to stimulate new efforts, typical difficulties in their work are indicated, and ways of eliminating them are indicated; help with the simultaneous development of autonomy in learning.

    18. When organizing homework for low-performing schoolchildren, assignments for comprehending and correcting mistakes are selected: detailed instructions are given on how to complete homework assignments, possible difficulties, counseling cards are offered (if necessary), assignments are given to repeat the material that will be needed to learn new Topics. The volume of homework is calculated so as to prevent overload.



    1. Make a list of poorly performing students in the subjects taught


    2. Conducting a control cross-section of students' knowledge of the class in the main sections of the educational material of previous years of study. Purpose:

    a) Determination of the actual level of knowledge of children

    b) Identification of gaps in students' knowledge that require rapid elimination


    3. Conduct an interview with teachers about finding out the reason for their lag. Establishing the reasons for the lagging of poorly performing students


    4. Meetings with individual parents and conversations with the students themselves.

    During the school year

    5. Participation in the discussion of issues of work with weak students and exchange of experience with colleagues (at the pedsovet, Small pedsovet, SMO)

    During the school year

    6. Drawing up a work plan to eliminate gaps in the knowledge of a lagging student for the current quarter

    September, update as necessary.

    7. Using a differentiated approach in organizing independent work in a lesson, include feasible individual tasks for a poorly performing student with a fixation in terms of a lesson

    During the school year

    8. Reflect individual work with a weak student in special notebooks on the subject

    During the school year


    with poorly performing classroom students

    1. In order to prevent a decline in academic performance and increase the level and quality of schoolchildren's training, strengthen work with poorly performing students using effective forms of control.

    2. To systematically control the attendance of pupils of lessons, extra classes of HQ.

    3. Outline ways to create success for these students, work in contact: the class teacher is a student, parents are teachers.

    4. In working with parents: keep in touch, engaging them in classes with the child at home, conduct conversations, give advice and recommendations on how to improve performance.

    5. To work on the development of a conscious academic discipline of students, to develop positive motivation in learning.



    1. To register and compile a list of poorly performing students for the previous year of study


    2. Establishing the reasons for the lag of poorly performing students. Record information in a special notebook for working with poorly performing students of your class.


    3. Conduct an interview with the subject teachers of the class in order to coordinate and clarify the plan of work with poorly performing students. Offer teachers a submitted work plan.


    4. Interviews with teachers on the basis of the quarter and the results of individual work with the child

    At the end of a quarter

    5. Individual conversations with teachers about the state of affairs of poorly performing students on the results of tests

    According to the schedule of examinations

    6. Individual conversations with poorly performing students about the state of their learning affairs.

    Selectively, according to the situation

    7. Work with parents of poorly performing students

    During the whole school year

    ANNEX 1

    Student List 3- A class that

    included in the risk group in the 2014 - 2015 school year


    General subject

    The reason for inclusion in the risk group


    Characteristics of poorly performing children

    Poorly performing children

    Chronically poorly performing children (for physiological reasons)

    Underperforming children in selected academic disciplines (for social reasons)

    Teens with unformed learning activities

    tasks are taken carelessly, they are often not understood, but the teacher is not asked questions, they are not asked for clarification;
    - work passively, constantly need incentives to move to the next types of work;
    - do not have a permanent goal, do not plan and do not organize their work;
    - work very sluggishly, or gradually reduce the pace, tired before other children;
    - indifferently refer to the results of their own work, to the cognitive work in general.

    students with a relatively high level of mental development, but with a negative attitude to learning:
    - due to the partial or complete loss of the student’s position due to a misunderstanding of a separate subject or group of academic disciplines (exact, humanitarian, etc.) or
    - As a result of the lack of necessary conditions: a dysfunctional family, poor health, lack of adequate pedagogical support.

    poorly performing students, which are characterized by low quality mental activity (for physiological reasons) with a positive attitude to learning and maintaining the position of the student;
    - poorly performing students, which are characterized by both low and high quality mental activity with a negative attitude to learning and a complete loss of the student's position, manifested in the desire to leave school.

    In addition, the majority of poorly performing students have a low level of memory, attention, logical thinking, language development, and a high level of school and interpersonal anxiety.


    The reasons for the failure of younger students


    Disadvantages in cognitive activity:

      unformed methods of educational activities;

      lack of development of mental processes;

      inadequate use by the child of their individual typological characteristics, manifested in cognitive activity;

    Deficiencies in the development of the motivational sphere


    General weakness of the body;

    Impaired vision, hearing, articulation;



    Financial insecurity of the family;

    Parents alcoholism;

    Lack of love and care;

    Pedagogical ignorance of parents


    Low interest in learning activities;

    Skipping classes;

    Low operational efficiency;

    The lack of a differentiated approach by the teacher


    Technological map of the pedagogical program of work with poorly performing students

    Type of work


    What for?



    Lesson work

    In identifying the stage of development at which the student is located, determining the zone of his immediate development through regular monitoring and diagnostics.

    To prevent the backlog, the timely assimilation of the subject.

    1. Creating a microclimate in the classroom.
    2. Algorithmization of actions.
    3. Hold interest.
    4. Formation of motivation to learn.
    5. Stimulation evaluation, praise.

    1. Keep a map of observation.
    2. Work in groups, couples.
    3. Individual counseling.
    4. Lessons correction knowledge.
    5. Reference notes, memo.
    6. Didactic games.

    Overtime activities

    In case of difficulties:
    - in the study of new material;
    - identifying gaps in knowledge.


    underperformance warnings;
    - elimination of identified gaps in knowledge;
    - formation of motivation, interest in learning

    Individual and personal approach in working with poorly performing and poorly performing students

    1. Individual and group consultations.
    2. Assistance in carrying out homework (instruction cards, help of strong students).
    3. Creative tasks.

    Educational work

    Regularly, relying on the control of the teachers of the subject.

    For the formation of the student's personality, motivation, interest in learning

    Individual and personal approach, creating a comfortable environment.

    1. Involvement in circles, KTD.
    2. Conducting thematic classroom hours, subject weeks.
    3. Reliance on a hobby.

    Work with parents

    With a lag in school, skipping classes, homework failure, inappropriate environment in the classroom, family.
    Work is done regularly.

    To provide professional educational assistance to parents; finding out the reasons for failure;
    establish uniform requirements.

    Determining the type of student and the causes of failure. The formation of both internal and external motives.
    Help parents in the correction of the child's performance.

    Thematic parent meetings.
    Individual and correctional work with parents.
    Board Prevention.


    Individual lessons and conversations

    payment order

    the date of the



    of students



    payment order

    the date of the



    of students




    Counseling for parents

    payment order



    of students

    FULL NAME. parents


    payment order



    of students

    FULL NAME. parents



    Differentiated tasks

    payment order



    of students



    Work with a diary

    payment order



    of students


    In modern schools, those who are poorly prepared for educational material and have a low level of intellectual abilities are called poorly performing. Working with poorly performing students helps to return their interest in the process of learning, allowing children to learn new subjects.

    Basics of working with low-performing students

    Work with poorly performing children is difficult largely due to the fact that such students do not have elementary interest in the school subject. They have no incentive to study well, and the pressure from teachers only aggravates the situation.

    It is very important to act carefully, taking care not only of the intellectual development of the child, but also of his psychological state. Such a student can not be condemned by discussing his problems with academic performance publicly. Such an approach may cause a sharp rejection of the student towards the teacher, which will only worsen the problem.

    The teacher should talk with the student, try to figure out why he can not keep up with classmates in the matter of mastering the material. if the conversation does not give a result, then individual tasks are used. During the oral survey of the class, the teacher can give such a child a slightly simpler, but no less interesting task.

    If the child completes the task correctly, he should be commended, trying to highlight the success of the student among all other students. Such praise will help the child get comfortable with the idea that he is not the stupidest in class, and he can have good grades.

    Another important nuance without which it is impossible to work with poorly performing students is the continuous monitoring of their performance. Often, these children have absolutely no interest in the subject, so they also do their homework through time. Regular control by the teacher will lead to the fact that the child will begin again and again to prepare for the subject, developing in his stoic habit of learning.

    If any dictations or tests are carried out in the classroom, one should always make out their mistakes with children who are not succeeding. It is necessary to dwell separately on the rules for solving certain tasks or writing certain words. In this case, the child will be able to understand exactly where he made a mistake.

    When working with poorly performing students, the rest of the class can be attracted. So, for example, a teacher can put a child who does not succeed next to an excellent student. Anyone who perfectly understands all the school material will be able to help a poor child with tips and tricks. As a result, a student with poor grades will sooner or later make progress.

    The main thing here is not to allow the rest of the class to suffer because of the attention to the interests of the poor student. The teacher must build such a system for presenting information so that those who are lagging behind and those who are gifted receive exactly the information they need. Such a teaching model will always bear fruit, and will help level out the overall level of performance in the classroom.

    Also, you should not ignore the communication with parents. Often, problems with academic performance come from the family. Due to conflicts with parents or their eternal employment, the student simply loses interest in school subjects. Calm conversation with parents about the current situation will help to solve the problem, not allowing a complete neglect of educational activities. Before you go directly to parents, you should find out what kind of relationship is established in the family. If the relationship between parents and child is strained, then the situation can only be aggravated when addressing adults.

    Another important technique that cannot be ignored is additional tasks and elective classes. The teacher can take the initiative by offering the child to “pull up” him on the most difficult topics. Perhaps extra lessons will help a lagging student catch up. Also, the teacher may ask the student to do a variety of essays and presentations on interesting topics on the subject. This will arouse additional interest in learning.

    Causes of lagging students

    Poor students are in any class, and this does not mean that they are stupid by nature. Low academic performance in a subject is often explained by a personal dislike for a teacher, problems in the family, or an elementary lack of understanding of this particular science. Sometimes bright humanities can be geniuses in literature, but show a weak level in physics and chemistry.

    The most common cause of poor child performance is a poor family climate. Often in dysfunctional families, parents simply have no time to look after their children, to monitor their assessments. As a result, seeing the indifference on the part of adults, the child finally loses interest in the school and in all the sciences. In such a situation, one should either talk with the parents or immediately contact the social educators if the situation seems critical. Perhaps then the problems with student performance will disappear.

    Also, the cause of poor performance can be a personal position of the student. A similar reason is very often manifested in adolescent children, who are beginning to show character, and therefore refuse to learn flatly. Usually in such a situation, the general efforts of the teacher and parents help to return the student interest in the sciences.

    If a child just went to school, his failure to do so may be associated with elementary poor preparation for the school level of knowledge. Usually, this problem can be overcome in the first six months, and the main thing here is not to start the situation.

    And, of course, one should not discard such a failure reason as low intellectual development indicators. Sometimes a child develops too slowly and should be shown to a child psychiatrist. Often, these guys have to do either individually or in a specialized school.

    No problem can be critical, and if the teacher and the student have the desire, any poorly performing child can be pulled up to the average level in the class. A completely different problem is if the child simply does not want to learn, and his low school success is connected with it. In such a situation, only diligence and a variety of additional tasks can bear fruit.

    How not to deal with poorly performing children?

    Often, working with poor students, the teacher only worsens the situation, making the child unsure of himself. The main thing in this situation is not to rush the student into mastering new material, not to expect results from him on the very first day.

    Even if the child wants to learn and applies all his strength to it, he will not succeed the first time. Also, it is not necessary to display on a general review the problem of a poor student’s academic performance. This can lead to a conflict of the child and to the overall complexion of the student.

    Another mistake that many teachers make when working with children who have not succeeded is excessive information overload. It is difficult for such children to assimilate information, so they need to develop their own programs in which only the most interesting and important material will be presented. Otherwise, even if the teacher makes maximum efforts, a large abundance of information will not allow the child to remember everything stated in the lesson properly.

    It will be much more successful to conduct educational activities with lagging children in the event that the teacher can conduct additional classes with schoolchildren. Having gathered a group of lagging schoolchildren, one should be prepared for the fact that it, too, will soon split into those who continue to be slower and those who become better at assimilating information. In such a situation, you can begin to prepare additional tasks for those children who have leveled to school so that they do not lose interest in what is happening in the classroom.

    Often, children fall into the section of those who are lagging behind and those who are not succeeding due to the incompetence of the teacher. By focusing on their pets, as well as on the most intellectually powerful students, the teacher is hurt those who do not have time for a large flow of information. It should be as soon as possible to identify in the new class those who study poorly, so that with the help of additional tasks to facilitate their mastery of the material.

    By the way, the more interesting such additional tasks are, the better, because with their help the child can learn a school subject from a completely new, unfamiliar side. So, a teacher can prepare crossword puzzles, presentations, question cards and so on for children. All these materials will never be superfluous, and only contribute to the absorption of the material.

    Once having aroused an interest in learning in a child, it is important not to miss it in the future. A competent teacher always distributes the load in the classroom so that lagging students gradually disappear, and the most successful students do not suffer from it.

    There are lagging students in any class, and the teacher must work to minimize their difficulty with the teaching material. Using a variety of methods of presentation of information, the teacher will be able to competently work out the material, so that it fits both a poorly performing student and a gifted student.